Chinese mother to child: "Finish your dinner, my child. People In America are starving." 0 - Anonymous SER IES VII I, VOL 16 UW-STEVENS PO INT , FRI DAY. FEBRU A RY 2. 1973 NO. IS Bablitch Called "Kook" By Colleague State Senator Wi lli a m A. Bablitch last week took some ..·c r ba l barbs from some of his more conserva tive colleagues. Bablitch i nt r oduced a n ame ndment to a reso lution in troduced by Se n. Gordon Ro se lei.P t R -Darli!'glon 1 c:omm e nding Presi dent Nixon lor ending the war. The r eso luti on prai se d Nixon . Jo h nson . a nd o th er s who "endured ,·i lification as m£>n or " 'ar while ea rn('s tly seeki ng a just and las ting settlement. .. B.1bli tch's amendment woul d have added that the Senate was "asha med as Americans a nd human be1n~ s that th e Pr("Sid(.'nt chose In 0£>Cember or 19i2 to order a rain or bombs upon dcf<.'nseless civilian populati ons. hoSp1ta ts and American P .O.W. camos in' North Vietnam a t a rat ~ ~~ ­ preccdented in the history ol man . a nd totall y contrary to all r ecog nized ru l es o f in ter na tional law, moral sta n· da rds. and standards of humane ronduc t •· ll es ponding to the amendment. Sen . J D. Swan <R· Elkhorn ! said that people who talk like tha t arc " kooks" and chick en. " Roseleip said. '' I was never so proud of former Presi dent !larry Truman as when he dropped that a tomic bomb on !he Japanese:· and thought ~ixon should be commended ror (>fldi ng the Vietnam War in a s1milar mann<.'r "Geez, Ignatz. Now what do we do?" . Accommodations For Handicapped Lacking lh n .. n ~l<'tih nn ·u lhc '-''"le;. months mo1 ke daily routines mon· dHf1cult for stud en ts m general. the tliff1cullJcs a rl' l'Crt:& inly L·ompounded Cor handicapped ~t udcnt s . Stud ents who rely on "h('<.'Jch;u rs or oth('r mcrhamcal dev1ces. as well :&s rhose who a re visually handica pped. nught fmd and uncxp<"Ctcd. IC)' mcltn(' m· surmounta ble The l:>oinler recentl y spokl· \\ 1th se\·era l campus offic1a ls m a n ;.1ttempt to leil rn what scrv1ces and accommoda tions I 11'-SP <·an prov ode lor the hondicapped !'t udent ,\ ccordmg to llelrn Godfrey. a n assoc iate dean of s tudents from the Office of Student Aff;urs. there 1s no esta blished segment w1thm the university which deals solely with handaca pped students. " We don' t have any !uti·Oedgcd program per se; it's bee n an 1nd1v1dual kind of assistance... " There aj> pear to have been rew " outreach" efforts by Lhc umvcrsi ty until recenlly . a nd contacts we re pnmaraly made through s tuden t onq uaraes a nd referra ls bY others. Godfrey noted referrals occasionnlly came from prorcssors and deans. and some specia l act:omm odations have been made at the depa rtm en tal level. She spoke or • ··cotJ abo rative e rrort " on the part or a variety of concerned persons, a nd added her in· creased mvolvement came about because. " l' \•e become aware or some or the st udents that have kind or found their way in here ... Though God fre y does not know how ma ny handicapped students a re enrolled here. shl· fee l they rail into one of two braod categories . those who ca n " function normally on their uwn without specia l assistance," and those '-' ho ca nnot She no ted that somc or the· :-- tudcnts may go through a yea r or so w1lhout an\ difficulties. and come lD her att en tion nniy '-'hen a problem arises. "Sometimes the} ·n · here a nd we ha rdly know that they 'n • '"'rProblems, .. of course. may vary as widely as the hand1ca ps mvolved. Laboratory wor k m the ph) :olea I SCiences. acco rd ing to God frey. es ;1 t·ommon problem for usually han · chca~p<"d persons Sh£• sa 1d that m these t·asCs ··.tlterna tl\'t.' t:xpen ences· · could be l-stabllsh(-d as needed . " We 've mvesllgated. on lht• o;; urfal·e. getllnR some or the ('X · ha\'e a nother factor th at 's Introd uc ed ; that 1S, how "·ell the ma intenance starr or each in· dividua l unh•ersit y opc r3tes. 13nd ) that 's ou tside of my territory or opera tion . 1 suspec t too that there a re other sludent s around here that aid these people Hhe handicapped studentsl constantl y." Specht reca lls students who graduated from here when only Old Main cx1sted. " The coo pc r ativ(• program that the st udent s carried out was just excellent. Sometimes I think tha t th e mo re we put in . the Jess " 'c hav(• or that. Now I also a m aware that the handicapped should not be dependent on somebody else ... ln addition to the new buildings und er ('Onstruction. Specht sa id that the Collms Class room Cen ter. the Fine Arts Building. lhc I. RC and the COPS building a re equipped lor handicapped s tudents . The Science Building . he added . has always had a ramp on its south side. though " it isn't designed as well as in so me of the newer buildings ." The physical educa tion com plex ca n be ente red from th{· rear . but Specht th inks there is a t least one a rea lof facult y ofrices l that the student s l'OUid not reach . Recent empha sis, said Specht , ha s cen tered on outdoor imporo\•emcnts. " Of course they don ' t have their choice of a ny building like some or the other studen ts would have. Right now we've been trying to build up the ap-proach a nd the crossings so that they can come into the aca demic area . and thai' s tht• curb si tuation making it possible fo r them to get over ... Asked about additiona l problems caused by construction. he described the contruction as " a handicap for l~vc r yo nc . " He feels future cons truction should be in less conges ted a reas. a nd "!'hould not interfere WJI.h student movemen t around campus as much as it has ... SJ>C<'hl 3dded the widen on g of sidel..·alks ran in to somc opposi tio n. though the ex · pa nslon was made partially to accomrnoda tl· han di ca pped studen ts . Specht rev ('alcd one complamt that IS IIJ · dica tivc or tht· type or problem a hand ica pped .!-. tudent may face . " W(.'"ve had requl-s ts on the pa rt o f sornC' ha ndicapped to h;:,vt• ad di ti onal power. <' ffi(·rgency generato rs fo r pc rime nts and so forth In braille .. but again thiS IS , expense-wise, diHicul' ." For at least one visua o handieappcd student. bicycles presented a problem . The student in qu estion wa s able to move about ca mpus qulle well wi thout the aid of a wh ite ca ne. bul had no way or knowing which way to muvc upon h<.'aring an approaching biC)'clc. The bicyclist. of course. wou ld not realize tha t the student was unab le to see. The city . said Godfrey . recently added "dips 111 the sidewa lk" to elim ina te cur b problems fo r those in wheel chairs. But , she added. " we' ve had some students who' ve gone through here wit hout even that slight accomrncxiation . '' The wmter months. she agrees. present an a ddi tional J)roblern lo hand ica pped studenLc;. " Weat her is a problem for the pa rapleg ic. whether confined to a wheelchair or crut ches. To ge t along on icy or snow-packed wa lks 1s difficult ." Though she cites pa raplegi c a nd vi sually handicapped students who have g radua ted from here. liodlre y suspects that the ha n· dica pped s tudent enrollm ent fluctu a te s normally . " I th ink they 're in a nd out of the mstitution like other studen ts. but I think we ' re more awa rC' or th em now. As the c.; am pus has grown . we have spread out and 1t's a htt.IC' more difhcull for them to get a round '' Acco rdmg to Ca mpus P lanner . Ha ymo nd Specht. handicapped students are ta ken into account "considerably· · from his end. " First u ( a ll. <:t il new buildings fall under new laws a nd indus tnal codes In those ; e,·ery building must have a sloping ramp , must hav e a n elevator •or other mea ns or go ing from floor to floo r ""lt.hout bemg ea rned ' · must have m lh(• bu1ldmg both men·s and women's "ash room and to llc t·roorn fa cilit1CS specia ll y dcs1gncd so that they can accommoda te them We a rc ca rry1ng un a program ri gh t OO'-' of puttmJ( cu rbs m <in a ll a reas where new l'Urbs an• being developed ) with the 3lop1nJ.: SII U:11 1on for wheclch<Jirs.·· Specht IS confid cnl tha t the mcl incs of the ramps on cam pus can· be negotia ted in a Y.hcclcha 1r. hut concC'des thm wmt er con· dillOn of r amps~~ anothe r matter "Then you cont. to p. 3 _, frfdor. ,.._.,... 2. 1973 Tightening The University Belt Port If Probl•m• Of Trimming Th• Budg•t ........ Eng lish Dept. Offers Wri t ing Lab .... ......... IMMdl .. ftiU•tlktl .___.,.a.~ __.~ TMI't . . ...... fll . . a-. cii,!""'•IW.......,..r.t .. """""···..._...,.. ~ w. ...,.,._-.., ••••, ••d ...... ,•.•• "'itlt I CIIIUI, IIIII 111111)1 ""'........., ,_.,. ...... . ........., .................. .....__......,. ..........,. ....................... ...................... _,....._ ,.,.....,. -~.......... .. ............ ~-Cf'IIMIWnrr..- .............. _..INc.,_.._., ... ........................ ................ ·~ n.. ..· ~ l'lllllf. WI... it ,.,_.,. Willi 1M .... INt ... ...,.... . . . . . . . . . . ·· -.. ............... ................ .. --..... _ . ._ .. ~ ::;.:.::;:~.: == ................ .... ~rliMfltllll~'"' ~ ~ N . - - • .,... ••II W ,~~ ~~~_. ~ ....... ~Pft.ll"all· ......................... ............................. ,.... .... ,.._ ........ .,. w• '"•'..,. ...... ........................... ......... ......., ..,trflt., ........ ........ ......_ ...._. _....., .... ,......,,. ,.. ,......................... ... t-'""'"' ......... .,. ~CII~IIIfftliloU•ot• •.,........w,..,....WIIIw .,.tf1~tk•, ttc.,-4• led -....-till)' - . l i l t lllolft . . . . . . . . .,..... ~­ ~ ,__........,~ · - - .. ft.f'lt(.tt"" - · •nUIII No lq u... ern., II•I N.It ,..~ p- Fudoy, Fttwuory 2, 1973 Black Culture Week Schedule ~ .. td: ol febNary 4-10. 1t7S ••nU bt obltn'fd Mrr a.s BLick CUitu~ Wttt. Cultural •-ub ba'·" b«omt tndiUonal al <'Ollqts aftd utUVft'Ntits lbrouabout the nalion. ud Blatt Natlona ol lhot ..wl<l ~adn.& the formtr NtiJ'O Hlst«y \\'f't".k Durtna the •f'f"lr., Bll<b dbpl.ay lhftr Mlf· idmhty. C'Oatrlbulions atld Alro- C'\111\IIfl hfrit•ae T1w Studtat C~Jtl.loa, in 1ta rUorta to erase- mi:K'clft. ~ bdd b)' tbt dom..inat.t aocitt)'. ha.a baMd Ita aim around nvr m.ajot obj«th-u ThtM •~: 1 to bl.aiJd tolkbnty 1n tbrir ~ot~otdl for ickndcy. 2 to fOJttr bdttt ra<"e rtlatiol'ls M c.ampw., to pr'O\'idt a vdt.ldt thrw&h ~o••hk:h lhrlr tl~ may be r•pnsscd to 1M <"'Okp cunmunlty tM M diKU\'e ('1\annel of ('Ommunicatlon bri'IIIHI'I W racu.. 4. to d· f«tivel)' ('Ombat ahrnallon, aftd $ to tnelude Blaek histot)' and C'ulture 1ntoall !ac:fl.t ol thr C'OI'tcurnculum.not .Ju$t • frw s. On St.lnday. t"tb. 4 thtrr ..·lU bt , m01o,t enhtlrd "Sothlng But • Man.. s:tam.r.a Abbey l.IM"'ln, h·a.n Dt•on ~oncl G~ •·osttr ll ••II br shown in tht Wr11t11 t.ou.,.:r of th'f UC a11 pm '",11$ of t.n pr.ace ahd Q:anny, b«omrs polcftaoUJ dlffiC'ult btc'a\M the place ia Alabama today and thl' man wiU not play the up«tt'd Sfl,ro Nile TbC' film is supttbly a('tC!d b)' Inn Dt•on and Abbev Unc;>ln In lht ludins ro ln.. A.nd ll'le fil m hu rrc~lved intern a tional rf'C'OirLllion. Monday, rl'b $, W\ll Black Art Show lind Afro American Arl Calkr. Mtrvw.apolas Tbr BS.C'k o· ptntfiC'\" WID be nprll!U«< lD artiatk from and r-..·o artbls ,..,II be ~" to diSC'USS aome or 1M worts of art It will be held 1n tM W'olJruc- l.ouftcr. UC On lhco samr day Dr Charb Uunl, Prtstdmt ot ~laJC'olm X con~~ in Cblc::aco wm be .a pn.t Spt'I.Ut, tn Old MilO Audnon~;~m at 1 p m ~ H\U"$l has ofUon brta quo«rc1 as Oof'U'II& dedi('att'd rduc'atot. arliC' d)'nami(' and UVWVIbVI' Ht' has ~bo bfoftl caUt'd ('On· lro\· v~atdt. mtb~nt and r~oiutaonuy Or Huna has wn·f!d on tht ¥1'h1te IIOOUH ConltrMCt on dlU<k'rn and \'oull'l Hr b advbor to tht Sat1onal lnst i tutt of Sturolog•cal D1uans and sc ..... Thf tnO\•It. "Sothlr!$ 8u1 a Man" •til abo bt shown iSH from Sunday's K ht'dl.llr I OnT'uoes4ay. •·f'b l . the Hlack N t Sho.,.••·UI aplnbeopen atld Aba&.n.a•••U tw Mid tn tht Blut Room at Dtbot Ctntt't all p m Thfo pc-tHntation sporu««l by UAB ..W futurt 101\P from AInun rootJ sunc by mtmbers of a r,roup from Rhodnia. South Alnca. and the astand ol Tr1nltdad. It .,.,u bt dyl'lamk pnsentallon o f the Afro cultural btt"lt.age. t:Xpreswd tn 101'11 form d~ta1h l rw:lrpc.-ndrnl fllm·malr.rn Mtt'hHI and Robrrl Young ha''" m~odr a dtsunatushl"d and movlnJ dram• ol thl' l)l'nonal ~&rv.ul.e of a Soutbtm B~k and htt .. ,re an • toe~rty bottUe to lhf'm A )'OUI\1 ta•l•ay • &.*'~up a &ood JOb to MUle ~'tl .and malT')' lbt P"f'IChtr's dilu&Jite-r. a tothool tochtr lias tmotional adj\I.'Jlmrnt to tM unlvn-aal, ~f'o<lld pr~c-rns of Nmln& a li""rl$ ud 11Upporl~t18 a fam&ly, On WC'd . ff'b 1, a GutS~ S9eaktt, Or Sal.hiln Wr~&ht will apptar spon.sorrd by Rtsad~ llall CouDC'tl Dr. Wn&tJt is Uw editor of ¥i"hat ftlar;k PoiiUC'lau Art Sa)i•l and 1.1 chairman ol the Orpanmrnt ol Alto-Amrriea.n Studlts and profeuor o r Urbl.n Aff1ln at tht Un.h-.nity \'ork at Albany Hr b a rormrr dercyman aod ~ucutlvr director of lhe DrpartmtRl of Urba n Wed. Epis(' Oioce1~t of ~N'atlr.. Srw JH'M')' Hr Jot1'Vf'd as rhll.rmatt in 1967 and 1961 of the National and In• t~rnational Confenncu on Black Po..-tt ()( s ..... Or Wri&hl holdJ fiv~ unlvtnlty dtttttu. including a blcbdor ot dJVinity from lhe EpU<Gpll lb«>lOli<•l Sd>Gol, Cambridgr. Maaa ar.::l a doclo7ale in education from H~~orvard. llr b a frtqutnt at f'ducatlonal in· stltutions anou the C'OW)tly and IS Uw 11uthor of M'Vtnl \'Oiwnns, among thnn, Bluk Po.-n AIMI 1Jrt.a Uarrsl and Lf't'~ \\Oof'~ T•ctUNr fir is C'd1tor ol ~IY!t Black t:a.u c.on An Sa)i.n' 1nd tn WUt Blad: f'elldclaM a r~t Sl)'lal. Sothan Wn&ht prC'Sil'flts: 1M \roords and .dfou ot tomt ol lht mO't In• nurnual mf'ft and • ·omftl on 1M Bl.adc polltacat So<'f'M today. On lh'f s.amt-d.ay OM' Black Art Sho•· .. ,u <Ultin~~t &nd tMre be a Rap ~ in ••II room 12$ of th• Clau.rwm CmteT On Thurld.Jy. .~rb I, "'lllr 8La<lt Socitty" • roc:\ IJ'OUP ,.,u apptlr tn AUtn Cmtl'r n.e LRC ~·• n• ,....f' ..,......... ..,. ~ Ut<t a .... tca,.... ~ '.. : '" ·, • .v: ::,~:~~~;..v;;;;.~~ Day Care Center 1M B&.c:lt An Show .,.111 be Now Enrolling t'Otltlnutd The fl.lark Stllll""' C.alhlot llappnlq, a S:tyle abow will be htld on Friday, rtt~o. t 1nd W'lll fratu~ BLade students from the unlv~ral1y presentlnc latut fuh•ons from thr Goldu llanatr and Toa:tthn' Shop. Also on f"ricbby C«akl Vance •'lli• oa "Education ol the ~linorilits.. at 12:U to tbt Education Dtpartmtnt &Del at 1:4$ In room 12$ ol tbe ClaUI"«<m Center Mr Vara tn liM was lbt Clrll Blick .,adtatr of w•.sp tee 1.s princ:1pal ot th'f 21st achool Gt MUwauktt-. it a M'!hool ad· mlniSiratlon s ptclalht. a member ol Alpba Pbl Alpha, and ts on lhf' 801rd of E1dtr 1bt BLack Art Show wiU coacludot on Friday In tbt t...rollf'lle I..Gul'.ge. uc On Sa.lutday, Frb. tO, the Mllwau.kt!t Communlly Cholr · ·1 0 pufor-m in the Wlsulnsll'l Room of l.hc TJC at a p m. Thb group delivers a spiritual menaae of 1M proptr llld b Nlltd as bftna 4ynamk. aoyl, s.eatdllnc and tmocional. ~ Stucknt Day Ctntrr ;~~.':', •r,::n:~~S~u= (;o\·tmm~tnl b now~ ehlld tnrOIIment applkaliora. ChJldren In tbt two to nve ace brack et may bt tnrdkd In lhe <'tflttr fot u p t.o four hours ptr dl y 11 .a ('OI.t ot nfty ('tnta ptr how. The Student Go\'f' and Studtnt A!fain orOce are n~f1'f'nUy Lnvoiv-rd in hlnz. two 4111ifiHI d~rKton !4 nsn the projtc:t. The etntu- -.riD bt ~att'd In 1M lo•·"' l...,.el of Uw Puc:~ Campus Cent« and wtU bt ol)l'n from riJhl a m 1.o row-· thirty p.m odt Khool dly Anystudentaor othtr lnttre~trd ptrsons m1y Inquire 1bout vol\mtHrin& ~t Hnk-f's as child care aMi~. All heJp •iU bt appreciated. Don.atlona of 10)"1. furnltlD"f'. money and OCMr goods may bowith O<..,....S · <"'CUUitalion the Studtnl Ac:tiv•tks otf~<e on tbe S«<nd floor ol the Unlvtnlty CentC'I". Qwltact lhe Studml Artiv-itlea otflce for child mroiJ m~nt and dl.t«tot appUcaUon forMa. T'he phOM nwnbtr is )16..UU. Handicapped Students Cont. .nst.aD<'t'. for 'llotl(on lht I)OV!itr J«S off ~nd tht) ·r~ auclcHnl)' caught on Mimi' ot thnt lloors ~ •as a ptriod of 11me •hf-n ,., had a ln"in of r:lutrk conH lhlt bii'W CUI., s:huumg our pov.rr off for lm&:thy periocb of u.m~. O\l'rnflhl. )Oftlf'<tlml"' 10 or 1$ boun lio'llot\tr, Lha cott 11 so c;rt:at Lbl.t it Jull donn' ! liHm fus•bl~ It's JUSt ont of thoM thtna~.ll·s JUSt too ~d. But. l lh1nk II to ~ hal'ld-<;arry&ng prnon do\w'n if lhty' r-t caughl Oft a top Oooc a1 thai parU<'ulat poU'It .. Ill' IM>Ctd !hat nTift"im<')' phont$ · ·htcfl h&hl u:ptnCampus Stnlnt) hl \1' bftft &~alltd ' " tht f'kvatOrS. Ctost-1) ffiatf'd to IM bul.lding ac· <'OmmodlttON ar~ ttw Jothl'du.hoc nftCb ~ bandKa~ atudl't!U Godfrey w)-. sbl' no-. S('tk) OUt the lndiVICtuill idt«tulifiC ~IUS Of tht' \ludtftts, ~~ adds. ··a tot 01 this bf(tun to h~PPM thts )tar ·· \\ "'llh tht' r~gt.ttnr. sh~ arranges for s.ti.MStnt.s to be 1n 'roup OM at ff'IJSUJhon. lhou.g:h '(N'fl~. stuckrlb h.l'o'f anothff Pf"OII do lht' rta•steru'lg for thl'm Group ont. W 3Jiid. re<aSCN'Iably a»Wft tbt ~ Khl'dult' can btaU.a1ntd TuYHI'Iii$Uimportanlfll('totfot man)., tht studnlts •ho pn'ff'f tob.J\1' t.ht1T t lasus <'Ottsrcutn•ly, thus m1n1mu1n& •aiUnK or tht 1nn~nvenitMt' ot tra,·tlhng l)a('·k and forth UM('('If'Nanly (Oodfre)'d IMI atran&flfltftU tnl.) go~ bit furthc'r '" somt caMS .. \\'hrn• 11 S«mll ff'Uiblf' , If lhtrr's a mul!Hrt'CIIon offt"rmc. '~~> l'tn.1ycall thtd<'pllrtmtnt and hnd out .. hKh profn.I!Or .,.ould hav<' lhl' tlmf' ot thl'di.!pollllon to•ort ~h 11o \ludmt ' Yrgrc;lat.Sft,ua ru~. arrnoc <'OnCiue•'f'IO lht Gf'lt'-tO~ ~JJS that mol)' be Mt'IKPT)' for aurh th1np .as oral uar11s Or R.obftt ~-tn. thamnan of the Drp.artmenl o1 Utatth. Ph)t.IC'al Educ-alaon arw:l ltt'Cr~ataon. nott':l tus drpartmt'nl ,. 1n· \'Oivt"d •tlh hand•rappt'd J1udmll 1n tor\f'ral Ko•en u1d. 1n liOm~ C'ases. the .,.ays Pf'Otllam may lft\'olv~ rdLabihtaUon Uwnp) f'Jtabllthf'd In COftC'JUnChOn 'Ill llh lht Unt,t'nd\ ltf'althCalltt l.ntat.ftofC'hron.M: dti-ablhly: Bo.. tft uid " adapcive" ph)'JM:al UIIHI) p«~granu . SUC'h U S'~~>,mmUll( Of rkbC .. poru ('GU)d be •nanKrd In C' «ht1' lhiln lhnt' Bo•f'ft Nld tmphUI.t ._.,) on r-"urnu:.gtbt' .,_tudfont to ;a ·r, class ·· Hr 111d thai tM ptl)'l-lUI lhH'apy av~llablf' df'pmdtd 'Ofn-hllll Oft thot qUihftC'aiiON avatl•blf' tUff In ~oddlttOn. " ad}U:Wrnrnt tnform.ahon can bt m~dto •~atlabit to lhf' ,.,UI .c ........ ,_....-,. e...... Lfttel Colfins 3 of 1tudotntJ lhrouah tM dtparlmmc The """"""'Y M'tmt to hnr no f'OnC"n''rd flfort tn t1lhn ltataporutaon Ott bold.lf\C lOt handtC'Ipptd studtnla. AU:ista.nt Otrt'Ctot of lklutina. Mtlvin Karc. dtd Sl)' hatwlkapptd ;.tudmlJ •ho SCK.IIbt aJJISU.!K'e 1n kx':at&nl olf<ampw hous~Zt£ '~~>OUJd tw auLSttd Godlrey no(f'd OM room '" Knutrmll.a.U ••• adapted tor t.~Se'bya hil'ld..c.appt'd Jtlldmt, but ~ ~ kMW of any otht:r on-campus aoc-· C'ommodat~ons Kara Slid ht II.~ of nn pl~on.s for moc:h fytniJ MIY eulttfli donn roonu. and pouutd to budgt<t tnms lhal tt.av-e af· fltctfd hauling pto(.t.llm!l As far n lran-~porlatM)fl . Godlrey could only mC'tllaof' handlupptd ) ludtnts cou.ld ob4,alft suc-h pnv1ktts as ~tkJnl bf'tund lht' S!udotnl StrvK"U Bu1lcbna •hm complteltljt tran).khon' lhtrt At lf'UI OM othl'r campus Uli thf ll\\ ~)it~m • ¥~hJIC"'A'alf'T I h<lJ a f<llfl) Ulf'mi\-C' on•WOIIIJI: prott.ram for handtupped th.-6tnls Godlrry ,.,d !he pariiC'VII r lntl'rf'SI ot an WltvtO...I an lhe EdiJCatton Oep~rtmenlt.h«e hild rtsulttd an hl.t obtaining funcb ll'lrougtt P"~Cllllm dnr&opmmt Amon.r. lht ln"\'..Cf'l pr01o16t'd ttw-ff' I) a van .,.'h1dl tnnsporb st~Jdtnts co a.nd from d .,ton Godfrey. " I don't l.h1nk tht:rr'a anylhtna to prrvmt tD from J:Olng '" !bat dart'CC.ion 11 formal pN)S.rl.rn l tf tbf' numbf'n ttl<'rta,.. " ('.odfrf') ·~ nptrl-l'n('f' hu f.ifot'n C~! h11on d1capptd ~tu<knt,s arr oftm larKf'ly hn.annd IJ)'out.t~ otJCf'nC1f'l. "uch as tn tlw \'OC'altonal Rl'hablhtahon Procum Sht' \litd AOmt of thf'w procums 1.n<ludot' prf'9ar~lor) tra'"'"l pnor 10 on..-ampu:s a.lud)' OM tnvlltnl .Up«t c;l lhf UW.SP t.t Ita rf'l~ll\ri)' n.. t tt-rra•l'l 11'1 h.lndJ•n~e ~nq~,~tnn from Pf'OfPf'C'II\'t )1\~Cknls. Codfrq- 'UUffil, tM) <'Om~ •nd M't' tbt' c-.11mpua."""' .,.hat,.., havt briOff' l.hty mak~ any dtcu10t1 •· Shl' fHI\ th •~ IJ'ts the ttuckfll a C'baMt' to M't' how .,.ell htor toM un " handlr" lht campm Godfrey tll.prl'»ft unreMf'\fd opc•m•sm ~bOUt Chi' O\rrall stlu.JIIIon htn "'I 'm 1m• prnsf"d •1Lh 1M awltn'lnt .and tht' rra.duwu vf all thor Pf'OPk 1nvolnd to cooprult and >~' I'm 1mprf"Uoo'd '~~>tlh thr hatiCI.kapptd .. 1udtnt.lo ttwmwhes lbtre·s a fiM luw at to ... hal prtdrt tbf') h.Jve tn terma of handhli'Jt ttl"'" tondiiMMII or atlr.tng ror aS~-•t.ea.ncr I •ould t.a)' rnotl of our lludf'ftU tuve bHft jus1 n«llml Thty havr a lt.I.M o( ptOIW'tr )ptnt. and IM)''r• '~~>dl-ad)Uslt'd to t.nrir t.IIU:~liOrl " . THl rottfT1a Pointer Podium 'Whot Is your opinion of th• •llmlnotlon of funding lor th• Ethnic ond Mlnormos Study Cent•r?" .................. __........ _.,.,..,. ....... ........._ ...... 1'"~~·~---~ ,....,_,_ N W • I - .......... 1 - ,....,-..,... .....,_ .,__ ._.,..,..w.r_...... .,.....__ .....,,., . ............ .,,.,.,,.... ,,_r or• ....,.-- ...............,_ ...... ....... _,.,., ......_........... ,... .... .....,_..,....._..,. ..... ,..lbtb ~ .,."'""~~~· ""' ~ ~--~_,tlm•OII* •·ft'lt •llll lllll•lor-.tlon • -uNrf'fllt "ltiiOII<bllw ,.....,,. •MH- ,-.. ., •• • 11oe11 MM~• • •r- old•_.Uro~o~._, ort .- ..- ~,:':~~.=-'=· ~_....,..,,..._,. ~~ .__,..,... ..-. ... _.....,...,..... ,..,priwo1*'-"I "'M11M1 l . . . . ll • · ~~,..., .Ill...,·-.._..... ...,. ................ ... ........... . . . ......,....... ••.-n...,.......,....,...,._. .. .. .......... .,...""'" ......... .......... .............. .....,.,. .... ............... .._ ........,. . . . . . . . . .TW«*f . . . cal&•. ._. ........,_,.,. _ _ _ _ ... ,..._..ffl • cwNr• lllr ~ ~,........ u..t•...W,.., . . . .. l;ot Mel~~~.,_..,_ ~-n alld lit~ \lrint - - - - · 01110 IN 'pltm lklt - lll 't frlnt •ndldM)~ ..~ AMM·.rw~~ ~ • ..,. To .....- _.... ,....._ . . . . . ..-y_ ..........., ' « . . . . . . . . . . .,..._ . ,..._MI Stn.. f'\nl, ......... lwtt ._,.,. • Mltnl ....... .. ... ,.... ................... ..___... _ ._. ........... ..,-............. ............. .... ,.,.......... ,.._, ..,. .. . ....... .... -_.,.. .. .., •••-a• ·- ..,...,_ . . . <rUIL ,..-.. . . . . . ~6t_ ..-.... ~ ~ ,.~-..,., - 11 lltp 1"-1 ••• IM• . .... ...,. .. .,._,... Fndoy, F<!><UG'V 2, 1973 Sweet Music, Beautiful Lyrics_, t~OM c•~• ...... . t.:"'*'mNth Uw JUft&lot cym llol~ · ltf')'• ftrf'" f'SCIPt , .., My M• 'lartull.l, She ll..n )·oc.t VIIO hr'r- ,.Wtd of to' r alld happlneu. po,·trt)' IDIINdnnt Shttaplutf'S)out &lt~ltoft and tJokil II to hf'r t,.tf't m~ and bt:autl!W tyrft SM dbpl.ap twr anactt upablhtlft Shf' bas ao 1m porc.Mt lnii'UIII tCot JM and I &o f«'n\ft ...,. '"'4'Mal " ct.r\ t.ddtr Yuc.h IM•Miof vout lynn, Md 1M ....... ..,..... ud •dthf' ...... el T..uny St.lh rft'd., ............... ., tbt bell IM.,._elfn. V• 1M ..._,.- UK calk ,...., . . . . lht(~~ lal.his . . . . . . pl"tlCrl)'l what """' cloftlol.he tiftola Pft'kiO •ho ('hOOM'f 1111\llk . . a (''--"ftr Throuab uphution. "" ""For Uw ..,. ,... )l.ddld.. ,_...,. *""" ~ Shadow of l..ady RtWaw 'Somt>•tlh ~ I ki'IOW lht "'IIIJ,'' •'t ..... do._.-a, """" 1M ftwollk .....,. MIIM.I- - U..t npllctcJ) ~ ftm.poMS aod •wn toaestllftll11ld.. .. •hal .. C'alkd kJM an ol Mr ttvf Uwo rf'ltefdln.& utdwtry 1'hf' pwc"h.IHJ ftOC only rtc~tavn thai .,.m,~.«'f'',·esa t)'n~al •,f'.. ,.,..l b,.,.,. TM Sc-1~ arut •••111 about <"~alllilf' ~,. . ... • ,.. ,... ......-t' tliM ,.. ,.,. .... mUtl_. ~.. ,......, ,.,.,. ""'aftd..i.M(I MCII ~ pnhl and ~Ad ll put 11 ui!Ck t..tft', Wft\al tl )f'&n INI)' •~II~H·~rhi..Of")' Ancl, 1( thou fOtllf'flll Iff' IIIII i!o~l l¥f' , lf' tooUti)'IO "'"" bfotffl manwfa<turfd yet, rud•nc pl,uwrf'. hb ~lfllltr~ablf' Com*' t'k~., "......,,, ,~ ...... _,.....,,....,. .... ........ ('ftiQ • • C'ftU . , . . .. . - u~ ~~ o.r '"' .... Uw ....) lbt C.f'f lfn ~ ..,. hu C'hM&f'd a. ,...,,,. llw n • per ·~•JI"k't'•ub \lioalte.- "'*'" Jr ' Dumb "'"~·· p Z2 1 IJ""t'lldft ... 11lhmat• 1ft " ' ' - " """""al Tlw'd Mf'tropoh• •• 104.-lly automatf'd And. I.MI ltl'i •uiCom.thOft roboC ~ "'ho := =. .::o;c-;..~ undrnlaftd ~l.IOM fMff IWO pt"UC1M'n .. HAt nac1)y -.blowft •hrll Uw Mory • n fin& .............. lt62 "' ''"'*'-...., • •-""•1•. """"'~"" ....... h't CrutT•Br..._ pn•tt• nftPC*' AllM ... ~ \IeitH tyw Md " ~<>1UI W \loon nwv ptd at 1..-.. C.ay had all OW IIM'OftYf1'1M'fiC'ft ol ~f'W YMII. t'tly lnd none- ollhr Eh& Applf'l plfiMl,_.., SG. 1twy rf'tum to t:..rth loQ But, noc f« 1'bt7 q~Mti1 htP of brU\1 at •• ·toon~n •• »fl4 aooled "'ff~u~t• poiiYbOO ... ..,. a114 ••r tW StrM h.a.J bfton tora-. •P• •M...._..,,.~ ,,..., ... ,_ .a.a un .. ••fl •• ,._.,.,. nw ,..~, \IC'R..ft ........... .. - Moee lfiWU} l.t U'wy (M ,.fWp .. .,. ~pt"( . . .t... ., flt-•ak•• - ~ up4tln lt'Jl U t iU:S IIILI!. . . . .l . . SliM'..,.., ....won.... f'enl . , . ......... aidt ..... 'llltb llw " " " ..,~ . . . of JoDi Mtlmtll ' "SH You~­ has ~~at smutioMollove aM Blw Sud ud S•f'« f,,.'Cekt .. ,.,t,b IU II"'nl< I)TICI II ,...,.antiC' tomptliUon. "Patk )OW' 1111pmdHs· I'll corn~ mm. ,.ho.Hft"'llb IOhll« btm vny fond., \\Jc.h tbt ... f\11 P'l.ftO a~ tmck-r 1U1C1ftC It b a mYM tobelward Sht~IAithtJOnC 1-t a r.opraM ''Oliff and. 11 lbt MNIJ •l.ltds do-.·n. iA a mort m•n•abl.- a.llb typr '('(N('t' " You ca11' t hold w hand o1 • rock and ,..u man· ,."",. blc" Is a Nftl abouc ChoN- ,.._,,,. llltlc namon that 10 on about JOU behiftct yow bed. saw·. trw, :: !!'..,~~~~ ......... a btdfo ftaY'OI' ~ pbJUCc-tat•U..C'Ul 1'11111·.u.... ..,... an- att«mpb to rdly a ,.~~~ftl~ol~fftf'rMooftaftd Sun," 1M lut 10111 oe Uw album, toutbes upon the Clt:at Bf'lttho,·m " lt'lllw jud&.-mmt ol thP moon and stan· YCKW tOIItar)' Pith" Sht-"a mtftly pl)'ifl& tntlute &o one of lbt art-attiC C"'OnpoNn Cll alltimft 1111 thiJ. IOftl OM • ·bofnto lhe .......,._.rt,. .... II a.,"'~'· JoU M&&dldl frull. •tl•ou,..hlt .. uca to JWN't IIUISK 'lllU. t:udiitol l)'ntt.. &bftl I .Jlntll&lr "'llfM f'llt plft'Uw IWI.._ S.. I do Mt work for AJJI•• ~.-t....a.ldtd 11tb •• htr tint albl.a ...... Uw ...... u..Htkd albwlt abt ~ Rf'ftlftnbft alto falll&l&k art •orlt 'llibir:h 1M ~nr bolcb II i.J u·allable almott anywhere tor four WC'k.. ...'"" n:;e~·c~ ~~ \'*'"' ~ s ,..,.. r.-war ol a.byao.,•• balaltC'H KYttaoH '~ '"'*' a&d The Beauty Of Birds Of Prey •If ••lh Uear1 puoll) Juhq Bnhstwn £ M fentn Bua11 Al4tu .ttf' r.-pre-untf'd aiM& ,. ,,.._ pe-rhapt- thf' ~t-1 • • J C BalLard .. ,. 1M2 •'ltllftlttolm • cp t:JI nlftl)' lftt..,atft tht' humor and hOn'ot Sf ru bn.t pnwidt AU B.llltrd doe~ It f'Unpolat• 1 t'OmnwMt niJ' admml tn.tdfquale ~I'll Tbt rmu •~ tpt~H ~a at Book Review IIRO.S OF PME\ OJ' \\ ISfONSIS'. Or. Fta •u• lh •~ nt r•• · "h~•• • l• Otp .,t •~•t ot X•l•nl K" """t't ' \t a~IJ.-. l t'U ... ' a1 s 7h1• 8tc:M r . MI Bed«" prlf'MIUtfl 1'10 ptnOrl IIIII)' "~'·.- u aru of more thae l.htH ~" mifiltf'l &o tiiJ Mi a tcac:btr or~ at UW.SP Supnmt amooa Yu•c•.s .... Uw «'fflrll dl.innf't • ftiGU"'buboM .. Mtw. •r~ .. bu Lltett book. • .,. ., ,.,., Oil \ladaddm polptfbK\ f'dttt'd by Dame~~ IU.&M Tlw nM u 7) ··- IM. II tnl1)' t1W bat ol 1Jw 1bout thor taatf' of sma.c·k, a .. ,.u ltnt•lt drujt Cold IHuf' St eel out or -.,. u. wawn ft) Mk••~ ...,.,~.... .. I~S.Pf"fk•IIMttft' lf•brtr,... ~t.UWftld Book Review ~II,UMt ol .Joe. Mltc:brU"s ttl• " .., ph~Mo&nplll aftd MCf'7 cMr* that lnll)' C'aptn tt~ ttw ~ frem the The Wonder Of Science Fiction n.-••· :t.U.: ~= ~ w.:~ w.- ..., e1 P't'' ..._...,._ ,.,....._ envy· ttw.ucb tblf'r•·• .tll*f'f' .. attd rt:ali.Jtk "Up tbt In ld u.. crudt' .aed IOIII'W '"t ..•uuaa ,..,...,.l n• both C'barla• off 1.o thf' aarporl• \'our namf'J the E'Ur)'lhin&"a tint t:l.u.t- 1'1w ltPllp drq. And It's ;.t rou '*" ......, ,.. c-t w t~.alp&.," bt-tomu ~-U41flll ,..," tcllor t btdt o( _.... <TT1t~... mnua• Joru Mnotlf, pamtf'd abo by MntU Ywlhf'f tt1D.wtde ~ ~all , to lhow bfr ~ ,.tth MIWf' &3d Mlurt oftl)' ...,....,. . tM nnt toG& MU LM u. rae of u.... ~ , ,.....,. . . .N .. Itln s-m riff l.ootJ111 101 .. Mit ::-.:-:~a=~ '-"' )OU \MW ..hal )'GU ,,,•••. "-- ,....... s. llft'lCI .,.ft114H. t ,.. ...... . S..ef'l ..... r:&~Juc, 11H MOSt'.&. J•a '\ltl· SO ~1 . "'"' '1'"MM.,.-. .. ,......, , ..... lW.,-.&.d!M'brat~ Record Review ..,-n maa aame-4 •ar4 ,...,........ tk . . . . . . . . Ita I ~ attJf'- ................. about lk IJw . .......,. 14tlnry ....... aM .......,. OVft' btl b~ l«nltJtY And. thftt. he m•kts !he mi.Mih el but you n>ad •t and tH .. hat )OU thlnk ·'Thutk lhal ~.mportallt fht tf'ttn •·« d •~ l.hf' f'<'OfiOm) a11d rnt•rt•iam•llt t:duor Kn1U.t N~ Ltbttf'd tit'" .. .-u .., ,. .. \\ea4•r ll••~tamc . lalt•moacof lM rlot\et"~ 111lhlon tftCI~ .. O&W to knp ttl ttuftd -.hom for re-adlq tAll M• )et to bf' SM .. 1 rtCJWtf'd hw ~ • lW ........ D a\.al..... S..t> AI llam~·• .,._~.._ 1ht book .s ddlly .u ....uatf"d -·"' rt\a.rtOal-tlttC'bn. .,....,~ blrcb '" many poJtUtU, vanatloM 1n Lllons and ptiJtU. habitat •nd Ui()(latf'd subjec<U Tbe l.lbt.rator. El•• hu.16oe. 11 the author's llltl'lled dh&htft' Stft&Secoptsar•anllalllelrf'e "'..,. e•«<kat 1'kklt.uce-.r . . . ,rftllu.~~ud nch.l) tPKif'd Ha111er at.romtaft hv.w. pr••l4e-t""l IMI$hll ktto OW h.l.b1U •nd «'C'ftttnC'Itlft of hll•kJ.. Wki.IIU. H&)ft aftd o• b lbf'rt:~ lf:ltftl, fot ••t• IN1.aft('e',lhalhii._ILJo(lt"ft mlll LM!r qu.any but lhll owli lt'ldom do,; lhll MTftC'h O"'·b tt.a,·e- prtdll«hon for Mao~ln& on('OIJcoct>tamp.a~ts • ~e-tM)' __ ar.- apt •• defud lbelt tf"mtOI'Wt> by clan bomiMftll Ktt"»miJ'II (Of'da Md lnocLfiC ha.b r,..,. preteuors hf'M tMI a,,.. t»....S~M•\ahl:rrp sbiiJ bf'f. . ~~~~~~~ It, *'""-....1 I'Qft Ut.M &bt ..... _. .... a.bto~lpoiMIIIIIUl TbtAiil&horb.uaclltW of .. lldhf~ "1btoatoop•dli\f'ICJI a laf"l,~ fakon awnd• lll f' lt:.lrina 11lk as •t NU do•·nward throulth ll'lt: air " A M> ftOftlotNof'k~liM,Wck-buiiU w;o. fin.allty l~n •Nt m)tha 1boul bird$ ol P'"J' 'It )OU ..-alk round aftd ~ • tottllfiC owl&otettWMJWt)'IAat:M ......... , .... . lib lw-M .,, ,... Wlllfllldrtuadoo..,._.&oliJw tOrt .~,.,. lt.Motnt,..,..•• cre••~MM~.tet •lntJOft &. •IDif'd dww bc'.WI.. tr•Nif"n .. ~~ "'*" at hr 10&. WciM .. fl:ftC"}', .. J06rlli IIIII P"aC-"W .IMI Uw- 10 !hMI lll P a ha"'ll \ from UN- 'A tK"'NUU Drpllrt:mtnl of N-1tura.l Rnourtn. 8oa 450. MaMMonU7tl AdtfUAf'llmittd Pdltltfl. C'lothbound and tllmprd '" JOid., - ,.-,lh fron· tbplt« 111 hll.nd~btd water avalbble from tht S.S 11$, Rt I, Pt.Ut.Atld C'Oikw ' ' aulhof" at -"~~~·~------------------------- ~·~·~~ ~~~---------------=·~~~·~·~~~~~· ~ ·~n~ Tightening The Belt Cont. Friday, February 2, TltE POtNTU 1973 Page 7 Marketplac1t Of Opinion: Speaker's Corner ~ This sem~slt"r fortun:lle to havr correspondents with thf' Stmrster·ln·Brltain program a l Peace Ha ve n In London . Dubb~ I by their own choice 1 Editor's th~ Not~ : f,ointn I !~ lht" ' 'PC"a sants or lla\'f'R," thesr s tudrnts Pt"3Cr Yo ill bt' nn dlng as much malerlal as their sc h~ul es permit. Racism . homosexuality , Imperialism . Mother·in·l..;lw reincarnation and Anti Americanism come togethter in one of the world's most unusual spots. At Speakers'Comer in Hyde Park , persons or every persuasion can exhort. haranaue. and sc ream out their beliefs and prej udices. . I / I ., From a distance Speakers' Co mer appears, especially to an American . to be one huge demonstraiton. Upon closer inspecton, the visitor that the gre.:.t mass is really a collection or sma11 groups. each rallied a round ora tors on milk cases or step ladders. One such orator is a yoWlg, bearded, long-haired blond man who insists he is J esus. His ankle-length embroidered muslin robe blows against his bare ankles ; his sandals are fashioned fotm blac.k loafers. A member or the audtence challenge::, 11 1., sta tements that he has found the ultimate answers to the human dilemma. The spea ker lis ten s polit iely and then passively proceeds with his message. " Is there really someone up there who cares for us?" the white atheist asks . "Do you really believe that someone up there cares whether England joins the Com mon Market ~ Or th at he is concerned about the price o! beef?" The audience chuckles. · The speaker on Moth er-i nLaw Jmperinlism : "You meet -.. young man. You like him : he likes you. You take him home. Your parents ask how much money his family has. what their work is. 'Is it a Rood family T They decide it Isn't. They te ll you not to marrv that one. At some ~laces, the speakers are so close to one a nother that their voices clash, vying for the listeners attention. English bobbies cpolicemen > s troll through the mass: at the IRA s ~aker 's stand th ere a·re five . They arc there, not to arrest the radicals or si lence the anti - Brit ish. but to protect the rights or the speakers. And . apart from the tumult, in a quiet spot, stands the Salvation Army . In a modera te voice a clean-shaven you!lg man in black uniform tells or his conversion. In a semi -ci rcle behind him the other members listen to him courteously and then join him in a hymn. Everv Sundo v the spea kers ga ther a t Speakers' Comer. For more lhan one hundred years !since t867 ) it has been the rallying point for agitators and reformists. Their message is clear : Listen and repent ; the end is at hand. have 10 be e'ltft colder bd~ the average AMerican is wU:hn, to~ bptdaiJy after tbtyha\'t bHft civet~ a ll•mPR ol wt.l it now Npptr:Ulc in CIUa and " Now That The War Is Over" JWM;.a I«'' ('tlftlrtil -. fNM starvaboft. poYft1y and 0\w dW Pl$l ~ tilt UMwd Stata Us $pftltMMil7..._4oltln•~asmal Now. oaidl•apoklcaes,_ huappatffttb' deockd .. widlcnw \\e ti'IUIC. tmphuu.e die word··~,.-· thedamapeflcllw, il f«, ('toftlnl CO Umttd Stites' poll~y Clll lndochi~ta ,_,.t: btft dl'hberate lift 1nd~Mift Contrary co cbt ._._ry QPt&milm t1 'he nrr.'Cd commeatacon, the curnnt actto.. ot the Nl.xon Adtnlnb:trtlioa are to be ~rded wtth an t:lllrt'mtl)' '*''ry eye. The Unitl'd States rttukd to honor the Geneva aCC'Of'CIJ In lt$4. We ba\· e even .nor. ttUOn C41»y to qutstion ItS w•lln•ntu to ~•tl")' out the l)rfttiiC ·~ Tht Cftlleo<fn III"MrMnl Jlped thb • ·ttktncl, it lftdotf')' 1ft ,....,.., U. ptoOpk ol nwnland CbtM are •• '"'- dodwd .............. a~ .. lk prcl(ftl "' llilllldiiiCO.. . . . . . . . . . .ICMC.~1'1Iil • lht ""('010.-c ............. ' " - ...._.. lht u..c.c.odSiaC• .... bfnlf')i,.. .. "UW.. I~ u ,_. hu-e Upc f)'t and ear attiiiM'd lo thr :'::'~ ~w..=~--:'~mon-=':t~~ Umtcd StatC"' tnWih'ftftftlt i" lndodtina rarety Rlthtr. tfle \<lrioui~Ktlkia v."t:re v~·td l.a.rgt'l)' v.-tth rtcard 10 tll:l)t'ditoney and •·hdhtr they ••v.·Mt«i" Of' ROC. ThuJ. we llnd the saturaUon sr• bombin1 ot rountryakle, towns and dviJians vlt'<ll'td in ternu ot IU tfr~tivtMU in destroyinc tht "mtmy:· noc ln ttf'l'n:l ollbe morality ot u~ ac<t. But be)'oftd t:ll..-llons. the CJ'ftlltlt imimpletnmted, IS a Ykklr)' lot tht Non.b Y~tl'M!$1t mon ld)' has bert~ AmHit:IA SUpport ol 'f1liN and alld. u.ttim.ately. lbe YMCMmiN pt0p1t In teeum lu monJ Ho ChiN..,. a.nd bit. N~Jr~Wl torr thr rdt-ue t1 AIMric:. . ,n.o.wn e1 war me sprab "' . . .............. PNft. but Uw u.ud VllfUU.mtSC -~ t«Wtd the •tU*JQ fll U..S. Statts Ms ................bit ............... mdita.ry foOreft rna v ..,.,. Pf'iPC'r 1ht NowUt rebt.IIMI •'dh Vlott..... llDr W.O. lnclocbiM as a .-.a ~ 10 flC:III ,.. rw.lraU.. and a ..-.... 1'111emt~~fii'MihoednuylllaY"thadtbebefttl ~IC'Ml Ide for VldNNJ4M. IOIDttJUnc lht ntnCioM..'-'tOW,~ted .. tllbl'eC'OUIIItrJ•• 11hN "Sime 1111 the Soulb hilt . . if'llmtioll Ill tnt',. codt....,... "'""""'· _..,.,., ...,.wlllbe-IOIO"""'*b 'Vil th II tJus time the VMCAitneN hiVe bHfl (i«hll~ lot some Chlrt:)' years. ttr,.,:u.,. •Pi~ Prtneb t'Gionial~m. Amniea and the fltcllt pwernrntac. ~i::~~!: C:~iktt~t~:fc: tr:~;J atld U&U Into bel;e.Ana Uut tl'llt t.he)' had S«Wtd ptKe and indept'ndenc-e It wiU be an u,.pealtab&t ~~~:t:t:rJ~:e~=-befGme lavot~ .... 10 ~~.~~ ~b.!= p~ U. U'm&fd Stau. ~ • lbt SolO ...., dw ~ twnly " " " ,,.. Dwm .. T'bMu Thlt u.s '--"' • \"kc.MM \o ~ .. dW 'nurd '91'crld Ill *"erm.ul.aoll .. ~ eapd.a.hlm &pAIIIt ~ ,....... wan "' NhonaJ Jibtn.hOII If Chia wu our .wnU ~ve ..,. have faded ~pldtly U anylhifll. we ba\'t 1>'0'-ed lhat ·~ capab&e o1 "''imine IUt'h MtGUt~ltrs.. evm With a policy or near d6Uuction. It will be a «<id d.ay In btU btfore the people ot a T'blrd World ~lly ln Alia, Alriea, or '* ~~=~~~:~=~e.: ~~~~::r~rr. mr~i~~ :i~ -·-beyond ...... _ . . r::c~.~"-='~~.:J :.::~·~; cnw•nt u &he mljontv ol Amtrie&Rs. Mouthinc emot5onolll..._,,., o1boul "ereepirc C'Ofrlmu.nlsm" lhey mtsted the point The Vie~namese ....-ere and .,~ seeklfl8. bttter h(t', , life or greater rntlninc and val~~e lAd nocllinclhort ot ann~hllo~tlon wdl stop lbtm 'lbe)' II,. ('I rrled b)' the vision ol • btU~r ' W«td. a WOf"'d "''hkh doN not sublffv~ to fNdal lor* or AmtrifM busines~. '•tude The Uni ve rsit~' As Vocational School 1"he (ale tl UW.sP"s tint ""$upfr Sti'IK'ture,'· Old Mala ........ thr . . . . ttl the ~~ Cclmn'UAIOn and JOiftt Yinalft The unptftdr~ ol Lhil (adlit:y atld the pou.tbae future toNINC'tlOI!I ot a sea'e mo*l paper -...IWbon ::C':h~:: ~~bccr'~er ~;["'~~~:~ ::;:::::~~~:JU::~~ ~e1w:~t~ryo:J:i~~~ no newconatNC'tion &itu, t10alr h:amrntrs: no juke To The History De pt. on being ll.alians. and so forth. Li~ral s. in this argument necessarily coni'K"Ct to the reactionary ' 'bootstrap theory" of human bette rment. They can say to the jobless black man in the ghello: " Don't worry. Thelrlshmadeil.andyouc;~nto." In the end. the liberal a rgument 1s a frau d. Significant change in society does not center on any "group with a particular biological or geographical background but coMects to the radicallitation of basic ms tituions. It is not because they are " lazy .. that Ch1canos. Blacks or Whites in a ghetto do not h..'\\'C jobs. Rather. it is because or the perversity of a busmcss system that ~nics them the decent work wh1ch they seek. We need only look at the op. press1on of women m society to see the fallacy ol the liberal argument on minorities (and it should be pointed out that the opprt'SSion of women exists regardless ol whether various individuals admit to it or realize il L Wom en are. i n fact. a ma jority <as a ··group", but, by virtue of the corruption or the home l ife and 01e manipulation or p.·nriarchal pri\'ilcgc m instuutions. such a s the medical profess1on. wome 11 are de nied access to a full life . It 1s not. the refore. the minonty s tatus or wome n t,h at conswuus the proble m but wroogly princ ipled ulSt i tution.~ l.Jbcrahsm. thl'n. works to sub\'ert social change by rrag metning our thinking and action on the human condHon. m isdirecting it toward " people" and. therefore. away rrom the very institutions upon which people depend to sustain and create decent life. In the e nd. lit~ral ism must be judged as reactionary in terms o( changing the world. Wh31. then. s h:lll we say about the establishment of an Ethmc and Minorities Study Center'! We must conclude lhat it1s essentially liberal in outlook and, regardless of the noble intentions of those connected to 11. 11 nec·e ssanly s ubverL, a radical change or society The gather>ng or facts. it should be e mphas izro. as not whal we criticize. It is rather the c·nd for which the facts are gathered that we must question We mus t agree with such " minority" rad1cals as ~tal co lm X and Martin Luther King. Jr. that the questions which confront us are lnrgcr than racial, or nationalistic considerations. They are ~~::~cr~~~~~~h~~i\·!~~~ ~~t ~~i1~e~~/o~~ create. They arc not questions ror a meagerlyfunded program df..'Signed to enhance a liberal t m age rather than change the world. Tri stram Coffin's Washington Watch Adrift In A Sea Of Scandal ~ ~1\on Ad:runt,).lranon•~ hk:('l)'lodro""n tna tlood od M".1nd.ll th.:~l ~:ru.. ~"" •dt•r ('\('I') d::t)' t\ rnC'f'ld or oun;. a touith old b1rd... as told um"'IOf'led l:tl"h of lht' a<;a•ld:•l by Spc.•ake r Carl Albt11 !l.nd C'.l nw "'".a)'. hto ~>~· ''WkH\t :uMJ w1th ~too~ ptmpln. " In· \ bllg!llon.·f'LU. t.:tt~er::al t\t'<'OUnt tng Olfl<'f' ;and (on~~:rft,)tOn;ll t'Ommtllt"n-ar(" rf'POI"ltdl) s.tunnt'd ~nd "~ l('ke'M'd" b) ,.hat lhtov :lrf' flndmg Columm)ol.ft f:\'<ln" :end So,·ak. Ulol.'." llly $)'mp3thciK' tO tht• Adnuntl>lr.'lhun. ,ay the.s m>'~)' bccomt till:' ltcopubhC'ilR\ " llass C'::i.M· ·· )IR~l:;~~~!!"~;;I:II~J~;~~h~~·r~=~~~~d~~~~:c:s C'.:lnlp.ltgR ot'!Of'l Thi,S opf'raiiOR lR\'Oh "f'$ Wbof:tt;(', forgt'r )'. thdt o f oonfldenttal f1lt1>. sunf'dl<tn«" or l)c•rnocral•t· l'oantluJ::alt'S andtht•n f:unihf's and persisttn t rifor1s to Ja)' lh<' bali1S forpo@o$1blt"blafttm:ul and 1nu madal t0n II <'.1tU'IO-t b(' rt11~ra1fd 100 SU"OIIgl} lhJI 'l*fll prtttit f'l .,,. 11\lifHrdr•l"' In Anu· p<~l11k'"- So n:n.onaf l:"r1Y .1nd no lntumbtnt AdtniNStr<l t MWI h3\;• f'\t"t' )4'1 out m Uus S)$:ttmatlt' faW\1on to '"''.ld-e tht• Pf'I\;J(')'. ~ru pt l llol' ll.~ n·•t ~. a11d diM"r~ l C ht lt:ackr l>h ap o f tht• poi11NI oppo$1hCJn Thn ,. ar,. :amblt5ou" :and pollu • ,.lll!lt t a('tit'" 10hl('h h&\,. -" ill .a dfom« nt\ : ' lnC"'' ttably. tht« :Iff com~ ri.SOIU ••th thr bull) bo} t~t11ts of 1ht Sus' d unng lhf' Wt1m~r ltr-pubfK' lhtiN" 'lllotol(" •n " Mt lft K amp('' " At tl tl,n "f'n JUtnal 11 tth~ :tl&.adtt>rl u nJcoa~h4."ll •• ,·cr• l~bk barr;.g-e ol I~ .and lil01nd4.'tll 'lllol\.:llt'\'\'r 3d\ 'C'f"Wf')' S«'tnS d.lngt'rou;;, until the- rwnnof lh..anackt'd penon brea.k do·••n n us .s a ta.c:ts(' baS«! on a pr«LSe C'.11C'Ul.alion o r all human 'llloC'.J.ItinOM"S. and tiS rtSWI "'•II IC'ad to WC:«U ""'tlh almo~ matht'm:uk'al ('ftUmty Tbt dt'ff'31t d ad· \'t'r~r)' 1n mos4 c~!l('$ d~pai rs or the 5Ut'c-eu or lUI)''r rd~t:tn<'l' " Walh.1m l. Shln:r •n "The ltslie .and f'.J.II of tht•Th~rd lttt('h,'' adds ··no IUOI't' pr«•~}SI.. of'J. u lltllt'f "";n f'H'fi.IU:IIII) to d~f'lop thf'm , ... ali C'\"t'r ...,·nttf'n •• Aulhcir l nin~~t Wa lla("f' ""r•t n "0bwT-\'f' tht' l l mf"lt'~tod lt·~:hrncruc.• d otK'Iy Set• how Nuc:on lr CO"!P:HI}' :•ttt-mpt to d•strt'<fil ;\lrl~H"''n. trtggC'rtng bullf'lll of lit'S and da:.tortsonJ about h iS fm.ln«-s. hs:o. \<H in.IC r«ord. h1s fnmdJ. )'OU Nmf' 11 ~ hMio lht') allt'mpl to p!n on ;\f<{;o,•trn u.npopul.1 r 1<koa:. IM t hr doe:o. not bt'llt-' f' 1n Stt hq.,• thC') rt'J)C~I thC'sf' u ntruth:o. a~;un and <~lp • n Jo',n.all)'. sh('ltit'M of·t-how th ey ~~taondK· an adl,, r.IIN.i }' If t'\'t'r ckit'nd1ng l.hrer own bet\:.' 10t a nd rt'<'Otd brUO'h 11 undtT tht' r~ . :and au~ck . a llll!t'k " l'r"~ldf'oll ll ' ohf'd U. ~ a ..dal Th,.\\~,hi•~tton 1'~1. ""h11:h h:a~du~u pmQI:I.I of thC'snror maiiOR. >Ot}S tht• :;all;;o-g,alsom " add u p to lht' mota :.rro~t:.nt aU<~uJI t'\n" mounhod on W pollt~alprO«"». 1M n\SIItullorn o f ltO' ""nttnt and ttk· ('rt'duhty ol lhr pcooplt' linc1Utllmat'd 1n an)' •u ~:.nllal •ay, d~)' b)' da y, lh.f') du"" a11 f'Hf" dgo,.rr C'irt'l,. arou~tcllh,. o ul u.lfino. rii(Ji t up to lh doorb f'pff. Wh11~ llou.'o(' ::11drs lolllll)\' fl "i ""'lt.h lhr ~taal Pf'O«'SS, fonn" \\'h 11t llouSf' :t1ck>" rvtnt. . at'O'-"'d • 'llh I{WIS In bnfi'('&Jon, fOI'tnC'f" ('.1bUW't off1 N't'S \t'f'PU'4: and <Ontrolhng a slush fund uM'd to (u\Ofii'IC(' poht~a l ~~al(t. .11nd thf' l'rr&.ldt.'flt'Jia"')" Jlol) •ng off a ~oabotNr. 1(0 far bt>)·ond an} g;u n., ""c c"'n get ln \'Oh~ m Tht' pcopk- ••n\-oh ·t'd l :.rt- not na('IJ)' )lr.iii'C\"n to hun •The- f'rhtdt11tl Thf)' \ • o.. hi' •nln4. n.,.~ '-••"" hh c:hu'lrln ... Thr) .,,. "'' m""- ancl&h.f') do •hal ht' ""••h t.hfm 10 do." ol 1M ('UJT~~um C«!U("mta, 1nlotmallon f'r«n a ll an · .. ("~ ~ ~ 'lllo" ltl\ft.Std ~gl owthol ltlhgM t vit"<<o·polnu. It is a 1M Bl<l<'k st...SU.t P<l$)'1J~ tion bo:ldge ot sJa,("ry and ~IPf to (rom tht t.~t~lucll.y numbtt ot prolonc 1nd prrprWit(" op-lhirt~n to ~ proud numb« ol ptfl$1«11 1nd duc:nmin.~ llon" $0. O'l'ft th(" )'C'U'l A bo, ....(" " Yt'(O ltt("pt lM uw o f A(roh.J \'C' K'C'ft 1n grco~ t and ott~r Amtnc<~ n. A(ri(';ut. and Blac-k ~·~tn- UNVt"nill ifS tbt n w and tTWt in rdcor~ to ptnORS cl for m tt1on of Afro- A mrr• c~n Afnc~ n httlt~ee To tvny drpa'nl-' 1ft Madaon and part ol mank uw:l coa lh~ ~hi"" A\I.kt't' and a p 1n, on tht mea..tre of juta rnpt<"t Yo'(" do loc-~ llco,·c:l. lht ~«'f'')~nte and not des1re mort' n.or ~ II we form:. bon ot a lborthvt'CI f:thl1ic a«tpc leu .. and Mlnor•bero Ccn~ r I 'lllo'OU)d a pprt<...l.t II 1f the K totpn& the abo'~ r~ru tn lllitory OtopartrnMt \ll06Uid look mu..S on the local a nd &laW I!CO thiS and d\angC' ~ ti~ ol ln("l, I ""oold hk(" 10 <-all )'Out lht COW'M' to Alro-Amft"kan ~ttmtion. au Bladt s.c ud~l. to lhUory ot Bl~d' Httlor)'. In yout dtpartiMntal llstln& ct \ttptfll wn th f("("IJnp or B la ('k Hu;tory 310 ("nhtkd ' 'Ntg;ro Mudrnts and Bb<k ~C' Aln("-n can " It IS not the <Ontexl l ' -r" Ia 8 bd.Jif·u. ol W counoe- I Wlah to cnocu~ Da'·"M•r'l" WI ~ 'lllo ordU\~ of Ill IItle', for }'ublk flf'lalkon, Coordi•ator the reUORI t'JIp ltlmt'd tO (')("arly Blad. Sc.drat ( 'Milt*by M~kolm X "N~ 11 ("ffOnt'outl )' use-d and n cC': "illblll G. Paul. dtvadu• In lhf' eyes o1 '"" IIIII&«J O~L formfd and t.eH·rt's Pf'C'Iing prnom ol Afriean htr!~g~ u JMII• C. M~•IA&. denotu atueot yswd ~ nd OLrKt«, PRUJf; drbaMd trll ta of chara<ter and d.ullrtft a whole ~mmt o1 Cllal.rm••· (' • rrk •J•m Com· humanHy on eM baus ol I&IM- . ,... TH S' U!'OC' FIIIU; : \\A..~IIIS(;TO:or. \'oA T("ll, ~ U• I!'Ooir~l J.'lua, l.:l lt\in~~:. \lichilt•• 1010. !tal, 11: tt ~f'ar l, 17 nll)\ ,1. " t. monlhl). t' Pointer Deadlines Th«" dradlinr (or any matrrlal to be publlshtd in the POI N'Tt;U Is Monday at noon t\'ery week. Mate-rialto bt- printt"d must M neatly typf'd double· spued. ;\llleu~rs to the 1-.A:iitor must~ signed. We >A ill not prtnt material whic:h Is obsc:e:ne or llbeloui. We cannot publish materi,al reetlnd In O(lr otrlt'f!. tht de:adline. ..!.. ~ 10 THl roiNTa Fndoy, f~ 2, 1973 ......... _..... What To Do About The Flu _.,_ .............,....... .. ..... ==~~= ........ ....... ...., ... , _ .eWoft ~., :L:~=~~t: ..,...,_,,.,...._...,.,..... llit.N>II >IIW. INM • old 10 ......~.-~ijf*llw•ll' ..... ............... _.._ IIM'PII-'•'-~*' .............. ('Wtl_ __ ~-­ ....,..,,...,...__.._ n..e ..... ~ . . . . . . . . ._..tiodlt"- _...,_ n. ........ .. .,..,..._ . . . . . .-. ··~ =-~~-=-': ....,........ .. ... "'"""*" .. _.,.._. ... .,...MMI•-'""" :!':...:"'~ .,.,. ... •..... ,r~:.· ........_,_~~: t-~ lf ~...., -rt"<OO# Ph"-tiC:t _ . , 1111111#111. u fW 10111 ... ...hJiif.d IMC Adds New Facil ity Tlwt.N••Iwll•••....•torl) '*"hf)lt.o.l)pP~Onft- Non·Cred it Courses O ffered 'll••••la&"........ .."' ......... ........ ·-··· --·lllll·· ._.....,.... . .. _.. ..... . -.. ........ --...... __ . .... -....... . ·- -... llM ....... Iftl....__ ..... ~ ...... .......... =...-:::==,.tl•• _ ........... .... ..,...-• • _«MM ..... ..,. tlwM\~~~OIIIt.o ,ktl. 114-l, tlw ...._ _.,...,., .... - .. ___..,,..., .....,... _.,.,_. ,__..,. .._.. ...... ,...,.., ...........__..._.. ~ ~ ~ f~Ma ............ ~ ~-~ • ...,...-..,... ...,..... ,_ ...,. ,_......_.. . . . I) _.._... ...) " ••) . ll ---~­ .. . . ,,,...., .... • "'•M•r "''"'lliL' ............. ,.,.................. _... ...,.... '"'(,,-..,,., ..,....... ............ T......J~•f• 't..O ~.) •ll'!lt"riii!Uio-•l.!> t~~t'f:r:.';r~ ~~.r ~~· t)ll tilt pon ·~--·...._)II ~ .... ........1'"-.-.ct. ,. ....o.c .............. _ ... ,_ . , . . , . . . , , . , . . &. '~lltttl)• ...... . . ;'" .... 'iC.~• '"11--.c.\frol "•' • ' ' '"''"' lr,..looM.-1 ...... J ................. - ....., ,_ SIHIU, n~&MI,... ........ • .• l.,lll 'ANI-.. .) looqo-OOII •n41tf,..l) 101 A,rll s..rA.) " ' " ' " I ~,~l­ .,.,.~.'ftJ ........... .. ,.. ............,. , ·---··~ .. ...... .......... ............., ('_ .~~_....,. •lllf I ~ ,_.,~ ..,......... liolfNott liiO'O""")fll••-n , .....,.• • - · 01111-t• .,....._.. ...l! .. .........u • .cllllo 1,.. - . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .~lo us• \ , •....._1n,a.) bi.......... ,._.,_ ......... ~ ~ ...... .-t'moN.•-·11 ....1 ~·tl~·~ Women's Progrom Scheduled Frodoy, February 2, 1973 THE POINTER. Poge 1 1 Counseling Center Offers Development Groups The Counsehng Center w 11l be 1mllating a series of groups for mte restcd students during th e current semester Tht• groups :.trt.• antcnded to meet the developmental needs of ~ w1dc range of student concerns. Groups will be orfered in the followmg a reas : i I) Vocaliona l t-;xp lora t ion . (2J Personal 1; rowth ; l 3 ) Interpersonal Commumcations Training Lab . 141 Couples : and <51 Learning Skills The Vocational Exploration Groups will run for th ree weeks l a total of three class periods L Students will be asked to ta ke 10terest inventory a wto.ek in advance of tht· rirst group meeting. The gro up meetings will center on an overview of major factors in making vocaliona l deci sions : review or the mterest inventory results ; and the development of. and rormulation of individual "game plans" with respect lo hours per Wl-ck . The groups will rocus on thl' development of ( 1 1 interpersona l compe tence ; t 2) thr ability to send and receive l'Ornmunication about his own and other members· behavior ; •3 1 a tolerance for ambiguity and interpersonal anxiety ; C~l the cnp.aci ty for open. honest. trusting rela tionships ; nnd CSJ msights about onese lf during the semes ter . Pr<Japectivc c.rouo members will be asked to talk with a cou nselor to ascertain individual goals for JOining the group . The third type ol group, the Interpersonal Communications Training Lab, wi ll focus on lhe development of : t t J fun c tional intt'r pcrsona l comm un ication ; 12l listening s kills ; t3) at · tending behavior ; t 4 l un · derstanding and acceptcmcc of alterna tive perceptions; and (5J constructive feedback skills. These groups will run the entire semester l·areers. The Personal Growth Groups will run the entire semes ter . meeting for one and one-half The lourth type , Coup les g roups. will focu s on th e developmen t or inter personal relation ships of married a nd unmarried co upl es . Th~ grou ps will fo c us on the development ol : t 1l the ability to "light" constructively.;. 121 the ability to set rec iprocal goa ls ; 131 mutua l' decision· making : t 4) ability to deal with freedom \'S . control in the relationship; a nd (5) th e a bility to settle the power issue in rela tionships. The group will run the entire sem ester. an hour and a hall per week . The last type ol group in· \'Oivcs the development of learning skills. The major aims of these gro ups a re : t 11 to develop a n increase in the speed of reading: t2l to increase comprehension of material read; t3l to develop ncxibllily in speeds and modes of at · tacking ma terial ; t-I l to develop ability to retain material for cxan) -taking ; a nd t5l the developmen t of a lt ernative study methods lo r dillering types or material. These groups "'ill run for six weeks, with one class period per week lor group meetings. and one hour a week for individua l practice on the Controlled Hader Pacing Machine . Anyone interested Grade Review Procedure Recently , first semes ter ~rades wer e mailed out to the st udents at Stevens Point. U a real grievance has arisen over the gr ade received by a s tudent at th is university . the Screening Commi ttee for Gr ade Re\•iew wo ul d like lhe following procedure to be followed . First. the grade should be discussed with the ins tru c tor o f the course. If the r esults from that meeting are considered un · sa tisfactorY.. the student should submit. in writing, a statem ent of his grade grievance. Request for Grade Review forms may be picked up in COPS 11 2 and s hould be used to s upply the needed information . This in· eludes lhc name of the s tudenl. the name or number of the course involved. the name of the instructo r of that cour se and the reasons why..the gra de received is ~ sidered to be a unfair . Student Gov't. Elections Student Government e lections will be held on Feb. 6, 7, and 8. · Eight seals a re currenUy open. P e titions may be picked up at the Student Activities Ollice in lhe University Center. The deadline lor filing petitions is Feb. 5 at ll a.m. Correction On Assassination Article In the ~rticlc on the John F . KennL-dy assassina tion , which uppeared in the November 17, 1972 issue of the l'oln ter an 4..'r ror was made concerning the reprint permission Riven to the Pointer. ll should have read as lollows · Reprinted with per· 111isslon from "Computers and Au tomation " May , 1971 , ,·opyrlghl 1968 by a nd pubUshed by Berkley Enterprises, Inc .. KIS Washington St., Newton· ville. ~lass . 02160. Also. it to..falsely stalt'<l that computers were used in the production of the info rmat ion In the article. ActuaJly , part two or the article. as il appeared in "Computers and Automation." talks about how compu ters might be used lor dealing with th e photographic evidence, but com puters were not used in the production of th e information in the a rticl e Why Pay More? Eleven yean of MrYing UniYenity students. 100% Pure Chopped Beef Hamburgen, Golden Brawn French Fries, and Ice Cold Drinks make us your favorite spot if you're interested in laYing m9ney. ., ~~ treat. you like a guest tfte drive-In witft tfte money laYing menu! These sUllements lor grade review should be se.nt to the ollicc ol Dean Fritshel, college of Professiona l St ud ies buil ding. Grades mus t be reviewed during the next s emester following the semester in w h ich th e questioned grade was received, excluding lhe s um mer sessions. :..hould come to the Counseling Center and sign up. Individuals in terested in partic:ipatinM In any or t h l~ <.~bon•-mcntioned groups shou ld contact the Counseling Center, ut4 Nelson 1-1;.111 or extension 3553. In addition. Debot Center is n lfPr in~ SlUd)' SkillS grOUp$, under ~the direction of Mr. AI Stcnstrup . TI1ese groups will IUl'Ct in the cveing for one hour per week, focusi ng On basilstudy methods , exam.tak~ng, study schedules. concent r nt1_on. motivation. a nd rcadmg development. Anyone tn· !crested s hould con: ac t the student manager in the Dcbot Cen ter. New Talent -~ being sought for • J UAB STUDENT COffEEHOUSE Open to ALL UW-SP Students Applications: UAB Office. Deadline: Feb. 23, 1973, 4:00 P.M. Auditions: Start Feb. :26. tl ,.,,, N ill A:LL STUDENTS INTERESTED In Playing 'F ootball Ne'x t Year: MEETING FEBRUARY 12 BERG GYM 7:SO Interested in working for an 1nspiring organization who's main interest is people? ! ! STUDENTS! DO YOU NEED RENTER'S INSURANCE FOR YOUR 'APARTMENT OR MOBILE HOME ? IF SO CALL 344-35 • • 1 UNIVERSITY INSURANCE CENTER Join us in our never ending endeavor of Mrvice! ! Pick up your Student Manager Application far the foil 73-74 Mmemr now! ! At either one of the resident centen, or at the U.C. Desk. Poor Henry's 1208 UNION ST. FEATURING HOME SWEET NOW THRU SATURDAY, FEB. 3 FREE Band On Sunday FEBRUARY 12-17 SEE ROAD HOUSE NO CHARGE MOIIDAY, TUfSD'AY, WlDNESDAY lri!JOot. r~2. 1973 From The Group Seeks Nominee For Award President's Desk Free Classified Ads For Stude nts Please Go Awayf l •fo,.. yo~ fO - contact TRAVEL SHOP ...... .. . . . OMu s....._ e..,.,..,~.IWI~., ,- .,....• ..c:.f'l ....... . ...... &. .......... • ALL OYU TMI WOI.LD ENTfRTAI NM ENT E..ery Friday & Saturday WHITING MOTOR HOm GRUBBA JEWELERS TOll ~ & G 0.. ,...,. _.. -~~S..H, ~;;:;-. ,........ ~I A.lt4 WI All AGlMTS fOR ,......,. • a.J.,_. • __.... A,t.ftMIM Size 2SO looks 6lff CBml " Diamonds Our Specialty" liB'Wf. COWMIIA & OIAII6E llonoM OWIOII) 1116S CHECK OUl PliCES MAIM & TMII D IT. ........ e...... o-....T,...... ....,.. .................... C:.ll---1 . ... Att.ntlon: lOTCI .. =:-li...,._. "~..:.r~ .. 5?.~ c.n -..... ...._ ........... )M..HOI NH4M: l l . to Sollttl ....... tfMf• , .... 9. C.ll H. .cy ~9052 Fnday, February 2, 1973 ~· · JOBS THE Bureau of l,trsonne l. All graduating seniors. graduate st udents and alumni for a wide variety of state career op· port unities. Feb. 21 · Norlhwrstun Mutual l.iC~ Insurance or l\lU"·auktr. All Business Adnlinistration. Economics and Liberal Arts major int e re s ted in claims adjusting , underwriting and home offi c e management positions. Unh·ersit) or \\'l sco n si n·llom ~ Economics Extension · All home economics majors with at least a grade point average or 2.75. February I marks lhe opening of the recruiting season for second semester . All Senio rs sho uld init iate a p1acemenllile by contacting the Office of Career Counseling and Placement t 106 Main for non· teachers and 103 Main for teachers) . A hostile econom)' and keen competition makes an early start imperative for success in )'Our job search. fo~ eb . I · J .C. Peony Company. Business Administration . Economics. and all majors Interested in retail management. Feb. 6 · Kresge Company. Business Administration. Economics, and all majors mterested in retail management . Camp U-~ah·Li·\'a. Green Bay YMCA , Mr. Rex Erickson. Looking for counselors for YMCA Boys Camp . Jive-in required. co unselors. Positions include craft director (Cxpericnced l, and wate.r front Freshmen director cWSl 1_ through seniors. Camp session from June 10 through Augus l 24 , 1973. Feb. 14 t"onn«Ucul Mutua l lnsurant'f' Company . All majorS for sales careers onlv . Feb. 15 Aid Assodallon for l.utbeorans . All Business Administratton . Economics . Math and oltler majors m· teres ted in a va rie ty of non· sales and home offtce postlons . Feb 20 · Statt> or \\'isconsln . Feb . 22 - Sodal Se-curity r\dminl stra tlon. Chit'ago l)aymen t Center. All Sociology, Psychology . and other majors interested in federal career opportunities in Chicago. Unh·ersi ty or Wlsconsln-llom e Economics Extension· all hom e economics majors with at least 3 grade .point average of 2.75. ~' eb . 22 - Socia l Securit y Adminis t ration , \\' lsconlln lhplds . All Sociology , Psychology and other majors interested in federal careers in Wisconsin, Illinois. Indiana, and throughout the midwest. Teacher Corps. Detroit ~llcblgan . All students in· t~rnted in teat'hing op· portuaities. Feb. 24 · .S. Civil S.rvlcr Exam. 8::Wto 12 :00, Room 121A of the Science building. Sign up in Hoorn 106 Main and see a counselor on tips for examination procedures and assistance. Feb. Z7 · Sears Roebuck and Co. All Business Administration, Economics and other majors interested retail management careers. Pan American Airlines would like to visit our campus to recruit stewa rds and stewar· desses : however. they ·would like to have a statement or students interest. If you are inter~ ted in working for Pan American leilher as a steward or s tewardess ), please contact the Placement Center 106 Main . fo~ eb . 'n ·Stat~ Farm l nsuranc~. Sales posi tions. SUMMER JOBS Guys & Gals needed f01 summer employment at Nattonai- Far1r..s. Puv•te Camps. Dude Ranches and ReSOf'tS throughout the na · hon Over 35.000 student~ aided year F01 Free .nfOtmatJOn on lludent asststance program send self -addressed STAMPED enve· lope to Opportuntty Research. Dept SJO. 55 Flathead DriVe. Kaltspell, MT 59901 , YOU MUST APPLY EARLY PO~TEJI. Page 13 Student Manager Jobs Open Applications are now being accept e d at all Res idence Centers o.nd the University Ccn_t~r Cor s tudent manager pos tltons bea.inninR with lhe fall '73· '74 semes ter The job entails a varie ty of responsibilities and personal co ntacts. which it is expected will enable the participant to grow and develop in the fieJd of interpersonal communication. The Centers are looking for peop!e who "enjoy working witJ1 and for people while, at che same time . taking on a responsible position which is challenging and interesting .·· Those who consider them· selves ··responsible, personable individuals" should pick up an a ppl ication. Wood Carvings On Exhibit An unusual hobby is currently un display 10 ltle Learning Resources Cen ter. Mr. Ben /'..alcwski, Mosinee1 hand carves wood for enjoyment. His wood carvings have been displayed at art fairs and arc for sale. Also on display is pholography by Mr. Gerard Uuellman and Mr. Ralph MizJa as well as by students enrolled in Photography 231. Other studen t works include be:glill· ning tapestry technique sam· pies done on a frame loom for a woven textiles course. •COHVERSl • JACK P\ltlca.t. •tt.ED IAl.L •"PUMA ,\ Elmer Fuddpucters Rapid Rabbit 1338 2Dd 8Creet SHIPPY SHOES MMH ot WATEJt BURGER CHEF Dlvjslon and Fourth Ave. Family Restaurants Mister G's G1I1IR Complete Tennis Shoe Selection only 2225 Sima Avenue. (ll&lf block from Campus) . Or eall S44-S599 Auto -lnsurance! If ao,- aa at IISURAJC(E "Royal Plus" Leather ~ 2- Slices for melted Tangy Cheese problema ~low coet DaviD« UlftVERmY SECOND STREET GYM MILL 2 - 100% Beef PaHies The StaH at WW5P-PM90 would like to thank all those students who participated in the Filth Annual Christmas Telethon. Without your help we wouldn't have reached our goal of 6,500 dollars. Thank you for making the 1972 Telethon a Big Success. Students or facult y wishing to display materials are urged to contact Ms. Zimmer, ext ms. al (he LRC. STUDENTS1 Pro-Ked Double Cheeseburger ABORTION INFORMATION Abortion Guidance An At>ortion con be orN"tted wlthln 24 hourt """you con return h......, tM ooone doy you Jeoyef Call Toll Free (800) 523-4426 N.-prot~ t orpnlzaUon Open 7 claya a week Recreation Center 800 Clark (Old lua Depot) We have all the games: Pinball Pool Foosball The New Exciting Air Hockey to fill these cold winter days & nights with fun & pleasure. We also serve a variety of ..... " F'tidoy, Ftbri,IOI)' 2, lf7l THI PCMHTU Campus Newsletter .........,. ..,..."""...... ,.......,......._,, - .........._ , ... ..,...., .... .llw~ , .......... . ............. __. .................. .. ,.. ""'"*_ ............,...en-... . ..........~ • ...._, 1 ... ....,................. ...... ..._... ..."""""«~ .............. ...........,.-........... ..... =:r~...,.x.!h-.:'\-:.":" .....,. . .,..... ............. ~·~- ~--·~.,... ., IWoO't'-~("..,.,_ __ •._,.. r..-,......c_,.....,....., ......... ..,,.,., _,,.,_ .. -'-,.......,........,. ...,........ ... ..__......, ....._ ...... ·- ,...... .._...........,...._.. ,..,_ ,....,. 1M"-*......,_...,. ......... .. , . .. .....,.....,,.,..,._ ,....,_, .. ,........ ,,. ~ ,~. ...,.,,...,.......,..,. ............ . ~-,......., ~~·­ s-.,--·~~·--­ aN """- ~-,.~···--­ ·~--~-~ u. ·~---.~ ~· , ,,,~ · ·~ ..... ~.......,. ("....,., .......... J • • • ,..,.,._ " - - " ' - ........ ........ J •• ~ ......... l·...,-..- - , • ..:.:-;...--;;:-::; .... ...... ---- .,.. ~ ~) r .~~-: ... ........... ,_........,,_............,............_.. ••••••IIC o-•Atw• ''"''IINII ... ~ ~ ........... ~ .._.. "- lbcl..e-'1~-.., ~,..._ •• ~..·d • ..l"-........._" • ,,... ..._.., ,..,...,,,.,." .~~~:.".::t:.::::--- .. ~ ~•wAr BIG DADDY'S SALOON ~~~~to.~a:··!Ej::.::..~::. ~ ~ ~'""· ~ ,.~ C.U J••IHfY ............... Wtf'e . .,.. ........ tltr.t St, ,.,,. -.c..0.,._.,..,..,_, ,.,....t4 - • eM ~ .,.,...~ ft~~l eiC~. -....- ........... ..n -o.. th• 54uoN - l!~!!!!l!~ :.:d__.............. --~.~~·~'To:' ....•-..Ju...-..,~w..u,s,.cw. ,;;;;,;;t_ POINTU = Suits and DrHses 2 for $2.79 ~c...- ........... Offw,...;IA1...._f4S. Stop IJt and Pick Up the Money Saving Coupon Check Book 0,..~7- -·~ U7 OhoWM St. ,.....,., , .,_, .-. )oW.stn 1617 DiYisioa Frrday, February 2. 1973 TH E PO•NT£R Page IS r- ~- ---- -- ----- ---- -- -- - - - -- -------------1 Pointer Basketball Summary l ..e 3 din" ScorC'r Ga1n~ ~ Texas A & I 69 Point 68 Pomt 71 St. Mary's 52 Point 95 Carthage 62. Platt eville n Poin t 71 Eau Clai r e 73 Point 70 Point 85, 1-'1 Crosse 81 Ca l Kuphall 17 Mike Stansell 18 ~~~: ;~P~~~~i~e 72 I I ~?:i,~~~';"~ Anderson. Ind. 82. Point 66 Culve r-Stockton 76 Point 66 Parson College 87 Poin t 64 Oshkosh 75 Point 73 S. Dakota State 92 Point 60 L-~~v~..:~~~ ~:~7~ --- Cal Kuphall 22 Tom Enlund 14 Kuphall & Peters 12 Stansell & Weinkauf t4 Stan sell t4 ____ as lhe \'isiUng team . A glance at both teams· shooting percentages !rom the noor clearly shows _why the Pointers lost. River Falls hit on 52 pe r cen t ol their shots. while Point only averaged 38 per cent. Th e Falcons threw a quick " run and shoot" ollense at the Pointers in the first hall and their ea rl y gunning earned River Falls a comfortable 43·36 edge at ha lltime. Not eve.n the overall talents of Point's Cal Kuphall were enough to over· come- the seven point deficit. Kuphall came oil both the nu and the bench to toss in 24 points. The on ly other Pointer in double figures was ex· PacheHi sta r Dave Haka wi th t6. llaka and Mike Stansell, both freshm en, led the Pointers in rebounding. Superior Downs Pointers 84-73 . by Larr)' Gilman and Tim Sullivan The Pointer basketball team continued to have problems away from home, as the Superior Yellowjackets used their home-court a d\•a ntage to wi n 84·73. The loss was the Pointers' sixth consecutive on the road. In the first hall. the P oi nters were guilty or severa l tum · overs. However . .,.'!lron g"' defensive rebo unding by Mike Stansell and Dean Wucherer lntramurals Faces Big Question Women 's lntramura ls wi ll be holding a vote over the iss ue of ext r amural participants in in tramural tournaments. All woml'n are asked and encou raged to express thei r views 10 regard to the following quest ion : Should glrh. par·· ticlp:ating on an t•xtramural or inter colleJ,:Iatt· t ram bt• t·l Jgl ble to participatr in "omen ·~ ln tramura iJJ. in thai 1o port '.' ci.e. basketball team members playing on a dorm or off--campus team . ) All girls interes ted in this question should dro p by the Intramural Orrice from 6 to 9 o·ctock Februar y 12 to state their views. A regulation will be passed based upon the majority view. and it will go into errect 1st semester of next yea r . Phi Beta Lambda Phi Beta Lambda held a meeting on Monday, Jan. 2. A tour through the Sentry building is being planned. but a definite date has not yet been sot. On Feb. 3, the group wiU travel to Eau Clai re for the Executive meeting. Anyone who wishes to attend should contact Barb Crook. Dates to rem ember : Feb. 11 · 17. FBLA-PBI Week ; Mar. :!G31. State conference. The group will meet again on Monday , Feb. 5 ot 6 p.m . The meeting place has not been decided ; watch lor posters. New members are invited to attend, and visitors a re also welcome. GrWler 8 I Stansell 12 Gruner 8 Gruner 23 1 I ~~~:.:1 1 ~ l I Gruner 10 I Gruner 10 I E nlund 8 I Weinkauf 7 I Stansell & Peters 7 Gruner & Feature of the Week ~at the SJereo Shop Can't decide between records, AM/FM stereo and cartridge? START WITH A SONY.) l ~~~~~~- ______ _ _ ~a~~~:d~:k.:.J Falcons Outshoot Pointers, 80·73 by · Larry Gilman a nd Tim Sulli van The Pointer basketball tea m continued to show why it hates pta.yinJ:t away from home, as the troops under Head Coach Bob Krueger lost another game Friday night on a foreign court. This time the Pointers were done in by the UW-River Falls ~-a lcons , 80 ·73. Stevens Point has won only one ol eight games I I I Lea ding ltebounder I I Less Gruner 17 I Stansell 8 I Bruce Weinkauf 20 Cal Kuphall 19 Les Gruner 14 Cal Kupha ll 20 20 I I he lped to kee p Point close to Superior. and the hall ended in a 42-42 tic. Point literally ran into trouble In the second hall by relurning to a running typo ol ollcnso. The wide-open play resulted in seve r a l turno vers, and the Yellowjackets converted many of the Pointer errors into Superior baskets. Superior finished the game wi th a 51 per cent ma rk ( ~) !rom th e field , while the Poi nters' total was 33 per cent ( 28-82 ). Point 's deleat was a result of turnovers and poor shooting. because the Pointers dom ina ted the boa rds , out rebounding Super ior 60 to 36. F res hman Mike Stansell paced the Stevens Poi nt attack with 18 points, while Cal Kuphall was next with 15. Adding eight points each were Bruce Weinkauf a nd Dean Wucherer. The Pointers are now 1 ~ in co nfer ence pla y and 4·11 overall. They will host UWPlattcville tomorrow, night at Quandt Gymnasium . 1 S'0 NY COM'PACTS WITH • TURNTAB.LE • AM/FM • TWO SPEAKERS • ADD A CARTRI'DGE OR A CASSETTE IN ONE U'NIT • 'WALNUT GRAINED C'AB'INET A'ND S'PEAKERS OUAlO:Y and COHVENifNU YalenHne's Day is Wednesday . THE STEREO SHOP CORNER OF SECOND & CLARK 344-6020 february Uth Remember those who are dearest to you ••• .• Russel Stover Valentine candies. our 'biggest ever' selection of Soft Touch Love, laughter provoking humorous, and beautiful sentimental · Valentine cards for all. Love books, love posten. heart shaped candles ($2.00). 'Love Bug' stuffed animals, statues, sentimental plaques. please someone on Valentine's Day. stop to see our beautiful gift ideas. Westenberger's Gift Shop dow11tow11, Main ot Stront• Is next year when you make the big mote from the dorm! Move to the Village 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 2-Bedrooms, 2 baths. Fully furnished and carpeted. Free utilities. Garbage disposal and dishwasher. Heated pool. Close ta campus. Sound-proofed throughout. Security lock system with voice intercome. 9. Laundry facilities and Ping-Pong tables. Rent Your Apartment Early Model Open 341-2120 ~ •• THr ..o.Hna Independents Open Intramural Season ... Tht• •fft• Ill_........ lh,,..,..,, U""""butf'ttl!ll , w-.1 IO)' )bry ..,!;;. "............... ~_...... ..,,. Scttulu ••,orofiOfftf.OIII.,..rhrmilll('o' llw,'toiMH"""'""M'"t«f,_ •IIIII 1• JNIIIh a•• .... ............, .......... (.lwww .....,, lou. . 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