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D. Self and Society:
Understanding Oneself and the Social World
(Minimum of 3 credits required)
ANT 101
Human Nature/Human Culture (3)
ARC 100
Archaeology: Discovering our Past (3)
ART302 n Visual Language in the Global Classroom (3)
CHE 200
Public Health for the Educated Citizen (3)
CST 271
Contemporary Media in Everyday Life (3)
ECO 110
Microeconomics and Public Policy (3)
ECO*/THA 376* Economics of Art and Entertainment (3)
ENG220 n* Women and Popular Culture (3)
ERS220 n Ethnic and Racial Stereotyping in the Media (3)
FIN 207
Personal Finance (3)
GEO 102
Maps and Society (3)
POL 101
American National Government (3)
POL 102
State and Local Government (3)
POL 206* Human Nature and Political Life (3)
PSY 100
General Psychology (3)
SOC 110
The Social World (3)
SOC 120
Social Problems (3)
THA 130* Multicultural U.S. Plays: Acting the Text (3)
UWL 100 First-Year Student Seminar (1)
E. Humanistic Studies:
The Search for Values and Meaning
List 1
CHI 305* Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature
ENG200 n Literature and Human Experience (3)
ENG201 n American Literature I (3)
ENG202 n American Literature II (3)
ENG 203 n English Literature I (3)
ENG204 n English Literature II (3)
ENG205 n Western Literature I (3)
ENG206 n* Western Literature II (3)
GER 399* German Literature in Translation (3)
MLG 299* Foreign Literature in Translation (3)
RUS 305* Golden Age Russian Literature and Culture (3)
List 2
HIS 205 * History of Ethical Values in World Religions (3)
PHL 100
Introduction to Philosophy (3)
PHL200 n* Introduction to the Literature of Philosophy (3)
POL 251* Justice, Power, and Politics (3)
F. Arts: The Aesthetic Experience
(Minimum of 2 courses required from different departments)
2013-2015 CATALOG
(Minimum of 3 credits required. One course must be a Literature
course from List 1.)
160 172 104 105
120 201* Art Appreciation (2)
General Art Foundations (3)
Photography Survey (3)
Dance Appreciation (2)
Music Appreciation (2)
The Listening Experience in Music (3)
Musical Classroom (3)
Philosophy of the Arts (3)
Theatre Appreciation (2)
Acting for Non-Majors (3)
Dramatic Literature and Theatre Arts (3)
G. Health and Physical Well-Being:
Learning to Create Healthy Lives
(Minimum of 3 credits required)
HED 207
HPR 105
SAH 105
Youth Health Issues (3)
Creating a Healthy, Active Lifestyle (3)
Analysis of Health, Wellness and Disease
for the Healthcare Consumer (3)
n Course has prerequisites
* Not offered fall 2014
Updated April 2014
The degree requirements of al l
undergraduate students at the University
of Wisconsin-La Crosse include the
completion of the General Education
Program, the core requirements of their
respective college or school, their major
requirements, and electives to meet the
minimum of 120 credits.
General Education is the common
intellectual experience for all undergraduates
at UW-L. It is uniquely concerned with
the broad education of the whole person,
and plays a vital role in preparing students
for life beyond the university. The General
Education courses at UW-L seek to develop
independent and critical thinking abilities,
in addition to knowledge of the subject
matter of the courses.
First-year students are encouraged to
initially enroll in courses in the General
Education Program. Requirements in the
General Education Program are outlined
in two groups of courses: Skills and Liberal
Studies. Making careful choices in General
Education may fulfill some of the core
requirements of your college or school for
your selected major. At registration time,
a faculty adviser will assist you in further
exploring the General Education Program
and course selection.
I. Skills
B. Math/Logical Systems and
Foreign Languages
II. Liberal Studies
A. Minority Cultures or Multiracial
Women’s Studies
B. International and Multicultural
D.Self and Society
E. Humanistic Studies
G.Health and Physical Well-Being
General Education Requirements 2013-2015 Catalog
1. Students must earn a minimum of 48 credits of General
Education courses.
2. Students must earn the minimum credits within each
category (totaling 39 credits). Course credits are
identified in parenthesis.
3. Students earn the remaining credits from any
combination of categories.
4. Students must complete CST 110, ENG 110 or ENG
112 and a General Education MTH course prior to
earning 60 credits.
Literacy: Tools for Skilled Communication
(6 credits required)
CST110 Communicating Effectively (3)
ENG 110 College Writing I (3) or
ENG 112n College Writing AP (Advanced Placement) (3)
Note: Students receiving less than a grade of “C” in CST 110,
ENG 110 or ENG 112 must repeat the course.
Note: ENG 112 is only open to students with an English AP
score of 3 or 4.
Writing Emphasis Courses (2 courses required)
All students must complete two writing emphasis courses at
the 200 level or above, one of which must be at the 300 level
or above. One course must be in the major (not core). Many
departments offer writing emphasis courses. See the class
schedule for information on offerings each semester. Numerous
departments have writing-in-the-major programs. They
incorporate writing requirements across their curriculum rather
than identifying specific classes as writing emphasis classes.
Students with majors in these departments will fulfill their
writing emphasis requirement by completing that major. Transfer
students who transfer courses from another institution that are
applicable to the major should consult the department about
fulfillment of the writing emphasis requirement.
Note: Writing emphasis courses do not count toward the 48
credit General Education requirement unless identified in
one of the General Education categories.
Descriptions of General Education courses are available at
B. Mathematical/Logical Systems and Foreign
Languages: Tools for Structured Analysis and
(Minimum of 7 credits required. A minimum of 3 credits must be
taken in Mathematics from List 1. In list 1, only one course in each of
the “or” pairs can be used to meet General Education requirements.)
List 1
MTH135 n Mathematics For Elementary Teachers I (4)
MTH136 n Mathematics For Elementary Teachers II (4)
MTH 145
Elementary Statistics (4)
MTH 150
College Algebra (4) or
MTH151 n Pre-Calculus (4)
MTH175 n Applied Calculus (4) or
MTH207 n Calculus I (5)
MTH208 n Calculus II (4)
MTH265 n* Mathematical Models in Biology (4)
List 2
CS 120 n Software Design I (4)
CT 100
Introduction to Computational Thinking (3)
PHL 101
Introduction to Logic (3)
CHI102 n* Elementary Chinese II (4)
CHI201 n Intermediate Chinese I (4)
CHI202 n* Intermediate Chinese II (4)
MLG102 n* Elementary (World Language) II (4)
MLG201 n Intermediate (World Language) I (4)
MLG202 n* Intermediate (World Language) II (4)
MLG204 n Intermediate (Heritage Language) (4)
FRE102 n Elementary French II (4)
FRE201 n Intermediate French I (3)
FRE202 n Intermediate French II (4)
GER102 n Elementary German II (4)
GER201 n Intermediate German I (4)
GER202 n Intermediate German II (4)
RUS102 n* Elementary Russian II (4)
RUS201 n Intermediate Russian I (4)
RUS202 n*Intermediate Russian II (4)
SPA102 nElementary Spanish II (4)
SPA103 nElementary Spanish I and II (4)
SPA201 nIntermediate Spanish I (4)
SPA 202 nIntermediate Spanish II (4)
Note: ESL 252 or 253 AND one additional course from ESL 250,
251, 252 or 253 will also satisfy the Languages and other
Logical Systems category (max of four credits applicable
to General Education but must complete two courses with
one being a writing course - ESL 252 or 253). Open only to
students in the English as a Second Language program. Nonnative speakers of English may also satisfy modern language
option by exhibiting proficiency (a score of 70 or above)
on the La Crosse Battery of exams for non-native speakers
of English. (Contact the English as a Second Language
Institute for eligibility and regulation.)
in the UW-La Crosse Undergraduate Catalog
A. Minority Cultures or Multiracial Women’s Studies
(Minimum of 3 credits required)
ECO 336Women in the U.S. Economy (3)
EFN 205Understanding Human Differences (3)
ENG/ERS 207 n* Multicultural Literature of the U.S. (3)
ENG/ERS 210 n Literature of Black America (3)
ENG/ERS 215 n* African American Authors (3)
ERS 100Introduction to Ethnic & Racial Studies (3)
HIS 306*History of Ethnic America (3)
HIS 336*Hispanics in the United States (3)
MUS 209History of Jazz Culture (3)
PHL 335
Multicultural Philosophy in the U. S. (3)
POL 205 * Women and Politics (3)
PSY 285 n Culture & Mental Health: Applied Perspective (3)
PSY 318 n* Psychology of Women (3)
SAH307 n* Changing the Culture, Women in Science (3)
SOC 225
Racial and Ethnic Minorities (3)
WGS 100
Gender, Race and Class in American
Institutions (3)
WGS 210 * Women’s Voices/Women’s Culture (3)
WGS 230
Women’s Diversity: Race, Class and Culture (3)
B. International and Multicultural Studies:
Becoming World Citizens
(Minimum of 6 credits required. Must take HIS 101 or 102.)
List 1
HIS 101
HIS 102
Global Origins of the Modern World (3)
Global Transition and Change (3)
List 2 Global and Multicultural Studies (One course required)
ANT, ECO*, GEO, HIS*, POL, or SOC 202 Contemporary
Global Issues (3)
ART301 n World Art (3)
ECO 120
Global Macroeconomics (3)
ENG208 n* International Studies in Literature (3)
ENV 201
Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
FRE 220* France and the Francophone World (3)
GEO 110
World Cultural Regions (3)
GEO 200
Conservation of Global Environments (3)
HIS101 or 102 Global Origins of the Modern World (3) or
Global Transition and Change (3)
INS 250
Orientation to Study Abroad (1) +
INS251 n Study Abroad Practicum: Journaling (1) +
INS252 n Cross-Cultural Re-entry from Study
Abroad (1) +
MIC 130
Global Impact of Infectious Disease (3)
MLG304 n* Heritage Language: Advanced (4)
MUS 201 n Musical Cultures (3)
MUS 204* Latin American Music: Its Context and
Impact (3)
PHL336 n* International Multicultural Philosophy (3)
PHY 142* Going Nuclear: Navigating Global Nuclear
Issues (3)
POL 234 Comparative Political Systems (3)
PSY282 n Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)
THA351 n* World Theatre (3)
C. Science: Understanding the Natural World
(Minimum of 4 credits required. One course must be a Natural
Laboratory Science from List 1.)
List 1
Natural Laboratory Science
ANT 102Introduction to Physical Anthropology (4)
AST*/PHY 155 Solar System Astronomy (4)
AST*/PHY 160* Stars, Galaxies and the Universe (4)
BIO103 or 105 Introductory Biology (4) or
General Biology (4) CHM 100Contemporary Chemistry (4)
CHM103 nGeneral Chemistry I (5)
ESC 101Earth Environments (4)
MIC 100Microbes and Society (4)
PHY 103 Fundamental Physics I (4)
PHY106 nPhysical Science for Educators (4)
PHY 125Physics for the Life Sciences (4)
PHY203 nGeneral Physics I (4)
List 2
Science, Technology and Society: Emphasizing the Role
of Applied Science and Technology as Agents of Change
in Society
BIO 102* Contemporary Issues in Biological Sciences (3)
ESC 211
Global Warming and Climate Change (3)
n Course has prerequisites
* Not offered fall 2014
+ Students must complete all three INS courses to receive General
Education Credit