Organization For Campus Women November 2003

Organization For
Campus Women
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 2003
OCW Symposium Committee - Seeks Volunteers
New Horizon Update
Wanted: Fudge Makers
Ordering Fudge
2003 Holiday Social
Tribute to Outstanding Women
Join OCW
OCW Membership
OCW Symposium Committee Seeking Volunteers
The OCW Symposium Committee is beginning to plan the annual symposium. If you are interested and would like
t o v o l u n t e e r f o r t h i s c o m m i t t e e , p l e a s e c o n t a c t J e n n i f e r W i l s o n , H u m a n R e s o u r c e s ( 7 8 5-8 0 1 3 o r with your name, phone number and email. If you have questions about the committee,
please contact Jennifer.
New Horizons Update
As you heard in our October newsletter, OCW has “adopted” the New Horizon Women’s Shelter. During the
month of October we were able to offer our help by collating about 2,000 newsletters. Future events which we
will be participating include a spaghetti dinner and silent auction fund raiser in April and helping to stock the
pantry during a food drive in May. Watch in future newsletters for information on how to volunteer.
Wanted: Fudge Makers
Here is an opportunity for you! Where else can you meet new people, talk to old acquaintances,
and make homemade fudge? The scholarship committee is looking for volunteers to help make
fudge on Saturday, December 6. No experience required. Work shifts vary from a couple hours to
all day. Individuals who are interested should contact Mary Berling by email at or call 785-8722 to sign up for a time.
Homemade Fudge Anyone?
It is never too early to start thinking of the perfect gift for family, friends, co-workers, and
student helpers.
Once again OCW is selling homemade fudge to raise money for the OCW Scholarship Fund.
Orders will be taken via the web now through 4pm, Friday, December 5. Fudge will be
holiday gift BOXED and ready for pickup and payment on Monday, December 8 from 10am –
2pm in the entryway to Cartwright. Chocolate Fudge Chocolate Fudge with Walnuts Peanut Butter/Chocolate
Fudge (double decker)
½ lb Boxes - $4 ½ lb Boxes - $4
1lb Boxes - $8
1lb Boxes - $8
½ lb Boxes - $4.50
1lb Boxes - $9
Checks are to be made payable to Organization for Campus Women (OCW). If you are unable to pick up your
order, please arrange for someone else to pick it up for you. You (and your tummy) will be pleased! ORDER FUDGE ON THE WEB AT:
2003 Holiday Social
Need a little time to forget about work, mingle with other women on campus and taste a few holiday goodies? Why not mark your calendar to attend the OCW Holiday Social on Tuesday, December 16 from 3:30 – 7pm in Port
O’ Call. Stop in or stay awhile! Tribute to Outstanding Women
The YWCA will be honoring three UW-La Crosse women at their 21st Annual Tribute to Outstanding Women of
the Coulee Region. These women include:
Kathy Hanratty – Activist Award
Susan Butterfield – Office Support Staff Award
Beth Cherne – Arts Award
The outstanding achievement awards are given in recognition of the individual’s high level of personal or
professional accomplishment and contribution to life in the Coulee Region Community. This event takes place on
November 13, 2003 in the South Hall Ballroom, La Crosse Center with activities starting at 5:30 p.m. For more
information about this event, contact Sharie Brunk 5-6950. Individual tickets may be purchased at the YWCA, or
call 781-2783 for information.
Thinking About Joining?
Membership requires only a $5 dues payment annually, which helps support programming efforts, and your
interest and participation, which supports all campus women.
If you can make the time and have an interest in being a part of a committee, serving on the steering committee,
or just becoming a member, please indicate your interest on the membership form and mail it with your $5 to Jo
Ann Kuester, 144 Graff Mail Hall.
Current Membership
Committee Members
What would you like to see in the newsletter? Please drop us a line with your suggestions. Contact: Becky Yoshizumi,, 221 Wing Technology Center, 785-6805.
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