Chad Johnson, Hydrologic Technician USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Fresno, CA T he quality of aquatic, riparian, and meadow ecosystems is directly related to the integrity of adjacent uplands in their watershed. Forest Service scientists believe that these ecosystems are the most altered and impaired habitats of the Sierra Nevada primarily because of dams and diversions, overgrazing, roads, logging, and physical alteration. In 2000 the Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW) was established; it addresses critical issues about the functioning of Sierra Nevada stream ecosystems and their response to multiple stresses. The Kings River Experimental Watershed Measures Discharge and Sediment Production in Eight Headwater Streams of the Sierra Nevada, CA The KREW is located on headwater tributaries of the Kings River, which drains into the San Joaquin River Basin. It is part of the Kings River Project, Sierra National Forest, which is a 60,000 ha collaborative study between research and management. GOALS SOME OF THE QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED • Quantify the variability in characteristics of stream ecosystems and their associated watersheds. • Evaluate the effects of forest management (prescribed fire and uneven-aged, small-group tree thinning), while maintaining older trees, large snags, and large woody debris throughout the landscape. • Provide an integrated watershed experiment that addresses multiple issues such as climate change, air pollution, and sustainable land management while providing adequate data for diverse modeling exercises. • What is the effect of prescribed fire and fuel reduction treatments (i.e., thinning of trees) on the riparian and stream physical, chemical, and biological conditions? • Does the use of prescribed fire increase or decrease the rate of erosion (long term versus short term) and affect soil health and productivity? • How is the vegetation affected by treatment, particularly in the riparian zone? Is riparian vegetation adversely affected by treatment? • How do the treatments affect fuel loading? Carolyn Hunsaker, Research Ecologist Sean Eagan, Hydrologist Chris Dolanc, Botanist Marie Lynch, Hydrologic Technician Tiffany McClurg, Designer Funded in part by the National Fire Plan and the Federal Interagency Joint Fire Science Program Stream Hydrographs and Precipitation Events Water Year (WY) 2004 Nested flumes measure discharge of varying magnitude. Snow accumulates and melts throughout the winter at lower elevation sites. Two flumes are used on each stream to accurately measure both high and low stream discharge. Both rain and snow events control discharge at the Providence Site, while discharge at the Bull Site is dominated by snow melt. Figure 1 California's water needs are met by the snow pack of the Sierra Nevada. Water collected in the winter and released in the spring allows water agencies to ensure adequate capacity for the dry summer. In water year 2004 the spring th melt began on the 7 of March (Figure 1). Snowmelt typically does not begin in this region until April. The predicted effects of climate change in the Sierra Nevada include a shift in timing of snowmelt. This could complicate the water storage process. KREW's research area spans from the lowest elevations of snow accumulation (1400 m) to the elevation of maximum accumulation in the Sierra Nevada (2500 m). P301 P303 P304 D102 B201 Mineral mass/ area (kg/ha) Organic mass/ area (kg/ha) Median particle size (mm) Peak discharge (l/s) 28 13.3 0.5 108 12 3.4 0.5 91 113.8 24.6 0.125 120 49.3 16 0.25 170 26.5 5 0.25 100 WY 2004 P301 P303 P304 D102 B201 Mineral mass/ area (kg/ha) Organic mass/ area (kg/ha) Median particle size (mm) Peak discharge (l/s) 1.7 0.6 0.5 80 1.4 0.4 0.5 85 6.7 7.5 0.125 43.6 3.8 1.6 0.25 113 1.2 0.5 0.125 21.6 Bulk Mass (kg/ha) Peak Discharge (l/s) Largest Storm Event (mm/hr) Most Intense Hour (mm) WY 2002 WY 2003 WY 2004 Sources of Discharge METHODS AND DESIGN 3 Annual discharge 1000 m /ha rain water (during + 24 hr after) snow melt soil water (1 week-6 months) base flow 62.3 33.5 33 - - 118 6.8 for 47 hours 27 69 2.3 for 59 hours 11 Figure 4 Figure 3 Sediment affects the ecology of the stream ecosystem. It can increase the transport of salts and nutrients, as well as changing streambed habitat conditions. Figure 3 shows sediment yield from five different watersheds. While all years were considered dry, with comparable cumulative precipitation, the sediment yields differed by two orders of magnitude. In order to draw conclusions about sediment production the variability of the watersheds must be characterized. Sediment in KREW's streams is sampled to determine organic content and grain size distribution (Figure 4). Sediment production in KREW headwaters is sensitive to th conditions during storm events. The intense storm on the 7 of November in water year 2003 dropped as much as 27 mm of rain in one hour moving significant quantities of sediment. Other years had greater percentage of precipitation falling as snow or as light rain on snow. These events allowed the water to reach the stream in a slower, less erosive manner. uf f1 P3 8 00 m 04 19 P3 0 0 3 0m 1 P3 92 0 1 5m 19 B2 7 0 3 5m 2 B2 37 0 4 5m 23 75 m 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1.31 2.55 1.15 1.70 3.77 3.26 0.3 D Percentage in each category Data will be gathered for a 4-year reference period and then fire and tree thinning treatments will be applied. After the treatments, data will be gathered for at least seven years. Each site has a control watershed that receives no treatments, a watershed that is burned, a watershed that is thinned, and a watershed that is both burned and thinned. We are interested in assessing the integrated condition of the streams and their associated watersheds (i.e., physical, chemical, and biological characteristics). • Physical measurements include: upland erosion, stream flow, channel characteristics, suspended sediment, weather conditions, soil characteristics, and fuel loads. • Chemical measurements for stream water, shallow soil water, precipitation, and snow melt include: nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate (primary biological nutrients), chloride, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, pH, electrical conductivity, and acid neutralizing capacity. • Biological measurements include: riparian and upland vegetation, stream invertebrates, and stream algae. WY 2003 Watershed averages • How are headwater ecosystems responding to multiple stresses such as climate change and air pollution? Meteorology instruments collect temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, snow depth, precipitation, and snow water equivalence. Watershed - Average Elevation SIGNIFICANCE • This is the only experimental research site addressing aquatic and watershed questions from the Sierra Nevada Framework. • KREW is a demonstration site for both the Joint Fire Science Program and the Forest Service’s atmospheric deposition effort for critical loads. • Climate research priorities are addressed: hydrology and nutrient cycling, carbon cycling, and natural disturbance. • Effects comparisons will be made to the Fire and Fire Surrogate Study for Sierran-mixedconifer forest at Sequoia National Park. • Provides information for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003. Different sediment sources can also contribute more or less erosion depending on conditions. To better understand the dynamics between upland erosion and in-stream sedimentation, over 70 sediment fences are placed at hillslope and road generation sites. Headcuts are being surveyed so that their annual contributions can be estimated. Figure 2 The KREW staff divided discharge water into four categories to better understand the hydrologic cycle. Rain water is that discharge above base flow measured during a storm and for the following 24 hours. Snow melt is discharge above base flow that occurs during the spring melt. Soil water is defined as water that took one week to six months to reach the stream after it contacted the soil. Baseflow is the average flow for the month of September historically the driest month on record. The higher elevation sites, B203 and B204, show a much greater percent of discharge occurring as snow melt. They also have a greater discharge per area, even though all sites receive similar amounts of precipitation. A newly-built sediment pond being filled at a Bull Creek site. Sediment accumulated in a sediment fence after a short summer storm.