Alabama A&M University Mean Comparisons August 2009 Interpreting the Mean Comparisons Report Sample Statistical Significance The Mean Comparisons report is based on information from all randomly selected students for both your institution and your comparison institutions. Targeted oversamples and other non-randomly selected students are not included in this report. Items with mean differences that are larger than would be expected by chance alone are noted with one, two, or three asterisks, referring to three significance levels (p<.05, p< .01, and p<.001). The smaller the significance level, the smaller the likelihood that the difference is due to chance. Statistical significance does not guarantee the result is substantive or important. Large sample sizes (like those produced by NSSE) tend to generate more statistically significant results even though the magnitude of mean differences may be inconsequential. It is recommended to consult effect sizes (see below) to judge the practical meaning of the results. Variables The items from the NSSE survey appear in the left column in the same order and wording as they appear on the instrument. The name of each variable appears in the second column for easy reference to your data file and the summary statistics at the end of this section. Response options are also provided to help you interpret the statistics. Benchmark Items that make up the five “Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice” are indicated by the following: LAC=Level of Academic Challenge ACL=Active and Collaborative Learning SFI SFI=Student-Faculty Student Faculty Interaction EEE=Enriching Educational 1. Academic and Intellectual Experiences Asked questions in class or contributed to class a. Experiences discussions SCE=Supportive Campus b. Made a class presentation Environment c. Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons NSSEville State University NSSEville State compared with: NSSEville State Mid East Public V ariab le B enchmark Carnegie Class Eff ect Clas s M ean a M ean a S ig b S iz e NSSE 2009 Ef fect c M ean a S ig b S iz e Eff ect c M ean a S ig b S iz e c In your experience at your institution during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following? 1=Never, 2=Som etimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often CLQUEST CLP RESEN REWROPAP Mean Worked on a paper or project that required The mean is the weighted INT EGRAT d. integrating ideas or information from various sources arithmetic average of student Included diverse perspectives (different races, responses on a particular item. e. religions, genders, political beliefs, etc.) in class DIVCLASS discussions or writing assignments Means are provided for your Come to class without completing readings or f. CLUNPREP institution and all comparison assignments groups. For more information about weighting go to: Class Results are reported separately for first-year students (FY) and seniors (SR). Institution-reported class ranks are used. ACL ACL FY 2.94 2.61 *** .40 2.64 *** .35 2.78 *** SR 3.25 2.90 *** .39 2.91 *** .39 3.07 *** FY 2.22 2.11 ** .14 2.14 * .10 2.27 .18 .21 -.07 SR 3.11 2.65 *** .54 2.65 *** .54 2.80 *** FY 2.73 2.50 *** .23 2.56 *** .18 2.65 * .36 .08 SR 2.36 2.32 .04 2.34 .03 2.47 ** -.11 FY 3.27 2.93 *** .42 2.98 *** .36 3.06 *** .26 SR 3.40 3.22 *** .24 3.23 *** .23 3.30 *** .14 FY 2.88 2.67 *** .23 2.72 *** .18 2.78 * .11 SR 2.89 2.72 *** .19 2.72 *** .19 2.81 * FY 1.96 2.07 ** -.14 2.05 ** -.12 2.01 -.07 SR 2.07 2.22 *** -.18 2.21 *** -.18 2.10 -.04 .09 Effect Size Effect size indicates the “practical significance” of the mean difference. It is calculated by dividing the mean difference by y the pooled standard deviation. In practice, an effect size of .2 is often considered small, .5 moderate, and .8 large. A positive sign indicates that your institution's mean was greater, thus showing an affirmative result for your institution. A negative sign indicates the institution lags behind the comparison group, suggesting that the student behavior or institutional practice represented by the item may warrant attention. An exception to this interpretation is the “coming to class unprepared” item (item 1f.) where a negative sign is preferred (i.e., meaning fewer students reporting coming to class unprepared). NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Variable 1. Benchmark b. Class CLQUEST Made a class presentation CLPRESEN Worked on a paper or project that required d. integrating ideas or information from various sources Included diverse perspectives (different races, e religions, e. religions genders genders, political beliefs beliefs, etc etc.)) in class discussions or writing assignments f. g. ACL INTEGRAT DIVCLASS Come to class without completing readings or assignments CLUNPREP Worked with other students on projects during class CLASSGRP Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments OCCGRP i. Put together ideas or concepts from different courses when completing assignments or during class discussions INTIDEAS j. Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) Participated in a community-based project (e.g. service learning) as part of a regular course ACL REWROPAP h. k. Mean a Mean a Sig b Size c NSSE 2009 Effect Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size TUTOR COMMPROJ ACL ACL ACL ACL FY 2.87 3.08 SR 3.29 FY * -.25 2.88 -.01 2.84 3.38 -.11 3.17 .15 3.11 2.43 2.51 -.09 2.34 .11 2.27 .19 SR 2.92 3.01 -.11 2.84 .09 2.78 .16 FY 2.85 2.73 .12 2.76 .10 2.69 .17 SR 2.74 2.59 .14 2.54 * .20 2.49 FY 2.97 3.16 * -.25 3.13 * -.20 3.10 -.17 SR 3.28 3.42 * -.20 3.36 -.11 3.34 -.08 FY 2.55 2.86 ** -.34 2.84 -.33 2.80 SR 2.71 3.02 ** -.34 2.89 -.19 2.83 FY 1.83 1.90 -.10 1.99 -.21 2.03 SR 2.00 1.90 .12 2.06 -.08 2.13 -.17 FY 2.47 2.49 -.02 2.49 -.03 2.44 .03 SR 2.83 2.67 .18 2.61 * .24 2.55 *** .31 FY 2.67 2.40 ** .31 2.37 *** .34 2.44 ** .26 SR 2.99 2.58 *** .45 2.71 ** .30 2.76 ** .24 FY 2.47 2.61 -.16 2.62 -.19 2.63 ** * .04 * .21 ** .26 ** -.29 -.13 * -.26 -.19 SR 3.00 2.90 .12 2.94 .07 2.95 .06 FY 1.63 1.62 .02 1.64 -.01 1.69 -.06 SR 2.20 1.78 .44 1.81 .41 1.86 FY 1.51 1.56 -.06 1.56 -.06 1.56 SR 1.99 1.74 .26 1.73 .28 1.70 *** * *** ** *** .36 -.06 ** .31 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. c In your experience at your institution during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following? 1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in c. Carnegie Class Effect Academic and Intellectual Experiences a. MECIC b 3 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Used an electronic medium (listserv, chat group, Internet, instant messaging, etc.) to discuss or complete an assignment l. Used e-mail to communicate with an instructor m. Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor n. o. p. q. EEE FY 2.75 2.57 .17 2.60 SR 2.63 2.73 -.10 2.87 FY 2.72 3.16 *** -.52 SR 2.98 3.32 *** FY 2.99 2.73 SR 3.10 2.90 FY 2.45 2.34 SR 2.73 2.45 FY 2.05 1.95 SR 2.36 2.03 FY 2.64 SR EMAIL FACGRADE Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class FACIDEAS Received ece ved prompt p o pt written w tte or o oral o a feedback eedbac from o faculty on your academic performance FACFEED Had serious conversations with students of a u. different race or ethnicity than your own Had serious conversations with students who are very different from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values v. ITACADEM WORKHARD FACOTHER OOCIDEAS DIVRSTUD DIFFSTU2 SFI SFI SFI SFI LAC SFI ACL EEE EEE Mean a Mean a Sig b Size c NSSE 2009 Effect Class FACPLANS Worked with faculty members on activities other s. than coursework (committees, orientation, student life activities, etc.) Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with t. others outside of class (students, family members, co-workers, etc.) Carnegie Class Effect Variable Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor's standards or expectations r. MECIC Benchmark Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size .14 2.64 * -.23 2.87 * -.23 3.18 *** -.57 3.17 *** -.56 -.44 3.42 *** -.60 3.42 *** -.61 ** .29 2.67 *** .36 2.64 *** .39 * .23 2.85 ** .28 2.83 *** .31 .12 2.22 * .26 2.20 ** .28 .29 2.42 *** .32 2.41 *** .33 .11 1.90 .17 1.88 .36 2.09 .29 2.08 2.74 -.11 .11 2.70 -.07 .07 2.67 -.04 .04 2.87 2.94 -.09 2.85 .02 2.81 .08 FY 2.80 2.72 .09 2.71 .10 2.68 .14 SR 2.96 2.76 .24 2.79 .20 2.74 FY 1.79 1.76 .03 1.64 .17 1.64 SR 2.20 1.76 .46 1.79 .43 1.82 FY 2.70 2.75 -.07 2.74 -.05 2.76 ** *** * *** ** * *** .10 .19 ** .30 ** .25 .18 *** .41 -.08 SR 2.78 2.90 -.14 2.90 -.13 2.90 FY 2.08 2.64 *** -.53 2.61 *** -.52 2.62 *** -.53 -.14 SR 2.36 2.76 *** -.40 2.69 *** -.33 2.70 *** -.34 FY 2.34 2.68 ** -.33 2.68 ** -.34 2.72 *** -.38 SR 2.43 2.76 ** -.33 2.73 ** -.30 2.76 *** -.33 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. c b 4 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Variable 2. Mental Activities Memorizing facts, ideas, or methods from your a. courses and readings so you can repeat them in pretty much the same form Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory, such as examining a b. particular case or situation in depth and considering its components Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information, or c. experiences into new, more complex interpretations and relationships Making judgments about the value of information, arguments, or methods, such as d. examining how others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations e. 3. Benchmark b. c. d. e. Carnegie Class Effect Class Mean a Mean a Sig b Size c NSSE 2009 Effect Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size MEMORIZE ANALYZE SYNTHESZ EVALUATE APPLYING LAC LAC LAC LAC FY 2.84 2.83 .01 2.94 SR 2.98 2.70 *** .32 2.78 FY 2.75 3.12 *** -.47 3.11 SR 3.22 3.27 -.07 3.27 FY 2.70 2.89 -.22 2.90 SR 2.98 3.07 -.12 FY 2 76 2.76 2 93 2.93 SR 2.97 3.08 FY 2.68 3.06 3.14 3.28 SR *** -.11 2.93 * .22 2.77 ** .23 *** -.46 3.14 *** -.51 -.06 3.28 -.24 2.93 3.08 -.12 3.08 -.12 -.20 20 2 94 2.94 -.22 22 2 93 2.93 -.20 20 -.13 3.05 -.09 3.03 -.07 -.44 3.05 -.44 3.08 -.18 3.25 -.14 3.24 -.13 -.09 3.26 -.11 -.26 3.19 * *** -.10 -.09 * -.28 *** -.47 During the current school year, about how much reading and writing have you done? 1=None, 2=1-4, 3=5-10, 4=11-20, 5=More than 20 Number of assigned textbooks, books, or book-length packs of course readings READASGN Number of books read on your own (not assigned) for personal enjoyment or academic enrichment READOWN Number of written papers or reports of 20 pages or more WRITEMOR Number of written papers or reports between 5 and 19 pages WRITEMID Number of written papers or reports of fewer than 5 pages WRITESML LAC LAC LAC LAC FY 3.15 3.20 -.06 3.24 SR 2.89 3.21 -.30 3.16 FY 2.00 2.18 -.18 2.10 -.11 2.09 -.10 SR 2.18 2.23 -.05 2.20 -.02 2.21 -.03 FY 1.49 1.35 .18 1.31 .24 1.30 SR 1.60 1.57 .04 1.64 -.05 1.65 FY 2.08 2.32 * -.26 2.26 * -.21 2.28 * -.24 SR 2.16 2.63 *** -.51 2.55 *** -.41 2.55 *** -.41 FY 2.70 3.22 *** -.46 3.04 ** -.32 3.05 ** -.33 SR 2.41 3.06 *** -.56 2.97 *** -.48 3.00 *** -.51 ** ** ** -.29 * .27 -.05 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. c During the current school year, how much has your coursework emphasized the following mental activities? 1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very much Reading and Writing a. MECIC 5 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Variable 4. b. 6. b. PROBSETA Number of problem sets that take you less than an hour to complete PROBSETB Mean a Sig b Size c Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size 2.59 -.01 2.66 -.07 2.69 -.10 SR 2.74 2.64 .09 2.65 .08 2.61 .11 FY 2.71 2.75 -.03 2.79 -.06 2.75 -.03 2.38 2.45 -.06 2.42 -.03 2.34 .03 SR 5.17 5.44 -.22 5.39 -.19 5.45 5.28 5.52 -.20 5.47 -.15 5.46 * -.24 -.14 During the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following? 1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often Exercised or participated in physical fitness activities EXRCSE05 WORSHP05 Examined the strengths and weaknesses of your d. own views on a topic or issue OWNVIEW OTHRVIEW FY 2.43 2.18 .28 2.15 .31 2.18 SR 2.05 2.11 -.06 1.98 .07 2.05 .00 FY 2.61 2.82 -.20 2.73 -.12 2.82 -.20 SR 2.57 2.62 -.05 2.62 -.05 2.73 -.15 FY 2.49 2.23 * .23 2.05 *** .40 2.08 ** .36 SR 2.73 2.13 *** .53 2.14 *** .53 2.15 *** .51 FY 2.51 2.72 -.23 2.60 -.11 2.62 -.13 SR 2.90 2.78 .13 2.72 .20 2.73 .18 FY 2.88 2.90 -.02 2.80 .09 2.80 .09 SR 3.09 2.95 2.87 2.94 2.92 2.96 .18 .03 -.12 2.88 2.87 2.92 .25 .09 -.06 2.88 2.88 2.92 FY CHNGVIEW SR * ** * * * .27 * .25 .08 -.06 Which of the following have you done or do you plan to do before you graduate from your institution? (Recoded: 0=Have not decided, Do not plan to do, Plan to do; 1=Done. Thus, the mean is the proportion responding "Done" among all valid respondents.) Enriching Educational Experiences INTERN04 EEE FY .05 .09 SR .61 .47 * -.16 .07 .27 .49 * -.09 .08 -.10 .24 .52 .16 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. c 2.58 FY EXAMS ATDART07 Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment a 1=Very little to 7=Very much Participated in activities to enhance your c. spirituality (worship, meditation, prayer, etc.) a. Mean NSSE 2009 Effect FY SR Attended an art exhibit, play, dance, music, theatre or other performance Tried to better understand someone else's views by e. imagining how an issue looks from his or her perspective Learned something that changed the way you f. understand an issue or concept 7. Class Additional Collegiate Experiences a. Carnegie Class In a typical week, how many homework problem sets do you complete? 1=None, 2=1-2, 3=3-4, 4=5-6, 5=More than 6 Number of problem sets that take you more than an hour to complete Examinations Select the circle that best represents the extent to which your examinations during the current school year challenged you to do your best work. MECIC Effect Problem Sets a. 5. Benchmark 6 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Community service or volunteer work b. VOLNTR04 EEE Participate in a learning community or some other c. formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together LRNCOM04 Work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements RESRCH04 Foreign language coursework FORLNG04 d. e. Study abroad f. Independent study or self-designed major g. Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.) h. 8. Variable Benchmark STDABR04 INDSTD04 SNRX04 EEE SFI EEE EEE EEE EEE Relationships with other students Carnegie Class Effect a Class Mean FY .31 .40 SR .66 .55 FY .18 .15 SR .44 .24 FY .10 .07 SR .30 .13 FY .05 .13 SR .34 FY Mean a Sig b Size c NSSE 2009 Effect Mean -.19 .36 .22 .55 .08 .17 .45 .25 .13 .05 *** .47 .16 ** -.25 .18 .29 .12 .04 .06 SR .13 FY a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size c -.12 .39 -.18 .22 .60 .13 .04 .18 .02 .43 .26 .23 .05 ** .39 .19 * .27 *** -.34 .22 *** -.41 .34 .01 .41 -.13 -.12 .03 .02 .03 .03 .14 -.02 .11 .09 .15 -.05 .13 .05 .34 .04 .44 .04 SR .21 .20 .04 .15 .17 .17 .11 FY .02 .03 -.05 .02 -.02 .02 -.01 .42 .31 .25 .30 .25 .33 .18 SR * *** * * *** * * *** .39 .22 * .48 Select the circle that best represents the quality of your relationships with people at your institution. 1=Unfriendly, Unsupportive, Sense of alienation to 7=Friendly, Supportive, Sense of belonging Quality of Relationships a. MECIC ENVSTU SCE FY SR 5.35 5.72 * -.28 5.43 -.06 5.47 -.09 5.40 5.77 * -.26 5.59 -.14 5.59 -.14 1=Unavailable, Unhelpful, Unsympathetic to 7=Available, Helpful, Sympathetic Relationships with faculty members b. ENVFAC SCE FY 5.11 5.59 ** -.35 5.24 -.10 5.21 -.07 SR 5.39 5.76 ** -.29 5.48 -.07 5.42 -.02 1=Unhelpful, Inconsiderate, Rigid to 7=Helpful, Considerate, Flexible Relationships with administrative personnel and offices c. ENVADM SCE FY 4.37 5.03 ** -.41 4.76 * -.25 4.74 * -.24 SR 4.01 4.88 *** -.49 4.65 *** -.38 4.60 *** -.36 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. b 7 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Variable 9. Time Usage Preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, a. doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities) Working for pay on campus b. Working for pay off campus c. Participating in co-curricular activities (organizations, campus publications, student d. government, fraternity or sorority, intercollegiate or intramural i t l sports, t etc.) t ) e. f. g. Benchmark Class b. c. Mean a Mean a Sig b Size c NSSE 2009 Effect Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size ACADPR01 LAC WORKON01 WORKOF01 COCURR01 Relaxing and socializing (watching TV, partying, etc.) SOCIAL05 Providing care for dependents living with you (parents, children, spouse, etc.) CAREDE01 Commuting to class (driving, walking, etc.) COMMUTE EEE FY 3.50 3.88 SR 3.74 3.93 FY 1.41 1.87 SR 1.75 1.87 FY 1.78 2.96 SR 4.05 4.79 FY 2.12 2.39 SR 2 38 2.38 1 96 1.96 FY 3.66 SR * -.24 3.98 * -.30 4.17 *** -.41 -.12 4.11 * -.22 4.23 ** -.28 -.33 1.52 -.09 1.53 -.09 -.08 1.68 .05 1.83 -.05 *** -.45 2.63 -.36 2.35 * -.25 4.24 -.07 3.74 .11 -.16 2.18 -.04 2.29 -.11 .27 27 1 94 1.94 .29 29 2 11 2.11 .17 17 3.68 -.01 3.78 -.07 3.81 -.09 3.65 3.40 .17 3.44 .14 3.53 .08 FY 1.29 2.44 -.52 2.02 -.40 1.84 SR 2.62 2.93 -.12 2.81 -.08 2.47 FY 2.98 2.36 ** .46 2.38 ** .51 2.32 ** .59 2.79 2.38 * .34 2.45 * .30 2.39 * .37 ** * *** *** ** *** * -.25 *** -.32 .06 To what extent does your institution emphasize each of the following? 1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very much Spending significant amounts of time studying and on academic work ENVSCHOL Providing the support you need to help you succeed academically ENVSUPRT Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds ENVDIVRS LAC SCE EEE FY 3.06 3.06 .01 3.10 -.05 3.14 -.10 SR 3.00 3.10 -.13 3.12 -.15 3.13 -.17 FY 2.92 3.12 -.24 3.06 -.17 3.08 -.20 SR 2.89 3.06 -.21 2.96 -.08 2.94 -.06 FY 2.43 2.85 ** -.43 2.72 * -.30 2.72 SR 2.36 2.69 ** -.32 2.57 * -.21 2.55 * -.30 -.19 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. c About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week doing each of the following? 1=0 hrs/wk, 2=1-5 hrs/wk, 3=6-10 hrs/wk, 4=11-15 hrs/wk, 5=16-20 hrs/wk, 6=21-25 hrs/wk, 7=26-30 hrs/wk, 8=More than 30 hrs/wk Institutional Environment a. Carnegie Class Effect SR 10. MECIC b 8 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M d. e. f. g. Variable Benchmark Helping you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.) ENVNACAD SCE Providing the support you need to thrive socially ENVSOCAL Attending campus events and activities (special speakers, cultural performances, athletic events, etc.) ENVEVENT Using computers in academic work ENVCOMPT SCE Class Acquiring a broad general education b. c. GNWRITE Using computing and information technology g. Working effectively with others h. GNGENLED G G Writing clearly and effectively Analyzing quantitative problems f. Mean a Sig b Size c Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size 2.43 -.17 2.30 -.05 2.28 -.02 SR 2.13 2.13 -.01 2.03 .10 2.00 .14 FY 2.46 2.58 -.12 2.50 -.05 2.50 -.05 SR 2.24 2.26 -.02 2.23 .01 2.23 .01 FY 2.93 2.72 3.40 3.31 2.80 2.49 3.28 3.40 .12 .23 .16 -.13 2.79 2.54 3.30 3.46 .14 .19 .13 -.21 2.85 2.63 3.33 3.47 .08 .10 .09 -.22 FY * * * GNSPEAK GNANALY GNQUANT GNCMPTS GNOTHERS FY 2.89 3.14 * -.31 3.16 ** -.34 3.16 ** -.34 SR 3.01 3.23 * -.26 3.26 ** -.30 3.25 ** -.30 FY 2.66 2.92 * -.28 2.81 -.16 2.82 -.18 SR 2.99 3.23 * -.28 3.10 -.12 3.06 -.07 FY 3.06 3.13 -.09 3.06 .00 3.02 .04 SR 2.97 3.21 -.29 3.13 -.20 3.11 -.16 FY 2.92 2.96 -.04 2.92 .01 2.84 .09 SR 2.94 3.12 -.20 3.04 -.11 2.99 -.06 FY 3.02 3.20 -.22 3.20 -.23 3.23 * -.26 SR 3.11 3.38 -.36 3.36 -.33 3.36 ** -.34 FY 2.97 2.90 .08 2.93 .04 2.96 .01 SR 2.99 3.05 -.07 3.08 -.11 3.08 -.11 FY 2.92 3.06 -.16 3.03 -.13 3.05 -.15 SR 3.20 3.21 -.01 3.23 -.04 3.21 -.01 FY 3.00 3.08 -.09 3.01 -.02 3.01 -.01 SR 3.10 3.25 -.19 3.18 -.10 3.16 -.08 ** ** ** a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. c To what extent has your experience at this institution contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? 1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very much GNWORK Thinking critically and analytically e. a 2.26 SR Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills Speaking clearly and effectively d. Mean NSSE 2009 Effect FY Educational and Personal Growth a. Carnegie Class Effect SR 11. MECIC b 9 NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Variable Voting in local, state, or national elections i. Learning effectively on your own j. Understanding yourself k. l. m. 12. 13. Solving complex real-world problems GNPROBSV Developing a deepened sense of spirituality p. GNSELF GNDIVERS Contributing to the welfare of your community o. GNINQ Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds Developing p g a personal p code of values and ethics n. GNCITIZN Academic Advising Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution? GNETHICS GNCOMMUN GNSPIRIT Benchmark Carnegie Class Effect Class Mean a Mean a Sig b Size c NSSE 2009 Effect Mean a Sig b Size c Effect Mean a Sig b Size c FY 3.13 2.56 *** .52 2.54 *** .55 2.57 *** .52 SR 2.99 2.35 *** .59 2.31 *** .62 2.33 *** .60 FY 3.20 3.01 .21 2.98 .25 2.99 .24 SR 3.12 3.05 .07 3.05 .08 3.05 .07 FY 3.10 2.95 .15 2.85 .26 2.83 SR 2.89 2.86 .03 2.83 .06 2.82 .07 FY 2.80 2.88 -.09 2.74 .06 2.71 .09 SR 2.73 2.82 -.09 2.70 .04 2.67 .07 FY 2.84 2.78 .06 2.71 .14 2.72 .13 SR 2.94 2.87 .07 2.80 .15 2.80 .14 FY 2.98 2.83 .16 2.74 .25 2.72 SR 2.89 2.79 .10 2.75 .14 2.72 .17 FY 2.48 2.59 -.10 2.47 .01 2.50 -.02 SR 2.56 2.53 .03 2.49 .07 2.49 .07 FY 2.65 2.50 .14 2.23 ** .38 2.17 *** .44 SR 2.42 2.17 .22 2.02 *** .37 1.96 *** .42 -.16 3.04 * * * .28 * .27 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Excellent ADVISE FY 2.90 3.18 * -.34 3.04 SR 2.67 3.15 *** -.56 2.90 * -.25 2.89 * -.23 Satisfaction How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? MECIC -.17 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Excellent ENTIREXP FY SR 14. 2.81 3.26 *** -.61 3.18 *** -.52 3.21 *** -.57 2.78 3.30 *** -.73 3.20 *** -.57 3.22 *** -.59 *** -.68 *** -.76 1=Definitely no, 2=Probably no, 3=Probably yes, 4=Definitely yes If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending? SAMECOLL FY 2.68 3.24 *** -.65 3.19 *** -.62 3.24 SR 2.55 3.23 *** -.77 3.17 *** -.72 3.20 IPEDS: 100654 a Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). c Mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation. b 10 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Standard Error of the Mean b MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Effect Size f Alabama A&M compared with: NSSE 2009 Significance e Carnegie Class Degrees of Freedom d MECIC Standard Deviation c Alabama A&M Mean Alabama A&M N CLQUEST 96 2.87 3.08 2.88 2.84 .09 .04 .01 .00 .84 .82 .85 .85 598 21,104 78,840 .023 .903 .711 -.25 -.01 .04 CLPRESEN 98 2.43 2.51 2.34 2.27 .09 .04 .01 .00 .84 .86 .81 .81 598 21,131 78,913 .390 .295 .059 -.09 .11 .19 REWROPAP 97 2.85 2.73 2.76 2.69 .09 .04 .01 .00 .87 1.00 .97 .98 149 97 96 .225 .267 .065 .12 .10 .17 INTEGRAT 97 2.97 3.16 3.13 3.10 .08 .04 .01 .00 .83 .79 .78 .79 600 21,138 79,021 .028 .046 .095 -.25 -.20 -.17 DIVCLASS 97 2.55 2.86 2.84 2.80 .08 .04 .01 .00 .81 .91 .87 .88 599 21,115 78,852 .002 .001 .005 -.34 -.33 -.29 CLUNPREP 96 1.83 1.90 1.99 2.03 .07 .03 .01 .00 .73 .75 .78 .78 599 21,117 78,949 .386 .040 .011 -.10 -.21 -.26 CLASSGRP 98 2.47 2.49 2.49 2.44 .09 .04 .01 .00 .85 .87 .85 .86 600 21,136 78,960 .826 .796 .783 -.02 -.03 .03 OCCGRP 98 2.67 2.40 2.37 2.44 .09 .04 .01 .00 .91 .89 .90 .89 600 21,204 79,213 .006 .001 .009 .31 .34 .26 INTIDEAS 87 2.47 2.61 2.62 2.63 .09 .04 .01 .00 .88 .84 .83 .82 550 19,878 74,632 .162 .084 .071 -.16 -.19 -.19 TUTOR 88 1.63 1.62 1.64 1.69 .09 .04 .01 .00 .81 .81 .84 .85 556 19,961 74,886 .856 .959 .571 .02 -.01 -.06 COMMPROJ 86 1.51 1.56 1.56 1.56 .08 .04 .01 .00 .77 .82 .82 .82 551 19,842 74,493 .611 .605 .568 -.06 -.06 -.06 ITACADEM 88 2.75 2.57 2.60 2.64 .11 .05 .01 .00 1.07 1.05 1.03 1.03 557 19,963 74,925 .148 .190 .340 .17 .14 .10 EMAIL 87 2.72 3.16 3.18 3.17 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.00 .82 .80 .81 109 87 86 .000 .000 .000 -.52 -.57 -.56 FACGRADE 87 2.99 2.73 2.67 2.64 .09 .04 .01 .00 .80 .88 .87 .87 128 87 86 .009 .000 .000 .29 .36 .39 FACPLANS 88 2.45 2.34 2.22 2.20 .10 .04 .01 .00 .96 .94 .91 .90 556 19,938 74,828 .299 .016 .009 .12 .26 .28 FACIDEAS 88 2.05 1.95 1.90 1.88 .10 .04 .01 .00 .95 .92 .91 .90 555 19,972 74,925 .351 .119 .072 .11 .17 .19 FACFEED 85 2.64 2.74 2.70 2.67 .10 .04 .01 .00 .88 .86 .85 .84 544 19,570 73,518 .342 .532 .737 -.11 -.07 -.04 WORKHARD 85 2.80 2.72 2.71 2.68 .09 .04 .01 .00 .83 .86 .84 .85 543 19,588 73,528 .450 .356 .215 .09 .10 .14 FACOTHER 83 1.79 1.76 1.64 1.64 .10 .04 .01 .00 .93 .93 .87 .86 541 19,525 73,328 .820 .114 .106 .03 .17 .18 OOCIDEAS 85 2.70 2.75 2.74 2.76 .10 .04 .01 .00 .92 .88 .88 .87 543 19,576 73,490 .580 .634 .486 -.07 -.05 -.08 DIVRSTUD 84 2.08 2.64 2.61 2.62 .11 .05 .01 .00 1.00 1.05 1.02 1.02 119 83 83 .000 .000 .000 -.53 -.52 -.53 DIFFSTU2 85 2.34 2.68 2.68 2.72 .11 .05 .01 .00 .98 1.02 .99 .98 543 19,608 73,630 .006 .002 .000 -.33 -.34 -.38 MEMORIZE 80 2.84 2.83 2.94 2.93 .10 .04 .01 .00 .89 .87 .85 .86 534 19,420 73,049 .906 .333 .392 .01 -.11 -.10 ANALYZE 79 2.75 3.12 3.11 3.14 .10 .04 .01 .00 .85 .78 .78 .78 533 19,356 72,791 .000 .000 .000 -.47 -.46 -.51 SYNTHESZ 79 2.70 2.89 2.90 2.93 .09 .04 .01 .00 .84 .87 .84 .84 527 19,321 72,697 .071 .030 .015 -.22 -.24 -.28 EVALUATE 78 2.76 2.93 2.94 2.93 .10 .04 .01 .00 .86 .85 .84 .85 529 19,359 72,830 .101 .054 .077 -.20 -.22 -.20 APPLYING 80 2.68 3.06 3.05 3.08 .10 .04 .01 .00 .89 .86 .84 .84 534 80 72,970 .000 .000 .000 -.44 -.44 -.47 READASGN 76 3.15 3.20 3.24 3.26 .11 .05 .01 .00 .97 1.04 .98 .98 527 19,377 72,880 .650 .431 .322 -.06 -.09 -.11 a All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. f Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 11 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Standard Error of the Mean b MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Effect Size f Alabama A&M compared with: NSSE 2009 Significance e Carnegie Class Degrees of Freedom d MECIC Standard Deviation c Alabama A&M Mean Alabama A&M N READOWN 76 2.00 2.18 2.10 2.09 .10 .05 .01 .00 .86 1.01 .96 .93 114 19,369 72,832 .098 .347 .407 -.18 -.11 -.10 WRITEMOR 75 1.49 1.35 1.31 1.30 .09 .04 .01 .00 .81 .78 .74 .71 525 74 74 .148 .061 .045 .18 .24 .27 WRITEMID 76 2.08 2.32 2.26 2.28 .08 .04 .01 .00 .73 .92 .84 .83 120 76 76 .013 .035 .020 -.26 -.21 -.24 WRITESML 76 2.70 3.22 3.04 3.05 .11 .05 .01 .00 .95 1.14 1.03 1.04 116 19,354 72,809 .000 .005 .004 -.46 -.32 -.33 PROBSETA 76 2.58 2.59 2.66 2.69 .11 .05 .01 .00 .97 1.12 1.10 1.11 526 19,308 72,593 .921 .518 .374 -.01 -.07 -.10 PROBSETB 76 2.71 2.75 2.79 2.75 .14 .06 .01 .00 1.19 1.25 1.21 1.22 526 19,321 72,612 .806 .578 .775 -.03 -.06 -.03 EXAMS 76 5.17 5.44 5.39 5.45 .16 .06 .01 .00 1.40 1.22 1.17 1.16 529 19,378 72,834 .081 .105 .036 -.22 -.19 -.24 ATDART07 73 2.43 2.18 2.15 2.18 .10 .04 .01 .00 .82 .92 .92 .92 518 19,097 71,932 .026 .009 .019 .28 .31 .27 EXRCSE05 73 2.61 2.82 2.73 2.82 .12 .05 .01 .00 1.00 1.08 1.07 1.04 518 19,082 71,902 .112 .306 .080 -.20 -.12 -.20 WORSHP05 73 2.49 2.23 2.05 2.08 .11 .05 .01 .00 .95 1.13 1.11 1.12 109 19,055 71,788 .038 .001 .002 .23 .40 .36 OWNVIEW 73 2.51 2.72 2.60 2.62 .10 .04 .01 .00 .88 .92 .90 .89 517 19,048 71,756 .063 .367 .267 -.23 -.11 -.13 OTHRVIEW 73 2.88 2.90 2.80 2.80 .10 .04 .01 .00 .85 .89 .87 .86 517 19,079 71,827 .888 .432 .422 -.02 .09 .09 CHNGVIEW 73 2.95 2.92 2.87 2.88 .09 .04 .01 .00 .75 .86 .84 .84 106 73 73 .765 .388 .450 .03 .09 .08 INTERN04 71 .05 .09 .07 .08 .03 .01 .00 .00 .22 .29 .26 .26 115 18,771 70,837 .131 .462 .413 -.16 -.09 -.10 VOLNTR04 71 .31 .40 .36 .39 .06 .02 .00 .00 .46 .49 .48 .49 97 70 70 .123 .304 .116 -.19 -.12 -.18 LRNCOM04 67 .18 .15 .17 .18 .05 .02 .00 .00 .39 .36 .37 .38 500 18,680 70,472 .550 .739 .900 .08 .04 .02 RESRCH04 71 .10 .07 .05 .05 .04 .01 .00 .00 .30 .25 .22 .22 502 70 70 .320 .170 .182 .13 .23 .22 FORLNG04 69 .05 .13 .18 .22 .03 .02 .00 .00 .22 .34 .38 .41 128 70 69 .009 .000 .000 -.25 -.34 -.41 STDABR04 71 .04 .06 .03 .03 .02 .01 .00 .00 .19 .24 .18 .17 502 18,710 70,601 .349 .877 .789 -.12 .02 .03 INDSTD04 69 .13 .05 .04 .04 .04 .01 .00 .00 .34 .22 .20 .19 77 68 68 .058 .034 .026 .34 .44 .48 SNRX04 71 .02 .03 .02 .02 .02 .01 .00 .00 .14 .17 .15 .14 501 18,753 70,802 .672 .852 .929 -.05 -.02 -.01 ENVSTU 70 5.35 5.72 5.43 5.47 .17 .06 .01 .01 1.46 1.32 1.39 1.37 88 18,738 70,688 .049 .605 .439 -.28 -.06 -.09 ENVFAC 71 5.11 5.59 5.24 5.21 .18 .06 .01 .00 1.49 1.34 1.32 1.32 505 18,741 70,714 .007 .419 .536 -.35 -.10 -.07 ENVADM 71 4.37 5.03 4.76 4.74 .19 .08 .01 .01 1.58 1.61 1.54 1.53 505 18,716 70,641 .001 .034 .042 -.41 -.25 -.24 ACADPR01 71 3.50 3.88 3.98 4.17 .15 .08 .01 .01 1.24 1.61 1.58 1.64 112 18,597 70 .024 .011 .000 -.24 -.30 -.41 WORKON01 71 1.41 1.87 1.52 1.53 .15 .07 .01 .00 1.28 1.44 1.24 1.23 100 18,587 70,182 .007 .470 .425 -.33 -.09 -.09 WORKOF01 69 1.78 2.96 2.63 2.35 .23 .13 .02 .01 1.94 2.72 2.39 2.24 116 69 68 .000 .001 .017 -.45 -.36 -.25 COCURR01 71 2.12 2.39 2.18 2.29 .18 .08 .01 .01 1.54 1.73 1.60 1.60 101 18,603 70,224 .177 .729 .348 -.16 -.04 -.11 a All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. f Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 12 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Standard Error of the Mean b MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Effect Size f Alabama A&M compared with: NSSE 2009 Significance e Carnegie Class Degrees of Freedom d MECIC Standard Deviation c Alabama A&M Mean Alabama A&M N SOCIAL05 65 3.66 3.68 3.78 3.81 .20 .08 .01 .01 1.61 1.68 1.67 1.65 495 18,467 69,781 .947 .561 .463 -.01 -.07 -.09 CAREDE01 68 1.29 2.44 2.02 1.84 .12 .11 .01 .01 .95 2.35 1.84 1.72 224 68 67 .000 .000 .000 -.52 -.40 -.32 COMMUTE 68 2.98 2.36 2.38 2.32 .21 .06 .01 .00 1.72 1.30 1.18 1.13 79 67 67 .006 .006 .002 .46 .51 .59 ENVSCHOL 67 3.06 3.06 3.10 3.14 .10 .04 .01 .00 .84 .78 .77 .76 495 18,305 69,238 .947 .697 .420 .01 -.05 -.10 ENVSUPRT 65 2.92 3.12 3.06 3.08 .10 .04 .01 .00 .85 .83 .80 .80 490 18,247 69,017 .068 .169 .115 -.24 -.17 -.20 ENVDIVRS 67 2.43 2.85 2.72 2.72 .11 .05 .01 .00 .92 .97 .97 .97 491 18,236 68,938 .001 .014 .014 -.43 -.30 -.30 ENVNACAD 66 2.26 2.43 2.30 2.28 .13 .05 .01 .00 1.04 1.01 .97 .97 491 18,245 69,057 .212 .700 .873 -.17 -.05 -.02 ENVSOCAL 67 2.46 2.58 2.50 2.50 .12 .05 .01 .00 .99 .98 .95 .94 492 18,184 68,836 .356 .690 .681 -.12 -.05 -.05 ENVEVENT 67 2.93 2.80 2.79 2.85 .11 .05 .01 .00 .90 1.03 .97 .94 95 18,236 69,011 .310 .240 .503 .12 .14 .08 ENVCOMPT 67 3.40 3.28 3.30 3.33 .09 .04 .01 .00 .74 .81 .80 .78 492 18,271 69,137 .234 .282 .454 .16 .13 .09 GNGENLED 64 2.89 3.14 3.16 3.16 .11 .04 .01 .00 .87 .80 .79 .79 479 17,969 68,051 .023 .007 .006 -.31 -.34 -.34 GNWORK 65 2.66 2.92 2.81 2.82 .13 .05 .01 .00 1.01 .92 .94 .93 481 17,971 68,025 .038 .202 .158 -.28 -.16 -.18 GNWRITE 65 3.06 3.13 3.06 3.02 .11 .04 .01 .00 .89 .82 .84 .85 483 18,001 68,130 .492 .996 .732 -.09 .00 .04 GNSPEAK 64 2.92 2.96 2.92 2.84 .11 .04 .01 .00 .87 .91 .90 .92 480 17,956 67,947 .751 .932 .478 -.04 .01 .09 GNANALY 65 3.02 3.20 3.20 3.23 .10 .04 .01 .00 .82 .81 .79 .78 480 17,969 68,030 .105 .069 .038 -.22 -.23 -.26 GNQUANT 64 2.97 2.90 2.93 2.96 .11 .04 .01 .00 .86 .91 .87 .87 480 17,908 67,798 .566 .727 .965 .08 .04 .01 GNCMPTS 65 2.92 3.06 3.03 3.05 .12 .04 .01 .00 .93 .89 .88 .88 481 17,979 68,053 .246 .301 .241 -.16 -.13 -.15 GNOTHERS 65 3.00 3.08 3.01 3.01 .11 .04 .01 .00 .85 .89 .87 .87 482 17,977 68,096 .505 .901 .941 -.09 -.02 -.01 GNCITIZN 62 3.13 2.56 2.54 2.57 .14 .05 .01 .00 1.06 1.10 1.08 1.08 476 17,696 67,017 .000 .000 .000 .52 .55 .52 GNINQ 62 3.20 3.01 2.98 2.99 .11 .04 .01 .00 .84 .88 .85 .85 472 17,657 66,919 .123 .051 .061 .21 .25 .24 GNSELF 62 3.10 2.95 2.85 2.83 .13 .05 .01 .00 1.03 .97 .96 .96 474 17,626 66,771 .266 .038 .027 .15 .26 .28 GNDIVERS 62 2.80 2.88 2.74 2.71 .12 .05 .01 .00 .98 .96 .96 .96 474 17,680 66,957 .509 .617 .463 -.09 .06 .09 GNPROBSV 62 2.84 2.78 2.71 2.72 .12 .05 .01 .00 .96 .97 .93 .93 473 17,675 66,991 .660 .277 .307 .06 .14 .13 GNETHICS 61 2.98 2.83 2.74 2.72 .12 .05 .01 .00 .96 1.00 .98 .98 475 17,674 66,986 .260 .051 .037 .16 .25 .27 GNCOMMUN 61 2.48 2.59 2.47 2.50 .14 .05 .01 .00 1.10 1.04 1.00 .99 473 17,668 66,968 .452 .934 .885 -.10 .01 -.02 GNSPIRIT 62 2.65 2.50 2.23 2.17 .13 .06 .01 .00 1.01 1.14 1.10 1.10 86 17,690 67,013 .281 .003 .001 .14 .38 .44 ADVISE 65 2.90 3.18 3.04 3.04 .09 .04 .01 .00 .76 .82 .82 .83 483 17,941 67,892 .012 .200 .170 -.34 -.16 -.17 ENTIREXP 65 2.81 3.26 3.18 3.21 .10 .04 .01 .00 .76 .74 .71 .72 482 17,939 67,891 .000 .000 .000 -.61 -.52 -.57 SAMECOLL 65 2.68 3.24 3.19 3.24 .12 .04 .01 .00 .97 .84 .82 .82 79 64 64 .000 .000 .000 -.65 -.62 -.68 a All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. f Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. IPEDS: 100654 13 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Alabama A&M University Seniors Standard Error of the Mean b Mean Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M compared with: NSSE 2009 Effect Size f Alabama A&M compared with: Carnegie Class Significance e MECIC Degrees of Freedom d Alabama A&M Standard Deviation c Alabama A&M N CLQUEST 114 3.29 3.38 3.17 3.11 .07 .03 .00 .00 .79 .74 .84 .86 923 35,761 128,437 .268 .121 .022 -.11 .15 .21 CLPRESEN 115 2.92 3.01 2.84 2.78 .08 .03 .00 .00 .88 .88 .88 .88 928 35,906 128,857 .278 .362 .088 -.11 .09 .16 REWROPAP 115 2.74 2.59 2.54 2.49 .10 .03 .01 .00 1.03 .99 .98 .98 926 35,877 128,603 .146 .032 .006 .14 .20 .26 INTEGRAT 114 3.28 3.42 3.36 3.34 .07 .02 .00 .00 .78 .69 .73 .74 928 35,962 128,946 .046 .254 .420 -.20 -.11 -.08 DIVCLASS 115 2.71 3.02 2.89 2.83 .09 .03 .00 .00 1.01 .88 .91 .93 139 114 114 .002 .069 .205 -.34 -.19 -.13 CLUNPREP 115 2.00 1.90 2.06 2.13 .07 .03 .00 .00 .74 .77 .79 .80 928 35,887 114 .213 .381 .056 .12 -.08 -.17 CLASSGRP 114 2.83 2.67 2.61 2.55 .08 .03 .00 .00 .85 .87 .90 .90 926 35,928 113 .073 .012 .001 .18 .24 .31 OCCGRP 115 2.99 2.58 2.71 2.76 .09 .03 .00 .00 .94 .91 .92 .92 930 36,025 129,197 .000 .001 .009 .45 .30 .24 INTIDEAS 108 3.00 2.90 2.94 2.95 .08 .03 .00 .00 .80 .83 .82 .82 899 34,852 124,730 .262 .448 .533 .12 .07 .06 TUTOR 109 2.20 1.78 1.81 1.86 .10 .03 .01 .00 1.02 .92 .94 .95 903 34,971 125,124 .000 .000 .000 .44 .41 .36 COMMPROJ 108 1.99 1.74 1.73 1.70 .10 .03 .00 .00 1.05 .93 .92 .90 898 34,848 107 .012 .004 .007 .26 .28 .31 ITACADEM 109 2.63 2.73 2.87 2.87 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.12 1.04 1.02 1.01 902 109 108 .346 .033 .033 -.10 -.23 -.23 EMAIL 108 2.98 3.32 3.42 3.42 .08 .03 .00 .00 .87 .76 .73 .73 904 34,971 125,126 .000 .000 .000 -.44 -.60 -.61 FACGRADE 109 3.10 2.90 2.85 2.83 .07 .03 .00 .00 .76 .86 .87 .87 148 109 108 .015 .001 .000 .23 .28 .31 FACPLANS 109 2.73 2.45 2.42 2.41 .09 .03 .01 .00 .98 .98 .97 .96 904 34,962 125,116 .005 .001 .001 .29 .32 .33 FACIDEAS 108 2.36 2.03 2.09 2.08 .09 .03 .01 .00 .91 .92 .94 .93 901 34,981 125,216 .000 .002 .002 .36 .29 .30 FACFEED 108 2.87 2.94 2.85 2.81 .08 .03 .00 .00 .83 .79 .81 .82 898 34,621 123,842 .376 .807 .400 -.09 .02 .08 WORKHARD 108 2.96 2.76 2.79 2.74 .08 .03 .00 .00 .86 .86 .85 .86 896 34,665 123,916 .022 .041 .009 .24 .20 .25 FACOTHER 106 2.20 1.76 1.79 1.82 .10 .03 .01 .00 1.03 .96 .95 .95 895 34,590 123,671 .000 .000 .000 .46 .43 .41 OOCIDEAS 109 2.78 2.90 2.90 2.90 .08 .03 .00 .00 .86 .85 .86 .85 899 34,676 123,926 .157 .160 .134 -.14 -.13 -.14 DIVRSTUD 108 2.36 2.76 2.69 2.70 .09 .04 .01 .00 .98 .99 1.00 1.00 900 34,693 124,016 .000 .001 .000 -.40 -.33 -.34 DIFFSTU2 108 2.43 2.76 2.73 2.76 .09 .04 .01 .00 .97 .99 .97 .97 898 34,711 124,059 .001 .002 .001 -.33 -.30 -.33 MEMORIZE 108 2.98 2.70 2.78 2.77 .08 .03 .00 .00 .80 .90 .91 .92 147 107 107 .001 .010 .008 .32 .22 .23 ANALYZE 106 3.22 3.27 3.27 3.28 .08 .03 .00 .00 .77 .72 .74 .74 890 34,398 122,976 .511 .510 .375 -.07 -.06 -.09 SYNTHESZ 106 2.98 3.07 3.08 3.08 .09 .03 .00 .00 .88 .78 .83 .83 892 34,369 122,855 .253 .229 .217 -.12 -.12 -.12 EVALUATE 108 2.97 3.08 3.05 3.03 .09 .03 .00 .00 .89 .83 .85 .86 891 34,403 122,993 .203 .332 .461 -.13 -.09 -.07 APPLYING 106 3.14 3.28 3.25 3.24 .09 .03 .00 .00 .94 .78 .81 .81 125 105 105 .145 .227 .262 -.18 -.14 -.13 READASGN 103 2.89 3.21 3.16 3.19 .10 .04 .01 .00 .99 1.05 1.04 1.04 889 34,378 122,959 .004 .008 .003 -.30 -.26 -.29 a All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. f Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 14 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Alabama A&M University Seniors Standard Error of the Mean b MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Effect Size f Alabama A&M compared with: NSSE 2009 Significance e Carnegie Class Degrees of Freedom d MECIC Standard Deviation c Alabama A&M Mean Alabama A&M N READOWN 103 2.18 2.23 2.20 2.21 .09 .03 .01 .00 .91 .98 .98 .98 892 34,374 122,892 .640 .850 .780 -.05 -.02 -.03 WRITEMOR 104 1.60 1.57 1.64 1.65 .09 .03 .00 .00 .93 .77 .81 .81 122 103 103 .747 .665 .644 .04 -.05 -.05 WRITEMID 104 2.16 2.63 2.55 2.55 .08 .03 .01 .00 .77 .94 .96 .96 148 104 103 .000 .000 .000 -.51 -.41 -.41 WRITESML 104 2.41 3.06 2.97 3.00 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.15 892 34,344 122,894 .000 .000 .000 -.56 -.48 -.51 PROBSETA 104 2.74 2.64 2.65 2.61 .12 .04 .01 .00 1.20 1.18 1.21 1.21 884 34,227 122,387 .403 .421 .278 .09 .08 .11 PROBSETB 104 2.38 2.45 2.42 2.34 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.07 1.23 1.22 1.22 142 104 122,245 .530 .724 .744 -.06 -.03 .03 EXAMS 104 5.28 5.52 5.47 5.46 .13 .04 .01 .00 1.35 1.22 1.25 1.24 886 34,358 122,801 .059 .118 .150 -.20 -.15 -.14 ATDART07 101 2.05 2.11 1.98 2.05 .09 .03 .00 .00 .86 .95 .90 .91 883 34,024 121,746 .568 .457 .999 -.06 .07 .00 EXRCSE05 101 2.57 2.62 2.62 2.73 .10 .04 .01 .00 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.04 884 34,010 121,717 .628 .612 .125 -.05 -.05 -.15 WORSHP05 101 2.73 2.13 2.14 2.15 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.14 883 33,955 121,552 .000 .000 .000 .53 .53 .51 OWNVIEW 102 2.90 2.78 2.72 2.73 .09 .03 .00 .00 .92 .92 .90 .89 883 33,966 121,533 .217 .046 .064 .13 .20 .18 OTHRVIEW 102 3.09 2.94 2.88 2.88 .08 .03 .00 .00 .81 .85 .86 .85 886 33,969 121,569 .090 .011 .012 .18 .25 .25 CHNGVIEW 102 2.87 2.96 2.92 2.92 .08 .03 .00 .00 .83 .82 .83 .82 886 34,042 121,817 .274 .573 .530 -.12 -.06 -.06 INTERN04 101 .61 .47 .49 .52 .05 .02 .00 .00 .49 .50 .50 .50 128 100 100 .012 .018 .097 .27 .24 .16 VOLNTR04 101 .66 .55 .55 .60 .05 .02 .00 .00 .48 .50 .50 .49 130 100 100 .035 .026 .182 .22 .22 .13 LRNCOM04 100 .44 .24 .25 .26 .05 .02 .00 .00 .50 .43 .43 .44 119 99 99 .000 .000 .001 .45 .43 .39 RESRCH04 101 .30 .13 .16 .19 .05 .01 .00 .00 .46 .34 .36 .40 114 100 100 .001 .003 .023 .47 .39 .27 FORLNG04 101 .34 .29 .34 .41 .05 .02 .00 .00 .48 .45 .47 .49 124 33,659 100 .260 .955 .184 .12 .01 -.13 STDABR04 100 .13 .14 .11 .15 .03 .01 .00 .00 .34 .35 .31 .36 872 33,533 120,072 .881 .354 .638 -.02 .09 -.05 INDSTD04 99 .21 .20 .15 .17 .04 .01 .00 .00 .41 .40 .36 .38 871 99 99 .688 .149 .309 .04 .17 .11 SNRX04 101 .42 .31 .30 .33 .05 .02 .00 .00 .50 .46 .46 .47 123 100 100 .028 .020 .083 .25 .25 .18 ENVSTU 98 5.40 5.77 5.59 5.59 .16 .05 .01 .00 1.60 1.36 1.33 1.32 115 97 97 .035 .261 .253 -.26 -.14 -.14 ENVFAC 98 5.39 5.76 5.48 5.42 .15 .05 .01 .00 1.45 1.28 1.33 1.34 875 33,585 120,368 .007 .484 .833 -.29 -.07 -.02 ENVADM 98 4.01 4.88 4.65 4.60 .19 .06 .01 .00 1.85 1.78 1.68 1.67 876 33,584 120,352 .000 .000 .000 -.49 -.38 -.36 ACADPR01 96 3.74 3.93 4.11 4.23 .16 .06 .01 .01 1.58 1.57 1.72 1.75 868 33,405 119,675 .253 .035 .006 -.12 -.22 -.28 WORKON01 96 1.75 1.87 1.68 1.83 .15 .06 .01 .00 1.49 1.58 1.49 1.60 865 33,358 119,555 .476 .648 .612 -.08 .05 -.05 WORKOF01 96 4.05 4.79 4.24 3.74 .29 .11 .02 .01 2.88 2.94 2.86 2.80 867 33,412 119,622 .020 .512 .275 -.25 -.07 .11 COCURR01 97 2.38 1.96 1.94 2.11 .16 .06 .01 .00 1.57 1.58 1.50 1.57 866 33,424 119,723 .014 .005 .098 .27 .29 .17 a All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. f Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 15 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Alabama A&M University Seniors Standard Error of the Mean b Alabama A&M MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 MECIC Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 3.65 3.40 3.44 3.53 .18 .05 .01 .00 1.72 1.46 1.52 1.54 107 33,227 119,123 .179 .173 .428 .17 .14 .08 91 2.62 2.93 2.81 2.47 .28 .09 .01 .01 2.64 2.55 2.51 2.34 854 33,211 91 .275 .469 .591 -.12 -.08 .06 COMMUTE 93 2.79 2.38 2.45 2.39 .16 .04 .01 .00 1.57 1.18 1.13 1.07 106 93 93 .016 .038 .017 .34 .30 .37 ENVSCHOL 94 3.00 3.10 3.12 3.13 .09 .03 .00 .00 .91 .76 .78 .78 110 33,063 118,540 .313 .135 .091 -.13 -.15 -.17 ENVSUPRT 94 2.89 3.06 2.96 2.94 .09 .03 .00 .00 .88 .82 .85 .85 859 32,949 118,185 .057 .411 .562 -.21 -.08 -.06 ENVDIVRS 94 2.36 2.69 2.57 2.55 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.04 1.03 1.00 1.00 861 32,923 118,089 .003 .041 .068 -.32 -.21 -.19 ENVNACAD 94 2.13 2.13 2.03 2.00 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.04 .99 .97 .95 864 94 94 .942 .361 .231 -.01 .10 .14 ENVSOCAL 94 2.24 2.26 2.23 2.23 .10 .04 .01 .00 1.00 .97 .96 .94 858 32,835 117,803 .849 .917 .906 -.02 .01 .01 ENVEVENT 94 2.72 2.49 2.54 2.63 .10 .04 .01 .00 .95 1.02 .99 .97 862 32,876 117,985 .036 .066 .354 .23 .19 .10 ENVCOMPT 95 3.31 3.40 3.46 3.47 .08 .03 .00 .00 .78 .79 .75 .74 863 33,034 118,399 .249 .044 .028 -.13 -.21 -.22 GNGENLED 94 3.01 3.23 3.26 3.25 .09 .03 .00 .00 .90 .80 .80 .80 851 32,579 116,927 .016 .003 .004 -.26 -.30 -.30 GNWORK 94 2.99 3.23 3.10 3.06 .09 .03 .01 .00 .90 .85 .91 .92 861 32,615 117,048 .010 .248 .469 -.28 -.12 -.07 GNWRITE 94 2.97 3.21 3.13 3.11 .10 .03 .00 .00 .96 .82 .84 .85 859 32,659 117,162 .008 .059 .114 -.29 -.20 -.16 GNSPEAK 95 2.94 3.12 3.04 2.99 .10 .03 .00 .00 .98 .88 .89 .90 853 32,590 116,899 .064 .275 .566 -.20 -.11 -.06 GNANALY 94 3.11 3.38 3.36 3.36 .09 .03 .00 .00 .83 .74 .75 .75 854 32,589 116,944 .001 .002 .001 -.36 -.33 -.34 GNQUANT 93 2.99 3.05 3.08 3.08 .09 .03 .00 .00 .89 .90 .87 .88 855 32,526 116,728 .528 .279 .306 -.07 -.11 -.11 GNCMPTS 95 3.20 3.21 3.23 3.21 .08 .03 .00 .00 .83 .86 .84 .85 862 32,649 117,164 .927 .707 .923 -.01 -.04 -.01 GNOTHERS 95 3.10 3.25 3.18 3.16 .09 .03 .00 .00 .87 .80 .85 .85 859 32,648 117,142 .087 .334 .441 -.19 -.10 -.08 GNCITIZN 94 2.99 2.35 2.31 2.33 .10 .04 .01 .00 1.02 1.11 1.09 1.09 122 93 93 .000 .000 .000 .59 .62 .60 GNINQ 92 3.12 3.05 3.05 3.05 .09 .03 .00 .00 .83 .88 .88 .88 840 32,193 115,666 .515 .451 .491 .07 .08 .07 GNSELF 92 2.89 2.86 2.83 2.82 .10 .04 .01 .00 .96 1.01 1.00 1.00 838 32,116 115,436 .799 .576 .523 .03 .06 .07 GNDIVERS 94 2.73 2.82 2.70 2.67 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.06 .97 .99 .99 113 32,207 115,731 .456 .718 .508 -.09 .04 .07 GNPROBSV 94 2.94 2.87 2.80 2.80 .10 .03 .01 .00 .96 .93 .95 .95 844 32,241 115,789 .509 .148 .167 .07 .15 .14 GNETHICS 94 2.89 2.79 2.75 2.72 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.04 1.01 1.03 1.03 846 32,240 115,789 .356 .168 .098 .10 .14 .17 GNCOMMUN 94 2.56 2.53 2.49 2.49 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.02 843 32,228 115,778 .806 .497 .523 .03 .07 .07 GNSPIRIT 94 2.42 2.17 2.02 1.96 .11 .04 .01 .00 1.11 1.16 1.11 1.09 846 32,231 115,805 .049 .000 .000 .22 .37 .42 ADVISE 94 2.67 3.15 2.90 2.89 .09 .03 .01 .00 .89 .85 .93 .94 857 32,628 117,160 .000 .015 .024 -.56 -.25 -.23 ENTIREXP 94 2.78 3.30 3.20 3.22 .08 .03 .00 .00 .75 .72 .74 .74 857 32,633 117,165 .000 .000 .000 -.73 -.57 -.59 SAMECOLL 94 2.55 3.23 3.17 3.20 .11 .03 .00 .00 1.06 .84 .86 .85 109 94 94 .000 .000 .000 -.77 -.72 -.76 NSSE 2009 NSSE 2009 92 CAREDE01 Carnegie Class Carnegie Class SOCIAL05 MECIC MECIC Alabama A&M compared with: Alabama A&M Effect Size f Alabama A&M compared with: NSSE 2009 Significance e Carnegie Class Degrees of Freedom d MECIC Standard Deviation c Alabama A&M Mean Alabama A&M N a All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. b f Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. IPEDS: 100654 16 a NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M Alabama A&M compared with MECIC Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Questions Refer to the MECIC consortium codebook for response option values. 1. Variable Class Mean Mean Sig b Effect size c Every institution has a mission statement. We would like to know how familiar you are with your school's mission. Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements: 1a. The mission of this institution is widely understood by students. MEC0901A Ethical and spiritual development of students is an important part of the mission at this institution. MEC0901B 1c. This institution offers opportunities for volunteering and community service. MEC0901C 1d. Social and personal development of students is an important part of the mission at this institution. MEC0901D This institution offers opportunities for developing leadership skills skills. MEC0901E 1b. 1e 1e. 1f. Preparation for a career is an important part of the mission of this institution 1g. The heritage of the founders/founding religious community of this institution is evident here. MEC0901G The faculty and staff here are respectful of people of different religions. MEC0901H 1h. 1i. 1j. 1k. The students here are respectful of people of different religions. Students at this institution feel free to express their individual spirituality. The faculty and staff here are respectful of people of different races and cultures. a. Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institution size b. * p<.05, ** p<.01, ***p<.001 Mean difference divided by the pooled s.d. c. d. Response set is categorical MEC0901F MEC0901I MEC0901J MEC0901K FY 3.83 3.72 .11 SR 3.42 3.49 -.05 FY 3.69 3.83 -.13 SR 3.40 3.56 -.15 FY 4.10 4.07 .05 SR 3.88 3.91 -.03 FY 4.02 3.98 .05 SR 3.63 3.82 -.19 FY 4.02 4.07 -.05 SR 3.84 4.08 FY 4.13 4.09 .05 SR 3.87 4.02 -.16 FY 4.12 3.76 * .33 SR 3.99 3.43 *** .49 FY 3.88 4.19 * -.35 *** -.53 * -.26 SR 3.67 4.12 FY 3.74 3.99 SR 3.54 3.99 FY 3.98 4.01 -.03 SR 3.84 4.02 -.21 FY 3.98 4.25 * -.35 SR 3.74 4.24 *** -.62 -.29 *** -.52 17 a NSSE 2009 Mean Comparisons Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University Alabama A&M Alabama A&M compared with MECIC Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Questions Refer to the MECIC consortium codebook for response option values. 1l. 1m. 1n. 1o. 1p. 1q 1q. 1r. 1s. 2. The students here are respectful of people of different races and cultures. People of different sexual orientations are accepted socially here. Variable MEC0901L MEC0901M The environment here encourages students to develop an appreciation of diversity MEC0901N At this institution, there are opportunities for students to strengthen their religious commitment MEC0901O The mission of this institution is reflected in its course offerings MEC0901P As a result of my experience here, I am more aware of social justice (fairness and equality) issues in the world. MEC0901Q The faculty at this institution discuss the ethical implications of what is being studied. MEC0901R As a result of my experience here, I am more aware of my own personal values MEC0901S Current religious preference: (Select only one) MEC0902 d Sig b Effect size Class Mean Mean FY 3.78 4.14 ** -.43 SR 3.56 4.14 *** -.71 FY 3.84 3.85 SR 3.41 3.93 *** -.51 FY 3.67 4.10 ** -.47 SR 3.30 4.14 *** -.92 FY 3.89 3.90 .00 SR 3.54 3.50 .04 FY 3.66 3.93 * -.31 SR 3.36 3.72 ** -.38 FY 3.70 3.77 SR 3.44 3.79 FY 3.66 3.84 SR 3.52 3.86 FY 4.11 3.92 .21 SR 3.78 3.95 -.17 c -.01 -.08 ** -.33 -.20 ** -.37 FY SR IPEDS: 100654 a. Weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institution size b. * p<.05, ** p<.01, ***p<.001 Mean difference divided by the pooled s.d. c. d. Response set is categorical 18 NSSE 2009 Detailed Statistics a Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University Standard Error Standard of the Mean b deviation c Effect DF d Sig. e size f MECIC Alabama A&M compared with MECIC MECIC Mean Alabama A&M MECIC MECIC Alabama A&M compared with MECIC N MECIC size f Alabama A&M Sig. e MECIC Effect DF d Alabama A&M deviation c Alabama A&M Standard of the Mean b MECIC Standard Error Alabama A&M MECIC Mean Alabama A&M Alabama A&M N Seniors Alabama A&M First-Year Students MEC0901A 51 3.83 3.72 .14 .05 1.02 1.00 407 .464 .11 75 3.42 3.49 .14 .04 1.23 1.15 759 .655 -.05 MEC0901B 51 3.69 3.83 .14 .05 1.03 1.02 405 .367 -.13 76 3.40 3.56 .11 .04 1.00 1.08 750 .216 -.15 MEC0901C 51 4.10 4.07 .11 .04 .77 .81 404 .759 .05 76 3.88 3.91 .09 .04 .79 .98 103 .756 -.03 MEC0901D 51 4.02 3.98 .12 .05 .84 .94 403 .739 .05 76 3.63 3.82 .11 .04 .98 .98 753 .108 -.19 MEC0901E 50 4.02 4.07 .14 .05 .97 .89 403 .721 -.05 76 3.84 4.08 .11 .03 .99 .89 758 .029 -.26 MEC0901F 51 4.13 4.09 .13 .05 .93 .88 404 .758 .05 76 3.87 4.02 .12 .04 1.06 .95 89 .242 -.16 MEC0901G 51 4.12 3.76 .13 .06 .96 1.11 405 .027 .33 76 3.99 3.43 .12 .04 1.03 1.15 97 .000 .49 MEC0901H 51 3.88 4.19 .13 .05 .93 .88 405 .020 -.35 76 3.67 4.12 .11 .03 .94 .85 759 .000 -.53 MEC0901I 51 3.74 3.99 .11 .05 .77 .89 404 .052 -.29 75 3.54 3.99 .11 .03 .94 .84 88 .000 -.52 MEC0901J 51 3.98 4.01 .11 .05 .80 .87 404 .847 -.03 75 3.84 4.02 .10 .03 .84 .85 755 .088 -.21 MEC0901K 51 3.98 4.25 .12 .04 .83 .76 402 .019 -.35 74 3.74 4.24 .10 .03 .89 .78 752 .000 -.62 MEC0901L 51 3.78 4.14 .12 .04 .83 .83 403 .004 -.43 75 3.56 4.14 .12 .03 1.02 .79 84 .000 -.71 MEC0901M 51 3.84 3.85 .11 .05 .82 1.03 405 .954 -.01 75 3.41 3.93 .12 .04 1.02 1.01 756 .000 -.51 MEC0901N 51 3.67 4.10 .15 .05 1.05 .88 61 .008 -.47 74 3.30 4.14 .14 .03 1.22 .88 82 .000 -.92 MEC0901O 51 3.89 3.90 .13 .05 .91 .90 399 .977 .00 75 3.54 3.50 .12 .04 1.05 .99 755 .754 .04 MEC0901P 50 3.66 3.93 .14 .04 1.02 .84 398 .040 -.31 74 3.36 3.72 .11 .04 .95 .94 753 .002 -.38 MEC0901Q 51 3.70 3.77 .13 .05 .96 .96 400 .610 -.08 75 3.44 3.79 .11 .04 .98 1.04 756 .006 -.33 MEC0901R 50 3.66 3.84 .12 .05 .87 .89 397 .181 -.20 75 3.52 3.86 .10 .03 .87 .90 756 .002 -.37 51 4.11 3.92 .12 .05 .89 .93 397 .159 .21 73 3.78 3.95 .11 .04 .94 .97 755 .167 -.17 MEC0901S MEC0902 g IPEDS: 100654 a. All statistics are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. b. The 95% confidence interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus the product of 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. c. A measure of the average amount individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. d. Degrees of freedom used to compute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and the equal variances assumption. e. Statistical significance represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. f. Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. g. Response set is categorical. 19 Alabama A&M University Frequency Distributions August 2009 Interpreting the Frequency Distributions Report Sample The Frequency Distributions report is based on information from all randomly selected students for both your institution and your comparison institutions. Targeted oversamples and other non-randomly selected students are not included in this report. Weighting Weights adjusting for gender, enrollment status, and institutional size are applied to the percentage column (%) of this report. Weights are computed separately for first-year students and seniors. Weighted results present a more accurate representation of your institution and comparison group students. Only the column percents are weighted. The counts are the actual number of respondents. Because the counts are unweighted and the column percentages are weighted, you will not be able to calculate the column percent directly from the count numbers. For more information about weighting, please visit the NSSE Web site at Variables The items from the NSSE survey appear in the left column in the same order and wording as they appear on the instrument. Variable Names The name of each variable appears in the first column for easy reference to your raw data file and the Mean Comparisons report. Class Benchmark Frequency distributions are reported separately for first-year students and Items that comprise the five “Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice” are indicated by seniors. Institution-reported class ranks are used. the following: LAC=Level of Academic Challenge NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions ACL=Active and NSSEville State University Count Collaborative Learning First-Year Students Seniors NSSEville NSSEville The Count column SFI=Student-Faculty State NSSE 2009 State Mid East Public Carnegie Class Mid East P ublic Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 represents the actual number Interaction CLQUEST Asked questions in class or Never 10 1,003 1,917 6,351 7 602 937 3,773 2% 5% 6% 4% 2% 3% 4% 2% (ACL) contributed to class Sometimes 158 31% 9,276 45% 14,476 42% 65,653 37% 96 19% 7,194 33% 9,772 33% 47,285 27% EEE=Enriching Educational of students who responded discussions Often 191 38% 7,127 34% 12,442 34% 64,626 35% 169 31% 7,649 33% 10,741 32% 62,543 33% Very often 150 29% 3,377 16% 7,030 18% 44,696 24% 250 48% 7,570 31% 11,379 31% 78,261 38% Experiences to the particular option in T otal 509 100% 20,783 100% 35,865 100% 181,326 100% 522 100% 23,015 100% 32,829 100% 191,862 100% Made a class present ation CLPRESEN Never 57 11% 3,518 19% 5,573 18% 23,434 15% 7 1,109 1,545 8,445 1% 6% 6% 5% each question. Counts are SCE=Supportive Campus (ACL) Sometimes 310 61% 11,820 56% 19,707 55% 96,070 52% 121 21% 8,839 41% 12,395 42% 61,770 34% Often 116 22% 4,398 20% 8,225 21% 46,873 25% 222 43% 8,362 34% 11,854 33% 72,438 36% unweighted. Environment a V ariab le R es p o ns e Op t io ns C o unt % C o unt % Co unt % 5% 100% 10% 29% 39% 22% 100% 1% 13% 44% 42% 100% 4% 28% 43% 24% 100% 1,037 20,773 3,263 6,885 6,567 4,072 20,787 597 5,196 9,614 5,384 20,791 1,486 7,408 7,953 3,904 20,751 5% 100% 18% 33% 30% 19% 100% 4% 26% 45% 25% 100% 8% 35% 37% 19% 100% 2,274 35,779 5,137 11,440 11,717 7,540 35,834 894 8,045 16,368 10,532 35,839 2,468 12,131 13,742 7,456 35,797 6% 100% 16% 32% 32% 20% 100% 3% 24% 44% 28% 100% 8% 34% 38% 21% 100% Co unt % Co unt % Co unt % Co unt % 35% 100% 16% 47% 22% 15% 100% 0% 9% 41% 50% 100% 6% 29% 36% 29% 100% 4,691 23,001 4,379 9,607 5,583 3,423 22,992 263 3,381 9,613 9,729 22,986 1,616 7,895 7,873 5,575 22,959 19% 100% 20% 42% 24% 14% 100% 1% 16% 41% 41% 100% 9% 35% 33% 23% 100% 7,007 32,801 6,096 13,342 8,216 5,128 32,782 339 4,706 13,373 14,375 32,793 2,411 11,050 11,133 8,138 32,732 19% 100% 20% 41% 24% 15% 100% 1% 16% 41% 42% 100% 9% 34% 33% 24% 100% Co unt % 1a . 1b. Very often T otal 1c . Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in REWROPAP Never Sometimes Often Very often T otal Response Options Response options listed just as they appear on the instrument. 1d. Worked on a paper or project that required integrating ideas or information from various sources INT EGRAT Never Sometimes Often Very often 1e . Included diverse perspectives (different races, religions, genders, political beliefs, etc.) in class discussions or writing i t DIVCLASS Never Sometimes Often Very often T otal T otal 26 509 49 152 187 121 509 5 63 218 222 508 21 141 219 127 508 14,562 180,939 23,636 58,221 58,917 40,343 181,117 3,635 36,672 82,244 58,631 181,182 10,808 57,446 70,683 41,971 180,908 8% 100% 13% 31% 32% 23% 100% 2% 21% 45% 32% 100% 7% 32% 38% 23% 100% 172 522 82 240 120 81 523 2 48 209 262 521 29 147 182 161 519 49,038 191,691 31,065 74,803 50,342 35,502 191,712 1,927 23,178 74,885 91,727 191,717 12,010 59,116 66,426 53,888 191,440 24% 100% 16% 38% 27% 18% 100% 1% 13% 40% 46% 100% 7% 31% 34% 27% 100% Column Percentage (%) This column represents the weighted percentage of students responding to the particular option in each question. NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 1a. Asked questions in class or Response Options CLQUEST (ACL) Never Sometimes Often Very often 1b. Made a class presentation CLPRESEN (ACL) Never Sometimes Often Very often 1c. Prepared two or more drafts of REWROPAP Never Sometimes Often Very often INTEGRAT Never Sometimes Oft Often Very often DIVCLASS Never Sometimes Often Very often CLUNPREP Never Sometimes Often Very often CLASSGRP (ACL) Never Sometimes Often Very often contributed to class discussions Count Total Total a paper or assignment before turning it in Total 1d. Worked on a paper or project that required integrating ideas or information from various sources Total 1e. Included diverse perspectives (different races, religions, genders, political beliefs, etc.) in class discussions or writing assignments 1f. Come to class without Total completing readings or assignments Total 1g. Worked with other students on projects during class Total a 2 35 32 27 96 10 47 29 12 98 8 23 43 23 97 5 19 47 26 97 8 39 38 12 97 33 49 11 3 96 10 40 37 11 98 % 2% 37% 33% 28% 100% 11% 49% 28% 12% 100% 7% 24% 44% 24% 100% 5% 20% 47% 27% 100% 8% 41% 39% 12% 100% 34% 52% 12% 3% 100% 12% 41% 36% 11% 100% MECIC Carnegie Class Count % 13 285 391 387 1,076 87 484 345 158 1,074 122 309 339 301 1,071 20 188 446 424 1,078 69 294 414 300 1,077 308 620 98 51 1,077 113 451 371 144 1,079 1% 26% 36% 37% 100% 10% 44% 31% 15% 100% 12% 29% 31% 27% 100% 2% 18% 41% 39% 100% 7% 27% 38% 27% 100% 29% 57% 10% 5% 100% 11% 42% 33% 14% 100% Count 1,170 14,731 15,885 12,527 44,313 5,203 22,567 12,397 4,215 44,382 5,131 13,174 14,400 11,534 44,239 735 8,150 19 586 19,586 15,937 44,408 2,542 13,452 17,376 10,993 44,363 11,429 25,221 5,356 2,384 44,390 5,009 18,974 14,807 5,605 44,395 % 3% 34% 36% 28% 100% 12% 51% 27% 10% 100% 11% 29% 33% 27% 100% 2% 19% 44% 35% 100% 6% 30% 39% 25% 100% 25% 57% 12% 6% 100% 11% 42% 34% 13% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 4,506 54,515 56,510 43,455 158,986 20,009 83,947 41,588 13,684 159,228 19,450 48,665 51,614 39,014 158,743 2,780 30,001 70 480 70,480 56,103 159,364 9,288 48,970 62,379 38,441 159,078 38,490 91,469 20,512 8,767 159,238 19,179 69,040 52,301 18,749 159,269 % 3% 36% 35% 26% 100% 15% 52% 25% 9% 100% 13% 30% 33% 25% 100% 2% 20% 44% 34% 100% 7% 31% 38% 24% 100% 23% 57% 14% 6% 100% 12% 43% 33% 12% 100% Alabama A&M Count 1 22 34 57 114 4 35 39 37 115 16 29 37 33 115 3 15 41 55 114 14 34 34 33 115 26 70 13 6 115 6 37 43 28 114 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 1% 19% 31% 49% 100% 3% 32% 33% 31% 100% 14% 26% 31% 28% 100% 2% 14% 37% 46% 100% 13% 30% 30% 27% 100% 22% 61% 12% 5% 100% 4% 33% 39% 24% 100% MECIC Count 7 144 309 458 918 33 229 351 311 924 125 319 261 216 921 5 90 344 485 924 38 237 326 320 921 274 499 106 45 924 71 343 325 180 919 Carnegie Class % 1% 14% 34% 52% 100% 4% 26% 35% 35% 100% 14% 35% 28% 23% 100% 1% 10% 37% 53% 100% 4% 26% 35% 35% 100% 30% 54% 11% 5% 100% 7% 39% 34% 20% 100% Count 744 11,081 15,800 22,773 50,398 2,650 14,853 19,072 14,018 50,593 7,808 18,527 13,712 10,495 50,542 504 5,547 18 633 18,633 25,979 50,663 2,946 14,266 17,843 15,501 50,556 11,328 28,709 7,261 3,292 50,590 5,012 19,428 16,655 9,534 50,629 % 2% 23% 31% 44% 100% 6% 31% 37% 27% 100% 15% 36% 28% 21% 100% 1% 12% 37% 50% 100% 6% 29% 35% 30% 100% 22% 57% 15% 7% 100% 10% 38% 33% 19% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 2,969 40,867 54,668 75,549 174,053 9,001 56,358 64,569 44,628 174,556 28,279 66,259 46,476 33,276 174,290 1,767 20,002 64 746 64,746 88,193 174,708 11,485 51,157 60,433 51,333 174,408 35,003 99,795 27,084 12,635 174,517 19,126 70,735 54,942 29,812 174,615 22 % 2% 26% 32% 41% 100% 6% 34% 36% 24% 100% 16% 38% 27% 19% 100% 1% 13% 38% 49% 100% 8% 30% 34% 28% 100% 19% 57% 16% 8% 100% 11% 40% 31% 17% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 1h. Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments Response Options OCCGRP (ACL) Never Sometimes Often Very often INTIDEAS Never Sometimes Often Very often TUTOR (ACL) Never Sometimes Often Very often Count Total 1i. Put together ideas or concepts from different courses when completing assignments or during class discussions 1j. Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) Total Total 1k. Participated in a community- based project (e.g. service learning) as part of a regular course COMMPROJ Never (ACL) Sometimes Oft Often Very often Total 1l. Used an electronic medium (listserv, chat group, Internet, instant messaging, etc.) to discuss or complete an assignment 1m. Used e-mail to communicate ITACADEM (EEE) Never Sometimes Often Very often EMAIL Never Sometimes Often Very often FACGRADE (SFI) Never Sometimes Often Very often Total with an instructor Total 1n. Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor Total a 7 37 34 20 98 10 38 27 12 87 48 27 11 3 89 53 22 10 2 87 14 22 26 27 89 9 34 18 27 88 2 24 35 27 88 % 9% 37% 33% 21% 100% 11% 44% 30% 14% 100% 54% 31% 12% 3% 100% 64% 24% 11% 2% 100% 16% 25% 28% 31% 100% 9% 40% 21% 30% 100% 2% 27% 43% 29% 100% MECIC Carnegie Class Count % 143 442 356 135 1,076 77 370 393 157 997 535 316 114 40 1,005 568 272 109 50 999 184 298 274 250 1,006 20 199 381 407 1,007 55 359 364 228 1,006 16% 41% 31% 12% 100% 8% 38% 39% 15% 100% 56% 30% 11% 3% 100% 61% 26% 9% 4% 100% 19% 30% 27% 25% 100% 2% 20% 37% 41% 100% 6% 36% 35% 22% 100% Count 6,573 18,654 13,529 5,770 44,526 2,695 16,315 16,558 6,476 42,044 23,288 12,948 4,085 1,897 42,218 24,871 11,111 4 126 4,126 1,868 41,976 6,806 12,967 11,902 10,548 42,223 441 7,771 15,301 18,669 42,182 2,773 16,418 14,293 8,673 42,157 % 16% 43% 29% 12% 100% 7% 39% 39% 15% 100% 55% 30% 10% 5% 100% 62% 25% 9% 4% 100% 17% 31% 28% 25% 100% 1% 21% 36% 42% 100% 7% 39% 34% 20% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 19,564 66,123 51,610 22,457 159,754 9,315 58,981 59,420 23,768 151,484 78,822 49,576 16,231 7,368 151,997 89,452 40,342 14 886 14,886 6,555 151,235 23,793 46,808 42,722 38,725 152,048 1,660 28,494 55,126 66,655 151,935 10,205 60,526 50,893 30,228 151,852 % 14% 41% 31% 14% 100% 7% 39% 39% 15% 100% 52% 32% 11% 5% 100% 61% 25% 9% 4% 100% 16% 31% 28% 26% 100% 2% 21% 36% 41% 100% 7% 41% 33% 19% 100% Alabama A&M Count 6 29 37 43 115 3 24 50 31 108 28 48 15 18 109 44 29 19 15 107 22 30 22 35 109 3 32 35 38 108 1 22 48 38 109 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 6% 26% 31% 37% 100% 3% 22% 47% 28% 100% 28% 41% 15% 16% 100% 43% 28% 17% 13% 100% 20% 28% 21% 31% 100% 2% 31% 33% 34% 100% 1% 21% 45% 33% 100% MECIC Count 87 332 315 191 925 36 238 368 251 893 427 302 86 81 896 418 255 140 80 893 118 247 241 288 894 1 140 278 479 898 30 273 313 281 897 Carnegie Class % 11% 39% 31% 19% 100% 4% 29% 42% 26% 100% 47% 36% 8% 9% 100% 53% 27% 14% 7% 100% 14% 29% 27% 30% 100% 0% 18% 33% 50% 100% 3% 32% 35% 29% 100% Count 4,402 16,568 17,278 12,517 50,765 1,568 12,876 20,991 13,831 49,266 23,319 16,335 5,542 4,227 49,423 24,661 14,929 6 026 6,026 3,658 49,274 5,059 13,220 13,567 17,629 49,475 236 5,622 14,712 28,870 49,440 1,834 16,558 16,849 14,193 49,434 % 9% 34% 33% 23% 100% 3% 27% 42% 27% 100% 47% 33% 11% 8% 100% 52% 29% 12% 7% 100% 11% 27% 27% 35% 100% 1% 13% 31% 56% 100% 4% 34% 34% 28% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 13,171 56,718 60,455 44,726 175,070 5,032 44,032 72,432 48,104 169,600 74,535 58,864 20,778 15,941 170,118 85,923 52,304 19 564 19,564 11,785 169,576 18,005 46,375 46,569 59,334 170,283 756 18,989 50,797 99,610 170,152 6,595 57,816 58,090 47,600 170,101 23 % 8% 33% 34% 25% 100% 3% 26% 43% 28% 100% 44% 35% 12% 9% 100% 53% 30% 11% 6% 100% 11% 27% 28% 35% 100% 1% 13% 31% 56% 100% 4% 35% 34% 27% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 1o. Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor Response Options FACPLANS (SFI) Never Sometimes Often Very often FACIDEAS (SFI) Never Sometimes Often Very often FACFEED (SFI) Never Sometimes Often Very often Count Total 1p. Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class Total 1q. Received prompt written or oral feedback from faculty on your academic performance Total 1r. Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor'ss standards or instructor expectations WORKHARD Never (LAC) Sometimes Oft Often Very often Total 1s. Worked with faculty members on activities other than coursework (committees, orientation, student life activities, etc.) 1t. Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with others outside of class (students, family members, co-workers, etc.) 1u. Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own FACOTHER (SFI) Never Sometimes Often Very often OOCIDEAS (ACL) Never Sometimes Often Very often DIVRSTUD (EEE) Never Sometimes Often Very often Total Total Total a 15 36 22 16 89 28 40 11 10 89 9 25 35 16 85 3 30 32 20 85 40 28 9 6 83 6 32 26 21 85 26 32 15 11 84 % 15% 42% 25% 18% 100% 31% 44% 13% 11% 100% 11% 31% 42% 17% 100% 3% 38% 37% 23% 100% 48% 33% 12% 7% 100% 7% 40% 29% 24% 100% 33% 38% 17% 12% 100% MECIC Carnegie Class Count % 189 410 269 138 1,006 358 400 173 73 1,004 63 298 413 214 988 63 320 405 198 986 474 294 142 75 985 62 338 358 227 985 160 307 263 258 988 19% 41% 26% 14% 100% 37% 38% 18% 7% 100% 7% 32% 41% 20% 100% 7% 34% 39% 20% 100% 51% 29% 13% 7% 100% 7% 35% 36% 23% 100% 17% 30% 26% 27% 100% Count 8,895 19,017 9,683 4,570 42,165 17,054 15,940 6,344 2,895 42,233 2,543 13,827 17,308 7,775 41,453 2,398 14,501 16 572 16,572 8,011 41,482 23,324 11,421 4,683 1,936 41,364 2,450 14,561 14,921 9,540 41,472 6,540 13,540 11,214 10,208 41,502 % 22% 44% 23% 11% 100% 40% 37% 15% 7% 100% 7% 34% 41% 18% 100% 6% 35% 39% 19% 100% 57% 26% 11% 5% 100% 7% 35% 36% 23% 100% 16% 32% 27% 25% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 32,044 69,264 34,664 15,898 151,870 59,821 59,591 22,664 9,989 152,065 9,128 51,055 62,168 27,155 149,506 9,601 53,345 58 717 58,717 27,837 149,500 81,814 42,950 17,220 7,144 149,128 8,180 51,436 54,761 35,073 149,450 21,989 48,763 40,881 37,994 149,627 % 23% 45% 22% 10% 100% 40% 38% 15% 7% 100% 7% 35% 40% 17% 100% 7% 36% 39% 18% 100% 57% 27% 11% 5% 100% 6% 35% 36% 23% 100% 15% 32% 27% 25% 100% Alabama A&M Count 12 35 31 31 109 18 48 26 16 108 7 23 52 25 107 6 25 42 35 108 29 41 20 17 107 5 39 38 27 109 20 46 22 20 108 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 10% 33% 29% 27% 100% 16% 46% 25% 13% 100% 6% 24% 48% 23% 100% 5% 24% 41% 30% 100% 29% 38% 18% 15% 100% 4% 37% 35% 24% 100% 19% 42% 21% 17% 100% MECIC Count 152 331 230 183 896 268 373 159 95 895 28 214 427 221 890 50 277 348 214 889 432 259 116 83 890 31 274 319 264 888 100 306 241 244 891 Carnegie Class % 17% 39% 25% 19% 100% 32% 43% 17% 9% 100% 3% 24% 48% 25% 100% 6% 34% 39% 21% 100% 53% 27% 12% 8% 100% 3% 33% 35% 29% 100% 10% 34% 26% 30% 100% Count 8,174 19,362 12,831 9,037 49,404 14,358 21,003 9,016 5,084 49,461 1,818 13,280 22,319 11,556 48,973 2,401 15,708 19 621 19,621 11,272 49,002 23,452 14,573 6,700 4,189 48,914 1,830 14,673 18,496 14,038 49,037 6,322 16,404 13,723 12,617 49,066 % 18% 40% 25% 18% 100% 30% 42% 18% 10% 100% 4% 29% 45% 23% 100% 5% 33% 40% 22% 100% 50% 29% 13% 8% 100% 4% 30% 37% 28% 100% 13% 32% 28% 27% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 26,082 67,823 44,893 31,304 170,102 47,030 73,850 31,745 17,654 170,279 6,606 47,937 76,279 37,718 168,540 9,662 56,368 65 613 65,613 36,959 168,602 75,666 52,945 24,579 15,079 168,269 5,917 50,293 63,597 48,811 168,618 20,263 56,470 47,041 44,959 168,733 24 % 17% 41% 25% 17% 100% 29% 43% 18% 10% 100% 5% 31% 44% 21% 100% 6% 34% 39% 21% 100% 48% 30% 14% 8% 100% 4% 30% 38% 28% 100% 12% 33% 28% 27% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 1v. Had serious conversations with students who are very different from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values 2a. Coursework emphasizes: Response Options DIFFSTU2 (EEE) Never Sometimes Often Very often MEMORIZE Very little Some Quite a bit Very much ANALYZE (LAC) Very little Some Quite a bit Very much SYNTHESZ (LAC) Very little Some Q it a bit Quite Very much EVALUATE (LAC) Very little Some Quite a bit Very much APPLYING (LAC) Very little Some Quite a bit Very much READASGN (LAC) None 1-4 5-10 11-20 More than 20 Count Total Memorizing facts, ideas, or methods from your courses and readings Total 2b. Coursework emphasizes: Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory Total 2c. Coursework emphasizes: Synthesizing and organizing ideas information, ideas, information or experiences Total 2d. Coursework emphasizes: Making judgments about the value of information, arguments, or methods Total 2e. Coursework emphasizes: Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations Total 3a. Number of assigned textbooks, books, or booklength packs of course readings Total a 15 38 17 15 85 7 17 37 20 81 6 21 36 16 79 6 24 36 13 79 5 25 32 17 79 5 32 26 18 81 2 17 33 18 7 77 % 19% 44% 20% 17% 100% 9% 20% 47% 23% 100% 8% 29% 45% 19% 100% 8% 31% 45% 16% 100% 7% 32% 41% 21% 100% 7% 39% 33% 21% 100% 3% 23% 40% 25% 9% 100% MECIC Count 132 311 286 259 988 60 273 375 267 975 20 177 430 348 975 53 242 400 272 967 40 245 405 280 970 32 211 363 369 975 18 223 381 199 149 970 Carnegie Class % 14% 31% 28% 27% 100% 6% 31% 38% 25% 100% 2% 19% 44% 35% 100% 6% 27% 41% 27% 100% 5% 26% 41% 28% 100% 4% 23% 37% 36% 100% 2% 25% 38% 20% 15% 100% Count 4,888 13,702 12,126 10,831 41,547 1,998 10,133 17,158 11,875 41,164 828 7,529 18,191 14,499 41,047 1,728 10,830 17 347 17,347 11,066 40,971 1,785 10,018 17,576 11,678 41,057 1,362 8,598 16,691 14,473 41,124 513 8,296 16,689 10,110 5,460 41,068 % 12% 33% 29% 26% 100% 5% 25% 42% 28% 100% 2% 19% 44% 35% 100% 5% 27% 42% 26% 100% 5% 25% 42% 28% 100% 4% 22% 40% 34% 100% 1% 22% 41% 23% 13% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 15,932 48,299 44,571 40,939 149,741 7,688 37,919 60,988 41,968 148,563 2,808 25,213 65,439 54,661 148,121 5,875 37,656 62 494 62,494 41,868 147,893 6,733 36,856 62,783 41,796 148,168 4,912 30,278 59,117 54,138 148,445 1,774 28,191 59,290 38,303 20,666 148,224 % 11% 32% 29% 27% 100% 5% 25% 41% 28% 100% 2% 18% 44% 36% 100% 4% 26% 42% 28% 100% 5% 25% 42% 28% 100% 4% 21% 39% 36% 100% 1% 21% 40% 24% 13% 100% Alabama A&M Count 17 44 26 21 108 5 21 52 29 107 1 18 41 46 106 4 26 41 35 106 4 29 38 36 107 5 24 26 50 105 2 39 38 12 11 102 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 17% 40% 26% 17% 100% 4% 21% 49% 27% 100% 1% 18% 39% 42% 100% 5% 25% 38% 33% 100% 4% 28% 35% 33% 100% 5% 23% 25% 47% 100% 2% 39% 37% 13% 10% 100% MECIC Count 101 291 267 230 889 81 284 329 189 883 9 129 384 363 885 19 190 390 286 885 34 188 363 299 884 16 120 343 409 888 13 218 306 199 152 888 Carnegie Class % 11% 31% 29% 29% 100% 9% 34% 36% 21% 100% 1% 14% 43% 42% 100% 2% 22% 44% 33% 100% 3% 21% 40% 36% 100% 2% 13% 39% 46% 100% 1% 28% 34% 21% 15% 100% Count 5,027 16,526 14,533 12,995 49,081 4,130 14,606 18,114 11,938 48,788 628 6,435 20,316 21,304 48,683 1,444 9,949 19 811 19,811 17,430 48,634 1,932 9,995 19,489 17,264 48,680 1,107 7,124 17,631 22,908 48,770 863 12,728 18,101 9,847 7,130 48,669 % 11% 33% 30% 27% 100% 8% 30% 37% 25% 100% 1% 14% 42% 43% 100% 3% 21% 41% 35% 100% 4% 21% 40% 35% 100% 3% 16% 36% 45% 100% 2% 28% 37% 20% 14% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 15,798 55,733 50,578 46,682 168,791 15,058 50,756 61,271 40,728 167,813 2,153 21,156 69,019 75,117 167,445 5,130 33,352 67 336 67,336 61,453 167,271 7,057 35,110 66,548 58,733 167,448 4,014 25,366 60,255 78,166 167,801 2,830 42,156 61,443 35,204 25,807 167,440 25 % 10% 33% 30% 28% 100% 9% 30% 37% 25% 100% 1% 13% 41% 44% 100% 3% 21% 40% 36% 100% 5% 22% 39% 34% 100% 3% 16% 36% 45% 100% 2% 27% 37% 20% 15% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 3b. Number of books read on Response Options READOWN None 1-4 5-10 11-20 More than 20 WRITEMOR (LAC) None 1-4 5-10 11-20 More than 20 WRITEMID (LAC) None 1-4 5-10 11-20 More than 20 WRITESML (LAC) None 1-4 5-10 11-20 More than 20 PROBSETA None 1-2 3-4 5-6 More than 6 PROBSETB None 1-2 3-4 5-6 More than 6 your own (not assigned) for personal enjoyment or academic enrichment Count Total 3c. Number of written papers or reports of 20 pages or more Total 3d. Number of written papers or reports between 5 and 19 pages T t l Total 3e. Number of written papers or reports of fewer than 5 pages Total 4a. Number of problem sets that take you more than an hour to complete Total 4b. Number of problem sets that take you less than an hour to complete Total a 20 41 12 3 1 77 51 19 3 2 1 76 16 42 16 3 0 77 6 28 29 11 3 77 5 36 26 5 5 77 11 28 18 12 8 77 % 27% 53% 14% 4% 2% 100% 65% 26% 5% 3% 1% 100% 19% 57% 21% 3% 0% 100% 7% 38% 36% 15% 4% 100% 8% 47% 33% 6% 7% 100% 14% 37% 23% 16% 10% 100% MECIC Count 238 492 154 44 44 972 760 140 34 24 11 969 137 491 240 74 26 968 29 247 287 240 165 968 140 356 292 89 90 967 140 313 246 132 135 966 Carnegie Class % 23% 50% 16% 5% 5% 100% 78% 14% 4% 2% 1% 100% 16% 49% 25% 8% 3% 100% 5% 26% 28% 25% 16% 100% 15% 37% 31% 9% 9% 100% 16% 33% 25% 13% 13% 100% Count 10,069 21,611 6,145 1,695 1,536 41,056 33,513 4,994 1,451 611 429 40,998 5,573 21,900 10,338 2,548 602 40 961 40,961 1,028 12,309 14,144 8,829 4,714 41,024 5,068 14,906 13,225 4,061 3,657 40,917 4,822 14,542 11,158 4,882 5,533 40,937 % 25% 52% 15% 4% 4% 100% 80% 13% 4% 2% 1% 100% 15% 53% 24% 6% 2% 100% 3% 32% 34% 20% 11% 100% 13% 37% 32% 10% 9% 100% 12% 36% 27% 11% 14% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 35,955 78,502 22,614 6,030 5,044 148,145 120,325 19,298 4,880 2,000 1,452 147,955 18,091 78,255 39,687 9,573 2,239 147 845 147,845 3,686 43,180 51,589 32,364 17,271 148,090 18,081 52,911 47,490 15,245 13,929 147,656 19,482 52,969 39,272 16,843 19,125 147,691 % 25% 52% 15% 4% 3% 100% 80% 14% 4% 2% 1% 100% 14% 53% 26% 6% 2% 100% 3% 32% 34% 20% 11% 100% 12% 36% 32% 10% 10% 100% 13% 36% 26% 11% 13% 100% Alabama A&M Count 20 53 20 5 4 102 64 24 9 4 2 103 15 60 22 5 1 103 19 44 22 13 5 103 13 35 33 6 16 103 22 44 22 8 7 103 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 20% 52% 21% 4% 3% 100% 62% 23% 9% 4% 1% 100% 16% 59% 20% 5% 1% 100% 20% 42% 21% 11% 6% 100% 12% 37% 31% 6% 15% 100% 19% 43% 24% 8% 6% 100% MECIC Count 191 456 155 58 31 891 450 352 50 18 17 887 56 377 279 129 44 885 50 262 240 186 151 889 143 292 262 76 109 882 203 317 197 73 93 883 Carnegie Class % 21% 50% 18% 8% 3% 100% 54% 38% 5% 1% 1% 100% 7% 45% 30% 13% 4% 100% 7% 28% 30% 21% 14% 100% 16% 34% 31% 7% 11% 100% 24% 35% 23% 7% 11% 100% Count 10,136 25,567 8,119 2,549 2,293 48,664 24,268 19,624 3,213 813 729 48,647 4,395 21,365 15,130 5,460 2,243 48 593 48,593 2,800 16,358 13,567 8,903 7,008 48,636 8,708 15,699 13,898 4,721 5,430 48,456 11,926 17,509 10,369 3,926 4,704 48,434 % 21% 53% 16% 5% 5% 100% 51% 39% 7% 2% 2% 100% 10% 45% 30% 11% 4% 100% 7% 35% 28% 18% 13% 100% 18% 33% 29% 10% 11% 100% 25% 36% 21% 8% 10% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 33,958 88,345 28,602 8,898 7,598 167,401 81,266 69,764 11,032 2,902 2,402 167,366 14,612 72,110 53,512 19,628 7,306 167 168 167,168 9,388 54,568 47,199 31,357 24,860 167,372 32,875 53,569 46,557 15,414 18,179 166,594 46,467 59,341 33,075 12,532 15,025 166,440 26 % 21% 53% 17% 5% 5% 100% 50% 40% 7% 2% 1% 100% 10% 44% 31% 11% 4% 100% 6% 34% 28% 18% 14% 100% 19% 32% 28% 9% 11% 100% 28% 36% 20% 7% 9% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 5. Select the circle that best represents the extent to which your examinations during the current school year challenged you to do your best work EXAMS Response Options Count 1 Very little 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very much Total 6a. Attended an art exhibit, play, ATDART07 Never Sometimes Often Very often EXRCSE05 Never Sometimes Often Very often WORSHP05 Never Sometimes Often Very often OWNVIEW Never Sometimes Often Very often OTHRVIEW Never Sometimes Often Very often CHNGVIEW Never Sometimes Often Very often dance, music, theater, or other performance Total 6b. Exercised or participated in physical fitness activities T t l Total 6c. Participated in activities to enhance your spirituality (worship, meditation, prayer, etc.) Total 6d. Examined the strengths and weaknesses of your own views on a topic or issue Total 6e. Tried to better understand someone else's views by imagining how an issue looks from his or her perspective Total 6f. Learned something that changed the way you understand an issue or concept Total a 3 1 2 10 26 23 12 77 6 37 22 9 74 10 28 18 18 74 9 29 22 14 74 7 31 24 12 74 2 24 28 20 74 1 19 36 18 74 % 4% 2% 4% 14% 34% 28% 16% 100% 8% 52% 27% 12% 100% 13% 39% 24% 25% 100% 14% 42% 26% 18% 100% 11% 43% 31% 15% 100% 2% 35% 35% 28% 100% 1% 27% 47% 24% 100% MECIC Count 6 12 34 133 307 293 188 973 221 438 193 106 958 125 247 203 383 958 327 276 149 205 957 82 327 331 215 955 46 273 363 274 956 35 270 366 286 957 Carnegie Class % 1% 1% 4% 14% 30% 29% 22% 100% 24% 46% 19% 11% 100% 14% 28% 21% 37% 100% 35% 28% 16% 21% 100% 9% 34% 34% 23% 100% 6% 28% 37% 29% 100% 4% 29% 38% 29% 100% Count 238 456 1,409 5,133 13,024 13,845 6,961 41,066 9,481 18,750 7,710 4,626 40,567 5,538 11,316 10,052 13,627 40 533 40,533 16,434 10,705 6,153 7,184 40,476 3,945 14,918 14,152 7,432 40,447 2,208 12,791 15,818 9,696 40,513 1,456 12,193 16,277 10,644 40,570 % 1% 1% 4% 13% 32% 32% 17% 100% 25% 46% 18% 11% 100% 15% 28% 25% 32% 100% 43% 26% 15% 16% 100% 10% 37% 35% 18% 100% 6% 32% 38% 24% 100% 4% 31% 39% 26% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 849 1,567 4,839 17,064 45,078 52,202 26,540 148,139 31,139 67,608 30,034 17,720 146,501 16,555 39,694 37,566 52,605 146 420 146,420 58,242 39,600 22,114 26,252 146,208 13,234 54,206 51,488 27,185 146,113 7,517 46,644 57,527 34,575 146,263 4,928 43,770 59,090 38,767 146,555 % 1% 1% 4% 12% 30% 34% 18% 100% 24% 46% 19% 11% 100% 13% 27% 26% 34% 100% 41% 27% 15% 17% 100% 10% 37% 35% 19% 100% 6% 32% 39% 24% 100% 4% 31% 40% 26% 100% Alabama A&M Count 2 0 7 17 28 29 20 103 26 49 18 7 100 17 37 23 23 100 17 23 23 37 100 7 25 38 31 101 2 20 43 36 101 2 31 40 28 101 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 2% 0% 8% 16% 27% 28% 20% 100% 27% 48% 17% 7% 100% 17% 34% 23% 25% 100% 20% 23% 22% 36% 100% 8% 24% 38% 29% 100% 2% 21% 42% 35% 100% 3% 33% 39% 26% 100% MECIC Count 10 8 42 111 247 257 210 885 238 410 138 94 880 136 250 218 278 882 303 245 137 195 880 76 272 316 217 881 36 237 340 271 884 25 231 348 281 885 Carnegie Class % 1% 1% 5% 12% 28% 30% 24% 100% 29% 44% 16% 12% 100% 17% 31% 25% 27% 100% 39% 27% 14% 19% 100% 8% 30% 36% 25% 100% 4% 28% 39% 29% 100% 2% 28% 40% 29% 100% Count 513 727 1,755 5,410 13,424 16,437 10,390 48,656 15,173 21,684 6,995 4,348 48,200 7,358 15,784 11,313 13,725 48 180 48,180 17,637 13,715 7,128 9,636 48,116 3,670 16,198 17,620 10,640 48,128 2,154 13,908 19,264 12,813 48,139 1,400 13,710 19,720 13,410 48,240 % 1% 2% 4% 11% 28% 33% 21% 100% 33% 44% 14% 9% 100% 16% 33% 23% 27% 100% 39% 28% 14% 19% 100% 8% 34% 36% 22% 100% 5% 29% 40% 26% 100% 3% 29% 40% 27% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 1,766 2,607 6,095 18,373 47,400 56,735 34,263 167,239 46,537 75,799 26,464 17,136 165,936 20,945 52,022 40,141 52,751 165 859 165,859 61,080 46,525 24,515 33,550 165,670 11,797 55,427 61,331 37,063 165,618 7,031 48,145 66,375 44,170 165,721 4,457 47,340 67,957 46,310 166,064 27 % 1% 2% 4% 11% 28% 33% 20% 100% 30% 46% 15% 10% 100% 13% 32% 24% 31% 100% 39% 28% 14% 20% 100% 8% 34% 37% 22% 100% 5% 29% 40% 26% 100% 3% 29% 41% 27% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 7a. Practicum, internship, field Response Options INTERN04 (EEE) Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done VOLNTR04 (EEE) Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done LRNCOM04 (EEE) Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done RESRCH04 (SFI) Have not decided Do not plan to do Pl to Plan t do d Done 7e. Foreign language coursework FORLNG04 (EEE) Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done 7f. Study abroad STDABR04 (EEE) Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done 7g. Independent study or self- INDSTD04 (EEE) Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment Count Total 7b. Community service or volunteer work Total 7c. Participate in a learning community or some other formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together 7d. Work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements Total Total Total Total designed major Total a 6 1 61 4 72 7 0 41 24 72 19 3 33 14 69 22 11 31 8 72 14 12 41 4 71 27 17 25 3 72 22 23 17 9 71 % 8% 2% 85% 5% 100% 10% 0% 59% 31% 100% 28% 5% 49% 18% 100% 31% 15% 44% 10% 100% 19% 17% 59% 5% 100% 38% 22% 36% 4% 100% 32% 31% 23% 13% 100% MECIC Count 135 59 650 90 934 119 64 344 406 933 317 198 270 148 933 385 216 267 64 932 210 252 345 127 934 296 289 292 54 931 322 375 183 45 925 Carnegie Class % 17% 8% 65% 9% 100% 16% 8% 36% 40% 100% 34% 24% 27% 15% 100% 42% 25% 27% 7% 100% 23% 29% 35% 13% 100% 32% 33% 29% 6% 100% 37% 39% 20% 5% 100% Count 5,390 1,900 29,761 2,907 39,958 5,257 2,312 16,625 15,656 39,850 13,298 8,972 10,563 6,933 39,766 15,929 9,909 12 107 12,107 1,955 39,900 7,834 11,027 13,475 7,589 39,925 12,020 11,206 15,496 1,115 39,837 13,754 17,982 6,581 1,482 39,799 % 15% 5% 73% 7% 100% 15% 7% 42% 36% 100% 33% 23% 27% 17% 100% 39% 24% 31% 5% 100% 20% 27% 35% 18% 100% 30% 29% 37% 3% 100% 35% 43% 18% 4% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 18,097 5,872 109,489 11,060 144,518 17,338 7,999 58,450 60,294 144,081 48,188 34,556 36,573 24,456 143,773 56,091 33,074 47 937 47,937 7,166 144,268 26,624 36,996 47,448 33,397 144,465 40,706 35,395 64,146 3,865 144,112 49,052 65,454 24,431 4,978 143,915 % 13% 5% 74% 8% 100% 13% 7% 41% 39% 100% 32% 25% 26% 18% 100% 38% 23% 33% 5% 100% 19% 26% 34% 22% 100% 29% 26% 42% 3% 100% 34% 45% 17% 4% 100% Alabama A&M Count 4 11 24 61 100 5 9 18 68 100 11 28 18 42 99 20 28 24 28 100 14 30 18 38 100 19 44 23 13 99 16 50 12 21 99 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 5% 12% 23% 61% 100% 5% 10% 19% 66% 100% 11% 29% 16% 44% 100% 20% 27% 23% 30% 100% 15% 32% 19% 34% 100% 20% 44% 22% 13% 100% 16% 51% 12% 21% 100% MECIC Count 75 154 208 437 874 92 120 133 526 871 152 389 88 241 870 172 467 99 131 869 97 408 103 267 875 119 574 78 98 869 118 469 96 188 871 Carnegie Class % 10% 18% 24% 47% 100% 12% 17% 15% 55% 100% 18% 49% 9% 24% 100% 19% 58% 9% 13% 100% 11% 49% 11% 29% 100% 14% 63% 8% 14% 100% 14% 56% 10% 20% 100% Count 3,922 7,496 11,552 24,791 47,761 4,818 7,153 7,818 27,806 47,595 7,605 22,600 4,503 12,732 47,440 8,938 24,968 5 934 5,934 7,824 47,664 4,773 21,225 4,596 17,144 47,738 6,935 31,054 3,971 5,599 47,559 6,901 28,354 4,561 7,689 47,505 % 9% 16% 27% 49% 100% 11% 16% 17% 55% 100% 17% 48% 10% 25% 100% 20% 51% 13% 16% 100% 11% 45% 10% 34% 100% 16% 65% 9% 11% 100% 16% 59% 10% 15% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 12,342 24,541 35,964 91,707 164,554 14,642 23,065 23,943 102,299 163,949 23,846 80,611 13,906 45,154 163,517 27,561 83,583 19 992 19,992 33,116 164,252 14,140 66,853 14,255 69,197 164,445 20,863 101,488 13,272 28,239 163,862 20,438 97,985 14,476 30,781 163,680 28 % 8% 15% 24% 52% 100% 10% 15% 15% 60% 100% 15% 50% 9% 26% 100% 17% 50% 13% 19% 100% 9% 41% 9% 41% 100% 14% 62% 9% 15% 100% 13% 60% 10% 17% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 7h. Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.) 8a. Quality of relationships with other students SNRX04 (EEE) ENVSTU (SCE) Response Options Count Have not decided Do not plan to do Plan to do Done Total 1 Unfriendly, Unsupportive, Sense of alienation 2 3 4 5 6 7 Friendly, Supportive, Sense of belonging Total 8b. Quality of relationships with faculty members ENVFAC (SCE) 1 Unavailable, Unhelpful, U Unsympathetic h i 2 administrative personnel and offices ENVADM (SCE) 30% 5% 63% 2% 100% 1 0 6 14 18 9 23 1% 0% 9% 20% 23% 13% 33% 71 100% 2 2 2% 3% Carnegie Class % Count % 356 40% 103 11% 445 46% 28 3% 932 100% 15,724 40% 4,639 12% 18,748 46% 823 2% 39,934 100% 11 16 33 92 168 287 328 445 957 2,086 5,011 8,521 12,239 10,609 1% 1% 3% 10% 19% 31% 34% 935 100% 8 22 1% 3% 6% 13% 22% 30% 25% 39,868 100% 1% 3% 333 842 1% 3% NSSE 2009 Count % 53,155 38% 15,406 12% 73,139 48% 2,764 2% 144,464 100% Alabama A&M Count % MECIC Count Carnegie Class % Count 12 6 40 42 100 13% 5% 39% 42% 100% 1% 3% 5% 13% 22% 31% 26% 1 7 3 8 21 24 33 2% 8% 4% 8% 23% 24% 31% 144,235 100% 97 100% 1% 3% 0 4 0% 5% 7 16 1% 2% 430 995 1,538 3,391 7,040 17,227 30,257 45,583 39,199 1,177 3,075 % 108 13% 190 21% 316 35% 261 31% 875 100% 5,797 13% 10,965 23% 15,364 33% 15,607 30% 47,733 100% 11 13 31 92 155 243 333 428 957 1,907 5,188 9,801 14,931 14,470 1% 2% 4% 10% 17% 27% 39% 878 100% 1% 2% 4% 11% 21% 31% 29% 47,682 100% 1% 2% NSSE 2009 Count % 16,917 11% 37,116 24% 49,951 31% 60,501 33% 164,485 100% 1,415 3,336 6,496 17,173 33,472 52,903 49,533 1% 2% 4% 11% 21% 32% 29% 164,328 100% 1,550 3,594 1% 3% 6 9% 43 4% 2,191 6% 7,986 6% 9 10% 30 3% 2,007 5% 7,266 5% 4 10 13% 112 12% 6,315 17% 22,907 17% 6 6% 78 9% 5,702 13% 19,517 13% 5 22 31% 184 19% 10,691 27% 39,171 27% 29 30% 190 21% 10,682 23% 37,974 24% 6 7 Available, Helpful, Sympathetic 14 16 21% 21% 303 263 32% 29% 12,081 7,425 29% 18% 44,010 25,923 29% 17% 20 29 20% 29% 249 305 28% 36% 15,506 12,349 32% 25% 53,966 40,447 32% 23% 72 100% 144,249 100% 97 100% 2 3 5 4% 8% 3 10 15% 4 21 28% 5 15 21% 6 7 Helpful, Considerate, Flexible 10 8 13% 11% 72 100% 1 Unhelpful, Inconsiderate, Rigid Total a 21 4 46 1 72 MECIC Count 3 Total 8c. Quality of relationships with % Seniors 935 100% 25 49 39,878 100% 3% 6% 1,088 2,085 3% 6% 3,878 7,417 3% 6% 12 10 12% 11% 76 8% 3,806 10% 13,786 10% 20 170 18% 8,926 23% 32,423 23% 12 208 21% 9,453 23% 34,968 24% 212 194 22% 22% 8,662 5,824 21% 14% 31,674 19,998 934 100% 39,844 100% 875 100% 47,671 100% 164,314 100% 39 65 5% 8% 2,198 3,355 5% 7% 7,806 12,011 5% 8% 20% 85 10% 4,953 11% 17,399 11% 14% 184 20% 9,587 20% 33,638 21% 21 20% 136 14% 10,250 21% 36,250 22% 21% 13% 11 11 12% 11% 171 198 20% 24% 9,657 7,669 19% 15% 33,129 24,063 20% 14% 144,144 100% 97 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 878 100% 47,669 100% 164,296 100% 29 NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 9a. Preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities) ACADPR01 (LAC) Response Options Count 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk Total 9b. Working for pay on campus WORKON01 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk 9c. Working for pay off campus WORKOF01 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk 9d. Participating in co-curricular COCURR01 (EEE) 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk T t l Total Total activities (organizations, campus publications, student government, fraternity or sorority, intercollegiate or intramural sports, etc.) Total a % MECIC Count Carnegie Class % Count % Seniors NSSE 2009 Count % Alabama A&M Count % MECIC Count Carnegie Class % Count % NSSE 2009 Count % 1 1% 8 1% 196 1% 638 1% 0 0% 1 0% 190 0% 612 0% 15 23 18 9 6 0 0 72 63 2 2 1 2 1 0 1 72 58 3 0 2 1 3 0 4 71 31 24 6 5 3 1 1 1 72 22% 31% 24% 14% 8% 0% 0% 100% 88% 3% 2% 1% 3% 2% 0% 1% 100% 82% 5% 0% 2% 2% 4% 0% 6% 100% 44% 33% 7% 6% 4% 2% 2% 1% 100% 168 264 200 129 83 44 34 930 609 51 130 87 34 7 4 8 930 571 47 47 45 49 33 26 114 932 362 241 111 85 70 28 11 21 929 20% 27% 21% 13% 9% 5% 3% 100% 66% 5% 14% 9% 4% 1% 0% 1% 100% 58% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 3% 16% 100% 43% 23% 12% 9% 7% 3% 1% 2% 100% 6,279 10,097 8,929 6,944 3,873 1,760 1,509 39,587 31,517 1,529 2,870 1,918 1,154 251 103 229 39 571 39,571 24,903 1,900 2,083 2,324 2,491 1,788 1,065 3,014 39,568 17,019 11,015 4,814 2,764 1,840 916 433 807 39,608 18% 26% 22% 17% 9% 4% 4% 100% 81% 3% 6% 5% 3% 1% 0% 1% 100% 60% 5% 5% 6% 7% 5% 3% 8% 100% 46% 26% 11% 7% 4% 2% 1% 2% 100% 19,231 33,947 32,169 26,434 15,750 8,078 7,044 143,291 111,159 6,829 12,326 6,898 3,966 907 367 774 143 226 143,226 98,822 6,940 6,963 6,883 7,476 5,095 2,931 8,004 143,114 53,024 43,359 19,861 11,481 7,375 3,622 1,703 2,901 143,326 15% 24% 22% 18% 10% 5% 5% 100% 80% 4% 7% 5% 3% 1% 0% 1% 100% 66% 5% 5% 5% 6% 4% 2% 7% 100% 40% 29% 13% 8% 5% 2% 1% 2% 100% 21 30 18 13 6 3 4 95 71 4 4 7 8 0 0 1 95 38 8 2 2 6 14 11 14 95 32 34 11 9 3 4 1 2 96 23% 31% 18% 14% 7% 3% 4% 100% 75% 5% 4% 7% 8% 0% 0% 1% 100% 38% 8% 2% 2% 6% 15% 12% 17% 100% 35% 34% 12% 11% 3% 4% 1% 2% 100% 163 244 176 137 77 42 33 873 608 30 114 57 33 8 3 18 871 268 41 54 62 69 55 53 272 874 463 194 88 38 42 14 10 22 871 18% 30% 21% 15% 8% 4% 4% 100% 70% 3% 13% 6% 4% 1% 0% 2% 100% 29% 4% 6% 7% 7% 7% 7% 34% 100% 59% 19% 10% 4% 4% 1% 1% 2% 100% 7,963 12,101 9,543 7,773 4,419 2,537 2,909 47,435 36,212 1,769 3,131 2,463 2,319 555 237 690 47 376 47,376 17,006 2,181 3,035 3,300 4,535 3,701 2,609 11,075 47,442 24,914 11,789 4,540 2,406 1,585 885 430 922 47,471 18% 26% 20% 16% 9% 5% 6% 100% 78% 3% 6% 5% 5% 1% 0% 2% 100% 34% 4% 6% 7% 10% 8% 6% 25% 100% 55% 23% 9% 5% 3% 2% 1% 2% 100% 24,782 39,347 33,226 27,675 16,438 9,705 11,679 163,464 115,015 8,418 14,799 10,297 8,862 2,350 1,026 2,515 163 282 163,282 70,617 8,386 10,585 11,033 14,436 11,255 7,519 29,517 163,348 74,398 43,871 19,228 10,349 6,669 3,655 1,783 3,573 163,526 16% 25% 20% 16% 10% 6% 7% 100% 73% 4% 7% 6% 6% 1% 1% 2% 100% 42% 5% 6% 7% 9% 7% 5% 19% 100% 48% 26% 11% 6% 4% 2% 1% 2% 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 30 NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 9e. Relaxing and socializing Response Options SOCIAL05 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk CAREDE01 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk COMMUTE 0 hrs/wk 1-5 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 11-15 hrs/wk 16-20 hrs/wk 21-25 hrs/wk 26-30 hrs/wk 30+ hrs/wk ENVSCHOL (LAC) Very little Some Quite a bit Very much ENVSUPRT (SCE) Very little Some Quite a bit Very much (watching TV, partying, etc.) Count Total 9f. Providing care for dependents living with you (parents, children, spouse, etc.) T t l Total 9g. Commuting to class (driving, walking, etc.) Total 10a. Spending significant amounts of time studying and on academic work Total 10b. Providing the support you need to help you succeed academically Total a 2 18 13 15 10 5 2 2 67 61 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 69 5 33 12 6 5 4 0 4 69 3 11 31 23 68 2 20 25 20 67 % 3% 28% 18% 22% 17% 7% 3% 3% 100% 88% 6% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 0% 100% 8% 50% 17% 7% 8% 5% 0% 5% 100% 5% 16% 46% 33% 100% 3% 29% 39% 28% 100% MECIC Count 23 214 268 188 106 55 19 53 926 586 123 58 28 26 12 7 84 924 141 553 126 42 25 12 11 17 927 22 174 428 295 919 31 160 369 355 915 Carnegie Class % 3% 24% 29% 20% 12% 6% 2% 6% 100% 59% 13% 6% 4% 3% 2% 1% 12% 100% 15% 59% 15% 4% 2% 1% 1% 2% 100% 2% 20% 47% 31% 100% 4% 18% 40% 38% 100% Count 498 8,850 11,166 8,201 5,077 2,407 1,121 2,004 39,324 25,663 5,922 2,664 1,501 829 445 270 1,968 39 262 39,262 6,444 23,357 5,666 2,086 950 329 153 410 39,395 708 6,709 18,320 13,278 39,015 1,015 7,199 17,117 13,563 38,894 % 1% 23% 28% 21% 13% 6% 3% 5% 100% 62% 16% 8% 4% 2% 1% 1% 5% 100% 14% 58% 16% 6% 3% 1% 0% 1% 100% 2% 18% 47% 33% 100% 3% 20% 44% 32% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 1,481 30,888 40,739 30,618 19,006 8,634 3,983 7,085 142,434 102,295 17,919 7,530 4,351 2,525 1,258 794 5,537 142 209 142,209 23,956 87,964 18,599 6,366 2,890 1,037 487 1,339 142,638 2,437 22,335 65,088 51,582 141,442 3,498 25,025 61,517 50,957 140,997 % 1% 22% 28% 21% 14% 6% 3% 5% 100% 69% 13% 6% 3% 2% 1% 1% 4% 100% 14% 61% 15% 5% 2% 1% 0% 1% 100% 2% 17% 46% 35% 100% 3% 20% 44% 33% 100% Alabama A&M Count 0 27 29 12 14 3 1 6 92 60 5 3 1 6 1 2 13 91 3 56 14 7 7 0 0 6 93 6 20 33 34 93 7 21 41 24 93 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 0% 30% 30% 13% 15% 3% 2% 7% 100% 66% 5% 4% 1% 6% 1% 2% 14% 100% 3% 64% 14% 7% 7% 0% 0% 5% 100% 6% 22% 37% 35% 100% 7% 22% 45% 25% 100% MECIC Count 8 286 252 162 88 31 17 19 863 437 121 61 44 33 24 18 127 865 115 534 132 39 13 10 8 18 869 20 165 386 291 862 31 170 371 288 860 Carnegie Class % 1% 31% 29% 19% 11% 4% 3% 2% 100% 48% 15% 7% 6% 4% 4% 2% 14% 100% 10% 64% 16% 5% 1% 1% 1% 2% 100% 2% 19% 46% 33% 100% 4% 20% 43% 33% 100% Count 634 14,084 14,381 8,715 4,927 2,018 918 1,515 47,192 24,728 6,556 3,612 2,263 1,765 969 768 6,505 47 166 47,166 5,143 28,321 9,041 2,720 931 369 200 548 47,273 1,032 7,950 21,343 16,654 46,979 2,028 10,152 20,132 14,510 46,822 % 1% 30% 30% 18% 10% 4% 2% 3% 100% 50% 15% 8% 5% 4% 2% 2% 14% 100% 9% 59% 21% 6% 2% 1% 0% 1% 100% 2% 18% 45% 34% 100% 5% 23% 43% 29% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 2,034 44,236 49,682 31,706 18,293 7,692 3,350 5,719 162,712 97,749 19,949 10,717 6,463 4,979 2,737 2,107 17,866 162 567 162,567 18,988 101,579 28,050 8,277 2,844 1,101 551 1,607 162,997 3,462 26,562 72,773 59,242 162,039 7,038 35,319 69,850 49,315 161,522 31 % 1% 27% 30% 19% 11% 5% 2% 4% 100% 58% 13% 7% 4% 3% 2% 1% 11% 100% 9% 62% 19% 6% 2% 1% 0% 1% 100% 2% 17% 45% 35% 100% 5% 24% 43% 28% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 10c. Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds ENVDIVRS (EEE) Response Options Count Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Total 10d. Helping you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.) ENVNACAD Very little (SCE) Some Quite a bit Very much Total 10e. Providing the support you need to thrive socially ENVSOCAL (SCE) Very little Some Quite a bit Very much ENVEVENT Very little Some Q it a bit Quite Very much Total 10f. Attending campus events and activities (special speakers, cultural performances, performances athletic events, etc.) Total 10g. Using computers in academic work ENVCOMPT Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Total 11a. Acquiring a broad general GNGENLED Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNWORK Very little Some Quite a bit Very much education Total 11b. Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills Total a 10 27 21 10 68 19 20 18 10 67 13 20 23 12 68 4 17 25 22 68 1 7 22 38 68 4 15 29 17 65 10 18 22 16 66 % 16% 39% 32% 13% 100% 30% 29% 27% 14% 100% 20% 30% 33% 16% 100% 6% 27% 37% 31% 100% 1% 11% 34% 54% 100% 7% 23% 44% 26% 100% 15% 27% 34% 24% 100% MECIC Count 87 220 323 285 915 176 285 278 176 915 131 261 322 200 914 102 187 320 305 914 25 117 320 453 915 22 161 367 347 897 69 219 322 288 898 Carnegie Class % 10% 24% 35% 30% 100% 21% 32% 29% 17% 100% 16% 30% 34% 20% 100% 14% 22% 33% 31% 100% 3% 14% 35% 48% 100% 3% 18% 42% 38% 100% 7% 25% 37% 31% 100% Count 4,243 11,176 13,304 10,149 38,872 8,491 14,120 10,798 5,503 38,912 5,657 13,098 13,297 6,705 38,757 3,982 9,156 14 461 14,461 11,270 38,869 920 5,022 13,705 19,327 38,974 916 5,742 16,551 15,091 38,300 3,142 9,775 14,420 10,981 38,318 % 12% 29% 34% 25% 100% 23% 36% 27% 13% 100% 16% 34% 34% 16% 100% 11% 25% 37% 27% 100% 3% 13% 35% 49% 100% 3% 16% 44% 38% 100% 10% 27% 37% 26% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 15,039 40,792 47,874 37,161 140,866 31,079 52,979 38,283 18,751 141,092 20,055 48,295 48,427 23,821 140,598 11,451 32,167 54 321 54,321 43,086 141,025 3,043 18,216 48,643 71,388 141,290 3,289 20,783 59,692 55,349 139,113 10,980 36,971 51,796 39,314 139,061 % 12% 29% 34% 25% 100% 24% 37% 26% 13% 100% 16% 35% 33% 16% 100% 10% 24% 38% 28% 100% 2% 13% 34% 51% 100% 3% 16% 43% 38% 100% 9% 27% 37% 27% 100% Alabama A&M Count 22 30 24 17 93 34 24 23 12 93 25 32 22 14 93 9 26 34 24 93 2 12 33 47 94 4 22 36 31 93 4 25 32 32 93 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 24% 33% 25% 18% 100% 36% 27% 25% 12% 100% 27% 35% 24% 14% 100% 11% 30% 35% 24% 100% 2% 13% 36% 48% 100% 5% 24% 35% 36% 100% 4% 27% 33% 35% 100% MECIC Count 135 252 237 236 860 249 305 199 112 865 190 331 213 123 857 160 235 278 189 862 24 106 251 481 862 27 113 346 364 850 43 129 287 402 861 Carnegie Class % 15% 29% 29% 28% 100% 31% 36% 21% 12% 100% 24% 39% 23% 14% 100% 20% 29% 32% 19% 100% 3% 11% 29% 57% 100% 3% 13% 41% 43% 100% 4% 15% 35% 46% 100% Count 7,358 14,804 14,473 10,160 46,795 15,841 16,781 9,383 4,892 46,897 11,026 17,616 12,318 5,730 46,690 7,665 13,948 15 470 15,470 9,630 46,713 903 4,249 13,235 28,558 46,945 1,262 6,038 17,287 21,725 46,312 2,476 8,307 15,644 19,938 46,365 % 16% 32% 31% 21% 100% 36% 35% 19% 10% 100% 25% 38% 25% 12% 100% 17% 31% 32% 19% 100% 2% 10% 29% 60% 100% 3% 14% 38% 45% 100% 6% 19% 34% 41% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 25,735 52,339 48,773 34,623 161,470 55,238 59,470 31,652 15,323 161,683 37,039 61,915 43,414 18,744 161,112 21,652 46,087 57 442 57,442 36,108 161,289 2,947 14,761 45,761 98,405 161,874 4,198 21,486 59,037 75,177 159,898 9,268 31,356 54,570 64,901 160,095 32 % 17% 32% 30% 21% 100% 36% 36% 18% 9% 100% 24% 39% 26% 11% 100% 14% 30% 35% 21% 100% 2% 9% 28% 60% 100% 3% 14% 38% 45% 100% 6% 20% 34% 39% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 11c. Writing clearly and Response Options GNWRITE Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNSPEAK Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNANALY Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNQUANT Very little Some Q it a bit Quite Very much GNCMPTS Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNOTHERS Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNCITIZN Very little Some Quite a bit Very much effectively Count Total 11d. Speaking clearly and effectively Total 11e. Thinking critically and analytically Total 11f. Analyzing quantitative problems Total 11g. Using computing and information technology Total 11h. Working effectively with others Total 11i. Voting in local, state, or national elections Total a 4 10 28 24 66 3 17 25 20 65 2 14 28 22 66 3 15 27 20 65 4 17 23 22 66 2 17 26 21 66 7 7 15 34 63 % 7% 16% 42% 35% 100% 5% 27% 39% 29% 100% 3% 22% 43% 31% 100% 5% 24% 42% 30% 100% 7% 27% 34% 32% 100% 3% 26% 38% 32% 100% 13% 12% 25% 50% 100% MECIC Count 25 161 368 349 903 48 219 325 307 899 23 133 352 387 895 58 232 326 282 898 47 192 320 341 900 38 186 311 366 901 177 236 238 240 891 Carnegie Class % 3% 18% 40% 38% 100% 6% 25% 35% 34% 100% 3% 16% 39% 42% 100% 7% 27% 36% 30% 100% 5% 21% 36% 37% 100% 5% 22% 35% 39% 100% 22% 27% 26% 26% 100% Count 1,454 7,554 15,996 13,369 38,373 2,457 9,233 15,086 11,488 38,264 805 5,461 15,938 16,070 38,274 2,002 9,067 15 890 15,890 11,233 38,192 1,939 7,933 14,834 13,614 38,320 1,633 8,005 15,182 13,515 38,335 8,024 10,282 10,238 9,216 37,760 % 4% 20% 42% 34% 100% 7% 24% 39% 29% 100% 3% 15% 42% 40% 100% 6% 24% 42% 29% 100% 6% 21% 38% 35% 100% 5% 22% 39% 34% 100% 22% 27% 27% 24% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 5,712 28,477 57,884 47,192 139,265 10,428 36,155 53,497 38,823 138,903 2,793 19,230 57,120 59,853 138,996 7,098 32,432 56 400 56,400 42,729 138,659 7,233 29,503 52,977 49,407 139,120 5,976 29,865 55,189 48,168 139,198 27,888 37,660 37,443 34,088 137,079 % 5% 21% 41% 33% 100% 8% 26% 38% 27% 100% 2% 15% 41% 42% 100% 5% 23% 41% 31% 100% 5% 21% 38% 36% 100% 5% 23% 39% 33% 100% 21% 27% 27% 25% 100% Alabama A&M Count 6 21 31 34 92 9 16 36 33 94 1 23 31 38 93 3 25 33 31 92 2 18 35 39 94 1 26 28 39 94 8 21 25 38 92 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 8% 23% 33% 36% 100% 11% 18% 38% 34% 100% 1% 25% 34% 39% 100% 4% 27% 35% 34% 100% 3% 18% 36% 43% 100% 1% 29% 28% 41% 100% 9% 23% 26% 41% 100% MECIC Count 18 154 294 395 861 34 167 290 365 856 14 93 317 432 856 57 174 313 313 857 43 159 280 379 861 16 130 299 411 856 226 221 184 208 839 Carnegie Class % 2% 18% 35% 44% 100% 4% 21% 34% 41% 100% 2% 10% 36% 52% 100% 5% 22% 36% 37% 100% 4% 17% 33% 46% 100% 2% 16% 36% 45% 100% 29% 29% 21% 21% 100% Count 1,569 8,352 17,560 18,945 46,426 2,335 9,516 17,222 17,256 46,329 781 4,857 16,593 24,107 46,338 1,999 9,338 17 137 17,137 17,765 46,239 1,520 7,334 15,894 21,665 46,413 1,517 7,446 16,650 20,801 46,414 13,327 13,524 10,061 8,910 45,822 % 4% 19% 38% 40% 100% 5% 21% 37% 36% 100% 2% 11% 36% 51% 100% 4% 20% 37% 38% 100% 3% 16% 34% 46% 100% 4% 17% 36% 43% 100% 29% 29% 22% 19% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 5,856 29,519 61,078 63,795 160,248 8,743 34,790 59,879 56,484 159,896 2,668 16,361 56,509 84,387 159,925 7,439 33,129 58 089 58,089 60,962 159,619 5,817 27,306 55,503 71,606 160,232 5,218 26,921 58,202 69,867 160,208 44,256 47,269 35,938 30,908 158,371 33 % 4% 19% 38% 38% 100% 6% 23% 37% 34% 100% 2% 11% 36% 51% 100% 5% 21% 37% 38% 100% 4% 17% 34% 45% 100% 4% 18% 36% 42% 100% 28% 30% 23% 20% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 11j. Learning effectively on your Response Options GNINQ Very little Some Quite a bit Very much 11k. Understanding yourself GNSELF Very little Some Quite a bit Very much 11l. Understanding people of GNDIVERS Very little Some Quite a bit Very much GNPROBSV Very little Some Q it a bit Quite Very much GNETHICS Very little Some Quite a bit Very much own Count Total Total other racial and ethnic backgrounds Total 11m Solving complex real-world problems Total 11n. Developing a personal code of values and ethics Total 11o. Contributing to the welfare of your community GNCOMMUN Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Total 11p. Developing a deepened sense of spirituality GNSPIRIT Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Total a 2 10 24 27 63 6 9 18 30 63 8 14 24 17 63 6 15 23 19 63 5 13 20 24 62 14 17 16 15 62 9 18 19 17 63 % 4% 16% 38% 43% 100% 11% 14% 28% 47% 100% 12% 22% 39% 27% 100% 11% 23% 38% 28% 100% 8% 23% 33% 37% 100% 24% 26% 27% 23% 100% 15% 30% 31% 24% 100% MECIC Count 45 181 351 309 886 68 179 307 334 888 76 215 310 288 889 85 250 294 256 885 92 206 309 284 891 147 253 267 221 888 207 218 213 250 888 Carnegie Class % 5% 22% 39% 34% 100% 9% 21% 34% 35% 100% 9% 26% 34% 32% 100% 11% 28% 33% 28% 100% 12% 25% 33% 31% 100% 18% 29% 29% 24% 100% 26% 25% 23% 26% 100% Count 1,685 8,126 16,310 11,553 37,674 3,421 9,198 13,746 11,240 37,605 4,120 11,037 13,221 9,330 37,708 3,589 11,448 14 142 14,142 8,532 37,711 4,197 9,975 13,181 10,358 37,711 6,312 12,304 11,571 7,517 37,704 11,785 10,071 8,479 7,431 37,766 % 5% 22% 42% 31% 100% 10% 25% 36% 29% 100% 11% 29% 35% 25% 100% 10% 31% 37% 22% 100% 12% 27% 34% 26% 100% 19% 33% 29% 18% 100% 34% 27% 22% 18% 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count 5,973 29,033 59,496 42,349 136,851 12,741 33,968 49,766 40,132 136,607 15,248 41,512 47,195 32,959 136,914 12,598 42,372 50 852 50,852 31,195 137,017 15,698 37,209 47,625 36,460 136,992 21,512 45,425 42,661 27,379 136,977 46,309 36,718 29,113 24,943 137,083 % 5% 22% 43% 31% 100% 10% 25% 36% 29% 100% 12% 30% 34% 24% 100% 10% 31% 36% 23% 100% 13% 28% 34% 25% 100% 18% 34% 30% 19% 100% 36% 27% 20% 17% 100% Alabama A&M Count 4 13 40 34 91 6 26 27 32 91 12 28 21 31 92 6 25 28 33 92 10 21 26 35 92 15 27 29 21 92 22 27 20 23 92 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 5% 15% 44% 36% 100% 8% 28% 31% 33% 100% 14% 31% 24% 32% 100% 7% 27% 30% 36% 100% 12% 23% 29% 37% 100% 18% 30% 30% 22% 100% 26% 28% 24% 22% 100% MECIC Count 33 167 297 342 839 89 179 258 315 841 90 226 269 258 843 67 214 303 258 842 88 214 252 291 845 130 263 229 222 844 285 190 152 219 846 Carnegie Class % 4% 23% 36% 37% 100% 12% 24% 31% 33% 100% 10% 26% 34% 29% 100% 9% 25% 38% 29% 100% 12% 29% 28% 31% 100% 18% 34% 27% 22% 100% 39% 24% 16% 20% 100% Count 2,410 8,576 17,945 16,838 45,769 4,817 10,936 15,294 14,641 45,688 5,876 13,728 14,596 11,614 45,814 4,269 12,389 16 396 16,396 12,794 45,848 5,857 11,496 14,223 14,288 45,864 8,237 14,426 12,910 10,282 45,855 18,851 11,186 7,789 8,033 45,859 % 6% 20% 39% 36% 100% 12% 25% 33% 31% 100% 13% 30% 32% 25% 100% 10% 27% 35% 27% 100% 14% 26% 30% 29% 100% 20% 32% 27% 21% 100% 45% 24% 16% 15% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 8,176 29,428 62,855 57,697 158,156 16,835 37,919 52,948 50,201 157,903 20,858 49,013 50,151 38,279 158,301 14,497 43,088 57 290 57,290 43,487 158,362 21,080 40,863 49,484 46,962 158,389 27,828 50,703 45,403 34,441 158,375 69,550 38,182 25,166 25,561 158,459 34 % 6% 19% 39% 36% 100% 12% 25% 33% 30% 100% 13% 31% 32% 24% 100% 10% 27% 36% 27% 100% 15% 27% 31% 28% 100% 19% 33% 28% 20% 100% 48% 23% 15% 14% 100% NSSE 2009 Engagement Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 12. Overall, how would you Response Options ADVISE Poor Fair Good Excellent ENTIREXP Poor Fair Good Excellent SAMECOLL Definitely no Probably no Probably yes Definitely yes evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution? Count Total 13. How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? Total 14. If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending? Total a 2 16 34 14 66 3 16 36 11 66 10 15 26 15 66 % 3% 24% 52% 21% 100% 5% 26% 53% 16% 100% 14% 24% 40% 21% 100% MECIC Count Carnegie Class % 37 4% 122 13% 401 43% 342 39% 902 100% 18 2% 93 10% 424 46% 368 41% 903 100% 40 5% 106 12% 345 38% 410 45% 901 100% Count % 1,779 5% 5,889 17% 18,256 48% 12,330 30% 38,254 100% 654 2% 4,051 12% 19,346 52% 14,191 34% 38,242 100% 1,458 4% 4,649 13% 15,506 42% 16,639 41% 38,252 100% Seniors NSSE 2009 Count % 6,227 5% 21,716 17% 65,293 47% 45,611 31% 138,847 100% 2,347 2% 14,158 11% 68,142 50% 54,150 37% 138,797 100% 5,418 4% 16,213 12% 55,066 40% 62,187 44% 138,884 100% Alabama A&M Count 9 30 38 16 93 4 26 49 14 93 18 26 27 22 93 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. % 10% 32% 40% 18% 100% 4% 29% 52% 15% 100% 20% 29% 28% 24% 100% MECIC Count Carnegie Class % 42 5% 142 15% 348 40% 326 40% 858 100% 11 1% 102 12% 395 42% 350 45% 858 100% 49 5% 106 13% 328 38% 374 45% 857 100% Count % 4,047 10% 8,998 20% 18,806 40% 14,555 30% 46,406 100% 901 2% 5,238 13% 21,955 48% 18,320 37% 46,414 100% 2,263 5% 5,976 14% 17,918 40% 20,256 41% 46,413 100% NSSE 2009 Count % 14,195 10% 31,276 21% 64,446 40% 50,344 29% 160,261 100% 3,275 2% 17,537 12% 74,397 48% 65,036 38% 160,245 100% 7,949 5% 20,497 13% 61,027 39% 70,810 43% 160,283 100% IPEDS: 100654 35 NSSE 2009 Background Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable Response Options 15. Age AGE 19 or younger 20-23 24-29 30-39 40-55 Over 55 16. Your sex: SEX Male Female Count Total Total 17. Are you an international student or foreign national? INTERNAT 18. What is your racial or ethnic identification? (Select only one.) RACE05 No Yes Total 19. What is your current classification in college? CLASS 20. Did you begin college at your current institution or elsewhere? ENTER a American Indian or other Native American Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander Black or African American White (non-Hispanic) Mexican or Mexican American Puerto Rican Other Hispanic or Latino Multiracial Other I prefer not to respond Total Freshman/first year Sophomore Junior Senior Unclassified Total Started here Started elsewhere Total % MECIC Count Seniors Carnegie Class % 657 67% 109 13% 48 6% 44 7% 46 7% 2 0% 906 100% 327 44% 582 56% 909 100% 813 90% 87 10% 900 100% Count % Count 54 7 2 2 1 0 66 20 46 66 64 2 66 81% 11% 4% 3% 1% 0% 100% 41% 59% 100% 97% 3% 100% 0 0% 3 0% 318 1% 1,077 0 0% 28 3% 2,257 7% 8,910 61 93% 146 15% 3,204 10% 0 0% 580 65% 25,575 61% 0 1 0 1 1 2 66 59 6 0 0 1 66 60 6 66 0% 2% 0% 1% 1% 3% 100% 90% 9% 0% 0% 2% 100% 91% 9% 100% 11 1% 13 1% 24 3% 29 3% 20 2% 52 6% 906 100% 714 74% 134 17% 35 5% 8 1% 17 2% 908 100% 752 80% 156 20% 908 100% 32,297 82% 2,706 8% 1,117 3% 1,184 3% 928 2% 90 0% 38,322 100% 12,996 43% 25,375 57% 38,371 100% 36,064 94% 2,101 6% 38,165 100% NSSE 2009 1,488 5% 406 1% 1,432 4% 1,030 3% 701 2% 1,877 5% 38,288 100% 32,733 84% 4,439 13% 520 1% 196 1% 426 1% 38,314 100% 34,431 89% 3,854 11% 38,285 100% % 120,383 84% 9,411 8% 3,382 3% 3,265 3% 2,464 2% 253 0% 139,158 100% 49,912 45% 89,386 55% 139,298 100% 130,697 94% 7,993 6% 138,690 100% Alabama A&M Count % Carnegie Class MECIC Count % % Count % 0% 56% 25% 10% 9% 0% 100% 55% 45% 100% 92% 8% 100% 1% 2 2% 1 0% 405 1% 1,318 1% 7% 0 0% 21 2% 2,092 5% 8,277 6% 11,522 9% 74 79% 132 12% 3,458 8% 11,909 7% 95,041 64% 7 9% 581 71% 32,023 65% 112,784 67% 3,770 4% 1,191 2% 4,190 3% 3,816 3% 2,277 2% 7,227 5% 139,021 100% 120,084 83% 15,182 14% 1,989 2% 647 1% 1,234 1% 139,136 100% 126,204 89% 12,840 11% 139,044 100% 0 0 0 2 3 4 92 0 0 3 87 1 91 63 30 93 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 4% 100% 0% 0% 3% 96% 1% 100% 67% 33% 100% 18 2% 5 1% 14 2% 22 2% 15 2% 48 5% 857 100% 0 0% 5 0% 3% 28 794 92% 24 4% 851 100% 387 39% 471 61% 858 100% 115 0% 26,920 54% 8,241 21% 5,641 13% 4,997 11% 466 1% 46,380 100% 15,531 40% 30,941 60% 46,472 100% 44,055 94% 2,284 6% 46,339 100% NSSE 2009 0 53 22 10 8 0 93 40 53 93 86 7 93 Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 0 0% 469 51% 141 17% 116 15% 119 15% 10 1% 855 100% 257 38% 603 62% 860 100% 801 93% 7% 53 854 100% Count 1,872 5% 339 1% 1,610 4% 2% 998 716 2% 2,908 7% 46,421 100% 59 0% 222 0% 2,322 5% 42,644 92% 1,159 3% 46,406 100% 23,030 46% 23,409 54% 46,439 100% 513 0% 104,311 61% 25,155 19% 15,697 11% 13,202 8% 1,296 1% 160,174 100% 57,867 43% 102,535 57% 160,402 100% 152,342 95% 7,623 5% 159,965 100% 4,306 4% 1,027 1% 4,299 3% 3,715 2% 2,347 2% 10,239 7% 160,221 100% 185 0% 683 0% 8,379 6% 147,230 91% 3,700 3% 160,177 100% 92,749 55% 67,558 45% 160,307 100% 36 NSSE 2009 Background Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 21. Since graduating from high school, which of the following types of schools have you attended other than the one you are attending now? (Select all that apply.) 22. Thinking about this current academic term...How would you characterize your enrollment? Vocational or technical school COMCOL05 Community or junior college FOURYR05 4-year college other than this one NONE05 None OCOL1_05 Other ENRLMENT Less than full-time Full-time Total DISTED – Do you have any disabilities? (Select all that apply.) (Item appeared only in the online instrument and was preceded by the statement "Your institution will not receive your identified response to the following question. Only an overall summary of responses will be provided." Accordingly, this item does not appear in the NSSE09 data file or codebook.) DISNONE 24. Are you a student-athlete on a team sponsored by your institution's athletics department? a Count % MECIC Count Carnegie Class % Count % NSSE 2009 Count % Alabama A&M Count % MECIC Count Carnegie Class % Count % NSSE 2009 Count % VOTECH05 – Thinking about this current academic term...Are you taking all courses entirely online? (Item appeared only in the online instrument.) 23. Are you member of a social fraternity or sorority? Response Options Seniors DISSENSE DISMOBIL DISLEARN DISMENT DISOTHER DISREFUS FRATSORO ATHLETE 4 8% 53 6% 1,561 4% 4,759 4% 9 11% 106 14% 4,140 9% 11,896 8% 9 14% 123 15% 3,399 9% 11,685 10% 26 28% 392 52% 20,299 48% 58,362 41% 2 50 2 3% 75% 3% 121 632 48 15% 66% 6% 3,203 30,119 1,355 9% 78% 4% 11,042 111,414 4,397 9% 79% 4% 26 42 3 28% 45% 4% 268 292 42 35% 31% 5% 13,142 17,170 2,140 29% 33% 5% 41,460 71,338 6,861 27% 41% 4% 1 65 66 2% 98% 100% 61 9% 844 91% 905 100% 2,111 7% 36,194 93% 38,305 100% 6,168 6% 132,907 94% 139,075 100% 9 84 93 12% 88% 100% No 61 100% 825 96% 36,100 97% 131,151 97% 81 Yes 0 0% 26 4% 1,376 3% 3,927 3% 61 100% 56 Total No, I do not have any disabilities Yes, I have a sensory impairment (vision or hearing) Yes, I have a mobility impairment Yes, I have a learning disability Yes, I have a mental health disorder Yes, I have another disability I choose not to answer No Yes Total No Yes Total 128 20% 728 80% 856 100% 8,347 20% 38,075 80% 46,422 100% 23,690 17% 136,558 83% 160,248 100% 97% 727 96% 42,114 94% 148,078 95% 3 3% 41 4% 3,410 6% 8,913 5% 851 100% 37,476 100% 135,078 100% 84 100% 95% 726 85% 33,151 88% 118,819 88% 75 1 2% 24 3% 827 2% 2,990 2% 0 0% 4 1% 201 1% 737 1 1% 40 5% 1,294 4% 0 0% 19 2% 657 0 1 0% 1% 15 37 2% 4% 596 1,187 64 1 65 62 3 65 99% 1% 100% 95% 5% 100% 831 91% 70 9% 901 100% 668 75% 236 25% 904 100% 768 100% 45,524 100% 156,991 100% 90% 676 88% 39,994 88% 137,847 88% 1 1% 14 2% 806 2% 2,690 2% 1% 0 0% 5 1% 455 1% 1,412 1% 4,972 4% 2 2% 23 3% 1,517 3% 5,558 3% 2% 2,506 2% 0 0% 13 2% 915 2% 3,544 2% 2% 3% 2,131 4,476 2% 3% 4 2 4% 2% 11 27 2% 3% 914 1,511 2% 4% 2,823 5,287 2% 4% 125,900 91% 13,044 9% 138,944 100% 122,995 91% 15,780 9% 138,775 100% 68 25 93 90 3 93 74% 26% 100% 96% 4% 100% 35,506 93% 2,771 7% 38,277 100% 34,613 92% 3,617 8% 38,230 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 799 95% 55 5% 854 100% 744 89% 111 11% 855 100% 42,302 91% 4,088 9% 46,390 100% 44,117 96% 2,223 4% 46,340 100% 141,882 89% 18,279 11% 160,161 100% 149,652 95% 10,323 5% 159,975 100% 37 NSSE 2009 Background Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable 25. What have most of your grades been up to now at this institution? 26. Which of the following best describes where you are living now while attending college? 27a. What is the highest level of education that your father completed? 27b. What is the highest level of education that your mother completed? a GRADES04 Response Options C- or lower C C+ BB B+ AA Total Dormitory or other campus housing Residence, walking distance Residence, driving distance Fraternity or sorority house None of the above Total FATHREDU Did not finish HS Graduated from HS Attended, no degree Completed Associate's Completed Bachelor's Completed Master's Completed Doctorate Total MOTHREDU Did not finish HS Graduated from HS Attended, no degree Completed Associate's Completed Bachelor's Completed Master's Completed Doctorate Total Count % 8 2 5 7 13 8 9 14 66 15% 3% 7% 11% 19% 13% 12% 20% 100% 60 MECIC Count Seniors Carnegie Class % Count % NSSE 2009 Count 11 1% 21 3% 52 6% 64 7% 149 16% 167 17% 197 21% 236 29% 897 100% 774 2% 1,319 4% 2,184 6% 3,000 9% 7,769 21% 7,393 19% 7,116 17% 8,634 22% 38,189 100% 90% 537 55% 22,322 51% 91,451 2 3% 55 6% 2,359 8% 3 5% 251 32% 11,426 35% 0 1 66 8 30 9 5 9 2 1 64 7 16 14 9 12 6 1 65 0% 1% 100% 12% 46% 15% 8% 14% 4% 1% 100% 10% 24% 22% 14% 19% 9% 1% 100% % 2,694 2% 4,674 4% 7,617 6% 10,590 8% 27,549 20% 26,901 19% 27,258 19% 31,268 22% 138,551 100% Alabama A&M Count % MECIC Count Carnegie Class % 1 0% 10 1% 28 3% 42 4% 118 13% 162 19% 153 20% 332 41% 846 100% Count % 104 0% 802 2% 1,822 5% 2,961 7% 8,904 20% 9,104 20% 9,297 19% 13,293 27% 46,287 100% NSSE 2009 Count % 0 0 9 8 15 21 15 25 93 0% 0% 10% 9% 17% 23% 15% 25% 100% 391 0% 2,638 2% 6,014 4% 10,331 7% 30,021 19% 32,300 20% 34,326 21% 43,776 26% 159,797 100% 59% 17 16% 204 18% 5,629 10% 25,278 11% 8,711 8% 9 10% 109 11% 7,364 15% 35,801 22% 32,443 29% 64 70% 457 62% 28,842 67% 85,537 59% 828 1% 4,779 4% 138,212 100% 10,822 9% 33,776 25% 18,947 14% 11,194 8% 34,862 25% 18,616 13% 8,795 6% 137,012 100% 8,051 7% 29,542 22% 21,773 16% 17,274 12% 38,900 27% 18,640 13% 3,485 2% 137,665 100% 0 3 93 10 32 13 11 15 8 2 91 8 34 14 10 16 10 0 92 0% 3% 100% 10% 35% 14% 11% 17% 10% 3% 100% 7% 37% 16% 11% 19% 11% 0% 100% LIVENOW 1 0% 49 8% 893 100% 85 10% 264 31% 133 14% 76 9% 180 19% 113 13% 33 4% 884 100% 61 7% 216 26% 153 16% 134 15% 205 22% 102 11% 16 2% 887 100% 126 0% 1,854 5% 38,087 100% 3,829 12% 10,546 28% 5,580 15% 3,140 8% 8,646 22% 4,270 10% 1,671 4% 37,682 100% 2,966 9% 9,211 25% 6,333 17% 4,870 12% 9,512 24% 4,329 11% 666 2% 37,887 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 0 0% 78 8% 848 100% 96 10% 266 31% 140 15% 71 8% 152 19% 95 13% 24 3% 844 100% 85 9% 260 31% 129 17% 108 11% 156 17% 100 12% 12 2% 850 100% 267 1% 4,087 8% 46,189 100% 5,677 14% 12,670 27% 6,651 15% 3,862 8% 10,142 22% 4,863 10% 1,993 4% 45,858 100% 4,576 11% 12,953 28% 7,245 16% 5,819 12% 9,831 21% 4,940 10% 707 2% 46,071 100% 2,310 1% 10,622 6% 159,548 100% 15,066 10% 38,584 24% 21,948 14% 12,734 8% 38,649 25% 20,852 13% 10,719 7% 158,552 100% 12,029 8% 38,956 24% 24,074 15% 19,685 12% 39,803 25% 20,947 13% 3,720 2% 159,214 100% 38 NSSE 2009 Background Item Frequency Distributions a Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable Response Options 28. Primary major or expected primary major, in collapsed categories MAJRPCOL 29. Second major or expected second major (not minor, concentration, etc.) if applicable, in collapsed categories MAJRSCOL Arts and Humanities Biological Science Business Education Engineering Physical Science Professional Social Science Other Undecided Total Arts and Humanities Biological Science Business Education Engineering Physical Science Professional Social Science Other Undecided Total Male Female Total African American/Black Am. Indian/Native Amer. Asian/Pacific Islander Caucasian/White Hispanic/Latino Other Foreign Multi-racial Unknown Total Part-time Full-time Total – Institution reported: Gender GENDER – Institution reported: Race or ethnicity ETHNICIT – Institution reported: Enrollment status a ENROLLMT Count 1 9 11 10 5 5 1 9 14 0 65 3 2 0 1 0 1 1 4 3 0 15 32 66 98 97 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 98 2 96 98 % 1% 13% 18% 14% 9% 7% 1% 13% 23% 0% 100% 17% 11% 0% 6% 0% 6% 6% 30% 25% 0% 100% 44% 56% 100% 99% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 100% 2% 98% 100% MECIC Seniors Carnegie Class Count % 91 45 150 104 8 11 145 93 195 27 869 47 4 29 22 0 9 22 26 53 7 219 402 686 1,088 190 7 22 625 48 2 60 7 126 1,087 78 1,010 1,088 12% 4% 20% 11% 1% 1% 13% 10% 24% 3% 100% 22% 2% 15% 10% 0% 5% 7% 12% 25% 3% 100% 45% 55% 100% 17% 1% 2% 58% 3% 0% 6% 0% 12% 100% 12% 88% 100% Count 4,645 2,581 6,320 4,171 1,552 1,176 5,077 4,188 5,813 1,618 37,141 2,253 330 1,513 919 119 518 696 1,388 1,316 308 9,360 15,239 29,577 44,816 3,764 320 2,178 29,132 4,140 541 1,065 155 2,395 43,690 3,027 41,789 44,816 % 12% 7% 17% 10% 5% 3% 13% 11% 17% 5% 100% 23% 4% 16% 9% 2% 6% 7% 14% 15% 4% 100% 43% 57% 100% 10% 1% 6% 62% 12% 1% 3% 0% 6% 100% 9% 91% 100% NSSE 2009 Count 18,121 11,875 20,437 12,437 9,420 4,789 16,215 16,649 19,407 5,585 134,935 9,679 1,686 5,159 2,735 844 2,281 2,666 6,111 4,772 1,120 37,053 57,920 102,737 160,657 13,382 1,114 8,217 100,292 10,569 1,551 3,845 582 10,448 150,000 8,608 152,049 160,657 % 12% 9% 16% 8% 8% 3% 12% 12% 16% 4% 100% 24% 4% 15% 7% 3% 7% 7% 16% 14% 3% 100% 46% 54% 100% 10% 1% 6% 64% 9% 1% 3% 0% 6% 100% 8% 92% 100% Alabama A&M Count 0 7 17 14 13 3 2 16 20 0 92 1 1 3 0 0 4 1 0 1 1 12 45 71 116 101 0 1 8 1 0 5 0 0 116 12 104 116 % 0% 8% 18% 14% 17% 3% 2% 15% 23% 0% 100% 6% 11% 23% 0% 0% 34% 13% 0% 6% 6% 100% 51% 49% 100% 86% 0% 1% 8% 1% 0% 5% 0% 0% 100% 13% 87% 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. MECIC Count 98 26 223 107 0 8 102 77 205 0 846 30 2 46 26 0 7 14 17 27 5 174 278 649 927 156 2 10 621 34 1 40 7 56 927 134 793 927 Carnegie Class % 13% 2% 29% 11% 0% 1% 12% 7% 24% 0% 100% 20% 1% 25% 12% 0% 4% 8% 7% 19% 4% 100% 38% 62% 100% 14% 0% 1% 68% 4% 0% 5% 0% 7% 100% 21% 79% 100% Count 6,038 2,467 9,801 5,790 1,347 1,232 4,876 6,212 7,992 23 45,778 2,261 308 2,037 1,283 84 584 496 1,841 1,447 186 10,527 17,224 33,806 51,030 3,482 411 1,913 35,435 4,335 538 1,102 81 2,480 49,777 9,600 41,430 51,030 % 13% 6% 21% 12% 3% 3% 10% 14% 18% 0% 100% 20% 3% 20% 11% 1% 6% 5% 18% 14% 2% 100% 41% 59% 100% 7% 1% 5% 67% 11% 1% 3% 0% 5% 100% 23% 77% 100% NSSE 2009 Count % 22,848 14% 11,174 7% 28,854 18% 16,246 9% 9,240 7% 5,179 3% 15,157 9% 23,295 14% 26,016 17% 64 0% 158,073 100% 9,406 23% 1,524 4% 6,699 18% 3,387 7% 625 2% 2,384 7% 1,838 5% 7,383 19% 5,246 14% 532 2% 39,024 100% 64,198 44% 111,622 56% 175,820 100% 12,612 8% 1,384 1% 7,811 6% 117,833 68% 10,695 9% 1,507 1% 3,440 2% 456 0% 9,720 5% 165,458 100% 27,928 20% 147,892 80% 175,820 100% IPEDS: 100654 39 NSSE 2009 Frequency Distributions a Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable Response Options 1a. The mission of this institution is widely understood by MEC0901A Strongly disagree students. Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree Total 1b. Ethical and spiritual development of students is an important part of the mission at this institution. MEC0901B Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1c. This institution offers opportunities for volunteering and community service. MEC0901C Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1d. Social and personal development of students is an important part of the mission at this institution. MEC0901D Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1e. This institution offers opportunities for developing leadership skills. MEC0901E Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1f. Preparation for a career is an important part of the mission of this institution. MEC0901F Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree Total Total Total Total Total a Seniors MECIC Alabama A&M MECIC Count % Count % Count % Count % 2 4 9 23 14 52 2 3 14 22 11 52 1 0 7 28 16 52 1 0 11 23 17 52 2 1 7 24 17 51 1 1 11 16 23 52 3% 9% 17% 46% 26% 100% 4% 7% 26% 42% 21% 100% 2% 0% 14% 54% 30% 100% 2% 0% 24% 43% 31% 100% 4% 2% 14% 48% 32% 100% 2% 2% 22% 32% 43% 100% 19 63 167 314 200 763 18 48 156 294 245 761 1 23 125 332 275 756 13 23 145 296 279 756 6 32 113 309 298 758 12 21 123 307 295 758 3% 9% 25% 41% 23% 100% 3% 8% 22% 38% 29% 100% 0% 3% 19% 45% 33% 100% 2% 4% 21% 40% 33% 100% 1% 5% 16% 43% 35% 100% 2% 3% 17% 43% 36% 100% 4 14 15 21 19 73 3 11 20 31 9 74 0 3 17 35 19 74 2 7 18 33 14 74 1 7 13 30 23 74 2 6 15 26 25 74 6% 20% 22% 28% 23% 100% 4% 16% 28% 42% 10% 100% 0% 4% 25% 50% 21% 100% 3% 11% 25% 44% 17% 100% 1% 11% 19% 41% 28% 100% 3% 9% 21% 34% 33% 100% 37 105 164 255 176 737 35 59 193 242 200 729 15 44 135 298 242 734 21 38 150 306 216 731 10 24 100 335 266 735 13 52 117 293 258 733 6% 15% 26% 32% 22% 100% 6% 8% 32% 33% 21% 100% 2% 6% 21% 40% 31% 100% 3% 5% 24% 42% 26% 100% 2% 4% 14% 45% 35% 100% 2% 6% 17% 41% 35% 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 40 NSSE 2009 Frequency Distributions a Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable Response Options 1g. The heritage of the founder/founding religious community of this institution is evident here. MEC0901G Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1h. The faculty and staff here are respectful of people of different religions. MEC0901H Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1i. The students here are respectful of people of different religions. MEC0901I Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1j. Students at this institution feel free to express their individual spirituality. MEC0901J Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1k. The faculty and staff here are respectful of people of different races and cultures. MEC0901K Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1l. The students here are respectful of people of different races and cultures. MEC0901L Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree Total Total Total Total Total Total a Seniors MECIC Alabama A&M MECIC Count % Count % Count % Count % 1 1 13 13 24 52 1 2 15 19 15 52 1 1 15 29 6 52 1 1 8 29 13 52 1 1 9 27 13 51 1 1 15 25 10 52 2% 2% 25% 26% 46% 100% 2% 3% 29% 37% 29% 100% 2% 3% 28% 56% 12% 100% 2% 3% 15% 57% 23% 100% 2% 3% 17% 54% 25% 100% 2% 2% 32% 46% 19% 100% 28 62 167 252 250 759 10 19 104 281 345 759 10 30 141 324 251 756 8 24 152 311 261 756 6 6 88 325 327 752 8 18 99 346 282 753 4% 9% 23% 33% 30% 100% 1% 3% 14% 39% 43% 100% 1% 4% 19% 44% 31% 100% 1% 3% 22% 42% 32% 100% 1% 1% 12% 44% 42% 100% 1% 3% 13% 47% 36% 100% 3 4 13 26 28 74 1 7 21 29 16 74 1 10 17 34 11 73 0 4 16 35 18 73 1 4 17 35 15 72 2 9 15 33 13 72 3% 5% 19% 35% 38% 100% 1% 10% 30% 40% 19% 100% 1% 15% 26% 45% 13% 100% 0% 7% 25% 47% 22% 100% 2% 6% 25% 49% 18% 100% 3% 14% 22% 46% 15% 100% 34 97 192 198 213 734 6 23 125 299 282 735 4 34 135 350 205 728 4 32 146 330 218 730 6 13 81 351 280 731 8 17 113 351 239 728 5% 15% 31% 26% 22% 100% 1% 3% 18% 40% 38% 100% 1% 5% 17% 49% 28% 100% 1% 4% 20% 44% 31% 100% 1% 2% 10% 46% 41% 100% 1% 2% 14% 48% 35% 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 41 NSSE 2009 Frequency Distributions a Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable Response Options 1m. People of different sexual orientations are accepted socially here. MEC0901M Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1n. The environment here encourages students to develop an appreciation of diversity. MEC0901N Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1o. At this institution, there are opportunities for students to strengthen their religious commitment. MEC0901O Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree Total Total Total 1p. The mission of this institution is reflected in its course MEC0901P Strongly disagree offerings. Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree Total 1q. As a result of my experience here, I am more aware of social justice (fairness and equality) issues in the world. MEC0901Q Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 1r. The faculty at this institution discuss the ethical implications of what is being studied. MEC0901R Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree Total Total a Seniors MECIC Alabama A&M MECIC Count % Count % Count % Count % 1 0 17 22 12 52 1 6 14 16 15 52 2 1 10 27 12 52 3 1 15 22 10 51 2 2 15 23 10 52 2 2 15 26 6 51 2% 0% 33% 44% 22% 100% 2% 13% 28% 32% 26% 100% 4% 2% 20% 51% 23% 100% 6% 2% 30% 43% 19% 100% 4% 4% 30% 42% 20% 100% 4% 3% 28% 54% 11% 100% 25 45 149 294 243 756 15 15 114 320 290 754 7 32 179 298 228 744 6 16 178 326 220 746 14 38 208 281 205 746 11 24 201 313 194 743 4% 6% 21% 39% 30% 100% 2% 2% 16% 44% 36% 100% 1% 5% 26% 40% 28% 100% 1% 2% 26% 44% 27% 100% 2% 6% 29% 38% 25% 100% 2% 3% 28% 43% 24% 100% 4 7 22 28 11 72 7 9 18 25 13 72 5 5 20 29 13 72 2 12 21 30 7 72 3 9 19 33 9 73 2 6 25 29 10 72 6% 10% 34% 38% 12% 100% 12% 13% 26% 35% 16% 100% 7% 6% 30% 41% 16% 100% 3% 17% 30% 42% 8% 100% 4% 13% 27% 46% 10% 100% 2% 8% 36% 44% 10% 100% 21 43 161 279 229 733 10 34 118 310 258 730 19 60 227 263 162 731 15 37 211 290 179 732 24 49 181 267 210 731 11 53 164 329 175 732 3% 5% 22% 36% 34% 100% 1% 4% 16% 39% 40% 100% 4% 8% 38% 33% 17% 100% 2% 5% 31% 39% 21% 100% 3% 6% 26% 35% 29% 100% 2% 6% 22% 47% 24% 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. 42 NSSE 2009 Frequency Distributions a Mission Engagement Consortium for Independent Colleges Alabama A&M University First-Year Students Alabama A&M Variable Response Options 1s. As a result of my experience here, I am more aware of my own personal values. MEC0901S Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree 2. Current religious preference: (Select only one) MEC0902 Total Baptist Buddhist Eastern Orthodox Episcopalian Hindu Islamic Jewish (Orthodox) Jewish (Conservative) Jewish (Reform) Jewish (Unaffiliated) LDS (Mormon) Lutheran Methodist Presbyterian Quaker Roman Catholic Seventh Day Adventist Unitarian/Universalist United Church of Christ Other Christian Other religion None Total a Seniors MECIC Alabama A&M MECIC Count % Count % Count % 1 2 6 24 19 52 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 5 0 6 53 2% 4% 12% 46% 36% 100% 71% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 0% 0% 3% 2% 0% 2% 8% 0% 11% 100% 12 28 157 307 238 742 110 16 4 5 3 11 0 2 3 2 4 22 23 12 3 158 10 3 34 157 42 139 763 2% 4% 23% 42% 29% 100% 16% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% 3% 2% 0% 20% 1% 0% 5% 21% 6% 18% 100% 1 7 14 31 18 71 33 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 2 0 1 1 0 1 10 6 7 74 1% 10% 21% 45% 23% 100% 45% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 13% 2% 0% 2% 2% 0% 2% 12% 8% 10% 100% Column percentages are weighted by gender, enrollment status, and institutional size. Counts are not weighted so one cannot calculate the column percentages directly from the counts. Count % 15 2% 37 5% 138 21% 289 39% 253 33% 732 100% 100 11% 10 1% 4 1% 9 1% 3 1% 7 2% 0 0% 1 0% 3 1% 3 1% 2 0% 26 3% 38 5% 13 2% 0 0% 173 27% 4 0% 6 1% 16 2% 141 20% 43 5% 132 18% 734 100% IPEDS: 100654 43