RAINFED FLOOD RISKS IN A WARMING WEST Michael Dettinger & Dan Cayan, USGS Scripps Inst Oceanography, La Jolla, CA Jessica Lundquist, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 16 May 2005 in Yosemite Valley CEC’s California Climate Change Center Warming already has driven Observed: Less spring snowpack TRENDS (1950-97) in hydroclimatic trends. April 1 snow-water content at Observed: Less snow/more rain western snow courses Knowles et al., 2006 -2.2 std devs LESS as snowfall +1 std dev MORE as snowfall Mote, 2003 Observed: Earlier greenup Observed: Earlier snowmelt runoff Cayan et al., 2001 Stewart et al., 2005 Not many trends in Annual-Flood series that meet even minimal tests of significance, 1947-2000. But what flood-risk changes should we be expecting, and where? What has happened to Sierran floods recently? Linear trend 10-yr avg Have annual-peak flows become more likely to be precipitation-driven (rain- or rain-on-snow fed) than heat-driven (snowmelt-fed) in recent decades? +1 std dev MORE as snowfall Today: •Quick look for historical flood-risk changes • Brief consideration of a particular flood that we observed reasonably well • Implications for floods in a warmer world What happens to snowlines & flood risk? What happens to soil moisture & flood risk? [What might happen to storms & flood risk?] Basic Idea: Rain on wet soil or snow --> Flood risk Basic Idea: Rain on wet soil or snow --> Flood risk More frequent rainy (warm) storms --> More risks of floods (seems likely) Rain on bigger catchment areas --> Increased risk of flood (very likely, example of effectiveness of such changes) Rain on wet soils --> Increased risk of flood (likely, but let me explain why) Larger storms --> Increased risk of flood (but unknown likelihood) But where and how much risk? On 16 May 2005, in Yosemite Valley… An inch or so of precipitation combined with above freezing temperatures… …to generate major flood flows… Highest stations with runoff derived from all but the highest elevations in the Park. Streamflows monitored by Scripps/USGS Hydroclim Network in Yosemite So, what happened? Temperatures measured by Scripps/USGS Hydroclim Network in Yosemite high country Snow-water Contents What happened? Temperatures measured by Scripps/USGS Hydroclim Network in Yosemite Snow-water Contents …but NOT the prototypical Rain-on-snow MELTING event! A brief aside about rain on snow: HOW MUCH WARM RAIN DOES IT TAKE TO MELT SNOW DIRECTLY? • Each gram of liquid water contains about 4 J of heat per degree C above freezing • To melt a gram of ice requires about 333 J of heat --> Ice melted ~ 1/80 gram per gram of rain per degree C above freezing Instead, the warm temperatures increased the area contributing rainfall-runoff by about 5 times the area in a “normal” winter storm… 5 times the normal runoff-contributing area*1 inch of precip ---> 5 inches on ‘normal’ contributing area How often and where might we expect such events to take place, in a warming world? If we assume a standard moist adiabatic lapse rate during all historical storms in Yosemite… Precipitation (but, using all months and min-daily temps in the figures to follow) Temperature THEN, compare Freezing Altitudes to basin hypsograph… We can estimate the snowline for historical storms since 1916. X -6.5C/km lapse rates = freezing altitudes by storm = rain-covered Basin areas by storm Observations! For such a large fraction of the basin above Yosemite Valley to receive rain rather than snow was historically unusual…. …but it won't be unusual for long, if warming trends continue. Using1950-99 meteorologic records nationwide: How widespread is this vulnerability? Estimating influence of a uniform +3ºC warming on Rain-fed flood contributions Notice highly nonlinear color bar More risk No change Sierra Nevada especially vulnerable Changing flood risks --> Sierra and Cascades are likely rainfed flooding hotspots! Meanwhile, back in Yosemite, beneath remaining snowpacks, warming brings a general winter "drizzle" that keeps snows & soils wetter. ~ +100% ~ +40% Dettinger et al 2004, Clim. Change With all this additional winter melting going on, the soils are more, and more frequently, wet during the flood seasons…adding to the flood risks, across the central and northern West. Notice that reds are order of magnitude smaller than blues in this color bar. SO… Until we have a much better grasp of what the frequencies of various storm-precipitation totals will do under global warming…. • Sensitivities of floods to trends in storm-time snowline (Sierra/Cascades) & wetter winter soils (central/northern West) should be immediate concern. • Warming will increase scope & magnitude of raindriven flooding from the Sierra Nevada, despite projected snowpack declines. CEC’s California Climate Change Center Lets look at how storm precipitation totals might change… What is projected on the daily (storm) scale? GFDL historical simulation, 1961-2000 Focus on the warmest wettest storms (above the green bar here) GFDL historical simulation, 1961-2000 Observations GFDL B1 scenario, 2061-2100 GFDL historical simulation, 1961-2000 So, this scenario (with optimistic emissions in a sensitive climate model) yields a potential doubling of # of occasions when warmstorm floods might occur…due mostly to elevated storm temperatures (notice: peak ppt hasn't changed much). THE storms to worry about… e.g., • All 7 major floods of Russian River since 1997 have been atmospheric rivers (pineapple expresses) • The 9 largest winter floods of Carson River since 1950 have been pineapple expresses ONE MORE CONCLUSION(?) At present…. • It is difficult--thus far--to judge how the numbers, volumes or even temperatures of storms will change • Our best bet for developing confidence about this will depend on our ability to predict (or track) the future of "atmospheric rivers" • But, again, these are largely California/Cascades risks CEC’s California Climate Change Center