VOL. 8, NO 2 JUNE 2003 Events Calendar 45 ISPRS Events Calendar 12 April 2003 Version Note: ISPRS Sponsored Events are logo Highlighted New entries and changes are bold highlighted For up-to-date updates - visit the ISPRS Web Page www.isprs.org/calendar.html Send Updates to: Prof.Tuan-chih CHEN Fax: +886-2-2653-9148 E-mail: profchen@ms13.hinet.net P = Telephone F = Facsimile E = E-mail tbr = to be resolved 2 DATE 1-5 Sep 2003 0 0 WG = Working Group 3 EVENT SITE 49th Photogrammetric Week Ms. Martina Kroma P: +49-711-121-3386/F: -1213297/E: martina.kroma@ifp.unistuttgart.de Stuttgart, GERMANY Dr. Jochen Schiewe P: +49-4441-15558 F: +49-4441-15445 E: jschiewe@fzg.uni-vechta.de Barcelona, SPAIN SPIE P: +1-360-676-3290 F: +1-360-647-1445 E: spie@spie.org Beijing, CHINA Ms.LIU Xiaohong/Mr.XU Yansong P: +86-10-8858-1377; 8858-1386 F: +86-10-8858-1515 E: cnsa@cnsa.gov.cn http://www.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de 8-10 Sep 2003 Confirmed by Council Joint Workshop of Working Groups IV/3, 6 & 7 "Challenges in Geospatial Analysis, Integration and Visualization II" www.gin-online.de/isprs CONTACT Stuttgart, GERMANY 8-12 Sep 2003 Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council SPIE's Remote Sensing Europe 8-12 Sep 2003 "NEW" Twelfth United Nations/European Space Agency Workshop on Basic Space Science 10-12 Sep 2003 The Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society "Scales and Dynamics in Observing the Environment" www.geog.nottingham.ac.uk/~rspsoc03 Nottingham, UK RSPSoc Office P: +44-1159-515435/F: -515249 E: rspsoc@nottingham.ac.uk 14-20 Sep 2003 6th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling "ISTP 2003: Needs & Technologies" http://istp2003.tropos.de:8085/ Leipzig, GERMANY Ulla Wandinger P: +49-341-235-2154/F: -235-2361 E: istp@tropos.de 17-18 Sep 2003 "NEW" 2nd International Congress of the Geographers of the Islamic World www.igctmu.org/edefault.htm Tehran, IRAN Iranian Geographers Association P: +98-21-6949089/F: -6949088 E: info@igctmu.org Munich, GERMANY Prof. Helmut Mayer P: +49-89-6004-3429/3455 F: +49-89-6004-4090 E:Helmut.Mayer@UniBw-Muenchen.de E: pia03@remotesensing-tum.de Castelldefels, SPAIN WG I/5 Chair: Dr. Karsten Jacobsen P: +49-511-762-2485/F: -762-2483 E: karsten@ipi.uni-hannover.de Zurich, SWITZERLAND Liliane Steinbrueckner P: +41-1-633-3157/F: -633-1101 E: stein@geod.baug.ethz.ch Istanbul, TURKEY Armin Gruen (Chairman WG V/6) E: agruen@geod.baug.ethz.ch EAFS 2003 P: +90-212-287-5800/F: -263-4581 E: eafs2003@enfsi.org Cáceres, SPAIN Ana nieto Masot P: +34-927-257400/F: -257401 E: confibsig@unex.es Bremen, GERMANY UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at www.spie.org/ www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/act2003/china/index.htm 17-19 Sep 2003 Confirmed by Council Joint conference of WG II/IV, III/4, III/5, III/6 "Photogrammetric Image Analysis(PIA ’03)" http://serv.photo.verm.tu-muenchen.de/pia03/ www.remotesensing-tum.de/pia03 22-23 Sep 2003 "UPDATED" Confirmed by Council WG I/5 Workshop "Theory, Technology and Realities of Inertial/GPS Sensor Orientation" 22-25 Sep 2003 Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council Optical 3D Measurement Techniques Conference Comm. V, FIG, IAG http://isprsworkshop.ideg.es/ www.photogrammetry.ethz.ch/optical3d/ 22-27 Sep 2003 The European Academy of Forensic Science Third Triennial Meeting 24-26 Sep 2003 "NEW" IX Iberoamerican Conference of GIS www.eafs2003.org/ http://geot.unex.es/sibsig/congreso.htm 25-27 Sep 2003 "NEW" United Nations/International Astronautical Federation Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for the Benefit of Developing Countries www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html 46 VOL. 8, NO 2 JUNE 2003 Events Calendar 2 DATE 29 Sep – 3 Oct 2003 0 0 3 EVENT SITE 54 International Astronautical Congress 54th IAC Sekretariat P: +49-421-218-2154/F: -218-2521 E: outreach@iac2003.org Belo Horizonte, BRAZIL Brazilian Cartographic Society P: +55-21-2240-6901/F: -2262-2823 E: sbc.rlk@terra.com.br Antalya, TURKEY Prof. Dr. M. Orhan Altan (Symposium Director) P:+90-212 285 3810/F:212 285 6587 E: oaltan@itu.edu.tr www.iac2003.org/ 29 Sep-3Oct 2003 XXI Brazilian Cartographic Congress(CBC) CONTACT Bremen, GERMANY www.cartografia.org.br/ 30 Sep – 4 Oct 2003 CIPA Symposium "New Perspectives to Save Cultural Heritage" tbr Sep 2003 "NEW" United Nations/Austria/European Space Agency Symposium on the Use of Space Technology in Sustainable Development www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html Graz, AUSTRIA UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at tbr Sep/Oct 2003 "NEW" Fourth United Nations/International Academy of Aastronautics Workshop on Small Satellites at the Service of Developing Countries: A Contribution to Sustainable Development www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html Bremen, GERMANY UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at www.cipa2003-antalya.org/ 2-3 Oct 2003 Confirmed by Council WG IV/1 workshop "Spatial and Temporal Data Modelling: specifications,standards, formalisms and other system design issues" www.commission4.isprs.org/wg1 Québec, CANADA Yvan Bédard(Chair WG IV/1) P: +1-418-656-2131#3694 F: +1-418-656-3607 E: yvan.bedard@scg.ulaval.ca 6-8 Oct 2003 Confirmed by Council WG I/2, I/5 & IC WG II/IV Workshop "High Resolution Mapping from Space 2003" Hannover, GERMANY WG I/5 Chair: Dr. Karsten Jacobsen P: +49-511-762-2485/F: -762-2483 E: karsten@ipi.uni-hannover.de Banff, Alberta, CANADA Conference E: 3dimconf@nrc.ca Dresden, GERMANY WG III/3 Co-Chiar: Prof. Hans-Gerd Maas P: +49-351-463-32859/F: -463-37266 E: hmaas@rcs1.urz.tu-dresden.de Portland, USA Dr. Anthony Stefanidis(Chair WG V/5) P: +1-207-581-2127/F: -581-2206 E: tony@spatial.maine.edu www.ipi.uni-hannover.de/html/aktuelles/tagungen.htm 6-10 Oct 2003 4th International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling www.3DIMconference.org 8-10 Oct 2003 Confirmed by Council 9-11 Oct 2003 "NEW" Confirmed by Council WG III/3 workshop on airborne laserscanning "3-D reconstruction from airborne laserscanner and InSAR data" www.tu-dresden.de/fghgipf/photo/ALS_DD2003/ALS_DD2003.html WG V/5 workshop GeoSensor Networks (GSN’03) (web site not ready) 13-15 Oct 2003 "UPDATED" Map Asia 2003. 2nd Annual Asian Conference & Exhibition on GIS, GPS, Aerial Photography & Remote Sensing www.MapAsia.org Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Map Asia 2003 Secretariat P: +65-6562-7983/F: -6562-7984 E: info@mapasia.org 14-16 Oct 2003 "NEW" 3rd International Symposium on Geophysics Tanta, EGYPT Prof. Dr. Aziz M. Kafafy E: akafafy1@yahoo.com Prof. Dr. A. L. Abdeldayem E: aldayem@netscape.net Badajoz, SPAIN J.A.Mesa Gonzalez APHYS-2003 Secretariat E: secretariat@formatex.org Zagreb, Republic of CROATIA Ms.Ivana Sainovic P:+ 385-1-3657-392/F: -1-6157-389 E: ivana.sainovic@dgu.hr WG VI/3 Chair: Ulrike Karin Rivet E: ulrike@eng.uct.ac.za Calgary, CANADA Dr. Alec McEwen P: +1-613-224-9851/F: -224-9577 E: admincig@magma.ca Kyoto, JAPAN Prof. Yoshifumi Yasuoka (Chair WG VII/6) P: +81-3-5452-6409/F: -5452-6408 E: yyasuoka@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp Ms. Chiwako Fujino E: chiwa@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp Charleston, USA ASPRS P: +1-301-493-0290/F: -493-0208 E: asprs@asprs.org (web site not ready) 14-18 Oct 2003 "NEW" International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS-2003) www.formatex.org/aphys2003/aphys2003.htm 15-18 Oct 2003 "UPDATED" Confirmed by Council Meeting of WG VI/3 "Geoinformation for Practice" www.comm6wg3-isprs-meeting2003.com.hr/ 16-18 Oct 2003 "NEW" 21-22 Oct 2003 "UPDATED" Confirmed by Council 96th Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics "Geomatics for Industry - Micro to Macro" www.cig-acsg.ca WG VII/6 Workshop Monitoring and Modeling of Global Environmental Change http://jsprs.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jsprs/isprs/top.html 25-30 Oct 2003 ASPRS Workshop "Terrain Data: Applications and Visualization Making the Connection" www.asprs.org/asprs/meetings/calendar.html VOL. 8, NO 2 JUNE 2003 Events Calendar 2 DATE 0 0 47 3 EVENT SITE CONTACT 27-28 Oct 2003 "NEW" IEEE Workshop on Advances in Techniques for Analysis of RemotelySensed Data http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/grss/ Washington DC, USA IEEE-USA P: +1-202-785-0017/F: -785-0835 E: ieeeusa@ieee.org tbr Oct 2003 "NEW" United Nations Workshop on Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue Miami, USA UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html tbr Oct 2003 "NEW" United Nations/Saudi Arabia Regional Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html tbr, SAUDI ARABIA UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at tbr Oct/Nov 2003 "NEW" United Nations Workshop on Space Law Daejeon, KOREA UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at 3-7 Nov 2003 "UPDATED" 24th ACRS 2003 Busan, KOREA Prof. Young-Seup Kim P: +82-51-620-6271/F: -51-625-2529 E: kimys@pknu.ac.kr 3-7 Nov 2003 "NEW" 7th South East Asian Survey Congress (SEASC2003) Hong Kong, CHINA Congress Secretariat Ms. Tessa CHIU P: +852-25599973/F: -25479528 E: enquiry@seasc2003hk.org 6-7 Nov 2003 Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council International Symposium "Modern Technologies, Education & Professional Practice in the Globalizing World" (web site not ready) Sofia, BULGARIA Prof. Dr. Eng. Georgi Milev P: +359-2-700-406/F: -720-841 E: milev@bas.bg 6-8 Nov 2003 "NEW" Conf. by Council WG IV/4 tutorial on "Spatial Data Infrastructure for Urban Planning and Management" (web site not ready) Dehradun, INDIA Parth Sarathi Roy(Chair WG IV/4) P: +91-135-744583/F: -741987 E: psr@iirs.gov.in 10-14 Nov 2003 "UPDATED" 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 30ISRSE P: +1-808-944-7557/F: -944-7399 E: 30isrse@eastwestcenter.org Wuhan, CHINA Ms. SHI Lite P & F: +86-27-8764-3969°@°@ E: lilyshi@mail.liesmars.wtusm.edu.cn little_shi@sina.com Tokyo, JAPAN Maritime Transport Co-research Center P: +81-3-5245-7376/F: -5620-6468 E: webmaster@gnss.jp Miami, USA UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html www.acrs03isrs.org/ www.seasc2003hk.org/ http://isrse.pdc.org/ 15-18 Nov 2003 "NEW" Asia GIS 2003 Conference http://mail.liesmars.wtusm.edu.cn/asiagis2003/ 15-18 Nov 2003 "NEW" 2003 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS http://www.gnss.jp/ 17-21 Nov 2003 "UPDATED" United Nations Workshop on Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html 2-5 Dec 2003 "NEW" Confirmed by Council WG I/2 International Workshop on Radiometric & Geometric Calibration (web site not ready) Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, USA Prof. Stanley Morain(President Comm.I) E: smorain@edac.unm.edu Amy Budge(Secretary Comm.I) E: abudge@edac.unm.edu 3-5 Dec 2003 Confirmed by Council Joint Workshop WG II/5 & WG II/6 On Spatial Analysis and Decision Making http://kartoweb.itc.nl/SADM2003 Hong Kong, CHINA Dr. Qiming Zhou P: +852-3411-5048/F: -3411-5990 E: qiming@hkbu.edu.hk 9-12 Dec 2003 Confirmed by Council WG VII/3 workshop on "Integrated Monitoring System" (web site not ready) Thiruvananthapuram, INDIA Shailesh Nayak(Chair WG VII/3) P: +91-79-6914141/F: -6760626 E: snayakad1@snacharnet.in 10-12 Dec 2003 "NEW" 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering www.dis.uniroma1.it/~wise03/ Roma, ITALY WISE2003 E: wise03@dis.uniroma1.it 13 Dec 2003 "NEW" Third International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems "W2GIS 2003" www.cs.ucd.ie/w2gis/ Roma, ITALY Dr. Michela Bertolotto E: michela.bertolotto@ucd.ie Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA Dr. Raad A. Saleh P: +1-608-238-4825 E: rsaleh@charter.net Vienna, AUSTRIA UN Office for Outer Space Affairs P: +43-1-260-60-4950/F: -60-5830 E: oosa@oosa.un.or.at 13-16 Dec 2003 Confirmed by Council tbr Dec 2003 "NEW" WG I/4; International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation; Systems, Techniques, and Applications (web site not ready) United Nations/United States of America International Workshop on Global Navigation Satellite Systems www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/sched/index.html 48 VOL. 8, NO 2 JUNE 2003 Events Calendar 2 DATE 15-19 Mar 2004 "NEW" 0 0 4 EVENT SITE 14th International Conference on Engineering Surveying CONTACT Zürich, SWITZERLAND Prof. Dr. Hilmar Ingensand P: +41-1-633-3056/F: -633-1101 E: ingensand@geod.baug.ethz.ch www.iv2004.ethz.ch/index_e.htm 23-28 May 2004 FIG Working Week and XXVII General Assembly www.tee.gr/fig2004/ Athens, GREECE FIG 2004 Organizing Committee E: fig2004@tee.gr 24-28 May 2004 "NEW" ASPRS Annual Conference Denver, USA ASPRS P: +1-301-493-0290/F: -493-0208 E: asprs@asprs.org www.asprs.org/asprs/meetings/calendar.html 10-12 July 2004 "NEW" Confirmed by Council IC WG II/IV 5th Joint ICA/ISPRS/EuroGeographics Workshop on Incremental Updating and Versioning of Spatial Data Bases http://geo.haifa.ac.il/~icaupdt Istanbul, TURKEY Dr. Ammatzia Peled (Co-chair IC WG II/IV) P: +972-4-8-240-148/F: -249-605 E: peled@geo.haifa.ac.il CC: rjb@rjb-3d.com 12-23 July 2004 Confirmed by Council XXth ISPRS Congress -- Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents Istanbul, TURKEY Prof. Dr. M. Orhan Altan - Congress Director P:+90-212-285-3810 /F: -285-6587 E: oaltan@itu.edu.tr Paris, FRANCE COSPAR Secretariat P: +33 1 45 25 06 79 F: +33 1 40 50 98 27 E: cospar@cosparhq.org Anchorage, Alaska, USA Dr. Bill Emery E: Emery@frodo.colorado.edu Cheng Mai, THAILAND Dr. Suvit Vibulsresth F: +662-561-3035 E: suvit@gistda.or.th www.isprs2004-istanbul.com 18-25 July 2004 35th COSPAR Assembly www.cosparhq.org/ 20-24 Sep 2004 IEEE/IGARSS 2004 http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/grss/igarss.html tbr Nov 2004 "NEW" ACRS 2004 www.aars-acrs.org 2 DATE 7-11 March 2005 "NEW" 0 0 5 EVENT ASPRS Annual Conference SITE ASPRS P: +1-301-493-0290/F: -493-0208 E: asprs@asprs.org Cairo, EGYPT FIG Office P: +45-38-861081/F: -860252 E: fig@fig.net A Coruña, SPAIN Global Congresos P: +34-981-208990/F: -208701 E: secretary@icc2005.org www.asprs.org/asprs/meetings/calendar.html 7-12 May 2005 "NEW" FIG Working Week and XXVIII General Assembly www.ddl.org/figtree/events/events2005.htm 9-16 July 2005 "NEW" XXII ICA International Cartographic Conference CONTACT Baltimore, USA www.icc2005.org/html-eng/english.html Still available! Volume XXXIII proceedings of the XIXth ISPRS 2000 Congress Geoinformation for All Valuable information at your fingertips Set of CD-ROMs (3 CDs) : € 68,00 * Set of hardcopies (14 books) : € 595,00 * * = Prices do not include VAT (if applicable) nor shipping & handling Contact Jeroen Zaagemans at GITC bv: jeroen.zaagemans@gitc.nl