Organization For Campus Women February 2005 Holiday Social Recap Holiday Social Symposium Work/Life First Fridays Play Ball What's for Supper Calendar Membership Web Sites The annual OCW holiday social, held on December 1 this year, was a big success thanks to the work of Jaralee Richter and Judy Nieman. Their wonderful organization brought together over 60 women on campus to eat and socialize over the lunch hour in Port O'Call. Attendees also had the opportunity to listen to Vicky Emerson, the pianist scheduled to perform in Vahalla that evening, as she provided some holiday music. Door prizes were awarded to Anita Evans (UW-L theatre tickets) Patti Parker (gift certificate to Diggers), Cheri Niedzwiecki (tickets to Vicky Emerson performance), Jeanne Steinhoff (UW-L theatre tickets) and Elizabeth Zuege (Angela Shelton tickets). Thanks to everyone who made contributions to the social and for all those who attended! Pi c t u r e s f r o m t h e O C W H o l i d a y S o c i a l c a n b e f o u n d a t Symposium Set for March 2 Is your legal "house" in order? Do you tend to put off getting a will drafted or updating your existing will and other legal documents? Are you confused at what legal documents you need to get your legal "house" in order? If you are like most people, you answered “yes” to one of these questions, and need to attend "Estate Planning 101" a seminar presented by the OCW Symposium Committee. Come, join us for lunch, and educate yourself on ways to protect you and your family. 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, 2005 Ward Room, Cartwright More information regarding cost and meal choices will be sent to you via email. Topics Addressed At "Estate Planning 101", Attorney Karene S. Marchan (a UW-L alum) will address the following: l l l l l l Do I really need a will? What is a trust and what does it do? Do I need one? What are living wills, advance directives and health care power of attorneys? Are they really necessary? What is a financial power of attorney? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having one? Is probate really as bad as I have heard? Should I avoid probate and how do I avoid probate? Isn't estate planning only for rich people? Why should I need to plan my estate? Why you should attend While most people put off getting their legal "house" in order, one of the best gifts you can leave your loved ones is to have your legal affairs in order before something happens. By planning your estate, you take away the stressful burden of loved ones having to make difficult decisions at a painful time. Other benefits of an estate plan are: 1. Your wishes are carried out, so others do not have to guess at what you would have wanted (regarding both your health and property); 2. The state doesn’t say who your property will go to (which happens if you do not have a will and/or trust); 3. You can protect your children from inheriting a substantial amount of money while they are in tender years, yet provide for their health education and support; and 4. Potentially save money on taxes, the costs of going through probate and other possible legal fees that can quickly eat away at what you have worked so hard to accumulate. Interested attendees are also eligible to receive a discount should they decide to follow up and have an estate plan drafted. Work/Life Update UW-L's first work/life advocate, Donna Anderson, is keeping quite busy. This position was created in response to feedback from the UW-L Sloan Project Committee's department chairs workshop and results of the campus climate survey, which indicated employees felt more could be done on campus for promoting a healthy work/life balance. During her first few months in the position, Donna has met continually with the chancellor, provost, and human resources department. She also created a web site and met with campus employees who work in all levels of the university to resolve work/life issues. One of her goals is to work with supervisors on an on-going basis to point out ways for them to support work/life balance within their departments or employing units. If you would like Donna to talk to your department/employing unit/employee about work/life balance or if you are just looking for a creative solution to a work/life issue, just give her a call. She is also open to anyone's ideas on how to improve the campus climate. You can find more information on the work/life web site at First Fridays – A New Brown Bag Series OCW is planning to offer a new monthly brown bag series called First Fridays, which of course will be on the first Friday of each month from 12pm -1pm starting in March. We hope you will find some or all of these topics to your interest. If there is a specific topic you would like to see in the future, please send an email to Below is the schedule for the spring semester. March 4 Book Review QBQ - The Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller (Port O' Call) This short book (less than an hour to read) will help eliminate blame, complaining & procrastination by learning what to really ask yourself. It focuses on practicing personal accountability in business and in life. Jaralee Richter, (Program Advisor) will lead the discussion. Books can be checked out at the Student Activities reception area located in 212 Cartwright Center, and books will be checked in after the discussion. You can also print out a copy of the QBQ Chapter Guide to use for notes as you read. April 1 Work/Life Balance (location to be announced) Donna Anderson, UW-L faculty member and Work/Life Advocate, will provide an informal talk on UW-L work/life issues. May 6 Dealing With Aging Parents (Port O' Call) Sara Sullivan, UW-L faculty member, will be talking about some of the issues dealing with aging parents. Play Ball! Who: You are invited to an event sponsored by Murphy Library! What: A presentation by Clement “Chip” GrawOzburn (UW-L '04) about the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. Based on GrawOzburn’s interviews with former league players, this presentation highlights the experiences women had playing professional baseball from 1943 to 1954. When: The evening of March 8 at 6:30 pm Where: Barnes & Noble, 4415 State Road 16 (near Target, Best Buy and Hobby Lobby) Why: In honor of Women’s History Month and to help support the Murphy Library Endowment* How: Come to Barnes & Noble on the evening of March 8! (Exact time to be announced) *No purchase is required to attend the presentation; however, if you obtain a special voucher at the presentation, and chose to make a purchase on March 8, a percentage of your purchase supports the Murphy Library Endowment. What's for Supper? For me (Becky Yoshizumi), this is a question that pops up daily usually about the time I'm heading home from work. Planning for dinner is not one of my strengths. However, I'd like to share with you a web site I ran across called "Quick Meals for Tired Teachers" a t Doesn't that sound appropriate? It has quick recipes compiled by teachers. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to try any of these recipes, so it I'm looking for any feedback. Other websites which Galadriel Chilton, fellow newsletter committee member, recommends are a n d These sites have provided much help to her when looking for dinner menus using ingredients already at home; advanced searches allow choices by meal type, preparation time, etc. Mark Your Calendars Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley and directed by Mary Leonard, February 25-27 & March 3-6 at the Toland Theatre, UW-L Center for the Arts, For more information contact the box office at 785-8522. Women's Wellness Retreat 2005 - Stoney Creek Inn, Onalaska, March 11-12, 2005. Sponsored by Franciscan Skemp Healthcare. For more information: or call 608-791-4172. Tapping Into Your Full Potential: A Day of Discovery and Renewal sponsored by the Wisconsin Women in Higher Education Leadership (WWHEL). This workshop will be offered on March 23, 2005, at UW-Richland; however, the same workshop will be offered in five different regions of the state. Check out the WWHEL website ( for more information. Chinese Dance Theater, Wednesday, March 9 at the Toland Theatre - UW-L Center for the Arts . Distinguished Lecture Series - Angela Shelton, Tuesday, April 5 – UW-L Valhalla Cartwright Center. Membership You can still join OCW! An annual membership of $5 will help support our program. All you have to do is complete a membership form and submit with your $5 to JoAnn Kuester, 144 Graff Main Hall. Current Members as of 2/2/05 If you find your name is missing, please contact JoAnn Kuester at or 785-8626, Anderson Anderson Anderson Auby Bain Bentley Berling Brunk Butterfield Cherne Chilton Daines Dennler Dobbs Evans Galbraith Hanley Heilman Holman Johnson Jones KettnerBuchner King Klein Krajewski Kratt Kreyer Kuester Leahy McAnany Morgan Morrison Murray Newman Niedzwiecki Nieman Ott Otto Parker Pawelski Reinert Richter Ring Rusterholz Satory Selness Shanks Shufelt Sloane Sondreal Spencer Stanek Steinhoff Stoelting Strange Sullivan Donna Patricia Patti Karry Vickie Sara Mary Sharie Susan Beth Galadriel Bonnie NiCole Diane Anita Anne Jeannie Kari Jenifer Mary Nancy Faculty Academic Academic Classified Classified Academic Classified Academic Classified Faculty Faculty Classified Classified Classified Faculty Faculty Academic Classified Faculty Classified Classified Gail Karen Jessica Sandra Beverly Virginia Jo Ann Brenda Sandra Betsy Dianne Susan Pamela Cheri Judy Karen Hedy Patti Faith June Jaralee Kathy Barbara Beth Saundra Joyce Shirley Sally Linda Maureen Karla Jeanne Carol Michele Sara Academic Classified Classified Faculty Classified Classified Classified Academic Academic Faculty Academic Faculty Classified Faculty Academic Classified Classified Classified Faculty Academic Faculty Classified Faculty Academic Academic Faculty Classified Classified Classified Classified Academic LTE Classified Academic Faculty Teboh Thill Tiedt Torstveit Vahala VandenbergDave Vanderploeg Weiland Wiener Bridget Jessica Penny Mary Mary Beth Faculty Academic Academic Academic Academic Jodi Ruth Lynn Gloria Faculty Classified Academic Classified Wilson Wilson Yoshizumi Zheng Zuege Jennifer Maureen Becky Mao Elizabeth Academic Classified Classified Faculty Classified If you would still like to join us, annual dues are $5. Fill out a membership form. Your dues help support our program. Important Websites OCW ( Women’s Studies ( UW System Administration Status of Women ( College & University Work/Family Association (CUWFA) ( Wisconsin Women in Higher Education Leadership ( UW-L Work-Life Back to Top What would you like to see in the newsletter? Please drop us a line with your suggestions. Contact: Becky Yoshizumi,, 221 Wing Technology Center, 785-6805. Back to Top Return to OCW Newsletters