Speake rs Corner Pla nned .

FRIDAY, MARGH 16, 1973 NO.
Speake.rs Corner Pla_nned
Several weeks ago, the Polater
Those coming to listen can
offered a glimpse at Speakers • freely move about listening to
Corner at Hyde Park in London
anyone they feel deserves their
England IFeb. 2, tmJ . For
attention .•
over a century, speakers bave
In the fut~ . an attempt is
found It a place where they can
going to be madti to make this
freely air their thoughts on
open air speakers' forum a
almost any topic, to anyone who
reality on Ibis campus.
cares to listen. An atmosphere
Involved in the planning mges
has been created there in which
now are Karl R~~Kb of UAB, Joe
hundreds or speakers can easily
LeF1eur or the senate, and AI
talk at the same time as 1001 as
Jenkins or the Poiater. The
one does ftOt try to interfere
Memorial Forum lor the
with another's right to speak.
bulls!ye) between the Learning
The American Panacea
Wounded Knee Revisi-ted
Rrprlnled by permtllloa lroaolhe Mar. 14, tm GUARDIAN.
lly Rrnee Blakkl•
Some 250 Oglala Sioux Indians seUed and beld the historic town
or Wounded Knee, S.D .. for more than seven days last week.
Joined by several leaders
the American Indian Movement
IAIMI, they staged the apparently spontaneous takeover to
dramatize century-old grievances, mainly their abysmal living
conditions and government domination.
The town is located inside the Pine Ridge .-nation, home to
the Sioux Indians. It is the second largest reservation, both in a,..,.
12500sq. ml.l and population (II,OOOJ, in the country.
II was at Wounded Knee, 83 years ago, that the U.S. 7th Cavalry
boasted'lt had stamped out. once and ror all, the Sioux Indians'
defense or their homelands in the Black Hills in the Dakotas. The
cavalry on Dec. 29, 1880, murdered some 200 tmarmed women,
children and old men on the prairie hillside. Killing the leaders Big
Foot and a short time before, Sitting Bull, the cavalry succeeded in
temporarily setting back the struggles in the Dakotas.
R<blrlh or struule
But since the late 1980's the Native American struggle bas seen a
rebirth. The Wounded knee action follows militant protests at'
Custer and Rapid City, S.D., last month, the takeover ol the B~au
of Indian Affairs building In Washington in November and countless armed and unarmed protests from California to tbe East
Two days after the Wounded Knee takeover, two. Navajo Indians
in an unrelated action seized the mayor ol Gallup, N.M. One was
killed and the other held on ~. 000 bail wl)lle the mayor sot away
unharmed. They were protesting tbe mayor's oppression or the
Indian community through hla economic interest in a liquor store
outside the gates or the Navajo reservation, and-as in South
Dakota-their general living conditions.
At Wounded Knee (the name according to legend comes from
an Indian who was shot in the knee and fell near a creek which later
took the name along with the town), a caravan or about250 Indians
on the night or Feb. 27 sac.k ed a trading post or supplies a nd arms
and then barricaded themselves in the white frame Sacred Heart
Roman Catholic church nearby. or II people at the· compoundcalled "hostages" by federal marshals and FBI agents who
surrounded the area-eight chole to remain with tbe militants
when offered the chance to be "freed."
'Immediately aner learning
the takeover. the tribal police,
who have never had any,..,.! power, bad their authority completely
suspended. Several hundred federal marshals, tbe FBI. BIA,
police and ultimately 18 armored cars surrounded the blatoric
In addition, federa l authorities cut aU telephone communications
to the militants. Until about the sixth day they also cut olf all at·
tempts by supporters to deliver food and' medical supplies.
The Indians said they would not leave untU three demands were
met : (I) that a committee headed by Sen. Edward Kennedy (I).
Mass. l investigate the BIA and its dealings with all the Indian
lrlbes; (21 thai a committee headed by Sen. Willlam Fulbright (I).
Ark. I look into 371 treaties signed by the U.S. government with
various tribes, and t3J that the tribes be allowed to elect their own
The takeover was preceded by a meeting at Calico, north Pine
Ridge, where much "strong talk" wu heard from the traditional
Indian leaden, said Terry Steele, an Indian who attended the
meeting. He told the Guardian: "The AIM members were only a
small part or the takeover. It was the old chiefs and the civil rights
groups that wanted to do it We aU said the tribal sovemment has
to be changed. We bave many rights granted by the government
over this territory but we can never exercise them and they are
never enforced.
"Richard Wilson la president the Pine Ridge tribal ccuncl~"
he went on, "but two-te>-one. the people don't want him." Steele
said inpeachment charges against Wilson. considered a puppet or
the government, had failed. But the Indian community bad nine
grievances against him, including nepotism and misuse
Wilson was among the firat to condemn the November BIA
takeover in Washington. Steele said Wilson bad a "goon squad- on
the reservation that firebombed Aaron Desersa's home the night
after the takover. Desersa was openly opposed to Wilson's rule.
"The soons threaten people who are involved in the movement
here. They slash tires and smash windows at night. It's like a
police state here."
Joblessness aa lss•e
Steele said the removal Wilson was the immediate issue. but
"one or the major things that is wrong on this reservation is that
there are no jobs. There is 65.9 ~t unemployment and underemployment. We see in the papers that tbe government gives
S20 million for this program and for that program, but all it does is
just create directors and four or five secretaries in jobs that last a
rew years and then are gone.
" We need economic development, we need real solutions and not
just the creation ofsome program. We need ractoris to be sell·
sustaining. The only two businesses owned by Indians here are a
leather shop and a ar repair shop." The largest factory, added
Hobart Keith, a former tribal judge, "makes moccasins and dolls
but it is owned by the Sun-Bell Corp. with headquarters down
south. The shopping center is a branch or Ideal markets and the
service mtion is owned by Huskie OiL AU the profits 80 orr the
reservation, to white people."
Another problem, said Steele. is the white people who lease the
Indians' land. "They're aU mercenaries when it comes to our
land," he said In 1970 alone, over 200,000 acres or Indian land in
the U.S. were leased or bought out by white people.
"What you've got to recognize," Keith told the Calico meeting,
"is that a handful of people control our whole government here.
That tribal office is not for Indians.- It actually belongs to the whit<
man because they are getting all the benefit out of it
"As far as destroying property goes, that won't get us anywhere.
But deep down in my heart I ' ll teUyou thl!truth, I've beenel\ioying
it. Up until they burned down part or CUster, I was sympathetic.
But deep down every Indian wished they' burned tbe whole goddamn town to the ground." Keith's speech was tape-recorded by
William Fisk, who was at the meeting, and printed in the Rapid
City Journal.
While vlgUaates
Steele told the Guardian the shooting reported in many papers
was not done by the Indians balding Wounded Knee but by a
" vigilante group" formed by the whites wbo bave leases on the
reservation. "They've been going around with two-way radioe in
communication with' the federal agents arid the largest sbootings
have been provoked by them.
"Many or the Indians holding out on the reservation are Vietnam
veterans who know how and when to ...., gun. They know how to
keep cool," Steele went on. " They don' t want to hurt anyone. It's
th e vigilantes who are malting thesituation more and more tense."
A week.after the tatover the federal agents moved their tanks
back and offered the Indians the chance to mck their weapons.
identily themselves and leave tbe camp, subject to· possible
prosecution later on. AIM leader Carter Camp said: "We can't
consider going out until they deal with the Issues tbat brought us
here." He and other leaders burned the Justice Department olfer
and sent back the ashes in an envelope.
Talks between federal authorities and the Indians seemed to
reach a deadlock by the e!Jhth day or the takeover. The issue was
the removal
irlbal council president Wilsol\l ~arded as a
stooge for the I!OVernmenl. The Indians would not leave until
Wilson was removed and there was a guarantee ol a fair election or
a new tribal head.
Washington refused to give in on this point An Interior
Department official said March 6 that the cornerstone or U.S.
Indian policy was the electoral stnJcture set up under the Indian
Reorganization Act of lts4. lA Guardian Viewpoint, pa,e t, ex·
plains how this policy is also the comentone or the aovernment'a
domination and opp-ession or the Indian people.>
cont . top. 3
Resources cen~r and the Fine
Arts Building will serve as the
speakers' comer.
In coosidering tbe Idea or bavingaspeakers'forum,Ruschsaid
there really isn' t a place for
those people who don 'I bave
easy access to the media to
come and talk about their ideas.
He said, " It's an opportunity to
get people who want to speak
and to give them the c.b ance to
Rusch said the University
Activities Board's role wciWd be
only in the initiation of the
forum .
Several faculty
members and students bave
expressed a willingness to
speak and Rusch said a
schedule indicating speakers
and times will be advance, for a
wbile at least, until tbe forum
gets going on its own. Rusch
added, bowever, that simply
because an individual Is
scheduled to speak at a certain
time doesn 't mean he should be
the ooly one who is speaking.
The forum is completely open to
anyone who wants to apeak.
Rusch suggested, while the
idea is still belna initiated lbat
the UAB woulcf try to bave
speakers out between classes
when the most people are
walking throuJh that area. "U
the speaker feels lilte talidnC
longer he's welcome to keep
going, lhouJ)>. It mipt be a
valuable out-of-elaaa ex·
perience for anyone who baa an
interest in a speaker's tope."
It is quite possible that out of
town guest speakers who would
normally talk in tbe WiscoaaiD
Room, will be booked to speak
outside at the Memorial Forum
when the weatber gets belt«.
Rusch said, if tbe forum
beeomes a meeting place for
people. the idea of having guest
speakers talk outside miJ)>t
indeed be attractive.
One request is being made to
anyone who plans to 111e the
forum , and this is ftOt to bring
electronic equipment for sounct
amplifi.c ation.
Rusch said
s peakers should use basic
cont. top. 7
Editor's Note
Last year tbe Finance and
Allocations Committee cut tbe
PoiJIUr budeetapproxlmatel;y
$3000 from the prev1<ila year.
This cut combined with tbe
budget decrease suffered in tbe
student budget cuts l ap·
proxima~ly t900J leaves tbe
P-er with insufficient funds
for tbe remainder ol this
semester. The Polator bas altempted to provide a newspaper
by publishing Issues or only 12
pages each week. however,
there remains ft10IIIb money
more Issues.
ror ooly
Those Issues will be published
on Aprilt3, April27, and May 4.
The p - editors and staff
request your cooperation wben
submitting material for these
remainina Issues and your
lnclu laence. abould tbat
material not appear <Ue to
....,. tirnitatiGaa.
Fridoy, Morth 16, 1973
"A Voice For Student Opinion"
ViewPoint , A New Compus Publication
t:dltw'• "''"''
fMto- t.., n ·
lid~ . -•• I O prU(II \ &0 ... en"t.W ol IJLf II~ W
nmJMI• pubfkac l•. The \'ltwPotlll. Robrrt
Kerk altdt. \'](•l'o!Mfditor, rdldol'd to br
intervue.,.· edinCOIVIKtionwit.hl~fellure
brill& •·rlttrn on that publication
apolocin f« t~ inc:omplNntSI of IIIII ••·
LNUt undertllll! new name CMnch l, Jml.ls
"tO &we Information that prHerttly II not
campus thllt might olhervo'ise bt atitled."
~·ormerly a liurrouchl ll all publlc:ation, lhto
papernowprintlabouti iOOiUuelwiththe
aim ol dra•··~ re1011r(f$ and readers fi"'IITT a
the Potnur sooh • ·1th C10·en N~. DLrtctor
ofResidl)flce ll aiiProgramsand \'ltwPolllt'•
Alked for her Lmprt'Uion of the p1oper'1
purpc15oe1. SPIIOn IM'IIlloned $C':\"efal DI'UI.
" l thonlt: c itllll\GJerVetheuniquelnltre~les
ben"C chanced. whlc:h onts would nat bt
chanstd•ndhclpinthecommunication lib
btt•een Yll'MIUI offi(f$, indudU. HOUiinc
4trco:Wrs. l ludl!nU.Ind other offi(fS11thty
mcgill comr up And , abo, jill! to br 111 in·
formation li,. to whatwll IYiilllblf. A lot of
pe r ienceneeft.Uryonly forediiiiii~I UO<U.
Ntollon dabocattd. II)'L!W lhert arc"
problbl)• aboutflvetotOpeoplethatare
Tbe \'lewPot.l.tno.-..throu&llitsflrstt•"C;
•wouel u tiM' BStt'. has bec'omt Uv.'·SP' t
lolt:Sicntryinthe pubUcationbulinft.l. '1"bt
shi~!Mt.rideasandlca"'wh.a t policiea•·e re
NLYi"' ·n.en·a nothlq 1oing on on campu.a,'
andiGthlllwas•mortpenonll l wayofletlio&
themknowdel.lillofwhatwa~hllpptnins. I
thu'lltonethinatha t wualsobri~fclt was
thatthereneedtdtobcpertOftl l re«~&nltlon
lor lndiridu&l Audeata; 1 Mudent wllo
o••ercoonaahandlca potwhollln'llinsome
leadership ca~dty In the 1'1111 tfor In·
slllncc l " She .UO referred 10 " Re:Jident of
the \!ltd! "
ttarted by the Newa
Servict,andfeellthatwhatma)' I\II Velllrted
u publielty !Of' the ~ehoo l il now 'tmporl.lnt to
SM~e oft~ ttudea'- themHtva. " l thinll wt!
3)tolOoroiOpeoplfth&thllveputinanlncliYid~lmnic lt.or l NLyingor• }oke. or
t havtl donesomtlhinll fOr a illuttrltion."
1'1\copaper.•««ding toNctson. hasdr•"·n
mltrt'llll fntm sourcn beyond 111011 of the
dorms. In addi tion to the Rcsidence 11•11
C011ncdtR IICI andtheprogr•mbollrds.lhe
nted the Uni\'rni ty Acti\1\iH Board IUABI
11 1 contributor. " UAB has offered mor-e
on,IS faraslettlllfi,RUdentskr»wUIIctly
special !~•Lures theremaybr."
t"'lnding for \' ~· !"allot «mes from the
II OUiong fu/Wh. but. according to Ntlson, Is
notopenofllded. TbeC'Oitoflhto,.·eekly issue
Ct•sht half·paceu.shellid. is "about Sllto
Sit" ¥11 the olfset method UHd in the Puk
:-.tuoentStrvl(fSBuilding Beyondthlt,lhe
Nl... lhepaperwlllbronltso....,, " We'll
al•·ay•pay forei&ht~(IHOU!of llousir~~.
throu&holloermelli>S IIuehNidvertlsi~WI . "
:-;nson wu also asked • ·hether any ad ·
mlnbtratlvc author!ution was rot«SIUy for
llouslngtofund \'t.•PIInt. " No,becauselt'a
coming out of H~sln& fundl.. .so •D chediJt
onlha t • ·ouldbeoutofhereand throu.Llhlhr
sludtnts... the I ll or $1 9 1 wMk that •·e
mC~~tionedcornesoutoftheLr l thedomutory
rtsldents' l lloll'iing rent."
Asked whether Vle• l"nlnl would seek
Iundin& at the fortheomlnc Finance and
"llocationa Cnmmlttc hurina•. Nelaon
respondedat~Gmeteng th . '' Notlllhlspolnt.
l thinkther e~reiOI'IIettudentswho, l&llftl.
fetlfNRntlon•·lth the Pot.c ... ·oCOIIft'aJt,
andm•ybrwould lihtoMelhat.'Thal'lnol
myl ntent. norlsitt helntent. tlhlnk,of most
ofthepeoplethatuelnvnlved I UU..Ikltof
itwiUdependonthedii'Ktionlhlltthe PoiM"
l.lkettfornutyur. KLglt t now, l lh lnkwefeel
weCthe VII!w Pi llll lndthe Polllltt' UeMnlnf
probablya~lloc'itupinthe fa llandJeewhere
lhe Polllt.tr a.t.arUheadin&. lf•·e'rellrVintl
dt.Herent n«ds, then ,..t'll c•tinue
Nwen't commiued ounei~H to any definite
stoppif«d&lror an)·tlllngl ihlhllt. Solar.
the fffdbadlltas been real fa~orable from
~lnd of a format . I think at udent5getl0rl of
waythey know.a t lfatt,euctlywhltlhey'U
ICt from the l'oilll..., at lust throtiJit thil
)~ar. •nd theyk,_Hartly•·hatllley•re
~ IU"(( from the \1e•P .. IIl. If they wa nt to
check out information, In the caM: of the
\']( wPelnl. they know they'll find I good
..,mbtr of the activities '""t•re happenirc
oncampu•, (SUC h II) poiiC)'CIIIIIIJH, etC.,
ri&htinlhatonellttle•~a li 'UIIkethemten
goodatiaof•·hllr•h.lppeninc." Shenottd
\hal a monthly suppltfrlent to the rolnl«
• ·oukl have made It hard to dnl with current
hlppeNn&s. •ndlhltthei:OIIfactorhlldbMn
consldertdu ..-ell , " l tcostlsllahtly iC"~S for
w todoltoncea•·eekwi thlheoffsetlhl n lt
wOI.Lkl for 11110 do It . _ • month in the
PeiJtitr. So•·e'rettlll klnd ofltanl n&tow•rds
maln~inina this type of • l)'ltem.
II) t•a• ur~ ... ..-~
A laq,~ colleoc:tlon ot ~~saita l
dlminattd since aU rft:Ordirtt.J
;:'i~i5 ~:'b!'!~. stu~
::n,.;,ngfl~~·of1~'1i: ~
~~~!nsor:::~r:i ~~r:~
~:,,r~~!;f!~ ~~tr;lro=.
= !::n~~~l:io,~:c...!~::!
cu~~=:n~~~c:~~-hr. filii!
::.t~:r'::- ~.,e:=~~~
::~~~ :.;. I~ .~:wJptd~
~~ :."~S~~ .~~~~~lo!~~
:~=~:~~~~.k ~~~:r.~
IIC!p.inmrnt t'QUipml)flt atongt.
~~~ed~f.a l=1& ~~:on:;
~1: 1f: 11~c~0~;~ 1 ~"!/::• .~:
Music Listening Lab Available
For University Community Use
and 10phomora
frelhman,IOphon'Lores. juniors and Jenion
• ·llo hll.-. • wide ¥11Vty of ntedt. We're
M:rvLng • more ~rticular need, lnd lhlll'1
,.·hy, llhlnk,JOmlol(h oflhto resklenc.- hall
~perh.albeen morrofan information lind of
tool. ill ow-r<1 to the Pollllt'r. I don' t lr.now
that we' re rHiliy COinpc'llllfl, nor •·ouid • ·r
askfor111ymoneyatthiltl me : lha vrn'l
heard any definite committment that way."
Shelddedlhe didnot knowlf any1ndi¥idual
\'Le•Pol•l au ff mtfrlben would Mek the
tditorshipofthe P..Jii ... for ntllt )'tlr,
J>rlorto thepubhca tionoflhtoflruinue.
thcnhadbr-enJOmeconJlMfllion&ivcn to
purch;ulncapaainthtPolnt.... •lllcllmi&hl
hllvebrettlntheformof afOilf'!N'Iemonthly
supplmtent. l!wu, said Nelson, .. ,,.., or
thrM wtdla" btfore a cos.! C':!ili mate w:n
arnvedllbythePILIII .... andlntheinti!'TVII
Ntlton !liVe thi.l
the RSn •'lll bom.
as.51U1lli)ILL " l thlnk r ightnow ..~·recoJ.nato
jullllft,.-lltreitgoes thi.liprln&.and
purp;<Wofthe~N<ptr , IC'Cal'donato ltafirst
audlences,ln•5C'II~e.thatneed different
ki nds of things.
Hy ()an McGLyiiP
oltheresldenct! halb. With•lotofpolic:ies
dllln&l~Ql.litendicsUy •nd fill, th is wu
one kind of a forum wlltt'e ltudenU .:.Lila
prc-eiall'dhavingth~ r namesi nprintusuch.
ortobereco&niztdbytheirCI"'"IIp«rs. "
8ob KtrtsiKtl, a IOptlomort Communicauonma)or.lstht!paper'•edt. tor,wlth
UaveGIII!IserM:n·Jnsasc.-editor Aa:ordinc
lo utormatiorl '"the moa reHnt lddition the
tta lf work1 on 1 vohonteer bam. • ·ith ett·
realized llow many .tudenll rea lly
materbl to ttucknu .
';..~~=~~ rack type ot
th~~orr•:;:t:;' ~4~~,'
~':'~!:~r~~· ~;,~!~~~~
liltenin& ltltiQI\I whic:h are
upadty to firtMn
corn~ liaunp
::Z.iiJ.e ~~~pr=..u~
=: :-=
":hleh lhto lL•tentn(l lab 11 1
s upervlllo n, ihhr conducla
paJn:.. llahr '•
~~;f 1 ~~~~u~!1:::.•f~
=~ ~~M'u~~!
~:l!'::r:e'!~on! 11~~~~ a~a;~
:-.::.~t~~:y~::::. ctnt I ff!
t"\mdl for the operation o1 the
::~~= ~~erla:! "
l::ge~. 'heo.":~~ P~:r=~
=:;t;~·~~~n~ortl~ •t:;
i!'fU::~ .';::::: otee:..O:
~~~~; ~p:':d!d
aterophonirfacilltlawl lhlnlhe
L _".:.~~t=~IU~~ -- ~~:n:.nt_:~':'---- - - - - - - - - . . _ _ - - - - - _t
16, 1973
_.. ._ The ,Pointer: A Critical Eye On The University
"A newspaper is ... on argon of ideas ."
printmg contrxt for the nN'Sp;tJ)('r In ad·
dillon to ttus, the grtoatrr portton of the n~'S
matenal wns coming out of thc Unn•crs1ty
~cws Sf'rvtC't', wh1ch Houlihan dtrec:ted until
lht'summer olt9il'Aht'n hewassu«t'rded by
lhr pr~nt dirtt'tor, John Andf'T'SOn. Undtr
M:~cOonald's administration an all·student
st.aff was formed . th1s staff beg.an doing all
45p«t.s of tht' ...,·ork "'lh tht' e:xeeptlon olthe
actual printing proet'Ss. Given this situation.
the Sll'\'f'ns l•olnt Dally JoW"nal has held the
s tate prmt1ng contract thre-e )'cars 1n a row,
and the t('('hnicnl production has been un·
dt'rtaken by the s tudents at tht JouriUII'•
do'Antown plant.
A member of the current reporung s taff
wbo rl'Calls the old system is Car61 Lohry
Cart...,nght Speaking from the penp«ti'~ of
fou r year.l on the ncvos paper, Cartv.Tight
statOO, " I h3\'C! watched the paper grow from
""hat was t'~tially a one--man oprration to
sonlt'ttung v.here the s tudmts rnlly ha'·e
done the "hole th1nK ex«pt running II off on
the presses When I first came here the t'ditor
... :u d01ng practically all thc..».·crl all tht'
la)out, a ll the photo ,.·ork and he dld wr1ting
a paper
too Consequently, ... hat you had
th3 t v.·as a ~man }ob"
characteriz.ed the old l)'llt>m as " ' 't'rY
Wlorganu:ed and ' 'ery haph.uard" and said
<~hf' thought the changecner. allo"·'ng studmt
JlOirlltip.'llton at all lt'\'t'ls, was a pos1ti\·e
In s p11e of tht> •ntunal rdorm. the
f'II:'V.SpolpeT IIIII tt'mllln!i within the W\l\'cn\ty
35 a st:ate tnstttutton, fundtd through student
ft"l's •\ ccordmg to a rcsolullcn by the board
ol rrgtnts I'AO )t'AI'S ago, the chanttllor IS
deMgn.:ut"d as"pubhsht'f " fo"Urther. the state
'AOtJid 1x> lejtully tn\•ol\'l'tt In any proceedings
... h,ch m1ght be brought aga1nst the
It •s pr«iaely this sort of
problrm v.htt'h has prompted the university
s~~tnn to t'Um1ne the status of the student
The comP'ex "tndt"pt'ndence"
q..~~tlon, hov.n·r-r. e:r.Mot be treatrd here due
to 1pacc hmttahcna
Prf'St'l'ltly. the Pointf1' IS under the
('(htonh•p of Gary Rutko...,'Siu, a sentor
m:aJor•ng tn commumcatlons. Alter working
up through tht ranU ol the st.aff ~nee his
frf'5hman )ear and after completinR a
dct:uled ease s tudy of the l'olntn. ltutkowskl
•·as duly t'l«tt'd 1n Mav. tm to succt'«i AI
JC'flkms as t'd1tor i l971·72 and bt'Jan the task
tn June of that year
Just prior to
Kutko...,-s k•'• sei«Uon by the pubhcatM>ns
board. the Finan« and Alloutlons Com·
mttte-r of thf' studt'flt smate had trimmed the
Polntr-r budiet for the tm.n year by aome
According to ltutko'A'Skl and tht'
l'nlntf'r business manager, Becky Yugcr.
- Ru tkowski
this cut. m conjwtcllon 'A ith a systt'm·,.·•de J
prr Ct"nt cut last December. has bet<n a
central factor In rt'ducmg th~ efficiency and
quahty of the nt~~~o-spaper
The total oprrat•l'l8 budget for the Polntrr
th1s yea r has bt't'n $28,410, of this amount
$20,410 is aiiOt'ated dirMtly from siudent f«S
'Aith tht' rml3indn made up through ad
rnenue. Any ad reveooe beyond the 11,000
tt.t: . Portrr
111 the near future the Unl\·enUy of
\\t""f"f'.Sin ')strm ""'" 1M' ronfronlii1(C the
qut...llcn of thr \t"R.I I and foConom1r status of
tht• ll W .. tudent press
The comm i5Ston
'"t:r.bh!>hed b) l'W Pre1dmt John WU\'H 1n
1972 IS O'ih'flSibi) SIUd)'lnK the problem 3nd,
on the tndn•dual campust's, tht' s prmg budget
hunntts for ~tudPnt allocahoru
focusmf( nn lht'
e In hght of ttus, the
'l:tudent prtu
th1s rampus must be
t"'l3mlnt"d Tht' c:ampus at Stt'Vt'N Po1nt hu
hold a ··stude-nt n_. po~prr" 1n ont form or
anocher s uw:e um, the ~·elopment of the
pa~t d«adt', bo...·" "· should Kr\' t' as an
:»df'Qu:.te gwde to undt'ntandlng the prrsent
"latus of the nJStJtuhon
Undoubtt'dly, the maro 'A'Ilh lht' most
rt'C'OIIt'C1tOM :.bout that nt"Vo'Sp3ptr, the
PcMntrr, 1s Dan llouhhan. a )Oumahsm 1ft.
'l:tNctor m tht Commurucations Dtpartment,
... oo has bfoen the fxully advuor for the
nt1Up3pc'f' 5\M't' 1~
l, rt« to JOII'IIng the
farull) tn ch3t )ear llouhhan sptnt four yt'ars
a." t"dttor and ....·rller for the hou!e orwan of
Se-n! rv lnsuran« ht>rt' tn Stt"\'t'f\S POint In an
mtf'n:lf""' w1th th•s r~ter. Houlihan sa1d.
""hen he anumt'd the t:ask thert' ....uno clear
drfimt1on ol the responslblhty for selt"Cting
the t'dJtoc He stated. " When I got here lhe
l-dltOr put 1n no corllrO\'t'Uial matt'rial. nnd I
mnn noconii'O\'t'Nial material In fact . {ht')
put m u:.ctly ... hat the adVIJOr suggnt_ed
<~hould t,.- put 1n " To corrtct ttus situation
and to :1\0I.d the pos.s1biht y ol eharges tha t he
... a_s kandpduna the rchtor. llouhhan sue·
cnsfully pushrd lor lht' etabhahment of a
pubhcat1on~ board
Th:lt board as shll 1n
n•st~. presently under the cha•rmanstup
of Wilham W1U of the Communu;oatklns
llouhhan addt'd, ttus board
•n'ol'' " students and faculty 1n the selt"CUon
f•ar3llt'l to the dforts JUSt Cilt'd, Uouhhan
and the student ~ton worked to btuld a
budgrt for the l\t'WipolPft'. 1n orMr that
<otudt'nts'Aork•ngon 11 might be p:ud. Noting
thai ... ,thout a budget and wtthout a jour·
n:.~hsm maJor 11 was dtfficult to get a com·
petent staff. llouhhan s tated, " 1 have nt'Vrr
<~.ubscnbt'd to the tht'Ory thll thtoy would do 11
JU'' for fun .. WMn Houlihan bfogan as ad·
,,wr 1n 1~. only tht' editor rect'lved a
nnm•Misum3ttheendof the academic year ,
~•ncc that timto tht' l'olntt'r has acqu1red ;a
hudget•h•ch has ~n as h•g.h'um.ooot 1971·
021 Vet. f'\'t'n this figure'' not mough. ac·
cord.ng to lloul!h3n.
Kt'O«t•ng on the put ed1t.onal pohctes.
llouhhan said. " Thl' ~lip:lpt'r has
protUt"''t'Ci 1n ~•Ileal pmnl of ''lew from
... h:lt ... u 3 nothii'C paprr to a t~Cht·WU'JI
I"""~P"" to a modrnte paper. to a ldt·'A'111(C
f"lpc'f 1n guen )t'ars. b:lck and forth ..
\1 the- h{oglnntng ol the 1970.71 academiC
\t'ar thf' t•oiatfT undl('nflmt an orpnuat.onal
chanae undt'r the ed•tontup of Dennu;
\lacOonald f'nor to th•• t1mt'. the bulk of
thf' tt'C'hrucal ... ort •as bene done b) the
pnnlmll ("''l'Tlp:lny 'Ahlch S«urt'd ttw state
Gary Rutkowsld Pointer Editor .
au tomatically goes back Into the Pointer' •
sludent account for ~ 'Aithm tht' depa rt·
mt'nl Thto total budget ftgure breaks dO"A•n as
follows· regula r !lludcnt assistant salaries,
SIJ.680. cap&tal outlay, $130: printing and
s upphe, $13,950. contractual Strvices, SSSO:
tra \'el. S\00. Salaried positions number 11•,
and. attordn~ to Ye.1ger. t'Veryone IS paid
the samt' on a ... age pr1nc1ple estabh~ed
wtder MacDonald 1n 1970 Student 'A'orkt'f'S
rect'l\'t' St 7S per hr
Wort-study positions are not charged
ag31MI the Pointf'r budget Last ~e:st tr
the nrwsl)"lpr r lpt'fll S88S on thr« work-study
l)»ltacns. lMrt' are only ,...,-o po~II IOI'IS now
hut budget figurts are not yet available
Hrgnrdlng ad rt\'t'nut', Yeager explalnt'd,
duflng W first semester the sa.ooo mark was
nearly ach1n•td but ~· 1\I'IC't' January, ad
rt"Venun 1\avcdropped considerably. Yrager
could not pinpotnl the reason lor thls but
tnd1catrd that the nt...·spapn ...·ould be for·
tunate to get {0 the end of the se:mestrr on the
rem:umng a\'atlable lunda She stated, " I
can't sre any pou1ble way to remedy 1t
wtthout moce money ..
.. then you wanted our land .again."
from p. t
ltrat'110n by tht' surroundmg
commun11y 'AU m•xed- the
whitt'S ptt'IIY II'IUt'h opposrd 10
the proto! and the lm:hans
la\onng 11
A Guard1an
corrrs pondf"nt •n nearby
Aberdt"en !laid " It's awfully
~aM out htre
About 9!1 pt'r·
('('fll ol thr pc!OP't here would
JUSt as soon !IC'f' tht' Indians shot
~ anythii'IJt r-Ise
lto3dcr ltussrll M~a ns .... as
bt'31f"n up ihc- other day, Ont' of
the fannt'rl told mto they oul(ht
to ha,·c iullt'd h1m
\'Jg!lantesan.• ''t~'l !ltltrf'd up I
v.mt to C\Utrr and a nauonal
guulhman told me the only
thm~ ht' hatrd v.·a s that the
lnd1ans d1dn't do ,Jnylhtnl( 50
·,.e could oprn up on them · "
!Jut 1n lt'ttrrs to the IUack
IIIIIs Prt.'!l.lli and tht• ltap1d C'tl)'
Journ31. lht' lnd1ans 'At'rt'
hold1ng lhl-1r n'An A IC11M" by
John )ta~ datmtod " Tht'y l lht'
lnd1ansl wrre put here ,..1th no
l'l('('(l lor an t"dut':lllnn llus 3lso
appht"" to I1ft' t'X IJNianry' The
dt!«ro·~rd lor dt'.lllh .unonK the
lnda;~n~ ~"'Piam\ thl!!o
•"-hltt-5 • c~nnot ritangr to tnt'
hkl· lht' h11l•an IW'Oplt• su thf'
lnch;~ru. mlllll chanl(f" to hu· hU
'Ahllr pl'Opll'
.,, .. ""'" dytna f« ) ou'
ThiS'AUanJ'Af'rf"d by )f3mtl'
Hupn1ck• ,.-bo ...·rote
" Mr
~tay. tlw govrmmmt ~n't
t:akecareoiWindian Weart'
not dt"!ilto)'lnl( ourwlns Tht'
'Ah!lem:&nlldOinl(ll for us by
tus gr('C'(j)· ,..a>s and tus wars
\\'htiC' )OU 311 "t'rt' gelling
nch('r for 11 "" 'A't'tt' dying for
)OU Thm)OUha\f'tht'nf'TVf'IO
)>3) .,.,. art- shtltlt'SS and lazy
lk•forr thf" ... h•t~rome Wt' ,.·~e
dmng ftn~
The rt'SHVat1cn
!,mdg1\' ftltOI.&'AUiht' poort'SI
lhl'rt:' w:u Thm ,.·hm you ran
out of lnnd you "antrd our land
Tht'l'e 1s no
What IS II 'A'Ith
' "m''""'~••oo"
S )I Thr 1
\Ia~ or l<:mmnt Garc1a
•n thf" k•lhng ol ~rr)
,l nd tht' J3lhnjC ol
••••k.. •dm:at', 'AIIh an
h 1nd ~l.lppt'd on h1m
\lo.l!' prt"'ldrnt of lht'
,1n lnd1.1n nrteaniUI!on
I nl\t•r,ll) nf
~ <' ""
1.1rnpt1' •n Alburq.J"'IUf'
llf''"""'lli n( l nd1an$ Agamst
f-:"plmt.•llnn. a ~troup m <:atlup
l'ohn· d~un Casuu shot
h•m~H but tuJ fnentk 1n Galklp
l ntml'dlll!t' cause of tht'
k•dru~pp•ntt - ... h•ch lastt'd onl~
a ft'" hours- .. a.s thr appomlmNtt of the m3)'or to t~
board o f regl'nls a1 thf"
Thr lnd1ani< had
tn:llf•tod ht• v.·as moompt•lrnl
" Ill' O"" m one ol thto most
notonous b.1N r•Khl on tht'doors
the Nal' :IJOrC'M'r\'3tlon: sa1d
a mt•m bt-r oltht' K1.,.3 club ""ho
did mt w:ml to be •denufu:d.
" Therr- 1.5 a bqc alcohol
prnblem mGattu1) ,\ boullO.OOO
proplr- \loml throu~h t~ J31ls
lall )ear Smt't) pcrt'f'nt """t'
!IJ(hnns and most ""'t>rt• m on
drunk·rt'latl'd chargrs
ht.1mt' lht'IO on ttw l1quor dt'.:llt'rs
There llrt' ~2 liquor s tores tn
Gallup,.nd that's too man) for a
tov. n thll'\tlt'
\tan) pe-ople ha' r d1t>d
l:arc1a's storr Hable'
1'\:1\t" frolt'n tht'rt', abandoned
by drunk mo<twrs
Sland around and drink OUU1dt"
cont top 11
Fr iday, Morch
I 973
Human Sexual Problems:
Facing The Issue Intelligently
lly No~m~m of their
..-omm and 70 ptr Hnt of tM
mm •••ere havin& sexual in tft'COilfH , _ fllluret vary
sli&Jit.ly !rom lludytolludy but
a r e re presen t allve
pn'Cfi!U•IH are si&ruflu nlly
hillhu thsnthostobtai!M:dby
1\instydwin& thettso'a, Then
an lr.illi&itlmatebirthatodly
compar~ to 50<' 10 )'UI'$ 1110.
MN I Unwantfdpn-lnan<:IHinl
tfl'mi.nltrdbyan abot'tlon. Of
tl>rU.S. in lt'II.OMthlr d"ft'e
perfor med on t eenallttl
Htadinc bft,.·em tM lines of
Mr. Hams" letlltl' • ..-e miAI
al-ll.lme he thinb prrmarital
.:dlloo""• S.t• :
Thl • .o r lk l rlo t.rnP-"~1.0
1.-t.C.Or o,.-orhoJC I• last
...... ~. .• lo.oiH' ullllr<l •• Jtul tli
c ....,., Ponly At ~· nil '" by
J ..,... p ~
tl arrlo.
I have re.d a letter lollbmittecl
tothl' l'olac rrby.\l r J oseph
Sorm 11 Uy I ,.·ouJd
d11r~rd wc:h inespons.iblecorrespondmft. but I feel he
111 ~
fallaciOUJ 5tatm~~ntl
In a
unovt-rsoty communi!)
,,._~ and diNoruon m~t
ThiS lettet" 11 not ,.-rittcn "''th
ofMrllarru ltllotft"IOialhat
Mr llama hal l(lmt- HI'>D'A
HealthSn-rice tpublilhedlnthe
Dee. 7Z islueof lheJoumal o1
the American Collqe lfe-alth
Allodat1on l ll was foundlhlt2!i '
per Hntof mtnand,.·omm had
had.exw.l lnter<:ot.U"M prlor to
m tain&thewdveni tyu frot:lh ·
k no-..·lrdg~a bout ncN"mllhum an
1u: ual r rlponse .
Med ical
whoolsdldnot t~loC'hphyaiclal\l
how to du l ,.-lt h $U Ua l
dy1functlon E ven todly mOlt
medical whools do not hllv~
practionen to deal .,·itJI su r
r.-Jated problfllll.
ac-ceptrd a• a normal bodily
function, and not tltva ted to
sex tobe~U . If~maritlltex
IOIII~inllated ~tlon. thtrels
~~,O:!t.:!l~~~- ~~
Mar&a r rt Mead de•~ r ibed
problrma are not made li&htly.
l'l'e read many joumab, llttnd
the Amrtican Collte~ ll~alth
AJSociatlon mHtings and lhr
V.laconai n Co llr ae ll nl t h
i\IH(In&:t and di:scuu ~
prob le m •
"it h
oth ~r
profrl-lionlls from thr m t!re
~"OWitry . We frequently dll<:uu
t hea~·
ma tt~ n
..- it h
plftholofliaUi and obtalnthei r
e~pc"rt o pinlona: in thrse mat•
We • lao have frequent
di1cunion1 with
va r iot,tl
mm~ben of the cJeru.
In hi• last IJ'-fllraph . Mr
ll an ls becomes obt.- ln his
thlnltJn&. ltti«~UIIandU!f
"'lllherorpniuotions'"of ··tacll ·
ofac'iflltilic dac.a."
I ..-;u
pn~vldr a bibliocraphy lor Mr .
ll arr ls or oth~r intr reat ed
partittbelow Thfttartidet
"TOni leumed by fon:in& 1M
traaedy ol an un wan t ed
prq nancyontho$ol!..-hodonot
acupt the value ,iud&m~ftll of
1M ~mise~
If Mr . Harrif;
oppoSU premarital aex. thm I
a~wne he aiM opposoes aborhon
r~ o:oniU«PdOn 1101 a
lniDr evil d\an abortion!
'II'IS<"Orl51n is the only " ~ht c.­
"M-re an unmarried ,.·oman
nnnot le&ally buy con·
:~~~;!~!:io:~e o~ !:u:;:~
Mastrrs and John1011 have
estimated that s.o Pft' Hill of all
mamaan have te•,..l dif·
lkultin It 11 very likely t but
unproved l lhat ou r represNve.
victDI'ian 1ttitudet conc-ernlna
at nlllt, and ~uh them with
birth t'OIItrollnlonnation.
2., UIICOftl.lllutlona i Jt.atrlaws
that diwrlmina l~ ~ sainot un·
ma rr ied dtl-. preventing
purchan of bir t h cont r ol
materia l•.
3. tnadtquate M:M ~-dura tion
In pr imary a nd arco nd ny
>l(hooisand(h urche:l.
t . lnldtqu.a te diKUHion or
... xualic y in \he fa mily, ,.·hlch
lralb to illlbliitytodea t " ·ith
M:Mnatu rallyalldopenly.
5. Mldison Avm ur, whiC'h
naunusu ua lltya t ou.raodely
from birth to death
6 /bllogrop hy
Amdur, Sht- ll a IJ.
"' A
dncr ipti•e St11dy of a
l 'rrcnan~yCOURHiin&S..rvkr
l n aUniv~nlty l l fl lth Srrv l«' ".
J • · r ••l ol tbr ,\norrlr •~
t'at lfJCrtlnllh A "~bt looo.Vol
: I.OI!<:flnber, \972.
Haum l n, 1\ .•:.
"M i rct~
.hpr<"l> of lh-r l "oa lraf rpth·r
i'r •c t lu ~
U• • • rr lrd
l 'nl•rn.ii}Siud cnto" . Mrdiul
,\ ~pHI• of tl vno o11 St- n olil) .
\ 'ol$.1971
Cantldcl. E. ·• Of,alinc with
tteatlty Ul rl h Con trol and
l'rrcniM)' CounHiing
t'r~anallc) t.:o11natllng 1n ~
ll>tUS SupremeCDI.Irthu
flllfd, to \that a Mau. Stlte
law "h!Ch denied c:onti'K't'pl.loa
to unmal'riftl ,.·omen Is unconstitutiona l Justi~e William
~~!~a':.".:;..~:·~:.:":ft~t rt-~~ llrft'lllln,.·rote
ll t ~r rl&~l M prh ·uy mr..•
letter fl " "flllm to p~aent the
r auonalr
behind .--oUr""; an} thhoJC. k b Uir riJChl of tllr
lndlvldn l. mttrltd or olnalt. lO
mana&emmt of human Mxual
br ln•r fro m ll n .. arr a ntrd
Mr llarn1 hu on lieVl'l'll
~ournm r • t • l lattul• n Int o
<>e~auoon• quoted 1 r~porl
no a nu ~ ~ "
"hlt'h "U apparently releutd
~ llrctln JC a pr roon •• l hr
b) Ul' l and pubLished on ;o
drch ion "hd h•r lo IH- ar or
n..,.·~p;oPl'f Althoullh I luo•·~ not
HJC~I ~ ~II lid .
rad the an~oe~ in ~mtion. l do
Thu brinp 11110 an omponant
re~~dr..-entytolhirtymrdica l and
•ss..... stpantionofchur<:hand
PI)Chlatri r journals nch
state\ 'ou n111101 ~illlnr
month tr~ ... :ua .. r ll " rnorahty t>nNubltiondidnot
stud)· that wa&ftlfd the lin.. on. 1M WilcoMm 11 .... on
cb:.p quottd by Mr llarna. >I
cohab•tat•on and fornication do
"'ouldhave beenfl"bhshrdtna
1101 ,.·ork tand arr proiM;bl)"
ha~rbefn,.-.ddy~. l
..-oWd hope- d'lat Mr Jla rns 11
not U careless In other
t:;,ch religi- or ~ultural
acad..m.c punwta u he has
group can SIJII malntlln ill o,.-n
be-en'" th.. ugtance 1 am ota ndarda Tho:la,.·• lhouldbr
remonde-d of Ch1cke-n L>tt lebroad r-nou&h to ondude all
bc litofs. evm thu ~hol~e of 110
runn• ntt aruund Cl')'tnll , '"Th~
•kyoafalllna.the•kyia falhna-"
bclid. No&roupshou ld hllveto
ll>tonl yd~reetquotelllrd by
lomction wod,.,. thr rv.tf:li of
Mr ll uriiiJCet"t.ainlylnsthilll
delmot•vr V.henthe- -atron&est
t shouldmakeitclea r atthis
su tement he nn find llfH the
pomt that I do not re«~<~~mrnd
~~rb " lends"". ot is ob.-.o\15 he
or promot~ fr« love or
•• rtfpond•n& 111 an orrauonal
hedonism I ftll'OW'IIt- younJC
manrll'l' " 'olh >Nide-Qwotr ..,.,.
men and "omen to Oe•·elop
ru,.a ollotr • ••uatlt ) .
OMUnonl) tpKUiateat 1M
r~lat10n•hip mull be writ
reuon1 lor .\lr
lhrtoJ '
nt;o bhshed befor e I would
frequent outbuntJ on th11
rl!nlmmtnd •ncludina JUual
h ,..ouJd be more
•ntl'l'coune aa a pan of thr
statenmu con thos subje(-1 of he
commotmtnt can and often doH
ocnu-pnortomama &r ltis
problemurhadanaruuf ex ·
my peraonal bellrf that often
pertiH to bate an opinion on
thoH ..-11o W~equivicalty oppcoiC
V.r can only auumr Mr lfarrl1
premat1lll sex tither have 1'10
has a 1\rotlll per$0na l biu
sexua l nper l~ n<:e o r hav e
,.·hJC'h lnta-lrn with hl1 abdity
~~ r io u1
unrno l v~ d
J Uual
prohlm~•oflhelr o,.·n.
V.'hatiS .\I r llanisreallyopII 11 unfort1111ate that lhePDI•"I~
l•remarltal In ·
lmportaMrof M'l Is blo" n ao
fa r out of pro portio n on
Su edueat- • .
American llllCiet)"
W ~ are
l..et.utlooltat -floC'ta A
«<fttl;1ntlybombl rckdbyadCft111a prrl!tllt of otudmu ,..,u
··e-rtis.tmfl>U "hldo enphNiu
be M'lwtlly Ktive prior to
Our '-b. pll)'a,
In 1 lar&e ltudy
mov.a. t~·isl.on sno..-aand
~C::~ o:.t':::: ~t:!
onu.al dysfunction .
m~tal profeWon m..a ac-cept
p;tMol theretponoibllityfor the
lao:kofkno,.·ledceand publicrd\Kation COOKffrlin& normol
soualoty. t>riortoMastrnand
J ohn5011 thet"ewas llttlelactua l
Student llnlth Crnttr""
1 al ilon ol• Sc~ ool ltro ltlo. \ 'ol
•• l!l?t
l>;o•·ls . K."S..xOnCampus: b
Mr dln l
hprftoullhonou Sn u tll) .
\'ol$. t!l71
th e ft'~ H Hulu tior o ~··
l>unl ap. H
'"Socia l and
I' J)(huiUI(ICII A •p.,~b vf ~
l "untracrpti•·r Srrv 1ce lor
THnagcn"" 1"• 111...-nlo Sc-.....,1
1\ ro hh . \ "ulll,l'llt
t "ur.ttnhera . t " ~nd L
t;ordia and i\1 Marko,.·ou .
'" llorth l'ontrol Kno,.J~-d(r and
Atllludt-s ,\ noon& Unmarried
Adolrs-c:enll ""
Jo•r•l l ol )ta rr iiJCf oM tl
F amil) . V11l 3t , l!llill
Gunmarhtr. A t• and E .E .
•·s..~ on thr Campw.
llru lth Str ·
J u ru t ollhr ,\ mrrlu ll
toltrl(r tln ttll ,h"lflall... \'ot.
\' ~dlft
IOC~et"a l
prim itive cult url.'l -10
years aao that cena lnt y haci
Its• aexw.l probl~ nu !No n our
adv;oncedcult~- Can,.·eiKJI
tea m somrthln& from th rl r
n.tlll.ttwoliaelof lhelirst
paracraphby llr. ll arrif;are
o nl y
Jrrnpom;iblor lie ..-ould lrad
ywtobelitYethattllllartkleMreadisthedelinillvtJtudyonthe111bjeC1 JlemUit
-llimKif uaprophttwho
.... n notbeheud. Whys.hoould
anyon~ a~c~p t Mr
llarrlt '
art icle or opinion ~ li e don not
work with theproblem,a ndhn
oUeud no work ab le alter nat ive
Mr llarril hu 1110 made
10me unfounded. WliUpported
a«"\\lltionlthatour'"peraon.l l
to be .ubordl n at~ t o t hei r
profeuiona l arropnce ."" We
must IIOeriously quntion the
I ..-ouJd Hpect
Jt udn!Uw~havrca red for"'-ill
be o utra a ed by this un ·
prof~uionol attack on our
Wr da lly dea l with lludm U
" 'hol reprtenant . fear tbeyaNi
pr~t .ordniretopni'Yftll
Pft'll'an.ry. ll>t mottdifficult
prob lem !1 the u nwa nt ed
pr~~~~a ncy . Our declalorul on
how we han d!~ t he above
our pos itiou
ll~ rrl1 II"" un to 5pe,ok of "a
dii-HI'VIC~ to ed""ational In·
•t itutlon• ··
What a r ute-r
:~nd t he("oll cge
~ic t•."
d i.uc r v•~ecou l db<·don~thnto
~~ ·...=~ t:, ~~~- :,~:~.!~~: !·~~~~:~~:~
~k7~:ov~~~~~ n~;::•pr:.::~
W II S..unde-n. IINI
•rTtlfiON'blr~f:'Fus.atoona: ~bout
lhr " subordinate "" c-oncern
phy"".an~att h e ltralthCrnt"'
havelorthrlrp;t tirnta
llo'e ,.·•Jio:ontlnurtornc:ouraar
ru p•ul bl•
se xuality
ll nponllble Mllu.lhty to nor
mranJ K~ ua l invol\·emrnt in
lh~ ronfillft of a matute, tota l
com mitment relationship
aiJOmUI\Iavnidint~ conceptoon
Wllll ron«ption 11dtslrtd.
Mr ll arril, dn you rra ll y
bi:'Ueve,.hat you,.·rote.namely
~e:~·.~: =:..,.~~
ru!Jty, l wouldha.Aily)olnyou
and wcr doaur~ nt aU birth
ccontrol tUnln. Until tllat tlmr l
will coo t ln ue to ur&r all
acudrnuto~der thecoe­
~oftheii'Ktlotw, ahd
lf tbey dnl.Ni<:OUnaellllllon
birth control IMtbocb I wil l
provide lt. Tho: reaponsibllit)'for un,.·antedprf&Nin<:iel will
laU in many dJ rec tlons :
Tht- llu fth Serylce's
inability to educate aU acudmu
l'•lprl, ll and S V.ec:hlllft'
" Birth c ... trol , Teenasrn and
the Llw ·
A Nrw Loolt.'"
t 'anoll) l' la u lnJCI'•ro pHth·n.
l'upu l• llo llandth r ,\ norrlu ll
•·ucurr : ll r porl ul tbr t 'o...
no ioo..,, • l' opvt• t iDII Gr•"Ui
lht o\ n>trkl n Fwtwrr. Nr.
\'or k
The New Ano ,.,.lcan
Ubrny, tm .
tn=:il~· o~-a~~~-t:,ol
~.u•..., t lfrportu. Vol . 3.
lt7 J.
Siddall. L.B., MA. Ca1111 and
lt . W. Gace ""A lteport of a
l' t d imlnary
S! Ud )'
f>rqnancy on the Unhtnity
Camp~~~. "
J "'raal of tlor
A• r rl u a Collr 1r ll u ll •
,\ u octau. .. Yol. ll , tt'IO.
Walttr, G.S. '" P~otic:tl
l nd t.:rnoilonaiCon~tqt~encet of
t,;lec:tl ve Abortton : Altevlew .'"
nkt.eVk• aM c;yH<:ot.u.
Vol . :11, tm ."
Friday, March 16, 1973
"... A preoccupation with. t.h e truth."
coni. from p.3
Rutkowski came dlrecUy to
the point on the budget
problems : " Certainly, when
you are talking about a budget
that, in the lirst place, was
insuHlclent to operate el·
lectively and then you talk
about subtracting some $3,000
I rom that budget, you are going
to have some problems." He
went on to explain there are set
costs, such as printing, which
cannot be reduced. Hence, cuts
must come in the area of stall.
" Therefore, right away you are
understaffed," he continued,
"and that has been our biggest
limitation, I would suggest. In
the end, it is a limitation that
affects all the studen~ because
then we caMot possibly cover
The starr or the newspaper is
constituted or three major
parts : thre reporting stall; the
technical stall a nd the edltorial
s tall. The reporters receive
weekly assignments from lhe
associate editor, Jennifer
' - - ' Urban. Like Rutkowski, Urban
has worked up through different
jobs on the newspaper, in·
eluding typeseller, proofreader,
layout designer, copy editor and
her present position. She noted
that the job or making
assignments is actually done by
three or four staff members,
and added, "II Is open to
:mybody that wants to come
in." She staled, " We gel our
ideas I for stories) from the
same place that everybody gets
their ideas, from the world that
is around us. We like to stand
back from the university pnd
look at it critically .
looking at I he university we gel
our ideas." She explained that
since last year under Jenkins'
editorship, the Polater has had
news beats established to cover
the Allen and Debot Centers but
that the shortage of reporters,
especially as the budget gets
lighter, prevents ll!is program
from being effectively carried
Carol cartwright spoke on the
role or the reporter on the
newspaper : "When I first came
here, most of the reporting
was on specific events but, as
far as really looking into things
about the universHy, about the
students, even about the
·community, there was very
lillie of that done. We printed a
lot or things, about three-fourths
or our copy, from the News
Service. We only had a few
reporters. Now there are only a
few more but now I think we are
probably doing a better job
because now we are looking Into
things in the university ; we are
telling students about aspects or
the university that they or·
dlnarily would not know on their
own. We are going deeper into
the things that are going on."
Continuing, Cartwright
commented on the charges that
have been made against the
paper, staling that the
reporting or the news is biased :
'I believe that there is a place
for criticism and that it is the
editor's privilege, as editor, to
make criticisms and generally
lo criticize the things that are
going on here at the university.
But, I believe that as a reporter
l should write things as obShe
jectively as possible."
a dded , that as "a great believer
In obje<:llve newswrillng" she
has never written a biased story
and that, in her opinion, any
biased news that has been
printed in the newspaper has
si mply been a mistake.
"We are doing. investigative
reporting," she explained, "and
that means we are looking into
things. We are asking questions
that, perhaps, are not very nice
questions to ask. But, In order
to find out what Is really going
on, we have to ask them. It
may appear that we are being
biased by the type of queStions
we ask, but there are certain
things that you have to ask
people in order to get the truth.
In some cases, you have to ask
them critical questions In order
tha t the truth comes out ;
otherwise they will just feed you
a lot or pUblic relations ...
In a simlhir vein, Rutkowski
defended the reporting or the
newspaper : "A serious student
will consider himself an adult
and wiU accept the respon·
sibililies or the problems in the
world and is willing to read
about those problems. There
are people on this campUS who
are not willing to accept that
responsibility and who would
much rather read about the
local campUS crazies. We don't
cater to. those people.
objective is to report the news
the way we see it and if there
are difficulties with people
understanding why we are
doing that, I don 't know what we
can do."
Rutkowski bases this position
ori the assumption that
ultimatdy there is no distinc·
lion between the student press
and the press at large. "I would
say a distinction has been made
but none exists," he explained
and added, "There seems to be
an altitude by some students
that they don't expect their
press to be responsible as the
'real world ' press Is; they don't
expect it to be similar to the
·real world ' press, if I can pUl it
that way . I would not come in
lhls orrtce to work as edltor, I
would not ask any of my staff
members to come here, II we
were not
producing a prolesalonal
newspaper. The workload may
be different, but the rep·
sonsibilllies are the same. The
atlilude that there is a dlsllncUon may come from high
school. I th ink if you asked me,
·can you make a distinction
between the high school press
and the real world press?' I
would say, 'Yes. ' "
The work of the reporting
star r along with materials
received from other sources on
campus Is transformed Into the
weekly tabloid form by the
"tech crew" under the direclion
·or the two copy edlto01, Louise
Eklund and Bob Kellerman.
Eklund, an English major who
has worked on the technical
starr for three years, excepting
a semester during which sbe
worked as a copy edltor lor the
University of Wisconsin ·
Milwaukee l'osl. ouliined the
technical process. An average
of forty articles Is submitted
every week and each or these
goes through what Eklund
described as an " incredlble
technical process," includlng
editing, column counting ,
typeselllng ,
proofreading, correcting and
the final "makeup.': Eklund
staled that this task involves
eleven workers who each work
15 to 20 hours_per week on the
"One or the things," said
Eklund, " that you have to keep
in mind always about copy
editing is that you are not going
to be able to pUl everything into
the newspaper that comes Into
the orlice. There's always the
question or quality."
described this decision making
task as a dally occ:urrence, such
as those established for book
reviews. which are used " to
make certain that decisions that
are made every day are not
made simply on the basis or
whim or caprice. but have some
general contiquity."
Eklund and Kellerman, in
addllion to copy edlting, work
with the photography reporters
18 determine which of the
photographs will be placed in
the newspaper during any given
week. The photographs along
. with the news "copy" determine the form and deslgn of the
According to
Eklund, "When you are talking
about a thing such as a
newspaper, I think you also
have to take into consideration
the ract that you want lito be in
the best possible form . You
want it to be aesthellc, in a
sense." She added, "We experiment quite a bit, but we try
to praenl a newspaper which is
nicely done, which looks good
and also has something to say."
A large part or the respon·
sibillty for that form and design
falls to Jennifer Urban who, as
associate editor, is also
responsible for calculaling the
Native American Days
April 1·7 Sunday Through Saturday
Sunday, April lsl through Saturday, April 7th. In the L.R.C.
lobby there will be a NativeAmericanAruandcransdisl)iay.
Sunday though Friday - there will be an arts and cran sale and
demonstralions in the Fine Arts court yard. FUms in the
Wisconsin Room.
M•day AprU Z, 1113
VIne Deloria is the author ol Custer cited few your atao. We talk.
you llstm. 01 utmool pod lallh, and numerous olher articles.
1:45 p.m. ··2 p.in. and 7 & 9 p.m., Room 125 Collins Classi'OCim
Sioux Indian - born Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Martin,
South Dakota.
Present occupation ·writer and teacher of ethnic studies at the
New College of Ethnic studies, West Washington State College.
TIIHday AprU 1, lt71
1\ . Paul Orteaa. Native American yocalist · at the Wisconsin
Room at the University Center, HO p.m . !Mescalero Apache)
Album- Two Worlds · A. Paul Ortega won a grand prize award lor
contemporary Indian art. A year later he won a championship lor .
war dancillg. He always seems to be Working around young people
and young programs. He enjoyed teachtrw and helping yourw
students and working with his beloved )ndtan music. To oome the
gullered sounds and chants ol Indian songs have no meaning.
Ortega gives Insight a nd feeling ol what Indian songs really mean.
He plays guitar, drums and tamborine and hesings.
Wed. . . .y AprU4, 1t13
Lepaae O,rodewlkt · rrom Milwaukee. Speaking on
"Social problems" In 125 Collins Clauroom Center, a ti :.:S p.m.
"minorities" In 231 Collins Classroom Center at 3:.:5
Speakirw on "Indian Community Schoola- an Approach In Indian
Education" at the Main Audltorium. 7- 10 p.m.
DorothY Ogrodowsld is a teacher, Director Indian Communi!)'
School. She has a B.S. Elementary Eel, has done graduate work 10
educational administration. UW- MUwaukee.
111anclay AprU S.ltn
"111e TraU of Broil.. Treaties" sympoc~lum, room 125 Collins
Classroom Center, 7 - 10 p.m.
1. Herb Powless - from AIM
2. Speaker !rom BIA (Jenativel
3. Speaker from GLITC <tentaUvel
3 points of view on the"Trallo(Broken Treaties Caravan".
Friday AprUI,Itn
Native American Arts and cralls done by high school students and
teacher corp interns - from Odanah. In the Fine Arts Courtyard
from 12:30 - 3:00 p.m .
Native American Style show, - 8 p.m. Mrs. LaVerne Heiter
designer owns the shop " Indian Originals" from Rapid City, South
Dakota. Location undetermined, as yet.
Some or the girls from AffiO will be modeling numerous styles or
Native American clothing - tradiUonal and contemporary.
Saturday, AprU 7, tm
Stevena Point Area • YMCA
please no smoking in the gym.
Afternoon session · 2 · 5 p.m.
Doors open atl2 :30 - Oriented towards the public.
Evening session · 7 - 9 p.m. Oriented towards Native Americans.
" priorities." Urban said, the
dwindling budget makes this
task more dlfficull because as
the number or pages per issue
are limited so is sbe limited in
placing material into the
Since a large part or l.hls
technical work is done through
the facilities of the Dally
Journal, a member of the
technical crew was asked to·
describe worklng condltions.
Shelly Laska, who has worked
as a typesetter since March,
1971, s tated , although the organization of the sta rr itself
has lagged on occasion, the
· Jourual operation is fairly well
organi%ed. ''Things are done
when they are supposed to be,"
sbe stated.
Supervision or the overall
operation is the responsibility or
Rutkowski and his edltorlal
sta rr. All of the editors work In
specific areas and participate in
what Urban described as
" general management.'' The
editorial position that syn·
thesizes both the role or the
reporter and or an edltor is that
or the feature edltor; this
position is held jointly by AI
Jenkins and Dan McGlfDD· A
Vietnam veteran like his part·
ner, Jenkins was associate
editor under DeMis MacDonald
and editor the following year ;
alter working with the
American Civil Uberties Union
in Milwaukee during the lirat
semester or this year, Jenkins
returned as feature edltor.
Commenting on the problems of
the job, he stated, "Generally, a
feature edltorisl would combine
the factual qualities or atraiaht
reporting with the analysis of an
edltorfal. Unfortunately, the
l'olaler has received so many
complaints about
reporting tb•t we have
hesitated to develop l.hls aru in
tbe correct way.'' He said he
thinks the record or the
newspaper will show that, at
least in the past two years,
there has not, In fact, been
biased news. He added, " Every
Sunday in the Mllw. . kee
Joe&naal there is an entire
section devoted to edltorlal
features but II we try l.hls very
tradltional form on this campus, there would be an in·
credlble uproar. It is probably
indlcative that students do not
even read neWspapers, when
they are so confused about
accepted journalisUe form ."
Jenkins said the problem with
the biu charges hu led the
newspaper to print no edltorial
features ; rather the edltorlal
comment is placed separately
on the edltorial page. Thou&h
he has worked in almost a ll
areuolthe newspaper, Jenkins
hu never bad any classroom
training in journalism .
explained, "The course work
offered here in jounalism could
be duplicated sim ply by
working on this newspaper for a
semester or two. That sort or
technical knowledge is not that
important since it Is already
" 'orked into the organt'bllon or
the newspaper. What is important , especially lor an
editor, is a background in the
historical lradltions or the press
and an Idea or wha t the social
order is aU a bout."
As might be expected, the
rtnal responsibility for the
Poiater lies with the edllor,
Ga ry Rutkowski. OuUinlng his
duties, Rutkowski stressed, the
edltor must be familiar with the
publication u a whole, in·
cludlng a ny potential problems.
Further, he must be Involved In
··personnel supen-ision•• whkh
requires not only that he know
cont. top. II
Fr idoy, Moret.
"Rocking Horse Winner"
Ahead Of Its Time
l.awrrnct's R a~kl•l
ll••eWI Mn ...,llbt~lur.o;n on
Mondlly . Morc:hl9. ati :OOpm.
on 12$ClaiMOIH!l Ctnterastht
~:lllllil.h lnp;~rlmtnl contlnUH
nus him. made on 1~. "'''
oot ~ commerdal Sill:~ In
t:ncland and 11 virtually
unkno'II'Tllnlhllf'OIIn\ry . Yt1il
is Lhr fi1"5t major film
produc11011 or a • ·ork by
l..:a,.•rtnl'r and lias r«d•·l!d
alldm8rittin No"· it btcomn
cltuthatthisfilmwn. asoftm
llapPfRI, ··ahudofoutimt ."
Auord1ng t o the US
dtst r obutor. Janus ~'ilms,
" Audoe!IC'H frankly "'tre 1101
rt<ldyforot .
lllli'••Ufound 1ttoo muc:h of a
movor. the tllrdler affic:ionados
lound tl 1.00 ht~lt'•. . Early
1».-.undit, ''
Thep4otofi.Mfllm i1 11011111l
C'Om phcatf'd. A•~ry-ith'e
tmyt:10rold boy is deeply
troubltd benw.e h.s parents
c hr onocally bodr.tr ab(UII
:::=~· ,~]~tis! 1:~
the mother tends lo be a
squandere r
Gi\·en a toy
rockinll hOC"M for Oui.stmas.
furoou s f antasy wo rl d.
pr~c:1pitat~d by his vlol~n t
~kina:onrusn-toy . Whatll
mor~C:IWOOUI . Ihe boyt.eemsto
dr>'t'iop~oncl $1ghtandaid«i
~PP1 · he pen15t1
b«oma obvious is that tht
~-ollov;inl 11 .. ~~at P auline
Kal'l. no•· movle rl'•·•~"rfor
Tto~ :.·,.,. \' • k~r. had to say 01
" This liUI C' kno•·n En a:lish
f>ro<koction .is a demonst ratoon
ofhowgoocla movi .. lntl'lli&l'nt
pt<Ople c:an mak~ ..-hen they
hav~ belll'r·lhan·intt>lli&fflt
materia l to wor k on .... A
dille! .IISel hil wcond sia:ht 10
rncue hllpartnts . the painful
p.lrtlslhathelac:ksflrstsilfltth" juclgmt>nt ..· hic:h WO\IIll
]n\hfo~'l anci60'S'"'etaW I
numbl'r of la""rtnl.'l! wurks
made illto films . Sea• all<l
1.. \'frt : lhP \ 'lr11Jo Ud lbP
(;yp, ;
w....,.. Ia
LIVf' a ncl Lady ChaUut y•s
Lo•·n- all dill quite ,..tiJ com·
Bw .
\heH Wt're ..·ideJ)"
touted artlllk breokt.brlMCh5
ancl ldt m.any vie•·en ferlin&
<:Mated llopefully , lhistadr •
\l nlltrllattd and s~rlo u s
procluc:tion will mor~ than
utbly .
f .A .C. Will Me et
famoly's handyman
•John Molls l. he beo:omH
U ·
tnurdonanh a~ at picking
...,_,..a tlhl!rxetrac:k.
no" so\Pb the stuff of
l'll!ll~y.i tisn 't. Th~boyisonly
ablo> tu podt ...,nMn by '"f1111 ·
horw. and ~ac:h um~ lhll draons
mor~ and ~~ n>n'IY from
him !Jut bl.>c:aust~ tht money
J«'mli to makt Ius pannll
TNf"tntnceandAIIotat.c:omminee ol the Stulltnt
St>nate • ·Ill bea:in bud a:~t
heannp lor student ad.ivoi>C'S
on Apt 4. These mlldqlllte
optntoallwud.ents Tlmtand
platotlor thehearings•·HI be
Stn.te office on April) arona:
wi lha ~~c:heduleo fthebuclcC'I
requttt.llundC'r~itw .
.. hen lhf) find the nl!'l'dC'd
pans. Wh ilo> ncaping in the
cbrknHS. i:aglt II Hparat~
lrom the &roup
TM nut morn mgthe PU\' is
Steelyard Blues
lo) HMMa rtoaht
Thrtot •trana:eltllo,.·s,eac:h
theor home in an automobilo>
Th~y arl! Jeut
junkyard .
Vl'ldini tDon;olcl Sutht>rl andl, a
,.·hohujust bef'nrtlei.Kdfrom
prilon . hll bnotber The Kill
j!Uotar, ancl r,:,JIC' Throntbl'-lty
t ~f'f Borl<>t, lrahout olan
UlStltUt- . aman"'·'-mondis
as nmarkablt u his llrHa.
OM of \ 't>lllini"s paUionl u;
oJ anl' •·onc~at. ,..ho ma k~ it
..-itht•·erybody . lnparti~a r.
~-uh aU of lhe city offic:ia lt,
ondudln(l Ytncllni's brolhu
•·rank. the district attomey
t ll o,..o rcl ll n.stn• an l
A c:low frimd of \'t>llllni 's 1.1
l>uva l Jacks tGi tTf Coodrowl,
,.hole ambition II to rest~~n a
Y."orid War II Navy PB\' am ·
phobioU5 ~irpllnl'
To ac:
c:ompli5h Uus be llftds more
m:onpo,.·ft' and "'"""'f
pPts uacltl lll!ldlni an-cien·
c:ouraii<'IOJOinhomon lhisun ·
,.·orld trav~l
Yeldun. ,..ho5t
~!edt!"t ~"-:ffwtre~r:'!iJifs
At hi~ brother 's l11$isttnc:e,
\"l'lclinitaknajob lnthcloc:al
lOOc:lnninclions'c:aa:t'li- !Iii
~ana turnl to pkkpock~ting to
taitt• c:uh
It' s short ly
thcrtaftcrthat lris faiJsoutof
favor .. uro \'eldlni's broth...•·nnk. Mnnwhilo>, Vrldini ancl
Duvalu~gcllina:hu tfromllw
l'ounlry llnlth Oc-p.ortmmt to
nstorina: the 1'8\'. 11'1
appatl!ntlhat \ 'eldino's brother
•• •I~ rnpon~ibl~ for this
tocr.luont !Not
thc-relsot'll'IIOII(htime to raise
monc)" lor- lhl' nK-ry ~rb
loc:omplet~ tht> airplaM. they
dC'ci<k' to bn-ak In to Ill~ nearby
1\'aval Air Sta tion.
confrontrdbythearr iva l ofan
armacla of pollc:tc:ar1 headrd
by~'rank . l::iogl~arri•·n unthr
Kl'ne.attlred lob a "lukan
ba ncl lt un horseback a ncl
leadi ng severa l rlcltrlns
"IUinH IIea:ulclathcllonnito
\'i!' ldi ni .. htn-cvuyoncmounts
up. J111t bd~ nitinc the
loaded dcvkf 10 hlc:h Uplodes
moml'nll afttr ~vl'ryont> i1
c:lo>aroflheP8\' .
1lM l'xplosion c:atche:s the
t'riOII&fl motey confusion to
allo..· \'rlclinon andhil~ts
tu rilkloff alalhe t"our llor>'l! m...,olthl' Apoc:illYJIH.
on~otherpauionbnidftl rl.l.os
dr1~1niL cars on lll'moll t lon
th., pror;pcc:tofpa rucipaungon
dl'molo tionderbonallo•·uthc
Hints For Avoiding
Parking Fines
Anoth~r • ·«k of Siutfo
Campu1 plrkona:
o"ntn and non-·111!'1'11 alik<"
mustfollowc:et"laon ruln•·h...,
park oqonnmpus, K1.1Jesand
rl'ILu_latoons rl'&a r cling the
on the booltlfl, U" ·lll' l'arkt•l
llwiP> ud ll <tlu lallo~o . putOVI
hyl'rot tctlonandSc:c:urlly Dy
hookl fl, one nn avolcl un ·
~~1 ok: ;ai~a~~~
/~i·;;~ Into a PB\' haRIIft'
c:-. and it l'llunfort..at~to
The content of · mwt of !heM
K r iptaWaiUIWCW riousJy funny
and held the aucliftleno in
llnfortwuot~Jy, the
Sludl Kript wrlltn ft>LI lniO
the tame trap that spdll doom
hisoldpall tolwlp hom,.ilhthe
hmot llt'&OI!$Ioolun&for lris
andwhtnhefjncUhe r onabus,
wrwo~ ofl Aloolclootcna ...
thruugh citylitnoeu ,.·ind$ up
:otthepo,.·ft'plant .
\'c ldini"''it hlrlaandelevcnol
hostohorts,a ll drf'Ul'dinblack
kouords. and hoods, ltl'a l into
Siasefi Skits
lpercent Ill
the campus eommun oty hav~
attended 1M · ·•IL'ikon.e ,_,
tim~skots In an ontl!'ltec:tually
stomulanna: environment $Udt
at tl'H:o one this un ivtnity . at·
ltmpU to CrU ll!'. it ll in ·
c:omprl!'h~ntibl~ that
people don't att~mpt to vii!"'·
IMsl!' u~llent uampla of
s.t.reet tbutr~ that the Sialtfi
•a:.a.niuotion spontOn, Poat~n
andac:!On lncmtuml!'dec:oratl!'
the ump~~s on an .clmirable
pubUc:rty c:am~'IJI .
poor attendance
The l nupPri~llc:~ acton
onvolved Hhepledlno l lurned
theirac:tinalnosooawdl 1bey
Klin& hmclam~nt..b. The UH
oftheup-tllltllandtogl!llun ,
up·stag~ turns, '''nk vocal
projec:llo11 ancl "br ukln&
ch aracter" ,.· ~rt skollfull y
avoid~ TMatlftltiontolhele
themtohtft'ally bec:Grnethe
II mUll be noted !Not the
Kl'ipl • ·ritinl ...,.. 1]10 well
done f:Kt!Kitllaclanuci~>nc
pteaunl ~rkin&situ.atillru;and
llv<tdollar ~rkin1flna.
111 l..oadtng Zones is
If ape,-- musl
left&thottom~.foranyrn- .
hrshoulclwrn on hoJ nat.~oeror
for many an Mlmonblc l.f"OIJ9
dooqstr-thea lt~ lnstead ol
commun lutln& the Ideals o1
their own liM urpniuotlon.
theirMt ural allvltaria. Tb""
aga in.ma ybetheirorganlu.tion
11 built upon berating and
poluniL fun.
Y."hatnft' ; the
... rucu shoulcl realh~ th at
Kluevt Ill ft'ICl.
It il lhe
mnnt i!mpioyecl on com·
m ... intina: 1M JUS!ific:ationt
Of fOUI"K. the SIIHftl or
faolurl' of In)' clramatic: ...,.
an importanl roi~
COitUmH in lhelol' akits " "l'H"
ph\\olophy of «<Ilume func:tlon
llopriuily, lhoK
•·ho become caughl up in
dii!IIII!H upon the effec:tivenesl
of BtcchU a n theatre will
rern~mbei' this point.
1'11~ Riling ol thi• typo! of
thl'a treilof c:ourlol'dependent
upontl'H:ophyl ica i ...,vllllnml!nll
lmmclliltclyavallabl ~ . Again ,
They ,...,.e c:ommendlbly qutek In rulWIIIL
that the " amplu!Matrc"' waa
U~WKIIY buolt lor lunc:tions
Alltokl , theSiasefoakots•· ~
...-~I clone What isl't'Jrettabiy
unfor tunat<t i1 that more
l ludtnt.lanclfac:ultyclonoiUke
thr opportunity to Upol~
themxhno 10 this viable an
form , lndt'ed, It 11 no less
~itimate thlln any otMr !Not
l'mft'ltt'fltY lllhtsand his c:ar
c:~ illo l'rotec:tion and S...:urily
,.,llaVfflapa rkon&tkket,.hen
a per-. 1111111 park in a
Sno""f ...-..a ther might co•·~r
~rtsolaparkoqlol.. llthilll
do not
us um e
l'oc:ka "tale" lpo!atlhlbadoof
lht>loltoa voldtoelnatkketed.
II helptvJ to know that all
atl' not pollc:ed from t :J0p.111.
on ~·rlcla r until tO::IO a.m . on
OunnJ w ..-m,
villtors6hould call Protection
~n ci SKurity before ~rkill& In
any of the campus lots.
•·orgelllnlto c:l llor adda y in
taliJIIjl l r~ UCUieS URI C:·
o:eptabletolhat offlc:e.
lot , thcdec:alo..-nft'ftlUI!be
«rtain hiJdll!c:atilupoifdto
thedrwlnalanc. Afaolur<ttodo
this ..·Uirnoultonahnc , ac:ar
-.. hlc:hhas~to.ck~in toa
p;~rk lncstall.foruampll',,.-ulo
or ,.·lth out ~ dKa l. . .-,n
problobl~ bo• tlc:k<tttd
Thl'~rklna:c:lrdt>IIOI!'bol is
a No Pa rk ing Zone meant for
cm<"r&mc:y IISl' only, "hlcto
me&nl that no park ong ••
arto ..-ed ther~ undtr any c:lt-
l.orodo.na: Zonr
special pl!'tmiMion to ~rk in
lot .-iOHSI to l h~ot
clnt lna tlon, ..-·hlch Jncluclb
a lmosla nylotonnm~.
H~member the following
hints :
r~~r&cn~;rrtgh~1s11 ~:rs...h:~
l piiC'I!Ithatc:ouklbec:onsidl'red
l. llon'tbac:kintoa~rk ina
Call Protfftlon and
Sc:c:urity, :K4·23M, lor a nt..-en
lolnyquatlonl:npnllnc niles
~-ollowlna lhae baJic: noln
canavolclaflvecloJJ.,IiiH!or a
tri p to the l' rlllectlon and
SKurily 011lc:e,
• h bouittHIIoy:
l'o rlo.hiA,.,alol'lllllnlUM
Friday, March 16, 1973
Book Review
Brain Business Expansion
Dickson. New York : Balian·
line Book• : t972. 3&3 p.
by Daniel II.R. lla n1on
America's newest Industry Is
tbe subject of Paul Dickson's
Think Tonk•. It Is a sobering,
probing look at " Idea· fac·
tories." The book traces think
tank development from RAND
Corporation tf. the Center For
Democratic Institutions an d
beyond. This penetrating study
is both enlightening and alar·
brai n
business expansion from Worl d
War lito the present. Citing the
war as the catalyst for the in·
dustry, a survey of three types
of think tanks becomes the
emph••l• of the hook. And the
undertaking Is done with an
astute c ritical eye.
The pioneer think tank, as the
book brings out , was the
research and development type
concerning technological
problems. The lint purpose
was developing new weapons
systems. Although many think
tanks still do considerable work
for the Pentagon, the emphasis
has turned to private business
and other parts of the govern·
ment. No'¥ tanks are doing
things like developing • new
missle guidance systems and
creating new products 11ke
freeze dried coffee.
Next, Dickson exJ!!ores the
socio-political think tank. Here
the study shows graphically
how the business has expanded.
Into every phase and aspect of
our culture studies are being
conducted by some idea fac·
tory. What is most Important to
note is how these studies a re
Summer School
Offers 250 Courses
Approximately 250 different
courses will be offered from
June It to Aug. 3 when the
Unive r si ty of Wisconsin·
Ste vens Point offers what II
regards as a special summer
school- its 65th annual session.
Dr. Winthrop C. Difford. the
director ,
maki ng
a rrangements to accommodate
more than 2,000 students.
Because summer is a time
when many area teac hers
return to UW.SP for special
study. there will be numerous
graduate-level courses.
"'n addition, the traditional
summer theatre festival will
again be operating wit h
s tudent s in vol ved In the
production of fo ur plays.
Howe ver, ·workshops a lways
have been co nsidered the special
featur~s of summer school and
their enroll ments com prise a
sizeable chunk of the total
number of students in the
overall session. This year, 10
such workshops are scheduled,
including two which will involve
student travel to E urope.
A forestry seminar for six
credits will involve several
weeks of study on the Stevens
Point campus and then four
weeks in Germany. But persons
In an Englis h education
program, using British schools
a s a laboratory, will spend all of
their time in England during the
sess ion to receive six credits.
Others. to be held on campus,
a re a two -credit Ame rican
Suzuki Institute (for s tringed·
instrument teachers and
students ) ; a five-credit kin·
dergarten program ; a twoc redit session for school ad·
m lnist r ators ; a th ree-credit
workshop on idivldually guided
education ; a four-credit session
teachers ; a two-credit clothing
two -credit
wo r kshop ,
workshop on. trends in house
<both offered by the school of
home economics) ; and a threecredit worksho p for com ·
munlcatlon teachers.
Except for the kinderga rten
offe r ing, all of the other
workshops will be given for
gradua te credit. Some will run
throughout the run e ight week
session but others will be as
short as two weeks.
A summer session feature In
the foreign language depart·
ment this year will be the of·
Cering of an intensive course in
Russian which will carry eight
Professor Robert Price, a
new member of the Stevens
Point campus, says that having
students devoting most or their
school day to a language in the
Intensive teaching concept "Is
the most desirable way of
teaching a nd learning" such a
Stevens Point Is one of only
three schools in the UW.System
with Russian offered In the
overall curriculum . The others
Mad ison
Although not directly related
to the summer academic
program but operated in the
same period will be numerous
activities involving state high
school students such as student
f!Ove rnment, music, forensics
a nd sports camps.
out-of-doo rs
mencement on Friday night,
Aug . 3, will conclude the
Speakers Corner
~ont .
ront . rrom p.l
consideration when deciding
where they will ta lk so a s to not
int erfere with someone else. He
ndded, pros pective speakers
s hould furni s h their own
Mea nwhile the unive.r sity's
communications department is
pres enting on Open Forum
every Thursday night from
7:3(f.8 :30 p.m . Tbe program
seen on Cable TV~ Is presented
live . Gue s ts on programs
a lready shown have included
George Becker and Ray
nePerry of Pride .
McGivern, co-director of the
project said anyone with a
concern about any problem
<hey're familiar with is invited
to appear. Interested persons
should conta ct him or Roger
Bullis of the Communications
used by government and other
Wha t becomes
clear is how the academ ic
The final port.ion of the book
deals wit h something that
seems like science fiction .
Indeed, many writers of S.F.
de alt
speculat.ive ideas and problema
as do the third type of think
organiza tions. This sector of
the new business deals only with
the future, forecast ing what it
will be like. One such tank has
predicted eleven different
possible alternatives for the
Unites States by 2000. Of the
projections only a few are
positive or optimistic. At this
point Dickson makes perhaps
the most relevant remarks
·about the " think business."
What he has to say concerns the
danger of predicitng the fut ure.
He argues that such futurist
studies may enhance what they
predict- in short, they may
b e come self - fulfilling
The book should be read. · It
has a great deal to say about our
present condition and what may
happen In the future. · Since
most of us wiU be living between
nqw and 2000, it might not be a
bad idea to catch a glimpse of
the future.
" Isn't It wonderful that oar son llu't one o1
those a wrul dope addicts?"
ViewPoint Won't Re_q uest ..Funding
eunt. from page 2
to be a hotly debated Issues and
the P ointer asked Nelson
whether a newspaper funded by
a specific segment of the
'un iversity, i.e . Housing, faced
problems in this area . "No. As
a matter of fact. the students
brought in all copies of the
paper before they were put to
press and asked me to read
them over, and so I did: I
haven ' t found any need to even
question their decisions .S far
as news coverage or policies or
edito r i al v i ewpo i nts or
anything. They' ve done that
voluntarily , so we' ve just had, I
guess, a pretty open communication link, so that it they
had a question and weren' t sure
about something, I think they'd
probably call me up or
something and we'd just work It
out Individually... ! don' t think
we' re really running Into, 1
guess, political arguments or
things like that. Since probably
about75 per cent of the paper is
just dealing with information or
news coverage types of things,
or a review ol a movie, that
would be really a rare kind of
thing for an editorial kind of
policy to really be needed. U
you were covering political
issues or aspects of the
university policy or somethlnR
like that. . . they' re covering
pretty much straight news as
they see it in the residence
halls." She conceded, however,
that the possibility or herself or
someone else having to make a
decis ion on a c ontroversial
matter could not be ruled out.
" Right now I can' t forsee it, but
yes, 1 imagine if it were
something that had some
reason for being considered, but
I think it would probably be
held, as I mentioned bef<ft,
more on an indi vidual basis-to
try to talk it through , see what
the vi ewpoints are and why they
differ, and see If we can' t worlt
through some compromise or
rome to a bellerunderotanding.
Right now I don't forsee it, but I
can see it might be something
we should look at : I can' t en·
vision it right now.''
Nelson was also asked if
ViewPoint wa s perhaps
directed more in the form of a
newsletter than that of a
newspaper. " Well, I guess, but
I guess it's one's definition of
both of those. The Pointer stare
right now feels that they' re
making a committment to
journalis m and newspaper
coverage and so on as they see
it. Maybe in their definition this
would be considered more of a
newsletter. but I don't know
that ihe 's tudents who are
work ing on this would think of it
as a nyth ing less than a
newspaper. I th ink it's a matler
of definition. . . I think the
students here feel (that) they' re
getting the news that they want,
and that's kind ol their format I
guess. I don' t know if it would
be called a newsletter by them ;
it might be by maybe a m<ft
serious ;otu:nat.ist .•·
Though she knows ol no of.
fi cial relationship with the
Publications Board , Neilson said
there has been cooperation with
John 'Anderson of the news
Service as well as with the
communication department.
She also said that Polater
Advisor Dan Houlihan had been
briefed on the paper's efforts,
and that there is a desire for
cooperation with the P olater
staff a s well.
Finally, Nelson was asked if
there Is a conscious attempt to
adhere to the Canons of Journalism within the framework ol
the paper. " I don' t think our
s tudents are , probably, a s
professional in approaching a
I guess
newspaper per se.
they' re defining what they want
a newspaper to be rather than
following a format as such.
Most ol them are not 'etting
paid, and have little tf any
exposure to working on a
newspaper. It's a means fo r
them to get invol•-ed. and they
see it as a way of helping the
communica tion links open up."
...-------staff _ _ _ _ _ _ __
G.E . Rutkowsk i
i\uodate Edit«:
Jennife r Urban
Assis tant Edit« :
Jane Sadusky
Feature Ediloro :
AI Jenkins
Dan McGlynn
Copy Editor :
Louise Eklund
Buslnna Manager :
Becky Yeaeer
lip... to:
Larry Gilman
Secrotarl.. :
Shelly Laska
Lynn Roback
Audrey Robran
Graphics :
Marty Lave
i\d Manasor :
Rhody Jakusz
RopOrterl :
Carol Cartwr ight
Steve Okonek
Keith Oils
Pat De,Jmo re
Sam Eyo
Ad Assist ant :
Bill Powers
TMy Menzer
Roger Barr
Layout Editor:
Bob Kellerman
Arts Editor :
Neil Derring
Tech Crew:
Otip Biglow.
Ann Mengarelli
Pat Solie
Shirley Spittlemeister
The Polater is a second class
publication, published weekly
during the school year in
Stevens Point, Wisconsin $4481.
The Pointer is a uni•-ersity
publication , published under
authority granted to the Board
ol Regents of State Universities
by Section 37 . II , Wisconsin
Statues. Publication C06ts are
paid by the State ol Wisconsin
under contracts awarded by the
State Printing Section, State
Department of Administration,
as provided in State Printing
operational Bulletin t-24 or
September 1, uno.
Optimism .•• Or,
Everything's Fine
If You Think It Is.
The critical press is frequenUy attacked for its
··negative'" view of life and the world. The proper
end of a newspaper, however, is not to induce a
particular mental state. Whether its readers are
sad or happy is completely irnlevant. What is
signHicanlls a critical view or the wo rld, not only
looking at the world as it is, but speculating as to
what it could bt.
There is a further question implied here, however,
as to the validity of "optimism" in the modern
world. Bluntly stated, to be an optimist in 1973
America is to be either Ignorant or a fool. And it
may be that our readiness to believe our lives and
world to be healthy, contented, and blissful is one of
our greatest weaknesses. if not our Achilles heel.
Merely thinking the world right and good does not
make it so. Wearing a "smile" button will not
rebuild Indochina or feed starving millions in India .
Loving Jesus will not make Gary, Indiana or the
South Bronx fit for human life. We trust largely to
inevitable progress or the belief that what ls is best .
In so doing we have failed to give intelligent
direction to the institutions which make up our lives.
We are faced not with lives of meaning and value in
a peacefuJ and well-ordered world, bot with imme'lse problems of poverty, ignorance. militarism
and war, wasted resources .
Why isn't Gary, Indiana the most beautiful city on
Harris Criticized
r•lh•t:dl ~« :
1 wu.-f'l'y pluWdto-that
someone iJ ptotec:tin& m~ from
those dt'vllttt •t the Health
Cetotf'l' ..,.ho Ire IOf~inl ~ ·
u llr&e studrots and 111111
Mr. llarrish.lsmadea noO!es-of
hls pl!'l'iodk vetotlll"ft out from
h.ltlnlultfd,.all. l cannol
undentand how thl!' distribution
and l.tK of CGnlracl!'ptivn ln·
c rusu the number of
prqMncies. lsthls lheume
" t akin& uplr~a to aet a
headache or Jolnln& Alcholia
Anonymo111 to become •
dn.1nka rd ~ I con&rUulate the
I>Hd and talunjt politi.-eactkwl
tomtoettheneolld. lbo~ the)'
hllllre , tbe)'sreprovlctin&l
necenar y 114! r.-lce
' tudnltaaremtelligentl'POUII"t
to know the I>Hd lor tucll a
lin •
subsll ntoste d
crrtoclsm ,
that MX is a atm!llonp]ace
occurrencea ndwillnot reall y
take place lf•·euy It doesn't
llow rtdlad- '
Slanr•ly ,
Secand "Battle" Of
Wounded Knee
To the t:dlt.Dr:
.c .. ureed P""Ple:
lfyouha~ re.daMW&~per.
watched TV • .-listtftfd to the
~=ll:l.:in: ;:~ ~
Native Amerian people. 11w:
~U-Un&re many, and It Is im·
StevtM Point. WiKonsln, to
know what It adually aoi!C on
tt-e Howevn-, thel$auesanc:l
.cuonarenot there...oof.-thls
Thcconco.mrl&hthere and
IIOIO' ilfOfthe peopiO. • tnetl,
~~~~= ~:..~~~ivi~
:'!':~~~ ~~~=t~~,o~e~!:f,.":
hu c•u.sed snd will cause
hard&hlps and sufftrlna.
:v'::t!:l:-:f ~~~aro.lt
The people thert havt! many
realsnduraentiiHC!s: Food ·
cklthtnc · obelia" . ...,ppt~H ·
mtdklne · Mtd k siAIIista.- ·
l le&rlhatlf-e
every nine months and !hen
onl~ lf • ·e,.·ere married
may not beaUW>dbutrt 111M
heldmthesandandden yinl
Th inpwiUproblbl)'~t mud!
tho. eUorU of
the face of the earth? The United States has a c·ro55
NationaPProduct or over one trillion dollars. It has
the most highly developed agricultural and in·
dustrial capacity or a_n y countrv in the world. Yet,
throughout the country are cities that are litera lly
hell on earth : cities that oHer a child born into them
nothing beyond a life or poverty, misery. and
ignorance. The United States spends billions of
dollars bui lding "better" deodorants, but it has yet
to build a good city.
To judge America in te rms of the quality of lire it
provides its citizens. one does not compare it with
the past or with the rest or the world. One compares
it with what it could be, what it must be to provide a
good and mora l life, and one can only judge it a
failure . How can it be that America cannot even
provide decent work for its citizens, when entire
cities are crying to be rebuilt?
H one can speak ol optimism at all it is only in
terms of 1wha t the world could be like. We in
America refuse to do so, however. We prefer to
delude ourselves : we merely " think " the world
good, therefore it is. Our universities and govern·
ment have succumbed most comfortably and
provide no intelligence, no ideas, no positive
direction. The prospects for a significant life seem
inc reasi ngly weak, yet still we are told to "smile."
No Saints In
In this issue we had planned to present rom·
parably broad pictures or the two aspects of the
Wistonl ln chapto.ra of Ole
Amerinn lndi ln Movtmcnt
anc:lother cvncf1'tll!d people.
some ot theM Items hive bem
waytoSouthDakota ri&J!tnow.
More ts needtd. but the moll
preuintt req11iremen1 Ia lor
funds . mOI'II")' to buy tblnp that
cannot be hauled or ~pped
withpracticality · moneytohlro.
JerYicel • money to pay IO<"
of people and
1 nc1 s•ve · ·hat you can Cott·
tribut lonacan droppedolf lt the
PRIDE Office. 105 Maln.
"l.etmebl!'• free msn · free
to tnvd, free to llop, free to
• ·wk. fret to tradoe when' I
dlooM. froe to c ' - t my croo-n
te.adu:n. froe to fallow the
reHaionof my lathen. fret to ·
think and talk and act for
mytelf - a nd !will obe:y every
taw. or..,bmitto the pett.~lty . ''
. .Chid J 0«11h, Ne• Pn-f"
A Draft Sw itch
T•llo• t:dll«:
O:c ~~.:l: ~~~fi.t:~w~J~
eountry cevmiflheywanttol.
Older mm 1nd .,.·omen ean
by fillln& the nnkf; of our
Armed t 'ORa,
mudl bettn- tulnecl for lhe
t&lblnvolvedlnfi&ht!nJ••·n .
The aovtrntnent would save
10 tr1ln lhf:$1!' dnftftS. t' rom
lhe n~w mtnoberJ In thl' nnkll
there ,.·flUid be n pet"ient'fd
pdoo;, medlanks lor all types
of muhi ner y , nurto.a woth
ntomsrvr ,;,per~. do•:·wn
h1ppy to cet sway Iron• tht
rlflltine of book·,.·ork that II
et~ tlal in the ller\icn. Theu
men and women tulve bem
eommwnty. Thty .,.·ould IM-
~-;~;:~! :~:,. ~r:;!~e1t :~~t
Many of lhem l1.11ve al10·ays
.,.·anttd to 11.0 abroad. And the
tlnuretofig.h t anddiefortheir
homn and eommunitia IO"ould
be ar~ster than thr )'OU"i
praple'a because they helf)fd
build these o:ommunltlte. they
now would be protKii"l
lf lhedraltsfte.,.·ereral~to
con tinue-d lor life. ,..e could
lo,.·n- thetlsnlnalltMmta.
b)'riddlnalht toUntl"}'of itsold
J)t'Oplt. Thf'l'ewouldbt>no.-d
wel farefOC"the&fted. lfthe)'&ot
loooldforKrvke•·ecoul d)ust
translerthemtolhe front,.·here
lhey cou ld f111d more eacitement. We,.·oukllliO "'ve
on ammunition btcall5e many
old men w•ould die ol helrt
By draltln1 the •lfd we
wo llld to lvtthepopulation
problem. ltl••laetlhat)'OIInl
.-pie hiVe more chlldreo than
old people, By 1-ea.-1111 lhe
coutd area tl )' lncreue the
how eve
by the
tactic th
behind .
power a
of thos
more d
life in a
At roo
public go
that imp
the inter
moral a
to it, itt
campus : the Pointer and the new
til recently, the BS'er. These plans,
partially, thus effectively, blocked
of the editor of that publication to be
low public scrutiny is a characteristic
ern reactionaries' theory of public
d the action from which that theory is
• as recently evidenced, a Nixonist
ds the press as "biased" and proceeds
In of cbeap rhetoric to ·consolidate
ita! public bodies supported by public
is is.elitism, and elitism, as a form of
vilege, cannot be tolerated. On this
shonld be no doubt as to the position
call themselves radical, who seek a
orld order. We assert that public
t be set aright to provide significant
with natural principles. To do this
t those institutions be critically
iven this, let us than examine the
its relational system, since it is that
m which determines its nature and
e notion and fact of a state or public
t before we consider it as an isolated
recall that it fils into a larger inerne, i.e., the state government. As
ituted it is a government founded on
and ruled by the lobbyist, as is its
n Washington. It operates, not for the
enerally speaking, but by principles
tificial categories and restrictions in
private wealth and power. It is imfar as the Pointer stands in relation
moral. To the extent that the public
press must work in such a sys~m.
system to ioclude only and all of
thoSe aged 50 and over.
" 'lthhrkt upon
_.Pointer Unfair
UsinR lh
perience or
perfect war
be used in
irritating t
tillery woul
because the
to lheir old e
form labor o
the hours of
to live tunle
dom inated
miRh~ preleo
three and
,..., estal
would assu
supper hour.
• day orr
people em
portance or
and respec
seventh day
To lloe Edllor :
It is quite unfair that the
International J>rocrams hadn 't
received much, if any, publicity
In the l'olnler until the article,
"All Is not Peacdul ln Peace
Haven," which was written In a
negative manner.
I hope that another favorable
opinion of the semester abroad
programs will help to further.
<-onvince sludmts to take ad·
vantage ol what Is being offered
to them.
As a participant of lhe
London group for a semester
and the MUIIieh group a year
later, I not only totally enjoyed
both semesters bul learned
more in those nine months than
did in my enUre college career.
To be a student involves in·
vesligatlon into the unknown to
obtain knowledge. The greatest
learning devise is the actual
application of this knowle<Jae
and experience. The programs
in England, Germany, and the
Far East offer lnvaluable opportunities lor the people who
search lor them.
To be in a eouutry of dilferent
peoples, customs, ideas, art
wor and the forms , architecture, sporls ,
efil greally_ language, aud history helpi Co
In our drall broaden your perceptions of
to that extent it must necessarily be perverted. In
spite of the good intentions of the editorial staff, the
Pointer, by virtue of its larger relations, is neither
free nor public, in the true sense of those terms. The
reliance on advertising revenue stands as an
example of this basic point. U the world does not, in
fact, undergo revolutionary change, the editorial
protestation of the Pointer will be worthless, and it
will lapse into reactionary liberalism with the rest of
Correctly ordered the press, as public, would not
be subject to the whim and fancy of vested interests;
yet the problem ultimately cannot be solved at the
local level for by its very nature it is overwhelmingly larger. The public press must be in·
tegrated properly into the cultural system ; just as
food, clothing, shelter, decent work and the arts
must be absolutely insured, so must a free , unshackled press. It is not a question of the feelings of
any individual or group of individuals, anymore
than it is a question of their privilege. Those who
hold that such is the case, posit a primitive
viewpoint on society. In order that the Pointer
might be correct, the university must be set aright;
hence, must the larger w_orld be changed.
In this newspaper we have dared to suggest a
better world, one based on a set of concrete
universal principles, a decent practical life, and
an unyielding social critque. It must be a critique
that holds there are no saints, not even one given the
task of judgement and damnation. All must be
called to. account in the public eye. For those who
fear objective criticism and brand it "negativistic"
we have regret. They surely must be confused and
unable to envision a new dynamic social order.
those things around you.
Living with a coeducational
group teaches one in another
way. One observes the habits,
and feelings of other people,
learns to understand them , and
grows to have consideration for
A student on the semester
;~~d J'e":f.ra:!'11 ;il~ 01:::'en~
joyablel e.ffort , In a wellplanned, inexpensive trip.
However, lloe effort must be put
forth by the studenl or the entire
opportWiity will be lost.
Hobin Shawver
To lloe Edllor :
Congra t ulations to Steve
Trauger who has been seleeted
as UW.SP 's representalive to
the National Entertainment
Conference, Wisconsin Unit
IN.E.C.·W. l .
Info Sought
On Communes
To lloe Edllor:
I am asking your cooperation
in prinling this letler so that I
may reaeh tbe general student
I am atlempllng to accumulate some mean ingful
data for a serious study on
American commWtes. To that
end, I wish to reach a s many
communes as possible.
I wiU be grateful if students,
graduate and under-graduate,
who are Uving in communal
situations, will write me in·
dicating willingness to receive a
questionnaire and-or to be in· .
terviev.•ed. Site of rommune is
unimportant; 3 or 4 people, up
to any number.
Td•t,om Coffin'•
Washington Watch
Signs Of The Times
Ironically, the Nixon Administration • untouched politically by
· bombinRS and the Watergate scandal- is being dragged down by a
crisis only partly of its own. making. This is a sick economy, the
gut issue thai destroyed Herbert Hoover and marred .the
Eisenhower Admin istration.
Nixon's answer is to plow federal funds into the aero-spa-eo and
shipbuilding lndustries, take money from social programs, and tell
the people they were being robbed by welfare cases and ln·
compelent bureaucrats. Economist Walter Heller says the plan is
" investiog less in people and more in machinery" and makes " a
fiendishly clever appeal to the worse instlnets d. people, and
couehes it aU in high moral lOnes." <Heller is a former chairman
ol the Council ol Economic Advisers.)
The Adm inistration's plan Is loaded with irony. Roaten reports
February 10, " The US has supplied pink bidets to cambodia while
refusing to 11rovide Federal funds for sewer and wate.r projects a1
home. A bide! is a French bath tub preferred by " highborn and
forei&n, educated Cambodians."
The man supposed Co hold the lid on excess spending Is the new
Budget Director, Roy L . Ash. Ash's company, Utton Industries
I he was president), has just persuaded the Pentagon Co fork over
an additional $192 million in c:ost overruns, reports the New York
Times. February 14. " He ( Ash) has indicated he bas no
inlenlion. of removin& himself from considera tion of Utton's
financial problems willo the GovernmenL"
These are the omens:
" Officlals are fearful thai the wlnter olt973 may see the biggesl
jump In living costs in several years," fmaneial wriler Joseph R.
Slevin, Pblladelpbla hoqoalrer. February 3. The Cbrisllaa Seieace
Moallor quotes a housewife, " three montbs ago I paid SJ.SO for lwo
dozen breakfast eggs and a package ol twelve English muffins.
Today my family bas to spend fifty-three cents more foe the lwo
items. The eus alone cost $1.50. "!be muffons are fofty-three
cents." <January l l
" In the space of a few days, billions ol US dollars were sold for
German marks, Japaoese yen and other fon!ian c:urnncies. lo
Germany alone, speculalors unloaded $l.5 billion on TburSda)!
and Friday . ~ .The danger,-a collapse of the monetary system,"
New York Times. February II.
The weakness of the dolla.r forced Presidenl Nixon to devaluate il
ten percent on February 12. This Is a temporary rescue.
Two economists told the Joint Economic Commitlee <February
14! "that the eurrent US economic boom aud unchecked lnllation
wiU produce an a!m001t unavoidable recession late this )'e&r or
early 1974," UPL One ol them. Wilfred Lewis, Jr. ol National
Planning Association said aU signs point to a " good. old-fashioned,
so-called classic recession."
President Nixon's antidot~ting bac:lt drastically on Federal
spending for social and public works · may worsen the crisis. UPI
reports: " A prominent blac:lt mor13age banlter ( ~mpsey J .
Travis, president ol United Mortgage Banke.r s of America, loc. l
bas eharged that President Nixon's freeu on federal housing
subsidies could revive lloe buoer-dty ,....._ UoaiiH c. lloe riots
ol lloe 1-." As federal funds tridtle OUI, beavy layoffs are
predicted lor build!;& and edueatioo.
The effect ol eutbaclts aud impounded funds is already bitiog into
America. Badly needed slum housing in New York is ditched. A
clean-up of the Potomac River is delayed indellnite(y. Some school
systems, without Federal aid. a"' lndesperate straits. Times
says the Delroit school system is so broke and in lhe red it " may be ·
lorced to close March 15, two months ahead ol schedule."
(February 19)
Mat T. Sperber
H Wesl 1111 Slreel. IE
New York, New York IIIII
We would like 10 extend our
thanks to everyone who
audilioned lor the U.A.B.
Student Coffeehouse and to
lhose who helped with setting it
up : maintenance ; technicians
a nd especially to the U.A.B.
CoUeehouse comm i ttee
members. Special thanks to all.
"Ireland has outlived the failure of all her
hopes-and yet she still hopes."
Roger Casement
June 29, 1916
The Rise And Fall Of Old Main
tlld ll :i>n I I lht' lilll'"t'l"'ll)'
\hKOnJ1n Ste•·~ l'uint has
c rosstod :inolht'r hurdlt' P~r•h.:lpt;ont<oflu!OO!gl'lttt - llul
tMrt' s hll lllnotlt.arondkau•
"hdh«IIWIIIJJOall !he" a)'
TM sub fommillff on hol!m'
rduo:'atoonfuoiJU"fOI'" tMSt;Ut'
~uddUIJ Commiulon m~, ....
111 :.tad.-. hu "''Jft'lfd a
prOI)OJ.ll l tlut had C'omt' up on
rKftlt ...rora "hieh ..-wid 11.1 ~•
1M nror buoldinl
1115\t:ad. the .ub
~ lud )
l'linlillll la ratl )' on
When the on·
formation II
h\llld•"'C •• 5h ll )llsll fied. a
I"QIIItnocuon bud&rt ,.,u be
Wtpartd and pr obabL)" be
prnrn t td t'llhfr litH th i1
l ummt'rorurly!hllfall
A ~ond ma)or propos.alf t' nll ¥a h On of lht• n b tln1
l ' nl\'t'rlll)" Ct'ntrr on"• the
rwnnlpro)fo.rt toUP"nd ltis
complt'lt'd - a iJo
ad ~annd
ltespllt'.IUIIIOMO'fffl)' hm\1
Thf •~•·auon "ould toM
:obout IISO.OOO . one propoNI
"utotnm that fiJW't' about
l;w.OOQ b)' llfOVodHII n'I0$1 of
llwaann&iln an•JC'(' Uonofnt"Oio'
.nr ('On(lluonon& f'QU•pm~nt
lhn af t.r 1 dt"bat~ the
•ll h on ly Stll <' s ~n ~hlo
Knuuon ! fl- t..C.- o •·otin&
m th<'monoroty
Ste••tnt l'oonl' • Chancellor
l.ft' S. Drt)·fus. on notin& thlot
ron~ truc:toon «o&IJ .,,,,11 nome
from se lf IVI IIonlnjt fundi
<kolla..._ uod
and nOI tu
rf'I"ICWat oon..-tldnOI on•·nln•an
Tlw Ulll\"fnlt~· ..- proj«tt'd '"
han·. for ..,..mpl<'. m<1rt' than
13110 Nudmu n~•t fall and ttw
hudgHf..- rnoo.-at•on LSbawod
on tuOTtnt lc\••15 of s.tudmu
lftti from an o•~r:oll studftt.t
hod)' ol7000
lfrlwa~t f'Ondilionillf:n.niM­
compiHC'd in Uw oldct" pMI of
thfor('tl tt'r. DI't'yfus sa idtlw
buildin& as a ,.-hoi .. ,.ill ~J«.om.,
tlw uruvn"Sity't pnme summiPr
M nn•· hll~ .
••novation a nd Old Ma in
rf'J)laCt"ml'ftt issues s.tiU fa«
Mvn-al mort' tO\Ii,h hurdln.
TMy must ~ Kl~ oa by 1M
fuiiSta teBuoldin&Comm iuoon .
rlwnlhe l~ilb tiiN! aiiN' rt of
tile lOI II lilt<! budget
tinall ytht&o•·ernor.
Tohandle\lle~ta i~IIUd)'
ph~ !he p..-rp.aration of ots
budgtt . Dr~usan~bt
i1 rrusi11nin
ll aymond Specht from ph ical
pl.tnt . mana&emen t r n
Tlw IIUd)" of.-.! fOI' thlbuoldong will bt conducttd
jointl y b)· un lvt'tsol)" adnunlstraton and ' llff mtom~rs
from !lito DC'putment of
AdmontJi ratoon.
'Tht rt'pia«mtntfadli ty ha• .
rodatt.bHnpro~asanoe ..homto for the English and
com munications
depa rtment
and 1dmlno11rative olfi«s. It
..-u projecttdtocmtaboutU.t
moth.,., and be loc:3 ttd on a
.a.: ~nt lot aerou from the
Scll'ft« ll:olloniiHt't'•·eStrtet
fulLJustific:a t ~CW~ol llft'dlor t ht
huo kli"'. thne also \\'Ill be
r:vmotk-rauon to altrm.atives
\\hiLh would in ~olve absorbin&
olf>«S on e~os.tm& u ruc:tvns
once Old Ma1n •• removed.
prnumabl)" in about three or
lour ~·ears
DrtyiUJ ...,id Ill- was (Oft·
cltt'llt'd b)• some eommtnts 11
the s ub-eom ml tt« meetlnJ ,
tndic:atinglhat prlmt' mouoons
and programs Wlldfrtaktn by
un ..·ersllincouklbealtnt'dby
It •· as suggnt e-d t hat
sognofocant on~ut m tn t s had
for communlnt lon1 buildon&s
at Ma di son. P a rkslde a nd
Grten Ba yn mpuset.
Sla te ltrp. Al~in Uaklul l D:\Ie nomoniel agretod that
conton~~:~tion of academic of·
fnongs iihould not~ deter monedbynonboardof rteent
0re)"fll5notrdasaneum ple
that at ~laclilon . ..·Mrea huce
C<llllmunintionarucen te rw.·as
recentlyoprned.tht facillt)l'
5('-0·esabout:UO undrrcndua te
a ndpublic:addrtN
Point. ht' ado:ltd. hu %50 majors
pursuong Uw .N~me kind ot
When tM diKU$.1ion ended.
all four mtmbt'r1; of Lhe .ubcom mittte vottJ to have thl~tUd )'
Interest Free Student
obtam~ from
tit. G .. or Kt'
J euo rlan sk o.
Applou tion Chaonnan
f-'oh~ AmiPI"IICan Sc:hofanl\ lp
~~ ~ :O.Ia)OrAV ,I..'JutaJO,
All rf'qunta must be ac·
ro;omp;oonoed b)" a 111mped. wlf
•ddrHHd tn•dope
Apphcantt for Lhn proaram
mull utos fy the follo••n&
Clllaureatrdfi(Tte .
6.-Enrolled in a program of
fu!'.•:, ur~~- uti~~~or;. lae~~u:g:;
majo nng in same.
7 ·f'urno s h
J .• fumosh a transcript of
credi ls
So a pplicat ion ~h a ll bt
majo r poinll 1\a..-e breo
lui loU~
All a pphnllon s must he
nom piH~ in full. signed, and
rrtu rned to )tr
Ju oo nnako , Apphcatoon
1 •·uuumeuudeneatLmdm&
an atnedoLC'd n ll t&t' or
unwt"niiY 1M tlw l SA ,
2 l " S Colllftl 01' prrmaMnl
ra>Cknt ollhe I.> SA .
l Polot.h clnnont
Proof of
•amt' may hit homot.hed by a
rf'eoJnond l'ohJh Ameronn
nr Janouuon .
' Good andrmoe Nandon& .
5-ll avto
nun1mum of two ot o full yun
.,f ~tudy lradinll to a llllc·
A "Triv ia l"
Campu:s radio st.uion ""'WSP
hasl oiiii'IIIICt'dthecbtefwots
~nuaiTrl\'llnlniHL 11>e.56
hour nurathon will beJin at
600p. m f'rid.o y,A pr 6andrun
Wl! llnUOI.Uily lhrough mo&ught
Wisconsin 'Room
Pre por• f9r tho Groen .Appl• Affoir
loons Available
Th t•
P o ii Jh
)0(-hoiDnh op t'und announcrs
tllat ot ...,u al'.a rd lle~t ral
· rnt"'relo t ~- ·~" Studen t l.cw•n• "
r..... th~ autkm ot yea r 19'73-7~
Applonllon form) mD)' be
U. A. B. Cin Theater Presents
film Fre...s, l>hototrophy lufb, Art Poop'-, t.h
note; On Apr il 7 I. 8 the.-. will boo $hlldent ort
Sunday. Apr I
rirstprl ze thisyea roncludes
a tra•·tlli ngtrophy •ndan.asy ~t
undetermined . number of
rl'COf'd a lbu.m s. Albums ..-,u
Tnvia quntions de~l \\llh
facu abo ut various r n·
tltt'lainment m~a lnc:ludinJ
radio, tt'levision, comia. folml
and pop m.aic
Any- can mttr th-to o:on·
test - lludmh,
fac ulty , staff . grandmothers
a od&rnt -untlet - and tntry
un takt' pill« at any t ime
dunng tile contest
can be ind ividual s , !Umt,
wonJs. fr11tenlt les . tlubs .
business 1-fOI/piGr aln'I0$1 any
Durin& Uw COine of thr
coniHI. QUHiioru will M asked
ovn-theair andeontntllnll•·ill
on lhearuwer.
Any quntl on1 •bout thb
!:!:;.0~:: ~:"~~:,,:;,~ ~~ot:'."'r..hl.n!.O:J::·D~:.;
U.C.. ond the U.A.I. Oftlee.
THE GlfEH A,L£ AFFA1l will c-1/st of
D,.mo, Donee, ond M•"le Groo.ip1, Art hhlbitiOfl l
~t'L!4'1;:dnd,.~~o o~.tflo
All S,.Onsored by U.A.I.
>ear 't contestmayMdirect~
to WWSP Ration mllll&tr Tim
[lonovan <1r program director .
Andy Sel1011
FREE: all the dope )Q.I'I
need fer a Euq:le 1r1p.
Ma rch
16 ,
19 7 3
"The student group that now controls
the pape r has a very narrow view ..."
Wounded Knee Continued Cont.
c.·onl. from pagt.• :t
and bother people living
nearby." He pointed out Garcia
is chairman or the Galiup Inter·
Agency Alcoho l ism Coor·
dinating Commitlee and this
cont. from p. s
jOUrnalism, I think you would
the various posilions on the stall
fmd a commonality among
but that he be able to evaluate
them, lhat being there is a
s tall suggestions lor internal
preoccupation with the truth.
reform . Reviewing all material
You have fo tell the people like
lor libel or untruth is a major
it is. They may not be happy to
task or the editor.
r it , you may not be popular
Rutkowski pointed to the
because you dare to tell them
se lling
lhe truth. You are serving the
l'llitorial policy : " This is a n
public: you have to decide what
area in which there is a lot or
is going- to go into your
misunderstanding. I see it as
ws pape r accordingly .
my job to take a look at all ol
would suggest that in the last
the material submilted and
decide. on the basis or the public
do that. We have tried to tell the
good, not vested interes t or
truth and we have not become a
priva te caprice, what would be
house organ for anyone."
best to publish in the paper."
What goes into the newspaper
Is the Pointer a free press?
has been controversial in recent
Hutkowski explained that as a
years, th is year included; Dan
institution, the
Houl ihan renected on this. "I
newspaper has more freedom
think that it is a good thing that
than the commercial press,
students a re creating more ol
the material themsel ves," said - >~hich he said is under constant
pressure from vested int.erests.
llpulihan , but added, " The
student group that now controls . " It has been born out, and it is
true, thai there is a tendency to
lhe paper has a very narrow
become more responsible to
vie"' or st udent newspapers in
your advertisers,'' Rutkowski
my opinion ."
llut Houlihan
stated. Houliha n concurred in
noted, " I would still rather have
this thinking, stating that the
that than have the paper
student press can cover stories
become an arm of the ad·
would be ignored by the
mlnistration or an arm oC the
t•.' ommercial press. He further
Commun ications Department
noted, " No fatter how
because then, all It would do is
powerful or ho monied, the
present somt.• othe•· narrow
advertiser is only one con,·iew. I would rather have a
stituent. He should be heard but
narrow student \•iew than a
heard as one, and often he isn't.
narrow administration \'iew. ''
1 think what happens is that
To clarify th e l' olnler
uncon s cious ly the publisher.
position on the natur-.. and
whose social class very oflen
!unction of a newspaper,
represents the social class of
Hulko wski s tated :
I he wealthy people in the lawn,
newspa per is , by its \'Cry
whether II is Milwaukee or
nature, an organ or ideas. More
Stevens Point ; if he didn '! a t the
s pecifica ll y , a newspaper
beginning, al the end thin ks the
communicates ideas wilhln the
sa m<' as tHey do and tends to
lramcwork of Ihe print media.
threat editorial material ·and
It s function
ulher mat erial as they do·."
Ne~· spapers
responsibi lities.
were established and derive
their power from the public ; it
is a public institu tion .
~ews papers have set up canons
or journalism. codes or ethics
thai they follow in their
publica tions. Although there
may be different canons ol
Uoulihan described the job of
Pointer editor as ''the most
di ffic ult studen t job on cam·
pus." In light of this Rutkowski
was asked what advice he would
t;ive his successor. " It is important to read." he explained.
" I think that if you do not have
Academ ic Calendar
When the current academic calendar concept-earlier start.
completion of first semester prior to Christmas, long between·
senocster l>r1!ak, and e.uly completion of second semester-was
approved l>y the Board ol Regents, it was on a two-year ex·
perimental basis. The Academic Affairs CommiUee of !be Faculty
Senate will review the calendar soon. for recommendations to the
In order that we may more accurately reflect upon the opinions
ol both faculty and students, we are asking for student response as
indicated below. Please clip-<>r make a copy-<lf the form below
and deposit either in the box provided al the Information Desk of
the University Center or send to R. Baruch, 8 ·110, Fine Arts
t. Which calendar concept do you prefer? Would you prefer to:
retain the current calendar _ _ __
return to the former calendar _ _ __
2. How does the current calendar differ from the former
calendar in terms of Aca demic impact upon your classes, grad...
maximal di!Cerence, for the better <current calendar >- - maximal di!Cerence, for the worse <current calendar>- -minimal diflerence - - -no opinion - - 3. llow does the current calendar di!Cer from the former
calendar in terms of t otal impact upon your time:
maximal diiCerence, for the better <current calendar>- - maximal difference, for the worse (current calendar>- - minima l difference . - - no opinion - - -4. Class vear : Fr : Soph ; Jr; Sr; Spec.
s. College: U.S ; FA ; COPS; NR
6 Please auach some reasons for your choices above. or com·
menls on the calendar.
Submlued by
Uobt-rl lla ruch
was a blatant connict of interest.
About 2000 people marched
from the Kiva cl ub to a mortuary March 3 lo protest the
death or Casuse. Other causes
of protes t by the Navajo
population include the annual
Ind ian tribal ceremony, from
Aug . 9·12 which Native
...:. Americans are "coerced" to
·...,;;: perform lor tourists. "These
'I ar e done out of season and out of
. •-lllilii·----·--•
your ideas fornoulated before
you take the job !bat you are
going to have a lol or dilficulty
fo rmulating them aflerwards.
It is most importalnt to have a
stall ; without a staff there is not
a newspaper and without a stall
there isn' t even an editor.
That's one ol the th ings that I
have been blessed with is a staff
thai is competent.
" I would think that anyone
who wanted to take the job," he
continued, " would think lirst
about what he wants to do ,
would have read something
about it and generally is willing
lo work rather hard ."
con text. with people clapping,
bands playing and things like
!be · Ki va club
that." ' said
member. "The people who run
this are mainly businessmen
who don 't treat the people well.
They have customer-merchant
Another th ing is there is only
one Navajo-speaking policeman
in Gallup. How can Anglo or
Spanish-speaking police explain
rights to the Navajo people who
are arrested? And the docirs of
the courts are always locked
when our people are on trial
This is aROinst the law but the
people don't know tha t. When
they come to the court and ~
the door locked, tbey just gp
home again."
Larry Emerson, a native
American who attended the
funeral , sai d :
" It was
something that hasn't been
witnessed in 100 years by the
Navajo people. Old people who
didn ' t understand English,
young people who understood
the corruption of Gallup and
middlcaged people in betweenall turned ouL At the fun.e ral
eulogy Emerson- said of young
Casuse : " Larry- like Crazy
Horse. Geronimo and Sitting
Bull- was lighti ng lor a sane
existence in this insane socity.
They were fighting (or land,
trees, their leilow human beings
and to save themselves. Larry
saw drunkards laying in the
streets .
He saw alcohol
corrupti ng people.
He bad
hoped to un ite a reawareness."
Voting di!Ciculties, long waits
in hospitals, high prices and
racist treatment by police were
some o( the other factors
surrounding the kidnapping of
the mayor. - Asked why- the
protests were i ncreas in g
around the country, Bema.rd
OauBon, a MHwaukee member
of AIM said : "We're tired of
being ignored, of being isolated
in small areas and the government telling us what to do.
We're tired of the gpvemment
not listening to us over the past
A Spectacular Shake
For One Week Only
Friday, March 16 - Thurs., March 22
Peppermint Fl~vored Shake
· Friday, Morch 16, 1973
Wisconsin River
Cleanup Debate
Acby ·lona,.·orkshopto.,..OO...
••••rsofelim•natingpollutlon in
tMI'o'is<'onsinRiver,.·ollbll!h rld
p:;~rtteipants u•prrnnting
munin~l. toonty. state a.rw1
ft'dl>r•ltrvrls of go•·rmmml.
Student members of the
l'olit lcal Sd<"nce Association
and l::nvonmmental Counci l at
the Unl•·enlly of Wi!l(onslnSI~entPoint "·ill
ontM UW·SPtampwo
J•hnke. presldl'nt of thr
l'e>litical Sci~e AN«'iallon,
and l.yll' Updikf,,.·holeadstht
't'My uidonvltations,.iUbo:o
>ml to all vdlage president$.
ma!"'ri, ('(IUntybo;lrdoffidals.
con gr enmen who rtprtlfnt
~~•• tl'lat ue part of the
W1KONin Rh ·er ~lin . U.S.
S..nators Gaylord Nebnn and
William Pro:.m lrr • nd the
l'nvironmental advise r for
Go•·emor Patrick Lucey also
~~oi llbe askrdtoa llend.
Thfo basin Lndudes l)jlrt.5 of
the 7th . kh . :Jrd. and 2nd
Congrusional D is trict s
rL"prHorntfd by David Obey.
Wtlti arn
ThornliOII and KoMrt l'astm·
rntlet . respecli•·eJy
Pl annens.Ji d disc...sionJ•ull
foc:llllonfedna l legisla!lon!h.at
r allslor ""lerodischarge··or
University ~·11m Society will
sponsor a fllm("OII\tsl on April
:U. tm. All llloaelnterestrd ln
tntering th is ("011\tst should
r'"glster by April 17 with fto&er
bullls. Ofnct 014B Old Main.
pollutanl t into~~o·a t eno·aysby
but !Mn.'U abo be
drbates on a WIKOMin Ri.-er
lll.. tont lonpl""(lposaloflerrdby
l'rofessorGfOI"gell«ktro f lh<.!
UW...SI' biology dep.;~ rtrnent .
ll«keruysh11ldea for a
pollutant s
receiving favo r a ble reviews
lum from n.pu~able sou.....,.
Aprli:Uat7:00 p.m. ln01d Maln
AuditoriLLrn . This cunta t is
Prlxa are :
pumped~tft'&m lo itJIIOLirca
uf11rl1inatiun .
upected to joi n in !he
dixus.slons seulons. the evmt
terestedinhearlncthtdebiltes .
n~ntttt isopmto IS andlmrn.
film .
Tickets lor the contest are
f!"ff lo ~'ilm Society rnembtn,
I.:I:S for student nonmemben
and 1.50tononstudmta.
~~o· ithn.all:stieoutlookstMt! he
f0flf'"J)Chn"'crrdit abi1ity"'.
The lr ..atment plant.!l ~~o·ould
be locatrd. In ma.t l)jlrts. at
aboullOmi le intervalsl nareas
~~o· here mOIJtol the pollution is
ori1in1tin1. Re-<-ydrd water
from each pJ.nt ~~oould be
~s:E V~~~ :~~NT
Ita lfa:zal
There ~~o·m be a rneetina: ot
Unitd f".,m Worke r I UP·
portt'I"$IO dettrmlne a cuunt ot
ac llcm c-ontttnlna the Gulld
Brandyboycott. My~
rneetln& in the Mitchell Room at
7:30on Monday. March 19th in
•he Univenlly Center
the act that backed "(actus"
Thursday, March 22
WERE 5.25 .
. NOW 3.69
WERE 2.49 .
. NOW 1.89
WERE 3.20 ...... .. .... NOW 1.60
Admission: only $1.00
701 CLUB
SecZ~J St.
for W.mder by Wonder
Convenience ...
W• hon ntabliahH anotiMr TeJ.phoM
PayrMnt Agency in Strtena Paint on your
CGmpue; crt:
Emmons Univ•nity- StoN lrill occept all telephoN bi'llt paid
in penon duri"t ,.,ulor buaiMU hours. Ottt.r loc:otioM for
poyrMnt of "l•phoM bills oN: First Noticuwll lonk. 1245
Main St.; Holt Drut Co., Sunset IIYd., Park RM19a; Keller-man Phormacy, 3432 Church oM the lonk of Plover, in
U.S. Choice, Juicy
Top Sirloin
Criap, Gord•n-FNih
Toned Soled
Te•o• Toost
7 P.M. - 11 P.M.
of Stevena Paint
DinMr ,...,.otiona - 341-1340
Friday, March 16, 1973
True Stories And Other Dreams
You all remember the Smorgasbord at
the Pizza Hut, rightl Well U's back
A new deal and · new times. 'All
the aispy salad and pizza you can
stuff yourself wilb, for $1.55 .
Tract on oYer any lues. or Wed. from
12 p.m.-2 p.m. Great for a case of the
m111chies, 'cause lbe food's ready w11en
you are. Don't forget Family
Might Tues., 5 pm-10 pm. Any
small one ingredient piua
for $1.15.
Judy Collins .
Record Review
llut moot of all it is me that has
Ane yet I'm sWI the same
That's me at the weddings
That's me at the graves
Dresaed like the people who
once looked grown-up and brave
I look in the mirror•
Through the eyes of the child
that was me ...
Judy Collins
. "Secret Garden"
Judy Collins has emerged as a
writer. She has long been known
a~ a sensitive and perceptive
interpreter ol other composers'
music, and now, with her new
album, True Stories ond Other
Urums, Judy brlnRS these
talents to five of her own songs.
It is only recently that Judy
has turned to writing and it did
not come easily. Every day she:
sat at the typewriter and piano
trying to captilre the magic of
thoughts and feelings. The fine
result is that in the past year,
Judy has written more songs
than in the previous six years.
"Ultimately, the real essence of
what it's about is to clear the
creative channels tO' gain access
to your own individuality ...The
same impulse is leading me now
with writing that led me with
music since childhood. I hope
that I can make people see
something they otherwiae might
have missed."
True Slorles aad Other
Urums has captured the wide
range of Judy's musical ability
and expressive nature. "Secret
Garden of the Heart" gently
reminisces through Judy's
childhood and the secret
memories that linger long after
one has . "grown up" . "The
Hostage ," told from the
viewpoint of a guard being held
in Attica prison, is a powerful
indictment of the extreme use of
violence. Judy sweeps lovingly
into " Holly Ann" about her
younger sister, Hoily, and the
quiet joys of country living.
" Che", whlch took five years to
write was well woth waiting for.
An epic song, it describes Che
Guevara ' s death and his
message to the people :
"Continue with your work,
continue with your talk ...
There is no one who can show
you the road you should. be on.
They only teil you they can
show you
And then tomorrow they are
gone ...
Continue with your work ... "
This is the message Judy
Collins leaves us with.
Side One
Cook With Honey.-SoBegins the
Task, Fisherman Soog, the
Dealer mown and Losi n'),
Secret Gardens
Side Two
Holly Ann, The Hostage, Soog
For Martin, Che
Delta Sigma Phi
The Della Slgs had a busy
week last week. Thursday the
Delta Sigs and the Delta Zeta ·
sc>rority had a pledge exchange
followed in the afternoon by a
telephooe booth cram near the
field bouse. In the evening the
D.Z.'s and the Delta Stgs held a
party at the Delta Sig House.
Saturday the Delta Sigs ~pt
{radilioo and held their a nnual
Greek Orgy party which was a
11 Oc for "ch edded toppl"tl
"They do not love
that do not show their love.··
Stud- lody ..._.........
Po.ltiofts 'How Openint•
Contact: Student
Office UniYenity
Choose Kctpsake
with complete confidence.
because the famous
Keepsake Guarantee
assures a perfect
engagement diamond
of precise cut and
superb color. There is
no finer dia mond ring .
Do JOG __.
for yoar apartmM&
or mobile
If 110 eall
Weddings &Portraits
Professional Won
lowest Prices
Rlt"t' from SIOO.SIO,CXl)
T ·M Rre A . H. Pond Cn
Richard Herman
h beglno with a KeepMke Ring. KeepNke-a
perCed eenter dlamci'lld or predoe wt. There t.
no finer diamond ring Cor your love otory.
Diamonds our ·SpeclaHy
968 Main St.
Mobile Home PARK
For information
Married atudents:
Lots are aYailable.
Now $29 a month.
(all 3«-6908
~: ,:c::·~"-. ~~=!:'~~~.rt":ft~;.:--':~- t;;
ip _ _ _ _
Friday, Mor ch 16, 1973
Th e atre Review
"A Delicate Balance"
~:d10:1rd Al~'s \ l,..lit'~t•
Thr:~tn.\13r HO l.llri'C:tt'd br
lllarltr:\rbon. thorxtoonolthr
1~:1> r:~ k n pi:Kr on a pr~ru
d3) suburb;an homr 11M,> homr
rho.'lrtlos.te~rdriint'd ~· thco
t"'"'POr amund rhrm :md riley
don 't lrkco rt
Cborco . Agnn·
.okhoht ~~~,..,. . l,.·rs 10oth tMm
Julia. tMord3UKhtrl'.lsmowi nJ
homco :~ftrl' MT fourth mnn.ooar
h3)brolt1Pnup;~ndlla rryand
~:w. rM bHt tnrnrk of rM
f:~moly . In monng on b«aUH
lta\lnl all thr o:omplcolotin
;.ndmuchof :Mcholr;octrrofa
~ood T\' so:. p Opc'r:l. thr play
~~on :~nd on
hrrnmo·s hUS)' d<'linraHng
col~ prob~m~ on
Mdcor to IIIII'<' thror OIO'rl Onl}
.,, ... r )Oftt''sproblrnlsa rt"in·
trrrrl;~trd anti ono.•
Th,. •ho,. , ,. horh ,.,.~ punc: ·
tll3trdb)· toofrt-qUmtshcMiiii1C
noatthf'I , ,.Uhlrl5t'd"'''lh
!iOIIlt' t'~f<'ll<'nt
u ..
" ''C'I')'flll<'
lllt'ndrdtol(l\'t'IIM-;~udornct" ;~
.,:ood ft'rionjl. of moddlr rl3»
.• rn .... nrr
Thr •mall studoo
rhc-atrt' •~ an o;-~ct'llt"nt pl:~t:to ta
,~,.h:ltanomporlanrpan thr
onthJti-ho,.,•su~ BO!'t'altk
lo~ong room of thr srt. any
monor tr<hnonl dt"htirnc:l~)
\I'OUid br lmmt'do:ltt'l)'notin-d
S..ff«d •• Jolia and SMrb
o·x""llmt ly~ugmmt.IO>rl.narr
Uram~ l>rp.arlm<'nl prod uc:·
Tht' othn rhaurrrn ,. .....
atl<"q iUttrl) ponra)·rd but
rouldn 't onr:~worr up to lhr
"""llln 1at!lnjtjoln00"'1'by
llrrteo;hniral sidcooft hrsho"'
• hl(hllntl . HI drsi&n :and ron·
~ lrucloon,l"OS!Umrs, rtr .t .,·rrl'
~ ~~ ,.ell done
t:.-r rythlnl(
1oon.1 on the- Jmkrns
as rotu.ahltK' •• thr m;ojor
prodoct ioru•. Any thot.ight l that
tht'lt'ltudtntproduced sho\1'1
do,notqualltato vr lyme;osure up
to th e prod uc:tlon1 in lht'
Jc:nkrl'lll Tht'atr<' a r~ faiS<'.
Summer Camp T.A . Positio ns Ava i lable
The natural rrsourc:es
dtp:.rtmrnt lwf-r rf'PCII't.l th.lot
propt .... rr•tollllft<lo:dlufo\I TA
Unl)' tO\O of thr I!
poso!MlOISI\ai' O'~IiiiN Ttw
~ibdll)' thatS<"~atfuU·Um~
poo~-~toons\lollalsobt";o•• ;ool;oblc­
~:h&obtlll) for- .,-or-k-$1Ud)' rs a
l nt<'rU!t'd
Saum:~n. of the
nat ur al
rt'lourcu faculty, Ult'n1lon
•121. for furlllrr onform:111on
nw ~rtmmt abo rm~ondl:
1101tural rftOWrn majon ol Is
'"'Pl't:ltl\'t tne,· c:omplrtt" thr
, ummt't tam p rt'qui r~mrn t
)'t'ar Manyc:oune li$1 111 m·
mH c:amp u a ~rtquosue for
mml ltnt'llt
Priority as to
rhot«ollftlli- " ·'Jibr basl'd
oo" ! Soploom«e.andtnnsfer
riili ---- ___ ,
Il l
!ludtllls\l' hoh.l~o:omplc:tfd3
of t h~ S su mm <'r nm p
rl'qUiremt"nts l pr ... rt"qUisitttl .
2 C . P .A ; J . "'fillt'fl prOOf of
<'m ployment whic:h rrqul r tt
att~nd;once at a partin.olar
Sft.Sion ldur liar. %3 1; •
put orr attrndina: for variood
rr:~aoM ,.-ho woll tor &unantr«t
rnrolllflt'flt but not: dookr of
collt-r;e fiiCU rtie!t
th e naUon.
We need re!!po~b&e,
rnoouru ful pentens to
eonduct m&n;eUn,;
loeaJ eampu.~. llnd
hdp with our tn.veUn~t:
book dlllpla)'s when
they 1n1 In you r
commu nity. Position
may lead to m.a~
m e nt tHpoll!'llbiiiUm
and summer Jol». anol
may be e\-'en a earMr.
Apply for thl3 pM!Uon.
Srnd resume ( ln ehMlln~;
thr- faculty
l'l!feftneflll ) to :
John Graham. ColWKe
~9'8~b GS~P·
Reltdlrr,::. Ma-. 01867
All ~~!:.rtunlty
by the National Society of Film Critics
Stanley KautfmaM. IIEW IEI'fiUC
JoeMOfganstem. IEWS'Iftll'
AndrewSarris. VllWEVOICf
I~!III'IG S itt
RichardSchickei. Uff
Plus - FLASH GORDON Chapter S
Classified Ads
O\'t r ISO pubiWI-,
m.atketln,; boob to
HolisAlpert. 1A11WrlmEW
Howanl Chnnan, ntE IIATJIII
s ~AA~)) 'n ~~"
i3 .S9
933 CL.tl.RKl
8-14-9M1 o r
Group.lne_ works vt1th
. :.\.'
~;o~y~~~ !~~NT
Schwinn " Varsity"
10-tp.. d $55
Coli 341-1410
Fo r s.le: Oraa,;e 1911
Sportltter XLCH.
900oe'a. N ew .-Jnt and
tuM! up. W lndsblekl
eruh bar and nttaA.
Need the euh. 344-8582.
f'or Salt'l: Nature
For SUe : Ftoor lt-n,;th
Jtr..jl;ft'en alee1o·eleM
clftM (Empir-e W11-lat).
She 1... ''Sprt.na'" fte\-·rr wom S IO.
Call leanJe S.fl -%708.
AnUque and u.wd pas.
Repaired a.nd t8tored..
Yocar ,;un may be
valuable. Our low nr.tes
may tJUr-prliO you.
Call !41-6003
James M. Selp,
12 y~ uperlenee.
ME.."'i - WOKI;N
Work on a ah.lp
ne n
•wnmer !
Ell:ll<'.llt-at pay.
wortd·"idoe tn.n .L
t'ufect aummu job or
WanW biey·c:~ for
tMi r a nnual SprlnJ:
o,·erhaulln~~:. Sprdalty.
r:al'ftr. Send $2. 00 fot
I ~S I %~.
Box %049-JP.
Coli 341 -5136
P o rt Anr;du-, Wa. 98362
Jn fonnaUon S EA•' A.X
TO . . .
de lights, stuffed onimolt, miniature
EoUer no.,elties
'Gt our old fashioned IOdo
, •. buy some . incenH, scented candles,
unusually 1cented soopt
, •. brown through our un ique ttoN of
the timely, the diffuent, in gift
• . . stop
Do..-fttown Mel!• •t
AM· FM ater-eo ~ lnr
( 18 w/ e hanne l R.M.S.)
with. 8-tr&l'..k recorde r .
IJAt $300, now S2 1:i.
Abo Allied 3 lead
T'Wo M«l ride 0..1
ove r S prl nx break.
hke u1 u far Eu.t u
you jt[O. Call R.bod.y
tape drc:k.
Llst 11 ..0, now SM.
<;z~~~ ~~~'C.'rt ·~~
For Sale: 1970 ~
Kawasaki St.rvnblou.
In llll«lleftt condiUoa.
Also for Mle: wet .WL
en. SOM
U)' clay u:oept
Tbunoclay afte r 5.
l %3 ll amoll,
fot' Sole :
Adding Mochine
Coli 344-8565
Allrl' 5 p.m.
See dbplay In
Learnln~; Raoun:ea
Ceater . Call K~ th for
In formation at S.f l -%4%1 .
, . . buy a g ift for St. Patrick's Day
••• pick up your Russel StoYe r fatter
Must Sell To Pay Bills
• 69 Mustang
• M J eubk lnehs
• VInyl roof
• Ma,; wheel
$ 1300
,,_,.., ""'-"'
Call 8111 3-11-153.5
CaU 341-.5%96 and
uk fo r ScotL
Stereo for sale.
Mutual al{l"'!ftnent on
price. CaJ1 any day
arou nd 6:SO and
ask for Unda.
S-11 ·2988
Modern TowMOUM
apartnw.nt for ~"rnL
% Mdroom!l, bath and •
half, full private buemenL Reaao"'ble re nL
l..oeated on IIOUtheaU
aMie of Steven• Point.
Cal l •fter .. p.m.,
AvaJ1a.ble May or l une.
Fnday, March 16. 1~9:_73:____
------campus News/etter- - -- - -, - .F rid a y,
~t. r c h
O~r• :
pr~t ('d
Drama .
8 p .m .. Je nk ins Theatre, F ine Arts
..The Good Soldie r Schwt-ik "
by the de partments of Music and
Sa tu rd ay , Ma r ch 17
Dance T hu t r f' : II p. m., J enk ms T htat~.
t-ine A rts Building
" Motifs··
Su nday, M a r ch 18
S e•·m a n Unlnnl ty P a r lsh : Sa turday4 & 6
p m . Nev.·man Cha pel ; Sunday 10 a.m a t
:-;no.·manChapel a ndi JJ 5a .m and& p.m . at
CloiSt er Cha pel . Weekda y masses Monday
th rough F'nday 11 :45 a .m ., Newma n Chapel
and 5 p m St Stan's Upper Chu rch. Con·
fes.s10n.s. Wt'dr.esday -4 p m . Nev.·ma n Chap('!.
Lutht"un Studt'n t Comm unity:
""llh E udum.s t, Saturday 6 p.m and Sundn y
t0: 30 a m ., Pca tt Ca mpus Cl"fltcr. This
week's «-lebratton wtll lnclude a mulli-media
C!Xploratlon on the theme, " To be a d tsc:i ple IS
to be a do"" n " We were gomg to san• thts
one fOI" Apnlt. but .scn ·tces will not be held on
tha t d:ty . so "" l' bring tt lo yo u no w ~
St. Paul'• U nit~ :U t"thoclls t C.' hurc h: 600
Wtsht rc Bl\·d Sunday Worstup One servtce
onl)' at 1011 m X o bus ptck up. If yo u need a
ndl· c.1JI JH -355;' or JH -6936.
... nm r Mto mo r l.a l l' r t"S b)'t t r l.l n t ' hurc h :
JJOO ~l am St Sunda y Worship 9· 15 and 10 -45
f hurc h of the l nlt'f'nuiOit t Epi• copall :
UJ ;' Church Sl. Sunda y mass 911.11\ a nd 5. 15
p m
F n dny mass 5:15 p.m tS 35 s upper
;.~ft~ Fr1d.1)' Mass i
t•i2nlll rlum Strieo :
3 p 111 , Sctence
BUIId mg " Galaxtes and the Umverse:·
Hpr ra : 8 p m . J l'nkms Thea tre , t-'1ne Ar ts
Uu!ld mg " T he Good Sold•~ Sch.,. etk ··
\l ood.a ' . \ larch It
to:nglis h
Ur pa rllnton l F il m :
0 H
Law renl't''s "The Hm·kmg llorSl' Wmner ..
s 00 p m \25 Classroom Cen tt-r Free
\\ omrn '•
ln tnl m ura ls :
i"t('idhouse Open facthlt~ fOI" a ll "" omen m
~\mnast1CS, swim mlllg. racque t b.l ll tou r ·
~:;,':.S"'~r~~: ~~~~~:. :~s~~ ~~~~~~o~:~~P
1\.idmmton tou r naments ,.,,u bcKm
lh nc.- Ttwoatr ~ : a p m .. J enkins Theatre.
t-'l nt" A rts Building " Mottfs."
\\'WS P -F M S pecia l of thr WH k : 8 p.m
John K W1tm01"e . ""'ho !S tht• assoct ate
professor of hlslory 011 thr Uni \'CtSity of
~lich1g.1n . was m Hanoi thr "''l'ek the
l't·ascft re a..:n-c ment v.•as rea ched and h(' w1 1l
jtl\' l' a rt-port entitled " In lla no1 at Ceasefirt'
Tune "
Tu n day, :'tbrch to
Unh•erahy Fllp1 Society : 7 a nd 9: 15 p.m ,
AudiloC"i um , Ma in Bu ilding. " Red Dese rt." '
di rected by ~tic helange l o Antoruoni
Cla n In Chrl•tlan Trach lnJI:' U.ulhrr•n l :
7:30 p.m ., Pe.1ce Ca mpus Center
Open : 8 p.m . J e nk ins Theatr e. F me Ar ts
Bu1ldmg " The Good Sold ier Schweik "
Prt' · ~brrla gr Srmlnar :
a p.m .. Peace
Ca mpus Center Ttus t"\'erung v.·lll conclude
the second pre-ma rriage sem inar for th is
semeste r . The final pre-marr iage se nlina r
""'Ill be held on Saturda)', April 7. Peace
Campus Center
Wedne• d.ay . March :!1
Turni ng P<Mn t '13 :
7 ·JO p.m .,
Campus . Part II in a series or Ecumenical
Lente n Sef\' IC'e5 sponsored b ) ' the Unu·ers1ty
Chnsha n Mo\'ement . Th1s week's ser\'tce
will ce nter a r ound a slid l' presenta tion o f
·'Please Touch. '' All C'\'ents will ta ke place at
Peace Cam pus. on the corner of Maria Dr
and \'mcen t St
Wildllfr Soci~ t y Sr.,.·• lrttu : The U.W S.P .
Stud l'nt Chapt l'r of the Wildlife Society will
hold a nwc tmg Wednesd.3y , ~l arch 21 , 1973, at
7 p m m the Wnght Lounge. An in\'itation LS
extendl-d to a ll Game Managemm t and Fish
~ l anagemen t maJOrs a.s well as othe r interes ted IX'rsons to attl'fld.
Dan <'r Thut r .- : 8 p.m., Jt.'flk ms T hea tre,
r tne Arts Butld u\g " Molils ..
Th u nda, . ) la r c h l2
M !7~.. r~~~:f~~~lnt"m~_: P~~~ ~~di ~~~~~:
~:~ ~nd "t;::.~. St'rl~:
~~~;~~~~s~3 ~:~~:::~~~-F'in~ Arts
o,m ..
Bud di!_l&.
Bu~d~';;: ~-~-;; G~ ~~~·~~~r:!~e Arts
Sunlb} . :'t1arch !!>
S:~~~~~ ~;!:;~~~.:ir :~-"~~c~~~~~~~~~,~~~~;:~~ ~·)~~:~S:~ni; Ja0 ~o~~;~~
UW..SP ·' 'E WS
l.:t'M ~tud rn t ('om milLer :\l re t• : April 3,
3·30 p m . Peace Cam pus C~ter
LR(' Spr ing V • c •tltw~ ll ou n : The houri
that thr LRC ""'Ill lK.> open dunng the 1973
s prmJ( '' aca~ion art" as follo v.'l'l :
Sa turday . Ma rch 24 -9 a .m . to 12 Noon.
Sunday . March 2:5 - Closed
~l ond3) , Ma rch 26 · 1-'rtda y. Ma rch 30 · I a m
to ~ p.nl
Saturda y, Ma rch 31 · Closed .
Sunda y, April ! -6 p m . to !0:30p.m
After !lours · 10·30 p.m _ to I a .m .
(Home of Portesi's Fine
Italian 'Food)
On the 'Lowrey Organ
Every Friday, Saturday
and Sunday Evening.
Every Friday & Saturday
.. . ,...
mon •
St. Patrick's Doy ;. he,.
Clou r, Shamrock•,
relltious wor,
out o•d weo•
Whe n le prec houn wit Is oiW"Oys kH n.
t he m .. IY..
Don' t le t t he lrb h celebrate
W here all tall borte nde n a ,. reaUy two e lut .
So come
Ua" ·k
1. P. G. Meeting
Wed., Mar. 21 , 8 pm
On th o Square
Nicolet Ma rqu ette
Room, Unin rsity C e n ter
All int e rnte d me m be n
of t he Comput ore inYit ed, W e will be d it -
•• ••n
;;::i:~f'Z:.h ~::.:~~~
Much YOluftte e r help
will be needed . So c om e
ond find out obout t he
orp niaot ion and it ' t
UW -SP Zero
Population Growth
, . . . . . . . . . . OliA.IMM
err cJone up ';"' the !•test
L• ce-up styles anap.e• and co lors And hke the
new te•n• And pan11 you wear tnem wrth. tneyre
Ulten few
rugged . ca1u 11 and lnc redrDiy com tor laDte
One more tnrng
when you Ire one o n woth lhom M eAn,
you WOfl I r~ret rl rn tn.e mornrng The onl y tnong JIOOUI
Jean rats tn•• m.gnt m• lo.e you a tru te hghtl'le•Ciaod os tne pr~<:e
N ever -
tor ontt
D i ffert~ nt
on your lfl!l •lld
M o lle $20 - $30 · $40 o
we ek withou t reolly
t rying. Our button1,
bu mper sticke n , e mbrotdere d potchea O rtl
X-rated. 'If you' ll
wear it we hoYe it.
Send $ 1.00 for • mple
o nd deto ilt to: Potc hft,
It, 2, O,eM, Wia.
" Fr .. h A. A "-•r &
Genn-fr•• In Jutt
One H~M~r"
hour ..en1oe.
Week ly Speciola
66c ea.
Prese nt Coupon with incoming orde r. Good March
16, 17, 19.
Moll'l ot Water
()peR O.lty 7 . .... - 6 p.m .
:U7 DM akNI St.
f rfdeys 7 • .rn .-1 p.M .
Super Star Tournament-Phase Two
lt)· Tim,..ltiun
Thr Put ··s u!K't Sur
lloel:athlon Toumammt"' ,.-;u ~
llniq~ronc:~to tlw,.orldol
•port Thr 1de11 bolsorall)' " ';>I
ltOOd . matchln& ,.rJI-kno,.·n
>ports Sian tn a thletiC: firklf;
othn"thanlhoriro•••n llo,.r-·e-r.
tllco tounuommt,.·.unot atrur
tl'st of •ndt•·id llal athlrtk
) Uprrmary ,
For tllilance , 50mt of 1M
r vrnts
a rot
s uspect
unfair Bob
SU (lrtn
u tegory bt"Cau st hr knew
abtlu t
t«hmques. Ca n one actua lly
uy that SeallfM is strtw1Jtr
tl'lall.loe rrn~n~
A r~or tiM! e•·ml$ dralt
>troctl)· ..~th track and field.
Friday, Moren 16. 1973
h«au~ a few of the ~r­
traekinye;~r J
,.·:~• IM selrctoon cl
p;lri1Cip:ln\J l.IL0..1Skno-"a~to
tiM'srlrcuon~. Werttht
.• clt'Cted atrandom •
Ob>·iot.lsl) . tll~ ~:uon bthuld
thttournry ..·as tora~Rm(ln<')·
fun llo•·nH . tht
U"f&IN\ors wrnt about it the
'"' '"Onl""a)· Thf' sportssel«ted
did not tn.li)" ~nsent the
at hlrtk incl ln01 t ions of th ..
.,,•.,ugt sporufan Thefanwu
not offrred mud! to identify
h1mM"If or htnelf " "Uh
If - is to cktennu,.. tllf' bnt
;~lh letemthcountrytoday.one
mus t bqin by having Lht
playrrs rompetr in rvery -day
tpons Pro sports are ni«. but
how many tlmn don lht
a.-tragr sporu fan play fOOl ·
can in bet" ·een the box1ng
~t fS?
Th tlruthofthtma ttt-r .., lht
Super Star 1ports catrt~orlH
......... insWflclmt. The Idea ol
ulr.no ..·tedaed prolruional
lf anothu
tournamrnt tJ \o be Ofllnl~ed.
]ll.'rlorming in thf IIC'XI mini·
Tr"trk · Uict ~"OIIM.U)'
Golf · Cll• On f!Qdn&lRl or
Krn "' llawlr. "' llnrtbon
8oxin11 . Muhammed Ali
t'ootb.lll - Tim M06stwich or
83Ht..U · :.IM0rlbo'"'~lr.ior '
J •mm)" Pien:all
Basketball - J im Harnett
.Golden Sta te r
lloclr.ey - DnikS..ndtn.on
&"·ling · Ca rm rnS.. I•'ino
Tennis · Ke n ltosewaU .
Therulesandt<'llulations of
tM ntxt tournt)' a re •·rry
si mple f,;aeh ploytr mu~l
C11111prle •n rvrry Ull'£1K"J'.
1\'inntf" tlktsall. and llo..·ard
COHIIsould be on handlotape
th e
representa tivt catrt~orin a~
asfollowt ·
I I MOSOP01.\' · Each playnplay l a puc!lce round to
deter mlllt' llanditap. If gl•·rn
pb)"tr is dtflnlteundtrdoJ,said
playu mt:sl be awH ded
l'layermusc eaml'arlr.PI~Dn
hrs o"·n. If t"·o players·~
l'qUrt ll yi.UKierdogt.bothdraw
" ·a tlr.and"lloKtiJ<"OIItrolofaU
21110RSESHOES · Opent.oall
parl ic:i paniJ uet!U tx ·Colll
~ nd Sterlers. Gamn ""ill be
,, TIDDl.\'-WI NKS · Must be
stt«l. Winks m~ va~ in .tzt
and contain ~mblem of Ebbeu
F ield. All winks mu.st be ilhot
" ·ith opposltehancl.
rvrntamutlbehelda\Sold.itr "t
t' i., ld . wit h l~tua l Chln go
~andoingii'M'holdlnl undtf"
Sl cm::ss · Lonllon is optlona l, butmu.stbewltnessedby
aq ua lifled olfle il l. ll oltla ,
r------_S~ttump The Sports Stars'- - - - - - - - ,
aad " hut l'a rloO<I
Ca rl
l. anda••kl
'""Ph•n•or~ l :
" What tum~
.. m~thdh·l•lon •lnn trsln
~~:t;~:~~::.. ~~ a)or
""llil~ lht :'l:ational League l::ut
will be "·on by til~ M ont r~al
~xpos .
The ~lilwaukte
should take the
,\mtriunl.eaJutWnt. andthe
Tuu R.angHS should slip by
lloi.tontouinlhcA 1.. Eust. S.n
u Stnnchamp.
Grr-J P~ n ,. lkl t ~tn lorl :
"" hlttutftlunl "kurk l ' oonort..
th• otarol tbold · · IUnrmun··
ltlnldon •trln. DtiCt pla)·Pd
pr• Uorba u ~· ·
.. olntt r :
played wuh thr Oodgtrs for a
V.h llt wt"rt DR tht sub.lf<:t ,
golfer Raymond floyd"wked
out " "'th tht Otkago CUb&. u
didOU rley PJ"idt. thtroo&ntr)"
and ..·esternllin ger
Ralph ~' lohrr C~J: "1\" houag
Cht ~atlonal ,\ n t hem for a ll o1
Chr lbrh' homt fiOmes ~··
Polot•r: ••JJmNa~ .o l iaa
Gomer Pylr, had tht honors.
~nd he w•• probRbly tht main
reason for the Ramt" lou.sy
CbudtKIILtatjualoo : "'1\"ho
:.~~!~~~:~~~~·fl•ll J llot
Pointer : BiUSha rmin oftht
8ostonCellica. Dluinga aamr
in tht early 1960"1. BCIIJion 's
b;tsk~tond handtditt.o~r·
m in.SIIarminth~a fuli-Lmgth
paat to Bill Russell. but til<' pus
a lillie b(t high and wrnl
ll"lroughtht~ket ins tead .
Other famous tuptr long
shots in pro butr.etball ..,·ere
mad<' by Jerry West of ll"le
And Each Apartment has:
• 2 Bedrooms - 2 Balhs
• 3 color Schemes to choose from
• Dishwasller, Dispowl, Air Conditioning
• Ufillties are paid by Ownen
• Heated Swimming Pool
• Fully Fumislled including 4 Desks
• Security lock System with
Voice Intercom
• laundry Rooms and Ping-Pong Tables
• Very (lose to Campus
Reduced Summer Rates
301 N. Michigan - 341 --1120
Kodd 0pet1 -
Let Ua Sh- You Arollnd
l.aUn and Guy Rod&en ol 1M
:.lilwaulr.rt Buclr.s.
Moll ,
WiKomtin fan~u· UI rtmtmbfto
Beloll"l l.:1mon t \\'u ver "s
!Ju.nnbomllaf""'y... nagoln
~~"n, ~~:.te high uhool tour ·
Jaclt t.Mmls tJro•'- 1: " 1\"1110
..-Jn the Stallley Cto p
Playofl11hb yea..,··
Potntrr: OurClloi« wouldbt
the Montr u l Cana dlen l.
lt elpi"K tobringthe titltbac kto
Mon trra l will be Frank and
Pete Mahov lich,Cuy~Poi nte .
Rr.ltan ll oule, Yvan Coumoytr,
JasqUHLemai re, KenDrydan.
Jasques laparriere. and Guy
Tom ~c hrtltt ljurllor l : ",. n ow
ma ny majoc l•a a tn llavt
pl•yr-dinJapu! "
Polattr : "'S..vtral Americartt
hnt found a yen for JapaneH
baKb;t ll .
T"woolthe fi rst
playerstogo " ·e re O..troit's
Sttve Hillr.o and Clllrl go "s
Geor&eAitman. Atlanta"IClttt
Bo ye r
ove r . and
Midnite Madness
Fridoy Noon to
Reduced pricn on
oil used ond
me rchondiH .
ll01ltlmore's Don Buford ldt lor
t... ms
hive played shot"t HriH over
thtrr. lncludlna 1M Otioles,
l lodgtn,a nd Cardinals . ·
On theothrrlland .a t leastonr
play~r from J• p.~on has played
in America . and ,.,.e lhink hit
~lurklyamo. Ht wu a pit~hn­
lor thtS..n Francisco Gi ants .
tillS,....,. A'""'
J ap.~o n al wlluo flntbaseman
named San~hafl Otl. " "ho
avrr•ges about 60 homers a
)"<'It :1nd swi,.s lilr.e Mel Ott
JohaflrotMII t t'rtth m n !:"
Wlla t Is )"Our rtacUon t• tht
llr rw• r·l'h llly trade~"'
l'olntff :
·· w e lhink the
l'hll lles mack a steal . 1lle
but Tokyo, Si ngapor e. a nd
MoJc:ow ore prtl~rrtd sites.
6r POOl. · :.lust be played
anyuhere ln mlllllf'SO\a. First
playt-rto sinkl-ballawomatic
pl..:l)tnm ust usethum"-only.
1l111 Is a tnM' test ol roor·
dina lion.
71 t'REf,; ·TIIM OWS • All
participanta must J)friorm at
the L.A. Fonrm. Bat out of Z.
...ins. J im BariM'I\ or Goldt'll
Stair it ditqua llfled, but W1lt
Ch:lmberl•lnmust shoot In hl l
II BA0)\INTQN • Mutt be
pla)·ed al Candlestk lr. Parlr.
t'lntplayert.osu«I'Ufull y hlt
C• ndltstlek
unava ilable , lfrl gley F ieldm ay
substitut r. pt"Ovldin& therr "la
~trong enou&h wind.
' ' BOWLING · t'int player to
<'011\"erta spl it WiN. II bo"·ler
:!t~fu~t. ~~~ :.!~~~· ~~n
• plic andthenronvtrtit ,lnd lt
hastobeablgone. notatt.by
101 CROQUt.l • Coww must
he designrd around Pt'bble
Rnchsandtrlpi. Notucllthlnl
I I OUI ·Of•bounds. lMJUding
octa nt .
I l l POKER ·Clli ptt mu.st bl' in
Iormor tt.!o7 Mllw•ulr.H llravt
bneballu r dt . '"Stvt n·nr d
llud'"only , wl th no llm lt . Jol ust
be played In LAs v~aas.
\2 1 f'OOS 8 Al.l. · Th lt i1 a
tabl ... llled •·enlon of hockey
One on onr competition on ly,
(;ermany, or W1naw , Poland.
This \s thelyllll'oltoumamr nt
the profrulon~ l•thlftts should
rea ll y indulae ln . Wbotv tr
t mftiC!S IJ tht winner would
winththtart of ti"Jeavrra &e
i::C.' e:u~~r~er,.~~dl~lt~
i'fleriOI'IorMike Ktklch"·nu ld
mall llkr ly be wllllna to
pltdllngtog~l twof't\illies"·ho
never 1errorl1ed the National
l..tllue pitchers.
1\"r natly
prrdict rllht now tha t Don
~lontywillnothlt mortthan20
homers At 1..,1 look . ht llu
alrtady complained about an
ormi nfury.
Stereo Shop
Clark crt Uni0t1
U -.o, - u a t
%2%5 SbDs A vecwe..
(IWf ......
from Campu~, ).
l' :\
. - -=--:-=-~
~.. .~--