PHOTO-GEOMORPHIC CLUE TO DETECTION OF LANDSLIDE-PRONE SLOPES, DRAWN FROM NOTABLE DISASTERS IN JAPAN Seiichi HATANO, OYAGI, Norio * Institute, Construction, Kitazato, Tsukuba National Research Center for Disaster Prevention, Science and Tennodai, Tsukuba Commission VII ABSTRACT We studied causal conditions for 25 cases selected disasterous landslides in , us preslide There are many factors controll stabil But, any landslide, individual up to sl must be different from those of its 'stable' and from those of the same site considerable time before An is of these differential conditions peculiar to ide is named va ime of instabil To actualize this analysis, the fol : (1) modell ion for instabil index; (2) differentiat manifold s ficance of 'land form' for instabil (3) comparative evaluation of the variables in terms of kind, intensi ; and (4) of multidate ai and cross-check with other information. A conclusive cross-table, with types and recent destabiliz variables, the 25 cases with some other grades for each site class. Key Words: Landslide, genesis, ime morphoMulti-date airphotos, CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Exist methods for landslide 2.1 Mechanical stabil 2.2 Statistical multivariate 3. The 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. ive instabil ficance of 'land form' for instabil Utilization of multi-date airphotos ive evaluation of proximate inducing variables Case studies on the 25 disasterous landslides 4.1 Selection of cases * The full paper (booklet) is this v with 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Data collection Procedure of inductive is Outline of the 25 disasterous landslides Basic of the landslide source areas is of the causal conditions before sl and in its time, site and extent Relat between variables and site conditions of landslides 4.8 to detection ic 5. 5.2 5.3 5.4 landsl and recent variables Influences of destabiliz variables Possibil of more effective use of ai~~n~,~ Recommendation to hill behind dwell new leaves remarks 6. References TABLES 1. Comparison of three methods for slope instabil 2. Comparison of some di landslide source area of landslides and estimates of the size of a 3A. Overview of the 25 landslides and their disasters 3B. and the 25 cases ~rnn,aT'~ies of landslide source 4. Relationship between proximate inducing variables and site conditions of the 25 landslides 5. Geomorphic clue to detection of landsl slopes FIGURES 1. Procedure of 'a ime ive slides and their causal conditions 2. Distribution of the 25 disasterous landslides 3. Identification of landslide source area and major division of a whole landslide area is' of land- PHOTOGRAPHS of the 25 sites before sl~~Lu.~