c: z -< rrl ~ V' -- I -< 0 ..., ~ -n'-" 0 z -z ~ I came to UWSP because it's only thirty-four miles from Wausau, that's my home. Jim Grabau I came to UWSP to seek truth, to find reality. Ann Fiereisen 2 3 I feel I am here to warm a seat at the Grid. Sue Clark I came to UWSP to eat SAGA food. Arnold Zzirno 7 The people I've met have opened my mind up on a lot of subjects that I hadn't really thought about. Judy Laake .- ... 10 ..: .... -!. "' .. - .. ~ The people here are not afraid to talk to you, they'll help you when you need help. You've got the 'Square' atmosphere where everyone gets together to socialize and the Union where everyone is really friendly. You can walk up to people and start talking to them. I've been to several other schools where if you do that, they look at you like you're some kind of nut. If they don't know you, they don't trust you. Here it's completely different. Jim Grabau ,, My initial goal at Stevens Point was to get an education in Natural Resources, but after I flunked my first biology test, I decided to change my goal in search of a business education. Mike Krach 12 The people I've met and the situations I've been in at UWSP have made me aware of how the real world lives, . . . with true universal insanity. Nancy Gartzke 13 This campus is doing things, it's moving ahead. It has a great deal more than some other schools have to offer. It's not a huge impersonal campus, sprawling over the landscape, yet it's not a small town school either. It's just what I'm looking for, a stepping stone to bigger and better things Morgan McArthur I've met a lot of great people and I've learned a whole bunch about myself and others. J ohnni Evans 14 Actually, my choice of UWSP was a pick in the dark. I didn't know anything about the school. I just picked it randomly, but I'm glad I did. Tim Bedore 15 18 ' - - - - ' ____._.,._- - J .... _ 1 • ,. I FAL 19 HOMECOMING 1976 20 FALL FESTIVAL OF FUN AND FAIRS 21 COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES ..- 23 26 28 I N T R A M u R A L s 31 32 L HEALTH AND COUNSELING 35 UNIVERSITY CENTERS 37 38 UNIVERSITY CENTER 39 ALLEN CENTER 40 DEBOT CENTER 41 F.A.C.S. STUDY SKILLS LAB FACULTY ADVISING CENTER FOR STUDENTS CALL 346•2321 44 OR DROP IN ROOM 105 CCC STUDY ~K\llS LAB R.EAD\NG ¢ STUtlY SKlLLS \MPROVEl'\tl{f .S 'OP IN 45 FINANCIAL AIDS 48 ALBERTSON LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER 50 A.I.R.O. B.S. C. 52 R 0 T c 54 "Leadership training", is the basis of the Army ROTC on campus. This program combines the learning experience of managing people and developing responsibility. Mter participating in a two year ROTC program in college, a student will graduate as a commissoned officer with a college degree. On the Stevens Point campus the ROTC program has seen a marked improvement in enrollment in the past year. This increase in interest is reflected in the attitudes of the students as well as the leading officers of the program . ./ / 55 F 0 0 T B A L L 56 CROSS COUNTRY 57 WOMEN'S TENNIS 58 FIELD HOCKEY 59 VOLLEYBALL 60 WOMEN'S SWIMMING 61 "A once in a lifetime chance", capsulizes a student's first reflections of the Semester Abroad program offered by the Univ. of Stevens Point. Programs are offered during the regular academic year as well as the summer sessions. Among the countries presently offered for study abroad are England, Germany, Spain, Japan and Malaysia. Semester Abroad provides a way to earn college credits and meet new people while gaining insights into their ways of life and attitudes. 62 SEMESTER ABROAD 63 66 e INTE WINTER CARNIVAL 68 ''WINTER MADNESS'' 69 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES 71 COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS HOME ECONOMICS 74 PHYSICAL EDUCATION -- 77 COLLEGE OF LETTERS 78 AND SCIENCES 79 80 BIOLOGY 81 ECONOMICS BUSINESS AND MATH 82 83 E N G L I s H 84 L F A 0 N R G E U I A G G N E 85 PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ASTRONOMY 87 88 GEOGRAPHY H I s T 0 R y 89 PHILOSOPHY 90 p ~ I 0 L S I c T I I E C N A C L E PSYCHOLOGY 92 S A ON C T I H 0 R L 0 0 p G 0 y L ======~----~ 0 G y EDUCATION 94 p L A c E M E N T 96 97 ...,_- 98 ARTS AND LECTURES STUDENT 100 GOVERNMENT 101 ELECTIONS 102 ''RETURN TO ACTIVISM" VOTE RICK DEB II~~~w [Q)(W~~~OOIJ SGA ~StOE.NT ~ VICE' ~tst PelT REG ISTRATlON DAY 103 PRESIDENT'S HALL COUNCIL 105 F A S C E UN L A T T y E 106 107 WRESTLING 108 SWIMMING 109 D 0 G F I s H 110 MEN'S BASKETBALL ,,, POINTER ACTION 112 WOMEN'S BUCKETS 113 T R I v I A 114 115 SpRiN - -=--~ COLLEGE 118 OF FINE ARTS 119 MUSIC 120 A R T 122 Approximately two hundred majors and eighty minors comprise those in the field of art on the Stevens Point campus. This department offers a Bachelor of Science degree in the Fine Arts, a Master's degree in Studio Art and the opportunity to earn a doctorate degree in Art Education. These students may either go into the teaching of Art and Art History or pursue a professional career in the field. In either case the art curriculum supplies the student with a very good background in the nature of skills and theory. Course offerings include a range of basic design courses, many aspects of art history and classes which center on a student's specific interest. Goals in this department center on challenging a student's creativity. The teachers don't just teach but also exhibit their work and research specific fields of art. This striving to improve the quality of education encourages the generation of original thought which is the essence of creativity. 123 THEATER ARTS DANCE 126 COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT 128 CAMPUS MEDIA 131 ON CAMPUS 133 RESIDENCE HALL LIFE 134 POINT tO\Cill suons m ~~ Ktntuc • J /IL• rlf ~ANDWICHES 138 LIFE 139 0 c F A FM p u s 140 ..~ __ ----­ ~ --- ; ~~ RESIDENCE HALL COUNCIL 143 RESIDENCE HALL COUNCIL l 1_ 44 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ G R E E K s 147 T H E s Q u A R E 148 NIGHT LIFE 149 UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD 150 U. A. B. 153 s p R I N S G p 0 R T s 159 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S TRACK 161 POINTERS 162 T E N N I s 163 HYER HALL COUNCIL SIGMA TAU GAMMA 164 ALPHA PHI INTERNATIONAL CLUB 165 SIGMA PHI EPSILON ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA 166 A. S. I. D. U. A. B. 167 SENIORS 168 Christine Adams Elementary Education Jane Ann Adams Physical Education Nancy Adams Home Economics Mary Ames Home Economics Jill M. Anderson Early Childhood Michael Anderson Psychology Noel Anderson Soils Gini Andrews Sociology Natalie Andrews Psychology Thomas Aten Water Science Christopher Badgley Biology/Fish Management Emmanuel Adedokun HEIB Judy Barge Karamo Barrow English-History Raymond A. Beaumier Wildlife George Beck Resource Management Debra Marie Behm Communication Ralph B. Bennett Math-Physics Juanita G. Bentley Elementary Education Julie Berlin Communication Maria Sink Fashion Merchandizing Jay R. Blankenship Wildlife Cynthia A. Boeckman Home Ec. Education Cheryl M. Bonk History Susan Bortz Home Economics Christy Bubolz Home Ec. Education Barb Burger Communication Charles Burke Wildlife Dale Buvid Biology Dean Calhoun Physical Education Audrey Calmes Elementary Education Mark Caruso Psychology 170 Curtis Brouwer Economics Susan Chiu Chemistry James Christman Communication Bee-Leng Chua Communication Deb Clark Resource Management Susan Clark Elementary Education Mary Clifford Home Ec. Education Dale S. Cross Forestry William Crown Biology John E. Daleiden Biology Carla A. Day lnterior Design Yigletu Debebe Communication Joan Dickinson Home Ec. Education Todd Dillman Political Science SuzAnne L. Dobson Psychology Linda F. Dolensek Psychology Yarvelle T. Draper Communicative Disorders Ann E. Ebert Mathematics Frank Eklund Art Stephen C. Elwell Economics Gary Engel Water Science Susanne Erickson Communication Geralyn M. Evans Sociology Daniel Fee Music Kathryn Flemming Physical Education Catherine Florence English Patricia Forberg Elementary Education Dave Franc Research Management Barbara J. Frederick Home Ec. Education Ann Fredrich Communicative Disorders 172 Barbara Geissbuhler Home Economics Marcella Gerbitz Elementary Education Christine Gerhart Elementary Education Kurt A. Gernerd Resource Management William P. Gesicki Business Administration Ed Gibbons Business Roy Gilchrist Math Karen M. Glass Home Ec. Education David Glodowski Business Administration Dave Goddard History Kim C. Goerg Forestry Management Thomas Goligoski Psychology Thomas H. Goodness Sociology Patti Gora Resource Management Julie Gudowicz Home Ec. Education Jan E. Gundelfmger Physical Education James A. Haeni History 174 Linda Hanson Home Ec. Education William F. Harms Biology Kit W. Harrison Psychology Patti Jo Hauser Dietetics Michele Heinrichs Dietetics David E. Helwig Math Vicki Hafkemeyer Element.ary Education Elmo S. Hess Art Education Donald R. Handrich Business Administration Suzanne M. Hill Early Childhood Kay E. Hollinger Dietetics Cynthia Kaufman Elementary Education Micheal A. Hosen Communication Mary Kay Huot Home Ec. Education Hallet Jenkins Wildlife Management B. Johnson Harvey Johnson Resource Management Kathleen D. Johnson Water Science P eter P Karoblis Political Science Keith W. Karow Geography Susan Keck Home Ec. Education Robert H. Keith Biology Ronald R. Kelly Social Work 175 176 Christine Kerkhof Business Administration Robert Kerksieck Communication Diane J. Ketner Business Administration David Kielpikowski Chemistry Art King Psychology Douglas Kingsl!'y Resource Management Richard Koehler Sociology Cheryl I. Kolda Early Childhood Debra Koser Elementary Education Delores Kozak German-Psychology Sue Krasniewski Communication Marianne Krueger Biology Bob Y. Kung History-Business Wing-Wah Lam Mathematics Karen Lampadius Dietetics Theresa D. Lease Home Ec. Education Sandra Lederer Elementary Education Kenneth Lepkowski Forestry Dianne Leverle English · Carol Lorrig Music Education Peter Scott Madden Resource Management Kathy Malmstrom Drama Thomas J. Martin Business Administration Cvnthia Matson Communicative Disorders Mary A. Mattice Home Ec. Education William S. Mawbey Elementary Education Hyacinth Marciniak Elementary Education 178 Bonnie McDowell Interior Design Thomas Meitner Water Science Mark A. Mentch Geography-Hist{)ry Joan Merkel Elementary Education Karen A. Michels Mathematics Joan D. Morgan Political Science Diane E. Moulton Communication Barbara Much Fashion Merchandising Dianne Muzi Communication Diane L. Natrop Early Childhood Daniel E. Nelson Business Administration Michael T. Neville Business Administration Frances N. Ngobi Business Administration Susan Niles Dietetics Jeanne M. Niquette Art Education Elizabeth Obgartel Physical Education Judith Novshek Home Ec. Education Debra A. Olson Elementary Education Suzanne G. Noyes Early Childhood Sheri Nystrom Political Science Alan Pankau Art Education C.W. Parker Communication David J. Patter~on History- Philosophy Kathleen M. Pohlod Biology Marlyce Polk Music Education Millie Priebe Communicative Disorders Rosanne Proite Social Science Timothy Raczek Music Education Peggy Ramsey Home Economics Carolyn Rayala Early Childhood David W. Reilly Drama Martha Reinders Home Ec. Education Carole Ripp Dietetics Charlotte H. Roberts Elementary Education Sheila M. Scanlan Early Childhood Kathrvn Schaefer Philosophy Edward Schrader English Barbara Schroeder Home Ec. Education Cynthia Scroggins Sociology Susan Shanks Home Ec. Education Annette M. Simon Home Economics Kenneth M. Sina Music Education Mary Sue Schmidt Communicative Disorders Robert Schultz English Robert Shaver Jr. Busmess Administration Dan Sivek Biology Patricia Schwai Dietetics Jane A Siegel Communicative Disorders Perry Jay Smith Resource Management Sally Spoerl Communication 182 Jerry Sorenson Political Science Mary Ellen Spayde Elementary Education Sandra Splitt Dietetics Mary J. Staninski Jeffrey C. Steven Water Ma.nagement Jane Stoops Communication Marilyn Strohbusch English Diana Stubbe Business Administration Dale M. Svendsen Forestry Kathy L. Svendson Home Economics Dietetics Elizabeth Temple Resource Management Betty J Tesch Music Education Sherry Thistle Psychology Jill W. Thorn Interior Design Vickie L. Thompson Resource Management Colleen Timbers History Debra K. Unger Interior Design Jill Unverzagt Communication Lori Van Airsdale Interior Design Jolinda Vaughn Business Administration Dave Vetrano Fisheries Mike Voica Business Administration Eric Volden Biology Larry Wargowsky Natural Resources Ke\'in Wentworth Art 184 Robert Wagener Resource Management Mary L. Wal ker Psychology Joe Weigand Political Science Jane Weinfurtner Communicative Disorders Dennis A. Werblow Forestry Debra M. Will Psychology Barbara-Anne Williams Business Administration Thomas E. Williams Communication Richard Zaborske Forestry Paul D. Zamzow Art Rita Ziegelbauer Sociology Nancy Wipperman English Kathie Zemke English C A N D1 D AT E S DEGREES F 0 R HAY I 9 7 7 F 0 R COLLEGE Of PROfESSIONAL STUDIES Bachelor of Hafenbredl, Steven Sci~nce De~ree Liaak, Janet SOIOOL Of EOOCATliJI SECONDARY EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Degree 1\ndrt>ws, :<atalie 6'1che.an, 111 rh11<•l • H,•rndl, lrlc llltcnc, Sandra Borchardt, Ronald Bonick, B.1rbara l.arlson, John • ~·• Chrtstlan~;on, Goddard, David Crimm, Eliubeth liaeni, James Handschke, Linda • Hart, Sherrv • Haupt, Lori Hoover, John Horner, Carol Johnson, Sheryl Stcvt•n Ebert, Ann Furdck, IHniCred ** Juds, ~onica Keith Lila, Richard ** Hac Swain. Steven Mentch, Mark Milton, Susan l'auli, Ann Paulson, Kevin Proitc, Rosanne KAro~o~, • Ruedinger, Veronica Smith, Jame" ** Smits, Jull~ Stech, Eugene Tackes, Calvin Tiuun, Dale * Vandertie, Jo~n Van Coethem, Marv Wehrwein, Stephen Zinsmaster, Deborah ELDil:NTARY F.DI'CATtON Bachelor of Science Degree •• ,.;hrbtlne Anderson, I Ill AJlpS, Duane • Bortlctt, Patrlcin • • B1·nder, PatricIa •• Berkhahn, Mary • •• Br~wster, uebra • Calmes, Audrey ••• Christensen, Deborah Clark, Susan • • Oavies, Michele Ol.1mond, Deborah JJrc)•fus, .Joyce Jludlev , \'lvJ,tn ~ens ke, Annabelle • H~hcr, Diane l"·•rb('tr~ . •• HafCenbredl, Mary Hafkemeyer, Vicki Hall, Nancv Hansen, Pa;.ela * Harding, Jeffrey Hartman, Sarah Adum~, r.,trJ· t .... ~ur¥ttnbers, u~vld Gerbit~. Harcell~ •·• rhart. Christina 1.1 t>nzcr, K.1 roleen " Lruman, ••• Heeren, DuAnne * Hemauer, Lynn Henninger, Jean Hill, Suzanne Hulke, Darrell ••• Jorgensen, Patricia Kabat, Janice ** Kager b3uer, Dirk ** Kallas, Pamela Kaufman, Cynthia Kehring, Gregory Kimball, Lynne Kirst, Juanita • Kolbeck, Terri Ann Kolda, Cheryl ** Kopf, Nancy Koser, Debra Krause, Debra Kroening, Margaret * Landowski, Donna **Last, Ellen • Lederer, Sandra Lueck, Peggy Jo * Manz, Chloe • Mawbey, William McMahon, Robert • Merke 1, Joan Hiller, Peter • Mueller, Suenn •• Niemuth, Ellen * Nistler, Robert Novak, \lerna • Olson , Debra •• \Jxley, llruce • Patterson, Cheryl Pavek, Rodney lynn SCHOOL Of COHl1UNlCATII/E DISORDERS • Peterson, Robin Porterfield, Joann Postotnik, Jacquelyn Reichel, Lynne •• Roberts, Charlotte Scanlan, Sheila * Schlel, Deborah *" Seoso, SuAnn Snow, Patrick •• Soderberg, Staci * Steher, Jean Stuesser, Sh~ron * Sunby, Carol Symon11, .lame,; Tetzlaff, I ant~ Tetzlaff, Jean Van Rixel, .lo11n Voss, Jerrrev W"gner, Lynn Watling, Kathleen ** Wesener, ClenJa * Zimmermann, Garth Bachelor of Science Degree AbEd, Cvnthlu •• aoo th. Xanc.y Dnnlon, ll~nise "'tt l.tq11cr, N.tncv fndrlcl,, Ann • .Inn hlo, fr~nces Hunter, !Jcbor~h ** Juneau, Barbara Keyser, Kathryn Kolumba, Kim Krenzlen, Annette •• Kultgen, Cynthia Lindstrom, Linda ** Noer, Julie Ann •• Neils, lleborah Larson, Lealie * Matson, Cynthia McLeland, Kenneth *** Piraig, Susan Schmidt, Mary Sue ••• Schroeder, Susan ** Scipior, Joan Siegel, Jan" • Straw, Kathleen • Stupich, ~11chae1 *** Warden, Rebecca Weinfurtner, Jane SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science Degree •• AI , Julie Ar.>es, '!a ry J.cuise Andrews, Patricia • Bade, Pa ela Berndt, Barbara Blnk, Marla • BocckNn, !.;vnth1a !looks, !-\arion * Bortz, Susan Briass, Jo~n •• Bubolz, Christy •• 8utrvmow1cz, Krtatel turro rd, Mar)' -•• Uay, Carla Dickinson, loan llot'ge', lc:>n Etd~nbcrMer, Penny En)( I' I kc, KAren • rojtik, Gl or ia 186 ••• fredericx, Barbara Fulton, frances • Ceissbuhler. Barbara Class, Karen Cold, Jane Griesbach, Claudia • Cudowicz, Julie ** Hadfield, Kathleen Lorey Hanson, Carolyn Hayek, Katherine Heinrichs, Michele Meschke, !Jonna Hibbitts, Laura •• Hollinger, Kay Huot, Mary Kay Jones, Vicki * Kasal, Jean Keck, Su•an LaBarge, Kathleen * Lampodlus, Karen Lapp, Patrice Lease, Theresa LeCoque, KAren Mattice, Mary Ann * Hindok, Susan Much, Barbara Natrop, Diane Niles, Susan Noyes, Suzanne Oehlke, Suzanne Olson, Susan Orated, Cary Panosh, Gwen * Pederson, Trudy Ramatack, Mary ** Reinders, Martha Rogers, Jayne Schaffner, Nancy Scheurer, Kathryn • Schultz, Mary Ellen Schwa!, Patricia Splitt, Sandra Starzinski, Mary Jane Steincetz, Debra Strasser, Sue *** * Srurm, Susan Suchorsk1, Lee Svendson, Ita. thy. Swanson, Jane Ule, Jane Unger, Debra Van Atrsdale, Lori Vander Voorc, Irene *** Vlergutz, Jane Ann Wagner, Nancy Webster, llebornh Wittlin, Mary Wroblewski, Elly SCHOOL OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION, AND ATIILETICS Bachelor of Science !\dams, .I nne Biechler, Kftthleen Calh<'un, Dean Cart er, Alan Dembrowski, Michael T'rits ch , I ohn C.~tpe, Sllll\· ur CflLLrr.t: Ackle'", ron.~ld Anrler~on, Chnrles Anderson, JA~ft W. Ar""' t ron r, Te rrv ,\tPn • ThOII!IIR * AucJctnt. f'lrltnrtl • • Ave JallcFinnt, SLcvPn Brucer.ndPlev, Christopher Baloph, Joan D~con, Bal 07h, ~hn·v Baeu~ier, rnv~d Beck, r.eor•e Behnke, llavne !lelow, r,ernlt! no 1 [fln. lll\nn Be mAn de r. Jnmer; •• BertaPnnlt, C.ordon ••• BcstP. BArbnrn * Bet!tre , Mnrc BIAnken~hlp, J~tv lllotr, Tlmothv Bnur!HmnA t H. r:e rnld Rraenne, Rlckv BrAtz, Chnrle• Brl cker, lameR Bro"''TI, Todd BuchmJller , Rob~ rt Burke, Ch:orles ** Bush!Mn, Fdward ** Cahill, Daniel Campbell, Michael Concstorp, Kevi n * Carlson, Chri• Chanson , S. 8 I dse ('h,;t~. I HURAL *Krohn, William Kruerer, lt~nt Kutcht>rv, :ieal *** Land~raf, Kenneth Lane, renneth Lfonz., ~tt•vf"n Edelstein, Cordon l'andrJ ch, Jn.,es Fate, l'arl Fleej!e, rlarl • Flood, !'nul Frat ley, Kevin franc, l'avld f'rancie, l.11rry Cell, Anthony Geoslinj!, r.ary * Gibby, Britten Gock, !'>tuart r.ora, Pat tJ Graceffa, Joaeph rratson, :•1chnel Greilin~, r:arv Crow, Stephen Guardalab ene, Terrence r.undrum, Carv C:usts f~on, Carl Hafner, Oavid HaRstrom, f'r~dric llamala, lnml'& JI.Ayden, HDrvey Lepley, * Lohman, Lowrey, ** Luecke, Luethe, Haddl!n, * ** * * He rman:; on, tf11ry ** Herro, Picho rd llitchcock, Oavit! l'vlzdak, Ronald Isquinta, .'a10es Instells, l'illi a~:~ Trwin, ('aro1 Janssen, Elizabeth Jenkins, llall .. t Johnson, Brian Johnson, Onur las Johnson, 1hrrvev Douplas • ClArk, l>ebra rlarke. C:nrl Clnv. ~(>re r Cnnne 11 v, ~nu reen nrever D~tvld Driscoll, H.~ura Dudp:em, Bettv ••• Durst, PAtrick llz lew I or, I aN'S fhC!ner, '1nrk ReeRe' J~ rrrev Rombalaki, Mnr!lyn Roseliua, John Sae9.er, Diane Spindler, Cheri Walten, Jero""' ** *** * Johnson, Kathleen Jossie, llonnld Kainz, Christopher * Kanehl, rAul Kehoe, Borbara Ketter, Jeffrl!v Kinj!sley. llou,las Klod , !: teven Korth, P.obert Krause, Keith * ** ••• frffrey Loretta ratr!ck Christopher Pon11ld Peter ~ajcors, Keith Marlena, Dean Mauch, Brt~n Maxinoski, Brian Mc.Kee, P.ichard McKee, Terry Miller, Michael Nadolny, Paul Nelson, Hichftel Nicl cl, t"r~deTick Nieman, Robert Norquist, Jack O'flanal!an, Rarry Onsrud, Steven Pavton, JC\enne l'lein, Steven l'<'dllch, TI1omas ropp, Warren Pand, Terrance Re~ni er, rou l Reinh11rd, Richard ~~utasel, Kenneth Rine, Dale F:olol, Ronald RohH, [vlln Root, David Rosenkranz, Robert Rosner, Michnel Rosainp, l'andal Roth, Jeffrev Rutz, 'lichnel C::alcnon, !!Jchttel !'chaffenber~er, John ~chnuer, Burt ~ch~ldl, Tlrothy SchMilt , ll<!nnis Schn!!lder, ~teven ~chra~te, Sent t Schuenenann, Steven <;hot>tl'nl.er. ~..,n(h· ~hrtvcr, .l:tmcq Simeone, Rroh<'rl Simons, Steven !'indeton, llaniel Lerlr.oYttk l •""ennc th * * Ourad8, Stev<' r.r.~our.CES Joh~~~n, rrc~ory T'lo. .......... Chcsk'·, D:'lvld Chrl~t!nnA<"o, De~ree ** Kohrt, Wendv Kosobuckl, Dennis Krueaer, Richa rd Hurrav, Timothy Nelson, qoe11ell Niebauer, Daniel Ob~artel, Elizabeth • Cross. Werner ** Gundelfin p.er, Jan Hempel, Lind:'l Hi lJ, Carol Ann lloffman, Robert Jadack, 1acalvn Kimball, I( a thv Sle~er, P.ebe~ca Smith, Smith, Smith, Sor,e, KAthleen rcrry !'teven Patrick *** Sta~aki, ramela Steffen, Kim Stegman, r.rerory Steven, Jeffrey !'tor 1et, 11~1 e Straus, 1<\hn flA le Tt>mpl!!, I II u\>cth Tesch, llnv ld Thompson, VJckie TorzewskJ, ~ltchael l' ns:rodt, R!ch,.rd Upton, P.lchard *VandenHeuvel, Richard * \'andcrloop, !"teven * \'en Roov, flennis Vetrano, IIRvid 1-lajtener, Robert ~vends('n, :..*atto.on, ~Leven ~egner, Christopher :.Oe I ch, ~onald • Werblov, ~nnls llerleln, Jnhn • Wiedenbl!ck, ~Jan ~liesbroc~, l.ucy Willems, 1erry Wiza, Rob~rt *** Worshan, Daniel !.:right, l>nvid 'iant7., ~tephen • Yerke. Cilb~rt • Yotm._, tt1Ch&P 1 • 7.aborske, PJrh11rd COLLEGE OF f'tNE ARTS Bac:helor of * Batchelder, ~ichael ** Birr, Oianc ** Bn ldi j!, .lnnP Borchart, JoAnne * Fllis, Bnr~3ra * t'ee, lloniel ~:uslr: Gerhardt, RarbarA • llansen, Daniel * Jenner, lie lene llandschke • l<allic>, Oavld "ingsbur)·, 'iteven * Kloes, David ,..,",.,. ** Lorrir, Carol * ~l>•rinkovlcl1, !:teven * Nelson, .Jean Nilsen, r.ary Paulson, Alan ••• rnlk. Marlyce ** rutz, ~u."n • Racek, Tlmothy ruRen, ~tlchAel ** Ruh, B<'len Ryder, Su s11n * TrebRtoskl, l!nry Bachelor of Music in Aoplied Music * !lonnie, I'.H r! ck ltitchell, Theodore Bachelor of Husic in Music Literature ** Krues:er, t•ichael 187 COL!.I:C~ Ur FWI:. ARTS (continued) Bachelor of Science Degree * • Cadc, Scott !l.l~», ThoMs Beh11, Debra • llerdan, Laura • Berlin, .lull~ Hit(lllcr. Stev~n lllock, :;ell nurcer, llarbara .....,.......llnvll ,. ~;.ulsnn, lborr, Su ''" L• Pnv Is , ' .. Oint:\' '!~Itt l:lch•nu~rf, Michael !Jd.ocb< , frlln<ill l~lund, l.lktn, (an l.L It ~R•'"• Utiotlln\ 1 ox, •.._ II r' \' lo mr lf1J',. '1.1ltlww t.a \ ~..n. Hess, Steven Hobbins, Kenneth Hosen, Micheal Hulterstrum, Sonja Jorjorian, Thomas Kassera, David Klatt, Deborah * Kocll, Kil:l *Kolinski, Nnn~Jr Kraln!.~k. Chrla Kralapp, Robert Krasniewski, Sue If Kurz, Kay Lamoureux, David " Lang, John HcCullWll, Larry Moll, Kevin Moulton, Diane * Huzi, Dianne Nimtz, Kathleen ** Niquette, Jeanne * Orella, Joseph Owens, Jtorry Pankau, Alan Ph iff er, 1.1Ra Polito, Pamt"la Przybylski, C~rv Reilly, David * Rennpferd, Carol * R~pplingcr, Mnrquard, rntrJcJ,, M.<rqullrd, lllll l ll lh no~ Nan~v RJ t tcr, Pet~r Sa111111ons, Sal!v Sch11BwsU, bartlett s ..mrf, Curt I R " Lvncil, D(•ur.1 as *** "!."lchtan, Ottr l ene COLLEGE llF LETTERS AND SCJE:;CE Shaver, Robert Jr. Shebel, Christopher * Sherwood, Holly Sin;,, Kenneth •• Skrtontnv. Kin • Skrentny, Michael Spoerl, Sally Stache, l l ilin~ Stark, Ma1d ~t8t7., * lennlf ..·r Stoops, Jane Strasbur~. C.rep,ory Swenson, Ronald Te-nuta, James Tikalskv, Lee Unverza~~;c, I Ill Van Astcn, VicLorJn "''"d"n F. l S<'n, ThCimas h'c'11lwnrth. Kt•V In " \H!liAms, Thoma~ * 7. amzow, Paul Rache lor of Science Degree Al••xand.r, t-tlch,lel * ,\r:'l, s, Wi lli.un 1\n h._ nu'n, .'1t hae I ,\u 10, lnh11 • ll1kcr, K.<thle<·n l~•ndow, Nlcholns t.. uakncoc ht , ..., 'rv •·"'"· .. llt'll ~~~I Hl·IU';t.ll • • * * r~man. •: .• r\ ·•·ruh..t•:• 11 , .. un t ..·rr\'. f,•l'!t. ~ L·,~th~ . !i.t rbnr .• t).._ Vel", l..ot[ J11.,.'T lnt l><·~llme, RanJ:t I I Cr..nl', !"ht r ;· I JSrt·L~:t.:, J:\'I'OJU bn:wtr. ,.,,, m.,t"Ji * C.o~s, * Grassl, \:Jiliam Criffin, Rnbert Jr. ** t, '" ~ l,.l tiH'If11\, ~.,r •• v-.•1 'ill Vt ll ht 1 ~1h h.:u I C.lsl~laz, Mlrha< I C'1~t1p.jf h .•n. f~tt ll• v Chun.:h. lh• 'nt.tN • LoffMn, l'hlllp rP)bflfn 1 '-1,1fJ.: kobt.l rL l.l10pe r I p,~t c r a..\ r, . r ..... t t ..h. ,, II 11. 1trl' J.1 l r r \. . ~f I ry Ann l.« VK, ( ruwn, Wllllam ThON8 O.llctd,n, John ll.1v1s, Tlmoth'' (.YtoiOU, 'Ja\o·son • Ma r t 1 ,. .. I,, . f,, rs;, lt r.r.u ,,,, u.njo~mln Ddaun•, l~ffrey ll• I ~· .nm~, c;usan Ot'Wltl, lhJJ 11> Oill~lnn, TcJd Uob•on, c;.,z,\nnt Oul .. nstk, I indo lluk<·, t: I rby Dunn. Di 1nc I ,Jw~rd~, Crl'p.ory Lhrhardl, Jeffrey * Lllefson, Thomas •• ~. lmhorsc, Barhor.l ClwE'll, Sl uphcn • ~ngcl, Kunneth t:rman, Cary 188 Wendy Cuc·nth£'r, Su..-;un II,, I I, l'••tl Thl'rr·~•· llama< h<>k, I'.>Ul * Harms, William * Harrison, Kit Hefner, Thomas u• llddke, Svbll '"** Koehler, Rlrhord Koeppen, Richard ** Koraleskl, Dnvld Kosobuckl, CciPne Koezarek, John Krause, Calvin Krueger, Dennis franch;, Kl"' Gilchrist, Rov ** Gillingham, S~zanne Girard i, Rlch~rd Glodowski, David Coligoski, Thomas Goodness, Thomas rrllo, Ar.lltll 1:111 hho•ll, Fletcher, David Foreman, ~rk C:l'lger, {:. '1Ar~ C. test, Fr•·u t;, ,,, •1!111, fC"ndos. Pitul ••• Fritsch.,l, ll~rbar.t r.~mroth . l\l11n r•ll litwl,·s, l.',•n.t1U ~OWl Oil, IJ<•b r l 1r **• Evans, Geralyn F.wcrdt, Cary Fero, Mlch;;eJ * f<-rl<, Kristin l'•·rn. ~odzr, * Henley, Cerald llermundstaJ, Hark Hess, Carol Hintz, Corinne Hcoff, Karen Holm, Cllrls lluempfncr, Patrick Iverson, Richard Jackson, lames Jackson, Kathrvn Jauch , Susan lensen, l.ofs • l<'nswnld, 1<>•·1 lohusnn, J:,•tti<--Jo Iones, Debra * Kacerovsky, Pamela "-afura, Kim • Karoblis. r'eter • !:ehl, Michael • Keitl., Robert Keller, Mary Kelly, Ronald Kent, Roderlc Kerkhof, Christine Ketcham, John " Ketner, Diane Kiel, Steven *** Kielpfkowski, David Ki lgas, HI chael Klinksfck, Dale ~ru~~cr, Harlsnn~ Krut'Jf'r, Scott Kuhr, Hary Kuntt, Rob..rt Kur~evRki, Daniel Lagerman, John Lam, Wing-Wah * Land is, ~li ch11e1 **" L~nRe. Randall Larson, Bunnie Lenke, Richard Jr. • Lodzlnski, Donald ••• Luthin, Charles Makris, Christine HarQudrd, 0l'nnlq Mllrr, llllly ~atcl, John ***Hayer, Pe~glr McCanhy, Brian McConnell, John McCulley, Dt·nnls McCurry, Carol "*" McEldownev, Todd McLimans, Jnmes Meesar, Rcoger l11chPls, KAren MIHOW, Dill<' Mlksche , Michael ~ ~1111H, Hark Minshall, Carolyne Hoe, Jeri" Moore, Steven ** Morgan, Joan ~• Moser, Mark Mueller, fr Jn Huell er, Kurt Mueller, Lvnn Ann * Huel111r, Lynn :-lelson, Daniel )lt"laon, D;,vid .J r . ** ~e:n.·nh.1ua<'n. Hark Neville, Hlchael Ngobi, Frsnces * NolcemPyer, Mary Allr~ Nystrom, Sheri Olsen, James III Omelina, Robert Jr. PaRel, Roger Patterson, David ** Pekarske, Kim *** Perkins, Jean Pet~rsen, Brian Petersen. LorrAine Petrashek, Kenneth PiotrO"o<ski, Strphrn Plat son, Loyd l'rinC"e, *** C;~.ry nuinlisk, Mary R.1i<"~ttt.. Ch;tr)Ollt" Rands, Marl. Rein, Mnrv Rf't7ke, Rt·verlv l!l<'e, Karl Rifleman, Christine * Robinson, J. T. SaMpson, Oteryl ** Schaefer, K3thryn Sch~pferlin~, Robert • Srhleif, Susan Schmit, 'fhomns #h\ Schober • Fr.1n1: Schol ?P, W.1..tr'l<" Schulf••r. ~Itt howl Schultz, Robert *Schultz, Warr~n Severson, Tod Shanahan, Horv * Shi1nkl in, <:;~rv Shisler, Wayne Shogren, raul Sivek, Danny *** Sommer, Dean Sonncnber~. Curtis • S ti!nck. Thorn.1f: Staffeld, Wllliaru Starzinski. Raymond S tolten ber~, Jerald Strohbus~h. Marilvn Stubbe, Diant' Sullivan , Ted SwlKRUIII, lalllf'" ~zvrnanskl, lamf's Ta~b~nhei~. Toby T~claw, Ronald Thltolrtan, Jos£ph " Thistlto, Sherrv * T:10Mpson. lulfc- Collef'n Tomczat, Rc>'><' rt Tomczyk, Patricia Trail~, I'NPT Ill Trzinski , J~rome Van Asten, RohPrt Van Nul and , SuC' •• Vaughn, .Jolinda Volden, Eric • Vroman, Kim TI~bers, Colle~e A of Letters and ~cience IJalker , Unry U~ntn, .Jn!'M"R ~Uchael Wcnther10ll, WhJtman, !lark llierzba' rat rick Wild, lie anna (continued) Will, Debra • 111.lle, Coralee Williams, Naney Wirkus, Randall Witter, Pamela Witthuhn, Terri ** Wolbera, l.ind11 •• Wood~ick, Joyce * Worthin~. Cary ** G R l\ 0 U A T £ Younkin, .ranine *** *** *** Zabrovski, Patrick 7.cmblowski, $usan 7.terelbnuer, rita Zue~e. David Zvidemn, Joann Zwife lhofer, J<>hn C0 l L E GE 'lnster of Science fa~tonguay, Th~aa - Natural Resources Cleveland, LaVerne- Nntural Pes<>urces Clifford, ~!chelle - Nutrlli<>n and Food Science Pavies. ~ryn Nutrition and Food f.cience rruol, llnncv - llomP r.conomir.a !'ducetion llnnsen, Lois - SnturRl PeRuurcea 111nriclls, ~Uchacl - Nntur11l Resources K~minski, Thaddeus -Natural Resources Kane, ~·nrtha - Natural •esources l:iefer, Gcor~c - Naturnl Resources Lul:nsicwicot, Joseph - Netural Resources '111ner, Annn - Communicative Disorders De~ree Omernik, David - Natural Resources Otia, Keith - Natural ~eaourcea Perkins, Thomae - Natural Resources R11wins~ 1, John - 'latural resource• Feif, HichRel- Natural ResourceA Rutkowski, t:Athryn- llome Economics Educat lm ~ml th, Christlm· - NutrHiro- •nrl F<><>d ~cl~n~r Toneys, Michael • Natural resources Williams, Bonnie - Jtome Economics f.ducation Wilson, raniel • Natural Resources Wywialows~i, Clara- Home Economics Educntion Youn!l, Audrey - llor.~e F.conomica Education 'lnHt'r of Science ln T~echinr De~trec 1\P,ilrnl. Ucut rcsHlu - Hhttory KJ.slow, Shlrl~y - f.lem.Educ/Readtnr, loveless, Richard - Elem. F.duc/Readlng Het:t, Wendy - Elem. Education Schuettpeh, mcha<'l - E ~lis~. W>~hlelthncr, larry -Social Studt.·~ Zlehr, Harl~nr- El~m. ~du~atlun Beard, uoVerne - N.em. Education/Reading Berndt, fsther - F.lcm. Educscion/Readtng <:a~per. Fern- l l <·m. Educet ion/Reading l'-·nur~ C~.,rv Blnln~y - - tn1~11~11 ll.•n•llu. W.tVIh Huyl'". t:ugl!ne - HI" Lory Hurkn, Rtchanl - Ele•. Education Hasrer of Arts ~grce Kirkpatrick, James - Biology * Huuor~ U IIJgh llonOTR *** Highest Honors 189 <'Thou9h the. ~1/s of the 9ods 9ril)d e~c~in9ly ~~ ]let th~ 9rind exceedinoly fine ... Habit i5 ll cable.·, wt we~ a thread of it every_ dtJy and at l~st we c.annot b~k it Hmmm! 1 wonder what thot h"s to do with lJiytht~' We've lived with our good name too long to change it. But it's a bit misleading because it fails to suggest that here 'II lind not only exquisite but piquant appetizers, robust steaks and chops, and delectable, delightful dessert~ All fit for a gourmand. All obviously prepared with love and imagination by cooks who are masters at their craft. And served with solicitude in a remarkably gracious senin$· So come eo)Oy. Even if you hate flsh. ~ b l7 Division St . Stevens Point, Wis. Stevens Point: 1140 Clark; 344-4252 Appleton: 230 N. Superior ; 739·8896 YesYouCan Get a Helping Hand * * J'l N C E 190 CONGRATULATiONS 1116 ffiain Street Stevens Point, Wis. 344-2584 SENiORS UNiVERsiTy Food SERvicEs expert WQtch Qnd jewelry rePQir Saga '4 BEAUTY SA.LON 1153 Main Street 39 Park Ridge Drive Hwy. 51 Northpoint Dr. 191 1977 HoRiZON STAff EdiToR iN Chid: JuliE BERliN PkoTOGRApky AdvisoR: JiM PiERSON AdvisoR: Bob Dusek MANAGiNG EdiToR: DoRoThy SoRENSEN BusiNESS MANAGER: KATky SvENdSEN SECRETARy: DoNNA Sckulz PhoTOGRAphERs: JANN vAN DRE.HR DAVE MillARd HEidi HEldT JohN WENGER JohN HARTMAN AlphA SiGMA AlphA 200 MikE AiNSWORTh KAREN SkARpE DAN BENdER Rick CiGd CAROl CENTGRAf LAyouT EdiToR: MARY HERMANSON PRoducTioN EdiToR: JEANNE WiGMAN ARTisT, CovER DESiGN: CkAR SMrrk Copy: Jdf KEATiNG BEcky BRiGGS HoRizoN kAS TWO ThEMES. FiRsT, WE STRUCTUREd ovR book AROlJNd ThE SEASONS, SECONd, pATiENCE. TkE fiRST UWSP yEARbook iN six YEARs is MAkiNG A COMEbAck. WE NEEd TiME, YOlJR SVppORT ANd pATiENCE.