Draft Guide for the Faculty and Staff Writings, Speeches and Publications University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Summary Information Repository: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point James H. Albertson Center for Learning Resources, 5th Floor Nelis R. Kampenga University Archives and Area Research Center 900 Reserve Street Stevens Point, WI 54481 (715) 346-2586 Title: Faculty and Staff Writings, Speeches and Publications Call Number: Series 108 (Legal, Bound Volume on Shelf) Quantity: 61 Boxes, 1 Volume Use Restrictions: Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code. Copyright may not be owned by the University of WisconsinStevens Point. Contents List BOX 1 CONTENTS Abell, Jack “Short course in string playing” 1973 Albertson, James H. “Freshman convocation address” 1964 The unfinished product, 1966 The inaugural address of James Herbert Albertson, 1963 (2) Alexander, Gary “Religion in the public schools” 1988 Allar, Betty Modules in social studies, 1972 Improving the social studies through individualized planning, 1971 “Elementary English” 1971 Allez, George C. “The library as a method in education” , n.d. Alltmont, Rene [Bibliographic references] Anderson, Hudson M. Reading in high school, 1964 2 3 4 Reading improvement, 1966 Washington state English notes, 1967 Andrews, Oliver A. Basic chemical concepts, 1985 (2) Artigiani, Robert “The mechanical monk: self-image of the Victorian scientist”, 1970 Bailiff, John D. “Some comments on the ‘ideal observer’” 1964 “Religious discourse and existence” 1966 Elementary Logics, n.d. Baldwin, Robert D. “The boardman” 1950 “The educational forum” 1944 “Am I worthy?” 1940 “Professional salary schedules for teachers” 1963 (3) “The future” 1952 “School and society” 1928 “Sane principles of tenure” 1938 Baldwin, Robert D. Handbook for West Virginia school board members, 1968 Financing rural education, 1927 Ball, Larry Journal of roman archaeology, 1994 Bauer, Roger F. “A concept paper for teacher corps program” 1970 Beattie, Kirk Proceedings of the international conference on improving hunter compliance with wildlife laws, 1992 Interest of Wisconsin females and minorities in becoming conservation wardens, 1987 Beck, Lloyd Henry A quantitative theory of the olfactory threshold based upon the amount of the sense cell covered by an adsorbed film, 1964 “Visual functions in the schizophrenic” n.d. [Bibliographic references] Becker, George C. “Fading fins”, n.d. “The Fishes of Lakes Poygan and Winnebago” n.d. “The Fishes of Pewaukee Lake”, n.d. “Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin”, n.d. Reprinted from Copeia, “The Western Sand Darter”, 1965 “Distribution of Central Wisconsin Fishes”, n.d. “Annotated List of the Fishes of Wisconsin”, n.d. Reprinted from Vol. XII, No. 11, Wisconsin Conservation Bulletin, “The Black Bear in Wisconsin”, 1947, by W. E. Scott “Pond Bird Life in Australia”, n.d. 5 Reprinted from The Passenger Pigeon, Vol. IV, Nos. 4, 5, 6, pages 29-34, “Notes on the Pileated Woodpecker in Wisconsin”, 1942 Museum Lecture Series, “The Ways of Fishes”, presented in 1968 “Preliminary Survey of the Fishes of the Rock River (Wis.) Basin with Suggestions for Management, 1971 “Turnpike Trauma”, 1964 “Can a Christian be an Evolutionist”, 1960 “What Values will Underlie the Growth and Development of our Community During the Next Decade?”, 1972 “Genetic Manipulation- Social Manipulation”, 1971 “Students, Get With It!”, 1970 “Faculty Participation in Policy Formation from the Standpoint of the Research Scholar”, 1963 “Population- An Explosion to Death”, 1969 “America- When Wrong, to be put Right”, 1969 “Abortion and the American Female”, 1969 “The Biology of Aggression”, 1969 Wild River News, 1966 Wild River News, 1967 “Grass, Survival, & Values”, n.d. “Pollution of the Mind”, 1972 “Should We Poison the Rock River”, 1972 Becker, George C. Stream of a Thousand Isles, “The Wisconsin River- Its Restoration”, 1972 “What Values will Underlie the Growth and Development of our Community During the Next Decade”, 1972 Wisconsin Academy Review, 1966 A Plan for the Restoration of the Wisconsin River, 1972 Wisconsin Conservation Bulletin, “These Fish you Seldom See”, 1964 Reports on the Fauna and Flora of Wisconsin, “Preliminary List of Fishes of Portage County, Wisconsin”, 1969 Wisconsin Academy Review, “The Good Oak Gavel”, 1976 “Selected Keys to the Fishes of Wisconsin”, 1976 Becker, George C. Environmental Status of the Lake Michigan Region, “Volume 17. Inland Fishes of the Lake Michigan Drainage Basin”, 1976 Illustrated Key to the Minnows of Wisconsin, 1970 Becker, George C. Wisconsin Academy Review, “Antimycin- Friend or Foe?," n.d. Time for Confrontation, 1970 Becker, George Life Histories of Wisconsin Minnows, 1965 Becker, George Life Histories of Wisconsin Minnows, vol. 2, 1967 “Provisional Check List of Wisconsin Fishes, 1976 Beeken, Robert 6 Physical Review B, “Intermediate valence in alloys of SmSe with SmAs”, 1981 J. Appl. Phys., “Mixed valence in alloys of SmSe with SmAs and SmP”, 1981 Behm, Richard Stevens Point Journal, “Poem selected for anthology”, 1987 Sky, Of Bulls, Bears & Golden Parachutes”, 1987 The Cream City Review Special Poetry Issue, “An Experimental Taxonomy for the Analysis of Free Verse Forms, n.d. “No More Mr. Nice Guy!”, n.d. “My View: Blood and gore help the big outdoor magazines compete at checkout lines, a fact that is not being lost on the writers of “pseudojournalism”, n.d. Field and Stream, “The Long Run”, 1987 Sports Afield, Ice Deserts, Eelpout, and Men”, 1988 Sporting Classics, “Rocky Mountain High”, 1989 “Full Bore with Gorman Thomas”, 1989 Wisconsin Sportsman, “A Portrait of Owen Gromme”, 1989 The Sewanee Review, “Seduction in the Produce Aisle” and “On Not Taking the Cemetery Road’, 1989 Gray’s Sporting Journal, “ Fishing at Dusk”, 1990 101 ideas to Help Your Child Learn to Read and Write, 1989 Wisconsin Sportsman, “In the Trenches With Bob Skoronski”, 1989 University Newsletter, 1990 Bjork, Philip R. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, The University of Michigan, “The Insectivores of the Hagerman Local Fauna, Upper Pliocene of Idaho”, 1971 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, “The Carnivora of the Hagerman Local Fauna (late Pliocene) of Southwestern Idaho”, 1970 Blair, Dennis G. “Tuba CSC Processional”, 1959 Boyle, Janet A Survey of the States’ Efforts in Gifted Education, 1987 Brandt, Lawrence R. Reprinted from The Philippine Geographical Journal, “America’s Great Depression: a Paralyzed Economy and a Cultural Revolution”, 1971 Edited: Relevant Geography, 1974 Buchen, Irving H. The Newsletter of the College of Letters and Science, “The Future of the Future”, 1984 ADE Bulletin, “Business and the Humanities: A New Cultural Détente?”, 1982 Burress, Jr., Lee A. – See Collection # 34 Burress, Maxine Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English Service Bulletin, “Bibliography of native American Books for Elementary Grades”, 1979 Burroughs, Leland M. Manual of Usage in English, Central State Teachers College, 1933 7 Manual of Usage in English, Central State Teachers College, 1934 Manual of Usage in English, Central State Teachers College, 1935 Burroughs, Leland M. Grammar and Usage, 1937 Burroughs, Leland M. Manual of Usage in English, Central State Teachers College, 1936 Burroughs, Leland M. American Poetry Magazine, “Wisconsin Centennial”, 1948 American Poetry Magazine, ”The Golden Man”, 1950 Burull, Robert Non-Point Source Pollution, 1977 Buss, Kathleen Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Folktales of the Hmong”, 1993 Reading Psychology, “Parent-Teacher Temperament Ratings and Student Success in Reading”, 1993 Wisconsin English Journal, “First Class Authors”, 1990 Head Start Family Literacy Awareness Project Manual, 1989 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Evaluating Children’s Progress in Narrative Writing”, n.d. “I Red, I Rit: Activities for Emerging Literacy,” Central Wisconsin Reading Council, 1987 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Thinking Can Be Fun”, 1983 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Reading and the Languages”, 1983 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Aids to Help Students with Study Skills”, 1983 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Teaching Reading Comprehension”, 1982 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Using Literature in the Classroom, 1982 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Strategies for the Content Teacher”, 1982 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Evaluating Classroom Reading Programs, 1981 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Students Don’t Know How to Study, 1981 Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, “Resources for Teachers: Sounds and Sense”, 1982 Butler, Barbara Holy Intoxication to Drunken Dissipation, 2006 Cable, William Elementary Math Record-3, n.d. Elementary Math Record-4, n.d. Elementary Math Record-5, n.d. Elementary Math Record-6, n.d. 8 9 10 Canfield, James L. A Case of Third Party Activism, 1984 Chappell, Gerald E. Milestone Guidelines for Piagetian Sensorimotor Stages III-V, 1989 Early Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome, 1989 Chang, Tsuen-Kung “World Population and Resources: A Selected Bibliography” n.d. “Geography of Asia: A Selected Bibliography” n.d. “Agricultural Geography: A Selected Bibliography” n.d. “Biogeography: A Selected Bibliography” n.d. Geography of Domesticated Plants and Animals, 1974 “Taro in Ancient China” 1976 (2) Chapman, Abraham “The black American contribution to literature” 1970 “Wisconsin secondary school administrators association” 1971 “The image of man as portrayed by Saul Bellow” 1967 “The Harlem renaissance in literary history” 1967 The negro in American literature, 1966 Chapman, Abraham Jewish-American literature, 1974 Black voices, 1968 New black voices, 1972 Chen, John A survey of the libraries of selected land-grant colleges and universities, 1968 Cherem, Gabriel J. The beginnings of a nature center, 1974 Chitharanjan, Dakshina “Synthesis and chemistry of 4-Amino-4, 6-dideoxy Sugars. VII. 4-Amino-4, 6dideoxy-D-altrose Derivatives” 1975 Christie, Darrell A. “Central Wisconsin consumer opinion survey” 1981 Christopherson, Merv Speaker trainer’s guide, n.d. Clark, William Leslie Testimonies, 1984 Wine ~ Dark Seas, 1977 Charles round low cloud: Voice of the Winnebago,1973 Some far-off Ithaca, 1972 The legend of Charlie Glass,1970 “The odyssey game” n.d. Tales of an old air-faring man, 1983 “English 355/555 composition for teachers” 1977 Clements, William H. See UWSP collection 11 Coble, Daniel “North American journal of fisheries management” 1988 11 12 Coker, David L. Diversity of intellective and non-intellective characteristics between persisting and non-persisting students among campus, 1968 Collins, Joseph. V. For the publications and manuscripts of Joseph V. Collins see: Joseph Victor Collins papers collection 1 “The nature and study of Algebra” 1887 “Mathematical definitions in text-books and dictionaries” 1910 Conone, Ruth Prenatal education: Interagency cooperation n.d. Copes, Frederick A. Investigation of the influence of late 19th-early 20th century logging on fluvial geomorphology and fisheries habitat on the Indian River, located in PCHS, call # GB428_M5 I69 1993 Cray, Randy “Workforce needs of central Wisconsin: a survey of area employers” n.d. Crew, Louie “Faculty homophobia at the University of Wisconsin/ Stevens Point” 1981 “Before emancipation: gay persons as viewed by chairpersons in English”1978 Croft, Mary K. The leisure pen, 1988 (2) The writing laboratory, 1982 Crow, Frank Book Review, 1968 Culver, Garry E. “On a little known region of North-Western Montana” 1891 (2) “On a new occurrence of olivine diabase in Minnehaha County, South Dakota” 1891 (2) “Geological forces and the work they accomplish” 1892 “The problem of irrigation in the Dakotas” 1899 “The erosive action of ice” 1895 (2) Culver, Garry E. “Some early personal recollections” n.d. “The memoirs of Garry Culver” n.d. Curtis, Jack “Number of response alternatives and spatial arrangement on a visual discrimination task” 1978 “Intelligibility of the esophageal speaker” 1971 “The auditory abilities of the blind as compared with the sighted” 1969 “A comparison of the efficacy of two methods of mobility training for the blind, using blindfolded sighted subjects” Curtis, John “Heterophylly in populous grandidentata (Salicaceae)with emphasis on resin glands and extrafloral nectaries” 1978 Davidson, William C. 13 14 15 Curricular offerings of Wisconsin colleges with certification programs in speech, drama, English, and journalism, 1973 Davis, Mildred The teacher’s book and phonetics, 1926 (2) Decker, Donna Poems written under the influence of paradise, 1999 Decruz, James “The cementing of cultural pluralism in metropolitan Seven Point – the think international dimension” 1990 Detwyler, Thomas Mans impact on environment, 1971 Diemer, George Willis Bound Volume: “Addresses to the Faculty and Inaugural Address” ca. 19371955 Dietrich, Coralie “Changes in reading achievement, perceptual motor ability, and behavior adjustment as a function of perceptual motor training and individualized remedial reading instruction” 1972 Phycology course proposals Dietrich, Dan The rites of writing, 1982 “Surviving the paper load” 1987 ed. “What writing training can—and can’t—do” 1994 ed. “The document design center” 1994 “Get with the program(s) Windows for writing consultants” 1995 ed. “Put people first” 1995 “edited by Dan Dietrich” “Announcing the association of professional communication consultants” 1995 ed. “President’s podium: identifying characteristics of a good consultant” 1996 ed. “Weaving an untangled web” 1996 ed. Resources for business writers, 1982 (6) Resources for writing, editing, and publishing, 1995 (2) Resources for Business writers, 1995 (3) Dietrich, Donald “The tortoise and the hare: the individualized history survey course and the computer” n.d. “Histips (history information processing system) at the university of the Wisconsin-Stevens Point” 1983 “Ferdinand Frodl, S. J.: A theological analysis of Aryanism in the third Reich” n.d. “Romantic Idealism and Roman Catholicism: Schelling and the theologians” n.d. “Euthanasia and anti-Semitism: Catholic theology in the third Reich” 1983 “German historicism and the changing image of the church” 1981 Difford, Winthrop C. Introduction to oceanography science of the seventies, 1967 Demchik, Michael C. - Soul of the Place Dixon, George Cultural primitivism and related ideas and ideals: a case study in the sociology of knowledge, 1954 Part 1 Correspondence: August 4, 1969 Dixon, George 16 17 Cultural primitivism and related ideas and ideals: a case study in the sociology of knowledge, 1954 Part 2 Dixon, George I.J. “Sociological ethos as social illusion: the new left’s contribution to iconoclasm” n.d. “Partisan and consequential sociology: an excursus on Gouldner and Tumin” n.d. “About cooperative programs in social work education” 1962 “The character of social problems in social science: A preliminary for a study in political sociology” 1969 “The “far right” as a study in the history of ideas and the sociology of knowledge” 1965 “Some modest proposals re: teaching the obvious” 1973 “Nuclear waste: time bomb in our bones”1986 “The Wisconsin archeologist” 1956 Methodologies for the study of low-level radiation in the Midwest, 1979 (2) Dorgan, Ruth “Cemetery” 1984 Biographical material “A why optimist, John Joanis hardly seems ready to retire” 1985 “Come Back...” 1985 “Protect us from zealots” 1985 “The Stratford” 1985 “Savoring the Sherman” 1985 “Man in motion” 1985 “The many faces of Santa” 1985 Doudna, Quincy “Report of a survey of teacher education in the West Indies” 1960 Dowdling, Fred R. “The teacher and communication theory” Education 81 (November, 1960): 181-184 Dressel, Paul L. “Home economics seminar” 1961 Dreyfus, Lee S. (See: Dreyfus Papers, Coll. 21) Ellery, John B. “Sierra Leone—the land and the language” 1969 “Communication cosmos and chaos” 1966 18 “ A mass communication curriculum” 1960 “Teaching English in Sierra Leone” n.d. “TV production techniques and teaching efficiency” 1961 Elsenrath, Dennis “Microteaching interviewing skills” Journal of counseling psychology 19 (1972): 150-155 Elsenrath, Dennis Teaching interviewers delayed, brief responses, 1970 Engel, David The perils of country living, 1975 Erlenbach, Julius E. “Brass: French horn Maintenance” The Instrumentalist XXIX( May,1975): 5154 “Daily warm-ups for the young horn student” 1971 Erlenbach, Rebecca Modules in music methods for classroom teachers, 1972 Evans, C.C. “School hygiene”, n.d. Face, Richard “Secular history in twelfth-century Italy: Caffaro of Genoa” Journal of Medieval History 6 (1980): 169-184 “Symon De Gualterio: A brief portrait of thirteenth-century man of affairs” n.d. Farlow, Barbara A. An equal chance handbook for counselling Indian students, n.d. Fothergill, Garland “Good teaching” 1962 Faust, Alice “A play in two acts and six scenes” 1973 Ferguson, Donald W. Piramus et tisbe, n.d. Fish, Virginia “More than lore”*Marion Talbot and her role in the founding years of the University of Chicago” International Journal of Women’s Studies 8 (1985): 228-249 Franklin, Jimmie “The fight for prohibition in Oklahoma territory” Social Science Quarterly 49 (1969)876-885 Freckmann, Robert Botanical club of Wisconsin: Newsletter 9 (October, 1977) o “An introduction to grass identification” 1-8 o “Keys to genera of Wisconsin grasses” 9-36 “Glyceria maxima” Botanical Club of Wisconsin: The Bulletin 11 (November, 1979):30-35 Frederick, Rick The awareness factor, n.d. 19 20 21 Freedeman, Charles E. The conseil d’etat in modern France, 1961 “Joint-stock business organization in France, 1807-1867” The Business History Review XXXIX (Summer 1965):184-204 Friedman, Paul “The ritual” Wisconsin Review 1 (April 1966): 17-31 Fritschel, A.L. “Manual for team members” 1975 “Education system worlds apart: A look at how they teach Johnny to read in England, Ireland and Wales” 1985 Garcia, Ricardo “Resolving conflicts in diverse classrooms with case studies” Multicultural Education the journal of the National Association for Multicultural Education 3 (Winter 1995): 21-25 Gasque, Edward C. Salem and the devil: an episode in the demonological tradition, 1969 A manual of laboratory experiences in cell biology, Second printing 1985 Gasque, Edward C. A manual of laboratory experiences in plant physiology, Sixth printing 19851986 Gatsie, Carol “<<Siberian>> Gold collected by Peter The Great: The Gagarin Gift” Artibus Asiae XXXVII (1975): 209-228 George, Philip C. “Shared indebtedness—a concept for controlling student education debt” The journal of student financial aid 12 (February, 1982)26-32 “A survey of high school students’ knowledge of financial aid and their college plans” 1968 Gesell, Arnold “Retrospect and Commencement” 1934 See also pointer April 1899 Geesey, Richard Tree Identification, 1975 Geeseman, Gordon E. Growth and exportation of horticulture plants and their products from South America to the United States, 1989 Gibb, Leonard L. “Home background and self-actualization attainment” The journal of college student personnel (January, 1968)49-53 Gibson, Guy Lincoln’s league: the union league movement during the Civil War part II, n.d. Lincoln’s league: the union league movement during the Civil War part III, n.d. Gibson, Guy Lincoln’s league: the union league movement during the Civil War part I, n.d. Gingrasso, Susan 22 Views from the Bridge: Reflections in to Changed Practice with Leslie Owen Wilson Ed. “A report on the implementation of K-12 dance education” n.d. “North Carolina: State of the Arts” Designs for art in education 93 (September/October 1991) 9-20 “Dance curricula survey analysis” n.d. Goodhue, Margaret H. “Cytologie de quelques populations d’erysimum (grex grandiflorumsylvestre) d’italie et de France” 1977 “A numerical taxonomic analysis of the genus Erysimum (Brassicaceae) in Colorado” Botanical society of America n.d. “On the taxonomy of the genus Erysimum (Brassicaceae) in Wisconsin” n.d. “A numerical analysis of erysimum cheiranthoides in Wisconsin” n.d. Gotham, Jerry “A comparison of academic achievements of students participating and those not participating in athletics at UW-Stevens Point” 1985 Gotham, R.E. “The early development of secondary education and normal schools in Wisconsin” n.d. Goulet, Daniel “Applying model curricula to a particular environment” 1982 Graf, David “Staffing and personnel: concerns of the current scene and the coming decade” 1979 Gross, Michael (See: Trapp, Suzanne & Ron Zimmerman) Haferbecker, Gordon M. “The new Wisconsin labor law: last offer arbitration for municipal employees” 1978 Wisconsin labor laws, 1958 (2) Hall, Kent “The absence of glycerol in hibernating American Toad (Bufo americanus)”A quarterly journal of biology 55 (1984) 31-36 “Beta beta beta convention” 1984 “The effects of water temperature on molting and egg production following eyestalk ablation in two species of crayfish, Orconectes rusticus and Orconectes propinquus” n.d. Hanford, William C. “Address to fine arts faculty Wisconsin State University” 1968 Hansen, William C. ( See – Hansen Papers, Coll. 9) Hanson, Gertie L. “A junior-senior high school evaluated reading list for American history” Central state teachers college bulletin 3 (October, December, 1932) 5-14 “Radio in the school” Official bulletin of the Wisconsin Elementary school principals’ association 2 (April, 1940) 6-7 Hanson, Thomas J. “A computer technique for projecting yields of even-aged red pines in the 23 lake states” n.d. Harpstead, Milo I. “A laboratory manual for students of pedology” 1981 “A pedological characterization of five profiles in gray wooded soils area of Minnesota” Soil science society of America proceedings” 28 (JanuaryFebruary 1964) 113-118 “ Storage of soil samples and its effect upon the subsequent accumulation of nitrate nitrogen during controlled incubation” Soil science society of America proceedings 22 (July-August 1958) 326-328 Harris, Joseph B. “Studies of Euglena Gracilis in aging cultures I. Light microscopy and cytochemistry” British Phycological Journal 9 (June, 1974) 164-174 “ The effect of light exposure time and leaf age on the development of the photosynthetic apparatus in greening tobacco” 1958 “Studies on changes in plastids and other cell particles during greening of the tobacco leaf” Dissertation Abstracts 20 (1960) unpaginated “Zinc, Auxin and tryptophan relationships in gossypium” n.d. “Changes in composition of cell particles of tobacco leaves during greening” 1959 “Some effects of urea and maleic hydrazide on flue-cured tobacco” ‘TOBACCO’ New York 153 (December, 1961) 20-23 “Changes in the etiolated tobacco leaf during greening I. structure of the chloroplast” Tobacco Science 11 (December, 1967)168-174 Hays, Rhys W. Selected writings of Rhys W. Hays, 1926-1976 “Rotoland, subprior of aberconway, and the controversy over the see of Bangor, 1199-1204” Journal of the Historical Society of the Church in Wales XVIII (1963) 9-19 “Welsh students at Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the middle ages” The Welsh History Review: Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru 4 (1969) 325-361 (2) “The Norman Achievement”( book review) Church History (1920) “Joseph Harrington’s first three books” The armchair detective IV (January, 1971) 104-106 Hekmat, Hamid “ A comparative study of empathy” Arch Gen Psychiat 25 (Dec, 1971) 490493 Hekmat, Hamid (1971-1995) “Extraversion, neuroticism, and verbal conditioning of affective selfdisclosures” Journal of Counseling Psychology 18 (1971) 64-69 “Three techniques of reinforcement modification: a comparison” Behavior Theory 5 (1974) 541-548 “Semantic behavior therapy: unidimensional or multidimensional?” Behavior Theory 8 (1977) 805-809 “Origins and development of human fear reactions” Journal of Anxiety Disorders 1 (1987) 197-218 “Paradigmatic behaviorism & emotions” 1988 “Pain tolerance” 1988 24 “Pain tolerance: reflections on gender issues” 1990 “The role of gender in the experience and communication of pain” 1990 (2) “The reinforcing effects of relaxation interventions” 1991 “Promoting healthy nutritional habits by paradigmatic behavior therapy” Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 22 (1991) 291-298 “Coping with cold-pressor pain: effects of mood and covert imaginal modeling” The Psychological Record 44 (1994) 207-220 “Type A personality and responsiveness to pain intervention” 1995 Hekmat, Hamid (1996-2007) “The psychological behaviorism theory of pain: a basis for unity” Pain Forum 5 (1996) 194-207 “Neglecting language conditioning” 1997 “Suggestion/placebo effects on pain: negative as well as positive” Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 15 (April, 1998) 235-243 “Do sexual fantasies alleviate pain?” 1999 (2) “The psychological behaviorism theory of pain and the placebo: its principles and results of research application” Clark MR, Treisman GJ (eds): Pain and Depression. An Interdisciplinary Patient-Centered Approach. Adv Psychosom Med. Basel, Karger 25 (2004) 28-40 o “Does type D personality predict acute pain reactions?” referencing article above n.d. “Anger management intervention decreases pain, anxiety, moodiness” Pain Medicine News (March/April 2005) 24 interviews with Hamid Hekmat “Do spiritual fantasies facilitate coping with acute pain?” 2006 “Do romantic and fantasies facilitate coping with acute pain?” 2007 (3) “Do food fantasies facilitate coping with acute pain?” (abstract) n.d. “Does self-management of stress facilitate coping with acute pain?” 2007 Hekmat, Hamid (2008-2009; Undated) “Do food fantasies facilitate coping with acute pain?” 2008 “Does self-management of pain anxiety facilitate coping with acute pain?” 2008 (3) “Do drinking fantasies facilitate coping with acute pain?” 2009 (2) “The placebo-suggestion and pain: negative as well as positive” n.d. “The psychological-behaviorism theory of pain: biological, behavioral and psychological principles” n.d. “Semantic desensitization of phobic disorders: a language conditioning approach” n.d. “Semantic behavior therapy intervention for chronic osteoarthritis pain” n.d. Herman, Arthur L. An introduction to Indian thought, 1976 The ways of philosophy, 1990 The problem of evil and Indian thought, 1976 The Bhagavad Gita,1973 Herman, Arthur L. Problems in Philosophy West & East, 1975 Herman, Arthur L. 25 26 “Civicide: The decline and fall of the Harappan Civilization” 1979 “College Cheating” Journal of Higher Education XXXVII (May, 1966) 260-266 “Plato as Pythagorean” 1970 “The philosophy of Tar-Water: Bishop Berkeley and Medico-pyro-pantheism” The Aryan Path (June-July 1966) 8-11, 270-275 “An essay concerning Clive Bell” The Aryan Path ( Spring 1968) “The poverty of modern art: a catalogue of aesthetic prejudices” The Aryan Path ( May-June 1965) 221-224, 254-259 “Is modern science immoral” n.d. “The nature of judgment” n.d. “Ethical theory in Theravada Buddhism” Ethical theory of Theravada Buddhism XLVIL 171-187, Parts 1-4 ““You bet it’s ugly, but what the hell can you do?” Reflections on ugly classrooms” Journal of Higher Education 39 (October 1968) p376 India Folk Tales, 1968 “Satyagraha: A new Indian word for some old ways of Western thinking” Philosophy East & West 19 (April 1969) 123-142 “Indian theodicy: Samkara and Ramanuja on Brahma Sutra II. 1. 32-36” Philosophy East & West 21 (July 1971) 265-281 “Gora as traditional literature” The visva-bharati quarterly (n.d.) 234-247 “Sphota and the origin of verbal holism in Plato’s dialogues” The Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute XXVI (October, 1970) 1-14 “Sphota” The Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute XIX (Nov., 1962-Aug., 1963) 1-21 “Morality and religion” The Aryan Path (Oct., 1963) “Maya” The Aryan Path ( June 1963) 1-7 “Again, Albert Schweitzer and Indian thought” Philosophy East & West XII (Oct., 1962) 217-232 Herrick, Alfred J. “Lesson plan manual” 1931 “Lesson plan manual” n.d. “A dozen different ways of getting greater efficiency in the teaching, study, and learning of arithmetic” n.d. “ Suggestions on procedure in giving and scoring newer types of informal school test and examinations” 1921 “An outline of principles and devices for drill” “Diagnosis of faults in handwriting with remedial suggestions” Herrick, Alfred J. “An outline of lesson types” n.d. “An outline for teaching study habits training school” 1926 “Vocabulary building” 1934 Hettler, Bill “Prospective medicine in a university setting: lifestyle development” n.d. “A lifestyle improvement program that pays for itself” n.d. “Wellness promotion a university campus” 1980 27 “A comparison of seven methods of health hazard appraisal” Hoff, Donald “12th grade traffic safety curriculum: stage 1” August, 1979 “12th grade traffic safety curriculum: advanced traffic safety education” August, 1981 Hoffbeck, Harlan “ An investigation of the relationship between audiovisual training and audiovisual utilization among the faculty of Wisconsin State University Stevens Point” 1968 Hogeland, Ronald W. “Coeducation of the sexes at Oberlin college: A study of social ideas in midnineteenth-century America” Journal of social history (winter 1972-73) “Charles Hodge, the association of gentlemen and ornamental womanhood: A study of social ideas” Spring, 1970 “ Horace Bushnell’s concept of the American woman: A case study in masculine ambivalence” 1969 “’The female appendage’: Feminine Life-Styles in America, 1829-1860” Civil War History XVII (June, 1971) 101-115 Holborn, David “Newman’s University and the liberal arts in the modern curriculum” n.d. Holdridge, John “Black business in Minneapolis & St. Paul” A comparative study of black and white owned businesses” March, 1971 Holman, Paul C. “The system approach to instruction” n.d. “Discrete data element analysis” presented July 25, 1969 “Algebraic webbing a basic planning and analysis tool for higher education institutions” February, 1976 “Percentile rank development, use and misuse” n.d. “A procedure to develop a detailed analytic instrument to assess tenure density and the personnel effects of program changes” 1979 “4051 Prints and Teaches Braille” Tekniques 2 (n.d.) 13 “CAD contest winners from Canada, Virginia, and Kansas: Won honorable mention” Tekniques 2 (n.d.) 7 “A useful tenure planning and analysis technique” 1978 “Watch your base” n.d. Horn, Fern M. “Appraisal of curriculum materials developed for use by secondary home economics teachers” 1966 “Development of instructional Materials for use by home economics teachers with EMR students” 1974 “Characteristics of the learner and implications for home economics” 1970 “Using the problem solving approach in teaching foods and nutrition on the meal basis” 1971 “Instructional materials for HE ED 391 curriculum for home economics” 1977 28 “Format for developing self directed learning packages utilizing the Wisconsin home economics conceptual structure and planning guide” 1971 “Self directed learning package supplementary lessons A-D”1972 “Self directed learning package for use in consumer and homemaking curriculum projects” 1972 Houlihan, Dan “Faculty opinion survey” 1968 Sean Murphy, 1984 Stretcher he can stretch anything! ,2005 Hyer, Frank S. 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