SAH College Committee Minutes Thursday, February 8, 2007

SAH College Committee
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Present: Cynthia Berlin, Thomas Gendreau, Kenny Hunt, Thomas Kernozek, Jennifer
Miskowski, Bradley Seebach, Todd Weaver, Michael Winfrey
Excused: Tracy Caravella, Mike Jackson, Garth Tymeson
Guests: Greg Chu, Robert Ragan, Brian Udermann
1. Jennifer Miskowski called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.
2. M/S/P (8/0/0): Minutes approved from November 16, 2006 meeting.
3. Greg Chu presented a proposal for a new Geography course. The Department of
Geography and Earth Science will proposed to the General Education Committee
that the course, “The Art and Meaning of Maps” (GEO 102) be included as an
option in the Arts: The Aesthetic Experience category of the general education
M/S/P (8/0/0): The College Committee approved the course “The Art and Meaning
of Maps” (GEO 102).
4. Robert Ragan and Brian Udermann gave an update on developments in the proposed
changes to general education. After a long discussion and the following motion
made and passed:
M/S/P (7/1/0): The College Committee recommends to the Faculty Senate that
they charge the General Education Committee to assess the current program and
stop their work on developing a new program.
5. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Berlin