Tl~is paper not to be cited without prior reference to the authors TCES Stn.tuary meeting 1993 C.M. 1993/L.:23, Ref:J IN SITU FOOD CONSUMPTION BY YOUNG BALTIC SEA HERRIN!"! (CLUPE;-' llARENGUS) - A TEST OF A BIOENERGETICS l\10DEL by Fredrik Arrhenius & Sture Hansson • Department of Systems Ecology, S-l 06 91 Stocl<JlOlm, SWEDEN ABSTRACT The food of juvenile herring was daminated by zooplankton, mainly copepods (Acartia spp. a.nd Eurytemora affinis) and cladoeerans (Bosmina longispina maritima and ?leopsis polyphemoides) in the summer. The food consumption decreased with body sizes and temperature from 20 % of body w ight d- I in the summer to 4 % d- I by the end of Oetober far young-of-the-yc;ar. There was a diurnal variation in stomach ful1ness, wirh one maxima in the morning and ane in [he evening. Model simulation of the food eansumption demon trate that a bioe!1ergeties model based on c:at:J _ mainly from adult fish, was valid also for young-of-the-year herring. 1 __ _------l 1. Introduction ( lil tish biology, bioenergetics models' have been devel- oped. with which food consumption is estimated from . growth data (Hewett & Johnson, 1992). Generally these , iJ.." " ' , .:.'models are based on a more or kss general bioenergetics :'~'::'~ssumptions'and for each sp~cics specific para~eters. ..... , ~.·Most bioenergetics model are based on parameters de- '~'. : '>;';'rived frcfil'~~udies of adult fish, while few models are ::, built fromd'r;ta for juvenile fish. We don't know the error .• ~.' behind these figures, but for yellow perch (Perea -; ;'flaveseens) parameters of respiration and consumption :~ tür adult fish have been shown to be in appropriate for ~;;.!..- young-of-the-year (YOY) fish (post, 1990). • For. bioenergetics model. a common short- ~ •. comming is that they never have been tested against . ;-: realistic consumption data. Hansen et al. (1993) pointed • out, that for more campIete studies Oll bioenergetics of fish, information for larval and juvenile under field - .' condition are badly needed. It has been suggested that of '- ,-~ larvae and juvenile fish can have a major impact on zooplankton production and community structure (Hansson, et al. 1990, Rudstam, et al. 1992, Arrhenius & Figure 1. The sludy area with the sampling stations for collec Hansson, 1993) and therefore it is important to investi- tions of YOY herring and zooplankton. gate the validation on field estimates vs. model predicexperiment. A minimum sampIe of 10 fish per'length tions. The objectives of this study were to measure the class was taken within 10 minutes every 2h. On the first food consumption and diel patterns of feeding activity of sampling two stations with different depth, were used in juvenile herring (elupea harenglls L.) and compare that the same area, as small larvae were in shallower water with estimates given by the bioeriergetics inodel for than large larvae herring (Rudstam, 1988). fish were immediately preserved in 70 % ethanol. (c.f. Ur ho &' Hild~n, 1990): Cap'lure ...~. 2. i\lethods und material .2.2 Diel feeding patterns and daily rations In the laboratory, the totallength of each fish. i. e. kngth 2.1 Fish samp!ing' from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail fin. was Using small charges of explosives (15-120 g of Primex measured to the nearest 1 mm and the wet weight was 17 mm, Nitro Nobel AB). helTing were sampled in the measured to the nearest 1 mg. The dry weight of the northern Baltic proper (Figure 1) during five 24-h stomach contents were determined drying oven at 60°C periods between July - Oclober 1992. Collections were for 3 days. Water temperature was measured at each 24-h made at approximately 2 hintervals during euch 2-l-h sampling. l-, 2 • • ~ "\' t ",,,<:1,, Dicl feeding patterns were evaluated by determining at 2-h intervals. to the n~arest 0.001 f' preserved in 4 % form<:lin. ßefore counting under an mg the mean inv.::rted microseope, the zooplankton samplcs were s:!b- stomach wntent in dry wcight. From these data. daily sa~pJed rations were estimated by the method by E1liott & eaeh sampIe were detcrn1ined to lowest taxonomie level. Persson (1978). Encuat;on rates were calculated from Biomass were estimated from va!ues on individual wet the dec1ine in intestinal traet content in dry weight as weights (Henroth, 1985), of which 5 % was assum,-,d to proportion of body mass during nonfeeding periods be carbon (Mullin. 1969). Thc sampies were e0ur;td, ,,,.~ assuming an exponential evacuatioll rate (Persson, 1986). plankton was identifiedaceording to dcvdopmenl stage '" ',c' . " ~::., The assumption was that the herring don't feed during . '"' ..... darkness butonly evacuate the gut content. We ealculate (Kolt. 1953) and :lt kost 500 specimen froln (adult, copepodite and nauplii) :lnd sex. ;:,:-;~ ' J' the evacuation rate between approxirnately one hour after .~~: sunset and one hour before sunrise. For two of the sampling dates (August 5-6, September 16-17). sampling • - intervals were shorter than 24-h, duc to hard weather -''"' '0 04 . condition, therefore the data have been extrap01ated *'01) (figure 3 c & e). ;, - Specific growth rate '\ '- '- fl""growm,~/ .c ~ o So 0.2 8 6 § .c ~ 0.3 2.3 Feeding ":- 10 0.5 ':oE) "'" '<3 4 .~ 2 0.1 +,=-.--......---.--.,...-_.__-.----+ 0 240 280 320 200 Date When possible, 10 fish were laken at random from each sampIe and length interval. Individual stomach were analysed using a stereo mieroscope and an inverted Figure 2. Fitted growth curve. und calculated specific growth microscope. Eaeh prey was determined to the lowest rate for young-of -the-year herring in the northem Balti.: Sen, possible taxonomie level. If a stomach eontained a large from Arrhenius & Hansson (1993). number of prey, a subs<:mple of 200 items was analysed. The contents of a slomach was expressed as the percent• ages of different taxa, calculated from the number of 2.5 Bioenergctics model identified items. From these percentages, means were calcul:lted 10 represent diet of fish ut difft>rent stati0ns A bioenergetics moder of iildiviuual Baltic herri,ng hus and dates. In order to eharacterise the feeding of herring. been developed by Rudstam (1988), using software de- the eleetivity wcre ealculated (Chesson, 1933). veloped by Hewett & Johnson (1992). Thc parameters . used in the model were derived from a variety ofsoul'ces 2.4 Zooplankton but in all cases were from adult fish. We compared thc model predictions of daily From each sampling oceasion, a zooplankton sampIe consumption with the field estimates from gut evacuation taken with a WP-2 have been analysed. We assumed that rated and fullness. The input parameters for juvenile the rnesozooplankton used by the fish was found in the herring used in the bioenergctics model, were taken from uppern10st 10 (Station 1-3 in Figure 1) and 30 m (Station leES-area 28-29 in Arrhcnius & Hansson (1993). The 4 & 5 in Figure 1), respectively. The plankton net were growth rate were derived [rom growth in length and towed vertically from the depth tu the surface at a speed length-wcight relationship in the model (Figure 2). of 0.5 rn/s. SampIes was filtered through 90 ~m nets and Temperature regime ,vere taken from this study. 3 J Table I. Estimated fish length (in 5. mm intervD.1s), wet weight, daily food ration and evacuation rate cf juvenile herring in 1992. Tempcrature was taken cvery date bClwecn 0-10 m in July-August and 0-30 m in September-Oetober. Th·~ number of fish analysed (181'.5) is not eglial to the number of fish killed at different sampling dates and depths. 3 Results little or not at all during darkness. There was a tendency towards two maxima each day, one in the morning und 3.1 Fish sampling one in the evening, and the times for these maxima varied depending on the time for sunset and sunrise. Herring (Clupea harengus) were caught at aIJ depths in Estimates of gastric evacuation rate (Table I) each station, but showing a diel cycle with generally and daily rations were highest during July-August, Th~ c;dropping in t!1e autumn. For small juveniles. in the depth of catches varied between 0-35 m, depending on summer daily food consumption was about 20 % of the the season and water temperature (Table 1). body weight whiJe for larger juveniles in late fall daily closer to the surface during night than during day. consumption was about -+ %. 3.2 Diel feeding patterns and daily ratians 3.3 Feeding Thc stomach content varied with time of da)' for each diel series (Figure 3 a-t). The content of the stomachs Crustacean zooplankton dominated the stomach content v. as lowcst during nighttime. j ndicating that herring fed ofjuvenile herring, and the copepods were elearly domi4 . ," ~ ,.,,"" .~ ,~ 4..,-____________ .. _ ~I 3 nating (Table 2). Among eapepods. Acartia spp. (Acartia bifilosa, Giesbreeht, and/ar A. longiremis (Liljeborg» I and Eurytemnra affinis hirundoides (Nordquist) wcre I dominated. Copepod nauplii were relativeiy eommon in the stomuch~. Copepods were also the dominant prey July 15-16 . ..... 3, 2). Olher copepods \vere only in small numbers in the ~ JI' I .., ..... - - ~ items in thc herring stomaehs in August-Getober (Table 3m ... ." .' stomaehs. In July und early August respectively, the c1adocerans Bosmina IOllgispilla maritima, P.E. Müller, and Pleopsis pol)pFzenzoides, Leuekart, was eonsumed. Rotifers were rare and tintinnids were absent. o-I---------.l....;..J...-,""--'-------I August 5-6 3 • .... ~. .., DClad0EIT 2 O-l---,---------'--'------i August 26-27 '<) 3 ;s: o Oth a -, :cOll 6A 2 Date O+--------.--;.....:::l:=-------i September 17-18 Figure 4. Electivity indices (Chesson, 1983) for juvenile 3 hening between July and the end of Getober far 4 prey groups: 2 Cladocerans (Clad), copcpoditcs and adults of Ew}'telllora / • -----~ Telllora (E), Acartia (A) and other corepods (Oth. primarily Pseudocalanus). 0-1----------'---'------1 Gelaber 27-23 3 Juvenile hcrring, selccted c1adoeerans over 2 eopepods and Acartia over other eopepod species (Figure 4). Cladoeerans were not selected exeept at the shallow .l-~-'-I -'--,--! :;:"""'I-~:::;:I o IOlO 1400 ,_1_'+;-1!>...... ' 18'~J 22'1() 02'l'1 station in July sampIe. These pattern was not as clear and ':::.-•..,--'----i 06'10 I (Jl<l differ during sampling dates. 3.4 Zooplankton Figure 3 a-f. The diel cycle of food content in herring stomach far each sampling antI sites. Each point represent the averJge In terms stomach content at each sampEng time. The period between copepods in July and in autumn and rotifers in August sunset arid sunrise is also marked (-). DJtes with shOiter sampling intcrvals. the dala have bcen extrapolated (- - of abundance, zooplankton was dominated by (Figure -). 5 & 6). Among copepods, Eur)'temora and Acartia dominated. Together they constitute at least half 5 ..--------------------- --- Tabie 2. E~timated proportions 01' zooplankton in hcrring stomaehs (% by volumc) and proportions oi iJentified zooplankton taxa (% · by numbcrs). Proportion wcre calculated as the average of proportions in individual fish. Lcngth of fish. number of stomJl:hs analyzed (N). number 01' cmpty stomaehs (E) ami the total number cf idcmilied prey itcms are also given. Prop.: proportion; zoopI.: zooplankton; id.: identified; ad&cop.: adult nnd copepodites: BaI.: Bai.mus; E/T: cI/Y)'iemora/Tcmora: A: Acartia; Unid.: unidentitied; Dos.: Bosmina; PIe.: Pleopsis; Ker.: Kcratella . ...:...~ ,;. ., Date Stn Time ..... ,..,. .. ~';'~! :;;~ '~~~~ ':":,.; :.!~.. -- ._' Fish N lengl!'. interval (mm) E Prop. Zoop!. (%) No.of NilUpl. identified Cop. BaI. prei' Cop~poda C1adocera (3d & cop. ) EiT A Other Unid. Dos. Other wopl PIe. E~ Ker. " July 16-17 3m 18.00 -18.00 18.00 10 m 19.00 19.00 19.00 August 5-6 10m 20.30 20.30 20.30 ·"20.30 20.30 August 26:27 15 m 19.15 19.15 19.15 19.15 September 17-18 20 m 20.15 20.15 -:::0.15 Oelober 27-28 35 m18.15 18.15 18.15 25-29 30-34 35-39 30-34 35-39 40-14 10 10 10 6 10 10 100 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 978 989 999 421 955 957 1.8 1.2 42 11.4 10.7 5.7 0 0.4 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.3 100 100 100 100 100 356 280 941 957 963 14.8 10.7 11.3 4.7 1.8 3.8 3.0 1.6 3.1 2.7 30-34 35-39 40-14 45-19 50-55 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 4 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 393 998 963 898 20.6 14.6 13.1 4.6 2.0 3.1 1.5 60-64 65-69 70-74 9 10 10 0 0 0 100 IDO 100 8')0 927 998 6.2 11.3 10.1 0 0 0 70-74 75-79 80-84 2 4 5 0 0 0 100 100 '. 100 200 400 500 12.5 6.5 8.6 0 r 4 3 0 10 0.1 0 0 95.5 0.4 95.2 0.2 (J.1 51.7 55.9 0 0 0.2 0.7 0.7 u.7 1.7 2.4 92.2 26.6 23.5 20.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.8 0 1.2 1.2 0.6 2.5 2.3 1.0 2.8 0 59.: 1.8 60.6 64.9 66.9 65.8 1.3 3.1 1.9 5.0 13.0 17.3 11.7 16.2 19.2 19.6 13.4 32.6 35.5 48.3 53.3 396 52.7 1.3 1.8 0.6 0.2 0 0 8.4 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.8 84.1 83.3 81.6 0 0 0 7.0 10.2 11.6 gO.5 820 79.4 0 1.0 0.4 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 2.1 1.8 3.4 0.5 1.3 1.1 3.2 0 0 1.1 1.4 0.9 4S.0 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.2 0 0 0 0 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.3 8.6 7.7 11.7 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.5 0 0.8 0.2 0.8 1.1 0 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 2.0 0.8 0.7 'J.5 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.3 0.5 1.0 46 2.2 0 1.9 0.9 3.6 2.1 5.1 10.5 -l.8 1.0 0.5 1.1 0.6 0 0 1.4 1.9 1.4 2.8 1.3 0.3 2.7 0 0 1.9 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 167 of the biomass. Other common copepods were Temora longicomis (P. !\'lüller) and Pseudocalanus millutes 5000.----:==-------::::::- m IOllgatus. Among cladocerans, Bosmina and Pleopsis ~onstitutes 4000 95-100 % of the numbers and Keratella spp. and SYllchaeta spp. were dominated among rotifers. .... o In , spite of high numbers, tintinnids generally represented others ~ cladocerans [] o --., rotifers copepoJs 3000 2000 <1 % of the biomass. 'a--. -~ loo01~ 30/( 'T7-7'-":l PI o+"-"-""-'1.w:.....~""T'--=-"-"-T-"'-'-......,..........--..;..4 3.5 Bioenergetics model 920715 920805 920326 920917 921027 . The results were analysed with linear regression analysis Sampling day (SYSTAT, 1992), using data from fjeld estimates as the independent variable and data from model predictions as Figure 5. Thc total abundance of zooplankton on the different lhe dependent variable. There \vere no significantly differ sampling stations. Thc three lirst was sampled bctwecn 0-10 m between the model and fjeld estimates ef feod (station 1-3 in Figurc I) and the last two was sampled 0-30 m ~, consumption (Figure 7). ,.'" (station 4-5 in Figure I). 6 • rotir<.'r~ a) ~ =::J Kcratel!a 0.3 S.,·nchae;a 1 1° ",c:: 1 .2 O.~ .~ ~ a. ö:i -0 0 o• ~ I .c::JL , 6 x // J /0 I~~ I 0 k"0[!B) 0 x / J 0.1 I~!~ I 11 J: 1 'D 1000 July 15-16 3m Juiy 15-16 !Om ugust 5-6 x August 26-_7 Septembe !7-18 Oetober 27-28 /. 6 0 J0 0 +6 + 0 0 0.2 O.l 0.3 Field estimates Figure 7. The food consllmption prcdicted by the model against b) c1adocerans e 400 • 350 300 ,., 0 ~, c -::l ::: 0 the field data. The black line is Ihe 1: I relation. Thc slope and Podon ~ Pleopsis the intercept do not differ signifieantly from 1 (n=21. 1'2=0.61. Evadne 0 Bosmina slopc=0.74, SE=O.14, p=O.07). 250] 200- , ~, 4. Discussion ..::" ///~ r.~//), ~ /'1 100 f/:,( I >~ 50 0 I 150 ,,\'" ~~_r I Juvenile herring (Clllpea harenglls) foraged predominately on zooplankron. There were a shifr from clado./ ceran in early I ife stage to copepods in older stages on juvenile. Herring prefened cladoceran over copepods in hallower waters in the summer. There have been shown in this area that cladocerans are selected over copepods c copepods 2000 e 1-00 ,., o Terno ra 8;] PseudocolallLls and the seasonal changes in proportions of copepods and Il;i EllrytenlOra c1adocerans consumed retlect he seasonai changes in Acartia zooplankton composition (Johansson. 1992, Rudstam et al., 1992). The preferred species of cladocerans and C ~ E copepods were according to other studies on juvenile 1000 herring in the nonhern Baltic Sea (Hudd, 1982. c: Parrnanne & SjöblolTl, 19 4, Raid. 1985, Rudstalll et al.. 00 1992). There was a difference between hallow water and deep stations in the food content and in fish lenght. Fish closer to the share had Illore cladoceran than copepods in their stomach and we~e also shorter in average Figure 6. The abundanec of total rotifers (a), eladocerans (b) lenght. Herring larvae seem to retained in the nearshore and copepods (e). The dominating species within c;lch group zone during the larval period to experience a temper:J.ture regime similar to optimum for growth and to avoid ur shown <;cparately. predation (Urhü & Hilden. i 990). 7 ." tcmperature. It also indicate th:::t the available bio- There were a diurnal dynamies of stornach fullncss with a tendeney that herring consume more in the energetics model tor adult herring, can be used to evening than in the morning, which has also been shown mate the food consumption for juvenile hen:ing. e~ti­ by Raid (1985). The gasll'ic evacuation rate were high in ~the Acknowlcdgements: Sture Nellbring, Markus Nikula summerand lower in the autumn except the Oetober :-;:'v;; serie. The evacuation rate are mainly govcrned by the . and Joakim Westberg heJpe.d in thc field. Financiai ,;~; water temperature (Elliott & Persson, 1978) and more or support was provided by thc Swedish Environmcntal ~' .. Iess unaffected of fish size, food size and the frequency Protection Agency, Swedish Natural Science Research of feeding (EIliott, 1972, De Silva & Balbontin, 1974). Council, Hierta-Retzius foundatio'l, Alice &. Lars Silens :Thc high values in October maybe due to difficulty to fund, Stockholm Centre for Marine Research and Nitro '. :~ .~':- . calculate the evacuation rate, because of low temperature ~ f· . c.. .~, -:~ " Nobel AB . and growth rate of herring. S. Literature citcd The food consumption decreases from 20 % of body weight d- I in the summer to 4 % d· 1 by the end of Abrams, P. (1937). The functional response of adaptivc consumers of two resources. Theor. Popu!. Bio!. 32: 262-288. Arrhenius, F., Hansson. S. (1993). [-oad consumption of larval, young and adult herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea. 1\lar. Ecol. Prog. SeI'. 96: 125-137. Chesson, J. (1983). Thc estimation ami analysis of preference and its relationship to foraging models. Ecology 6..1-; 1297-130+. De Silva, S. S., Balbontin, F. (1974). Laboratory studies on food intake, growth und food convcrsion of young herring, Ciupea hcrengus (L.).'J. Fish Bio!. 56: 645-658. Elliott, J. M. (1972). Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L.. Freshw. Biol. 5: 287-303. Elliott, J. M., Persson, L. (1978). The estimation of daily rates of food consumption for fish. J. Anim. Ecol. 47: 977-991. Franek, D. (1.988). 0+ smelt (OsJlierus eperlmws L.) and herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the food chain . of the Barter Bodden. leES 1988 BALINo. 13. Hansen, M. J., Boisclair, n., Branet, S. B., Hewatt, S. W., KitcheIl, J. F., Lucas, M. c.,' Ney, J. J. (1993) Applications of bioenergetics models 10 fish ecology and management: Where do we go from here? Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. In press. Hansson, S., Larsson, U., Johansson, S. (1990). Selective predation by herring and mysids, and zooplankton community strueture in a Bahic Sea coastal area. J. Plankton Res. 12(5): 10991116. Hay, D. E. (1981). Effects ofcapturc and fixation on gut contents and body size of Pacifie herring. Rapp. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 178: 395-400. Hernroth, L. (1985). Recommendations on mcthods for marine biological studies in the Baltic Sea. !'.Iesozooplankton biomass assessment. Baltic Marine Biologists, Publications no. 10, pp. 132. Eewett, S. W., Johnson. J. L. (1992). Fish bioenergetics model 2. An upgrade of a generalized bioenergetics model of fish growth for microcomputers. Uni\'ersity of Wisconsin St:a October for juveniles. Similar speeific consumption rates have been reported elsewhere by field estimates of daily ~: '," Rudst::<m et al., 1992). '", "7 rations (De Silva & Balbontin, 1974. Franek, 1988, Despite that the bioenergetics model for herring .. is based on data from adult fish, it does not predict consumption rates that differ significantly from those we estimated for YOY fish. This is contrary to studies on yellow perch (Perca flavescens) that measure invalid parameters for larvae and juvenile with modeling with adult parameters (Post, 1990). Still, the in situ estimates are based on the variation in stornach content between few individuals whereas variation in the model predictions are based on the variability in body size of larger numbers of individuals. Since growth is cumulative and the daily growth data used in the model is integrated over time, but the model can't predict day to day variability in consumption, but it can accurately predict cumulative consumption. Therefore we need further investigation to get more information on larval and juvenile on field measurement of key parameters for the bioenergetics model. \VC also need to investigate the maximum consumption (functional responses, e. g. Murdoch, 1973; Abrams, 1987) in the field to redefine the maximum consumption function in the model. This study show that the main diet for juvenile herring is zooplankton and consumption decrease with 8 " • • • .. ,-. , Grant Technical Report No. \\1S-SG-92-250. 2nd edition. p. 1-79. Huud, R. (1982). Feeding of Baltic herring larvae (Clupea harenglls L.) in the Gulf of Finland. Finnish Fish. Res. 4: 27-34 Johansson, S. (1992). Regulating factors for' coastal zooplankton eommunity strueture in the northern Baltie proper. PhD thesis. tnst. Zoo!., Stockholm univ. Kott, P. (1953). Modified whirling apparatures tor the subsampling of plankton. Aust. J. MGr. Freshwater Res., 4: 387-393. Mullin. M.M. (1969). Produetion of zooplankton in the ocean: the present status and problems. Occanogr. Mur. Bio!. Rev., 7: 293-310. Murdoch, ,)V. W. (1973). The functional response of predators. J. App!. Eeo!. 10: 335-342. Parmanne, R.• Sjöblom. V. (1984). The abundanee of spring spawning Baltie herring 1arvae in the Seas around Fin1and in 1982 and 1983 und the eorrelation between the zooplankton abundanee and the herring year dass strenght. ICES C.M. 1984/J:18 Persson, L. (1986). Patterns offood evaeuution in fishes: a critieal review. Env. Bio!. Fish. 16(1-3): 5158. Post, J. R: '(1990). Metabolie al!ometry of larval and juvenile yellow pereh (Percafiavescens): In situ estimates and bioenergeties models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 47: 554-560. Raid, T. (1985). The reproduction areas and eeology of Baltic herring in the early stages of devlopment found in the Soviet zone of the Gulf of Finland. Finnish Fish. Res. 6: 20-34. Rudstam, L. G. (1988). Exploring the dynamies of herring eonsumption in the Baltic: Applieations of an energetic model of fish growth. Kieler Meeresforsch., Sonderh. 6: 312-322. Rudstam, L. G., Hansson, S., Johansson, S., Larsson, U. (1992). Dynamics of planktivory in u coastal area of the northern Baltie Sea. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Sero 80(2-3): 159-173. SYSTAT. (1992). SYSTAT: Statistics, Version 5.2 Ed. Evanston. 1. L.: SYSTAT Ine: 724 pp. Urho, L., Hilden, M. (1990). Distribution patterns of Baltic herring larvue, Clupea harenglls, L., in the coastal waters off Helsinki, Finland. J. Plankton Res. 12(1): 41-54. 9