PROJECTING CLIMATE CHANGES AND ECOLOGICAL RESPONSES GARY D. SHARP (1), LEONID KLYASHTORIN (2), And DOUGLAS McLAIN (1, 3) (1) Center for Climate/Ocean Resources Study, Salinas, CA. (2) VNIRO, Moscow (3) CoML/TOPP, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, CA. Operational Fisheries Oceanography 1A thru Today Moon Phase Season Location, Location, Location Winds Swell Tides Godthab Nuuk, Greenland annual mean temperatures (NASA GISS) top and the AMO bottom (annual dark blue and 5 year running mean purple) source CDC Climate Indices Arctic basin wide temperatures from Polyakov (2004) versus PDO+AMO (STD). Dark blue is annual and purple 5 year running means. Major Atmospheric Greenhouse Warming Components. Proportion of Atmospheric CO2 of Total that is man-made Total Human contribution to Green House effect = ~ 0.278% - not very great portion Coral reefs first formed back in the Devonian period when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were ten times today’s. Forecasting the Future from History 2100 2100 From Joseph Fletcher’s Lecture on 21st Century Climate Sunspot Cycles 1700 - 2030 Solar Cycles 24 and 25 and Predicted Climate Response by David C. Archibald Energy and Environment, 2006, 17:1 SOLAR CYCLES 24 AND 25 AND PREDICTED CLIMATE RESPONSE David C. Archibald 2006, 2007 in press Climate Outlook to 2030 Energy and Environment,) Based on solar maxima of approximately 50 for solar cycles 24 and 25 - a global temperature decline of 1.5C is predicted to 2020, equating to the experience of the Dalton Minimum Vs The 2C increase predicted from the Dikpati scenario. There is more to Ecosystem Patterns than only decadal scale Climate Variabilities. The Olde and The NEW QuickTime™ and a GIF decompressor are needed to see this picture. Leonid Klyashorin and I have worked hard together starting with our Convergence in early 2000 - then I had him invited to Rome - FAO folks were impressed… And given my long-term interests - and many colleagues from PACLIM and around the Globe - in 2001 Leonid arrived @ PACLIM - and we both continued our efforts to get attention on the real issues - 3-D diagram of temporal dynamics of power spectra of reconstructed temperature by Greenland Ice Cores analysis ( 18O) for the time period 553-1973 years AD 8.5 years Periodicity Temporal dynamics of power spectra of reconstructed temperature by Greenland ice cores analysis (Ice Cores dT) for the time period 553-1973 years AD. 12.5 years (Corresponding periods, years) (12.5 ) 8.5years 0.08 Frequency, 1/year -0.10 (16.7) 0.06 18.5 years -0.30 33 years (25) -0.50 0.04 -0.70 160 years (50) 55 years 0.02 -0.90 -1.10 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Right-hand end of the moving time window of the length = 600 years 1900 Years Evolution of the decimal logarithm of the power spectra of Greenland ice core temperature, estimated within moving time window of the length = 600 years, shift = 5 years, AR-order = 60. M. Ben-Yami - WORLD FISHING, Dec. 2006/Jan. 2007 ENLIGHTMENT FROM RUSSIA A wise man said once: a people without history is a people without future. I'd paraphrase: science that ignores former studies and historical data cannot produce reliable predictions. This is also true for all those who attribute to fishing being the single or predominant cause for all trends and variations in fish populations. I often wonder how references quoted in so many learned articles on fisheries related subjects reach only 5 or 10 year back. Fisheries science started developing towards the ascent of the last century and has flourished throughout since. Long term data series and historical information on fish yields fluctuations and on climatic variations, as well as biological/ecological knowledge on life history and behaviour of the main commercial species have been long available…. • And Finishes with - One can only conclude that ignoring regime shifts and other climatic fluctuations can lead to misunderstanding of the role of fishing on marine fish populations and their ecosystems, and consequently to their mismanagement. While overfishing is a fact in many cases, it alone doesn’t explain the boom-and-bust fishing reality. Neither can management steps “recover” fish stocks to their former state, if those are on a downward section of their natural cycle. The 2005 Russian book represents the most authoritative and-up-todate analysis of the effect of climatic and planetary factors on fishery resources, in particular, and fishery ecosystems, in general. To make it accessible to, it should soonest be translated to English, for It would open the eyes of fishery scientists and managers to the bitter truth that they cannot “recover” a stock, which is on the downward slope of its multi-annual variation. Neither should they depress fishing of a stock that’s half way up on the upwards slope of its cycle. Hopefully, it will help in so much needed overhauling of the prevailing fisheries science-cum-management system. English Version Soon off the Press in Moscow The projected trend of total commercial catch (100,000 tons; bold line) of Norwegian spring-spawning herring for the next 50 years. Thin line shows commercial catch; bold red line shows probable trend marked with standard deviation vertical bars The projected trend of total commercial catches (million.tons; bold line) of Japanese sardine Sardinops melanosticus with a 50 year future perspective. Thin line commercial catch; bold red line shows probable trend marked with standard deviation vertical bars The projected trend of total commercial catch (million tons; bold line) of Norwegian Arctic cod Gadus morhua for the next 50 years. Thin line shows commercial catch; bold red line shows probable trend - with standard deviation vertical bars Green & Orange arrows Signal Beginnings of Blooms, Red arrows = periods of No Fishing for key species ENSO Warm Events Affect Ocean Production Centers, Causing Changes in Both Fish & Fisheries Cold Events Affect Both Oceans and Ecosystems by Reversing the Locations of Predators & Fisheries. Zonal (ACI E-W) winds cause Warm ocean conditions Meridional (N-S) ACI-C winds force coastal upwelling, hence Cold ocean conditions along eastern boundaries, where fisheries are most productive Two separate faunas have evolved in response. A third species mix underlies all these dynamics that just plods along low response to all changes. Length of Day (LOD) Earth’s rotation rate responds to energy (mass) content and Circulation Changes in Earth’s atmosphere as climate varies. This provides a six year indicative forecast of interactive physical forcing processes that affect all marine ecosystems. Solar Irradiance Energizes the Earth! But, We have only since 1979 begun to make Direct and accurate via satellite measurements El Niño Years Marked Red Given what we saw in previous slide: i.e., More Solar Energy Modulates Event Frequency What would you expect over next decade? ??? Vancouver Panama Can CLIOTOP and TOPP Fill In These Voids ??? Valparaiso Andreas Walli - 2007 Necessary Actions to Take - NOW! 1 -What’s Coming up? Monitor Climate Indices and -LOD 2 - Which Species will do what - given historical response information; 3 - Define Indicators of Transitions - both Physical and Ecological; 4 - Continuous catch Monitoring - via Collaborations with Fishermen; 5 - Rapid Control/Management of Fishing Effort Location and Intensity; 6 - Continuous Environmental Monitoring for Long-Term Signals; 7 - Rapid Response to Event-Scale ‘Noise’ - i.e., ENSO Warm/Cold; 8 - Market-Floor Flow-Through Measures to Inhibit Gold-Rushes; 9 - Re-education of Fisheries Managers, and Industry about Transitions. THE INTEGRATED SCIENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE & APPLIED FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY Gary D. Sharp, Center for Climate/Ocean Resources Study, SALINAS, California USA, Website: It’s All About Time & Place