Organization for Campus Women Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Organization for Campus Women
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Noon to 1 pm
Cartwright 263
Present: Sharie Brunk, Carmen Boortz, Galadriel Chilton, Diane Dobbs, Jenifer Holman, Jo
Ann Kuester, Judy Nieman, Michele Strange, Maureen Wilson, Becky Yoshizumi
Chair Galadriel Chilton called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.
Committee Reports
Honors/Scholarship – Maureen had no report.
Newsletter - Chilton reported for Bev that the newsletter is ready to go out, just waiting for an
email distribution list. It is already linked on the web site.
OCW Symposium – no report.
Program Committee – Becky reported that the Third Thursday luncheon is tomorrow. Jodi
Vandenberg-Dave will be leading the November 16th lunch on women in leadership. Please
note that this lunch will run 12:30-1:30. There will be no lunches in December and January, but
they will resume again in February. There is a networking/social outing in the works for January
that would be open to larger OCW membership. Sharie suggested that we start a book club.
Maybe we could meet in the new library coffee shop!
Social – Judy reported that she has locked in December 7 from 11:30-1 for the holiday social. It
will be a brown bag with steering committee members bringing desserts. Michele volunteered
to work with Judy on the social. If funds are available, OCW could provide cider, coffee, and
maybe cookies. Judy will look into it. We may have a Christmas carol sing-along. Jo Ann will
help with the flyer. Email should go to in Campus Connection and maybe separately a few days
Website - Galadriel has been updated the web site. The current newsletter is available there.
YWCA Tribute – Sharie reported that both Becky Yoshizumi and Ronda Knox are YMCA Tribute
winners from UW-La Crosse. A dinner honoring all the Tribute winners will be held Thursday,
November 9th at the La Crosse Center. Congratulations to both Becky and Ronda for their
achievements! Please let Sharie know if you want to attend as she has the brochures that
include the registration information. Susan Butterfield will be chairing the Y Tribute Committee
here at UW-L. This committee is in place to make sure women from UW-L are nominated each
year. A community-wide Y-Tribute Committee makes the final award decisions.
Officer Reports
Treasurer - Jo Ann reported that we currently have $103.23 in our account.
Membership/Elections - Diane reported that she is working to get dues in. Carmen sent
membership information to the new women faculty members. Carmen also suggested that we
get the membership information in the packets that are given to new faculty in August. Sharie
indicated that the campus climate office sends out a welcome bag to new staff members which
we could also use to distribute OCW information. We’d need to get the flyer our by August 15th
for the new faculty packets. Chilton suggested that we make arrangements in May to have
someone get this sent out each summer.
If anyone has ideas, we still need a faculty representative for the Steering Committee
Jara has volunteered to serve on the Women’s Advisory Council again this year as an OCW
Lunch with Liz? Becky wondered if we (OCW) wanted to attend one of these luncheons. These
are already scheduled for the semester – next one is November 8th. Carmen will gather more
information about these lunches.
Old Business
UW-L Food Pantry Drive Update – Galadriel reported that the Food Pantry organizers are
thrilled that we are helping gather food donations. Our drive goes to November 3, but we could
leave it up longer. Enrollment services staff are having a competition to see which office can
bring in the most food.
The Big W: Women Wellness Workshop - Galadriel has followed up with Vickie Sanchez and
since she is now working in the Admissions Office as well as being a graduate student, her time
is limited, but she is still interested in holding a women’s wellness workshop at UW-La Crosse.
She needs financial support as the workshop will cost about $2850. She is looking at partnering
with other campus offices as well. Sharie suggested a Professional Development Grant, a
small program grant, or a Foundation Grant to help offset the cost. We are interested in
supporting this workshop, but do not really have the means to provide monetary support. Diane
suggested that we could combine with the Symposium and then we’d have $1400 to offer.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, November 8, 12-1 pm, 263 Cartwright.
Chilton adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenifer Holman
October 20, 2006