OVERVIEW Winter Precipitation Variability in Three Western US Mountain Ranges Winter precipitation accumulations are shown for three western US mountain ranges in localized regions of the Cascades (NOC), Sierra Nevada (NSN), and Rockies (NCR), for the period 1937-2000. Winter precipitation at C1 and D1 Potential impacts of Climatic Change Precipitation is compared by elevation for both the east (leeward) and west (windward) slopes in each region. Similarly, two sites in the Colorado Rockies, separated by only six kilometers, are examined to show a much finer spatial scale. Winter Precipitation (mm) Mark Losleben*, Nicholas Pepin+, Kurt Chowanski* * Mountain Research Station, University of Colorado +Dept of Geography, University of Portsmouth, UK Very poor coherence was found between the precipitation amounts at lower vs. higher elevations regardless of slope aspect on both the inter-mountain and intra-mountain range scales. The greatest variability was found at the Cascade site for snowpack, and at the Sierra Nevada site for lowland precipitation. In contrast, the Rockies site showed the least variability at both elevations. Winter Precipitation Variability in Time, Space, and by Elevation in Three Mountain Regions April 1 Conditions on Western Slopes Study Sites Lowlands LWP Highlands SWE 25 900 700 25 600 20 700 500 600 10 SWE (mm) 500 400 LWP300 (mm) 200 5 15 LWP (mm) LWP (mm) 15 SWE (mm) Northern Colorado Rockies NCR Lowlands LWP 800 20 C1 Ridge top site in the NCR at 3030 meters D1 Ridge top site in the NCR at 3750 meters Highlands SWE SWE (mm) NOC The localized region in the Northern Oregon Cascades. NSN Similarly, the Northern Sierra Nevada local. NCR Similarly, the Northern Colorado Rockies local. April 1 Conditions on Eastern Slopes 10 1950 1960 April1SWE 1970 1980 MA9 1990 0 1940 2000 1950 1960 1970 PPT Linear (April1SWE) 1980 MA9 y = -0.0085x + 32.065 R2 = 0.0023 1990 0 1940 2000 Winter precipitation at C1(red) and D1 (blue) is diverging with time. Less than half the common variance is explained (r=0.41) 100 1950 1960 April1SWE Linear (PPT) 300 LWP200 (mm) SWE (mm) 5 100 0 1940 400 y = 0.5885x - 634.18 R2 = 0.0077 1970 1980 MA9 1990 0 1940 2000 1950 PPT Linear (April1SWE) 1960 1970 MA9 1980 1990 2000 Linear (PPT) Ranking of winter precipitation at C1 and D1 by year. y = 1.1828x - 2025.9 R2 = 0.0408 y = -0.1279x + 265.94 R2 = 0.2673 Definitions 50 30 SWE (mm) 20 200 100 0 1940 10 0 1940 1950 1960 April1SWE 1970 1980 MA9 1990 2000 1950 Overall high snowpack is relatively rare, but widespread low snowpack is more common, and often the result of a blocking high. 1940 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 LWP 600 (mm) 400 200 0 1940 1950 April1SWE 1960 1970 1980 MA9 1990 2000 Linear (April1SWE) B 1970 1980 MA9 1990 0 1940 2000 1950 1960 April1SWE Linear (PPT) 1970 1980 MA9 1990 50 20 0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2000 PPT Linear (April1SWE) MA9 Linear (PPT) y = 0.0639x - 76.289 R2 = 0.003 y = -0.0533x + 131.67 R2 = 0.0057 40 300 50 45 40 250 200 35 30 25 20 SWE15(mm) SWE (mm) 1950 PPT 1960 1970 1980 MA9 1990 2000 Linear (PPT) 10 5 0 1940 150 100 LWP (mm) 50 0 1940 1950 April1SWE y = -0.149x + 316.4 2 R = 0.0593 A 1960 LWP (mm) Northern Oregon Cascades NOC 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 SWE15(mm) 10 5 0 60 40 LWP (mm) y = -0.0097x + 482.29 R2 = 1E-06 SWE (mm) Widespread highest (A) and lowest (B,C,D) snowpack. 40 10 y = 0.0327x - 25.777 R2 = 0.0018 700 mb Anomaly Maps 80 50 30 SWE (mm) 20 PPT Linear (April1SWE) 100 60 500 400 LWP 300 (mm) 40 70 60 Rank (1=driest) LWP (mm) Northern Sierra Nevada NSN SWE (mm) 60 120 LWP (mm) SWE Snow water equivalent in the high elevations LWP Lowland cumulative winter precipitation 80 LWP (mm) 70 1000 900 800 700 600 SWE (mm) 80 y = 4.2561x - 7424.5 R2 = 0.083 1960 1970 MA9 1980 1990 1950 PPT 2000 Linear (April1SWE) 1960 1970 1980 MA9 1990 2000 Linear (PPT) 20 y = 0.4708x - 771.28 R2 = 0.0311 y = -0.1125x + 234.72 R2 = 0.0797 D C 30 10 Lowland precipitation (LWP) and highland snowpack (SWE) trends often differ, even compensating for slope aspect. Increasing lowland precipitation trends are generally not likely to offset decreasing snowpack as a water supply source because of snowpacks relatively slow release over time. The NOC is particularly vulnerable in this regard. Minimum 0.28 0.33 / 0.23 361 343 / 378 + 54 % NCR - 50 % Mean East / West 0.44 0.46 / 0.43 798 665 / 930 + 110 % - 68 % NOC Mean East / West 0.64 0.62 / 0.66 425 328 / 523 + 111 % - 86 % CV LWP Median LWP (mm) 0.18 0.37 / 0.21 407 280 / 505 NCR NSN NOC Maximum Minimum Mean East / West + 87 % - 32 % Mean East / West 0.39 0.42 / 0.40 227 48 / 406 NCR + 123 % - 65 % NSN NOC Mean East / West 0.25 0.30 / 0.25 581 160 / 965 + 67 % - 60 % Maximum E/W SWE (mm) Minimum Mean SWE (mm) Minimum E/W SWE (mm) 627 / 556 [1943 / 1965] 180 152 / 208 [1981] 148 / 208 [1977 / 1981] 1511 / 2000 [1952 / 1983] 259 220 / 297 [1988] 220 / 297 [1988 / 1988] 2 / 114 [1963 / 1981] Minimum E/W LWP (mm) Mean East / West Year 556 627 / 485 [1943] Mean East / West Year 1676 1353 / 2000 [1983] Mean East / West Year 897 665 / 1128 [1956] 711 / 1804 [1952 / 1950] 58 2 / 116 [1963] Maximum Mean LWP (mm) Maximum E/W LWP (mm) Minimum Mean LWP (mm) 602 / 777 [1984 / 1993] 277 152 / 402 [1966] 142 / 368 [1967 / 1964] 104 / 926 [1969 / 1995] 80 41 / 118 [1995] 12 / 118 [1950 / 1976] 260 / 1725 [1997 / 1974] 236 42 / 430 [1977] 42 / 43 [1977 / 1977] Site NOC October to March (1967, 1982, 1956, 1952, 1986, 1958, 1969, 1973, 1983, 1995) - (1976, 1977, 1972, 1990, 1957, 1994, 1950, 1960, 1955) 2004 Maximum Maximum Mean SWE (mm) B October to March (1983, 1969, 1993, 1971, 1956, 1982, 1978, 1967, 1975, 1962) - (1988, 1977, 1976, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1959, 1987, 1961, 1981) 2001 Mean East / West Site October to March (1965, 1986, 1957, 1987, 1949, 1993) - (1966, 1950, 1972, 1967, 1954, 1964, 1968, 1969) 1998 Median SWE (mm) Site C October to March (1952, 1951, 1965, 1996, 1957, 1956, 1970) - (1961, 1977, 1966, 1964, 1969, 1989, 1991, 1973) 1995 CV SWE NSN C B 1992 Site NCR October to March (1995, 1972, 1965, 1971, 1961, 1982, 1983, 1996, 1997, 1999) - (1977, 1994, 1992, 1955, 1957, 1973, 1979, 1960, 1968, 1962) 1989 Spatially, SWE and LWP variability are different. NOC has the most variable SWE; NSN the most variable LWP. NCR is the least variable in both SWE and LWP NSN October to March (1956, 1950, 1952, 1949, 1974, 1999, 1971, 1951, 1969, 1975) - (1963, 1981, 1992, 1966, 1978, 1973, 1977, 1994, 1991, 1996) 1986 April 1 conditions for the three mountain range sites for the full study period, 1937-2000 as a whole (Mean) and by slope (East / West). The coefficient of variation (CV=SD/Mean), Median, and Departure from Median ((Maximum-Median)/2 or (Minimum-Median)/2) are given. April 1 Snowpack (SWE) and Lowland Cumulative Winter Precipitation (LWP) for the three mountain range sites for the full study period, 1937-2000. The maximum and minimum SWE and LWP amounts are given (mm) for the sites as a whole and by east (E) and west (W) slopes. The year of occurrence is given in [brackets] beneath the amounts. The highest SWE occurs at the NSN site, but the NOC site has the highest LWP. The decreasing trend in NOC snowpack, and a minimum extreme of 2 mm SWE in 1963, could mean no snowpack in some years to come on the east slope of the Cascade site! A A 1983 Shown are the top minus the bottom quartile years. 1979 SWE Shown are the top minus the bottom quartile years. 1974 VARIABILITY Extremes in lowland winter precipitation also show strong 700 mb signatures, but they are different compared to snowpack extremes, particularly at the Cascade (A) and Rockies (C) sites. Ex.: High LWP at the Cascades site occurs during a southwest flow. C1 and D1 rankings are very different in most winters EXTREMES LWP Highest snowpack years in the three regions have strong 700 mb signatures in the Cascades (A), and Sierra Nevada (B) sites, but not in the Rockies site (C). Ex.: High snowpack at the Cascade site occurs during a northwest flow. 1971 October to March 1991 October to March 1981 1968 October to March 1977 October to March 1956 1965 C1 rank=blue D1 rank=maroon 1962 1959 1956 1953 0 Mean East / West Year 552 327 / 777 [1993] Mean East / West Year 507 88 / 926 [1995] Mean East / West Year 970 215 / 1725 [1974] RESULTS Variability of winter precipitation in mountain areas is significantly different at multiple spatial scales. Both high and low elevation precipitation extremes can be explained by different synoptic scale atmospheric circulation patterns. Widespread high snowpack years are rare and associated with a Pacific Northwest low. Widespread low snowpack years are more frequent and characterized by some version of a blocking high pressure pattern. The NCR winter precipitation is the least variable, at high and low elevations. The NOC snowpack, and the NSN lowland precipitation is most variable. Even at the fine spatial scale of six km, diverging trends were found in winter precipitation at the Rockies site. CONCLUSIONS Lowland winter precipitation would be a poor indicator of adjoining upland snowpack conditions, as there is little correlation between the two on either the windward or leeward slopes of the three mountain ranges in this study; the Oregon Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and Colorado Rockies. This is also true at the finer spatial scale of six kilometers at two sites on the east slope of the Rockies. The snowpack at the Cascades site may be most sensitive to future climatic change, while that at the Rockies site may be the least. Differences in sensitivity are rooted in atmospheric circulation, driven by closeness of current winter temperatures to the freezing level, and reflect nearness to moisture sources.