RFID tag antenna based sensing: Does your beverage Please share

RFID tag antenna based sensing: Does your beverage
glass need a refill?
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Bhattacharyya, Rahul, Christian Floerkemeier, and Sanjay
Sarma. RFID Tag Antenna Based Sensing: Does Your
Beverage Glass Need a Refill? In 2010 IEEE International
Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2010), 126-133. Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010. © Copyright 2010
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RFID Tag Antenna Based Sensing: Does your
Beverage Glass need a Refill?
Rahul Bhattacharyya, Christian Floerkemeier and Sanjay Sarma
Auto ID Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Email: rahul b, floerkem and sesarma@mit.edu
Abstract—Liquid level detection in customer beverage glasses
and liquor bottles in the service industry is important for
maintaining quality of service and good approval ratings. Current
sensing approaches rely either on visual inspection or expensive
sensor electronics to detect liquid levels. In this study, we
investigate how the paradigm of RFID tag antenna based sensing
can be used as a low-cost alternative in the service industry, to
detect the volume of liquid in a beverage glass by mapping a
change in RSSI power measurements from RFID tags to the level
of liquid in the glass. We demonstrate that this sensing technique
when deployed in a real restaurant-like setting can be used to
accurately predict the state of the glass over 80% of the time,
and thus has good potential as a low-cost sensing methodology
for applications in the restaurant industry.
Research efforts to make RFID a viable technology for
track and trace applications have provided us with a low cost,
standardized, wireless communication infrastructure which can
be exploited for applications beyond identification such as
sensing. There have been several efforts to develop RFID
based sensors either by using RFID as a backend to sensor
electronics integrated with the RFID chip, such as the WISP
Platform [1] or by utilizing the RFID tag antenna itself as a
sensor [2] [3] by making use of the fact that RFID performance
is known to degrade in close proximity to metals and fluids
[4]. Our approach focuses on the tag antenna based sensing
paradigm where we attempt to map a change in the level of
liquid in a glass to changes in the electrical properties of the
RFID tag antenna.
In this paper, we discuss an application of RFID tagantenna based sensing in the restaurant industry as a low-cost
method to detect empty drink glasses in need of a refill. This
application examines our ability to detect whether the glass is
empty or full, and also whether it is possible to approximately
localize an empty glass’ position based solely on RSSI power
measurements. In this specific application scenario, this would
entail detecting which table the empty glass is placed on.
Section II motivates the application we are trying to target
and introduces the localization methodology we will attempt
while comparing and contrasting it with prior art in the
literature. Section III discusses the sensing principle exploited
that will help differentiate between full and empty glasses.
Section IV discusses the efficiency of state detection and
approximate localization of RFID enabled drink glasses in
978-1-4244-5743-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE
a controlled laboratory setting. Section V then applies the
lessons learned in the previous two sections in a restaurant
experience that will be used to test the application of tag
antenna based sensing in beverage glass state detection. Finally
Section VI will comment on the effectiveness and current
limitations of this approach, list other potential applications
and scope for future work.
Customer satisfaction is a very important factor in deciding
any commercial venture’s success and the restaurant industry
is no exception. Customer satisfaction is gauged by several
metrics and quality of service is an important factor. With
the advent of the Internet, restaurant reputation and customer
goodwill can be gained or lost very easily as can be seen from
the presence of a plethora of blogs and review websites that
list customer ratings and satisfaction levels [5] [6] [7]. It is
interesting to note that a common peeve customers have is the
slow response time for drink refills [8] [9].
There have been prior instances of research involving smart
cups and drinking devices. For example the Media Cup project
[10] instruments a coffee mug with sensors that convey
information like usage or drink temperature to interested
parties. However the sensor electronics associated with this
are expensive. In related research, Deitz et.al [11], use RFID
reader units mounted under restaurant tables to sense the level
of fluid in instrumented glasses placed on top of the tables.
This approach is electronics intensive and it would be useful
to develop a low-cost, less intrusive sensing methodology for
a problem like fluid volume detection in glasses. In this paper,
we examine the promise of UHF RFID enabled drink glasses.
The larger detection range associated with UHF RFID, allows
us to deploy reader antennas in unobtrusive locations like the
ceiling which is an advantage over the previous approaches.
The problem of detecting the presence of an empty glass
can thus be broken down into two sub-problems. First, we
need to have a mechanism to detect whether or not a glass is
empty or full. Second, it would be useful to have a method to
approximately localize the empty glass - in this case be able
to discern which table it is located on.
We use the principle of RFID tag antenna based sensing
to detect the state of the glass. Aroor and Deavours [4]
categorize the reduction of performance of some RFID tags
in close proximity to water. By pasting an RFID tag on the
outside of a drink glass, we create a low-cost state sensor
capable of detecting whether or not a glass is empty or
full. When full, the tag has a background dielectric of water
behind it and this manifests itself in a reduction in backscatter
power from the RFID tag. When empty, the tag will have
a background dielectric of air, and this manifests itself in
improved backscatter power from the tag. Thus by detecting
a sudden improvement of backscatter power (or merely by
detecting the tag once again), it is possible to infer that the
glass has gone from the full state to the empty state.
RFID based localization is a challenging problem. Environment specific distortions such as fading and multipath
render triangulation based on the backscatter power response
of a tag inaccurate and prone to significant localization errors
[12]. There have been several instances of prior research into
using RFID for localization. For example, Philipose et.al [13]
propose a probabilistic measurement model for RFID readers
to accurately localize RFID tags in an office environment.
Their system makes use of laser sensor data to learn the
geometric structure of the environment which increases the
efficiency of the localization estimation. In other research
involving probabilistic models, Liu et.al [14] design an RFID
based localization system by using RFID reads in tandem with
multimedia devices like a video camera. Ni et.al [15] discuss
a methodology to localize the coordinates of a test tag via
a KNN (K-Nearest Neighbour) algorithm using active RFID
reference tags, the coordinates of which are known precisely.
The authors quantify the errors in localization as a function of
the number of neighbours (K) and demonstrate that they can
accurately locate the tag to within 2 meters.
Because of the simplicity of implementation, our localization approach follows the KNN classification scheme outlined
in [15]. However, unlike [15], we do not focus on the localization accuracy of the scheme. Accepting the fact that
the localization errors associated with RFID are indeed large,
we merely use RFID tag RSSI measurements to detect the
approximate location of the RFID tag. In other words, we are
concerned with classifications that merely correctly point us to
the table on which there is a glass that needs a refill and argue
that this might infact be enough as a low-cost alternative for
the restaurant application. The feasibility of this approach is
dependent on several parameters such as the spacing between
restaurant tables, the effect of people and other objects moving
around in the environment and this will be the subject of
experimental investigations in the sections that follow.
Tag Antenna based sensing works on the principle of relating a controlled degradation of RFID tag power characteristics
to a change in some physical parameter [2]. In this case, we
try to relate a change in RFID tag backscatter power to the
state of a RFID enabled drink glass. In the full state, the
background dielectric to the RFID tag is a water based fluid
such as a soft drink or alcoholic beverage. Water is a polar
dielectric and the molecules tend to orient themselves so as to
Fig. 1.
RFID enabled glass
cancel out most of the incoming electric field [16] from the
RFID reader. We would thus expect the range of detection of
the RFID tag to be severely reduced and the tag to respond
with a poor backscatter power response. Conversely, in the
empty state, the background dielectric to the RFID tag is
air and this should manifest in both an improvement of read
range and backscatter power characteristics of the tag. Thus
by observing a sudden improvement in power performance or,
for that matter, a sudden detection of the RFID tag, it should
be possible to infer the change in state of the glass from full
to empty. The verification of this hypothesis is the subject of
this section of the paper.
A. Binary State Sensing
We develop a sensing scenario where the RFID enabled
glass acts like a binary state sensor and reports whether the
fluid level in the glass is greater than or less than a certain
level. We paste a commercial off-the-shelf Alien Squiggle tag
[17] to a drink glass as shown in Fig. 1. We note that the RFID
tag is pasted at the bottom of the tag at the quarter volume
level mark. We can thus define the two states of the threshold
sensor as:
• Empty: If the water level is less than a quarter of the
glass by volume
• Full: If the volume of water exceeds a quarter of the glass
by volume
This may be a good classification because in many beverages,
the bottom quarter of the glass may contain ice or other
sedimentary deposits such as those associated with coffee or
tea based drinks.
In Fig. 2, we plot the backscatter power as a function of
distance from two RFID enabled glasses, one which is in the
Empty state and one which is in the Full state, along with
an Alien Squiggle tag in free space. For this experiment, the
reader transmitted power is fixed to a maximum of 36 dBm.
This should give us an indication of not only how significantly
the water detunes the RFID tag, but also how the material
of the drinking glass affects the tag. We make the following
observations from Fig. 2
• The RFID glass with water as the backdrop is not detected
for distances more than 31 cm. Thus a constant failure to
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
Response of tag on different media
Fig. 4.
Backscatter power as a function of water level for reader-tag
separation of 91 cm
RFID enabled glass with volume demarcations
detect an RFID enabled glass for reader-glass separations
of more than 31 cm can be interpreted as the glass being
in the Full state.
• The glass detunes the RFID tag as can be seen from
the worse performance of the Empty RFID enabled glass
relative to the tag in free space. The Empty glass can be
detected by the reader upto a range of about 244 cm.
However, we notice that the backscatter power response
of the tag is more or less constant beyond 152 cm and it
might be difficult to localize tags at these ranges based
on power responses.
Section IV discusses the effectiveness of tag antenna based
binary state sensing using the KNN classification algorithm.
B. Tag Antenna Based Fluid Level Detection
While binary state sensing will certainly be beneficial to
restaurants seeking to detect empty glasses, it would be useful
to consider the applicability of tag antenna based sensing to
sense the level of fluid in the glass. In order to test this, we
change the orientation of the tag as seen in Fig. 3. The glass is
demarcated into four levels and each demarcation corresponds
to about a quarter of the volume of the glass. The backscatter
power response of the tag is plotted as a function of glass
water level for a given reader-tag separation. The water levels
are varied from empty-full-empty in steps of a quarter volume.
For each step, the state is maintained for a period of two
Fig. 5.
Backscatter power as a function of water level for different read
minutes in order to get a stable set of power measurements.
Data is plotted at a granularity of 15 seconds, so each step
has a set of about 8 measurements (4 per minute) associated
with it. Fig. 4 captures the power measurement plot for a
reader-tag separation of about 3 feet (91 cm). 3 feet is much
beyond the near-far field boundary of 1.8 feet so we can be
sure that there is no inductive coupling effect. The shape of
the graph makes logical sense. It is difficult to distinguish
between the empty, quarter-filled and half-filled states of the
glass due to the associated standard errors, but we can clearly
see the reduction in reply power of the RFID tag as the water
level approaches the three-quarter filled mark. For a full glass,
the tag is not detected at all. We examine the effect of read
range on the backscatter power measurements to see if we get
repeatability of measurements. Fig. 5 summarizes the results
for a reader-tag separation of 91, 122 and 183 cm respectively.
There are a couple of interesting observations we can make
If we look at Fig. 5, we observe that the power response
for the tag in the half-full state is consistently better.
In fact, for a tag-reader separation of 6 feet, the tag
is only picked up in this state while hardly picked up
in the other states. This may be due to a number of
Fig. 6. Backscatter Power as a function of transmitted power at a reader-tag
separation of 4 feet
possible reasons. The RFID chip impedance is a function
of the reader operating frequency and transmitted power
as highlighted by Loo et. al [18]. It is possible that at
the supplied transmitted power of 36 dBm, the RFID
chip impedance is better matched to the antenna on the
glass-water dielectric. In order to confirm this power
dependence, we decrease the transmitted power by 6
dB and check whether the nature of the graph changes.
We choose a reader-tag separation of 4 feet since the
tag’s performance is clearly better for the half full glass
at this range as noted in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 demonstrates
that the matched impedance state of the chip does not
significantly depend on the input power, as one graph
is simply a scaled version of the other. Investigation into
why this phenomena is consistently observed is the scope
of future research.
By looking at Fig. 5, we also conclude that the power
response of the empty state tends to be slightly better than
the response in the quarter or three-quarter filled state although the results are not appreciably noticeable. As
the glass approaches the completely full state, it fails to
be detected for all read ranges.
From the experiments conducted in this section, we see that
there is great variability associated with measurements from
the RFID tag as the level of water in the glass is being varied.
We note that it is, in general, possible to differentiate between
the empty, half-filled and filled states of the glass as we’ve seen
in Fig. 5. Looking at Fig. 5, we see that it might be difficult
to differentiate between the empty, quarter-filled and threequarter filled glass states based solely on the mean values,
however it might be possible to differentiate between the
states based on taking both the mean and standard deviation
into account. Verification of the efficiency of a KNN pattern
classification in predicting the state of fluid level in a glass
using these mean and standard deviation measurements is the
focus of the next section.
Fig. 7.
Laboratory Setup to test the effectiveness of state classification
In the previous section, we’ve examined the response of an
RFID enabled drink glass as both a binary state sensor and as a
fluid volume sensor. In this section, we use those observations
to estimate the effectiveness of these hypotheses in glass state
classification and approximate positioning.
A. Classification Efficiency of the Fluid Volume Sensor
As we observed in the previous section in the case of
RFID based fluid volume sensing, it is possible to distinguish
between the empty, half filled and full state, but there could
be possible ambiguity in distinguishing between the empty,
quarter and three quarter filled states. In order to test this,
we conduct a simple experiment. We setup an RFID enabled
glass shown in Fig. 3 at a distance of about 4 feet from two
mutually perpendicular RFID reader antennae connected to
the same reader as shown in Fig. 7. Our experiment is thus
conducted for the use case where the distance of the test table
is known precisely with respect to the two reader antennae. For
fill volumes varying from empty to full in steps of a quarter
volume, we compute the mean and standard deviation for
each step. For each step, averages were taken over about 120
data points since it was observed that the means and standard
deviations gained significant t-statistics at 95% confidence at
this point. These set of averages were used as the training set
(T) for the pattern classification.
We next conducted a set of 10 tests where the volume of
water in the glass was randomly varied between empty and
full. We chose two metrics to classify the state of the glass as
outlined below:
• Metric 1: Let (µ1t , σ1t ) and (µ2t , σ2t ) be the mean and
standard deviation of the power levels at antenna 1 and 2
for the test observation and (µ1i , σ1i ) and (µ2i , σ2i ) be
the corresponding values for state i (i"T) in the training
set. Then classify the !
test set as State i for that observation i"T for which (µ1t − µ1i )2 + (µ2t − µ2i )2 is
True State
Half Full
Three-Quarter Full
Half Full
Half Full
Three-Quarter Full
State: Metric 1
State: Metric 2
Three-Quarter Full
Metric 2: Metric 2 includes the effect of standard deviation. Here the test state is"
classified as state i for that obµ2t −µ2i 2
servation i"T for which ( σ1µ1t 2t −µ1
+σ1i 2 ) + ( σ2t 2 +σ2i 2 )
is minimized.
The performance of both test metrics is illustrated for the
10 test cases below: As we can see from Table. I, the
performance of the classification improves significantly after
including the effect of the standard deviation and we can
successfully differentiate between empty, half full and full
glasses. However, we are not able to distinguish between
the full, three-quarter and quarter-full states. Thus a quarter
filled glass will be mistakenly classified as a full or almost
full glass. This introduces an element of uncertainty in our
classification paradigm, which defeats the purpose of the
application. Although it would have been useful to detect the
volume of water in the glass, we need to modify the problem
to remove this ambiguity in state classification and opt for the
simpler (but surer) metric of binary state classification.
B. Classification efficiency of the Binary State Sensor
From the discussion in Section III and Section IV, we’ve
oriented the tag to serve as a binary sensor to detect whether
the glass is less or more than a quarter full. Also, from
Section III, we’ve noticed that the RFID glass in the Full state
is not picked up if the reader-tag separation exceeds 1 feet
(about 31 cm). Furthermore for a mean operating frequency
of 915 MHz, the near-far field boundary is about 1.8 feet (55
cm). Thus by ensuring that the minimum distance between any
restaurant table and any antenna exceeds 2 feet, we ensure that
the only condition under which an RFID tag is detected will
be if the background dielectric for the tag is air i.e it is in
the less than quarter full state. By doing this, we also ensure
that the tag is never in the near-field zone of any reader and
subject to inductive effects.
From Fig. 2, we see that there are 3 regimes in which the
mean backscatter power from the tag is significantly different at about 85 cm, between 122 and 152 cm and more than 183
cm. These differences could be useful if exploited by KNN
classification scheme, using Metrics 1 and 2 as outlined in
Section. IV-A which makes use of tag power measurements
to discriminate between different locations. Via an experiment,
we test this hypothesis in the placement of tables and see
whether it would be possible to use tag antenna based sensing
Fig. 8.
Laboratory Simulation Environment
Glass Details
Metric 1
% Metric 2
to not only detect the state of the glass as Empty and Full, but
also be able to localize which table the empty glass is located
on. Each of the restaurant tables have a reference empty glass
on them, the power measurements of which will be used as a
training set for the test glass. Fig. 8 shows the setup used for
the experiment.
The experiment was conducted in a static room with no
special anechoic provisions. Both reader antennas were transmitting at a power of 30 dBm. Furthermore, the tag antennas
on all the reference glasses were oriented so as to face one of
the reader antennae.
Table II demonstrates the results of a KNN based classification used to differentiate between states. The classification
algorithm detects the state of the glass and attempts to approximately localize the empty RFID enabled glass. As we can
see in Table. II, the empty glass is always correctly localized
to table 2. The algorithm also correctly recognizes the Full
state but is unable to predict where the full glass is situated.
We notice that the algorithm tends to mis-classify the glass
when it is empty on table 3. To confirm the performance, we
run the KNN classifier 20 times, placing the empty glass on
tables 1 through 3 in turn. We then repeat the experiment
this time for random antenna orientations for the test tag
and reference tags as shown in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b) The
results of the classification are highlighted in Table. III As
we can observe from Table. II, it is possible to unequivocally
differentiate between full and empty glasses, however upon
referring to Table. III, we see that the KNN classifier does
rather poorly in predicting the location of the empty glass,
(a) Test Glass with random antenna orientation
Fig. 10. Hall with test subjects and RFID enabled glasses : Picture taken at
the level of RFID Reader Antennae
(b) Test and Reference Glasses with random antenna orientation
Fig. 9.
Laboratory experiment with random tag antenna orientation
Glass Location
Reference tags: Face
Reader Antenna 1
% Metric 1
% Metric 2
Reference tags: Random Orientation
% Metric 1
% Metric 2
despite our attempts to make use of the differences in mean
RSSI values during positioning of the test tables and the fact
that the experiment was conducted in a controlled laboratory
setting with no dynamic movements in the environment. In
a crowded restaurant setting, where there will be multiple
reflections and tag shielding from people, waiters and service
carts moving around, this performance will reduce further.
We thus confine our attention to the simpler problem of
detecting a full or empty glass in a crowded restaurant like
setting where there is ample scope of reflections and tag
shielding. We conduct an experiment of detecting the presence
of empty RFID enabled drink glasses at a social gathering and
this is the focus of the next section.
RFID based state detection works very well in a controlled
laboratory environment as seen in Section IV. It is important
to see how this technique performs in a real setting with
people moving around and shielding the RFID enabled glasses.
To quantify the performance, we conducted an experiment of
detecting the presence of empty glasses at a social gathering
of about 15 people in a hall of about 6 m x 8 m as seen
in Fig. 10. Eight RFID enabled glasses were handed out to
participants and the experiment was initialized by having all
eight test subjects fill their glass with a drink of their choice.
Four of the glasses were made of glass and the other five
of disposable plastic, so as to get an understanding of how
material affects the performance. The participants made no
attempt to idealize experimental conditions. Specifically,
• No attempts were made to keep a clear line of sight
between the RFID enabled glass and the reader antennas
• The participants did not take special care to leave the
tag antenna exposed. At times, their fingers and palms
obscured the tag antenna
• Depending upon the motion of the participant the distance
of the RFID enabled glass from the reader could vary
between about 2.5 m and 6 m. As we observed in
Section. III, this will ensure that the only condition under
which a glass is detected is if it is in the ’empty’ state.
• At least one participant (with glass number 9) filled the
glass with ice upto the quarter volume mark.
• One of the glasses, glass 8 was placed empty on a table
to serve as a baseline reference.
Over the course of the evening, as the subjects emptied their
glasses, they at times reported this event. They remained in
view of the reader antennas with the empty glasses for about
one or two minutes before getting a refill. These events were
then correlated to the RSSI values detected at two RFID reader
antennae which were mounted at an elevation of about 3
meters so as to cover most of the hall area. Both antennas
transmitted at a maximum power level of 36 dBm.
Table IV highlights the times at which different subjects reported emptying their RFID enabled glasses. We then attempt
to correlate these events with a map of mean RSSI values
Time from start (s)
Experiment Start
Glass 7 Empty
Glass 9 Empty1
Glass 1 Empty
Glass 2 Empty
Glass 3 Empty
Glass 4 Empty
Glass 6 Empty
Glass 4 Empty
Glass 3 Empty
Glass 5 Empty
Glass 2 Empty
Antenna 1 Detection (Y/N)
Antenna 2 Detection (Y/N)
Fig. 11.
Restaurant-Like Simulation: RSSI Power at Antenna 1
reported from the tags within the field of view of the two
reader antennas as shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 over the
entire experiment. Some important observations we can make
by referring to Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 are as follows:
9 of the 11 events were correctly captured via RSSI
measurements at either or both of the antennas, indicating
Fig. 12.
Restaurant-Like Simulation: RSSI Power at Antenna 2
a 81% state detection efficiency. 6 of the 11 events are
clearly noticable with a sustained RSSI power response
from the glasses. This is encouraging considering the
experiment was conducted in a room with ample scope
for reflection and shielding with commercially available
off-the-shelf RFID tags and RFID readers designed to
maximize EPC reads rather than take sensitive power
We see that there are huge variations in the RSSI values
depending upon how far away the person was from
the reader and the material of deployment. In general
responses from glasses 2,3,4 were much stronger and
these corresponded to the plastic cups which do not
detune the RFID tag as much as glass.
Glass 9 was not detected due to the presence of ice in
the bottom quarter of the glass. The adverse effects of
ice were confirmed by asking test subject 9 to empty the
ice after the glass failed to be detected. As we can see
from Fig. 11 (at t>400s), the empty glass 9 was detected
at Antenna 1.
Responses from glass 1 and glass 5 were poor despite
these being plastic cups. It is possible that subjects 1 and
5 obscured the tags with their palms or fingers. Subject
5 in particular was noted to spend most of the time at
least 4m from the reader antennas, which might account
for the low strength signal detected in Fig. 12.
Subject 7 was noted to spend most of the time within
4m of the reader antennas. Thus response from glass 7,
which is made of pyrex, was consistently observed by
both reader antennas, however the signal was very weak.
In this paper, we examined the practical applicability of
RFID tag antenna based sensing as a means to detect the level
of fluid in a glass with the intent of minimizing refill latency
in crowded restaurant settings. We attempted to use the RFID
tag to serve as a fluid volume sensor to detect the volume of
water in a glass, but highlighted the uncertainties associated
with this approach. We then demonstrated that RFID based
binary state sensing works without any uncertainty provided
the full glass is beyond a certain minimum distance from the
reader. This implies that several binary state sensors could
be used to serve as a fluid volume sensor. We examined the
feasibility of the binary state based sensing approach in a
restaurant or pub like situation and obtained a good state
detection rate of about 81%.
In this study, our sensing approach used custom off-theshelf RFID tags pasted on drink glasses. As seen in Fig. 2
and Section V, the pyrex glass reduces the backscatter
performance of the RFID tag. Fabricating an antenna custom
designed to complex match the RFID chip on pyrex glass
would thus significantly enhance RFID based state detection.
Also, as seen in Fig. 5, we observed the tag performance was
consistently better for the half-full state than the empty glass
state. Investigation into why this phenomenon is observed is
also the subject of future work.
We must also consider the problem of condensation. A lot
of drinks are cold and this causes water vapour to condense
on the outer surface of the glass, arbitrarily detuning the tag.
Designing a hydrophobic coating that sheds water on build
up in another important research avenue being explored.
Furthermore, fabricating a pyrex glass with an inbuilt RFID
tag is also a necessity, for this application in practice, since
the RFID enabled glass will undergo several washings in its
We attempted to use power measurements from two RFID
reader antennae to approximately localize empty glasses using
a KNN classification approach using RSSI measurements.
Our hypothesis was that for the problem of approximate
localization to different tables, this approach might work well
enough. However, even for a controlled laboratory settings
the results were not encouraging. As part of future work,
we will continue to investigate techniques that provide good
approximate localization of RFID tags based on RSSI and
other tag measurement data.
In this paper, we calculated the effectiveness of this sensing
paradigm in detecting empty glasses, but in general, by using
multiple binary sensors, the concept can be extended to
measuring the level of liquor in bottles at a bar - a scenario
which is much more static and less prone to shielding than
drink glasses moving around in a crowded restaurant. Liquor
inventory is an important issue [19] [20] in the restaurant
industry and this sensing paradigm would provide a reliable,
low cost solution. Similarly, this sensing paradigm can be
used to measure level detection in plastic overhead water and
chemical storage tanks.
In conclusion, the more control we have over the
environment of deployment, the better this sensing paradigm
works. Static environments, where the tag is at a fixed
distance from an RFID reader antenna and where shielding
is minimized are ideal for this technology. Tag antenna based
sensing does not provide a silver-bullet solution to all fluid
volume sensing problems, but under the right conditions can
provide an accurate, low cost sensing alternative for many
applications in industry.
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