FUTURE ORIENTED SCENARIOS FOR CLOSE-RANGE PHOTOGRAMMETRIC INSTRUMENTATION Henrik Resear S r Scientist cal Resear Centre of Finl 2150 ESPOO Finl ssions I 1 ABSTRACT Re closeEach scenario p i scenarios is rammet 2 INTRODUCTION seve te s instrumentation. sts in usi ree- stion is: re internal creat in r r our instruments? rammetrists, our 3 In FIELD ANOMALY RELAXATION METHOD techni 0 The I FAR is scri 1977) . The method introduced by Institute ori to recasti Sli it s r res research fields (e is seemi lpful in b ng of poss Limitations i less p or socie later also 1987). It j ns normally 6 to 10 critical are ect i s These lected to then arrayed due to possi e conditions whi are build up a morphological table. The self-consistent sections as tion tempora snap-shots are fi ning a si together from component area. se shots are st into scenarios that seem plausible the forecas period and the main stages are dated. For the pu recasti the scenarios for close-range photogramme ric instrumentation the rocedure was here sligtly modified. The number of criti components was limited to only f ,each ti with r elements. re tempora the but also consis of the signifi conditions 4 MORPHOLOGICAL TABLE In the following section the morphological table (Table 1) is presented as a list of the technical, scientific and economi components which characterize the different stages in photorammetric instrumentation act The conditions within criti are explained by practi es. I. Image Acquisition vs. Input Image A. on Momentary / Analog. The images are exposed momenta photographic materi s the anal photographs are used directly for visual interpretat on in stereoplotters. B. Momentary / Digital. The momentary images are digitized and the interpretation is mainly performed by computer means. comparators and analytical plotters equipped with image digitizing units and also the satellite imaging systems are included into this category. Table 1. CRITICAL COMPONENTS IMAGE ACQUISITION VS INPUT IMAGE morphological table. CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION A B C D MOMENTARY MOMENTARY DYNAMIC DYNAMIC / / / / ANALOG DIGITAL DIGITALLY SCANNED MECH. SCANNED ANALOG IMAGING ANALOG IMAGING DIGITAL IMAGING DIGITAL IMAGING TRENDS IN IMAGING VS PROJECTIVE PROCESSING ANALOG PROCESSING DIGITAL PROCESSING OFF-LINE PROCESSING ON-LINE PROCESSING PRIMARY APPLICATION TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING SATELLITE MAPPING SATELLITE TOPOGRAPHY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION PERSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS ANALOG MATHEMATICS DIGITAL MATHEMATICS 3D-IMAGE MATHEMATICS GOOD GOOD POOR POOR / / / RESEARCH ACTIVITY ECONOMY VS TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS II. / FAST / SLOW / SLOW / / FAST c. Dynamic / Di~itally Scanned. The dynamic images are gathered havlng a continuous access by digital means to the entire scenery covered by the image acquisition devices. The ordinary, firmly mounted full frame video cameras where the frames are digitally scanned envisage best this category. D. Dynamic / Mechanically Scanned. digitized scenery is dynamic but the scanning of the scenes is performed mechanically like in servoed theodolites or in cameras with scanning imager chips. Imaging vs. Projective Processing A. Analog Imaging / Analog Processing. The analog stereo images are processed by analog means as in the analog plotters. V ... 338 B. Analog Imaging / Digital Processing. The analog images are processed by dlgltal means like in analytical plotters. Also the analog and digital theodolites are included here. C. Di ital Ima in / Of Processin. The digital images are processed part yon-line ut the object space coordinates are derived off-line. Already realized. D. Digital Imaging / On-Line processing. The projective equations are processed continuously on-line accordi to the image frame frequency. Not yet realized. III. IV. Primary Application A. Topographic Mapping. The ordinary and main task for land surveyors as topographers and rna performed plotting aerial stereo images. B. Satellite Mapping. Primarily used for small-scale mapping by means of multi-spectral images and digital image interpretation. Commonly known as remote sensing applications. c. Satellite Topography. The present stage of digital stereo plotting by means of high-resolution satellite images. D. Industrial Production. The wide range of different kind of engineering survey applications. When applied for quality control, also closely confronted to the modern manufacturing automation. The Focus of Research Activity A. Perspective Mathematics. The research for complete understanding of the physical behaviour of projective or even perspective image formation. Actual for surveyors already since more than a hundred years, but becoming again popular due to the complicated machine vision problems. B. Analog Mathematics. The construction of analog plotters once already solved by mechanical or optical-mechanical means. The future is unknown. c. Digital Mathematics. Realization of projective transformation by digital means like in analytical plotters. The extension of the mathematical model to most comprehensive conformance with the physical model. D. 3D-Image Mathematics. Three-dimensional image processing in order to build up space images of objects and the entire scenery_ A critical and thus popular problem for dynamic machine vision applications. V-339 v. Economi rcumstances vs Technological Progress relates to c cycles accordi to ew as it has been pre Kone (1985). c devel occurs in histor es of rs the last minimum ng inc around 1950. The economic growth is always initiated by new technologies so in cycles of about 50 rs. After 30 rs of economic rowth there lows a crisis. Duri s crisis new chnologies are developed, which a 20 years of recession generate a new rowth. to s the ial rters of nni 950 run A. still Gene B. C. I Recession begun around the mid of Poor / Slow seventies. The rter is for late implementation of known te es whereas we still can't ly see the new i recession during nineties be re a ns a 2000. proper time to act new inventions in new implementation swi D. 5 with es. SCENARIOS rammet 5.1 in As an int tion to the re scenarios of osephotogrammetric instrumentation a scenario for photogrammetry in general is first presented. This consists of four successive periods related to the f rent quarters of the ongoing economic cycle. Thus three of them are projected back onto press of photogrammetric instrumentation nce 1950 four one is a forecast of reo near The combination of the uppercase letters within each section indicates the chosen conditions of the five cri cal components as stated in mo table. The conditions are in o r according to there is one choice r component respective The scenario for photogrammetic instrumentation in gene i. is: Around 1950 - 1962: AAABA. The quarter of final implementation of analog aerial photogrammetry. The main applications are within topographic plotting over la areas by aerial analog plotters. The research on og processing of stereomodels including analog triangulation is popular although the pure analytical models are a) b) ramme r c ose- ns rumentat majori will be on i tri manufacturi e is still more or less recessive of the scenario t it becomes pro rous The te press rema ns fas all scenarios r ose- rammetr trumentat rato s ii BDDCDe i more ri tems processi are HIGH-ACCURACY PHOTOGRAMMETRY Figure 1. DIGITAL STEREOPLOTTING DIGITAL PHOTO-GEODESY PERSPECTIVE PHOTOGRAMMETRY The scenarios for close-range photogrammetric instrumentation. 5.2.2 i. ii. iii. 5.2.3 Digital Ste aCCCD. The recent site satellite s s has rowing need of digital stereopl rs. i has been known already for several rs some p shave under development (e.g. Sarjakoski, 1981; rtz, 1986). The analytical plotters are first used for industrial measurements where the momentary og s are proces partly means (Schewe, 88). BDCDD. more effici the systems. satellite topog ins lations al prima ication s indus ria ects in manufacturi process wide p ion of photogrammetric tems. ementi s into BDDDD. The new st to the use of digital plotters in idustrial appli ions relies on the replacement of analog image memories by dynamic digital images. Incidentally, the scenario of the digital steroplotting the scenario high-accurate fore last DDDDD. re ications of Digital Photo-Geode i. DCDCD. First servoed di tal theodolite systems have been already equipped wi insi mounted imager chips (e.g. Gottwald et al., 1987a 1987b). These high-accurate systems developed for real-time neering su mentioned comparato photogramme ric The first installations exist within the i t ii. DDDCD. systems are further I by more efficient hardware and software r image processing. Problems caused by the instabili of the instrument and object set-ups are sequential check procedures. The rapid growth 0 number of istalled systems, predicted by the market analysts after the first successful reference installations, is still limited by efficiently propagated comparator-based photogrammetric systems. iii. rst thus practicable lations r rate applications are among the c monitori of ree-dimensional object deformations and racking control of remotly moving objects. new st is so leaning upon a growing resea of perspect p ection mathematics for the pu of dynami ly process the scanning images. DDDAD. to Because rojection first after 1 2000 5 .. 2 .. 4 i. Per ct rammet The real-t pho rammetry has ready become ac area basic research within the society and rimarily concent to the geometric processing of ine s and to the electronics of image forming s (e. 1987) first stand-alone rammetric tems have already s ( et. 0' 1987). tric CCDCD. e ii. iii. I e limitation is the seemingly pure id state imagers.. This leads first to la r s es ti-station imagery and shortly later the implantation of advanced imager technology with higher resolution in the system. Simultaneous are also enforced by more efficient ine capacity. The nomi rates practically are al 50,000 or even better.. first tems are ins led in automated factories, procedured in accordance processes . CDDeD. CDDDD. on three-dimensional image without external ng amount of installed tems wi n the manufacturing industry to new principles in designing new r roduction processes already before cameras ac i as permanent gages and s read lover the assembly z in 0 r fulfil are dominant to the rent industrial 6 CONCLUSION The scenarios and the plausibility judgements presented here are - and as stated already before - merely subjective and don't tend to be complete in describing the different snap-shots. Thus they may be treated more as rare examples and alternative results when applying the modified FAR-method than as personal statements. The FAR-method proved it's efficiency in opening ones eyes and it will potentially force everyone to generate his own futures analyses. The FAR-process also hopefully helps us to our creativi into the areas which are relevant to us as photogrammetrists. , according to but also in spite of the above scenarios re exists an evident trend in close-range photogrammetric trumentation. The scenarios converge more or less rapi in rea constructions where dynamic images are direct scanned in order to produce a continuous flow of threedimensi cont in ion of industrially manufactured ects. Only st es differ from each other depending on presently existing chnological origins respectively. Conclus ly the common need r all these treatments within the photogrammetric society will be the active reasearch on geometric processing of three-dimensional digital imagery and this should further be supported by new developments in dynamic perspective mathematics. We are coming closer to the optical photogrammetry or better to say - closer to the perspective photo!!:grammetry. REFERENCES 1. rtz, J., 1986. Digitale Bildverarbeitung in r Nahphotogrammetrie - Neue Moglichkeiten und Aufgaben, Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, Vol. 54, No.2, pp. 34 - 45. 2. Brown, D. C., 1987. AutoSet, an Automated Monocomparator Optimized for Industrial Photogrammetry, a paper presented at the International Conference and Workshop on Analytical Instrumentation, Phoenix, Arizona, November 2-6, 1987. 3. Fraser, C. S., 1988. Periodic Inspection of Industrial Tooling by Photogrammetry, Photogrammetric Engineering ___ Remote Sensing, Vol. 54, No.2, pp. 211 - 216. 4. d, R., and Berner, W., 1987a. A New Angle on 3-D Coordinate Determination, Sensor Review, 7(3), pp. 143 146. 5. Gottwald, R., and Berner, W., 1987b. Electronic Theodolites - Sensor-Systems for Real-Time-Photogrammetry ?, Fast Processing of Photogrammetric Data, published by the ETH Zlirich, pp.343 - 349. -- 1