OCW Steering Committee Meeting Noon – 1pm, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2005 Minutes

OCW Steering Committee Meeting
Noon – 1pm, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2005
263 Cartwright Center
Present: Sharie Brunk, Jenifer Holman, Jaralee Richter, Maureen Wilson,
Becky Yoshizumi, Mao Zheng, and Bev Kratt
Guest: Beth Hartung
Absent: Galadriel Chilton, Diane Dobbs, Jo Ann Kuester, Judy Nieman,
Michele Strange, Jennifer Wilson
Welcome Beth Hartung
Beth Hartung, our Campus Climate Coordinator, has been on the job about 4
months. She is excited that initiatives are taking shape and moving forward.
One of these initiatives (a student priority) regards how to respond to hate
incidents on campus. There will be an online form and information on how to
respond to hate incidents. The initiative includes 4 parts: prevention,
anticipation, response, restoration. A protocol will be in place so everyone
(administrators, faculty, staff, and students) knows how to respond. Beth is
currently getting familiar with various campus committees. She will be
pulling together the work/life committee for a meeting in December and will
decide whether the committee remains on campus or whether its work can
be continued through other committees. The sexual harassment prevention
tutorial is online now. Beth will be meeting with women who have been
harassed instead of Al Thompson if they so choose. Beth is a work/life
advocate. She envisions a triangle of human resources, campus climate, and
affirmative action all working together. Beth is also very interested in
mentoring initiatives.
Sharie mentioned that Ann Crittenden (http://www.anncrittenden.com/) is a
proposed work/life speaker and that we would like to invite her to campus in
the spring. This could be a Thursday night speech and then Friday lunch.
OCW may sponsor her as well for the spring symposium. Academic Staff
Council did not provide professional development grant funding for Roger
Old Business
OCW Disc
Diane has had to recreate the whole disc for the brochure. We do have a few
brochures that are printed so we will use these until the new brochures are
Membership Drive
Jaralee will take over her pin and a brochure and welcome another new
member to OCW. Jaralee has been contacting committee chairs and
connecting them to new members who have expressed interest in those
Jaralee passed out a copy of the By-laws with changes. Jaralee
recommended the following additions:
Add to Article II: Purpose:
5. Encourage women to seek positions on governance committees,
i.e., Faculty Senate, Academic Staff Council.
6. Provide representation on the Women’s Advisory Board and other
campus wide committees when applicable.
Add to Article V: Committees
YWCA Tribute
- nominate women for the Tribute to Outstanding Women of the Coulee
Region Award.
MSP that the above changes to the By-laws be adopted by 6
members present plus one email vote.
New Business
Jaralee asked for newsletter ideas for Bev; these ideas were suggested: Ytribute winners, holiday social, and link to the spring symposium survey. We
need to send other ideas to Bev soon as the newsletter will go out in early
Social Program Committee
Becky reported on the holiday social which is a brown-bag set for Thursday,
December 8th, from 11:30-1:00 p.m. in Port O’Call. MSP that OCW fund
$150 for food and drink for the social. We will serve veggies and
desserts, coffee, and punch. Highlights for the social include music by
children from the childcare center, door prizes, and music by Tara. The
budget should cover 60 people, which is approximately the number of people
present at last year’s social. Jaralee will say a few words in welcome.
Committee Reports
No report.
Social Program
Jaralee asked if there were any ideas for fundraisers, although, according to
the by-laws, the scholarship committee is in charge of fundraising. We don’t
really need to do fundraising for the scholarship; fundraising is an important
part of our community service.
Jaralee reminded everyone about the survey that was sent to us via email.
It looks great and will be a good way to solicit ideas for the spring
Please send any ideas for the newsletter to Bev Kratt.
YWCA Tribute
Sharie went to the Y-Tribute Awards Banquet, held November 10th. The
2005 award winners from UW-L are: Sandy Grunwald, Arts & Sciences;
Christina Trombley, Business Administration; Susan Crutchfield, Education;
Wendy Rabe, Technology; Florence Aliesch, Volunteer Services. This is the
first time that 5 award winners have been from UW-L.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
Jaralee felt that we did not need a meeting on Wednesday, December 7th, as
we would all be attending the holiday social on December 8th. Instead of a
December meeting, Maureen and Shari will coordinate a social meeting in
early January.
Treasurer’s Report
No report.
The next regular OCW meeting will be January 25, 2006, in Cartwright 263 at
noon. It was briefly suggested that we could hold a special meeting for the
full membership of OCW or we could list future meetings in the newsletter
and invite all interested members to attend.
The meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenifer Holman