·' . ' International CoUIicil for the Exploration ofthe Sea " C I ~~ 1/". , .. . , CM 1996/S: 14 . . " DOESBLlJE.'VIDIING l\UGRATE FROl\1 PORCUPINE BANK TO BAY OF BrsCAY AFTER SPA\VNING SEASON? By Carrera, P.(I); Meoode, M.(2); Porteiro, C(2). AIld Mique~ 1.(3) (1) Iristituto Esp~ol de Oceanografia. Aplirtado 130, 15080 A Coruiia (Spain) (1) Institllto Espaiiol de Oceanografia. Apartado 1552, 36280Vigo (Spain) (I) InStitUto Espaiiol de Oceanografia. Apaitado 291, 07080 PaIma de Mallorca (Spain) ABSTRACT .... " Duiing March-April 1994 arid 1996 two crUises have been camed out aroUIid Bay ofBiscay in order to check movements of blue whiting using acoustic methods. These cruises consiSted in a double coverage of an area from 47°30' N, 7°15' W to 430)0' N, 60)0' W along the French and spanish continental sheU:biellk (200m to 1000 m isobaths). Whereas in 1994 a zigzag surVey design with 20, nmi between peaks wasperformed, in i996 the surveydesign consisted in parallel trarisepts "ith 24 nrill apart and, in both cases, noImal to depth contour. mam • The IruljOrity ofthe blue whiting from the Northem areas migrates to the sPawning area which is locat<.~d West of British Isles, lnain1y around Porcupine Bank, dtiring March-April. After spawning, there is exodus from this area to the feeding grounds. The main migration route is iri Northward direction which has beeIl widelY reported but it is not kriOwD. if fish commg froin the Bay of Biscay takes part in this migration. From this surveys, it cöu1d be concluded that there are important movements of blue whiting arotind Bay of Biscay, lnain1y on younger ~ and these seem to be in relation With a southward rDigration after spawning. an ~ , ;I ., INTRO DUCTION an Blue whiting (MicromesistiuS poil/aSsau, Risso) is important fish species in terms of its abundance in the North AtIatitic. It has awidesi>read distribution along the continental slope in the North AtIantici arid alSo in the Mediterranem sea. Contfary to the noriDal behaviour of other gadoids, blue whiting is not a t)pical demersal specie, and speilds the major part of its life with no noticeable relationShiP with the sea bouorn. (Zilanov.. 1980). This has enabled this especies to be Studied by means of acoustic methods since 1972 (Anon, 1982). oDe cif the most imPortani features ofthis species is its ability to migrate from feeding areas to spawning 1 ~' ones and viceversa. These movements in the North Atlantic are weil documented (Zilanov, 1980, Anon, 1982, Bailey, 1982, AIion, 1993a) and different acoustic SUlVey have been carried out, especially in March/April around the weSt of the Biitish IsIes where the major spa\'~ning stock is congregated over a relatively srIla1l area; after spawning, there is a rapid migration towards feeding areas. In the southem part of the distribution area, not orie attempt had been performed before to demonstrate th~ movements of the bhie whitmg. Under the AIR projeet SEFOS (She/f Edge and Oceanographic Studies), \vhose main objeetive is the study of the relationship between the distributions and migrations of commercially impcirtant 6sh and the hydrography of the shelf edge, the Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia programmed tWo acoustic SUlVeys in 1994 and in 1996 to study the movements ofblue whiting afotind the Bay ofBiscay. 'Before this, in a meeting held in Vigo, the Spanish acoustic srirVeys carried out in 1991-93 \\fere analysed. These SUlVeys had a zigzag track ~ith 10-12 miles betWeen peaks, from 20 m isobath to I 000 m isobath. Thc blue whiting distnoution in each SUlVey was studied by means of geostatistical techniques using the integration values for each transeet as unit sampling. Thc losses in precision are negligIole wheri. the distance between peaks increases to a lnaximum of 20 miles; this analysis was carried out by performing an experimental variogram with the three cruises combined and testing the corifidence intervals as a perceritage of the mean, when transects were eliminated both systematically and randomly. Finally, the SUlVey were designed covering the shelf.edge (between 200m änd 1 aOOm) where blue whiting are mainly distributed (Meixide et al, 1991). In order to check movements, the area should be covered twice. l\lATERL\L AND METHODS The SUlVeys were carried out on board R/V ''Cornide de Saavedra". The acoustic trips were performed over the Bay ofBiscay.(VIIIa,b,c ICES Divisions). Table I sun:imarises the main features ofthese trips. Surveys design were in bClth cases nörmal to the depth contours, from 200 m to 1000 isobath,(figure 1). Besides, in 1996 in the Spanish area during the fust trip, transects were extended to 20 m änd extra transeets were alsO :illocated in order to evaluate the spänish fraction of sardine stock, but for this analysis this transeets were not used. A Simrad EK-500 echosounder-echointegrator with a 38kHz split beam transducer was used. In 1994 results ofthe calibration performed in November 1993 were assiirned whereas in 1996 the equipment was calibrated before the SUlVey accoi'ding to Foote et al (1987). Surveys were conducted day and night at a ship speed of 10 knots. Acoustic back-scatterings (Sa values, 2 2 expressed as m /nmi , Bodholt, 1990) were direet1y colleeted every nautical mile (nmi) and stored in a pe, which controlled the main. settings ofthe echosounder. Geographical position was also taken by GPS. Biological samples were obtained in pelagic trawl stations to ideritifY bluewhiting arid its age strueture. In each trawl station a random sample of 80 fish was sampled (len~ weight. sex, maturity and citolith) and 40 were aged on board. This random sampling stfateg}r was adopted 2 e . "" .. : . in order to obtain unbiased parameters (AD.on 1994) and to make the exammation of age stmcture eaSier during the cruise. .Changes in acoustic back-scatterings of blue whiting were studied by means oE geoStatistics tools. The use of geostatistical tech.D..iques (Matheron 1971). and theii applicatians in fisheries research, both for mapping atid variance eStimates, is wen documented iIi Conm (1985) aiid Petitgas (1991, 1993) and has been recommended as a tool for the analysis of acoustic SurVey data in Alion (1993b). The analysis was penormed applying the transitive theo.y on the transect ciunUlated data. Besides another estiri:lation ofthe variance ofthe abundance estiIriate was undertook using the intrinsie theory. on the Sli values asSigned far blue whiting in each nmi. These analysiS were penormed using EVA vl.O (Petitgas and PiamplUt, 1993) arid SURFER v6.0 (Golden Software, Inc.) packages. Tri order to avoid problems with the geometry of the habitat in these aiialysis, the suiveyed area was firstly divided in three zones as folIows: • North France: from the upper surVeyed liririt to 45°N South France: from 45° N to the Spamsh-French border Spain: from the Spanish-French border to 6°15'W These Irulin areas were chosen due to the different direction of the coiitlnental shelf-break (225° degrees aprox. in North France, 0° in South Fnmce and 90° in Spain), Where blue \...hiting is mainly concentrated. ~fean 5 a values ofeach zone and the sllIface cifthe blue whiting distnoution area were used to estirrulte the abimdance. according to Nakken and DOmInasnes (1975). The following TSlLength relatioiiship (AD.on, 1982) was used: TS = 21.8 * log(L) -72.8 (dB) • Changes in popUlation age Strueture as weIl as mariiritY stages using a key of six empirical stages (Abaunza et al, 1995) weie alSo checked. RESULTS total of 811 and 762 nmi respectively were surveyed in 1994. In 1996, 640 nmi were surveyed during the fust tnp and 580 ru:Di duIing the secönd. Fig. 2a atid b. Show a proportional representation of the data. Those nini with iill value are represented by b13ck disks. A As in previous surveys, blue whiting distn'bution is related to the contiIiental shelf-break. in both surveys the eXternal limit of the distnoution seemed to bei reached. llH:re only were positives values at the end of two transeets located iri th6 nofthem part of the area of the second trip undertaken in 1994. Over the continental sheIt: the inner limit appeared to be close 3 to the slope. This "Yas clearer during the trips performed in 1996 than in those carried out in 1994. Although there was a continuit}r behveen transects in North France during the 1994 survey, meaning that the inner limit was not yet reache<!, these values were, in general, lower and, therefore, we can assume that the limit was reached. Within each area and trip there were a few samples with high values. These values had an important contribution on both arithmetical mean and variance. The global estimate and its precision are therefore determined by a few very large values (Petitgas, 1993). Whereas in South France and Spain there is no clellr zonation ofthese high values, in North France during the second trip of the 1994 survey, they appeared to be concentrated on the northem pari of this area. In order to apply the intrinsie theory, the assumption ofno border effects was made, however. Nevertheless, due to the ske\\ness ofthe frequeney distnoution ofthe data, variograms were firstly performed on transformed data (logarithmie transformation). These variograms did not show clear anisotries and therefore isotropies variogramS were conStructed. Besides, these variograms were used to clarify the spatial Structures found over raw data. Figure 3 shows the isotropie experimental variograms for the raw data, rescaled to the variance value, for each zone and trip. Total number of data, total number of data inside each area of blue whiting distribution area and total of positives valties, range, arithmetical. mean 2 (Sa)' surface (nmi ), fitted variogram models, c.v.'s and degree of coverage (Aglen 1982) for each zone and trip are shown in Table 2. Due to the low level of samples, those vanograms corresponding to South France in 1996 werc~ no constructed. Between trips, they were important changes in the surface of the distnoution area of blue whiting, which would probably be the most importärit fact. These differences are important in North France and in Spain, with changes of about double of the total sUrface. In South France the area seems to remam almost the same. Changes during the survey carried out in 1994 were contraryto those found in 1996. Whereas in 1994 the.surface increased up to the double in both areas, North France and Spain, from the fuSt to the second trip, in 1996 there was a decreasmg in the same way from the fust to the second trip. the Mean Sa values seem to be stables when the sUrface of the distnoution area change. In fact, these merin values were almost similar in North France in 1994. and with differences lower than 15% in Spain in both surveys. 0nJy North France during 1996 showed changes in both mean value and surface. On the contrary, South France, which presetited negligible differences in surface between trips, showed differences in wean values higher than 50%. Spatial structures were performed using 1.5 nmi as a unit lag. Due to the nanower distnoution ofblue whiting around the slope and the distance between trarisects, these variograms show, in general, a low or even lack of pair values at certäin lags. This feature could give spurlous sPatial structures. In order to avoid thiS problem, the experimental varlograms were fitted to models using as a reference point those tags with aleast of 30 pair of values. Variograms showed a spatial structure whose sills seem to be reached at 8-12 nmi. Tbe fitted models were spherical and exponential and in some cases, the presence of a nugget effeet was also observed. As a consequence ofthe different distance between transects in each survey, models constructed for 1994 fitted better than those constructed for 1996. Coefficient of variation in 1994 ranged from 10.74% to 26.65%. In 1996 the coefficient ofvariation varied 15.11% from 4 • .: to 35.'09%. Nevertheless the differenees in varianee of estunations agree With the differenees in the Stirvey. design pelformed in eaeh year. Besides" these differences agree With the differenees in degree ofeoverage fowid in eäeh area arid year. Baek-seauering values were aisoanälysed by means öf the transitive theory. In 1994 an independenee benveen transeets \vith a fixed intertranseet distanee of 10 rimi was aSsWned. Cumulated transect values for eaeh trip arid year are plotted in Figure 4. As it was pointed out above, there \vere imPoi1:illi differenees between trips. In 1994 North FräIice and Spam show an impoitant increllsing from the first to the seeond trip. In 1996 there was a generai decreasin~ in.the whole area from the flrst to the seeond tIip. Experirriental covarlogramS and the fitted models conStrueted are shown in Figure5. The number of transects, intertransect distances, range, arid mean value of the cumulated values and the fitted eovariogram models and ~eir vaiiance eStüruites and c.v. 's are shoWtJ. in iable 3. Changes m: mean values among trlps and areas were eieu. The moSt important changes ,vhieh ,Vill be further retlected in changes in both nUmber of fish and bioIIJ.asS occuiTed in North Franee arid Spain. Fitted models were no directly inferred from the variogiams models fitted in 2-D. NeveItheless the fitted models were performed taking into account the spatial charaeterlstics whieh were modelIed in 2-D. The models seem to fit well With the experimental covanogramS. It appears to be some inconsistencies between the estiniait~d variances in 2-D and those esti1ii3ted in 1-D in some areas and trips, however. These are alSö refleeted in, the coefficient of variation estiniated for the nvo methods. The areas in which there were differences between c.v.'s, the eStitruitions calcwated by the ti:illsitive method (ie. Oll covariograms models) were lower than ' those caleulated by thc intrinsic method (te. on vanograrns models). These differences ,vill be discussed further. • The population strucnire fomid iri 1994 was d.uferent to that found 1996. Age group 3 was the most abundant in 1994 whereas in 1996 age 1 arid 2 represented up to 95'ofthe popUlation. lIi 1994 it seems that the major change occurred iri the totaI nUmber offish (Figtire 6) remanding quite stable,the age structure ofthe popUlation from the first triP to the sccond iri the different areas. In this year,the iriciease from the .first to second tIip was higherin. Spain; where age group 3 became alSo more import3nt. During 1996 there were important differences in both niunber offish and age stmcture between triPs. Thc decreasing m. number of fish from the firSt to the secorid trip was also accoriIpamed mth a change in the population structure. ThiS was so cIear in North France mth age grotip i and in Spain mth age groul> 1. In North France age group 1 had a lo,v increase froni the firsi: to the second trip Whilst age group 2 decreased from 11 nilllion fish to 3 inillion fish. Iri Spam age group 1 decreased from 52 niillion fisli to 8 million fish; in this area the decrease of age group 2 was only abotit Ö.7 inillion fish. The deen~ase ofage group 2 in North France and age group i in Spain froni the first to the second trip without an increase of these age gi-oups during the second tnp in others sWveyed areas SuggeSts that there was lllSo movements outside the studied area. Mean fish density expresse<! as anumber offish per square nmi in each area and trip iS shoWn in Figure 7. In i 996 Spain shows high values of fish denSitY compared to those estimated for the other areas and trips. Changes in fish density between tnps were alSo deteCted in both surveys in Spain and iri Noftb France in 1996. ' 5 During the first trip of 1994, bIue whiting was riiainly distribuü:d along the continental sheIt: break; in addition in Spairi it was also found on the continental sheI.t: elose to the slope. NevertheIess this pattern of distribution was different in North France dtiring the second trip of 1994 and in both trips of 1996. In these trips its distribution spi:eadedfurther offshore in a peIagic Iayer, around 150-250 m in 1994 and 250-350 m in both triPs of 1996. The mean Iength ofbIue whiting is described to be reIated to depth (Balley, 1982). This seems to be tme and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test applied to the fishing stations performed in 1996 showed statistical differences among fishing stations. NevertheIess during the first trip of this survey a good correlation between mean Iength and depth appears to be found (eoeL corr: 0.89, Figure 8) but during the second trip this relaiionShip was 00 so cIear (eoeL corr.: 0.13). In 1994 all the specimen were matur~ (Figure 9). Duririg the first trip stage 11 (deveIoping) \vas predominant, with a 89% in Spain; in addition in t.hiS area there was a 36% of specititen in stage VI (resting) and in North France the 30 % weie in "active" stages, that this: stages m, VI and V (Prespa\~ning, spawning and postspaWnitig). DUrlng the second trip almost all the specimen were in stage VI. In 1996 an importani part ofthe population were immature, being 71 % in Spain during the first trip. The major part of the matuie specimen were in stage V. During the seeond trip, this stage was also predominant in North and South Fnmce whereas in • Spain, there ~as still an important proportion of immature Specimen (47%), and Stage VI represented 31 %. DISCUSSION Since 1960, blue whiting has been kno\\n as an important migratory species in the North Atlantic (Balley, 1982). While in summer and autiUriIi the species is widely diSpersed over most ofthe Norwegian Sea, important concentrations ofbIue whiting begin to fOIm at the end of the year. By February, beginning of March adult fish are concentrated aro~d Porcupine Bank where they spawn. After the spawning season there is an exodus from thiS. area. From the North this movement is well documerited. Monstad and Belikov (1993) found an important rate of migration, and t.hiS main spawnmg area becaine almost empty at the beginning of April which it is one month Iater'after the peak spawning. NevertheIess, these surveys never reach \vaters further south than 49° N, so the possibility of migration southwards was unkiJ.own. From this study, quick changes in both number offish and population strueture ofblue whiting appears to be clear. In 1994 the age strueture found and the differences in niaturity stages together with the changes in fish abundance, could indicate a southward moveinent after the spa\\nmg season from the mainspawning ground. NeverthelesS this movement of adult fish is scarce in comparison to that undertaken northward. On the other hand results from 1996 Yv'ere different from those of 1994. Juvenile fish (age groups I and II) were predominant and there was an important deerease from the first to ,the second trip. The main changes in terms ofnumber offish oecurred in North Franee related to age group ri and in Spain related to age group I. Both age groups seems to be disappeaied 6 . • . . . ," , .... ( . " .. , from the studied area. Besides, this age graups have an important proportion of im.m3ture fish (82% atid 52% from the iiiaturity ogive, Anon, 19~~) ,which would not D:l.ake thiS spa\wirig migration. This also agiees with the Iow number offish in stage VI(sPent)foiind in both trips. Conceming to fish oider than two years, thefe was a decrease in North France from the first to the second trip whereas in Spain there was an slight increase. Iti addition, this year the peak of the spa\..ning was earlier llIld the poStspwaning migi-ation might be take earlier than usmu (Monstad et al, 1996). Tbe most noticeablefeature are the quick changes in bath age struCture and number offish in a relatively sort periods oftime. Changes in fish abwidance in North Frarice an<! .South France seems to bei: related to an mcreasing in the distribution area räther than a change in fish densitY expressed as a nW:Dber of fish nIni·2• In 1994 \\'hilst the total number offish increased twice, there was DO changes in.tish density between trips. In 1996 in North FrllIlce there was also decreasing fram the firSt to the second tnp. In Spain the changes in fish density were more important mboth sUiveys, being higher than a 200%. The ireat values found in 1996 seemS to be related to the preseD.ce of you.ng fish. At leaSt in the studied area; blue whiting appears to be associated to the continental shelf-bre.alc. Once the munber of fish is increasing, the distribution area iS spreaded. Iti France the area is extending to deeper \vaters, in a pelagic Iayer at around 200-300 m, With almoSt no presence on the sheli In SpllIlish wasters, as weil as iri. France, it is Inainly distributed on the slope, but it extetids its diStribution area thfmlgh the coritinental shelf until iOO-150 m, with almost no extension in a pelagic Iayer likci: that found iri France. Tbe Spanish shelf is narrower than the French shett: but it is also deeper, going doWn as far as 250 m in comparisoD. to the 150 m of, the French. This topographical difference may explain the presence of blue whiting over the spllIlish shett: but it would not explain its lack of extension in a pelagic Iayer like that iIi French waters. According to Porteno et al (1996) the different hydrod)namic activity coUld explain thiS different behaViour ofbrue whiting. a • • From the analysis of the previous surveys (spring 1991-1993), the range of the spatiaJ. distribution of the variogramS of blue whitirig is found to be 10-15 nnii. These values agiee· Withthose famid dUririg these surveys. Tbe variograms models perfomied in 1994 cruise ga-ve good fitting to the experimental ones. Olle to the lack ofpairs at certain lag~ variograms from South France llIld Spain showed some problem to be fitted. In addition, these two models gave a coefficient ofvarlation higher ihlin the others. Tbe same problem about the lack ofpair values at certain lags in the variogi"ams aroSe in the. second trip of 1996. Tbe models iIi this trip \",ere fitted with ranges of about 8-12 nmi, in which the range of the Spatial struCnires is eXpected to be found. Since models performed iIi 1994 dufing the second iiip and in 1996 during the flrSt one had range around 8-12 nini, fitted models with this range peiforiried for the fust trip of 1996 might be appropriates. . m EXperimental covanograms were fitted \Vith. regardirig tothespatial foUIid the variograms. Covariograms South Frarice in 1994 only had 6 transeets. In addition cumUlated values wen~ similaf, specially duriDg the secorid inp. noth featUres might contribute to the apparently continuitY ihat spatial structures pfesent. Whereas the spatial struCriUes ofblue whiting have a range about 10 nmi, the distance between transeets during the 1996 crUlse was 24 nmi. Ifany .spatial structUre existed at lower distances thau 24IIIn4 it would be mask, and therefore, any estiInation ofthe varlance based on ihis model coUld be biäsed. of . Tbe narrower distribution of blue wWÜtig in certam areas of the different trips and the low level of sampling inside these areas, in both number of tiansects 7 arid number of nmi Steamed; could lead to spurious spatial structufes in both covaiiograms and variogramS and hence the differences in coefficient of variation calcUIated by intrinsie aIid transitive methods could be explained. Nevertheless, in order to obtain abundance estimates with a reasonable good precision and at least ,from this area, a survey design with a distance betWcen transects ~f 10-12 nmi would be appropriate. In spite that important blue whiting movements around the Bay of Biscay have been detected, the relation with a postspav.nmg migration is scarce. It seems that the southward postspaWning migration fram the Porcupine is undertaken for a few young mature specimen (mainly age groups II and Ill). But this migration is sparse compared to that undertaken northward (Monstad et al, 1996). In addition the Spariish monthly catches of blue whiting remain stables throughout the year and the total yearly catches appear to be also stables at around 32 thousand tonnes since 1981' (Anon, 1996). The fisheries are mainly developed on young fish (age groups 0, land II) and the age structure remains also throughout the year. The same age structure iS also found in the acoustic surveys carried out in spring and in the bottom trawl surveys carried out in fall. In absence of adult fish as well as the lack of significant spawning grounds in this area (Porteiro et a/, 1996), a young migration or a southward larvae drift (Fraser, 1958) could be suggested. The presence ofjuveniles in this area has been reported (Maucorps, 1979) and has also detected during these surveys (Carrera al, 1996). There is, however, some evidences about a differential pattern of distribution of blue whiting. DUring the spawiUng season (spring) the length distribution in Porcupine Bank norinally ranged from 19 to 40 cm (Monstad and Belikov 1993), with 28 cm as mean and a unimodal length. frequency distribution. During the feeding season (summer) in the NOrWegian sea, the length distnoution can present different modes, corresponding to the 0 group and the others at lengths between 22-28 cm (Jacobsen, 1990a-b, 1991, Monstad and Dominasnes, 1990 and Monstad, 1990, 1993). There is, however, a discontinUity between these, corresPondirig to length group from 16 to 22 cm,. which are the main length groups found in both the Spanish and Portuguese fisheries and in the acoustic surveys in Spain (Meoode et al 1991, Amin 1993a). Also in catches further north than 50° N the length groups between 16 ta 22 cm are relatively scarce which is in agreement with this theory. This kind of behaviour cän be seen in other species such as horse mackere~ which presentS· a poor distribution cf specimens between 19 to 22 cm length classes in the Spanish fisheries, in coinciderice With the firSt sexUal manirity (Abaunz.a et al 1995). • et According to that, it could be better to emphasise the presence of a nursery area in this area as a result of a drifting processes together with a juvenile migration rather than an adult postspawning migration. Ta demonstrate this, more information is needed and further surveys should be carried out in sUmmer when the juvenile 3:fe fully recruited. 8 • " . " - -, Acknowledgements \Ve are indebted to the staff who took part in the SEFOS 0394 cruise. Also our acknowledgements to the crew of the R/V "Comide de Saavedra". We wish also to thank lohn SiInmonds and Dave Reid who helped us to design this survey lind to the anonymous referees who helped improve a first draft presented at the Fisheries lind Plankton Acoustics Symposium held in Aberdeen in lune 1995. This study was developed under the frame ofthe EU-AIR, SEFOS programme (AIR2-CT93-1105). REFERENCES , . , Abaunza, P., Fariiia, A C. and Carrera, P. 1995. Geographie variations in sexual maturity of horse mackerel,- Trachurus trachurus (L.), in the Galician and Cantabrian shelf Sei' Mar., 59 (3-4):211-222 . I • Aglen, A 1989. Empirical reSults on Precision-Effort relationships for acoustic surveys. ICEs CM 19891B:30. Anon 1982. Report ofthe international acoustic survey on blue whiting in the Norwegian Sea, luly/August 1982. ICES CM 1982/H:5 < , , " Anon 1993a. Report ofthe blue whiting assessment working group. ICES CM 1993/Assess:4 .Anon 1993b. Report ofthe workshop on the applicability of spatial techtiiques to acoustic survey data. ICES Cooperative Research Report, no 195. 87 pp. . Anon 1994. Report ofthe workshop on samplmg strategies for age and maturity. ICES CM 1994/0: 1, Ref ,:G,H,J. • Anon 1996. Repolt ofthe blue whiting assessment working group. ICES CM 1996/ASsess:?? Balley, R.S. 1982. The population biology ofblue whiting in the NOlth Atlatitic. In Advances in marine biology. Vol 19, Academie Press. Bodbolt, H. 1990. Fish density derived from echo-integration and iri-situ target Sirength measurements. ICES C.M. 19901B: 11, 15 pp. Carrera, P., C. Porteiro, and L. Valdes. i996. Depth lind spatial distribution ofblue whiting juveniles iri Bay ofBiscay. ICES C.M. 1996/S: 15 Conan, G. Y. 1985 Assessment of Shellfish Stocks by geostatisticaJ. techniques. ICES CM 1985/K:30. Foote, KG., Knuds~ H. P., Vestnes, G., MacLc:nnan, D.N. änd SimInonds E.J. 1987. Calibration of Acoustic Instruments for Fish Density Estimation: A Praetical Guide. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 144. 9 Fraser, 1. H. 1958. 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ICES CM 1980/H:32 11 Survey Trip SEFOS0394 First (ft) SEFOS0396 Design Date CTD~ FiIDing~ NoTransed zigZBg 34 10 Seeoo.d(~) 19-25104 20nmiapart 34 9 First (ft) 21-29/03 Parallel 22 12 7-13/04 20mniap~ 22 9 19/03-14/04 Seccnd(~) 80 7& Table 1: Main features ofthe cruises No Inside Trip North Fr3l1ce 1994 ft 307 102(94) 0-7400 1994~ 325 223(220) 345 166(135) 315 101(91) 0-16000 0-7000 0-4000 12356(55) 127 62(61) 58 10(9) 588(7) 0-4000 0-1600 0-3700 1996 ft 1996~ South Fr3l1ce 1994 ft 1994 !'t 1996 ft 1996~ 1994 ft 1994 !'t 1996 ft 1996!'t Spain No Range Area Mean Variogram model Area 895.04 926.74 Exp(1.22E+6; 10) 909.96 2012.21 1.7SE+5 + E:'q>(1.9E+6; 12) 741.87 4052.55 Exp(l.59E+6; 8) 422.97 2377.75 2.0e+5 + Sph(1.9E+5; 12) var~ c.v. d.c. 21796.25 18916.38 26114.88 7750.12 15.11 21.78 20.81 3.35 4.97 2.61 2.07 (U,OO 644.11 334.92 880.00 312.50 1.0E+5 + E.'q>(6.3E+5;10) 1.0E+4 + Exp(8.9E+4; 12) n.a. n.a. 29454.84 2963.44 n.a. n.a. 26.65 16.25 n.a. n.a. 2.38 2.74 0.81 0.66 38168(66) 310 141(136) 23799(89) 0-2500 0-2000 0-3800 344.28 657.90 ExP(l.S3E+5; 10) 415.S0 1207.44 1.0E+4 + Exp(1.39E+5; 8) 606.16 2608.79 Sph(7.84E+S; 12) 4322.06 1990.S5 2325S.S0 19.10 10.74 25.16 2.S7 4.06 2.04 20765(61) 0-10000 606.92 1361.70 8.0E+.5 +Sph(8.3E+.5; 12) 45348.69 35.09 2.09 553.41 511.73 151.00 148.76 16.49 • Table 2: Estimates ofrelative abundance using the intrinsie theory splited by area and. trip. Ft and st means fust trip and second trip respectively. Number of data for the total area, number of data inside the delimited area ofblue whitng distribution with number of positive values in brackets, range and mean value (Sa values) and area (surface expressed as nmi2) of the delimited area, fitted varlogram. model and its varlance estimate and coefficient of variation and the degree of coverage (No data inside arealsquare root ofthe area) Area • Trip Distanc:e No Range Mean Covariogram model Sph(8.4E+9; 10)+Sph(7.S8E+9;110) Sph(4.13E+IO; 12)+Sph(3.6E+I0; 110) Sph(5E+9; 8)+Sph(1.69E+10;110)+Sph(2.4E+IO; 288) Sph(1.05E+9; 12)+Sph(4.4.5E+9;288) 2.218+10 var~ 1994 ft 1994 !'t 1996 ft 1996!'t 11 11 12 12 10 10 24 24 300-295S0 S50-67550 600-23949 400-8050 8299.4S 18447.27 10262.42 3564.17 South France 1994 ft 1994 !'t 1996 ft 1996!'t 6 6 2 2 10 10 24 24 1190-90S0 2610-4375 2100-6700 1000-1500 6011.67 3460.83 4400.00 1250.00 Sph(1.0E+S; 10)+Sph(2.6E+9; 60) Sph(1.0E+7; 12)+Tri(7.3E+S;60) n.a. n.a. 1.33E+{)9 2.21E+OS n.a. n.a. Spain 1994 ft 1994 !'t 1996 ft 1996 !'t 17 17 S S 10 10-5040 50-6880 S00-22870 1000-16650 1377.12 3450.88 7501.25 4943.75 Sph(2.6E+S; 10)+Sph(3.1E+8; 170) Sph(6.5E+S; 8)+Sph(2.25E+9;170) Sph(5.3E+9; 12)+Sph(8E+9;4S)+Sph(1.0E+IO; 192) Sph(4.0E+9; 12)+Sph(2.7E+9;4S)+Sph(2.2E+9; 192) 6.96E+08 2.93E+{)9 1.11E+11 6.918+10 North France 10 24 24 Table 3: Estimates ofrelative abundance using the transitive theory splited by area and. trip. Ft and st means fust trip and second trip respeetively. Number of transeets per area,distance between transects (nmi), range and mean value (Sa values), fitted covariogram. model and its variance estimate and coefficient ofvariation. 12 8.20E+1-, 1.25E+l 1.80E+I0 .------------~ ~~-~-~-- - ------ ---- --~- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 48°'r---'---..L.----J..----.:;;:-;f-----'--_--' Figure 1: Acoustic tracks in SEFOS 0394 (above) and in SEFOS 0396 (below) 13 -+ ...L...-_ _ 48°'+-----'-----'------.;:--~---...........- - - - ' - - - -..........- - - _ t o o o o • o o 7° 6° 5° 594 0-500 126 500-1000 39 >1000 52 o 345 0-500 238 500-1000 102 >1000 79 4° 3° 2° 1° 0° Figure 2a: Proportional representation of back-scattering. The zeroes are denoted by blak disks. Above SEFOS 0394 first coverage and below SEFOS 0394 second coverage 14 •0 407 • ~OO 129 0500-1000 47 0>1000 57 7° 6° 5° 4° 3° 2° 1° 0° 48°·;------''------'----.;:---;-;t---.......- - -.........---..L....----t • 0 594 • Q.500 128 0 500-1000 39 0 >1000 7° 6° 5° 52 4° 3° 2° 1° 0° Figure 2b: Proportional representation of back-scattering. The zeroes are denoted by blak disks. Above SEFOS 0396 first coverage and below SEFOS 0396 second coverage 15 3 2.5 §: ~Oll 2 1.5 0 ~ 0.5 lag. SEFOS 03114 SECOND TRIP 3 2.5 §: e ~ 2 • " " . • : ·· I..... sp • ·" ' . " ,'.. .. : ..'' ~ • +··NF ··.··SF I! 1.5 Oll 0 ~ JIIA '••~. ~••••• ........ •. ..l1li 0.5 l1li liA:',.'. ..~.;~ "'!' • .a : , 10 .... .. ..... ' ...... '." •• t...~~, · :' . ' 20 •••• 50 40 30 60 lag. ·.. SEFOS 03111 FIRST TRIP .. to,' • ..... , 3 ,..• "NFI ·· ...sp 2.5 §: e 2 1 ::. ,, ,, " ", ,. I, •• · .' . ..•. .'.'. ,, .. • .. '.... ..., .., .. - • I' • ' ' ' ..r.. ....."••,.. ., I! 1.5 g' j ~ : :~ ~ 0.5 .,. I . . . . . . . . . . :·,.Al. ~ •••• ' .. ",,' • • :'tI. : .. , .... ,,, .... , .. ,, .... f-r ',: ~ i \ 1 .~ :.. : •• 0 0 10 , 30 20 50 40 60 lag. SEFOS 03111 SECOND TRIP ;'1"' +. 'NFl 3 : " :. §: e .....:. .::: ··.··sp • ''.. 2.5 t, 2 I! 1.5 Oll ~ .. ..' ~ 0.5 0 0 :• • 10 : ..•.'. ' " ~"'. ~ 20 30 .. ., I,t . "" .~: ·:'. .• .. : ·," .. · . : .~. ~ , :~ '." '. '. , t:• ...•. •••, ..• :: .,. 0 • ... : 40 : 50 60 lag. Figure 3: Experimental variograms ofthe raw data. Semivariance values are rescaled to the variance 16 70000 r-----------------------------------------. OFT 60000 North France South France OST Spain 50000 40000 30000 20000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 transec:ts e 25000 II OFT OST 20000 Nortll France South Spain France 15000 E Ir 10000 5000 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Transects Figure 4: Cumulated fish back-scattering values along transeets. Above SEFOS 0394 and below SEFOS 0396. FT and ST mean first trip and second trip respectively 17 , 1994 First Trip Spein 1994 First Trip South Franc. 1994 FirstTrip North Franc. I tOEIO o /\~ : , /\ .5EO'J : • '0. ~ 'e-~''I! toE08 2E08 ~., ·····.9.... oEool--IO.-00---,,30,...OO----:50~.O--O--:70"'"OO~-.. ~OO:--,:.,1O~.OO::-1 00,00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 OE01 ~'., 10.00 30.00 .01W:ll--:C20"'00~--':':"':":.00~~-1OO=.0':':0"---""MQ";:00':"'..I;Lo.A..-1 50.00 2000 lOOOO 40.00 0000 40.00 00.00 1994 S.cond Tri South Franc. 1994 Second Trip North Franc. 8000 120.00 'jG.().OO 1994 S.cond Trip Spain 3.0 ,9,. '0. • ''1\'' 'g • .g.'l 0 ••• O··.Q •. .-9. 10,00 00.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 00 00 i.0.00 lO.OO '50.00 20.00 ~.OO 20.00 40.00 "0-')0 1996 First Trip North Franc. OE1O 8E1O \ .5E1O il"..... '"o:: '0 ••, ''9, '. 10EtO r OE O.0IEOC......,"'.-00-""":7""OO...,...,-12O-.00---,.."•"..,.00,.........,...,-..,:;:",..-""--1 0000 t8.00 96.00 "4.00 moo ""-00 1996 Second Trip North Franc. 1996 Second Tri S ein •.a.····e····.e... 2LOO 72.00 ".00 Figure 5: 120,00 ~.OO Mt.OO 0000 '.00 4800 E.xperirnental covariograms ofthe rawdata and fitted models for each area and trip. 18 ""-00 80.00 ""'.00 _ : lIonh Pran.. _ : 80uth fran.. 1600 1600 1400 1400 1400 1200 1200 1200 I~I 1000 800 600 1:1 1000 800 600 800 600 400 400 400 200 200 c:n 0 111 W V VI VII I~I 1000 200 0 _:8paln 1600 111 W I V VI VII _ : lIouth Pran.. 10000 11000 9000 9000 8000 8000 8000 , 7000 7000 7000 ; 1=1 !KlOO .... '0 10000 1:1 6000 ~ooo 4000 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 0 0 V VI VII 111 W VII V VI VII . - - ~2194 ~OOO 4000 W . VI I~I 6000 4000 111 V _:lIpaln 10000 6000 W 111 .! . I···· I n I' 111 W Figure 6: Nwnber offish (millions) by age group for each trip and area. (FT and ST mean first trip and second trip respectively. V VI VII 1994 fCFTl ~ 1996 20000 15CXXl 1cxxx) NF SF NF SP SF Areas Figure 7: Mean density (Million fish by squere nmi) for each area and trip 20 SP • 24 22 • • • .." 20 Secondtrip • (coef. corr.: .1?~ ••••••••••••••• _ 6 ... -_ .. - ~ " i 18 • • 16 14 75 150 225 300 Deplll • Figure 8: Mean lengthlDepth relationship during SEFOS 0396 survey 21 r---------------------------- ----~---- Fht trtp 1 1 075 0.75 ~ 0.5 Secondb1p ~ 05 ISISF DSF OSP CSP 025 0.25 ~ 0 I 11 111 n J'""'1 IV V fb 0 VI I 11 111 MMwltyatllge. 1 V VI Secondlrtp Fhtb1p I IV -....y- 1 0.75 075 [;] 05 DSF ~ 05 &ISF OSP CSP 0.25 025 O[ .J1 I 11 ~ 111 n ~ IV V 0 VI n I -..nty_geo r1 11 111 IV V nn VI -..ntyo_ Figure 9: Maturity stages for each area and trip. Above 1994, below 1996. NF, SF and SP mean North Frane, South F~ance and Spain respectively 22 •