MINUTES Organization for Campus Women Steering Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Noon to 12:55 pm Cartwright 263 Present: Bodelson A., Boortz C., Brunk S., Butterfield S., Chilton G., Dobbs D., Richter J., Strange M., Wilson M., Wilson J. Excused: Holman J., Kuester J., Kratt B., Shulka K., Yoshizumi B., Committee Reports Honors / Scholarships / Fundraising (Maureen/Sharie) Nothing to report to date. Newsletter / Directory (Bev) Looked great! Bullet points in email worked well. OCW Symposium (Diane and Jennifer) A question was raised from Women’s Advisory Council (WAC) about working together to present Campus Climate survey information. It was suggested by WAC that they present this during our spring symposium. We would like to work with WAC, but do not want the entire focus of the symposium to be the survey results, rather possibly provide a brief summary sometime before or after our main event: Share bullet points to spark interest Outline future opportunities/resources Define Workplace Bullying – hostile work environment The right to say NO Read a related book and discuss (possibly one of our Book Club books) Make sure message is new and different Date for symposium discussed – sometime in late Feb or early March. Susan will check on availability of Cartwright and Cleary for symposium. Jennifer is working with Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselors to do small group sessions in work areas/units across campus. This is in response to the types of issues EAP counselors have been working on from folks on our campus over the past year. As a part of this, they are working on administering a pre test and a post test to measure changes made. It was suggested to not just include managers, but all levels in the assessment process. Identify Speaker: We decided to NOT go with Dr. Humor based on his price, and feedback some of us provided. Instead, we discussed working with EAP counselors to facilitate small group discussions on climate/environment. They will share themes of what they have been hearing, provide useful small groups (tables) activities to address some problem solving options, and finally, announce a follow up session so folks can try to put into action what they’ve learned, and at the follow up session, possibly address more ideas. We will try to tie back to Campus Climate survey data results. Program Committee (Becky/Jara) It was suggested to possibly do a Brown Bag lunch on Climate/Environment, working with Campus Climate. More later on that great idea. o OCW Book Club (Jaralee) Next book is The Namesake by Jhumpia Lahiri on Jan. 16 at noon in the Port O Call. It was suggested to possibly choose a book on Having Critical Conversaions to support the theme of our symposium and the work EAP, Campus Climate and WAC are doing. Social Committee (Michele Strange) Great turnout on the Holiday Social – over 60 people. Wonderful job Michele and committee! End of year social was discussed. We will stay at Myrick Park and try to get the Gun Shelter reserved for the Wed or Thursday after finals week. Michele will call to reserve. YWCA Tribute (Susan Butterfield) No report Website (Galadriel) – Social pictures are up! Check them out. Also, if anyone sees a misspelling, let Galadriel know. Thanks! Officer Reports: Treasurer: (Jo Ann) 10 renewals and 1 new member from the Holiday Social. Membership/Elections (Diane) o Results of Steering Committee Voting Ballot – several write-ins were found. Carmen in contacting those individuals to see if they are interested in running for a position. o New Steering Committee Members We voted in Amery Bodelson for Academic Staff (1rst of 3 yrs). She is also our PRESIDENT ELECT!! Way to jump right in and WELCOME! We also voted in Krista Shulka for the Classified Staff rep (1rst of 3 yrs) – WELCOME!! The Academic Staff rep (2nd of 3 yrs) will be announced once we find out if the write ins want to accept their nominations. Their were four faculty write-ins/nominations. We need to fill all 3 of our rep spots. Carmen will contact all the write ins to see if they are interested. New Business: Nothing Old Business: Minutes from November 20, 2007 meeting? Other: Next Meeting: January 15, 2008