G thePointer "Tho•• who hovo hod a chanco for four yoart and could not produco pooco thould not bo given another chance." .,- l k hord M. Nixon, Octobor 9, 1"1 ~tt::;.~_;--=-':.:'-----=""'=4_;lt"IN6=~ IOHT- AUOAY, SV'ttMIU... In This luue: Tile Condrdo,., Th•~rop-Add M "('lod S ,.A.S H NO 1 ..!..!!!,_ UW-SP Audit To Bring Change .... .... --......... ................... . . . ........... ..,_ _.. :=:.:.:.-:.:.:!•..;:.:t .. ._._ .. .... ....... ...... __.. ....... ""' M••.....w . . . . . ':J=:::r.:.., .... Police Patrol The Square Welco~e Students b ut.. ... (Of'lt. on Pov- to .... , ------------------Obey Vis its Cam pus--------------------- ........ -·--..- ........... .... ,.:::,.~~~~,==- ......, .--.-~- .., All....................... ~,__ ··-~V)oi~-·Jifft _O.¥t0h). .,~•• .._.,,.... IWU•IoJCI'ft•JIII \t•Go~on""),...,.lfJI'- Ubtrf•~llwllolllffOW,.,t otll'"".clnofl f-UIIf:I.""_N .. _•If .... f••••IIC ,,,......._,,""""""•--olwn~ ....,., .. fult._ll..... ......._ ...... 1...-., --- ........ ......., .. t'Jiill'f'ft .. ~·l·~--,.,.,.,. IMiflll«,..,)•n'l't)- ..-NC...,• .~,..---~"""' . ,;::::~~=~~ ,____ ...,......................... ......_.. ...,.,.. ......... ., ..,--~-~ ... ..... ........................ _... -·..., . . . ., . . ............. .... ~ ) ~-ID "". --~ t.:litllwlll............. ~l)~ t~lf!II!Jolll"'""" ....... ~ .... ..... ,_fiiU .... Wdl u _ , _ ........, ........."'. -·"''""""'"•'W141111f""Jiflllllit.oo.h _,.,,.('Qo,~'1o ltlllflft _ = riiiWIJI•n~) ln",llbt)'IIOif'd '1-.·a-(IIMNII•• ........ _ ·~fdt ....... tllrwl"""'"~ ::::.:.~~~= ............. ................. ____ ,...,...,"""'..,.... --~ ~ """'",_ ......, '-- _,..,.,.._ ...,..,. ... :810.nttJ . . . . . .,. . . . --""~·" "'""' . lk-·~· ""'··~--......., ... ....--.a.., ........ ... ....... .......... .....,. ...., .............. ...,,..... ..... ..... .-...._ ___ ~- ................ '-··~ ......... W«'ff . . . . . . . . . _ _ ·- ..__,_...,....,.~ .. t"oncreu. ·• 1'lw W I " .._.. • - . ......... l_ ....... ....,., ........ ....._ !::~':;::!::...... ......,.. .......... ...,................................ ............. __..,_,.__.., ... ~ \' ....... c.- .. .• -...,w..., ......._ ...IIJ ...... ...,.....•• .... ....... ____ ~-·""~w.~ oiY.IIit.f .,..~·~-"" t!W..... --~--.. .......... . . . .......,. ..I)•U...•...,.••c.. ,_.. ...... ............... ....... ..... ... .. ... ...,_.~ .. --·..,.··~ .....,"".......... .....,_,,...,., ...... ..... .,.._..... . . . . . .. c.,- Probat• R•form P•tltlon Circulating ...,_,.__..,.....""..........--...,....... ~ ~1141 ·~~ ""'"-•' .,_,.,~ ,.., l'W'>t •• ,..... '""'"'•'· ru~ 1 '~111 ..11 T• l.b Vll•t. .ol• I "CI•..•••~ ...... ,....,............ ................ ... ...... -. .._.. ~ .,._...rrw-~ ......... .... ll'rtoi_Witlll .......... " ·~··· ·~,,., _ """AI.....,flllliiWIIIMntlollltt --.......... ............ -· ......................,. ... ""'- ,......_,. w......... ...........,...,.~ ......... ........ ............ ..............,.......,llf ............ ,.....,.. llot4-1MIIIwtrftfllli1JIIIril) ofllw...,. . , ' A . _ ~ ~ ...- ................ ........ ................_ 1 ~ ..,..~ . . . . " '....... "'"". . t"llfW~III .. all M*-'7 • .................. ett..t•• • ......a-... ~ ... _...,.., ~·~ ._ ,...., ..... ......... ...._~ ,...... nolll- . . ..,_.,. ,..,...,..,..... . . . . . 1101 ...... -~ .... . . . ·~"­ 11.......... :~:::::-.=,.:-,..-,.:::-._-,,. ... ,.. , 11o•lrerGII: ,...._ ,..,.,.......... - · f'....MUA"' ._._...~ ,..., ~· 1tn ----rStudent Senate Elections Coming Up --------------------~~~ VIetnamese Night Benefit _ ...... ..... --.... ........ Semester In The Far East Now Offered ... ,..c...., .............. ................... . ..... .....,_.._..._. ......... ............... ..._.... ......._ ............. ... .., ____ ........__ __ -- --..... .....,.. __ ~::===~== ................................ .... -::: ....._ . ::.=-.·=:.:-.. ':, .......... ........, ., . ....,., ........................ ..., ----------............... ................. .. _...... ...._............. ...,.._ '""'~ ......... _ _ . . .-..l . . . . . . . .=-===~==--':! -r:::-.......... .... ., .. ........... • .......................... .. ..... -....·........,., ....... __. ~ - .................. .,~,...... Dr......,_~_ ...,.........~ - .........,_ .. ,.a. ....... n.. ..... THI frlcloy, ~......,, ~~nl I , 1977 "How To: The Drop-Add Myriad .... _....,_,..... ......... ,... . .. .. ............................. . . . .............. __...... ....... .....__......__..,..,.,.,. _ . . . . ...... .......... ...., . ,....,_ ................ ,_..,.. __..... . ...,..."'""' .. *"'_ .. __ , ............... ...... ......... ..._ __...'"' ........ . ........ _...._.. ................... . .......... ........ ,., ...... ..., ...,.-.-b ......... _.... .. ..... , ............... ....,.,............. ......._,_. ...... ,............................................ .. .. .. .,......,.. WIJIIt'J\IU.., . ..w&. ........ ~. . ,..' - ,...., .._ f • wtloft • • ,.,.... ...........,• .........,.. _ .,.... ~.w. ....... - r:.tl ---~ ........... ., ~ ..__.., ........... ., ._. c.-. .......... .. ~ ·~-,...., ~ TW..wwt_._,nr.....,-el......--•••-~,..... n..-_ _-..., ... ..yU•••~ •--CM .......... If ....... ..u.................... ..-. .... _._ . . .... .... , .,....,.•.,.•-owe.-.-.•••'•-"...,......._.,..,_,. :'='=-:.~-=-··~·--Dnp T• c--.. • - - a ' - . , ... ...._...-a- .,_. • .., . . • ......,._ ..... _ , _ . . , . . _. thP . . .. . .-...-.."CCI ...... ,_......,._dWooil'aM .... .....,IIIw ...,.CIIil,,lleu_.,,.......,ll...,.,_.dwll~• *"..-......""...............,....... ......, • . ~,~~&r:............ ,llat.llwt- ...... .., ....... brn_olltW••II1~odl~-~~~~-- ... '•o& lf'W•,.,... .mo.t Owti"IIIU.. .-a ... ~.., Ulor Te Hit • IW •"""" llfiNil -':)' tN . , . . . _ " ' " ' ' _ • ..,._alldlMcNW..Will~... ..~ . . .......,. ' " """ ..,,_,., TlwM.tftll thortl pn; 10 1~1 rmt.Nto '~"" lf">tboolt c!Nr - ., ftUM!r te a« • •""""" boMl • •• f-1-•flftolwtoMI"'CIIe-daw.MD..U..tiM.,.__, ..,..1'\_l~lftllf'ftoniii..,.II~IC'I'"'SM . . . .,.......,. .u.. M"'-"''"' ~·~"'rolt-r.-~tMr'"" ff'W .....ttl~ '". . •bX&froml(b:U .tl~eb •t:droRlfd TlwcMCic•U.bt ...... Ttl....,,_,...... .~..,....,~ ~--- . .......,,., l .. oto64HIN .. hornMdifllldiM~itO.tW ...if)'ol ..... IKIIII, llliM M.vclfftt lirll....fCI...,a!:I~''*HcllcwtW 'hfr f....tlll.ot ............ . .................... mM7d.-~ .. - b .. AII).......,._Ielllooi""'~""'WIIIIIIf .-..,~ ~ ..... _..,.~-· .._ ~-.n--·· ""''~'..,..,. ~ """"" _,.._ ...,.,......,.._-"~«. ...,. ...... '"' . ... ., a.- _...,.. . , .~ . .. . . . . . .::::::~!:""'~.:..-=~~..:::.':".: :.*""..::::-.......... .......,..-.. ,_ ..... _... • .............. .. -.-.-.. .... ... "- ............. ..,._.......,....._ ........,_....... _....-..n-_ ..,. ... ......... ct.. . . . . _ _ ........ ..... ~~ ..... .,.....~ ............ n. ~ ...,.wY~· ..... _ ............ .. ldlor....,. ..,.._~-------...... -~ ~ ~_.._.. ~~r. _ ......................W ........ lhfur-. ..-.... ...... ur~~.._.,_...__,.w . . . )~ . . , . . . . . . . . ...,.........-r-••••-"•cw...,.,..,..,......,....,. ~ ................. ............. _,_..,. Uw,......,._.,ifof ........ ~ ....... ~ ............... $fd . . . . . ..,. ........,._ .......... ,......_HIIC'tlatlor_,..-li_.C'elll~ .. _~~ ~~..., ........ 111....... . ....................... _ _ ....... . . ~ ......... ...... ~-=:::.::~-:!.-:..-:.:::.;.:::: --..a.. _ _,_._ct.. __ .......... ,............ ............ ............ ~.,,.... __ ~.....-- .. .,,_ .._.. ...................... ..._. ............ ...._ ............... .....'"',.,..,........... . ........................ .......... _.Ntw...._~ MIW . . _ . - - . . , . . , . _ alfictr. _ . _.. • dl«<o..... _ . . . . ...,........_ . . . . . . , . , . _ ... ._..._q ___ .. ._._....._,........... ..,. ...... .. ...... ........................ :=-.::=-~~-==:::n-:~r:: ...... !.,-:::J:'*!.::....a-~~~=--=: ..........,.,...... ,..,.._••....,............ .............---............ o..·•........,._ _.._~ ~ M...,•...._• lllloCICMJ«t... Tlw , . , . - " " " ' ,......,.,. . . lhr ,.....,.. . . . ..,-_ ,..ww.~ ...... ,.,....l'll,... fllfrf¥' .,._,w~,_.., ~......,----- --_...... ............................ f'I'P"i' . . . ..,., ....... ,....._,._ .... .. ,.,. .. uw ~, ~..,.·~·-r ~---~-..-..-~ ,~_,......,__, ......... -~......... ftlil.t-.. .............. ........... ...,.. ............. CC'-"• ........,._......... ..,.t.i(',IIIM!wod•<"_...•...._ ........... _ ._...,,,..._,.,., ~ ...........,...,..........,......,._ ....... ,... , _ ........ lt. tUtf'lt.......,.. ..... "'""""'-''"'~ .-~~.....,~··~~~ UW--SP Drama Dept. Goes On Tour .. ......... s., .. ,.. , , ... l ...... Ot'l••n•hall • l·Jo ••• .....,..,.., _.......,...... .. l'.,jP-.-tl ....... . ., _ _., ~.......... ~.._., .....,..., .. . . . DMIM \#W.. ..... -.... • ...,... ... n .......... ..,_...GH ..., ........................ .... ...,..._ .... ~-.......,~ -........ ._. .....__..... " Tonk You , US Army" n.. I'.U.If'f' ttotth HI 1W. p~cw..~ ......., IJwo '"'"mrr ft'- ,_\.,,.y , .bll.t rdUiou. t.Oof'ilillt lll\0 «<I~ *h""' woal el a Sa.tridu Ott'ft!llf".-ci tall~ 1, l)r, lA~ S. Vt"~)'fut. duoinna.n el llilf'Arm)' .\thb.clf"y Patttlett ft()TC A.fra.ft. 1Jif' "'""''"'" • t IN pa.ut ~t'vf'd R OTC t•.o~ill't. ill SII•n•tr ('a mpatt'l. ltraJ&.~'C., te bf' ion II JftWP l~tf.,.....t ,_lti.H .. adt'~ Lk •II~P) . . t.h.~ KOTC ,.._,,... .... Tbf' ttl,~~· d•) tf'\11... ,....,.. b\.l • t d. ~ Mtlllkn el llilf' u •a• ,.. ..., plaa otliltr •ml•&t _..~••••"f'at__..Uw>t..-1) . _.... :::,.~:::.. ..... ......_"................ ,......"'"...... ....., .. .......... re..... ....._. .. ,. ...,._,.......... ..... - ~,_ .,.., , ..., .... ..!~:'":. ·t~o• ;-:::.: .,.... .... ,..,.,._.,""',_,. ~ Mpr••.,• •ltalf-•, ln• ""'"~"""""II"""'"'IC..,_.(1,. ..........,........ ..... ... ....,_ ......... .. . . . -·, ,_. --............. ......... .... ..........;thtet.. .... ... "' ...... .. ~.~..._, · ·"""', ·-· ...d-... tlloalll,...,., ,... ~ '"...................... n. ........... ...... •••"'-• "'•n•.,. • ~ ..,....._.....,. v.. ... ,. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .oil. ... ,, __. ,........... ,_u.. -~·-"""'"'""'"_.. - ·- •-•m -$ , ,,_.... Pointer Visits S.P.A.S.H. \ rhotot by John Wrenn _ .................... ........................................ ..... . ....., .........,. ............ ............................... ....................... ............ ., _. ___...,_, ....__........._...... ........ _ ~ -................ ...,........... __..,..,..,...,............. ................. --n..-- -'"""---- .... ~ ,.,.. ........,................ -.........._._ ...................... .................--. ................ ~ _ -· THl~l __ , ~,~..._~ ...... - ................... M.. lldoo. . . . . . . ~......ft.: ................ . , . . ~----" ... uwc.-,.s"... su.•t....-J, r.-.u.,..,.,.u, Slwt, ..... ~.... ... """"""~ .....k ...... f.r .u.4 CM•eflMMe, we .,.. MW .,.. T...._y, WH_..,, Thwrt4eJ, ,• ..4 f tf.. . , • .,• • ,. ~ . , . ....... ,__.. )41. a...o-ee.er t....OW!Ulll, ....... -.e-~· s.- 16". .., __ ................... .. Ullivfn<ill,r l lllfor-tlon Dall. a.lllf • tiw c-•u•lutteft ~-a.r.**-tl _.,. . .,,D.» ... 11• - STUDIO ....,.. 5 Attention Fin onciol A id Recipients - .,..1116...........-....... .__ - ··-se......- .......... w... .. --.... ... .. ..,,linii.._..H ..rm21, IMIIM_.,.._.,.y ~-·····- ........., H ..... .. 701 CLUB Presents .... THURSDAY, SlPT. 14 - 7 to 1 ~C..«Mpk'. IIP,_ dwd " " ' IW IMunofl .A td tfldt Jti0 M ~.GUIII.I r.4wtt_,, r-•Aw IIIOit'till.....,. k~l . . . . . ,...,...,... . .. .....,..ac~N<*""-'~-­ .,,.,...,'"' H_.,_,, I""IMwlcMt•t ..,.._,,..,_ {lpflofiUIIllf c;u~ u,. llit4•- 3 Bonds In Concert ~,..., ONE FOR THE ROAD GAU...ERY _ . ..... Wt ...... •Mice T• .. in Pike Boots by ~ Y..... ""',....BANG Take the hitch out of hiking • ALSO • ........... ,_.. ~"' ,_,.. ~ ~)a~ $16.99 ~ ~ r..., _.., ., ........... AUO 701 . ........ . ... ,.,w............... ~ •.,c.................. ~, - SPECIALS - Fish Fries on Fridoys - ChJd :e" on Sundop - 7Sc pitchers of beer Mondoys 101 srcowo STUn HOene W'-1 ,..,._ & ,._.. , ..._ w•....r ClASSifiED$ ........ _ ftiUy to ...es41y w...,w... ,..., .... ............. ....... ..-........ ... .............. ,...,...,.__........, -..-... . . .. . . ................. ~ ..... IMII, )IOI(re ~ b T,_. ICM' t . . , ....... .,.,._ ................ JOV . . . togOJ. "'~ a.c-.. .,.,...,.. .................. ....... .... ............. ~ """"""~ ~~~~..,..,.-... - - - .......... olcolota,H.-..eM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.""""',... . .._. j.-to.U.Nnolil. AJoo-oo~oct~ooooi P"rLI­ Ke41 • , ..... - ..!:"..<a ....... =:.:. ...... ............ , ...... ......... ~ CM lAP eo........ ltelltW.._. .SHIPPY SHOES l SICift'A.liU MAJN AT WATII. ................ - - ....... 11 .. ....., '-*'- n -- FOR SALE • 1f71 JUDt ......., t:-~· -·-- AUO - a.c~u··• _., ........... ._.ACT .... , l1t thtl\tb 1£anttm -r. Ooen ol 4 :00 ~41-1414 'fan DHIVUY - PIZZA - UAB Art Ex hibit r s-t. 1r-. sus Photographic $2.05 MIISAM • CAK.UMAH lACON TVNA · - 1 s.IIIMP • IUCIC OUVD Ill, • 'liS.. MUSHOtl- • CAHWID MUSHIOOM Inventory -- oa - .... ~ ....... Coot -""' .......,., ........... _, ...... - SANDWICHES - lleW 0......_ 6Sc ,_..., SSe :...."..:.. .... - DlliNKS - BR .•......-., Heith Center's [qlic Restanrt --.....- - ....... Druvt.lY Ttl STEREO Sllf ----- Feeturiftt f~tll U....: ,_,,s-o4W a-,_ordecl ......_.. ..... LP.L a- * , .... s.6ectioM: ,_ordecl ..... AI._,• Health Center's Organic Restaurant ... .,.. ....,.... ...... ,.,..,. ..._ ........... ,....... ... ...... ........ CCISMfte to,.. 10,_ Stltdent DiK-t I~OWU.c.ila._... ooo ell~..,.,....... ..... nu ~&_~~ ·-· ·.on POIHTU Editorials Pointer Canons Of ......................._. ~ democntattootty raa.-...U........_IdMislllniCb.~tnlltN..~. !Mneitya.t ~.It Ns bfH tbt ~tyfl!l lM ,..... .......... IO thtir ~p ~.hew prNitte 111 tbt form ol C.... Gl Jwrulism. By ~'!'::J~~~~·ol~u~~~':vO:. fu.l tNlilUitOM VI;~ . . IO'Io'tf'IIIIMtll, inchldii'IC \1111\'C'rllty admlnb:traiiOft's dtalinp witb lhe at\dtftt' prt$1, calb for eeoc~ ,...·•popen tfk")' do so •n many caSH ••lh !lute WM~en4andina or MnM' oltMqu.altty of ILOitd"'"~' they sttk Ntws~prrt art ).ad&<'d on the =·~~~~~:~ic:!J:•::,.'~~:b't:' ~d=~ "-hoM policy lcoadt II out ot tft.l)t<'l Cor its code of =·y'~,r~~~~:~~~ ~;~: ~ta~ poi11Jn aftd f'itOftOmk IJ'1P el lboM: iDtt't8U •'~~ida - lhr.ve on the pentrlion el thaN Nmt pineiple$. Stuchnl ftlt'WIPIPf'" hi\'C' f0111'1d ~\U l.n thts lll'U6b0ftudt.bt~•MH~IIOILIIIS~ l 0. . . .11'f'"'t. IIIINUoli le ~ lO the el Jow-. NhiM -~ f.UOW dU Ulltmtal, lO t~tn~ the ......... and . . . . . . . . . . pr"fl(tl ~ canons ....... ... ..-thaw-....... 1'11eP~.... ft'•U.~ .......ptr Tilt» .....strat-·s c.rtoe el IC!IdftM doeat. . . rnorua •A.Mtfl-*a.Mtlllllld..twre. . . . ~•E~W­ fftdeoal.udtt • IIIIOIINt'jftr ~.c..... •·t. ,,... f.amd.at •Kh lht ~have llddoutlc.ediJ f.....wcl.,...abMU.~U.. "'ewoukl,.el ceurw. hoc» thac Uwy wOUld ~ favorable • M'n<AIJOftl. Sbovldthe-ybeCIChtnriMwctnt'CIUr-.a o.rfof'\11 (OMidtratiOf'l ft tht ChoN ot Jounnhsm tbt •.._.,"' btld latt )C'~r and an obJf'Cti"• l d at both l;~~lit aMlh••y~r't JIUbh(lliOft "'-• Ed•lor and a:l.llft Make no apoloc;ies for the pa,il Wt .,. parUcluarly aura~·attd With ac('UiatiORI wtlteh 1uggn1 that the Poir~tt'f' nC'td apol<w,lre for 1101 aelhtnng to MarMtOIII tn• lt'rprdJIIOtlll ot lht C•l'tOM I)I"C'Wntfd We bdif'\'e that the Nalionll Edjtor&ll AUclc:"tion. Codt' of &lht¢t, 11 actapced for umpw~ pYbllcalions cnu •tlildnM and .clmiNllriiiOM a dcoar outline ol ~ ~I( mpom.lbtlltk!l and rtCUiations for stuclf'ftt 0. StpeitMbtr ..... u. ..... "u. ..,~ P"lblt'm~ bytbeat. . . . vocmc in tbls pr~-~~Yry ~--- • tht LKl ol famd..anty WJtll lbt t'MC~Mbtaasw.datant'V«ftlf'"Wt&l<:lGfi.Mf'ttSL 111 an IH"'ot to ~tn:OfM thf.H probt.tms the •••"'" Wlll tontinl.tt to ~C' al'ld ('niJC<.tlly ""m•n. the pot;~tloM e1 tht nndid.atf'S ,...,. for I~ VIMOIII Olfif'ta f'or th~ pr1mary ttKUon .,. e have tt~t:<M.~ntered the t"andld.ltf'll runnU!C for ,.,. olfiC't!l of Por'laJtf' Co Sht'nfr, State SC'ftator and AUtmbly RfSI(t-Rn· tat1vto In allthn!e oreu ~~oe 1\a'' t found most ot the ('l!ndtdatH to be' ifltpt and lKk lnsln U)f' litnowtt'dge .:·=d ~ot':k~.~~~~.~~=~. tdf"u that prwtnt t"'ffl minor reform CCN'ISf!CJUf'fttly •• tho po11'1t .o the ~uon .-. f~rld only t•·o catJ· dldatCJ dttocn lfll ot MC~orielntftl f'or the tf Shtr1lf t1 Portace Co wto wdl C'ftdc:rH lht '~ N~ t1Mft Thu otrM:.T a~~ ..,.wvtar rquwa ptn011abk te thai* al'ld Kt •-.Ch~Mftlltafldii!Ctllcf'ft~CC' Sd.Owdlhu lhooiri'81Mthe•Maee.act• ............... aaddoa .,.ICle ••il .. _.. Mt t.tMd • a.._... ..,........,... pAaU.. as n.e ,_" wliJ ~ 10 &tatld • u.s cedt ., tUlia . . . . . pttpel'td ._,...,., W.lb ~,.., .... ~t-.,ud....t... ~ diC' fGIIIMt. . aftON IO dtfnd tht ~~ ol Ud Ultrory all ot U.. """"'"" boU• «h~l aod t«M~~eae •rmll"f'd with the cootiftuiiM)ft ola (fft ttudtnt press. C,l osed Atafft With the fo..ow!.nf CMON et JOI.Imalilm l.lw ••.!.. if'1" ~til lhldfotl bllldl Oft UMpu$ for T• • •..., lhelt12•nxadtfmtyur. ltltours.~Qf"ew\shthat Ulb w-.ll be 1 MOlt tducat5onllly bttw:tldal ye-ar lor )Wand that the P•'•Urr IN)'"'"" both In !hal ten· ... _.IIWf...., ... s tudent \"'ke clbSf!d upon the Nltlonal Ed•tort.l Auodatk>n Code ol Ectltn; asacbp4C'd for CJMpu• publicttto... Nay. I ....u ..'"""**III .,............Ju.M-..... ~·'*** l1w*'nyftl-"'.Wiittw .,ft'l,-'l;ftltlad.ttMf- ..« ............. ., ....... ~. dta,·or and to COMI""e u an tff«th·~ v~hldt of l t?U C.••'" o1 JOIIIr.au.... Nenpapert are pwbll(' nnl« fnstiluhon.s dmwiac tlwir porr...w .and uwfuiMM frem thdr rt'adm. •M tbdr *''Oltd to the btst IIMnft&soiU.Crudtn, ~idl~~~ ldormattOn ancl ~ lft'Yilllc lhe . . . . fl iaefi"MJ f"l""ftM''I(ed _ '""'""*be .._, _,_., .......... a... tuaeiUdeMipW8 :!.... ...~·::;= we- ........,ff' eM ,..hi .... ... _., .................. ............. . ~~ ~"'.::::l ..._.,.....,_o.. - . . n .. ~..,..-·~ ..nw-... ...,.. ........ "'....................... .. .........,.... ............. _. .......... ., ~ _.,..,....,. ..,,.,... ,...... n.....,. ... ,.. .. ............... .....,.._. ..... ._., .,., .b Mntey, . . . . . . . die ~ " tlw t.ra.ud Stales. and U. ud ~ ot partanaLar ... Stllfsa.tthave•ciOiiltllaboul.~bf't· tdltonablhf: aftd ~ ~Utn lftlll5t M .....,,.pen qm Mil • ~....... 41ow.M• •!U.llr.... -...,.-..~~~~ - - - · . , ...114... " -'ffli!Cy • • """"•hod~ antbtN'~ Statfsmut~bea..ttttl alldl"f!tPPOI*Ye&o&he&I'W$. dtcarty •ppru.td •'Mn ~ lht-tr OW1I op.tllOM u oppGIIit'd to n':pOftlftl ol tht fatU of ilfun Tl"'iitb alllll falnwt~ c~•... all poil'ltl ot Yit'Wirt' lht fwnd;lmtftlal w•nb in MWI. editorials. ad· .... - ............... _ .. _..._.....,~. __,~ ~~-:r:: ...................... ..'""' -,. . . ... .......""..,..._ ""'""~ , =~~=r~:~"":~":'::!'OZ • JH"II\'f'S " ' pr\rldple and In pracli« With the r~pts I ......., •.., ...... ......... i.IM.<JW......... ........ ...... ""'-f....." ll~o~t-tol .. fW ~..._u., ol frH SpH<h v.-tllcb lM P'ftl tn)o)'s lots the r e.poR11bllity to I'C'port all tldts of issues lNthlully and f1urly Only ne--.papen that 11r1~ 10 ma•nuain tht' hl~tdf'.tlsolll'\lth,faimtu,jUICk-t,honeity,ancl 1 1 I ~y•r~aii Mpartmt'ntadnotrv~the wpporteltbt I I I I Candidates-------~ """"'tlhtt., SU.c.SNMer ... ~ ~tf"S ,........._.,...~Wlll..m..,.killastl»bf:sl oe6cla•,.....&wchtelr~ ~oatllr Otmcln'atlfhdi..C. 8aWitcft ' - taJc" f1ma standi en unportaM ..__,,._. lllil tppOMftll; as wb as ,._. ~111 motmbtn ...,. .... • ... find Bablatdll . . . mindtd,. a&artM~\'e, alld will 8C'WPf t'nli('IStn Akhou&tl his piJtlotm IJ ~ly dfWr'ft'UMd by bd for the otTa he <los otter tile but altcrMIIWf' In ¥lew ot tift opponeonts By No\>t'mbt'r v.-e hopt' to be ab._ to look to S.bht('h tor U"lt' ltMW"b l'eptf$f'fltlhon nc«<t'd for rttl cha"'C' Ttlf' th•rd rac'fl for Aunnbty lt~Ptbtntativt! h nds 11~ Sicmund oppou-it~l( IA..ooNrd Cro~hdt Tfif' l'ohHt<r w.•UI not m•h 1 n tf'ICIOntm('nl ol t •lhrr canchcbtt', Ntitbcr undldlte hat thown the ~ryqwllltlottfotPIIbll('oft~ IIU"It'rt' ft lo be chatiJI! ntllher ('lndld.lte will bri~ it about Mr GI'OibeJc does hi\oe a aood l"fC'Ot'd but doH not fur· ttw .aD1111y .o ptftitflt •"J' ob)(!('Cive du.rw(' tff'ten S•cmuncl 11 ...,. Wl•fll the- ~~auG; at band and pt'eiftlllllll •111 dNir. eancai<l MkiiJona " '(' bd11t'W' lhll "'" (ritl("fl . . . will ~ to k«ptheC'IncWata~ .. the ~IC' lnlerat We f'ftllllnd die v«tr that ea. k....,. • ,......,. and lhtf't' ,....... • &ood ._. fll tiiM before lbit ~C'ktct..... . - . •• ~tf'ii)'OIIbhe ('~mpa1cn Mt.Mida.kdla11tlltaltyattle~ta.. •f'CVM ~ *n)lfll MY _ . _ ..~llwtlff'Ofhlll!l,) lt~ C."loto4 U~t lo l)f • hWilr) 1ho. "'"'liM"''' 11 ._,.,._.,...,.w_..... I ntm.,. an il-*"h ,.,.., I proplfo, and i&aff Ire plfidl.«< to mai.ntain thtR sta..tlrdl as beM thfoy C'M 1 Pointer Endorses •'til f«U.fll"ltWM Ni~U.OippCWtUN.JID'AI(C ,_ Ow tlfiNIIII ., Jl'wUp Co aod dlle dl:5tnel MftMOr .,... .......,. ~"'"' ..,.. . . . . Journalism----~ ~ pubieQUOM I ........_.....,.,._ -.......................... ·-..,..' ......................... ........... ,. • •IOCt•OMI1Ioll _,...,_ ....... ~ .....,ill) .................. . -~ -· ~ Wor Ga.me1 l oddlre ,,.. Po inter Cleulf'-4 Aclt for Stvclontt Evicted .... ,. •. 1972 ..:..::=-'----- THI POINT(I., __ _ _ __,__ _ ft~. *'~ IMC M aterial$ Available TlrloiW •...~~-­ ....... ... ...,,,_. WWSP Back __ ..-·... -...... On The Air ........... __.... ... ...... .-..,_.....,e...,_ or~ ~~"-' ........................ .....,..._., ..... ,.,...._..,._....,.,... ~~~ ..l:. ::~: .......t--..,..._ •• ... ........... .._c_.. ~ ....,,.~-­ ... ........................ .... . . . . ..... .._........,_..... "' ............. ..... ...,,..... ..... ..,.., .... ·"'*"--'---""' , ........ - · .-. ................,.. r-...-. ..... ,...kw ..... ..-...-'*.......... ,. ................ C'IIII.a. . .. .. ..;:. "~.Nm:.= -...-.- ~ ' """""' ~ --""""'*,......., _....~ ~ -""' Ttln. • •• t•...a) ""' . . n.. "" .............holM .....I'Unfllitdptol •~ !W br>itk'l~bi1Pr'1Woclt.tro •- s-.-.. w-.-..~ .., ... ....... '"lllftop fWUI• •IflltOII!IIoo ,_.._ _ n.tt..-..t'LIJ'"' ~. ,..........,, .. ··-wi-.Md)l~ , , _ Allootlll . . . . . . . . . .· ............ .,.. """"'.... ~ - ~-·-­ -- -~ -·-·- - ... ... .............. ........... ...... '"' . ....... .,._ .IJIIC ....... n.. ..... r- &lotuwi-.1 .w.... • ..,-....,...._ .,. "._ .-. , 1"\1 . . . .. . , . . _ . . .. ... _. .. s.e..-..,,.. .. - 4 ..... Ht •-'·- ...... .4\1 • ':"-T...,·••.... -·· Continu ~ from -~ .,\ol<luitdt!'! A plu• t.. • ir t &IIU..'!' A 0 ..1, Mtt.l nut&: A IJier....tt«" wiUt aU M•btn! W..tty S..Ci411aJ T..._ . W... . ,.._,... ~ ...... COUPON J.::111K Slacks •• 49c eo• ....... ..... ........................... ~ :;::,-~~~--· ~ ...... ........ o,.. ...,, _ .. ,,._ 257 Drtis*t St. 344-5277 - -- ·· '"' • 'TMI POfHTD. The Cand.Vdates And Their Platfdrms _.. Fridor. Stt:trtt'l'lbcr THI POIHTU. a. 19n The Candidates And Tt ••-n~ l'fti$Nt ..~tkllft .... , "::!.7 ,...,.., ..... ..- .... ::~'":!: ~ ~ II MUll) f .....1-ril,)till: t:,........ I V41t" lot CtiMIWppWtf'd it I fft'l lt.allof~ll)f'.ll' . . . tfldup•A'\'01-. alldl_... ..ltlllloM~.IWII'"'f' ....... .... MGP , ., •1 '"'"" '"'""••uw •••nc "''.. .tr~ou~ot PtO•.ot odwr ~bolotlft ....,.. :;""'"" *..,.~lior·ti••JIIfll) l lnow clttllffl\MM~.,IIoutl .. oukl IICIIN'I... •tbln.. ~OII.'VOfCMfl''"M- ~ Q'C~C"Q QQQQ Q Q QQ ~QQQQQ ......... pi •• ~·" lo b:il. tl CCI'...,_ .:r-.IIIIII. IM"'IIIl iON•hl'rto • fl'tlll~ .or•JliiHIII .,.tu•..... rfl;lolllf'dlt.MtiU.,· '"'•"' sr~?:=:.::~ tlw......, wn- tof JO•~r-.. ... IK•-bfln'l-ocltod .......... 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I ctrlfurrc 111 llll • • ll.oWnrlo : l bftioro·ot iMihfk'ploLiot._.~~ pllOM"CC a l;lw ........ ,._.IN ~ -~tocly OIIIOK1f'd fcrtMpolitDiii.-of . .riJNN .............. c--or-;,~wou IJnt'~lblf'Wplllrlofti(UWIIfl.-..r• ......._.,.............. wdll .. ~•ft141b1111C it"Coobt""''" ...,.... ............... .,..,.. . . . trploutleul -nJlN•. 1'•101( """)-cl'-••ot~ lb~+at- lcM ,.,..~, t-.MI4r-tNt .......~ . . ......-..., . . . . . ,.-·Cf'Nl*lll of pr~lwWkphuo,_flma~ill '""''l'f)'_.t,.lll'll' T'lto• - f l..,.a!MIM u~-•"'"""''IW-III<iddlf' C'lll:ll Wtwn ll ..,_,.,...,.)t"""IO.....,.,tlw""'tllhot ~f')'I........,ICIC.• il Thfc-al puf!Wwnplr c~ooto~ ... •-..•toMft'ICIIot(Jon I~I....... WotMI)I'n.,..C'riMIM J IUjorit,t .............~out ....hIll ,......_ • . ....." ...""~ ,.,.,... .,""' ......-" rlwbou-t_l>ll_ . . . ,,...ll"""'f'l•b>tlw M~-OO ...,.H ........ Uol'..,· k-n.. - - .... --....~ ............. 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Tl!PNJ;K' fM'IIWI!* oll.-.f•'"'fMot" - .,. hd...... ._,. thfo~ot n"'•ul en.t­ ~nd- I~- el IJOI' ,..,-·1 p.lol'k 'ltlloo*III IOO_)' _ _ft l . . . . llw Nw"nl~llfllply••~ltb1ottnd--....bf' •·t~.obflwo•••twus ttrw'-ltil "'"'1h""' ,,.,.., . .........,. s..,.....,u'"''""fa f«- lilo;otour ~llr-~nlhot~)D M•Wf'dtw 10 IIWdlnoltrnUIIC'M · -..-!'d "' 111M ('OIIIIIIWS A IIIUd)' ....-toll co,..aroo.~"''-"'"''M-IIIl ..,..,. .. la-*'ICi fM'OO"IdC'bmott~CUII'Ior IMt.o'IOMh. ... ha"ftllooii ....,.M"''WMMIf1tl tloft..tNelmor. !MdK'II~ MVIIII.,...._.I M'lloii"' W~ I tlililltb..,.,pl)­ -~·.. ··~ottlw~el tlw.,.,... la .,,,. llltl' h ,, ,.....,,. mor• ~t7 •• ~.---11«---l tdiODiifttMttM.or ~-'llf'l' .u .. .... lo('fo(Jol . ...,_,. ~,. ,, ~,~.,..fltlt•nrr. Jf'P'..... ef""'"lwr l t - llw)CAIOO if(ord tllniiHI) \'")'tOm ..... U-pllcat!'d SIMS. -~yfor•adlealc-.U.tl!Mtlw)'f'f<'f'O~ "-':attonol')'4ot'lf*hlf'C-thtntopllw ............. 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'a'~iofo>·l'l' "'-lhl',__lliOIIIIIOM~tt~dl.c)'ICI .,.,...,,, .,,.,..._ w,ltl at~opl'n.....,•nd --lfl¥ ~- ot •l w - .............. lioflwrlloro& 0.. , _ . r,_ ho• ~lliii"'IC')'Oii'I-O k"'tt f""'f!llo. . . . .1ot ..,,~'""~" to bot f•lw .,.,...,. •• ,.._.. ...., "-...,.t•"-•r w,....... Uw _.l,. Wll ~ 1'1-tWilo•.ANIUI'I'I)'~f llf'llllm'l tNt boll •IMI hn rr - 1 r.- ;=~~~~:=;::,'=:::";! 1!JoNt tn h.O'II'IIwfr~,llfillrt.l!t wn.___.,. . ,...._ 1'111-Htoubrnodolbl """'' , , _ """"'" •• ' " " tlld oklf'f ........ ""' .,,...,..., alldr~.-•biMyiOI?I'I'I'CIM'IIN' ............. ,,.._,.... .... .. .,_.,_"" 'eK'"' ,.c~ r~· ~-.w.IO~ ~ell'lt~~tt "'"'udtftl ....knd,. t.lllal l No""t.n ••nc1 or ~,.a.,_ Allt't" tllr . . . IN,ieority lloll W» P"~ . ICJ'NlhWtM('I')'_ . ...,..,""""' ~--· !OohouN bt' allo'W'f'd to ¥01'1' .. ,.... I -ol)'• "'hi<'tl"""•"".-adlool ,.,...,,. ,~'"' 'o''''--"~• •notrilr n.o..c-.. • t11ot .._,,.. Coun•y •ctv•na tMttl IMIC"'~••r..--.k~Mdtlll&hf'Liw. llwot ... lldMtl.. - b t ' tl...,.'fdlo r'1•"'"'•11d ..OII• TIM""'copia • tlloM •lhrn&-• •hlodltl!f')'r"l*od •- .ur d V.'oo...-n V4kn !':!"'.::::-:"-~:lt.: l!'!a~fl~: ......,NW.Iob.t<tvpllwirpowl- S.wtCI t.oo""' """'_..lOft .... ~ldtord r-.,. • f.o~.... flllllor~ l hadt•'kr. • ~r•lld "''~"nd ........ .., " ~' ..._)01........" .. ,_ ........ _."'"'.... . ....... ~... .. . _ •• '"""'" . M•Wilrlo,\\'II.M.)IOUM)'aboul -' 1 flilh~"CC"PtlhtiJOifrton flvorllllu-! M)_OI....._ITi.-I I'BtPN'fiYC'if-WtUmpltef M) , __.....,"'· ~m)wlft'lta~ ......,. ..... tw ,.,_ . . lftH!)' doriil ,..,_.,n-•U..ttQ l f• • ...,•tlh.t~fow ·-I.M-- I""IMOO)')'t'-tn,...,._llot..,.""'-wril ... •~ ta..-. ..111'1'11 u •., .. 4rut luUy ..., . ........f'd.pi!IK ......... . ,. . . . . . . hl¥'1' ha4 •• lllb our:ilarbltrttJ Mol I P'f'MII"f lttiWlt to pt t"""r~ .. ~:" ~~:~:o::·~-!.~te.! !loll. " ' """ .... ...,. .. fclllctw * - H i _,~ .. 'ellcl Hl'llll•toprwldt '"""""-'"' ~ '"'*""'' ....................... . . . ~--~~ thtl , _ - ....... ._._ll; . . . the .,l\llt)' 100_,.,..... ·~fil«flll lll....,........... ·-· - • ••n~=---- ~· ~ ~-------------------~~~-·~,_ __ ......... _..................... __ .................. ___ ........ ....___. . . -..................... -............... ................... .Platforms Continued ---------.~ .............._.... ......,_.__ ........ ......, ....................... ..., ._... ..... _... ........ ,._., .,,_ ....._ :..-:,::..-:-::I==: ............. . . ....... _._ ............... _.,_, ,.......,_ ............ ...__ ...... --...... ....... ... _,.,. .............. ......... .... .......... .... ....,. ... ....... __ ........ .- ............ _ .......... ........ .............._ .......... .............. ..._ .......... -··~M........... ..... ................ ,_. . ___ .....__................ ..-....... _ ............. ,...... . .._.. ... _,_.-....,..._ ............. ___ _ -· .............................. .-.... ..................... .............,.,.,................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tl ,_...-.~ -~ _ ----- .,::,~_-:r.:.'::::. ~ ~.,.., _,~ ~ -~---.. .... c. .. ....... lloy lflordon lfepubltcon Condldote For Stole Senator ··- ..,.,_ .....,..._ ---- _!oc· ~~·~----------, ,...,."*" ,....,..,N-..It"tee'Urt.f'.-.ht"" u u .... tlllf"n4'C't- U\f"f' Uw ~"4tndl.allllla't'~htr~ . Md('t'fUtftl:tlh&s .tl .lift) edwr '" ..,... ,. ~' t'htt ~'ptn:M' , _ . ........ 1•.._..:..,...1 '"'~~.....,. t!t ~non b II \"" I• ll>~'~lllC Iff I.lift .l.boul CVII•fll I""' .., ,_., 11 •n\ .. ft"<ll ~- rf' mil) l.lliUI"It.lt......,. o·tlhn forroonMI or n.ltlfltlt '-ll.lrlt" PI toriVWIIM'f ..nd nthtr VIM' ·~ \ lf'hwll) om pn-..,..,.., ",.~,... poltC'C'priC'Iwa..r-twr~.• Ut.al rf 0\ «e>ad C.«i M I#'~ 0..1 ~I Wild.)' '" )tOPUdu~. )OU blot\ oil UW' • UM It"' a and,.., t4ttflt\t~ Strmt ..."'pi" "'*'"' bftnblorkf<l ott '" ll\~m arf"&t tft mort' th>~ n oftt' locat•on and ,..,,_..,.,lit ,.,........ ,. rtu·r"' '" tl'lo't ~ ,~•• •ht'r" lhf'rt w~rf' t·ld\IH'I'I to t•f'ftl) OIM' )tar otdl 1bty .•h•.t)$ tht' po,,,btltt) "' l•rn..d.ontl'lll: tnt.uroUW:f' progumt tNt lht' '"""""" 1 ~'" ""' mont") 1'bto ,...,, ol n\rd•r•l t.lfr ~m"' .,.bfocbf.r 1t con,4" ...-ttl ttl t'llf '''two -'-~b ..... \1,.._._,. .,.., \~ 11.-t.,_ 1'-*" n.. ..., ...""" ......, ....... . I • <OUict MPPCWI thtt ..... .. ('-.u:M"J,teomor_...,~c....._ tf'Mit M""" ~ ,ll -'""",.hunt ,,.,..,. •lil.lll,,_,......__,_.,..,_pU~••­ -f ..... ,........ ll•t•tI •ou1d oppow k'caltuf'lll '' •111..0\ldl .t~tMtl) thft'lt ~ qwtf' .I btl ef r\iodHMr•IUCh 1ndl<'.ltfdt.hat tn.1 r1,....M -.n I oi..I'IJ:rfOIJ'.Idn.ltt:IStt•.11J~thCMI«httOtlf' •t" al"'a)..,. dtffte"UIIto JUSitl) Uw , .. c-ourv tf"\lrtt I NW\\Oft m.lfl )ll&a.ft.l •hf'ft •t' don I h•' ~ on~~ Th~ btotomf"'l a ·"" ,..,,,t{ll<lft' '") """"''' problem Jind 1n ~ f1n.1l a.MI)\t\, llhtll'- It 'Jllnl .. m.llll"r of ~ntl AI lhl\ I..:Wnl ,,. m\ JUdlmftl.l. I dan I Chlftk tM ~~~ .. "'olrt)Uoln.t ~ad bt- lq.1bUd ··-·"'' ....uw ·- ...,.,...,. lk • • , ...h olJI" .. tlrMrI , ..e"d .l.l;at~Mf" 1 thMIIo '«1M' el ttot ~ pn.bkms •wa un~or • •tMo~ll tfrwt ""~ I'Ud&mmt " U ncht . . ttu• ...thMIJtl f"'N brrt' thtft l rooat lOt Oil "'""""' ·•I 4>plft!Oft Itt. putfi) Jlft Jlt11111 Utf)" •••tin •fld •f' t"DWkl sptnd .an a•luJ "" ., '''""' ,_,....111"1: pw'f't) Jltbltrllt) qw.IMIM I ~ ..t'11.11tlUMI 11 .1nd OM of IJ'If' lhtl'll t. 11\al ,._., , lGfflt up 'lft<'f' the'l IS lM phr)'ll of IM floYf tt.an .t\ )OU ltno"' Som~ oth'l'f lt~.a l •1ur~ltflft~ ""'r C'Qmr up m ~pt(l 10 thor "l.illl"ol II :!O) Ur e lcbat thfo) t"rr.llf' totOtr\f' I"') m..-r~h ln<"ludu·tc altmon)' pa) mlf'ftl.t lor ..•.., """'"''_,,.......... _......,... ........ dt.t lolr"" 11\ r t II ••• ,.,. ,...""' .... ..., n.w ., . ...... ... II••••• I~\~ 1obfo<fiiPCIM'd &o Uw ftft .......... bon ... t"'W'C"Pllor~.al"aMM tu"" '' I ttwtt CJ --.lh ._,.... t '"'toad) 1\b le ba't' C'tiCIM' ('tii!UftiOI!tl .. ofof'oll tCifiHC'IJOIU IM""ttabl) •til ~ 1 ,.....,, .fttlw •.l) .1 pubbtolhna l • tU rc"KI 'Tht' donn I m~Jift lhat M thoukltmpow hu ., hUI c-ot~•to«IOM on somf'bod)' rlM' lfut N•f' to br m.adrt &nd I lhlnll.. ""' tp..rl from •U. moul .JJ.pcoc't.t, Ut.ll lr.-. .. t~HINWtCWI CWomJind l,bad f«torif't)' twfa.....- '""''jQf\' 1~6i•l4'r \Io iii) 114' , _ n•••••• fer tJwo oftk• ttl Nt,IH fer l 'e rt.all" t o • l "ltt"ll I t..atW • th.l llt'n&~ •Mn I ram~ htr~ • •~h~ ) f'an q.o aftn t>nna on U•• \hi•,.-*« ..,..,"' ~ lor tomor ftlftC' )~an Thf' 6tpal1m""' MH at tht bm~ • u tiOC 10. "'"' «pmlf'd. •t •at dtndfd ud aft6rd a t1 ,..,., 'til f' M..-e ac-complu.btd ~ ... altf'acty _,. Uw t'\f1'~ Jlll('tUH • b•~MHM,..·w~tosuy• t•eltblftltltft«... te \ f'ifP .. ~U'd I ...,. bfft ~ . . . .u .....,. C'Oft1MU . . bmaU el tM f'MIM) an• and SUII~IOdtr so ltut thor bmrftlt C61M b«t fntm stat~tdt * p.ar1JC1pahon 1ft '""'•m• For C~:Qft'lplrt , my rlose uaoc.,.taoft ••th tht hi.Ch•~r a.afny Pf'OPI• on tlw COUMIItfl Cnmtn.al JUICK't and olffftdrt rll'flatMiuauott ha~t t.oucht 41rt<"l btnti'tltto thJ• C'OYI'II)' en lt'l"mi ol mOM)' •nd progr•m• l'rt~nm• to us mean, for r umplt, tM liMMtAIC ol olf~ wtt.hln tbt Por t.IJt' t'.w~ty 9tntWI Df'pc ~ StntM P Otnt N~ Of'pt to •111 pnm.anly • llh )lol\'mlks Of 10 lkal pnm.anly ..,lh ~ mi.IN'J' n'bhoM ,.,.,. I don't l&lt' to bnnl Wt tetlw!M'OI,f'ft'l.tftt.t Uwelf.ieon'ondw Slrft1 IWom..Nil s-t. at . . .pmtel • &1M' ..... el rrewd a.tn1 I am ..,. pr..s e1 t.W ,....,-••• lhat ~ we l.hf' ,..,.....P'".., """"· "'"......_ . . . .,... ..... Mdou&• lhot ""'*) ~1-t. So I UuM a t'OfttUIUtd iD· ,.,., niM'ftt • lhftr procranu m. C'UftiUal to 11\ol', ... ~ """" tbi:J ~~ ........ II '"w.tC"C~WW lh.lt aayh•or )oum•h •">' ~.- .. ,..~.. a..-.,.bbk tJwr.sahoa)tU.. l """"•bt.hl) ltt..l 'loOmf'body ,.,...., Jl.bu.w II ..., ef(K'f' U.lt' • .., ...,,. tUlld '" fa1ow ., lk .,.,.....:1, "" o~uu of 1rrf!tponttbtlll)' I Uun\ ttwrf' l!t a M'C'd lor da)' t:arf' ('f'ftt~ '"""'" •r• moUwn '"ho do ban to '"ott Md I '*' ~'-•hom~trftlJ) "•••~ .. ......... ,.......... ,,..."" thuc .. til UW' ' " ' ' pn~~~n~ra .., pwsiOIIft ~ thu •fwenf'f' • • \ lftd" tMt '"f' r"'ll IIICe ..... e.t.a~u. .. pufliK' p·oc.r-am e1 an) - ,.,..,., te dra• ~ Juadtl~ atld o.on rfoOd) •ho doeult quallf) Cit ,~Uti baff'l,) l•lh IO •t~llf) fl Jl.l"'lty I '&tffi for f'ndorkmf'nt of tht' tq~l r•lthl .m,·ftdmrnt \C.1tn I had Q~Utm' ~tbot.lt \l.tn\ llmf" •bt'n "'~ •Otf' )"- 01 no II ......n I mr;~n • f ft' tOUIJI)' fCit Of --~,J~MI • hill '-Om• It ldtdrltthlftkll"s;~~t \Jrt .,,.,,_. ;~I'M"'MMm<tftl .. u fK"t'drd P'f' Uw ~ ,.q~MI r~h l'"""f'"~ II "''n~ t'JM'rf' """II two ,.. .,...,_.,..,_ b«.auM- .. w• ~ « t"'td ., •Ml Wu• )OU I r.-o.~br.. llut • tntam .a~ llwh- t.hl • ,., - · dt""rtm.nat.... bfo("alftot' ., W:t. ...,. I th•... "' ..........bko At . . . "thtrf' .Iff ~ ....,l ;,·;~;.;- ~:! !:-J:"J::!:. JU: ) a l~t:,~ ":! ~•~"·•-· 1 thlftlt •r ~ .. rt"Ca•n liM' dt llnf'ft(1' In adopetr!J .am.rndmf'ftU 1111..-IIW' tq\Wi r1Pt••mt'tldmn1t ltllkb)'hll i~• ~Jf~ l"rodmat thtt ddfnt'nC't' I thJtlil: eMit !Oett'C) " .:.o1n.t 10 r f'MI to t.hu Mn'lf' day and dfttdf< tl'l.ll .. .,.,..,."' lorfl~'" a ltttk-m«~ d tltt'ft'ft«' y..,. ,..,W"d a btll a ft"'ff )t'lft . . . proudlftl prewmaiJI) th" ra~"., \llftJ'a'l' •.aa• PfK tcw f'qu.;tl pil )' for .-qual "'Of' .....w ..,.,., tab .. "'" ,, ,....,_ ....-. . ~ " . . 4fr , _ . , r • •p.IIIUI .-- lp.-tlt.buu...,._... . ... ,"l el nMIIf'~ ....,. \ " - Ilk' ,,. tiM' ._.I) nw ,.,.., JXIO ""'""' ,,... tht p;~~n , ltldf , "'""'"' ,. IWid and .omt" el thrt l:l allec• tf'd to l hr ,..,....., C' ~t~ ....... I.I'M' laM II\ U••s umpa1cn I , .. Y.lll"'t' ('Ofllrt butiOIU frnm fMrMh ol m•M Mid f l'l.acll hmd t• ~t~nt dtNM"f' twf't' 1ft Stt'Yftll PouK .....,.,. II«" .ad u tht' lf'l' ... c,...Gtd ttU• Fr.U) • lhf' ,...,~ ,.., C'M bt wn lh.M II ,., 1D bt rieMd II U J fer n-n")....,. l '-llf'l) t..bftut•uJS;~ bt dowd 'til~ do not •aM Ieete.) n!Vtts.... IAICate h UU..t )OUh."~ 10 ~ckor f'\f't)OM tbn-t', fiiOI only lhf' Jlft"JJft .. hohu tMnPttowtethat t.erm bul tM Pf"'PI~ •"'bo b«•\aof' o1 tJw rro.,.·d ' " pw.IMd out •nto thor •trm And. II tom~ tnn. <l sdl y lh!l'lll hh ll)'lft.IC dro•n lrltO I.M .,. r~l . •r'r~ not 1'01"1 to~ a c•r ctrh'e o,.., ..m \\·~t P .l,.t : k ) -' ,... ..._ • &lif" ... ., • .,12-u-· *"c~lbat Vou MUll u,. Mftl tut Nit •P' PfNr'tl. to mari)aaM at6M)t Itt tuth • aourlly ww pold.r-.Uy Md ; • • wid ha\"t' 10 ltlc*. hanS &o r• a poWWiM "ho • • t•h a *ftattf Uud aftd.t.at "'l lwi't M M , n - &o U.... h-plt.&aOM .t mMIJIUM I U'"' COM' ... ft'C'Ord W1lb tbr elfnwtrr oVId nh.a.blbt.._ Pf'i)lllf' ~, U)"'fll WI tM ~,a-.., Pf'rtaunrc to m•nJU~ Jhould not bfo mm•n.al S.Wl lto-"fT. lh.lt dQnn 101'11)' eP t411 m&njt.t.ana I'm 'H'Y Mudl '" laVOt ol dfotfim tnalb.lti:J, m~n.) othl"rthi/'IJI ··- ~ .umplf-,uymlluH •tt ~ ol akohollhoWd bt OttTimiNUud A Pf'non t.houldll't p to nurt and !\ave a u tmUYI r«ord bK:awte 1M dl'l.nii.J. Ot bf'oca\lif'hf' t.IM'd m.anj"-'tWI \\f' 1\a" lea """""'atsatllltd or dftrt.mlaallttd JUrijw;lu alr~ady lf ,...., at• C'Oft•lotltd ol • :lac MMI.JINU.. Mf~ - \\~ . J.Wiftlftlft tlltft• : ••Dbra)~r·,.~~attbrmdef.-. __ , . . ,«ord .. ~~ So . • • MMI'. .... h.Ubftoaa«omptulw4altf'~ la• • fa•• , .. MU1q; ~lUI "h<trf' )OU ,.bfff,... Ma.abu « r• dfrconm ....J&u "'PPI:Ilr • 1-t.llt thlt >• nom.plt'lfl) _,..._,_....a ~ Ml'f'nttb tht'C'GURI)'and fl'l) NI'GI'"""'' rftU 'llo'lehm) pot.tt.onlwn' l,ei.atf'' " • •• 4e , . . wor •• llllf' m.a jer ..., ..... , . .. ,...,.lp • <"'tf'<•• I don't H'f' •ny ma)or WUot at all rxctpC to k«P the olh« proft»tOnaJ l 'ei.c4'r u . . . , . ,. .~et.a ct.otrttt!JW' ••h r" l!tf ' ' ""4'M'!' ,.._,, I don' t th1ttk I lo 10 tn ttw lut ur. and ptOMt.M' aA) ift r«l#"''' t« ,...,, ..a. IW.t lfy•loolN<laiiiUift) el •1 TM ta,•nu •ould ('"'(~ ..., OoM ct'('toor\ , btc'.IYM' f'U'f")onf' "'b tf'l'wqt •• _,. tim• So, OW poll('~ C"loMd tht' bl«k tor halt :tA Mut , UACU Jill ...... pf"'ppC' Ud df'atf'd .-lff'('IIU• .and .............. Mrt It tul'lply ...Wl)tfd) I "lJft\f'llnf' pol\\ (Of 11 d.rl'\"11) ........."ftH'I~ ..~C'O'f'r.llf' I'•HIIrr , ,. ' " '~ -f.tuh ofut• • _,_.. .... ~" u~ ......,....u •wr•toOt" oof ,.,,ll._,........... Frodoy, S.ptember 8 , ~ THI I'OIH'Tl _:..:_::: l _ _ __ _ tht MW"trdrMft )M ,. IDfllldth.atlh.JI~Ud , ..._,. . "',....,"""""' .. IOII'M'euts lha,.alww.attd M)-wh ,,.... MfM fl ltw Clldtr ~ .. Uw NmiiiWhlf partle\IIAtty u.o.t ~ -~ M Ut 10 ll.nock M.aOt t'romiMIIm,f'ofourltntdul:urtMnc-t' Mrf' Jiboul ftH• . . . , ) Nn .a&o, I ba\f' .altmattd m)~f l rem ft'llow polioC'C' olf~Cft"~ .n oth<n' teurtiW. bft'•uaf' ol my tUtnd tlw ..w'l.hH'lllf lwrf' Vf"t, I am \f'tf proud ol1t I am proud tAll""'"''~ not h.ld lo UM crO'Wid t"Onlr<lhquiJl'M"'I t'1t"-, 111unlt tl t1 "'tOnil. •Flo """ h.af"d.l-"'lr ••th ~~~:~:=t:h"'m:.:;::~,!~~ ilft tempktf'l1 ••th Uw pol.c. I uw fault >~Wtl)' thd ....... " ...... tM fMit ..... • 'llb Uw pokf' •.llld Mt w1U. CJw MudeDU I ll.t'"f' . . ..... . . . . . ..... Uw~tUDd..ll)-.. Ut'paac to rftatf'"'"' tdtael.a........, ltM4 toO dwfKtta.ac,_~n...,.touwc:tut._, W P"S* .,"'Uwhf'M.aa.d-.orps Alklrlc am~ ........ ., ._,_. ••I ,....," , IN- -1.11.- '1urr• . w,.,. ••...,..-w....-. IM•f'M"f"f'IW"'f"''ll.hll"'ltalJoft.b• ptotlkm Wh.lt happn'M'd on 1M a.qt.t.~r~ •• tl'lil AdWC. 111 lhf' ~mwut)' ,..ho ~ Ioria l'ladtht Pf"''lr"l•· If )'0\1 ••l'lt toc.alllt lhal, Of thor fiJhi . IO ItO out and dril\k Ill lhty w.antC'd. "'l'lnhotr 11 "'11 bf'f'r or ltQUOt, .ome ol tbtm C"ltof'otl O<b)«lfd IOUW IKI lh.aol wddmly 1M ac• ., ma)Ot'd) r alftf" 11\d ,..... lhow lhal Uwy rt'lt'tftd to ._. • • '"'" Mlddmly put .t thtm VMI Uwy dldft t •.aM II WI • •y 11M) '"f'tf' tOftlof'leiW "'"" <. tlw) •ftlleul te tbnt , ....«n& .Mid .a.. t.l'w7 ......ec~ .. ftaW te tbt ....,.,. ... •-atdll .,.,. .... Tbr pollft •Mikta iU\f'ltti\M .. J<) C~r~ ... ff'f' """•''-- ...... •lid ....., el thrm •n. rnnarb thai ~ lln'f"t madtr nw \.!Cw.thon •a.t I'M"\'f"t u W u 1t ,.,., pon.UJed 'Al\.a1 ,.._. .aid aboul rowcfrom tat1tU1 O\f'f • •• ftOil trw 11 au I~ ao mor• t nw thM 1M tdlra d !'-n~ to b4oct Glf ,.,..,."berm , • ..,.. Su~1u. ~...w.... ·- ......... ,,.t....,.. . ..... v~ .. ..- .,....,., ,~ " ' ' au , _ , ......_ f• U.k ....... " " ' 10 I am """'in~ lOt th.tl ..f t« 1~a1.1w I fef'l I c:a.n do a bf11f'r ,jOb thu " ital .... tw•rc doM '" thrrt" npt now. nm l.hoi.Ch 1 don 1 hav~ t•·mt)' )eUI UPf'r'(flft fUJbt no• lhn'f art dua.IIUI:MI.irdl ill tl'dt ar~•. ud th4"fe~:~anawf\llkleelcon0iof't IO<IftCon withln thr Qw.rllra Df'pt ltMU u .,. WlufwciaJ P"'Mft 111 tow• • p.ti.td., fw ·~ ,_ wllhn Mat aboul tC Jkjll lift pw\.f'd . . .... at't' platenod . . . ,.,..,.... . . . • Ul I •.alit to 1ft' 11 U.w Md ~~ trnc...t tl,... • .a tiW- • ay......,. ........... 0. , _ ..., ..... r-d .~ ..-. .... . . .,.. ...._ ... ""Ual.n llr ldoalrnl)' .,...a-..;w ....,.. I ,._. •M.II 141 nm I« lbt what I •tattd ..,IC'If • •J>f"C'•• I ckpvttn , •If.,-• ._, oC tbt La•, "' PDI•IdJnc M lhc forN'mftlol cont. on p. 17 ·-· -·· "~ TMf .......... Defen1lve Driving Cou,..• ............... ._ _,........, .......... =--.. . . . .,. . ::=:.~=:.::. I ........ ,...... :.::.=-.: .. ........... .......... .... --------TKE--------- .:=-*=-~ -_ ~ · \...._...,.a... ~ -~ ...... ,_ ..... ......_.. We hove something for ~ .... J............ . . _ . , M41tool:bto-- Big Daddy's Oo ... _ Pleose Go Away! ....... Y!" .. - - TRAVEL SHOP . . . . . . . OM. . . . . ................ .......... ._ WI AU . - n t IOl ~_. Faculty Wetc- ~- --...c-. . ..... . ..... AU. 0¥11. we... "* & ~ • .. FAMOUS JEANS LeVfS SHIPPY CLOTHING Heed Transportation? _,_ ~~J~~ . - ·- 14.11 11',... ..... ... hos - - '"T'Wotiooo - · ,__.. - :=o: :::"'.1r. ....... - 171'· ....-...v- ~-~&W-' -~ C.ll hMo HOWl Te4 .t 341-1727 • - THl P'OINTit 16 Have A Questi on? ..,....... . . . , ..... W..,.\ '-~•~alldl!loWI'J IO~ I)Wfl'l:tiiiLff ,..,._,.,.,.. lo _ .. ef ~ . . . .lltmPI IOtlfld . . . _ _ • IMdl ....,_ .MIIIItftlo Tl!*Ciw..' --' lllmu~I IIWW~Il' ln-"illt"'- un..~1 - "'"'' "'~ ......... .,....,"'""_._ . . . . ,lw ..,.,,.,.,...Iff e:-...t • llfiM lM ottwtlll'# . . IM ~ """~)!liwt'.IIW'f~ ~~~~~~~-- ~~~~~lld -·M-,.,.~W • til ,..,..!*"'~ '"''"' .t ...,...-n;oty IWMJ,....,., IOIIW..,C_.•t,_ "'""" . . tM f'Atlw ~uclo-Mo Mf' 111\'olfd . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , _ . . . , . ._. • tM ,,_... ... .,,... "'~ ~-Johollld W!IUbf!lil:tf'db'/~ ~- ...... . . . V! llyd(Of'!IC~f'liofl'IIII\-)'I'W>t-l!w. IO .......pi.Mrlat .. cr~, .,.. own •~U.w ~wa.-.., ......... howlly do '"'"''"~ ..,..,., •. nw -•..-.uy lnWilt u..t !oNCirfiU folk~- IW ~ll:or)llrrllq)P« "~ a pnoa~.---~.ary ..."'"ll)~l W-•ft"ff)' klllo•a ~ ..-tlftl"""''"~~ ~~~ THE AUTUMN OF '72 • -- _ . ........... _,....,.., _..,_u,. A _... ._,....., ,....... " MUST" ~ -4.... ..,. . . _.__ .......,.,...,. __..... J.................. & "" ~· .. .. . .. .. . . • ,. to $ 1.32 l o 4 y A I I - .. . ... ... . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . l:lcto99< v ........ ( ~- ...... .. . .. ........... . . 72c & 99c . _ . . . . , ••.• • ••.•• . ••.••••••••.•••.••.•• Sf< to 99< & ,,. , • . , ..... . . .. .. . . ... . .. .. . .. . .. ........ 6Sc: to $1.75 ww. .._._ w......... . .. ... . .. . .. . .. $1.00 .. $2.50 --- _,..,. ..... ......... ... - __._....._ •t.sttnbtr!}tr·.s . ....,........ 0....11 OOW'WTOWM MAJH AT STaOMe u.... - sooo ............. ... ... ......... ... ' - ' - .. . .... .. .. ..................... $3.tt ~ , .... . ... .. .... ~a...,..,., ...... - 49c 7Sc: DWo " ' - ' - & ,.. . _......, u..w ... . - """"' PSntk w ......... ... 49c c..J..., s.t . $1.25 $1.30 to $2.4t h-..cM W...l . . .. . $1.27 -Sot c..... . ...Tredt T.,.. . . . . . . $2.91 . .. .... . . ,,. SCHOOL SUP1'l.IES lt.Nn 4Sc, 49c, S9c ,,., , .,., . . . . • . • . lOc )..&;_., T...... . . .. . . . ... . . 20c: SHOP AT TMI MA.LI....JC.I STOU ""WMDM YOUII DOU.Aa OOIS TWJCI AS fAir Poor Henry's o.-..- s.-.... , ... Opoo h oryday ot 4 P.M. (""""' s.-..,, EntertainmNightty Specia l from 8-9 Unescorted Ladies' Drinka 1/ 2 PRfCE - Coming Sept. 21 TWISTING HARVEY SCALES and th. SEVEN SOUNDS ~- ''"""".:;n,_ _______ _TM='...:,........==~----- Candidates .......................... -- 'n.loo4-$Ut ~ .... .1~ ~ WofHestompers New Driving Rules Established tr•lt• .._... ...... .__ ............ . '-:::. IU~ t't•lul ~ :::r~ ~ ..........., ...... . . . . . ...................... ........... ....._ ...._ ............. ::-::.::.:=::-.:: . . IMtUH . . . .ht ltJ ·-\ ..................... ........... ..,_ ..... ........_., ........" . . . . -.... ......... ................... ..._.,................. ...... ....... ••• 4 ••• ,. . . . .. . . . , .... .................... ........ .................. _ .................. ,..,. ..................... ................. ..,............... ..:;:::!" ...,_,_....,... ...... , _. _....._., .,.....,... =.;:::-c:"..:."£!..,. .................................. ........., ....................... ...,_.,... .,,,....,... _... _ ........... _........................................... ,..._...,...,._ -.. .... ...........- .. •w~.,..,,......, -....o., ..... _...., ....... .. _................ ....--..... .--. ~ - .. THt POtNTta .... Stop in GOSH'S BAR ON THI SQU.UI u~• Mvtk lt-ery Sul'lfty Hite I:J0-1:30 .. .. Paul Bentsen and The Sofety Last St ring Bond \1"'"" ..., ...,"'.,.,. . r _........... ,.,..... .,.. ..._.. . .,.... :r:..':t.,-= ,..,.,.... ,....._ _,_.., l11111U1IIJ ,.r etHUell .... ~ ........ m.. W..l.....oy Sh.ldenh For ............... McGovern To Organize .,..,........ - ,.,~ .~. "'""""" ................. '' ,..__.., ••••a..,a..c. .......... ,.., ~, ........ . . . . . .. , . . , . ,... ... u..,. a.u M.lH"S ottNIICS 12.1 1/2 PRICE M_.,. tl f""f ,_.,..... Se-10. lfiR ;,~~~~~--~~==================~~==f PIZZA & SANDWICHES CHAI RMAN WANTED .... t'.......,c...tt WOioUN'I MUIU Nh S..Ciolo ,.., M.• 't ..-. ""' " ............ ... MidiUI'int _ ~ - C....,) ~. SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI Bill'S PIZZA --~ . . . . . . . . attMI DOWHT'OW'M nm:NS rotMf JoW.-tsS7 - ,......17 DCUVDY SQVIQ UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT A CoOperative Ca mpus Ministry Welcomes you to the Compvs Community ~.: :=r:: ~--=- Of+c- IllS J~ $t. - FREE STAFF v• ..,.~rr~.. a..u-•. ~ WIMIII•J•~--~ ...., .......... _........, LM K,.aa_ c:.tt.lk: D'cl ~ ~ ,,... I'll"-' Peoce Campus Center Grounds ...,.,.. OrfN & v...c ... St. I...... T...,_,.. .,!-~1~0- e;_m.;.:,.!!.. ......, O.-..fll...,.... .......: . . .....,. _ _ ----- "'-- t ; l.l, Campus Worship lutheran ~ ~ ..J ....... '-~·~-.. "'-"' "-U. ..;...... --- '.-c:• u,•,...., O•rc• . 00. e1 ~ c.,,r.. ,.........O•f' ll:•.,....., "'...... ...... Joha Yl•isak.er,. Trouboclo"r Suprtmt lrothttftoocf, txcitint tocol troup Nanc.arTOW,. K"ltr & Sp,elmon UMH1 St. ........ u.itM FREE Skip Meyer Folluinttr Dtlu .. 0..14H.,U..,~I .,._Sc:~. ...._, )41_...,. & J4&..1711 Festivol of U fe Under the Stars un~-... ~ loa$ ,.... w.,....~ • ...,Lc~ s.. ....... - s-. c-..r 11~·.JO , _ c.-,.. ·- Stoff Off'c•.: H"-• .._.. ,,_.St. 0..•: w ..u.,. 111S 9:30 . ....... 4:JO , ... ......... $N4y, .._ " -· C : . - ...... c;......c.... ...... o.. &~ft. r,._~·~ Romu Clllrolk w..,.._.M-.... I!W. • a t ..._ .,_ ...a..,..- H--... --""""' 1.'84.~....._.. 8rla. U~J.6 ..... t:Jit .,_. ,.,..,, _......,a. 1tn -" WELCOME ............ UT·W.$.P. -*=. 0 "Quickie" Sweater Special - 200/o 5100 off Off All s w E A T E R s . ,......., .......... ..,..,. .... a-. oH Ju.y liLT .... A.Yoid Crowd at Little Joe'. Fn.~ory --- s.,.t. Itt. s.tur.~er 9th ... Stodt • * y .... _.,, littt. DeMM I-'*' O...imo • Cords • lilolna Cords - Moooder - T......, lith ..u. 12th w~ 13th TMl rotfoiTU The Campus Community Calendar Papa Joe's ........ . . -.....,...,._._..........._ · ...... 1lMP ,_., tu.•• r\C'TI\ m~ ......... .... :~:' ~- ............ ~ ... " w .... -· ...._c:,..r~ .,,.,. ... ~.,Jlin-t:.u:a ' "'• a.un.. r•••M -n~ t otu .., ,. ~ ~ ~ ................... a-a. ...., ... . . . . " ' " - arrr..,p.t, s- ...,.,. .... a.a,-1 ~~ ........ ....... ...... ........,... ~ ~~~-~ s.-.-~ . .... -~ I I. 'rill Ill" t \ '41'\ fi C'OM.\Wi\ ln" ......_ 0 JrlwwldoW. p ....... UIII«'.WIIA ,.MMIII Se ~ t'tlolw~ ~~o.,.,.,. o~llr..ru,.. p.•., ..Hot,......... Dogs -Foot-Long II .. t • 0...,., a..,.d. MWU. ...... ._.., • • • • CWII« ~ \&arullin'~ Ill.....,--., It 4 an~ ........ THIS WEEK'S SPEQALS Running Beor 70c - ~ ~ ., -nurT Welcome Bock Students 3Sc c.m,.. .. s...-,.... '""'"' ,_...., ·-.-c""""'·M:.NV lil'f'l1 ••••• ..._.c.•.-c.... You must be ·an amateur to compete in the Olympics ... ... t WIIIMI , _ , .••Dri......_,, .... .. ..... ,""'"'IC' .-..._.(' _ ...... .,,._.,_ It rNt'• " t"l'l 01:""1' rO'I.Ml ' ll'Y ........ ~­ BUT l'C"'~fiLIIif Your SheriH should be a Pro. Nick Check is a professional in low enforcement! C011t. On p. 14 i!:hr .\ nllqnarilln e~op 1J2t STIOtiG$ AVI. M14JJ1 I ITWU W MAIN & Q.UK ~f'trl'lltiMDoer • BOOKS • ART • ANTIQUES Welcome and J Best Wishes Have A Good Year! UW-SP Students YMt KN,..b . Oi.e-...4 & ~ft c.-... c:.r...w. .. o,.,.. ......... " ' .... Jt~ .....71 12 llect.d Porto,. County S..etiH 1N4. 1966 •1114 1970. - -" .. - - ,Me,..., Dtrectofo of loce l eperotiHt Wiaco111,;n (IM,._MCY - Me.. . Grr.,...,t ......... , ..ke ..... (Oaly S."tc ... M....., wa.co..;.. &..w LINK•-• Ste.4e.t41 ...r4. W'IIN....A C..IIIICif M en-i-t J...tke (~ w-..... T_. f..-ce .. J•ilt.. c....., ~. $he.riff . . T• elt f-.ru). - r_ .,.I'WIIrt4....,. . ............ Hill.., 'Pricu Grubba Jewelers - Police 0'-,...I'WII ,..,.,..,. "'" 20 r-,. ..,.n.a<e i111 ,.,.. eftfoKeme.,., - or.__,.,... Check - -- ~w I• p~ c.-My. Re-Elect Sheriff Nick Check A .......... ........... .,. . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ - .... ""'-o .......,., .... ._... ,.._. ~1. 1972 FREE ._ ,, FREE FREE 5 OVER 225.00 FREE FOOD & FUN SERVICES - ALL FOR 512.95 CENTRAL AIR DRUM & BUGLE,.CORPS NIIINT1 TNC 1972 MERCHANT SAMPLER of STEVENS POINT PlUS =~~ ALL FOR 512.95 ............... ....................... s. - . . - .-1 ,.,... Coli Today T. . . . . . v..,,.. 341·5611 OfFICa G n N - .... FU 9 "-M. to I P.M. SAT 11 "-M. to 4 P.M. oa MAIL IN COUI'ON TNDC ~ Ml HIU'IM8 USl OVER $28.00 FREE FOOD MONEY - IAI(IA'S DO:UN -un ~ =-:=,,_--.:::.~ tY.u..c& .... . DAIRY QUEEI ll -.w t'W'.U.Cil ..... lACK GUAJlAHTtE - . auu'S IF HOT SATISFIED! BURGER CHEF A&W IMliYI-IN ...__, _....,.n 1 ..,..,.,, T .... ::E.= CY.u.c& _ . \ PIZZA HUT 6 L..\MI CMCISI / PlUoU (MilT IITOB ·~-~~~ tc-..,.., & 1 IOCJf 1l " " (YAIL"'a ....... {¥ AIL'& lid {¥ AU1& ....... THESl ARE HOT DISCOUNT CUTIFICATES - THEY'RE AU . ......._ . ................ ·I ·-- 1-rs-. ___ .,_ JIM LAMS ...._ MlniC: --:;..c_r__ .... ANDUSON lUG CUANING ...... ·- (YAIL ~~ ... . ... ..,....._ ~'I ,_'::.IG.='!:...._. .... u ..._ ., ....,. Mlltl .... c-Ia • r::'_..__. a tr;--A.&A.S•__. _ ·-Maaltn.'S SIWING QNTU SOVTitlaN CITCIO (Y.u.ul _... n-.u.L• ~ .......... t IAn&Y - KOIIT'S USTAUUHT _...,.T uaa .......... C'Y.u.L"& • •• LUTZ'S DlfVJ..fN MMCY'S FREt POINT IOWL J G.ot.MIS Of IOWUMG 1010 _, C.U WASN TV & Anl.IANCI cw.u.t--. _ .t --c.u w .... cv.u.L•..,.. ( ..AU..-. . .... rta n MOMI MIVICI UU. fY.u.L.. -~ BONUS EXTRA - OVER $140.00 IN BONUS CERTIFICATES!! ' - OVER 100CERTIFICATESGOOD .AT 25 BUSINESS FIRMS - -, Champion Chess In ...._.~- Jo .......... ltlt ('Mif-'t"f•i.ol ......'-'. . . . . . .... 0\" , ... •~"~··\\Moll"""' ..... ...,.,.. ,,.._ .. illdlllh,_,........,.... •.,..1111 . . .. ....... ..... ......... .. -.,.. ........ ......... ···-'-"-""'"' ........ f«'fftol .....,..tift.._ . , . ,.. ~ tht ,.,,. ""'" .... ·~~~·:.:.·.~:~...~~ ~:t'l.¥10"'::'~.~·= "'~·· ................. ...... ..,., . . .... ..... ,....,. .. ,....._.... .. "'""' •.•,....,. -*" .....•'""' .._ bort._..,......._ •,..._. ......... ,.. "." ,,_ ,..nw.,.*'• \• t:"•IJ•""" _....... ........,.,.. "" -.,... -~ .. ~ --~-· ...... -~ ....... -,..... ......, ,...._.. .......... ~"' .......... "",_Mill ...... --~..-- ......... ....... .......... .......... ler..n """~----­ l't'tl•aru " · -· ·.., · ·n·-~'" ...._ "•••c"' ,.,.,,,..,. ,..,.. Sfawt-.... ,.... •r1•f... .... ~"""~ .. •"fll'"'"'••"""""ll ....... I ..u. •• ,..,.......,,nil •\motnu MMt +II,.,. ... . ... t•""'""'* ll••N•II ..._._.............._. ,...,.. ............... .......... ......... ... ...... ·-"""-~UIW-· .. ,...t" a...r- ...- m: ...... ,...,. . . ..... ---~· ............ . . . ..,_ ·~"'"'-~ ._ .._ ..~- ..... ,_'f'd i·'VriiiN••"'"N!fofk "'''"'~ l ....... tt.alr) .. 1-N-....-.e,....~• .....-.~- I t lownl'f' .,_ " ,_..,.. l foi!MWMt-. oll """'llilr ..... ... ..,. ..,'"""" ll.l4 ....~. (lol . . . . . . .,~. . . ;1 . . . . . . . . . . . ........ "~ .... tlft'unlf'l;t._...,.IHt~~~AC .. lltwldlllfto.p.n~ .......... . ~ "~'""_,. "'' ,.,.,.. rOo:tlo "'' \\1111 '""'""""';l~lllfVII,.,..., ~'"' lupt"d •p-lolll• ....,_.~~-­ ..... ....... ---- ~ ·-~ ~l ............. . . ·--~ ......,.. ••t... c.. .."""""., ..._ " ' ' lltk ........ 0\ff " " nM"'II) ,..,.!Jw 1111• V. «ld lN"\f'nolll otl~· ·" '""'•tlllm,...:tot~••II IW .. •t.<;('IIUt 1 \1"• ~·.~~~ l ltU'- ltl\!1'\ U tlltt.l ~ ..= =.:::: 1 1 \ ~o,t'\ ... ,................." ........_.....,."-'... ............ ..... -................. .... h·•••"'11f-·...: I(On'(' ........l....,.,lflllft<oM t m,,.nt"~' TIM' t'bb) • .__.. ~m•f'd ~~~ ......,.,., IWl ntott , ...,. S ' - " ............... ... _...,..., ..... ... ,................ ~ ,..,_. ~ .... _ "' 'IAI l'•••rhtll,hl)' ............ l . .....,.....• __,.r~ o;lo,...,_._,..~ ....,.~ .... ...., ....... · - -.ft 111)11-': •• nt41 .\hl •u tlh• _ 1$!';~""'1 . ., ... "'" Mll'lwft• f'ollc'ol, • tl lfMoutll!ltl•••• II 1111 tl 'tit l! fM~fllltOII '"""'htl..,., """'' .......... "''nll•ll...t-.tt•M._. ,_ .................. . . . . . .. ....... '"""""' ...... c......_. .. '"._. ... .,._ ........ -'11,...,.._..........• -·so.._ .... ~(.M\t'f·lw ,.__ .__..,.~no­ ,..,~_...._, ,:.:::::=r....-: ·-.. ·-.. __ ~ ......... .. *-"'" ........... ,......,.,.,. ............ • "" ""'"'' .... ..h.,,_,. ............ "'"'·boll ,.,..,_.,,.,.nw.._., ......., ~~:~:·-;~~ ,...... ....,_ t;'*'"'"'"• ...... _ .._, ..._ ......,.,.... ...... .,_... =-~:~~~~'1! ....,_r..., ..........,. ........... . . . .. ,_ .. ....,..,..,.. ......... .......... .... ,-. .... . . .. ., ....... "-' ..... ................. ._..... lilold-··-. . . . .........__, .... . . . ::..:r."~~=r:.:: ......, ................. .. .,.._~ ~ ··~·· ~~~"' """"''-ftofllW'f'l..c. 1-l'fllll l~..l)ll llloH'f ·~- "*"'"_, ~ ,._~._.. ·-~~~ Ofll("...- ......IIC" '- J<rrwy • • ...,,~ f'M4. •·It~- Sf~HM.-elltiH ,..,,..~..,.P"IIr-I!YIII ·~PYI~ robtlh fottlw .;rrne~,..,,...,~.•o-. n"'l · - " " ...., . ,. . . . . . f'F..Of.f'CI •ootff nnyoq o 1101111., ......l}pultt, ''Tltf7111111it!IIIOI •or'ft lft'th .... .,,~ '''"~ ...... ~ •"- •11C:Cnoh ~llriot h , ...., •\• .... IIIMMO•II•tor Cltr ...... ••• • ~ ....,.., . . . . . . . . . .4'flft ....,.-"' ..... l'11t..t1'Jdl) .. UloNom• •n••Aa.,_W..-d tw rl'lll-c lo p&ly •+I" 11!1' ;:,r:;:. J!':"~~'"'b; ......,.,.... ..,...,..,.,........ .. ~-= ~: ~ ·:- .:'!!!'[ ......,.,,. . . .lfltllb IIIJllllf ,._, •ell • lotlf'l)' J'ftlf'M '-1111 Urti'OII c.cll Cltil\fl" $1111Mn •poe M .,lll. . tNt =.. ............ .... . .,._. ,........ . .... _ ......... """"'"...... ............. ..,.,..., lflff . .ttl) ....... c;,...... ~~ --,~ , _,_ :'~':" ;:-:~ ·~ _ ........... _,... IWatYS,.~IoNII-t.flltr ·--~~·­ "WkiTot)r.,Konl~ )l~l t ltMJ Hot'~ $p(a~. I~M-IIn .... ·~ !lb1"'· """''"" • T">• ,,.."""''".,..,'llwM_..U ~~:::=.::: . .,... ,...., ,._.,., ....... ""'"_ "'""".....,. -....... ._.,uo .......,. . _ . u ,.. .. ..._ ...... , _..,_,..,. -·~a.,.,.. _.,...~ . . . .~ .... .aa~~M~•-'"fllll lbtdaU·~·\:..S ~..v. Come Check Us Out ! * Fl£E CAIU HOOK..UPUNTIL SEPT. 27 * ALL UTILITtlS INCLUDED * HEAnD POOL * 2 llDlOOMS • 2 lATHS * HrwLY FURNISHED * COM,LITlLY C.Al, (TID * lVIlYOHE HAS THill OWH DlSK * SlCUliTY LOCK SYSTIM WITH YOIC:I tNTUCOM * All COHDrTtoHIHG. DISHWASHU AHD DISrosAL * USI'OHSIILI FOl ONLY YOUl SHA.ll Of THI liNT * $675 FOl t MONTHS INCLUDING VACATIONS * CLOSE TO CAM,US Let Sherri or Barb show you around The Village JOI M. JroVc.. . . . M1·21il 'l'ldlo¥. ~ '· TMI .......... 1972 College Ave. Grocery The Vineyard 1651 ' COLLEGE AVENUE 341-0750 ra = SP =E=C== IA=L== S = FOR =SEPTEMBER _.. _ $1.39 $1.33 $1.33 16-oz. Schlitz Malt Liquor 6-pocks 16-oz. Schlitz 6-pocks 16-oz. Old Style 6-pocks - - WEEKLY SPECIALS - Sept_..., 8-15- Zonin l.Gmbrusco (Was $2.11) IS "'-'-r "-'1 ............ ,,._~ wa... Boone's Farm Wild Mountain $1.76 91c - September 16-23IS " - ' 1 ll-t. ~ca.-....._ 91c Galo Spanada ·-- -s.,t-ber 24-31 - Boone's Farm Strawbeny Hill 91c REGULAR..-- STOCK • 1/2 bbl. Schlitz Malt Liquor • 1/2 bbl. Old MilwaukH • 1/ 4 & 1/8 bbl. Schlitz $21.50 16.50 quarter 9.50 1/8 barrel 6.25 • 1/2 bbl. Schlitz & Old Style . 18.50 .... rr==AJ =I= Pnc= . .. ~ lnclud.: Delinry Ice I.!...:= T o=p=..!J WINE COLD BEER _,,_.... c.w - w-..,., .u ..,._ Smokint Supplies l'ridoy, ~tember :-.. The 8. 19n Calendar......... Coni (rom p . 20 I ~:IITI\ ~- • \1, Ot' LIFt! , . Pftff ("-put c.-.-nttr \ "- l S I ""-!Jtbi!U«t-~~' .-.k«. ~ ,,_ : " . t'tff JoM , .•~• ~ ~=~~~E-=~ S\Jp )1"1"' · Wblfll-t'l' : lnUnMn. ! : I'TI:Il' \TI(),,\1, ··uu: 1).\M't: t'I.~K I~~Wft drfmonW;attof 1ft f'*M til tllit AI~ ('" " " !Wf- ~t .... .udll ... follt : \lti,DU', !it: t>Tt!\lllt!MII o .!>f\llt:'T \IM!TI'f. o ! ._..,.B .fld )lli• -.,-.onkfl'lll ! H'f',\lll~ ('0 \IMITTt:t: : J Up 11t , C'011t~ R.toi!IIOoi. SI.-. ~ C'f tllott nw. pwJOW . . 1M lftftfilll • ,..,.. .,pNU~& ._, Sot'.ll~~'7 :: 1--.T:::;' \=.' o , ···WI~~~ : ltHr"'-"'1• ! \ \ I<!OIT\ ~~·~~,!',!~! ~.. : lll,.....,.l"\t ~~~ ,..,_._,~1)' - ~y~ ot ro tot p • """"*'..... ,_...,., IWI • lot 1... ~ l pi'~.,- ol ~., ··~.- "'llldl ~· W.0.~10..,.Mdon ft ,_,.., Dr : ......~ : !! • ! : rll'~\\. SJ:..n !\l.,t; llt: ":".:;!.~~ tMQ.&andl ~c._ - 1~•-p~~rAtiYII' Iototnewt 1 p .... 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Room S:ll, CC C M~<thaft Yor Ouolr'fun. Yorfip lMriJwVI Mod ('om.,.auw LilnMIIt•. "'OliN lib 10 mtort \~I) Tllllrtci.ly, ~bw 14 W1''>ord !• ! ,,_ ' t'o)flt~tc:\' f- , DV.C't:MaF.JI OK MAV c:~l~ ~~ f'~IIIC to~~~ Chi• ::-~~~.=.-:~:: ... ~·::;::~~~t==~~ ~ tOOT• .\I.L TK'Ktml J._.&•IIMIOM~Itt~wo._-. . . . a• ~~. 1~1)'. Mthf>U.Own•IJ'CftiCtt>lnl'..-tloftOr,ll lot tCatf lfld fl~~t.d~n 1'\c'~ lrt UO f18 ,.,__ _ , .,111 "" ::~::...un::...aoo:.!.~'=l~: :. l\VL•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~~.~ ~~!~~!~:.':'.!': •••••~.~.;.a:!tt::.t:~ !':':·••••••••••• WELCOME BACK STUDENTS ..~~"~~~UY~~ER Of THI POOl HAUS AN.O THI GOlDIN HAHGII. OOH"T 'OlG.rT YOUl UU ' PAIC Of COICI WITH A •$10 PUlC:HAU 01 MOlL 9 £.~~~ BEER AT THI POOl HAUSI ON WIDHf.SOAY, SIPTIMID 1Jtll, I:JO. OOH"T ,OlGn TO llGtSna '0l A 10 SPUD ltKI • USI YO\Il COUPON l'lOM THI JOUlNAt. IHSII:T ON SCPT. 7..,,