DIGITAL EXPERIENCE S TEREOPHOTOGRAMMETRY WITH AN EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM Gerhard Koenig, Wolfgang Nickel, Juergen Storl Technical University of Berlin Photogramrnetry and Cartography StraBe des 17. Juni 135 D-1000 Berlin 12, FRG Commission II ABSTRACT An experimental Dig al Stereophotogrammetric System (DSS), which is based on a commercially available image processing system, has been set up at the Technical University of Berlin. Any kind of stereoscopic imagery, such as scanning electron microscope data, close range imagery, aerial photographs and satellite image data, can be processed stereophotogrammmetrically. This paper reports on the practical experience concerning photogrammetric processing, especially of aerial photographs. Due to hardware restrictions, so far only subsections of image frames can be handled in reasonable time. The performance of the system as well as the accuracy that could be achieved are discussed and compared to the results obtained with an Analytical Plotter. Based on the practical experience with the experimental DSS conclusions are drawn concerning the design and architecture of an operational system. An outlook is given to further system development, considering new hardware components. INTRODUCTION At the ISPRS meeting of Commission II, WGII/2 in Baltimore 1986, the authors reported on an experimental Digital Stereophotogrammetric System (DSS) which has been set up at the Technical University of Berlin. This system then was suitable for automatic processing of imagery reduced in size (512x512 pixels), such as digital scanning electron microscope images. Based on the existing hardware described in (KOENIG, NICKEL, STORL, 1986) the authors have implemented algorithms for the photogrammetric processing of large data sets, especially of digitized aerial photographs. DATA ACQUISITION For converting the analogue aerial photographs into raster data, a color scanner of HELL company, Chromagraph DC 360, is used. u This system can handle transparency s up to the format of 65x51 cm 2 a size which is limited by the diameter of the rotating scanning drum. The aerial photographs can be digitized in different resolutions. According to the experience of the authors, a resolution of 25 ~ or 400 lines/em is sufficient for stereophotogrammetric purposes. The advantage of higher resolution is too small to justi its costs. This means that a digitized stereo pair takes about 18 0 MB of disk storage . Analysis of the scanned imagery has indicated that the Chromagraph scans with high quality and very little geometric distortions. The radiometric reproduction qual is good so that only few preprocessing steps are necessary for image improvement that the quality of the photographs is sufficient. ORIENTATION The or ation is done in two steps, i.e. relative orientation and absolute orientation. After relat ation the images are resampled to the normal case of stereophotogrammetry. This leads to a more rational automatic evaluation and enables stereo vision of the whole model. To overlook the scene both images are miniaturized to the size of one screen. A 23 em x 23 em aer photograph scanned with a xel spac of 25 microns leads to about 9000x9000 pixels. 20x20 p ls are and thus the whole scene can be sualized at one t The sampled miniaturizations are held permanent in two of the four image memories. The scene parts to be actual processed are defined positioning a 25x25 l window and are loaded the two rema memories. For each (at least two of) the fiducial mark regions are way. Fiducial mark matching then is performed by a s (via an artificial template or via binarization and calculation) . Image inner orientation is known and leads to the ers of an affine transformation which computes image coordinates from pixel (i.e. scanner) coordinates. RELATIVE ENTATION From s up to any given number homologous points can be matched interact ly for relative orientation. This can be done either defining templates in the first and search windows in the second image or by using signalized object control points, if there are any. can be searched in one image and matched to the other one or be searched independently in both images. Image coordinates again are given by the aff transformation mentioned above. After this calculation resampling is carried out for the whole stereo area (normal us bil interpolat ) to eliminate y-parallaxes. Thus the images are at hand for stereoscopic vision by anag c means and processing along horizontal lar l s. ABSOLUTE ORIENTAT If the ground control points have not been measured for relat ation this has to be done now. Us the re (i.e. the relatively o ientated s) instead of the inal images, stereos c view of the earth surface is the time this is realized in an anag ic way. A three dimens 1 float mark is generated in the memory and can be moved by a mouse in x- and ythe screen. Z direct motion of the float formed press two funct buttons of the the DSS can be handled like a convent Control po i. model have which leads to an error less than 0.5 accurracy on the tization rate of the 1 s. a suff accuracy of absolute orientation is measur least six ground control po s. Us s absolute orientat resulted in standard plan deviat s of 0. 7 m for both the ic Plotter KERN DSR 11 and the DSS. The standard he s were 0.04 m and 0.06 m, respect scale ~ 1: 5000) . 3-D PROCESSING Automated evaluat of a D is a main feature of the DSS. At present is performed f homologue po s in two in an in ially preregular grid in object space. algorithm uses the Vertical L Locus (VLL method BETHEL 1986) to calculate approximate hei s. The f correlation is done a least squares ithm 1983) In order to save time there is no subpixel interpolation calculated search and the center p 1 of the template is set to the nearest ne Thu l result does not represent a object space Normally h ae al failures can not be been developed These ria - t 20% orrelati some cr e have in correlat Desp e exist lation may ry laxes caused the standard defined 1 of a parallax is set for the actual a pre- the correlation coeffic is normal 0 8) such results are autocorrelat funct in the a threshold value calculat the of the large a cent lax fferences occur between process ous wrong research failures and the texture is used as a. corre- above result in The detected on the on gross error and to correct ly. Furthermore, he s allowed amount and the of calculation. A or the DTM on different s cate that the strat es to correlat results are very and 40% o excluded - even reliable correlation results. Accoris neccess to de more dens than the one to have a su c number of po for lation If s number is too smal a be calculated s DTM 11 be used to evaluate hei s for re-start the automatic process to r amount of homologue Orientation t t and correlation needs about one second and po evaluations o te 1987) were 0.02 % of the FUTURE s about the same h Anal time 1 section ze DEVE the st software tools authors have s performance of ste fferent sources. The ne ies will des of an operational s em consist new hardware s. This em will be des around a powerful work- station which for performance purposes should be based on a Reduced struction ~ornputer SC) that has a relat ly simple architecture In contrast to conventional , a RISC consists of relative few ructions name se ch are used most ly. Most of these instructions could be a s e and have a xed format for s have a large ster set and are compilers which leads to a performance rate around 10 MIPS In ion to such a nents, as des in up a real t irne phot process architecture performance needed state of the follows: is spe al hardware , are necessary for sett ric s ern The use of parallel necessary in orde to obtain the ric applications s could be classified as Instruction Mult le Data SIMD) processors, where each at the same time, but processor executes the same instruct on fferent data elements; (MIMD) processors which - Multiple Instruct Mult where each processor has can be segmented in Mult ers, executes s its own attached memory and each MIMD processors own program code, and Mult share a common memory a ion - and S olic where each processor parallel of an algor ation in a p s and fa . All are s zed to at the same t Modern image comput systems make use of these arch ectures, for example PIXAR (SIMD), or AT&T~s Pixel (MIMD), which is build around up to 82 Digital Signal Processors, rated at lOMFlops each. These systems offer a computational power which is necessary for and image processing applicat s. are equ a memory - up to 48MB are common - and in most cases could be configured parallel transfer disks, which accomodate the storage of data sets, such as aerial , and the transfer rates needed for fast processing language 1 C-callable for un the task to these An advanced ste ric workstation with h formance should well a colour mon s s 1 stereo di use of 1 1 shutter techno-logy. The use of a s le specta le with polarizing asses makes a comfortable and flicker-free view of the stereoscopic images possible and seems to be the optimal solution. CONCLUSIONS Experience has shown that processing of stereoscopic imagery by use of conventional system architecture and photogrammetric standard algorithms leads to satisfactory results concerning the accuracy. Compared with conventional plotting in an Analytical Plotter the algorithms implemented in the DSS for automated evaluation are too time-consuming. At present a new photogrammetric workstation based on state-of-the-art technology is under design, which will solve these problems. REFERENCES F., 1983: High Precision Digital Image Correlation. Proceedings of the 39th Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart, pp. 231-243. ACKERMANN J., 1986: Digitale Bildverarbeitung in der Nahphotogrammetrie - Neue Moglichkeiten und Aufgaben. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, Vol. 54, pp.34-45. ALBERTZ J. , 19 8 6: The DSRll Image Convention, Washington D.C., 6 pp. BETHEL Correlator. ASP/ ACSM A., 1987: Towards Real-Time-Photogrammetry. Invited Paper, 41th Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart, 33 pp. GRUEN G., NICKEL W., STORL J., 1986: Processing of Scann Electron Microscope Imagery in a Digital Stereophotogrammet c System (DSS) . International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 26-2, pp. 130-138. KOENIG G., 1987: Volle geometrische Systemkalibrierung metrischer Luftbildkammern Das Testfeld Brecherspitze. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, Vol. 55, pp.151-154. KUPFER