Not cited without prior reference to the author C.M. 1986/B:17 Fish Capture Committee International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Theme session U A COMPARISON OF TWO METHODS FOR MEASURING THE EQUIVALENT BEAM ANGLES OF HULL MOUNTED TRANSDUCERS (preliminary) by PalI Reynisson Marine Research Institute Reykjavik, Iceland ABSTRACT A first directivity attempt to measure the of split beam transducers, conventional using the information available on the parallel interface of the ES400 split-beam echo sounder, is described. Measurements on two transducers are presented and compared to those obtained by a method described in an earlier paper (Reynisson, 1985) , were the displacement of a standard target in the sound beam is calculated from the geometrie configuration of the set-up. The difference in equivalent beam angles as estimated by these two methods are 2 dB. Measurements of the compensated sensitivity throughout the beam are presented. Variations over a 9 dB range were observed. sons are discussed. possible rea- - 2 INTRODUCTION A method for measuring the equivalent beam angles of hull mounted transducers has been developed at the Marine Research Institute in Iceland. This method relies on the possibility of estimating the displacement of a reference target, suspended on three lines below the transducer, by geometrical considerations when the length of one ,of the lines is changed by a certain amount. . . It was stated that a m~re direct way of measuring the position of the sphere was needed in order to test further the accuracy of this method, and that the use of a split beam echo sounder could provide the means for this (Reynisson, 1985). The principle of the ES400 split-beam echo-sounder and some of it features havebeen described by Foote (1984). The information available on the parallel computer interface of this instrument makes it possible to sampIe miscellanous da ta for every transmission, such as the p~sition of the target in the beam and target strength, compensated for the transducers directivity. In this way the directivity of the conventional beam as weIl as the sensitivity changes of the compensated signal can be measured in considerable detail, fairly quickly. Measurements of this kind were undertaken this year, as .ES400 echo sounders are now installed on·two Icelandic research vessels. The directivites of the split beam transducers as measured' by the two methods mentioned are presented, as weIl as the sensitivity of the compensated beams. MATERIALS AND METHODS The equipment and set-up for' measuring the directivities of the transducers is the same as described by Reynisson (1985) whichis very similar as is used in a standard target calibration. of ordinary echo sounders (Foote 1981). The parallel interface of the ES400 was connected to a Hewlett Packard 9816 personalcomputer. For every ten centimeters of the depth column, a read pulse is sent from this interface, and by giving a three , - 3 hit control code, different information is data lines. ' Further'details the eight available on are given in the manufactures instruction manual (SIMRAD ES400, P2092E, 1985). To handle this amount of data,' either a very fast computer is needed or some preselection is neccessary.' In this case for the data sampling was limited every transmission. This was the computer at one done presettable counter with comparator to to to by' using give a the desired depth. reading a read pulse The counter was then reset by the next trigger from the echo sounder. scematic diagram of this ,:is sh~wn, i~~figure 1. A The reflected pulse and read pulse were monitored on a digital oscilloscope and made to coincide in time as in figure 2. The angle information was sampled in the transmissions and the compensated target first two strength on the third by sending the neccessary control codes to the ES400 interface. The oscilloscope which was also connected to the computer, sampled and stored the peak vol- tage of the reflected pulse in every transmission. The average peak voltage was then stored with the corresponding angle - and target strength information for later analysis. When measuring the directivity by the. "geometric" method, the changed by 10 ES400 data sphere. lines such length of one of the centimeters at a obtained for At other timesthe were that changed suspension lines time~ each lengths continuously, and new of ten position the but, sets was of of the 'suspension very slowly, more detailed information could be gained. RESULTS The equivalent beam angles were calculated for each transect, as weIl as for the whole beam according to both methods, and are,given in table I . T h e average deviation of the compensated target strength measured throughout ,each strength measured transect relative to., the targe on the acoustic axis are also given in this table. The conventional two way directivities of ,the transducers in the seperate planes and the resulting energy contours are shown in figures 3-6. The sensitivity changes .ofthe compensated signal are shown in fig- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ... - 4 ure 7 and 8. The transeets made by the sphere ured by the ES400 are shown in figure 9. as meas- DISCUSSION When looking at table 1. there are several striking differenees in the equivalent beam angles a~d the direetivites in the seperate transeets as measured by the two methods: 1) Por both transdueers the split beam measurements give 2 dB higher equivalent beam angles than the geometrie methode When eomparing the seperate transeets these differenees range from 0.3 to 3.8 dB. 2) On transeets where the geometrie method gives the smallest beam with, the split-beam measurements give the widest. It should also be noted that aeeording to the ES400 measurements, the beams are more deformed from the eireular than might be expeeted. Aeeording to the geometrie method the beams are· fairly eireular, and although some bias in the estimated angles is possible, it is very unlikely that this bias would differ mueh from one transeet to the other, unless very strong tidal eurrents were present. 3) When monitoring the movements of the sphere through the beam, the angle information on the port/stb transects did not change although the sphere was moving. This can clearly be seen on the direetivity diagrams in figures 3 and 5, as weIl as on the transeet-diagrams in figure 9. These "gaps" are on the starboard and port side of transdueer I and 11 respeetively. possible explanations for these differences on the seperate transeets as weIl as the jump of the observed angles are that either some misalignmentwas present in the phase relationship of the echo sounders four receivers, or that the mounting arrangements of the transdueers have ehanged the beam pattern or influeneed in some way the phase relationship of the echoes. Wether it has any bearing on the matter or not, it is interesting to note that transdueer I is mounted on the port side of R/V Arni Fri5riksson and transdueer 11 on the starboard side of R/V Bjarni S~mundsson. ---------- , - 5 Anomalies in the phase relationship will of course affect the compensation of the received signal. Infigures 7 and 8 where these compensation errors 'are shown, the units of the abscissas are chosen in such a way that the areas 1imited by the measured points are representative of the average error, as the area weighted intergral of the compensation must be estimated. This has been further adressed by MacLennan (1986). The diagrams in figure 7 show that the compensation for transducer I is fairly good except in the aft/stb direction. For this transducer a new memory microcircuit (PROM) had been installed, containing a new set of lobe correction factors. For transducer 11 the original PROM was used. In this case the average compensation error is about 1 dB, which if taken by itse1f is acceptable. But the diagrams in figure 8 show that the errors are much more severe in this case. Estimating roughly the extremes, shows that variations in measured target strength of -4 to +5 dB are to be expected from a uniform target, depending on its position in the beam. When measuring the target strength of live fish this might not affect the mean more than the stated average deviation of 1 dB, but it would deform the true distribution of target strength. This will also in effect shorten the usable dynamic range of the scale chosen. REFERENCES Foote, K.G., H.P. Knudsen, G. Vestnes, R. Brede and R.L. Nielsen, 1981. " Improved ca1ibration of hydroacoustic equipment with copper spheres." ICES, C.M. 1981/B:20 Foote, K.G., F.H. Kristensen and H. Solli, 1984. "Trials of a new split-beam echo sounder." ICES, C.M~ 1984/B:2l. MacLennan, D.N. and I. Svellingen, 1986. tion of a sp1it-beam echo sounder." "Simple calibra- ICES, C.M. 1986/B:8. Reynisson, P., 1985. ·""A method for measuring the equivalent beam angles of hull mounted transducers." ICES, C.M. 1985/B:4. Table 1. Equivalent beam angles as calculated for each transect as weIl as the whole beam. Also given is the average deviation of the compensated signal relative to the onaxis sensitivity. Units are in decibels. Average deviation Transect Equivalent '!geometric 11 I Aft/port-fore/Stb -21.2 -17.5 -0.5 11 Fore/Port-Aft/Stb -20.5 -18.9 -1.2 11 Port/Stb ':'20.3 -18.8 -0.2 11 Whole beam -20.6 -18.5 ·-0.7 II Aft/Port-Fore/Stb -20.6 -19.6 -0.3 11 Fore/Port-Aft/Stb -20.9 -17.1 2.1 11 Port/Stb -19.5 -19.2 0.8 11 Whole beam -20.5 -18.5 1.0 Transducer Be am angles Split beam of on-axis sensitivity 0'\ I - 7 - (k4GD [] "10 0] g IP" 0 @ n "C:~D IIr --, WI Il I=-- I ~ I' ,. I.• D I' 'r,,"llIllt',., I l.-- Calibrated out nut ~ ~ I U .1.' L I, ". "' . . . I • • 'J I., , .- I ,I, .t •• YI ". ""~. Preeettable counter Read pulees I DiP: 1tal oecl11oBcope Computer I I Read pulse ror parallel datalollging t Figure 1. A scematic set-up of the electronic equipment used for the measurements(adapted from SIMRAD ES400 instruction manual, P2092E). VOL.TS z +D.. .......:'-- ...L-.:L.- -========={ 0.0000 o.oa_ cao SECONOS Figure 2. The envelope detected echo signal and the read pulse from the presettable counter. A'nl r,./June '86 Sp 1I t be.m Spl ft beom -lil -lil -2il -2il Port. -3il -3il ( 4.96 Xl b_leA 3_4.6153 ( 3.27 =l b_le A 3 __4.6525 ( 4.43 =l b*leA 3--2.3848 I 2.97 =l c*Ie"'3-.065S C 19.35 X) .*leA 3-.e6e3 I 12.83 =l c*la"'3--.%k:J3" ( 11.35 ):) ._leA 3 __ .BIS8 I IS.88 =l b*12"'3·-".5S~9 Degre •• 10 5 6 2 2 4 3 4 5 Degreea 5 6 lil 10 8 6 5 3 a 2 3 4 5 5 6 10 I OJ I Arni F'r./June Spl iot beom Arni Spl -10 -2e 101ogCf'i)=-18.47 dB b=-3.7S85, c=-.0605 -30 b.~aA3-4.291B ~ 2.:37 x) c*I0-"3--.2"774 ( 6.; X, Frid~iksson beam, June '86 270 --H-'++---}:~-f+f-I-I.--90 AfVStb rcre/Fcr't it 4 dE between energy levels b*10"""--Z.5946 ( 3.94 X) c.le.. .3--.03;e ( 14.21 x) down to -2e dB Degrees 10 5 8 6 4 Figure 3. 3 2 2 3 4 5 6 5 10 Two way directivity diagrams for transducer and the resultllf energy contours. I, as measured by the ES400 Acnl F"c./June '86 Ren t F"c ./June '86 Spllt beom Sp 1 i t beam -113 * ] -213 Portl2711' 5tb(90) -313 bOle-3--1.7S:S : 1.4S ~, '.IZ.... 3·-.:129 ( B.41 ::) b*10-3--I.S514 ( 1.75 ~, .*10-3--.0121 ( 13.07 ~l b<:e-3--2.6031 ( 4.1l c.:e.. . 3-.023' ~, ( 21.1 Xl. b.:Z"'3-~.931S ( 4.75 X) c.:2.... 3-.2077 ( 59.3& X) Degl"ees 113 9 7 6 5 2 13 2 3 5 6 7 Degres. 9 113 6 113 5 4 3 2 3 5 6 8 9 Acnl F"r./June '86 Spl tt beam Arni Fridriksson Spl it beam, June '86 -111 -213 'oce/PortlJ33) 270 ---JH-t-t--t--r-H+++-- 90 Rft/Stb l 1531 ·10Iog(fi)~-20.62 b=-2.1215, c=-.0143 dB between energy levels -311 1.49 ::, .<10-3-.0176 : 9. 4 ~, b*le-3--I.B276 l 3.36 ~, .*le-3-.01l2 l 22.74 ~) dB down to -20 dB OegI"'8 •• 113 9 7 6 Figure 4. 5 4 3 2 2 3 5 6 8 111 Two way direetivity diagrams for transdueer I method, and the resulting energy eontours. as measured by the geometrie 111 Bjarni Szm./July Ejarnl Szm./July Splttbeam Spl it -20 -20 Ai'1,/Pcrt F"ore/Stb Port. -30 Stb -30 b.1B.... 3-2.51 .. 7 ( 8.32 ,,) "10-3--'.22S6 ( E.I Xl "IBA 3-.1!3 ( S7.04 Xl b*:~"'3·-3.S=14 c*:e....3--.eesl ( 199. J1 ;;) ( 4.53 %) ":2-3--.e']2 ( :a.66 Xl Degreea 10 S 8 6 5 4 o 2 6 8 Deeree. S 10 10 7 5 3 o 2 3 5 6 S 10 ~ o I S~mundsson BJarni .. Spl i t beam, July '86 '.' 317 • 8· 279 -20 99 to!"e/Port FHt/E1.b 1~log(fi 137 -30 b.10"'3--~.a7es c.~e"'3·-.eS78 4 oB b*le 3--... 1SBI ( 3.3 %) ( 5.,48 %J c.10 3--.ez71 ( 31.54 ( 21.13 xJ Yo) oB )=-:8.51 b=-3.3017, :;=-.21638 cet~een do~n ene~gy to -20 levels oB Degrees 10 6 Figure 5. o 2 3 S 10 Two way directivity diagrams for transducer II, as measured by the ES400 and the resultiij energy contours. tt ( Bjarnt S.~und=son TC3-EK38. 8.7.36 EJarnt Samundssen TC3-EK38. 8.7.8E b~2:.Bl -10 I I \ I -20 . / 38 218 -30 ' b.;2 3--j.9B4 ( 1.73 c.:~ 3.-.~47 -30 b*t21A,3--2.5423 t 3.73 ::0 7.) b'lB~J·-2.I4S< c.10.... 3--.027 ( 26.51 %, ( 31.B4 7.) 90 27" ( 5.24 Xl b*1121"3-3.5429 ( '.82 X) ( 34.3 Xl c'10~3·-.B4B7 c*19"'3--.2148 ( 36.84 Xl Degrees 10 9 765 3 o Z 234 6 B 9 10 10 654 9 3 Z 11 Z 3 4 5 6 9 Bjarnt S.mundssen TC3-EK38. 8.7.86 Bjarni 315 I 270 38 ---t+++-t--*---+--+++1f-- Split S~mundsson bea~, July '86 S0 101ogefi)=-20.47 dE 135 218 b*t2"'3--1.9291 ( 7.01 Xl b*12"3--2.2t? ( UL2!l X, e*12'"'3-.3177 ( 77.12 .'10~J • • 001B %, b=-2.2420, c=-.0200 4 dB between energy levels down to -20 dB ( 453.6 Xl Degrees 10 6 Figure 6. 5 432 o 2 3 5 6 7 B 9 10 Two way directivity diagrams for transducer 11 as measured by the method, and the resulting energy contours. geometrie 10 - 12 Spl it beam compensatlon error/Arnl Fr./june '86 3.5 Fore/Stb Aft/Port 3 2.5 2 1.5 . - ++ . . + + + ~ ... + + • + + + ++ + + + +++++ .5 Area --------Spl it beam compensatlon error/Arni Fr./june '86 3.5 Stb Port 3 2.5 2 1.5 .. .. . . .... . ..... .. . ... .. .. ... .. • 1 - .5 Area L Spl it beam compensation error/Arni Fr./june '86 3.5 Fore/Port Aft/Stb 3 2.5 2 1.5 00 0 0 o 00 00 o 0 8 0 8 '8 0 00 o ~3 0 00 o ~~ 000 0 :, g 0 0d!, 0,jD 0 .5 0 0 8 ~1J''' g, 'bo 80 0 0 (J) 00 o 0 Are a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 Figure 7. The normalized compensated sensitivity of transducer I for the seperate transects. The sens i- tivity is on a linear scale against an arbitrary area abscissa, out to 5 degrees. 13 5~m./july 5p! it beam compensatlon error/Bjarni '86 3.5 Fore/5tb Aft/Porb 3 2.5 2 +. + + +.. + + + + + + + ++ *+++ ++ + .+: 1.5 + + .+t+"" + +* + +t+H+++t+t+ .....++ +++++ **+ '* + • + + ..... +++-. . ~ .... ++++ ....... +++t++ .... +++ + + ++ + + +++ +::.:"'..::::..~++ +~ +.++ + ... + + + + + :++++ +.. +.+ ..t + .5 ++ ++ + + ++ + + Area S~m./july 5plit beam compensation error/Bjarni '86 3.5 Port 5tb 3 2.5 2 .... - . -. I .·5 'N . . ... .:.. . ... .." -.. :.. •• e ::..-ji .' I .5 .. Mt •••• " . . " .. .• . .. _. • N l Ht . ••• .. Area Sp~ lt beam compensation e .. ro .. .'Bjarni S<em./july '86 3.5 Rft/Stb 3 o 000 0 ·2.5 m 000 o 0 000 2 000 o 000 o omo o I .5 o (J) 0 0 01_0 , 0 ~..o QI) o .I?" 0 0 0 ~000800: 0 o o 0 00 00 0 o o .5 Area Figure 8. The normalized compensated sensitivity of trans- ducer 11 for the sperate transects. The sens i- tivity is on a linear scale against an arbitrary area abscissa, out to 5 degrees. .. 14 - Spl it beam/Arni Fr./june Fa re '86 _++ "# ,.:1$ "'*- *'" - 1'" Stb ... .,+... "* + + +* Rft Spl it beam/Bjarni S~m./july '86 Fore o Port . •• . ...... "'. ...... ••• Stb o + o Aft Figure 9. The movements of the reference target through the beams of transducer I and II, as measured by the ES400. A circle is drawn through the 5 degrees limit. . ...