MULTISTAGE IMAGE MATCHING Luisa Maria Gomez Pereira, Branko Makarovic International Institute for Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) 350, Boulevard 1945 7500 AA Enschede Commission II ABSTRACT In this paper, attention is to the two matching of strings of image primitives in tree matching from coarse to fine. The digitised di in lines. for off-line preprocessing and image The development reported here is I. INTRODUCTION The impact of rapidly photogrammetry is especially related operations. One matching is automatic modelling to devise an effective overall automatic measurement of the images. Because the amount attain ty, process has to be time paramount the accuracy and reliability of image matching are significance. A flexible multistage strategy of processing "from coarse to fine", with adaptive capability incorporated, tends to provide an adequate solution of the problem. The strategy proposed here addresses four main sequent stages. The first stage predicts image match approximately by exploiting a priori knowledge about the geometry of a photogrammetric stereo-model. The second stage proceeds with course matching by means of the dynamic programming technique applied to low frequency (spatial) image informat The corrected parallax values are entered in the next matching stage. third ...........--::---:---:::-"''-uses as the input image segments structured in several The coarse to fine matching proceeds down branches of cal tree. The fourth stage is intended for fine matching the required accuracy is very high. It uses the a priori information, including that gained in the preceding matching stages, in conjunction with a set of selectable algorithms for fine matching. The first matching stage, concerning match prediction, st foreward and is therefore considered here only marginally. Hence, attention has been focused on the two intermediate s (2 and 3), which for sufficient "pull-in" and thus reliability. attainable will presumably meet requirements for common applicat terrain models (DTM). The development of two stages not yet [ 2] ; fully completed. The initial software has been developed and tes some optimization, however, is an issue for further development. last stage, pertaining to fine matching, is beyond the scope of paper. The paper concerns the concepts for a multistage st and for the individual matching stages. Most of these concepts emerged in the course the authors' work since 1975, [3], [4], [5], [6]. An outline is presented of the procedures, and of software and its testing. Moreover, consideration is also given to further development. II. CONCEPTS FOR MULTISTAGE MATCHING The concepts concern the strategy, the a the operations photogrammetric model, including geometry, involved in the four main matching stages. In the follwing a review is presented of these concepts and their interrelationships. 1) Process strategy The concepts concern the arrangement of the four main their interrelationships ( 1) Stage 1: s and Match prediction j Fig. 1: Sequent Stage 2: Coarje matching Stage 3: Coarse to fine rna tching __ j Stage 4: Fine matching ~ J matching stages In stages 2 and 3 their main phases (preprocess, mat and form feedback loops which provide for optimization (figure 2). postprocess) ~ Prep1ocess3J t Matching .-:-J feedback loops -- - - --for optimizing ___j Post~rocess Fig. 2: Optimization in stages 2 and 3 Table 1 presents a list of the concepts for each of the stages. The lists are open ended and liable to alterations. four matching 2) Geometry of photogrammetric images and stereomodels The basic geometric concepts can be found in photogrammetric textbooks and will therefore not be considered here. Implementation of the epipolar geometry in analytical stereoplotters for digitising of stereo-images is, however, of special significance. A simple geometric situation attained when using only the rotation parameters for the relative orientation. Hence, the base B is parallel to the X-axis in virtual model space XYZ (figure 3). II 1 Stage 1: Match prediction matching Photogrammetric Epipolar geometry geome Edge extraction Edge description String matching (dynamic programming) Epipolar parallax le Other related epipolar parallax profiles to fine ) profiles target Hierarchical bynary tree (of image segments) Search segment size Edge extract ion (as in s 2) techniques Adjacency Epipolar parallax le Other related matching 1: List . 3: Simpli Joint analys of parallaxes of the corresponding images, Matching techniques ion of the technique Quality control Edit Other multis geometry (X!IB!IE) u. . The to The the line c is the realised X program set of cover entire of the sensor information subroutine line rs e' further use 3 ) is essential. Af relative correct it base to ction convergency some ter can the 1) is direc linked with 3. A fur level built in cal t ) . t Gaussian) st lines) Fig. 4: strip In contrast to stage 3, the strips in stage 2 are not segmented (for a binary tree structure . The for the extraction and description of edges tives , however, are identical in both stages. Hence, in s 2 ( n) the are ) where level is the size tal images in the lowest The levels n-1) are built by the same composite of modified Gauss the (or more) between acent lines is tripli in to the next level For the extraction to the filtered (in level process the value can be automat adjusted. subroutine attributes to each edge a set of (vide stage limit the search to matching, the maximum expected correction (to cted one in stage 1) should be assessed. By means of a mirror s and a parallax bar, the approximate parallax difference can be measured between the highest the lowest in the stereo-image, and a safety margin is added. First the similarity is Matching comprises two steps. potentially conjugate edge-pair within the search range. To , the corresponding edge ptors are compared. These ptors can be weighted according to their impact on the assessment of similari Edge pairs with opposite polarity (e.g. of the or of second di ) ected. The similari in other is tangeble and by the merit. ine measures the degree s ty for each descri separately, and converts it, a look-up table, into the corresponding figure of merit. If the merit is less than the value of the corresponding acceptance threshold, the edge-pair is rejected. Otherwise an additional composite similarity is assessed, e.g., the weighted mean (S) of the similarity est for individual descriptors. mean values ( are against threshold. The second s concerns matching a string of potentially conjugate edgepairs in the first stage. A suitable technique for string-matching is dynamic programming with constraints [1]. To this end, the composite similari estimates (S) are arranged in a matrix ( 5). The t rs is obtained by the path of the to maximum computation of potent paths is by algorithm [1]. The geometric constraints restrict the number of variants in each state ( ) to the angular segment (quadrant) between the itive directions of bo epipolar lines. After matching the conjugate st of edges, the coarse epipolar parallaxes are known all of the edge-pairs. Together they form a coarse epipolar profile which serves as the input for the matching stage 3. II- RH line He ected edge -x range LH line . 5: maximum simi ty 2) The the core in which is ' coarse in rect lines (level 1) X 6a: tree of lines . 6b: the search range in the corrections) termined by The of a the are of red the n). If search In the lower hierarchical levels similar from ts the search in of level i) are and a half to the left of uniform structure of the ion of common s ' accepted pairs. This segments ordered conjugate hierarchi accumulat rs a) In each matched matched, the mean within tree correction value This mean is is of range segments on olo.r line ) . 7: b) The are matched ( 1). t A the process the branches of in the lowest level correction lines, from For r paper. For may not be IV INITIAL TESTS the subroutines for this tal Co. array up and s li of both video cameras Some time, process carried out for preprocess ) the tware modules were address of tion ion and ege the for s , 3. the baseratio, the convergency ( , the thms and measures for similari assessment, and were tested one Then the optimization, however, have not yet of further These one. V. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS is res REFERENCES [ 1] [2] Pereira, G.D., "The Vi L.M.G. , M Sc "Automat c Thesis ITC ", IEEE , Nr. 3, [3] Makarovic, B., Fall [4] c, Com.II, [5] Makarovic, B., B. Image Registration by Means of Meet , Little , USA, "Automatic ' 1980. Correlation 1980. [6] B , "Automatic ISPRS Generat Data", DTM", ISP thms", ISP , Com.II,