NEIGHBORHOOD FUNCTIONS ALTER UNBALANCED FACILITATION IN AN ALPINE TREELINE SIMULATION Problem: Treelines Malanson, George P.(1), Resler, Lynn M.(2) (1) University of Iowa & NSF (2) Virginia Tech Facilitation & SGH Spatial effects of neighbors Range limits 1o impact: biodiversity? Why do treelines respond to climate change – or not? What can we learn about ecological relations? Malanson et al. 2011, AAAR Alpine Treelines Pioneer Keystone Foundation Unbalanced facilitation? Spatially explicit feedbacks Pinus albicaulis Resler & Tomback 2008 AAAR; Tomback et al. 2014, AAAR Newer question: how do neighbors create stress-gradient interaction intensity? Newer model: Delete pathogen, climate change Focus on neighbor relations (linear, logarithmic, unimodal) in stressgradient hypothesis Stress gradient correlated facilitation (SGCF) boosts edges and mean facilitation SGCF increases populations in the area of higher stress SGCF increases the beneficiary species relative to even facilitation Unimodal functions of facilitation for neighbor density magnify all above effects; important in ecotones with patchy patterns Malanson & Resler 2014, JTB Facilitation vs Competition 1‐neutral, 2‐positive, 3‐negative 4‐ stress gradient hypothesis 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 H1X 2000 1000 H2X H3X Coexistence Climate effects questionable? Negative Interaction with Climate Change 3000 2000 H 3… 1000 H4X Newest question: how do contrasting neighbor interactions affect coexistence with climate change? Newest model (w/climate change): 3 types of interaction: negative, competitive positive, facilitative stress-gradient switch Funding: 0 0 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001 Stress-gradient hypothesis? Extensions of an Agent-Based Model Smith-McKenna et al. 2014, EM&S Environmental gradient Establishment seeds, seedlings Growth branches Mortality age class Pathogen blister rust Climate change amelioration Coexistence Fundamental niche? Latest results: for 3 species on a hierarchical competition niche gradient: facilitation decreases coexistence, sharpens boundaries competition has strong transient effects with climate change and leads to long term coexistence effects are shifted spatially in the stress gradient case