' u!!!"PPOI NT En ~~ • SERIES VIII VOL 17 UW-STEVENS PO INT APRIL lA 1974 Anti-nuclear groups show signs of power by ,utwrt Slant-k Si&n Do.. n : Tempc!rS lip In Stt'\t'IIS l'olnl ,\nti..antlnr S1111 lk'ing.J Contr~·ersy · 'T'boW •ere the hudhnn urly Jut " ' ttk when a ban11er opposin& nuclear po'lto'ff ,... . Lalml dovon rtun a locat1011 near tbe n~ 1Utt011 on O.•·•s•on Strtoet The story r«e~ved state· 'A1dt tvo"ffiCt Bert's""""' ha ppened. On F'nday t Aprtl :u ~•ty cr"s hung the banner from t.,.o polts owned by the W"con11n Telephone Com· pany betak~do.,.-n . the l..f.oague Agamst i"uclear DQ"Itl"' l l.A.'I,IOJ, the UWSP Env1r00mental Council ano The llgn •s owned by company thatuked th.ltthe b.loner be taken down ac· tordm& to Stevens Point Mayor Paul Borham . Borham pointed out that he ProjC't'l Information All thn:e are local groups op- 1\a.d rt«t \·c.-d a call from l*•rclhe~tructioftofa Uoyd Benin-. local manqnnudear power plant 111 of Wist«~sin Pubtic Service, Rud!Mph IS m1let vtal ol mtnutes before the teo:le9hone Slt'Vft\1 Point ~ IJ'oupl com~ny calk<! to request ~•ved pntnlu1on tMiier that the Sl& n be t.aken do111·n. '41K'Ons.inPubhcSrrvic:eis that "ffk from city offiCials to display 1M "'" for rh·e oneoltheutllitltsplaMUI&to butld a nuclear pown- plant in days Satllfday morn•ne t Apnl II c1ty crews remo•·C'd the sisn Ateordu"' to the mayor. from the Oivtsion Stree t ~mn- said that "he didn't locallon It wu lhe phone hke It" but didn't ask that it It was not lonl a ftn&-mft"'s call to the mayor 's orfn:e that the telephoae company called to complain about the si&n Mayor Borilam aaid only that the "telcphotle com· pany " cal)ed Telephone company m~aatr F'ranll Blr'"""lloU dnued that he penonally contacted the mayor lie dldn'tllnowwhott was in his company that called tht mayor 's office. We ulted around and the only penon that thou&Jit he """"'ph knew who did the callinl for the telephone compa ny was UO)"d 8ft"ner, public: setvi«: managn- " I thlnkthat.,.·as Hill Schaefer , the plant SUPft"'isor," he ..ald. SC"haefn-isonvaeationand is not available for comment On Monday I April II the Story Wl.l liven tO the A.uoc:1ated Prft.l.. It was c•rrie d on radio and RC':'It'Splpei"S throughout the state. On 1\lnday I April t) Jeff Litt l ejohn o f th e En · vironmenta l Council, John StueckofProjeoetlnform•llon and Gertrude DiKon of UND met 1111th Mayor Horham '41Ui theMipportoftheclty attorney they al&fTied thal1f U!tsb;!Mft"lsnoi.PfTm•lled then other t>;.nners shouktl't • ~ ~ j ;; Nominations open • Stud ent Gove rnment wtll bokl electiOnS for the olftcaolpraiderltand rice· preatdent on April :29 . r.clllnllon day Pwaons tnte rested ln runnin& for offtceareuraedtocontac:t the Student Government OUic:e. :hd floor, uc Candidates must be UWSP students with a minimum _.aU aradt point avenae ol2 o. Candidates may be on probatiOn of any kind SomJRatklnl for olfJCtlh.aU be done thrqh petiiiOM ol :'an!= than SO student Wrttetn ranchdates must gtv• ""Titlen noli« at the Sludent Covwnment Ot"fa« of their tntentlon to conduc:t wr•te·in c:am~•gn no lattT Ulan the oper!II'C houT of the polls Wflte-l n candidates •1ll bewbject to all C':le-ctions ruleswiththeueepoonofthe pelthon requirement <:amp.:tlp!l"l must fnollow the reaulattons and rntnttJOns of the c:ampus and 111 resp«llve bwld1np It •sthedut) oltbecandidate Pellhont may be p~t.ked up llftytime aftn- Wednesday, April II. lt14 at the Student Covfl"nment Off~te. Student Activities Off!«. UnivtTsity Center lnlormation Desk ~ Sludent ~an.aa~ · Offa« 10 Allen and DtBoC. Centtr '<~~1thin XI feet of the": polls rKcq)t for poalt,_ Candtd.:ltes •ho wiSh to have a statement, ad or a pctW"e run In the nmpr.&~ retanct~GM ~c:ampatan•n&lsallowed On the inside ... Amnesty favored page 9 Victory sa vored page 18 Controversy growing page 10 Evalua tion going page 2 ::,o:.~~r..e:.::~~ Mona to ~o~gnsi nlhepastandthatht ne~;:d!k~ fC:,.h~% 1~1::.• 1 --· Theyhavestrunc banners for \"OU"IOU.IJociiJ l'"oupl from the D•v•s•on St ree t poles in "fbe ll'lfttlftl l!flded With II request for ddinlte uhhty pnlehnHforthe future 1be c•tY authortud the envtronmeniiii Jroups tore· han& the banner from tret-~ oncttypropert y Thelocation was to be mutually agreed upon b)' Lllllejohn end R•chard Morton . City SuPfT'·iMr of butldlrc con· slrucllon Thd liiM )JIIyor 8orham asked the &roups 10 have the 1-11n re·tU..tnl a t tht1r own elpense becauae " tt's ~ ly for us to put siena up." . On Wednesday afternoon 1Apnl 101 the banner wu up aca•n Fishing slowing t~eWspaptrlhcddcontactthe f'ointff Offlc:e. l*-ZU!I for the necuury information pol~~e;:~ ~towc::;:n.; uked pemuuion refused both times tobea.,.·areolthe~tiations and . ~lo.;::ne;~e;y morninc t Aprtl tO I lhe mayor a rrangf'd a meehng ~~oith Be~r and Blrrenkott Ut· Ue,IOhn . Dl;xon , a represen· tative of the Olamber of Commerc:e end four m•mbers olthe preu.,.·n-ethere Berner and Btrrenkott monntained that the utilities hal-e the naJII to dfocide what. tfany , si&tllwutbehunafrom their poles BirrenkottJLaled that lhe lelephone company C:C~"!-~a~~".!':tc::r•m•nate or page 17 The new loc:at1on Is whhin 1111·o bAocks of the ~iiCOftl.in Publte SfTvlt"e busineu of. r~ . Page 2 Apr~l THE POINTER 18, 197J Nelson talks on shortag~s by Terry"'lu Senator Gay lord Nelson ,.·amed 111 1 visit bb-e last ..-ee:k that lhe U.S. ls in poor po1ilion to cope with d1welopng world food and material lhortagn. " For y~ars • handful of rt'50UI"ce experts """limed this wascominabutthetroubleis that only rt'SOUI"t't ~xperts rt'ad what rt'IOUI"te ~xperls ""Ttl~ ... s:ud the Wisconsin lll'mocnt '"Our fundament.al problem ~that the federal govffn· ment doH not have tht'ability tomeawrethedept hof""w ld resour«:~ and the demands on them or to forecast tht' short and lo"' t~rm con· N~lsons:udthatrt'l:~ntl yhe had aothot'N a bill to trt'ate such a monilortn& mt"Chantsm He proposed 11 Nlltural R~sourtt- In · lormahot~ System " It Is an eleme-ntary 1tep .,.,-~ mllSl I..IIU to fill an astounding mlormllhon •·oid ca~ by our perl)ttual~y ~:~~·~dor~ i~ ·~r :::~~~d'o[~atan,~~~~:~~=~ ,,,..~OitoltiH.oformuSf'(ll ut Bylaws changed The Andem•r Affa1r1 Commtllet" has voted 1 fh:l.nge m the amendments to ~~a ~!a"";~ e rver!~~'ngs u ~~ Comnullt't l'"r"1:sently. a coo\" of the studt'nt's gri~vanc~ hu not 1 ~gt~·t'ntotheinstructor Thefllil"lt'PI"O'''desthat a fopy of the stude nt 's gr •e••ance,.·tllbes.enttothe Eut , ;~ndthefailureto~k ,..,II ................. , ', tn 50\'lolllgy m•·estiga ltng nrl'di of Wtsconsln 's Amt'fK'an lndtan1 an d an archeolt~~tcaldlg t:mphaSI' 11 also being plltcWonworkshopslasting for•ar)mghmt'pt'rtocband locu~nglargl'lyonac:tdrmlc ~~o!~::ter:t~il~~~ :\"t'Wmi9'Htsanadvanced reat s tratton pt'nod for an,ont-tnttrf'Stt'"dtnt'nrol llng Ill thfo $n.!! IOO The sign-up ..,..,1] bt' from Ia m to ~ : JO pm on t'ru.ID)", Aprll\9. and 9am tolpm onS:at..-cbly. April :.!ll.m the Banque-t Room of tlw l!nt•"ttMty Cenlt"f ·-· ~ Government called "best" I"" A•-*-0>.-. 1!::::.:"::. ·-· . .--·::·- u::,~·:.::~l~:.:~~ :::::::.::;:;.=:.a ~~~:: ~~!,;~:~~ : t-'::::"-';:.':::..!"" --.. •~~-era! :!:... ~~...~.~-'i'.'! ~e~.;';·~ri.•lc!~!~'O:t!:~ pa phiu • ·edt.• a co. .,.,,. drcilkd t. lakm , , _ , _ ""'..... -~ Dl !=~·--~-=~.. ~::t~Y~•,I ,:!"~:~ '=~~~: :=-:~~~-::~:..- ~::.Stt'vens amounll~~&to;~bout $-100.000 And one~ m~rger gou lhrough. they,.·tflpreb.ably controltb!illlocatKinofSJ mtlhontnstudftlt len The studt'Tit IO\"t'fiii'Mftt allocates t.beftn loralmGiit le"\·erythin1. mcludmg. a111t Rtver f'alls , the t'nttr~ athleticprocrllm 111 :=.=--=-· Point is a ~ml~m~rai~~~~~ : =':"'";;:.. •::.,-=:-;::. ·~:;;I ~~ro!:'n~~ s{.!{;es~~~he:~ --·,: l ~.e::ryf'a~:.d ~~~te::~~ 1 ~..:-...-·-!""~:::.":' ,- huaructorm•·oll·edllhtrhll•ll in llun solic tt a "'Ttttm 1ta t e m e nt fr om t he 1n st ructor . Studenta with gnM'IIIftt p~ndlng before the s ub· C"OmmiUc-e ""'ill bt infonntd of this change and g,,.tn thto option or withdravoing tht-tr grlevuce or havi111 a ropy forwarded to the Instructor Computer computes campus commuters ' Mori.'Clver. Sutnmff Ses!i1011 St'CaUSotorhigh prices and aho rtag u of Otr~ctor Wtnlhrop Otlford guoline, UWSP ,.;u cater to noports that arrangem~nt s hal"t'~nmadt'toha\"e50mt 111 commuters who :tr~ enrolled in the 61th :tnnual classes ronc~ntnted Into summersessionlromJuneiO eitherthefirstfour...-eeksor thelastlour"""et'kllolthe to Aug l . A computerized carpooling sp«tal study pt'nod llo,.·r •·~r . attommod.:itiOIII St.-rvtcewlll be a vai lable free to atudentl and ..uversity ""lllbeanilableinrt'SI~ J)H"iOnnel bq:iMing on tilt- halls lorstudftl\5 mttrested first day or classes. The tn staying on campus be buSinesa aflain diviston wdl Cal~tt'na mtali h:l.vere-present.ati,·esinthe avatlable .too Nearly ~l't'ry acadt•mtr lobby of lhe Univ~rsity C~nter to assist persons interested ckpartmt'Tit . ,.-,u be offmng ln becoming ma tched up ""1th courses. some of whtch art' othen who are driving in to relallvt'l)' n~""· or ntht'r campus from the umt- unusual such u astronomy. reltgtous studtn. rield ..,.·ork outlyinc ar~a . ponibl~ altt'rnlltl\·esourcuofent'f"Jy "W~ dtd not have such a system ;~nd drifted tniO the en~ rg y c:rtsis," said the St'flator ~-"- ~c~e,.'Oieopt"ration :·~,d provtdt-th~t)"pt'OIIudtrslup ,.;u //· ·staff',, ~Ilion budt_-d UWSI' as an tll.!ii tuultot~ ""tth a rt'plllllhiM mtheen•·tronmmtalftrldlor tndtl" tduals fonctrOC'd .,.,.•,~ thto prt.)tl'"· •·atton of tht ra rth '~ fintll' dev~lop tng that,.·lfJacttnanttOOal""·a} toward the t111'troomrnt. tf ""-earrtohusband,.hattsleft of thr ra rth "s rt•sourct"s ." Nelson said Chanct'llor l.~ Dr~ylu s orritially dedu:-ated the nr ..· butldinglaterat tt'rtmontt'S att~nded b) Ma,·or Paul Bor ham . former UWSP Olanc~llor Wilham lbnson andothetdignttanl'l '" We desperat~ly ~~~a mt"Chantsm lhat permit ll:li to do tlus 1nd we nt't'd it quickly.''ht'Siidinat.alkat the dedication of the n~w l"atural Resourcn Building. "" The most dramatic ev•drnce of the crillcal need l or a monllo ri ng and fotecastJng system is the ent-rgy crisil." said :-.;dson. "" What we needed was a sop histiutt'd and trust~d sys t~m thlll would have reco1nued the danger stgnals.. Jikethestartltng rise tnguconsumption, tht- lack ofrellnt-rycon•truclionin the U S . t ht' p olilic;~ l dett'noutton In the Middle (... ,..,II ·~~ " lttli up tostudfnts""hll study at thts unn·tr511~ to =~:sa fltclingthose ,._ ..·-· :~-·-· ... _,_ ,_ .. -- ophmtsllf bt>ht•f that ~lothrr Naturr nt'\"t'r riM! out of r t-so urcu that manlund /lll't'ds l\;011o ""f" 1tn011o dtf· ftrftltl~ .. he :satd Evaluation starts A rour:se and lar:Jity ''Th_r Studl•nt Mhtn •1aluatton form lew second ,,·mr~h·r ""as pass~d uuanmwu.lyb)' bothStudent of the 1tutk-nt e\•alu:thonslll ~·f\.111' and Student Assembl)' • duonJ.: tiH.• Apnl 1 m~11n1 . ;K"\"'IIfdln~ tu lloy William allo""' class timt' for ttw ,.~ t'\'aluations ," T•~sa 1 d Tlfe .ro .-h;~trperson of tht Cou r se and fo'acul t y 1l1e evalua tton""·•Jibo.•run F;1alu;~t1011 Sob..Commtttt't', in I~ Math l}epartmmt onto s udthattht'lormpasst"d""·as week brfore tht! wm·t·rStt)'· a tom ph•tt•l)' rewo rk e d "'." dcevaluationasa ""tt-.)."" 1 ~ 1 P01nt may have th~ belt 1 11udent government tn the major student : =.!.'.":!.":"':: -;~·.,:- ""'" : ~~ ·~te~~ Nancy Moore named new chairperson N<inry Moore hu bt'otn liPPOtnted lht' ne-.· Ull]tsh Depllr_tm~nt ehatrperson Shewllla.!i.iUI"I"It' the~ 1 n :t.:P·~.-=~..::::.:: ~~(' ~::~~~!~bu~~ :=:--:::• ~----: :iiC~~!~~-~~~nm::: '"'"" Moore i ~~1~~~f.t::m:; ii I PHt:SI DEST Jt.'\1 : ~~:.~:i\t :!~u~~: l ~~::,f:~:::'~~aov~;: The studtnl &overnm~nl haJ~alsosetupma nystudent ;~nd they are tryin& sen•ces to ntabhsh a Untversi ty gO\"t'f"nm~t . halfstudentand halllawlty llamtltonutdthe'trstudt-nt go,·unment h.. a &ood relahOMhtp""lthUW·Sttv~M Potnt Ch;~nce llor l. u Dt~ylus ""I have to&ivt him l'redltforalioll.ln&lludenllito handlethtostudentlifesupport llr~as , s uch 11 ;~llocatatw funds lie hasn't opposed any allocations ltl flit ," Hamilton staled "Ou r m11n probl~m is grttmg word out to th~ studt'ntsonwhatwearedoing and what we s hould b~ Mail r ecistratton ""Ill be hllndled prior to Ma)" 2~ A lin11l se t of "ln·pt!non " rt'&istratton days br hrld on Junt' 5 and 6 ,.,u Newman pastor leaving fo'atht-r William Jablonskr . • one of the Ne..,.•man Centt•r p<~Jtors. has ;~nnow~Ct'd t~L ht-"""lllbel~avmgNe...-man at the end of April Jab&onslt~ ,..,II be J'llllll\1 the Centt'f for llu man ~ve lopment at St Mar) ·s Collt'gf" 111 W1n<H1;~ , )\In ne.ota . llt""illbt'contethl' co-ordinato r for Program Oe•·t'lopmrnt ""'hich is otmt'd ;~t 1pl ritua l r enewal ~nd t'Ontinuin& education of tht elern Jablon s kt' hu been auociated ""'lth the IIUIIal conce pts and structunnc severa l 11p~c11 of tltf program 11nce t961 lie has 5penthissummers....,orklniC•" this pi"1Jiram ,.·hilt herr 111 Sl:~vmJPoint. J ablonslte had p~· rou>h be~n a pproached sevffal hmatowork fulltimt'onthr procram but h.ld dechned do~~~~=tinthelast ofiiCft'lelection,lheltudt-nll at Stt-vtn~ Point are bt-aint.be meaage. 11111( to~~ M~ Will 5UI;'Cffd t :UITUK'S NOTt:: ~ '-U!wt~ who ciedtned •ut IHue llf 1J1.e POilliTEK anothtl'" lt'rm alt tr hoeadmg "lll b-t'A prii U . .UI ma~rla l thedepa rtm~:ntf0fabouts 1 x nbmlltd for publlutlo• y~ars Tht rhat rpeuon ·s ftiU~ I ~ ~ubmlt\.fd 1o Ute trrmrunsfOfthrt'tyears I"'JNTt:H office by t"rld.l y Th~ Enll•sh Drpart~t · ,\pr ll II. lt.emaitlbtl «~eoltb!largestoncampus: 1-'HIU of lhr PO INTt:K =~sofaboutXiteachmg ,.ill bt' prhlmd April t> andMayZ. • Apr.l 18, 1974 THE POINTER ESP pioneer to speak tonight byDa•·f'GMiur J 8 Kh m~ . long-ttm~ ~~~tor .n therit-kl of parapS)'chology , Will s~ak an '' ESP Ill Reality and Meaning " Tht lecture ...,,u .start at 7 ·30 p.m April ISm the P'T~ram - Uanquet Room, Unh•ersu y Centu . Rhine ~n the studies thalledlothtdt-\·elopnwntol parap&)'tholoeyu ana~a ol research HtJ fin;t book m 19l• introduced the te rm • ··ext rastnsory perceP'ton." b;a,wdon sutyears ofresearch at Duke Umvers1ty Paraps)'thology in•·oh·es the 11\ldy or such arns ESI• :u t telepathy . clair - ' 'O)'ance. precognition rctrocogn1tlon 1 and and Rhme s 1111 1n·es an OC · USIIKI1il lecture and IS ac tl\'el)· rnpged in 111-ntirl& RhmeistMauthorofalong hsl ol books A popular account or the ESP u penmtnts. entitled ." 'ew Frontltrs uf the )!Ind . .,.•as BookoltheMonlhm 19J7 Tht H~rach oll h~r :lllr~d. a book for the general public . was t ';o rap~)chul-ay : t'rOO!tler ~Wr~ceofthe Mind. He has also ed1ted se~·eral books nclud nl one on 1 1 ps ychokmes1s autho r ed by his '-''•fe. Louisa E. Rhine . IU!ine's lecture is being jo•ntly sponsored by Ch.,n· cellor Dre)fus. thf Dr11n of Leitrrs and Sciences and tlw Ps)'Choloty Dep.Jrtmfl'll The :Zx~'~okRhil~e t,~u~~i~e~ chargt'd. ~~:!~ 1; ~~.!. !~~~ ~.,: !~:: ::..e :.:~bl~ Student raped behind YMCA psychokinesis t mind over matter I In t9:J7 Rhine l;~unched tht Journal of l'arapsytholocy the leading sttentl h c penodicaltn that field today He hradtd t he lns.lttute for Parapsychology at Duke unlil Ius retirement At age 79. Students get the blahs by Kobut.a Pta ~'50ft Sick of school• F'eelin& • What lll't need, he said . is someonetoaay ' 'I know what you mean " apathe tu:: or depressed'! You 're not alone Yau-w, sot Claudia Quick . dorm Ioiii o1 company, 1nchldins fcllow studenu , teachen and d•rector ol Thomson Hall , SOlid feeling low or apalhebc adm1rustraton 5rems to correlate 111,th a ume ol )'tu ~~~-hen it's not as r t:uon . eve r ybody t'JI · rucc outSide She bel•~·es pcr-encn them from llmc-to. Sot\'ft'altypnolstlldentscan bt'Comc affected . lime Pt-ople~~~· houk-.r.•hythey Denrus Elstnrath , director ofthecnunsehngcenttr .s.:ud are here make up one ~t~ch Most 11p.;tthy and dtpras1on mos t g r oup , she said frtquentiy they're freshmen ~~~Hh~~h~r:':~'!t ~~ and sophomOfft "'ho are 1051 e tabhi.hed thP1r direction 1n ·• ••thou\ a s pecific aoal hfe Sa11on111 1Mlabll1ty at Otlwn may be unhappy w1th prcunt 11 a contr1bu tin1 therMelvn Some studenu factor lhat adds to normal are 0\'erly cr•tinl ol them ~tudent prn.surn. mallina wh·n and strwe to be hke some studtnU feel IMf'C'W"t' somebody elK •nstead o1 about the1r futw'e . he s.ald XffPilrll thfmHh'es as tbfy " Apalhy, a 1ft. wvcre are 'nlfnthn-earethole•·ho don ' t wo rk well undu ~':;o!::rme::,·:e;t.od; prts~ure . Ttley need to l~arn h.u Nld at one lime or that about lhemwlvn and anoi.Mr Il ls a wayolcopinJ spr~ad lhe•r work out OVff a with fear of deprivation , whcMe~emester " Each student has th~ humlliahonorf111l~ ;· said opportunity to ~ almost Accerd•ne to Elwnralh. •t's anythlna hf or she wanlS," pou1ble to become OVffly wid Ms Quick ' 'Thole that COMe rnt"d with apathetic are depreued or a pa tbftie feelinp 11 can keep studenu can put into action tbf Ideas from~~~~ toocompetith"fl or techarcrthrir situation , or aa.areu•« F- people can rind~whowillhflp Joallthellme Form01tol111 tMm jump out o1 11." " kllt'Vt'JIOI'not, lll"eget lhouch, apathy il'ldlcaiH we nef'd to be more xh« dtpresJC!d this timr ol ynr, Physic:alactivityllimportant too:· aaid Tom Md:a1g, dean for mental health and w.nter of the school of educa\Jon. lithe lime ol year when m01t " Ooo't be afraid to talk to a students ha•e the least teacher abou t it . We know amount ol physkal ach•ily 111·hat 1t1S " McC'a•J listt"d invol«mrnt There appears to be a co rrel ation between your such as el!ntise. sed!nJ body &tiline blUe e:o.ft'dse fr1ends and 1n~llrll acllvitiesuacunlorapathy and your mind feelinc dull Drprnaion can be helped by 1 uid that tbf ume methods and by students should offer un - findinlafr;md. a teacher. or counselor to conhd~ in !Wrstandin& to one anol.hef' We cton't need sympathy as St udent t should think much as we just need to be poeilively for 1 future they understood. Sludenl.s who are c11n charce and have the "down" are mOlt often met pot rnli al to cha nge, McCaig with l ll rCUIJ'I Of ridicule. ,;a~:x=-~~~~-~~~. ;ra~&; Ellennth • an~1 !':~th """"' Donald Johnson . director o1 thehealthcenter.uidthere IS a need to ·•make it respectable to say I feel totlf'n Everybodyknovo-show toadmmisterflnl a1d "'' hen somebody gets a phys~eal InJury. but we don 't know A 20 -yea r -old UWSP sludent wu raped on the eveninJol •\ptii! Ointhefidd behmd the YM CA. Stevens Point poli ce des<::nbed the attacker n aboutfh·e-f«t -fivelnchestall and of slender build . Police ha\·e as ked a nyone who !loiW a man mat.ching 11\at description in tl\at Mij~:h · borhood Wednesday e~·rn•ng tocoolac tthem . Policeuidthe"'·omanwas walkingcutlnthe ti!IOOblock of8t'igpStreetabout11 :05 p.m . whenthemancameup behindhcr , grabbedherand demanded money. Police reported the man thenforcedh«togo-.r.ithhim to the field behind the YMCA ~~~·heretheattacktookplace . Th~ student also told police the man tr ied to 1\rangle her seve ral times during the attack. The man left the scene '<''alk.ing wnt toward Prentice Street and headed south 'Jlle victim thtn ran to 11 neighbor's home whfre she c1illedthepoliee. ~~~-hattodoforeachother 's mrntalachesandpa1ns." Johnson SOlid hebeltt"·esall •llnnsna re aC1'1mbtn1111onof both m.nd and body . When wr ha~·r somebody come m with 111kttlu'oat111'eshouldble loolung at both sources. SlrfSI. heSOIId, causespeople to get germs by lowering thetrres~tance According to Johnson, O\·erN;IfthechnJc's pahenUareviclimsolstnu. l'eeiniJ low IS some\Jmes nKt'INry , he 111d We all N;\·~ penods ol sorrow in our 11\·n , somet•mes altu the 5C'p<lrahon or loss of a loved one It's best to aU0111· your$elfto lc-elgriefat sueh a hme. soyouca naetitoutol your system. Johntonsaidhebelieves n ·rrybody shoukt Crtlilf' I mental f1nt aid k•t and UK 11 dunn& thole Limn when you feel rotten Studen'- should each be a111·are o1 111·1\at they wouldputmtosuchak•tand nothesltatetouse•twhen needed lnstrueti(ftl for a kit $hould be, ''Stop whale-vu you 're d01ng 11nd proceed :~~~. :=tc~ t=~~k~a: 11 a favorite poem or I'm O. K.• ' 'OY' rt' O.K. The t tudents counsehnJ ttn tu , PICIKI. Umven~ly Ch r1 st1an !ot ovement. resadtn« hall starr. dorm cilrectorsandprofessorsexist to 5ft'\·e student needs Tbey are)U!ItlffWoftheresourcn available to studenU who wu h help to r esolve problems rt 's•mpoai bletokeep "thf blahl " II you do some thing about II Specialist holding music workshop The Department of Musac and the student chapter of ;\lusK Educaton' National Conf~ r ence t ;\IENC I have ar ranced to ha\·e a x-r•es o1 lecture-d~mons tr ahons focusmgonmusic forch•ldrm1111th U«'phona/ ne-eds Thew seaions "'ill take lllatt at 4 and 7·30 pm on Monday , Apnl 29. 1n ~ C· 121 Jn the f'l ne Arts Centft' Directing thestai(ftl Will be J~an 8 Johnson. mUSic sDtC•al•standd•rectorofthe mus1c laboratory 11t the w~ubug Cen ter · Pete r Cooprr Sc.hool in Supuior, Wironsm At the ttnlft'. Mn JohnJOn works Wlth children who have a wide rang e of disabilities a nd tl;lndiCDp5 In her 4 P m IIHII«< she "'vuld hke to pres_ent, and demonstrate ce rtain 1deu from he:rCII'tK'UIIJ!" Slw has uprn.sed a Wl lhn~ to ...-ork w11h studfonts m actual laboratorysituahons The sessio n will Involve work.ing1111thdc!afchlldren, those with le a rning d•ub1illies, blind and educable mflllally retarded students A l«ture-demonstratkln geared pnmanly to music te11chus and future millie teacbfrslllill beprHtntedat 7 JOpm. ThediKUiaionwill cen tn- arowad " Music for Exceptional Children" or " Yr'hat I t t you aotng to do about O.apter Both series are open to all in terested university students and faculty free of charge . •r·-- ~E POINTER Ap"l 18, 1974 · UFO~s are real: Friedman b>· Tt-1Ty \\1tt folft~n )'~.11" of ICICII(IfiC researrh have conv•nctd nudear physic1st StantOfl T t-"nedman that the earth has bfoc!n visited by spacec:rafts from other solar systems. "Unl~lified n )'ing objects tunn •or nru~&nue1!rsare \'U)' real:' said Friedman. ·'Tht' "'''denrr g:uhcrt'd t'nt>dman's prt>senl:ltHin fromcom~tent. trustworlh~· n·•·ealt'd thai at lrasl z:. ul eyt',.dtnes:u•s i5 O\' l'T · 1h\'3ppi'OlUOl3!t'l)"300pNPie wht>lmmc. Our problem OO'oll' gatht•red m Allen ft'nll'r LStoclimm;Ut' the 'laughmg thoughttheyh:ad obst'l'\'\'dan curt.:un'tthtft'arofndiculel Ullldenuftl'\1 flying ob,ll'('t Of which pn••·ents obser-·ers lhllliiol'!S~r.oons.nootu•had from r eport1ng the1 r ex· n•portt'd th~rstghtmg totht• peru.•nees'' authontlt"S t::artht:u-urWon\ludulf') A shov.· of hands dunng ~-. . . o lbe Ernv!r.e Room -FRIDAY MIGHT FISH ...FR'I': 11.~r per ~rson Golden' Deep Frted Fhh · Crispy Fl"tffdd Fries Cre-.y Cole Shw ~de Loaf of Br-etdlBYtter •t:t:;w .. • t'rtedm:an prt'f«s to t':all fi)trtg saucen; Earth t:JC· furs•on Modules t EEM'st aftt•r tht'ir C'OUfiiC'rpO~rt. thrApollo Lunar Ell:fUtslon '-lodule t LE,_U, smt't' ht• bt'lit••es EEM's are al~o mlt'lligt'ntly~;Gntrolltd "Pl'Oplefonst..antly ask nll' ...·hyfl)ingsa~M;tts:attthe ...·ay they do. l:a ndmg m s ...·amps or behtnd t;trls ' dormitol'in likt'somesort ol ell: trate rrestrial peepan.: Tom ....hrn they could lxlandmg m dovontO'I'On Pans." said Frtl'dman.. " I It'll tht'm tlut our 010n Apollo moon flights bear n •markablt Slmal:antJl'S an most resl)('("ts to Ut 'O's ··tn both faSt'S 10e lul'l' u range s hapt'd f r a ft •com1Jared to airplanes. b;alloonsnr ht•hfopttn l allll' to landanunprl:'p:arf'd.out-of· the· ...·ay placrs 101th no asstst:all«' from people at tand1ngsatn " ln both'cawstht'ptlocs lookt'd \lo' letd b) normal standards. though the-~ all appt"at to llf' huma1101d " In each t':~Sr. the pd-ub h:Ht bet'n obsen·t'd b) o~udd.uiSifit'd:as "S«rt'l"by tho.• ,\Tr For("(' "Tht• Air t'ull."(' concluded that fhnlt; S.:llk't•rs did nut ,.,as!!Xocauso.•tbt·numbcr o( w•t·~pl;unrd Ut'O's \lo'IIS only thrt'\'l)t'l' n.'lliOfthetotal Mj:hhn&s." sattl t' rit'dman. ·1"tl:u IS patently absurd ~ "Tht· at'tual hgurt' IS 191 p.·r«-nt aeeonhng to the Air FOI'«' study. Pro)l'('t BIIJl' Hook t~" " lnlht' report 'Unkn<)llons· \lot•re<k'fm~'llasthc!Rrt'pott.l uf tgh!tngs .,.· hert' tht' di.'St'nptmn o( the ob,iet'l and T0.11HIII('U\'t'f5('ouldnotbc ftttrd to the patt<'m of any kno... nobjt'Ctorphenomenon. " Thl·Se a r e excellen t Mt;htmgs !hat had to be l:atx•ted 'unkno.,.·n' :and the • ll'hablt.,.·•tn~to~out arlifat'ls. and to appan•nll} gambol about :umlt'l>SI} tn whatappearstobl'rluldhkt' Iashton '"Tbeduuttono(lht'S\altn both caws •shmtted and'u~r ·~that I am eonet'mcd •uth. ..:ttd t'nt'dman ''The l':t; pt'r t·ent that was \lo'tlh a motht'rstup ap ...wllt'tl.w.tl\t'tlookt'd" P'JTt'ntly to spt"td oil tv \\h~ '"thert'amystenous a?O(hcrplaoNI'} bod> " rriOCI.illl't'OIIIht'par!of the \\hat lhf'M'\tilkiHiooLlokr '(' lf•nttflt' t'ommunl\y and "Us u a II~ t ht' ~ a r 1:' puhht' ulhl'T:ols to admtl the mt•tallte and d!.K" sh:apt"d t'\l~lt'tll'l' uf l ' FO's'" askt'd They •·ary m Silt from a ft"'A Fnt"thn:m ft"l't an dtamNC'f' to W"lt'toal lfmdtht•n·:•n• lourbasic hundred ft'\'1 u~ualh 1011h r•··*""'~ Unt ts the J:tt nt'ral prottudmg antennas· A fe10 ll:nlltaTM'I'ufSCil'Oilflt'data ('raftsart'eTgarslu]Jl'tlor• rh.. rt_, ...,....,\atlablt•Seocond shapt'll. appart'ntl) moth(or l•tho.· ·to~u~:htt•rt'urt.:Tin'or 51\tps," Fnt'dman txplamt'd ••·arur I'M.·m.: bhell-d a nut 1lurd '' tht• SCtt·nhfk t'gO t'nt'dman t' all'!I.Utllt'd 10h1<h r• wr.,.rltm.: to :.dmrt s1gh11ngs a~ thOiit' ob,tt'l't~ lh.tl p.•rha11~ :1 t'l\'llilation obsen·rd b~ t'OIJll)elt'rlt ur <' "~I' 10 1I h s u peno r lnt'OmJlt'ltnlptf'lo~ IOho-.;~IO tt·<"hnu l o ~t ) Fourt h . ttM-ob,tt•(' \5t'1tht'rmlht'lltror lll'olt•)''IHiabart· un\lo'llli!ll to ontht.-groundandta,tbr ~~~~:~~·l~·8';':n_r. lt'Chnology to t•xplatnl.'d b} tlpt•rt,. ~1ghtmgs fur 10h1fh tht•rt• 1, not l'nough mforrnallon fur 1tu10 l' Fu·~ l:t't hf'rt' t~pt'rls to dra... an) con tlflt•uf thl'rnostcomnron du"orl~ and ~•ghtm~ b• fnmJl('tt•nt ob~·nl·rs of Ill} m~th.• *' th:rr tr:11·cl bcl\Po'een (•,rrth.rndmhcrsolar systems ,ll'\"ls •n tht' sk~ or on tht.- I) 1 111)11"'-~lblt• Thus. if .,.· e a rt gruuntJ .,.h1t'h t'annot bto ll\'lnl: \ISJtl'tl. lhot:y inial be r~p l ollnt'd b) ('Ompetl'nt anal}stsaftt'r e artful lrurn('tthl't':onothNplanetin our '-UI:ort)'Sttm or from a tlam;nahoo fuurth d1mension ·parallt'l Tht' thtrd Ult'IJOr) 111111 t'1'1t'' ur from 1 secrt'l ~.u mt'tl m t's ea li ed unknolll'nS or !host_. ..,.1th t'l\llitation 111 lhe ('tn~r of tht.•tarth.u~r!M<r«an or bottedlllldertht'pol~. l don'l smallhtgroupbut the most dt.·n) thl• pGSil1bility of 1 ~~~~~.::~'aannt aet'ordtng to :~~~:~.~·~~~Of~t'~ f'ntdman rl'l:'alll.'d the ll m\olr;tthembecause tra vel I;?J~IBlut'Boolr;Stud,tton tilt l tal'lls feuible with our ltO seompttttdaroundl~ P.rMent knowledge," .. ld frafllt'a~·esmarksanthc-sod t'n\:lll)lht'erart~drt•ous HOSTEL SHOPPE, LTD. 1l14WttetSI!Ht !Behind Shippy St.oesJ MON.·FRI. l · tp.m. SAT. t·5 ~~~uiJ:~·"~~~~~::m~l::""t~! tr~ntman onivt'rv; namri)' hydrogt'ft IIO !Opt't," t'llp/:llnt'd ~'nedman. Sl.lrnplorall•unlimitl'll " Evt'ryont' •nlt'rprets ~:.nstetn'lthtory of relatl\lt) a.'la r fSiricliononTntt'r.'ilt'llar travel b«ause notlun(: ('an travelfastt'rtluntllf'spttd ol light. That IIi a fal<t' tn tcrpr e tal ion ." sa•d ~·m'tl fnan . "When mas~. a spxt' shipforeumplt',apprO:IC'hr!; the sj)K'd of hght. tnnr. tn r ffect s lows dtno-n for tllr m:wolllw:'SP'Jttshrpr thcq:h not necessanly for UH· ob ft'r ver The th('OI')' ha. b«n proven in aft'4:1t"r:atur)u.w-d for physics restard1 " F' riedman pomtedoutt!\;11 our civilization h:1~ onl) rect'n tl y dt've lojrt•d tht tt.'Chnolosy to tr:o1d 1.(00 timt'tl faster th:w 10iJ)'t'3tS ag·~creare fi\'cbrlhoustaU olderlhanour sun.t;tch.,.,th 1 even l planets," satd t"riedman . " lf justont"Pialll'l in thole! billions of ~toJN be"a n thei r ttrhnolo&•U1 f:r~''O:.~~~·~yr:;! I ~f~":e~adv:a!M'td!M)' 11 Jhouldn't be difrtnilt to =~h~e 1 th~ut'ahnot~/a:d: ~:: to n y 7 thanours.eouJdi\;IIt' •:;'!e ;:;r~~er: eart ago Apnl 18, 19~ 1 HE POINTER _ __:_ POQ = e_::: S Faculty take paycuts to retain their peers hy J nhnLannn "You could s:ay they are Some members of the teachtng summer school in lli s tory and Engl is h Departments will take l'll)l"ffial .khool yt'ar assign· placeofonequa r ~rof their •~:tua7::J bJ·~~(ts<Se":f:n;~~ :~:· ~~~~!u~.:.::!ii:~ faculty to return tn the fall to thetr departmt"nls The action will gi\'t three tenuredteachenlneachof those '"''O department a c hanee to s tay at the unh·erslly for one year on a part ·lime basis . according to Justus Paul , chairman of the hisrory department :and Leon Ltwts , chairman of the English department l.ol y-4lff selectrd, (f,nured f11culty mt'mben tn English ,..Ill be teaching three · quarter · hme Those tn h1story will be instructing th r ee-quarter-time one semes ter and ha lf -time the other f'aculty tn Engl is h \'olu nteering for pay cuts could lose one~ight of their P'l>' Thosemhtstory ,.,lllose one thirty -sixth becaullt of summer school :1551gnments "The six llis tory Depa rt· mentvolunteers."sa1d Paul. ··a rereall}·takmgonequarter pay cuts. but Slnt'e the~· be pa id for s umm e r school.thedollariMStothem ,.·til be less than that ,.,II Nmc peop le in the Englts h 01;-partmt'ntwill takea three credit cut in their assig n· defined .n te rms of ,..hat lt take s to prod uce li terate s tuden ts--people who can rt'ad c r itica ll y and wr ite effeclively,"said Lewis. "Our st udent crt'dit hour targetwasrecent lyraisedto alcvell think is ridiculom- mt'ntsexhsemes~r togh·e lay-offdestgnatesthei r same 1ncomenextye11r. The lay~rr designates are some good pe-ople we don't sa l:ary for a nine-mon th ll'llnttolose,'' saidLev.·is sc-hoolyear'swor k , butthey "We feel the en rollmen t 10.1tlonlyteachthree-qua rter- depression will bottom oo t hmedunng thertgular year 0\'erlhel'IC'XItwoyears. lfwe for thror-qua rter pay . can keep these people here " :O.:o ont was forced to do p;~rt-tl meintheshor trun,,.'f: !hill A eommtl t~ of the canpossibly ret.ainthemona departmen t voted to do it full ·timebasis inthe future." before they kntw who 11ras " Pe-ople talk about love ~nd tnvoh·ed m the tay-olfs ·· cha rit y. but it sometimes is " We ·~ m efrect buymg the chfl'icuh to follow those words lay~fr Pf'OPie time to l'ind .,.·henoneha s toreachintohis anotherJobortohavethe CW."Tlpockel. l thinkthisi s legal heanng s completed quite a tnbute to the people In ,..hich pe rhaps mtght rt\·erse the de-par tmen t." theSttuattonfor them . lnthe " lc's o ur ' Wa lt:t Time meantime they can ha\'t Solution '" " Rfocently there has been some income and Silly put ,.·htJe thiS ,..hole lq.al tangle some complaint from the ts unra\·eJed .. admintllration about the " It IS on a one-yu r balliis- p;~uc1t y of the United Fund whether it can be sustamed con t ribution f r om the btoyondthat if necessaryis depa r tment." satd Lewis. " I anybody '5 guess. Given the thin k we 've come oo t q uite cos t of h\•l ng. I'm su~ the wellhr reinsuooor tofou r same pe-ople aren't going to fellow workers." Lewi s indicated t h at he wdhng to do 11 On the otherhand ,thereareacouple the EngllS h Df.par tment 11 ,.·ho'\·e sa 1d they ,."OUJd the 1101 0\'tTSUpplied '"'ilh in· nexlttmearoond,shoulditbe s trvctorsatthepresenttime. "O\·ersupplyshoul d onlybe lltc1.'5SlU)' "said Paul durmg the year, they would l't't'eh·emorethan the normal approxima tely equa l to 105 ~tudents per Ins truc tor per scmes tl'r . "Si ll« we teach mostly ,.Tiling here, ou r stude-n t credithourtarget shouldbe the same as 11 ny fi ne art ," sa1d Lewis . Credit possible for committee work T h e Acade m ic Atf a in requi rement. ThiswoW.dalso Committee disc ussed the increase s tudent credit hour possibility of giving academic production in some depac tcredi t to students serving on mentsandglvestudentssome eithe r faculty o r s tuden t pr:ICtic<~l expt' ritnce . The com mi tt ee decided to committees at UWSP a t its oppoi nt a sub-comm lllee to mee ti ng AprilS. Com mi ttee WOf k tak es a dctermi ne thelmpactofthis T he s ub · grea t deal of time o:~nd may s ugges ti o n . put a strain on students committee will also discuss c:lrrying: a full load. Faculty ...·hkh C1)1flmitteH would he commi ll ee members do a ppropriate for par tici pation. if any papers should be receive some load relie(. Credit for servi ng on requi red, wheth tr students commi tt ees co uld be in · would be graded U.'!l ng passcorpOfa ted into one or more failor lett e r gradi ng ,andt he dep artm ents a t the univer · limi tto th e numbe r of cr edits f o r exa mpl e , the thatcouldbe t11kenlnthis s ity . Poli tica l Science Dt'par tment mannt1'. The sub-committee will could dt!'-elop a course in shtdent government , havi ng report back to the Academic AHairs Co mm ittee at Its :~~~ ~~~~ 5on: ~~~~ Apr i\29 mee ting o; '1HE LETTERMEN" ARE COMING APR. 20! •1 " Ron Crick And The Back To The Land Band " Apr. 25-27 25' 7-12 ~ p .m . ~---------------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY CENTER OPEN HOUSE APRIL 22-26 Over 1000 Records on sale. S1 .99 and up . All week . 5% Discount on Class Ring s, Monday April22!1!111 ' ;··········"'''''''''''''''''':.' Free Name Imprinting with an y T·sh lrt or sweat shirt purcha se on Thursday , April 10% oH on pill~ of any book-except special sale books. 25!!!!!! Handmade Mexican Jewelry from 53 .00 and up. • ......... ........ .. .................. ... . ................ .. Worth ~.00 on J et Pur~ Void After 4/ 2t / 74 Worth 50' on any l-shi1t or Swealsllirt piJr· ~- t~ Alll!r t 16 II Wo1th 10' on any Sanfo1d Malke l pUI · Worth 10' on anY wire · bounnd pur· 'fM J& t 1i U 'flld Jb. t!H 14 ~ • . Void Aflllf 4/ 26/74 . :.............................. . .... ... .......... -: : ..................... : Worth 15' on any stationery N<lchase ,.. ~ : : Void Atlllf 4/26/ 74 ..::.:.;.:.:::.::.::::.:::.::._:·.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.::::.:.:.:.::.._~:.:~:.::.:.;:.::.::.:.;:.: __ .:.:.:::.::.:.:.::.:::.:.:.:=.:.:.:.:.::::.:.:.:.::::.:.:.:.::::..:_, Page 6 THE POINTER Apnl 18, 197.: Campus TV expands One ringy-dingy 6,000 play Trivia 'l'ri vi at974 surpassed all expectmions. 1lle WWSJ> st~ ff caught unprepared by the oto0 teams that p;~ r · t.icipated in the Trl\"ia Con- .,..u b}Juni.-S..a~nt":llod K.:oth} U"t"Ofl...-11 • UWSP Nmpus cabll· T \ ' Bill 's Pizza .,.,-ho led most of ha~ n'l·ently bt'l•n •·~p:u_ldt·~ the time followed c[()S(•I)' b)' ~ 10 tndudc W:ms.1u ''ll'lll'r~ w~~~~~e !IShours. ~~~~~;~fs :!:t•~tu~~~~~~ 0 WWSJ> re.:ewedabombscarebutthe UILIO. s:ud llarnM P'ffn('h, 11 0 '"'· ll iseslima tl'dtha t a.lmost ~!';~~~~~- ;~;~It• ~11 a~~ ! ~:~~~:;tt Vl'hC.~:~~: ~~,r thorough 5earch of the h;15 lnl·n ·:ued 11~ broad· 6.000pcrsons wereactivel)' mvOl\·ed in playing Trivia . bulld1ng 1lle Trivia Con tesr ·ts an Through the COirSe ol the ""-eekcnd WWSP re«h·ed ji.ISt annual event on WWSP l'lansall'alreadyundcr.,..·a)' undcr200.000phonecalls for T'n via \975 . ThecontestbeganatSp.m ., Next ye:ar WWSP w1ll be ' Friday.Aprll SandC'ont inul>d non-sto p until 1n1dnlght. broadcaSt i ng w1 th in · cll'ased power They expe-ct Sunday, April 7 The 55 )lours of broad· ane\·enc.reaterturnotJt MOSI of the WWSP staff casli ngcons lliledofsolidgold mus1c and qtJeS tions ('011· !ila)·ed up for th e ent ire ss cernmg old movies. radio. hours as did most of the telcv15ion , rccords and other team 1 lrh"ial billl of informa tion. Te.11ms phoned mthe 3115""·ers and the WWSP :staff kept 54.-oreforthc.4QOteams . The .too tum:s w!Te announced in order 'fbetopten tl'.llm:swcre · ' Zoo %. H1ll"s Pizza J 4\\'H t/lyer ~ O"Bnan's Burn Oull S. I East !lyer 6SubSiation 7 Klap I . C.C. Hiders 9 ~·anstl ll tO Raft Apes II was a come from behind VICtory for Zoo and 11 wasn"t until the last cwple hours that they pulled ahead of castrng tune from I~ houN a ""'l't'k to ~~ . shl• sa1d Campus T \' 1\ast'xp.lntk-d fromtalkihov.SionM: I~· l'Ornmunrt)' 1ntert'1l programs . TIH.-sc program~ olfcrthcopportumtylor llll'al hrgh school s tudl'nts to prod~thl.'lrll'<ln.iihovos.s;ud Ms l>fCNCh In ttw- past Sholl'S ha.-e rncludl.'d rnten•h.·.,..·~ w1th Go\•ernor L.ucey. tht' Ste\·ens Potnt Pohct' Depar1ment. Point Urev.cl)' and local C:1rl ScouttrOOS11S AIIUWS I•home basketball and hockey games llretele\'tsed Campus• T \' 3l!i0 offi'T'S freeadu•rtllrngtoall campus orgamu\10115. smd t~d Korle sky. assrstant managerforcampusT\' ··ctranne l6on cableT\' 11 thclocalllt'""spaper iOC"the tele\'llito n medtum ." sa1d Konald W e~t·loh of In· stnrctional Ml-dra &-r.·ieH HMS I "C.:..mpus TV iot'n ·es n a good bndge bet.,..ecn lht' umn! rSII )' and the cum muruty,"hl.'sard .:···-··············-·---··-··---··-···-········-··:. : STUDENT SENATE ElECTIONS ! .~ FOR PRESIDENT, . .: VICE PRESIDENT ~ AND . .l! . • ~ TREASURER .• QUALIFICATIONS ARE : 1. 2.0 STUDENT 2. NOT ON PROBATION l::::: ~~~l~~:;:sj~i~~ fc~t~~~T~~su6:F~CUEC,:_I~~E~~s:o o:ig~E:rrug~:i 8 . i"'"S.HA····NA....NA...... IS "Cable lssul'S Si.'tlll!Qf" Campus TV and the I ~IS the T V studio whic h fs may be S('('n at l pnt or 1 IOl·atl'lllnthcba:st'ment of thc p.m oo l\l onda)'S and Wtd The ptogt01m InlA.'arnm~; ltesourccs Center nesday1 troduces d1fftrent llSpt'('ts u1 tLitCr Thl'n' :m• presently abou t cableT.V. such;u;u-.un,lup OOUWSPstudcn t:sin\'Oivedln rights :.nd the la11 "Garden Ahnaoal'" rna~ bt ea nr pus T \' . The Oll:amzahonrsone and a half ..,icwcd a t 2pm or~ JOj,m on TUl'Sdays Th" prot;r~m years old All s tuden tS. no matter deals ""'ith thc Nre lor v.hat the1r majors. a re nowersa ndotht-rplanl l " Movemen t -Darl(~· m~• v;clcome to p.1 rhcipatc In ranrpllll T \ ' actwities, u:d be~na t 2 : 30 p ml\l'lpni W<'St'loh " We need on T UI.'Sda)'S and ThU~)~ canwranlt'n.a rh:sts,.,..·riters This program denrunstrat" and pubhc1l)' people," he va rious danct• stt-p.. " You and \'our llt•altll" Campo' T \' pro\•idcs an may be viewed at 3pm • o pporlunlt)' lor s tudents 8:30 pm on~a} ':wl mtcn-st«< m the held of Thui'Sdays Th1s progr~m tt tele\' ISIOn i Oga ln gOOd, l'OIICt'rned .,...1th tiM.• lil)>lr.tl practical ex pl.'f'lt'nct! while a nd m ent al hf•althollht family . SHII Ul school. Sllld J'toge r " We:ttht'r"m:l\ ht'"-'\'11 31 ~~~~~~-ympus T \' supe r· ~han• "'""' Thl' l'Xpt'rlt'llCt' s tud('ntS gamthroutthv.Ofkllll:forany orga m za t 1on IS va lu able lx:i:allloe the~· lt'arn to coordmatcm:.n) 1hHercntarens. 'u~·h;~s budj:t•t .,.,.,th pubhc tty , 1001d Hulh~ ,\ h•11 of thl' many indr•·•duah r(•Spons lhle for malung c;unp us TV . a ~Ul't'l'loS rnt·lude Gl-orgc JUQS, manager II II a !.In k . pruductmn manager. and TcrQ Wolf~am . program diTl'J."\OJr 1"h~· full""''lnR prugram s lllll} t}(· , eenun Teltron <.:able T\' mtl·h:lnu d Gin Ste\·ens 1\~nt :rud nn channri 3 m ""u..au F .1 111 1 I y It Is k :\lnn:.~t·mcnt " may be ll('(!n al t prn ur S·Jo p.m . on Murrda} ~ . Wi'l:lnl'!idays and t'r.do~) ~ The program is t"o nn·rnt'd .,...1\h house hold m<~nagt'fnl'fll problemli such a' 111~ur:111~·e and lia bihty. l.ooking lor loca t ion, co mfort , and pri~a cy, Wt·havt' 'em all. M~n nr wom e n. We als o ha \' l' ju ~ t a f e w \·au nd c- s ld t fo r th e fa ll ~emH t t r . Sfll"cial Summer Hate 1 l·l-t-:tx!r.laftu4:30 ~!~a)':~nla~~ .~~m :i 1 p.m un Fnda~' nu. o r oR r am actuall} r.-.1cht< mell'vrology "Cull ur;l] Spo_'l'l:ll IIIJ) L.cviewcdat3pm orM10pm on fmb ys nu~ 1-n,:r• chan~;es t'\'I'T'~ Ill,-~ Jnd 1• eoncer rwd•nthdljh'l'l'fllllftstylu th ruughoul 1111' ~&uri~ Fell ini flick flickers Th e U n h• cr ~ll} r1lm Society will prest·nl l .a~Jn d~ at7and9· 1Spm M,\pr1l!l m Old M111n Audi11X'I UIII Felh ni's most .,..lfl~-1• ad miredfllm.,..•asabuthrfn·st to win him intcrn~II JIII31 recognitio n . a nd 1111• 1"' fullest realiuhon tu tlr:ll pointol histt'ndenc) h,..ard 3 sym bolJt poetic ""''rJIISIII Gi ulietia Masma. rl'llllllj wife, gives her ~rotr.lil performance a~ tilt• palhtllf. s imple -mlnd l'tl y,hu trave ls wtth an alruil'" strong-man 11nda rturJIIIIIC .,.,,,r ph;o:os:~~~~r~lcl~ thegirl'a th wartf'dlll\t'for::;, ~~~~rr~ !ln~'~~~~~ CQMING!~ Apnl -18'-._:: 19:.:_7c:_4_ _ __:_ T:_: H::_E_:_PO = IN:_:T-'.ER :.:.__ ___:_: Po,_,o::_e_:_7 Comic creator craves cartooning career by Dan• Grwlsu Jensen rlaLmS Norman is a httleboringbeinlapreachf:r h"ery """ftk :' To J~nsen the tnne of '1'he Studl!flt Norm " IS lroruc, not llumorous on ump.as Norman Is por- Norman as not a speeirtc studotnt trayed as a b11sically indi"ldual a.s many have _______ "udent int«esttd ~USJWCied '"11we students at UWSP cr eated Norman 's Everyth ing you always only '" &•rls and beer a-:.'::..:!~ ~~~~~a~-= ~':~~e ~r=~:l~fs"~ ~Orman •n the ima,e and hkeness of tM avera&t combination of actWII evrnts ;~poathehc: wonled to know about Norman but were 100 personahty," N)'S JensC'n. Norman as presented In the Car t ooning is se ri ou s l'olnter. business for J~n sen as JC'nsen is hopina for a cart!ffln cartoonin& point1n1 out t hat the popul ar rinds the grutnt ulisfaclion ·· Doon~sbury " st r ip has With the enthusiasm f~llo-.. ma.de 11 bll after an Jnilal students ha"~ aen~rated for sta rt in a campus newsp!lper. f'"ldenced by the intricate detail m the Norman stnp. He " Norman Is basically arraidofgirb.''u)'SJei'IHfl, ''b)• the t1me he can get tonough ~r83t to Lalk to a :!;;'~~!: -~•meandheton opathelic to ask ~una S 11 the pen name by Denms Jensen . author of the l'ol nttr 's wc.-ekly eartoon stri p. "The Student Norm ·· ust'd ;o.;orman isofttTI ch1dtd for Ius apalhy and 11 often put 00\t.·nbythr.oothtrpromment ~t ri p cn.uacter who 15 simp ly identiri~d as cartoon " ROOfTii~:·u~ roonmat~ ..'Taurus as the bull You un CUK5 ••.-ll.at the S s tands lor :· snuiC'd Jensen II 11 no " Roorlll~ 11 a relic from the put .the radica.ltra, " J~n.sen b.s. that Norman is •"f'rY says JustasNonnanisbeing p1mi)C'd m the comic stri p, HoomiCll alsobei"'pimp«< m:1 moresubtl~way llecan lftonlyones1dejusta.s Norm3n don "Somellmes popular among the l'olniH readersh•pbutJtrl$tnc l :~ims lohavefoundafewfanslll'ho dLsliket't'rt:untplsodf'S ··vou can't draw a cartoon theyarebothnght :' Je~n of thiS n.:IIUre WlthOUt l tttp• concluck-d . " In any U5C', ft!;ulers -.;ho sublcTtbe to pngonsomt'Ofl~·stot:t ," tald .knSorn It's e.u1~r to draw C'lthc-r philosophy can get poht!C:a\ cartoons wh~re -.omethinKOUI of theconuc " )'OU're dE'<~Img 1uth a public Jcn5C'nodnul\thatnttimn figure' .,..ho can' t take I)C'r· hi! hatH Norman "It lttsa 11011al offtnse ...and Jensen created Norman in • by Taurus S. The Srudent Norm the image and likeness of the average st~nl . ----=~""'== Foundation offers $30,000 scholarships UWSP will admtntll~r m o r t! than 1 30.000 in 5cho!ar5h1p1 from pn"at~ sourct'l nc~ t y~:lf to mem· ben or 11s s tudent body U\I.'SP t'oundation. Inc Is lundmg the ~llort In r«~nt )"ea.n. thiS foundat 1on has IIIUf~ than II nulllon 1n state a1ds Putofthosefuncb..,lll prov1dt """ork lor about 1.800 persons They may work up to 1:> hours per ..,·eoek during the rcgula r ac:hool IC'nn for an average of 11 75 per hour lncludtd in the federal 11d ltud~nts ~~,rants bllsed on l1ftd =~'f;~~=~c::, ~~di~ ~~:~.~on~i!~~·n1 :e !~~~: financtal l'ft'IPI~nts and fulhlllng needs of worthy The un"·e rSity also 1o111d IJlat momes rt'Ce1ved from ~etkral and state go•·ern· •m~nlal aaenc1es lor euMT outn1ht arants. loans or for II'OI'k procramstnaddlhon to the total of all otht'r Kholarstup& made a"ailabl~ to s tudents will go ,.-~11 over the $3 million mark 'tbere Will be about Ill m111ion 1n f«irra.l aKls and Som~ st udents a re ~ll1lble lo r outn&ht grants if th-ey a~ m 1111 a r y v ~ t er an 1 or Americr.n lnd1a1111 In add1tmn to the IOVtfn· ment supplemented lot* in un•"crstty o fhc ~l and txnldmc staffs. the pn"ately ope ra.ted un•"ersily food IK'f\IC'e , S;~g~ f"oodl . will ~mP'oy approximately 3SO st udt"ntsw1thay~arlypayroll olabout SI&o,OOO Joblare also a.•·a1lable at bustMSStS 1n t~ commuruty Come Over And Visit Our HouseIt Could Be Your Home Next Fall! THE VILLAGE • • OPEN HOUSE 1s havmg a April 14- 26 Get either a free bottle of wine or a free Pizza Hut pizza just lor filing out on application. Enter our drawings and win FREE RENT for this summer or next fall. Model Open Daily 1:00-9:00 301 Michigan Ave. 3.41-2120 THE POINTER Apul 18 197J Stevens Point sweepstakes announced IJWSP aMOU'Iced 11 \loill a ... ard three tu1tlon ·fre-e scholarship& to,..iMenola un1QlM' cont~ amonR oer· sonswhowlllbt~ frnh· mmor tran5fer s tudents this fall Thethreea...ardseach ,.,11 ha\·e monNry values of approximately S600 covenng twu ~mesten of study Olancellor Lee Shl!'rmon Dreyfus sa id the alumni as&x;lallon 11 W1det\loTiling ''lhl$ e1«.'1 hng and innovative pr oJ•ct'' to help ad · mmtstraton and faculty ··1~ at t~ qUHllon of relevanr:e ~rungtheneoeds,gNIS and de51 res of today·s yDW~g people ·· lnstcadufturn~gpcrsoonel and expandi ng funds to C'Otlduclstirveys related to the tKtUI(I\I f'l\1 Of 1\elll st~nts,Dreyfusnotedthat UWSP \Ioiii bt- able to secure 1nfonnallon about hov. lht 'oiTIIIM form or rt'ad on l':bCILt' or 11dfo la!l''>o lbl• matl•nall autnmul'd publiC per«1VH the campus fur compt'11hon 111-111 ~Jtromc at a ' 'bargainpncc ·· ''A ttht tht• ptopl•rt)ofthrunll't"f'Sit> 1101me time. ,..e'\1 bt- able to :.nd thrrco 11 a c hancco. hghletllhe financta.l load IM Tlt"tllt')' i:l ld, that futahsts thlft familiH ""1th colle&e· bound sons or daugh tt'rs. ·• s:ud Ore)·fus . Con te1t.1 nt s ,..,11 prepa re essa ysuf500wordsorlt'1olon " \1.1ly I WuuldL.iketo Attcnd The Univn-s1 ty ol "'1 KONIII· St~·ms Poult " But tlw format isr1'1 10 M ccnfined on!yto tbt\lonllftl•wd .. 111 bt• asktod ta be 1n· t••nlt'•nod uncampus before tht· thrl'e .. mnt•rs are >t'll'\'ll-d All\ullt' 111ho 11111l lx- a new ,,wdt.:OtatSti'\'1'1\S l'omt th is 1<~ 11 ·~ c hgtblt• . mcludmg ''l?®~J ~ll ~~11~®ll Oemusl'ierne)·. d•rectorol placement , is admimstt'ring theproc,ramand$aidmtries wi ll be n:ftived through July 1 and can be supplied 1n type· ENGAGEMENT RINGS SHE WILL ALWAYS CHERISH ~~ !f0, ~~oGn~~Y" WIN A 'lEAR'S FR~E 11JI"f ION iO BEAUTIFUL IJOWNTov.IN U. W. S. P. JUST WRIIE IN 500 ' l.liORt:>S OR LESS WI\AT 'lou l-II<E ABOlTT PARK- Itlu \...OTS. ENTI'-'1 SE.NO '/OUR It): - ''TilE OISASll:t:> AME.I'.ICAN PollL\R'I MEN'S ASSOC. ad& a. 'tUdn-eA-- ( Predicted enrollment up GRUBBA JEWELERS YOUR DIAMOII) & 61FI CBI!R " Diamonds Our Specialty" llfPUIE. COUJMIIA & OW6£ BlOSSOM Dl.lMOIIO RIII6S CHECK OUR PRICES MAIH & THilD ST. t ~ POINTER Apnl 18, 1974 POINTER PODIUM • Question , " Would you approve of a general amnesty for Vietnam draft resisters? " llickflindlf'y , ~nlor " Total :.nd complete :UIInl'Siy The warwaswrong ;andthey ..·ert'thepet~pleth;Jt re:llly knt"''.lnd tookthtnght courseofactton the smart ones:· Po~e 9 ~v Juli~ \'o.:d~. Sf:nior " Yn I would . I f~l !hat peopleha\"elhetrownbeilefs :andthttrnll:htlo.!itanduofor thetrbtliefs . lftheyfeelthat war :md fi1thting is not for themorthcyarea\"erynon· \' tolent t ype perso n they s hould Mab le to co me. ..·ue home .. Peter leonard Ltona rd .COGlinuin& ··Yes I think that they shouldbeabletocomeb11ck inthecountrybecause l was ne\·ertntheservlce:uld I IJC'\'erhltdto runa.,•;ay ." l'~lu Dan Coenen l);,nC'Mnt' n . ~nior " I would. I'm one or those cl.usichbc!ralsth:atbelitves that I~ pt<Jplt have KT~Ied lhetr hmt and sacnfl«d enough'' Rick Sindley Mary Voght :O. Iary VOl! hi . JUnior ''Of course. In t'\'ft'y war that the U.S. has Moen In the pr~dent has approved ol Jalw'C'obb . Sophomorf' " ldefimtelywould !think ~~hre~:' o!~n:f t~J~i. they had a vahd complaint agamst a rid1culous "''ar and Julie Vogds lht')'should be able to come backhereandmaybe~\'t 50me\imeine,\'ll servtcebut :;: fi rst war they haven 't dooe thai. They 're condt'mning the men for prematu r e morality " Harb Sll~ n a u , Jun!Of' I don 't think Jl II that tm • portant '' ""ldofeoelthey shouldbe allowed back in the count ry but I do fe-e l that they o"'·e some service: · • Tony Kryko Tod Anderson Joke Cobb Tod Andt'non . \ ' df'nn ·· l reoelth;~t aPft'SOI'!Should \lo'heth~:r d'loose TonyKryh . Stnlor "Oefimtely . I think th:lt aJter the Ovil Wa r . World WarlandWorldWar ll drart rn i5lers .,,,.ere gh·en am· nes ty . I don ' t think this needs tobeaspecialcase." he wants 10 dit'ornot . u.suptohimand noe some r . ~P Bob O'Holloran go\·ern· Barb $Iienau ment.'' Hob O' llaUora n, Stnlor " I have pretty much an open mind about it. If they had a very conscientious rea1on ro r leavi ng the nm \ 'unlt'r.Stni or countfy,then l woul dsayyes. ··ves t would. If there is a Butlhenitllveryhardtoa.ay draft and the war is con· what IS a good reason for Slitutional. I don't think we leaving the country " .,...,.,lid have many draft resisters." I Stephonie Maxson Jerry Miller • . • Jim KUHnny.Stnlor " I don 't think a general amnesty is relevant In this case l thinkit,••ouldbemore conditional as to "'-hat they "'' a nted to do for the country Provtdi na.of co..-se. thatthr countr y 11 worth it .. ~~1t1:Jj.~~ifravorol K.-ith Otl1. cub repone r " I f~lth1t amnesty should amnesty just beca~~Se of the probl~ il hu created in thil country. Pint, I think the war Wall wrOOf!: , and S«<ndly. I think it's hurting ow country just to kftp the a.ueaoi~ ." ) Kellh Otis Goil Kinney (;a u lUnney. Sophomore " Yes I don 't R'e any rea!IOII\Ohoidttoverthetr headaflft'itlsallover It ~m15lupidtome" be granted fOf linal eum Tim Vernier resisters also. But then, I ha•·e myC.E.O. cla.sslflcllion ICon1cienlious Exam Ob· jectOf l. Page 10 THE POINTE R Apr il 18, !974 How much protection Continuing controversy concerns campus cops by Mny Buddt A cootrol·e rsy on campus or not there is a ~to ~·hether Secunt y ha s resulted m some quL"Stions about the amount of st.1ff needed at UWSP . ~:':t~ tri'!!t!/~:-::;::~~~ st~~~c~~~~~11~m1:n~ 1 ~~ed~~ 0 SPECIAL GROUP OF SKIRT SETS ~~~b~~i'ril: ~~onts~",~ '"""' c utba cks, moneyforfinanc!al aids and for reta in mg and att ra c ting st u dt>nt s. se r ms ·'Thert- ll'as a 2S per cent u.rrt"ase onbu.ildingsquare ft't'tSl nce t!Mi9,andonlyt'II'O 3ndonr-ha lfpositionshave ~.... n added s ince then," he !laid BODY SUITS • " W~ need . Prot ('(' tl on and Sccunt)'SOI'II)'poliet' aN"IIOt :1~lll .to a rrest pt'Of)l t• for \'10 l:at10n of sta te Jaw " Th e argumen t t tor protect!~ s tudents a l(alns t arres ! ts . use les s ." ~ ;ud 8ad~1nsk1 . "If yo u do s omething ill egal \'Ou'rr goi ngtogetari'C'$t('d :. " Also.ifstudents don 'tllol} l heirparkinglirket. thl' }' can'tgettranscripts forJOb app licatio n s . I s t h at proll'C tl ng students? " The re is nolt OOmUl'h sta ff fora campusOUrsizl'. Th{'rt (\m ently. lhc UWSP staff h:1s tJ ;md onc·half st.:ltc s uppurlt'd pOSitions. rankinR ....oeond highes t In the UW S)Sicm . e~duding Madi son a nd ,\ l ll"·aukL'1.'. Oshkosh is h1 t;h "'lth 14 and onto-half pos11111ns According to the p n n te d operating budgt'l , l'l!lfi<'Uftheuni\'ersiticsare 1\Jdmgs«urity staff in other d l·partment s . s aid Si ppe l. 1\lnte water has I~ positions, ltn·er ralls h~ se1·en and Pluttel'llil' has six. " Since the $600,000 was r t•turrll•d to UWSP t her e " (m ' t lw a cutback o n sc.-cur1ty s taff for next year bu t they 'll'l;'re considered for cu ts l1k e anybody elsto, " Si ppel s:ud . In 1969, a consulting g r oup uf t he Bo.:lrd of l~ents s ugge s ted 11 sec urit y posiuons for UWSP.basedon buildmg squa re feet. said Kekh Since then the Learn· m l( lleso urces. Fine Art s, Cull\1!t ofNatural Resources and t he ne"· addition of the >4'1CJJC(' bu1lding ha1·e been ~~~~ ~~:Sotf~~o~o.;h~ averaging 2.25. s.:Jid 1\t>leh Protection and Secunt } arr probably o p erat ~ng t' f· licienUy but could cut down on. o~·«;rlappingduri ng sh llts. s.:JidSip~I . "Nothing is ~ing looked a t to rhangr the cur ren t s ituat ion." ' "nney'\'edoneagoodjob and are well equii!P('d and trained, but do not nl't'd 11 ~:J..~mportantthan S('('u rJI )' "Pa rt of it is I>C'ing ablr to sec t he importanct• of oth{'r IJt.mngthcday.oneperson peoples' programs." "·3tcht'll pa r kmgwhoispald " We're overstafft-d 'llh{'n by park1ngfeoesa nd another we ha\'eenough Prot('('IJOn and Securi ty staff to go through t he dorm baM'mc'nts t hr ee per son s on during to see that peoplt• a rC'fft 'lll'C'kda y evenings and one hugging and kiMing ," sa1d dunn g the da y on 111·eekends. llad~inski . BRAS SAVE 33 1/3% :~~~l:as,d~~~s Th~~g=~~ What is a Portage? e • • • • • • • • • • • • e•• e ••• e •••• e e• eeeeeeee•eee eee ~ HETZERS BICYCLE SHOP . Don't Be An Energy Pig-Pedal It!! . . We Sell THE BEST! : - WeSanolc:e • • Schwln • Raleigh • Motobacane • Bottecchfa Profec;::n~ ;:::,~:: thereat Factory Trai ned Repai r St aff PARTS TO OLS ACC ESSO RIES : BIKES Phone 344·5145 Houra: Mon .· Thura ~i. • • • • • • • e• • • e• • • • • • • • • • • eee• • ee• e 2154 Churc:h Street • ~~::::~: ::;~::~: : ::s;·:~-;~~~ ~:·e! "rall!Jl'r o n the outs1de there's a wurd that cht."ap dictionaries dl'fnll.• as tht• act of tran · '< JM.Ifl ln!litoodS On the tnSl de are thoughts :•nd fttlmgs . ufpeopteyou •mght SC'<' dr mkingeoHee In tlwumon ll 's dl•theatedtorQ3d·killtod dugs :mdlt Sl't'm s out ofplace ma CU )' Whereooba<h uckals uu m~·r Oil(• on the s uper-hit Fl•n.skc . fo'en skeal solalks a bout that plan• r3fl{'d Vietnam fo::mma fo'oxx renurul~ ~oo oftheneeessar ybu rdt·n of being bor n of huma n parf1lts in " Lost " Carol R ~.Jt ksdoest/lrsamr with "Ten Year An m•'l'fW )' of the Death of My M<•t ht..,.·~ Mind" , Michae l llo uh h:w ta lk s a buullife. ll iS SI$ter Sh:Jn· non , a ninth.gradrr. a nL.Ill'S you with " Lessons " , t:pon MII"H') thecompletionof " l ~on i 1 J b) ,\JhntSlantk ll t·urn es maplainbrown l'urtagr , t he litera r y ... eyeball seratchmj! " ~uu "!a "atl nt'putt oge therby the bt"t.'Oint a "juJJI Of t'Xl'\'U\tl'l' I m1·crs H)' Wnters. is a m the Nixon 1'-'{'l't'r Quit s n ollt"t.'honof good stuff. The tl ub ". The book starts out " 'lth a l"l't Urt'll. couldhave turned u ~t lwtter and the Ii tl e poemwril\en rollrctn·ely b) ku\' eS something to be theUniversityWntcr..•· ;,UNl dt•SJrt'IIIJut thegutsoflhe " r eeling Good in Stt•••ens t ln n~ dchver the goods. Point Wi sconsin" 11 scrn !i '-l1ke l! a iL s le made me to r e~lnd us tha t ;LIIILOU!Ih lauWJt 'll·oor three timeswith thisisn ' tSiinl,.ranri.SO.-o "" t'do " IJa rn n" " Blood Elk " has haveat lea5tone sl<~t urto ~ h ll got rne thmking . shareabotUeof,...,nl' ""l th If J a mt'$ Blac k 's "March in you 'vc evermett ~· sl;!rthnJ! 5tare of Ca s1m1r Pula ski you 'll appreciate the n·ah sm fortahl y remin<k'dmeofthe between the p.:111es of l'or· ~~;~~~~~~· ~:: ~·~o':!,~ p.:ost Dav e Engel, s urr ogate :Hiv1sor and s e lf·imi tat o r l'UUinbutt'S hi s li~tofspirituai needs .U addreue<~ to Rev lt. W Stipco . . Kt n"i,. e tko remini 1 ce 1 about tilting worms Som e char<~t t er . named IJ.a!tha:r.or. manipulates you, OI' LS miln tpulatedby ftandaJJ ta :.:rtage is 88 pagrs of • sha r edlhoUIIht s . TIIrrt•:lte ~~~~'!~~ l:~~~h!"~. ~~~~~~ ~n~hl~·~~~ ·:~~ enough lo put into print ll 'J =:!~ O'tyc:::~ the UniversUy Bookstore Ap~974 _ _ _T ;_:H _::E:_PO _:::_I:..: Nc.. TE::.R:___ __;_P=og e II Business students win state awards Ka)'t Holschbach. a JW110r at UWSP. h.as ~n elected state pn-s1dent of Phi Beto state. m5tall the chaptus' oHicers. preside at three JoonneOs tb y. Katie Johnson, on Thursday , Aprll 4. They Barb Sternke , Greg Van "'"111 ele-ct the re maining ofmeetings. Grins•·en. D1ane ,\dams and ficersneiltfall. hus tthet97:;statecmwenlion llob Sha•·e r . Ele-cted to the position of Thl' chapter ad•·isors are president was Kaye llobchand tra•·el to the nationa l conventionmSan F'rands.co. Ann D. Ca rlson and !Uta bach . Hollie Voelz will serve clec tedtotheposltionatthe C. I Scheuerell . both from the oss«retary . Audrey Lotte r r eceh·ed 1Jus1n ess Education state Phi ~ta Lambda Con\'t'ntion at UW· first place1n thecompttllion [)(opartment The neil! meeting v.•ill be \\lntewater Students from for Miss FUture BusiMSs ~ld at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, member chapt~l m Eau E:xecuth·e Ms. Lotter "'ill Phi Lambda elected Apf"il11 at Jordan Park . All O:u re. SuJWnor . Ru:e Lakt . compe te as Wisconsin's their president and secretary members are wekome. :\ladJSOn. Slt'o'ertS Pomt and reprtsentatl\'t f o r.~Mi ss F\ll"ture BusintsS D:ecuth·e Wlntt"·aterYftrepr~t M.s HolK'hbou:h ""'~11 attend at the nationalleo.·d. ,.---------------.. Others com peting from m~tmgs of Ph• Beta Lambda Chap ten th r oughout the UWSP .,.,·ere Gail l itmtl, • tMt'<:utive board I...:Jmbda Convention at UW· Whitewater . Ms llolschbach wu '*1.1 SENIORS Do something meaningful! Please send me current ln lormat1on and an application =-- ---------g=.~ ACTION W.._SHINGTON DC . ..0~25 • Meet King Kung b~ Shi rl,.~ :'-pitU,.mrister lt snotoftenthat:lperson ltetsachan«tom~tafh·e­ ft't't-t>tght.t-Wl-poundOun~ casano••a So .,.,-eat UWSP ~hou l d constder oursel\·es luck)·beocause.,.·eha•·Ponl' nght here on campus Our an~werto Don Juan tsn"t hard tolindl'tlhe r Allyouha••eto do1sgototheUABof11CI'and askto~thepres1dent.and thl're he"ll bt' . Bob Kung 1-'emales mtl1 ltke butter under the mfluencl.' of King Kung v.-tth htsdark e}esth.at dtsap!)l!are•·eryumehl'pUt-' onhiSbiJ, I.'asygrtn Tht• kmg has a v.ay v.1th v.-omt-n that only he can chum On«hl'spouNag1rl "'eanngadrh-1.,.1thChm~ symbols on 11 He d•dn "t ht'suate t<l go up to hl.'r ~nd :t!.k . ·" Jit<llc, _ma)' I read )OUT Hov. m:an) )"OUilg mt•n.,.ouJdha\ethoughtola hnehkc-that"' llt>t·•·enadmttsth.athehas a ~pt-c1al auracllon lo.,.•:ard the ~nung ladt t'S ··Yes. I do hkt'(!,1rls ."" he~1d ·· Jprl'fl'r .,.ork1ng w1th them . :.Jso I findtiM.•).•renea terthanboys and I hke ha•·mg thtm around "' ..-ot nnl) ts Uoh open "'hen talking ahout g1rls. but ht IS "ht'll dtSCUS-'IIAg UA8 Ht• ~atd that UAR has a 1 dr- ~· • :je~~~~·:::o,.~f ut~ rn~tu~~~; or-gan•l:lllons Ue added he hopt.'dthatthattmagec~n be changed.,.·t thln thellt'lll )"ear "" L'AB should be on the same lt'Yel as other organ•zat•ons ~nd the stude-nts."" Bob s.atd " lnslud qf malung the Sludl'f\ts roml.' to t-1$ • .,.,.e should go to .,.,,th a larger budget .. he s:ud them Alter thts lnttn•tew, Bob ··sext semeoter t ..·ant to ha•·estudentsur•·eystosee "'~• s on h" way to talk to what ktnds of entert.ainment somtonl' else- a gt rl no thl.'•· hkeandtosee,.·hatkind ol i. JOb the>" lhtnk UAB IS """~ dmng ··one problem 15~'1' 11that at the present t1me. UABtsa n•rycl~organu.at1onand peuple ha\"1' a hard ttme to get to us ·· J wouldhkeloseealotof mput and fee-dback from the student body to UAB I " 'ant f'\"tr ythmg to be ••ery open -eo,·en the members a~ 10 ~ ciOM'dgroupandthatllnot goodetther ··J.,.,-ant to stress to the UAB membersthatthe)· shouldnot let'\ proud to be on UAB We arehereto5t'T•·eandtheonly umr ,.... ~uld 1M- proud 11 "'ht"ll.,.eha.-edoneagood pb."" hesa1d In re\"leWtng "hat's tO ("nme from l"AB next semestt'1".8obs:ndthat there .,.,]l be onl)' big name en· te rt a•nment l1r st &-cond semeste r thi')' .,.,u txpertmenl "'' tlh a It'"'' smalle r groups to see wha t k.JndofSludl.'nl rl.'!'pon~ the~ tr~· 1ng 1(1'1 lie 5a1d th:~t ht• dtdn "t II'('] that a smalll'r budget wtll lesst'nthequahtyor:amount "I enlt'rlatnment oHe-rtd b~ L't\IJ ·111e amount of mont') ~a;~~..:.~~ l(r:l~}~~ ~~s: as· I behen .,..1' do. thf")" .,.,,]l beableto.,.orkv.tthasmall amount of money and probablyhan<ilett bt'ttl'r than IH5 .taua.hfitd people cwld POSU.OE & FEES PAlO .._CT10H VIST A/PEAC~ CORPS Parts of ACTION ATTN. OFFICE OF RECRUITMENT AND COMMUNICATION S WASHINGTON, D. C. 2052 5 • _Aoro~IS , 197A • Camj!us Calendar U!f.!.IP PO INTER I ~Y.~J:!OES J ·J"' H~!~s!eS• PICK UP YOUR GILBERT GIDDYUP KITES! ONLY 10• Monday, April 22 W,\LO ES Ql" I."TET : 8 pm. MicheiSt•n Jl~}o'ine Arts Center Tuesday, April 23 rn~f1rSI first car. Call :HI ·5~9~. (.'UI.U; t;t; OF .-.ATU II AI. IU·:SUUHCES MASS ,\!) \' ISING SI::SSIOS : 6-8 p m . Program ·83nquet ltoom . U C. All College or Natural Resources stl.ldents must ha\'1! their studyli stcn rd signed by the1r ad vJ sora llh issessJon. No class cards wi ll be gh·cn out al regl Si ralion unless study cards ha\"ebeensigned U:\' 1\'E IISITY t' IU I SOCIETY : 7 and !1:15 p.m .. Audiloriwn. Old Mam '" 1..1 Strada:· directed by t'ellini t.::\' 1\' t:H SIT\' CliO lit SPRI SG COSt:t:RT : 8 pm. Michelsen Hall. Fi ne Arl s Cen1er STliDESTCOFt' Et: II OUSE : 9-ll p m . New Co ffeehouse. uc W e dn ~sday, April 24 ST\.illt: ...-T II P.CJ T,\ 1. : Center ~ Jl m M1 ~he l sen ,... ~:~~L"~:'s~~~,d:,r~9 ~~,u~-~~~:. ~-V( ,, ;y1111Aim ~.rAU. , a.~5110W ti res included Good brands Hall . Fmc Arts U:\'1\'t: ltSIT\' 1\H,\ SS CIIUII! ,\ S U n ..."'llsF:T l li O III l 'USCE IIT: lp.m . :O.I!chel!>l:n !lal!. Fme r\rls Cen ter ~~~ I Nt:~l ,\ : Bp m . Wisconsm ltoom . U C " Y.'h.at"s Up and fOm pl t lines of ~;-.o.~r~~~J~ j!:_~~c~: A 1 1 :·~~:~~n~!~~~fal;~~;~ -~ ~~ ':, ~~1r. t~~e;! ~~- ~~:l!:'r~ \\'f Wan tf'd : A gtr l who IS])('! · 20. 1 ha\·etra\•eiL"CCIo EurOIM'. F._.h tr I de,·ks, f rea ~~~~::~~; ci~!';~n':td~~~t!~~ :~::,~t:b~~ ~;:~ !~~~ ~J the U.S. Shemustbe ctl!l'and ...uuphngol h\lrldrf'ds of y 01 :;~~~li~~~:i:!'~.-;f~~ ~~:~,~:~;~ ~ &d.J~~~: ~~~ l"'"""'liiiiiiii:..;.. go camping and i f nul hkt· !ltt.!.t50Knu hunttng, at least put up 'll'tlh it Alsos.hemll5t know howtn ~ Un ~:~a~i:~.~~aj~~u~-~~ "PLEA ha rdy enough 10 put .,.,,h some rJgorouscanoelnppm!: Sh e must be liberal inidt'h andthinking,andmusthan• alleasta2.50overallgrade· point average. For furth<·r MAKE~ THE Bl infot"mation u ll l·ll ~~'a(trr 1:00. MYC -~ The Games Room is offering s~cials in the ~pjrit of our official Grand Opening Week! -Pinball High Scorer of the Week (WinnergetsonehourFREEpool) -Special one day canoe rates. during the week days S2.50. (lnclud· escartopcarrier) -Bicycle Rentals: Two 5·speed Bikes 60'/hr Tandems goC/ hr -Table Tennis 45' First Hour, 2nd Hour Free · · -Pool Thursday All Day (couples Vz price) -Goll Clubs 75' / Da y -Tents· Brand new tents just in, check them out at same old prices! ~bre wer~~ ofF ll!ln with ABC 1 ~illd}·ou thpt l:olkre "'Pitch I~JI Wfot!k, oJI O l~kf )'tou will be l1kfme. lfthtre'aanoffi ~~. ram in you !Om up. U the ~ tthenat Ylilt.erin n..:~··g; ltey~ " "" • lhtn. 1 - -4--- Th~ Women 's Center a! UW ..Cr~ Bay has announcnt pl:lnsforaWomt"n'sf'rsh\al Ma} 10 and II The f~:Sin•al 111 thr l!W Grec.-n Sa)· c;~mpus tncludt-S l>UCh aC\1\'IUI:S :IISliJUI'"Il-d ~~':l':f arls and crafls b) \'!"f!':.'\'TI OS I'OI.ITICAL l'n-.,-q•slnhonof mo;~JOO for bt &mo:stt'r 197~ n. .,.,11 be ~~~ ~~~!r!~"~~t'~l'~~ Assemblyman ••':': ruom~73 . fromlam toll u ..1111 and from 12 JO pm lo ~ 15 pm C3ch day Th~ aclt\'lht'S art' OIK'n to alJ WtSC:UilSinWOint"nandthr ~le:,~a~\ ~: c:~~~~~~:J! 'ba:w s I ndividual wom~n and groupl •nlt'rt' S I~d 1n pn.-sentmg muSic or darw:~ procrams. SCMa or acb from pla)'i, poell') readmgs or nafl d""onstratiON art' m\' lt<"d to p;~rllc•p;ttt The publK' may ;~Umd free ol rnargl' fo"or mformahon on thr feli ! n•al or on f~s and rcog•strat•on for lhtt Jur•td ...how V.Tllt' to Cath) ll un to~o~•k1 e-o lnform::a1 10n l't'nl~r . Unh•erJJI) of \\iliC'On51n · Gr~Ba) Gre-en Ita) . W1s !1~302 n •: t. II II Ol,' S E I'HU I, IIOl' II S FOil ,\ l' lt ll,: Tuv•d3) · t'nd::a y. pool !Ill. ltddhous~ ~ - 10 . S:uurd3)' , pool ~-l. f•oc>ldhouico IOQ m to 1 p m . Sunda}. pool ~ -1 . fK'Idhousr I !I pm l>ftout• nolt' "P'f'e•al ~'\t'nh takt' !Wt,'C'dt-nt O\t'f all ii:Mduln AlT!-:.'IiTIOS \'ETfo:RA;o.;S \ 't'ltTan5•hoplanlo;allt•nd lht'SUnllnt.TIOehool undtTthlf' G I Udl should OQII()' thto ltt•t!l>lrallun ltt...·ordsoffit·r of lh,_.,r mtt-nHon \'t'!~anlt ~t.hu"'•llbt•t•nrullt'dloronc :oil \l,\lt-: 11 :olt' lltJ \1 1, ll•:t; l:o!TK,\TIII!\ ; Fmb)', ,\ uril 19 I · !Oam . LH HH2 noun . G·K , 12 :»to2 30pm . hallumeormonoe;anrr-et"l\f ,\IJ\'A:O:l't: I'A\'Mt::\T for ~UmllkT :.clloof. but lht') mu..t 01ppl~ for 11 through ttM' llrg1S1r3lillft · Heoe-ordsolfiet" \uu do nul h.:in• tu ~t.·;ait unhl ~ou·rt' n•g•,.terl'd HI order to ·• P I'I ~ lor ..\f) VASCE 1'\\';\tt;:--.'T ~~r~:~ .A:::l: Pi~;u a~:· ------- 2 !. H . to II :1m , G-K , 1112 nuon . S·Z. and 12 nutll'l 10 I pm A·t· Madrigal spring concert Monday I'USS I KLE U l TOOOH ~,.,..,.,.,.,..........., " IIO"JKS t 'U!\(' 1-:ttT" Wc-atht'r prrrmthng an opftl .11r rt'pia) of lht' LWSI' S) mphon) Ort'h~stra !Ionon CDrK'fft' \Iiiii be' !WHt.'fllt'd Wt'dnt'Sdll) . Apol ~ from I 10 ': p m 111 liM' TlK' ;\ladngal Smgl'f'l> "'111 ' Sund1~l " ma ll bct-..een lhir pr._...-nl their spcmg t'tlnf't'r t 1n L.o·armng ltHOUI't'n C"'ler ;\lunda ) a! 8 p m .md the Fm~ Arts Ct'ntt'r :O.h~·ht-ISI"'I ll all. Fmr Arts ('rntrr The..-~ram,.lllfl'alun.oa A l"rest"fltau on of Unl\'l'f$11} wr,tcn~ POl'! o..,·,d Strmgau lli"ltl rt•lld hil> portry Uo l I pIn Thursday . Apnl :!:5 111 room v.otk• range- of musiC thr~h th<• .. ,._., f r o m lh~· ltt'na•uaner to thr 201h t't'IIIUT)' Tht' group Of 1l ..todt-n!S"'IIIbl':k"Compamt'd to hold rap session Uoug lat"ollt'llc. sta te li.Ut'mt»)·ma n rrorn Krnosha, "'1JI speak and hold a rap St'Ss.wnoaenv•ronm~tmtbt' ~l::atn lounge o f th e llnl\t"rMly Center additiOn from 11 ·:t0a m tot2·30p.m ., April :tl Th1 5 II lpOn50 rt'd by Studt-nt Go,·cmment THE VILLAGE APTS. • • • • • • • • • Heated pool 2 bedrooms: 2 ba t hs Furn1shed and carpeled Dishwasher A1r condiltomng Laundry lacilot1eS D1sposa1 All Utili t ieS P<lld Each s1ngle responsi'Jie tor only theor own rent • Super Summl'r Spec1,11 3 mo lor S'iO per mo • No P"''-" •nc•l'a~{' lor '·'" ~IH•e Author ·-· Fullnt~ofthe l l olySpl r•t "a t llpm . Thw-sday. April t11n room l:!!l CCC l k·•ull;addr~tht't'urren l ront'~n1ng up nu"' Jnd ,., Model Open 7 Oays A Week Oa\f lfoy.·ard . m1ssion1 dlrct·lor of lnlcr -Vanity (hn~han t't'll01111ihlp in the l iS,\ , "'I II J>pea k on the s ub· Jl'el uf ' The Sapli&m and t~Ut"'i ••Qr. JO"' cr-oocl" ol '":"" "' colo• MHllot,ot•on lOt Moc hogan A•'-" tht' llol )' Sptrlt lllnd lt'SI t'OCIII'O\'ft'Si::al ,.,.~ SANri\\NA SAI.41~. l r - - - - - - - - " ' - - --, Square dance Saturday pl:e:fr::;.e ~~~e~~~~:~ 1~:~ p.n , Apr il 20, m th~ t'OYI't · ) ard oflht' !-'ine .VtsCt'ntt'r Ml.l!llt' ... bt' provided by -m hddJ~ . Jat'kAbelletall Thv event is bei"K spon - tort'd by Delta Om1croa and ~?!u" :a~ ~~;·er::~)' ~kns ~n~~· a':n::~l H~~ t•tu Mu Alpha Sinfoma. the mi$1C fralcmttleS oa cam- ..\merlt'an lf andbook and llbtrwm-ntah~t5 Bod)' Compass 1n lht' Thi'!Wog/'am"'-lllt:ropc.-nlo Unl\l'rl>ll)' Hookstorc thv publ1e ,.-,thuut t'hargt' ""' "PLEASE HELP MAKE NEXT WEEK THE BIGGEST OF MY CAREER." • THE POINTER SC.. 11-~;o.;O: )IAJURS ' AdmiUton IS fr« an d v.ill bt's.en•ed relr~hm~n ts lncklding: to;·~~~ Flame-Sky THE POINTER Pcge 14 Re vi ew Daddy Whiskers gives their last performance byTrrry R}·a n "Good bye Joe , we gotl.a go. me-oh rr.y.OO " April 6th, !~?,:: UW-Green Bay, t :Oi S.h·er moon on the frozen bayasDaddyWhisken plays tlsflnal andmost remarkable performance l.,.t,t me 1.1ke you there •·But I thOUAht they btokt up m January " · ~y did You got a match"'" " Sure Why"d the)' s plit., .. " Nobody 'd book them You want some.," They began sof1ly and gent ])·. always a mt'.:as ured offenng This 111".:1.5 hard fOI" D W 11w crowds 111·anted to be shoc ked not SOOthed. ··ts tills all the)· do"'" " \'ou mran. you'\"t ne.,oer 'ftntht'mbtfore"'·· For some . this 111·as thetr firstlookatDW Olhenhad SE'C'nt hemmaybtadm:t'nor 50 hmtt and for us all . this -..ould be the las t About an hour 1n the y pie kt' d up mumt'ntum " ~1an . thi'Se guys ~ re good " ·• Yeah and lht'y haven't pl3yt'd fo r tw o months etther " BefDTt the end ol the lint st>t thf')· ~d caught the But it's ovet" . What took mountain. the ear th . solid The ero-..·d Is ..,·ild . Twi n SC't'U re . alwa)"J on, there to encon:s . Thts ntght will be fi11eminu tes to it'll , and tlll"o remem bered , Into "" Jam · andaha lf yl':~rst o hn ppen . is b.ala)•a ". ""Goodbye Joe . ..,.e O\"er . Daddy Wh iskers, trul y one of the Midvon t 's finttl membe-rs, -..·ere present to as 1f I'd ne\·er rt'ally heard gottago .. cuun tr y-f"oekgroups, is gone. jam bet111·een sets. and C\"en tha t soog before ) lending " WAIT." Mesa, thefore runnerofD.W . rh y thm and s trength -..-as put together as a nash . F'rank "s lt'3ds.exaet.prec::ise . kno-..· n The &lg that some thought eale ula t e d -..·ould be an im possib le movements; com ing across m1ssion. was tu rni ng out to be the s1.1ge . light nin& from the a pr1celess and timeless ' doud. 1n astorm . rt'turningto e xpedition Joeasthet)"tlebegtnsaga in . Excellent Into the final set .,.,,h ,!"rank 's tune " Movin"on"" . theCn'llll"diii'.:I.Stheirs. ]tW3S Pre view onl' or those few tim es that l'\·e secn:1 crowd completely with a band At that point. D W co u ld h;n·t' done 31l)'thmgandtheerawdlll"ou\d Dl.-p:lr tmen t-..·rotethescrlpt future .. lie suggi'Sls tha t byl.u:armt'ltlclludt ha\"t' bought it But 1nstead The Duma llf'partm ent IS and• salsot hedJr('Ct orof the IH"Igtn:~lwork of students an d OW did only thei r best . f01cul ty1S~ed "" Piaymg m ttle b.and "" ma kmg a pmdlJt'hon mO\"t' to prolduet1on It m:ly be pos.s ible that l<onald Combs IS ri'Spon· " Wh)' are these guys the Cofret'ho use -..·1th the hreak1ng up"' Th ey're prl"5t'ntatmn of TII .. .\ t ,.okt }"~ stble for thl'mus•e. a 16·pece ur1gmalplays frolll un i\·e r · ~•hes may bl' the SOW"Ce for :tt' · l':n• I! .,..,11 be s ho..,·n ,\ pnl u n: he~t r a ~~ohteh _~treat " nt•-..· p l a)'J f o r l :~ r gt­ l'Um p:mytheeas t Z t ·2~ St uden t Theatre s tudents pr uduetio n.J a r o und the The produttmn marks the And then 11 -..· uall commg togethe r J oeplayingoneof oH ICiill dedica t iOn of the "Ill be hclpmg .,.,th the world and on Broadway in the thedeanest . qulc kest.sures t manyuses of thecoffeehouse producliOi'l . set :1nd hghhng "'":1rfut ure Sl:udents andfaeult)'Shoul d leadJ I" \·ee\'e rheard . bat· Th1115 thehrst \"enture out of llt>nc l~r li the set and l"< llli idcr th1 s opport umt y for th ngw1thF'rank.holdmga thl• ~-ine Ar ts Centl'r. a d1f· hghllngde;ug ner Thl' c:1s t tneludes Daniel :~~~ own OTI1Jtnt11 produt · moment , spli tting . lifting . ll'rl'llland mtl'rt'Shngehange Kane . K:~thy Cic'1gl'r. !lob tak tng me f r om pan · fnr the Drama Orparlmt'nl n. .. l llmkt')'s l'aw. based demonlum to s how me Tht' Monke~ ·~ 1•~-.. . :In llt•illlngl•r . AI Fuller and .lot' un the thrl'l' wi5hrs theme. brilliance Gal e wtth bass. orlgin.alopl'r:t . isb:JSE"da nd .\11kohe Anthon y& hmut sugg i'Sltd should be a produellon -..i th ac:eenting . droppmg . a pulse. adapted from the short s tor}· :1 beat . fleeting . vital to th1s b~· W W Jaeops Anthon y !hal urlgtnal K npts of th1 s l'l!ct'phonal talent :1nd many group Jeff on drums. ttle Se hm111 of the Drama t}pe m:1y be "the W3 ~ of the" molC"e professK!nal quahties ero111·d But tt-..·asstillanight of SW"pri scs. Members of ~~no~l:e~~e~~~~ ~fuee;~· ~~~;:. ~~~g:\~s~~e~7df~;~ * A rts & Entertainment u_.tp POINTER Drama moves to coffeehouse .,. ,11 THE POINTER b•.\lar) Annt'MOOI'"t' 11 ;as a t)·pical Tuesday morntng In th e Gridiron Pf'uplt' wtre talkin& . laughn•&· study•n& Platts """'" r:ulli"l The jukdlox ..~ fatntly hwnmma stra.ms ut .. 00111 ~:hucka oo&a o:hUI:b'' And thert' 111' 4' were. t.lnnku~& our usual cups of -.~rung . steamn~&cofree \\~1 m:uk tlus s~mmg/y t)pu:al day so dtfft'rent" rrank Capr:.' Toby5aton hisleft,srmhng RDger wt on tus nght. lll'rvousandellCited,tr)'lngto l!ct t'l'ef')'Oflt' mto a con· wrs.auon Th"' rHt of us-"" ell. •••e "l'ft' stili"& around snuhnc ClurheadJoff .trying tothink ot~lalt\'elymtt'Utgentthings :~:i'~/~"~~:fs ,'!': OC"~~ hmt'li to make sure thty .... ~ndtod rtgh t \\'hat ,..u Capra domg :&II tht~ hmt'~ Ill' ""'as Stltmg at tht•t:~ble , a t.;~Mtd . baldma. hralth) looktng man. snuhng bill·k at us .:.nd paherlll) •uthng for 11'11011 to W'ltlt' .,... 'W;u ttwf"ea fdm that M \1;111\f'dtomakeboldlymough that he mt&ht come OUI of hts R'ttremcnt to mak~" 'Wdl . thtr't' are a lot of films I'd hll.~ to makfo," he :::!n~~s: ~~~~aklnft ·~s : ph)su:al. mental and l'mulumal stra1n You hav~ 10 m:lb 30 IW ~0 do."t'I5IOM 1n a day You don '! h:l•·e tun~ to th1nk about 1t , •·ou JUSt make tMm Y.'ht:"n )<IU~tart IIIOrr )ingaboul your do.."t'IMOOS, you·r~ gl"tlln& too · ~d .. Clpr:. 11 a man of coo· IIC I IOn ll e believes 1n •nan·~3btli l y lotr•wnphover 1"\ll lie 11 o··~r"'-h~lm•ngl) ttkahst1c " Peopl e don 't normally hcAn~man ...'henllto hasto, canreachdo"'nlnto ht s 1nner d~pths and "lthsund an)'ltuna bad ... llow does a man of such charactn-lfth•srele tn f•lmmalunc" By elq)fUSing t~ beliefs m 1M films he m011t~ ·t'Tim 11 people to peoplf' t·u mmunlcallon ." he Uld ' \l.'henpropielntheaud•mce ~ lnlohedlnlheh•·esofttwll'WieCJnthe~.thebest ::~t . ~uldha ppt-n has It •s the job of the dir«tor tuse-ethattheaclon~l' P''Oph.•.!nvoJvtdi ni SitU IIIOn lllhtchuyssomethinc to thf' aud1~ce a bou t hfe,htu 1d " f':ut h In hu m ;~ mty is lll cktng in filml lodl)' lde11hsm tl What II needed more than anything ebe ~~~hle>l nuru:ommutal the tndll'ldual ag.:nnsl the t•an send an . "'orld Tile "'omen 1n my audlt•nce Into roars of fllm a; are strong , lielf · t-onlalned. p~~~srd 11nd able to " \'oo ne•·e-r know ho"' a sur\'1\'t• under ad•·erliC! cir· film ..-,u go 0\' n' Willi you\·1!' cumstancH t ho" n 11 1<1 a thou~and A IO\'e story of JOml' kind IS people .. he uid The prOO..bly the mOSI s...-,:essful audlf'll«' 1s !he final Judge t)pe of film. aceonhn& to {'apra ... ,.. fn quentl } Capra nus is ~aust' el'f'l")' asked ho"' he felt abc~ont penon i s llfft!cted by ttn>or~lup " Any form 01 lo•·e Thn"C IS a lo•·e story of censorsh1p1Siousy from an)' otiC kind or another at the qu;t~te,- ," he Sllld C"'fl' of e•·ery IUCCHSful ~'tim 11 an art form It II a daSMC dichotomy of money lind art What dlrec:t1on Oo film1 Both lire necuury, but N'Cm to be movmg in today! moucy:llonedoesn't m11kea "I can't predit't ,.·hat ,.,II good film be sUt"CU~ ful tomOtTOVt' or ,\ cademy awards are giv~n any lime No one can 1 tu films 111hich a~ tht m05t thmk that violent films lire suct"l'Ufulan "'"Orks Awllrds gomK out . ru~hl for Capra JS a time for " People Are gei!IJII lic k of rt'JOIC1!1& \'IOJ~t'e and ~l!plit'it M!X on \\'hat dtd he think of John t h e lt'reen . Th ey li r e Hus t on ' s t'omme.nu on IJl'manding soml"tllmg more a"'ards n1ght~ " I think he human. " l dothinkthatthegrealt'lt 1ndu lged in pretenttous snobber')• lie had 'no right lo pt'tures are )'et to come 101~ "hal he did It 11 not a t'ilm\sa young art form and lime for Wding " ,.-e ha1·e only K rlltChed the Capra behe•~s 1n !he surf~ " awards " Marlon Btando and Capra made the " 'hy \\ .Geor~ C Scott are hones tlgh t film series for the army auf'S for not acc~puna the-~r dunng World War 11 The t'nnk Capra . th~ lloli)' "'' ood mm Qst'ars Thllt r~jection was an films "''ffe lho11111 to soldiers prodUl'f'l'"''howashl-reApnl9and 1011 1nsult to their pt't'f'l... 1n the U.S. and allied arm•es Stgmnghcs liii!OIJ'aphfor l'\\'SPstudl'nt \\'hal makes a fdm good or to expiJIIO ""h)' lll'e ~f'ft Sut'Wilhlf'lthncr bOld.. f'nill&ed in Wllr Could he t'llms should ~ seen IIi ha\·e made a s:imda r !ieries " Comedy b!ndt humilmt)' suc«Uful or unsuccessful. dunng the .U.an eonfl1ct In prt"SSIOflm thel'ilmli-!oC'II Stmlh 1n \lr S...1th liw~ to m a common fellowstup Olll)' not good or bad. IH! s.a1d " I the 60's• humllnS un rnJCI} Uefore ha•·en~·erreall)' lftllafilm \\ nhinJtl onand~sm .\ lr . " l t'~tof WorldW:u-1 1 llrfo4:> (:W~ lvTCIIIIII ~bod~ )OU can laugh you must ld1dn~hke lkno"'•bowmuch a confirmed pac1rw : · hf' thf' quahllf'S Capra h1mM-If SUrtt"'ldtT )'OUI'!ielf tle-1 Oo111n ,.·ork . planntng. d«ilion· s.:lld"Probllblytht"Onl yki nd adnHrH Tht.•)' arc hoot>it. ~·lllr dt>fenses t l.a~Chtf'l" 11 maklflg gOt'l 1nto a film I ofst'r•Hicouldhli\'C!mlldets •dt-ahsttcmm ... hoha•·"falth ll m) i i('I'IOUScomponent of a adm1~ an)on.e "'ho manages a .. hy-we ·lho uldn 't ·figh t tn hwnanll) moch greate-r m)litl'r)' - thto toflnishone" tiol'ri es" ps}t'he " ~ian~ of Capra's film:o are Capra's film. 11 lhppenc:O "'hat lldi'ICC does Capra romt'dtt•s lll'mStststhatoo ~lan) limes :.Ct'l'lt'S "'h1ch nurSIJthl ,istheonty film to havt•foryoung film makersof ollt'klw"'IJI&'lllllhatmakua tlw actors lind t're111• find dati' to 111in lhto lop five tod:l)' -. hllanousdo n01ehc1t el't'O a Osca r s Of !h e a p ltlma5u«~fult'omedybut " f'or one lh~ng . )'1111 don't htodocli hal'eliOmt thouahts J>lnglr laugh from an proximlltcly <Wfilmshe hlls m.•·e to go to lloll y"'·ood audl••nce Attht• sa1ne t1me . made, only t"o h..:n·e been Today )'Oil unmake filmt tn ontht'sob)t'("t unsuccenful Is the r e a yourownb.:tt' k yard Capra for mula for SUCCHI.. " You 'v~ 101 to ~erounce " I ha•·e no formula . The You·v~ got t o learn b} UIIda lla ncbch kr :.nd tht man to "hom RIIC thttlllthat l thmkhavemade came-ru.k'rtpts. holll· tolalk I'Testdents lfall COUr'll'll We ek and a flail was m)· fdmssosuccessful are · to :teton 'fllen)·ou,·egOito t PHC I and RKidel'lt"f Hall dt"dtut ed . Gordon lfafer 1 I had t'ompll"te control of KrOW\ge the mon~y Cour'IC.'tl I RUC I held thetr bn•kt•r ''lt'e chancdklt of the film ..-tucn a.no,.·ec:t tor a " If )'OU loll.,.,.- a trend. Sixth 11nnual Tal~! Sho-ll· :.:adcm.c afflllrt Will) of expn"Sswn Wtth- }'OU're bowld to go brolte If IUIC and PIIC members man 1n charg~. the film you star t ll trrnd . you' ll f'r1da) . April s. 1'1H dunnc C'Oil(l.ratulatedandp~ted RUA \\'~11. and a fl;alf bl'comes an uprtSSMifl of make m_,The f'lght contestants. "'ho lruptuK to 1M top thrft J>Omt' aspect of his per "~ •• Ule catdinal t'OIIIHiants The)' .,...eft :.Od . l(lflaht) played guttar and sang lin lfyou~terU•nandmO\·e appeared tn the tn10r1 Cof· Kalh) G~u11n1 . Thomson 2 ) ly films art full of your ll~ence . that 'stheatet" lbll . :nt. Un Kolar. Sch· tdcahsm " \'ou h.a\·e a nghtlo look at Tllt'pdces for 1~ l'l't'OI mf'l"kleHall . andtJI . MJ(h:w-1 l The}· dramlltiU the mcanduy. lfhecandou. l ••re Sherr~r \' llnWyk . Sulhun. Pra)' Hall tmporlar'lt'C"and"'wthinrJSOf can doll ·" At lht conclus1on of thlt 51udent mu.s.c maJOI" . Mark Jui'!Cellll housmgofltrt. Joan Talrnt Sho•·. llaferbecker Th}lor . s.tudl'llt affatr~o offiCt- . ... ;a,prescnted"'''haplaque Hubt•rt Tll)l« ~~wstncuff•« ol dt.-dinlion lht• t~prrsJ>tun lau~te-r Three win talent show ,..,._ CAMPUS CINEMA Christofferson named outstanding teacher H•t•hard Chr~stolferson . 111ho tntrOIJUl'ed t'ourSl'S m l'nVItOOml'ntal pOIIIIC~ at UWSP has bl.'en s.eh."t'ted n ~tudlt'l> mtnOl' ll unm•r.yp tn t'omptti hon fur lhl) COI'e!~-d a,_ard WU l)o nald !Ia)'. :usutant ~~!~.'l =d~a~e·~h~~~:! :!'acc~"!rr' ;eua~tandtng ~n~~~ o:le ~~~~e~~:r: ~tn~~:~~lo ~~~~~~~: ~~t}:~onhl~ar~ullr:=: ~,:;:~ 5t00cllch for th1rd. 1111th ldel.lilln. honesty. man's humatUty to man."' he Uld A film can bell r~nm tonof a man ·a peraonality and dloiractft" Thia.-a: npec:llll)' "~x«ll~ " fourth and Olnstofrerson h.;u brtfl a m~mber of the polttlnl ~ facUty s.n1c~ the f;all of tf70 Besides ~adung hflh placu . n·~ pec tllel) 111ere Ohur Andre,. s. auoc•a•e profeuor ol d~em1SU')' .. no has tau.:Jit hf'rl~ s tnce 1"0 . Mar) trwofCapra'ar.Jmalinc:~. m coyrn•,,:•,~~.:C::: ~~:~~~~~~~~:! Robert 1.e11111 utoCtlt~ prolnsor_,ofeducllhon, Mn Thll. allo-rred. l .Wl.ib' 11f .ex·, . caU!er on· ~o..:lroom~ntal SU'ICt' t.M;:. '-'mc.t every mm M has Poqc IS ecotoCY formublc! and for the ~~ir':a~~::c;!:. !:nhel~achl$01" ~;o~:~~ :~~NT WISC 7 ~ 7:00' 9:30 NOW SHOWING! M AT . SUN. 2:00 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE, DIRECTOR PlWl NlWMAN ROIII'RT RtoroRO ~ ,- R~;;;w ~ '' ~ ,_. CA.oCSM:CGI~IIO' - THE POINTER -; ~ _. Arrd 18, 1-914 #P'- Union open house next week byl\rllhO!Is "Open h<~~.~Se W~k .. fort~ ~w addillon to the Umvt'f'· llltyCt'ntt'f'isplanned for thr .,..t't'k of Apriln21. Although tht>n: ...; n ~no fnl'"maldMlcationcert'mOfly, thl..-e .... m be a numbt'f' of acllvlliHandtvt'fltSK!jred toward the campus and local com mwuty J>J:tnnt'd t'Vt'OtS lnCJUdt' spectal ~les 1n tht' gam"' room. book!nore. and grid , student operas 1M the cofft't'holl'lt' , per(ormances by the International fo'olk I);Jnccrs .anarlt'J.htbtlion . luddie rilms , UAB ffiOVIH , ::~nd coffeehouse enlt'rL:unmentby Ron D~ekand ~nd Band lby "'itschkepl.1nstobe tn thebookstoreonWednesd.ay, Apr112~. to autographnpies of Ius new book , " M nn CNI Sunday " Thursday . April 25 through Saturday, Apnl t7 , Hans Hlttner ,anartJstspeciahzing 1M p;ll)t'I'CUUing, will be on hand to demonstrate h1s intricate ski lls . On Sunday there will be a closed lunchl!()ft for the UC s taff , prevtous UAB P'H•dent.!l, somt' UC contractors, and some members of the Univer.utyand Central tM- Back to the ;; ! ~::~~~st~::!:o"jet-~~o wert' " Wcarrpleasedafterfiveand·a ·Mir )'ean of ph~nnlng andcQnst ruchon th::~t it IUCJ I think it provid('.!l immedialt' and long rangt'program.!landSC'noiCt'S for lht' total univN.!Iily c ommunity ," sa id Ron ll:tt:hct . 1hrector of lht' UC. •s completed Roach dies May M ltoach. 88, a lungtimr fa culty member at UWS P dil!d about 7 pm Wednesday 1n an Eau Oairt' hosptta l. She had bt'oen relined .!Iince tti.living•n her native Eau (.131 ft' Ms lloitt'h rt'Ce.ved much af' ht:r tucht'r lraining at UWSP s)1e then Rrved 4l years n a professor or St' veral J ubjects and aMDC131t' dirt'Ctor of tht' now defunct rural education depar tmt'nt Aftt'r her retirement . s.he helped the univt"rSity with fund raising t'ffOfts, p;! r · hc1patcd in numerous public events calli ng attenl1on to ::-:.rr~r:~~~: ~:!!~!:. A UWSP women 's residt'nce hall w ;as d~icalt'd in her name in 1965. 0 Fishing USU:I~r;.L~;~l~ti~cotlir~~ of the yea r man y people are fori:ed tustlandlistentotalesof fantashcwa ll eyefishmg And usually. thestoriesaodtrll\' Sn far , though. claiming to havehadgreatsUl"t..'t'S.SIII'Ith catchtngspring run w.-a ll eyes tS about as believable as daunmgthetrout art" h1thng •~• Dr!.'yfus la ke . The problem IS that :O.!Othl.'r r-:a turctsha••ingahardtune prymgthejawsofwtnteroff themonthofApnl n ·s~ n too damned cold When the >Aalleyes are pretlcc u pted wtth cold wa ter the\·'re not reall y concerned Woth m;~k1ng b;~by " ' a lleyes Withoutastrongtibtdo,those fish are not gomgout of the1r ,.·aytomake :~ spa 11111ing run Jt'sthtsspawlling run that soma nyfishermant.lependon to put wa lleyes on the stnnger Thefisn ....·hmtht•l' gettheurge.startmo•••nguj, n•·!.'rs m sear rh of a su1table s.tght to consumm3lt' the1 r amu rousacll\'lltes ~:'t~cl~':t~;:;s b\=~ slow IS rankmg out nothmg The ~~=~:~-s~'(~.~w;....~sa~he~t,,~ SUlTl'SSIOII I arll needed \O warm tht• water enough to ::;~ !he walleyt-s mto ac· If, Ms Nature s milu water. ~~=::~~~ ~~n ~the !!'<~It'(] Aprol 18 197.! THE POINTER Poae 17 at a fc" spot~ m thl.' l'omt •·lcmtt\' Tit(• Slt'\'t"n~ ~~.'~!aubt':~:.n?- 0 ~~~ .1):~ beluwtht•spoll waylcx•att-doff IIJI'l't" lto;~d wtll all gh·c up Lht•lf s hare of ~pr1ng "~~~~~~oesn 't. "ell , there IS st1ll .. trout 5(.'1\SOn to look u-~~"" O;td~ors - POINTER Scholarship announced The Worth Company of Sle•·ens Pomt, manufacturer of f1shong ladUe. armounced Thursday 111s esta bhsh1ng a S IO,OOO fund to generate schola r shipS for nat ur al rl'!;ource.,; students at UWSP. An annual award to a Wiscunsm restdent pun> Ut ng gra d uatt- st udtt•s on the SJM-'Cialm-d field of fi shery mauagl.'ment and resea rch wtll mt'!monaltzt' Josl.'ph B Worth. vto:l.'·pr..sul-lmt of the WorthCompanyatthetlmeof htsdeathl:tst August Thi.' fund 11; mtended to g{'nerau• (•nough lfl('ome throughmter!.'SitOCOI'erfuJ] nat ural resources .,.•ill selcct t~ewinner eac h )'ear If the fundgeneratesmorei nteres t than needed for one full IUit•ongran t .monies ..,;u btgwen to more th.anone pe non some years. sc~!l~1r~~p ~~dd e~~!:ra~~ ~--------------- -, :~:~~ ~~~~~r ~f :ci~~:f b,,//f~~~~ v;~/;~,':·~~~c~~~~ arc, ~:r~c.:l;~!"~~r:P!':~~~ wh.lt you iJtc going ~~40~~ 3 m!:;l forlher upstrt•am m1gr ano n .mdan•fon·edtocongrt•galt• nedent•al f or pe r so ns! "' une gt•neral ''ICIIIII\ As workmg m fish management.! mon• and more w;~ile)es mo•·e mtu an Jrt';o lht'V The annual WIMer ,.; u beeome as thrck u axle ~~elnS ea:~ s:~·~gd :nml~ f grease on a J anuaf\' mor· mng · \ Uihonandft'C'expe~for For tlw f1shcrmau all hell one ~ea r lll'htlt> a pen>on bn·aks loose and over a PUr5U\.,_ a maSii.'rOf SI' ICIICe vm.mmt'ntal programs and f pcnud of 3 t•ou plt• \<t•d:s degrt'l' 111 the College of ilnybud~ .,.·hu c;on tu~s a II IlL' 111 fm~;·•a~;~ recipient was f :oiatur:tl Bl.' sO urte s ~~·;lt•;t~l!.'r •·an yank o ut 0J rrt•nll~ thescholarshop11111l amounltomur{'thans.500pt•r Su Jar , thollj.!h. a lnt of )ear ac \1\'lhes for the fi•·e milllon f Jl0.'\lpleha• cbo.'1.'ntossmgalut ,\ spe('lal schol ar Ship nfllfl l'S inlothc-.att•r.md \'UIIlnUII\'\',IIIdlht•dl•anof ~~!:~c~~~i~di~! N:~tuul f I f .....: I f bl' f f f ~:·.~·:e~:~iverr!':~~~~~~~ I f ~~~~~~.·~~~" ~;~~~~ i~~"~U:; t I f f f f Wildlife Society starts I land management project : b) S<m 1., ..., , .\!embers ol lhl.' Studcnl <"•• l l '~""""'of m>rogem'"' :tls •~·"'"'""""""''"' ,) <l bt-mg built r->resent l I pr;tcll~\·~ o n a~rtl'U]tural ~~~~:.r u~f c~~~ pu~'tl~!~.~~ :~~~a:~~;"'rc~~~~~~~cr~~S: ~n;~~~~~~~:u:h63m~C::U~·1:: I ~~~!g~~:n~ ~~OJ~t 1~ ~~·~ ~~::~~~~~a;:~;~~."!,~K~:~~::::~~~ ~:n~~:~b~~· a~~ker ';'~c~ I ~tudt•nts practH·a t field ex· ~pt_'t'll'>i of wildl1fl.' An ad· 1 I plot 5 1 ~~~~=cnn~eent ~ a;:~~~~~a~ ~:.~.~;\~~ d~~::.:;,~~~~~ ar~: ,\r!J~::.o~~"o'f"t~~ ~o~eg~bJ I la~e ftrst phase of tht' ~~~ai~~~ ~~~~:;p:;sh= 0~ ~~~a~or~::r~,are ad· f pro~twillconcernaplotuf promote 1111ldl!fC with I I I John Meye r , st udent ! ~~:nt!r!~ ~,.: 1 1~11 ~astte~~ ~~~~~a~t~;e~t"tee~n~q~ e d ~~';;"a~s of athep~~~~ sa!~ ~~~~~n~oa:~~~]\'e A~~~~~~! fu~~~~:t:~f~re~~r"so~e,c:.:; :,~~:'z:~g~ff!~~~fatb:;a:; 1 I I I Chosen hut once and chcrtslwd fore\l't' r, I :::a~t~:t~!~;~s'A'l' ll as ~~~··~~~~lut~~r'pba;l~~~~~ ~~::;~~ z~~ ~::e:~ I \'OUf l.'lll(oiJ:!.'m<'ll\ ol!'KlWf.."ddon~: ungs wolt ft'fk-ct yOUf love ' &e~:al~~:l~tag:a~y ~~:!\~~~ ~:::~~e~~~o~ r~~;a:~~~ ~~~~;~~~~n!:e':1 ~i:l~~~':fr I ~~~~~:k~r~~,';;::;~~l.';::~~f,:;::;:l\' you un c~ I of the Wold life Soc1ety who and conofers lfurmshed by pro,tt.oct I bt.-cauw thl.' ~:ua1antl.'t! .aHuf~S pe1f'-'Cl dat~ty, j ::;;~";: :':ld~~:c~~c:~ ~~~~~ete;~~~~a: ~:;e~~~~ hc~~~~;o;,sth ~,~e;::;;~ c~~ l ;:~~:s:~:::ra;~::;7~ ·~m;w•• fl ~:;:~~~=~: · o?~~ats~:~~ '"''~~~~eng s ties for •·arwu~ ~~~~\...~:~~~~~~~~pter I no font.•• dramoncl rong. ·-••••...,...... Resow-ees tDNR l approved I ,-- - - - - -- ---'-'··=··c;·•c:-==, "I ceru;us the a rea for ga me a nd the project for 63 ac rn of land classified as public :Ee~~o1:;~is~~~ro~~ ~~weJll~.s!ha;;c~~ra ni~ ~~~';!!ti!:"~oc~e~v~~ Wildlife Socii.'!)' Work 1111ll M h tilt' ltm e s fi el d wo r k is A J ic igan ve p on m eans federal funding b~ u u> d ·" •h"" An mstructor at :.11ch1gan A\·e UWSP. I HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGE M ENT AND WEDDING ~:'u:.~=.o;o.~,;. ~::.gu":'.'!::g:::=:...-.:.-::ftG" jOI..~! : e~tensron f pl:,•;:.satdthe rcasonthec!t)' f <.. j I I I I :~::IO~~{f~~~ p~~v::: ;~1~;E:~~j~:Stl~S~·;. ~~~~~~~1~i?£'J~:l~: ~EEPSA~EOIAMONDRINOS. BOUO.SYRACUSE. N. Y :~=~~:~~,:~~~=-:~~~ :~:ge;~;" ~c"~ea: ~fng ~~~~ r:~~o; :.:=.--=.-::·::. .:.·='===--~~ :,:--~ 13201 t'::! ou t on federa l f : . THE POINTER Page 18 • Apnl 18, 1974 Sports uyvP----=p=--o::'----:--:1N --=-r= -= E =R r Women runners win f ive team meet ~yU\utP\c'QO 1'M SttVfU Point w.,.trl"l trMkandflriclte;omsqutaked by<bhlto.h;,ond~Oiher teamJ in ;an lndaoot" mnt at O!hkosh Wedntsday . April tt. ~·ina\ tum s~o r tl were Stevti\IPo!nt71. 0shlr.OIN\W.5. \'ark.side 315. Mt\WIUkee 24 and Ripon 21:1 :Oiary Sdtulll g rabbtd the lndivldu~l lpotli&ht lor Stevens Pomt by Kiting" ntw ton· f~nHr«ordlnlhe jave\J.n •ulhathrowof\3"1'" Other Potnt rinu were nptured by Debbte \'er uut ~lll tlle+IOinU.l. Shet laShouldeMitn lhtz:!Owl th aumtof775andPamHrrbttin thtdiKIDwithaiO$&O IID0'5'" The Potnten alsot,.·epc lhe thrft relay events will! ,\ !1. Shouldeu •.\l.ry Vandertle. l.)"fiM Hermann and Ms. Vrrcau teren takint the +10 yd rriay With a llme of 53.5 ........ ~ZI>tlldorl. MsSbould«s. Ms JlrrmaM and MI. Vrr· uu teun took the 110 yd medley in I st.l ...·hilelhtm ile relay team of Ms . Zuelldorl, :.hr~•• E n&ebr etaon. Bn Brietenfeldl and Barb Dtkhl toot theor ennt in a timt ol •.:t u Colt~h Judy T"e of Stevel\l P01nt feels tha t lhe Pointen e;,orly KIII!GIIe gawe thrm an ;,odn.;,ontale •ncondllioniniO>W tht O!Mr te;,oms, but lean tbe trend may revene. "'Tbey'~ e;,ot~ honaupwothus ;· Ms. Tate ,.,d " We reaoms to lutve to "'ort awfull y hard to keep ahudof the pa~t ." Karen Sny dt:r and Ms Shoulden ~om bi11ed to &lve Stevm. PoU11 \Jieir Gilly ..on<~ pla«finllhtsonlhelllyd dub and on !he t• ·o mole 1'\111, rtspKit•·t-ly A holt of l'oontrrs f\nisMd in third plaet-. n.ty are Kns (Oundtrlon in the hi&h jum p, KathyGrotbl'<;:tintMtllotput , lhm ~·tet~hu m the • · Ms Z~lldorl in the z:!O. Barb l)el~hlinthe!oOyd. hurdlesand Jaekle Jadaek , Cnol Ifill. ~~~~ ~·~~.;\~ ~~;Stevm.' Points not meet ila su te;,om tnvi\.lltional at Eau Clalre an Apnl 20. Joillllll andRon•r f'albu•·t.IJ It the tJnlvenltyof:.tiMesota,Stout DndRTiver ~'aiJSUIO'f-llllthe h~tteam Ea11Claire Al\l"'n-110 Apnl 4 Spof't quiz ~ y Rond}· W ~•· pltndTID SMIUna ot t ·d· Goolasona. 11 1 ·• · RtaMII , and+Aufdtr-mauer . Track team takes title t J I -d· II~ .I 4 1 +Satl Di~o State. t ) l -il· Jod1m fltndt .lll noaRSwu lloo, boy. dldwtroolyouontlllJone. Tlltrealallllwu to question I w.u llllfdun0trqi!Hikon7 Ou t ol alltlleclods\.llkiniOW'previoUI qvla. onlyaneper:tOn&ottllill q\ll'ttionrl&hl.that be\ntl Mrt Nate ' 'T'he Pate" William• of Omaha As a rtwant for her htn powtn o{ obHrvation, ~In Williams wo \1 r«eive llelay• Topptng thepolnttolllol lile other s i• umpetlna turns proved no proble m to the Poonttn. ,..ho c-apcurf!d Ill'~ po lnll to Utond plan ablolvtelyl~anautocraphed Wl'ntt-wllt-r'sSll •~ pict11re of Dave GMi5tr d ad 10 Jnt-akenandralncoa\ l llnding nex t totheappleti"IICkonthtmsrhtaquare. 171-c· BYntr Henry , 111 -il· )\a Pesoeh . ltl -<t:· :\ladison Square Gatdtn. Vet CoaehAmoot wsJa\ready lookmB to tht ui)C'omlnsoutdoor confere nce meet Tum membt'rsmustqualily lor the mm priortotheo:onfe rmc:e mtott by SW'JI'I'Yi n& s\.llndard limes. dls\.llncu, and het&h\.11 t"or the third conseclllive ~ear . the Polntu t11ck team h.u~tf!dandwonthtColman STUDENTS-YOU ARE INVITED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE POINTER QUARTERBACK CLUB The Quarterback Club Is an association that Is actively Interested In b uilding community Interest In, being associated with and promoting the football program at the Univer sity of Wis.· Stevens Point . Membership In the OBC Is open to any Individual or organization who wishes to back Poi nter football and join In the OBC fellow shi p program . ANNUAL STU DENT MEMBERSHIP- SS.OO permit s you attendance at all OBC activities . purchase of UW-SP Individual season tickets at a discounl , membership card , button , bumper sticker , & use of the OBC reserved seat section at all home games. THE OBJECTIVES ARE : -:r To promote the Pointer football team . -:r To encourage young men wit h academic , athletic and leadership abilities to attend UW-SP . (: To assist In bringi ng the se student s to the ca mpu s. To join, send nam e, address , city , state, zi p code, & annu al student membershi p dues of 55 .00 to: Don Am iot (Athletic Dept . , UW· SP) Make ch eck payable to UW-S P au ar1 erback Club. prtviou.ly Mt up. " We h••·e only two more meet-S for our t<'lm to q111lily for tM WStJC mtet ," Amiot 1a id . " The mor t mtn quali fy.tMaruter opportuntty ..-.. ..-;u have of bumplna of f O!Mr !Winus on prrhmlna ry ra«:s '" Two l'ointers svrpantd r~cb !!eldprev10111 to this Jt-ason . (Oary Hork '1 4-10 ya rd da$\o tim ewuon"lecondalleld olh isprevioiiiKhoolr-d. ,.-hole Don Buntman's 4 11 I doek<na •n thr mole !WI_..., . p.a55ed the former m~rk Kt by Stntor Oon Trubiato,.·okt "JV Stt'~l'nt Poont ' 1 other on · divt d11al Winners Boll .,....,t WrtJhtintM&hotpo.~t <SJ-1' 1 1, Ron u~·ond •n tht- hlah )limp l ~ l. l)enms lluetnthrtrtplr JUmp <U·21,1, Rlct Z:l bonke In tM tllrte milt !WI 114:.,. 1, and l)eMII Mtngl'lin& In tM diK~~S& 1\'151 1 Thl' Pointer mflt- relay a nd 440 ylrd rt-lay tu rn s 1150 taptured flrat pla~es Oept h aaaia proved on· nluablr to !he Polnten. ,.-ho ran away from the opposition ,.·itllten~piKu. four thtrdpla~n. fourlourthl,a nd four ftfth p!a~t finishn. II ~. La Fond, Steve Nor lin. J ohn Wllllaml , Bork . Mert£1' 111111. and Tom Z:omls all pla(fd In more th1n one e~ent lor tht- Polnttr11. ' 'TM WStJC outdoor 11 1gain goonatohedou," llltfdtht' fornl&htf!d Amiot. " It we ~an o.-ercomt loCimt' injurlf!l and dev"lop tonlillency In ou r races , Wf i hould bt ve r y eompetthvt- " Pointers toke two from Worhowks b) J inolhi>H• John Pieper was !he wtnnona potchtr on bOih end• o1 a doubleheadeT , 11 tht' tJWSP bue ba ll tum .,.·e pt put WhltewateT4·l, andil-tO, I012· Oronfe renctrKord, 'The twinbillswHp mablfd 1M P01ntu1 to tvl'n their w;,o-.on r«ord a1 ,_.l t:.rllt'l' they hi-d k»t bocll mcbola double header 11 Wit10na . and hadsplitatwnnbtU wtth St N«ber\.11 'The Po.ntu bolts warmf!d 11\..,.·!y. ••thlhe o{fensetc:orina on•yont-rvntn the inlt la lt\11'0 pmts. 'The St Norberts pit· doers. h..,...,.,.u,wueu.nableto e fl ec t l¥ely halt tht UWSP olltn~ot, .u the Pointtn IOI'J k ;,o4-Jwin. MMSICDI'edaia runs In 7 · 1 1011 \\1nttwllft''l h'-lt'n1110hld dtfflt:ultytontainlnlthePointu powe-r htlll'n !.tad-off hlttft' Pat Robblm bqan the flrst 1ame with a doublt-, •lid cat· ~her Gre1 11 1userlmmedillely followf!dwtthat ..·o-n~~~- homrr. Nick Bandow _.ed up lhe .... contrst,.nhalourthonnlftlso\o In thl' l-ttOnd aamt ll-10 SI IISfttt , bot h Pointer 1nd Warbawkplt~ht-rswrrt unabltto eontroltbt' opposition. Jim Qou.a rns'lth reol' run biiUlntht' M'Vnl illlliVeUWSPa 111-7\ead. Wt\\1nttwa tutitdlhe«tntfSI. tn the bou om htll Reid Nt-lson 's three run home r clinched the win In the dJhtll inn m1 It wu Nelson'• trippu oft he =round " Wtcame~ckatlhttndol the tecon d St. N o rbe r ll 1•me, ltatf!d eo.ch Clark. ''but we couldn 't quite ea te-n up " The MYent h iMine comeback enabled the Polnten 10 eome wtthinaNnoflhew-kton. Grea Hauserat.arted lheraUywltha w;,ol k .· Robbln~ nlf!d 0111, but Nick Bandow aQd Quarna followed with ~onse~utlve doubln. Don Solin n-acked 1 triple, but Sebon nled out alter a walt to Tom Hlpackl , the Pointtrthreatwalqutllf!dbya Atrilleout. .. r Apnl . 18. I 9~ 7'---•T• H~ E "'P,:. O.. IN~T~E... R_ _._.., Po;_; q:., •~ Pitching looks good II~~~~~=!=;!! -o::r:: ...;~"'".'~t.!"~~:z~:;~:: by l 'll ll t:.flw' lt 'otlllllhmt!oltlwyear~ ~'"'" .. ~~en Pollltel'" bueball coach JlmO.rlr. dons Ius St \.owl Canlnl&l hat and bqlnt ~ntlonforanother~n" C'mon pu~. k1 '• &d r~aU\"1· llm;· ,•tbibrClllcaao "'lt'I'IIIIIL"I\Lnth_w._ l..Ut yt-utla$ tum flal.IIMd IJ.ll "'th I Uurd pbff fiiiiSh Ill tlw llltKOPIIII St& lt' Unoll!'fi>IY WSU • naf~ "''"t' rtturnilll lt'lttrmt"n ~thdynr ' toutlookandthe .. orll from lhf lfi(!Utldlt ~- ..... touah ol thoH •eu•ranl 1rt' Pll(btni John P1t~r and Denny ~rn. bolh Mf'UOn " ' " tM tnm of 1M bnl ldt·nc.ht comblnlhOn tll• tht' lUI"" l'il'ptl'•u•l· landpo~teda225 t:ltA.fannonallin21•nninp f'tttnleldlhe lt'lm 1n1tnke oub l:dlil\jll:! in 29 111ninp poihllill t•4 f:KA and a H '"""' ~omoor One otht'l' from !loortt...m ,\1oducan and J1m ~C'\"1\a from ~ both N1ady pil)tn. add LIM' drp(t<Ciartlpelkr.r Sophamor,, K.ocld Sm1th alld ~~~~::!:a:!: a JwU«, """Ita.._. bd!llld tlw pblt' ,.dl COI!Ipr!>t1011 from anodwt-lbUHr Dan . a lrftll· mf'n. h.ilt,.rvdtlwtnmand•f tw"'·orUout llr«hft c~ mil) aiM Cft to pq, npt lntht'-flll'kl••thKobblnson left . ~d !l.a!idow. , I fl'fthm.an from SPASH . ,.,II takt' .....,.. ftn\fl" lt•cht •~ up for valls JOt''ll'ldt'r lt11t\.landllaU6C't" "''II JI(ONbl) M't' achon 1Mno Abrlll'fNimnlliOIIGittwtum aho,.ttMpotchulfl51ronl. tlw hllhiiiJ.KoodblottiM>k•ythlli tu.•·• M'~IICNI"'Il\bf'tht'tk-f-and bull~ flllhll'OfllbllllhM lflh:l\t'\(1 I' ll pbt-. bul for rl&ht ,_., l'mlihll loolunc •· Kandy Sncb)' lnom St>ASII alld Otdl l!pton .... ,.u bt' rii'I!N Upotlontlwbu.llpeonfordlort tt'llll'fklllldk~lhn& l>lo:lnr lironk. ~ 1ra111ft'r lrf\m ~ ..... aad Brul:t' Enllllill .. ,u alto .c111 «p~~~ ., IN po.LII~ u.c,_ IKh..., , lut~· t'ar 'lthordplact' loomufnor11n 8othluo•·e llad tht'aldllalpJlllllrlp ..... ~Pft"'r may aiM bt' ''C'I"J TMI'Gonl~l,.ollhavt'thrlr backslllthr•·•Uulheyha•'t' chret non ·t'OIIft'rtn~ dCILiblt'-hradrno brloreopenlnc only upconftl'ftl«pbySaturdly. ~arbln tuosdu..-n,.orohofprai~~elrom M'f'miJC'hKIIOIII.Ut Coa<:h Clark ·J1mm)"s tM ""'pose ol UN! • lll"*lllf Ht''•lhrooo·1111: tlw bJIII rtiii ... .,IJ." .a,dctark Onl)' 1'"''0 HRIOf IUtl"n rll'luran-twr• t>atKobbons rt'lunato lfttfirici"'"IUICR"" II•UHr behiftd tMplltll' ltoOO) Nt J:D lut ynr bul plly~tnonlytocsmn, brutc lliiii"IPII'"d b)' • ~tnna pulled Mm mUKit' ........... &otU. ~~.~~ .. Robby. w.ICI Clark '' HettlleiU)'"'''pockl~n~ up"'lwn"'e~otll's ;o-wuon lll'l>'l~l'lt 1\I)'Sht'.IIIU!y " .Ua.ophomorii'H.obblns"'·u )f'rOrl(l lnNIIIndlt'•dtM!elm IIINIIIIC'1ll"~ . hll\lnjtfotl:l50 ••C'I"ag" lla~Ul'r ,.u !he motit un ~~.:: pl~r.~.: :i, ·":':. !:·~ Wlphomorr. CN'P .. aa -.cl to tht' end~&.~!~ l>.ln l'rt'11nntlnlynrpoth11JI m "'"r'"l"· ten\JI 111 the'""' onl> ft'rrnu ' 111'11' M•·" 1M motit nauual •b•htyolaarcroupi"Yi'Mdln Mmlt' urn.;· Mid the' ('Oio(h \h' ll ha\'t' mort' dqlch ll'lln r>"ll'f"brl- llli$maknllllK'I beUUH I f _ . _ CI!U hurl I lul ••-bod)' l caarrlyonto !.llkt' h~ pia«' ' t1ark ••IIIY•elol"t"plxeU.. f'nhR" •nfit'ld. w•th Ult! u n-pt1011 fll PK<I'Ih taphomon. Tom Hojlladll Ho)IOKIU , ,.to. "'ork~ •t HCond liM yur . "''II '-'JGIUM"db)'ftthn-lteed :O.ebon « C\art lhm at UaorUtop llo)nadu hlmtdf ,.,II han " ompet1h0n from !link Cambny . a uantfll'r from ........ ~~~ 'fim..,•lll•n , Jwch•Kwt• ~. • 11<1 ···~"· \\1..\t\ Qunllon no I SA:.J}; Ttl}; 0'l.\' \IAJOH I,EACUt:lt V.HO \\AS IWTH A l'ISCH ltl:i\,t:lt A!';U A PI~CH BATTEN 1:0. TilE SAME CA)It: • • hrr)• l.)'lldl b · J&l'f1 Parr r Alanl.orv.u l'lllnttrlouebaUaqu~dopen~ tht'lrM"a.onSunday . ln M•n ~alot.t nctolll'o~Halld In IN h,..t came. IMI!hpa,. John I'LI'per pve no earMd 11m) at thr"' errors helped \C'Wet,.·o'lo'monanlntlnlhc' t.oottvm <If the 1btto Sm- !'at ~-no 1:0. OS}; \t:AR TillS MAJOH I.EAt;U:H l'l.A\'t:D SIIOHT· STOI' U :t"T IIAi\OED 1:0. n I,.;Allt:S ~ · B•LI> H-uon b> 8Lli)Y.•Iu d > BLIII,.;on;., r • 811\ 8Lk"'lnrr .... Qut'•uon no J Tilt: t'lftST At ' l. I'I.A\EH TO GAlS !COO \1\IUJ!> I'AS!> ltt:('t:l\' li\t: ~ · Llont'l Tl)lor b > Charlr)' Tlflor d OmTI)lor d• Ch~rh1 Tol;u "' llt'f'b Ur n.> Qw,.l..., no ~ :'loA)IE Tttt: l>ULt"t:H \\IIU :.IAOt: A IIOLt: 1:0.-USt: IS 'n'o'O I"CA TUlii,E\ S 1:0. . , , , . 1 • HH Sikh b • l»nSih·l .. Chlrlt')Spt.~ea d ArnDid l'almft' klli Spuak~ no 5TilE :O.ATIO!IoAI. 1£.\CUE S LAST toll IUTTEH 'A AS• ijunt•., ono:.· Clarkstatftl. bul''"' Ka\'t'IIIOI*""""'tto\holt'dlnl ~rrot$Tht'nKobbyhoti-OUI bu!nobod)ICWI ltobbln~ !lad c,.o hLtt for OW! ~fternoon ~nd liO d1d St>ASII atand out 1\ando,. frelhman i\1ck ~lido- l'ultlw !Mill real ··ru. · w•d L'lark TM rooklt' tooko•t'rthrrrntfl"fiftdlpol lron~JC'I"T)Bltd Sh<orU.Iop Hl'fd :"of'- 11!10 H he al.ammed I homt' nan rn !hr.,..·enth "" perfotmantl' .. In Pftl~ two, WiDMI taut'd hu tt'llllceaki ...JJIIIII-Ift'l\1'0 ··w.,touldluooro-thattlnt Q1Hst1011 M • TillS PIT CIIEII 0:0.0: GA\' E Ul' _, UOM t: HU:OO:S II\ OSE SEASO:O. 1 1 t"C't"p.Hftkulli Kotoon Hobt'fh d i O\IoStOifot' " ' (Mk Elb•·orth Q11t'IILOII no 1 \\ li ES l' ITATIOS Vo'OS THE HOHSt: HACISC THII'LE CKOWN IS ltU , 11.'110 WAS TilE JOCKt:\'~ 1 1 w,ui .. SI>Ot'maker b • IJ•IIIIardtack ... ,., AJ t·oyt Sll::ddtt'Arnro " t eap l'lr i!W'1l~fl" ijUU\1011 no I· TillS A~U:II I CAN U:ACUE/1 OSCt: IIAU 11-1 HH\'S" IS A St~G t.t: SEASOS • • L.ouGdmg b Tf'd '1\Lihams c 1 L.DU Grant d • Tt'dHntfl" t~ llo(tt ManJ ~-- ,_ \\HOU::O ntt; AliA I~ J f'OI:O.T )'I.ELD (:OALS THIS YEAR• a 'Aa)llliiiJhl.,...., b · U.•Cllll..amar f 'AIUM''ALK d o Juln• t:rvuljt ( 0.0 Cadrolt ~'*'"" t•WHOU::D Til}; 'BA l:'lo STt:A I..S TillS \t.:AH • Stop in to meet Ray Nitschke and have him autograph your copy of this book. aloul:lroc:k .u.... Oen,yPet«t fortllrftnlntbul WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 1 :00 to 4:00 P.M. ., , Stan llack J t"• BILI)· IIIIlt'n H.cocotolnt~n~rediMDnlyPoont"' tun In the Bookstore, lower levelUniversity Center. b • ~~" Klueu Sluggers lose double lly l 'llll t: . ...., ""•thaprlnc,lustaroundthr ··ornnandlllllwtuU alonalhe ~hnH , Ju,., C11rk 'a 1974 I f lla[ph Tert)· b t BoiiTrrry c • Grt"gC1dotch d l )olrl(ltt t' > 11 Pat Colton• " ' Smok") llurJnt I Ray Nitschke AproiU,ItV.111lrv.'llft' lanMd 1711112INIUIJS With a lll AI Rul\a "011\'"'0I&m~ ;ondloA- J•mc-:tlcb<ln '! Announces a Personal Appearance by hn!WrontbiSAIAnatoonab. Super Sports Quiz or " l>elrJy'' ...... onl)' 1-1 11111 University Store l.ooluiiC at Ow nnlf'I"II'IIC't'. ,,..,..,,m., clump and and 1"''0 oophomorn round out tht ota rhna pltc:hl't'l Da~e C.Jttw. 1 puowrlr..,ttoeroa~hfor ~::.W.....::!":!': :o..-berl·• doublt"'I!Udff IIILIIII St t' ndlr thll')11 t.~k• 0(1 H1paa 111 anac.bn' ' - " ' ~ ..., b WLI!)''IIollo\r c• t.orT) Ste-rk d • 'Aaltf'rult'r ~ • l.an.on t: \\1uP"naiH' Qunt•on no 11 m: IIOLOS Tilt: ltt:COIW fOil MOST i't;SALT\' Ml:ool\.'n:S IN ost: St;ASO!Io Ot' I'HO IIOCKt:Y ;o f KcoliiMIJIIftUII b • IJ~•·e Schult• r1 .\larcrl fhlllllll' d • JKqun Lt'maLrll' o•> Jeanl'r-~"1 l,lue>tflln no tz WIIIL'II Ot' I'LA\t: H!!o IS A I'KOt'ESS IO :'IoAI. II Ol'K};\' lllt;St: t..OAI.It: • ·-- .. . GMrtr Gar~r b uarr)l Sonier iloudnU .. . ..Andr• ,..,.,Plant. d MEAN ON SUNDAY Ra y N it schke e • told to Robert W. We ll • The d ramatic, llrs t· per son story of Ray Nitschke of th e Gr een Bay Packers , chosen as the greatest middle lin ebacker i n the hist ory ol prof essional footba lL Or· pha n ed at 13, saved from po ss ible juvenile delinquency by h is Interest in sport s. Nit schk e describes In th is book the early tough years, his s tardom a tIllinois and ulllmately his perennial AII · Pro statu s with the Packers. He 11so tell s what fam il y life h as meant to hi m with his wife and adopted children. A truly Inspirational story of a gi ant on and ofl the llel d. • Prohibition protested Letters u!!vP·-=p=-o=--::-clN :-::-= r -= E-=R llf~ r t:ditor : paSHd,.·hich JlUI ll•)"elr-oldl the l~al rt&Jit to INy and ronsumealrohol~ebt>·eraln II Debatable cut .. .,..l....... " .. nw M~ po·~mmt hu faded to reprHent studtnt as~IOr~adlfle t' ACt t"LII.JntealldAI!orations CommiiiH I tft"'lmmtndationl opuUon . ort'Ymtlleop~ruonol lortht $ ludtnt~tt!nplltl uc-eptlortheMiectfewonlhe t'AC '"the fundamutal Uus ~nortliMt"fromlhe f KI t h:;ot I w:U KUVt Ill the ~tonllndttprt'KIItl t i¥ft, deciSoonolthorval~advan«d dtlYL<' tn m and tllot bu t"l· ft'<'ll\' lriy Mt"n t hmonattd llo •t"l"t'r . .. . aradua hnl smoor tt111 ,..,n t.avelntle "''' tfft'<'t upon mt" !.lor., tm · port;~ontly m y tc>M'ffll romH from tM way ht "'h1Ch fun· darMntal Y&hK' dKlllons ....,.. rnd!C'd by tM t'AC •1010111 nntultatloo of tothtr thlt studomt bodJ or 1M st udml -.at-SHmbly bythebulfCet Mit'cl*ln"lln"ll Adm•llrdl)" fhoius . hud f llo>cft. m.-t be madto. but tht:H a~ fho~l In " "hkh studenu. notjusttheMlectre-w onthet'ACihol.aidhavtvoil'eln seln:lina the evaluation cnteril n.e•"ACI!asc~nto ("OIItltlhenumberol~ptr dollar u 1 In ~l arch . 1172, a law "II the n1tun• for •n the dorm rtg~rdleu o1 akoholtontent b)''''"'8h1 w~ :dun:: .::·:h~.!:.."b :: .,:~ rKOJIUttdlfttllel/-•-enit)'of would like to hne the rtll:httodrlnk ln a morequitt . rela:r~ l tmtMpMre aJ opposed to11Nlr. tltlutt IJourfltoke lloatoflllareatlolo·l!dtodrtllk \llttco<>sin -Steven• Po1nt dormttona \II'!In we tumed II and bKame ltpl lduiU. """ realiud • ·e ,.·ouJd be rnpon· 11bJeforourac:tions Wtbehevt llll tlmetodemandth.erilhtto provtourtlplbilltinlnlum· dhn& Ute rcspontiblllty of appnto"al Aftrrall. tiMdDrmltorybourhom-t'wt.llt•·tare li¥t11Jhr-re We dDn'tfteiii&S fa,. tl\111 our p~~nUIIndaur peers arc able to coouume alroholif he•·eUifl II their pltasu rt while we are ilaVIIII{alt'lllnlhoJi<' bt'vtTIIft restnctltd lllourllomes,.tltlourputt~tl" ,.ords un ltnpcr mL~slonl'tclH nbythttdltorto goo\" t'f tht limit . All ltlk'r!i mu~ t be t) pl'd . dou61t5pafni , and ha•·e one inch mart~,ins . ,\llle t~r""!l m u~t bt' ~ ubmiuril b y the Monday noon before oubUc.1llon . :!!~:~~on~~1~:~ =~~=•h:~ only~theMudentlm•lht thew~ISIOM.-fl"t • and nnltertprtstntative l TotlltMit.w: opiiiMirlbftnnllll\lllltdiiiiiiY A«ordin& to 1 6110"1)" tlkt'n 11111 monltl, we. 1 1roup ol concernedatudentt,foundtlll t 99percento f theltudentlpo ll td on eampuJ 1 re 1w1u e of recycling Ollly .0 per fml . · ~FAChadiO ~tnplacilllpnot't\14!11 " 11111 latn mdtcat!'d " ~lin)'()( 1"dft'lsions wrre llllrd tomah. but !ht" t'AC had to makt llwm " Mr ~d.ltiiSIIi would - . . . to Dr u~eltcau111 tlr.at M\!hrr 1M st\lldomt body_. tM !Itt l illdoellt tt ptt l tii i i i i V t l Wttt m a)Ortl ) of han•~• Shoctld-studtoat UK• \llrhnl J . . . . . ~~~~~~0:: llltht'~t~. Oteotht'rnlgltL 1 ~t my l'urpoM l one moment 11 t~tlhe 'oO al/lhot'f<'W IIIun ~h. - IMIII'lll S tUdfnl IIOVUII/Tiflll ITIIIII II WII IOIIC''l IJpn!t hounsediti'C my l"urpolll.-·-l tOUnd thfo ck&sttr • ll«'ftYnly •wk 1t1 a~mmtUft, ) d cltuly tilt vaiUH •ludiOM II IOt¥11\aattthe n.tl~y of the Uudmt budcei should hnt bftn ditonaHd II ,..,tl\ inn usa&tofthnt'&ootbtnrrea- "ndnodtlrfoloftecycltna• tmplo)·ed. the Jt'llttltioou. to ("Oftl.t' ,..,u n01 ha~e the lwnrflt do:J,.·ntMhall . rappmaonsleepyllefllb I ptfN~It lnNkedoutthedoor cllrtnll a l.:tJt ,,..~nee- , ~~•led rnpon~~blbtyforanoltlrr)'t'lt rea ll y hel p" ff ll·)·tar ·oldJ aren'tn•aturtenoughtohlndle 1ucha rnpolllolbillty thtnwhy wastheA&eof llo\ ljclrity BiU ....... T rrr) lltlfl••• l.)lllll..athr<' llrbblf ll Oih r-nlt ,\Hi HNnlrf:utkn""ht t·ranr ... Na.-.. fra-n thHe e-st • -hldt we are prtSently ('OM\III\ifl&. SOl only 11 there 1 ltlreat to future l(tnerationl. but th~re 11 1 prne nt cr lsla of aolid WIJtt tninll ourtnvl ronm<'llt. WefMithattheaoluliontothl probltm lit~ wi th the ill· ¥Oh"t'fMftllfthepeopleill thll >OtM"Itlwlliie iuw-for eumph:, UVIIIIplptrfOI'tll<' ~TIC: andpartlclpatinlincommunity ttcydln&Pf"Oiflml I:::lit:!..-:"~.,. ,...... . "... "" t "'"' ~ ('ordi•C Stt <nK• b r l.h•d' " '"'~"' lltrr ltounoldt'dK:1itNM'.ncll•nl!-- un- by the nnate and and aome rffocu -hould have btell made to f'Oilect Mudmt opuuon as to "hat uiun should he mn1mind in the ltudent _.. h ltt>O aJ pnllltf'lloutto m<'>i'ladal· ru dy found anothtT l"urpoH 111 me · a~mbly. purJIO"'oiM"dl>ncii\YIOitpurposel. • - ~notbearftd) 1mnn...,.·oPur posa I Tt' a .. t much.·-R•Itht•' l'rrllaps. but lhrre ~ re ttmf:f. fr ltnd. durtn!ltllesttllhounoflllll[ht.ifind m)'M'if slll'altln&&L:tncno•-erachtpptd ~.-hopin& to find m y Or>Jinal I have taiktd to H'\'eul represoenUotivn and sen.ton. """"'• • ·hicfl nolld remember -· tht' ..-al .. nw thr Sffond lhrll: tampa•gnltdfOif~MI..-tlldomy bftttortprf"Wftt yOIIrtntenstsen lhrCcy Counnl I,.·IJIIIfol'dyour c.ounuwcMippllftandlftPUI.todt>ap!Odjob. w fH"tft"fttOl'-»n,.. ('allmeatltomt' ll4t ·:t!IJ7l ortallltolllt'lt • ·ork lflamiiOihomt•henyou callpl<'uelea•·<'lphonrllllmbtr and l • ·ttlretum )"oorrall thiSIIIebt'ln&.St<'•~. II) tUU 'I:Ittrmn 11) : Thank you tlllc.,llptn ~uh mltl~d J<>loaN.. ;u II M~t K onlt tlt s ... tlll il r•ld~nt •of f..,·ouJdhk<'tollkea f~,.·IM"Ibtouythanltyou tothe~e •1tu Yoted for me on Aprtl % and 1 sptnal thartU to thow who -;:::~~loll l'urplllft ) tudentsun·eybyltleltlllte lin "hlchlpartleiplllltd l askedno (JUUIIOIISaboUt theVIJUel Vl"h~h Jhou,Jd be mUIII'IIU(i ln tllebucf&ei Nevins ff~anks support ·rn thr l"uf"PCI'Ilki~& III&Mneartlawcli'la- ~y dd~J,teor~ovw what ... luu should be m uomucltd by the student ~~~~~~t- t1mt'tosetuporoperltea r«yclinJprotram "nm"e is 111110· a tWed for r~ycllnJ . for tht "vall ' qllollnntiesoluwmattrial•ne loft&rr lllUSI II the prttent Tallllr Mit.w: adloqooaldy provided ,.·oth an oppotlWIIIYIO l' ~lfl""'f ll 6th mean ingless existence march '7 4 =.~ st udH!tbody «ntvolumt•-tf"t'tobeallowtd Ill tiM clomu tiMrl he would ""fN'rate frnhmtn fra-n uppH dlumtnWouidpostpon•n&the Recycle this letter educationllbtnrfit l lloltlislhe oaly lflei'AC aJC"OftolicbeVHIJISO\'trSpt1" t·-•rnMS4Mnu "Tht i'"OI!\:Tf: lt rt'"Jcr •·rs tht ritl,h ttot"d it. dtltte.or rt)K t r nntributJ<~~~._~ . All it" ll tn 1hould bt' lintl tl'd to 300 Mr ~tdurlyan· .....at!'d~nlut•ffll 's P~r "'_,""by tnhiJllll rthUthletltrtothe tditor . Ch1nctllor Dreyfu1 MatN that he felt frt'lhm~ 11udtnts ml&ht not bt' able to 3ceept thll tHponaiblllty Chlnctliiii"Drtyftu ftltthatlf u ~n VOTE New Student Alliance Lyle Updike-President Barb Stiefvater-Vice-President Strength Unity Fiction course offered Thcl)(op.;~rtment or f''oreign 1.1nguagc.'ll and Compara liv~ Uteraturt IVlli be offerin& ("'omparattvl! Ut~rature 350. lllr~hons 1n Modern Fktion. thefi r~seme5ter of 1974-75 The coune will be oUe r ed at I pm . Monday . Yt'ed · llt'&day and f"riday. The eourse will put in to pre5pechve trench in c:on· temporary wortd literatur~ f ac:ulty m\·oh·td include II Adams and M . F'o rtun e, f'"reneh . f> Kroner and J Se1l•r . German : R. Price. ltuss1an and n . A.Katdo. Span.sh. the assigned in · ~ l rtJl' lor Student Government Elections April 29 ( Reg ist ration Day} The c<lurse a rid re<tdlng • "'illbeoffered (n F; ngll l h , llowever. ther e will be Cllfll:urrmt cowsa offered In !he re1pective lan&ua&el ,.htc:h 10111 deal with thele nationalhteraturesinanater detatl . 0 Aorol 18, b) Jim ll a millnn ~tu d••n t h.:nt' s p..- nt Sludyrn.: furthet r \-oune, Abou t this lime last yeu. ~":!t~~a!, c:,:f:~f~~~~~ t•,·aluatlon or all t"OUI'" SCI and u-a.truc::tot 1n an ob~tn·c and mt·amngful manrorr \'~ 111111 tr.ablctodottus~a~&Seof ttw: 1\ard 10"'0rk and drd•callon o1 a t~;tndflll of both " udc-nts and fxuJty pn-sonnel To narrow it dO'tll'n even c onn•p t t•valuation of ;:k)~~'IUrff.:;~:~~ :'! dedtcatt'<lcnOUKhlopultn l he hundi"C'Cb. y~ hundred~ of huun~o. at lll.l p.;.i) , lhat ar. o l'll~Joal) SO 11\at \'OU liM' -.iuck•nl. can ML dV.·n and grade )'tiUr u~>.lructor and yuurcurr~ul wn T1ic:lwthat fullo .. )outht'fl.••••llnoth.a•·t Lodllo("'\l>f all OH"'' aga.n .. hatar~thequa/tl )rou~ and .. ho ar e thr qua.hl) Ill· -t ! )f" ·~.~~~~~:~~!!.y .~~.=~~.~~~ n;aturall)t"Un<"«nrd,. 1th,.h;ot •Jhappt"ntn&on our nmfiiD 1 lftl<"«'aa~ 111 J tm "J.J 'et') 1\;un•hull t ~ ~ • -" .............. . n-ahty Uc :md h1s rom rn ttlt"l'han•spentmorchourlo '" co n st ru cltng tht J o·•alua t lon than rn;~n y ct llniP<'f'IU~ofthttaWIIbefOre kno.,.,thrlxtJofa u tuatiOfl , ~nd that our~~p~montarrb;aled <lllfKI Jo m'1Ma rch l ~ eohamn loiiii)II!Mrndlhefartt t'or •umtm-. J1m .a»ertl h• s t(lf'~ C<M~I'M'!i are ML 111;11 rek-\·aM"tol'N it •Coll~•ol Natu r al ll e•ou rce.' maJor• \\hat dan hoi mean by 1t1oe "ord :.·~ ~ ~ !t,f It to elm ~~~~~w:::r~ICIUI')' ]~~~ - ~; """""'" 1uos pue ~~~:~:·.~~= ;:! l(JonUI l~ pu<Jd~ IJOI'"!.ll.'Q ' rtlf'nnt•"Them .. •npurpi»o• <>fhKUW)'<'OIIf'$ftiSIO ir;ochthe itudoml tn cnllcall) anai)J<' ntat...-.al pi'Hftllnlto hom on In) form Doe) J1m _..._.) m~an thai th• >~boht) to UIIM:IIi)' a~YI)Jt mati'I'Ulf I• - ·· """'ant"tat''Hm.ajon" Aloolht'l' purpcNo<"olluOI_., .--...... ISIO w-· lhe oludent '-"fiPOPic'h31•<"ml'lf~.. lf'd- . ;_i.._l -~- ; .anothrrantMp.»t ,.llllltthcohadmt ca111f'arn Ia df'al.,.tlh ~..•~,u\~iJ ~-.: : :.~~:':.: (I P"''l!JH'•.anl<"ln~l ut,.a) O.....JnnM'OOil>-l~ lt>f'an t"wo' lh.:atl lwabohl ) lo<kal,.llh peoplf'ISOCIII ft' ....·;onl taCl\.11 : 'Q.\ll u."AO s•4 ~SO.J J~~~~P!"0N : h.,..,. unfortunate!) , hav• • that• l '""·autuo:lf'rttt, .. re l!oina ,'/if ~~~ •wo¥dsilt_i~=.1 ~ ~~ ~ lhf'lrrOutaliOrl llooon~ . J•m• ''-' br e f(H"t,. r l) on•..ohed in fleo;oi)IOrl•lftlkini&OIIlhtl('l/llfiiD "'C:I!IUlil d<omOMIUie that" " Gu•enuno•nt m~~:::;y ~~~;s c::c: 1M- f'~pr-eiHd hil op!IIIOrl I fffi \j,"ouJd hkt In bt'Com~ m•·ul n'<l 111 . g1n• Student Gu•ernment . )Our fello .. !>ludl'HIS, an!l)Uurlit'lfatop prtunty C h oose Stu d ~nt onh:..·mgth~gutstot r) .• / t he m.;ock.ntlllleantpus!Nttart~ nol ~······················· • ~t!tt ~~. :,..!."!'~ rolumn•a•c:onf""""{ )UU a trom r.:::~~~'....!rlld~ Ill )OUt l;alfft'"'lllthrma•llpoilll lh;at fllunk Jllft "Ui f )'lli&ID I'OnhKntjlo.olf'l)' btotl-ht did So n.•xt lim~ )'OU btg1n to :.n1.alrz~ th•• IYPI' of a.t ll\'11) an bcccom1ng "'ork IJ1It and hts cum IIU IIL"'l" dtd~ It 15 bfca~Ut" thnc pt'tlplt' . ~o~· heth er '" Studmt Go•trnmt'nl or not . ~rtl('\ur~ further , BIII'T'icehas~n t he tndt ndu:al most rC'Sf)OfiS•bl t: t he 111 Wh)d•d l e~topratK• altf:IC'Uity membt.'f'S 1lns1s ont' pronuse I am proud to s:a) has bc\.'fl fulfillro . HeJpnnlnJ thi S week . students fortheflrsl tunc \01/1 bl' rxpr~ll'< thetr opinions ooOOt hlhet'OUJ'Seandthc- for History relevant ttl(> nl\'ntpresHient.l promised.tf d«tc-d to •mplemt"nl an Poq~ THE POINTE R 1974 From the president (f~tjOOJ 3 \ll JO \1!.'1\ .Jt.tJ. Wop!ll.'l\ UO • : ........................................... noiJOr5" l thmklh:allMabdll) an:&l)ll' ma!Pr"lill ~nd du l propll' •• rf'ln anl to ho~tot) IIII)ON t ' l\.11 maJOr5 ~nd :o n) t'<hlrllt'tl Ill ~I!M:III) "''h ...... Aenrd•nl to thf' UWS I' Calalo~t C:r.> U n••JOU ar<" r"JUif~ IO llkt•.,Jert<dltlof htiiOI') c:ouNn Jom impl1r1 that So hlito r y I'O or u 11 "rrl"llnt lor C~ll ma_t>gots I ha•·e ~lread)' o.Ged ,.,.;) ap aaliclas ,.._~~eo;co!iolto><tholthlllllf) .-ouu•l "'" tiiYI lo an y .Vunted pe..lt1 • romid<'r thl' cent""oi..,...Nuor)..-lft .. act ........ Mlher«notthey(.. /'1 blr of LIM' 1e t"Sit majOrl 164 H•sou ree tl litor) 'o- ,. IJoe.-•lopmentand 1-'o!M:) "'1M l""!l'dl>la\et;d,~IO Jom~a.rtM:If'.not'ff'~-arlt " for no"'.JIOIN' ~~~ J~i~:~:::~:: .. '! : ~~!::-~ ~!~~:; ~· IIIII«)' M, "N " d<-.. 1 '1lil' Arrm-M:all "'th thr ph)'J.!Cal o·~~-of t hc-l'IIILtdSiatH ll• • to r ) 101, " Modt.rn t:IKOfl";l.lllllliGI') "IIIdlhMory l:!O " t;c:onom oe lll1tory ol t :uropr " bol h d<oal •ulh thcCOIIbftlndC'I:InK'qumc:Hoftlw lndu•tr,.litl"\·oluuon. AreiiOM ulthl'M'rounots"relevant " to ('~ II m:tJIII"i" Jnn abo otat t'li tMI CN it n•aJOrt have demon•trated tnadt'(tu;oc!eoo on l fll"«h and •·omposohon, lifo l lftf~Us that Ihe whlllonto thil problem is to o•lnnonlllf' IMJO•t•redtlhl• tory reqo.~~rrmentatldrrplaeeiL.,..Ith III<H'f'Jpr«h:~ndrompo•ution r~ulrf'mf'lltll llo.,. e•·er , this po)ohoniDl;ollyt&nor•sthe number of sprwh and t:nlhMI ,oun.n >~l' ~llm:o jOI' U ll t;akr IIIUIISf)lftl:hi'IIA'qUII'fttlf'llb Ala•nrderr""tolheV'A1il' Ct~ aloa . a CN II major •• rfl!UI~Iot .. k•t• •ntGIUiel <"Dmmun~e:at-llld5oJo ttrdaUI el fffthmant:n&Juh TMCNft "'"JOO'rt•ls. rtqo.arf'dlolaket12 nl'do l • ol humanolicl lndltdf'd on lh• hnd1n1 llllftllfti!IC'S' ..... ...ur$Hin .....,..,un~e:at-•. andbtenuwe l'OU...,.~,.,IheEncJtU. U•r'!Yrt~t s.. tMrc already eu01 ptO"ISIOIIIi for lhe CN II lftliJIII"Ie t•ke"acr«<otJol commun~e:ati<IObandt:nflhlih Jtm ompi K'I that lht5 u. not l'nOUJh, tMI CNII maJUn llftd '!II cr~ •UI of romm ... ~e:atiWllo _, ,.,.JI andt: nghsh Onr111111h1 pr~ that t'N K majon be rrqulftd to mu10r tn ~:nJthU! or I'OiflmUIIIUIIOII& I am iUte thataftrr 26cn·d•l ~ tlwy .,.ould det.rr>e a mtnor At th <' r11k ol I OIIftdlnll I~IUIVr,l<'tnlr~Mama•..-n lhallb..hi"H'OIO.Ktfori!Jnn,a nd -.l'loukfllO' , _ . ,.. ...,.,n~,n d<'<'i~•on• that atr.-.:1 lheor o-duo:oohon Kill I :~Ilia llrhr•·~ thlll studftlb ar .. "'" ..-•nc tu """""""''"""""'_..,"',... " " " - m;oktnC proc-"'» until thrydrmUIIstraltlilrtl';oboht) \uwpponthnr ..... ,...., ~~~- IIM'fHb ,,...., u ........ , ,~ TIRED OF WATERGATE?? BURGER CHEF HEADQUARTERS FOR PRO-KIDS PUMA (QNVIRll IRIIORN JACK PURCil IS NOW TAKING .klB APPLICATIONS FOR STUDENTS RETURNING IN THE fAll WANT TO DO SOMETHING PRACTICAl TO "ClEAN UP THE SYSIIM"11 JOIN COMMON CAUSf " the peoples lobby " For Furlh t r lnlormallon 1 nd m•mbeuhlp lo rm 1, • N•nc::ySnld t-r O.pi. Poi. Sc:: l. · Belly Om•,. Mu •lc::D• pl. " 341·0171 SHIPPY SHOES 341 · 4121 Artfllh JoftnBetnd Oocum•niJ·LRC" . olin~"-"'> _,r.Mer and , ...,.,!>1.,'1111)· • pt"r ~mt olthr 10 <"Dmpokd of CNR cb•• Educ::ollon Oepl. " l44·SI92 loi4·S114 ··-~--..., •uU! THE POINTER Pot1e 22 Apnl 18, 1974 . Course and faculty evaluations STl' UE.'T 1/t;l.l• IS :o.t:t :u t: u The Coune and facult y Euluationt are tommg .. ptht>•·eekof.O.prd'Zl· Apnl:l,and,.·e ll«d•·OW"htlo' Sonce H<'r)' clu• Gltvery onstruttor ostobf~•·n luatl'd . the dislributionadmlntstr• tionand coll~tion\Ootk for thlJ pro}Kt is&OonJtobC'maui•·., Anyone can http ~• ttHd prop!<' in all dl-putm<'llll It c!M.n'tmatler of)'OU help ..·fth 011<' dau or • ·tth m1ny · 50 long a1 )'OU do help You.r batk job ,.·ouJdbeutjllltplckupthc matC'rialt for • ·hichever dns orclilUH\Otth,.·hichyouar<' goin11 to hC'Ip administer the <'val~uonandthenrelurnthe matft'ial tO t-ach f'\'CIIU~tion (t'Rtn'\n the bllll<hlltl that IlK' cla»otin Me )'DU intC'rnt C'd~ ""'ell. C'\"t•n•f>OU'renot,ca llorcome to thC' Student GovernmC'n t Offtce tS«ond noor Unlont, ~:M'.!:IIfor morelnformauon. or contac t the Evaluation CMfic<' . :w&-~ut I :!CIS C1uuoom CC'nlerl , and offll'r your auiJtanc:ll' llemC"mber . thC"Se eval~ t lom nn hC'Ip in the improvement of thtqualityofyourrdii(C.Itlon . Wouldn'!ltbenketoknow,.·hat thfoiiUtruttoroJiokeiH- t.,e)·ou rC'Jtlter~ Sho\0· that you cuehelp••tthev.lluations Thanlu.. The qu"toons on the i:..alu.:mm ,....,.. fonnl'd by a SubCornmttlee of tStudtnt t t'and!y Affatrs ~ Sub-Committee os rompoHdflll011udC'III5, 10 11\Sirutlorl... and 1 p.lM•II n>f iMINMOTS oltho: ll nu~tf'IIISiaff ,\round9(l(lhours•·ent intothcformulattonol tht ~ Evaluauon fo rm,ull durtng thitstm,.,ter ~actualquesltOnSI!'i'Ufolio'oq: I 1 lndit;~tf )'our coUttecbS.Sstilndorc 2 1 tndtute your i1 Cvmul.lh~P Gr:adll' f'01n1 A•·C"n~ lndic;~tC' )'OUrfirslorml ln re;Jo5011fortak ln& lhiscourw. 4o lndicatC')'OUrHll ~ ~ lnditatll!•h.at&r;~dc youn p«tfromthbttnllrvctor. 6. 1 l ndicatewhatgr;~deyoudtstrvefromthlllnstructor -;::~~~IJ~~..., == ? oThe l ubi«tmattll'rofthtst"oorsehasbrtncll:llltnf(inr 1 l Thiscounemadea~~o~snoriC'antcontributiontom)'t'dlita! ion ttl,.·oukirnJO)tak,.,.'anathll'rcourserll'l.ltfOdto thniM>bjcc't ( JO• Ht-gul;lr t"lus 3tlendancll' promotes undtrltanding of tile 5Ubltct mntltor II • TIK- tn.structor'l jlr3ding prOfl'durf t'orrl'(' tty mC'~IMi rd my k-·I~C'olthii!subj.-c!m:t ttff ·t~ II\O"OUldll!f\joytakJnlliMnthll'rcourse framthiJOIBINCtCII" tJ , Th~ tnstructorrnt·talTI!!Hdiso:-us.lionb<lt htnandoutofclas.s 14 I Thii! onsrructor lti•H cltar ln51ruch- and npbnatiCir\S 16 I The 1 The scanner sm;~ll ...·hlch nat optical tnnlfeu respo~Ue~tostand.l rd~mputer carcb, T\IIIIrll'llltlvelyllowly 2 The card ruder l1able to feed about aoocomputer urds permtnuteintothei npui-GUtput control unit IMINt'IOI'"I IC'\'t't of prentt.:IUOII W31 IOO HJPh15tltatrd for ltuderuconoprthll!f\lion t7 l ~O,.INt:klrllee!Qk110'10lc&f'abletnthu511b~tmatter ...... tl. o Thii! on.structor ~ -ms ll!f\lhu..utoc about and oq_l<'retitC'd '" lhu M 1 Tl'll' tnl tuetor TC'Jpeo:'ISJ!udrntsu indlvlduilb. 21 I The lMINclor requorn too much "bwy woril'' in !hill courw. :!:Z J Thii! on.s truct ordoM"rtmtnaiCJ apillltlhelludtntt;on t heball:l -~· ~ ~=:;;ctordiK'I'omonatCJagallllt thetludftUion thebui1 !"~a~r;~;::~~~7!: ::: ..~::~l rill'ld, laboratory I helped 11 !_' -:,K•~tnmenu controbuJN to my underst.ar'ldina oltht "'b~l JLooklnllrornr11httolelt , are the!.() rontrolunil.the memory bank. tile central pt0(-1/IIUnol,theUpedilk unot , andthellneprintoft' . 4 TMIIM"printoft'tsca~ble ofprtnlln&thee•pe-tted\,500 pagnol"dttall pront·out" p.oper•niiO!YPralhl'lurl 'rl • The.u.,m• ~uatfly cover the IUbjcd mallerof thl1 course. 211•Wtlaloveralll!lradewouldyoulivtthltlnltrvctor! opuonal-29 1 Whalltn&lephrDPCII"N'rllll'fl(tbeltn~you r ~~p~nion ot thl1 noune or faculty instNC'Ior'! paid advertisement 0 • • • Apul 18 Editorials U!!f.IP-=p=--o ~ lN ~T = E -R Lots of lots lt•· Uob l\c-rblrc:k You.lrc pa yingsomcofthe tughest parkmg fees m the $1:ltrbecau.seof the hu11e. near h·-crnpty lots on the ootsklrts of the c:ampus And the admmlst r at•on &OH on btnldmgrnoreloLS' Through last swttml.'r and las t seme$\t'r. houses ...,.cno bl.'mg ~royed to go tu make room for anoth{'rlottthechancellor told nw thl' tr l'(-s behmd Stl'tnt'r had tu be dl'lilro~ed an''"a' as the)' had Dutch elmdtst'ase--tf:so.tt'stht-ftrst l•t'ht'.udofmaplesandoaks o:ontractmg the diseas.hoPf' ttt~n 't the ,tart of a ne.,. trt'ndt or mo••ed l romtht'f'aSISideofR~rve Slreet to make room for more p;~ rlung lots Recent!) a houst ,.-,u mo•·l!'d from the 1111ter SidE- of RHer•·e Str«-1 uppos1te the Unh •enit)' Crnttor • to make way for :a mt'lert.'d parking lot l)u •H' ueed all these"~"" tuts., They costa good deal of mone} and onl)' sen·e to .oHr :u.·tcars fr om thea.lrtady lll'J rl}--empt y lots I don't think. ,.., t h a d tcrras1ng t•nrollment.lhey'r e gomg to altra<-1 manymorecarsr•·rn d tht' admm• straiiOfl c;~n con•'UICI'lhec•tytoelimu\ate Al.Lstr~tpa rktng llusun onl~ result 111 even h1&ht>r p;~ik•ngfecsnext yt':ar to pay for mort'em pt)· lol$ l can~member~henLotQ ,.~s bwh on what had been a "tiland are.a . and .,.-hen tht' tr~ betundStetner H allh.ad The admmstrallon J.atd at theumethatthOStO kits "t'Tlnt•t.-dedtoc«npens..att'furthe 1."\l'r nlcrt'as tng number of nn Dream on ~1)'4. Lhe :tdmtmstrallon i:I}Sthatthene.,. lot>.are ~l"Siai)IOprovtdebt'ner. more con•entent parktng nearer the academtc lxnldmg.-; In Oilier v.-urds. thl'ydoo 't,.-anttohave to walksolar.rl'gardlessofthl' l''(\ racOittostudl'nts Instead of more parking lob . ... h} don 't the} constder clostngallthe lotsexceptfor tht>l.argeonnon theedgeof the un"er~•'> Tr('(!S and gra,scould br planted to make appnhng mmi-parks andgrt.'t.'n1ipace Con•·entence"' It's onl}' a ihurtJUg. and l kno.,.aft"'' admm•stratOI"li,.hocoulduse tht>ettt'rCISt' 197.1 THE POINTER Amen for amnesty Amnest tes and ge neral p;•rdonsareofteniuuedat the concl usiOn of thosewnrs cond ucted b)' go••ern mentll which had a "gooli con · sc•ence'"aboutwhatthey had done l"ol•llcal leaders,.ishto extend the atmosphue o f rehefa nduptlm•smtothose. .,.hointhee)·esoftheirfellow countrymen. had m•sbeft:n·ed Tragtcall y. theVietnamese conflict ~~o·as nt'ver n!SOh·ed : hence the gove r nme n ts reluctance to grant am nestles I\ would be an em197Jandhass•nce~peated bar r assme nt to the that he oppoi.t':li amnesty. ·· warha~~o•ks"" and " R ed becau se hr- cou ld not hunters '" in Wash ington to '"forgl\·e"' draft av o1ders , ad mi t that the war was .,.TOng n-s1sters. AWOL.s and ex- andthatthoseldea listswho patnots .,..ho must pay the refused to participate we re pen01.lt~ for therr errors and <'rmtes ·• llc:t.,.\'l'rynobteoftheman . tuforc"·e thosewhoda red oppose h15 bloody little Asta1tc "'ar' b~ THr) \\111 Toj:ran1 arnoesty or not to grantanltlt'51)' 1Sa dtl emma to be resol.-ed '" th1s COW11ry Amnt_'St}" ts a concept uf puWtc Ia ...· dert\'t'd from the Gref'k word ,\ mnes t i-a meanmg to " mtenttona11)' on•rlook"' Taken '" that co ntext . ~~ohat must bl! o\erlooked . rfanyth•ngand b) .,.horn"' Our self-ngh teous prl!llldeflt . on the \""gr c:tf dethrunement. decla red .at h1s hrst pri!U conference tn }t'l Hl~st atemrnt~Jcompletely at \'llflance .,.·jth purpose. thl'Ury and history of amnesty . particular ly ill t~~o"V po1n11 Congrus. not t he pres•dent . hasthepowerof amnesty It IS not fOI"IJ\'Mt'IS ofanerrorbutforgettrnga pri'Sutned offense. whtch ruht) ~~o•as des•cned to arOUSl'thtsnahonpoltUcally and morally in b,·Chr lsKrcMI A UWSP st udent escaped a rapastlast wee k Had she not tt'Sisted.she could hav e been ~ hom1cide Yicllm . l'hl! rapist reportedly tr ied tostranglethevictims.eYeral t1mes !iiould you be attac ked. and )OUr att.acker 1s ~armed. use your natural body ...-t-apons to defend youndf ~·,ngm.fistJ. elbows. knees ;and feet deliver the most effec!J•·e blows. Aim ror the t-yt'l. now. t.mptn. throat. abdomfll. ~:;~}"1. &rota. 5hlnt or In If ;111 auailant gnbl you arOUnd the nec k from behind , Plityour chintoyour c hrst to ke-ep the pressure off your neck and lc:t llo't'f your body to lethimoffbal once. Kick back mto tti1 ahlna. 5crape yow ht!e:l ~-n and stomp on ht s tnstep Bile hiS handsor bendh•shttle finger back t:l bo" h1m in the ab· domen or punch htm Ul the gr~~ )"OU a re frt'f'. RU~ ' Shouldyoube factng)'our attacker . drag your fmger na•lsdu.,.n Ius face Orh·e the ~l ofyourhandtntolusni!SC.' or throat SlaphiSI!atS,.,,th open hand5 Punch h1m 1n the abdomton or k•ck ur kllt-e htm tn the gto~n and RUS ' If he gets ,-ou do.,.-n on the groWld. ft'rid h1m off 11.1th )'OUr!('{'( lfheiSChoklng)'~U . cause palll du;trac!loo .,.,,h .,.·hah'\"er frt'f'body part you ha~·e Go a1 hiJ fa«' and lh::"':omb. car kc~·s or na1i fatle may Dt' useflll. but ~member . they could be ta ken away and u5e(lonyou Keep the 1ttUporl contealed and your mO\·eme-n\5 subtle nght Th us we have the habitua ll y r e t icen t J)residenc)" bei:a use of the political ramt fica tionJ of am nl'SI)".followedbli ndlyby thoseboG,geddownmparty puhtlcs Tite baSic theory of am ncsty ls theooed.par ticularly in a democracy. to re ta in "'ithin the political S)~tem. all the leaders of political thollt&ht.lf fornoother re;lSOII than to stlmlll ate political idea ls. Toexcl ude lhecnt ics andoppooentsistost rh·e for coocensus and s tagna te intellec tua lly In a political sys\1!1'11 which th r h•es on confl tct, tostag.natcis to d.i e. We need to recruit th ese wtics of poUtieal thought int oour cha uging society If .,..e force them in to exile. il .,."Ould not on ly be oppose9 to o ur basic co nstitutional freedoms, but wollld excludl' a c reat ive po lit ica l fo rcl! needed so badly . Wr are not dealing w1th ordina ry c riminals or felons ...-ho refused the du ti es of society to sa\·e thei r own skiM, but rather sons and daughters of middle class America They are In the mind.« of ma n y Am e r icans Th ose people ~~oill qutte possibly spa re tluscoWltrytheagon)" offutur~ tnams by tbe SciFI Club The Greal Space Rip-off Protect yourself PoQe 23 :nr;:: in- don't Signal ~r ,\,crr-amisa nauualpanle rnct.ion and attr-ntlon-tt'Un but II you ... on'l bt' hurd . don 't~~~._. it. l'ou ....m p~nlc , 0 ur a u arkr-r an d hi~ lint ~rar tion .. m be to rhokt' off tht"..ound . l»•1d Wnght, 1nstructor of personal defense ~ t UWSP, satd. '"60 10 10 per cent of personal defense is commoo !iCnSt' us•n& )"Our head 1nd to~ ~:~~a~i~~~~:~:; say they art' dying. Go to a nearb)' house and ca ll for help Wright mentioned three tm porta n t p Ot nts t o remembe r in a rape o r muggings1tuation 1. Anartuo r donn 't upect Mganhord rtililanc:e. ~- Tht- .,.·oma n ..·ho uw• hr-r bod y ..·eapons ..i tt be d - "'~'::;~~~;:.:::~::..~~ Justice tn•r-1 aiiMit' at ni ll ht. but nf'>t•rhikhh ike."' If you must ~~o·alk to )'OUr ur dorm or aputmen t , rarry)outkt')·sconcealedm \our h.and Uw them II\ a ~ralllli laihton across the ract:andneck lfo~motortstpllll so•·tf llld a~ ks for tnformattoo . an'wl!r fromad•stancf' Sta)' 1"'1)' frorn th•c k bu.Wl'S They are excellent h•dtn& plllt'ft for ,.,·ould-be attackers fMth·e . She dOt'ln 't nt'f'd just the loc:u) of po.,.ulntoa\·ltalipol . 3. Commltme nt. II you bf'gln to rt'llil. you mw;t cont lnuf.'lht'lltaekWttll you u n 1trtaw1y . ~lren&lh . In Lh e event yo u are at· Lacked. report II to the police immediately ¥.by let a rapist 110 free~ lie could s trike :~~ain 1 American stye by l>anCndur . It was announced Tuesday that the sentence of U . WilharnCalteywouldbereducedfrommto tOyean. Calley has been confined to his quarters for three-andone-half years and is eliglblt for parole under the reduced sentence Karl too Armstrong had been it'fltenced to 23 years for blowmg up th~ Arm y Mat h Resea rch Cenu;r IAMRCJ In Madisou lie iJsen.·1ngth.at w ntencein jail. not mer ely con ft ned to hts qua rtt:rs C<lttey knowmg ly killed UYeral d01.1'n Vic~B~He .. 011e man wu lolled in the AMRC blast and II IS unltkely Armstrong premeditated that death 1, there no justice left In Ameriu~ Want to try something EXCITING? The POINTER will need help next year If you are interested in design (keypunch, layout, etc.), photo~raphy, '7'~~/-:.~-'J~ reporting, cartooning, or writing: contact BOB KERKSIECK at the POINTER office, 346-2249. Academic credit is available (1-4 credits) and paid positions are available for typists. The POINTER, 2nd floor, University Center 346-2249 Come One, Come All FESTIVITIES INCLUDE: 1. Pepsi & keep the glass - 25 • (last chance this year to complete your set) 2. ALL DAY HAPPY "HOUR" 10 a.m. - midnight, Thurs. 25th · 3. Footlong Hot Dog - Chips and "The Works"- so• 4. Salted Peanuts ·in the Shell - Pack your own bag - 25• 5. Popcorn - all day, all week - 10• 6. Balloons - while they last! 0 7. Mammoth Bean in Jar Contest. 1ST PRIZE-Sielk dlnnet" lOt 2 11 Holld1y Inn (YIIue SI S.OO} 2ND PAIZE-4 puns to C1mpu1 Cl nem1 {nlue SI.OO) 3AD PRtlf:-Pn1 good lOt 1 Double Ofp lee Cre1m Cone udl d•y In the Grid thru M1y 10th. 1174(nlul SC .50) WINNERS POSTED FRIDAY BY NOON