
In This Issue:
Interview Of The Week
St. Michael's Hospital
NO. lJ
Deportment Of The Month
Hnb l .:tttln and nan ;\lcC.Iynn
Thls month the Polnltr is featuring the
.\lllitary Science Depa rtment in it's De part 11\Cnl of tht' Month Series . Th(' department
has been in exis tence on this campus since
Septe mber of 1968, and currently hns 78
-"' lUd<'OlS enrolled in it' s programs, O( which 40
ar'-' freshmen.
The facult y includ e Lt. Col. John Porter. the
l' hairman of the department . Sgt. Major
Charles Kerns. Major Nick Gr~n . Captain
Paul Rohde. Captain Ernest Flowers. a nd
t 'a ptain Linda Burch .
The UW-SP Catalog defines the Military
!\l'ience Department as ortering ·· ... train ing
lea ding to a commiss ion a s an orhce r in the
t ' nilcd States Arm y Reserve. This training is
designed to prepare students to enter the
nu litary sen•ice in a leadership capacity as
comnussioned orrice rs and Jay the foundation
tor fu ture ,\rrn y leaders m time of
e me rgency
The s tudents m us t complete a four year
r ur n c ulum , cons is ting of two years basi c and
1wo years advanced s tudy . Adyanced s tudy
!'tuden ts a rC" paid $100 a month for each month
they a rc enroiiC'd in the advanced s tudy
prog r a111 s . with th e e xception or a six week
.. ummC' r t·amp per iod . when they are paid one
ho:l lf or a ~ ond lieutenants pay,
program a lso offe rs 1-4 year scholarships Cor
outs tanding students who are interested in a
t·a rcer a s an r\rm y Orriccr", in wh ich the
Arm y covers th e cos t of tuition. fees. books,
tab roes . and the $100 a month ·subsistence
a llowance.·
All s tude nt s participating in the program
a r(' g1ve n Sclecti-.:e Serv ice Deferments.
The current budge t for the Military Science
De part ment is $1 3,436 , with $6,100 going for
d a ssi f i ~lar i es. $2.030 for work -study , $260
rm· travel. $1.100 for con tract services. $1,854
tor s uppli es. a nd $2.092 for capitoL
The fo ll owing arc answers submitted in
\\ r iling ro the Pnln ttr by depiirlmcnt
Cha irm a n J ohn Port e r . Lt. Col Porter would
not gra nt the l'olnlf'r a n mte rview .
Pointer ;
Could ) ' Oil britfl)• givf' somr
hadt~round lnformallon on \' ournlf~
J.tnrtf'r : \ I ha\'C attached. a biographical tch from which you may want to extract
suc h mforma tion as you deem appropriate. l
Lt. Col. J ohn Porter has been a n Army
off ice r s ince t954 . whe n he graduated from
\\ es t Point as a second Lieutenant. He has
sc r\'ed two tours of duty in Vietnam as an
\d v1 sor to the 22nd Vi etnamese Eng ineer
Ba tt a lion in Kontum Province. and as
\ d viso r to the Vie tnam ese Post Engineers in
th<' Northern fi vt' prov inces of the Republi c of
\ u~·tn a m .
Bes•des h1s West Poi nt tra ining , Lt. Col .
I 'urter has received a Bachelor of Science
deg ree in Civil Eng ineering from Texas A&M .
a ~ ~ ~1 s t e r of Scie nct Degree from Iowa Sta te
na ve rs ity, and has graduated from the U.S
.\ r my Com mn nd and Ge neral Starr College at
For t Lea ven~·orth. Kansas.
\\o'h1lc complet ing hi s Mas ter work at Iowa
Sta te . Porter was an Asslst.ant Professor or
~l1 ht a r y Science for 2 years. Instructing fi ~ t
anct fo urth year s tudents , serving as Com ·
tun ndant of Cadets, and as advisor to the
P<.'rshing Rin es rrgimental headquarters
Porter is Ha nge r and Airborne quali!ied
and has bee n awa rd ed the Bronte Star with
j l;~ k
Leaf Clus te r . the Na tional Defense
Se no1ce ~lrdal , the Amer ican Expedit ionary
For ce ~1 cdal, the Arm y Occupat ion ~ledal ,
Th<' Vse tna mese Se rvice ~leda l. the Vietna m
t ·;unpalgn lli bbon . the Vte tnam ~e E ngineer
Radgc . a nd the Exper t Infa ntryman Ba dge .
Pointrr : C:!ln ~ou outline. J:t-nera lly. the
l' Onlr:•c tual rC"I:tllon s hlp be l ~een t hl !>.
unh .-r ~ il~ a nd thr IJf' partmC"nl of thr .\ rm) ':'
\Ia .' a n~· onc- obtain :. c op~· or this contract ':'
1 If not. plf':t§e r'Cpl a ln "h)' not. J
l'ort f' r : Il lS the same bas1c agreem ent and
t'ontractua l r elat ionship as e xists betwee:n the
Sec re ta r y of the Ar my a nd a pproximately 290
t·ollcges a nd un ivers iti es across the country
11 1 incl udr a ll rirty s t.Ji es. the Dis tr ic t of
Militar-y Science
Columbi a a nd Pue rto Hico. In it. the ;\rmy
:•g r ees to assign personnel t with oHiccrs
requ iring pri or a pproval of the institution and
hcing subject to removal upon ins titutional
request I, provide authoriz.ed gover nment
property . pay cadets during their final two
\ears a nd issue uniform s ; the institution
3gr ees to establi sh the Department or
~ lititar y Scie nce with ra nk of Professor ror
th l' Department Cha i rman. provide
necessary space a nd certain facilities , grant
c redit and provide janitorial and clerical
~ crvic es .
Unless ei ther of th e two parties to Lhe
t:ontract lthe University or the Secre tary of
the Army J normally provides copis or its
~o: ontract s to anyone requesting sam e, there
could be some concern, but I know of none .
Our departmenta l role , however, is that of a
s ubord inate orgnniz.ation. which must refer
vou to the contractual parties involved.
. Polnttr : In the pu l, thr p r~sence or HOT('
un t·am(lUS has bten crl tldud on grounds that
ll dMs not relatt' to the goals or a l rur
nnh·erslty. and particu lar ly that it does not
rC"Intr lo thr pursuh or truth . \\'ould you
('ommrnt on this ?'
Porter: Certainly there is no particular
dcpnrtrner.t or instructor or segment or the
news media on any campus with a corner on
the market on truth . We seek truth and
knowledge in our course offe r ings. see in that
110 con met with lht goals or a true university .
and tend to resent inferences to the contrary.
Captain Linda Burch recently answered a
similar question from the Pointer. I refer you
to the. sum and substance of her interview
together with the remainder of this one to
provide further insight on t~l• score.
Pointer : ltOTC adver tl semenL' s lrtss the
rlnafldal benrOls or Wcomlng a cadd. II this
an adtq uatr basis on "hlch a student should
make such a rar·reachlng. and possibly IHe or
dra th commll t me n t~ Do you think that thr
avnagr beginning ROTC cadet baa surrlclen l
background to weigh the moral and po lit ica l
impllcalions of his choice?
· Porter : 1suspect at times that the financ ial
aspects of the HOTC advertisements are
being over -played and I have personally
{' xpressed that opin ion to appropriate ad ·
vertislng account officials. In addition to
shared concern as to the amount or stress on
money. your question appnrently shows a
misconcept ion as to the financial benefits and
when and how they are realized and a.ko
ind icates a misunderstanding as to how a nd when scrvicp obligations result from ROTC
The normal ROTC program is four years in
duration and involves both credit courses
1varyi ng from one credit per semester the
fi rst year to two or three credits per semester
thereafter > and non -credit leade r ship
laboratories. For the first two years , the
cont. top. 5
Teo For Th ieu : The Mad Hatter
Election '72 Closes
Ma ke no mis tak e about the
fac t that Mr. Nixon Is the
prC's1dent. On the national le vel
he c:o mpled 541 electoral votes,
over 44 m11lion popular votes,
a nd carried 49 s tates t excluding
Ma s s achu s etts and D.C. I .
:\lcG ov ern a c c ept e d de feat
<'arl y Tuesday night but ca me
h,1(" k s trong sayi ng th a t
rcga rdi <.>SS or thi s final out come
" w ~ · vc pushed thi s country in
th {' d ir('ct1on of peace."
It w:1s a c lose presi dential
race on the state level with
N1:con ta kin g a c ruc 1al 54 per
cen t or th e Wiscons in vote On a
local bas is , howc \'c r. McGove rn
won 58.7 per C{'nt of Porta ge
Cnunt y IA'hcr c he took Z7 of the
J4J ""'' llrd s.
As a n e lcct1 on s •dehne. there
1S s trong rum or th a i N1xon's
f•rs t c hore '" h1s ren{• wtod
pos 11 100 Will be IO fi nd ;) new
Sec re ta r y of Oefcnst', as :\t el\'111
La 1rd m ay be r e tln ng o r
movmg to a new positi On
:"low her e' s how you voted 111
lhe loca l polls . In short. the
Dt•mcx· ra ts t1ppcd C\'e ry local
ballot ba ttl e in their favor.
There wa s only one very tight
race which la s ted till early
Wednesday morning. Th is wa s
the race for 70th Dis trict
Asse mbl y between Democrat
J ohn Ocs triche r , Republican
J nhn Parkin and American
p.1rt y Thoma s Stockheimcr.
Be fo r e midn ight Tuesday
Ocstreil' he r was ah ead 3831 to
J.HI votes. l-Ie later won it by a
s lim margin ta llying rnt votes,
s lightly over SO per cent.
In th e S ec o nd Di s trict
Con gre s s ion a l r a ce be tween
D<·m Dav1d Uhe y and Rep.
r\l \'ln U' Konski. P ortage Cou nty
go1\'e Obey 82 ~ r cent bac king ,
wh1h.' tn the Se ve nth Oistnct he
n•t'CI\'E.>d 64 per t·c nt t ,.\ pprox.
i O.OOO to 38.000 popul a r yotel
mak mg Obey a nd easy vkt or .
D L" m
Wtlll a m Bablitch
!Idea ted He p Hay Hiorda n, Jr.
!or the scat or Sta te Senator
da s pmg 84 per cent or the
Po rt ag<" Cou nt y vo te and 59 per
t·ent over a ll vote.
Oem inclumhent Nick Check
look an early lead over Rep.
James Stankevitz and held it to
clinch his position as Sheriff of
Portage County. He recei ved
63.6 per cent of the popular vote.
The struggle between two taw
school c lassmates Dem. Maris
Hushevics and Rep . Loya l
Hanson ror the position of
Dist rict Attorney closed with
Hll'ihevic:s a hands-down winner
rini shing with 73 per cen t or the
De m . Leonard Groshek edged
Rep. Emil Przekurat with68 per
cent of the vote for the
Hc presentative to the Assembly
7t st District.
In other local elections. Dem.
Hcgina Hilger won the County
Clerk position over Rep .
Dorothy Schorg.
De m . J oseph Bodzistaw laid
out Rep. contender Larry
H1 Stow for the Corone rs orrice.
Dcm . Alfred Lewandow ki
beca m e Circuit Court Clerk by
(•d g ing out Rep. Kathleen
Ha nson.
Indeed. Dem. Lilli a n Haka
f•led awa y Rep. Robert Knecht
for lhe title or lleg ister or
Two local race-s went urr
These were the
pos itions of Count y Treasure r
f•lk'd by Dem. Stephen Mols ki ,
a nd Surveyor filled by Dem.
Anthony Kiedrows ki.
foge 2
Novembe r
In te rv iew Of The Week
Captain Linda G. Burch
,\ge : 27
Salar)" 5H ,OOO
Position : ,\ssisunt Professor or ~l1htary
BS 1\cnt State ll n"·~r~tr
~IS ·llnin7,; 1L )'ofSouthern California
Pursuing PhD · ll ni•·ersl!)' of Oklahoma
IJI"U\'Idf!:!lourfacvl ty"·iththl'opporlu nity!o
educate young men who "'il~ J:K' uer.dsing
command and sta ff responsibilities m the
a rml'd forl'I'S. ROTC pro•·id~ the (!Ua lifltd
studemtlleopportLLnityto~arnacommiss i~
" 'h.ile earning an academic degree of h1s
c hoi•e"·hkhiScongn.ent"'ithtlle frcot.'domof
c hOil'l.' and
libera l tndition• of this
Officer BaSIC t'ourso:o
Offl<"t'r Ad•·an<'t'dCoursc
lns!ruc!iooal Systl'm5 Design Course
Phyd!olflg1cal Opera1101\li COurse'
l'r!'Sl'ntly enrollt'd 1n ~larlnr Com mand &
(:encr:.l Staff Course
Onf & onc·Mlf ~·ean; l"lblic rclat10115 ·
T\o·u & one·lla lf )'ears 1n German)· ;u a
Cono n•anding OIII..,.,r- [{uldance&counsclill!l
Oneyt>atl'ducahoo ad"!Wf at US Army
f 1eld Arl1llery Sd>ool. r ort Sill. Oklahoma
:"ole. Th<·ldeasconlai11Cdln\hcresponsestu
ther;f QUl":SLion~ ar~ Ca pt Burch's personal
beliefs :•nd not. ""cessaril~· representath·e of
the •·nhrt ,\rm ed ~·orces
l' l'lnt~r :
Wh U Is t ht
t~ nct ion
N~Jrscishlbelaugh t thisyearbythellistory
and purpmt"
fie\dolendea,·or.•-e ...\liiiUryScience ! also
bcltcH an 1ndi\'1 du3l $hould und en;Und·
lhoroughl)'"'hathema)· bequicklocrilicize,
~nd s1oce our defense establishment IS a
frtoqul'fllloplcolcontro•·c rs)',SILLden(l;$hould
bc ofh•rl'dtheoppor!luuty!olrarnaboullt.s
h1s tory . m1~s>0n and organizat1on.
dlllooally . s mre wa rs h:i•·e been pre>·alen!
thou~hout our na1100S hiStOry. stu dcn~~
~hould IH.· g"'en the opportunlt)' to s tudy the
nuhtal)' aspo'Ciliof"'·ar
..:~ol~r~~ n::a:"":t';.~u~ngL'n:;:~~~)~.:.:
kn ..... tf'<l~-t• · 1\' hll t uptd!. of l ruthd ohU!e
di~dplln• llf mililary <t len•• pu r\u~~
Hur• h:
Somt of the a ns,.·ers to U!1s
qut'SI1011Drl'delinea tl'dmtherll!lponSI!'to the
pre•·iousQUer;\lon What better way to st""ek
lflllh than !o be e~posed !oboth sukos of the
L>SUI.'' M1h tar)· Scll'flt't' encom panes. in ~
targ~parl , lhl'areasolmut"'aUon.leadcrslll~
and m~nagem<•n l
!10"'' man)' other
diK1pllnesprO\'Ideihl.'s!uden!"'1thpractica l
ex pcr i('f1ce5 111Lbrsearea s ona•onhnumg
ba~1s thoughout the~ year,;' It ts not difficult
to ~ how ~!1lilary Science pursues
krnw.ll'dgebytOOmerl'dtofiRL tlonofthe,.·ord.
Wnh the exl'l.'ption of veterans, few of my
1M arus CO\'l"red In Milltary Scie nti' 101.
thus some knowledge IS bound tobcgaml'd.
~= 1 da=~~~de~;~ e~f~ndent
upon the In•
l'olnt u :
\\'lu•L ad •·•ntagn don Ul l•
n mptu han In l.,.ler ing a KOTC p r og r am~
Burc h: Through hosting a HOTC LLnll, the
sU\ui.Or)' land grant rf!:!lponsibihty a nd 11
providingagene ralp.~blkserviC4!totllestale
and nation by p roviding !raining lor a
This p rasram contributes \o the ~eope nf
p r olnsional o ppor tunlt les ava ilable on
ampu.t;anditll:'ppurtl.lndlt rengthensthe
t'OI'I«ptofdiven1tyandbreadthof offer ing:<
!n.a frtoe,libtra l andcompleteUniven.lty It
lhepl'l'fo rm a~eolourduliesandthefuture
UOTC instruc!Dnl .
Blofort~ lea•·illll this
QIK":Slioo. it might be appropr iate to em·
ph.181lC th.,t on e of the.' ~trongnt arguments
lorh:,.·ing ltOTConl'ampuscs.sul'h as ours
hc. rc ,ls loinsurctha t' lcndersare '
rcp reoentaliveofournational popul~tion and
h:i•·chad thc academic bcndit.s "'hkh a re
:wa llable at our many fin•• collegell 'llnd
unh·ersities. \\'ht'thcr )'OU realitl' it or 001.
thl· in nu r n<'l" that th!o d •·ilian instit utions
exerts upon the militar)' each ~l'a r through
the commiSSioning of nl'\\' gra duat es is far
~ l' n i •·rn; it ~· ~
l fl'l't lllat thl•purposeofa
llll(llcrt•duc:&l>Oillo t hl"indi ••tdua lsendo"·l'd
"·•thtlleprerequiSilcsfor3llendaoce It s
luii<' IIOI\S 1r>eludepro•·ldln11a means for the
.• tuden! tGallalncompetl'f1CO!In3 particular
fteldolt•ndea•·oraloog"·i th c•·eloplngand
•·ul\1\'ilti!Lg a n apprl..:•ation for
kn .....-ledl(•·. andunderstandingofman-past.
I'Gint~r :
Wha t I• thr n ~ t w r • <>f you r
l nt h ln~ fwnctlon ~ I thl• t: n h•r.i l)~ Wha l
•UbjHl> dO)OU \ Ul'h and \O h~ ~ II <>" d""'
lhi• r..talfol o th• fwL>Ciionan dpu ri'O"f OI Lh•
l ' nh.r>lt) •• a "hule~
tl urrh: l am ;~n a.~sist <~nt professor o f
~h ht a rySc1e~ " ·itll thc re<ponsilllll ly 10
ll~ltuct all M.'t:\ IOIIS of lhl" ~hhtar~· St li'OCe
t0tt()I.II"SC , "'tul·h•5enutll'dtheUm!l'dS!atcs
[lefcnsr Establishment In th1s filllrse ""l'
<bscuSiltheSDLlunai i.Jefense E:s tablishmrnt's
tus!<>r)', nLISSLonandorgamzatlon. Wedei\' P
mtothotcausesof,.·ano. 111eprinc:lplesofwar
and !hechangm@:3Sp<'t:!Sofgoals,lac torsand
ll>lltrumcnt s tha! lnflurrll'enat iona lpo"·er l
belie•·e th1~ courst IS in ket:plng with tile
luoct1ons of 1M: li n1verSL!y that permits a
togethl> r "ilh our l~cvlly are very interes ted
of our profession. In fact. "'l" mll(ht eo.·cn
prl"sent amor•unbiascd•·i,....·ofthe:rub)e<ct.s,
bo:'Caus~ r for one am " ''lling to adml! our
url{anizationisnotp<•rlect andamintcr~ted
1n deterrin g future problem . a reas such as
IIese b~· learning from p.1s t mista kes.
1:SU<" h numers and our role •s more one of
sedngt hatth•·•·anousfacetsolsuch torksa rc
brought out rathl'r th:J.n co n vutmg the
though t.s of ot ~n. While soc h topiao as
atroclliesaresubje<'ltobelng brought up in
oth<·ro:lasse;.tl\enlost likelyplacefortheir is the U.S. ~lili t ary ll istor )'Counc
" 'hil·h oor scrond year cado:ts Lake That
~··~t,.,.thanih••small~lilitar)' Sl"iencestaffs
pnssibl~· cxl'rt on th<' indi\·idu;,l cam
<'OU id
Ca ptain Linda G. Burch. ROTC's
woman on campus'.
l'oinltr : ll owdo )· oujws til ~· thr ulstr nn
oi iiOTt' 011 a Unl.-enl ty u rnp w 1~
Hurrh: i " ·ouldthinkitisbasically
contradlt:l orytolibera l lhoog,htloru lelha!
Nr!ain ,.;e,.·sca nnot lle hendon campus,
lhal s tudenlscouldnotprepa reforccrtain
profi'SSions. or thioi intf'l'viev.· opportun•til~
forcertainprofes"ons"·erenot.ava 1lable
Ka tur;LIIy the.' U S Arm y ~~ \1tnlly lnter~tl'd
1n mamtaimng the ROTC p rograms !hal~~,,,..,
bccnt•staLh$h<'lloncampuses111 roughoutthe
~·enu.:~s th1sis the,.·aythe major portion of
oo rArmyoff1cers are procurt"d. t Werequirc
ap pr o~im atrl y 12,000offil'ei'S per year from
tlle280plusinstituLionstllatofferROTC I In
fact. thl· 1ndh·1dua ls that advocatl" both the
r<.'mO\·al ol !tare from the eampu:l and the
stroog HOTC program . Unless our country is
wddenly on the thri'Shold of continuous
peace, it would seem to be m our Mlional
i nlerestfor asmanyu~bteofthoS<'
future military leaders " 'ho will be respon·
si bleforcarryingoutthepoliciesofour
cleetl'd o fficials to re«i\'l' ma~i mum in·
lluence from academic in.~titutions s uch as
oui'ShereinSteo.·ens l'mn t
l'ointn: l•thn t not a ronlradlr !lon In
plaoingan lns thw t! ,., prlno:: lpl r d b)· lor orand
,-Jot.nol'·lhr mill tar)'· "·lth ln an lm. tltullon
printi pt<'ll b)' so holar~hip a nd thr a ll r mpt to
rompr rh•nd a nd r nohr thr p rob lem• b e ing
th~ " .' "'ld ·lht ~ nlnr •ll y~
1\urch: lntiH-Iirstplace,lwasnota"'a re
thatthemlhUirywasprirll'lpledb)' forceand
\1olence, andtrulrdoubti1Le•·eracityofthat
sta tement Add1t!onally. If I Interpret your
qu~.,;tioncurrectly, I "·ould lake exception 10
rt.Soh·e"orldtonlliet t bcl!t~elf)·oulook m
~o ur lJru•·ersity cat:t log, the pu rpose and
loog·ran11e goa ls of this University, alonll.
" 'ill! the s tudent 's rl'Spon$ibili!ie:s a re
di8CUSS<-d Kowlocrcdoe5itmenlionthaltbe
~tudt:nl IS charlled "'1\h rompr l'llend111g and
n:suh·ingworldproblems. lnlact,on•ofthc
guals of tht• Unwerst t)' 1s that 111e s tudl'nl
atlalnrompo:!enc<' m a p.1rticular field of
endea•·or wh1ch 15 also a goa1 of the Mili tary
SciCIIC('I)epar!mrnt fseenocontradiclion .
l'oi nlf'l' : Tg ..-lla tn trn t a rethe numuous
" '"' • Uroc ltln tha t lll• Unlttd SU !u ,\ llli!Jry
hu c ommhtrd , ou•h u Ulr e• term lna llon of
Ulr A m ~r l nn l ndbn. d lscutnd Ia fi.OT('
I Ul1nk " e>. trrmina!lon" Is an
lna ppropriatr wordinttus con!ext ,a nd l thl nk
it ""ould W lmposliib le fur dt'Scend.l n!l of
p;~rt tc t!l"'nts in 111al pll rti~ ulareonniN tobt'
proud of all of 1M actlorn~ of either s ide. f
think youwouldbesurprisrd at our a u itu df
toward di&CU n lllll tl~se • ub)o!oc:ll in ou r
Miliu r~ St:irnce classes- " ·e are wll11118 to
discus1 thetn openly and 1tudent dem"ld
mak'"=5 Ulat app ropr iate.
Our prognm
ltudeniS, u "·r ll as credit only 1tudenll,
l'o l nl~r : II OT(' n wm br r ~ rt"C~ i n a ~ ll pt' l\d
f<>r a LL ~n d lng a Un l\·u• il>'• ~O<' r tt:!~ llu you
thi 11k that ll hi tory, •:nglhih, l'h llu•ophy,
Ulo l ~~~:y n1a jors , ri •1. s hDU id olso r K~ i<-~ Lh ~
•am t omounl <If monf)' ! rom thr F rdera l
~o·· ~ r n m fnl lor ottrndi ng a, U nh·rr•it )' ~ Why
..,. 1\' hy n u t ~
!l urc h: S11pc11ds for ~cad~mi<: endeavors
"ere 111 ex1st'-">e~ toog ~forl' th~ Etarc
subs1stcrll'<' program "·as es tabk$hed The
month!~· s ulms tence of StOll paid to ou r ,\d ·
•·;u1cl'd t'oorso.· student<~ h!olpoi defray t~ ·
l"'ll>l'~ oc•;urinl( a~ a n"'ult o f being in !he
program . ~ uo:h as •·leaning of un iform,
t~liH'IIL<. ,~ .... . and the sum~ 113id durn~~: tht·
>UIILII Il' r an.:to helpreplace earnmgs lost"-h<·n
tiH' s tudentmus t a nend su mmer ca mp \'ou
rnu>l r~~'"·'' thai priOr !o r<O.:l'"'lng an)
>hpcnd .lh•· student SLgnsaconlrac!agrl'l'mg
Lo s.:n·••onac tin•d ul )' orlnthercserves , The
Scl>ool uf Eduo:atioo has an mter m>hip
progr:un ..-her<•a s tud,•nt l53p;l ldnwmbnof
tO"A:.rdsgradua lionSI' I<'('ti'dpu lpandpap!'r
maJor~ h:i•·e r<"Cei<'ed grants based oo thl'Lr
~atll·puin!~nrag<"S.andlhelac tl hallhey
~<l·n• S ILM.lyiiLg "ithin that dlop.1flmelll
ser<" •ti'pohceof fic'f'rS t'lllrring !he La"·
En!Of'.,.,mcnt Ed uo.:a tioo Program re..·~"'" a
):r:llllalldacadcmiccrl'di! forfouryeai'Sof
....:umrrous student.s reoc th·c
coll•'ill' ,.·ork
Ka11onal l)t•lcnsc Loan~ " 'hich arc mtl"''t'st
lr~.,.. un! lll(r:oduahon and dinu nish fDr li>Osc
<'111\'rLn~ tl"' tcachmg lield or tho.· 111illtary
llwn· :.rt· l: S ~:ducational Opportuni!y
IOrantJ. furd<os.en·lngst ud.:"'llli l.ooslly , thcG
l l!dll sa\',\ bclli'fitforvc tera ns!oo:on tinuc
IIM>If l!dU<':illbll_ T ..... baSIC dLffl'fCI'II'C be t·
"et:·n the ltOTCstipendand the \'A ~nefit.s is
l)l'fore the fat·t- the vets alter !h~ fact
,\n)· oncsi~~~;erelymlcrc:<t<'<linobtaininga
•·ull<·ge <'<JU<'~tion c~n norm:.lly find tha t
fu nd s arc 3\'31bhl<·
l' ulnh•r: 1\'h..:l t • •~~""' do )·ou ••• lor U.•
"lu d ~nl proll'> l nou•·• m om olthf U60't ,
ll ur<'h: l'rwr to lhe s i~ties, America n
t 'nw t· r~ lll.,.
Dcen ch:iracteriled a~
lilp<>hllcal , ap.1lhc!IC a nd perhaps sedo11e
ThiS""~ no! the ease wnn tne s tudents of the
EurUill'anand South AmtTic<ln Uni<·ersllies,
for !he ~ were •·ar)' much im·oh·l'd. I ~lieve
numcrou• techno logical advaneu. ne w
""'thodolugy and coorses of inSlfllclion, 111e
unpopular,.·a rlnVtet Nam. all cou pl fdwith
the "age of Urll'erU i n t ~" . created ou r
'gcnc:rationgap" Onc:tthisgap wascrea ted
!hrvaluf!:!l ofparen ts andcollegestu den\5,
aodcol l<"gestudentsandnon·col legestudMts
"'t."'"edestinl'dtoconnict. Students looking ror
rl'l'tlgnl tlon and lndiv idualit~ went e~treme,
wanting ra d ical IIOCia l changCf combined
" ·ithsomethill!lshort ofapol ltica l revolution.
ll ow could t he~ bt llu rd~ SII·ILU, prol('slS
and!IM!Iikewereutilizedtogain t hoealttntion
of lhe news ml'dia ; the news ml'dla then kept
tile ball rOIIil18. l da re uy, wlth01.1t the
medi:., t hoe movement woul d not h•ve been
1\IC:teuful , If II in fact wu ; nor wt~~.~ ld II lave
lutl'd nea rlyu longaill d ld . ll
b<:;'__:_IO:.:·__:_I9:..:7C::2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:_
St. Michael's Hospital- Medicine At Its Best
\ l'tosp.lal IS aft 1mpo«.ant
lOt' p:Ulfll-1 and r.-.nnl) l.&nC'I'I St'r•
\ l«'S'i'l«'n lhf't 01n1C' I'.J'I-toral ('ur t',
ll t'mo ch.ll)t" · ''"'' R ad10IOKY Anothf'r
" or.- 1\'ft'fll '"''~ to pallf'ftU I.S closfod
"tnl\1 l\•lf'HSKln 'Ahl('h broadcll!!oll ft'IIXIOU!
'"''""' ..nd m tht> futuu• 11111l Jl«<'tdt'
t'dlk·.•t~t"""'l pcocr-.m' for p;lhftlli
t\a\f'. and S!t"t'n~ POtnt •~
ont· m ~~ ~>n.t ~P•I:.b m thD
'I ~hch.1.~ ' IIMptiOII ' ' IOC:'ltf'd JUSI
"~'I nf tht•l \\-$1~ 1'0Unpu.' :lnd IllS o-.JM"d •DII'uttod b) thoto :O.I..Stf'rs ol ttw Sorro.,. ful
\lotl'tfor It 1'So goH•rl'lf'd b) 3 bo;;ard oltru't~
rommund) to
tue-k> '" h.l\('
,,nd ,,dnun•)tf'nd h)' l-'«'s1drnt
t..:uu:•n.: anti IW•
Th" plulo;.oph) .11 ..:;1 \IJ<h~tl'~ ,, thiS
nw s... ,.,,... ol thf' ~rro"' ful \lothf'r ~nd
)hth.1col" Uosp1t:.l .lr f'
tht• ("UUfpuf"a l lll~lt'k~ of lllf'f~)',
•ospt<'..:lll)' lht' prrSMal C'ar~ of thf' s td; 1n ll'lt'
!'ilt'totn' t•omt -.rt'a b) pro~o tdt~ hoelpau~l
'\f'r\'1~ of f'X«pllon:AI pr1)ff'HIONI c;,~r~t'l t'f'
Our fi,...t rt!-pon!>iblltt~ ''to r~hf'Vf' s~ fft'nl'lft
.•Ad n~l(lft' l'lf'alth .l.S '\Hilly, ,aff'l) .. nd
hum.Jnt'l) "" fkl'$1blf' and .111 Utf' H-.11_,1 n
j't'n'<' Hlft." l'lf'!ll \IOI Ih lht' !)nt 'f'r\t«'
" tl\u ~~ r ,.,;poon~tbl ht) t.) 14> our
to proude· prom11tl)' .ond r f
flt'IC'nll> ~II thr l:~it'lll ll"' ,.nd "lllllf'd
.l~t\f.;tn«' tM~ rt'q\1\rt' for thr tr<r~tmf'nt .,f
lht'tr p;!IMmlJ
' I "'r tl'litd rapi)IUlbdll) " to lht' nurton
and nur:-1ng peoro.onnt'l •hot ptorfOf'm b) d.1)
.11\d ntKI'II the' r~um('f'(HJS taslu nt"tdt'd
Huun.: lht· ~M 90 ~ND ~pl~b at
'lf'\tfU l 'oml ".liH' J:ont' throudl m:Uo)
,·h=tnt~:M •nC"hxhn~e St ~hdmf'rs
Thfo h~t ~p11_.1 "A$ f'"l.lbh~f"CC 11\ 111112
pnm.1r1l) tor lumbft')Ub an dw a~.a by Or
tln',.'lnnd .. 1 !'>!
1~11NI('1.1 10
II \I \\'r~4'
In about lll&i, "'llh lht
~lmr 111 logi(Jnlo:
ti'U., •~a . l>t"
\\,ll t~/St" mO\f'd hb l3<'1hll~ to Wau~u
In l<l(\l lhr C.'hllnl) Hospital C.'«JJIO.ll:<lfl
"at form~ 10 ,-r«t a ~pl:.l n S-ln<'RS
I'Ou,. II .. :., un.abk to do lhl) but b:<> 1906 lud
.:OIIt'n ,, llrt\OIIt ho!toiKI.!IIO t"''il<abll~toh IIM"If 1ft
'lto\f'n~ 1'-oo•.nt
Th•~ .... a) \lt'fc\ Uosp.t<tl
" htC"h• .... t.ot~ttd•no~fotmNrh~ U\14
ttt•~ ~P'tal ~P9<1""'''> c-1~ '" 1910
In 1!11 l~nd •·n r>bt;,tn4'd ror :1 publ1r
no..ptal .1nrl ~tround "''h bnltcon on Ault l l
't911 hv thr hoeop1tal bu•ldniJ:.
~ .. .a~ " prob&.m a' lo ""ho v.~Nk!
.,-.Jif' lhf' hosplt;tl tKit It""~ '4)(\f'd .... """
Ilk' ~l..trr.. oltht '«rO'IIoful \lot"" .J~rt"f'd '"
l:l k~ "'('r lho~·~ptlal on lht't'ondttlon lh..t lht'
'''h 111nuld llloiiH' ' '" nghttur«l.aun 11 at .111'1'
tuturco d~tf' 1bt dftd "';u m• 0\t't to tht'
''"'"""' 11'1 191! fOt' u 000 nu .. •UTn 'On"$' :u·
IU.llll) 3 moflgagt".,bfJI(.)hOI'IIIIhK'hlM$1!!olt'r\
A Student mteming in medic31
tN"hnology at St Mich:tels Uospita1
~I )httu~ ·~
<Unmuntt) full) •nformfdolour.n''l('f't. our
~·rO&'"'-' ;~nd our JICObltm\
Sa"'t"" M ~.Uln l\os:k14.', \ 'lt't'•PrC't.tdmt
~~~~~·~-:~·~:;;t:f'l~ ~~~~ ·~~
IIMptlllll 1\a..s 220 bftl.t.
••ppro•um;~t~l) 300f"m(lto)f'H. 11'1f'X«SJ of :00
nursn. t,: ph) tl('lJanJ. JDd many dafff'tt'nt
ott'p:arlrnl'ftlll o f hl:'~lth('UC'
llf'p~rtmtnh tn tht' twn p •tal ~ncludt•
IIC"plrotiGf) Thf'Up) , fGt Pf'UOftl •tth
r~-sp1ntor) prt~blt'ms
l>t'partmf'nt ot
1~\t'IOPIIWfllll l I>1Jo11bll lllf'S, •htC'h 11'1\0(\ed
dtt ldn"'l ""''" l~arnmg d1.sJbthtln. lnt tnsln~·
R~ 14"1! "'""linn\ .at lht 1'10\11 n.amC'd :<ot
\h1:h.1d.., hoer>ptal•rrf'cr-drrland 11'1 19:.!7
~an addJhon "~' but It tmmrd,,att'ly to tht
n.lf'th ool th\• <lkl bluldtntt '"''" add llloOfl "th••
..~, ,,..rl " ' tho..- ..,l.,ttng buttdtng
In I ')H .. laundr) l\oC"'<<o bodt'r ri)Ot'fl. M''A II'II!:
•<•nrn .1nd •l«"ptnl( qu.ITI\'n "f'rt' addtod In
1 ~-l!t• .1 IIIII•
\\t'••ll <~.trnr to ma1ni.J1n ow- rt'a.dlnn\ to
"f'ru·. and llk"C'C 311 t'n'lft'lC'I'IC'IH , 10 kt'\l"p
~('(" ••th th(' rap~ ad\AD«' ol n.r•tiiC'.JI
-.clot'nt'il" .tnd l«hnof.oe.>
:~~l'ld to k.f'f1) the
0oo. ,.,,, .ldck'\11 o~nd m 11nl. thl•
\uclt~r \ltdiC'Int' Tlu.) al'l('tloldn ll'w liSof' of a
~~~ u.u t for can('('-r trt:~~lmt'fl l and rad.o·
•c;otOipl· "t"aruwr fo.r M-lp m .. phyliCtan '<~
d~agnO!II:< of 3 d1SC>.lst'
Anothf'r a r r :a 111 the
l'llllstotal cart-orte-rf'db) M ~ht'l'laf'l'l
lt~ann Qtd that thf' hosp.tal no"' J\ao; th r «
lull•tuuco pc"'p!t' •ho JS.Silol tht pallf'ftl'~
('UIOII~IfW I .1nd "PiriiUilll nt'('d,
1 Ut;' unu .,.oclt'u .\lf'dtnnt. l.aboratory for
h'\llftit \lattrnlt)
Ph)JIUI Thtrap)·.
Ph~rmacy. Soc:1al
1-orth "''tl,il ·~s t•omplt'cfod In l'r.O, .lt''
o1l1dlll01'1 00 II'W' U)l "ck> 0C ti'lf' butldtnjl. •.J'
top 14
ROTC- A Student's View
lh ...... . .... , ...
I{'Jl:rf'l\ <t t..ou-1 Jll'lfiUIC I rt':lll)
d•dn 11'\l)ol'('l oln)fhll\;1: ~l of,,
'(11.1 kno,. I J~ l JOin4'\ll lo ...,...
Tht.. o'l~k ,,.... .........~,
runnu ( ·'
ntmo•nt f.C thr\l oo tlt f,..IIUh' filii It\(• \hllf.u'
prr~~ram on thtt
~--»·•·!"" "" "'"'" me-l~ -'"
nll"f'''',. v.tllt dtopl'lrlmo•nt
t·h,. •r•"•' " l.t c · ~>h•nf'l J111'1 n
l '••rlrr In on .ottcompt to .:.rt •'~'~
t \ .. 1\Mit<lll t14 Itt.- dl'p;trtlfw n.l
ft•l\t I N - "lhCT t'fld c.C tht !'halt\
<of ti'IIIUU,Iftd tho• f'otlfllrl ,lf\t)
1._•1\t\-1 \lui" ·'
!r~h"'"'" ,.nrl'lllf'd 111 thC" I(PTt
t•r; "" 1h1' t.1n1~
\ lull to 111"1(311 U~o~•lnl"'" '""' b\
•hac ,, ... ;~~.. hll..- "'"'' 1 lf"t
' ' '"n'"
..u.rpr~'f'd 1'\t't) c!JI)
Tht' 1'..1""'" a)Jc•·~l \lulr) ,...,....
.,, . ,.,!\!lei '""~"'t·r 1tw ch.trit"
tNt UnT• Udth •rot bttlnll!
lroiiRf'd 10 !)(" llrOft)t.l(lftal
i.1ik•" .•nd 11'1.11 liM') ""'"~ I>
I«IUIJI. tl'lfl' '"''"·'"' "-ar ~~
flif«tn&: tht'lt Sf'rC"I«'S to thf'
n 11hi.Jf\ .... ublt)hnl~nt
rf1)htod th;~t m•tof th" p('Oplt' rn
rlwo IU 1T('
n•:lotun' for
('t\"'"''"IC I ~ ~~.g.n up for HOTC '
"•·II """ ''~It'd
lllr .. IIIH" c)l HIITI
I ~I.I<"''I JU'' ~~oo~nt'l"d taw'f'
'"hal tl 11001\ l1k1• I t·an I fC"oltl~
I ll<tnlf"d to I JW-1
tl'loul(tll I d tr-. 11 and ' f f 1f
I h\f'd II and IIIUHV• OU1 I h k f'd
\ou kno110 a~ of Jl('f~Pit·
<n t•C"uco KOTr .andY) that, , ~"'('tf'l.t ""' ' " \ 'e4'1Mm . "'h~t·h
11 .. •)(If .;and m~ ff'f'hnJ OQ 11 ll tf ~oou IIO.ll'll to t'nll'(ll.(' lht
I"GIC'~"n tl'lt'n \OU .,hould co en
;tl'ld ...,..... hat ll~ lt liC"
•.. ,
, .,, •h)
• umplr "t'
•hat thf'
dfoff'ft.,.. l}topattn,C'I'I I IS hb thr
I""' )OU ~d \ 1\o'& ,.l'lat
nur 'trutturr ' '
\lulr> hri'IU•tll up 11'1(' ~ub)t('t
r-.1 t't1fK'"m and ndtcut(' of tht
KuTt- tn " '' .. n
'"C"r ~nd "a' ;~~kf'd 11 tM
utiJM'fl'ltl~rH) n.f tl'lt' prog-ram""
....ucg.. um~ ttndf'tl tn
"''toura(f' ,tudt'nl\ lrom
Jflln•n l(
ttw- HOTf pro&ram or
from rf'ma\C 1n 11 " In m)
Utf' lw ltatt'd, ' 11 jUSt m•Jc~
mC" ,. ant to <~.lind u-p morr
~·""" llw gu)') I Jc.nolo
lllf~nun "ould
tho• ,. .. , tM o1nd ) lat('o l
... , ·JI
.. hot... 'ltUCiutf' of tlw Arm)
thot· ' • " ttl<-;\., forcf'. ~r.tit~·
\lanN- C'orps o~nd .all 1M
If ~ou v.;,nt to C'rtiK'H.t'
thO!!! ft'"" •.C II'I<r IU•Tt' l(t.Jd~Uit..,
..:o to \ ml\.lm llf' 'tattd thoat
ht• lhdn t •f'.:tll)
"'hat lw\IOfloUid du tl h(' ....... ordt•rf(l to.~
\ t('ln.<~m fl li!hl .lflrr 1tr_.d~l 10n
'lft'ff'tU'I( ICI (-rf-"o' lh~l bftditt'
•l'lt'n I \-ilonl1' to 11
th~ "'·""
Dan .\ 1ulry. freshman ROTC
n" '""' 'ut
u:un.-d .... .1
1(1 •TC.' .trco o1 Jtn'•l butK'h of
t fffi I 1'1~'4' a nght to
''~ nd vp tor Utotm and thats 1tw
"'a) f'\C"t)bod~ f"bof' froth
,,.;,11) !h"ft't tJotl'lrrmC"<~Iall
"':II)~ bn-aUSf" of thJ\ artacl,.
Ill o!f'l h.a1f'd mcwf' but I 160Q I
lf'l 11 bothf'r mf'
\l ulf' tGtlflriUI'fl ' I.:UtnJtii'I.JI
lho'Uflllf"IIM,II;IIfll\ olhl..,~('o·
h.l'n t
14, hts ltn,....kodgt', .o~f
l'f'lrd.Jnto otth-" Mfr.-..hrr.C"fton
•· ~~ , ,,,.,..
•. ,._*"fl.,.
T.:tltt' m' "ani lor
)OU rf' a
HUT{' SIUdt'nl
nf )OUr ,\hc)rl h~lt II
\uwl of "'para In )OU from thto
Hut, )Oif kncwo 11'1~1
S.'t)•n.: about ho"' tht' lt'fiJitlt or a
Pf'f""'"' IQ•r ~ 1 m.akC" a
JlH-..tWI bad or ltood •ork .. both
..... ..
\h•lr' ..,,...,. thoi•I'!Jli)Oftunll' f(lf
•ouhl(lo· ..CII\1111'1- ..,ucft ;~, rho.•
Uo~n.::,..,... U~o~• kdtto Tr~m o1nd
'""' f•n,hmC lt1f~ ft.l l ..rntl)
,., ••una·~ tht btlt ad,~nlait"" nf
tn UUT<' and ..ratl'd that
o'l 1ntt "' ~" rC".llh don t Ktc too>
•IK'I'I ..,Idtt<' I tom <)Uf f1~n •1nc
lw>t1'111:ll KV1T.,tucil-nt
to rout took l'ltl
a qudofont
,.,.., thf' d JSt'lphnt' " good 100
l h..
hal" mt- ~nod lhf'
dof'o\n' t boChn
'Omf'llmf"t tl'tf')· un tf'll
m,.r('htn( al\d \IOf'artn l( a
u n1fmm and '"''""' h tf'''
ht• addf'd
and I havf' no
,,..,.... .,f trt tn KfiT(' on ""
~'"'""ll mt"\
nl hfl I(U)"' buill
8! •TC
tSn I
Jf'f'l of bf"•nte
TI'W an
'"''rlottl1'4l.,.....llllf'l I lllil!i !Old
~ots ,,.,, v.(" ,,. tauchl ..
)lOb. 14) drff'l'ld
<~Koalf'-~' o~n t"nf'm~
' o•
"t'(lnUnJt "' '
1! 11to11
hau• to du tiUf JOb a ..
'"""' ,., .,..,. ' -.n 'Ofn~ ha'
tu dn It h• dfoff'nd th""
"''' JU''
IJ,:,uno.l lhco •.,..m' ""ou.- nctt
I~ kill )00 lf'atrl
,,. fr. 1ll ... l'lf'n \OO re twa
'"..,,... " "' .md \l'ltl ~tn ClUJ hun
''"'~ \\o· ,.,., not l•utthl b(ly, t•
lull '' .. "''" of ~ m;~n ' natur4'
\\lt(lft lilt•
~0 '""' Nn I~
t.I!Jio!hl I'IQ110
n\a.ftf'U\t'f\ lb JUll' tho!- f»\W'
t htn~ C\1 {f'.tr ntn( ho110 to ckft'nd
\OU~It ll't UM' ll'lf' f'nf'm)
.. ttlM'I!..' 10 lt'atn hOvo 10 do our
JOb brltt'f I lUM)\1> lhiS 'AI11
Jlf'*bly Jt(l
thar.. '""' .... a,. 1 tooli • • n ..
Friday, N a.-ember 10,
In Need Of A Job?
""'"'" acad••n<~c areali arc <."ertainly m
un·rsut•l•ly . lhert• is aJ,.·ays roo1u fo~ tht·
scholarly , cr~ative. articulate. and a mb1\iot1.'1
>lu dcnL. reg3r dl~ h of hi ~ acadcnok
l'rt'p;~ raiiOI• . TI•us. avenJII" ~tudents in ~llt"h, a> h1story. l::nglish. $0Cilll r.tudi~.
naturu1 r<'>'tHIT<'<'5,IC'COIIdaryandt'lrmmatry
•·d ut•auon. biology . poti l iral •c•<'nCe.
ttlnltlliOJ!h)·, andmanyot herdt'Kip/in".may
fonol f...-...cropportuniliesintht:nextfev.· )·ran;.
Llu,.·•·•·cr. through parlklpaioon 111 ut.-a
Mn"cessful thun gr:~duJlt'S of tu3n) ot hef"
llne of the ~:~sons Sle•·ens 1-'ofnl
gr~duatt'>.hlln•dum·~Hcorlhanl h cnat•onal
;wl'!"agc 15 thco co fforts of the CareC'I'" Coun·
>(•lmgand Ptal."f'IIIC'fl\ CC'fi!C'r bt'adcd b)" IX
l"·nnii TI<'fnt'Y ThC«"MIC'r offl'n IIIC'~Iud ... nl
man) wn•oce"Sthai<o:on resull1n11 ~U<."t"t'S5ful
. .. r...-rupun.:uduallon
1'-<ncn: 1\hati•th.. noaiiO pllr-.. utt~ ..
tn..,.o· , ...,.., ... li•lt a•d I'Luem .. nl l.,..,,,., ~
Ti.-rn .. ) : ~l'laccmfflt offiC"C'l'~J5151n3
c.. q:o· p;~rt.hopro•· •IM:carl'ffl'OUIIM'hngand
<llt"a \lona l In formation to all ~tudt'ntl.
r.·~urdlt1'>-oflheordassStat us Allhoughtht·
..,•mon; dt•rll"t• tiM- ~reat~SI benefit from our
>l'fl"lt"l,; . ..·•·an:,.·orJu ng ...-i!hanincrt'allnJil)
la r~:•·number<tffreshmen allli 50phonture&
·~:;~:;~:.:~.~~. ":~·~~:~.;.,.!.~ =~~!~ro:~
~unuuerrm pl oyoucnl ,ellchcan nouinnu•ho~
o ·hatll"<'l'a nclbrlrt'atedon :. nond ividual~lii
rtogardlt•!i!ioftht:ma}or. Stuokntsinhu!i"""'
-•dmmuolration.homt·ec:Oioomln.rc:onom in.
u•·eu uooling. soils. dlctetlc:s.antlthost•
c•rt·paronglorrctllilm anagem••ntand•·a r loUli
msuranc<' JH"Ofl'$!ions. wil1findnumcrolls
Llfi'J('nl acceptable po't!IOrUII allli a(adiomK.·
o·n-dc:n\1als. Wrha•·,.al50 noted a si~tablc
uJCrealll.•mtht• ouonberof tcaehlngop·
Jltii"IUMiht.'Sforml'nl n clcmenlar)" todU(atoon
husmeu managt'lllcnt
Uu-e to affirmalll"e
ponuml oesintho.'nt:xlfl!\lo·)"l':ln.espl'Ciallyon
MK'h areuas b111iiiC':Iol and go•·ernmenc.
ao~•=..~:;~:-~ ~·~~:~ ~~~~ ~~~~;:;:;:.."'~~!S:~n
:ond n r«r roua• .. llnl(~
Under 111<> carn:r advis mg con ·
plac:emcont personnd mlorm
uf 1M do's and don"is of in ·
1(1"v,....·ong. ho,., LO lilt out a r~wne
u1 ~l ah' and ft-deral emplo)·mmt . and
prt't.-.:dure onvoh·l'd In locating Jppropria tt
('ar .... rl'OU!Isehng. ho,.·e •·cor .•s onheren\1~ a
'"~"'""" thto car.....- <"OUIISC'Ior and s t~X!ent on
..-cuch pl11l osophoe~ of ach•e•·ormc:nt. life
~~~ It'S . conc~pl~ osuch as penonal worth and
auoblhon l llr~nplort'dindctall w,.a ii C'nopt
'"!>t-Ip each sc ulk:nl explore attcptablr
•u•·~tlunal carrtOi and to~nha•oc•• his fu•d of
' '"-"llilunal kno ..·tffige and career awarentS~
~ u.-lo
objeccln· de•·octs as :ipii!Udr.
.... n,..,-.-m~nt . and mterfll tes~ may bC'
.-mplo)·f'd topro•·ode personal •·oca\lonal
Ti'" '"'"'
rt' jll
~wtlo•nt s
ouajllll".abllllii'S, andmtn-ests
l'llint .. r
h urur l lli<bnn til<" chl .. t
on•on lor rominl to Lh<"olllc.-~
TWrnr' l'arloflheru!i(lflolthalstud<-nt.>
.. , -,•lrl-qut•ntlyundec:idedabout cu~n.buL
lherr are unemplo)·mtnl problcml in lhe
oC>I"a \Minalconomumcy,andactrealnum~rof
the ~tudo:nts Simply don't llave jot.. They
...._~t ,.·urk "h"'n lht•y get oot of Khool and
ha lt• oo mforma!Lon on ho-..· to gu about
loukongtor11 Tht:studcntsre lyonwrolllce
loo lht•I'Jb ·findlnl(baSic5andlolakt•aciUal
i'oln crr : Thn )0<1 arr •omr•h•l ll~ r an
.-noplo)"mrnl ajCrnc)-~
In a cena •n 5C'fiM' • ·e are.
.. !though,..• ItO consodt:nbl)" be-)·ond an
I' <Hnlrr . \\ht•rl"' \d,.for
lhr •iudrnb ~
TWr"r' · llutcally,oursrrvorH onc:ludc
("brrercounselmgopen loaii JIIIIM:nts
,,,, •.,,,t , aplltude.andlnl<'lhgf'fll:ctestln&
:·~~;t't~r'-"!Ul'!;l . or•·oarefcrrallolhe Counseling
• 1
food.:ral and Sill <• Cll'il ScrVICC' li'SUIIII
~u ..en •o,-.,;
~- • .,.. dostr~bution
of Collr1r l'lae<rn,ltnt
\ ~ to~~~ )ol'n!on
f:oonpolatoon and d<Wobuuo'l
•'PJ)OI" U.,ol)" hsilnptoallstuden~
Ma•ntt:n.l.nn: of a Large f>lacement
hbr:Or) ,.heret-urn::nt ~oca uonalonform:o\1011
t•un~er nong hllndreds of bUJIR<'Uel . 111
~lustr~es. ,..,hool systfms. and so•·ernmcnt·oc• ~ arecaialog('d
~ M~onlenan«of a largf'gradi.L31~eatalug
<"<lii<'II:C t·a lalojl.s and apphcahons ure ~tor('d
B Speco al 1nlormahon conc~rnin1
•cholarshij»'andaSS IJ\.llntJI'nps re laLI VC'IO
Tl>e organ1zaL1011 of \loll Lo XIII eml'ko>·mt-nl onleo·icws ,.-here Wl\101"1 and
alumnllolf:·.-.-- for sdtoOI.Io~n-nmo:n l . alld
10 lnformauoooc:onc:eTn•nllhtoariolln
II lnformauonon supplyar>ddt:m;ond ol
aeadl'nnr ma)Oni relevant 10 fulun· em
Th-to ntabhshm~nt of placelucnt
1 •r(~llloa1Jfor all!;('lllors:.ndalumm ... hctr
compi lrd forC'mploym<'ntc:onsodt:ration
A computerm:-ilsrad -systeon . "'ltcro·
a lumm are malchC'd "''h JObli "a~ coon
Anaddo iiona lprOKfa"'"'"hlt'h,.ell:.ove•·l'l"y
Un1veu ot y's
prngram.,.h•ehl sllnder tht:d~rectionolMn.
WearC'current lyseot'ki ngLhosc
studc nt~att hefr~'!ihmanandSilphnmorc le.-e l
11·ho "'ish f11rther •nformalion about
c:oopcratl•·et.'duca!lonor.,.·hon •igh t,.·ish lu
Coopt:rativt• edu.::a tion. of «>Utse. allovos
tho:studt•ntloearobolh•none)· andprac:toul
h...- deft,...... Wr arenruin that if ni-OtC'
stucknts had t:vC'n HmiLC'd c:xprric-nl."f' upou
I!Uduation thtoy • ·ould find nu.ny noorco
employenlnlerC'StC'dinlhem We fe<rltho~>
1'"'1:'""' "1111p0rUnt beeause 11 l'n.llble!l
)\udc:nts \o &eta mu~h bC'IIer understandint
.,fboththe v• lueandapphc:a\lonufae*m•e
:;::c~~-I I~~..D~~~!i'1'f ':nyk~b;~-~~u~:Tcl~
would like to k110,. murt• abo-ul llw
•·oouerat\vr educat ion pro11ram. thy ..-,11
,,,.,lhuneofoorwunu lors.
th~:';::r;r~llo" dor~ ~ ~twd.-~1 r<"ILI~trr for
Tl.-r~<ry : For 11enoon ,.ho aro: '" businn .
dolsc:omemlo lloom l061111in. fill out tho·
rlt'Cessar )' forms.ancllt'lllpanappoontnoo:nt
f«anlntrnrtev.· withoneofourcounSI'lors
p;opt.onn•a)• be folledout on Kooou \OJMa1n
t:duutoon ~llld~nts s hou ld contact Mr
l.boorle'olkllc ,.-hohandle:~lradu:onng
lrachffs and tc:achinc alumni
Wr lhiMI
pron'O!d Lo s tarllhent off on wmewrt of
t·arccrdirl't:liun. Forfrahnl<'n.!l,.·wld
simplybt:ama llerofidentifymgourolf icc.
•·omin~:mand\alkmgforahalfhour"-' 'lh"'"'
ol our coonselora. and mDk•ntt furlhlT a p·
l'olooin : ln ,. hst .. •pdO)IIWIIiv.. dlr«·
tiuoo t•:o n Mndo-.. ldrd>Lud.-•1!
Tlrroo'") · Sin«' our staff os made- up ol
1nonrd roun..,lon; and I am a eounseling
ps)·cholotlist . ..-e ~&Sually ~~ do,.-n ,.-,ch a no
"'light or hos Dr her,.,.... uniq...r penonallty
V.e riC'fOd to lim M t,.,.miftt: lhee•tcnt of~
s tlllk:nt "•oco:upat1011al mfDrnoaiiOII and IM'lp
..-;St", rc:alitlkc!M:Iice Naturally,,.·t:don "tt'"\1
students !hal they mw~l folio"' a ce-rtano
,-,...,~t•oo•alfleld If they arco lobcsuccHsful.
hut rather , ,..e ancmpl 10 prov•dc c urrt-nl
>Upply and demand llliii!IICI We fur ther
aii.-IHpilu rnfaq(e the i ludcnts ' lund of on
!ormation cotiC'f'rn•n& the number of job&
anolablc tn hun
Soonetim~ ,.-e ot1hll:
•ocat~~;~~~allnll'f"cstandaptl l udo>lests•nat ·
lt'<npun.: \u •••urk ,.·oth a student ,.-hu
.,.-u{I'SHS loknow •·ery lollk: about himSI'If.
allhoulh th;,. ·~ aenerally done only 1n e• ·
lrrmo·casn Through our largr Placement
librar y. ,..., enwuras~ ~II.Mk:'IIIS 10 uplort·
:olll'l"nate >'ot•ahonal heldli and auempl to
p<npomt iob di!Kropt•ons. ~onopanies. and
loft-slyll'll th" Will IIC' t>Ompa!Jble Wil~ the
1nler 6L~of a1!udenl
t "maUy • ...-tencouraK<"
.~:!'.~.,~~~!'a :~e:,~·:~~~-::!~~d :!~~~",'6. .~/
::~~~:=~·~~~~ wolh oa. biiSI'd upon illt:lr 1n·
t• uintrt : \\ h i ~• .. oom<" Ill" lhP nrr.-nl
~~:~;n~~o•.-r•uppl) . a• .... 11 ao un• Ill" hl11h
Tlrrnr y
\lo"h•lt- ... ,. 11111:11
LD l:~:~~;:~a~! ~~n~lnd of ad• I~.- un Y" lh·o·
Tlrrll.-): Wecanoffcrca rl't.'rt"tlunscling
:mduh:nsi•· c•·ocatlona l mform:otlonnluur
li bra ry, u well u "'any of th~ scrvl~ 1'•-~
already mt•ntioned. The tricky th ing 111
tlealing ..·it hunc:erclu~ont•lllsthac,.rc:annoJ
l••t.'dkllhe future . ll"s fa~rlyca sy to tell a
~cu ,urthat tht:tl" • ·oil be" dcu•and for hill oo
redu.::e5ourpredktionu:tthe lt:vdoffortunc
tdlong Ont•\rendlha t ,.·enohcecooilnuingi>;
lhtodrnoand forlllCreased acholal'$hop oolhe
pan 01 most employl't"l. In fact, ~ot:vua l
empfoy<'n rdu~ 10 lnttrV!e.,.l studrnts from
llk·bottomhalfofthtograduati ngebu Solno·
' '"'t'IO)"('n;.,lsor.-q!K'Silhatlllc!irl'lllplo)·C"''S
b<.· i ludcllt t~adc"" u ,.-rll n acadtnnc:all)·
quallfol'dandthus . lhcylook al lheqllalil)'
nnd4U.1 1111t ~·ofnlr~cu rr lcul:oract lv• t iHa§
".-II ;15 a~adcn11c ac:hie•·enH"II\ Spl'Ci fica lly.
>ludenUi 10 rcati~e lhat ~ c:ollette dcJ!rC'C' 110
lwo~:co· guarantC"''S ~mployment SU<"CftS and
t h~ l nne must s tart cJrl)" and t'MgliJ!e 111 e• ·
tt·o,.,.-,. ~arecr pl:onning on otdtr to enjo) a
l'.,inl<"r: l'ooold }"oto m••r a prrdi~U... • ..,
"hl ll.-lds .. lnhrUI.-now.ilnd~hl~ndlalou r
ot• li•·r )' Uni~
T'orr nr) : \'es a slongasooerrahz~that t
~"' t•ngagmg in a 11~\le cry$\a l ball Jlll l lllll - I
11ell h
rt·ta•l and cencral businn•
onanageom-nl Oneufi hc forcmull demand~'
"' lhl" fUiurr wo ll br accoun ting. and 1 sin,·~n·ly " '1511 ,..,.had nn account in11 11111jor :ot
lloo~U u"·crsol)" lnlermsol tcKhing. l lh•nk
lht•dcmandforn~t·nlndemt·n t!l r )" l'IIU<"ation
"'It <"onhnu~
There ,.-;u probo:lbly a lw be a
l'"'k up on the na tura l rt'50Urcrs (kid
ct•rtaml)doesn'tuo~t no«.butltshou ldlll
lbt· ' "'~' h~e )·ean. u tile "'ortd bec:oml'll
murt·concernc:dabout envi ronmental
Ottoall iy
l'•loot.-r . \lhal prrnntagr ol lut )Ur>
~ndwatln11 rlau did ' " pll<'rln )obi~
Tl'"'""' '
w.. plat'C'dabout~7Uprr«"Mtof
\111.' trachtor-s • .,.·hkh means lhat of tht GOD
"'"morsgraduatm~mt'ducahon. a bout Uuol
""""' ac:tu~ll)' found jobs. In thr liberal arts
;ondbuo;i m-u areas,,.·c·haver~onabout
•.UJM.'rt•enlol uurdus.whichmc anl lhat ... t•
k 1 Hl~< allout half an· vocationa lly ploc:td in
.o ppruprinte jobs for ~ollege studen ts. WI'
k'"'"" thacacreatnun•brra repreHntl)·
"ndt·remployrd and ..-orkmJI :11 HfCIO:tf)'
ctwekool boy1. !1-aJII~Uon alliM!dants, and
•arouus olhtor mrnial jot. that a eol lt"&e
• ludentmilthlnoth:ovelooft('datinthepatt.
Some are ~mply undec:idtd and In the
1111\lolook fora)lbor&oontogradu.ate
5\udio.-s. ortake avac:at>on . So.ifSOprrCI!III
tu.. cJDbl;.iha t doHno\mranthat)Opt:rcen l
dunoltl.ll•·l"jobLitlllll)'beth.CI)·U percent
.. r<'t«hn•n llyunemployl'd,b\11 lll findjobs
l nnghtaddth ll ihegrad,..ltao thill
Un lvers ll y hllve been ntuch
vocationa lly success ful lloan g,..d tn of
oth...-sc:hools.l)olh inthllslale
uatoonallrvr l. For ln5tanee,
I 1\al·
Jit,.,.ind•c:atelhato-nlyUprr enlo( thhi
)'tar~trachenhaveac:tu. lly
jobs. Thus. l'ointaraduatn
vebeoeq_ tar
l.<t'llerolltll:.onthena tlonalaveragrinen·
ront. top. l2
r~ """~~12
Military Science Continued
procr;am •~t9n•pwnt"t) \olunta') •nd \t.lth thr
obltJUoiCW) te ~ mor• than a St~ko •t4to
te ~.M'tti u..wt I kno- fll lbf. ""*"''W c. lhr
~It tM ~~~ Ill _, lltiltuc1en &e dotal tlb
J«ll't'l) ••tb \hhtat) 'C'tt'IIC'~ ~·~
m:.tn1.1l I «**I 1 p.rnonall) .,,..., bqy,f"f'f
'('hobNtup lloluclftlu Cfrn
M"'lhn- t.....IW'UI bmriib .., _, _ , .
•-tll¢oac- lo nlbrr C"Ompktf' tiw Pft'M'Cit
'«'n'nlft" er •IP wp f« tlw M.o*qumt OM
than 1toh "")' vthft' COW"~ Oftf'nn~t Clfl
l.III1JIU' t lpan \I,I('(~UI ~t!pi~Clon ot tlw
• 'C'f'PI._ tl
•tllbt>lltJhi) 'IK~W
I'"'"'"· t")"'' ff'\l""'" tc. thl'l.t\l r, tktl'lttl
.-....... ,....... .............,.. .._....
,.._...,.., .....,..,...
.n chlofw•..,.n•lht'tr .a"jtiM'd ('01.1~ fTHttf'ful
•lut~ rhbo lttM"t'f'nr \ Gw.~rd ltJnf'l '"
fltlunt far .. IOU I ol rM'~tl) $ 100 •l'la.. 'll I'll pr111d
"'"" thr hnalt~~oo )t'&B
-\ • - )f'at .,.....-am •twill " ft:Pf'CU.Uy
1dpl.. 10 UAII'\Ift'f'!n , , _ . . ..., Kttoob 01
..l!ff ~-.h ..... fftlltf ltw Jlf'tllnfft bitt"
'""m•h ~hf,t'd .lppil("<MU 10 .,~lletd ;a ~'
""M 'lutUilf'r Ump 1n ll'tV ., IIW flr-)1 t~~oo
\1) rn~ ~~tnt: ~14'11
on •
..,.,.,",••••lhnr ....... .....,..
1••1bl~ efft'ftfii(J
Jm.tthUttOI'I tn
l'h)''"''t lo:dU<'<Uton -.ould 3PJl't'3f IG be
~''~ Ioiii\ 'itlllplf 11\ou.&h, tf "flflf'r )'" 1114't~ CO
ht lfl"4'rltod '" l't-! ttl 1nd t•t: 11J t411C.t'lhf'r
.,.,,._ thr *"~tal ,.ntot.paliOII .- u..
...... ,... lA ,.Yfll; ~ ......,--... 'J*b u
arC'IMT\ ~~lid booal.., .U:... '~twal
ltt100nn mt(hl ~ 'WiftiC" Jlftd fw '''*nu
m \\ll(nlff' co bt , ..rwd '" huftt•r uftC)
llf'fl\t'dllfC'S .:.nd 141 bt• UJ),1blt' of lhtMtn.t UUI
l'lrrd•.t•ltrnln.;,lm.l(dt~.IM'd:.n•n•:.b •hoooltng
·•llmt .. l• "''th traiiQUIIIlf'r round• fo.t
"'•crat.-. st~.., M.ahb ~ftC'
h~l Ullfl••tdt'f.-IIIOIM ,}."'net ff'f'Sb lr.m
h~~hnt>IU ~.but..,\Pil~.-lf-('\
fl•• ..,_.. ·- .... •P tM
........ ~lol .,......" ..... ~
\ utt•l(or)' '" •I'IK'h .Shllhlt) )~cor nnll
tf\oloc-('ffltr 11""~1bh I~ n10lhlfP mdntd~h
'~' nn.r "'"'"'C tolli•C~IN'Ift" •• t('lurn few
t ~n('t,all~th "tNt ef Uw )OWI&ff MttTC
,-,.,•ltotf liW
"''"'"'•or• etf ...
1'-lhP,II' I(IITC ,.....l(f'IIM• '"
<"1-T lhlf(b ~'0\trtd nW'tlllt ClC the
i:Wli'UI .l'Pf'l'l• M li'U• ~IKin quotf' •C'II tn
~prtl""l (ll;d thr o~ch.ant.tsf"l .t u~~~q ••
~;.r""'P"'"*"""" R(Jft'"<oe~:.ff
ltU.,. ~,.- ~"'"'*"
•"ubblr I • I I er ! )~.M PN'IIOch .and •
•lfOidlofvlllwtiM ,tl• p;.l.r1tf'lp.1llftCtft$,1ttutJOn
,,. '""""'"' ,.lll)i).~.. ,.nd bb '"" ,.nd SIOO pn
t ooflll'l ..uto>.t~l""t' ..t~ai'K't' tn tfllil"ft for up
I" h.ut H',lt" O.f llt,IIH' dUI) 1"hfo Y,tnft('t ol .t
tf'Uf ,.,...,
~af"\htp ,.,. h\t'l)
t.u'('th ''" 18 h Vt "C'hooo buc boCJI ht and hi'~>
,..rnor.. .,., .. rll htlt'ff'll:t . . thfo (Onli'M1
oblc:.t-.. Pf* ,,. Uw ,.,~
\,._. " " C"...,u., l••CIIII M llilof'
\IJIIt_.n .... '"~" ltf'p l Uf' I ftl!.... "'~''~
'""'"''' ...,,.,, •:•:• 'llilf'll'llltii"' t)f'frthf'
......_lhh"'"'"'''•: • .t..dttlf't••toNI'bl.... lt
lfwo hft.lraJtl.ach,nta&e.ef pro~tdt1111, thf>
ru.i~fll)' of our "'t'll f'dw~atf'd ofhnn
lhr~I1Rh th~ ftUTt' ptOI(Umt: ~~ ap
l'f"\IIIMit•ly IC'tl j>t'l('t'ftl ol tht t"CM>t ol
l '•llllf't f lo() )Otl t hi~l. I lUI l hf' JOII ~ IM
., u.,e h ut iHr \ rm\ n• llortf'.IUu-cl. a_. il ...
"uht .. "
,._.,,.., f.,....Wilk.f'Wtrif"pMdte)ourt• •
\n Mel ..B, tlw ,,..,
T'ht' ·~'-W
lh(luli:h h;h 100 tnlltl) 111\~no•M to P"ltUI
$\K'b • p;l'ltlt\'t' r C"ply 'Thf btutst roadbtod;
fu IIUI h.'l\ 11'1;11, ll ('Ofnpl('tt'l) \OIUr\1..\f ) Afl'llf'O
tflfif'n " IJ'Iblll(' epnaon Gf tM lot
.......-tllf) •ntmlt\tS aad .. twr rttt"'ll aM
.....w'llft ft M"ff_. IIIMI"illl- dft.lpwcl ..
"'"' " mthtar) hf'f' ,._.,. .tlttac'h\f' mUl-l br
.~p.IIUf'd b) ,. prolf'UIIONI pndt alld ll
!('('hnte tNt tM ~~~~n a r f' ~ .aftd
tt"pl'('h<d by .-.oc~l )
It thf' rl'o\t"l tOnlll an
p.~rt qut"'... .
In CM,II IIUC'mp!IO. P'll'tiH' lruth ( N'('
t i""IIOI\"f' Ill \)IM'-'IMJfl 11 Y,(' ftnd 11 'OmC'... hat
~~':'.~~~~~ :::!~~;:..:~:·
..d\.lMf"d ~
~MKlpolliOII eor KUTC
~f'rlatftl) rf'allrC" ft.-o~~'"' t al
rtw ctutt t"fiCb- • JUM tm
1~ ,...,,._.~)f'h"'lll rf'~lytif'n~PII.I'
\\.,..-W \lf~t""
I ~• •.rill '"--"""
,....,,..,, W .,.,~~~, ••• Jo"' -....-lh rh • '""'
\hi.U,.. ........_. .................. , .... k ..
.,.....,,''""""' ..... "'' u...,.,., ..... r ..~,...,.,
.. ·
•• t " " ' , _
••.,. •IKII lfl\l t wti4NI , • - N
,,,..,.. ,.. ,.... I(Nh l• '•""' ,.... u.,,,h..
twrtK" p.1tf'd 11 • '"" br ll"<W'f\o"( dtn\101~<o.
.... kW. ,...,.
" ......,,.~
(0ftiiM~Wrohon ttl '-ncw.Jedcf' ol "'""' nu.ta on
lfll'f'tNMtiYJt"atnflloii:J l • dllf'~v~•t .. tdltrtr
nd WOtff •obi UI!Ofti. \ftH&M G( .at lt'Ul
,.._ _,..,.. tl klnt' due) •.U ._lf<t) qNolal)
u•1•• •
... .,... ... ""
,~ ........
tl.olloM~ Ir -
to an~lif'f.) f'lllln- -co tiM' adniiiC'f'd
\Nr.i'r t1nd rCTn~t lbr J l(l9 orr moach non
t,noabh- "ub!i.l,lttl«' ~llo~Aanc. '" .adclitton to
ltw'lrt:thlll~ ll" ~~)OU~.lft'f't',"
" I~ •.Jif't::On4'' d1ftr~M"d 0..0 fir ""ho .nco
fl(\<i'...tol\ tn.11Uf'll Y.f't.lo!hl) d«-l~'lo ba5f'd •1
. ........ .,
~ "'•lh &C'f'Ooltlpoul)tn' fuwnc..l ~''-'
,... •••••h
\t"ar<~ .:.r~tl ltwn 1(0 thn'C'II)' IntO H\ot'
\\ r.., ll, tl'lli.ll lf'f'•ll•\t•tll, )OoU •II.WJI,I'\It'il ' "'" ''"~"~"''Ill
't''t ~n~t" •M'*"Ull) ow l
\hbt.-r) lfu.t.) <'*ltW ,.. ,JI br lftl,lrwtrod
pr....~, tl) ., .I IM'Iftbtf .. ttw l{l:).l«)
l"""rtmf'nl •1th a mn~~~btr ef m) ...,..,.
~bittnlol I fftl ~UtA thlt ther C'Ombuwd
, "PC'rhwo ~~<oil tft.UI, tn o~n n.prct.lll) fuw
t·la~.l'>utl ~tM 0\alttlt' otht"t" ~ c-tlt"'il
ttl )OUI' liWftiJOft "'Ill bt' an) k'u ob)ft'IIH'
I~ IIIC'UITifll.;t ~t«' .... •l.tUon t •hiC'h
'"~' 11'1\0ht>A\hlll<raslhfff'n~tl'lsefK1 •H•
I lft'OINU
~""'lpocNtu.ldralll bM'bteboth~
~rt o4 lliiOII'IC"r (kop:utmt.'f!h to bt' c>b}f"('hu•
lin! 1\t.fl , ...,.. •thr bu.r ~M'l, qu.a.hflfod
1-tudfonU · <ldttt may \ol\lfttf'n fot tM ftnal
• • )t'an U. .td\~ C"ttW'M'I
ff X
t~td ti'M' C',..., lbtft .._.,. a tallrxt
tlltoK'l \OIII.Iflt~. UM' 0111)' ptl<'t~af
IIIIN..-.11\'t' e>lo~tbrdrah
hi I_.,.,~ I.Mt IJw \"......fft tfforl
.._, h*l .. r"hlp!>.
••turn•'' ofthf'prGI(um
I hop~• 1~ 1 th\- lftt•rM.t tn ltC/1'(' "'hlfh Ito
• \ t~k't•l b) ttl(> fl!'qUht ol lhoot 11\lt*n if"a-s
•rldtt.H~an attf'n P' a.bdtn t.llldorntand...,
lfti!Cr.lnt 11 mt.e:hl bt' Mlltl) as •~11.-w- c.
1M P.,.tf'f' \tiff to ·~rml) NONw
f'fforts .u •• t' 'Pft'' ..
tltl*" to 'uddrnl) l'ltJ,lllf' uw ftNd fot tno.,.
dlt~tr. but I appr t"fUUt' tht- ~""'"'> to
unpt'>pttlllr~o~~ar«<ttl ln..,.,... l tiJf'OP"rcbuf'IIOfC"
Excerpts From Army UW-SP Contract on ROTC
ta lto.b 1 ..oul"
follo·•1ro;t ..,,. ,, ft""
• ,. ll>h lrtm ltw \pphuttM
"""' \t.;tft'n t'fll t Gf t- •t .. biJWt
o'M .( o\r-m\ M"""""'t'llolfk't'n
fr.a-..,c (".,-~ '....
~p,..,,...,_ ... ~ "" 1' M
a.·-•ltYfot.. 101
1111r~ un1t •lfl nm ~iiml,ov, 1$
dlllf'll ,lul'lf' !l l<il67
I 111\Hjtf"ftl vport lhto .t~·
, ,,,. ..... , e1 tho· .abtt\" ;ap-
..... ""' •nd _, ........ "fl'M
!hor t"IJ llr"" II( o~.l.l pr .. ·~
f'fiWI'If' ... paraanph !
Inn.,.. ,,.. 1'lw ~"Uf) of tht'
\tm\ "'IJit't'' .... lolh'"""
t·vttol' ""'"llhN b) fl\11111.>«
tlo To .l»u,:n •uth "''bUif)
~ .,. tw IN') ~
"""'~trotlf41n :.nd «''OIoddlct
ol tht\nn)
tlf fln·n
rr.. '"'"~ ('orpt' prD~tram ., lhb
"'hlwhoft .. nd •o p.t) tbt'
1.. 1-..UH'\ t'ontpt"ft.UitOft 10
.... .. , . ...,........ ft•tft ''"'
flr'p.ltl~l .. tiM'
ltl Tn ~) Jt IM t'\Jl('nw ol
lfW ti.O\f'tnm.-nt. ~UbJf"( t lo l~w
..tlol fl'1tUIJiht- tf"'llnti Pil)' II
tw pt'f'Jo('t'•tM-d rat" to f'N'. .It'd
... ~., tbr """' kf'W'n"f'
Tu-..c. t•pt Jo6.
.uf'lt .. .ach~~~rt'd lt.lJn.fiC
1 ,. ro WlM' .1ttht' "'Pf"'w ol
olt•!hll'llC l(lt ~oUfd mt'mbtn.
•ot ttw \rm) kt'Wf"t' Hflt~
n!~ :::r:~~~
wufl.lfm C''olhu\1( ·
111 tt'lun. for thfoto.t' ond C>thl'r
....,.,Kn. Uw l lA S:t• •tr;rft'd to
T• NaWM • l)topart
"""""""'.JS. .,.
...'l"fflt ft( , ........,
lftl"'jCf ~l
•ftd .ad
flllfiUlUh\f' dt'Oilflm"'t flflht'
tn'lolihillon :.nd tG adopt • ., pa rt
.., •t't: ''\lff1rulum 11 ~ fuur )t'al
Htunol' ol '"''f'VC'I»>n
fld! ....... )f'llfl~ol
~d\.IMf'd • IUIDII:I(
,. ...,
J r Tn n1.a1tt' .a~.a! l:abl" to tlw
flf'C't''~>tlor) t'loH,room,
•dtnU\tSCtr.atl\f' off~ offJ«>
•<IJwor ~«d l:.<'•l•l•n '" ..
")WI~ • .tGr.aJ_~ 'Pi'l'('f'_
•al'lflf'r ••
'"''""'> JN,n..,l or hUC'I-1
"'htt:h dt#ICIImH'I;at•s ••th
tt"'f,...., 1 en ad m"~1on c>r sub
-t'QUf'nl ltNIImt"ftt uf '\tl,tdf'f\b
lhl" W!.'lollo of U('f' ( ' . . (If
\ft)'•m.I.IIUC ...
dt!lo(T-MYtlti'C Y.btotfl ~
~' ,,. MtfT(" W!tl ~II br
'"' .. " " ICO\f'fftftiM! ..,f'M')
!WIItllwod ~"'"Wtll. •lth
••ttl hot·.. ,) ""-sh ~'""'"~ :.nd
cloo•f' •1ll tJ.> ff'lflfl)n("(l o~nd
1<qU1pCt'd Y.tttl ~)hnlk"r letc>U It
".l~Cf'n'd \Ulh
...u bl' """P"'..t~ , , _ ..,., Q(hft
·•df'ttll .. ~ >, .ertd ,,.,..,fa('tory
flo~turt•ol ftl("'iorfa('tlt tll"'
..ot tht'dt...-c-f'l- ~>Itt!.- \r-m\
Mil,. . ,
b T•pr~.t
)toffK'f',.. ..
tb 11\.tt ttl"' ,JJ:f«n•mt mon
'"" '"'"'"·•'"I
... atl.-t1H~ )t'.l,.,.
Of 5u<'l'l
tlf'l'rl I>~ o•,tbf'r part)' i'lt'rf'<-tCJ
•· umt9f.1n)
~- ... l)pt" - · · t• ~-blnbt'd
w ...... -..alnf'd a t • • lfttolttubOtl
utput ~ ~~o tll bf'm•ttl•al\lllhotout!ll
ht• tltSI."'I.llblt W'd ·~ tlw
lf'u•.tll' da~ I Cltl pl('tt' lhf'
11o 111
Ut\hh14ton lMidotof'\'.t.ftd INI lbf'
l.t•f•'ftutr.,...,INiftftunttm~) bl"
• •t.tlthoht'<l nor m,1uUamnt .;~t ""
wnl"'' ,,.,..
•MI\ ., pre(ft1,0f
• e"'
dt•p.Jt1M•Ntb ol I ~'~to IM~IIIUtfOI\
• llth'f'r r~qlllff'd •rrv t ('t')
l"' llidrdtTtrllol IIWI ).11\ti On,JJ
,..,,~ and •
hn,.c ""'"
••lh..., r.n.. UW• )hrtf'C polftb
...... Bf'll_ . ... \ ,tMd tbr
I """' Ph)'l ~~t lo.dU('<IhOfl
J.t •\.U:Pflk"tl'l..'fll 14lJlt0Uik
••l ...oul "'~ •• tho- I n1ltd
...,,.,..... \n•\
~,,.. "•lf'.a~
-..u"" f'r•'V'"'h pr.....df'd lor
\ l"l.tnhltf"\\llt ll r~~~
.. f .... ,.
••·It litth'"''
'"""lollf'•l •'"'"
···"\•<W ...u........ p.M"t'
,J!rl,tiOC IJMc• c--..1\o""' IMk \
.,,.,., ..n
ROTC showcase. awards and a
•111ft '..ttmrb "" '"'"""'
I•" .1rm'l>
\II ••ndoo--~
~u•t•hlr 't«:.l" ~PiM'..
'"'I tmmllftlltOft
" All WII'KIOWS Wlll be securely blrnd
Friday, November 10, 1972
What's Up Doc?
Different Strokes For Different Folks
tre:.Unf'ntfort hesaonf'iltness.
,,...., st~ n~ ,.·,th the •;unt'
•h~ea~t' " 'OIIld have vaned
tr .. aunent
<Onlubute to the com pl<;'l<•
l>~<'lun• "luch •~ prn'l'tllt'd to
tl>o.·uh<'S1<'1an ThehnHoitho:
"'dr ~pKtrum ul rPSponst" to
tlllws..~"''''""""mtcr \lhtlt•uno·
1><·rson may t... alm0$t toWII)'
incapaCttati"d b)' a mmor
problo·m . a more >loic II> ·
dl\' tdu.alma )tlectdt•nothtS<"ek
mf~IIOil, or
Tht·~··und <'<llltjlOM"nl
uf tho.• malad)·.
•~ lht•
..C1l'nll llcfactsufthet·ak 1lns
"on<" of 1111' thmg~ that mako;s
tht• pr;u.-ton· of mt-dtctn(" an ~rt
lnan)IIIMU!htre areac:·
t..:oll~ 1100 mam facton tllal
reat•tionuf tlw host to lht•
•ni...-Jl"'IS a
dt sfun<"l101t can bo: mor<'
thrt':li\"nlnll to h1m than the.>
atlual ph\"~ocal dan~t<'r 1n·
A phy:s~c~;~n must and askt'd "h~ Jhco and IWr
•oommat~ lOn'IC K•~en diffrN'IIt
tlangl'rou~ problem
\lh)-SICI31>1>1a)' :O$k3pl"l"iiOltO
chtock b~k " ll h huu niOn'
lrt'llumll)' t f he fr<"lsth~ptrson
•~ mon· ('(Jfll'ff""'- about tll<'n
tl"1.'alln<'TII can~ pn'St'tlt ol
tll<'rt' ·~ ~~ unc phys~tln In•
Tht' llcahh S.•I"\'K'e 110"' h:.s
thr<~· ph~SICI;In~ . 10 1\h hOfl" Ol
.nldtUi!·' fourth Tl>t're tsoftcn
.ttldh·n·nr,·oftn•atoon~ot lot" tho:
,.;uow problem b)' each of lilt'
ph~ ~ tco:utS
lie ohen a~:r<..,. on
llw n-.:ommt•ndt-d care for 3
~pt"<:lht· problem, 11\11 "'' haH·
trault'd •n thro..,. ~ •·p:.r~t<· ~reM
a n1l thus bnnt: dtffrrcnt
tht• us.· ol til<' IUD or rMOin·
'"<' ntltnll 11, ,.- ho t~ :uootht•r
ph~-~K'I:tlll f•'<.·ls the IUIJ os r
*""'"•:tl~ '*"~<'PIPbl<' form 11f
l"••ft•rrt'd trca\mt•nl 101' e:ttch
t!Nbl<·m . and~~o t·allare flu iblt•
'~""'i!h !ot·han!:ellllrllnnds 1f a
IH:Htt "'·~ o f handlln& a
ttrobkm •• brou~:h t to uur :ot -,
1\o• are ronstanU)
•·•alu:olln~ the ~are "e l'f'O'"ide
111:0113\te mpttupru\'ldl'yOU
"''*'the up-to-datt' trtatml'nt
~ ttU l
our !lt•alth :><'r\' lct .
tell Ull Tht~ ts tht• onl~
"'a)· "'" un ompro•·t on tiM'
qu:oht~ or
)W han·
t'aro• )'UU rt~t'l\"e II
an)' su~~.&•-stMin~ that
llt·a tth lWr-·i,..,, pk'a.M"•,...ntl
"r m 1wn;on
tll n · nm lit: u ~
t 'tlltl l\t:t:-s nt:ll .llt t;:
lil T·
Lct'~ sh tft ~'-'.1r$tMI\Io" and talk
ahou t :•~:ro"tni! ht'alth h:t ta rd
t , ,, , .TTt:u . \"I ll \\ 11,.. I
IKI,, " T I.IIH : I T~
Anolhl'r rtason for .aried
penonal bias of the
ttl't)'t>eoan Aneumplo•ofth>J
.. rth~uth~rdoctors.
In lht• last ,,.., III!JnlhS lhl'rr
haw been •Ht•rnl St·riuu~ 111
ha l'<' tK't-11 hitch l11kini! 11r "'"'
han• flit• kl"d 1111 lut chhtkrn
T"o fcnllo lt• s t udent s hit
t·hhi kin~: lalt• nl 11lghl "''rr
ta ken 111 a St'l:luded arc:t and
Twu ma le ~ tudo~l\1
pickcd ur• amak·httchhtkt·r
"ho s truo·k tiH'm <~1 th~ ho.oad
\\ttltlht•ptbtOiand t lasht-dlht•
lhroalof th<'drl\"cr A frnmlt'
hltchhtkct• anoid("tl kl(!naptn~
b)· divin~ out of a f:l r 1:01"1!
abu\ltSOmll..,anhuur An~Ol
Ilk- :Obol"(' •m•idi.'UIS cuuld han'
rt-sult<'<l in tht· dea th of a
>ludo.-nt ll>t l,.orth tht'rtsk •
\\ r Uf"l<· }'OU 111 C"OII!>Id~r tbt·
t>OII'lllla louksl.oo.'lllrl'accephng
~!:!..a~ ~: an°~:.e:oon"':~
II has bt't'n Solid
,·at ""
than Onc' "'~>' to ~km a r,.iscthl'r<' tSofttn
.tl "~T
II lt.\ 1"
~llht' lkalth Center
lii iM:rt·o~IOiut'lhinGy•tdt$hkt•
U l \"I ll
\ tl l ' ' tlt; , ,,,.
\Ill IF
s ,\ Tt ~ t " t E I I
II 11'11 1'\lt: TI\ t:,\ T)It ::-.: T \"Ill
II ~·ou ,,.,. e•·~r ""' s ure ot
~<hat •·xa <'ll)' 15 bt-•ng done to
~ul•rll>l' fii'Oblt•HI that )"IIUh:ttn•
,.,,.,. to lht• 11 ~11lth So!rvke
11.1\h, pleaS!.' a$1< u~ 111 b.> mon·
• IJt..-ifit·O....-a~>lonall)·a studcnt
duo.., rllll fl'<.·l l>t' "'·~s i!I\"CU the
pro(ll'rlrMlmt'fll \\'t> arr 11 ot
It )'OU fl'el Ill<'
l'rublem <I not b..-1ng handlt-d
fii"UJII.'rl~ . plt•ait' ad< to sa' OIK'
lry ou~rr
illll not UllSfiaf "'" \O'OUid b;,
~:l:otl lo n·IH ~·ou '"a spcctalist
tall• l'le:tSl't'flmmWltt'~le)OUr
t"idl•t~ts inn>ll"ln~ ~lulk·nts
l""'"ll " ndo: '" a
The Musician's Malady
T hr comp lamt hu b~n
ratst'llthal muSicstudentJ;must
bcgf<M"therijthttopractin- In
cho-.:k•ngtntothcmaucr . 1t"'-as
d!scU>-erl'd th.11 U>erl'
t"Ord <n jl \1> Donald G retnt',
,,..,., do:urman. 11 is gomg to
~N "'' 01'51!: About 1011 musk
m:ot• appl)' rach year ...·rule
on l} about 50 drop out o:
lhfo practice rooms
dassrooonsandtllC'rhoral room
canalso iJtoOJI'-'fl~ a t night.but
arr m Ide dun_..; U.C._ da~·
J.. Dl'l ln. roum,; Tht·facul!)"lS
o.-.·rlnatlt-d Thl!re '" a lliO neo'<l
Sc•·cral musoc ffiii.(OrS .,..,..r
asko-dtororn rnenton"'·hallht')'
Uooui!hlt"' done The)
Inn~: ranow plan
T"':• stlor\
~:.~.~~·ccant~n~ n:u"~1~ '"~~~~·~:~~ ,,\',~.~~ o~Ythb,~~:;?~~m i;;~a~
~:~~~~-~:::i:.:•:a'~;p;:l~~t'~ :~·,·~~~~~~~:,'!': s;:~r;e :1or ;~
~~~~~~l1a:r~lk;;:!, ~~~~~c~~~;:.:,~ ~:~~~:)· r!~~~- ~~~;;::,.~~~h~~
:~h:~~~~~ ";;,;~;~,~~~~~~ ~~:~,;;::,.~~~.,t~r~'ll ~~W:.1!:
~:~t~::; ~~~ a~:¥,n~~! ~~:··~:~~;~;
~~r;:p;~~-m~~~;i~: ~~~rot;· ~:~~;
:~~~~::l,.:o~t ~,~,·~:·a'~:',.~:~~
shortage o1 practlct' rooms.
fortymusicmaj01'J andrntnor1
prt'li<'nll}' arc s h a r inK 36
practtco:rooms m the ft nr ar\5
,..,ntc r ThtS problem 1s furthe-r
twnd m thl' t"M.' or In anlllho:r
Thelhurtagri l notjuslm l ~
hll" addt h Ort.:l l i\oragt' Sp;l~
hupt• to hll11d a ~toragt' cast" for
rangcplants!ouwthrlm~art ~
tilt' III<Mil·~ o·uu ld bt.• ~ II<Jt•alt'll
~~£1~~~:rf~~~~~~£ ~~:fi~~:Ei~:::?~~= ~~:~T~:~~Jr;~:~2:~
Th• long•r th• nights, shorter th• doys,
Should not b. int•rf•r•d with those
co~"::!:~· ••rly, whe,.
fun's still
in stocks,
l•couM th• bart now ciON ot on• o'clock.
-on the
mus1c ma)OD
The btuldtng
do,stgnt>d to 3«<molbtr
th:lt man)· The l'l1n><llmenl oJ
pr,.,....,\1) tr 1ple !holt, ~rd. ae·
;:~~Et::;~~~~~= p~f£ =~:+.~~;b;~:.:~~:~~o:
111'1Upt'f\1scd antlth<'ci>SI has
fotll"t' poano student~
ltcPbri..-r and~~~ .... b;ond
!Ill' '"''Y "'-""'""' os \11 ~~·~n
houn< lo earh ~l udt-nl
Project Sanguine Symposium
Sponsored by Ertvironmental Council
1. Introduction - Daniel Trainer, Dean College of Natural Resources.
2. D. Novotny - Deportment af Electrical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madisan.
"Sanguine's Electro-Magnet Significance."
3. C. Kabat - Director of Bureau af Research
Dept. af Natural Resources, Madison.
4. l . Kless ig - Private Citizen.
"Sanguine's Significance to the Public."
Wednesday- November 15
Rm. 231 Collins Classroom Center
7:00 P.M.
10. 1972
Page 7
Military Science Assigned
To History Dept.
Tbe EmpfRe Room
SUNDAY 5 P.M.-11 P.M.
$'2 .95
U.S. Choice, Juicy
Top Sirloin
Crisp, Garden-Fresh
Tossed Salad
Texas Toast
7 , .M. - 11 ,,M.
William Skelton, History Department
="ext s emester. :\tilitary
Sciencf.' 212-A United Sta tes
Military History will be taught
through the History Depart ·
nu:n t rather than th rough the
:\ltlitary Science Department.
11 marks the first time that a
uu lllan
science course has
been 'taught directly by
another department on this
l"ampus Assigned to ins truct
thi!" cours(' is Will iam Skelton of
lhe llls tory Department .
Skelton commented on his
l ' XpCl'I3IIOOS and vi ews of
HOTC 10 gener al in this m-
Polntrr :
\\'ha t Is ) ' Our
h:u:kground in thr fif'ld or
mililan sdrncf' as il rrlatH to
hi~ tory~
Skrllon : " :'.lilitary history 1s
s pecialty .
M y Ph .D
di sse rtation dealt with the
lus torv or the arm\' as an mSlltutiOn
rm m'tcrested in
tntli tary hi story not m the senS<'
or Sp<'Cific battles and the li ke .
hut the history or the military 's
relationships \4•ith the rest or
~oc icty m general I've enjoyed
looking at the diHeren t ways
tho r rhe m1li tary has been
perceived by the civilia n
demt'niS or SOCiety an d vice\'Crsa. Right now I'm teaching
.1 course ""'' lthin the History
Department call e d The
llls torv Or Ame rican Military
Insti tut ions f History 384 ). It
de a ls w1th most o r these
E.'lemen ts or the military I ""' 3S
lurE:'<! origina lly as a military
hiStorian a nd a htstorian or pre·
<'1 \'ll War American History. 1
vol unrecred to tea ch the course
hemg oHered next semester
because I rhought that 11 w3s a
~ood 1dea ."
t•olnlrr : What dlrrcllon do
'~'tuk~h~~1o·~Anh~~~hsi ~~~~;~i
developed any s pe<:ific format
or ye~ what I'd like to do is to
look a t some or the broad
themes that hav e ar rected the
military es peciall y 1n th is day
a nd agt> An example mtght be
1he movement towards civil
con trol of the military. and both
!-Jde"s responsi\•eness to such
ac ti ons We might also look at
the t'ourse or Amencan History
'" rela llon to the growth or the
nu htary ,\nother aspect 15 the
growth or the military as a
l' ro fess10 n . thear attitudes.
values. and what they reel that
their ro le should be."
Pointrr : lla\·c- thr prop lt at
IH •TC gln•n ~ ou s ~ciric arras
that ~ou must CO\tr a nd lr the~
~to havr crrtaln guldf'linrs in a
sit uation lkf' thi~ . "hat a rr
thf'\' ~
skrltoo: " Thus rnr they ' \'('
been \'ery cooperative con·
cerningt his very touchy issue (or
most reachers. I don't ro resee
a ny major difricullies on this
1ssue :md if there were t ccr·
ta in lywouldn 't cont inueteaching
the course m the future yea rs .
Th<• goa ls that 1'1•e discussed
\\ 11h the :\Jilitary Science
Department · a re very broad in
natun• a nd there haven 't been
an \' connicts as or yet in
pr;paring the course: · ·
Pointer : h tht course oprn
unh' to HOTC membrrs ~
s·krllon : " Oerinitely not. l'd
like to see some individuals who
aren 't members or HOTC sign
up ror 11. It would be an idea l
situat ion to have some give and
take. especiall y rrom a reas Lhat
have their doubts about the
11111itary :as an institution . 1'11
a dmit that a ~tilitary Science
~.· ourse wo n' t satisfy many
degree req uirem en t s unless
~ ou ' rc in this department , but it
111 igh t be a worthwhile ex·
perience ror someone really
in terested in thi s area or
!o>I Udy "
Pointer : \\ha l Is your opinion
ul ltUTC bring on a collrge
campu~~ You said tha t ha\·lng
.. uch ;' count In thr lllstor)'
l>t"partmrnt "as a good Idea .
II hy 7
Skt>lton : ·· 1 s tart with lhe
ass umption that some kind or
armed rorces is necessary 1'11
adm 11 that not e\·eryone IS
willing to accept this kind or
;~ ssumpt1on and
I can only
rrs pcct them for their own
uptnion. Howeve r . if we do
accept suc h a position , it
a utomatically
question or training the leaders
u( s uch a force. There a re a
number or ways that we can do
th is. We ca n set the military
a part '" some kind of an
1solated envi ronm ent such as
West Point. Annapolis, or the
A1r Force Academy. II turns
out that many or these in·
"litutions a re second rate in
the1r academic credentials. In
~ UOI\'ersity setting, the can·
didates continua ll y keep in
co ntact with the ci vilian
eletn ent s or our society .
Although I can' t foresee any
s pccHic dirriculties . I suppose
that it is coneeivablc tha t the
milita r y
dominee ring O\'er the other
departments. But given this , I
s till think that it is mos t im·
portant to have civilians in·
'olved with the training,and
particularly members or the
Olcadcm1c community .
If I had my way, I'd abolish
s uch military academies in
ra \'or or the ROTC concept or
somet hing basically si milar to
11 From studies that I' ve seen.
mdividual s who came out or the
national acade mies were rar
aut horit a rian
totalistic in their views or the
\\ar a nd other military matters.
Let "s race it. These men are
1mportant in their field and to
this country and I would rather
see a n oUicer t-ducated in a
umversil\' rather than an
IS olated ·
at ·
mosphe rc."
l'oin ter:
\\' ha l are thf' ad·
\ :111 tages or h:n•ing this coursr
in lht' ll lslory tlepa r lmrnt':'
Skrlt on : " I think that we can
give a broad approach to the
s tud y or military history in the
History Department. I can ·t
compare my approach with that
ur the Military Science De·
partmenl, however . because
I'm not ramiliar with il .
There was oppOsi tion to the
anclusion or the course rrom
meombers or the History
Oepa rtm ent. a nd I'm s ure that
a s uspicion or ROTC is present
~'mnng some faculty members.
1 am too. somewha t suspicious
uf tht> milita ry as an mstitution
and r m very much against war.
ll owe \•er. 1 think that we s hould
be willing to actively s hape th is
mstitution if given that chan·
f'ol nttr : \\' hat "Ill br the
dH£f'rtncrs In programs bet·
\\C"tn the HHTC couru :.nd the
mlllta r ) courst" that you' rr
tr:aching ri ght now':'
Ske-lton : " That's a problem
at th is point. Because the ROTC
course w1ll be only two credits
as compa red w1lh the three
credi t cou rse that I'm now
teaching. I. can only ass ume
that 11 will havt- to deal rar more
with broad problems rather than
taking s pecHic iss ue s and
.. pendmg a substantial amount
or linn- nn each of them ."
*oe;~O'\ ~~
of Stevens Paint
Dinner reservations • 341-1340
Starring Humphrey Bogart,
lngrii! Ber!jman and Peter Lorrey
presenled by Universily film Society
Tuesday, November 14
7 and 9 o'clock
Old Main Audilorium
starring Johnny Weismuller
Thursday, November 16
7:00 P.M.
Old Main Auditorium
233 Division St.
Harvey Wallbanger Special
Harvey Wollbanger
Towels -Signs
Tuesday, November 14
Harvey Wallbanger's Rea. sus
Tuesday Nite $1.00
Frldoy, November
10, 1972
Ed ito ria ls------------1
Where Is The Con.nection?
September 1972 marked the fourth anniversary of
anoth~r military conquest : the university. And as in
any battle, the re are the victors and the victims.
We, the students, are the victi ms of an invasion and '
infiltration or the military industria l complex into
the ve ry foundations of our university. The existence
of ROTC on a university ca mpus undermines a nd
dis torts the essence of a university. And every time
we slol? to examine its position within the university
the l'omte r finds ROTC burying its ugly head deepe r
into the system .
The universi ty should sta nd for what is right and
good in the world. Part of its existence is for the
development of those human values which will
create a citizen beneficial to the whole. Fur·
thermore, a university in a democ:ratic society
s hould mold free and critical thinking people. How
then can authoritarianism and the tactics of murder
be beneficial to a democracy? How can a university
in good conscience provide a training ground fo r
soldiers? The very nature of ROTC and the military
is contradictory to the premise on which the
university is built ; the good.
To assure that ROTC would grace our campus
with its presence the universitY. had to fulfill the
.ilated req uirements of the mihtary back in 1967.
The uni versity must provide a certa in amount of
space, graduate a minim um numbe r of officers,
provide a la rge enough rine range and numerous
other thmgs. One of those requirements is being
fulfilled now ; a new rifle range. What Is not clear In
our minds is exactly what the university gets in
return for all these services rendered . Can it just be
the lhr\11 of watching toy soldiers march around our
campus? We hardly think so. Upon digging up the
contract at the library !which is public property,
exa minable by any student) the Pointer found no
recip roca l agreement m e ntioned . It mere ly
presented the demands of the military. Whe rei n,
then, lies the recip rocal agreement? What does the
universi ty or its administrators ga in by having
ROTCI on ca mpus? And, what exactly is the
university's ct~nnection with the military?
Amid a ll this controversy ROTC flourishes
amongst us. It is a constant remi nder of every
in1moral act the U.S. military has committed on
other peoples. Arid yet we stand by and watch them
march. unaware tha t they represent the fun·
damental decay and perversion of our university
and the world .
Elections '72·
Where We Go From Here
There is one thing that is certain in Our electora l
system, someone has got to lose. Elections have not
nor will lhey in the future ( revolution pending),
~~~~:us~th candidates for a public office t,o be vic·
wash in 9 ton w a tc h-.,-,,.. .
t:dlt..r'• Sotr: In 11tr iatn-ntof p...,..WiJI&oar naden ..-tu. a
bruad. rrltlul ··~wIll lhr Uailtd Statf'J alld lllr world t ile Polntn,.;u 1M" pl"iutlag ,.·r.:kJy urn-pU from Trtwam Coflla'o
A guard at the Watergate apartments In F'OSI)I Bonoms, making
his rou.nds all~r midnight June 17. noticed t.lpe on a num~ of
lllpn on a numb!'r of s,.i rway doorl. The N~w York Tlmn
rl1J011~: ··Workinglhei.r way down. !hey fo~d mor~ ,.pes on 1M
i oxthnobr. Wltn*&urudrawn.theyenteredthedarkmfdolfln':$of
the Democratic NationaL Committee. Crouched there wen five
una rmed mm. who SWTr-ndft"~ quietly." and gave faiSol' names.
Th~ love WO<"e 5Ur &)cal &Jove~ and htld soph lsticatfd el«tronlc
l'QWpmt'!lt lor wlr~ tapping, walkie-talkies ,.·ith d!annfls alligoed
to the CommiUtoe for lh~ Hr-dection of the Prnident, expemlve
t·;om~ras and lolm "usefu l in eopyina doo:vmm ts." aeveral cans
and pens ot dwmicat ~ ll:'e. and "an M$CX1m~nt of ,.·hat ,..~,..
dHcrobed n loc:ll pidts and ~rglary 10011."" With thtm an.d in
th~or hold rooms ,.·err U.lOO 1n SlOG bills. Two ceilina paMb hild
boom remo•"fll in an oflken81 (0 that ol 1M Democratk dlalrman .
£oghl days later , Mal1ha Mitchell, wile of the chairman of the
Committ e.: for lh~ Re-dealonof 1M Presldenl. tald 1 UP I rrportft" ,.'OIIkl 1~.-<e 11ft hl&band " unlil he dedOes to leave" th~
campeolp. "" ltov~ my h~tNond very much. Bllt l am aot JG!q 11
•t~nd l..-a tl llooowcllnyt~&•Uo•tllon."
Th is i1 only lh~ lip ol what must be tht moJt bi urr~
W:uhongton 1tn('e tht a~lllnation ot Abrahfom Uncotn.
ploc In
It wa1
monutdy orraniud. finan«d with at lrut SLU.OOO. r~ld>td into
the- White ll ouw, and lias eclloea of !he John Kennedy
usasslnation. The !Jr~l · to dlscrfdlt the McGovtm-Dmlocral lr
youch orgsniuloon. tht one Onnonatlc aga Ni11on l'e-dection
It may ~d:fire. nan fditorial ca11ooo11 th~ ccnsrrvative
l'hrh.tlaaScinlu M• ltor 1U£1tsiS. It Jhows Mr. Nl•on stnlnc far
out on a 1.-. limb labrlfd "Ni:wn Wda In Polls," but a bull
"' Watft"pt~ Bug" Is IJIIwln& 11 the limb halfway down. Columnosts Evant and NovU under the htldt!ne " The Watergate
Spcoct~'l"·· Yy the handlU. of this ~$Ode "b gjvlna: thou&htful
1-tc:publicJns t!w-lhaku:·
Stnt~I.Y t;•pialnd · The llrateu waa, first. to get JIJtS of
cle<~ r cutcl
sonality pr
race for
s uggesting
parently ne
tob uymedi
nc ver <~ppe;
election ye
campaign I
)Xlign contt
<~ ! though al
issue in this
stood on hi
unable lOCI
rccor.d. or l
and we co-:
joyed. Wef
We see th
Goorge ~
~ o.m~-,,ro~-·oc< -..,...-..,.,h,
- ,oooh-..... .•••-..oo ..
:ll>dtaptrl~r~oestodlsco~ft"What l!fhadwith
Waterga t e-·
The Dark , Dark Mystery
We hav
political ra
best man
those of us
not born tr
mill ions of
both sides a
".".•r:!~r::·,·~:~h(=~~~-~~~:S:::;.,e;~Th;; ~i;.,h~l;~~~~= c!;~::rC:.~!.
~~:~ ~~~~~~~~=~~~~!!~~r=~~~~::~~~
:::'~:~'!:::!~~=v1~~:"!,~h;,~:.c~~,!,~: :!'ac':~~r~ !;.•;:t':'n:.:..
bl'Cause the P rt'l.ident hd an 'inhermt
to do thol."
Secorld.JNOYJII"O\"OCIIetlrt(OIIi rup youthrlotsat th~n&liOM1
convcntlonl. to disc~il YOU"i people. Th~ Tlmn r~ : " The
Goo.·emmmfa cu~ agaln~t alx mttnbtn of the Vittnam \'C'!erans
Againll thf War cha rg~ with ptonin& an a»~~alt on t h~ R~p.,.
blinn National Convrntlon a~an to rest primarily on the
l~":!itimony ol an lnlormft" lor 1M FBI who hiod ft tabl!Wd a
rcput~hon u !ll"le of th~ antiwar group!l" m..-e militant and
··~iferoui mem~n ... Tbe vtttrans ~y he had lr~rnlly w-&fd
•· lolrntordosrupti•·~:;octson !Mgroupandthat hisactivillnhad
t~od to a num~ of arr~u In th~ past." lie "a hi story of instoobihty"" and ...u ""olfert'd a psyd!lat ric dlschtlrg~ from the
Army "
A Bl~k Panlh...- has accused t,.·o of those ar r~tfd at lhe
Watt"l'lj,at~ break·in ,.·llh trying to ~tuit him to organlu riots at
Thr~..... ar rtsl a numb!'r of yough leaders with ties lO Mc:<iovem.
tlil(lo\\hlt ~ u ou .... t•rlor hyGIH• · 'tloe..:htm~hadagr«nll&ht
th~ Wh ole Houw. ,.... di rectly supervised by Mild!elt ~nd
W. Col5(11'1. Spi'J:ia t eounst"t to the President.
I ll~,....
described in lh~Wall Slrrft Jouru \ U "Nixon llat ehtt Man-Clludl
Caison Handles-Prnident"s Olny Work." ) Colson Pf'rlon&tly
n.'\·ruued the myt terloo4 llowa rd £ . Hunt as a White IIOUH oon·
IIUit;ll'l\. I Hunt washJtfd inlh~add~booksoltwo mm l.ti"Hitd
at th<• Walft"gat~ wi th hll hom~ t~t ephon~ nwnhtr •nd the
notations" W."and "W.H." Calla weretneed betwHn Hunt
andiC'•·eral olthetnak·lnsuspecta.andmat~alfolftdl nhls
Whil~ HOllie OHke link hlm llltt further.
'fim• da!ms lh~ tnak·ln was plotted b)' "mm'l~ of ~~~~
Securoty lntdllgrnrc=Squad of the Committee lor Re-eleaion of !he
J>resident,"" Including Hunt. G. Co rdon Uddy. a lormft" lllr'hit e
!looM! aide. thtn wrvl,. as finance eounse1 for the cam!H'I&n
eommiuee: tnd ex·UIIJtant attorney arnerat Robel1 Mardian.
The ~quad waa HI up orlglnatty on White HOUH order& to lnvestipt~luksiOthtpc"aa.
T1n to lhy fll Pl&t. Kmnnly A11111 ln.llkoa • AU of lhe five and
lourolhrnttUL.ougHatthlawnitin&wfn! Lnvalvedln tbeCIA·
Cuban rmiareau~pc to lnvadeCIItNo •t the Bay olPip. Hunt waa
In charge lor CIA In IMBayoiPipoperation.
One theory has illhat Cllba.n em lares Wfn! recrultfd 1011 potltkal
int~llilmce operations at the 111pes1ion of the Prtsldrnt '•-Vtllmal~lrirnd. B~.Rtboll). lle La a Floridian whohasc,_mn-
Apro va.te lt
"wc b!'ingtr.
l fi!Ut"llthal
v.·;ord llamilt<
Ju hll t\~ IUIO!'t
thi i . A 1'""1 r
him . i'iorini
tk)nci.S IIVIIII
lh~plotstom·win& T<
"five" wuJ
hand 1 1 CIA
lllr'hite ll!lu:se
nl! rOINT!R
Page 9
<tnd f:ttvlt) , bolh"'"ot
"ho"' oltm
:-1~trrrrh )OWh
l'•ul \lrbr•'Pf"'lf"r
ttm,qUolhl) . t.hf"rftO«'. lbe) art'
not ah~•>~ ablto tu pro,Jdeo u
l.'O mp."ugned ror the presidency, oUered us an
a hrrnati\'e djrection in American politics. His
comp3ign is now history, but it has taught the new
voters some lessons. The best man does not aiW3)'S
" ''n ~nd cynically perhaps, honesty may not be the
besl pohcy. It has tought us too that there are men
m politics who are decent. (3ir a nd just. CeorRe
~lcCovem has s h""TI us that then! may yet be a
many \'Oled on per- ghmmcr or hope ror the people where now the name
es for situations like
~mes to mind. "Let the
1larly dish~rt ening to
this dection year it has
r voles has shown trot
fer the politics of the
Mel and pollslers from
~h this ~·as the year of a
lllUC'h tnform:.11on a1 rrughl be
U Ofl CK"U3oK)rl, Ont'
bt'C.'Ofll l'~
("Ompl~t~ l )'
Awoltlng An
Adequate An swer
d1SCrut!tl«<"'1th a .t.llu.JhOt'l,tM
'""'""'II) 10 dur lhf' .111 •ould
bt• throu&h a fti('C-1 1f1Jl 'ltolth the>
llf'OJlf'r ptnOn In auth0r1l)' In
thl.$ t".-.w. tht> .sun of u~ Lk<' u
mor~ than •dhnl to hilt'fl IO
8-n~loanc-n and. '' 'abet. to
tOITC!'C'I thf' SIIU.Iion
of corporate interest burns. The " grass roots'"
campaign in the primaries has sho\\'ll that people
who are concerned and dedicated can " 'in elections
e Eagleton affair. for aganst terrific odds and millions or dollars, perhaps
millions of \'Oict'S ap· the failure or that "grass roots" cHort in this elec·
1lack of sufficient fWlds l10n 'A3S .\tcGo,•ern·s downfall.
ident, on the other h.:lnd,
bout the outcome of thts
The question we mus t answer is. ··where do we go
to debate. his limited rrom he re-t" It t.S3 simple one as is the answer. The
dollars in secret cam· ~lcCo\'ern c.amp.·ugn for a decent lire for men, an
lt Watergate incident. end to Amera<.'.ln aggrcssaon a nd corrupt govern·
were ne'\•er re:~ lly an ment •s not over The philosophy George l\lcGo\•ern
man in the White House holds for pohtcal change co th1s country must be
; opposttion was either retaaned, nurtured and combined with the knowledge
C"'thnt it was not a good tha.s election year has won us. We are convinced that
~ better.
not evt•ryone who \ "Otcd for Richard Nixon did so
wath 3 clear conscience. We are convinced that
his "four more years" many who at a n earlier date were "Nixonites" \'Otcd
· are particularly over· fo r George McGovern because they saw what he
eser\'ing of this victory
stood for and could vote no other way Those or us
~ last four )'ears as
v.ho supported and ,·oted ror McCo,·em must t:Jke
>US and we are not sure
our place as the " loyal opposition'' more determined
ny better.
than ever that it is our responsibility as concerned
\e two years he h:.s
and res po~ble catizens (ot" "(our more years."
T•• llilr t :41114M"
"h) a~ §Om.. Otj{aiiiUIIOft:l
.lnd dtopartm("nh 4n lh1.1o
,.-.mpu• ("Oftt lnually malt•n.K
tAtuM"\• Ceuld 11 bl· b«au5(>
tbt) arto tnf'l'hc1C'llt or tr) ll\l to
('0\f'l JOnl..ti\lng Up ..
In lht OC1 27th tUI.If' of thfo
t•.M•t•r, K•rl ltuJCh 8.11\'~ ._._
..ll.ilolt•r to a ltU4"r b) lht UW
lnte:rnattOnal 1-'olt Uan«n. a.1o
to ~~>h)' tht) ""fftn•t lti\"Oiuod Ill
tbto ll~n«''mll\lt acll\ 1116 To
th.Js do~le, """" ar~ ...1111 a .. :utu~&
an adequoatf' aM"'"
R~b •Utn th1ng$ hk:~. ""~
"'ffl' <'Oft5.1dtnng pro(tN-1onal
l1Uc·rta.lnmf'nt l• ~t•s bt1ng lhf'
bot poJ.).Iblt'." and " thto toe-at
.:~;PUP uwd tht ~m<- dantf'rs
uoptiOfl, and llr Uum:tn"$
probl~m • ·oul.d ha~o't: t<ttt\'td
t.koh1 may have lost this
prtOmpttf" ('OMtdtUIIoOn h.ld ht-
ta ktoildit«"U)' IOMrl Chaoor
~Irs Snl lth..,ho •~ tobtfound
mthl.• ptnodl<"&b s«hon during
•~~>o.t of tht normi.l v.orll.utg d.-.)
• 7 4lam· 4 ' :10 pm 1
ll ~.,
'·· ~-hill
1' .~ :\r-"''.. "'"lo., t.,ll\tna•)
INaJ.,I.n.- \GI U.Itlf'\ prfiN" le 1t:1 .
'"•.) br foouiMII" n•kl"olll• .
for n1~M)
Goodbye Gree ks
t:dlt... :
Tht •1tu.ahoa at hand 11 a
&ra\'to onto 1nd«d lltr~ on our
~n t.ampus • ·t ar~ watdUng a
damLn.isbJtll brHd &nr.o ~XliMI
Just u lht bald ugt., and
p.u$f'n.gtf" Pilton f~ll •n to Mn·
t·xist~nC"t", 1o0 now our fr•ltr•
rutin: atld 60r'Or1tla a r to fke'd
" " ' lhls a~me fat•
1-lov. 00 )OU knct'll t.hf' Olhtot"
~:roups .. ..:re the b«t , "htn )OU
:tpp.ut'nll)' are not tv~n • "'•rcCJ(U~cap.~lKI• t•nolt~nm~
group.. TM onf) crouo thco UAit
t~h't'S • boo~nc
man38t"r from Mthoaui!.H HI
t~p the othtor groupt) tumt'd out
to bt the "'ont VGUP lMr• "Jhr
\. \\.SP f'oflt 0Vttffl'ti."OUkt no1
t'Onsidtr ptrlonmng if t.Mar
(fU:II I t)' •as that poor And
bf'sldts. 'hil lS lhfo dlfff'rtnt"~ 1f
toM group don da l'lt'eS from C'OUIIInn. Of If f1v~
~rate ttroup,; do d:~n«S from
dJtrHt'nl ~ntrtn•
Knl kU)ff'l's .tnt.,.m mack
no Sf'n'~ and ha~ot not
a dorquatf'f)' ans.. tff'd anylhlflC
)tl ldt.all) . a l tOUP from et.~r
•l"'ll c-J~mpus ~ld ha~o·~ had
thot hMor oC pt'f'fMnllf\1 and
v.~komut,c l.ti~ othft" a~-roups to
our tarnpus So m alltr 'tl.hlt
ltusc-h U)·~. UAU hai nol Ill
lo'Oh~ tbt Mudf't\t In hiS 0\loft
nmput .11 mUC"h as ~bit
I doubt d aft)'OM kno,.,,
••uc-Uy ..hat ha.s brOI.Iiht about
lhis rKu t ue nd o r anti·
c.;rffk.l~m. bU'l iOmf"thina mU$1
bto dont. btfort ~ •
ol hfto
Many ff'f'l thlil Crf'f'lu nt a.n
arrocant. snobbbh tot. a.nd 1n
)~ars past I '40Uld ha\·~ tltffd
"'bolot Martedl)' Grf'ltb han•
Pioll thf'mM'h·e. on pt'dtsr.ala,
liooltms ~... on tnt "c-c~ttu'l.on
ptOpJto ·• AnolMr r~uon m.a.ny
gh·~ ror not }oinl, . a Grm
or-pnLUOon Is pl'lys.aeal
Jbuse ont musl lal!.t dunng Ns
plc-dae period Man) lim~•
utnmast C\l.ban com1ar~ croup.
Oul<h ...-ntn ol"a hard~ or
t1·Ca•uo plon~n constantly
'0 ~ft
Tht>lr bJUf'.._U Olrf
lrf' lo 01'41tt tl.'SI • lr •trilr• to
aU it.• f'• oo . .-.4•.··
\ SpuJur. vmtn that CU!)Ma
td tiOtth ol Lak.e- Potaldlattraan,
hlltfd b>' Ptf'SICSMt K tntw'd)'
ftoppcd.. $~--~o't:nl tMn 111 thtw
l.raaMD dt<-ldtd 10 .uu..uanat~
te-ase ont' pruat~ inlo·tstt~attOn
up a ploc lO UNMIAI.I~ llr
riot to
but 1..htSt --~~
o.-.nas.'l$ 1
ol lht four atftllf'd at tl'M'
r•nk Anado f'MW'Ina• .1J11.s £d.
~Ill~ nn •II:" u...
tiM Ill hh a C"lhkln."
a('q!UIIntancf' w-lt.h Lft Harvey
:ShOned b)'' fBI, M del:u f!d
1 "U•ttJ nw
n. •Mn 1 ' " ' .....
.d oliHdy anU.Cutro Jam<S
nmtJ and ant inc money rrom
At one t•m.e bts M1ami houw
llhmtureanr.;)CW '" lf'llldsrw
t thnt ~lfodct ol whit
towel • OM of 1M Wattreatt
ahu Edward Manut., an oW
w job. ..).... tbt p..._ .... ,.
ll~M)' .U•• ,., ~~.,
• ..,.... and operatllll under 1M
PLIM and Pn-pil't'!Cinotu. The
'<OC"SSIip damped on b)' ordtt of
fi'AT('tt. S..U. Plau ,
~yr., a t t il: t.b•-UI.t at l1.
,.. t•k• • ...... u liMn •
em.p..,_~ ha~ bftn unable to
;~.JSUt me. I have ~ dJrecttd
In Defense
lS.on &llfmpt lA CWit..mala, No
tu .omtone "' ho C"'Wd
In rf'C,ard t.o llr Beaman's
111' 11w
~;ditw :
l tal!.t"pc::nit~l\a.tldtoxnbbl~
.lhor-1 m1»1H' 1111 rf'Piy 10
Brut'c' K
B~am a n•• I~Htr
l.(oarnlrll), ltO<MJrffS Cent« on
tht l ¥11.$P nmpi.IS
S1~ Mr Jkaman dJd Me
~t•t~ 1M t1mt- of t:Uy bt madt
•oJourn to th• I.KC
t •enocbrJ~IS l>t'pt. 11 t1 irfl·
poi.t1bk to dteer-mi.Df wtwtbtr
lbtff .... mer• thin onp
ttnplo)«> on duty at the ''"'"
Auum•ng the-re was onJy one
~non t unally a sludent
ua~•taAC• on ducy, tMR •re
IC'\"«ral ruJOnJ .. hythat pnson
bf> btrund the
he) mil)ll bf'
..Minna bowel votumn. putl•.nJ
out M'&s p• ~ u. h•tplnt •
~t udrnt
nuahl not ......)',
("OUIIIU Sf'lto
m lerolilm
ma.ltf' C"'P'f'' ol a mkrot.ln• for
• lludn\.1.. or htlpenc 1 s1u0tn1
UM mkrolilm Thr:r~ 11 mot't \o
.. orlunaat~allthl.njuf.l
scand•.rc a t u.t ~ttt .... aline
Cor (Wiom"'· a lt.hou&h wa umc
on peopk- is oo doubl the- majr;w
,. ilh
on~ floor
Ull$18111 II not a
•uf'f'ha~. atld mi.Cbt hlv~ doM
Jt Udf'nl
t'ONtdn"abk damaat 1f Nw had
lnt'd t.o fix 1l .... 1thcut,1na
ho'tl. to 1M llan on I.M mat.hhw
uy 1oM •CM.Ikt bt abl~ lO
fllo LMmadUt~ot lnfa("l.llwdJd
Mlh'f' the problr-m an 1M mot~
uped lut manner, by ad·
lllltlll\1 thai ~ d id not know
•h.ll •u "'-ron& and then
dn« blm to •nocMr <'Opltr
Ot• thf' hnl Ooor
I facl to ' "
""h) he had to m•kt " t.,·o or
lhrtt• jourt~ot)'S up and ~·n 1M
~a...ln to wt Uw Xtr0:1 Oft
fln.t floor" to CC19Y OM arttdt
unlns he brougN UM: artidt
do'tl.n p.a&t! b)' pace. or 1.1w
m.rhlnot moved '" an ~Hotl co
aVOid him In LM latttr t"aw Cht
t.~robl~m 1hould be tahn
d 1fft"ll) to t.lw XC'f'OII C«·
IIOU IIon .U It I~ not Up 10 LJtC
~ m ploy~~~
to rtpJm and
uu.a.brt\1\lftl Xf"r''x mat"htl"lf"'
Str•ouJiy. it bt a llu had
porobim'ls ••th tM C"'Pitt on Cht
'"'' floor. br ahould h.lfl: tried
to find one ot the numf't'OUt ..UU
n1tmben •ho • ould t.av•
ll>tf" " him
VII my tiUm('fow Wfltwes
In C"lot•ntc I'd h k.~ c.o ...., t.baot
•tl.lo thfo pcriocJicall t«hon. I thf' rmplo)fft and wlf of
ba,.. found thf'lr to ~ l...•u: do a.s aood a )Ob . ,. un bt
"'lll~n& t.o do thdr but 10 hdp
c·xpec'l.f!d m kftopln.& thf' li.bnt)'
•1th a.ny ol my problmu
, fUftC11onln& and upandifta b
When. on oc:c:aa$on, .tudtne •rlf ,. ..WIN the n lildftta
numbton •
\\bat "t" v.oold hk:t" to knov.
do )OU <'OM1ck'r a~
IJ · \\holt
._.roftu1ona1• Tht UW· f'olk
O.:tm~ ano abo pa1d for
ptrlorman«S done olf umpus
plf'dgn ""fl't pbysl<"•lly hurt
perlommtK cS.anctrou! lt"t.lom
..ut"h at .. alkii"IIC on daN.
drinking antl·frf't'te. ~1ng
klt""lttd. and so on In the l.ut
)t&r or ao lhn"« ha.t btttft a
1ad1UI Man&t Ill Ow pltdJt
provamt of fratn-nlltes and
1o0ror1ttn, a trans•Uon from
Ck-human•ti"' ph)'Stcal•bu4ot to
HT8liVf'beftril<"lalptOtta~ It
"ncM our llltfllt to put ~'tlan>
man. thus. modt"rn pled3t
procram• art
a round totU ri'SO«I and ton•
~trurtl\t ptO~.Sudli lhU"lpas
•wk proJf'('C. touth eM ac-tt~·n
arto C"Ommon now
\\'~ now Itt to thf' quntion
that It always uktd. v.ha.t 11
and "'hY ue Crtotb
w partl("ular an whonl
pltdl~~ A lrattrnlty IS a
'"broUJC"rhood". as r-IOSf' knit a
Uf'l.ion as bond holds at:1y
ramdy t.oc.tehtr II rntmbks a
,·ommune 111 many
11 11
;~~«Jo!:i,;~. a"':~rv~~
l \\ .SI'
l ft t f'rflatiGn• l
t'• U.
Com•• To Campus
Tht Itt<! Crau Hloodmob•lr
"'II bf' ton lht U¥ri ·SP Campus,
~0\ 14-16. 1912 It 'lllll bt optft
trom11.1m ~pm So\' 14
AndfromiOam 4pm Sov I S.
.,1nd IS
U ••II bt- Sf'l up 111 tht> \\tal)l t
Lwngt ot thto Stud-tnt l 'n100
A. Ia~ wm<nttor. "f' "''" br
K" donon to rut dQo..-n
on tM ... ,11ng ptnod thai h.-.~
tllf'fft ~UC'h .I probl4'm •n ~SI
)f'US Star·li.Ait~O\ ........p up
,heel ol 11mt> t..aanp ... ,u bt
posttd at ttw> lnformauon ~.,
'" lht t.:nh~rsllr C.-nt~r Ovr
C'ampu. hat. al... a)$ mtol and
lhf' "' '"""~of lht
Th11 u ""~' a
fral~rfhl)' lis It"• lttMCh to turn
funttiOIU for
~iltC'Uf'l~ •
to ..'htayount'f!dbelpandadvl<'~.
;,nd abo buddift to r~tla. and
ha~~ ~ &ood ~ With Thu II
"'"'> thf'r~ 1$ a plf!d&;t pof'nod, to
lllllk t • ure lh~ ltldiVIdU~I
w-l«tt'd "111' thf' tdf'ab
•of tht fra ttm.ity
~ nlotf' lntupr....oaal
rt-l.a t...,. .., t" havt btf'n lrt•rc to
<'h.ln.g t our lma.rc. but ....., .,...
,.11U a dlm•nUIUna brftd, facinc
U(III("IIOII Otl lhfl ump111.
unku "'e c:an lball.e olf lhe
fa llaoc·loul ~llama we ..,.. atl;d:
nt«df'd ou.r quo1.a. .. h.IC'b lin•
M'fllnl« l'la• bf.f'ft M"l at 1.700
I)OnalinJC, blood It OIW of thr
"'&),IO$hcJW)0Ur1'all) deUtf ,
M ~ ·s tu...-t anoth~ ~fol
dm~ Aalalt)~~r.~ "'•ll
to tht orpnua Uom
"'ht<"h gl\f m0$1 blood
Uemembt-r. )OU mwt havr
''atm no tGngtt t.tun four I'IOut"l
~ore )'OU
an)' quettielnl. pkaw <Cinta("l
N..c-, r tl).
T_ ll..._._,.,,
u,.. .... u..........., ... .
) II -»--t
Board Of Visitors Organizing
,\HooardofVJS otors .,.·oii !<KNl
txo n tabl l!Jled for lJW.SP in
o1 t'OI11111UIUI)'
or dfl" tu in\"OI\'e lay cotiui\J
'"'h IM procnsn of ho;VIer
l'dueaiH)R ~nd 10 pro•·•cko out ·
,odfo onpul.., os.sues ~ ffe-c:ung
unl\"nsiry..-ommun oty rclallons
Mt"ordongl<l Jahn t:lln"y.
\~sL•t:ont t o the Chan«llor. the
t>fiU iblr re pr ue nurion of
•·:arious •·iewpotnl$."
~: llrry t-st imarf'll !hal to- t ~
r otoz f nS ,..,u compri se the
lloard. Thf)'IO'oliM1'1'e "·•l.hout
.-oou peou.:otionforatr nnoffour
~e:a rs and be oneligibl<' for
un no<'dia terrappointmenl .
,l k-.:-tlng"·ollbescheduleda t
lt'as ttv.-k-c-ayearandcall<'db)'
Jl<i.1.nlll>nlht" pr~s.solbor>nl
nrga nll<'d
··w..·...- tryinc to
dt•t<'flniiK' "h:ltt«t ot bo;l rd
uonn tx-.-,.·ouldbeabletomakr
1ho• mosrmra nlgful rontnbur ian
to t hr uno\"ersl! y and the
•·umm uniry··
llc mentooned
mduotry. pro l6$oona l ~troops,
tht• \ hamberofCommercrand
IOUf«"Sofon pur .
benclic~ltoachll'l'<' lhc ••• odnt
t hcChDncellor"·henn..-.:e:n.:~ry .
t:llt'ry cmphniz~ that thl'
l'l'lal ionl hipwillbeadu:alOM.
The Unil'tl'!lity " 'ill inform the
lluard11n the " stateol !he
Unil"<'r.iitly .,.·llh respect to it.s
•ousslnn" ~ nd the Uoard "'U be
frt-..· to r ~ o u ;ony qlltih0tl5
" I'I'Uum:ob ly. as :on ad••iSQry
board . thtyh:l •·•a "'·idt-<ll)('n
uppurt ull ll )'
pro~ ode
"'ha tc•·cr onput the ~· 3ff
·-~~~lell:.:o:~di~1s:;on ,..,II
>t'll'ellnl)' on an advosory
' "TM Chancellor
o·an'ttra nsler authorll)' sinc.-ehe
~nawlt'dgrable advo« os an
M~ct:· t:llcr)· uplainJ.
The ll!lilrd1Jprl'dictt'd to
hawmosl onnuencein rhear ea
ul ~ ommunlt y· u nivet$ily
Poetry Reodlng To Be Presented
t ' noversot)' Wrllt"ts ,.,.,11
ptf'S('II! Iheorl hordprofH.IiliiOIOI
rra dtng
•rm~t e-r 's seroa at 1 p.m
t 'ruby thC'tOihofSo•·rmber on
th o· Wrocht l.oungt• of lilt'
lnll·l'rsoty.-enter. The ruding
ftar ur <'~
,.,..o " '1'11-kno"'"
uo od d l ~:,-.,.cs tcrnpoe r s.
Ell..,. of Chicago and
Zom mer ofl'oltsburc
publosll<'d!"'O<"h:lpbaoils tor
>llorte-r boobt: !iln,.,·lorn lrto.
andt'nlou-M's Woman.Etter\5
and a pas! Rob«tf'Tost Fellow
on pO('try atBreadl.oafWriter 'l
Conft'rence. Il l' '''orks as a
ln turc ,.·rlter for the SderK<'
\ ' earbook of E nf yrlop tdla
llrltanlra'" Ooica~o
Paul Zimme r is responsible
lull·lfongth books o/ ptl<'mJ. Go
:~fb~,.-~ll~a~~-~~:· .;!~
lluriThrHh·n . andTlllrLut
llrpublleUf ;\l uy\'olcn . I..IIU
Tnln To Proplolbtoo.-. which
"0" tht llhnoos Cent('nn ia l
l'nC't ry ,\,.,ard HI" hu also
summcrhetour edU\'ft'&lmid·
.. ,, tern ri~t'rs with the Pitt·
s bur1 Woodwind Ennmblc.
Prot•ctlon And
Security R•port
l· <lllor·• note :
The l'ol11ter
rrr.-lud th r lollo>~lng ln lurm•t lnn /rom ohr Ulflrr of
3 nd
Sr( ~rlt )'
o · r~arrllng u tl alll br t,.rrn thr
dalr.oflk l. lf lhrou lh :o;u. I.
U<lobrrJO. t!'l:
Th rlt t -\llt"ged l Pur n con·
!aonong $8.00 from u.nlocked
I<M: ker lkrc G)·m . Phy Ed.
llhnoo i,\I'C' .• scratchl'd.rcpal r
.,fdam:~gtHtimated at llOO.OO.
Malady Cont.
Greotntandthe music students
qui'Stloned .,...... aplnstlhla
be-c:ause it would pen;,lize the
dcdlu!ed s tudrnt s . They
.. outdn'!havrthechanc:ero
pr~diceasmuc:h a slheywould
llamagrto\'ehic!t- Parkl'dOfl
like to.
An.othu romplaint against
,.,·asp«SC"ntf'llina l<'ttersentto
the Polalu by Rebecca
Erlt'nbach, :\l usic--Tucher
COfp$. Erlenbach stated tha t
" thisls grtatforthtappUed
itl ea•·e thc> non-musle ma.lor smlnonwhoha•·evarioUSC1)W"H
re3 ut rements to fill which
"Black l'or1rails"
~~~ rmb<-r I. ":1
1,\li<'CC'd t
biC)'Clt' ,
l'nrklt'ig.hCrouCountry. oohl!e
tu spel'd.blacktapedllandiC'
t..:ou Sc-t"u...-dtobibrack.,.cst
of lhr Lu rni ng Resources
~"!;;' \'a lue
,\pro:od mmt t ly
for Chri&tmM J(ft&.
d=. ~rx24~
l 'h l6", 12.
(No onkrs after
December 10)
341 -1162
For Sale: AM·FM
earphones, 6 mo. old.
Mllllt aeU Call S4l~'r9
after 5.. Aak for JobA.
1966 Volbwacea
after .5:00
Needed: Girl to ahan!
apt. at VUI&«e for
second semeater.
CaD: S4l.M'79 Of'
r«;uirt use of a piano. or
practice room~ -S'Ie nhma t<'d tha t mus1c
majon-mlnon r«;uired about
s:JO pr:octlce hounadav . Whoch
"'·ooldpu! the pt"Octl« rooms on
U$e t4 hours a day
Wh ich
,.·outd lrne !heroomsopenfmr
a lota l of2hoursaday forothf r
li tudC'ntsandadditionalpractice
time. !leT fillill rom mmt,.·as
that -- ~· en lhf batllrooms are
being used for practit'inc.
Somrthonl'sgOI IBKiVt'."
Wh e n a s lo;ed about the
in the first place. Gree-ne said
11\;11 "the problrm boo nobody 'l
faul t Youcan'lbuild a building
plannlnllant.ri pling lnsize. II
oo·asa.~methlngtt~;otwas totally
un foreseen."
.5 keys
aUver riajf.
Call : Guy
%22 Hyer HaD
Friend of Tony
(Lofty from Brltam)
for hi1 tobocco.
Alukaa ..........
adutt male (dtMp).
•.• Potchouly ond Earth Body Oill1
. • . Potchouly bath oil or 1hompool
. . . Patchouly inc-enMP
·1· . Paper lomp•hoda1P
• . .
• . .
. ••
. , •
. ••
Indio prinhl
Pennaylvonia Dutch 1nack treohP
Chocolate mint ice creom aodoal
Dried strawflowers & unuauol voMI1
Olde Tower Sealing Wo•1
Different & deliciau1 tcented
. . • Room 1pro)'11 in atTowberry, Ume
or many other acenhP
. , . s.. oil thi1 ond much, much more
by browsing through our unique
afore that cahrt to YOU!
with a
Mary Zohorlic
SW-IJIDl' r.d.lo. two
r udinc portr y to t he o r ·
chntra'sa('t"'Onopanymt"nta. llc
hu bun mana1er of lhl'
U.C.L.A. bookstore. Pot\ in
Kcsidfnceol theChirocampus
of the Cali forn ia State Collrae
•ys tt' m , ""d is cu rrl'ntly
Assotia tt' t:dl!or of t ht
t 'nlvrrsl ly of l'itUburg l'ri'SS.
>penltimt'Mthr"'estcoas t but
forsom .. rnson ha n· retu rnt'd
to the Mld.,.·nt where ttofir
potmS see on to bet"ome m~~n:
a uthen11c 1::-Khhuacooddfal
tn uy aboot the :\lid,.·nt n
"rl t ln c ompetus a nd l'ac h
11-.:-monstratn a 1ood dfal of
humuronhi:s "'"dings.
Y ­
UO"tte.' ...........
c:alliad, 2 1.5" IBL
•~ers, reuonable.
Call 344-0978
leco.-ding S~r-.lto ....
frock com. I. reel- fo' " ltepotprofenlonellr
recorded ot compdith·e
offer 4:00 P.M.
for .. 11.
'62. or ' 6], bcolleRt
for pom. lett offor.
Coli: J44-626l
For Sale: 1911 Fender
tpeakers • ezoelleQt
T oay at U.e
P <H nter Offtoe.
Family Restaurants-
Friday, Novemb_
e r_ l_0.:._._ 1_9 _7 2_ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T_H_E_ P_O_I_N_T_E_R_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_o.;:.
g_e _ 1_1_
Burch Interview Continued
l•uin tC" r : \\ hal rca !<Ions d o ' ou
dt•C" Iint• of lhb
"~'· fo1· tht·
m u\ t•mt•n t in thf' IH1Sl roup ll' u f
~ t•:.t rl<l ·:
Burch :
Daniel YankeiO\' ich
of Tht•
C h OinJ,:i n~ \'alue ~
on Cam pus. rccenlly compiled
an cxtensivt• surve~ of collegL·
:-tudcms dealing wt t h this very
tJUl'Stion I thmk most st udents
,uiJ OJ It es t to th(• fac t thnt their
111ood ha s changed from ont.· of
tllsp;tn ty to l'onfuston . Students
h3\1t' divorced thear \\Orrie:t
about the sta te of the nation
fron • thci1· personal fate
at nlt~ r to \.'Om bat frustration and
t·hanuclcd their ft"ChngS mward
"hen· thcv ft'i.'l thev will have
n•on~ l'onlrol
Wh3t linle m\'o h ·cnl{'OI scudcnts experience
•n public ·~arrairs tody •s
by others · ex ·
)Jl"Ctallons of thcm
hr111~ ;t buut
their mab1lity to
their desired
that rt>al -hrCI
problem s s eldom ha ..·e the nice .
l'lt.·at·cut answers th;:ll ha \'t.'.
I X.'l'll depicted on the tl'lt.•vJslon
throughout the1r IJ\'('S . henl't" ,
ldt.'Oiogl(·al ll'S~ dogmatic m
lhl'll' hcllds and less wllhng 101
part1cap.:Hc in protests Is 11
)tt)S!<ooablc that !<o>IUd(•nts ar e 111 the '
IIIChuah• !-~I age:, or fl'ahzan~ that
thl'Jr conwmporancs do not
han· <~II tht.· answers ·•
P ui ntt·r : ll u"' du ~ ou th ink
'' urld )H'!H ' t' \ \ill l 'O IIIt' abuu t'.'
Bu rda: The IIWJor problem
l' ttnlron ti n~ tht· v.orld toda~ 1~
tum to 11\;Hnl <.un urdt.·r ilnd
l>t•ac t.· \\ ar b onl' ol tht.• (•o n ·
.. 1:1111!'0
hi s tory
I rC"Call
n·adult-: that 111 uur :1.000 plu:' l'~tl'!-> ul l'('l·orded Ius tun . )('SS
1h;111 111<1 h.t n .· !'l'{.'ll nu rt.~·ordl'(l
'' .tr
:---u I don ' t bt!hl•\'t.• th;tt
l'uin tf• r ; \\h a t •·olt' du ~uu . .-s
,, nu•mbt· •· ol tht• Arm~ . h:"t' in
llringing abo ut \wrld }ll'3l't•'.'
Hurch :
realize that the United Nations is
not ca p ~' blt.· or estabhsh1 n g
uth.·rna tional IX':lCl' bcca usr 11
nu pov. er
Ironica ll y. tht•
l 1l'\ 's prtmary func t ion IS th e
rational reso lut ion or confli c ts.
' l'l 11 1s arrationa l m th e t>xcr·
~ISl' or pow('!' ThiS places the
t S ;md uth4.:.•r powerful nations
!hal an· in th(• midst or
negotiations 111 ~~ prt."Canous
pusit1on bt•caus(.• 11 b 'not
It• :.~ able to negotiate wt tho ut
Thus . by t he mere
fact that Cong r('S.S has provided
for a strong and "ell prepared
~•rnll-d forct'S . wt.• arc able to
ha ~
ent<.•r nllu negotiations.
~ cars ago GC'Orge Washi ng ton
rec.·ugniuo.d that .thc best orrenst.•
•s a good derense that is. ir we
art.• s urriciently ''ell prepan.-d to
tll'ft.•nd our m tc r cs ts, we won't
hLI\.l' to. And der(•nsc is the kc\'
\\Hrd 111 the ~tate mt.•nt or t hC
obJel.'lt\'t' o f tht• armed rorces .
\\ l' ar(•,: har~t.--d wtth prcscr\'ing
tht.• pcan• and security and
jll'(l\' tding lor the defense o r the
l' S
In add 111011 . th(' armed
lon·c-s ar(' respo nsib le ror
s uppurtmt: tht• national policies.
nnplellll'lllllt~ tht.• national
objt.'(.'ti\'(.'S . and O\'ercoruing ;my
•·t.•spons Jble
=t~~rCS!-tl\' t' al't:oo that unpcril thl•
or the L' .s
of our
nallonal pohl' ICS .and objCCII\'CS,
I 1111~ht add . arc tht.• respon ·
. . tbllll\ nf the ll3110ilal leaders
\\ hon; ~ uu ;mtl I clt-ct
Tht.• t.·ontemporary
a:. not a l'Oil\'enllunal
.. trUJ,!J,!lt• tor real t•statl"
It 1S
mun· ~truggh· fm· Jk!al"'-' b~ I \ \U
" PiJO ~In~ uu·thods
Thl" <.:om -
\IU111 t' ll '!oo 111 0\ t' IIH' IIt '!
Uun: h :
I thmh. the major
uf the \.I.Utnt.•n's
u •un'llll'llt l!-t m the areas ol
~md HH..'allon
IH'l'l' SSO!rl h
bU\ , tht.•
I don ' t
\\ urlri pt.•;u,.' t' h~ dt.:~tro~ mg uu1·
\\J\ ul ltk anti rt•bulldang ttw
\\u;·Jd 111 tht• llll ,t~(' of t.'om 111 U II I~tl1
\\ htlt• tht• l'nttt•tl
' \\11 11\t'n · .s l~t)l•r;.tt;on " bel'3lL'i(' I
thml.. 11 uuph£" ~ that \\C ha\'l•
ht•t'll 111 :-011\l' type or bondage ,
\\ llldll don't rt-cl Y.l' h3\'t.' been
I tl n hdw\ e that fc·1UOJies ha\'C
:-.t;l tt·~
l)l't'll d!M'l'lllllll~llcd
tHU III !" I.,
tiJ hrtlllo!
1!'> 111 tt·rl•:ttl-d
~\bo Ut
\Hir ld
Vt':.ll' l '
Ill lht.• " rrt'l' \\Odd '
, om···pt Ht.•j.!urdl $S ,,f the fat·t
that both !'>tdl·~ ~L"t:ll\111);1~ desart•
1''-' . I pt·rsunally lt.'<'l that 1t 1S
; tb~urt l tu hupt• rnr \HirJd pt.•;tCt'
.1~ 11 I!'> to hup<> for ;a " fa 1r ..
IJll'" t 'll tatl Otl
fl('" :oo
111l'tha . •ts hoth tht.• tot:thtanans
oll' tl\ l!'ol!-> thfl\'t ' on l'tHlfht.•t
Every Week Tuesday lflrough Sunday
l.' nroll tn tht.• HUT(' progra1t1
urriC I3il\' at ten Ulli\'CfSities
th ougho'ut the• U S II a ppears
that I hi s test program hns been
Stl S U(.'l'C!S~ fu\ th;:l( it wj iJ be
expa nded to any Universi ty
l'l'QUCSting a femalt• progra111
tot· nex t ~· ear Qui te lih• ly we
wt ll e nroll women nex t rail in
uur n w n program here a t
Stc\'ens Point Thl• onl.' thing Wl'
11\USI 1101 lose sight or IS lhl.'
poss1bk discri111ination or men
Kristy and
pruft·)>~ t on:al
c nd ea\'or s
I am
\'l'r~ happy to see tht.• mili tary
-""t.'f\' ll'L':oo rllo\'t' uut tn this a r ea
111 lltt.' pa ~ l ~c~1 r I ha\'c s et.•n
dr :I!-> IU ' \'h~m~t.'!'o Ill tht• Op·
(t(H'I UIII I It'!oo
~1\adablt · lu \\ 0111('1\
ltl tht.•
n 11h tar~ . 111~ JOb 1.s nne .s ul'11
The,. Echo Nightclub
tnlhc ,,·ornl'n's movement. I do
not bcli en• in hirinl! a women tu
fill a position just because she
,_... •• woman and her presence
Attention Students!
Join The
!->3IISHes a q uota that has been
plac<'d on an orga n ll.ation by
t•xt r insic socaa l pressul'l>s. Both
men and women should lx·
trealed as and i\'id ual s. and
judglod on indiYid ua l lll('rit.
Poinh·r : \\h at books ha n ·
n •a tl r ec(• nth·'! \\'hat book~
~\ ou ld ·' o u l'~c ommt•nd
Monthly Salaries:
~ lud t•n t:t ·.'
.. . . . . $300.00
Vice President . • . . . . . .
...... ..... ...
Treasurer . .
. . . .. . .. . 20.00
11 Committee Members . . . . . .
Bun·h : \\' hat do \OU mean b\'
r('(·cntl..- '' l'\' {' rc3d numerou·s
books this past yea r . as we ll as
subst-ribt.• to "Psychology
Today ", ·· Intellectual Diges t ",
" H arpers ".
"1'11nc " .
Playboy" and ··ca t Fancy " .
Somt.• ol th(' mort.· interesting
:• nd 111rormati\'e books I ha\'C
read rC'\'Cntl..- an• listed below . 1
• ccunu ncnd · all or them ror
• Membership dues are 50c per month.
• Officers are drawn on 3rd Thursday of e§Cii
• l\lembershij> is limited to 2,000.
• Membership cards are available at the Unlnrsity Center and any member of the University Choir.
s tudent reading. I might add
some or my ra\'ori t a uthors a nd
poets arc 1·1. ltL-ssc. A. llyand . J
Sh~1 nbcck .
K . Gib r an. H.
.\kKul'n and J Michener
Am e r ka F aces Deff'at · \\' alt
The C h a n gi ng Value s o n
Campus · YankciO\'ich
Thr ~ t a nufac turf' of )J a dn~ ss ·
Kf' nt Sta t" a nd \\'h)' It Hap·
pt>ned · ~l ichcncr
:"o Exit From \ ' itt Sam ·
t ' in lht• t.: l
Pursu it of LonlinMis • Slater
lnh•n·:o. tin ..: l< t•adin..:
1\:o La ng uage Uut a Cr) . 0
r\ tubrosiOJ
Tht• S rw Cf'nt urians •
\\';.~m ·
b; IUgh
\\'h\' Am I :Uraid to Te ll \' ou
\\' h;t I Am • Powell
L.on• and \\'ill . Mav
l T Ca ll e\' · lli.s Own Ston ·Sack
Th(' Pla ~ ue ·Camus
Stop 1n
at the
Hoppiett "ace In Town
Live Music
Every Sunday Nite
Paul Bentzen and
The Safety Last String Bond'
(Blue Gro•o -
T ht• t-:~ords t · Bla tt )'
6 Y.! mllcs N.W. of Stevens Point, lett off llwy. 10
lnforuw tht·
l •ui nlt·r : \\ h :1L tlu \OU M't' a s
till' m ;tju r .,i~uifh-:JI ;Ct' of lht•
('~3Cl l~
~ lrug~h·
brt.·ah. -lhrough
' 'umt.·n a r(' now pcnTIJlted to
Women's Drinks 8-12
Men's Drinks 12-2
Poor Mon'e Nite Loot Mondor of bery Month
Sc-10c BEER
Corner of 2nd & Clorit
Superscope A22S Amp .... $79.95 Superscope lt225 Receinr $199.95
20 Watts ltMS
10 woth RMS
3 yr. part.o li labor warnnly
S yr. part.o li labor warn.nly
ISR 310X Turntoble ... . . $80.00
ISR 310X Turntoble
. $80.00
•ith Shure M75C Cortrid9e
with Shure M7S <: Cortr;.i9e
Morant& Imperio! 41
. . . $111.00
. $50.00
Enh!c P-8 Speoker
Re,. . . . . .. $209.95
lte, • . . . ... . $397.95
ONLY $159.95 ON·LY $319.95
Please Go Away!
Before you go - contact
Next to Post OHice
AirliDet • Rollroadt e ShiplinH
Chartered ond Sigfltaeein9 luaea
ltotnt-A-Cors e Hourt •
& lteaom e .ALL OV£1t THE WOitU>
Jobs Cont.
. .......... ,
.. ....
l'b••m• nl • fflte lin d
lh f'
We are •·ery
aUot<'r lhr omd"'·esc.pron•ohng
"ur ~;duration st udentt. In
111a11~ cast'S, y..·r han! dc~dopcd
.1 h311i011 "llh <:mpJO)'el'!l Vl3
dlfl'('lt"nlllacl "mployrrshan·
find l(ood >OCC<'U "'1\h lhl'
~trt·~os 1'01nl studenl. and
tr<'IJ Ut' nlly rail us aga!n
Thmul!,haqrl"S51\'ea d•·rrtosmg
.o toonHnllons.:mdat...mployer
~rnllt• ln«hngs , "'e makr
.• !klollllnal...,.,lactsandanracl
t"lllplu~cnl for on-t"am~ in
Wr also"'"" and
~;~, ~:~~;;s;n:~~!::~
IIII>IOfOrnlallon lOOtlf.COIOr.l
.nodn lumm
llh~ l
~ .....
171.635 1;
"f '"hlchconstnules
!lin-e •·t•:rrtatteS and sill polrl·
un,..,.,.k~tud)' Siudmts. TfMo
111dudr th t~r teac h1ng a nd
I:Kulty functKJM About :1000
..r...knt~ :lnd aturnno ann1101 tl )
l'•ln l~r :
prnb l ~m·
10 .
History Tutoring
l'nlnl~r : •I •~ tb applkUioiU>
ktpl 010 flit afl., J ra dpa\lon~
Tinnry: Y~,ood thesludent
11111~1 k~p In IOCM:h "''1111 OPr
.,ffkeso ... tcan conlacl them
"M'IIajobn•ightcomcPp_ OUr
uffl~ t·
Jolao·cment services for a ll
\\ hal • ••• hr •pK iat
)O U
/ a(•
p l ar~ m ~ n ! ~
Tlrrnr1 : Ol.wiously. lhcrl' iJ
~ diSP<Irll)'bfl.,.·eenthenumber
,.f .•tud...,llgradUJt ingannua lly
~nd rho· n11mbet" of appropn.a tr
oppo r tun1t1n
~·· a11ablr1n lhl' mnkrt placr
tradltionmlly ha•·r l' ~(r eded
nn lionn lplal't'moonlhg urnby;o
•·e r~· heall h >· m~rgln ,earhycar
<'<llll'JII! Studenlstoloc3tcapI''"Prlatl' po51 l1ons 1\lso. ,..~
aurmpl In be of somt•
. •ss•st anrrtost udellts~kong
;owroproacc majcw' for a ~r·
II"Uiar t•arl'l·r . and job m~rkct
pon1bilit1U. nnd ohou ld be
tahn up bt.• g1nnm ~ ~<ilh lhr
t rt·~h•m•n
Family Planning
Counselors Needed
,.,l hthrH"~I,nf«IISOO
~tudcnl$. OliO' can read1ly _.
lhe <li:IVIOIIS flroblf'mJ tn oor
'"'""'lff•n•·ol•·emenl Wrha.-.,
,ol5o olllll'd:l&rnc-nlrrloct.1Tiei'
··oiii'ICI' campuses this )'Car .
~ ,,.,.,. IIIey can a•·oid the r x·
jOf'IIM':Ondtlmrassocia ted"'ltll
~no n -ca mpus•· llit a t icmbyme~"C"·
l)' nutiryingll.'ithal jobs might
bfa•·m ilablr$houldthe $1udrnt
I'OIII:>e:ltlwo'mpiO)'I.'t'd iu-clly
l,e ke all 11niHnity drpart •'
......,ts.w" ll:l•·rbeenlorcedto
upensu. duo> tu auJterily
progr3m ~
and a grnl'ral
Sludo:'ntJofto'flfaoltoki!'C'p on
tuuch ,.ltllouroffi«s3llrr
lenmg r:.mpus lor the sum·
mo·r 1/ thC)' ha•·e found em·
t '*">"' ''"' · "'"""'-'t<ltok~~<rA·this
fur rl.'fXIrl .... f PMC11311d 50"t'
''"""<'fJUI'fl ll)' plate con
em phasis "" just
those studMIS "'ho an: still
luok onjl I« :o JOh During lhe
'""'"'" · ••mployt>rs oltrn
"' rm r•toymt'nt to ce rtaon
st....rntsa ndwei!Hdtobe
trad) for ommtd1atl' eon tacl
G••lling !he ,.,·ord out to
l'l'll lr;llt_~l
$ ludl"nts~eardrnttluc:hthlnp
"' •mportant ml'f'llnp they
~hi allend. job ln ll'I'VItw
~r heduln . and vatanry 10•
illflllation. 11 31"''1 )'0 a prohl~'"
nn ;, lug~ un>vcrsil y tampus .
,\IH'>tller p robl~n> ;~ gell i"l!
> tuden t ~ to realize the 1m·
portanct· of romi nK to IM
t•la(rml·nt t>lfirtspflor to the
major · mmor choke.
l' hi Alph.1 Theta Is ag~~in
off1•r lng 3 tu torlnl :service for
. - Pointer StoffEdit DO" :
:'JI"rl~ ~:d ltot:
llutk owski l -~r ry Gilman
\., ol'l~ t~ Ed itor: Srt•rr l ~ r lu:
knnllcr Urb;1n f.~·un l loba~k
\ .,.iSI ~ n t ~: dlt iN': Sho•lly f.aska
';I[ Sol11•
~·r~\Urt •:dlior:
\ d .\13.,a t:••= ~:U1t1 l'"tl'I'SOn
Do;~nnr. lliJtK5 \" i>tan\ Editor:
\oh...-u•III K Ja ..... Sadusky
(; t:
Tony ;\IC'11.!rr
:~~:~:~~.....,gm n;~.~:~:;
Low School Test
To Be Given
:O.:anl·y Cord)'
Han M1.c;l)nn
Thf 1 -~'"' Scllool ,\dm iS.Sion
Tnt,.,lllbt.·gh·cnonthrSte•·e ns
l 'nln t Cnmpusnn u~.oc:emlx! r 16,
1972 lndividun lsl nltrC'IIttd in
1:ak1ng t ile L .S A.T ahould
con tact lhl' Counselinil Center
<on Ndson ll all l lmmtdi atdy
f<lf application matrri3ls
lle3dhnr for n·ctl pl of com·
O~l td applica tions in f>rtn•
ceton , N,.... Juwy , 15 No•'l'm·
Psychology Club
To Meet
•\tulr ~)· flnhran
llan·<.:no.,S('r l"lllf>Riglow
J'""' 1'.\·tgrl
llnh Kcll~r!llan
.\t ~"~)(tr:
11•-c:ky Yrattcr
.\doi ... lf':
llan ll011hhan
,\l:orty l.a•·<'
The l'ohurr 11 a S<"C<<ffdrl ass
l"'bhraliNn. publrshed "''H'Itl~·
durin& lhc school yra r in
Sln't'fll l'llln\. l'o' IIConsonWS l.
Tht' l'ulnlfr " a llllil't'rsily
l"lb ht'~ ll lln. pubhohtd under
~UIIInrll)' granted IU the &.lrd
i!"';!:;::::' ~":~. u~~;:~:
Brought to you by
Bloine General Store
EPI Speokers
The :llereo Shop
November 17
Lillie Joe's
l'u bll<:al\00 I'OI'Its nrr
b)' tile State of Wlscons•n
1~11 d
Tllerewi ll be• l'sychology
<.111b110Cl3 l ga therin& in the
Gri d ir on at t he Univrrslt y
c .... ter Wrdnesday, Nov. 15.
btginnonga t 7:30. Dr. Wayne
l..rrandandDr Walte rPohl"·ill
in history.
S!udt'flts$houldsi& nup ona list
byclledoorofliiCOPS. They
should indicate tllcir ~me •
telrphone number and tht>
c-ourwnumberora rNin.,.·hit'h
nndc r rnm nct~n"·a rdedby t llc
Sl:oH•I'r~nlingSect ioo,State
llt-partnll'fll of ,\ dminiJlr<llion,
M prm·1tkd on St:>lr Prinlin&
llpn'at10nal l!ullf'lin g.zt of
Scpl<"mb<Tl. 1970
8 the
Thco t ·am•lyPiannircServinl
IJsK'Itinladdr t lonal•·olunteer
coun5t'lon in «der to expand
o\l .cf\·knandhours. Thcoonly
marrlajtc as )·our status. In·
dt•·ldua l comm ilmrnt will be for
three hours cou n~ e ling per
mon th. Tra ini n11 sr.uions " "ill
btnenint:sn fNove mbcrt3.20,
and 'Z7 at tln A Main Street.
above the City Ne-.o·st and. II
inlt rcstl'd . plrasecontactllona
Hou!b , ·D7 after 5 p.m.
,.,·eekday t't'enill£1. Matergls
be diJcuuing and ans.,.·l'fing
<ruestio nsaboutthelr new
<'(IUI'$I.'Sbeinlolfcred ln lhe
second se mester Dr. l..erand
woll be teaching a course
dea l ingwllh tec hn iq ues of
o·ou nsellngandpsychotherapy.
l)r l>oh l ,.·illbelntroducinlhls
'"'1\h I'IL'\II'Ophy5lology .
,.llomighl bfintt>n'St.'ci.
All 'Lines of
Special Sludenl
Aulo Rales
2225 "''"' ..... " ...
Yt block from Cemp111
9-5 M011.·fri .
Now at the Red Lantern on Mondays You Can
Eat Your Favorite Medium or Large Pizza and
Receive One Buck Off. So Save Your Appetites
for Monday Nights at the Red Lantern.
Bmer Fuddpuden
Rlpld Rabii.H
1SI8 2.. street
Page 13
Friday, November 10. 1972
Campus Newsletter
FII II>.\Y .
~t· n~!!>IO~: k l.rcture SeriC"S :
10 : 45 a . m .
Hoom 125 C.C. Paul J . \\' regional
rcprescntali\'C !or General Motor's pubhc
rela tions off1cc 111 Chicago. will address lht.•
populo.Jtion·•.!llvironmcnt class on lhe topic o{
'' Air Pollut•o•' and lhc Automobile ."
l"ungrt>Jta l ion lteth Israe l: 7 p.m . Sabbath
Scrvac~ . Congrega tion Beth Isra el. 1475
\\ atl·r Stre<'t. The Oneg Shabbat tfes ti\•ities •
Will tx· at 7:30 p.m . in the home or AI and
Huntue Uloom , Hwy 10. Woodland Acres.
Town ol llull 676. 344-24!10.
Sl ':\UAY . ~on; ~ III EII I~
:"t•" 111 :1U LTnh•ersil\' l'arish : Saturday 4:00
a ml 6:00 p.m ., Newrn3n Chapel. Sunday 10:00
.t .m . Nl~ WIIIan Chapel. 11 : 15 a .m . and 6:00
p.m .. Cloaster Chapel. Maria Drive. Weekday
auassl'S , Tuesday thru Frida y, II :45 a .m . and
5:4:, pIll
l .utlwran !'\tudt:nl l 'ummunity :
"tth Eucharist , Sa turday 6 :00 p.m. at Peace
t \•tHer . Sunday , 10 :30 a.m. at Peace Center.
Maria Orivl' and Vincl'nt Street . The film " Is
It Always Hight to be Hight " wi ll be show n at
1ht.· serv icC's
t 1uih·d l 'hurch or c.: hrbt : 1756 Dixon St reet.
S unda~ wor s hip 10 :00 a .m
~l. l'a ul' s l 'uitt'd ~lf"thod is t l'hurch : 600
\\ 1ls lure Blvd. Sunday wors hip 9: 15 and 10:<1 5
a .m . tHus pickup : Stciner -10:20, Delzell·
t0 : 24. Sc:hluecck lc · I0 : 28 , Wa ts on · 10 : 32,
Uva ch · l0 ' 36l .
Franu- ~ l t"mo rlal l 'uilrd t•rf's bytnia n
t:hurch : 1300 Main Street Sunda y worship
~J · J .) a nd 1U :45 a .m .
("hurc.·h ur tht: lnlt•rcf'SS ion I 1-:piscopall :
14 17 Church Street. Sunda y mass 9:00a .m .
,tnd .:, ; 15 p.111 Fnday tuass 5: 15 p.m . t $.35
supper aflcr Friday ma ss •
l'latu • t<~rium ~f'rlrs :
:J p.m ., Sctence
Uui lding ·· Roots of As tronomy- The Oldest
Sc1 enc e ... narrated by Oenms Kol insk i
.\ t·h and l.rc: tures :
8 p.m .. Machelsen
l 'Hnn•r t II all. Fine Arts 13uilding. Dino C1ani.
pwms t Italian Virtuoso on debu t tour
.\IU:\U ,\\'. ~U\' E~IBt:H l :l
llunu· Et· ('lub 1\lrf'ling: 6:30 p.m .. COPS
Ca rt.'lcna UuL>s. $2 a year. mus t lx.• in by Nov
I' Jans w11l be made ror the t1,ristm as
par t ~ a nd s tyle sho...,
F :unil~ l'lannlng ~n· ict" : 7:30- IO·OO p.m ..
ll :J:! '' Main Street. above Ci t ~ News Stand
T lw rarst 1raming sess1on Cor volun teer
t ·u u n sc l or~ for thl.' Famil) Plann ing St:•rv1ce .
It IS uiH' ur the thret' SeSSIOflS on l'OilSCCUII\'e
1\londa~ s
T\ 1-: SU.\ \' .
:\U\ " E~IBEit
l ' nh·t"rt.lty Film Soclf'ty : 7 and 9 p.m .,
Audltonum . Mam Building "Casa blanca ."
Stuflc.·ut Ht· c.· it:~l : 8 p m . Michl•lsen Concert
lla ll . Fmc.· Arts Building J erome Kolcsk1 .
d<.~rmcl , and Terrance Kawles ki. percussion.
An:0111paniluent Will bt.· prO\•ided by
Hayrnund Lue-dekc. piano. l::dith Will , pia no.
Thomas Gor r . trombone , Dennis Svendsen.
perc.·. uss1on . a nd J o Ann D1llie. piano
1\Eil:\1-:SIJ.\Y , ~0 \'t: MUEU I S
l 'oiu ltt r Hiflt• a nd f'is tul nub ~ l rcoting : 6:30
111 • ,·ntrance to s tuden t Ser vices Building
uff F rt>n10nt Stre-et Open to a ll st udents a nd
ta c.: ult} Transportation provided to Whiting
Ihilt· and P1s tol B.angc Equipment providt-d
.1nd t'XJX'rt mstruclion 111 marksm~n s hip
a\·a• la bll·
Pt• rcu~l!olou
~l u: helsen
t: us~mb l t"
( 'onrt"rt :
8 p .m ..
Conl·ert Hall , Fmc Arts Build ing
t.i' II you ar4.• mteres tcd in purchas wg an
nounl'l'llll'llb. you a rc to pla'rl" your order
through t-. :mmon ' s Umv ers 1t y Store on
lsadu r(' Strt"l' t In the pas t the (.'OSI has Ue<-n
$.:!5 eac h
i ~u 11ckets w11l
tJc tssucd There wtll be
adl"'q Uatc..· SJXH.· c for an unhrmted number ol
~Ul':, t s
8 You and yuur guests a rt.' lll\'ltcd to attend
t 'u rnml' nt·etta•nt
Brunch nnmcdtatclv
preceding the program in the Wisconsin
Hoom uf the Llmvers ity Cl'nt er . Ser vin g from
10 :45 to I :00 - Price $2.10 per person
t payablc althedoor ). Call or send number or
reservations to : Alumni Office. Old Main, 346·
·H t'i .
1\lph a Phi Umt:gtl Blood mobilr : Thl' Hcd
t 'ross llloodmobile wtll be on campus ~ov . l-1 ·
16 It will be open from II a .m. to 5 p.m .
Tuesday . ~ 0\1 t4 ;~nd from 10 •1.111. to 4 p.m .
No\' . 15 and l t.i in the Wright Lounge or thl'
To ai d in the donating
Student Unton.
prcx:cdun.· a sign-up s heet will be pos ted at the
mfurmallon dL"Sk 10 the St ud en t Union .
lh:n1C111bc1· you m us t ha\'t.' en ten no later than
lour hour s before you donate .
l.uthl•ran Stud ent llrtn•a l : 1-~riday and
Sa turday. No\' , 10 and 11. Episcopal Hetreat
lt ousl~ in Sher r )'
Lca \•e from Peace Center
11 : 30 p.m. to sa turda y late a fternoon . This
retreat is for students who an• interested in
tloi ng more planning for the Lutheran Student
Conuuunil)' .. a lthough ot.her act ivi ties an•
planned l>esidcs "planning." If you are in·
!cres ted. giVe lion Ba lko. 100 Smith Hall . exl .
~. a t·a ll or Pastor Schneider a t 344..0034 .
llistory Gradua te Exam : The Department
uf ll istory Graduate Exam will be held on
Dec. 1 in Room 216 COPS from 1-4 p.m . All
"ho wish to take the exam mus t register with
II. II . Zieger. ~09 CO PS. exl. J3.l7 , on or before
1'\uvember 28 .
Go ld ~la ss : Theannuai"Gold Mass" will be
loe ld on O<'C. !Oat 6: 00p.m . in Sl. Stan 's Uppe r
Church Please reserve thi s date. Details to
lollo...,· in the t·oming wt'<'ks.
Sotih· L . H .l'. if I.U card Is mis s ln~ : The
l.s.·arni.lg Hcsources Center "ould Iii<& to
r c111ind s tudents that they arc rcsponsibtfrfor
:11lmaterials checked out on their 1.0 . card.
If your I. D. card is los t, misplaced or s tolen.
pl ease notify the main circulation desk of th e
Learning Hcsources Center . ext. 25-10
lntramura ls·3·1\lan ll olld3y IU1 : There IS
~ti ll r00111 for twenty team s. If inte rested .
l'ick up En try Sheet in lloom 103 by Tuesday .
No\' H
i\lid - \' t·;~r <:ummC'PCt'lllrnt :
t. F11l out applica tion !or gra duation a nd
I t'IUrn to lh.'Cords Office tl\lost or you did th is
ol thc...· time you regis tered . J If you did not , !ill
u1w out now . You ca n do th is a t the Hecords
ctfrict..• in the St udent Scn•ic:es Building.
., Pay deg ree fee: a t Cash1 ers Office .
E vcryom· must pay this , whether or not th e)
~o through th e commencement ceremony
$H.5H Bach('lor's Degree. $1 2.50 Master's
Ut."gn"'C Ut• "'urr to S3 \ ' t' thr rurip l th is IS
m.'Cessa r} to p1c k up your cap and go .... n
:J. Caps and Gow ns a re to be pic ked up 111
tlwTurncr Hoom. Uni \'Crstty Center , between
04.'<.' 11 -Dc.-c. 15, from 8 :00 to 11 :JOa .m daily .
ITh is is th(• on ly time they an• ava1lable. • If
~o u cannot pick yours up . have someone else
get it for you . Th ey wi ll need · I I J Degree fe<·
a·ccei pt. 121 Your head size. and t l l Your
height. You will keep your cap and gown. af
~o u are recc1\'ing your Master's Oegrec you
1u ust return the hood.
-t Commencement Cc.rcm onit.-s w1ll be held
on Sunday. Dec 17. at 2:00p.m . tn the Quandt
·ss,soo to slo,ooo
Why toke a slow job in a slaw job market?
Wt need men with the kind of intelligence,
motivation, responsibility and drive that
spells leadership.
And we're willing to pay far them.
If you've got the ability, the Navy has the
job- as an officer aboard ship, an a staff,
or in a pilot's seat;
Fringe benefits are superior to most in
business or government.
Talk ta us. Maybe we're your kind af
(ontact U. (hutk Youngvorst on
Campus in the Studenr Union
Nov. 9- 10 - 9 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
The Vineyard
1651 CoRege An.
t6 oz.
Old Mil.
Schlitz •
16 oz.
Old Style ••
• • • • 16 oz.
Call us for delivery
for the dorms too!
c:ym .
T ill HSLJ,\\' , NU \ ' t:i\11U·: H I G
Luth r r.a n Studrnt l'holr l'r artic~ : 7 .,
Practice ror next
P('an· Ca111 pus Center
u c."t.·k ·:o t·elcbration .
5 Ht•hea rsa l is sche-dul ed for Wt.-dnesday .
l)t.'C. 13, a t 4:00 p.m . in the WisconSin Boom of
If you absolut ely
\ "3111101 ~tlcnd. be s ure to get a ll the det<Jils
from another st udent ..
tlw Univers ity Center.
~t: ws
.\rl 1-: -'hlbitlou Mrin : An exhibtt or arts
.tnd c.·r a fl s of the ,\nzona Ind ians v.•tll open
Sund~y . Nov
12, i11 the Edna Carls ten
t; ;tlll-ry , Fme Arts LJutldjng. It will run
through Dec 8
l..t·arnin.: Hnuurc f'1i, ( 'rotrr Thanbgh·lng
ll uur~ :
The hours of operation for tht•
l.c..·ar111 n g Hcso urce s Ce nt e r dunng the
Thank gtv ing n.-ces.~ 1972. a re ·
Wl·<.h wsday . Nov. 22. 7;"'5 :1.m to 4:00p.m .
11mrstJay + Than ks givln~p. Nov 2.1 . Closed
Fn da.) . r\ov 2-4 . 8 ·00 a .m to -1 ·00 p.m
Saturda) , Nov 25. Closed
Sund<~y . Nov 26. 6·00 p.m to 10 :30 p .111
I. D. Information
Tht· Lea rnin g He so urces
Cent er would like to rem ind
~ tud cnts
th ey
rl--spons able for all rnateraals
c.·hl"'t'kt.-d out on thetr I. 0 ca rd .
If your I. D ca rd IS lost.
uu s plared. or !Holen. please
not1h Uw ma111 c:l rcuhtt iUII desk
u r 1t1c Lca rntn g Ht.•sou r ccs
Ct•nh.' l . Ext Z:WO
Chamois leather outside with very lang
haired goat and sheeps wool inside •
Fancy hand embroidered.
Worn by men and ladies.
Our Re,:-. $29.95
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St . Michael 's Hospital Cont .
M ,\\rchaet · ~ has ~~~ opera ru>g htldgt-1 nl
ai)I)Ut ~-11 nulhon for lht• nnl year
lrt>>prWII:fiS no ~\:Ill' or l('d•·r~ l """'"'S nor
brt:<'t"tlnlnbulrOfls Th" "'""'-'~' eom<'S from
11 at11•ur~ h~'f f>:ltd by r h<-mst·ln·~ t>r lh t·rr
oMnrallC<' rornpanrPS. oUipa lrt>nl ser\"rces,
.urd""rkdotwforulhcrlu~po l~ls"hrchthe)·
~('<'<'PI rh••• r (!Do.' lor 's rccommenda tu;m In
, """' '" lh~ hosprlal for rest~- To hel p this
rdt•:o , m llr'C't·mb•:r . lht•lwspnal "ill OIWII a
llunr m:o],·are uno r for J>f'(lplt>who do not
, .. ,.,, l'.~trnswt· ml'drcal c-a rl! 11 " 'ill M usrd
lo r J~ lr<'nls,.ho tlt't"d rt~t•. m mor ~urg .. ry or
:>r<.'nnr llt'Uid)' Il l
l'~,s~:~ lhrso: :onn .<r:.wd rhar th<' n-..t to sta~~~ :oil
\1 1<•h:t~fs IS rrasonablt• br<:;~u:w
-alar•"" Hrt• no! ~~ high :>s a1 l:.rl(er '"
oi<IU110n.' :ond lht• hosp<tlllltll'S to kN:p c~
t 'nmu•unl<·nr•n• li< SOrders. Traml'd !)('rliOnS
ln11n lht•umt·t•rs•t} g<>lu lhc ho5p< lllllna ssisl
1'••1 1<'111> "ilh spo.'t'~h and MarmK problems
~~·~~~~lur~~,;~~~";.',\ ~;:~~~~~h~~~:m ~:~~~
~::,•,tu~;•rro;ri~~~~~~~~~~~,.~o ~~:Or~~'r:~';;,i?~!
toospuals on mrrropolirian nrras.
So1nt•<'haroly Jl'ltlf'nts llrt' ~15() accepltd 111
the hosP'tal Dut p;~~ing pallents are nol
\! II'S
,, ;~~~~~~.:~~~~ •. ~!:.~~~?o~~~:S~,\~".~
area. l"'rhcularl~· sharong t~u op mcnt
~;::~:d;'~~~~~~h~occ~;t~~=n~~~~~:~!' ~~~~~1i~
~l>l t•r lC os..annt<ao dthat shcv.'Ouldhktlu
1. 1':0.: nur~progran1 ,
Mllht•unit·ersity ll ~alth t;lffi ll'l' physie1ans
""' "" the s.taff al St. M1cha~l's and !he
hn~ pllal prn••1de!i labnrator)' and radiololt)
ta<'llo til'S lor lh~ lle;~ollh Ccnll'r.
lulht'P" Si thl'n·ha•·c beencomplalnts that
~t lldt"l115 had ;t hard rimt• gelling miO thr
~uorrgcncy room at the h05pilal . 11 no lm ·
Ihonk 1h:n :oil ~h~h at"l' > <Snol J>"po~al of ot hl'r
ho,polals "' lh~ a r~a . tha t ol tS beller Sht•
" "ttod lhat ~ ~ ~l lchael's d<H."!I lhe Jlcmolloal~s" lor 1h~ ar~a . onost oltht·l~h v.·ork for
Ill <' a r ~~ . smnt• rad oology t;·ork , has the
t>t•t·r lapnwn ta l ll1~abol11o~s departm en t
"hoch "''" '" 11 area t•ounues. and Ihe
hO<po la lha• oocreased ots Reg iste red :.;urM·
duublo· ona l1111~ lone nunon~t servlet'
rut•diale,·arco sncedcdapcrsonm~rgivethe
n:o oncnllhe.rdoc torandtM hospoLlii"'Q!Jld
t'Ont :oct him lotome tolhe hospita l or git·e
onstructions lithe doclll!' canoot be reached.
lhfo relsa doclor"holloncall~•·eryday . and
SIK' attnDu lrs much of St :O.Iichael's ad·
• a......,•m·nl to Prnodent Wnsmg, ,.·ho she
tares1 ght1o 5t'<' 1M n~ollhe
,,.,.,. ,ondubla•n •luahlicdpeople lofilllhcw
t lnt· "l lh~ncv.· al~uSos ter llnsunn s«ta t
\hch~ ..r·~ is more home·management
,.-tK-re 1raonrd ~pie go onto~ patlrn~'s home
t• •p<O\'I<k·M•n·•ces torhmo nr hl!f' Tlns ,.·ouJd
,o lfflt;· p~hcnl5 lo ~o home e~rlier and the CO(! I
"""ld bt·l""
Aoolhl"r new aru os pret·enttt•e mcdieiM
"hoch ontludes encour~g!ng people 10 ~~~
lroquent checkups and ur ging peopl~ IO
ht· v.ould beenntacled,
-.a~> 11as great
Since. in !he p.asl, Dr . Johnson was !he onl y
d<x:!or for 1.000 srudents be could nol be
,,J,.·:.ysavailablra ndmany loca l dnctnrswho
v.·ould be on call did not like to come to lhr
hmpil al lnr a •ludenl who v.·a1 inroxieated or
ha!l 50ml" nrher ml110r fN'Oblem
nut ,Sis trr lt ll$f;'annuid.lhi sll;<thingof
tht• past. Since !here are nov.· rhr~ university
oloctors. thcytaketurnshrlngoncallfor
universily students broug~ t to the emergency
n~1m :111d ~··ery studenl v.·IJG comes to !h~
emergency room will br sren by a univenlly
l·m,;;,mil~::;; ·m":::: •
~= a:=.:~
Woteh ond Li1ten fo r Different Weekly Speciol•
PLAIN COATS ••• $1.59
Coupon .r;ood Friday, Nov. 10, Sat-
,..,)uld lat•or this odea grea tly
Sost.-rlt!lSI.·annutdlhchospitalhD~fOI Ved
IMit•r 1~1rk•ng fadlities o5onenrea Sister
ll•>«·~nn sai d IS a needl'd impro,·rm~nl and
, ht• ""uld ~lso hkc to sec ~ lew more
'l"'l.'iahs ls ~dded lo the $1~11 .
Tht• h0$pl1al alJ;O wor ks wi lh rhr Stet·ens
rht• most upt'ns1•·e ract on hea lth
:,;~,~·~·~~,:~r¥!;~~~~,;~~·er·~~~~al~;~ v.~i~~
thr "o rk·~ludy program. roppt ralion v.·ilh
'""st,.f11 Sst:llfingproblems andisrunningal
holl s11ofl Shi•:W id , lhough , thalmorchlghly
•tnahhcdJil'I'SOII nel t•ould bcaddcdtoprovide
~::fril:ol oln<'S horc ~>e;:~use nllh~ turno\'cr in
Othe~ procrams in con·
JUII<'Ioon " ' 'h !he um•·er5<1)' a re an un ·
tSr rgradua!l•di('(e lk inltrn program; audio.
,.• ...,;;.,~
1 1
nol yel approached the ho:5pilalv.·•th a
:',:.'fl'~~~~~~~~·~~~~t;.•·r :ol~':~g~~ ha~~~~S~
'"'r~ Ju~l lt'SS onfon1c lor lht• ho5pnal
~~!~'ft~;a,:;; ~t at~ ~~~:clhhaec~~i\·':;~~~~ ~as
,-,~~-.~~~.~~, ~~~~~ ~~~\--~~·ernJn:r:?rt'h':, ~:
~~~~:~e•:r.~~;~~ 11 s~~~ k~ha t ~~;.,~~.~~~:~~~ts
I Mt•
.,.,,.. ~tudent health fenr er being b\1111 on
~~~=·!!u;:! ::~~~~
order .
March 01 Dimes
Walkafhon To Be Held
The Stt\'ens 1'01111 Ch~pter of
f'tli Bela l..:lmbd.:l, thr Na tional
llusmcss Frntcrnit~ . and lht·
~·uture 1\usi n ~ Leaders
of Mn~rka are sponJ;Oring a
Mnrt•h nfOimC'SWnlkathon . ll
u-oll bc heldo<l Saturda)'
No t·~mber II wllh regisrnti<ln
beginning at 1: JO a .m a t
1:nc rke Foeld. Th~ walk v.·oll
flffo~iall)' ~et under way a! 8::10
.om and "ill bf' fill._..,n mile!!
;~,~~~/i"e ~~tckpninl~ along the
:o ro·a
Tlw purpn5<' olth~ ~alk ~~ to
ht•lp on the hgh l ag:omst h!rlh
<lt'f._..,u and tu aid childrl~l
oolread)' :offloct cd '"·ith the
1\ll funds r:.iscd fro1u
lht'\\'alk"o ll gotothe Mar~hnf
lhmrs l'rllgram in birt h defr-ct
l'""l"a rrh . direct pal ient ~id.
l'fe ·na tatcnrc.:>n dpuhlieand
r•rnll'!<!iooa i Niuearlnn
Ut'gostrarion fonns ma)' bl.•
on lht• llusinU5 j,;du.. atlon
l"·to.1rtmtnl. Hooms :l.lJ, JJfi
and 4511 of the Cl au ro om
l't·IIII'T.If)ouha•·cany further
qunlinnsor •••euld lik<' lurther
onlormMitlnca fl ·
· Barb Crook :WHI U
lt:ondy l\a lser:I-IHJ153
t:a ry SwanJ.O<o :1-11 ·2:3611
llt•b~c TI'Ske 't46-:z.R!,I
Six bulls are
better than
Open Doily 7 o ..... • 6 P·"'· ' Friday• 7 o.M.-1 p.m.
257 Dl•llion St\
Hot Chocolale
Time At
trea ts you like a guest
Nobody rnalces malt liquor lllae Schlitz. Nobody.
Friday, November 10, 1972
Page 15
Superpickers Back· The Pack
Lynn Sullh·an and ~Ilk~
ll a bt•r man
Last w....,k, we finally got
down to business, as we missed
., measly three games.
usual. the t;recn Bay P acke rs
sc rewl-d us again. We're get·
ling sic k and tired of the Pack
crossmg us up. so we sent a
INter to Dan Devine explaining
to him how the Pack wrecks our
rl"COrd week after week . If he
docsn ' l straighten up and ny
right , we'll start giving the
l'ack the dreaded New England
The Falcons arc another team
that has to start sha ping up
\\'t.> 've been missing too many of
thl' Atla nta games. and tht•
Falcon loss to the Ham s was not
Finally, there was the annual
Uakland· J\an sas City blood ·
lull h. Except for tht~ final score.
thl' game went pretty much
;JCCording to sc ript. as two
players wen.· ejec ted for
fightang, and l\l:..rv Hubbard
onct.• again demonstrated ho"
he hat('S K.1nsas Ci ty . Unfor·
tunately .
Lamon ica
useless. and Snake Stabler ran
out or time trying to bail
t lakland out.
\\'t.• prcdictt'd that we \\OUid
have about tt.~ n t.·orrt-ct. and \\C
\4'0uld have hit it nght on the
button 1f th(' Ca rdin.ll s had
ct)l)pcr:•led by kickmg a gamt.•
\\ 1nning field ~oal against
B('i-t• IS the " ·ay we see week
number 9.
( : ltEJ-::\
)1 ,\\'
ge t to "·atch pro fessaonal
football ts when teams come.· in
tor the Super Bowl
U.\KI.,\1\'[) U\' Eit
IIE;\' l,; .~l..~
· Cmcinatti IS m shock <1Her
Pi ttsburgh got done wi th them .
and they'll never recover tn
linlt.' for the mean Ra iders
Uc.-sides. Oakland a lways bea ts
Cmcinatt1 team s in big gamesremember Lh e World Series ~
1-:,;\ (; I.ES 0\' E H II UliSTUS ·
Th1s hurls . Nothing is harder in
supcrp1cking lhan choosing the.•
Eagles to wm . However. we
can ' t pick thl' Oile rs. no ma tt er
how much we rmght want lo.
Philadelphia by l.
U ,\ l.l. t\ ~
U\' l::H
C.: .-\HUI~ t\ LS
· lithe Cards couldn't do better
than a tie with Phi lly, you can ' t
expect lhem to beat the
('o-.·hoys . Dallas by t~ .
S.\ :\
ll l E !;u
U \' t: lt
t'l , t-: \ ' t-: l.r\~1) ·The Browns ar c
r unning right into thl' hottest
c1uartcrback around . John Jludl.
lladl threw four fourth quarter
touchdown passes m the last
game against Dnllas. If he can
keep his s tring goi ng . the
Chargers will s<.·ore 112 points.
\\ . \ ~ ll l~t;Tor-;
< ; I A~l'S. Somt.· of the key Giant
players arc mjured. so the o\'c r
lht· hill gang shou ld easi ly
dispose of the rest of them .
Again . we think we ha\'C at
least ten nghl. ..\ Stcelers upset
should ma ke the week a good
une .
Physics Society
To Meet
Tht.· Socrety of Physics
Students will have a meetmg
Thursda y . 1"-:ovember 16. at 6: IS
111 room A· I09 of the Science
UUJiding. Dr. Monica Bainter of
I he Physil:s Depar tment will
speak on the recent Optics
~lccting Ill San Francisco .
Calirornin. and a movie.• on
lase rs will be shown. Hefresh·
ments and a socia l hour wi ll
lolhm· the mt.~cting . E\'eryone is
mvitcd . All Phys ics majors ~md
1umors and Gener al Science
major s and
minors are
t.'Sp<"Cially urgt"<l to auend.
Without a
dot.-sn ' t havt.• one "1th big Bubba
Sit.'\'<.' Spurrier or even
1\lfr~ E . ~euman could p1ck 11
apart San FranCISCO by 10
JETS 0\' E it Bl ' FF.\I.U · ,\
fC\\ yrars ago. Namath thre"
~ e\'en touchdown passes 10 a
BronC' a~ an• h11ting their annual
, )ump. wh1le Los Angeles s till
h a :- th(• man who mad<.'
d<.' Upun<.·ture famous. Homan
l;abriel T\\O college coa~hes
1-!0 a t 11 111 this one. with the i! UY
fro111 L1CLA ~ mmng Hams by
Ut:TtWIT o\ E ll \ IKI;\'!:S ·
\\t..• don 't ha\'C any grea t reason
for p 1 t.'ktn~ the Dt!-troit L1ons. so
"1:'1l do 11 out or respect for \'l't
Pat O' L>onm.•ll , ~h o sttcks w1th
.dl professwnal Dt.•troit team s
nu matler whu they play
STEE I.EitS 0\'EH Kr\SSt\ S
< ITY . Th1~ ~Ill be the upset of
the week The Steelers looked
tremrndous ag.atnst Cinctnatti.
"hile Knnsas C1ty wi ll be down
arter the1r bl~ wm over
t •akland. Steelers by i
0 \ ' t: ll
,'l;t; \\
t-: :\Cil .i\ ~0 . Th e Dolphins Will
rema111 undefeated. because
lloward Tw11ley is s till over
there cheering them on . The
Patriots won 't ha ..·e their vocal
fans from Vermont and Con tt(..>cticut on hand to back them .
M1ami by 14 .
.\TLA!\'TA UV t: H SA il'iTS •
After the Rams ' \lio•in over
,\tlanta . Falcon Coach Van
Brocklin said his Falcoru; wtll
v. m the NFC Western Division.
That's a bunch or hogwash. but
they " ''II get by New Orleans.
The only Ume LouiJ;iana fans
Collegemaster Reps
Bill Hen1fey
Cindy Luberda
Mike Derer
IS meHe<.· tin~
~ood pas~ rus h . and
on:tt tn :sn:tt . The
Scott Is a senior from
Marinette majoring In
\Vblle attending UWSP Scott has been a
member of the University AcU\·Itles B o a r d
and works part-time for
WSPT. Scott has reigned
two years u uwSP's pool shooting champion.
After graduating In !\lay, Scott plans ro attend
graduate school.
0 \ ' EH
Bt\LT I.\IUIC E · The Colt's zom·
Collegemaster Policyholder
of the Week
ScoH Mischnick
Record Sale
1200 Records go on sale
ti \ ' EH
J e ts· Bills gamt.• Unfortunately .
lour of them "ent to BuHalo
defenders. Th1s year. however .
1110st of thos e Buffalo defenders
an• gon('. so the Jets should
rac k up a lot or pom ts through
tht.· a1r J ets by 17
Don Bergman
tjuarlt.·rback The Packers han·
111ade lx'li('\'Crs out of us. at
lt.~a s t for th1s gamt.• . Pack by i .
F H . \.'\l'I~ CU
Every Friday & Saturday
Jim Vallin
l'IIJC,\< :u . The Bears havl' a
hunch of runrung hacks but no
~t\ .,
o \ ' t:: H
ca o1ur etl lorever
•n the ocauhlul
..0"'"' " 1.00
ALIO 110 fO 111'1
Say .. I love you " in a apeeiaJ way ... with a
Keepoake diamond ring. Perfect quality. trade· in
value and protection again at lou. There aimply ia no
mo"' opecial gift than • Keepoake.•
968 MAIN ST.
TH f
Pointers First Win:
II,• Thu Su111nn
Fri day, November 10, 19n
VIctory Over Superior
t . l tno ~ n
s:uurtb) , Sovt'mber ~. 1972,
S!r.-o:nJ Poontfor:alonghmeto
o"OmO" The ompouoble dream
hn:. ll~ ~:.not 1loe UW·
:- l•lootb.111 tt'am,..onafootba ll
g~noc· The Poontcrs squ..s.Md
th<" Suprriur \' t'ltow;.~kets. l i ·
::!3 ~ • \.Ot"rkt' F ield
TM Kt'nf' " 'as a dth&llt to
btohold {'ountltsJ half·
l'nonttrf:a n•,.·entbersO"rk ..-ot h
~lnooJ I t\'U)' l'tnnter pl•y
l '~op l e
'"' r e
da ntinll
~~~.,·~~::-r~~n ·~ alslnc:~.~~~r
th~ s tadoum
Sever al
grnup5 bello,.·fll their
home - mad e
c h ee r 1.
•<usoooa llydro••,.ninsout both
tho• Poo nt"'r chHrle•ders lind
tht public addrrss sy11e m
t:n•r ygood pla)· bythe Pointers
" as follo,.·t:d b)· a roa r wh1ch
cuuldbehurd,.·ayda..-non the
..qu:a re Clea r ly . the Pointtr
fan~had('Onu• tobaek lhetta m,
,ond the~ definHelylet Suprnor
kno" ol A casu:.! obser•er
Su prrH...,•l
lly,.tnntna.the Poonteu
The Pointer defense seriously retards the
forward movement ol a Superior back. in the
Pointers first victorv this season.
ldl t•d
~tuden t
~napptdon-o.of th.,.,.· orstleo~tn&
o«<rds tn modem 1por11.
Tht•lutttmethO' Poon tffS"'ona
pme ..-as on JIIO'o·ermber 7,
IY.O, 101o0'n they ,. hipped Kt ver
Flllls lMy pia)'..:! II other
l:antHt nbti"Hn victories.
Coach Monte Clllo rlts uid,
' 11u~ llnteilho,.·edmetlll tthis
nn111 ke1"
,\ \ a)·bl- so.butlfthat's the
t•ase,Sul)t'riormust hlvem:ade
~ nulli1111 As lar n tumovent
.:o. thePolnltrsfum bltd !llrH
lmte< and ma tched thl t " 'ttl!
~';!~to."nt,~~~r~on!Bce ..-~~:
tllrew 1iK lnltrcc pt ions.
!\t>thO'rt um " ·as qu•tes\lre
IOhCII hr,.,inner"'ou!dbe , a s the
ludc hangfdhand$atotalol
livcdi fferenttimn .
The J'oi nlentdrt "• lirsl blood
tn tht p mt. as Pat Robbins
nailfd a:!!l yudfleldaoal inthe
fi rst q"'-rter.
The l niWt!
theirlongH tdri\'t lnol'tr tiO'O
a pau to l<tn Golomskl lound
Point n•stingal thO' u . Stt~tns
PoinllhtnsentoutabtiiKh of
S1.1perior took the opening
k..:koff andmO\·edtochei rown
Yt llo"·j.:l cht quarterb.1ck
John Ton"""'UI then pu5f'
JerT)' Ue hytil. b\lt 1M t h,._
"aspic:ktd olfbyR.Cibbins,voho
rttur nt'd It to the Superior :!9.
Pointer qua rt erbKk ~lark
Otcjnina k Immediately hit
tight~ Bill l t amiltonwitha
st rtk t to the \4, On tht
l•lay ,spl itendJoeLa Fle~~r wu
oprn1Halorltinthe end1011t f01'
about ten n co nd s.
Olejnic:uk jwn barely overthrew him . T\<o plays liter,
ftobblni h• dto settlelo rhis
fi r stpcorlodfitldgooll.
La! ~ In thO' second quarter.
the Pointent gQt on the hoard
agmtn , A Vtllowjackct punt
.,:a\·e l'ointtht bil li on iU o.,.,-n ~
ya rdlinea nd ltw1s from thO're
Women's Field Hockey
The Poi nt Women'• F ield
llockeytum , coachedby .\la ry
last,.·eeke nd atOihli:Oihlnthe
Mict>o.-tst College NIM'th Hockey
Point lost it.openin11r.ame to
Concordia . 2· 1. The only r,o.l
,..u scared by Ba rb Deldll.
Conco rdia ' s winninll 1,01 1
~~~~e~~~~ ~~:'ly
TMPoi nterregrouptdfarca
:and fought N..-them llli!ICI!a
Univenity to a 0.0 tie. Both
teamshadsevera lopportunitie.
put s tron1 dtlmcn.
Poi nl' s lutpm e ..-uiOit\.0
by a!t.conol 1-(1, NMU'sgoal
,.·asseorfd lnthe firsthalf,but
Point wu utUtble to capjtafue
The$egamnp•-e P oint ani7-S record !..-IM5ellson.. The
"hileallowin&theiropponents a
Out ol 1M 14
teams pa r·
ticipalin111n the .\IWCN lOili'·
ne;,t.,.,·oteaiTIII ol the best
players pl111 honorable mtn·
the MW CN conference a t
tl«tiona lslnCtdarf'alls, low1.
lhi1 weri:tnd.
b)J• rTyLong
l.astwetlt. u wthebtglnning
of lnter ·lugue pl1 yo ff1 to
d~ltrmine the campus touch
lootball champion.
In this
~erie~, lhf individu:a l leagU>t
cll:am ptons"'illpla )· uc h ot her
In action las t '"'Hk. !he
tallo•tllng rrsultaw"ertpor tfd
to the l'olt•t~"
llald>o>'tn2SoulhMJ\Itl kedout
3 ,.-1no•·e rllanMn 2SOC"th . Uto
t2. TomltauschofNontucorfd
1 TOs Tom ll ertula and Jody
1\ogtnto! Southuch xortd a
Th "' 11ame-wi nn ln11
Alben ,.·ho ICOI'ed on a twopoint non•·entton attempt.
ll yer2t:ast dtftltedSm ith 3
Soutt~.20tolt. D1veOidenbura
andTi rnSt:anctaktcored-
TO eafh for South.
Ga ry
Moessick seorfd one TD. and
t;ary Wand\ scored two TOs for
l'nY ~•!zt.O De-ttms Riddle
.,f 1\'n t SC"Ortd on TO himself
and puled to Ron LDt'ond.
!ltck ltet!ll lf. and Bob lkrg~r
for a TIJ ~ach
KnutteniSoulhbla nkni Sims
olerhoef andSlt-ve Mnoldus!ien
I-I:OredOM"TIJ each lorSouth
The \'nlnt•• "u uttable to
learn .. ho sco red on t he
toflowong&lm n
Wnl untinued ill ~inni ng
.. ays•·ith al-l-lvK'toryo•·er
Watson~ Wn;l rom ped over
KOTCMfuled l'hiSopt l-n
~eant .
Pass completions to
t 'haUi e r .
t.aFieu r ,
an d
llamiltonmo~edtheba ll •ll the
.. aytoSuptrior'sl1. rul lback
Joc Fa r mer·• nvey~rdrunand
'~"·en.a ndthebloc:k lnr. htld
uploni<.'TIOUgh forOlejnicukto
r in"' a touchdown pus to
~':' Robbl~' Pat m•dt
Just,.Mn it looltedllhPoint
.:;~sll.";.'?to 1~S~ ri.el
\ 'e ll o..•jacket'• Uchyt il In·
terrepltd :a Pointt r pass and
Ten pl ays llltr , Superio r
scored . " fullblc k J•mts
Rogt'n carried for • s-yard
tou~hdawn. Th1t mad<- It tG-7 .
Th e Polnt en ca me out
thro,.·ing onlhe secondhalf of
" ll:od '• u ay", bu t OlejnlcUtk
"'IS inte rc e pt ed by Myron
That n t
th e
bomb Supconor ltd,
rnarsetthesta gt fOI'theDidt
llut kus of WSUC lootbatl. the
l' oint erl' .\ like Hlunyk .
"lll tn. mnd8a1Kl)'k dtcldl'd to
take the ~tame into hit own
1\.:Jnds MikedroppfdiNK:kand
tntcrcepted a Vello,.·jac ket
!>aSS, Mtmethinll he "'II to do
rhr~ tlmt:Sdurlngthc r.•me
M l er he fiUJht the ball.
0111ctyk spri nted ~2 ya rds
<lownlhtrlgh t sideline for a
PC>inter touc:hdo,.·n. Robb ins'
•·•t ra po int m ~d e It 17-14.
Super iiM' " 'as n't abouttolet
!'oint ufl th e hook . Th e
Ytllowj:ockell look the eMulng
kic:kuff and m:orchl'd &4 yards
for anot her touchdo ..·n. The
,.ayolf r1 nu· when Toru wsk i
ogain lound Uch~tll for a 'D·
~ard SC"Or ing strtke. Su~rior
reg:oinedl hclead21-17.
Thel'ointt'nrdused topa nlc:.
regardless IIS1.1perior hi d
l lchytil...-ho 50me think wu
F red l.liletnit'off In dis&ulse
\ 'ouJ«>,Pointhadyettou.nvril
iusec rtt,.·e:opon. Ben Brrne.
"Jaek of all tude~ from Ger ma ny.
T he Pointcu un leash ed
~·arm er .
llamllton ,
1nd'letiJ' at the \'ellowjacket
s.rcondary , and Poin t IOIUMS
11\ems.ti\'HOII Suprrior 'IIS. A
pitchoul lo BrHH
steppedoulof!M endmM ,thus
!;tYiAISUptrior t,."OmOC"epolnts
lorau fety . lbtllmefOC"all
jM'Ktieal purpose was still up
fOC" grabs.
The o•·erflo,.·ina cro,.·d took
ca reof thtrest. With• mln1.1te
remainina: , Supc'riorfansbt'gan
chanting. " Rememb er
quic kl)· tookcare olthat b)•
~ t1rllng 1 loud ('OUn\down to
~ic tor y "'hic h l•s ted
fi ve
ntin utes,dui'I0$0mrtlmt'OIItl.
The P ointers were not to be
tll'flltd, and Mllher ,.,·ere the
Ste~ens Point finb hl'S its
season tomorrow ,..1\h a game
ag:o inst E au Claire .
Grid Scores
Sla lr('otlegn
Pblle•·illc 31. lllinois.chka go
Whit"""·ater 21. River Falls 0.
nshkoah:n. Stout 10.
LaCroue21.EttuCialrr o.
~it:\'ENS I>O INT 31, SaperiOI'
~ W.)Itlw:aukH21, WayneSt ate
Wisconsin tl,lowa 14.
Michi11n21. fnd ian11.
Ohio Sl<~tc n . :\linnesota II.
Mkhir,1n St1te 22, Purdue 11.
IIHnots ~3~ Norch ..-ntrrn 111.
Nl'braska 33. COlorado 10.
llklahoma 20, 1owa Sta te &.
~~ablt ma SA. Mlululppl Statt•
UC \.,\28,Stlnford 23.