RESPONSE OF DIATOM AND SILICOFLAGELLATE ASSEMBLAGES TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE SANTA BARBARA BASIN DURING THE PAST 178 YEARS and THE RISE OF THE TOXIC DIATOM PSEUDO-NITZSCHIA AUSTRALIS science for a changing world John A. Barron (1), David Bukry (1), and David B. Field (2) (1) Volcano Science Center MS 910, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (,; (2) Department of Natural Sciences, Hawaii Pacific University, Kaneohe, HW 96744 ( -2.0 -1.5 -3.0 1840 +6 PC2 - cold -4 -6 1840 Summer-Fall Spring 50°N Winter CC 30° CC SCC CC 1883 +1.0 0 -1.0 -1.0 -2.0 1860 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 1960 B. Location map of the Santa Barbara Basin showing the box core studied, bathymetry in meters, and general surface circulation. B - Seasonal circulation of the California Current (CC) modified from P.T. Strub, written comm., 2007; SBB = Santa Barbara Basin; WWD = West Wind Drift; SCC = Southern California Countercurrent; PtC = Pt. Conception; DC = Davidson Current. 10 µm Identifed by Sibel Bargu, Lousisana State University Occurrence of Pseudo-nitzschia in SB Sediment Samples x 80 70 P. australis 60 2000 -3.0 ? Warm water diatoms display a moderately good correlation with Anomaly SST (R2 value of 0.42759) Other warm Nitzschia interupteseriata 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 1960 1980 40 1.0 Percent 30 Cold water diatoms and Thalassionema nitzschioides, which is indicate of a shallow thermocline, decline after 1950, in agreement with the planktonic foraminiferal interpretations of Field et al. (2006a). Thalassionema spp. 10 1860 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 Bloom Diatoms 1960 1980 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries Rhizosolenia 40 20 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year 3000 1000 1840 1860 +1.0 0 -1.0 -0.5 -1.0 P. multiseries 20 0.5 10 0 1975 1980 1985 Two yr samples 1990 1995 -1.5 100 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 1960 2000 2005 0 2010 Core top Unlike diatoms, silicoflagellate assemblages are not significantly different between the plankton and those preserved in the sediments. However, they are significantly less abundant than diatoms in Santa Brabara Basin sediment assemblages. -2.0 ? 1980 2000 -3.0 Warm water silicoflagellates 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 Dictyocha perlaevis 60 Warm water silicoflagellates display a moderately good correlation with Anomaly SST (R2 value of 0.44799) 1862 40 20 Dictyocha stapedia 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 1960 1980 2000 100 80 Shallow vs. Deep Thermocline silicoflagellates Distephanus speculum s.l. Dictyocha aculeata 60 40 20 0 References 1840 1860 1880 1900 toxic diatom 60 Prior to 1999, bloom-forming diatoms other than Chaetoceros spores consist of Rhizosolenia species (mostly R. hebetata or R. setigera). These have a moderate warm water preference. Beginning in 1999 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and P. australis (a neurotoxon-secreting diatom) increase markedly in the sediments. Distephanus speculum is indicative of upwelling and/or a shallow thermocline.Dictyocha aculeata is more characteristic of a deeper thermocline.The changing relative abundances of these two silicoflagellates suggest a deepening of the thermocline in the Santa Barbara Basin after about 1940, similar to what is suggested by diatoms and planktonic foraminifers. Deeper thermocline 1920 Year 1940 1960 1980 2000 Distephanus speculum minutus 40 20 Octactis Distephanus octangulatus 0 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 Year 1940 1960 1980 2000 Distephanus speculum minutus, the cooler-water form, dominates the total D. speculum s.l. but virtually disappears between 1940 and 1999. Octactis, a tropical upwelling form, fluctuates at low percentages. Distephanus octangulatus, a subarctic form, is restricted to the early 1860’s and early 1920’s. Chaetoceros spores 2000 0 +2.0 0 2000 Pseudo-nitzschia australis 60 1840 +3.0 x 2000 Deeper thermocline Cold water taxa 1840 PDO (January) SST record from the updated Kaplan reconstruction for the 5°X 5°- grid centered at 122.5°W, 32.5°N +0.5 Fragilariopsis doliola 20 0 +1.0 0 30 1862 flood? +1.5 1.5 50 Year Silicoflagellates 2.0 80 Warm water diatoms 20 80 Macoma layer 1841 1980 30 0 Percent of Diatom Assemblage* 110°W +2.0 The diatom assemblage represents a composite of two years’ depostion. The great majority of diatom taxa that dominate in the surface plankton are not preserved in the sediments. This is especially true of Chaetoceros, a bloom-forming diatom, associated with spring upwelling events. Chaetoceros is mostly only represented by resting spores in the sediment. Thus, diatom relative abundances are tablulated as percent of the Chaetoceros spore-free assemblage*. 10 # per 0.80 mL 120° +3.0 -0.5 1872 130° PDO (January) 50 1896 (grey layer) 1892 2000 0 1919 DC 1980 +0.5 0 20° 1960 Anomaly SST (°C) +1.0 Percent of Diatom Assemblage* PtC 1940 SST record from the updated Kaplan reconstruction for the 5°X 5°- grid centered at 122.5°W, 32.5°N 40 SBB 1920 Year Anomaly SST (°C) +1.5 WWD CC 1900 Diatoms WWD 40° WWD 1880 Percent of Silicoflagellate Assemblage A. 1937 1860 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries Samples represent single years between AD 2007 and 1994, two years composite between 1993 and 1839. Data plotted at age of older year. (This study expands on that of Barron et al., 2010, which covered the years 1940-2001 in nearby box core SBBC2902) 40 1945 Deeper thermocline Field et al., (2006a) state, “The association of G. bulloides with PC1 apparently reflects a preference for enhanced near-surface stratification during conditions of shoaling of isotherms (perhaps because prey would be more concentrated under these conditions than with a strictly isothermal water column). Accordingly, we interpret PC1 as the foraminiferal response to anomalous near-surface temperatures that modify stratification across the annual cycle of shoaling and deepening of isotherms”. Percent of Diatom Assemblage* 400 0 2000 -2 1967 60 1980 0 1976 400 1960 Planktonic foraminiferal factor PC1 displays a good correlation with Anomaly SST (R2 value of 0.55965) 1840 1963 1957 1940 +2 -1.5 200 1920 Year PC1 -warm +4 200 400 1900 Percent of Silicoflagellate Assemblage r ive SBBC0806 1880 Percent of Silicoflagellate Assemblage R ra 1997 0 60 1860 Pseudo-nitzschia australis Ratio Pseudo-nitzschia / Chaetoceros spores -1.0 G. scitula -1.0 N. pachderma (sin) -0.5 G. ruber Other subtropical T. quinqueloba N. pachderma (dex.) 0 0 Anomaly SSTs after Kaplan et al,, 1998. ( data.kaplan_sst.html) PDO Index of Mantua et al., 1997. ( G. bulloides N. dutertrei O. universa Anomaly SST (°C) +1.0 Anomaly SST (°C) a Cl X +2.0 +0.5 Anomaly SST (°C) a nt 2008 PDO (January) SST record from the updated Kaplan reconstruction for the 5°X 5°- grid centered at 122.5°W, 32.5°N +1.0 Assignment of years to varves and comparison with chronology suggested by Arndt Schimmelmann’s chronology ( Sa Santa Barbara According to published studies the first recorded large-scale toxigenic P. australis bloom in the SBB occurred in June 1998 as part of more widespread blooms and shellfish poisoning along the central California coast (Trainer et al., 2000). Although high numbers (or blooms) of P. australis were reported in plankton studies off the Scripps Pier in La Jolla during the 1930’s, 1967, and 1983, blooms of P. australis associated with toxic domoic acid levels were first reported in 1991 in Monterey Bay (Lange et al., 1994). Biologists have shown that Pseudo-nitzschia blooms correspond to lowered sea surface temperatures and increased salinity that are typical of coastal upwelling events, but they have debated whether increased nutrients levels from river runoff have been a factor in the recent increase of the blooms (Schnetzer et al., 2003). Laboratory studies have demonstrated that toxin production in some species of Pseudo-nitzschia may increase under silicic acid or phosphate limitation (Schnetzer et al., 2003; Silver et al., 2011). Mengelt and Prézelin (2005) and others have suggested Pseudo-nitzschia is less suceptible to growth inhibition by Ultraviolet A (320 to 400 nm) radiation than other planktic diatoms and therefore can remain in near surface waters for longer periods of time. Whatever the cause, our 178 year-long diatom sediment record suggests that the recent increase of Pseudo-nitzschia blooms in the Santa Barbara Basin has occurred at the expense of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, the natural bloom-forming diatoms in the Santa Barbara Basin. +3.0 Anomaly SST (°C) +1.5 Box Core SBB0806 Pt. Conception The Pseudo-nitzschia story Field et al., 2006a -Science Loading Diatoms and silicoflagellate assemblages studied in two year-increments of varved samples in Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) box core 0806 spanning AD 1839 to 2007 suggest that unprecedented warming of surface waters began at about AD 1940, which is in agreement with CalCOFI SST data (Field et al., 2006b) and changes in planktonic foraminferal assemblages (Field et al., 2006a). Di Lorenzo et al. (2005) and these studies argued that increased stratification and deepening of the thermocline occurred during the latter half of the 20th Century within 50–100 km of the southern California coast in response to anthropogenically-forced global warming. Diatoms (Thalassionema nitzschioides =TN) and silicoflagellates (Distephanus speculum s.l. =DS) indicative of cooler waters and a shallow thermocline declined markedly in relative numbers in the SBB beginning at about AD 1940. Prior to that time, TN constituted on average ~30% of the Chaetoceros-free diatom sediment assemblage and DS on average ~36% of the silicoflagellate assemblage. Between AD 1940 and 1996 these relative abundances drop to ~20% (TN) and ~8% (DS). Cooling of surface waters coincident with the onset of negative PDO conditions in the North Pacific in AD 1998 brought about a return to pre-AD 1940 values of these cool water taxa (TN ~31%, DS ~25%). However, this recent regional cooling appears to have been accompanied by profound changes to surface water productivity events in the SBB. Pseudo-nitzschia australis, a diatom associated with domoic acid, a neurotoxin that causes shellfish poisoning and marine mammal deaths, appeared suddenly in the SBB sediment record in AD 1999 and increased significantly in numbers as a bloom-forming taxon (relatively to Chaetoceros spores) in AD 2003. Prior to AD 2003 diatom blooms represented in the SBB sediment record consisted predominantly of Chaetoceros spores and less commonly of Rhizosolenia spp. (R. hebetata and R. setigera). Fecal pellets dominated by valves of P. australis, however, are abundant in both the AD 2003 and 2006 samples, coincident with recorded incidents of domoic acid increase and widespread shellfish poisoning in the SBB. Planktonic Foraminifers Percent of Diatoms* Abstract 1960 1980 2000 *Barron, John A., Bukry, David, and Field, David, 2010. 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