A 200 kyr record of lake-level change from the Carrizo Plain, Central Coastal California R. Negrini, T. Miller, R. Stephenson, R. Ramirez, J. Leiran, D. Baron, P. Wigand, CSU Bakersfield D. Rhodes, Georgia Southern University T. Algeo, University of Cincinnati pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/ office/galetzka/imgbank/ • Testing climate models with records from closed lakes • Soda Lake in the Carrizo Plain • Geomorphic setting and previous work • Initial results • Coring • Lithology • Magnetic susceptibility • SEM petrography • Age control • XRD of evaporate minerals • Work in progress • Spectral gamma logs • Charcoal and pollen counts • Coring South Basin for youngest part of record pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/ office/galetzka/imgbank/ Lake-record contributions: Milankovitch Time-Scales (104-106 yr) N after Benson (2004) Lake-record contributions: 0 Milankovitch Time-Scales (104-106 yr) Inferred depth SPECMAP OIS (arbitrary units) 100 Age (Ka) 200 300 400 500 600 polar ice volume deeper GSL Lake-record contributions: Milankovitch Time-Scales (104-106 yr) Owens Lake Paleoprecipitation Record polar ice volume Sierran precipitation from Smith et al. (1997) Lake-record contributions: Milankovitch Time-Scales (104-106 yr) W. W. Norton. After Flint, 1971 Millennial Time-Scales (104-106 yr) GISP2 Ice Core δ18O (o/oo) 20 25 GISP2 Age (Ka) Lake-record contributions: 30 -44 -42 H2 -40 -38 -36 IS #3 4 H3 5 6 35 7 H4 40 8 9 10 11 45 H5 50 12 Warmer North Atlantic Lake-record contributions: Post-LCM millennial scale climate features in Owens Lake core (from Benson et al., 1997) Millennial Time-Scales (104-106 yr) Lake-record contributions: GISP2 Ice Core δ18O (o/oo) 20 GISP2 Age (Ka) 25 30 -44 -42 H2 -40 -38 B&B Core Inclination (˚) 0 -36 90 4 H3 6 35 7 H4 6 9 H5 12 1 50 LE 9 10 40 11 45 12 MSH Cy Ash 10 100 Summer Lake B&B Core IRM (A/m) Warmer North Atlantic 35 8 8 10 11 45 MLE 7 25 30 Wono Ash 5 20 high 36Cl in GISP2 core 3 4 IS #3 5 40 Millennial Time-Scales (104-106 yr) Deeper Summer Lake 50 magnetic excursions in Summer Lake Core Lake-record contributions: Great Basin response to cold temperatures in the North Atlantic North Pacific SSTs decrease in response to lower temperatures in North Atlantic (Mikolajewicz, et al. 1997). Millennial Time-Scales (104-106 yr) Climate Change on Millennial Time-Scales (103-104 yr) Pluvial Lakes of the Western U.S. (after Benson, 2004) N Location of Soda Lake relative to the Santa Barbara Basin OL TL SL SBB BL pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/ office/galetzka/imgbank/ Soda Lake in the Carrizo Plain, San Luis Obispo County, CA South Basin North Basin N J. Shelton Geomorphic features relevant to past lake levels trimmed ridges N slickspots South Basin active clay dune (lunette) North Basin Carrizo Plains? N Geomorphic evidence for 17m variation in lake depth Eigenbrode (1999) Coring Site in South Basin SLC-SB Eigenbrode (1999) Core analyses Lithology and geochemistry study of <2 m core representing late Holocene Lake Flat Coring Sites of Present Study SL-1 • 4 m core • auger flight samples to 14 m SLC-SB Lake Flat Coring Sites of Present Study SL-1 • 4 m core • auger flight samples to 14 m NSL-1 SLC-SB 40 m core Recovery data for 40 m NSL-1 Core (recovery ~80%) Core Drive NSL-1A-1 NSL-1A-2 NSL-1A-3 NSL-1A-4 NSL-1B-2 NSL-1B-3 NSL-1B-4 NSL-1B-5 NSL-1B-6 NSL-1B-7 NSL-1B-8 NSL-1B-9 NSL-1B-10 NSL-1B-11 NSL-1B-12 NSL-1B-13 NSL-1B-14 NSL-1B-15 NSL-1B-16 NSL-1B-17 NSL-1B-18 NSL-1B-19 NSL-1B-20 NSL-1B-21 NSL-1B-22 NSL-1B-23 NSL-1B-24 *Top Cum Depth of **top of core Length of liner bgs (m) liner (m) 0.22 1.44 3.30 4.82 6.32 7.84 9.36 10.89 12.41 13.94 15.46 16.99 18.51 20.03 21.56 23.08 24.61 26.13 27.66 29.18 30.71 32.23 33.75 35.28 36.80 38.33 39.85 Dpth below liner top to top of sediment (cm) Dpth above liner bott to bott of sediment (cm) ***Top Cum Depth of top of sediment in core (m) Cum Depth of bottom of sediment in core (m) Total thickness of intact core (m) 1.20 1.52 0.96 1.52 0.58 1.35 1.10 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 0.59 1.52 1.52 0.72 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.20 1.52 0.11 0 0.04 0.19 0.05 0.04 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 1.55 3.30 4.86 6.51 7.89 9.40 10.92 12.41 13.94 15.46 16.99 18.51 20.03 21.58 23.08 24.61 26.23 27.66 29.18 30.71 32.23 33.75 35.28 2.64 4.82 5.78 7.83 8.42 10.71 11.97 13.93 15.46 16.98 18.51 20.03 21.55 22.15 24.60 26.13 26.85 29.18 30.70 32.23 33.75 34.94 36.80 1.09 1.52 0.92 1.32 0.53 1.31 1.05 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 0.57 1.52 1.52 0.62 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.19 1.52 1.52 0 0 38.33 39.85 1.52 Oxidized Lithology • light olive-brown (5Y 6/4) • 1-10 mm, euhedral, gypsum xtals common • microscopic gypsum xtals in clay matrix • relatively high magnetic susceptibility (κ=20-60 cgs units) • massive • pollen preservation very poor throughout core • 10-20 µm charcoal ubiquitous • no diatoms Reduced Lithology • dark gray (5Y 4/1); greenish gray (10Y or 10GY 5/1) • 1-10 mm, euhedral, gypsum xtals Uncommon; sometimes in discrete layers • microscopic gypsum xtals in clay matrix • very low magnetic susceptibility (κ<20 cgs units) • massive • pollen preservation very poor throughout core • 10-20 µm charcoal ubiquitous • no diatoms Reduced/oxidized lithology = deep/shallow lake or vice-versa? Initial hypothesis can be developed using distribution of lithologies throughout core and initial ages. Can do this easily 120 Whole-core magnetic susceptibility log of 40m Soda Lake core 100 80 x10E-6 magnetic susceptibility (cgs units) because κ is proxy for lithology. 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 depth (m) 40 50 Reduced/oxidized lithology = deep/shallow lake or vice-versa? Initial hypothesis can be developed using distribution of lithologies throughout core and initial ages. Can do this easily 120 Whole-core magnetic susceptibility log of 40m Soda Lake core 100 80 x10E-6 magnetic susceptibility (cgs units) because κ is proxy for lithology. 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 two prominent reduced zones 30 depth (m) 40 50 Magnetic susceptibility contrast across boundary between oxidized and reduced sediments magnetic susceptibility (cgs units) bottom core NSL-1B-8 60 50 40 30 lower reduced zone 20 10 0 16.25 16.5 16.75 depth (m) 17 17.25 1-50 µm magnetite easily identified in oxidized sediments; none observed in reduced sediments bottom core NSL-1B-8 Mt Mt Mt Mt Gp Cu minerals Copper minerals occasionally observed in reduced sediments 1 cm gypsum Cu minerals Electron microscopy of Copper minerals gypsum gypsum Quantitative results 80 60 Weight% 40 % 20 0 C O Si S Cl Ca Cu Initial age control of new core x10E-06 ? SL-1A Core (1m higher elevation due to post-depositional tilting) NSL-1 Core Initial age control of new core x10E-06 ? 20.2-22.0 cal Kyr on charcoal (17.74 ± 0.33 14C Kyr) SL-1A Core (1m higher elevation due to post-depositional tilting) NSL-1 Core Initial age control of new core x10E-06 ? 20.2-22.0 cal Kyr on charcoal * SL-1A Core (1m higher elevation due to post-depositional tilting) NSL-1 Core *22.5 cal Kyr on seed pods (19.09 ± 0.08 14C Kyr) Seed pods of Scirpus Maritimus(?) (alkali bulrush) found in 1 cm-thick layer within upper zone of reduced sediments. Ostracodes also common in this layer. Initial age control of new core x10E-06 ? 20.2-22.0 cal Kyr on charcoal * SL-1A Core (1m higher elevation due to post-depositional tilting) NSL-1 Core *22.5 cal Kyr on seed pods (19.09 ± 0.08 14C Kyr) Preliminary climate model x10E-06 ? 20.2-22.0 cal Kyr on charcoal MIS 2 * SL-1A Core (1m higher elevation due to post-depositional tilting) NSL-1 Core MIS 5? *22.5 cal Kyr on seed pods MIS 6? (19.09 ± 0.08 14C Kyr) Preliminary climate model x10E-06 ? 20.2-22.0 cal Kyr on charcoal MIS 2 * millennial-scale lake-level changes? MIS 5? *22.5 cal Kyr on seed pods MIS 6? (19.09 ± 0.08 14C Kyr) Whole core susceptibility values were near sensor sensitivity limit magnetic susceptibility (cgs units) bottom core NSL-1B-8 60 50 40 30 lower reduced zone (MIS 6?) 20 10 0 16.25 16.5 16.75 depth (m) 17 17.25 Magnetic susceptibility of box samples discrete sample measurements Refined hypothesis: MIS6(?) lake deepens up until Termination whole core measurements Testing the refined hypothesis: evaporite mineralogy peak criteria = large amplitude, little overlap with other peaks, good regression stats Testing the refined hypothesis discrete sample measurements spectral gamma log data Pollen, etc. found in NSL-1A-3 core drive juniper charcoal artemisia pinus atriplex blue-green algae Late Pleistocene through Holocene record from South Basin N South Basin Late Pleistocene through Holocene record from South Basin N South Basin pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/ office/galetzka/imgbank/ Conclusions • Lake-level proxies are consistent and suggestive of both Milankovitch- and millennial-scale responses • Dateable material is present • Pollen and charcoal are present in high enough concentrations to provide more straightforward estimates of paleoclimate • Record potentially covers past 200 kyr including Holocene • Proximity to ocean cores and likely sensitivity (closed basin lake) suggests that record will contribute significantly to our understanding of marine/nonmarine climate linkages in western NAm pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/ office/galetzka/imgbank/ Acknowledgments • NSF Grant #030332 OEDG Program • Kathy Sharum and Rhonna Hurl, BLM • Chevron, USA REVS Up Program • High School Teachers and Students of REVS Up Program • Elizabeth Powers and Tom Osborn, CSUB Technicians pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/ office/galetzka/imgbank/