The late Pleistocene pluvial history of Surprise Valley, California Daniel E. Ibarra , Anne E. Egger , Kate Maher 1* 300 400 500 Meters Figure 4. Airborne LIDAR data of the Middle Lake Shorelines was processed to remove vegetation to produce a digital elevation model (DEM) with a 0.5 m resolution. Distinct shorelines are visible in the LIDAR data on the east side of the valley. Tufa sample locations (yellow) with radiocarbon ages are shown. 4.0 (230Th/232Th) West Greatest effect = 11 m Tufa Sample Shoreline Transects -37.5 1545 m (Irwin and Zimbelman, 2012) 150 15 20 25 30 35 40 Radiocarbon Age (ka cal. BP) 45 rs 100 Isotopes in Precipitation Calculator - Bowen and Revenaugh, 2003) 18 atm - Average atmospheric vapor δ O = -21‰ (δ18OVSMOW) (Hostetler and Benson, 1994) - Minimal change in annual average relative humidity compared to modern observations (RH ≈ 58%) Hydrologic Index Model No Ev ap D 10 % 50 Evap D 25 % Isotope Model 50 25 % 0 10 12 14 se ecrea Evap D se ecrea No E vap D 10 % Hydrologic Index (Z) Model (Mifflin and Wheat, 1979; Reheis, 1999) ecrea Evap D se Isotope Model (Steady State) (adapted from Li, 1995) 8 9 10 238 232 ( U/ Th) 11 12 Evap D ase ecrea se 16 18 Age (ka cal. BP) 20 8 ( 9 10 232 U/ Th) 238 11 MRI-CGCM3 NCAR-CCSM4 250 Anomalous Age? Anomalous Age? 1550 1500 ? 1450 Accommodation Zone Upper Lake Middle Lake Lower Lake 10 12 14 16 18 Age (ka cal. BP) 20 22 24 -250 12 -500 120°W Figure 10. Lake Surprise lake levels based on radiocarbon ages (left). Combining sample ages from the four localities in the basin records the transgression and regression of Lake Surprise during the last deglaciation. The radiocarbon ages were calibrated using IntCal09 (Reimer et al., 2009). 110°W 120°W 110°W 120°W 110°W Figure 13. LGM anomaly maps as predicted by three climate models from the PMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble. Monthly climatologies were calculated from 300 to 1000 year model runs. CNRM-CM5, MRI-CGCM3 and NCAR-CCSM4 are three of the higher resolution models available from the PMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble. Precipitation is not bias corrected. Modern simulations are the pre-industrial (1850 AD) control runs. (Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project 3, PMIP3 Database and boundary condition description: Raw Climate Model Precipitation Weather Station Composite NCAR-CCSM4 CNRM-CM5 FGOALS-g2 IPSL-CM5A-LR MIROC-ESM MPI-ESM MRI-CGCM3 150 100 50 20 Normalized Precipation Figure 14. Normalization of climate model precipitation output. Due to the large spread in absolute precipitation values, seven models from the PMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble were normalized to the percent of annual rainfall. 15 10 5 26 0 0 Jan Surprise Valley Lake Elevation (m) 1400 0 -10 (B) Flux of Glacier Flour (kg/m-yr) Figure 15. Comparison of PMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble to the stable isotope model calculations for changes in precipitation (LGM-Modern). Seven climate models were included in the ensemble average. Due to the inconsistencies in absolute precipitation predicted by the models (Fig 14), we compare the percent change in annual precipitation between the LGM and modern. All calculations for LGM (19-26 ka) dated tufa samples (n=7) were included. Error bars are 1σ. Chewaucan Basin 10 0 100 Searles Lake, CA (C) 50 Lake Lahontan, NV 0 Glacial Records % Ev De apor cre ati ase on Isotope Model (n=7) Pecent of Maximum No. of Lake Lake Level (%) Highstands 10 Lake Highstands (Munroe and Laabs, 2012) 0.4 (D) Lake Bonneville, UT Sawtooth Mountains, ID (retreat) Wallowa Mountains, OR (maximum) Sierra Nevada, CA (Tioga 1 - 4 advances) (E) Klamath Lake, OR Glacial Flour Record 0.2 0 10 12 14 16 Figure 16. Comparison of the Lake Surprise lake level record with other western US paleoclimate records. (A) Lake Surprise shoreline tufa radiocarbon ages. (B) Basin and Range lake highstands individually plotted and illustrated as a histogram. Compiled and calibrated by Munroe and Laabs (2012). (C) Additionaly lake level curves plotted as percent of maximum from Lake Bonneville (Oviatt et al., 1992; and others compiled in McGee et al., 2012), Lake Lahontan (Benson et al., 1995; Adams, 2008) and Searles Lake (Smith, 1984). (D) Glacial records: Sierra Nevada, CA glacier advances recorded in glacial moraines (Tioga 1-4) using cosmogenic 36Cl (Phillips et al., 2009), maximal glaciations documented using cosmogenic 10Be ages in the Wallowa Mountains, OR (Licciardi et al., 2004), and glacial retreat recorded by radiocarbon ages in the Sawtooth Mountains, ID (Thackray et al., 2004). (E) Southeast Cascades glacier flour flux recorded recorded in Klamath Lake, OR (Rosenbaum et al., 2012). 18 20 Age (ka) 22 24 26 Legend Surprise Valley Tufa Radiocarbon Ages Bonneville Lake Level Lahontan Lake Level Searles Lake Level Histogram of Lake Highstands Great Basin Lake Highstands Glacial Flower Flux Glacial Termination Ages All Age Errors 2σ Implications - Lake Surprise’s late Pleistocene history was characterized by low to medium lake levels during the LGM rising to a peak highstand at 14.9 ka to 16.5 ka. This evidence is consistent with other nearby large (Lahontan) and smaller (Chewaucan) lake systems. - Oxygen isotopes and basin geometry, along with the paleo lake level data, suggest that minimal increases (<50%) in precipitation, coupled with decreased evaporation, created conditions to maintain pluvial Lake Surprise during the LGM and deglaciation. 22 35°N 7 1450 Implications and Future Work ecre 0 6 20 Surprise Valley Radiocarbon Ages 1500 20 30 (A) ase 14 10 1550 ecre CMIP5/PMIP3 Model-Data Comparison 200 8 0.6 PMIP3/CMIP5 Precipitation Anomaly (Last Glacial Maximum - Modern, Annual) 1600 1400 0.4 45°N ion Version 3.3; Cardoza, 2012) 10 16 ss gre Figure 5. 2-D model of the flexural response of the crust to loading by the lake highstand. Two models were constructed: approximately E-W across the lake, and N-S across the valley (not shown). This provides an absolute maximum constraint on the isostatic rebound affecting modern elevations of paleoshorelines. For a deep, narrow valley the E-W model is likely closer to the real flexure that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum. (Modeled using OSXFlex2D 0.2 2 500 s ran id T Figure 3. Map of Surprise Valley, CA. - Paleoshorelines are preserved on the east side of the valley. - Shoreline tufa samples were collected from four localities on the east side of the valley. - Two different highstand elevations have been previously proposed (Reheis, 1999; Irwin and Zimbelman, 2012). - Erosional relationship with the Bidwell Landslide indicates that the lake highstand was ~17 ka (Elder and de la Fuente, 2009). - Basin bedrock is primarily volcanic (basalt and lahars). Distance (km) 87.5 -3 CNRM-CM5 Rap -120°0' 25 7 n 1567 m (Reheis, 1999) -200 -100 5 Figure 9. Example isochron plots for SVDI12-T10 (elevation = 1517 m, location in Fig. 4) for the Total Sample Dissolution (TSD) method. Error-weighted linear regressions are calculated using Isoplot’s “Yorkfit” function (Ludwig, 2003a;b). The slopes of the error-weighted linear regressions provide the detrital corrected calculation of (230Th/238U)authigenic and (234U/238U)authigenic needed to determine the sample’s isochron age. All analytical errors and regression error bands are 2σ. The paired radiocarbon age of this sample is 14.95 ± 0.28 (ka cal BP). -50 1500 12 sio Height of Water Column (m) East Bidwell landslide Proposed Lake Surprise highstand elevations 3.2 2.4 6 100 1000 18 2.8 Elevation (m) 41°0' 250 500 Precipitation Anomaly (mm/yr) Lower Lake Elastic thickness of crust = 32 km Young modulus = 30 GPa Poisson ratio = 0.25 3 Density = 3300 g/cm BSE Detrital Corrected Age vs 14C Age TSD Isochron Age vs 14C Age Sample: SVDI12-T10a/b (n=7) Slope = 1.884 ± 0.096 = (234U/238U)authigenic Isochron Age = 17.23 ± 1.74 ka 20 3.6 400 SVDI12-T10 (Isochron Example - Fig 9) Figure 8. Plot of paired 230Th-U and 14C ages from the same sample. 230Th-U ages are calculated using the BSE detrital correction and TSD isochron age method (when suitable). BSE detrital corrected ages are the error weighted average of 1 to 5 samples. TSD isochron ages are constructed from isochrons of 3 to 7 coeval samples (e.g. Fig. 9). Sample: SVDI12-T10a/b (n=7) Slope = 0.277 ± 0.025 = (230Th/238U)authigenic Intercept = 0.78 ± 0.21 = (230Th/232Th)detrital 3 Precipitation (% of Annual) 200 100 150 200 -4 20 5 (234U/232Th) 100 gr es 0 25 10 Figure 7. Comparison of tufa (234U/238U)initial ratios with modern waters and carbonates. Most calculated (234U/238U)initial ratios lie within the range of measured modern sample values. Surface playa sediments were sequentially leached (1:1 MΩ H2O followed by NaOAc) to obtain exchangeable and carbonate fractions. Re 41°30' Middle Lake P (Ex laya ch 1:1 an ge DI H ab 2 0 le Le Fra ac cti h on Pla ) y (Ca a N rb on aOA ate c L Fra eac cti h on ) Upper Lake Accommodation Zone Wa te 14.52 ± 0.36 SVDI12-T10: 14.95 ± 0.28 1:1 line 15 Mo d Ca ern rb Pla on ya ate 21.81 ± 0.56 ce 10.71 ± 0.14 rfa 21.03 ± 0.2 Su Tu fa 2 ( 3 BS 4U E M / 238 eth U) od initia l 0.8 30 LGM vs. Modern Precipitation Increase (%) U-Th Age (ka) Secular Equilibrium 50 Lake Volume (km ) Lake Surface Area (km ) Hydrologic Index (Z) Figure 11. Determination of Lake Surprise hypsometric data using modern topography. (A) Using the ArcGIS hydrology toolbox, the USGS National Elevation Dataset DEM with a resolution of 1/3 arc-second (~10 m) was analyzed to calculate the basin size, lake surface area and volume. This also confirmed from modern topography that Surprise Valley is a closed, inward draining basin. B) Volume vs. depth, surface area vs. depth and hydrologic index (Z) vs. depth. Z = Surface Area/Tributary Area = Runoff/Net Lake Evaporation. (Mifflin and Wheat, 1979; Reheis, 1999) Figure 12. Calculated increases in precipitation based on the Hydrologic Index (Z) and stable isotopes. Percent of precipitation 150 increase relative to modern are calculated for three scenarios using steady-state mass balance and isotope equations below. 0%, 10% and 25% 100 net lake evaporation decrease. Key assumptions: - Runoff (R) to Precipitation (P) ratio in basin tributary remains constant 50 - ~6 °C decrease in Mean Annual Temperature - Annual average incoming rainwater δ18Orain = -13.5 ‰ (δ18OVSMOW) (Online δ18OVPDB (‰) 35 40 -20 Lake Level (m) 40 Highest elevation samples 1400 0 LGM vs. Modern Precipitation Increase (%) 1.6 1450 0 45 1.0 100 0.6 Precipitation (m/month) > 200 m (234U / 238U) 1.8 1.2 Middle Lake 0.4 (230Th/238U) Figure 6. Th-U evolution diagram of BSE detrital Th corrected (230Th/238U) vs. (234U/238U). Detrital Th is corrected using Isoplot (Ludwig, 2003a;b) assuming a 230 Th/232Th ratio equal to that of bulk silicate earth (4.46 x 106 ± 2.23 (2σ)) and a 232Th/238U of 3.8 ± 1.9 (2σ). Changes in the calculated (234U/238U)initial ratios (Fig. 7) may reveal changes in lake U chemistry, basin-scale hydrology and residence times at different lake levels. 1.4 -120°0' 0.2 230 2.0 1500 50 1.0 0.0 2.2 Pleistocene Lake Surprise 1.4 150 1.2 2.4 Figure 2. Middle Lake Paleoshoreline Set - Surprise Valley, CA. Paleoshorelines are well-preserved from late Pleistocene pluvial lakes across the Basin and Range. Dating of shoreline materials (e.g., tufa) places absolute constraints on both past climatic/hydrologic changes and basin-scale Quaternary deformation caused by faulting and isostasy. 1.6 1550 50 25 ~5 coeval samples were analyzed for Th and U isotopes on the MC-ICP-MS at Stanford University. Due to high detrital Th (which results in excess initial 230Th) we have employed two methods for the detrital correction: - Bulk Solid Earth (BSE) single sample correction method. (e.g. Ludwig and Titterington, 1994; Maher et al., 2007) - Total Sample Dissolution (TSD) isochron method (e.g. Fig. 9). (e.g. Ku et al., 1998; Blard et al., 2011) Lake Level (m) 1.8 U-Th Age Detrital Correction Surprise Valley 200 2.0 (234U/238U) Lake Lahontan (B) % Ev De apor cre ati ase on Obtain paired radiocarbon and 230Th-U ages on ~15 shoreline tufa from Surprise Valley. Combining two geochronologic approaches will help constrain potential radiocarbon reservoir effects for 14C ages, as well as detrital correction constraints on 230Th-U ages. (A) Regional Synthesis Elevation (m.a.s.l.) Figure 1. Western US Pluvial Lakes and Glaciers (right). Surprise Valley, CA (red) is a small, inward draining, hydrologically closed basin in the northwest Basin and Range. 2.2 Objective Chewaucan Basin Basin-scale Hydrologic Modelling 10 Shoreline Tufa Geochronology PM Mo IP3/C de M ls ( IP5 n= 7) PM En sem IP3/C ble MIP Av 5 era ge No Eva De pora cre tio ase n Introduction Annual Precipitation (LGM - Modern, %) 1 - To test climate model reconstruction of the hydrologic cycle through model-data intercomparison at the Last Glacial Maximum (~21 ka). - To produce a lake level reconstruction from a previously unexplored basin. - To investigate the utility of radiocarbon and U-series geochronology to shoreline tufa deposits. 1 Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University; 2 Dept. of Geological Sciences, Central Washington University *Corresponding Author: 26th Pacific Climate Workshop March 3-6 2013, Pacific Grove, CA Motivation 2 Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Future Work - Completion of U-series measurements will help constrain detrital Th correction. - Examination of LIDAR data to map individual shorelines along the length of the valley and look for potential offset by faults. - Development of a non-steady-state stable isotope model to more accurately and quantitatively determine the changes in precipitation and evaporation during latest late Pleistocene lake cycle. - Incorporation of additional PMIP3/CMIP5 models as model outputs are made available. 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Tufa radiocarbon dating was conducted by Beta Analytic, Inc. in Miami, FL. Dr. Guangchao Li assisted with cation analyses at Stanford’s Environmental Measurements 1 Laboratory and Dr. David Mucciarone assisted with stable isotope analyses in Stanford’s Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory. Funding for geochemical analyses was provided by NSF grant EAR 0921134 to Professor Kate Maher. Airborne LIDAR data presented here was collected by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) with funding from a grant to Professor Anne Egger, Dr. Jonathan Glen and Corey Ippolito from NASA’s UAS-Enabled Earth Science program. David Medeiros assisted with volume, surface area and basin delineation calculations using ArcGIS at the Stanford Geospatial Center. We gratefully acknowledge support from local landowners, the Bureau of Land Management, and business owners in Surprise Valley. Sabina Kraushaar (USGS Intern) provided field assistance and support during the 2011 field season.