• '- uw~p~----------~- POINTER SERIES VII, VOL 18 UW-Stevens Point, Thursdoy, April 17, 1975 NO. 41 Updike delivers ( student address 111e uw budlet and mftltr implementation wiU be two ot the m01t pressinc Pf'Oblema fadna Studtnt Governznent next year accordl nJ to out&olna Pruident Lyle Updike. Updike , in remultt dtllver.cl. at SUnday, April t3,'a Studen: Government =~~fun:~~io~ ~e.,!J~ lhlt year and speculated on the char&e to Student Government next year. He termed hit rema rlll the "Slate of the Student Ad· dreg ," "Economic cooslde... tlons will be 10me ol your moat ~:~!!rt~kti~J:! r:u: bemanymorenextyearlhan Ullt," Updike u.Jd. He added that merger lmplementatJon htreonthecampuslevel an "bear fruit .. for UWSP students U lnfi&Jitl nf and apathy un be nolded. St~~·c'::!nU:, ~:k! everything in their poftf8 to continue the ln~Ututlon o1 Sludent Govemmtot on thla ct m~ . He uld that Student Govern men t Ia often a thantku job but as he put it " at lull you have the knowledj:e that you are part ol an organlutlon lhlt il dolna aomelhlna about your lurnlnJ and livina en· vironmenl." NI"W1Aul11h ~Mariltuww..kl In this issue ... -WID 'Red We.a~ ' oulda ' Evil kndvri'"! Or wUJ he fall Ill his doomltl&olhetr~M-Cr«k! .•• llndoutApril31. ·Updlkedeli~ 'atudent•ddr. .'. ·UW tu ~ n!U 'Gilly' •~raae. ·UW Rettnu Hell CGII«-tlve .. rplnln1 approyel. · M~ ~ellon mttultl ava ilable. -P'oodda1 ••• IOCMy. Looking ahead... THE POINTER Page 2 April 17, 1975 Nelson opens drug sympos1um their higher dejrees to use were advised by another compa n y to u se t h e tranqulher 'Vali um '. "Our dati irdicatethatthe industry'•aenerousdefinltion coml)lny sa!a' In an ad· of mental iiiDtSS has been \'ertistment that its pov;erful acce-ptedbyboththemtdlcal tranquilizer wss for "the profeuion and the public," Nelson sa ld , wl t h :~ck~erf ~n ~~ =~o ~·::~ psychoactive dr uas ac · organlutioo man who can't eountlna rar about one-fourth adjusttoalteredstatuswithin or manufacturers' domestic Its company. 1be ....~n dr-u&ules. Nt:lson Slid that the FDA "''hocan't &et alq with her new daughter-In-law . The executive who can't acc-ept retireme nt." The popular tranquilizer 'Ubrium' wu once promoted foe- the colleae p rl who may feel acute lnucur ity of dlarwinc moraUiy and her ''neW fr ", Nd.soo uld. The m1n lurer also 1dverlised It ror student bt<cause her 'Jtim ulated Intellectua l curl011ty may make her more sensitive to and a pp r e hensive 1bout W!.ltable national and world Phlrmaceutical com- no-.· available to the public," cold. • l)lnies should be order'~ to Nelson said. J>oo.~rful tr~nqulliz.rrs are ildvertise extensively to help lleuld he thqht the Food prescribed when a patient reduce dnur. abuse cau.sed by and OruK Administration complains ·about ordinary ~~ae~&n: rc~!.~ fn ~~ !~~~tya!::!ier ::~e::: ~~f!~~ti~:~J .d~~e lidirn~i 1 ad\'fftbitll and other sales efforts, aaid Sen. Gaylord Nelson tD-Vta. J, at the drug ~~tum held April 14 at Numet'OUS studies indicate that when pr oducl$ are heavily advertised over lq perlodltheremaybea "deep and lq-la.stinc impact on the attitudes, beliefs and behavior of consumers," Nelson uld . The studies also show tha t the consumers ex poled to suchadvmisin&donotforaet Its message merely because the adtm"tiling is withdrawn, Nelson said. 1bey tend to reta in lhe message and acton It, he added. It was for these reasons that the Federa l Tra de Commiuion (f"TC I hu or· tiered several companies not e::~::en~. :Ut ~~ 0 ~ 0 c«Tec:tive ads until it ciJII!d be shown scientifically tha t the erroneous Information has been "unlearDed" by consumft'l. advertlsin& b y phar maceutical firms ~~o·l! hout addi tionalleaislation. ye:~l sc;; ~~~~~atb;l\h~ Senate Monopo ly S u b committH "~ve produef'd Irrefutable evkltnce that the sy:&temofmartetingdrup in this country is ddeterious to the interestofthepublic : that this system has fostered the vast misuse of drop In this country ..Wtina In lnj~rles and death Is beyond dispute." Dru& firms n- spend ap proximate ly 1-5,000 per physician In induce doc ton to pr escribe their producta , Nelson uid. '' l lhlnk It Is fair to say that despite the contenlion by many advocates of this advertis!n& that It Is educalional,drug advertising is deslaned to tell : to ;::ri: ~ J:>'!!:m= tobuy. lbe rtsultlsthevut overuse of drugs in this counU"y." Orawlrc (N3m !alimony, Jtatements aDd ar ticles by 1 has ordered many of these 1d1 " But the hann :!~~dy beendont,"he ) ''if:!· ex~ti= bth.~~~n! product Is heavily advertised over a· lona period of tlme, thue may be a deep 1nd lonalasti ng lmpa;ct of the at· . titudes,btliefsandbehavior olconsumers. lnaddition,tht extinction ol a well-learned response is utually very difficult to achieve." '*"'POINTER c~::-"nrm advertised ' Rita l in', anot h e r tranquillr..er, foru&ewhtnan Individ ua l 's e m otio nal outioot chan&ed because ol such rrusu-alions as trans- .,;~n~'?or=IG"r!C:a!: ~:a:da:,t~ r.;r'e:~~n aj:r~~:::'s: 1 1 :~~u~ ~ Wc ~~o;t~n~ ~~u:u nat~ve;r'lsj~~is a~~! ~futi::.u~ial ':!~t~rl~~: :~Jyt$!! ";!rt~~~~~ ,;~~:~ ~:~~ ~~~ f~l1:::~i~~· cri:o~a=::~o~~=~de rr·····. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., prescription drugs that are illned, such u the common by children and unable to put ~ i SPRING BICYCLE ACCESSORY i : i SPECIALS FROM .i THE PQ!~! J~~2DALER I.f ·~ :. 27 x 1 V• TIRE AND TUBE . .. .... 3.19 4.78 SDUBITEZ NO. 89 GENERATOR ~~. . . 5.69 6.29 ~ SDUBITEZ FRONT AND REAR GEN. . • • • 6.89 8. 79 : : JCI CAR CADDY FOR 2 BI<ES •.••.•• 16.95 17.95 : :t: TROUSER BANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 .69 MillER FRONT & REAR GENo~•uOTI . . . . 6.50 9.99 • MillER FRONT & REAR GEN. 1""""'1 • • • 6.29 9.49 • 6 FOOT VINYl COATED CABLE . •..•• 3.19 3.49 f If It f : f • • " miss america. i t : NEW ARRIVALS BRAZILIAN SANDALS PLUS MANY OTHER SPECIALS ; AS AlWAYS WE OFFER 1·DAY COURTEOUS PROFESSIONAL REPAIR SERVICE ON All MAKES t:.; f ALL SALE PRICES SUBJECT TO IN STOCK ITEMS. : SAL£ ENDS ·MAY 1ST HOURS' -...n.w• : ;_ : .. , :! : i •• EARTH TONE COLORS "(J ~Ap~'_::H_cl.:_7:_,:,c i9::7,_S_ _ _.:_ TH :_:E::....:_PO= IN:..:T.::. ER :.:.__ _ _ Pcge 3 Correction Text rental, bookstore aim to break-even byllarri~t service of p~hasing co~ t~xts for studen t s for " Text rental and the academic use, and the book bookstore are not profit store sells books for sup- • . ~=~~ Pfrrfth ~~r~~ed s~ ~~~:;.t•!~~~n 1to ·St~ :!t. Marie, business manq:er of Marie. "Both are separate, the Uni\'ersity Centu. yet each are in the same The di ffer ence In text rtnt.-1 and the bookstore Ia that text rental offers 1 lft"vke of pwchulna ~ working area ," .said St . Marie. ''Text rental is prorated on a C0$1 per credit from one to ninecff'dit.s,"SI: . Mariesaid. "Text rftltal considers you fuii -Ume for nine credits and above," . Sl: . Marie added, \"Htment board in aovern· ment securities and the in· lt-restisllSt'dtosubsidiuthe currftlt operating budget of text rental. Thl1 $100,000 1urplus of money Is from prloryear.s oroperationln t.ext renta.l. Those tuii·Ume students currently pay St2 per semester for text rentil, he said . ~" The difference in text l'ftltal and the bookstore Is that text rental olfen a Students get first hand experience ApproJ:imately 30 Army ROTC cadets at UWSP, in· cl}ldingJeUreyTalsky,spen t Jut weekend at Fort ca~ getting a rint hand last of •-hat 1\is future holds a militaryotr~. The cadets. m015t rltber new to military Ule, were • Invited to atteot a lftits of orientation pr"Qgrams on what Army professions and life enlall . "'Wewan t oorcadetatogo Into the military wtlh lhtir eyes open and this II an ex· ccllent way to see that Is done ," uid Capt . Ted Bluche. one of the ROTC f1culty-staJf involved in Rltinl up the orientatk>n. Emphasis, he said. is on livlnc as much information as poui~e to new cadtt1 10 they know euclly what ROTC Involves and how it Is USotd to prepare future of· ro«n. TheStevensPointstudfonts. who Wft"e joined by ..everal othu cadets from Sl. Nor· bert 'aCollqe,theUWCenter System branch campus In W1usau and UW Oshkosh, tTavded in an Army National Curd airct"art. The Oicht ~erved two purposes : it fulfilled required OylnJ time forthepilotandprovided free fr lnSpOrlation for the cadets. VOTE Maria Alvarez Vice-President Bob Badzinski President 1 , O<,Ot<llllloo-...t1011-lat.II.~P""1· ~ ~--------... • r:;-..:;:.:r::...""r.D.:: ~~- . .. Dept. 6 19 1 Sala~ans :.~!'!".:~.. ·I ~--·-110 . . """-a ..- a "THE NECESSARY LINK " I II I ::::__ '7 I I 1 I I Jl THE PQ\NTER April 17, 1975 UW tax support ranks 'average :!:'tl:!~~~~~hat II ··wlu:onsin i1 •bove 1veraae , lith , in ex · ~tureslorinltructionptr FIE sb.lcknt in unh'ft'litin and lour-yur coUqes. llowt\'el', this ll tr~o~e only bKaloiM our tuitioo le\·eb In rt:lation toptr capitalncome 2 smal Muse tr11tr1 t.rutewreatWII Ketplbestoftef. Cal 341 ·2401 Make it a Gourmet Meal with a Bottle of Wine! THIS WEEKS""SPECIAL! PAUL MASSON f269 CRACKLING ROSE' FIFTH LIQUOR, WINE, SODA, COLD B~ER , SNACI(S SOUTH POINT BEER & LIQUOR ~ Clllrclll. Miry. 51 ..... ....,_ Plilt I UW student looks forward to school's end so he m ight enjoy some of the nice For Summer School weather. Photo by Roger W. Barr. 117 Smltl'l Street Fvll holoiH • 5 II~Htent. lncludlft9 uUIIlln. C•ll 341 · 24011tter5p.fll . DIAMOND RING~ ORANGE BLOSSOM KEEPS'AKE COLUMBIA BELOVED COSMIC KAYNAR DIAMONDS OUR SPECIALTY COME IN AND SEE OUR - DIAMONDS IN COLOR GREEN - CANARY - BURNT ORANGE DIAMOND IMPORTERS CHECK OUR PRICES I I II GRUBBA JEWELERS ... MAIN STREET STEVENS POINT, W1S. 54411 ~~....~--H-H~ ~~~··.·..~HH~~ ~- ~~----------WO..:::::::.~ .. J. f-1U ............... Page 5 THE POINTER Ap r il 17, 1975 Collective-bargaining approval requested The UV.' System Rq:ents were asked to lppc"'\'e the extension of collective baflalning ri&hta to faculty and academic ttllf Friday, • AVUII . 11le request came from Regent John M. Lavine o1 Chippewa Falls, who chaired Jllrhcipal:ion, \lo'e of the task a 22 membH regt:flt Wk force ~ached the CUK:IIIIIon force which made an 11 lhatfacultylhouldb<tentitled month ttud y of collective to oraanize and baraaln baraalnln& In a public collectively," Lavine t.old the uni\'a'Sity system. boonl. "\IIi~ anemptitla lD aay '"To preserve the quaUty way to lnnuence facul ty and uniqueness of a &rut universi ty, we have aner 11 the faculty to baraain collectively on economic: matt.enwhllepmervilllthe traditional dtcision·makinJ process employed in otheT u pecta of unlveulty &ovemanc:e," he added. 11M! Ap r il 11 In a s pecial meetinJ ln Madison ... While holding that facul ty and staff lhould have the ~~t~C:':r ':!rfJ!nlth: existiq a.-. the report also recommended preservation of the ri &ht to avoi d ba!'lalnl• and rettnUon of t h e exla t l n a faculty task fOff'e formally presented Ita ~port Friday, :::V~uv~;'t!n ~~~a!: ~':~ ~~a~~':f~dU 11~: 1 aovemar~~eestructure . Aerospace material explained A new co ll ec t ion of ~e:~~~r:,~e av:\~~:,~tl ~= teacher~ at aU levela will be amona the Items shown to vititon 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m ., Tower levd of the James H. tollecllon In th e aover nment Alb e r tao n Lea rn l n & document repository will be 3 :!~~~:s ofe~~!r p~~ftc~ eve:~::~"£~ open house o f the In· stnx:lioflal Materials Center tlMC > an d Aerospace Educational Rnource Center at UWSP. ThefacilltyiJ'Ioc.atedlnthe :!:t ':e apec:ially teac:hus, are In- cxhibHs of stud en t 1nd vited. teac her made lndlvldus l ~~~~~~:tfon c::,n ~:~e ~r'!: Th ~rsday,April 17,durinJa n carl Gucll of the State Division of Aeronautics will inaterials. present I slide: show II 10 a.m. on aerial \\1sc:ontin They will be present to aeocraphy. explain services avallsble at Toursof federa l documt:flts the center . • · Jim Eagon, left, a nd Kurt Busch remove the helium balloons !hot helped advertise the Hun ~;. Ronson conce rt !hal has been cancelled. Pholo by Rick Cigel. Campus crusade results told byRvss lltii-N d Csm K llfff" Accordin& to 1 recent survey lnvolvlnc 250 students at UWSP31 pert:entofthoee asked for the ir opinio ns reaardin J !he Identity of Jes\JI Olrist stated that He is the son or God . The questionnaire, one or two parts of lhe survey co nducted by Ca mpus Crusade for Ch r ist presently ternational . oraanized on 500 camp~~~e~ andlnt!Ocwn!.rles.c.onslsted of IS questions directed at deter minln& whether the stucit:flt thqht Is poaible to have a per-sonal rdstionshlp with God . Ei&hty ·ei&ht percent stated thst they would be Interested In ,,. • kn=·~~Y·does one become a Christian'!" IS percent responded with " Bdieveln Oltitt u personal S.vior." ~ ~J!: aofun': booklet enliiJtd ne y_. !~· ~~~=~~=~~ perlenc:e a pe r sonal relationship with Cod. Based upon the fact that j111t u there are physk:alln•s that aovem the physk:al mlvene, 10 are there spiritual Jaws which aover n yo ur relatlonthlp with God . students wer-e asked their opinlonsottbtrou:rstcpsof thebnoltltt. The fo~r step~ are: t 1 11le re•llzatlon of God's love (John 3:161 a nd plan t.JoM IO:tO) forone 'slife; 21 Man 's rtpatationfromthisloveancl plan (Romansi:231: SJ Jesus Onist at God's only pc-ovislon by which man can experience thisloveandplan (John t4:11 and " ' The act of invil.inJ Qlrill Into one's life to ex· pe r lence a per s on• ! re l a ti ons h i p wit h God Ulevelat\ons3 :201. Some common remarka or how one could llave a personal relat;on.hip with God were by JivlnJ a Jood life, Join I to c:hun::h on Sunday or ' bccomin& baptized. COfltrlr)' to what the New Testament ttates. For more Information concffnin& the survey eon· tact s urveyhud qua r ten, ,.,.,.... -27 IN STOCK PRD-KEDS - 14 IN STOCk ADIDAS MOOELI MOOE LI PUMA -7 TIGER - 3 MODE LS IN STOCK CONVERSE- 7 MOOEU IN STOCk . TRETORN -3 -... JACK PURCELL -2 MOOE LI INSTOCK MOOELI tN STOCIC MODELS IN STOCK SI'ECJALIZED SHOU f OR £V ERY M.UCIR SPORT SHIPPY SHOES ·-·-- . .i.SPEC1f u~ Peb ,I .j~ ~ Some Vietnamese students I circulated a petition asking President Ford to hqve their fXlrents e\locuoted, along w ith other Sa igon citizens. FrOm left, John Ngo Quoc Khonh; Tron-viet Honh-trong; Ngo-Quoc-Thoi;1Mork Fang, UWSP Counseling Center; and C Xuon-Nguyen discuss the petition . Photo by Rick Cigel. . Vietnamese . students face _u ncertain future by 8ft Ltnt Cbu The presence of the Viet~ namne students on UWSP wa1 made significant by the ..:ffol'tl of U.S. educa t' " who completed an education study in South Vietnam In 11161. Among them were James H . Albertson, eighth president of WSU Stevena Point, who with seven other educators perished In a plane erashinVietnam . TotheVietnamesestudel\ts it was a t.remendous uc:rifke u Albertson felt that the grea tes t cont ri bution to fTetdom for the Vietnamese that Americans could make wo uld be an e ducatio n designed to help lh~ opente a free society . The need and quest for higher knowledll;e among the . yo ung Viet namen have brought them 10,000 miles from home to United States. In UWSP, there a re now %1 Vietnamese &tudent.s who are autrering a crisis that had tnlpted in their hom_eland. Three fou r ths of So uth V"aetnam haa fallen to the Vietcong and the dilemma Ia intensified by C1:1nlmunicalion severed betwe-en the lltudmt.s artd their families during the miN evacuation from the ca ptured cities of Hue, Danang and Nha Trang of which many o( them are from . The at.ence of word from home a nd the ret urned !etten hlveescalat.edtheiranxieties and fear for lbeir families' safety. Altboulh lOUie of the atudents hne rC!C:eived in· ronnaUoo ol their families' eventual arrival in Saigon, thn-e are those who are JUII wailing. , "Nobody likes war, but it has always been a part of our lives," said Ngo Quoc Khanh . " I feel that the North must stop it.saggreuionandstay in their own territory. They bavetakm thr ee fourths of our land and atm they are unsatisfied. They have been too bloody . Although the ideology ol communism is good, the mea.u to the goals arec:ruel. Theiocan sacrifice any numbn' of li ves without conscience, " I do not feel that I ca n live In that society becauae I treasure m y freedom of being able to fulfill w h a te ver m y aspi rations and to be what I want," said Khanh. Khanh expressed hopes tha t Saigon will hold out till lhemonsoonsarriveslnce the heavy ra ins wUI Jl.op the north from aetting their aupplles and there may be 1 chance for ~otiaUonS . Khanh questioned, "Why does the U.S. lh!Dk the Vietn amese do not want to fight !Peopleortenfot~etour pall mlllt.ary achlevement.s. Ou r mor a l ea are deteriorating because of the cut--back in aid, many of us feel that we are all alone there fore how does the world expect us to win the war!" ''On PresidmtThieu, it is too pai nful to debate on who 's right and who's wrong. He lsstiUourleader and we must be loyal If ow- people are to remain united." Many Americans have u kedlhe ?~,-_. 1\a\·etheyeornehere.irlStead of staying back to figh t. Thanh, a junior on campus said. ·•we are over here to s tud y so that we can utilizt' th e aCqJJired skills and knowledge In developtqlhe row~ try upon return . 1be coun try caMOl survive on military r eso urces only . ed ucation is still' the back· bone of the country.'' Will the students rettrn to Vielnun! " lf S..igonshould fall to the Vietcong , a m erc il ess bloodb at h Is Inevitable because they f~J that the putte of those who are anti· communists will strenghtm their control," said Thanh. Families lloith children in the U.S. will be penecuted because of their association wit h America, added Thanh. Thanh abo u.id that If the families are not evacua ted In time, their fatea will be unknown, sbe doubts If the livnolthosestudentswill be sparediftheyshouldrettrn. OUr interest Is not poli tical, but on a hum an level, said Thanh. We are worried for our loved-ones, being so far away makes things W«le, sbe added. The Vietnamese atudents view an uncertain future . " We always had in mind that we will see our funllles again. I never though t that J mayhavetost.ayhereforever andneverreturnhome, lllke America, It'• a good country but·trs not hom e. The lou is intanglble.the louolthewar and the lou of freedom ol the peopleathome, "Wd ~ . April 17, 1975 THE POINTER Poge 7 CIAL FEATURE )(j)INTER ) Chileda hosts tricycle jump The effects ol Evil Kneivel are bein& felt even here In Stevens Point. • C"19eltokes o test jump on his own tricycle but fails miserably. will try to do a better tob on Sunday. by Bob Kerluleck. · forced to find a new home. They hlwe pla111 for a new building on Michigan Avenue This Sunday, April20, ''Red Weuel" willattempttooutdo butn~money . ~u::~J~ c::~:; p.m. and run~ until S p.m. It II spoos<nd by the t::n· vironrnental Council and the Vets Club. ::.u~~e=~~= Creek. The jump, which Is belni staged directly behind the Village Apartments. will be atlempled from lht death ddyinahri&htof five feet. tJt!l~~~:,~.:e:i~: !"\Ind. Chileda, an institution fOt' developmentally handicapped youna t ten . it Suncby'an-ent bq:lnsat 1 Included in Sund•y's benefit will be music by the l~art String Melody Band and 20 half-barrels ol bftr. A minimal charae will enable participants to take partin alloft hefntlvities. All proceeds above ex · penses go to the ' ChiJtda Buildlnc F'und. Poqe 8 THE POINTER April 17, 1975 *SPORTS POINTER u_.fP Spring events begin CORRECT ION : Thl1 Saturday the Pointer trac k te1m will not e11mpete In the Par1t1ide Relay• aa prevlouslyreported. lnstead, they are ICheduJed for an by Rob Sch1llock IIWII)''fnefi at E.u Qalre, ~1ththenext meetll•ted for AI the 74-75 year n1111 out Tufsday, April 22, IJiinll there are IIIII three In· Michi&an Tech . tra.mural events remainina ; badminton, outdoor ul,lys and IOI'tba U. The badminton competition started Tuesday , April 15, Summer Housing For Girls Clean Modern i}J>t. Near Campus Call 341-2428 ~ and will run until April 21 ~·htn the playoffs are hdd. Thil )-ear there are:Mteams competlq In six teaaues. Unlike pall years the :c:;.r:.:t::;!~~i:, Thef"e will be nve heats In eachofthelhrfll rela)'l ISBO, I mlle l. \440, J Because of the cold and snowy ftather IOI't ball will be lircle elimination thb year. The fint team~ are slated to play 1\lnday, April !:·J:~,:~tr": ~:f! their teama~ehtdule. you what you know now, would you have enrolled in Army ROTC? . • Ht vtyouthaqtdyour~ptetlvton Tbm you'll bt rudy lor the AdvatiCid Army ROTC - DOW U..t youOV. bad u op- Coune •bea you become. Ju.nkw. portuaity to talk wit.ll ....... •ho .... YouKillmaktnoc:ocnm.lu.-tuntilyou ftlt'OlkdbttM-' )bybt,ov"v.co. •roll ill tlot Adv&DC*I Coune. At tiYt dudtdltdo.Uvt~tooffer you ; tlmt. you11~tart.,.,l.ncuutnoii00PI'" m•yblyoutbould lllvtenrolled •hen -tb.UoruptolO-tb.I,_..J. Wail t.IU.coupon foriAionuta. Or. qJt thl Anay ROTC off- 10 •• c:u 1!'-tht maturbtdlull. • Aray llOTC. rw_,. Y" IMII •t lt. t.IMIN1tnit1Miu. ltartiac)"'WF'~,..,. r.liu '"- peoplt diMe• thN ....-.SiDot....••·... ~·tptdal.,..... fOfltudmtllibyov..Yo.'*'lllrbllwitb your friend• In Army ROTC no• sad Dennis Rue is onty o hop, skip, ond o jump off the track in lost Saturday's Colman Relays. Photo by Roger W. Barr, SUMMER JOBS We need students for seasonal work in the Stevens Point area . Some other locations through Wisconsin ore also ovoiloble. $100 per week & up. For more information come to Nicolet Room, University Center TODAY at I p.m., 3 p.m. or 5 p.m . PlEASE BE ON TIMEI cauh·up••ththmll.nyour~ yeer. ATTENRON CANOE ENTHuSI~ Recreational Services , located In the University Center, Is offering 1 spec· lal package of : 1 canoe or ion boat, paddles, llfe.mll, and a car·top carrier- on a day rate, 11 for llle unbelevabte low price of only normal price, $5.00! $3.00, Come In and take advantage of thll m0111y llvlnt offori (• I April 17, 1975 THE POINTER Page 9 NBA_.. second season begins n~ rqu1ar totUOn pilly w11h 6G-22 , records. The The pmim.I.n.a.ry llata are Cellics l_hnve on pl•yorr lly 0.. Sc:.,._.u The 1·2 punth ol Wes Un5ekl and El vin Hayes on the bol.nk can be dominalin.a:. ove r . The lt7:S National competlttoa. Havlicek is Phil Chenier is a nne ltadft" . Bukelb•ll Association always at his besl, To&elher in tht backcourt. ln order for tNBAJ seuoa hal bfaua. with Cowens, White, O!.aney Washin.a:ton lo win they will AI k-ast that'1 the WIY It andthtresttheirfutbreak 1\a\~ to keep Cowens and leftM , With the new ICHeam ~nbeunatoppab~ . Tradition Silas off the bol.~ . ~nd pbyolf format oa.ly ei,&ht dut. are dimiuted from ::_~;~lheBo&OC: ~t~':s/=k~tilll po11 IUIGII eompeUtioa. It oa favonte . Ironically, Walhircton set alm<*l lftDU a moder}o ol a ret'Of'd for their •iMine the rqul.ar a-came seaoa. W~on on lhe othft- percentage at home while So In all acwality the oew hand cannot be C'OW!ted out Salton ~et one for their biD pme atartl. Oetralt and · NewYcrl<two~ ~~~~~~ p ll'l the Eut, Bolton squares olf apinat HOUlton white =.~= t~1et; ~m~~10'1 aJina fqte fonnft" GokltrJ Stater Nate Thurmond. U they do, the The NBA final ceuld be Bulb man finally m.ke It lo Yfl')' •nlidlm.tk. T1le NBA the NBA fiNib. crown will stay in the East. oznters in conference lead o lly sane Sc:lualu BuHalo batUe:l Washin&lon. bueba.U, winnirc >-2 and 10-4. Vruwink each had ttree RBb Don Vruwlnk went the and <surprbel NeWer had two to pace the bitters. Quite pleased 0\'ffaU, ~~ WalkitC only one, he •lso dilmaytd over the Winona deba.de in pme-(11'11 F'rid.ly, 5lruc:koutsixwhi~&irin&up Jim Oarlt u Jd , " I wed Coach jult four bits, two o1 thc:R in the lit innin.a:. to think webadalot ollood Down 2-G&oirc Into the lui pitchers, but I don"' tblnk 10 of the &lh , Point raUled to anymore. Several people score three runs in the final claim they l<*t ccrildenH In themselvea , but they ' re two innircs and win, 3-2. Ri&hlfieldet NeWer wu junion and aophomores and the hero, hittins a two-run they've pitched enou&h ball homer in the aixtb and a not to be that WJoy. They 've &lllme-winnina. run«<ting got to throw strikes.'' '"J'hatrntpme(aplr.t =;~~~~last ol the 7th ba':':.tk.tweJve 11le leCOnd pme didn't loot &ood either.in the early Oarltalsosaid,"lnthefour &oin& n the Warbawks aames we pl ayed thla jumped lo a :s-o lead In the weekend , the only one ...,'e first frame Startini pitcher Jim Goesch tasted only one-third ~ ~e;: =·~.it; pu~~~ =~~': :a~~~ i~i~r:~r;~d&a~: Golden State lakea on the conference race tbia Sr:aWe. • weekend, a plltthll a Boltoa, Waahlqton ud doub&tbnder wltb Winona Buffalo are the clau ol the St.teonf'rklay,Aprilll,and Eut wbkb lhla year abo aweepina a pair from CGn· meanJ the da.u ol the NBA. fft"ence foe Whitewater on The Wublnaton -Buffalo Saturday, April 12. Srra could t~n~ lnto a real All lour pmes wen played shootout . Wuh~J~fton on at home. RecO\·erirc from • record appe•J"I to be football ~Core ol 17-t in • stron&ft" on the boardl and slu&fest ...,·hich they came out has mo r e depth th an ontheshortendolinthefiBI =loandsur!~k=. mpiC: :n: 1 a1~! :n:::.m won tn that slua lest wit h McAdoo. Winona, three Potnt ldtia;, Unfortunalely, nobody has Rand y Newby , Dwayne pointed out to McAdoo that , Bronk a nd 8nlce English ~ b such a thine In yielded a total o1 t:S hits 12 buketball u an aulst. wa\kJ and 17 run~. · Winona was paced by Dd'enae could def:lde lhil se riu_. mainlY because enterfle ld e r Jeff BuffalO doetn't play any, ounabauer witb four hill Wuhlnaton should come out d four runs-batted in IRBll ltaaue on,.: ~adin& Ieora' Bob i:J!ct~=tl~~ 1 !;n:th 1 ~~~k\.:~~ :fx ~~~~ =c:nee!l:=~=~~: .::::ct:~ei:c:f::,.~ !!'!::·, .:r: ofanlnning, l~dinaupthe baSH on walkl before beilll va~:::· that three'f'Un 1st =:ff:r ~,._':~~t':e: ~ ........ Seattle is the Qnden!Ua team. They could be the lana f•vorile with llx roolia and Bill RuutU at the hdm. ;:~'e:ndlbel~:e!ars~: =~~e~we~~ce: ~:~~! 1trikesandletourdefe111e urry ua . I think we're capab~ ol 1hutti,. tome people down with our defenae alone." cash and carry orders with Student 1.0. IVotctonHoUdllya) LARGE SELECTION Of -PREMIER PLANTS WORKS .... ..... FourGREEN •P:;:i·IU, -r:=;:.=,.. Seasons Flower Show:~"~"'~wb=So~t~":"'~'·:iUWSP ::~;:;:;:;:d!'.,:~ ;: :-~;:-.k~:;;:!.,!:~::::~!!~~U~IIIJII;r!~ : '-'flUrall'dforthrirm.ttch wltb WalhlrciOn. w~j arfu~"'••!"",or~ cotlliSlency over the IK.k reaulat ill common, o1 aspect. Ourkidsdkin't~tie downanddie. l don't think we have that klnd ,ol team. We have some money pbyers," ht added. Piea.Rd the m<*t by hla t.e•m 'a cSefellle, Clark said, "By and 1arp our ddenae Ia &oina to aet notbi.n& but 011 ::~~~ f:.k c7=~~hawk behind righthander Dan T':_!:'J:,onthe was &ood hittirc cave Pcint left John Bandow who bluted • fUIW , 8rbn McCarthy and two-run homef' In the 4th. Mark Cambray, Joe Nelzlu ~llfR : d...T~ ~~c:tnat~~ a~·~ ..],·..u:. -nt ahead in we lc11t, We were ahead ot Winona In the first pme, s-o and laat. All the rest we won from bdlllxt." " t·m realpluseorrum uo•• 100/0 /C DISCOUNT in nin&. Whitew•ter could thouah the latW haa made !;:!!~==e~Jb~ OWl' arty wltb BailOn beifl.l hit~ etTon plus ..... the whitewater !Ued dwtn to some serilll.ll The EDISON'S MEMORY INC. behind Rick Barry ud tompany lbouJd m.ab it to tbe V.'estemflnala . In the other Weate r n P'a)'O(faeries,Kansu Qty· APRIL CLEARANCE ~=~~o~O:: ::t~~d :.':~em~~~::: $6.98 LP ' s NOW $4.98 UNTIL APRIL 30 ~ln"!~t~t!i ~~~== be playln& ao much . not K.rua City-omaN bdind Nale Art:hibald and Sam LacybaaiU!'priMdever}'one. llowever experience will Pl'obably decide thla one. Where K.anu~ City-omaha ladtsit,OKaaothrivesonlt. The EW.ern dMafon fina.l for au pnctkal pu.t'pOIII!S will be the champiOftlhip aerie~ . Washlnato.n and Boston match up evenly . Bot h · •innin& peretntqe on the UnfOfturl.lltJy nelth« one road. can stand up aaaln~l Salton or W•lhl•ton In • seven. The Wesl«n d.ivllion final pme Jeries OdcaJO would ...,;11 probably fu ture Chic.ao probably aland a better and Golden State. Both have chance mainly becnae stronaforwardsand&uard.a GoldenSlale'sQirrord~U but lack the dominatina bl& a poorer excuse for • center ..J ALL. ALSO CHECK PRICES ON FANTASTIC AUDIO SYSTEMS ! .. ,.,., ~~!:l!Jny .::!Jl~!J.~porated FROM THE SPECIALISTS Don 't Miss Hot Wa x & New Licks On WIFC Mon . Evening at 10:30 ii ~ ~ Poqe 10 THE POINTER April 17, 1975 Ballet Co. performs , holds class I The Wis co nsin Ballet Com pany will perform at 6 p.m . SUnday, Apri l 2111. in the Bert Fieldhouse a t UWSP, The program will Include five -..·orkl using a variation of dance styles h·om classical tomotlem worklll . In :addition to SUnday'a performance, members of the com p.1ny also will hold a mlllll~r class nt ll a .m . Monday, April 21 In room t ~ of the Fieldhouse, led by Vivian Tomlinson , one of the group's princi pal dancers. The dau Is ~ to the public without charge. A fools moon and a street lamp retied off the last of t he snow. Photo by Bob Ker ksler CNR calender ~-......._.. ........__ ·~m ·:;:,: ~;: _______ • I ~ moder lnterf6rs Inc ....-~..... on•.._..._ __. Apr llll at4-&p.m. and6:» 1:30 p.m. All CoUeae of Natural Resour~es ICN R l majon must attend one seuion ol Mass Advision. Bring registrallonmateriab: eve ryone must have thei r ~ardl sign«! to tel into regi5traUononA pril21. Mall Adv isi ng will be In the Wisconsin RQom , University Center (UCJ . ,\pr ll t l at 7 p.m. The Society of American f or esters present Herbert F1et~eher. director of f orest U. A. B. PERFORMING ARTS I .PRESENTS THE WISCONSIN BALLET Pr. .ently Products Lab, Madison, in meeti ng in the Nicolet· the Procram Banquet Room, Mar quette Room, uc. UC. The public is inv ited . A buslnesa m~Ung will follow . April n Deadline fflf' full payment ol rea for thole Apr il Zl at7 p.m . Beta Beta attendi ng fl rs t aesalon olthe Beta BiolotY Society presents CNR Oam Lake Session. C. R. Hu tchlnaon from the Those ~ivlng financial aid Sc hool ol Pharmacy, UW m ustaign apowe r olallorney Madi son . lila topic " The card. Se:arch (or New Drugs from Na tura l Resources," will be A prll u~lnnlng a tn oon prese nt ed In room Al09, the SAF Conclave on the eut Science Buildlfll . side of the CN R will be held Wllli all events are ~om · t\ prii1 Zat7 p.m. Xi Sigma pleted. PI I Uon orary Fornti-y Fraternity ! will hold a t\prll lO at I p.m. Publk! forum for Landscape Plan In Resid e nc e !tall Areas . <r s-llaoo!ioo <r Preae nted by the Urban Forestry clan. The public Is S120.00 lor aummet- invited to comment on the ptWate room - kl'lchen I pl.an. Theforum lstobe hekl bllhroom l.dlltlea. in room Z31 Coliina Claa room 1 S47 Strong I 344-9685 • Cen~r . A WISCONSIN ARTS BOARD FUND named a rNjordance com~nyfor the '74 '75 'uason RECIPIENT ·.- s;.;~;.:c;~Me,;Tc;.;..~· c~.- - Sunday Aoril 20th 8:00 pm BERG FIELDHOUSE All GENERAL SEATING $1 .00 UWSP Sludents $2.50 Non·Siudenls Tlchts available: UnW. Center Into o..k, Allen Center, De Bot Center & DOwntown 11 w..tl nberger's Groups ol 15 or mor. rKeJ.. 2 FREE Tlcketa ·~ .... r"' "-"""' · v~ ~~ 'UMiMO-Sl H ' TIPOd~t.Rrwl.-.,..~a­ Loi~IJcldHM .........,..,~.o •c-.. ..... • .......... ... v... r"" Men-.. ....... - . , . , •---ltEGISrtltEAitLY • STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL ciNTEA Sl..,..,. - Mw-,.c.tit. Mw.-u 11121--1716 For more lnlo or group 11111 call 346-4343 or ato p In at th e st uden t actl•l· ties ollie• (U. C.) ( .·, I April 17, 1975 Church announcements Tri.ahy Lulhet... Cli!U"CII : comer ol cart. and Roten St., Paston : Oliver Ulur and Daniel Litztr. Sunday Stn·icesarel:30and II a .m. Bah 'l Faltb will hold public meetlna:s for those Interested In lnvesli&aUon the Baha'I Failh. They will be ht'ld at 7:30p.m ., Mondays at 2510A Warner St. For lnformaUonc:all341·1087. Baha 'I Faltb will hold public meeUnas for thole ~7t~.\O!~~::·~ ~ hdd at 7:30p.m .• Mondaya at 2510A Warner St. For In· flnt Baplbl IA..alft"lcaa 1 Chrcb : 11141 Church St., Sunday services arl0:45 a .m. and 7 p.m. f Lutkeraa Sta dul Com· moalty : Peace Campus Cmtet' ,CorneroUtaria Drh·e and Vineent St . ~ce with Eucharist, Thursday , 6 p.m., ~ace CampUJ Center and Sundays. 10:30 a .m .. Peace Camp~~ Center. Sl. Pa ul 's V.l~ Mtlho4ilt Ol•r.b : 600 Wlllhire Blvd., SUnday service atJOa .m . New111aa Masses : Saturday, 4 and IS p. m ., Newman Chapel, Sunday 10 a.m .. Newman O!apel , 11 :30 a .m., Cloister Cllapel , li p.m., Cloiller O!apel . Weekday Masses : Tuesday through Friday, 12 noon, Newman Chapel. Confrsslon5 : Saturdays, 5:15 p.m ., Newman Chapel or anytime by appointment. PTe-reJistratioo lor e4· The Politin l Science undoa COW"HI .wUI be held Dtparlment is now accepting St . u ~l es tCOPSl bu1ld1ng . Remember : must have applied to the Profeuional Eduntton P r og r am t Schoo l of Education) by April %1 to register for classes. f'omu maybe obtained In room 112 You ro~ . Pn<:e Ullll.ed C\urtb ol Frame Pr u by terlall Cbu r ch : ISOO Main St .. SUnday RrVkn at IJ: 15 and lla.m The E'' IDJtlln l Free ~urch : YMCA Buildirc, 1000 DIYislon 51., Rev . Fred Moore , Pntor : 341-GOil, Sunday Servi«s-9: 30 11 .m. Collqe Oau, 10:30 a.m . Worshi p, 7p.m. Bible Hour. 0 Clusroom Center . For further Information, see ~.r.~::; T~f~= r~~~~~O:mf!erin:~ns~!ri ~~r ~:.rldt to,Mi~:r· .!f: Cbrllt : me Dixon St., SUn· clay Service at JOun . UMHE Fellowship Hour ~~oill be held at 7 p.m., Sunday. Aprill3,1t the ~ace Campus Center. Page 11 UWSP newsbriefs Ua l .. ertlly Pariah : Newman Chapel l buement of St . Stan's Chur<:hl, Cloi1ter Chapel , 1300 Marta Drive. Weekend THE POINTER l.ft Merrill. a pwt from Ailllud, WI, wiU be on cam pus Thursday, April 17, for a readlna of his worb. !.len-ill 's •wb have been published widely In literary mquines and he CWTftlUy ~aches 11t Northland College In As.hland . The readina wUI be in the Grf'tn Room of University Centes' at 1:30 p.m .• 111 ~day, April 17. The event 11 sponsored by Univtnlty Writers. semesters. Haaam,471CCC ()4f.Z410l. The Internships alford the student the opportunity to [ gain practical experience in gove rnmental agencies. Amona the agencies that studenta have worked with _.,. are : ll ~ Mayor's Office Q-lmln.l J ustice Planning Council District Attorney's Ofnee Northcentra l Planning Commission Stevens Point Pollee Deparlmt'nt Portage County Sherirr'1 OUlce Federal Corr«tional In· stlt1Jtion at Oxford, WI City-County Pl anni ng ornee Redevelopment Authority Professor c. J . Uu, ol the department of East Allan Lanauagel ol the University ol Minnesota, will lhcrw two mms made durina her recent trip to Olina. Ufe h1 Ctuaa • Today and Yes~rday "'ill be shown at 4 p.m .. Thursday , April 17, In the COmmunic.ation Room of the Uni\·ersity Center CUCI. If you are in terested in 11 t'heH'COndfilm,Art in CW.na summer or fall internship. - Vtstenby •nd Today, will please pkkupan•pplicaUon beshownthesamedayat7:30 from tilt Political Science p.m. in the aame room of the Dtpartment,room,.73Colllns I'£' . P:::oo,:;e...clco2_~_.;_ c TH :.:E:...:.PO=lN:.: T.:. ER :.:__ __:_; April 17, 1975 by Capt. TEE VEE Stevens Pond Promise 'whole truth' about nuclear power .OPINION uiJp POINTER Food Day set for Apri/17 Ope n ld~r . April 17 has been desigNltd Food Day - a nation.! day for action on the food crisis. Food Dlty's ob)tctive Is to point out the need for Americans to become act!velyinvolvedlnthec reation and detennill4lllion ot national food policia. Nationally , Food Day activitie~ will center on three major themes : the severity of the world food shortage, . rising food prices •• home and the decllnln1 quality of the American diet and Its rifectsonthepublic'sbealth. \lihlt are you doin& for this day! Get involved , at~ aU it's )'OUT money. iDvolved, aner all it't ,.eur money. Pressure dty, state and federal agenclu to develop responsible food . policies: lake advanlllt or the counly'l plant-in ol wobll.n gardens lfor more In· fo rmat ion contact your county aaenu ; reject nonnutritious; resource aquandering "junk foods" ; ex· ~; :'.:n.::t:a:'~ veaeui:l'ilel and other left· oven in the creation of nutriticus and tasty meals and try eali"l low on the food chai n and combinl,. nonmeat foods to Inc r ease protein vah.a. Nature " has provided us with many nutritious and tasty altn· nalivestomeat~ . Besides encou r a11na awareness ol food wuta&e In To the tdllor, n uence the te!~~;.~"";v!plu!"t~ family homes, rtstaW'llnts have a respomibility for: the food~ serve. Reltaurants must provide foods hi&h in ~e~~~ns'e:~~ p = : : : : nutrient loss and Include fresh fruit and vraetables. ll a lf-portions shou ld be available with commensura~ reduc:tion in Jl!ice. What about the places you eat at~ P.bU requests • mOlt places try 10 utb fy their CU&Iomer's desirts. Food Day need~ people to &et Involved. 11le outcome will aUert you. Are you In· ternltd in your own survival and well-being! J o. n Alllun Rl . 1. Bo• 14 way to live at peace with ourselves and nature? Can adence now control the clevasdnanuc:learforcelthas \l'lwiltinaJyiOOIIedontothlJ small planet ~ Sdentirk advances have built~ many vested In· ~rests . Norman RasmlJ:ISeft , author: of a $3,000,000 Atomic E)!erJy Commlsslon tAEC) reactor safety rtpOrt ad· milled to this when a mo r atorium on nuc lear plantawupropoHd : " GEand Westinahouse couldn't afford it." media , and l\ltlves1 That nudear in· IJu"ou&h that, the quettionin1 dultry stiH only asaumes a public, is pr-omising to ''td1 the whole trul.haboot enugy Issues and national options." Will they r eall y? That nuclear planta pole hazards seco nd on ly to nuc lear warfare? About near misses of accideott releatlna radioactive matmall from a nuclear reactor core? tedlnoiOCY exista for: safe waste dlsposal? Truth about The AEC report suppressed for eilhl years that a majotnuclear plant accldtflt could result in u 000 ,fatalities contaminall'na a Penn: IJ)'Ivania:Stt'd area? About Pl~ton .. um (t o remain radioactive (Of' a quarttr miUion yean?l The storaae of 20,000 metric tons of these a pluet lost in one arm of Investors imbued with a mon l .ense against nuc:lea r plants will not buy stocb. Atomic lndustrial Forum IAIF J, a tax free coalition out of the biosphere too limes funded by nuclear as klfl& as recorded history of organizations a nd utilities, man? has a Sl ,31t ,OOO budget 1"74The truth about nuclear ~1. with well thought-out plane; to manipulate lhe news po_wer 's non -r eliability : subaidlted med ia and political Price-Anderson Insurance; hUileCOit over· The AIF's trying to In· r uns and feulble alte r · ' 75-76 Pointer Allareequa.l;you,l,cor· poratlon beacl. utility VP ; nottlln1 but tiny creatw-es on i nform ative from tho5e ~you that ean't vibrant , The univenlty preu provldea the opportunity for uperimentatum with new Ideas in thefiekl of jour. nalism : We, the editors ol next photographers, layout perso nn e l co py Of:ltan•u.Uon . Thl1 deOnltely anlstants. keypu~chers, inc.l~ f.e:ulty, starr, ad· pu:~:e~~- 0 ~::~y~nv~~t wl~ =~~~','lis~nd.,."=:l =~:t!_ton -. There are paid p05itlons available tor: those who can clemOflltra~ the ability to . We are also Interested In ~Vi"'c:ortslructiveideu ~~ 1 tr emendous ga laxy takln1 IOO,OOOyeartfOf'liahttopau ac rou! Earth jiJII one of Innumerable p laxles! Yet utilities, governments, indiJitrlesandbanklplaygod to all of us manuevtrin1 selfllh l y ~lth money (power I not wisdom forcinB :/'".:st u:l~ntm~ · iMrs.l CGretella Groahek Rt. I Bo.t 411 . seeks staff T• the editw, are klokilll for people who arewillinatoc:ontributelime and eUor:t in return for the utlsfactlonolbeinapartola fr om terrorists, black· mailers? Tec:hnoiOfiY lJ not always triumphant ! ~an~;y?b~ k~:u!: ~~~· """""· year'su~veraitynewtp~per, ~tt:Urilyofn~learmat eriall and other non- An orpniutional meeuna is .c:heduled for: 1 p.m .• Thursday, Aprll17 ,In the Red If you don 't run into 1.11 ptr'IOnaiJy , write 1.11. The addreu II t:JO Gesell . lt canhaveapolnt! Re • c... tuck aae t S.lly D•U r De•als J ensea 't1.11dy Jell• Msc:O....W Albert S&111ek Kalil••• '111••• Room of the University Re~~ Center . Curl01lty Is e n- J l• Wsnla eouraaed. tt a t (