60.01 Relationships with Affiliated Organizations Policy Statement

60.01 Relationships with Affiliated Organizations
Reviewed April 15, 2016
Next Scheduled Review: April 15, 2021
Click to view Revision History.
Policy Statement
This policy provides authority and guidance to The Texas A&M University System (system)
members that engage in relationships with affiliated organizations.
Reason for Policy
Relationships between system members and affiliated organizations must be managed in
accordance with state and federal law.
Procedures and Responsibilities
1. Section 2255.001 of the Texas Government Code requires a state agency (including an
institution of higher education) that is authorized by statute to accept money from private
donors, or for which a private organization exists that is designed to further the purposes and
duties of the agency, to adopt rules governing the relationship between the donor or affiliated
organization and the agency and its employees.
2. The chancellor shall establish regulation(s) setting forth rules governing all aspects of
conduct of the system members and their employees who engage in a relationship with an
affiliated organization or donor, and the regulation must specifically address the following
administration and investment of funds received by the affiliated organization for the
benefit of the system member;
use of an employee or property of the system member by the donor or affiliated
service by an officer or employee of the system member as an officer or director of the
affiliated organization; and
the prohibition of monetary enrichment of an officer or employee of the system
member by the donor or affiliated organization.
60.01 Relationships with Affiliated Organizations
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3. Regulation(s) adopted under this policy may not conflict with, or supersede, a requirement of
a statute, system policy or regulation, or system member rule or procedure regulating the
conduct of an employee.
Related Statutes, Policies, or Requirements
Tex. Gov’t Code § 2255.001
Regulation 60.01.01, Association with Affiliated Organizations
Member Rule Requirements
A rule is not required to supplement this policy.
Contact Office
System Office of Budgets and Accounting
(979) 458-6100
60.01 Relationships with Affiliated Organizations
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