• " .,; C.M. 1995/M:28 .ANACAT Fish Cömmittee ICES C.M. 1995 ., . . ~ WILD BAlTIC. SALMON STOCKS: FECUNDITY AND BIOLOGICAl . REFERENCE POINTS CONCERNING THEIR STATUS " ~ Also Romakkaniemi 1). Lars Kar1sso'n 2) & Östen Karlström 3) 1) Finnish Game & Fisheries Research institute Bothnian Bay Fisheries Research Station Simontie 9 . 95200 Simo FINLAND • 2) Swedish Salmon Research Institute . Forskarstigen S-814 94 Älvkarleby SWEDEN 3)Swedish National Board of Fisheries Research Office Lulea Skeppsbrogatan 9 S-972 38 Luleä SWEDEN ABSTRACT The use cif biological reference points in the assessment of the Saltic salmon was examined and evaluated. lricreased knowledge of the productivity of Baltic rivers combined with data obtairied from monitoring escapement arid the resulting smolt production were found to be critical in improving the precisicin and applicability of the biolcigical reference points. In initial trials aimed at calculating an e9g deposition requirement for a potential production level in the Gulf of Bothnia rivers, a range of 70 - 700 eggs/100 2 of salmon nursery area was obtained. The egg deposition. requirement for the Gulf of Bothnia stocks seems to be considerably lower than that for most North Atlantic salmon stocks. Studies on the productivity of the Baltic . salinon rivers and specific stock-recruitment investigations are needed in order to establish more precise referEmce points and egg deposition targets in the Baltic region. However, studies from outside the. Baltic area combined with Baltic studies on productivity levels in the salmon populations may be used to give ranges of suitable egg deposition levels and also provisionai targets. m The reproductive potential of BalÜc salmon was assessed by examining fecundity data from the wild salmon stocks iri the Gulf of Bothnia. A fecundityof 1 200-1 500 eggs/kg .cf female salmon was found to prevail among the wild salmon stocks in the Gulf of Sothnia. Relative reproductive values for Saltic salmon of different ages were calculated based on the sex ratio and mean weigtit for eacti age-class. The relative reproduciive value of salmon was found to rise steeply witti sea age. 2 1. introduction leES The international Saltic Sea Fishery Comission has asked the, for scientific adviceto help attain the management goal of "safeguarding of wild salmon stocks". What this objective means in terms of biological refererice points is a questiori of debate. The status of Baltic salmon stocks has generally been poor for several . decades, and there is lack of weil documented examples of what a t'good status of stocks" would mean in Baltic. Thus it is important to examine possible interpretations of management targets for Baltic salmon. Another good reason for such an evaluation is that the improved monitoring techniques recently developed might allow ci new assessment system, based on weil defined reference points, to be set up. e- ane recent einphasis in tne management of North Atlantic salmori stocks has been to establish egg deposition and spawning stock targets, which are based on the studies of biological reference points in the stock-recruitment relaÜonship. This management regime aims at conserving resources by maximising/optimising recruitment while minimizing the risk of stock collapse arid 1055 of genetic diversity. The approach requires studies on the productivity of the river systems and the fecundity of salmon stocks and a means of monitodng the size of the spawning ' stock and the corresporiding smolt output. The followlng seetions describe the recent status of Baltic salmon assessment work concerning biological reference points. Possibilities to develop assessment towards egg deposition/spawning stock targets were studied in some example Hvers. Special emphasis has been placed on fecundity data because efforts thus far to exainine the fecundity of Baltic salmon have been limited. 2. Currerit biological reference points in the Saltie 2.1 Reference points and their interPrE!tatiori Baltie reference points used thus far have included - the potential smolt production in the rivers supporting wild stocks - the potential density level of parr in the rivers - river catch Current values !lava been compared with corresponding potential or histoHeal values without ariy analysis. Using river catch as an index of stock status is a preposterous approach, even though river catch and spawning stock siie must be related to some extent. Usually these reference points have beeri used only as , exainples of what a good status of the wild stocks could mean. Lass commonly, they have beeri considered as real target values. , There are two advantages of the above-mentioned approach: , - some relatively comparable historical data concerning the monitored variables are ;,ow available ,- updating of the variables does not require too much work . 3 The corresponding disadvantages are as folIows: ., - the approach does not take into account the dynamics of the stockrecruitrnent relationship or the variability in prciduction capacity iri nature - it is difficult to convert tne reference points to escapement values arid . to link tnem to real management proposals . - M74 has weakened tns relationship betWeeri the parent stock arid the production cif parr and srnolt; it is therefore difficult to evaluate . management success in terms of escapement, which is a direct object of fisheries management No long-term studies of the stock-recruitment relationship have beeri carried out in tne Baltic region. As stated earlier, estimates of parr denstity levels and smolt output have been made, but IiUle is known about the adult stock, not to mention the stockrecruitment relationship. ' 2.2 Estimation of the refere,nce points Vah..ies have often been established for the purpose of compensatory readng or stock enhancement readng. Potential smolt and parr prciduction levels have been designated on tne basis of data obtained using several approaches: analysis of historical records, habitat inventories, stocklng experiments, etc. The data in question are far from precise, and seme inconsistencies can be found between the values estimated in different ways. • Estimates from thres rivers in ths Gulfof Bothnia are given as exarnples, in Table 1 ~ The table also contains a Iittle extra inforrnation about the rivers and their salmen stocks in order to provide a beUer description of the characteristics of the Baltic salmon and it's freshwater habitat. The production capacity of salmon in Baltic rivers is, on average, lower than that of salmon in most other European and Canadian salrnon rivers. For example, the . potential smolt production in the rivers emptying into the Gulf of Bothnia is estimated to be 1-3.5 smolts/100 m2 of nursery area (Karlström 1977, Jutila & Pruuki 1988, Kemppainen et al. 1995), which corresponds to approx. 0.3-1.5 smolts/100 m2 of f1uvial habitat accessible to salmon. By contrast, a smolt production potential of 3 smolts/100 m2 of fluvial habitat is considered to be the average level in Atlantic Canadian rivers, and this level has been considered as too low for Atlantic European rivers (Anon. 1994). Productivity in the southern Baltic rivers is assumed to be c10ser to the level observed elsewhere in Europe (Karlströrn 1977). 3. The fecundity of Baltic sahnon 3.1 Material and methods Data on fecundity for a number of wild salmon stocks in the Gulf of Bothnia were obtained from the sources giveri in Table 2. The mean fecundity of a number of females was calculated using the equation e • 4 Mean fecundity= Sum of eggs/Sum of fish weights Most of the salmon females were of wild origin. The data ware collected when stdpping salmon females in the autumn. Ttle number of eggs per litre of rae was normally estimated usirig the so ealled Brofeld seale, which is based on the number of egg5 needed to cover a length of 25 cm. Data collected in connection with stripping suggest that it was not always complete; thus fecundity was prabably underestimated to some extent. Data used for ealculating sex ratios and mean weights for the different sexes and age classes were collected from the trap at Norrfors, in the River Urne, where fish ascending to the River Vindelälven are eaught. Data based an reared salmon tagged in Sweden over the years 1966- 94 were also used for calcuiating sex ratios. Tagged salmon originated from the Rivers Lule, Angermanälven and Indalsälven. 3.2 Fecundity and tlla relative reproductive values Fecundity values from 1 050 to 1500 eggs/kg of female have been reported for several Baltic salmon stocks (Carlin & Johansson 1971, Brännäs et al. 1985) and. fecundityis often ässumed to be in a range of 1 100 -1 200 egg/kg (Christensen & Larsson 1979). Estimates based on the new data presented here, which are mainly for wild females, are slightly higher (1 200 -1 500 eggsl kg female), not considering the Rivers Lögde, Byske and Öre, where the stripping is thought to have been the least complete (Table 2). -rabies 3 and 4 summarize the data collected on ag'e and sex raUos, as weil as mean weights at different ages, in the Gulf of Bothnia. At ages of 1SW, 2SW arid 3SW, respectively, females coristitute .about 10 %, 45 % and 80 % of the individuals arid weigh about 2.3 kg, 5.4 kg arid 8.7 kg. The limited amount of data available on 4SW salmon suggest that the proportion of females is slightly higner than that of males.· e -'''. Using values for age class specific mean weights obtained from the trap at Norrtors in 1994 combined with the average values ofsex ratiosmentioned above, we can calculate the relative importance of salmon af different ages in terms of spawner fecundity as folIows: 1SW Relative "alue 1 2SW 10.5 3SW 29.8 The reproductive value of a three-year-old salmon would thus be almost 30 times that of a 1SW salmon and about 3 times that of a 2SW salmon. However, this method of calculation does not consider the genetic aspects of stock maintainance since the genetic variability in a given stock is partly determiried by the actual number of spawners that it contains. f. 5 4. Conversion of the potential smolt production values to egg deposition values - examples trom the Gulf ot Bothnia Setting up egg deposition targets and the corresponding spawning stock targets on . the basis of stock-recruitment studies has been judged the most apprcipriate way to . manage salmon stocks in the North Atlantic (Arien. 1994). A similar approach in the Baltic region would offer several advantages in terms of standardisation of the , methodology. data transportability and comparison. establishment of stock-specific monitoring etc. We have chosen ci range of estimate values (up-and-down method), which we find as most likely when we examine the egg deposition values at a potential production level for the salmon stocks in the Gulf of Bothnia. These values give the broad margins for the most sensible egg deposition rates: Assuming that the potential smolt production level in the salmon nursery habitat varies between 1 and 3.5 smolts/100 m2 in the Gulf of B o t h n i a " rivers and assuming that the egg to smolt survival rate varies between • 0.5 and1.5 %. the egg deposition value would lie somewhere between 70 and 700 egg5/100 m2 of salmon nursery habitat. Conversion of this range to kilcis,of spawning females and eomparison to highest histcirical catch levels (Table 1) indicate that we are at a proper level in our estimates: the lowest and the highest egg deposition values correspond to a river-fishing exploitation rate of 0.7-0.9 and 0.2-0.4, respectively. in the Simojoki and Tornionjoki rivers: In general. egg deposition targets established or suggested elsewhere for Atlantic salmonare higher than the Gulf cf Bothnia estimate. ranging from approx. 100 eggs/100 m2 of fluvial habitat up to 2 000 - 3 000 egg5/100 m2 of nursery area (Anon. 1994). This is in accordance with the recorded difference in the potential smolt prodLiction estimates (see chapter 2.2).The low salmon production capacity in the Gulf of Bothnia rivers can be explained as folIows: 1) these rivers are located at high latitudes, where productivity is "'generally lower than further south; , . 2) they have a relatively diverse fish species composition, suggesting that habitat availability is limited and that young salmon are subjected to strong competition for food and a high risk of predatiori; 3) winter coriditions in the area are severe. with a thick ice cover arid low discharge values that tend to reduce overall productivity. Although stock-recruitment studies with Atlantic salmon iridicate thai several kinds cf stock-recruit curves can exist, their shape usually resembles that of an , asymptotic curve (ArlOn.1994). Consequently. if maximizing the potential production level were to be chosen as a management target. overestimating the egg deposition requirement would be less serious of an error than underestimating it. Egg deposition values with the range of the most sensible values have been converted to total egg deposition values and numbers of spawning females for three rivers: the Simojoki, Tornionjoki andVindelälven (Table 5). A Canadian egg deposition target have also been calculated for the total f1uvial habitat accessible for . .. 6 saimon in order to display the meanlng of habitat component in the calculations. The range of values is naturally very large, because of the wide range, in the eg9 deposition values. The sex ratio in Uie river,is largely determinedbythe sea tisnery (fishing mortality is higher for females Ulan tor males) which is why egg deposition values have not been ccinverted to total spawning stock sizes. . 5. • Egg deposition values arid M74 A syndrome called M74 has recently increased mortality among salmon alevins in the Baltic (Kaflsson and Karlström 1994). The incidence ,af M74, first detected in . 1974, has varied from year to year, and for many years it did not give rise to ariy major problems. However, in 1992 the frequency of M74 increased dramatically, and for the pefiod 1992-95 the total mortality caused by M74 in natcheries has been in . the range Of 40-98% among alevins derived from sea-run females. On the basis of elecrofishing surveys arid catch statistics the extra mortality caused by M74 in years 1992-94 was estirriated at 75% in rivers having wild salmon stocks in the Gulf of Bothnia (Karlström1995). Secause the outbreak of M74 was of an unprecendentedly large magnitude It weaken the stock-recruit reiationship. In theory egg deposition values can be adjusted using a factor calcuiated based on the M74 mortality. At present we are of.the opinion that any egg deposition target should be able to the butter extra mortality caused, for example, by a low to moderate incidence cf M74. An additional mortality of about 75% over several years should, however, not be accounted for in anormal egg deposition target. This kind of mortality must, instead, be treated separately and dealt with using special management. will 6. Coricluding remarks and recommeridaticiris for the future activities It was suggested that the operaticinal interpretation cf the definition of conservation of Ätlantic salrnon in Canada shciuld be based on the potential productivity of rivers (CAFSAC 1991). This kind of interpretation supports the use of variables linked to the fresh water productiori (smolt production, parr densities, egg deposition, spawning stock). The refererice points linked to escapement and e9g deposition values seerriespecially usefull from the assessment point of "iew, and we highly recommend that additional research in this area be carried out in the Saltic. Research on egg deposition targets, can be divided into two parts, one dealing ,With potential freswater productivity and the ether with monitodng and developing stockrecruitment relationship. We recommend that the following steps be taken on ttie research front. 1) The potential production capacity as weil as the factors affecting to the productivity should be studied further to provide more exact information about the productivity of ttie Saltic salmen rivers 2) Studies on actual spawning stock size andegg deposition rates and the resulting smolt production should be started. Such studies would further our understariding of the dynamics of stock-recruitrnent relatlonships. They would also help us to J. •• 7 distinguish the influence of M74 freim other mortality factors. Furthermore, with the actual escapement values that would be obtained, population models ceivering the sea phase of the life cyCle could be ·developed. There are two goeid reasons for statiing this kind cf study in orie of the smaller rivers in the Gulf of Bothnia': This region of the Baltic has the largest potential smolt production, and salmon rivers in this area are among those most endangered in the Baltie region. It will certainly take a long time (decades) before any real stock-recruitment relationship will be established in the Baltic. We recommend that in the meantime provisional escapement and egg deposition targets based on present knowledge be established and used as a basis for assessment and management. Such targets should gradually become more precise and accurate as results from the studies discussed above start to accumulate. References Anon., 1992. Report of the Workshop on Salmon Spayming Stock Targets in the North-East Atlantic, Bushmills, N. Ireland, 7-9 December 1993. ICES C.M.1994/M:7. 31 p. + tables & figures. • Brännäs, E., Brännäs, K. and Eriksson, L.-O. 1985. Egg characteristics and hatcherY survival in a Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., population. Rep. Inst. Freshw. Res. Drottningholm. 62:5-11. CAFSAC 1991. Definition of conservation for Atlantic salmon. Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific AdvisoryCommittee Document 91/15. In: CAFSAC' Annual Report. Vol. 14. 1991. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. p. 147150. Carlin, B. and Johansson, N. 1971. Undersökningar över rommängden hos lax i Ljusnan 1950 och 1970 - en jämförelse. (Comparative studies ein the the fecundity of salmon in the River Ljusnan in the years 1950 and 1970). Laxforskningsinstitutet Medd. 8:1-6. Christensen, O. and Larsson, P.O. 1979. Review of Baltic salmon research. ICES. Coop. Res. Rep. No 89, 124 p. Jutila, E. 1987. Lohenpoikastuotannon ja kalansaaliiden kehitys Simojoessa koskien kunnostuksen jälkeen vuosina 1982-1985. (The development of salmon parr production and fish catches in the River Simojoki after restoration of the rapids in the years 1982-1985). Helsinki RKTL. Monistettuja julkaisuja 71. p. 47-96. Jutila, E. 1992. Report on the management, ,catches and smolt production of the salmon stock in the Simojoki River. ICES C. M. 1992/M: 11. 14 p. • ------- - - - - • • L 8 Jutila, E. & Pruuki, V. 1988. The enhancement of the salmon stocks in the Simojoki and Tornionjoki Rivers by stocking parr in the rapids. Aqua Fennica 18,1. p. 93-99. Karisson, L. and Karlström, Ö. 1994. The Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L.): its history, present situation and future. Daria, 10:61-85. Karlström, Ö. 1977. Biotopval och besättningstäthet hos lax- och öringungar i svenska vattendrag. (Habitat selection and population densities of salmon and traut parr in Swedish rivers). Inf. from Sötvattenslaboratoriet Drottningholm 6. 72 p. Karlström, Ö. 1995. Salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) praduction and spawning stocks in Baltic salmon rivers in northern.Sweden 1976-1994. ICES C.M. 1995/M:33. Kemppainen, S., Niemitalo, V., Lehtinen, E. ja Pasanen, P. 1995. Lohen ja meritaimenen istutustutkimukset Kiiminkijoella. (Stocking researches with salmon and sea trout in the River Kiiminkijoki). Helsinki RKTL. Kalatutkimuksia - Fiskundersökningar. (Manuscript) Romakkaniemi, A 1988. Tornionjoen vesistön lohen ja meritaimenen poikastuotantoalueiden inventointi. (The habitat inventory for salmon and trout parr in the River Tornionjoki drainage). Helsinki RKTL. 11 p. (Mimeogr.) Toivonen, J. 1962. Kalastus. Tornionjoki C 1:3. (Fishery in the River Tornionjoki). Imatran Voima Gy. 22 p. 9 Table 1. Information' from three example rivers in the Gulf of 80thnia - cases of Rbier Simojoki, Tornionjoki and Vindelälven (Toivonen 1962, Karlsträrn 1977; Jutila 1987, Jutila 1992, Jutila & Pruuki 1988, Romakkaniemi 1988, FGFRI, unpublished). The values are only rough estimates based on several data sets, caleul~tion proeedures, stocking experiments ete. ., SIMOJOKI TORNIONJOKI. "VINDELÄLVEN . . INFORMATION FROM RIVER SYSTEMS: 520 370 170 River length, main stern, km 800 - 900 290 110 River, aeeessible for salmon, km Mean disehan:~e, m;;/s 38 380 180 40010 11 910 River catehment area, km 2 3130 0.095 Mean gradient, % 0.103 0.091 1 830 approx. 15 000 ) 5700 Total f1uvial habitat aeeessible for salmon, ha Total estimated nursery area for 255 5000 1 000 salmon, ha Estimation range of nursery area, 234-293 2342 - 5 250 main stern, ha 130-180 1 ) ............ 3.112 ............ .. " Grade A nursery. area, ha ... 730 .. REFERENCE POINTS: Potential smolt production, 75000 500000 200000 ind.JYear Potential mean parr density, 15-20 5-15 10-15 ind.J100 m 2 nurse..y habitat 40 2 ) Highest recorded river catch 5-10 300·400 level;tons/year . ' ., ,,, .... .... .... , . ....... ........... .". '" INFORMATION FROM STOCK CHARACTERISTICS: Sex ratio, % females 29 39.8 Mean weight female/male, kg 5.4/2.3 5.2/2.4 1 200;;) Mean feeundity, eggs/kg 1 316 1477 Sea. age composition female/male, 9,50,41 4 ) / 9,45,42,4/ % 1SW, % 2SW, % 3SW... 67,25,8 4 ) 72,22,5,1 1) Value not established 2) No cateh statistics available from the era of "full produetion" 3) Some old data sets indicate a lower feeundity than shown in the Table 2. 4) 3SW and 4SW eombined >c· 'l,," . "..;,;''" ".,.-,,\;.'.'...... • 10 Table 2. Mean weight, meari fecuridity (total eggs) and relative fecundity (eggs/kg) of salmon females from different rivers in the Gulf of Bothnia. Most females were of wild origin. .. .. .-., ,-. ,-,' .,.".,...... ,., ...........,." ,-. . "." . " Source River No of Mean Relative Year Mean' femare weight, kg fecundity, fecuridity, .... ... , No eggs, eggs/kg ......... , .. .,,"-': ..•. ....., 1-""" ", " ,- .' ""Sima 7923 1254 1 1986 20 6.3 1166 1 Sima 1987 26 8.9 10374 9976 1426 1 Sima 1988 14 7.0 5995 1145 1 Sima 1989 17 5.2 11608 1389 Sima 1990 59 8.4 1 Simo 1991 30 7.0 9294 1320 1 11006 1992 23 7.3 1511 1 Sima 1316 9454 Sirno Mean 27 7.2 7.0 9444 1350 1 Tarne 1992 121 ' 9.1 6419 704 1* Torne 1993 44 9444 1350 Mean 7.0 Tarne 121 1201 2 Lögde 1991 6 7.3 8768 .. 5.7 2 Lögde 1993 6506 1141 8 6.5 7637 1171 Lögde Mean 7 1991 5.7 6654 1167 2 26 Bvske 2* 1992 5.6 4375 781 16 Bvske Mean' 26 5.7 6654 1167 Byske 302 5.5 8246 1525 3 1977-81 Ume 1993 5.0 7170 1428 4 13 Ume 5.3 7708 1477 Mean 158 Urne 1992 3 10.0 11565 1157 2 Öre 5.9 1119 2 1993 11 6603 Öre 7.95 9084 1138 Öre Mean 7 ".".'. '~""''',··'d_'·' " '.'.- -~ ',' . '0' ' 0'-""''.. ...• -.' .. ; ... ~" * S'ti-ippirig obviausly incomplets, values not used for averages Sourees: 1. Juhi:mi Rytilahti, Finnish Game & Fisheries Res. Institute, Lauiiosaari and Simojoki hatcheries. . . .' , . 2. Ulf Carlsson, Project Västerbottenslax, Länsstyrelsen i Västerbottens län, Sweden 3. Bräririäs et al. 1985. , . ,4. Harald Johansson, hathchery manager in Norrfors, Sweden. ...4 11 • :... ' . Table 3. Mean weight and SO by sex and age of wild and reared salmon eaught in the trap in Norrfors, River Ume, in 1994. The values are caleulated from 737 salmon, of whieh 620 were of wild origin and 410 were females. . ,,:. "., '" .... . . . o.1SW ... '" . "., Female" I, Male "-0" . 0" I Reared I Wild Mean, . kQ ., . ., ~ . .<; " ",,' 'o_'o·o .. ·.. 2SW,.. "",' .'. _Female .. Male ..... so, Mean, kQ so, kQ "' 0.50 0.14 1.84 1.62 0.50 0.59 5.57 5.44 1.43 1.43 Mean, so, Mean, .. kQ ···ka .- I,ka kQ 1.87 1.49 5.20 4.21 "M co,'.. , . . , 3SWo- '.' ." . ..Feniale, . ~ .', Male .... "0,.' " Mean, kQ --. .., ,. " . , . . . . . • ., .·M' ..•• 0'. kQ so,. I',· 2.47 2.33 .. "-'" ••- so, kQ . I····· Mean, so, '.-. kä;· ... kg~~, 7.33 8.51 1.52 2.06 7.69 8.69 0.66 1.18 Table 4. Summaryof age and sex distribution in eoastal and river fishery in the Gulf of Bothnia. The values of the eoastal, river and broodstoek fishery äre based on Swedish tag reeoveries from the years 1966-1994 originating from the salmon ofthe Rivers Lule, Angermanälven and Indalsälven. The trap eateh in Norrfors, RiverUme, has been eolleeted duHng the years 1985-1994. The mean nurnber of sarnples/year has been 202 in the eoastal fishery, 90 in the river fishery,' 23 in the broodstoek fishery and 1141 in the trap cateh in Norrfors. ". ~'", '-.',' '. .~. ','.'. Coastal ",' ""-" ".-- , ,,--, River Sroodstoek fishery., ",. Trap in Norrfors, R. Ume ' 'c,', _•• ' . , ' . ' ' . , ' " ...• . ,,,,,.--'" 1SW, '" ....... , "-."-,,,. . . ...>.1- ",.' '. 31 48.4 56.3 43.8 19.4 11.4 3.2 10.2 50.7 38.6 34.4 35 "...,' 3SW."~-,, 2SW", .. " % ofall % % ofall % female .,. aaes " .female aaes ..• ~,- ", ~- n -- .- ,,,. ..' "., ,.-- _ , ,.--'...... 4SW." ," ," % % % ofall % of all ." aaes" female .~ acies. female 41.9 37.9 37.3 55 15.7 13 9.3 21.2 72.1 78.3 83.8 78.9 2.6 60.7 Table 5. Three example rivers with Saltie salmon: total egg deposition requirements and eonsequent spawning stocks in numbers offish (females) calculated using the lowest and the highest values in the range (70-700 eggs/100 m2 ) calculated in ehapter 4, the Canadian egg deposition target and salmor'i stock enaraeteristics in the Table 1. The mean weight of female salmon in the Rivei" Simojoki is missing and the corresponding Tornionjoki value has been used for Simojoki calculations. , - -.-. Simojoki . , .. Eggs, No of million females EGG DEPOSITION VALUES: "Saltie estimate", for the total nursery area of salmon: Lowest value: 70 eQQs/100 m2 Highest value: 700 eggs/100 m2 Canadian target, for the total fluvial habitat: 240 eggs/100 m2 , .",.,., .. .• ,"",,' . " ' " '~," .. -. """ ••_ ,'N "' Tornionjoki ,,. .'o.Vindelälven.,.. Eggs, No of No of Eggs, million fernales million females 1.8 18 250 2500 35 350 5400 54000 7 70 910 9100 20 2800 360 55600 137 17800