16TH CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING GALILEO DIGICART 40: AN ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT BASED ON A PERSONAL COMPUTER by: Capanni rlo, GALILEO SISCAM S.P.A. Franco N ITALY COMMISSION II ABSTRACT A software has been that allows us to cont instrument DIGICART 40 th a personal computer. The software was written in C and FORTRAN 77 under the XENIX ng in order to have a of compatibili the of approach are presented. The system allows an for the real of an inexpensive "'supe !.N.I.R.O.P..VG..I.lO.N. . . . DIGICART 40 a p f and easy to use fu l analytical photogrammet instrument. Its hardware and software tions make to the user all those ope ng facili that essential for any stereorestitution job. Operations for model set-up are drastically simplified in the DIGICART 40, at the same time a set of lities for automatic numerical or graphic mapping are implemented in order to increase the system and productivi The use of a personal computer for the management of the instrument, the of XENIX ope ng and the C language to the instrument a great flexibility and guarantees us ha re and software compatibility th future informatic products. Other main features that had been in account during the design of the DIGICART are the following: . Planimetric explo of the stereomodel freehand guiding with the possibili of selection of different speeds and fast ng on the indicated point . for altimet . Handwheel and/or . Footswitch for reco . Modular and inte to gu operator in the use of the instrument. . High rel li of harware and tware. All this make the DIGICART 40 an ext requirements of rammetr answer to the . The ste the photograms The computer parameters and updating the The control inte and d Software for Peripherical flat bed parts can be r allows the and the that real observation of measurements. orientation model coo nates for manages the data part and the computer r on-line and rs and g In fig. 1 a the parts above line plotting like screens .. the connection of shown in fig. 2. TROI'IIC CON TI?OL Vf-117 PARALLEL I/O TERFACE PERSONAL VIEWER C0/'1PU RS 2 2 IC DEVICE . 1 ram of the DIGICART 40 1 F m 2 - The DIGICART 40 system II THE STEREOVIEWER optical unit basical a high precision stereocomparator. res are mounted in a main carriage movable on gu that materialize the reference for instrument coo The right optical channel can be moved along the above mentioned axis, allowing the horizontal and vertical parallaxes elimination. Main carriage and optical carriage are moved by four computer controlled servomotors. During model movements can be manually controlled using a special free(pantograph) and thumbwheels; software are After inte and absolute orientation, motors are cant led computer. It reads model coordinates, transforms in coo nates using linearity equations and sends the up-dating positions to servomotors th elect control u t. THE OPTICAL SYSTEM The fig. 3 shows the collimation optics . Observed field is by a first lens that form an image on the focusing plane of the measu ng by a second lens ng a part of the to transport the image on Changing eye-pieces we can have ~ I a 3 ram of the ax and 12x .. THE CONTROL ELECTRONIC UN Main data plus control of the four car The interface the latest up-to-date digital roprocessors and a modular structure in and easy ntenance. We can parts in the elect inte . The CPU, the EPROM the of pa ports for roprocessor . Four cant are containing the counters of transducers r and the servomotor d rs .. . The power p ng the val . . a,~q;;;;.:;:::) transducers and servomotors . . The parallel interface board, be on the bus the personal computer in ng data from The following block of control interface. g. 4 ram (f . 4) u ts MODERN PERSONAL COMPUTER: THEIR CHARACTERISTICS ng a computer ste When r one must have well present in facts: a) real fu necessary in a ste r control require a very compu power b) the operator's must be as easy as In other words one must never fo the operator f iness of the machine . have made A very roprocessors wo ng in a short pe of the personal ts and 20 MHz clock. At the to carry out ng in several a fundamental role in computers also for hobby a personal computer purpose, so ng more and more numerous. 1 a "personal computer·· a machine th coprocessor, 640 Kb of t processor, floating g options 20 or 40 Mbytes hard personal in a tors) that t at a very p ng a personal as a ste r control valued and found appeared of pe one are not one to to a class a simple process. Modula as al a personal computer can be allowing display and transformed into a graphic work g processing of data. to operate .. THE OPERATING SYSTEM Talking about personal computers ng in up to now r its power the between the When the PC AT computers, appeared on market, a new ope appeared. XENIX can be regarded as hardware characte the same commands format r. ng to choose the ope it was r that some remembe ng the MS-DOS more frequently ; it put itself in UNIX .. I80286 rap rocesso r , XENIX to fit it ng and for our DIGICART software be put from the MS-DOS, the the 1 memory access and the li of a of the modern , we can in account MS-DOS was rn for roprocessors so, it uses the more powerful 80286/386 ng all , we decided on ng XENIX operating for software development. choice had been val and advantages we found are detailed below: ng tools are very efficient and powerful; ng and mul reen mode offer to the programmer a ronment for software no 1 ts of memory and created under any problem. In operating ng the systems computer .. The th UN IX allows us to look at future of the wo or Ste ng instrument. The last thing we want to say is that the XENIX software more , but it is limited at the drivers for external devices and in any case at the sta ng of the programming work. User interface can be very simple and friendliness can be reach by a good user. SOFTWARE ORGANIZATION rs can be the DIGICART 40 Two fu software; it software structure. first one the picture-carriages the rithm to after the ng input coordinates from the phisical devices. second layer the software that performs model interp of commands, printout of results tware: used to the opportu to use ce n in the p instruments, the C ronment .. of XENIX nary phases benchmark carried out during the prel gave the fol ng resu C faster than ng; FORTRAN is and drivers bui faster in nt calcu ferent languages are in order to Subrou the ng management .. MAPPING OPERATIONS Several software are one of the most of DIGICART 40. The following n can be red: .. Stereomadel .. G and .. Close-range .. Aerotr tware are summa Pri .................. "".... rtant rammet in the pa te a supported g screen; rmats used in data selected the user. Data can be collected rent modali nt nt or stream intervals the prafi allows the i ng gr and very the nts) by a project obse and DIGICART 40 to the user a powe A g support purposes: .. To in the work of .. To make lable a powe inte an line occur ng at Data stored on the disk can be subdiv elements: si nts, open and closed During data collection information is recorded cal tu file", file ns r PHOTOGRAMMETRIC DATA BASE AND GRAPHIC FUNCTIONS in a file cades and coo rep to some creates an au extra info called fi ns i about code to an element, number of nts for each element, to the coo nate file, color selected when the displayed on the screen. files, built at the nning of the work, general instructions to the system like normal used, defi of , color-pen to as in are We would like the g are available: rep screen or r . Numerical and g ng . Tests for consistency of data and codes ng from surveying or map . Data integration with digi ing. Graphic functions li to zoom, to work to output levels (display elements) numerical map on the plotter. The g ting for first cor it includes tu errors; or t like total or pa squa ng. All the li line .. to are n out. li ty we want to k about data base integration th data coming from map digi ing, survey instruments and of course using the computer keyboard. I ned from digitizing supported by a time alga thm that allows the real ground of tizing coordinates in nts can be pro1cessea like elements of data base. on a pe few years features. the instrument not last of the work computer in the world ty of al a means inte computer, an ago, offers to have a the computer. Talking about ng it could be very inte nt out an , at the moment under in our 1 ratory, that will make lable a very and functional superimposition device. Cards, fully th pe computer data bus, can for displaying on high resolution photography and, superimposed, the photogrammetr us scaling This .................. ., ng, could be ng" of used also for ng and ntenance.