October 1999 OCW Newletter Table of Contents

October 1999
OCW Newletter
Table of Contents
OCW At The Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon--Sharing the Feast
Women's Studies Department Lunchbox/Soapbox
Upcoming Events
Y Tribute
Share Your Announcements with OCW
1999-2000 Membership Form
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The Organization for Campus Women is looking forward to yet another busy and
productive year. Our steering committee is filled with strong leadership, energy,
and balanced representation of UW-L women on this campus in the hopes of
bringing you exciting and stimulating programs throughout the year.
The OCW Steering Committee has already begun forming plans and goals for the
year. The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. in
room 263 Cartwright Center. These are open meetings and your input is strongly
encouraged. If you have any quesitons, concerns, or suggestions, please contact
either of this year's co-convenors (Kennette Brueggeman, 785-8604, or Ginny
Kreyer, 785-8759). We can also be reached by email at
brueggem@mail.uwlax.edu or kreyer.virg@uwlax.edu.
Good luck and have a super year!
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OCW At The Annual
Thanksgiving Luncheon- Sharing The Feast
The Organization of Campus Women (OCW) invites the UW-L community to join
them in a food drive that corresponds with the University's annual Thanksgiving
Luncheon. Anyone who is interested should bring a non-perishable food item to the
luncheon and OCW will have boxes on hand. All food items will be donated to
WAFER (the West Avenue Food Emergency Resource). Any non-perishable food
is appropriate including: peanut butter, tuna, helper mixes, cereals, and/or pastas.
We hope you join us in this easy way to share the feast.
OCW is reserving a table or two at the Thanksgiving luncheon. If you'd like to join
us, get your reservation in early and mention that you'll be sitting with OCW. See
you there!
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Women's Studies
November 3, 1999
"The Body Respect Project," presented by Mary Watt, Eating Disorders Specialist
at Gundersen/Lutheran Medical Center. Ms. Watt will discuss how Body Image
and Self-Esteem are intertwined today. This presentation is part of a pilot project
focused on Eating Disorders begun by "Behavioral Health" at Gundersen/Lutheran,
Counseling & Testing, and Women's Studies at UW-L.
Noon, Women's Studies Resource Center, 306 North Hall
November 17, 1999
"Why I Am Not Thankful," presented by Dan Green, Native American, Student
Services Specialist at UW-La Crosse. Mr. Green will talk about what
Thanksgiving means to him.
Noon, 432 North Hall
December 8, 1999
"Women Christmas Figures." Do you think Santa was a man? Are you sure? Come
join Sara Sullivan, Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, when she
discusses women Christmas figures from around the world.
Noon, Women's Studies Resource Center, 306 North Hall
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Upcoming Events
Watch for more information about these events:
Women Of Color Conference
Year 2000 Conference March
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Y Tribute
Sara Bentley and Deon Nontelle have been selected as award winners this year.
Congratulations, Deon and Sara!
The Y Tribute award dinner is November 8.
Congratulations also to the following campus women, whose names were
submitted in nomination by the Y Tribute committee:
Sara Bentley - Special Interests
Beverly Kratt - Other/Support Staff
Laura Nelson - Education
Deon Nontelle - Arts & Sciences
Karen Reed - Young Woman of Tomorrow
Sue Schoenberger - Business Professions
Mary Tollefson - Arts & Sciences
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Please Share Event
If you know of any other event announcements that you would like to see covered
in the OCW Newsletter, please contact Ginny Kreyer (785-8759) or Carol
Stoelting (785-8520) or email us at kreyer.virg@uwlax.edu or
Have A Wonderful Semester!
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