Assisted Migration: Noah’s Ark or Pandora’s Box? Hugh Safford Regional Ecologist Pacific SW Region Problem statements • The managed relocation (MR) of species is a controversial management response to climate change. • Current consideration of MR emphasizes biological concerns over difficult ethical, legal, and policy issues. • Biological considerations have focused on the species of concern and not the recipient ecosystems • Ongoing managed relocation actions lack transparency, and scientific and societal engagement. • There are many, many cases of managed relocation/assisted migration gone awry: o animals in Hawaii, invasive annual plants in CA, tamarisk, scotch broom, monterey pine… Managed Relocation Working Group • More than 30 scientists, scholars, and policymakers met between 2008 and 2012 to discuss implications and challenges of managed relocation (assisted migration). • Group included ecologists, economists, social scientists, ethicists, legal experts, policy makers and others, from management and regulatory agencies, universities and research institutions, and non-governmental organizations. Purpose • There is strong societal and scientific disagreement about the wisdom of engaging in managed relocation (MR) as an adaptation strategy; we sought to identify and treat a series of fundamental questions related to its potential use. • Group included people initially strongly supportive of managed relocation, and others who were strongly opposed. • Themes treated by the working group included (1) basic goals of MR; (2) identification of trigger conditions for the implementation of MR; (3) genetic considerations; (4) legal, policy, and ethical questions; (6) reconciling MR with existing conservation strategies; and (7) how to deal with community- and ecosystem-level interactions. Key outcomes 1 • Managed relocation may prove to be necessary in some cases, but a structured decision making process is essential. It must integrate ethical, legal, and scientific considerations in a way that is both deliberative and publicly transparent. • Resource managers need standards, protocols, and guidelines for evaluating whether, when, how, and for whose benefit managed relocation might be implemented. • Unanalyzed and unvetted MR should not be done Key outcomes 2 • Working group publications: – Safford et al. 2009. Eos 90 • Short summary of working group progress – Richardson et al. 2009. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106 • Development of tool incorporating ecological and social criteria in multidimensional framework for MR decision making – Schwartz et al. 2012. BioScience 62 • Calls for development of policy framework for MR, in light of ongoing MR actions and lack of transparent consideration of costs and benefits (biological, ecological, legal, ethical, and political) Key outcomes 2 • Other associated publications: – Camacho et al. 2010. Issues in Sci. and Tech. 26 • Reassessing conservation goals in a changing climate. – Camacho. 2010. Yale Journal on Regulation 27 • Assisted migration: Redefining nature and natural resource law under climate change. – Minteer and Collins. 2010. Ecol. Applications 20 • Move it or lose it? The ecological ethics of relocating species under climate change. Key outcomes 3 • Working group developed four broad criteria for comparing strategies for conservation of a target species: – FOCAL IMPACT: the risk of negative impact of climate change (or other anthropogenic disturbance) on the species of interest; – COLLATERAL IMPACT: the risk of collateral effects of the strategy in consideration (e.g., on the recipient ecosystem of the MR action), – the FEASIBILITY of the strategy in question (“could we do this?”), and – the ACCEPTABILITY of the strategy (“should we do this?”). Considering MR? Basic questions to answer From Richardson et al. 2009. Schwartz et al. 2010 provides more info on sources of info and ranking processes Graphic method for comparing MR proposals Combines ranked scores from four criteria Focal Impact 5 4 3 2 1 Acceptability 0 Collateral Impact Feasibility Graphed as the complement of CI (1-CI) Example: the Pines Why Pinus? • “Pinus is without a doubt the most ecologically and economically significant tree genus in the world.” (Richardson and Rundel 1998) • Pinus is the best-studied tree genus in the world, with respect to current ecology and paleo-ecology, also with respect to genetics and economic uses. • Pines are among the most genetically diverse organisms (Ledig 1998) • Very important economics and cultural links to human society. Which pine spp. to use? Choices based on (1) systematics/classification (representation of each of the subgenera, sections and subsections present in North America) (2) ecology (representation of each of McCune’s 1988 groups of ecological syndromes in pines) (3) geographic and climatic distribution (east, west, north, south; mountains, lowlands; Mediterranean, semiarid (dry continental), arid with monsoonal moisture, wet and warm, wet continental (cold winters)… (4) feasibility of analysis (availability of sufficient data to carry out a meaningful analysis – thanks to Steve Jackson and Dave Richardson) (5) Economic or cultural importance (6) Conservation status (7) personal communications with Steve Jackson and Dave Richardson aided in developing the rationale Subgenus Pinus – Section Pinus • Subsection Pinus Pinus resinosa (red pine) • Subsection Australes Pinus elliotii and Pinus palustris (slash pine, longleaf pine) • Subsection Contortae Pinus banksiana (jack pine) • Subsection Ponderosae Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) • “Sabinianae Group” Pinus torreyana (Torrey pine) • Subsection Attenuatae Pinus radiata (Monterey pine) Subgenus Strobus – Section Parrya • Subsection Balfourianae Pinus longaeva (Great Basin bristlecone pine) • Subsection Cembroides Pinus edulis (piñon pine) – Section Strobus • Subsection Strobi Pinus strobus (eastern white pine) • Subsection Cembrae Pinus albicaulis (whitebark pine) Background data: Biology Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine Red pine Eastern white pine Torrey pine Source Fire N Begin Yrs toleranc oConser seed betwee e (bark Shade t vation McCune bearing n cone thicknes toleranc estatus Rarity Group (yr) crops s rating) e 3 3 20 3-5 0 very low 1 43 3-4 0 very low 1 3 25 2-5 1 low 3 58 3 2 low-int had VU to use data4from aristata 3 20sensu lato 4-7in some 1 cases very low 2 1 20 5-7 1 very low 1 1 10 or 15? 2-5 2 low EN/LR 8 45 1 2 int 2 outlier 20 3-7 2 low 2 25 3-10 1 int EN 8 1 12 1 2 low 1, 9 1,9, 10 9 14 Degree of serotiny 1 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 9 Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine Red pine Eastern white pine Torrey pine Source Floweri ng Jul May-Jun Jun Jan-Feb Jul-Aug Feb-Mar May-Jun Jan-Feb Apr-Jun May-Jun Feb-Mar Cone ripenin g Aug-Sep Sep Sep Sep-Oct Aug-Sep Sep-Oct Aug-Sep Nov Aug-Oct Aug-Sep Jun-Jul 1 1 Seeds x1000 per kg (mean) 5.7 289 4.2 30 40 10.8 29 29 115 58 1.1 Mean seed mass (g) 0.175 0.003 0.238 0.033 0.025 0.093 0.034 0.034 0.009 0.017 0.910 Mean seed mass (mg) 174.000 3.000 300.000 34.000 25.000 93.000 38.000 34.000 9.000 17.000 910.000 1 1 1 * = CLOSED CONE SPP 1 9 Seed dispers al not shed Sep* Sep-Oct Oct Sep-Oct Oct-Nov Sep-Jan Jan-Mar* Oct-Nov Aug-Sep Sep-Dec Seeds x1000 per kg (range) 4.8-6.6 156-551 3.3-5.5 21-43 39-42 6.6-15.4 22-34 23-35 66-166 39-117 0.9-1.8 Seedwing loading index (mg/mm) 165 2 162 11 14 18 11 11 5 5 190 Germinat Dispersal ion rate agent (lab) B, R 30 W 77 B, R 96 W 86 W, B 88 W 95 W, B 70 W, B, R 74 W 79 W 96 R 81 9 11, 12, 13 1 mean of tests Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine Red pine Eastern white pine Torrey pine Mean longevity (yr) 450 80 275 200 723 300? 425 85 350 325 200 Source 4, 5, 6, 7 Net Rel assimilat Leaf Lead Specific growth ion rate area mass leaf area Invasive Rate (mg/sq ratio (sq ratio (g- (sq cm/g- RGR ness (Z) (mg/g/d) cm/d) cm/g) leaf/g) leaf) max -10.31 (from12.8 P. cembra) (cembra) .36 (cembra) 35.2 (cembra) .581 (cembra) 60.6 (cembra) 22 (cembra) 8.85 38.6 0.57 77.7 0.588 132.3 no data -8.94 4.33 31.6 0.51 66.4 0.588 114 no data <-12.4 very slow very slow -6.36 32.3 0.67 58.5 0.787 74.5 34.2 0.29 30 0.58 59.1 0.612 96.6 41.7 9.27 45.8 0.61 79.8 0.676 118.1 71.1 -1.78 27.7 0.46 74 0.723 102.3 56 3.46 28.7 0.43 80.3 0.679 118.4 38.7 -7.62 18.6 0.48 40.2 0.545 73.7 no data 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 Rejmanek & Richardson 1996 Ecology Grotkopp et al. 2002 AmNat Genetics Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine Red pine Eastern white pine Torrey pine Notes low pollen dispersal distance and low neighborhood size high gene flow, large neighborhood size 1-Fst evidence of "recent" genetic bottleneck, surprisingly low inbreeding depression following selfing fixed at all of 59 studied loci sd He sd 1-Gst 0.204 0.143 0.0315 95.63 2.81 0.179 97.95 1.202 0.048 0.327 96.2 0.1275 0.0318 96.6 (95.9 according 1.702 to S&H but the numbe 0.1901 0.0714 95.2 4.97 0.122 0.022 89.1 6.605 0.0023 0.0033 0.1865 0.1389 0 95.1 0 4.313 Physical habitat Native Range Common Name (sq km) Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine 16,000 (originally 360,000? Most common soils Inceptisols, Entisols, coarsegrained Sandy Spodosols and Entisols Various, often rocky Spodosols, Ultisols, Entisols, needs water, int. drainage Rocky, often carbonates Sandy, acidic, relatively infertile, but occurs on many soils Various Deep sandy loams, high organics, acidic to very acidic, clay pan beneath 65 83,000 (originally Sandy soils, mostly Entisols Red pine 395,500) and Spodosols Well-drained, sandy, low-to Eastern white pine medium quality Torrey pine EM le ea v nAnnual a mmean T Mean Jan M e a n mMean Jul Abs min Warm season (Apr-Sep) Snowfall Abs max Ppt (mm) ppt (%) (cm) AET/PET -5 to 8 -19 to -2 7 to 18 -20 to -50 26-30 300-1800 -8 to 7-30 to -4.5 -0.6 to 15 -11 to 6 11 to 22 -21 to -46 11 to 28 -35 29-38 250-1400 44 150-700 18 to 24 -2 to 14 8 to 19 -12 to 0 27 to 28 7 to 24 15-23 4 to 17 5-10 -15 to 15 25 to 28 8 to 26 -40 9 to 11 16 to 18 -5 -1 to 11 -22 to -1 -0.5 to 18 17.3 B&H -18 14 to 24 -23 to -40 40-60 35-65 0.34 to 1 0.37 to 1 low 0.17 to 0.92 41 1100-1600 150-800 0.9 to 1 0.21 to 0.75 1100-1700 43 200-1100 30-75 41 380-890 10-30 none 0.538 32-38 500-1500 50-75 100-300 0.74 to 1 500-2300 251 50-70 15 13-254 none 0.62 to 1 0.318 -21 to 3 14 to 27 14 25 (26 Aug 22 and Sep)-2 B&H, USGS B&H, USGS B&H 10-60? 460-1270 42 B&H B&H, USGS B&H 0.87 to 1 0.21 to 0.99 B&H USGS Economics Species albicaulis Variety Common Name Whitebark pine banksiana Jack pine edulis Pinyon pine elliottii longaeva palustris elliottii Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine ponderosa scopulorumPonderosa pine radiata resinosa Monterey pine Red pine strobus torreyana Eastern white pine Torrey pine Notes Food Timber Other not important very important pulpwood, increasingly used as construction timber important firewood source for native Pine nuts not important americans fast growing, replacing major world longleaf pine due to source of resin economics important, mostly pulp and turpentine not important high quality most important species in N. America most widely planted pine in the world very important outside of US, pulp important (timber, pulpwood) In1600s-1800s, highly sought after for ship building and construction lumber plantation tree in E US not important Where planted? Aus, NZ, China, SA, southern US Aus, NZ, China, SA Aus, NZ Aus, NZ, SA, Spain, S. America N. USA and Canada Europe Social criteria • Difficult to assess, requires direct interaction with the public • Surveying, polling, workshops – Expensive, time-consuming and difficult to carry out, but important! • We are considering focusing on a group of California conifers to make the pilot project easier Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Assessment: Focal Impact Split into empirical and normative scores N o t Prob Prob of eextinction geog. s(x3) decline 6 1 1 1 5 3 1 P r o b e x t i Monterey pine 9 Red pine MN state tree 1 Eastern white pine 4 Torrey pine 9 Indirect Prob of effect of abunda loss on Empirical nce Financial community UniqueRevers Score decline loss (x2) (x2) ness (x3) ability (x2) 2 9 10 3.5 6 7 2 1.75 6 8 4 2.15 8 3 7 2.3 4 5 10 3.15 7 8 7 3 10 6 6 2.65 9 2 7 8 2 1 3 6 1 7 10 7 10 2.7 2.65 3.05 3.15 Equity Cultural of importan impac ce of sp t 5 5 10 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Violati on of biol. Integrit y Bioce ntric consi derati ons Normati ve Score (x1) Total 2.5 3.17 2.5 2.00 5 3.10 2.5 2.37 3.5 3.27 3.5 3.17 3.5 2.93 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.97 2.93 3.20 3.27 Normative issues add variance to the assessment! Theoretical differences between two different groups of stakeholders Assessment: Collateral Impact Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine Red pine Eastern white pine Torrey pine Prob of decline Prob of Empirical of native loss of Score spp ecol fx (x2) 4 2 1.5 7 8 3.75 6 6 3 7 7 3.5 1 1 0.5 3 7 2.5 3 7 2.5 8 9 4.25 4 7 2.75 5 6 2.75 6 9 3.75 Societal/Cu ltural values ranking Prob of direct human impact Others? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Normative Score (x1) Total 1-CI 1 1.33 3.67 1 2.83 2.17 1 2.33 2.67 1 2.67 2.33 1 0.67 4.33 1 2.00 3.00 1 2.00 3.00 1 3.17 1.83 1 2.17 2.83 1 2.17 2.83 1 2.83 2.17 Assessment: Feasibility Sustainability Availability of MR Ease of of Legal/re (necessity for propagation appropriate Cost of gulatory long-term Empirical Common Name /monitoring sites for MR MR obstacles engagement) Score (x2) Whitebark pine 2 7 10 3.17 Jack pine 9 10 10 4.83 Pinyon pine 3 10 10 3.83 Slash pine 8 8 10 4.33 Bristlecone pine 1 5 7 2.17 Longleaf pine 4 10 10 4.00 Ponderosa pine 6 10 10 4.33 Monterey pine 10 10 5 4.17 Red pine 5 10 10 4.17 Eastern white pine 7 10 10 4.50 Torrey pine 2 5 3 1.67 Spread of collateral impact question responses ? Normative Score (x1) Total 3.17 4.83 3.83 4.33 2.17 4.00 4.33 4.17 4.17 4.50 1.67 Assessment: Acceptability Common Name Whitebark pine Jack pine Pinyon pine Slash pine Bristlecone pine Longleaf pine Ponderosa pine Monterey pine Red pine Eastern white pine Torrey pine concerns degree aesthetic re. land willingness willingness to societal of trust in /cultural/ use to create suffer recogniti scientific moral restrictions new potentially on of opinion attitudes in legal/regula irreversible need for re. need toward recipient tory Normative consequences action for MR MR sp area framework Score Total 7 3 2 2 7 7 5 9 7 6 10 Questions related to acceptability are all normative, and will have high variance in the responses 3.5 1.5 1 1 3.5 3.5 2.5 4.5 3.5 3 5 California examples Torrey pine Focal Impact 5 4 3 2 1 Acceptability 0 Collateral Impact Feasibility Ponderosa pine Focal Impact 5 4 3 2 1 Acceptability 0 Collateral Impact Feasibility Monterey pine Focal Impact 5 4 3 2 1 Acceptability 0 Collateral Impact Feasibility Pinyon pine Focal Impact 5 4 3 2 1 Acceptability 0 Collateral Impact Feasibility Whitebark pine Focal Impact 5 4 3 2 1 Acceptability 0 Collateral Impact Feasibility Final thoughts • From the biological side, invasiveness is a major factor • Predicted invasiveness is now available for many tree taxa beyond the pines • Taxa with high documented or predicted invasiveness should probably not be relocated outside of their range, and certainly not without major analysis and safeguards Predicted invasiveness, from discriminant function based on seed mass, interval between large seed crops, and minimum juvenile period Richardson & Rejmanek 2004 Diversity & Dists Final thoughts • Lack of sufficient biological and ecological information is a major problem for most taxa – We must be VERY careful with taxa we don’t sufficiently understand • But lack of information relating to ethical, legal, policy, etc. issues is just as important • Policy is needed to provide framework for making MR decisions transparent and for assessing public input, opinions, and other normative questions Key ecological ethics questions • What is the most scientifically valid and ethically defensible process for choosing candidate populations for relocation (and selecting the recipient ecosystems)? • Who should make MR decisions and carry out particular managed relocations? • How should we weigh the risks of accelerating ecological harm or conducting unnecessary relocations against the best available knowledge of present and future conservation status? • How should societal values surrounding particular species and landscapes factor into the determination of "objective need" under scientific MR assessments? Minteer and Collins 2010 Ecol. Apps. Key ecological ethics questions • How can we ensure MR efforts do not undermine the longstanding policy commitment to preserve ecological integrity? Should integrity of ecosystems always be prioritized over survival of individual species when these goals conflict? • Should we be concerned that MR, as an adaptive policy response to climate change, will weaken our ethical resolve to address root causes of climate change via mitigation efforts (e.g., reducing global greenhouse gas emissions)? • Does a policy of MR demonstrate proper respect for vulnerable species and ecosystems, or does it convey an attitude of domination and control that clashes with core conservation values, such as Aldo Leopold's (1949) land ethic? The final word “The precautionary principle has been historically useful in guiding conservation management, but global environmental change presents a different sort of problem. There are real risks of harm to biodiversity through inaction as well as action. The only way forward to confront unprecedented problems such as global anthropogenic climate change is careful risk analysis, including an honest evaluation of uncertainty and potential harm, along with broad public debate beyond the technical expertise of scientists and managers. We must engage in careful study of ethical, legal and biological issues surrounding the idea of managed relocation even if the ultimate conclusion is that it is the wrong approach to managing a difficult problem.” Schwartz et al. TREE 2009