~ s1AT£ q, ~ ~ ~ ~ {] UNIVERSITY "' ~ ~----------------------------------------~ ·''The Nautilus'' Published by the Press Association of Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point, Wiscon sin 1901 ARCHIVES tP~ evENS ~ ~~ ~ - ~ School Colors Purple and Gold School Y e ll Karo ! Kiro ! Kero ! Kee ! Rah! Rah! Rab! for S. Pt.! Allegaroo! Garo! Garoint ! Normal ! Normal! Stevens Poiut! 2 .. School Song u The Purple and The Gold " Tl"XE-"The Orange and The Rlack' ' Let other Normals boast Of victories galore, Of laurels never lost, Of triumphs by the score ; Let them tell you of their prowess, Of warriors strong and bold, But their colors never lower To the purple and the gold. Our men are all victorious, Thru every state around ; Our athletes and debaters Are winning great renown. Tho' we're proud of all Wisconsin, Whose fame's in story told, Our heart's with Stevens Point Normal And the purple and the gold. To the banks of "Old Wisconsin, " When these years are past and gone, When as schoolmates we have parted, And our lessons all are done, We'll return and show our comrades, We're as loyal as of old, And cheer them on to victory, •Neath the " Purple and the Gold ." 3 ~.IJ .§tuct.ent.s a.mt .crt ~.ca.clre1.:.s trx.c ~texr.ens ~.oint ~ortnal ~.choo1 ~(t.st, ~:t.c.scut atta ~utttl::,c, tTti.s littt.c l.ldhtnx.e is attccthm:a:tcl!J itx.s.c1::ihcct. ')'H.ERON B. I'RA \', A. M. The Faculty THERON B. PRAY, A. M., President Pedagogy and History of Education FRANK K. S!tCHRIST, Ph. B., Ph. D. English and American Literature ].OHN W. LIVINGSTON Institute Conductor, School Observation and Profes.c:ional Reviews COLIN A. SCOTT, A. B., Ph. D. Pedagogy and Reading MRS. ALICE C. CLEMENT, Ph. Vocal llfusic GARRY E. CULVER, M. A. Physical Sciences Mrss ALICIA D:~tRIEllfER Geography JOSEPH V. COLLINS, Ph. D. Mathematic.q Miss CARRIE McK. HuGHEs Assistant in Drawing ALBERT H. SANFORD, A. B., A. M. History, Government and Political Economy s., i"]OHN A. SHANNON, B. A. B. Assistant in English ancl Mathematics MRS. MARY D. BRADFORD Supervisor of Practice Tench ing, Director of Training Department EDGAR JAMitS SwiFT, A. Psychology a nd Germnn MISS NANNI:R R. GRAY Principal and Critic, Grammar Grade B., Miss M. FRANCES QuiNN Principal a nd Crittc, Intermediate Grade Vmcn. Ev.ERR't'L' McCASKIU., A. B., Ph. D. Biology Mrss JENNm REBECCA FADDIS Principnl and Critic, Primary Grade Mrss MARv\E. TANNER Drawing *MISS JENNIE M. WHITMAN, A. Rhetoric and Composition MRs. MARY V. MusTARD, A. Assistant in English B. Mrss JosEPHINE FITZGERALD Supervisor Primary Grades In charge of Practice Teaching in Public School, Third Ward B., B. , MISS ELIZABETH F. SIMPSON Librarian, Library Reading Miss FRANCES MussELMAN Physical Training MISS INA H. FENWICK Assistnnt in Library MISS KATHERINE R. PRAY Latin MRS. ANNA L. MA \'ERS Clerk touring nbo:ence of Miss Whitman i Seniors FOSTER B. POLLEY PRESIDENT HARVEY A. SCHOFIELD VICE-PRESIDEN't EMMA M. SKATVOLD SECRETARY EDNA RuTH STuART TREASURER Class Color Cardinal 8 Class Song TU!\£-" When Johnnie ~omes Marching Home." When we came out of the puplic schools, Sn fresh, so fresh, And came into the Nonnal School, So green, so green 1 The big girls laughed, the boys they jeered, Because our teachers were so feared; But you won't believe it when you see us now. We went into our classes new, So meek, so meek, A knowledge of musi-c and hygiene, too, To seek, to seek, We did uot know how we must grow Ere we got into the Senior row; If you don't believe it, just look at us now. In Sophomore year we played our part, So well, so well, Became proficient in the arts, They tell, they tell, In plain geom. and methods, too, We learned how much there was to do; If you don't believe it, just look at us now. In Junior year we were so smart And bright, and bright, We learned our algebra by heart, At night, at night; Boys-We never called on ladies then, Girls-\Ve never looked upon the men; If you don't believe it, just look at us now. As Seniors we have reached the goal, So high, so high; The fortune we have sought so long, Is nigh, is nigh, Our minds are filled with knowledge rare, So of our futures have no care; Tho' you don't believe it when you see us now. 9 Senior Ctass COWEN I ANNE COLBV "A friendly heart with many fdends." Latin, Ja nuary, · '01; Elementary, 'oo; President Clionian ( 1) 'oo-'01; "The Negro Problem in the South." BARRY, MARY JANETTE PHILLIPS "Nor Failed to Do the Thing She Undertook. " H. S. Latin; Literary Editor Pointer,· '98-'99;· President Arena ( 1 and 2), 'oo; Comic Editor Nautilus, '01; "The Avera~e 1\fember." .· DIGNU M, AGNES ... STEYENS PO TNT "Wann of heart and clear of brain.'' H. S. Latin; "Mental growth thrO,ug)l ~>-~riencc. :· BREMMER, Ef,IZARETH STEVENS POINT "The names of all her lo,•ers to run o'er:· She would take breath full thirty times·or more," Gennan, January, '01; "Recent Progress. in Educational Thought." EARLE, FLORA . . . . . . . TOMAH "A hrraceful ease. and sw.c'et.ness void of pride." . H. S. Latin; Model School Erlitor . Pointe;, .'oo-o•; " The Music of Tennyson>• BROWN, ALLAN G. MANAWA "Sileut a~ is the night, ami as deep •· English Science; Elcmcntaries, '<)8; Athenaeum-Forum Debate, 'oo ancl '01; President Athenaeum ( 2) 'oo-'o1; "Edtmtn d Burke." CAIN, VIOLA "IIcr life was earnest work, not play.': H. S . English Science; "Signal Lights." STEVENS STEVENS POIN'I' F.AGLEBURGER, EN ELLA MAY "Tntth a ud goodness in her heart find place." H. S. English Science; "A Sed School-house." POINT S'l'J!VI'O:NS POlN'l' JWERHARD, MABEL "She speaks, hchavc~ and acts j•tst as she ought." H. S. T,atin; "Mohamrneclan i~m-The City of Mecca." l\IIERRILT, CARJ,SON, JUT,IUS G. Z. "He draws in inky shades and rigilllines." H. S. English Scieuce; Football Tackle, '99, Center, 'oo; Literary Editor Pointer, 'oo 'o•; School Debate ,-s. Whitewater, '01; Art Board Nautilus, 'c 1; Manager T rack Team, '01; "The Influence of lhe Cartoon." CLAY, ELLEN M. "Her air, her manuers, all who saw, admired." BI,AIR GTT,RERT, EDWARD MARTtNTUS "He is a scholar, and n ripe and good one." English Science; Elementary, 'oo; President Arena, '93; Fomm-Athenncum Debate, 'oo; Local Editor Pointer, '99'oo; President Element.·uies,'oo; Business Manager Nautilus, '01; Presictcnt Forum (3) 'oo-oi; Forum-Arena Debate, '93; "Diaz.'' KIRBV, GRIMM, JOHN CHARLES STRYENS POTKT " His years but young, but his experience old." II. S. German; Right End Football, '99 and 'co; Guard Baskel Ball, 'oo and 'ot; Local Editor Pointer, 'oo-'01; Formn-Ath'enaeum Debate, 'o1; " Thomas Huxley." STI!\'ENS P()TNT CATE, HOWARD THOMSON " His comrade's logic, w perplexed his pate." T.atin; Elementary, '99; President Geography Lyceum (2) · '9S-'99; Forum-Athenaeum Debate, '99; "Mirabcau:" ' 10 Seniors G Gordon Killinger uownrcl '!'. Calc Edith Marshall Helen Mari~ Hei11 john C Grimm Han·ey A. Schofield Foster B. Polley Elle11 Clay Alice Ketcham lilizllbeth Bremmer Esther L. Hetzel Viola Cain Senior Class - Continued GEE, JAMES H. STE\'EXS POINT "And thou art long and lank and shrewd.'' H. S, English Science; Guard Basket Ball, 'oo; ".'Esop's Place in Literature." HALLADAY, CORA RHIXELA:SDER "A smooth and steadfast mind, gentle thoughlS and calm desires." H. S. German; Center Ladies' Basket Ball, 'or; "::-<ature in Poetry." HAMILTON, Gt"Y CLARENCE ''\Vith what a tenderness he lo\•es.'' H. S. English Science; Guard Football, 'oo. RICE LAKE HANSON, WILLIAM E . KEw LISBON "Stntesmn n, yet friend to truth.'' II. S. English Science; Tackle Football, 'oo; Pl·esiclent Forum (4) 'oo-'or; Forum-Athenaeum Debate, 'or; "A Modern Aristocracy.'' HEIN, HELEN MARIE STEVENS POINT "If only you were little just like me.'' German, January, 'or; Leader :Mendelssohn Yiolin Quintet, '99, 'oo nnd 'or; "Child Study." HETZ EL, ESTHER LORENA STE\'EKS POL'\T "Strong in virtue, in understauding clear." English Science; President Clionian, '99-'oo and ( 2) 'oo-'oi; Editor-in-Chief Pointer, 'oo-'oi; "Browning." JENKINS, CLARKE \\'ATER:\1A~ GRAND RAPIDS ''Hear me, for I will speak." H. S. Englisi(Seience; Assistant Business l\Ianager Pointer, '99-'oo; Business Manager Pointer, 'oo-'~ 1; Editor-in-Chief Nautilus, 'or; President Sketch Club, 'oo; Winner 100 Yard Dash, 220 Yard Dash and Running Broad Jump. 'oo; "Photography as an aid to Scientific Im·estigation." KARXOPP, JOHN AUIOND "He was stout of courage, strong of hand. " German; Elementary, '99; Half Back Football. '98, '99 and 'oo; Leader Male Quartet, 'oo-'oi; Director Glee Club, 'oo'or; "The Jew in America." KETCHAM, ALICE "Of manners gentle, of affections mild." Latin; "Chinese Characteristics." POINT BLUFF KILLINGER, GnORGE GORDON STEVENS POINT "The right Jllan in the right place." H . S. English Science; Assistant Business Manager Nautilus, 'o r; Basket Ball Manager, 'or; ''Development of the Idea of God." McCLA TCHIB. I.-ELA "Tho' sprightly, gentle; though polite, sincere." H. S. German; "Truth of Fiction." AUGUSTA MACDO~ALD, ELIZABETH 1\I. I. EAU CLAIRE ''Mark her manner and her Yoice." H. S. Latin; Pre.<;ident Arena(.:- and 4) 'oo-'or; "Wisconsin, a Field for Fiction. '' MARSHALL, EDITH "For she is wise, if I can judge of her." H. S. English Science; "Beneficial Bacteria.'' ~WLVIHILL, ROBERT "Who mixed reason with pleasure, And wisdom with mirth." LINDSEY BEAVER DA.l'\f Senior Class - Continued NEWTON, I.-Y:biA D. "A soft cheek and aspect delicate." EA u Cr.A TRI> PALMER, EDNA LEO:NA " H ers was the brow, in trials unperplexed." H. S. German; "The Cross ancl Crescent." EAU Cr.AIRE tion, '99-'oo; Staff Artist Nautilus, 'or; R ig ht Ilalf· Ft>otbaU, '99 nml 'oo, Manager Football, 'oo; 'Vinner Running High Jump, Standing High Jump, Standing Broad Jump, Shot Put and Hammer Throw, 'oo; :·Heroism of Count Tolstoi." SPST!NS, MABEL S'rEVF.NS POINT . "There is in thee exquisite k iuclness and gentleness." POLLEY, FOSTRR BUSH AUGU!>TA "Wisdom, he has, and to h is wisdotu, courage." H. S. English Science; E lementary, '96: Preside'nt Elementaries, '96; Junior Debate vs. Oshkosh, 'oo; Athletic Editor Pointer, '99-'oo; Athletic Editor Nautilus, '01; President Athletic Association, 'oo; President Junior Class, '99-'00; President Senior Class, 'oo-'or; Football Tackle, '9(), Right end, '99 and 'oo, Captain, 'oo; "Altruism." • SKATVOLD, EMMA M . F.Au CLAIRE "Learned and fair and good is she." II. S. Latin; President Arena, 'oo; Censor Pointer, 'oo-or; Staff Artist Nautilus, '01; "Civiliz.ation of the Hebrews before the Captivity." S1'F.VENS POINT STUART, EDNA RUTH "Courteous, tho' coy, ami gentle, tho' retired." Latin; Elementary, '97; "Youth's Heritage." STEVENS POINT PRAY, KENNETH LOUIS M. "Nowher so bisy a mau as he thcr was And yet he seemed bisier than hi.' was.'' Latin; School Orator, 'or; Literary Editor Nautilus, 'or; "One Phase of Social Refonu." TYLER, GLENN AMOS . EAU CT,AilUt "On his bold visage, middle age had slightly pressed his sig11et sage." H. S. German; Guard and Tackle Football, '99; Manager Baseball, •or; "Africa.·· SCHOFIELD, HARVEY A. AUCUSTA "I do not think so fair an outward, and such stuff wi thin, Endows a man but him." · H. S. English Science;· Jnn ior Debate vs. Oshkosh', 'oo; President Forum (2) 'oo-'01; President Oratorical Associa- \VAUSAU YOUNG, .1\.GNES "Not turned by praise Lh!tl's sung or said." II. S. English Science; "The Drama in America.'t 14 Pbvto• by Hc-..Jcr Seniors Mnbel Sustiua Clnrke"W. Jenkins Mabel Everhard James Jl. Gee J.eln McCiatchie l!dwnrd M. Gilbert Cora Halladay William E. Hauson Enclla M. Eaglehurger Edna Ruth St uart Agnes Diguum Allan G. Brown ...: -. ..... · .. .... .."' ...... -.. ..... .... .... . ....... . <# : : " • .1' • .. :.-..1,.. .. .. . .. ... , . ..' .., .,. .' .. . . . . . .... ' .. .. . .. . ·: • • ;p,.. •• •• t .. . ..... /o ~ t ' •: • " '.. I .. t .: I t 'lo \ '" • ........ ... Seniors Photo• b)' Rtttler Glenn A. Tyler Julius G. z. Agnes Young Mate J. Barry Ken11etb I,. 111. Pray Emma M. Skatvold carlson Elizabeth M. I. l\1acdonald Edna I,. Palmer Flora Earle I.ydia D. Newton • Guy C Hamilton John Karnopp ... ~ Officers ]ESSE H . AMES, President CELIA M. BuR R, Vice-President GRACR KErR, Secretary ALFRED HERRICK, Treasurer HOWARD E. ERASURE, Sergeant-at -Arms Class Colors Orange and Black NAME AMES, ] ESSE H. AMES, MERL M. ARNOTT, GRACE BRASURE, HOWARD E. BuRR, CELTA M. CARY, CBARLF.S A. CARTER, THEDA A. CARTER, \VTNNlE l\1. CANNON, LIDA COCHRANE PRUDENCB CATE, GARTH CURTIS, MAE G. DAWES, ARTHUR E. DEYOE, Hr,LA M. DEVOR, J,OT'l'IE M. DROWATSKY, J'{OSB D. DooLrt'rLE, DAISY DRAKE, CORA M. EMMONS, J~<SSICA B. FARRBJ.L, RUDY FF.RNHOLZ, WILUAM H. GII,BERTSON, CARRIE GRIF!ilN, ELI.A HAR'.l' 1 MABEL HBI DGEN, CT,ARA HF.N:DERSO~. LAURA A. HERRICK, ALI'RF.O J. HOPPE, ANNA F. HOUSEWORTH, CHARLF.S S. HOWLETT, MAE HUGHES, 1\:IYRTI,E HUNTLEY, Qr,LIE M. IACKISH, J. RUDOLPH JEN:SINGS, JENNIE A. KEIR, G'RAC£ M. KURHNAST, ELLA ADDRilSS NAME Shiocton Shiocton Amott Sheboygan Grand Rapids Stevens Point Mauston Mauston Neillsville Eau Claire Amherst Ste,·ens Point Stevens Point West Salem West Salem . Tomah Stevens Point Eau Claire Rural Green Bay Arcadia Stevens Point Stevens Point Eau Claire Green Bay Green Bay Augusta Medford Fairchild Green Bay Beetown Ste\'ens Point Lynn Tomah Liberty Pole Stevens Point LANGE, EDWARD H. LADWIG, LAURETTA LATTA, GRACE LITTI,E, MABI~LLE E. LORPABEL, CLAIRE LAURSO~, 1\IARIUS P. 1\IARSB, l\IVRA MCARTHUR, PEARL A. MCLEES, CHARLES E. 1\lCMULKIN, NELLIE MEAD, CHARI,ES W. MOESCHLER, CLARA 1\:1. NELSON, NELLlE C. O'NEILL, ANNAL. 0' LJo:ARV, LAURA E. 0I.SON, FRED PINKER'l'ON, JENNY POR'.l'IIR, AJ/l'A M. RICE, EARl, M. Roo•r EDI'l'J-I M. R ux, HENRY SANSUM, ROSE SCHAN:II:N, HANNA P. SCHANTZ, KATHERVN SORENSON, CARRIE SORENSON, AMELIA C. SPRAGUE, EDNA L. STINSON, J. \\'ARREN SHERIDAN, MARGARET TENNEY, MARTHA M. TYLER, LEON 1\1. TvLRR, MRs. Er,IZABETH WADl,EIGH, JUDITH M. \\"HITNEY, 1\IAUDE . YOUNG, ALTHEA G. 20 ADl>RESS Stevens Point Wittenburg Viroqua Stevens Point Mazomanie \Varrens Eland Waupaca Viroqua Stevens Point New Lisbon Stevens Point Stevens 'Point Merrill Eau Claire Iola Waupaca Necedah Stevens Point Tomah Rib Falls Baraboo Eland Stevens Point Eau Claire Necedah Chippewa Falls New Lisbon Necedah Stevens Point Chetek Eau Claire Stevens Point Ste\'ens Point \Vausau .. Junior Office rs Alfred Herrick, ·rreasurer Miss Grace Keir, Secretary 'Howard E . Brasure, Sergeant-at-Arms l\1iss Celia M. Burr, \'ice-President Jesse R. Autes, Presideut Junior Debaters Alfred J. Herrick )esse II. Ame~ Chas. E. Hou!"eworth ELEfvA~NT ARIE 5. ~~~ . •~w ~~ ·~~\y~~~\ \\'{pi ~)~ J ' r' _n, ) /i\ /,-,,~ ;:=.=={ \:~ c ... ~ 1- Et: L&J u Mrr I \ Officers ( .~ ~ . . .~~ _ , ~~[~~:~ ~ . I _ : . ..;_-~ ~ . , _ : _ _ _ · ~ lJ _ MATTIE WHEELOCK, L. Vice-President JOHN COLLI NS, Secretary ARCHIE ROSEBERRY, ____ - - President MARGARE'l' ==-- Class Color Light Blue "'Tis pleasant sure, to see one's name in print. " 25 Sou'l'I.J:WICK, T reasurer Elementary Class N'Ai\1 E AOORESS l<AMG AMBROSE, AGNES E. . . "Or light or dark, or short or tall, She sets a spring to snare them all." STE\'ENS PolliT *AMES, MERLE M. . . . SaroCTON "Begone dull care, for I and thee Can ne'er agree." *BAJ,CII, EVA . . . . . . LERNA, !LT.. "To those who know thee not, no words can paint; And U1ose who know thee, know all words are faint." LERNA, Jr,r.. BALCH, HELEN "And when she had passed, It seemed like the ceasing of e·xquisite music." Al>DRESS tCt:RRAN, MYRA E. . . . . SECHLF.RVILJ.E "\Ve read her face as one who reads a true and holy book." DARTON, MARCIA . . . LoYAl. "For she was just the quiet kind, \Vhose nature never varies." EICHRRT, HENRY C. . . POT'rttR "The rank is but U1e guinea stamp, The man's U1e gowd for a' that." FINCH, THERESA M. . . . NEW ROMP. "'rruthful and almost sternly just." GILBERTSON. CARRIE . . . STEVENS Porwr "Her face betokened all things dear and goor1." RATES, EMMA A. ' . . . . SECHT.ERVlT.l.E "For if ~he will, she will, you may depend on' t ; And if she won 't, she won't, a nd there's an end on't.' ' COWELL. MAX S. . . . . . "Tho' modest, on his unembar rassed brow Nnturc had wri tte n-gentleman.'' *BERTO, FR"P:D G. HANNA . MAYME E. "A full, rich natu re, free to trust." . . . . "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." BOX, CORAL V. . . . . . "A box where sweets com pactNl lie." HEALY, WJLJ,TAM GRAND RAPtnS BURR, CELIA M. . . . . "Tis better to have loved and lost. Than ne~·er to have loved at all.'' *CARLEY, LENA J. . . . . . PITTSVII,T.E "A noble type of good, heroic womanhood." HOWLETT, MAY . . . . • GRF.F.N BAY "'l'he voice of one who goes before , to make The paths of June more beautiful , is thine, Sweet May." COCHRANE, PRUDENCE . . . EAU CLAIRE "Her sunny locks hang on her temples like a golden fleece." COLLINS, JOHN . HrLT.sBORO "Gaily chattering." CONWAY, HANNAH . . . . . Hn.LSBORO "\Vitty to talk with and pleasant too, to think on." Hn.r<SDORO "A progeny of learning." IRVINE, FRANCES E . . . "As pure and sweet her fair brow seemed Eternal as the sky." JEFFERS, ELLEN M. . . . . "Her Yoice was ever soft, gentle and low, An excellent thing in woman." JOHNSON, MARGARET I. . . "She takes the breath of men away, \Vho ga1.e upon her una,,•ares." tGraduat«< in March. •Gradaat«< in Janunry. . NoRRJB WYOCENA SHERIDAN' SHERIDAN Elementary Officers J.. Ar~hie Roseberry, Vi~-Pre;ident Miss Mattie llf. Whcelo~k. President Jc;>ho Collins, Secret.arr ]>1iss :'lfargaret Southwick, Treasur~r Elementary Class- Continued NA~fE ADDRESS *JENKIXS, ANNA M. . . . SPARTA "As pure as a pearl and as perfect." *KUEHNAST, ELLA . STEVENS POIN'l' "Gay good nature sparkles in her eye." LANGE, ED\VAR D H. . . . . STEVENS POIN'l' "Though small in size, was wondrous wise." LATTA, GRACE . . . . VIROQUA "Rare compound of oddity, frolic and fun, Who relished a joke and rejoiced in a pun." LEE, SAIDEE . . . . . •·unknit that threatoing unkind brow, It blots thy beauty." STEVENS POINT ":-JAME tREDDING, CARRIE F. . "Thou art too serious by far.'' ADDRJ>SS MERRILLAN ROOT, EDITH M. . . . . "Is not thy home among the flowers?" Tor.rAH ROSEBERRY, L. ARCHIE . . . PLATNFU:r,D "An honest man close buttoned to the chin Good clothes without and a warm heart within." RUX, HENRY . . . . "Thou art a fellow of good respect." RIB FALLS SANS1;M, ROSE . . . . . "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By another name would smell as sweet." BARABOO MAINE, MATTIE . . . STEVENS POINT "A very shower of beauty is thy earthly dower." 1\lcCAMMOND, MA1;DE . . . STEVENS POIN't " There is in thee, exquisite kinrlness and gentleness." tMciNNIS, J ESSIE . . . . . . MERRILL "Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eye.'' *MERRILL, AGNES J . ALMA CEN'tER "Impulsive, earnest, prompt to act." SOUTHWICK, MARGARET . . "Whichever way the wind doth blow My heart is glad to have it so." MILES, EMMETT H. "And when a ladY's in the case You know all other things give place." SPALENKA, LOUISE J. . . . STE\'ltNS POINT "And like the brook's low song, her \·oice A sound which could not die." SECHLER\'ILLI-: SHERIDAN, MARGARET . . . "In her tongue is the law of kindness." N.ECEDAH *SORENSON, AMELIA . . . . NECEDAH ''From her cradle she was a scholar and a ripe one.'' STE\'ENS POINT *MILLER, HARRY A. . . . . HIXTON "Why aren't they all contented like me?" MORRISON, ROBERT ARNOTT "Satire's my weapon." *O'LEARY, LAURA E. . EAU CLAIRK "Every hour thy he.'lrt runs wild Yet never once doth go astray." PEICKERT, MARY . . . . STEVENS POIN'f "There's language in her eye, her cheek, her lip, Nay, her foot speaks.'' WHEELOCK, MATTIE M. . . . STEVJWS POINT "I awoke one morning and found myself famous." WOOD, JESSIE B. . . . HANCOCK "A perfect woman, nobly planned To warn, to comfort and command." *Graduated in January. tGraduated in March. WAD LEIGH, JUDITH " To know her was to love her." STEVENS POINT WAITE, W. SCOTT . . . . . FRIJtNDSHIP "Hear ye not the hum of mighty workings.'' Officers FRED C. HENKE, EDITH Pr<.>sident M. HILL, Vice-President - 0 . E. Woon, Secretary * G EORGE D. MA ULF., LILIAS FREEMAN, Secretary Class Colors Purple and White *Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mr_ Wood. Treasurer Phvh• h)' lh:utcr Freshman Officers F red C. Henke, President Mih..o; Hdith M. ll1ll , Vice-Presidc:ut Oren E Wood, S<:crdurv rtliss 11 iliHs Freeruau, Tteastu·E:r ., .... ~ ~~~ ~ .Mi. Athletic Association Officers SECOND Tt-;R:.\1 OFFICERS FIRST TERM OI'FICERS }ESSE H. AMES K. L. M. PRAY WM. E. HANSON ED. M. GILBERT PROF. F. K. SECHRIST L. ARCHIE RosEBERRY 1 f President Secretary Treasurer MERL M. Al\lES EMMETT H. MILES President Secretary FosTER B. POLLEY Treasurer HARVEY A. SCHOFIELD }. PROF. J. A. SHANNON . Executive Committee WM. E. HANSON 33 Ex~:cutive Committee FOOT BALL .. ~ .. Games of Normal T e am Oshkosh Normal Lawrence Univers ity Oshkosh Normal September 29 at Oshkosh October 6 at Appleton October 20 at Stevens Point Total: Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal 0 IO 6 Opponents Stevens Point Normal 16 0 12 I I 23 Games of Second E.leven October 13 at Wausau October 20 at Stevens Point November 4 at Waupaca November r8 at G rand Rapids Wausau High 5 Wausau High Waupaca High Grand Rapids High 0 Total: 0 IO Opponents 15 34 Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Point Second Point Second Point Second Point Second Eleven Eleven Eleven Eleven Stevens Point Second Eleven I I 34 .w 6 81 Photo by Ressl er Merl M. Ames Foot Ball T e am Harvey A. Schofield Foster n. Polley Rudolph Iackisch Wa lter Murat John Karnopp john C Grimm Wm. E. Hanson Guy C. Hamilton Julius G. Z. Carlson Jacob Wojak Emmett H. Miles First Football Eleven TEAM HARYEY A. ScHOI'lF.T.D ( Manager) FosTER R. POLLEY (Captain) CvY C. HAMILTO~ J. Rt"DOLPH JACKISCH \\":\1. E. HANSON JACOB WOJAK }ULIIJS G. Z. CARLSON JOHN KARNOPP WALTER MURAT CHAS. BRADY JOHN c. GRIMM EMMET H. Mu.ES (Substitute) OREN E. WOOD (Substitute) MBRT. M. AMES (Substitute) . ELMER WIDMER (Substitute) CLASS POSITION \\"61GHT 'OI R.H. R. E. R. C. F. R. R. T. L.C. 172 r58 J65 155 'OJ 'OJ "02 'OJ '03 '01 'OJ '03 '04 ' ot '03 '04 '02 '04 c. L.H. Q. B. L. T. L. E. L. E. R. 1'. L. H. R. G . J57 J65 173 158 142 J58 142 155 150 138 154 HEIGHT 6ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 6ft. 5 ft 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 1 in. 10~ in. 11~ in. I I iu. 9 in. 7~ in. I I in. 8 in. 6 in. JOin. II in. 7 in. 10 in. n ~ in. AGE 23 28 21 22 23 25 22 24 19 20 19 22 22 21 2[ Second Football Eleven EDWARD M. GILBERT, Left Tackle EDWARD H. LAJ'\GE, Full Back ALFRED HAL\'ERSOK, Left End ALFRD HERRICK (Captain), Center JOHN WYSOCKI, Left Guard L. ARCHIE ROSEBERRY, Right End OREN E. WoOD, Right Tackle CHAS. E. McLEES, Right Tackle EARL RICE (Substitute), Right Half G. GORDON KILLINGER, Quarter H OWARD T. CATF., Left End MERL 1\1. A~IF.S, Left Half CL,'\RKE W. JENKINS (Substitute), Left Half EMMETT H. ~fiLES, Right Half PETER l\1. GEIMER, (Substitute) Right Guard 37 Basket Ball Games December •4, al New London January r t, at Wausau . . . . January xS, al Stevens Point. January 25, at Oshkosh . . . February I, at Waupaca . . . February 9, at Stevens Poi nt . . March 8, at \Veyauwega . March 9, at Weyauwega. March 15, at Superior . March 16, at Superior . . . New London City Team . . Wausau High School . Wausau High School . . Oshkosh Normal . . . . Waupaca High School. . Oshkosh Normal . . . . Weyauwega High School . Weyauwega High School . . . Superior Nonnal . . . . . Superior Normal . . . . Total, Opponents . 38 37 16 19 24 15 18 12 5 19 22 . 187 Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Nomtal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Norutal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal Stevens Point Normal Normal. . . . . . . . . . 12 41 29 16 17 28 10 29 ri 16 . 209 Pholo hy Lyman Basket Ball Team G . Gordon Killinger John C. Crimm Atrred Halv~rson Harvey A. Schofield L- Archie Roseberry Edward H. J,ange Emme tt II. Miles Henry Curran \ Ladies' Basket Ball Teams Cora Halladay l'lora Earle Frances Musselman, Manager Eli~abelh Tyler Althea Young Edna Sprague Lela McCtatchie Ellida Moen Alice Legler Maud Andrews £nella Eagleburger Saidee Lee, Capt. First Team Dora Jonea, capt. Second l'eam • M Members Ar.FRI.:D J. HERRICK Junior Debater ROBERT MUI.VIHII.L School Debater Winner Forum DeclaUtation Contest Guv HAMH.TON w. Cl.ARKE JENKINS EDWARD M. GII.BERT J. WARREN S'l'INSON HOWARD T. CATE HOWARD E . BRASURE L M. P.RA Y School Orator EDWARD 0. NELSON J. WILLlAl>l E EART. RICE EDWARD H. LANGE KENNETH HANSON Forum Debater AI.llERT BRUNSTAD E. McLEEtS D. \VID)'IER CHARLES ELMER Z. CARLSON School Debater G. \VILLIAM H EALY OREN E. WOOD L. ARCHIE ROSEBERRY GLE~N TYLER JOHN CAIRNS CLARK MEAD CHARLES MEAD jOSEPH YAGLE FRED SOMERS HARVEY A. SCHOFIELD COKRAD OLSON ALBERT D. SBil\1EK JACOB WOJAK }ESSE H. A)(ES HAROLD CULVER J. R. IACKISCH }onN Cor.LINS FOSTER B. POLLEY HARRY A. MILI.ER JOHN KARNOPP GARTH CATE MERI. M. AMES Forum Debaler CHAR L ES HOUSEWORTH Junior Debater JOHN c. GRIMM Junior Debater F1u:D G. BERTO Forum Debater 44 ) Forurn Presidents e.nd Debe.ters Mer! M. Ames Wlllin1n E. llanson William E. Hanson Forum-Athenaeum Debaters John c. Grimm Alfred Herrick ltd ward M. Gilbert Harvey A. Schofield Miss Mate Arena Presidents Miss Elizabeth J. Barry :lt. 1. :lfa~dooald ARENAMembers MA'rJo: J. DARRY MAYME HANNA I40TTIE MAY DEYOE Er,IZABETH 1\1. l. MACDONALD ANNA I •. O'NEILl. HANNAH FLORA F.A RT,B Al\n;r,JA POPE RosE BROOKS EDITH M. Hu.r, MARGARET l\1ATTI:B M . WHEELOCK KATIE BECK CHUA l\1. BURR ROSE SANSUl\1 Ar,TREA YOUNG ANNIE E. PaRRY L . CONWAY J. JOHNSON DORA JONJ.>.<; WINNIE M. CARTER PRUDENCE COCHRAN)'; AGNES YOUNG ELT.tDA MOEN EDNA SPRAGUE FANNIE THO:\iPSON LELIAS FREE:\1AN BLANCHE THOMPSON DORA T:IFFA.'-:V EMMA M. SKATYOLD PEARL RICHARDS CATHERINE YOUNG JL~NA JOHNSON THERESA FINCH NE!.LIE HAMILTON ANNA SWENSON EvA BALCH RUBY FARRELL ELLEN l\1. JEFFERS MARCIA DARTON EDNA PALMER CAROLYN HAMILTON ETHEL EYERHARD liBLEN BALCH LYDIA NEWTON ROSA DROWATSKV l\'A HA:\lii,TQN jENNIE JENNINGS CLARA HEIDGEN EDITH M. ROOT GRACE JULIA THOMPSON LILLIAN BABLER E. HANNAH MADitL EVERHARD DAISY S:UOCK EDNA MILLER MAUDE ANDREWS MABEL SusTINS 49 . /I!.! ( ~~. \ 1'7,0 ATHENAEUM. ~L-!1, QJ_ I , /~ •/ {f ''·· / ,' 1/· LPJ ···. ~ ., .... "•-,- I , ~( . /' 'I :-' i .: • :1 Memb ers PJ£'t'!!;R M. GmMER Athenaeum Debater DARWIN FOLLI!1"1' EINAR Ll::PPI!N OTTO VHERS FRANCIS WHITE ALLAN G. BROWN Athenaeum Debater \Vinner Athenaeum Declamation Contest ROBERT MORRISON GEORGE D. II!::NRY Rux MAUI.E EM !\'lETT H. Mu.ES IGNATIUS 0STERBRINK OTIS DAWES ARTHUR E. DAWES FRED C. HENKE LOUIS BuRG S. ALLEN G. BURG HARRY DAWES W. SCOTT WAITE EDWARD MATHE Athenaeum Debater School Debater MAX Gr·:ORCE Ev..:RSON GOWELL FERNHOLZ ARTHUR BLISS MARIUS P. LAURSON HENRY C. BICKERT THOMAS CLAUDE II. SUUl\IWAV FRA.~CIS C. GILMAN FRED WALKER LEWIS BARTON HuGn so W. H. VINCENT R. BERKMAN J. GwrN JOHN MORTELL c. E. SAND THOMAS~O'CONNELL Athenaeum Presidents and Debaters Mnx S. Gowell, President Allan G. Brown, President nnd Debater Peter M. Geimer, President and Debater W. Scott Waite, Debater Otis Dawes, President Clionian Pres idents M iss Anne Cowen listher r•. llet?.el Mbs ll1artha Teuucy )lis~ :11iss Grace Latta Members GRACE KJUR .\ NNF. COWF.N LAURA E. GRACE LATTA ED!'fH MARSRAT.I, O'I,RARY EsTm·:R L. JfJo:TZEL F.I,I,A DIWOE LOTTm l\1 DE\"OE IIANl'AH L. CONWAY MAl'DE W!IITKE\" ETBJU, BURCK FRANCES IRVIN!( CARRIE F. RF.I)J)INC LELA McCr,ATCHIF. MARTHA THNNF\" 55 GRACE DOPI' Ar.rcE Kr-."TCHAM ]ESSIE B. CJ·:CII.E llOllRSIER WOOD RATORY DJ:JIATI: • lllfD Oratorical Association Officers CHARLES MEAD, President WM. HEALY, Secretary OREN E. Woon, T reasurer GLENN A. TYLER, Treasurer *KENNETH Lours M. PRA v, School Orator School Debating T e am Against Whitewater tROBER'I' MULV I HILL ROBERT 1\IUI,\' IHILL ARTHUR E. DAWES JULIUS G. z. CARLSON * ~. Pray received third place in the Inter-Normal Contest at Whitewater. t Mr. :Muldhill was elected to fill the yacancy caused by the resignation or Mr. Schofield. s6 Julius G. z. Carlson School Orator and School Debaters Arthur E. Dawes Kenne th L. :11. Pray, Orator Harvey A. Schofield Resigned and Mr. Muhihill appointed PIIOIO by Marlin A Co. Pointer Sta.f'f and Officers of the Press Associadon J . Warren Stinson Merle !II. Ames John C. Grimm Julius G. z. CAr lson Pr~s. Press Ass'o Local Editor Local E<litor L iterary Editor !It iss Hannnh L. Conway Miss Flora Earle Miss Emma Skal\·old Sec'y Press Ass'n Model School Editor Censor Alfred J. Herrick Clarke w. jenkins William Healy Ass't Uns. M'gr. Bus. M'gr. and Treas. Press A.ss'u Ass' t Bus. M'gr. Miss Esther L. Hel•.el UditQr-iu.Cbi~r J. Rudolph Iack.iseb Athletic Editor ]esse H. A mes Exchange Editor Editorial: Staff ESTHER L. H ETZEL J ULIUS G. z. CARLSON Editor-in-Chief Literary Editor MERL M. A:\JES c. JoHN Local Editor Local E ditor GRIJ\fl\1 JEssE H . A::~ms . J. RuDOLPH ! ACKISCH FLORA EARLE EMMA M. . Exchange Editor Athletic Editor Model School Editor SKA'l'VOLD . Censor Managers ALFRFD J . HERRICr<, Assistant Business Manager CLARKE W. JENKINS, Business Manager W ILLIAM H EALY, Assis tant Business Manager Officers of Press Association J. WARRR~ H ANNAH L . CONWAY, S ecretary STINSON, P resident CLARKE W. J ENKINS, T reasurer 61 €/3e The Nautilus Board TILUS 1D01 CLARKE W. JENKINS, Editor-in-Chief KENNE'rR L. M. PRAY, Literary Editor MATB J. BARRY, Comic Editor FosTER B. POLLY, Athletic Editor Manager s ~- :::-~­ -- -~ BowARD M. G rtHT\R'l', . Business Manager G. GORDON K n .l,TNGER, Assistant Business Manager Ax-t Boa rd EMMA HARVEY A. SCHOFIELD J ULIUS G. z. CARI.SON M. SKATVOLD Pbo&o by l~yua&n Nautilus Board Edward M. Gilbert Han•ey A. Schofield F05ter B. Poltey julius G. Z. Carlson Business Manager Chairman Art Board Athletic I;ditor Art Board Miss Male J. Barry Clarke W. Jenkins Kenneth L. M. Pray Miss Emma M. Sltntvold G. Gordon KiUinger Comic Echtor ~tor-in-Chief Literary Editor Art Board Ass't Business Mauager Musical Organizations Male Quartette FRED C. HENKlt, First Tenor OREN E . WooD, Second Tenor JOHN K/.Rl'OPl' (Leader) First Bass FOSTBR B. POLLEY, Second Bass Glee Club S econd Tenors First Tenors E. Wooo FRED C. H ENKE EDWARD 1\lATHE G. GORDON KILLINGER OREN OTIS DAWES L. ORIN PATCH 1\lERL l'I. AMES ARCHIE RosEBERRY S econd Bassos First Bassos }OIP.< KAR NOPP KENETH L. M. ( Leader) FOSTER B. POLLEY ]ESSE H. A M8-'i HAROLD CUL\'ER PRAY ALFRUD W ALTER MURAT J. HJ;RRJCK 6~ FRA-'<CIS \\"HlTB ALFR'ED HALVERSON Treble Clef Club MISS ALICIA DERIE:O.!ER, Accompanist MRS. ALICE C. CLE:O.!EXT, Director First Sopranos MISS HE£.EN BA£.CH MRS. C. E . EDWARDS MISS MABEL ENNOR MISS JESSIE HI£.L MISS ELLEN M. }El'FERS MISS E£.IZA LAMOREUX MISS SUSIE MYHILL l\liSS E:\III.Y A. SPAJ.EXKA MISS EDNA RUTH STUART Second Sopranos MISS FLORENCE HOULE MISS ALICE LEGLER MISS LoUISE I. SPALE~KA MISS EDITH l\1. HILL l\liSS FLORA EARLE )!ISS ::\1AYBELLE E. LITTLE First Altos MISS KATE A. BA£.1, :MISS MARGARET SOUTHWICK MISS BIRDIE PORTER MISS MARION VOS BURGH MISS AGNES YOUNG Second Altos MRS. LE:NORit M. R OOD MISS FRANCES MUSSEL:'>fAN MISS SAIDEE LEE Mandolin Club MRS. ALICE C. CLEMENT, DIRECTOR First Mandolins MR. HORACE DOWSETT MISS EVELYNNE RAYMOND MISS LILLIAN M. RIVERS MR. FRED I.., MOORE MISS GRACE KINGSBURY Second Mandolins l\1R. WALTER 0. MR. ARTHUR R. REDFIELD Rtil'P Guitars MR. WALTER MURAT MISS }EXNIE PINKERTON l\IISS MARY PEICKERT MISS BLA."i'CHE Mt!AXS MR.}. H. MISS LILLIA'X G. SPOO'XER POWERS Mendelssohn Violin Quintette 1\:lR. ALFRED HALVERSON MISS MAR.l0::-1 VoS BuRGH MISS HBLEN MARIE HEIN, Director ::\-IISS GENEVA HODSDON 66 :i){R. .'L'<TON OESTERLE MISS ::\lARGARWf SOVTHWICK ... Treble Clef Club Phot<> by Martin .t Co. Miss Edoa Ruth Stuart Mrs. Alice C Clement Mi-s Flora Earle :\fiss Frances Musselman lllis.• :llaybelle E. Little l\Ji.s Helen Balch lllrs. Lenore l\1. Rodd Miss Susie Myhill Miss Alice Legler Miss Margaret Southwick Miss Edith :U Hill :\!iss Alicia De Riemer Miss :llarion F. Vos Burgh l\li.s s Agnes Young Miss Jessie Hill Miss Mabel Em10r Miss Saidee L« Miss Louise I. Spalenlul Mis; Emily A. Spalenka .. P'hoW h)• Reulcr Male Quartet Fred C. Henke Photo hy R~~tler Oren E. Wood john Karnopp Foster B. J'olley Glee Club Otis Dawes Orin Patch !lferl !11. Arues Harold CUlver Kenneth Pray Francis White Jesse H. All\eS J'red C. Henke L. Archie Roseberry Orin E. Wood Walter Murat John Knmopp Foster B. Poller Edward Mathe G. Gordon Killiuger ....,. . • Photo by Re.slu ~1iss Mandolin Club Fred I.. Moore Walter :llurat lllrs. Alice C. Clement :It iss Jennie Pinkerton :lliss Blanche :\leans Walter o. Rupp Lillian G. Spooner :lfiss ::'llary Peickert :lliss J:tvelynne Raymond Miss I.iUian M. Rivers Bora~ Dow•ett Chronology August 28-The gathering of the clan. August 29-Assignments to duty. August 30- Weare introduced to Big Jimmy. August 31- "Emmie" begins her uncertain task. September 3-Jirmny Stinson begins business "'>ith a closing-out sale. September 3-Gridiron warriors first feel the pigskin. September 4-Forum, Athenaeum aud Clionian choose leaders. September s-.'\rena follows suit. September 6 - Schofield begins to kick. September 17- 0ratorical Association sprouts. September 17- "Nautilus" is washed ashore from the \'ast expanse of Jenkins' genius and is eagerly picked up by the Press Association. September 17-24-Classes se\·erally combine, led off by 'or. September 19-First rhetorical program. 73 September 22-Celia Burr gets homesick and Mae H. takes her home to rna. September 29-Stevens Point anrl Oshkosh break e\·en with nothing. September 30-Ta, ta, September. October 6 - Pedagogs beat the Appleton preachers to the tune of 12 to 10. October 8-Common Council do us the honor of changing Brown St. to Normal Ave. October 9-Paculty rbetoricals inaugurated by a talk from Prof. Cuh·er on Galveston. October 13-Some of our instructors hie themselves to Big Bull Palls to learn of their fellows. Same day-EleYen No. 2, shows \Vausau a thing or two, and charges them I 1 to s for U1eir trouble. October '16--Hanson shows us how he can write. October 2o-S. P. treats Oshkosh to a defeat and later to something better. October 2o-\Vausau High agained snowed under, score 34-o. October 22-\Ve donate "\Vhitney " to the goyernment in "Our New Possessions." October 23-Mulvihill gets his first "C-." October 24- Eddie Nelson goes sight seeing. October 24-"]ake" quits. October 27-Second team administers third defeat; Waupaca High, Ule \-ictims. October 3o-Seniors lead the bewildered Juniors " a merry chase," and a right gay time. November 3-Grand Rapids High and a part of the State Uni\·ersity succeed in defeating the "Second" eleven. Chronology November ?-Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra. Lecture course No. I. November I9-Glee Singers revive and melodious cadences issue from No. I]. November .6--F. B. P. is ,·anquished in the first round . November 26-Ladies entertain Forum alHI Athenaeum in the Gym. Some of the boys find out what they are. A. G. Brown gets most of the honors. November 27-'02 presents a feast of argument; Herrick, Ames and Houseworth recei,e congratulation.::-l"ovember 28-Indians, Pilgrims, Puritans and John Moran have their pictures taken. No,·ember 29-The Turkey buries the hatchet -butNovember 3o-Consolation in the Gym. for the unfortunates and lonewmes. December !-Charlotte Perkins Stetson leelures on Ethics. Later-Gilbert, ditto. 74 December 4-8choJleld, Dawes and Carlson chosen our standard-bearers. December 7-Ask New London. December 15-jacob Riis tells of a busy life in the slums of ~ew York City. December 17-22-Faculty take a turu at our trade. December 25-Tops, turkey and topsy-tun·ey. December 25-Howard Cate gets a new top. December 25-Emmi(S. expects a doll with red hair but gets none. January I-" Good morning, 2oth Century, glad to see you." January 2-We got home somehow the other clay and now the cars bring us back. January 4-Senior cookery a nd Seni or wit. January 5- Jake Soper bailed down. January r r-Basket ball team adds another scalp to our collection. Wausau, r6; S. P. N. 41. Jamtary 1 r-The Yankees show off in public. January 15--on-Grip. January 15-·A semi-annual visit. January 17-" VIe see ourselves as ithers see us." Pedagogical rhetoricals. January 22- Juniors eat. January 25-0shkosh retaliates; 2t to 16. February t-8tevens Point Normal 17; Waupaca rs. February 7-Mr. Edward Brigham. Febntary 8-0ratory. February 9-0shkosh don't retaliate this time; 18 to 28. Purple and gold will not stay down. February 12-Lincoln is remembered. Chronology February q-Cupid vs. Study. February 22-John Morse-at home-\\·ashington's birthday-has company-the mumps family. February 26-\\'ouldn't that freeze you-the liquid air? Rest of the month and part of next-Herrick "breaks out." •• Stay out" says the sign. March 1 - " Mushy " got " muchee" face. March 2-Leland T. Powers. March 8-" Ball four." Bob gets first base and Jenkins helps pay the salary of the jucge he brought. March 8-\Veyanwega won one March <j-Ste,·ens Point won one too. March 15-Milwa ukee 1st, Whitewater 2nd. Stevens Point 3rd. March TS-?-'Orrualites sing in public. March rs-Superior won one. March 16--Superior won another, too. March r6-St. Patrick is given a celebration in the Gym. March 2;-Thru the Siberian coll\·ict mines with George Kennan. March 27-Fur a week or so-Emmie spends her study hours writing nonsensical jingles for the Pointer. March 3o-Columbus painted the Ark. April 2-Yesterday-you know. April Io-Hooray for the last pull of the year! April 12-McLees starts a mustache. April IS-!'luh·ihill gets a life leac;e on that gum. April 17-MissConway: "\\'heredid youget that coat? '' April t8 Anton Oe~terle "skips'' Gym. April 26-0shkosh Juniors convince two out of three judges that incomes should be taxed. April 27-Lottie Deyoe loses her g rip. April 27 - The rummage sale-"IIow you Jak my new tie?" Apri l 29-Rev. Arith. All stand. May I -Pres. Pray calls for ,-olunteers to accept a temptiug position(?) May 1-Baldwin, Bain and Swift. May 1-The ele,·enty-ele,·enth practice teachers' meeting. Good attendance. May 10-Singin' at the Normal. May 17-Shakespeare, Osterbrink & Co. May 20th on-Tests, lesson plans, morning exercises, rbetoricals, pay for the Nautilus. write applications, etc., etc. June I7- 20-5eniors do things up brown and then step out. Good-bye, good-bye. Great applause. 75 Our Freshman Who comes to Normal in the fall, Believing that he knows it all, And learns that pride must have a fall ? The Freshman. " Evol ution of a Senior. " Who wants to enter every class, Who over social slights is sore, And never dreams but what he'll pass, And vows receptions are a bore, But test-day finds he's erred, alas? But never fails to go to more? The Freshman. The Freshman. Who scarcely his delight can mask When urged in public gaze to bask, But finds it rather try ing? Ask The Freshman. -P.R. " Miss Tanner's idea of the Nautilus," Bulletin Board LOST- One red-bot temper in Literature-BROW~. WANTED- 4th Qr. drawing-POLLEY. FOUND- New E lizabethan Era-CARLSON WANTED- A new tie ( matrimonial)-sTINSON. WANTE D- Full-page portrait of myself in Nautilus-COWEN. LOST- ~h part of a second between two words. Valuable only to the owner-G. CATE. FOUND- Pleasure in Grimm humor-C. HEIDGEN. WANTED - A dime-FERNHOLZ. LOST- One susceptible heart. Present possessor please return before June 21-GILBERT. WANTED- A greased plank from Jr. year to commencement, 1902-A. HOPPE. WANTED- An-nex Ray-C. HALLADAY. WANTED-An M. D.-IACKISCH. WANTED- A passing mark-E. HETZEL. WANTE D - Hall's Catarrh Cure MAIN. WANTED - Something to keep her Hand(s)on -KIER. GIRLS AT 829 WANTED- By Forum and Athenaeum; the Arena and Clionian to close on schedule time. WANTE D- A framed copy of my plea for the Nautilus- }. JENKINS. WANTED- Miss Rawson wants but little here below, but she wants that little Lange. WANTED- A rest- MULVIHILL. 77 What About the Alumni? ~>.-~v"'';'v' N alumnus, theoretically, is the complete product of his educational institution. A biscuit, theoretically, is the complete product of its baker. A really good biscuit and a really good alumnus are the best and cheapest advertisements, respectively, for the baker and for the school. But sometimes the baker is ashamed of his biscuit and sometimes the school is embarrassed and mortified by its alumnus. All in all, however, these alumni are on pretty good ter ms with their schools. Loyal and patriotic, they will shout for her to the last. Generally the alma mater reciprocates this attachment. The University of \Viscousin tenders honors to her governor son , La Follette; Harvard triumphantly pronounces the names of John Adams and Emerson; old William and Marys points with pride to her Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe; Bowdoin boasts of her Longfellow and Hawthorne; Columbia of her Hamilton; Princeton glories in her James Madison and Cleveland; West Point is proud of her Grant; and little Dartmouth can never tell too often of the time when her halls were tread by Daniel Webster. So it is not surprising that S. P. N. should bestow some of this natural regard upon her graduates; it is not surprising that the NORMAL POINTER should monthly sacrifice one whole page to the alumni, and that even the conservative NAUTILUS should find one little "chambered cell" where the history of these same alumni may haYe a place to dwell. T he history of these alumni-but, bold, have they any history that deserves special narration? Well, no, we shall have to admit that S. P. N. is too young, that the number of graduates is too small, that their youthfulness is too great to imbue their history with any particular dignity such as would attach to the history of the alumni of time-honored Yale. There is an air of brand new freshness (I almost said verdancy) about them. Here there are no gray heads; here, too, there is none of that peculiar dignity and romance which comes with age and experience. There bas been but little buffeting by the storms of fate. There have been no meteoric elevations to positions of great trust or honor. Their chronicles have thus far been uneventful, but bow could it be otherwise? The annals of infancy are always brief. Wait until ourS. P. N. grows older. Wait until the gloss on your desk shall have been dulled by age; wait until the cream of the untarnished bricks shall have been tinged with the ancient green of moss; wait until the ivies shall have grown tall and full; wait until that doorstep can hold the falling rain in its long worn hollow; then, perhaps, if you ask my uncertain hand to write about the alumni, I may have both history and romance to trace. Then I may have some great name on which my pen will linger; then, too, taking the friendships and rivalries of by-gone school days as the woof, I may have some little romance -'99 t o weave; then, but not until then. 78 "Jest a Leetle" Farmer Stebbins goes do-«m to visit jerrJ' at the lVormaf, witnesses a field day, escapes, gets home and reports : • AAS, I had a purty good time, till yesterday. Them Normal folks is all right, but they're noisier 'n all git out. Say Hanner, that there field day yesterday beat anything I ever see ! Them Normal fellers pranced out there right before everybody, with nothin' more on than a lot 'o Hottentots, and Jerry he didn't have no more 'n his share 'o duds neither. Some of 'em wore slippers with corks in their toes. I thought they was goin' to climb the greased pole, but a feller said they was the splinters, whatever that meant. Two of 'em carried long poles, and I cal'lated there was goin' to be a log rollin', but I didn't see no pond. Bymebye some o' 'em jogged down the road aways and got in line and begun to git down on all fours. I've seen three-legged races an' sack races, an' potato races, but I'll be banged if I ever see men run a race jest like so many dogs; well, I did'nt this time neither. Someone fired a. pistol, and them fellers straightened up an' come down the road lickety brindle. Purty quick they fetched on some uncommon long saw-horses and sot em up, and some o' the fellers galloped over 'em. They called it a curdle-race, or somethin' like that. So they kept on runnin' and jumpin' and tbrowin' a cannon-ball they had there, and doin' a lot o' curi's tricks, an' all the time the folks in the grand stand was shakin' flags, an' tootin' horns, an' yellin' the craziest j umble o' words y' ever beard. All at once they dried up an' a feller over in the jedge's stand bellered somethin', and then I thought the world was comin' to a end. Everybody jumped and hollered like all possessed. I didn't stop to say good-by to Jerry. I tumbled down offeu the fence, and scooted for the depot, an' here I am, mostly, I guess. Yaas, them's nice 'nough folks down there where Jerry is, but a le-e-tie too obstrep'rous -jest a leetle ! 79 Jokes and Grinds Evening session of Senior Dramatic Committee ( illustrating a Normal abnormality) : P- - - ey- We're too loquacious. Scft - f - - - d-No, we talk too much. What's in a name? Miles- "What kind of stoves do you like best this weather?" "Why Box stoves of course.'' Practice is better than precept. Mrs . M.- (in Normal grammar)-The preposition is never a proper word to end a sentence in. Prof C- It - - s (in Geometry, illustrating the principle of continuity. )-What would be the result then if Messrs. W - - me - and Os - - rb - - nk should go to the Philippines? Class- They would remain the same. Proj.- Suppose they should go to Heaven? Sit - - ek- There would have to be a change. A Conundrum- Why isS. P. N. a strong moral factor? Because all sinners come to pray. Why is Houseworth like a fresh peanut? Because he needs a good roasting. Why is Prof. L. like the month of May? He brings the Bowers. A dark subject. Prof. Sit - - - - n, (in third Algebra) -What is the next step in solving these equations? 1Jfiss W.- Illuminate the x's. Why is Mr. Collins a vain man? Because be always wants to cut a figure. 8o Our Compainye And one in verbs and nouns ne'er flustered, Yclept she was so ti1at it rhymed ,~;th custard. And one there was who lovede the poet's song. And ne·er wolde tyre to rede the whole day long. Whan that September with his sunshine golden, Hath made th1s worlde a bower to beholden, Thanne longen folk to goo on pilgrimages To Konnal Scole with ful devout corages. By fel that in that sesoWl on a day, To Normal as I took my gladsome way. At morn was come into that Iemery, Ful hoondreds three all in a compainye. And one who holpen us through Caesar's tome, Then Li,·y's histories and \'irgil's pome. And one ther was who Physics taught ful wei, Benign and long in lengU1 as all can telle. And one ther was with auburn beere wei curled, She knew the ins and outs of this wyde world. A President tber was, a gentil man, In patience grele advysed he as feu can ; Grey was his cote, his herd was grey also, His coler stiff and turned down lowe, His eygen twinkled in his heed aright To see the faithful folk and eke the erring wight. A man there was who lovede bug-s and bones, Not oft from him did come nor Sighs nor grones, And hardily he was not undergrowe, There was no one who liked him not, I trowe. And one there was cries "Sit, " and then cries" Stand!" "Lo, one has left nor shook us by the hand! " He lovede ftoures, and often wolde there be Sweete posies brought by him for us to see. Anrl one who taught us how that we be strong, To better lyve inspi red sche us by song. And one who taught us how to write and spelle, We needed this as listes in hall coulde telle. And one who oft "One's plans one's soul," did say, "The lesson is what you will have to day." A Supervisor ek e their wolde be, A kerchief whit about her neck wered sche, And from her belt !.he heng a smalle bag To holpen all her zeal did never flag. And one there was who taught of deeds now past, His knowledge organized from first to last. A geotil curteys man was he Nor spake more word thanne neede to be. The others all had comen for to leme, To teche to others when sholde come their teme. A little mayde ther was from Bangor way, Talking sche was or speking all the day. A Clarke ti1er was from Rapids Grand also, Who cam to maken Nautilus to ~o. A beauteous mayde there was, \nth lo,"yres two, When both were nigh she knew not what to do. And one there was, a tall and handsome man, And him the dentist herte as only dentist can. An artist eke her talents brought, 'Twas of the bewtiful she taught. Another artist with her hadde sche To holpen aile was her facultee. And one ti1er was who sought the inner mind, To pro,·e the monkie cousin to mankind. For why he's still a dauncing bacheler gay, Is that he'd have no mayde say she'd obey. And one ti1ere was who hailed from Green Bay. She studied all the night as in the day. And one, a poet, artist, orator, And none but lassie Scotch had he eyes for. A Pointer chief, in height but four feet three, Tho' Poll sche has, no spinster will sche be. And many more ther were of Normal fame, Too numerous for me of them to nayme. And one who played and sang and read the notes, At wave of stick swete musik left our throtes; And one who lovede to joke and demonstrayte, And often to his class he did come layte. 81 Botanical Classification Common Name Scientific Name Family Habitat Locality Remarks BRADFORD . Mirabilis Benefactress Sym pa thetica. COLLINS'. . Mathematicalis. Found in the basement Frequent ill all parts of Thrives best in a geometrical pasting hair on dolls. the building. atmosphere. Clings to Prohibition platform. Jokatatus Crackatus. Fond of places where most Is often seen half buried Has a special peculiarity of needed by practice by plan books. arriving unexpectedly. teachers. CULVER . . . Growthata et Continuendum. Chemistre Geologus. Fond of rocky places and Always fouod in the attic Has an inherent proclivity li,·es on mole cuI e s, or el~e doctoring the for the subtle secrets o atoms, ether and energy. bells and the clock. nature. CLEMEN'f . Musicalis. C( h )oral reefs and keys. Lower fiats among sharps Always on time. and naturals. DE RIEMER. Amiabalaris Desirabilum. Mundatus Spheratus. Found among weather In No. 24, chaperoning Found first in India. maps and barometers. 9th grade. IIt.:GHES . . . Constructivila Handiworkum. Drawingabus. Found ill (char )coal and Locality UtJct>rtain. colors. Artisticalus Cultivatus. Charactt>rized by a blue calico apron. L!Vll\GSTON joyabre \Vorkabns Practicalis Laborum. 1\Iethodius. Found only where sur- Institutes and No. rounded by activity. McCASKILL . Vigoraiis et Merribus. Bugologus. Woods, swamps, marshes Usually found where there Thrives on preserved speci and tl1ird story. is any chance for a good mens and is especially fonc time. Abundant. of athletics and jokes. MUSTARD . Grammatica. Found most frequent in Never found where last Thrives best in an atmosphere library. seen. charged with conversation Matter-of-factum Martialum. 22. Usually found helping some troubled studt'nt. Thri\·es in orderly places. Botanical Classification Common Name Scientific Name Family Habitat Locality Remarks Mt:SSELl\IAN Formum Muscalaris. Gymnocratus. In a muscle-fonning en- Gymnasium principally. :\ fine medici n a 1 herb dronment Highly esteemed. PRAY .. fheoremus Practical is. ~1athematicus. Office chair surrounded by Unexpected places. Abun- Found on·y in light places perplexed students. dant everywhere. Closes early in the e,·ening PRAY, K .. Kindalnm Paraphrasum. Latinicere. l'ncertain. SANFORD r\.nalyticre Subheadata. Chronacalis. Ancient tomes and MSS. No. so and History alcove. Cause and effect. SCOTT . Cholericus Spasmodicus. Gropaticus Methodicus. Fond of moist clay a nd Optional with 1·hetorical places. SECHRIST . Frankatus Spondeeicum. Literatii. Poetical em·ironmenl most favorable. Thrives on essays on di,·erse subjects, especially senior essays. SHANNON . Jotteris Spencerian us. Compositre. Any place not wanted for Found in all regions. anything else. A new variety. SWIFT . F.ligibilae Juvenelica Socialisticus. Theoreticre Cerebris. Found clinging to logs Wisconsin river valley re- Cannot grow without plenty and old booms. form institutions and of air and is ,.et)· suscephbascment. ble to bacterial influence. TAXNER .. :llicrococns Eternalis Tatkihus. Artisticalidre. Found in mud and clay. I Is seldom found m the Is very sensitive to rude same locality two sue- translations. cessive seasons. iL~elf. IPicture galleries. An exotic imported from Cbi cago. Needs tender care Rare. This vine must have support. Characterized by affinity for colors. The Palace Beautiful -• ND it came to pass, as I journeyed through a far country in the land of the setting sun, I came to a gigantic building builded of yellow brick. The windows of this curiously fashioned building did flash in the morning sun like burnished steel. Even as I tarried by the door, a vast concourse of people came hither from all directions, and gathered themselves together as one family in this great building ; some in the innocence of youth ; some in the strength of manhood ; some whose hair was hoary with age. I asked of these, "Who are ye?" and "What do ye here?" They paused only to answer, "Know ye not, oh stranger, we are of the tribe Normalite, and seek here those treasures which moth and rust do not corrupt.'' Now there was in this vast tribe a family called Forumite, who ran to bid me welcome, as was their won't with strangers. Straightway I entered with them. The halls were of such size that a king might therein assemble his army, and leading off from these halls on either side were spacious rooms in which the several divisions of the tribe did pursue their favorite phantom. In the first hour of the day the whole tribe was assembled before a chief, who spoke a few words of kindly cheer and gentle admonition, after which the several captains took each his company and went about the business of the day. One company did inquire into the secrets of nature by mixing together divers ill-smelling compounds; another did strive to understand tbe workings of the human mind; and yet a third, whose task was most severe of all, did endeavor to polish their expression by constructing long themes out of nothing. So well pleased was I with what I had seen that I joined myself unto this tribe and became one of their number. It came to pass that in the first month of my abode among them there was heard dread rumors of the appearance of a horrid monster, a dread Sphinx, who of each did ask, "What bast thou done with the talents that were given thee?" This monster was called Test. Some did smile at this rumor, and others did cry out and their cheeks became pallid as with deadly fear. The monster came, glared down on us from the black walls, passed, and the ordeal was over. But behold the ruin I Whole families are overthrown, while yonder is a young damsel who weeps and will not be comforted. Test has searched the inmost recesses of memory, imagination and reason and found- nothing. -C. Hous~woRTR. ,....",.'"~~"' 84 Our Girls Pretty girls With curls, Ribbons and streamers galore; They smile All the while From the banks of the evergreen shore. - Freshmen. Tender and true, Witty, tooThe merriest girls of all; Of Cupid's darts And shattered hearts We have no fear at all. - Juniors. Solemn faces, No laces, Hair screwed up in a knot; Continual hurry, Nothing but worry To know if they've Bunked or not. - Elementaries. Wondrous wise, Troubled sighs, Who bas so many trials? Long essays, Fine dresses, But June will bring back our smiles. - Seniors. The Senior Class Farewell To Our Pre sident Beloved master, patient guide, Thy heart was always slow to chide The faults of youth; But quick with sympathy and praise, To lead us in the brighter ways Of steadfast truth. Resistless time doth onward flowThe new will come, the old must go. 'Tis Life's decree; The goal is reached, the task is done, But harder toil is just begunWe are not free. How shall we say farewell to thee Ere yet upon life's stormy sea We drift apart? Master, what language now can tell 'fhe love which will forever dwell Deep in our heart? But if we fall when others rise, We know that thou wilt sympathize In that bard fight, And give to us those words of cheer, As thou so oft hast given here, To make life bright. You've toiled with us for two long years, And watched us rise, through smiles and tears, Toward our goal. Sculptor-like, with band divine, You chiseled out each noble line Within our soul. We are out beyond the harbor light, The pilot leaves the ship to-night To go ashore; Each one alone must steer his bark Out across the ocean dark, Forever more. It pained you when we went astray ; You knew how soon the reckoning day Would come to each ; You saw us wasting precious time, Those golden hours of youth sublime, But would not preach. Pilot, explain to us the chart Once again before you start Back for the land; Each wave that strikes against the keel Now seems to make the vessel reel In our weak hand. R M ULV IHII,L. IN C ONNE.CST € . iT. • To the Wisconsin R.iver Its blue waters rise up in the Northland, And south thru the dark pine woods flow, Where the ax of the woodman resounding The proud forest monarch lays low. Than the most fickle mistress more changeful, Ever shifting in wild discontent, When its mighty flood swings through the Narrows, It subsides and its passion is spent. Giant pines ~hich have towered in grandeur, Now dethroned, of their glory are shorn, And hurled on its turbulent bosom To their doom, down the river are borne. Between green banks with villages dotted, Now majestic and stately it glides, As forth to meet spoil-laden victors A queen with her retinue rides. It crashes through gorges and canons By the fury of centuries worn, In the rocks which in figures fantastic It has sculptured its way to adorn. Till its regal tide growing more rapid, In haste with its consort to be, Is embraced by the vast Mississippi And together they sweep out to sea. -PEARL RICHARDS . 88 Jokes and Grinds j- nk- - s (in advanced Botany)-somebody give me a slide. Mu - - - It - - /-Take one off the roof. Afiss Fa - - - ll-Say, that fellow's zeal has eaten him up. Afiss H- - d- - s- n-Well, I wish it would swallow him. In Psychology Miss E - - le-I believe S - - - t has a test in his eye, this morning. Miss B- -- y-Well, we'll knock his eye out then. Digg-There's one thing about these Normal yells. S wzgg-What's that? Digg-They can't sing those glee songs while they're yelling. 0 - s - - rb - - - k-It happened as quick as a wink of your hand. llfiss D - - t - n-0, dear, we even have to take an exam. to get into Heaven. Jlfiss N- - t- n-0, I don't know. They say Normal standings are accepted everywhere. In Vergil class. "Romulus, with a wolf as his nurse, shall r ule the race.'' "Mercury flew the open air and lit on the shore." "And there was a marriage in heaven." In Psycho!. Proj.-How do I know that I know anything, Miss P - - m - r ? llfiss P.-Well I really don't know. Galen Twas twilight and he sat on a log all alone, his soft brown hair pushed back from his forehead. He swung his fat, chubby legs back and forth, and laughed to see his great dog trying to worry an old boot into a fighting mood. Finally the dog went away and the little lad was alone again. He became lost in thot, and when his old grandfather bobbled by on his way to the ,...·ell, he looked up and wondered in his childish way why grandmas and grandpas al,...·ays had such "crumpled" faces. But his thots were soon turned into another channel, for on the ground beside him was a great beautiful bug that seemed to have yellow fire in it. Was the moon made up of countless little bugs like that? He would ask his grandfather when he came back. The moon began .to climb up over the pine trees, and he scrambled off the log and stood with his hands behind him, looking up at the sky. And then '' his star'' came out - that red star. He knew it was different from other stars and he meant to find out all about it when he grew up. He wondered if the pine trees were whispering because they felt sorry that some of their brothers and sisters had been cut down and carried away. He heaved a little sigh when be beard. "Bed-time for Galen," and "Here be is!" '' What has my boy been doing all evening?" asked the father, as he gathered the child into his arms. "0, I been meditatio." "What on?" and an amused smile played around his father's lips. "On a log," and Galen's head sank on his father's breast and he was asleep before they reached the bouse. -MATTIE WHEBLOCK. A Trip to Hades ~o~=~~~o MUFFLED gong sounded, the spirit boat glided to the landing, and Charon helped me alight on the ghostly banks of the Styx. He again plied his oars in the noiseless waters, and I was left standing alone. The owls hooted and the bats flew overhead , and I felt lonesome and disconsolate, when a distinguished looking shade approached and volunteered to be my guide. I had felt lonely up to this time, it is true. But as my spirit friend began to discourse upon the familiar theme, "One's plan equals one's soul," I felt that we had held communion before. As we strolled thru the streets, I heard a familiar voice saying, "Query, does it pay?" and I beheld our worthy president surveying Ixion, rolling about on the ever-revolving wheel. "All stand," and" Get your satchels packed," and I turned and saw a familiar ghost, drilling a class of youthful shades in algebra. I turned away feeling quite at home. I had bad a great desire to meet Froebel, and as my companion led me toward him, I saw him conversing with a s;:>irit, who said, as I drew near, "Whyyes-really-but then, you know there is no distinct line of demarcation. At least, I found it so in the other world." I heard a melancholy voice near by as a tall shade passed by me weeping, a roll of papers in his hand. My friend explained that this was Raphael, wailing over C--'s, which a little spirit with a big blue apron had given him. I found the aforesaid criticising Michael Angelo's clay modeling, and I heard as I passed by these familiar words: "There is no feeling in your work, none whatever." Another shade approached; a fat, jolly one with dimples. I found on inquiry that he was the terror of all Hades, for the inhabitants never knew when he would make them write terrible documents called tests. And it was verily said that he was happiest on these test days. The familiar words, "Pile on more slabs," "Burn more oil," or" I'll get after you with a sharp stick," broke upon my confused senses. I was woudering if this wasn't - - when a cruel voice rang in my ears, "For mercy's sake, get up! You'll miss that eight o'clock class of yours!" - LAURA HENDERSON. Farewell The muse has fled ; the ink is dried; With hope, with fear, with some regret For many failings, with us yet, We lay our rambling pen aside, Farewell ! Farewell ! 0 little booklet, fresh and new, We bid you now a fond "Adieu." "Godspeed," to some far distant clime, But list, the burden of our rhyme, " Farewell ! Farewell ! " State Normal School at Stevens Point, Wis. A WELL EQYIPPED MODERN INSTITUTION FOR THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS It offers ALL THE couRsEs authorized by the BoARD oF REGENTS OF NORMAL ScHOOLS. I t receives and HELPS those who wish to PREPARE FOR TEACHING in the common or graded schools or in the high schools, whether TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Or STUDENTS FROM COMMON OR GRADED SCHOOLS. Latin, German and English-Scientific courses leading to Diploma and Life Certificate, Elementary course leading to Five-year certificate. Common School course to prepare for teaching in the common schools. TwENTY-FOUR teachers and librarians. MoDERN BUILDING, with recent LARGE ADDITION. Fine, well furnished GYMNASIUM, unexcelled at any WI SCONSIN SCHOOL outside of M adison; in care of a skillful, thoroughly trained instructor. Excellent library in charge of experienced, trained librarian. · Beside usual training department in the school, a large amount of PRACTICE TEACHING is done in Third Ward P uBLIC ScHOOL of the city of Stevens Point. GRADUATES now teaching in THIRTY-SEVEN COUNTIES of the state of Wisconsin, though the first class graduated in 1895· NEw CLASSES in most branches formed at the beginning of EACH Q..UARTER, August 27th, November 5th, 'January 24th, April 9th. FULL DETAILS Of COURSES and PROGRAM S sent 011 request. For catalogues, circulars or bulletins address 93 THERO N B. PRAY, President PATRI-OTISM to the old school demands that you subscribe for the POINTER APPLY AT ANY T I M E A FT ER SEPTE MBER FIRST TO T H E BUS INESS M ANAGER ST EVE N S P 0 1 N T, W I S . HADCOCK ·& ROOD FOR HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY DENTISTS 1Ressler Office: 435 Main Street, Stevens Point, Wis. .THE MAIN STREET PHOTOGRAPHER GO T O C. F. MARTIN & CO. 1~man Ground rloor PHOTOGRAPHER 6all~ry GROUND FLOOR STUDIO ALSO DEALERS IN Frames, Mouldings, Artists' Materials and Musical Instruments Eight yean! city experience. Largest Light, Newest U4 THIRD STREET, STEVENS POINT, WIS. Strongs Ave., near Ellis St., Stevens Point Cards. L arge Groups a Specialty. 94 Marsh & Grant Company MAKERS OF COMPLETE COLLEGE ANNUALS We are the only first-class printing and engraving establishm ent in the United States making a specialty of College Publications. The following are a few of the larger colleges that we are issuing Annuals for each year UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSTTY OF ILLI NOIS UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO T U LA N E U N J V E R S JT Y UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS GIV ING PULL INI'OR MATION AS TO THt. MAKING OF AN ANNUAL Long Distance Phone Harrison 4I I 65 to 7I Plymouth 95 Place, Chicago