SERIES VIII, VOL 13 8 PAGES - NO. 20 HATCH REINSTATED Presldel!t Lee s . Dreyl111 1111 llltedthelutptmlonoladance iNtruciOr I I Stt~N Point State Unl\'erllty who had btm dla1'11ed "1thccndlictunbtcomlnll• ,t eachtr. ' Aa a rtll!lit olthe CIH, laid tlre)'flll,theauspe:ndedteadltr -Frank Hatch- II more lwareOI: hill role u a fllculty IT"M'm~Je.r, a nd the W'LI~tnll)' hal rellttrmed lbdedlcatlon toau· dtmlc freedom. a Hatch, laeull)' m tmbft- 1~1967.wurtllt\·fdolhll ~~ ~:n~~ ":. ."~/! lylncOnthc!Koorwllha-s lnanunllchledd•nce•tudlo•t -· lheunl~RityiiC'vfraldl.yJbe- lit ck-nlfd a ny lmmoralll)', hl1 "11e pUbllciyiUP!D"I.-dhlm and thtStudt nt S..natepaDed 1 reaol11tlon uklnr that ht bt relnstattd,Se\'tl'lll hund~stu­ denU met ,.-lth Or...ytlll Thur.. day afternoon a fter In orderly march to hill oo!Nce. MtanwhUe, a lacull)' mcdlotloncotnmltlte mctuvenhow'l on t~ cue - the llr1t to come brfo.-e the iJ'OUP llncC It w. . formed H\"tfll )'UI"I IIQ. PRESIDEl"''T DREYFUS Wklng with 1tudenta after tht question 1nd 1nawer ~e~~loh concerning the Frank Hatch incident, in the Wlacont.ln Room. H1tch bad n autpended for "conduct unbecoming a teaeber" but wu hlter acquitted. (Pendergu t Photo) Students Confront LSD Subject: Hatch 8f CAKOL LOIIR\" '"'!M d«ltlonon Frank Hatch • IU!Oltimately br mid.. In my o~: · Prtl~nl l.ft SMrma.n Dr~)-tul told students 'lllu.rsdiY lllhll ot/l~andatlhl'Wiscon­ l-;liJtoom. llll'llll<knU hl<l t,.... l!e~\fdln the Student Stnltt! ~~ forFrank llatch. Alln ~tina: 11 tM Phy £d c. nuden~c~ In tM march • l ftl l rwnd lhl' Ulllp.ll to Old 1-'r~lldent ~ytw m e t .,~ t[Jhtstudmu In hll olflte llldlakr ulkfd wllh lheothera lnltlr 1\"lsconlln Room. l>rt)fllltoldlhfo elllhiiiii(Mnu l.".at~~t"'·~ntedlhfo l.cllltymfd· 1.1\lolu board to jth~ I ck-tU· O'.illlttonollact, aome )ldrmtnt a bout 11 the \nc:idfllt ll acccpta~teachin&~IICI, to fOmt In with SOIT"M' IOrl of l\lide'l•ne from Ule faculty l"tcctrlrrwondatlon point o1. view. \'kf..PrH idmtoiStudl'niSen•:t. ~latk Dahl ukecl Dreylw •hrt~>er lhl' npOrt o1. 1t1e cu.. l:ld u..t.a~ chanted ln•ubstanceat lll)"brnc', Oft)'llll npUed h e d:d.,t'\'.nkao andthe"'Titt..n rt;..rt m~-tchfodatape:n-c:ordlna: tJ t•-trtpOrt. Do.~J a lso . .ked If llaleh'l ~JI\t ~lcUon 10 the malltr wu lomitn. ""'ytu. u ld tla tch C..'lm·'l 10 ne-t.lcn. Later . Vlcei'ftll.S..nt llaftr~ker t~t relate<~ l!.ltch 11ked the admlnll::uw;, It !My wa ntfd Ills n!.tl~t!M, andhf'"•astoldthll ~ dkl: but lh&t~coutdha•-e IL~ ~:OI>Cby 1o think tt. 1-llt~ktrllatt!dth41Satur-­ rno-.. nmr he let llatch know bt dld notrn.•·e ton!lllfland !lhf. ..... n~ahtarinrhecoukl ~·~ Dl-t)iUJ llld his nul Job b to ~. 'do! what tr.t lrutklnal por.nlr'"tw, wltt\Jike. He uld."l h,a,"! IO I..Ukf'd"-elher lwltl El•·•l"'tltutionalcondolrnceto 1!1.1t ~· btlnc •tandard and a e- ._ ~blt-ttachi~~J:." ll•f•·rtltcker Ja ldhteOtltlnuc-d !:~"'n•- o l IIM!ch for two n!a· onlllll~rlll)' propeMy ltwa•ln the unl~trlll)''l lllonds: If It had bttonathomtii " "OUidbradv\1 matter. ~- lf~h hadpllbli<:lu<l lht ~idmt In 1t1e pret.~, a nd lta!ort.ttktr thoucht It would br~rmf\1110 u.,. 11111nrtll)' If !w tt\tor.od him prior to the ::;:•tlonrommlllte taldn& •~ 1\l .HI uked II othtr IN;truct· be under the ume ""' ""'"" to ~ :t::!'~':e~~~ ~~.'!:1~~~~ o\iiclrey Qwma ukeclltthltre ~ • dllltnnct bttWHft whlll •f•rull)'member~on or :,c~m,::. : " :~ butitt"ltobt 1 ~~aqUM. He ..,_,lnctlhelndd!nt hlppened. mltteelnthetTUeltlliCOI:the " 'Ord." Hatch had aald br!ort lit ml1ht leave Ste~<'N Point a t the tnd 01 thl1 school yeu. It wu,. move. he aald, he tud pll llnC.'<I prlortolht' IUSJ)mlion, "My ]>IIIII all atone 1111\'t bo-en to ~~~ on with my dele· torl<l"'·ork."htreportcd. ;~~~:~·· no prcuur<' on me to ht II not certain II he will or lftk, l 11!1\'t olab- ::!,'..~ 0rt)f uslnutdthelollCM1nJ alattml'fll lhllmomlnJ: '"1 M•·e reeelvfd theH\'t'fal npol"tland llalt menbrtlatlvt 10 the5Uir>tllllonol Proll'nor Fr.nifHIItchand hft\'e read carefullythe' llnal reportolthe faC'ulty mediation commlttN. After consul\Jitions ..~lh VIce P ne-t.ldtnt ((;or-doni Haftrbtckrr and Proll'.-or Ha tch, 1 , _ lind It appropriate to ttrmlnate the ll'mporary IUSJN!IIIIon of ~~~~·.,'~:h::..~~IIH. He "1\lr, !latch II now mort aware ol the llnl\'erlll)''a c«>ctm In publle matter.. 1lle unl-wralty better underatandllhe roleolatucher old&nce.!ofr. lla tch mon: clearly ltft lhe l'leffsait)' lOr apP'OPI'tate no 1tralntln mllntalnlnJ hil properrolclllltacheT.The unl-' "l'l"llty realflrma 111 dcterml· nation 10 prot~t the rsaentlal acadl'mkfrftdomaoflll ttach- " It II my ptriOIII\ opinion, fU!)portedbylht llndln&lof the commltttt-, that thil case anw outoiiOmt!mutwtl mllundtl'~tundlnp bo'l"'"ffn a faculty mtombo'r and lht l dminlltn· '""'" In· AT LUNOII TDlt: the WlSPAC wor klhop dl.eualou rece..OO to the Gridiron. The talk• drew ovl'r two hundred concerned 1t udenti from around the 1tate. (Goodwin Photo) Cheerleading Tryouts Chc-otrlcadlnc tl"}'(llllaf(ll" l!l'll). 71 will be held on April 14 thb re•~· A rn<'ttlnc lor all Inter· l'lted student• ...mIll' htld l'o"ednftday, Mmrc-11 18 all p,m. In tM Fltldhouse Room-l..olinlc<'. II UQ"'ne ctn"t make IIIII me-etlnr. tilt)' c an _,tact Ml"l. Taylor at rxt. 691 or room U1 a tthtflc ldhou.H. Practltcltlllonsw\U~Je.htld my opinion, P rofeuor llnlc h'o c:onductwu ln part lnapproprltle, 11~ and 1 hive ruched an under1tandll\fl In thta a rea. II0\\"1!\'tr, I "·ant to make It lbw!Utety clear thtrl' .... . not and II not now any qutatlonoo! Immorality ln•·ol•·l'<l htre. Theflndlnuof thehtll'- March '1._25 and April 7-9 In the tlcldiiOIIH at t p.m. 1lle my opinion In meetlnaplace,.1Ubtannounctd mttheMardllSmHtlnc. J udaH are needed for the II)"OUIJ from the facility and atudmll. Studl'flll from UAB, StudentSt'nate, SOub. Potaau , Inte r· Fratrmlty Oluncll, Pan llelltnlc O:lundl and Reakll'nee lla ll O:luncU who ara lntertated " Lull)', Itt mt uy tha t I am eo<wlneed thtt oil pj!rtlta - n t d - admlniltntlon, fl· culty, and 1ludH1ta - h1 Yt1 J linl'd 1 aoo<1 del l from the .nllre u]M'rlenct!."' ntmu toMn.. Taylor. Any faculty from Administration 1, Athletic. 6. Ph)'llcal Ed· IIC&IIon S, Dance 1 (II" Millie 1'd lhoukl Hnt.l thtlr namtl to Mr1. Tl)·lor. ~ ~~~~~~~~ ln~lhouldu:ndtwo Mitch Miller Here Tuesday "'"· re lllltatt Hatch. He ~""!'Plied he didn't think II "'"OUid be In MT. !latch'• lntH"tlt OC' the unl•~r· lll)''slnttrtJt todo thiland ho h adll lkfdiOllatchaboutthil. Alked 11 what tlmt he lhlnltl an lnt tructorJhould atophll acadtmlcpuRui\JI,Drtyflllllld hedldn'l lhlnktnyGnelhoukl Jl:tl Into I kind Ofl!)ftlfiC tlmt. one stucknt uld •he eouldn't Kethereuon torthechll"l:e ot "unbecOITIInl conduct " When humanltytowards••tlldtntll lhemGII bt<:Omln( lhlna; I teaclll'rcanhavt. AQIK'IUon"'-.luktcl"'"~ther lhlllincld~t WOI.IIdSCiri! Oihc-r telcMrl IWa)' fi'Om ~(tiling ~:=,,!. ~,: d::,~Pl'l fa would matter to moat o f the ln- '%~:·.:r~?::i: ": ~th.o,jllnttonm•delhelr rtjl(M'\111 objectl~l)' . . tilt)' could. When ukHI hOw the ewLd be chi~ rt-l'l rdlnl atu- =t ':o~:s=~ ~~nw:!~ lhl're "'' OJWdiW.veiObe... JnOV'I! fl~tch thoucht hb eon· ll lt,.·t~to-tlnU<". lunct~uamedlatlon«>m· Alked why the "•tudenuwould beendanrertd.U IItlch""Ual· kl\0-..l.totetch, Halerbe<:keruld, not alllludtnta,.'OUidbeUUII· f(Wieemf'd a• the clrl lnYOI.-ed MitchMIIIerand hlsl~m­ and the unlvtr~lty mlcht bt ber orc/w.'ltra will mix popular cN-rcfdwlth nothavln~~:ad•· anddaulnl numbi'Rinacon· qualllltandardl. and "llnc·•lortJC" March 10 n.e Student Smale atat~mtnt · ctM I I Stewn~ Point State Unlwrwa1 read which ukfd lor olty. Jla tch'J rtlni!Jittmtnt and atun.e 8 p.m . pros,:ram In th e dtntln.-olvement on the medii<· tlont; bolrd. Theadmlniltntlon lll'l'l Gym1111lum o f the lleldralll'd the point tlllot the bollrd houl.e will be 1 IP"=il.lln th e undt1' law wu to bt compc.ed Arb and Ll!c:IUI'H Strict, IC• of only tenured faculty mtm-conllna 10 Ol~tor Jack Collin. 1'1ckell •re on ule In hb otflce, and rw a-e with wuon AttheW!scONin~QJer· pl.lll!l to tho! lt'riH, the rate luo wu u ked whyt...-dldn't 10~~ ~~~h:!~t.e didn't ::!.~~ ~~~ l:n '!;!::; :~:~ -;:: ·r,~:!: U!Jifo ~<>rne dal\ltr lorat!idtnU an... 1lle c:ommltt~'1 report wu tnnsmltttd t00re)"llllwllh ltJ contents te rmed conf!Mntlal. Pr-esuma bly, It rfl:OmiT!fnded Ha tch'l rclnltatement, lhoueh Dreyfua w . . not bo!.1nd by 1t1e commlu~·· nndln!!•· Sakl lll lc h, " lthln!lthln&l hl•·e b«n ree.lly braullllll the "'-hole pe:rlormanoe ot e•·ei")'OIIl',lhl'll\ld.tnlbody, ad-m lnlstnton a nd l•cull)'~ 1l\ll ill a n example oltherstablbhrnent'• procedllrH worklfll. "T h e m ediation eommlttH nui he ha111't d~ld.HI lor aunt whether he will l eavl', llatchaa kl,•nd llhc doetao haVi!IVfl"Yre&l lnfi\M'<ICeon lhl'ftculty. .. ""'""'" about tm11rt ~ !:-~~~eadmJnlltratlon. Sotheln-- !:!.ofol.~~~.:. ~-~ wiUbed~nutd. MUitr will direct hls orehHtn. In "0..-ertW'<' llalillllln AI· Cieri" by Roulnl, "S11llt from the Water M1.11lc" hy llar*l and llarty, " MatlnHS Mutlulta Slilta" by Brltten, "So\llh Pacl1\c" by Roti;tn and lll'Ml't, "Malaquena" by Lecuona a nd Grote, "Polo~ulan Danear1 from Prince ljlOr " by llorodln. lntheoJna-&JoncporUon, luc:h old 11vorltt1 u "Shine On Hit· vett l\loon," " ll You Kn ew S~»lc," "My Blue lleavm," and " Otellla" · w1U4tr!put "'brat by hll on:hHtra. Miller, S9, II otttn ftnt thoo.llhtotQIO!elyapt:rfonntr o1 old favorite lunel, a ccord-lnJ:toCuhan,bUthlarlleto lame wu lint d~ to h ll flt<l. o&nltlon by critics u "the cn-atHI oboe playt1' o f our time." By IIII!IIX he wao pl1ylnc the bach 1\o~paM lnventlonf; on an f'n<lrrnGUisqual'f!plano hllt>tr· enllhadpUrchlled lor US.Ancl. wht'n ill' reached hlrh school. wtM!rtmUJital lnatnorm'nla"'"f:n: provlded, hetookU(Itheoboa atterothl'rJlllpllohadcrabbt'd the mor~ ]lOPIIIar lrutrurnent1. Ratification Next 1\lanycamputtSand~pe:nd-­ t nt ortanlwtlonl "'"~"' rep.-.. 1e nWd. lncludlnJ : WIIICO!IIIn Alliance, C.ITOII Collect, wsu. O!ihkoth, You1111: Socltlltl AlllWSU-SIO\It, Re\'OIIIIIOnt r')' Youth Move rntnl n, NoMhland O>llece.!Ne..-..rec:l. and U\YM. Rtprettnt.alivtJ met alte r reclltrlltlon f'rldar ntrht to ytew ene'o\"Srtel lllmonthestrvn:it' of the Vletnamrsa ~ axalnn Amtrl<:an 11~1111on. Aftrrwards. •n lnlormlll up ltsllon WIJhtldunlilldjoum-me nt at U p.m. "11«. Soturdaywalthelirltdtyof ..wklhopHUion: e ach"'wk- Call hll•~ QUHtklnt rt:~ardlnc the lll'Woona.u.tinJonorwould llkea oopyollt,theyahouldcontact lhelrSallllor. Senate ITIO\'ed to u nd two ltuckntato~Je. appolnledbythe UnbollndPI'"rlodlc:alawllhdrawn fromH~- U Wltll Apr. C: lrll:tnlctlona.l Media Sn-vkn wW be doMd. However, dauel In the IMS area wiU wnUnue to meat 1111\U the bectnnlnr of lhe Euttt ~: . • Har#M: All U braly ae~ axcept Reaerve dr=laUon and the Reel'rve and PerlodJcal Readlnr Room fad.liUH, will dow · to pe:rmlt the pl't'paratlon for lhe move ot the main stack ... ,.,,..,. tl: All Lt'amlnr ReiOUl'Otl fldlltlt't will dOM, to reopen In t he new Center on Apr. 6. In \hi I'Vtflt lndammt wnther ~til the completion of the JnOYt by Apr. c, tha lad.UIIN ot the ..eo. center wiU remain dOIHd trom Apr. Iii untU the mow II eompkted. 'lbll A4mlnlatntlon hu qi'Nd to rtinla t tudent Ullatantll on Ow work (ftW trom eta.. on Apr. Iii and 7, It u - daY'- are needed to compkW the mow. St'111te Prtllck-nt and nUflfd b)' the Senate,"' the •'acuity Medlatloou Board UU the)' becoma •-otlnc rntmbfr~. ln f'tiPQnltlothcSNdl!ntf'acull)' Well•re Olmmlttte re-. port, Senate \'OCed to MdorH IU rtcOmrn<'ndatlon that J~n­ lon "'OUid be permltlfd 10 li\"C lnolt-c:ampu~, un1pp ro ved hou.llna. ~S1udotnt-f'acutty "'-'clfare Olmmltttoe allo rtqlll'lttd Sm· 1hop ICI'OUP, lastlnJ a bout l hollrl, ...... followed b)'. cent ral 1ummary Htllon. S.tlll'dly n lcht evi'I')'Onl' h ad a chance 10 relax wtr.en 10me blue~ mllllcillll, or&llli.zed b)' harp-playtr Rusa Baumcartntr andnamedl•tthetaltmlnute t the llW:rfdlblt Bultshlt, did a thine In the Wlleon~ln &om. Sunday rT>On1lnc wu 1pentln worklhopt and the 1ftemoon wu 1pent In an overall 111m- mary o1 the _,tennce and plannlnJr both dennlte action tndanothl!reonferenc.tobulld andmalntalnaolldarlt)llh~ outthtstatt. 1lleworluhopaof the two day N'Hiontlnc:luded: RO'TC,&coloto'. Under&n;>Und and f'acllm, lll~h School Ora:anWnr, CUI· \ural Revolution, and Womrn"t Uberatlon. One point ICI etpeci&JI)' ml'll· tlonllthatoneoftheJlW"P((HI oflheconle..._.nccwasandwlll conllnue tobl'tobulld•pol· ltlcal ,eonaclouiiii'SIIrnorlllstu· ck-n\JI from various ctmpuata lhrou&:houltheatatt.Tlleabltnct ol Ste•·er. Polntttudmu laot"'·~ktnd polnUtothefact lhntthty,lnpartlcular, areln rlt'tdof hl'lp, \\'JSPAC l1 tentatively lthedlll<'d to meet acaln around April 26 " "llh WSU-Oshkoth 11 the 11011 cam]JUI. W1tch lor covt ra&:t In umpus a nd eomm11nlty i>Ubllcatlona lnthelprlnc. Point Blank 341- 1251 )(ar. )lar, btr ollutyur henatSte~na Point Is a projKI ol the Ame rican F'flend1 Serric:e Committe!! rond co...ordlnated by Af'SC wurktn from Mllwtlukee tnd the AFSC Reclonal OJRce for llllnolt and Wtaoonaln In Od· caco. u "'-' wu WSM : WSM supplledbothlaciii!IHOII campUI and houllna; lor the dfltJI\el, For New Constitution SCIIEDfJ1.E FOa LDitAKY MOVE 1111W Apr. C: U L.ut "C!C'ktnd WSU-Ste>'tlll l'olnt wutlw "'-!camPUS for the 1eeond Wl1<10t1$ln Peace AclklnConltrenca,a state-wtde actlontodllcuupolltlcaland aocio-«ooomlc problema and !ormul1tt Immediate -'rlte-J)' to combat !haM problema. WISPAC lhat orl&llllted wilh the fir~t r•therin& In Decem- By CAROL LOHRY Student Senate un&nlmou~ly PIDfdthelrnewconltltutlon they hll•·e bHn ,.,:..idl\1 on for tomt time. Thl• eonaltutlon completely r--.:anbt'l 11\idtnt covemment on thla umjiWI. S.nate deddtd It would be ratified by a llmple majority ot 11-.e lludmll on lhlt elm· PUS YOiinC In In all IIChool reltrendlllll. 1lle new oonaUtullon will be uplalnedlnanupc:omlnrarU· d e In ._, Polaler. lllluclentJ Library Move Scheduled )lar. Soon he " "u rcctolvlnJ: lthc>larl hil> ,..._, a t u.._. famfd Ellt· man School <>I Mt.~~lc and playlnt,;lnthehlc hschoolorcheltta. At I S Mllk'r ...... c"'-tn to play HCOnd oboe In tilt £11tman SchoolS)·mphony. • llcbt'came flr~t oboawllh the Syracuae Symphony when Ill !See MJTOI pare 6\ WISPAC Talks Problems, Strategy ~ bt. 235 By BeY a Ut::S ING ,_ C. WJtydothey 11M o.ueh ~r: ~,...·fd-up method o f cla.all.l1caUcNl In the unlnn.Uy llbrv)' and how U& ~ It workf uaed In the new llbrv)'f N.W. ,wut the Mmtl ~'Item be Mr. 1.00\-eU Ra.nlom, Chlet of Technical ge.mcu 11 the· UN· vl'nll)' Ubrary ta In the prOOKa of rKt.aaalfylnr 1\JI collec11oN =It=~- ~~-"~~~~:,~o~"ro'':r ';t);Z. oJ,~~~- atepUII~II\JoniUppol"l· ot the llbnrll!l In the W SU 1)'111tm to make thta chlnce bi'<:IIIIM tncabolltlonol.......,en'•hDw'l. SYCh a motion wu prewnted by Audrey 0..."!1ll and pused by Senalto. A reP'"l'fll•tlve o1 the Unl,.~l"ll ty o1. WIICON!n 1poke on lheitudentiiOttWIUp lhert. lie ••ld lhfo purpose of the the Ubrary of Cona:reu .Y.tem makes pouible a more detailed aubJect breakdown o f 11\1\arlall a nd 11 btcomlna; the atandard ctualftcaUOn tn aCidl'mlc Ubrarlelthroull:hOut the country. Ranaom expecta the project to be completed In 197t , or - . e r with lnC"I'ftH(] staff. UnUithen, the library hopH thllltlhe lddl· ttonal a t1ck am ·In 1~ new Lumln1 R.l!lou n:n Centtr will pl'rmil the two claulllcattons to be kept apan and 1111denu wJU he 1ble to nnct the book th t>y are tooklnll: l or more euUy. f'or thOM atudenu who don't unden n&nd how the claulfka· ttona)'11tem ..-orQ,there a reeoplesofthel969-70Ubrarya:ulde avallabll' a t the drculatlon de1k. Abo, Ubnry workel"l wtU be hlppytouplaln the l)'11te~ to you. l~ilto&lvathe lludentaon campus the kl\0~11 price and emplo)l min)' people. 1bt I~ UIIJthe UIUII lttmtand ai10HU up charter m Jhu andnJ/11 • copylnJ: m11· <hlM. 1be ·~ tutun'l note• from cla.uestakc n byJTiduataor cood•tudtn\JI,andaiiJII'O'\'edby thtlllltnocton, tobeaoldto aluckn\J llklnC the -.uae. lleltaWdll ~'ttaketoo m~.~Ch c.apltal tolt'lupaatort and It m1kn .a Jood pn:lllt. ln1~Mldtheev~ bl'lore their re&War meettnc, Senate paued a motion wtr.ldl hid Senate I\IPPQM -n. P.....,.. IIIII belnl: 1\lowedtoct- . lhelrld~lroo-lany6epirt• ml'fll ln theunlwrsll)',thea~ ]XMtment to be 1ub~t to approval by the PI'HioSl'nt. 'n>ey allo palled • motion wl\ldl bu the Smite appotntinll a~ ad vhor,U the)' .,_., tram any de~~~rtmtnt oftheW\Ivel"lltyandthe.appotnlment bt .ub~t to approvll by the Preakknt. Are then &Ill' Ia- ln Stavfftl Point pnllllbltlna: eomn~uaal Uvlfl&'f U 110t, what other p~ WO<Ikl .-. he co.tJoalell With b)' tn1-"&' W th·a under t.IM!Ie oond!Uonlf I would ...,.... .)"OLI ml(hl pi'O\ide u WI &N aevea vny .tn«repeople. !'ilmCI wlthhdd. ciiUI .111.1 addiiiODal h-fclp U lhe 1tudenta were under 21, thl')' would fall under unl\~1'111)' houllnr "'"l\ll~Uons which WO\IId not pennlt communal Uvtnfl:. HOWfWr, If they were O\'ff 21, 1111)' would be aubJect to J tate taw. If the 1111e oJ Wta.conaln ~~n~ common taw mar1it.a;n, there would not be any p~m aca~rdlnr to Capt. Blrbl'n o f the Sti!'VInl Point polloe depat1mtnt. Slnot Wlacon· a ln don not allow r:ommon law marrtaJe, dltnl'llltln would 1111 moral lmpllcatlonl of why m&ln and females .,.. =~~~:~1~t.~ifceaa,;w:ul'O~~:t~~~~ CiJ: Upon tnve.Ur•Uon. the peraona could be found to fall u.nder aertlon 9H.20. aubHdton 3, of the WlKonlln lll.tuu. de&llfll' wllh lewd and laadvloul conduct. 11111 Hdlon IIIU. anyone w ho Openly l'Ohablta and IMOdatcs with a pe:raon he tmow. la not h1l apouae under dralmit&nol'll w h.lch tmply ael' lnllf'CO\IrM may be t1ned not more thaniSOO or lmpn.oned not~ l h l l i )'HrlnthaCOIIlltyJallorboth. Vloot.Uonaol the houllnC oodll w hlch thlt 111 much aquare feet of tloor apaee ta needed for ~ penon could a.\aO l8d toa.n ln •·eattra tlon.Sinae 111111• not a "DNrAbby"colWDJI, I don't feel qualltltd to .__,. the lilt put of )'OW' q -uon, Greek Fires Back 'lllllltttt r dealt; with Pa~ne> 11 U..CU' article, "Amtrlcan Female 111 Greek," printed In the F<'b. 2li iiiUe ol',he Point· er."For1un&tel)'torGretkl. but ::!".ti ot ~an:~= ;::eor Crtelt me II Ill her mind. notlntelllt)'. 'JbellntpremlletobeHIIt;;. lllhed ll thai Greek ~oelal tr•· teml""- and .....-or!tln art _ . Lal by 111 rure: their m ain ob- ~C:~!::nt~rvl~1~t:l~j ll&oelal dtvtlopmtnl. A man or woman . wt.o I• Greekcanandlhouldbeinwlvedlnot.htrpolltk:al,acl· ~:;: ~.:·~! =an:'U: k'cebutttcanbtaworthwhlle put' ot oo.llf~Ce. It b tn1e thaot _Gret~uthlnkthatbo!lna: Gn:ek ll ewl')1hln&. ill!' thaot lJ their penonal probkom: • majority Of Gr«U do noC h iW IlLLI hii'I&'~P· ""u' P•me la likened a Cn:ek pill to a lhltld: heT lm· plication wu clear - weartna ~~.: tr!e =~a~e~C"~ :e ~tt:' the~~~:,.!~ f:!)u 11 wu · unlllr of her 10 label Cn:tkl 11 1Ueh when the mlpr. to Ltyo!Cn:eklartnotUII~Ihe plnualhlll!ld. P a mela allj:!Je& t~ that Cnek women uaedafratemltyplnal a 11111.11 1ymbol. l~ully, Wl'atlnc a fratemlty pill r. '""Hila thine• u love a nd h •pplntu, not llltlll. Druolln&oWr afl'lltemll,y pin ll llkeacltlahowfncolladla· mond rlnC to ber hitnda . So )'OIISH, Pamela, tbf mnnlna: bthind wnrln.a: a pin dtprno:ll anthtclrl: ltllnotf1lrto c mtralllf! that Greek women wrarpbulforotatua. '"ch It Can't Happen Here (', DKI/8Kt: n>e ~mo •·a l , aUitll'nolon, ftnd hnrra..nM"ntol aomeoftlw;! fa.,. thla unlvenlty. 'Ott teuhtl"', O.vld ltlesman hllll not..:!"" H mble 1\udtnlll . We no lonJi:er have a prolnlloruoldl't'Ucodc. Tbe)'OUfllltr la wltyletlhtlr ha lrcrow.Rndtbedl•tarn:e,the ul\y,llu lakt'flonlt\eproportlona ot a I""'I:T'Om. 1lle mott outstanding ~·- hllve bHn docurTIC'nttUlnlhLI paper . In dlJc>fft.)'t'tddl~dlJtancebc­ cenera l r..~n theM c:on.fronta tlonl o•~ rNhlca l«>ndu.c t ·han•~n lwllllfdwith a lackofflnllow by both aldeo,whlchhlllbor· dcredoncrudlly , n.e P rHkll'nl h .. ta ke n Ule JlOIIItlonthathla•-eto i"J'''·t"r wiU not be usPd 111 foist a teacher onanun..·nnncanduni"HJ.,.,. al •-e department. lt lsnotrlsc htto~me m- bl>!"'lo/ail<>p••r1mrnt to acet"pl &Jl('I"SSn&IICOIIC>DiU(' ,.·hl'n tlwyhP\'Cf'11~&p~ltr­ CII«! against thla, Such an .,,. JII'Wochmayklseaome&ood 1"'0" pletothefaculty,but,ln tllo! Jon~~:run.anyotherapPI"'ach " "'Uld prove far moredtlri menlaltotheU!achl"ll:proc:Hathan -nype~l"'""thll tmaybe =~rro-:: arHultolckp.a rtBythe,_.. ,.. «~Untwehave loltl!nt-en~plelnthepa•t twO)'i'l.l"'thi"'Ui(hflrlncor~~~m­ ~~tntlan . ThoH 0\ltllde the ,..W:r olnce ..-Mn the c«Lnl "''U mnde toUid probably add an additional num~r to lhe "Jl('riOIUW'lloi-" - "'""OOl al"'~'dl.l<'tothet'-rroro.lthe dep.o.rtiTII'nl, Wh" thell~h t ahould be c l•·ff. l~ tbe opponun.lty 10 «!me Into llle wl~t pcwllble rontutwlthlnttllec:NalandiOo d~ l envlronmenu . We exln In an lsolated, mldvo·nttm lllUo •~nlty • 10 use the no.rd ol ~ent.Jt\lphtmlam. lthalr>O bulldlnp of a ny prrmance, no ae&<kmletradltlonsot anyn:pute. ll llaltopplncpOintfor lludentr; who are CJOII\'tntlonal and 101U b«ome q11lte l"ffl_.. ta ble. 'Tho:' lnbr'eedlnc amonpt the •ll.odcnt pop.~latlon II otwloll• . Not., obvlotia b tbe fa C'IIIty'• breedlnc patten, by lnbrffdln&. ldo~q~.~tttlonlhtlactthat ~~.::.':'o~~T.~~ butthatlhtyha•·eaparticlllAt vkw ol the ed~~Catlmal proc:ts1 a ndthecondYetcltheteoeber rncal:fdlnthatproccu.AI>d tl\allhllvltwi•1.1Hdlnthe ock-<:tion ofntw faeYityandt.he n:tentlonollho!sehlred. llyltof educa tion it; chanclncandltlla difficult problem.,oplncwlthchance,e.. prclally ctven the dnwbackll of 1l>t theltudtnt,lhe )'0\11111 faculty-mberandthe~r. mote l'fltr..-nchcdfae~.~Ltywldtn•. O.U faculty I• o:omp<>K<I of men who.> baH lhrlr profeulona llln'SOI\ IInctrtaltlty. Who a t· temJ)I 10 qlltltlon the exlltlnr t<XIal a ndpaycholotclca llt"ll.>l'n and mylhl. Th(,y ba•t their PN' fHllon on the rlcht IOdlapute, Yt l there Ia an ~U ll llde of Jn. hlblllon. anormtoconlorm to- bt U..t norm JlC'Oftt· llonat11m, the purknl mentaU ty of a j~nltor, or lht norm ollhe ~lldtnt ...·hohii~IOPd~lec:· tk>nl made by a de]lfl rtment , The u n.tltlve mind. the cn:a· tlve mind , the lo;lo>allstlc mind, of a facylty member will find the ]>rHIW'e from a de· ~>~ortment, an a dmlnl1tra\Jon. or hll l>tt'l"' 10 ioll thlomt that be ~totk tm!>loymtnl tloc- :'!!!. . 1 have never he~rd of a faelllt)' membe r leavlnc because he did not lhlnklludtn tiiO'f!l'l!worth.Y ofh!A teaching, bul l do know of a ii<'Utfl ~e~e whohaw ldt thlalnltltuUon bt<:auHtht)' couldnottolerlltetheattltU<k: olthlaonlvtnlty aaexpreaaed ln Ill admlnltlratlon Dnd Ill d .,. pa"mtnll. 'I'I>Ht!lndivldua lJ maybed.., •lfled u mllflts. but theunl· w n lty Ia the breedlnc &round or the mllllt - the m an who ch• llftllf"l ' ln hill own way the ~Ptionslhllt,.·tP~>UHI. 'The!Udf&)'ilth,oiiO'tdonol . ,.'tLO:Omt lhoae people we 1h..n them cw make lift lntolerab~ lor them. It ll or l'llnd.amrnta l lmpor-thatthell\ldmtbeehal· le~ b)'ua dl~nllled" croup of profH•Iona l lnttlll'CII n poQible. In and out of the d1111room. lcwthertllffry lit· lle crnlllnethou&htlhattakes )llaei! durln& alec:ll.ln:.lta•tudtnt ta lu!lachnp,•tupldlhot IN him takes ehan<>H of 1 blunt,yetln~lnlctlvtrefllll llon. A 1tllla;ln1 l'l!llllllkln that clots notdt•troythtura;etorethlnk -.1 the problem. ltiiOIIC!Ofthc !atlW'ti O(thlJ 11nlwnlty that It II wlULII& to rllk lht klq of "lOme cood peoplr"lnthehopetha tnothlnc will occu.r IO'tllch ll"\. mentaltothettJehlncproceu: ltllafaiLW"eton:•Uuthat dtatniC:tloncanbeawrycr~d­ ualproena. Strain Your Sand plypwnonetdtorco-;;-~nt. Your l»tluu-eof",....Nate,...ll\'e&nOUttryot~·a ldeuonrelevantlllutiiiiCh u: Lttalkinc Abortion, Balancln1 our Popula lkln. Ttrmlnatlna WlntiH' Caml~al, and Rldlculln& the Greek Clrl on Oompua. thtH artlclH and tonnW•Unc ldtu. l ulledacoodnumbtrofpeople their lfi'IPI'UIIona COI'Iefi'TIIna them.'thl!accountofaome o l thtlrr' fplltl b clevutatlnc. Some .,..._,... comptete ly p l eaaed with the article. t.Jit u they ltood. OUwn uw no )lltUkalkln r... - aomeotthfmtvtn belnaputU.. to print. Some caw me beaullfYl ldeuaboullheprollldoonol thf ma~. WbUe •Jm. Atlfto nadine tluoua:h "f"'ra. ,t ' ' AtterlaldnJ lhlJinlcwmal.....: vey, I bf(:ame a bit dbru-t..:l lllthe apa\hyofthoucht.£l~r 11 waa too mlM:h ora haueL to think an their own or they felt more ~~teure to melt ttltlr ttloucbta Into anothtn. Y"'t thtlelu~~ttclvetaehoi.Uia battllnc challtnceOfthcluchtto ltandbthlndDW'IJ'tlltltcift oflndJvlduallty. Tbetlmetothlnklanow. Docldtwh,ot)'OII,)'OIII'HII want to belie'Ye. Sb'aln thotlt \houahU and kot thll bt )'Oil. Jt )'Oil want ~:~Bu~ ~=i belloll1riledli)'OIIIInd..xneona •tabblnc)'OIIInthotblekwllh )'OW' ............. own blfe. J(all-.t.oft-,.-. Letters To The Editor Student Ethics Hatch's Manifesto For A New Theatre Dear Edltor, lllordtrto helpa llllfUi e,.. Joyand ' btneflttolhe 111lle1t from lhll lht "Lall Ann111l ~k!r.":b;;. ~•• ::!..:~kt Rehear. .ll a nd minor )lUbllc lhowlna:aofthem•ttrlallofthll IN<I~rl brllan th....., )'U l"' II(U In the ao.unrner 01 1967 with the "S«ond Annual,"lht lln.tllmlt· ed)lUbllcthowlncofrwu11ollhc prr&ent conctt'l. Since th1t time ..~ hl\'t all btenpn:p&rliiiOUI'Hlvea,you •nd l ,by taklncd..,...andnot taktncciUHSaawelllllhroulth e"')).on.tlonaofour materials In IIUch urrellta u the "Cre~t Pumpkin" Hrlts and the many open worbhoPI' In the balement hlnuell, hi• total l'tiOW'«a, IO'IIblnandiO'Ithout a ndtous.: thll &I hll mllnlal al hi! cr.,. Me1 or l'f!o<:rtJt.ea within a Jl'll'· tlc11lar medlllm, .u he ~aperlenctl t leh of hll tn>otlonl,,hiiJIO)',hlaoorruw,hl•An· 11e r, be tXI>I'fiHI th<'m In VU,... loul media, and ]oerforma them nnd lntecrntn them toccther with hi• audience, Our threa tn: llle~l on dP. \'tlOpiiiJI creatl~ re- .rce l and promotLna:Hif·de~lopmentln o!AllenCl'ntcrandlht"~,... a naudltnce•)letlormcr,perfornl('r. a udience tn¥1ronmcnt . Wlltn the artllt b M ly utlnto: thla cnvlronrnent,,.·henhthDJ becomt thtuperlenceolwhlth theDudlenct llapart, thea"' dlen~ rHpor•l• u thouch to" lrnentaiUnlw,.lty" hl'ldat the old Clllllklon car•lf" t.,..,., IJ)l'lnp •co. On occaalon• W<: 11\0't 1nd wonder. anxiety , an· ~e r or o:onf111lon, dt~>l'nd lng UI>OII havelliiCII.lrM~Ihe r totry OW' thlnp OUt publicly In JIICh t wntr; a1 "Boxn" a nd "Body ," Thtpblk»ophyandthtformu· la/o.rth.eHpreparatlonl and for the culmln• lln& l)ftfonrunct and Ill a ftermath a re conlllned In the followlna: 1tate ment prno pareocl by EiJient S1,11dn, ..)'• cholocll t a nd .:O.Ioundtrofth'> Inatlt11te for (native 1nd Art· IItle Dewlopmtnt 11 llrrkt lr y, Oolltomla. MA.."ill'T..8TOFORA NEW munu:. lnDW'thtl tr.!theatllltclvn a perfonnan« In w!llch the au. dkonce cannot dlltlnculall whtt· htrcwnothellbelnlhlmHLI orplayln,f:a"," Tr•lnlncthtartlltlor •IICha performance l'tQUin:11 coll•bor•· tlon or talent, cn:atlve undt,... atandlnc and technLc•l aldlt. from thtfl<'ldof"'IICitlon, a rt, andpaychotlm-opy •.. 'lllflrllat!Atralntdwtthln a lupPOrtl~ environment to t X· plote and btcome Jenlltl~e l<J' rellllouluperitnce,txt>rtllln~: ~'"a~~~~co:.r::.. the)' Jt<: fOr It La Important tha t the Ill· dltncebt riven tlrnetolntexra te lhett tmollonl with tach other and the pc'rfonner . Thll I• t htntW<~ld ~~~~=:==~ uCillbu)'tbfm. W~ln law Ia repnl. to 'Ihae,a mlnorltyoi1Ut>p0r1t,. took pan In tHew a ctioN, hov;. f\'tr, I tannoteeutto\O'Ofldoo r whtrt the ethic& ol the 1'1'1\ of tMI[I'O\JjliO'frl!.~rtHem• nottobo!a rroup eon~eltnoe a monc !holt who art ' "I)J)OScd· ly conctmetl,..lththc actloruol ouruniV<'rs lly, theatre,.·hk:h,..,. f)Oo•r Editor, Fournla;htlofborln&:ent..... talnment \0'11'1! prt~tnted thll lu t •••C't'k In the form of the IIM rlk l bltn'1 play, ''1be Maa· ter IJuU<io'r," BHtt with a nur. T"Jof trchnical ttl'Orl poor IIP,Unc lndlliJ>i hoddi.:...Ctii!JI:, the audience~ of ''The MAlter Builder'' were tn:ated to an Ill• toundlnr •how of 11\f'dlocr lty, hllmaterlal .~New, nw-llre IJoN.r Editor: Upon <'nlerlnc thl1 unlvt,.Liy Inn S..J)Itmbtr, I w u ILII ~ ha~thtundel"'tnndlnrlndthe perception to o:omplet.ely o:om)lf'thtndand]lflrtlclplttfullyln the "Lall Annllll Q)neeort" which II now In Jlf'Oil'tll. ll )'OU luceeed,the~IIC('rtmaynenr .. ndror)'OU. P..,.a.ceaa4La,.., IIAT<.11 FJtA."fll[ flmllyplannlnc,abottlon and blrtll CJOntrollllhe ,_tan:hllc In thla _..try. Aborlion lhould beadtclalonbo!tweentheworr.. anandMr doctor:ltllnoneot theallte'l bul:lnea:. or 1h.:! chllrd\'1, 'The lttma mtntlonod •bove are minor but they mu't betalcmeareof:andJOOn, u ·, Ume that allot our 1tatt offidall btume o:oncemed· aboutpopulltton: lnattldot ;at ~eoni!Md~":;·!:,.tal';'~ oentlll}' lawmake,. to Wlke up. Olbtrwllt, ret them out ot of· nee . . EYIH')'OIIe hu to help. Write lttttn, Join ZPG, « even l iOn<! tlllleapltoi!ButdoiO~. ED AJfDEIIIO~ JL J"UUIUO&I!:IAnONII ZPO WIU..,. ~)'.lllf"wlthmo.t othllvitwsotthePrtRmad- ~';~~~~ln: don'l ll&'l'ftwllh~polk::::~ oU!dall deem neoeaary example only • ' - ,_ )(!u Luoc.u thrive• on n •u"•lloa. C;;::·.;:-lt:~ p!:l':ela C>ffkl: ftel II l he c1oti 1- . thelt ~t<:ret.J, m>-sellin<luded. I find It haf'dtOWICietlloU!d wllyParnelaLucu l• 10 ~ up about Creek HCrctJ - 1 1 Greek, oould ta ke them 'err leave them: they ar~ 111 Ja. •lcnllleant th,otthtrt la u~~~o = e~•t=. worf)'Uic .-. Mli1Lu.ea1,lnrtf~ lo 1\I<'Sday~pda)'l.,lmplltoj herdlupprovJ I," Probilblylllf' mot~t lmport l nt ot~ (,.. wrlttmNitl )l•the ~ Tlltsda 1 • Jthlnkdrtu-updar• are ~ 11 do m i n)' othtr Gl'fflu boo. o f Greek Day e...,ry llew. nut )'00 ~tt, P•mela lttk tha t lheiiCIOITtcctlyc•rwfll!a. Inc that all Gr~kl drra1 up day. WhJ t ln l !ltt k Ito/. P • rnell'loran)'(lnt'owba1 clothe. a JIC'I'IOn '"'•an o. m. t•ln daya cw lbelr ru...,fcrr doliiiiO. ""'lor I acrce wl!hPa""'llllu th h dllldllh lor G tHQ To t tstm tAblellntheWIIon l t l ll'llfllt )lOIItlono to imptfll Olhfr G.....,kl: It II Llke a am• Udllld yeUJnt "J Ctl the 10'inlbo" wh~n colncl« 1 u r r~ liolo.'<'V<'r ,once •calll!t:.... •cood nllmbtr otGrHiqlhlt. Ina: the aame vle>oowlnt "' 1 So you I('<! P1m~l~ . ,..,. (Gtftbl 11 a whole U hoflt" l i m Mt ll:<' toomucll jor)IIOII a re not u conlon nlnl.,.. thlnkln,11 , a nd tiwl)' II JW thlnll we an:. My ad•'ktto)-.u P amela , Is II )'llll f11Jof lhriiL wrhl"''. pi ck • topl~ 10'hrrt~ do not ha\'eto t u urnTto:ol ll:tncullze to m akf 1 p;.lllt The dlrt<:U>T, ~·a11lkner Dr Stlobl ah<M-M ro o.\W"Tte or cv~n olwlou1 i nt ~r ;>ttllW: of the )llay . Bt~au•r of t]w,ar: ors ..~rt not •l>lo to<kitm.:ot their t ttlllonl hlpa u~ft «hl'r lnd UM're ,.. ~, no cu. lllctl:ll'rwt<!ncha t •c t••rsMit.. ~lle nt play ..·u m ad.WI!j,~t Thll ll not IQ Ia) ' that L'lt It"' lngwubad, U... H " 'n ltodll:: ac ton IO"''rt ob•·louli)' at &!tn· "''Th tntlc•·ello f ~rai!I~MI>IAii'oW without pru)ll'r dir« ll(lnl tnrl hldn<>ll>~'dllcdlr«T ioi!IW~-:rl ~. theq~«tallw h> lo.lolr"''fl't.\> A Hmeater latiH', I know bet- ~lket. l lovo~wr,ontp&rtj.culftr fiJihtlna:overone cuykllboJo. the ahonoomJnco d alslftlloo:.l -z ~;:~lnrro!~~u:~ llona! lttwa•vlrtuall)·l~ J ndeani&IJ&'hll~lflor myforrneri~t. lfound o:ol11mn wu alwaya nad, that wr!tlftl by DuT)'I Germain. Hla artk:lft:IO.'IH'talwa)'linten:llln& tvftl thouch I did not a]WJ)'£ a&l'<.'e with wtlat wu written, The Jut ho.'O IAiiel;. whldl I thoucht wert wry aood. eon. talllftl letten crltlcWnc ee,.. main'• ldeu. llhoucht lhHe Itt. ten wrn wrn thoucht out. But 11\ewrittl"' m.adealtr\ooam]l. t1U In •tallnc that Ctnnaln lhowtd "JlOOI'Judcment"merely bec:a~~aeiLLIIdeutl!J>tfUfddlf· ffn from their w-n. ex~:k:Luocfa 1t.:!t~r!;k ' " : : Why IIICh a lai'Ji:e ·~t n o btJ: when ao litt le \O'al uOo'd is "1 known , 1l\e re)ll'tlll\1' b]o)<kl:.; Of the IC!on (1'<'~ 1<"<1 !Jnll' !;t ...... Uvlncll'laresldenc:e h11l 1l· 10meantlrtctlvedourm,... trloua achool )lUWltal:lon, n... l'olllkr. l have recently be-come lnttrrated.JnnadJntlt,forof· tcnlnlhtpa•tiWOIIIdclance a tltand HelntnothlncofJn. ltrHI would tala It In the wute- the Lndlvldual. l bf. Ut w very r.,.... Gr~k ""'lrlrtl demand th1t tl~lr maTts bt Creek . 'nw!blockilii;:OftMuton •-11 lntxcu.abh.•. A 101~ lnd ~fill~ '""'"" used the maj<lntyolt.'otime, 'ttlt rt~t o flht hl~hl)·l;to.• enouch to think I wn•colnc to Cti JWP)' !rom the u.oallrnor· ance and 1pathy that b found In a hlah achool, I :>ntk:.lpr.ted bfolna:Lnapllce\O'hf'rt l coul.t mtott many people 101lo hi d Jomt lntellt<:tWIInpt.dllesand would tnjoy dl&elllllnc -.:>methin& btaldn beer, boys 1nd the peo!>le a n: mlM:h the 11me u anywhtre ellt,andivoraeln lOme ca1t11. MOlt of the clrll jult don't know or care •t1011t '"'hat'ahappenlnr. a ndl!any a ttempt wu made 10 dllc1111 anythlnc wlll'l a boy. I Hemcd tobertt•rdedllll ln" l k. 'lt l1 lnlr I h,ove met a few pro. pie with an ln\Ciltotl, but tM •moont Will nerUcible. rtllllonOI'tretd UJII'OO.IJlob~ •ldHinc Master Builder Masturbated Germain Fan! the 111latk to both hll ma terial and the audltnct. 'Tbe r;.,.... n.t1tre atttm(>ll tn lnttod.....e !.he a lldlen~ to tho.t "gn:attJI allow on nrth" ()rwo. R U. lfyouwlllreadandcan>IIIU)' lnt.ecr•tt thllota tfrnent, youwlll ~~~~v:~ ~~= ::._PM,.: seltc:tJnc . • ma te bo!lor,- "She (Sarah Sororll)') would manlle~t,ntWtoourdJ,y,old u Fly The Friendly Skies To Hawaii oemlnc famll)' plannJn.c , were d.tfeatecl and Itt ulde. Olntn- ' ceptlvoet.C(IItln~~etobo! "Jnde. cent" and are auppoatdl,yavaU. 1ble only to married persono. Tblallridlellloua.Anyontabla to aft over the druptort count- o:k:ntiHf'ktotaperecon~the o:on~t ... uona tlklnc place will .. lnlh at ume mettL"i ,..lthout lhl! knowJtod&e or the o:ommltt.oe nt('mbrn a nd people Involved, th la aHma to me the ultlm~te ln aulnlntaeJa. t lhawneveraurv~Cret!k "'011\tnon lhll matter 10 I can not u,y lhll for .,.,rtaln, J am IUI'I!thll Pa mela Llicaa dld not llk<'au..wyon the Topl.ctiJh. t r ; howe....,., Pa rnell ttlll fctll Th• t lhe lolnlhtrlghttoma ke ,llt'Mra ll:utlonaonthetoplc, It d1IH back to Gretk n.tntr•· · .•. the performer· ludltnef' relatlonlhlp II al Important 11~ the performe r'l relltloNhlp to Pre~nant? Dear 1:41'"" : In the JOOlll "n41cal" 1tatt or H1wall abortion hu been ~ p.liaed. RJchtherelnDW'IIate AUemblyman Bartlfe ot Mfi. wa ...... hu totrodloletd .. bill pUHd In Ha· 1lmUar to the walt concern1ne abortion. But we 1ll know what llappm~ a t every l@llllallve 1eN:Ion, the blllnevercttaollthtCJ'(II#Id. Y.'hy II a 1)'&\.em COIIIIAntl)' he lnt bombllrded by ·~ioN which do lndetd eXC'mi>IIIY that tyatc m! . Re«ntly, l llblo!rvedaJtU!knt dt....X..Irltlonoflupportfora fae~.~lty rnembtr ttlllt wu. I beHe~. In e very wa y typical nf a mov"""'"t &\O'I y from a IIOUCht pbllo1ophy. a ft er dtrno.oratlc When •tudenu ll1ten lhrouch a door toaCJOn/ldtntlalmtttlng, I see thla u a brtffh of _.. fldtnce In 1M facility rncmbrr tMy'rtiY]lpOI'IIIIJiandlnthelr ldu ll. When thtle ume ltu- "ShtiSarahSoror1t)')c&nbe found Wmeltul,y thlllnt a fn temltyman . .' ."- lhllata t.,. ment rn a)' M true for 1101nt Gn:tk women: OO..'twr, P•mela ""c&lll Lncorn:.:tln lmpl}" Inc lhlt a majorlty or 1li Creek women behave thla way. never e wn eoruklermi>IT)~ aeyoneothtr than aGr~k: ·~ l.ndoftd ' ll thla llllemtnt ..~ tl' It would bt 1 nry li!q Marriage Seminar H t . Hen_• the<')'~ " 'U J:tf<'l/4 with nunK'I'Olll t«hnkal muN 'nw!chMclf'lie r hunJ:f~ there w u a bcolc ~htoll W I .,. obvloUily /~b. ""'' ..~ beam WIU l""lnt.ed in 1)1\b''"~ dlml'nllona, n ~~~rtaln llil'; without any I IIJ>IO>rt ceiling wu un lnt<'f\C WnaUr to two dlffertnt lt•·~ll . Ua:htl11a;'all<>h,odfl3,.-..Tbl!"' wu a larcei]!Oiot liltht (lllc!lt drawing room c~.~naiA 1.out<" ~~ 1 itc~~'!~~~ !~ ~an:~:~t~~k ofl!w = ·~=k~~ f'!~.h ::~!ittlt : ~~~t":nd t?:~ =~~~.~i::~~; ~~~~ ·~~~ .:~~hr '; : =~·!::~~~~:,.~~~;a =:~::~;~~~..: "'~~ t~Jl" maJor • '; n ter belnc preatnttd 1#1 ~ :~:u:~b~~··to""~~~i.hopfdthrtworlr""! . :,~==' !"'""~·~: ;';'u:'l~::r:..~~~ =::::~":~~~: ~~ll~:'~~!-; I:GUld be tolcrJIN. \\'!11'11 f1 =u~r::,::~ Jllet noc ~~~.::~"' IJ f Morch 5, 1970 THI POINTU ·- 3 Reader Gropes Moderate Types BtEU.UJ't:TZUO!rf For 'VINE' VtwEdltOI", t~lookln(.Wtrlut""ftk'& ,...,..,., and compuinc th1a if. sw " ltb lutyear'&WlnterO...... llh'al ItaiM'· It ~ma Wt Jut :::·~~J =-.~u.= ,......,- to~Jow~t~cllsud ...xn1 • •fNll. S;,l !..Sid toreywlf, IInce rtnt In .Ute t~wf'oln~rpl&aod 1tll•~Lt)' -'lpiiPft'S eompett.. DA il~t ln~llDIDptti­ ~ ar<1 bDnon~ nwnUon In "'~ "idrcompt'lltkln, J'QII'd nprct &littlf~tMC)'. 5olhll )'n r lwu kloldrw lflrl!wO'I'f'N.IIwi~~~Mn. Well. tllf {~turlti\Or)'WU&bouf.Joh.<ll. ··~ put lntnt to the !ri•~I'IIIY. I turned. the pace :~~ =:rr~::. l~out&orilwon~ TheMI.nltheMlf·atcrlbed ' purpcoHSandalmtol-olthe lltWftt V'OIIP' on CllllJIIII - the Rance.... An &IIIII"• -111 lqanlutlon 1Uied tO ROTC, the RIJICft'l ume Into beln& In Nowmber or 1!169, and . Ulllla~talnW\tha\)6enlnoot ~ltlfi..Upenwon ea...w. thb be a a feature on the -n pace Pft-\'Ww ol nut pqot! bouu 11 actlv.-s and aptlr'Oldm&t.tb'IO~. 'nwre It waat An uncompleted PI!'IC>"IPh article In the mldltle otthe PICW w\lb~=~~ five dlHrnnt ._ts 'nle followtnc pqf M~John ~nl,lllllt· ant prdeuor with the Depan· mmtotMUitarySc:ltnor, M.-..... 11 ad"'-. '"We'V('pta ROTC proqam JOinl: wllh llandlrd ~,''IM~alned. lha.wcl IJIOft - Solnclnpeo-atlon, l~hl U.~ml,ntllveeqllll.ttme In the Cl'ftk Vine built wu . ellminateoi 1w the lt--.1 Wftk In 1 row. Cciwd an UJ\tUM4 lludent-paptr be'lliued? RIOlARD A. FRlEDLE -~Rooll.ln-labllawry Editonnote: U Ftitdlewanta ~mVf: ;:~ '= ~~ ~t. OM!Ied awud 1n the Army," !olajor Sht-po~rd ll•ted. "Mo.t ROTC unlu hive affiliated orIIILlzationslikelhll." !olajorShepard characterU.-d the Strnn:~ Point Rlncet'l u 1\ve Master Builder Reviewed •• othe-r blu lflol~QUlbflhadrnd&boul~ p~ar tMIIIdc'd m•o·eious. Jt wu IO bt:llliiWoii"~.PI~ drarMb)· lbHtl. loadt'dwlth tqraphlnl alanll~anee. H.Jo,t.·r•·rr 10Nn •·Iewin( the p~AJ·Itit-11 I found It hf,rd to r.>~~o<o· tM I!Oiy. On tile ..'hqle lftltlh&l ltW.II not elf~tll't' ,.,..h to cany tile lorn ol t1w dr•m•. t • ·uLdtpW:ZJlnaabautjlut .tutlt101l& that ..... boctwnnc w ).futr r BWIMr and that he •u tr)inJ to O'l'trromt. n.e .......... p~&yto.maclnrt'IIOUihltlhe Thtl'\' !1 the bumbllllf Doo:tor. '"''1)'1 a ttec1U•'f to the llu lfr Bull<kl'l Wife . 'nle wtfe lltntUP.~~ht frnoOona.l~­ f<)l'l from thf Doetor s!Me slie ...,. l'fffl•·td~ h'omher .hua­ Tht ~blltr SWider. llalva nl SOOitu. " 'U crutlly domlnllt· fllc«lllilllc mbtry 10 hll empkl)'ff't lnd hit ..·ire brcausc ol !Wptrt;on&/ IOI'nltnt heauffrf'- tdalonr. lill\·a nlllbtslnnlnc »uplalnhlmtcll totlw DociOr •!lrn ,. ho ohuuldromc lnbut t"'fSumhlnc Girt. Soo.· l'ml1'ally ,.~rtnc ..~~.~,.. h&JIPO.'nJna. lt she for rul•IJ•to bea~ol lltftlllh tOl' Halvlnl or lht UIIIColhlt~tructlon! Hlldco - lf~laciJ cll!ld, )'M \lkeank\ullitlc Hal\'lrd. a matuttd llWl. lt.kH twrstrioo.lsly. Soo<·hlslnncr thou.C'Its come ttlb htr ol hb fortlod- ~. Ht ;::=~:r~~~~·~ thaulhfUI''· '"" a nr abo membenr or Stav- ' ena Polnt'l ltO--mon ROTC pro- ln.lathavlnct~t~extra«fttllrY a t S\ "1.\'1.4. O AUI.E T'btlntn:ducllononlhe~ rnm.,.. u ..~u pOWer, hb fev o1 beln.c rrIP(IIItlble tor both hb and hb wlfe'a miserable live., hla ]lllllt for bluplwmiJIC God, and hb frar o1 .-ruibutlon. Yrt 1\aow lhla' Ill fit tot\:elher and wllat 11 meant b)' the atrn1 on dutybi'OIIChtoutbythewlfe'• nlle!11M -'«nesan noteff"'tl'~ ,mouch to be eonelo.~~lve. 1'llE PRELDIINARY cla.ed meeting between' admlnlatratlon and student .enate mmber-. about lhe Hatch a1falr Is abown ju.~t u It Is breaking up. The group then went on to the Wlllconaln room whe~ Prea. Dreyfla ,addfftRd the atudent marcher-.. Pictured are Karen Wahl, Prealdent Oreyfua, Audrey Owens, llark Marquardt, Rich Rlgp, Oer.n Haferbecker, Nancy King, Mike Harper, .Len Sipple, Dan Houtiba.n, C&rol Lohry, and -Dean Hanford. Not pictured are Wally Thlel, and Mark Dahl. (Oomlnowakl Photo) '*" 'nle aeUna ltwll wat fairly lood• .Ua nStalbaumullalvanl Dan Nolan u the Doc~ IIIII lhtlr role.,.'tU. tfd l etP""I&IIy noticed lna Pot:alnll u Allne Solneta, the ..-ue. She 1 thllllcht wa1 exeellmt, euetly like a llllfi'Otle. .xr..atedW~;~n~~n. luvlo!tteK..,..k u Hllde Wancel wuv,.ry«<ff-,.lnclnc, maanetlcand miOtlonally •trona:. Noet Rou Sartonl u RIJNir, Hal\'lnl'l employee wu obscW't at nnt. bftom\na: ' '"""'"rlatcrlntheplay,corret pondlna: tx.lctly with the dt\·elopmmtol hla duoractorr. Nanc:y Houn1n 11 Ka.llo. the! mow.)', nondHCrlpt 1lrl wa1 nond.-Krtpt and Jack Cw:man I J the oldii'UinWIIOid, AI far 11 IUO'o'tmtnl ol the play lOft, the tint ad wa1 lood · t.ndthe~ ICt \l~l'y m~h b.-t~r. l•lnlna momm· tum and force. lkl.t the thin! act wu dluppolnt!nr. The tult pO!entlalol'thefinllKftltwllh llaiVIrdfalll,..: frutnthetqoo·rr "'al not d.-v..lopeod. II Hilde and Rarnu' had bHf1 m<ln! attm· t l\'e and had been "'atehlna: Uatvanl on the · to:IWW they would not hi"" had to asll "Whllt'l h&pptnlna? When! d id MIO!" For Dry Brains In A Dry Season By DARRYL OEH..'IIAJS !.!any people are wondering ,.-hylh&ven'tr.-plledto the rcc..nt crltlcltm fill' writing hall llirTfli. W,.Il,hold)'OIIrvarlolll cholce.oi !Nit •nd •·~t.bk't fllf'a mlnvte; 11ntendto ani\O'ft' )'011 now. , 'l'heHM'Cm.ltObethllllrllnl'" roaml~ throuRh rc~any " -cll-lnl,.ntlon.-d mlncll l~tely IN! ..-e who <.'(lmplaln do It too of1t n andtoolntentcly, thatour ,.)'Hutbllndoed to tt•.. KOOd !d.-a lhln~tlnllf,., thatweare the ,-erypeopl.-~pONibteiOf' lr­ ratlonal lhlnklnr and many ol the natkm'• 1111. It II lndre<l t rue lhl t my c:ol· vmn'a pUI'J)IIM It to makt peopla thlnk, andlhltln onln' to dothb, II ~etlmHI Ikel lan&UaJelhatS.•tronltr thl1n !hat which our pl..uant little fa,.•re ull.'dtolw•rlnl. Hopclully, P'!OI)Ie w ill look tv.iee, and Pf"'lerabty, - thlnk moc-edeorplyaboutiiiCh probkml u war and povcr1y and .envlronm.-.rcal ronii'OI, tnord.-rto ltt lothai "JOOd -1ety" ..-e•ll"-llh10 ife, one mlllt lmock the !Nod thlnp ttandlna: In the way. I lllfU OMeouldjllltlflablysaylhat L am 1n hab!tual c-omplAiner. who b\tdiH often bKIIIMI he feril tM<-e 1re defWtt rea.,..todo 'IO, ontWho ''wn w•r and tr\H to 1101) It, IHI WTOnlandtrln tor\VItlt.'' tn.ankl\llly, there are PfOI~e who are pnctblnc the 1bove - ....-dlandnotjult talkln&about them, butwl\ydoWe iHIO manyol them belnt: jl.l\fd • nd ..,.tn ......lllltld!!l - DAILY PICKUP & DB.IVERY AT ALL DORMS 10% Discount on Cosh & Carry Dry Cllla?ing "Yet there al't people lnttrnted In outdooram&Mhlp, oomra<Hry,le&rlililcmllltarylfthniQIIH,C>:IIIMT'VIllonof natural ....__ - and they d.-dded to form lhb wcanlutton." The orranlatlon takfl Itt name from the Army's Rineer tnlnlnc Procram - the hl1hn1 lonn of lndlvldllll lnlantry lnlnlna 1n the Army too!J,y. ab:p&maroe.&ndanocbtr- :.~ ~~"t:::.':J' lndud- lkltl canttlii!Akeno~eol th.- aood thlnp In lite IV.Ch I I acoldbeerllf'tv."Oormoot'tl, one·• fnmUy, the movln1 mom~nta o1 a 1UIIM'I, bullwutons, the mlnwloul cbanclnl ol the H ll«<l, church lwll.t r\nalnl lolld anll clur, ancl PfO(tll mo.~~kt"Om~ forallto lwar. llutlthlnltiO't!Cinlllbe practlui ..IIOOJh!Ori!DIIt.ethal tiK-reare crucial probk-mttllat mwot b.- f•(t'd tod1y, and that oellln11: liP cornmlulon ofter <.'(lmm\ulon. atlldy lf'OIIP alter Jllld)'gtollp 11 ratheroutol t_ h ..·lthttw!u"'eneyof lhne t ln'M"'. Unl'" '' " -•·actnow,befrberomH .,._,.or annupr than It doet • l't'IT'fthment u......many ti,.....Mo•·e ,.·ellled ltln thllt capacllr already!ll,one'• fomlly breakl u p loO(lMf than theymay ..·antlt to, bllll ~n­ llo"" tvm Into army camps, i hechan(lnJ olthelfUONWIII only be rwnembered by the Yl•-dGnd l<'llfOf'lhe~lt\0 drl!am obovt,andthe rlncl~of church bft\5 annoullefl more funeral1 tlu!n~occulonl. Sobaby, ..·hat llk-ftt The ~t bellltllullhlnt:lorman toheed rlght """"llt.l\lt~ tHt, 11 Paul Ehrlich who ,..u , fiX' lmmedla" clllnlle In this IOCiet.)''t 11\ltudH jlut SO ..... caqavn'i•'f, 11 Ce«<i;e Mc- Coo.·em " 'ho uy~ the VIetnam war mllfl be 110P(led naw, II Oill Lull and Mr. Dick who know 1\nthand ti'wlt the Jllll'l!e or ttachfn 11 on, to 1 CJ . who "Tit~• 1M from th<" tl.ekll o r Vletnnm and u:rt the " 'lr II !sfe BRAINS paif 61 HOT FISH SHOP Featuring Seafood and Steaks liD-SERVICE lAUIIDRIES & CAll OfRW DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT Phon• J-44.4252 l•am, Stwpard 1\rt'Hed lhtot Rlnaff rMmbenhlp 11 optn to a ll. He feelt that non • ROTC mormben, the Vett orranlullon ' ""' rumple, ooWd add a creat d..., to the RlnaH'I In view ol thelr t,.ptrlcMe. The orranlullon hu been "Involved lnk>tsolthlna:a. We l""'ll:e lwolrlftlJnct 1 WHk. Tbn-l'aan~. lniOIIJitol plannln& fortheexercbc," Maj. uld, reltrrlnJ to a Velvet Cushion A Pumpkin pi-• "i had thl'ft of lhneitone on my dHII, but I wu te!Tiflf'dlof1ndthat theyreqvlredtobedlllledd&lly, wh'"n the fvmllureofmy mlndwuallvndlllted•llll,andlthr-ew them wt the wnldow In diiCU~t." THOREAU trom WALDEN 11le pvrpoae of the home rnanac-ement hoiiAf !Home Eoonom- lct18Sihuellldedlt'll!, detpllethentatrxplan.ltlon offeredb}• the coJI~e ~ taloe: -emphult on penon&! developmen t and CfOIIP r-clatlonahlpl thro111h llvine u a family: experl.-nCH In ma.naeement ol humane and tnlt'"tlll rtSOIII"fft." •All home e<onomlca atudenta. except dll'tetlct m.,lora. are reqvlredtollve lnthllhouae theaeeond MI'Tll'Ster oft helrJunlor )'Nr, o r anytime their M nlor )'tar. Student• with cl'!lldren avbltltvte l'tl!dence In the home manace!N'nt hoiiAf by havtne thiPir prtvate homea optn to lnl~lon. AU atudenlll m1111 also attend a diu one:. a week. •·or a .)'OWII woman to rtl-ftllblllh Mr reald.-n~ l or a period ot tlve wtoek1 11 con•td..nbte cxptnae tor the pulliOif o f l.-ltmlnc how to manl(e 1 hoiiAt terribly Irrelevant . The -family'' ta Initially aMiflclal - live t ..male eol!t.11:e 1tllden.ll and one slnt:lefeml le ho utcke.-per. 'll'lerentprr prrsoniii7J.S0tor th'" fl•·e weelu If the at\ldent II not po~)'inl rent elaewh..r e IP!ther In 1 d ormitory or off-amp111. An additional roat ) IX' ...-rna fachrtlldentllth• prl<:eotfoodforthee~tl"'hwtthold for one week. plannedtralnlna:maneu...,r. TIIe Ran&cn allo 111111 the Otpartmmt ot Mllltary Sc:lenOt and try to tn~a1e ROTC mtmbeT'Ihlp. I , To t iiOIIUI'IJe alit.&lanetl and dnotlon to the COnstitution of thne United Statet and the ' fundam.-ntal lnllhlofprlnciPled demon-attand free m.-n. 2. To tw-ther the ca~~~e or po~trlot!Jm and revnance fiX' 0\lr o:heriJhed VIIIIH, I IJIOnli: which are fl'ftdom, and the ln-• Mrmt equallly olaU mtn, l. To ttlldy and practlee the lnJ ol the Proi'Wion ol Arml In the ddH>t.- of thete United StitH, 4. -To pu.nue the 1tlldy ollhe outdoon, ni!Uft, and cons~rva· tlonolournatlonatl'lltllnlre- -·· :i.Toaulstt~Profn.aorol MlUtaqSc:lenc.•lnlheenoompaulnl dutiH auoclat~ with the ROTC priicram, I . To promo!.. Tftptel fiX' Wllroruln State Unlvenlty 111<1 thetotardllllf'!nllhlorwhlch lt llandl. 1, ToprovWiet"Omra<Hryand tood fellowship tor the m..m. t..n or the ~anlutlon, to ex- .... .... plon~benents oltnm....-ork. ~;!rt'::~t"'!e:'~~r-~~~~r.~~· :~n:n/!.~~:~r.=np~~ 1 0 tn 1 h u manaeed to hold o n to lta•lltel'll l\'01')' towtr. Within t hlt t ower. yovnr women are advlled ~anllnr the home ecunomlsta depltnmmt belle-.'H lrl! lle'a prtorl!IH. Some ex. amples: to come In 11 the ~pro , time, to Ml a table -con-edly," and to peel a earrot In the ~riJht" m~nner. Other lelmtnrexprtteneet lnvotve dlnlnl Rvllllnatyle, hem mtne tha he&drealdent'awal!llanclnii.Orr-cp.lntlncthete1evlaiontl'l)'8. Another tllk milhl be &djuatlnsr t he.- •hacles to the aame le•·el thi'OIIchout the ho\IM, In order thll the houae wiU klok "nlc.-" from t he wtRdt. One ('OIIIdn't poalbJy leam pnodlcal home managemtnt In thl• bovae. Coupled with U\e IMifld al family Ia the anlllclal . . . •Janlnc ofdvtles. F'orexarnple, t h.. tJveTHidentataJte wet'kly tvm~~tfori!VIIwet~IIA\ Intheroll'tofheldcook, ualatantcook, llllndrtQ, llpllal!'1. hoUHUc!ptr, and doWJ\IIIIn hoiiAtkMptr. Surely, In an ordinary home, o ne doesn't play one role u ch week, . wlthachanrtnJ ol roll't ..achSun.s.y. 111e c-ulmination of th'" paelldo "IMnluJ'I('rl.-nl.'f" vari.-t: a redealt:nlnr of the kitchen, 1 thorourh cleaning of aU Jlne1111 In the hOIIAf, ora paprron "how to wu: a table." Perh&p1 the eut,.nd-p~~te b111y work o f home CC"Onomi<:S ma.)o... 11 all 1 plot - to keep home ecunomla ma.Jon from U\lnklnc. lfa<.'Ollete Junlororll'fllllf'l'tqllireal"l'"'nflncuprrienot" alldl u the home manacement h011$t1, U>tn Indeed. &he hal tilled 1n her prevtoua collep y.-a... to examine how and why she IIVH. If llleh II the o:uot. howe \-cr, then what II needed II not a <.'011.... 1n home ma~L but one ln " how to be a h uman belnr." Chinn mean~~ ro11111nt ~alvatlon of the world we Jive In'. Plrllevlarly today, thll c-h&nle coneenu how people 1hould live, ~~~ t':o'::r' ==~\ holl~ hal alwa)'8 bHn don not We need to re-.evalu.ate. 1. To t nhance the Jlf't1lllle of the cadet boonallon orJanlntlon, I. To Mlp trtln ol the 011\:&nl.oatlon to be bener Pftpared llt"Ommlulon.-dolft· c~ tue«~tfvlly 10 Anny complet'" Jlanaer IT1Inln1. WSM Disavows Action Speakln1 on behalf ol I~ mt mt>.n of the WIIOOnlln Stu· dffll Mov.-menton lhll ..amJIIIII. wt.oarehDIIInJ ihllronr..rence, :;:_ ...: ~make the fo lklwlnl 11 11 Ol!rof'l[anlutlonll ~to anyactlonbythoseattendlnx the eonlffCflee, other than lh~ actlonlpec:lrleallyachfdut~tor !hla WH kfflll, We would view any 1uc:h action at belnc untimely and not ln keeplrcwlthlhepu.rpoMnl tlleWbconllnPeaa AetlonQ.n. lertnce. Anyactlon 1011ke place atWSU.StorvmtPolntwlllbelr.. \llaled, orranbed and ro-onllnaledbythepeopleoflhll «~m­ mvnlt)'. Some '-'"'" !Tht(City) LOUIE~ The Wisconsin Telephone · RECRUITING TEAM will be on campus Mar·ch 12 SENIORS: CONTACT YOUR PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR AP~OIN(MENT We will interview men and women with majors in: • LIBERAL ARTS • ' SOCIAL SCIEN CES • ~USINESS ADMINIS TRATION • fi,CIEN CE • MAT H E MATICS • E N G INEER ING BARBER -,SHOP uos St,..,, ....,.. , . ....... S tuden t&' HH.dquarte" l•ren'a lariMtr .Shop Y01.1 rnt.t be Nxl Phona: 314-4936 Next to Sport Shop RUDY'S 2 MUn Nartlrt .. H.y. 51 SUYING PIZZA & Hamburgers THEY'll A * TREAT* TO u.n ART STUDE~TS SEE US FOR ALL YOUR ARTIST SUPPLIES Sherwin-Williams Co. IS: XAIN_ 8T. S'I'EVENS POJST, Doa't likt Kll• ........d.,,.. or fifty Son-y • • c•n' t •cti....e1 pclrticipat.. UTTLE JOE'S DRINKING IST.UUSHMINT ~~~ BRAT · . s4 ~ THURS; NITE, MARCH 5 'N BIG MOUTH NITE <?pen 1 P.M. to 1 A.M. Sat. & Sun. "rah & Steaks Sat. ,& Sun. Afternoons THI POIHTU Poge 4 Sig Eps Hold Drive Asian Expert On Vietnam By 1'/A.~C\' vl~tNim - lous lndtptndcnee facllons ol ()(ltw\' lno:kP<"ndt~ Of' "9flllnuaiiiiPI~IIon!Problnt: ~ht JOr IOI'y Vk-tNim q UHIIon, Prolll!'tHugh WlllkfT ot tht tdadoc.-l"onrnrnt, 11.ok~ Marth V~tnam'a IINI!ElC. lor 2 on ~j)l!ndti'IC<.'. ltnllllllelor l~l)l'n-­ dtnc~ Ia u.., key co undenuandLn~~: VktNiml)'l(! history," Walk· t-rl.llkl.lllsthb:lltlftMIIon"tl>e alls!lcJ)ridle.hecon!lnue4,thal IIBI sUitalned t)>t propl~ of SouthV!ewmlnltlc.'lrprt'lmt· dayllnc~le fur lnd~no:lenceWalktr aakllt Ia false to a .. IUI"C' Vletnllrn<"UI lndul)l'nde~ :::.~:::-:~ .~~ra':'. . ~ ol PfOIIlt olthll Southtut Asian -.u>lr)'IIN\"t for LndtJI<'nde~'« lone~l~thtf'rtnchlmplant­ <'11 w.. t ... m dviUZAtlon In V~t· nam durlni: t)w 19th cmtury. VIetnam"s N'BI l t"'&lllt for Jndel)l'ndMCeW..Sihc.J)rt»>lbJe I"C'Iult of somt ?000 yean ot Otlnt~ Lnlluenct. Tills conl~nt ,...~p~ ot lo,...len t ulhare for«<! Vlctnam 10 t llh« m~~ln­ taln hotr kltntlty or b«omt at.or bt-dln\o tht Otlncse clvlllzaUon. Vlttnam did not. howrver. Wa lker ukl . ··adopt tht Otlnt~ tUltUI'I" wholtaale."' d<-clarllli her lndtpo!ndenct In "'· lJul 1/w tci-mln81lon ot Otln-- eleeullul"<'onty~~:a•·erlae to l'r<.'n<h ~~~elall~a llon. l'ran"i'"• 10! ~ con«rn In Vlt tna m w~• lotl lablllhafootholdfur<'«ltt· omlcllp('ra!l~ ,.·Jth Chln.a. EntMII:IN In tht •haln of tht ,...,.,.,,.., clvlllunlon ot Vlttn.nm. tranw monopollu-d rt'll&:lon. • aprtadl"' C.thollcbm In the wake ot orienta l lhdsm. Till s ac llonr,..ult•>dlnreUa:lo\lspcr· S<'CUtlons, "hlch ...._In fact, poll\leal!ll'l'k""<:Uilon. And the strunle lor Ln<k'lll'ndtnce oon· :~:r~'oi"~,::a,:.,rh::~~;: lor Lndet>endcncc. MLnh / pos. unedtheooequall tyn!'Ceuary io be pradslm<'ll a nl! h~ro - wldountf'd natlonaiUm. Minh h&d tht v\~al leadcnhlp ne<'dedtotOnfOlldatelhcvar- Vlttnam. · But, 10m""hereln the t<lUflt hUtory, Minh"• ellotta to failed and thtre lmputated \'Iori· nam nunln£ a war which ha• ..-orJd...·Jde dl'f-Cb. Walker lilted that the Vkt· W~ ha1 lett Amft"lca with a P&Y:d'iOkl&lcll Mna·up on Hcallotlon;"'ll"'eonlyuyont mo~ thlna: ... , might su«ftd . But we hl~n·t suteeed<'ll ~~ lnd we won 't." lfe c:ontlnued, J&ylna: thai "'VIttnam has ne>"ff · tno..n de!TIOC:ncy. Wecan"ljud&:e that eountry by our own political sfnndardJ.•• W1lktr contluded tha t '"the VlttnamKt •w Ul"t'd ot war. "Jllelr ltniHIU lor lndeptndcnce,.illo:ontii!IIC!untllallol \lletnam b ~pmdent .'" ol unl~e V~tnam now uls~ In <.'Onduct a "Shamroclu for [)yl. IJ'OS)hy" 1'111 Day for MUIC\Il&l" Dysii"Oflhy ii!StewnsPolnton March U and 14. It wu M• noun"i'd today by RuQell Paullen, WIUIIU, Preilclfllt Of the Waua1u Anel O!.aptu of MUJo" cular Dystrophy Auodlllonl of Amtrlca.lnc . Mr. P1ulaen u ld Don Ber&mln. 1511 Brawley St., h chill'" man of tht1ptda l St .• Patrltk'l lund rabin& event. Mr. Beriman Is pubLic re lations chalnnan ol' Sl&ma Phl Ept~llon lntemlty wlt.Lch U lj)ONOr\nlthtevcnt. AllpT'IXC!C!dlrols<'llwllla:oto the WIUI&U Area OtajMr ol Muacula.r l)y• trophy. The cha~ ter j'II"'V!dCI whtelchlll"11, bra~ "· hydrollc lllu, pi\)'Jical tbefo. apy and rttH1tlon (Of' P'ot\enll In tweh-e north- emtral WllcotUin-.u>Tles. LRC Scheduled For Completion By NA-"tCY ()(IRDV ThenrMlearnlnl~ Genter 11 Jehfduled lor oomple-tlononMarchl4.Pr-ovldlnlthe<'llon.ehed· ule, tbemo~tolheMW faclli­ lnonlcrtolnlura a quleklnd UCI will Jtart atl(lon U the 111~e glvea clearanu by acoept- aCCW"IIe moVe of lhlllael!ltlCI. ~:e:!:. buU4\n( from tht - The move will be m ade oomplti.ebr by tht U arnlnJ: ReIWI"ottatafllupportedbythe malnttnonee t lafl lnd an upandederewotatudentuaiJIa nU ."Jlle Iliff. bolh profi!"Uior>11 and d11oln<'ll. hal aveed to foc"tlo their EuterVau.tlon In order to oomplete lhe move by the April I dr1dllne. Dr . f'r"e&rlch KTem~. Dean of Leamlna: ReiOUI"Ctl, IIJ.IP!I th1t a deliberate e ffort hal betn made to plio~ the I'T"IO'n lnaperiod.Of\IICIUontoreducetoamlnimum anylnoonvenlen« to !hoM Ullnl the Leamlne Resource facuttltll. Dr. Krem~ IU"nl<'dthat"thb AWSUF Votes On Code Of Ethics c A Cod~ o r cttdcs lor the AI· O<ll'latlon of Wlseomln State Unlvrn lty •· • cu!ltles wll be up fw- •"Ott ALirlllO and II ot the RrotiJl'• •1•rln~ deleKa~e ouem· bly n>t'\'tlnJI b> Mrnomonle. Tilt! auod1Uon reJ)ruenta !tache,.. a t the WSU In Eau Clalrt, Menomonie. Rlv· er FaLLo. LaCroue, S~e~ns Point. Superior, O.hkooll, Whltewa tcr and l'lalltvllle. branches In Richland Cen~tr. l'ond du Uu:.. Rlct Lake 1nd Medford. U...Ldespunlnathe~Ln ll· nal li:>l"m , an Awsu•· c:ummluce n>ectlnK las~ w.:-ekend a ~ S~ewno Point btgan dralllnK a policy s ta tement ~llnl"' jJOiltlonl on !he 1979 t)o)lltlu L eampal&:ns. Pre1Ldent Ra)'mond And~n.on of Hh..,r t'allt aald candldat<'l would be uktd thtlr 1tandl on such lut.ll'l a. facully talarlu. lrlna:c btnciiU. lhe Kellen Q)m· ~~::;:.,t:-~~~'~ ~~~~~~ andthtmNhodlorsele<:llnKreJitnU. And~rl<ll> also ~ported !hat 1 eomml t'" l!.aslll'c un drartln~~: a ~~~lll'r on 111lary and lrinae bentill noquesllo wlht:h the AWSUf" ... ILl pntcm l next 11>rln~ to lhl: U.:..rd of Rc~~:cnu. J e rry CUlver o f uo-o. ... will dl1eu.u tlk! nmtter with 1 &ovemor"l advls· oryeommllll'e. " Tllcre ""as to<uldeuble db:· CUIIIoo durlna:the eonfcren~ a!x)ut an unusually hu"fle num· bcr or 1rlc•·a~'« ca..,. In th~ sylltm" ht explained. Some ol the rompl• lnta ....,re abnut waa:u. othl!n lboul rt'IUiaiJ by unlvenlty admlnlotntlons In I"'"~ lff!Uff. l\tra . Mary WLLI!atr11 ol Ste· •-en• Point. a member of tht! ao.rd or Rccenu, !Old the croup at 1 noon lunehoon th1t a n"i'd cxllll lor Improved eommunlca· tlonlbet .."HnltudfonU,IIeulllelt and rea:cntJ, She oono;lrmned dl.- ~~~;: a<:Uv ltltt us<'ll to ereate b not a hfl-pw.h mo.,..; you can"tjultgrt •llthtkida ~ ltttheron umpua and do lt.ln three clays."' Theoptratlonrevolvet&r0\1nll ~ he transponinl of Wlvlnlt to thenewloc• tlon.TheE:.te'• COiliOI"IIIon, which hll th&rJe ol the lhe lvlnl pro)Ptt, till· matn that 1600 man-power hounwillbe~tomow thtltnektllone. n.e mave will be oonducted of three ph...... Pha~e l InvoLve• thtre,......alot •·urlouspartaoflhellbraryool· le<:tloo. unbound ptrlodlub, reffl>"tnoe and main otack oollee!loo and IMS equlpmtnt . f'llase D wilL ln¥01~ the move or phyJical equipment of the Hbnry 111blet, ch•Ln . eard ca t•loal,etc. l. n~e third pl\llu of the move will oonemlrateonthertmaln-lnl eolltctloN In documenll, re~ervt, bound ptriodl~alo 1nd >MC. IIQtll' fully, the move w111 be oomplc~<'ll by Apri l 4 and the new l1dUtle1 ready for acrvlce onAprl16, 1he flrltdlyoloperatlont a lter the Easter ft'ceu . In • ..,.ne, "Jllet..o.amln.v:~Cen· tcr hll oblnLMd exee\Lcnt OC>OJ)I!atloo from tht dlreeton ol' MOON FUN SHOP 1326 Strong• Downtown Sten n1 Point POSTERS POSTERS We ho va hundtedl to ehoota from . A complete stock of block ond white, ca&orH ond blocklite nnsltiYe polle ra . Blac~lite Room On Display BLACKLITES FOR SALE!! Beauty is how you feel You el'e r ha,·e one of those days when e\'eryone says you look well, but )"OU still don't feel pretty? Maybeit'sbecauseyou're tiredortroub\ed.Ormaybe becauseit'sthe"IIITong.timeof ttle month and you just feel un -lo\•ely. That's where Tampax tampons can help you. They can help take the mopey feeling outof)·ourmonth. Because Tam pax tampons are wominterna\ly,there's t\Othing to slip orslideorchaft or show. No more wor- ~ ries about accidents or odor. No self-consciousness. Only complete comfort and protection. Clean, neat. discreet . Tampax tampons. To help youful beautiful e\•erydayof the month. TAM PAX. ...,..... --·····-·-·---·····.., lo\IOIT""'I'IIOT((:t--NI"TtlfUUY Incense Burners EARRINGS! ! EARRINGS! ! EARRINGS! ! EARRINGS! I OVER 3000 PAIR TO CHOOSE FROM . The Store Is Packed . . With Fun Items! , ~ ROCK FESTIVAL OSHKOSH !\MARCH 6 & 7 Feahlring Crow, Soup, Bloomsbury People, Raw MNI, Tongue, 6re~~e, Tnllh, Hoblllls, .!ow's lir, Wheeze~loddnger. Ad .... RCI S.le Tkk.... Campua PlannJna:. ftl¥mOIId Specht; ~nenl Ser\'leu, AdolphTO....,...kl;andf"lnandal Aids, Olarlel U F~lette u .oo At Door $4.00 (If o•olloblel S.ftd check hi lOCK FUTIV Al. Att. D. C. Moe .., lene MelltDriel URloo, Wiac-.JR Stote UniYenky, O.hkoeft, Wh. 54901 , Mc!b clrleck hi 101 HALl PRODUCTIONS. ,_,.w. 1bl MW Loumlna: Rc10uren Center will have an usf&nable floorlp.o~ot19.0ilil..:l. l't.,IJ>­ proxlmaltbr a"ft. fold In""~ over the old Ubnry"t n. The bulldlnc will OOI'IIIstofllxlloon, U chhoo.LI• Inc aep.onte w.:tlona ot 1ht lt.OOO ..:.. Leamlna Relolu"otl aer\'let~ . The bottom floor ...ut consL1l malnlyoldauraom ladlltlft\o s upJ)OI"t tht l..R. c:ou.-.n, the ll-IC utUL.ullon and aervlclnl: area lor non. print matt rll l and tuhnlcal proeeul"' faelll· UCI 1nd tht documenll depoal· ....,. The main floor wlll .il!clude the main drculatlon dclk. tht rtfere-n~dep.orlmm~.theblbll· op-apl\)laetllonandr-eaervedr· culaUon rudlni laeUL!In. A , Jtu4enl iaunJe v.t>Jch wLU allo ~rve 11 ao 1f1er - houri •h.ldY will also bt sltualedon the malnfloor. · "Jlle Jtcond lloorwlllhOUse theJll'rlodlcaloectlooandthe Jll'rlodltal rn dlnc room, Xei"OJI· lnl~rvletlandlhe adm lnllt rQ• SINGER DAVE BRADSTREl.'T will perform In tbt G1(dlron all of next week. Bradatreet'a perfonnanu 1. part of the UAB'1 ' 'Cotree houae" aerlea. Uveollloet. "Jllethlnilnd fourth floors will oon~atn the m•ill <>Dilcellon or II"Wll"fllll"•ph maferl•b with ~•dille luHLtles lntenpersed wfthlndlvldualandgroojllh.rl)l 1reu. A l)'lllnr room wiLL a L10 ~locatedmthlltloor. 1lle filth floor will bedeV1>1.edto restlrChlndlradua te m a\<'rllll with Ullpa l.lle cai"T"CII lot prlv• te l!udy. It wiLl olio Include a fatuity read· Inc room. 'llleptnlhouleJ,Ioeat<'llonthe 11xth floor e"tenslona ol the floor •talr I~TI . wilL house mtd\lnlca ll"rviCH,IUCIIUalf oondltlonlnJ 1 nd eltctrleal equlpmtnt. Classified FOR SAU;: Ski Boots. Kill· Inger Alplnal)oollllu 11 .. . 115.00. KofiMchCtlamplon mot:k-1 alte II .• . $15.00. Clll AI 11 lH·l-168. Would )'Oil have paid tax~• lor Ausehwll.l or Dachau! Find out how to lloJI P,l)1nl( lor !he ~~~- Of Vietnam. C111l AI. Astronomical Insights Planned Four Sunday a fternoon pllnetarlum programa during March will pro.,.ldr Insight on lll tronomlea l relatlonlhlp.1 with '"The Good Eurth.'" PlllriCIPrlum Dlrtc~or Allen IJ.Iochcr 1ald the 1how1 wilL be a t 3 p.m. M•n'h I. lS a nd 22 m theat<>Ond f]oorofthcllel· ~nc. bulldlni;"."Jlle nan-ator will be Mrs . Alvi n J oiUlton. a ttudoc.-nt and wife of • ~I!O(TPPhY faculty rnrmbtr. Here a re 10me caamjllr1 of : : , Mn . Jo-hnson wiLL mcn- 0\lr a1mlllphere, unlque_ln (Jlfr family of jllar~ottJ. pro~...:ts m ankind trom bomban1rnrnl from 1p:1~both from the type or llyll"l&: rubbel commonly kno.,·n u · · ra lllnl( l tan" and le thal ra ya atn~ our Jun. F.t~r lh Dtll as a dynamo, ert'allng clectro-mallllf"tle cur1"1'0IJ !hal fix our wanderlnc pol<'ll. ~·orces within ttw> t>arth bulldupllllurllot,and lor«'' "·Lthout romblne to ,.·ear down II•~ mountains. 'lllesca sonJ 8rt lifTI('d b,tt>t rhyfhmof e~rlhi"S IIIV>'tfTifiiU The IICriH wl!l f l'tllmnltnc• 1/ttr Easter on Aptll 12. •1111 :•.~w ~~~~!!"llJI"'m tnt~~. Faculty Art Exhibit In Lafollette The annul i Stf .,.NI I f'o!tol SlflteUnl•-enltyArl l)ep.onTIItlll }'acuity Exhlblt ,.-J LL oPI'n S<V> daywlthat>revlewrr.~ from 1 to9 !>.m . in the Lof"ollellt ll.>ung~ o f the t"nlwrsJ1 Ctnter. Paul Jkn-Z•·I. Uroee Oldy Dan l'a blano. C ary ll~itn. H!r· bert Sandmann. and J~nkfSfr: ...m , , . , J~11 1"1tln Ks and pnr.fl. ltoben llo)·cc. a nl'llo· ~ t ~ c ht r ol arthlltory, anciRieh.udSc!> nclder. cenomlco; Cl.>lk· ~ C t:· \"tY Dnd lton~ld l\"ill01t1 1:J. t r a lt 1: a nd :>:ormJJ> I\ rs'~ ~eulptur.-. . TI>eel<hlbJt,.·UL bt>cptnl! tht puhlle U•rou~h ~13rch :ti March 5, 1970 New York Opera Star Here March 12 V -op T!W followlnl tnte..,·lt!wt wUI ntpnewnt the lut n rnpu. ~~.~rrr~..:::~~~~:;:c.;, ::r:n~~~~:;:'!~nul C:.lvltY. n~;j,,!:rfn~ 8;~':n~!~h~rm:t!~n~:!:r:~t=111 '~ :::: ~r~.~:~~~u:r~· las~~\Ut have . · r.:::~do~~:::d~~.~~~~o;; 0 All ~ora tnter- - Wl$conaln. Telephone Com pany Mllwaukt-. Will •~l.k with Ill bus t - ad~lnbtratlon' f(\)I\Omle~. mathtrnaUcs and other ll~ral al'tl people ron~m: lnt o:-arHr opponu nit!N wtt b t he telephone t'Om pany. )!OIIday, )lar. lt · 'nli..U.y, :llta.r. 11 -E:mployerslnau ranceof W~IIAU " 111 tnterrlew a U builnf'M adm!nbtn.t lon, econamka, m.athtma!IC'S and o thu majo rs tntel'fttftl In clalma, uii(Jerwrlt· lr.t . J.~.IH. l}"lttms and P~lne Wr"\1 t'ft, actuarial taence and o rllc-t adjustment work. 'l'llfoool•r. )tu. 11 - Upjoh n Ph&nnaceutl~ will IPf'lk wtth all blolot)', bu.IIIIHII. KOnamics and a n y o ther majors Jnterestftl ln phanNc-tutkal u.l" !only! opponunlttq wtth o~ ot Amerl· ra't ludlnll' dru&- romp.nle$. """'with """"1·all, t.r, n buslntU Tr• •·o:lcrs l ftl'urance Company will •peak admlnb t rstton, f-COnamlcs and ll~rst a.rt 1 pNpk- OOn<ll!m lna home oftlce, umlerwr1tlnJ. dahna. utt. and othtr typrs of non.a.Jet opporlunltle~~ In lnauranre. n - Herltaae Mutual lnturan<'e Company. Sh"" "1U •pe•k with aU b~~atneu admlnlttratlon. ~omits, libtnlal"lt and o t her majors lnterestftlln clahru., underwr1tlnfi:, actuarial Jden<\1!, and u.lea Oppol"lunttlel In tnauran~. W~y. ~t&r.. l l Unltftl Statl't Soda! Seairlty Admlnltt ra· lion. Wlat'Oruln RapJdl;, will lpt-ak with all majora fb•-"ln" 1 1dm!nlstratlon, KOnOmlcs, mathtrnatlcs, ·~· hlf.tory, Enr· ~1h. ptydlolon-. IOriaklD'. natural rHOUrcel and aU other" 1'\II'Od.l)', )tar. ~»nan. maJortllnterellftllnta~rapportunl!ltawlth theF'ederal r~»~rnmtnt. The 1t uden11 who h&\'e lnttr"\'!.ewrd t l rller and ~'~~'' a\Lca-.s~fully pap«! t he Civil Sen.1ee Ellam are "peduUy onCO\Irall'd t o In terview again. 1\'NIM"'Od•y. )1ar. II - Army Mftltcal Corp. wtll J peak with all studtnlllntel'ftled In n.~r otncer Army llpportunltl" In pharntiC')', auppl)' and adm lnlltn.tlan,' PJI)"c-hokll)', audlokiJY, ~~~~.=~~~1~~i~~~~~e~~li=r~-1!::~~; mtniJI, dtntaland ~trrlnartJ.n ldlool. BGiton Store. MLJ.waukee. Wlaront ln. will s.-rak "1th Ill butlneu admlnbtratlon. ~mtc-t, art , home f\'Vnoml" and all othtr arn.1 lnteret ted In ret:~ll atore ma n·~•ment. fuhlon mrrdlandtatnr. atore buyer, control optra· tlot~~-.pfnon~l. andaale11 promotion areaa. nllt14ay, ~lat. I t - Norlh"-ettem Mutual U fe I"''Uraru'f! Comp.~ny " 111 ·~ak with all bua.lness: admlnlltnulon, mathemadca, M'Qnomlct and o ther areu of liberal a n • ~mlnr <VHr opponunltlea In dahns, actuarlat adcmce. data pi"'ot'eUtnc. underwrltlnl•ndca~r opportunttlnlnln.ur-.. nc-t. ~,.. ~lat. t 3 State ot Wltconsln will vblt o ur campu.s for the tt<ond tlmt to !nlf'n.1ew all atudenll lnternted In acc-ounting, chtmlltry, dall pi'OC'tUina:. economic., n nall()f. c~craphy, bu.slneu. lndllatrlal N!btloftl', }, market · l~c. mathematics, ~rtonnel. PIYCholoJY. publlt relatlonJ and st.\liltl(';l.l opporlunltt.nwlth theStateof W!aronsln. C raduatn !!tttrrltf<l In aodal work ahould aee Mr . , emey t or a~:.l"'\ew, S t11denll .,.ho hi\~ lnt~n1twi!'tl wtt h the S tate pre· >1ously nt«S not Interview a gain. :lloowlay, Mar. U - YMCA wUl apeak wit h all men and women fnt.d\LIIH lnterHted In youth work, phytl~. edu~atlon and C'III\Pinr ca~ra with the YMCA and YWCA corvoratlonll I<TOU the country. "-d.ay, )tv. t-1 Clrnbtb of Milwaukee. Wlf.ron•Ln; will !!tttn1"'' all rnf'n and wol'!lf'n a raduat" who may be Jnttr· ftii!Sda)'. l iar. II - 87 'l'DI: l uu.&'\'AN Well, I never did. You ..,c, youall followthe""'i«>IIHU It pfrU\na to ) "OW' life. t don't CIR! lboo.n \tM l~lua\ lOng I I "What " Jl<>m l<~kllf-."' • ~ -'k rtf tnt<\ Unfonunattly, 1 hl>'tn't come a label ytl that refers thf a bo\·e ·mentloned, but some ot them d(d definitely ha.,... the Jports l lekl In mind. l 'ltlbt-ofthem, "Calllomla Dre1rnl.n&," by Mama1 and Papas. '1'\W' Cal· lfomla Anceb wit\ realty be d reamtna u the-y think they t'JOUld o:omc. clo.e 10 the A. L ptnnant. a~ro5o 10 " ll1lr," b)' theCo••csllb·Shoold ha\'f I:Jct.n wrlttt n by Kt n llarrt'lJOn, t; mmf'tte Bryant, Dtrek Sandenon, Namath. Maravl~h. lOOn a pro, and Toby Klmb.oll and El\'ln llayrs. "No..·llf're mnn," bythe!Je'• t""• -Proplc 1skrd c:ertaln C11b pl~y~n w!ll.'t'e the Me'- "''''"d flnllh in 190. and tha t.,... lllf'!r nply. " Lt.vlnc on 1 ~t plane," b)' Peter , Paul, and M•ry £nctly what Denny Md..aln told hll wile " 'hat he was dolnl " 'hc-n credl_tors caucht up to him. "t..o.~ Cln make you happy," by Mamaa and P•pa• . Thtl " lt'o lfltintt bttt~r. " by M• m• Cau. What WUt Chlmbtrllln kHflof t~lllne r•-ei")"OM •bout hi• lnjun'dknee. "Didn'l wlllltto hl''e todolt ." by Kotary Conne-ctlon. Whlt Ralph llouk n ld when u kr-d abo\11 tradln& J o.. l'~phOfW". I mull like llmr to toDIImaKU~!" poor lf\IY, "ito l'lt\'f'r made th.e !<'am, an~recl. ''20-:!0."' by Rl)'01arlel lQ •:mit ll&nkl and ~ar Robe"-, " 'hoboth h.ovehld excellrnt Ul'e('rs but hl'·e ne•·u bHn on • .,·Jnntna tram, the 101\11 mentioned, and tmmf'dlattly I lhlnll ot a sportl f\'tnt. I. "''lnt ·to know If w title pfl"lllnl to H1nk-AI""' or the Montreal Caftl'dlrns. wutheJ.~.Inplt ch by the ln m St. P aui'a. vllloo 1llf olthtMW~~~. I hear the t!Uefli thllt tradedtorwal'llhobt..o.·e totheChlucoBulla. ' "I"m only 1leeplng," by the U..atles- J lmmy £1\b bpt PY· lnl[ thll to hit lrlinert aft~r the rou"h round. . " l'o'h!Ury Man." by Thf \\'hu~'!:~~~:erybody eallo Willie Jf!" " 'IS onthei'Oid 11l. ljw.tu.reaboutthe tltle The Symphonic Wind Enum· bJe, I Hlect &J'OIIp of 50 m111lcJ. .... II Ste-vena Point Stall Unl· _..nlty, hu accept~ an lnvlta· Uon to perform March 9 at the blenntal-ventlon\nOdeaco ot Ule Mualc Edue1tlon Nallot"l Conftrmee. Se_..ral thousand o:duca\Grl VERONICA TYLER ran:ls to the unfonunate tackle who had hosltl ot maltlne the W1ke F'orr11 ilntup. Wake F'()l"t'lt II a hlfhly relJeioo.q school, 1nd lin athleic must take a ltltbtforebelna:allowftl to eompfte In athlt tlcs. One fli the taeklH II;utltklrnlwaa, Dld you ever lll!tnto arftOI'd on the jukebox and 1uddenly think, " l'o'ow, that .anr t.ure brines ~clc memorlnl"' I 'll bet youdld. Wind Ensemble Will Perform At Chicago wtllbtlnat~ndanceat lheron­ Tasty Titles Titillate Tim • =~~:::~.~~~. =-::u.~~~~ ~~d=~ ":1~ 1~!;..~-..f~~~pa~~~t:.~rance. thedooran;t advanc:e In the Arts and Lcctu,.... omee. The 32-~ar-old Mil• T)rler , = ~-~~~p~~~~~e:!:r=~ =~~~~~y.:! . whoM numt1"011& recllltt have lndudcd HVerll In the Whlte HOUH for Pl'\'sldtnt and Mno. J ohruon, hu dlltlngubhed heroelt In Mou" 'l ' 'ille MIJ!Ic F'lute"•ndPu«lnl's " l.a!Jo. heme." The Baltln»re-born •"Lit b an a lumna of the Peabody Oln&ervatory lnd the J ul1U1rd School oiMIIIIcandhu a ppflf' f'dwlth l.ton•n:llk'm$tt lnand the Ntw York f>tlllharmonlc: tn con~l"l and on televblon. She hu also prrlomtf<l with the firlt ally V ~~~~~~~~~~1:-::*~~t~ ~r::~~A=~ !i~~P=~~~~~:~~i=Yd~:~:;~ w::::~ ~;..!!ted 1~1ct~~~~~~~~~~!~~: pr;:~r1w\ltiel. lea T)rler, the lead ot the Ntw York City lnd winner ln \964iot the t~rnatlonal 'flchalkowI I Olmpetltioll In MOl.· -· sin& lntheehambtr mUS;Ic Thursday, Mareh 12, II Ste·ena Point State Unl· \'tnlty. The m wlll btt;lnat8 OJ>t rn~lrn~~ ~-. ~1f~7::E~;:~=~dc~~~.~~ : ~t·,.;~~~r ;!J~ie::rfd1rn ~v~n~:7:~~~~e:a:t!nit1:U n~y. ) llr. 11 'l"'D lth<'dutn - .... ' THE POINTU. "'Do you btU.;..~ In mark." by the- Lo•·int Spoonflll-0:-rllln O.b pla)~rl lllklna; amonlt thc-mse l•~• during 1he World Sl>r lrt. ~lle•·e In marie."" by the Lavina: Sp(lonfui - Ce<1aln Oriolt pla)'t'n ah.o !Ji lkin~ among tll('mseh·tl al1tr th.e World s.>rltl. " Do )'011 '"Trlp, stumble. and fall, " by Mam111 1nd PIP"S lnaturnJiyl -What It lf'tmlto mt that all ho<:key pl~·err. do u lclt from ICOI"ing "ISht's Kat II Ticket to rldi"," by the lltatltl•,.. JOnK rfl~r­ rf'd 10 the IIOIIIIlf'm ltm•lr joc:ktys w!l(l ...~,... au-·rd to ride ~ durlngnen. In dosing. I "'-ould k>\'e to ,.. •• lrst•:ditlonalng'Thfl Anth-em at a b.oll~tame, be-ca...,.. lthlnklt\0-ouldiOUnd _ N~l lonol el•·~...,. 1ymphony orchn:tru or Bo.ton. OIICIJIO, P lttsburi;h, Loa AllJC· elel, San Frsndsco, HtiUiton, Baltimore. Butt:~lo. Rocbt-lter, c-tl"l, to be dlrHifll by Donald C~ne. chairman of the Stfl-'~115 Paint State mllllc dfpar1rmnt Arnone Ule five compoxttll)r,. DONALD GREENE In the hour-lone proaram will be the pli<l'me"' of 1 newly the t'OIWtntlon. and lO we"' cornm\slloned ,.-orkby «Jntcmwlectf<l.tlwonlyother croup porary cott~poaer O lfton WJII. """"-Ina rrom Wis«Jnsln will lama of the Unlvcr11ty ol Miami. be the Kel'lllllha lllrh Sd>OOI lt btntlUed"C.ccla."WIIUams Orchestn1. bt<:ame lnvalvf<l " 1th the en- , n,e Symph::Jnlc Wind Ensc'mHmblt ia&t tumm~r " 'hlie aer blc reptylfflll. aeron:llng to vlngaa lt11HI1:1\nlclan at the Cr~."the fincst lll511'llmftl1• aMual "Point Summer M111lc aUst1 rrom the departmmt ot :!. ~:;'s!' ~ :::::r..:~;; , ~::.:· ~!":it~~=~ ~-"g~ \'Cila.Polnt,willbea oololltlor ~~,.n~::rJ;;..,~ of Abe- :::':~w~:~~·rfonns the best ::~nc:~.!'"~•l:el:.•• cera Creene 11.1d tiiHmbiH !rom tehoolt at all Ievett In the oountry "~"' ln•1tf<l to tutnn\l ·ta~ ftlalldltlonll tor parllelp~tlon In pUblic cmtt rl In aev~ral Eurot>ran oountrln durlna 1 thrH .,.Hk tour last 111mm..r. ·~ Mk- Belkin winning- the Tlchal· kowaky tnte m atlonol Vocal Cmtpetltlon,lhthasre«l~ llnt prlLI! In the Munkh Jntemallon· at Competition In 1963. Iter }:uropn n canttt;,.l debut wu at the nera:e n ~·nt lval In Norway ln l968,andllf'rdebutlnltaly WDI 11\e mO.! re«nl HIIOn II the Tu tro Ia F'enlu In Vtnlu a1 U uln a new production ot "Turandol:." In her Sttvf'lll Point lppearanet, MIIIT)-It r wUI •Ine.vorlu by S<:hubtrt. Ro<lrlro, Menottl, St;~:~t~: r.:;;~:~ N!I>fl"l~r ln•~nt can«rtln O'Iluro. 1he revlr..·er for the 01\caro Tribune de~<:rlbed her J>trfonn· nncc thlt w1y: "Veronlea 'T)rler Is one of thoH 11ldom eooount· ned llllf:etl with 1 bln:IIP her throat t11 makem<>~t of thelllual vocal·problems vanilh. Evrn~·.\·eh·et tonnl beauty.~ ""'"' nne to the top ot btr lrrlc sopr100 and the &Kure plamcnt which m"kn minimal \O'Ork ot plantulmo I IIIC"" and ar111ngllne al brt!lth 1'\IIIIOUI - all • re 111111 ~·allll'l to make herltondout from the.vorklof J>romlslna younr womtn. " She 1110 n n numbtr 10 htr account the Intense cancemratk>nandeY<Xath·e tmpact ncc"· ury to bring off the moody, bllltrl"''eet T•chaikOWiky lieder Andl<'nlull loveiOIIIIOI Jo.a• q uln nodrlco. A lallJCII]d Poul· r ncc tmpr~nlonola lazy alternoo-n omoke In 1 hotel room furmf'd lik~ • cafi:• mlnrlf'd re1<:1"\'e with Mnt Irony In just the Protler nmounll." Jt hal bHn ftaturftl ln ~ throurhoot \1"\lconlln dur· ~,.!:':!;(~ ~:':dJ!!1.e ~~~~!~ Travel Film Highlights Israel And " laratlandThtlloly ' L!tnd" will be the tubjeet ot 11 trAvel ad•·e nture fllmt.obe•ho-4TI!ofondoynlght, Mareh t , at Steven• Point St1te Unlver~lty. The Art& and Leetunto So.>rleo evtnl will beJrln I I 8 J>.m. In MalnBulkllnll:audltortumwhere tl~kell will be available 11 the ..... Narntor and 111m producer l'o'tlllam Stockdale wl\1 rtve ottentlon to para ot b rat\ and Jordan wheN! J e1111 Chrilt • J>tnt hi• lllf, Jncludlna the Sea ot Ca\Uee. the U oute ot the Last Suppfr, Celhllnu•ne and the Mount of Olh'tl. Therelllowillbe.cme ol Tel Aviv. 1 kibbutz, the only rolf courae In ltra~l wlltre ·~dal btadl a re the mmetary ex· chanae. a visit ..-tth an a"lst. the Old 0 1y of Jrrunlcm 1nd numti'OUI other l ltt'l m~ntlonf<l In the Bible. Stockdale has bef'n narrating travel adventu.., tllma for 20 yur1. Ue It a nat!~ of Con· nedleut and a ~:radu•te or Y•le . Unl.-crllty ..-here hot d id photorraphy_ ,.wlt for the ~<:hool newspaper. lleh111 madetums ofMextco. Aluka. C.nada, all ~rta or ~~n~re~~~·· Spain, F'r.nce Slo<:kd~lt's nrtld" on lravel IUbjeeb aPPfn lrfllutntly lnnatlonal morntnea and In the tn•·el paces of the New York T\m6 How does t.his grab you? - Lo,-e beoda, to atring for therapy on weekends, 29c - Scented kerose ne, lemon, orange, 1pice, pine - Olde ·Towe_r sealing wox & seal• Friend1hip books Colorful enamelware - cupa, plates . ~ lood1 of 1tuffed bunnie1, East er cordi. nltdlnronalderlngn~ra lnN!taillnroppol"lunllltt,whtch tdlt for manarment tratneea. tn the down town Milwaukee llorr. All 1tudenta In liberal ana. markettnr. economics, Mdolon- and JoumalWn are lnY\tftl. T'Doood•r. Mar. t-1 - Shopko Corporation, C~n Bay, will tpfak "1th all b11.11nna administration, eoono mla and o ther IT&duatn lnterellftl In retail atore ma.narement opponunl!IIIS with lhLt r rowLnc dlalnot df'p.nmrntatoN!I. SCIU:DULED ~'TEBVIEWS - · SCKOOlS ~ ... I - Pro\1SO Township Hig h, Ml)'WOO(I, Dllnols, 9 a .m to 4 p_m, U.S. Enrllm: HS. Math.: H.S. Horror E<'.: H .S. Sdl'nft'; liS. Cf.rm&n!F'N!n~h; H .S. Bua. Ed. . ~ /" ~Hihlc-ot Public Sdloolll. 9 Lm. to 4 p.m. Vocal MuJit:; Arl ; l!.S,; H.S. f'N!nth!Enlllah ; Primary Grades; Upptr Dfm. with Enrll•h {'Oncent ratlon ; UpJ)C!r El~m. with., So<-. Stud!n ron<ll!ntration. X... It - Ktm~rly Public !khoola, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m . Vact.nt¥1 lO be j)Oittd. )W, II - P lymo uth Public Sdlooll. I p.m. to 4:30p.m. VMn.nt\oMI to be posttd. \'llllc~ Park Public Sdloolll. Ullnala. I p.m. IO 4 p.m. VMCi nfk'l lobe po.lftl. Xw. t! - nomton Township Jllt:h, Hlr"\'C')'. Ill.. 9 a.m. to 4 Pm. Vacsnct" to bt posted. Shtboytan •·au1 Publlc School•. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To 1>1' lmttd. Jolw. It - llllbtn Public Schools, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sr. II. Math.: Sr II. Entllsh ; Sr. H. Hol'!lf' Et.; Sr. H. Social Scltnre. liar. 17 - Cfftnd&le School otatrlct, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Elemen· Fashrons w•th the speed o fwh1tt11 Stoppmg up the{)8Ce of the separates look. "HI(J't~;e~~~collectron. Sizes 3· 15 . Blazer jacket tny- aU!eveb;~ndary - I.II IUbjfdareaJ. 14.00 lil.v. Ul - Wa usau P u blic Scl'IOOI.s, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Vaoandn lo be ponte(!, Xu. I, - Highland Park H lrh. llllnall, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Van.n· lita IO be po.ted. ·'>~11rl<ltieln ltlgh Sdtool, Jlllnola. Ind. ArU: ptrU• h : GenMn: Bu-. •:ct.: Math.; Culda.nee; Publtcstlona. SoncE TO U)UCATIOS X.UOHS: J::. ~~u~~~~n~f:un';' o~":ea= !ith':L":~:!.:~ J'::~CC'i,!e~~:~ ::J:oi~u-1. ~~kjt J:, be ObtaJntd. The t hird U..ttnr w111 bt aent to the! achool where Ollodtnt tr.ehlnr hu been u.aJ,ned ~ ~=~~~~~n:,:L:;=:e: ~~~+c7i~:; ia~ ~l!rrl~~~r~"?t~r:'~~~:~~ ~~c:;,.-!·2~~~r:=~~~ ~ ~~.PJ'~ ii. earth 3: phy&leaJ Klot~ _ G; ldena - :.Setllndary education ttathert will bl a ble 2; aodal •tudlea - torn:~:! !o:~~:~ tr£~t:::~a~tn~heti.S:r:~ ~=~ .tntrr. AU f<lua.tJan m.ljora wt1o • w:ceyl • potltloll orU:t;ta~ ~~ ~~:~-::::.-'~ ~~ctl~~lini ot teacher .......... In red or Taoucrtlw> artp.WburiCf~-.,_,., ,lw>Ytiii<Sn"'"~""''IMnr­ il((tt>: thanathfft(Uo.IIM-1Sllpcr Shrl~ Supt>:Shd. l>bdrof \\pOlmc\1'11"' bldlwnburl!ft', o:at ....p.ltu utt. tunato. piclcJr,oni(Oinne<:.ndttnmydraoitJ&.all on at~ bun. r ' \Nat timtJ"'l''roin&rywChrltook"''o ' \itfllicJubrthemi(lnySuf'CIShtl. • Family Restaurants March Poge THl POINTll 6 S, 1970 Apprentice Limeys Getting Education a y' Kont ltwouldbelmpou.lbleiOnun up all otou.r <'X~r~n«'' ~re lntooneartlck!,butl•••Uitr)' tocovtr••·tryU\Inl briC'ny. Enkrtalnmtnt at Pt'a~ II•· vtn II quite varkd: " 't' are 11111 COina to playr.- 11'11! nasty wonl.ll"r"!Uind"pla)'l-bul thty~t'njoyablere&aniltn. ln addltloniOtht'a~n&."'" abo M.•·e txcltll\l plllfl·pDIIII matcl'll!l w\01 "K.llltr Crow," and.,..... haVt" lumt'd trn dll· frT<'nt wayr. to play 10lltalrt. Wt" hlove "ken up pyramid bu.lkllnl•nd"... llhtllttlnc.(tuk Ed ··su~ rman" Mc.Keacue aboutthat!l u nothlllll •I~ worb, t<~mt otwarachalltfll('dbytl')'ln& 10 &d Into our top bunke I t n\ihl 111ilhoul"'akini: an)'OI'K'. It thb oou:ndJ like one· bl& lark, Itt trll )'011, lll't' art ;:_uaUy ~ tUna an fodu~atlon m., Our 10eloloor • P'Y<=hoiol>' l!Sinltnu:tor,litr.Brophy,IJ amufd tM.tlll·edon'tlnlt'rN pt hlaltd~.~rtatodllf\or. q~>tatl.on, and eomll1t'nl the way hll Brit· bhstudenllljio. llecan' llt'l u,•.,.. how '""'t ll·behlovfod" Wil are, but ht would Uke 1o htar our rommtnu too. lie apokt' too ooon. N he aul&nfd paPfn, ht aU klndJ ot eommenu. We all""" that !llr. Bradbury,ourAr1193llllttuctor,l$ fubulowi! Ht 1$# VO'I')' \rnqlna• tl•·elndMdua land.ll$ttnln&to ~~~ ~~.t!y~~~·...l:~ ramoua,,andweare alwl)'l a mu~whtniO'tiei Vt clan. llelllantnttrta~rll ...... u ua ned~><:ator . Some 0, )'flU may be wonderlna:._,.·ecantourandJtudy nt the 1ame llmt'. Ou.r clauta are rondcnsed, Wt' hlrovt" two to h•'C»IICH--hal! hour claa Ptr· WSUS Trivi9 Bowl ~ Contest Winners l'ta«t l"oin.te 1. 24.95 6. 7. ~ ~~ ~m T,_., Lan& ll4 ' 8ald101n Buue nhott 232 Knutu n ~!.b; nurrou" h' 1~ 2nd N. Smllh •'lrem an2W.Uurrouc h• 3J.I nurrou&hl ••ntt and Asaodatu 1160 ~~ro ~ Ron 414 ~n:_:t r,:~~:n U!,!~~-~~ton }1 m~~::~nt I~ tHO 408Thompson IS. 6-10 3 U tile Plla lodl"'hlch.,._lll'llohen lhan clal-aiPolnt, II Ua.lona; tim e lOIII, butwhtnthty al'fl held 11 Peace Havtn we brl111 bl•nkeuandpl llows,collecand Ita to d UI. l'ltfdlnknowlnc"i>at ..·edo with our /~ Ume. 'The 11111 few Mondayr. h11ve bi-en tour dayr.. We have vlllt<"d Canter· bury,touredl..ondon,lllldhave wen Sl~helllt and l.ot>ileat "'here real 11oM add to the Eullace. ManyolUIJlOolf alone Ol'ln&rou.-ottwoto lourto flndwhlltwrlremos l lnter<'llfodln. We have found Wt' 1<'1 a lot more out of condtl'lled dau f>erlodl tho.n lntei'Npttd nonnal COW'H, mlllf!uma, art calltrlea•ndatace ptayr.are I &ood IUpplemtntto !/\('actual l....:turts -thty reinforce whlot we lesm •nd clveUJacha.nce to a pPLy IL It 1$ an e~cetlcnt means of an ~ucatl.on In thll I'Hpe<:l. Manyot lht &lr la have been doin& a lot of ahooplnc. M,.t of~ can' t cc t ove r the bar&&IMwehli\'r lound. SUIII, ro.tJ, Icathtr roods an! a ll ubouthlollot ..·hlo l ont"'OIIId Pllylnthrtt.lel.ln lacl, tl· ..... t .. •·nythlncllabouthlll f ttl(' price l>ere. It II amazlnf tobuyaCOOdhOt lunchfor about flftycentJ, onn, Of People In our &ro<JP haw varied lnlrreiU; ~ pl'('fu lhtcultura]Upl'CIJoiLondon, othrn prefer ooclalillnf . with the lun- lovlllfl' En&lllh qn •n lnfonpal bull at Wllllam IV or ~ Uon Clocal pu~.l The hl&hll&ht ot thb month waa v.·he n President Ort)'f\11 came to villi. w.. found hi$ ll"ft'h on Vietnam to bt ....,., lnfonnltlve. Abo,.,..... had tht 'The chlo~to&~tlok,_hlmbcl· tul n tht l.,..dayr.hespent at l'nc:e llawn. A lew ot Ul hl•·r cotttn w know m cmben1 of tht atatf 11 Praee 11&\·rn quilt -u: RL· cardo from ! tal)', Sertlo from · All:t'nllna, M...-la from Spain, ...aJnula from ~rmany and Mar· ~~:urct from Ceylon, We are most amaloed by the forelcn Jll:oplcwr~l. MostoiUI ha•·r cottrn 1o know a lew llrltlshpropleweU,Indltll alwaya Lntr!'Htln& 1o rompi'"re ou r,.'llyol ilf<">elni.( Music. to our IUrprlsr, Is nlllliii)'Amtrlcanroc:k, llll«'fJJI s tu....:e tollltollstrnto the ra· d lound hear cllher uctu11 l Aml'rlu n r«<rdln&l or Amtri· Ca ii N-'C<>nisb)'~\lshlrt\J;t,o, 1l><'lr O>c:knryaettnlls beL'<>mlns: 1\,.,. t unoktectfd by us now, us ..-e h.~•·e bc!<'om" to II. Some of )'W n1D)' be Inter- ~accustomed MITCH ENTERTAINMENT · The Echo Beer Bar HOW TO GET A DOOOR OF DIVINITY DE~EE lumbla ll by Q)Jumbla'a l'ro'lkll'n ~ Godda rd U~berson, whobeii<••'Cd MIIIerwastl>eOrl<! anlst ,....., could c11>ture 101> f>OS\tlon for tht eompany In tiM! pop ll"ll:lt• field . Un~k-r h\1 111· l"'rvlslon,Columl>la rclc-&J«<OIW! ;:;;:!~·lrliln(t hit after an· rei(UIIr flAt obolst dt-r>art~; then fll'lltobolstwlththeE:all· manS)·nu>honyand...condwllh tiM! RochC'Ittr Phllh1nnonlc. Not only did he maintain a ll t ~ Jdltlonl slmultaMOUa ly, but he al10 found t ime to play addlllonal eonceruun a Roches· ter radloolatlon. Mll kr I'XJ>iodcd a "trbal ll dJJc ~ k~ )' COIIV'-'rltJon In Kar11a1 City thlot Is "X· bomb at 1>1-'Cii'!l to hlro\'e ffh•cl5 lor Moving to Ntw York In 1932. Mll\l'r had llttlt' dlfUculty In llndln& 111\lrk. Dl-'11•11~ tiM! d<l'"'"lon· he ~>layed a ICaiOM ol «>nctr!J al the M~ tropo1Jt 1 n Muuum or Art and won ~ uhol· arohlp 111·lth thc! Na tlonaiOn:heol· tral AsiOCll llon. Thil wu lol· l(w.·edbyanaJlP()lntmentwlth U>e WPA ord >ealra, and thtn 11 tuur ..-lth GeorJ:~ ~l'llh,.1 n 'l "f>oru and n...-u." ny )'~111'11. m~· Som e t~rm~ \1, " tiM! addrl'll ol the mu- olcbuolrM'Is" "·~ht pro[IOIIed 10 "t a k ~ radio '""a)' from t ht llstsa nd~~;l"tlthacktoallthe IW'Otllt.''Subl.o>quently, hl.lden.ands fro<ntiM! "T~.O "-ork-n· t.roadcal!l,.. lnduJtl')' to ~n· the li'II'Vll~ble r ~nal~· quality mutlc are still l"'a rlng fl'\l\1 , llil l ili>Oinl mcnt as dlr<'Ctor o l alt Columbia I>OP actl•1llrl i<'d! OIIn&pj>Ortunltylotacklt another of the chaltcng~l . This rol<! u l pc!rfOmW'r r...:n· tuaLiy 1l'd him to tel~vlslon 1nd 1('(\ coor-~gc sHnc:~ of In 1936. Mlll tr )olntd the CBS Radio Ordw•stra ,.....,...,here· m a lnfd for II yean. Th\ 1 1trady Job, thouj:h dtmandlng, dld not llmllthe r&"ll:e ol hlo muslca\pul'llulll. In addition to i>laylng "'l th the Puc)' F aith and Andre Koltelanetz or~hH· tn11. 1M! performed with 1\ICh cfll'brated&rouJ>Sllllhe ltoth Strln& Qua n ~t. the Dudapell Quantt, andtheManntoTTio. theN I.IC'IW'i"'OrkJ>I'OI(ra m "SLn~ Along with Mitch," which ran thr.....,.nd·a·hlllf ~•lORI. Slnc:e I IM!~rleo"""toUthtnl r, M\1· l~r has \('() his chol'\ll u f ar all~kt 111 Australia In a strk'l olfX'riOII&llppc!arlnCCII lltsdl.'<:lllonln l!WOto~;row UNIVERSAL CHURCH· BOX 6575 • HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA, 33021 "To cloao!, " 'htn "v'rc ,..,t lhopplnr. 10\Uin&, t.kl111 In J>ia)'l, moo.·IH,fiOrleertJ, and lct'1 not /orJ:"I, we &rlpealotabou t ' - l wlul thls "drt.-.dfully cold" Londoncll· matr l1 .11 !1 10 "bl&ltfd" <h>mp, and 81 leu! thrfl: oUt of the ~•-en d1y1 II raln1 . ll 'lalleut 4000KrttltVtr')' d ~y- bll~y. that's cold ! Of C>OUAc"'t&loat alltt le"'IM'n " '" read lru~,.. from our frlcnciJ "abroad" Un the sta tts) "'"'d~urlbe ,,_andn trem~ly low chill f-Jeton, and v,·e lou(th and drc I'C~ cl;ad to be lllll'fl for alii\ anothtr reason lhclmlklcllmott, lnl~ht"' ttoCo­ lOJnilnl.K'd from pncc II TONIGHT through SUNDAY, March 8 MISS DANDY Pr'Hklent Ore)'fua. before lcavl111, won the hnr1a or 111 ullwfM"n ht a.nn<>lllleed at a formal dinner here that he hlod ordered forty PorterhouH lltab lor a llolus. II certain ly l>ea t tllh ,and.chlps! hiJ now fnmoos btard waa a carelullycalculatedculllnl lon. It wualon&·tlmeyrn, but Mil· l~r waited to lthlev~ prof.... alonal ala ture which would l't'l'clude thfdtrtalonUJu.allydl· MRS. ElLA~ left, of Amherat; announced th e selection or Dr. Rayma Ditaon, right, as th e Steven~ Point Parent& ·Without Partncfs no~l~ee for the natiollll single parent award. Dr. Dil..aon Ia ·&',child development &pec181iat here at WSU &nd Ia In the pro«U of adopting one of. her 5-year-old s tudents. BRAINS IOmtlnU<'d !rom pncell noth\111 more than 1 murdrrow JIOllllcal&allWl• nd thenpalllt'l anl< ln hllicll<'rlndU)'S he,ltUtoawone mi)O'('deldper· 10n carrll!d awP)', to a bllhy nn)'lll1w:reln U.S.A . damn wan and ~nd 111 o rr W fllht thtm. hlod no 18)' In per"'lttlr\1 the mllltl~·lndua t ria l l)'ltcm be«>mc 10 pOIII'e rful tha t the bulld·UJI of "new and betlrr" wnpon l)'ltems contliWfl. hall no uy In wha t type of edueatlonwcwantforour~IVfl, and no uy In our whule present ~xill.tnc:<'. We muJt ehlon&l thls now, tor the future Wl>O acreams I>«•IIM' a rat Ju1t bit him, to thole who IIY tht>l l'tc.'llOOnl Dn!yf~ Llltcna wdl, but wmn It cornea right dolo., to thlncs, studtntl are ~till clvtn ttl(' "nlncr " rolt In our unll'ftl it)''l de<:bJon.m lk· lng proc:eo1 tvcto ot Phy. Ed. no ... requl rt mm!Jblll p~~Ufdb)' theStudcntSerllltealteraiUr· · ' 'C)'ahowln&4•\l!uden!JIUI" purtedii\,IOIOflltoneUkt Joan Q.>ra who cri tk!ized \VIntt r Carniva l actlvltln quilt ,.·ell In l~• t Wf'l'k't I .. IIIU!r by Ja)'ltl(l:, " WedcmORl\nlle the lnllthtot a J~K hy o..- WI')' IUI>pol'l ot thlo pMIM!Uc t\'fnl" Hht panc~ke-eatlng ronteat and !100 bucks for ugly Ice uulptUI'Hl , und to those th ln~t~~ )'flU may now be thlnkln& a bout )"OUtHII. J . A. Mn••ls, "'hel'f!Vfr ) '0<1 :_~e:.a>~ ~c·~~~~.,t~~f= lhtiii'Ord!.'O"; lh-''I)'OW'PI'I.'o roc~ t h·e. but ma n, lct'a 11art knockln& what Ia ruUy "TOhl "''lth Am~rlu . , . . we, tht "lorluMte".-and daulhlfn ot a II"'IW'ra tlon of few qlll.'ltlono, had no pa rt In formln& the kind u/10<lety ,.... now ll•·t Ln,h:tdno dl r«tpa.rt lnclcct· lng Dick, the SM~k)r One to lht Prelldt'ncy, ha d no Ja)' In clcc:Unll; and "PT'I'ICrvinl:" \Jours,notlhelra . And you may compllmtnt .. by callln~~;lllud le• lo,t.« 1 ,.. that'aexlcllywhnt,.·e•"· llll\('1:1 ,.... ha vt rhJ>ld and Lmlllfdl. atechan.:e, thtcoodlllln&o il life which"'" err all .a f<lld of ,..UI 100M dlsapJltlr befou our•·c ryc )'fl.oneby~~n~ Alon& " 'lth Mama Cau.t hopt ··u,., re 11 o s .. wWotldd>minl" THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU DRINK POINT BEER 1 }'t'3r old J ohn McQ)rmack In !he ))()IO."erNl pultion ol Speak· l'rol' t/lto Hoo~. had no all.)' In pennltt\ns: old nwm atart tiW'se Genuine LEVI'S SHIPPY CLOTHES mctedat ~ardedfolk . Colabor· atlng,.· i lhhilwlfe.~choata 11yle from a portrait or the ~:mtr Ftloal !which appean In T. E. u,.,...nce'a "Seven Pll· 'J Moln St. THIS COULD BE YOU! WOULD YOU LIKE TO START YOUR OWN CHURCH! W a will hnnl1h )'OU with o Ch11rch Chartar ond )'Oil can .tart )'OIIr aw" ch11n:h, HHdqllartan of UN I. VElSAL LIFE CHUR('Jt will k np recorda af yoUr cft11rch and fila with tha federal to•arnme"t e"d f11rn l1h JOII o tn exempt stot111 ell you h . . . to ) ~o,.!:::'fn'cfo:'• of~~=~~~~~ !H~~=:~IIOrfal'll four tlma 1 UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH BOX 6575 HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA, 33021 ..Tell me again about 335 lothlry numiMr you got thot you thoug~t they'd ne••r coli . • . " See the Stevens Point Draft Counseling Service - 1125 Fremont St. Newman Center - Call 344-0034 Many Student Citizens Make Friendly CITIZENS Their Bank J Stevens Pnint Brewery w•..., 2617 St, Pogo? SURVIVAL R7 DAVE CllEHOar: Whatlntheworldb~! Dllrfnl the Ju t few months, thatuntarnlllarwordhiiJ begun lolhowuplnlhemtdla-batlt'd around b)' pllb\le and uprns ol. varloua IIJ"iptl who may krlowwhlltltm<'aru:. n.e pe-euliarl)' acade:rnt..proc.... ot nau.... l~llcprrmutatlonhlltlf:t ln,1ndhu~. WMn non-wonk like "MOIOCial." and '"MO-polltlcal."" • nd non-phr&11!111uchal"the ~ol laborandmallll.ce­ OSE IIU!Io'D~ AND NINETY pound frtllhman Jim Zeloert recorda h1s third pln of the .euon ag&in1t River ~~~o:ut Friday. Ji.m bu an over-&11 N!C~rd of :s-4 and bu wrutled at both 190 and heavyweight. (W!Ucgal Pointer Gym learn Gains Weekend Split 1\' IUTl.l\'ATI:R l " lm State •l'fll The- Ste- omnutl~ tul"' lllund out how It Is l(llna boo "'1lhout Cary Sc:hneldfto li,O aNI:IId. "Tho- l'l:llnt<'ra delu tfd • lllt..,.·atn tii.4Wl.l0 but 11 ttw llnl<' lill\f" lolt to Eau OIL,.. IOS.U-!18.'5 Ill a double ob.l m• I IK>r~ S.turday, Sctvwllk'r, )'hohadbfton the Pw>ttr "a ludlna t~r1or""'r a ll ttuon. l.nJurfd his anll:t... In ructiff l•at,.~kand wlllun­ oblbltdly- llmltfdactlon the tt~~Uinlli'r ul thea~. 'n>e 91 1~ a<"Orrd by the Pointen "''" thtlr ~o<o· Iota! ot the J.WOfl and n' lh.-<:~ the vaiiH! :io:lu~tldt-radds to the team. ··~rry ~Ponlput forthhla btl! ~N.Jort ot !tiC' Sl;'uon," com· mtntnl <.'ll..ilth Bob llfnnrckt. HUid Str •·r Kont<'r did 1 nne }obao lhey trlfd to make up M" thtablrnc..· of Scl"vltMWr." !l..rv~k.. a <kk'dthattn..dlf· If ~ In the Eau Cblre-St._... •tnaf'>llntwaa the a bunceol Sclllwid.-r. " \\'e eould hl\"e b.atrn E.u Cal~ "ith !lnC' hrlllhy Gar)' Schnt'ldlT," aald ~kr. ltlt p:»olblr Schne!Mt rould In the Wlsf;Oftlln Statr Unl•·t rslty Conftrfllce mHtll Pllttr•·Lit... !oW . 13-14. Thll "'" "ld deprnduponhlsre..,..t). and thtnhewouklpf'Ob. •Ill>· boo llmltfd to the ev<'nll • bttt Ill> doH noc ha>"e 10 rd)' Mhltankt... foriiiPIJOrl. p.~rtklpo;~te Otl'ons. a aopho~ from )•hlii"IUkll"i' fl.-·n Dller, ltd the l'!lllltt raSatunlay. lle plactd l.nt In ~ l li•II"OUI><f competition. wwnc1 on !.he p.:orai\C'I bar ondlt<:Ond on tM rlnl:•· Paul Ol<'lwlt,.as firatontheJWiralltt b;an ..·ltha flne a<"Oreof t;s. Tht Polnttr• ...m condude: d•.~o~lmt<'!actlonSaturday"'"hen Sports News ' The PolntC'ra can not wtn the champlorahlp of the W LJ<.oonaln State Unh't!,.ll)' ~nlerei\OI!. HOWC'..-er, the Point<',. aiiU ha\'e a thii\OI! a toumaJMnt to detennt,.. the Dlatrlct 14 representa.Uve to the N AIA tou~nt. In thill to u rnament a re l our te&ma. The wrn,..r o r our cont tTence, Eau Claire. and the Winner of t he Gateway Cont~renoe. l..akt\an4, a~ automalleal· ly in the 10\lrnarmnt and thC' o t her two team. are ptaed &e:· Wrestlers Jolted R{~ FallliSt.lte Unlvt'"l"llt)''l ..·rntllns tumhandedSte:ve... Polnto20-l&ckltatF'ri411yln lkrtr Gym. The Falwna domino atfd the mlddl~ WC'I&ht eiUIH liN" the victory. Dirk Soreruon •••..,the Point· era a .)..(IIC'ad whC'nhe: brll h\1 ~~t~-~o,.~~~:e:=~~~~~p:e~hera~= '!:; t ! ! : bet.ide Eau Clal~ and l..aktland. With Stout and Point Jl\"en 1 a llJht nod ovrrNorbtM'a. . The !oOiwaukC!C' lluc ka now ha\"e l«<lnd place In the NUA Eutem dlvlalon almoc~t completely u p with five l[&mn 0\"<'r third place Baltimore. u ~~;~ t he Buck& would a tlrt t"'playolf• at home ll[llntt the rourth place tnm, which ill the Phtlldtlphla 76'e:nl now. The Buck& hue:n't looktd r<'ll ·Jood oo tele vWonthelaJit two weeki, but hne fared very Jlne durtn l[ thew..ekandh&\"tnotloal-1n)'I[!Vundtoelther t hf! Knlckaor t he Bulteta. -·f:d What H.n you II)' about t ht lORI! t o Pla!tevllle and WhlteWtltr! 11le Polntt>rt "''t!re In t he eame •e•lrutt Platteville a ll the WI)' and almoat t~k the l[ame In the Wit 10 aeconda on I 111!1.1. HOWIW<'r, ovu at Oahkolh Saturtlay was a dltJ~rent atory a ll toee The Pointer. ahot oo\y 320:. from the fie ld lndturntd thebt.llo-.·e:rt81Lmnandwerercllounded50-28.We au hope here the Polnten H.n re1aln f!\"erythlnl[ fo r Eau Claire and S tout and atlll make: It Into the: playo Ua. OJ>J>On('nt~ln the lllpl>lnl match. Then IUvrr )"allll won 1lx JtralJht motchn to dln<:h tlw vletory. J im Nolllad won 5-2 a t 10"1. J im ZelneM won by & JIInlt IIIOand J lmSobodn~kl b)' default II hU Y)'W'eiJhl to brlnrthe ftneltallyco20-16. lth• r t)oUa ,.,8te\-Polalll lUI SoreJon !Sf') brat Mll.ln.wl, 5-4. 126 ,.,.,_,ro m~·1 brat Oon•~li. S.l. 13-1 - Aluandc:'r IRF ) but llo!lklt:wk"I:. G-3. 112 - S,....,_ CIU'I pinned P l111. !1:.10. 150 - B)l'Liand CIU"J but~ prrmM. 11-1. 1511 JohMon tnn beat Suhr,S.O. \61 WU\la m1 IRJ-'1 brnl f>ot>tl. ot-0. Nouuad ISPI beat 117 llclmbrffht , 5-2. 1!)0 - Z..!Mrt tSPI pl!IM"d Sdlf"l)ll 5:22 UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH . lOX 8071 ANb FY.' LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33314 '/ DIAMOND RINGS This "patch'' BRinSH mRUIIG 01 BRAVURA COlOGNE AND AFIER-SHAYE OF ASST. W EDDING kiNGS - Y•llow . WWN " 2·TCH141 14K GoU. 4LSo MATCHED SETS GRUBBA JEWaERS all..,....,, - .·t- mlcC',rabblll.~-tatln&blrdl, ~\"fll deer. She, ahapr, or 1prcle1 makt1 nodlfle~ehere. n..dJ.. tlnC:Uio.hi.n&" char&CIC'rllll~ of • llntt· lrv<'l oon~umer b a did consl•tlntl entirely o.r larrtly O:planta. There are pknl)' o1 Heondlr ,·et con~umen on tile: okJ.. Skaters Take Note lllehockeyrlnklnblock of the lltklhoosewlllbeOpC'IIIO aU unlvrr.lly \)C'I"IOrlntl t.katlnl 111oni: aa c:oldWC'IIh<'r lull. .... ATTENTION .... ALL UNIVERSITY CO-EDS WHO HAVE BEEN SEXUALLY USED BY THE WSU ADMINISTRATORS, FACULTY, OR DEPARTMfNT HEADS: WE INVITE YOU TO COME FORTH AND PRESS .CHARGES IN CIVIL COURT. {A 1moll group of atudenh will "work to a id ony auch co..dt in complete privacy, thia it intended . to be o legal action which ia to be handled through th.e Office of the Dit• trict Attorney.) · We are fully aware of o hiitory of offenHI which han dominated th4 tubturloce of '.thia Universjty. It i1 our belief that only the dudents ore truly concerned with the human implication• of thia conduct. We are not. concerned with o'n'y' image of the University or its employ•••·. but with applying JuJtice and saving any young women from being C0411fCCtd Into Mauol activity by an inttructor Who can threaten by any number of meant which ore at. hia ·dilpo~:al a1 a retult of hi• position. · ' LAkGE ASST. OF MOO WATCH STl.4f'S ON SPECIAL GlOUP fJOI)UIIIIonolwhl~allfddter ln WIIIC(Inlin.orthe populatlon otwate:f'oiJIJnlnarwo-aere pond, and mun the ume: thlnr : the number or lndlvldu•l• ot e JW1Mkular I()Klt l llvlna. ln apartlcularpla«. A communi!.)' lo the asrreaatiotall thepopulatlonJinl ah·en area. n... commlllllt..r found on an eblondonfd farm ft..ld, forlnatance,conslJttot tile: poputet!Gnl ot ml~rool"l:an­ ltml, lr~S~e<:ll, " wml, and 1mall m ammllJihltll•·e:brnralhtlle: 1011, the ml«. rabbits. and blnb that llv<' above U, the: blnb 1nd mammalt that prey on them. and all the t..UH ol 11""111<'1 and other planll that Jl~e on the field. M ecotocllt WOIIld call thil dlv<'nllyotlllean"oldrleld"" eommunltY. 10 dlslillJUillh It from the oonsid<'rablydll1frent eommunlty ot IUe that mltht uht In a n adjoln.Jn&" eomlleld nr puture. An twJorkallysltm. or ecoJYitrm. II what ,..,.. lml&lly com· think ol 11 .• mllllltyolllvlnr thlnp pl~o~~the te rn, Is the C'ai"T)'inJ out _or a rouahcyclc·lhenon..Jtvlnrenplanta, ,whlch will cupport dlf- ' vlronment Provldet the rna-, ftrtnt POPUIIllonl ot en.lme11. terlaltl that tho! product n need, 'n>eoldflekl~mhasiiJ thef;OftiiiiTI<'nllve onthepn;>o C~~~o·ndlatlnct chanoetcrlstlca and duc:..n a nd an each olhtr , the lndentl!y. but the pnle<'IIH of de:compoor,. return the prolife which ro on thenl are ""'"' di!Cffl a nd OONIImtn to the n~~~rttably 1lmllar to tholeola aoll. Nt<'dleutoaay,lhe~a~ fleldotoall,lpond, ot'atroc>lcontlderable: numberotother lea l rain fornt. cyc:le~ roln&" on at the ume llle old fiC'Id ecot)'Sitm II lime:. _ , . . . . . by v. b t.::&eh of tht! m ineral pllnl from the &lllltll:ht that the nutrients, the Wllfr and atmoot>lantJ ckrlve the l'fltr"Q" thlt phtrlettll<'l,oraanlemlltrial•. ..nable• thf:m to live end crow. <'tc •. are lnvoh·td In C)'eln ot 'n>ey draw nlllrl,nta from the tMir own wblch Involve m1ny Mill (lOMlclC'a, and Wilt\'" lrom f!COiyaterna, and, c:ollt ctlve:l)'. the blolphtre. Ene'1C)' ftc.wJ the IJII'«"" bctwl!en thtm. Carbon dioxide from the air 11 throuah the:f!OOI)'IIcm. but does oomblnfd with the ,...ter to not cycle • It !1 consumf:d In !>nXIuce l lmple earllohydr.ltl the Ulc pnxrun of the plan t and 1nlmal oommlllllllet. In tile: ehemlul ~•etlan of ~aplte the oomplexltloet, tlhototynlhl>lla. "l'he: fllel"&)' required to make till>~ !1 lln<' lmpoMant oblf:na· the reaction "to" 11 111ppllfd tlon we cnn make: a t thiJ point, bythe:lun,andlhlll lheplanll and that II to note thew<'fl: a~ able to fix the•un'a <'ner'J)' \llllltlon olthe conaumen. The Into 1 <'hflmlcal form which un non.llvtng pa n of the environ· Ill' u.M by the plln\J themm t nt could c:ct 111on1 wtlhout lf:l\"11 or by the a nimals whkh the llvlnJ oommunlllu. the ~at them. prod...,en nted only the non· It 11 for thl1 rea1011 that an llvlnt fle me:nta end the decom· KOioKIIt refen to planll •• J>OI'!J"a, btlt the consumer~ d~ "lli'Odllc-c!nt."" Wltllout t llelr ptnd upon thcperfectfunctJon. ability to manulactu~ latent lngoftheentl~ecoaya\C'm. chemical e nei'JIY from IOiar Since man Ia a e lthtr a first e nergy animal ilt<' coWd not or Heond·l<'•·cl consume:r. deo fXlst. ' prndlft¥onwhat helseatlnaat F..colotiii\J rdrr 10 animals. the: moment. It II In hill lnterell n>l[lrdll'"lsof thelralzeor!yp;-, to m a intain the eool)'ltems In " "hleh ne: 11>"<'1. 11 ··con~umC'rs."" Tlwre ani! •·arloul le:\'e:la of eoruumen. Nut WC'C!k "'t!"ll look at more flnt-tevel conaume r 1 <'II rcoloelcal fundlmentalll, and pla nts. A clole tool! a t the old.'try to how they apply to field f:<:Oayatem would reveal lfiC>d.l'm man. min)' d lffftent poput1l10.1. of fi"Hevrl f;Oftlumera: IMC'cll. The time hoa orriv~d at which the' Jtudents themaelvea mu1t protect each other from miauae" by the focul, and admini1ttotors; we ran no Ianger knowirigly allow the continuation of thi1 conduct unbecoming ·.pUblic e:ducotora. LONG L.lHGTH HEC.K CHAINS YELLOW or WHITE h oil SALE Bo:<:a~~&ehedei\Jwlthrroup• oforr•nlllmllndthelrenvlrl)l>m ent, the <'«<lorl" dlrecta hll e ttentlon to the four htrhnt lew!Jofnaturi i iN"I:anlzatlonpopulllt!Gnl, communltk!1. C'a)o 1)'1\C'rna, and the blolpht-rewhlch !MIIIde both llvLna and non..UvinJihlllJa.LII!I'IeJIImlnt' t hole lourlcveb, oneby-: Population• are c:rou~ of 1imllar Of"ll:antsrna. Thill an eeoloJ!st eould lptlk of the !~;~ f! ~ o!.,~rl!o_7.: Oonse-q~~enuy 11 wlll •tend t.o lllppoM,diiiC'rent" ~lof duc:..r 0<1lar11Jm•. directly or In d irectly. D.·entually. both Pf'Odllf<'nt and c:onsumtnt diC'. n.e ~~~~ 1111\Cf! of the pl• nts and the bodies ol the "anlma11 ,..,.. alowI)' rtlumcd to the 1011 from ,.·herlc:e they ume lhrou.tlh the Pnxc.J of ckoompoaltlon. Tbls Pl"O<'H J La u n'trd out b)' a . varl~t)' of amaU ~e~vrnren and loll mlc i"OOrJ"onll ml wtllch the ~Los:lll calls "dffom"po.ent." "Thus the mou Important fel'l"l. 0.•• 26S,OOO "''"'""" t..Y• olrHolr .... n orchlnool. Ml"i""<'• c,..rotMI1 ,,... llconM "'" '; on .,.,.J,_rtt urtiHcote ,., ,,.,..,,..,... an tO caF11 Ut ,...... Wll· ...... We......,..,..., loot, te cour -lllnt . loa11olli"W, •"" H"'i"ht-..,.., '""· ..,..,.... c-rl~wtlo11 lo e,,..acO.teol. INCLOU A FlU WILL OlflliNG. KEEPSAKE 1 orranllrna or paru :.~t~.,;: ~~~~·=)'d and eraarelup~fd bythepro- dlOINATIOH i1 wlth.wt ,....m... 1M lor life. Lfel.\L In all SO - • 1M fw. CM~ Perf.o... t.,.J - •riltOI, orolt-tiono, e .... fw neNIO. lecol•o oiiKMroh Ill Writo to: IN I P<'Clllc flfld. too. Theyllvt onu.lnnc. level consume:n. Shre..-. nt the lno«IJ. fOX<'I, hllwka, and Ollo"ll eat tho! mice: 1nd rabbltJ Wolv<'l, ~)'Ot<'l, wild dop, mancanpreyonlhedll"i'r. Both HCond and flnt·levfl ronsum- olt" roUs. buttlle )"'a~haudlll· ZOOlACS ot otorranllm.ll.butraU...rwlth the prlndpiH u:ndtr whlch ri'OUPiotllvlnethlnprelate with nch other 1nd wtth lhelr non-IMna envtronmtnt. FOl" lhls re.- e<lOiop' II aometlrnn known 11 "env\ronrnen\11 blolou."' ,.,...,...··- the tolllilurd i:)"mn.IILIC:I. EARS CHARMS RINGS PINS BRACELETS COLLARS Before the word "<'«<lofp'"" d laappe•ra In a murky clolld ' ofvfrilla&e, l'dlllcr lotryiO dtflne It, and outline a few b...,.d eo n ~epta wtllch a~ unlq...,lyfo<JOlackal. Eeoloo Is the 1tlldy of the struetureand functlonotratiii"C'. As ollfh II b not eonc:C'med wtth tho! anatom.yorcne:miltry v•,.. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME A MINISTER? lhryh<.o!;tl'lau t vlllC'Saturd.a.y t !ltmocln. Thill fTiol!oe\ ..... pre•"lcic31)' schfdu\C'd at Rl~er COlUMBIA ment"atan to appear in print, ~~:otal obscurity be far be- non-Uvln1 <'le:me:nll: MII>U(ht, a~pheric I:IHI, 1011 m in<'tall. watrr. climate· on whkh the: llvlna: thlnp deptnd and to wl\lch they have adtptfd. The blo.phf...,la the inhabit· fd pon lon ot the Mrth't Ill" flu, tlle:IOII,.-.ler,andal· mosphre ..tiff'<' e<lOSJ"I\trn can ullt. n.e ~leal approach 10 tho!'''*')' or llrJ> can bnt be unde:ntoocl b)' loolllna Into the IINCtuf'C' and functlon of e relatluly almple ,tw)'Str"m. the "old fl,ld," me:ntklned· •bov<'. T11e "old tlcld" II en aban. 6onfd plot o1 fartn Jalld. JIJ .,nla different In nrut;ture and mlnenl oon\C'nt from the aoll I!' • nearby woodlot. or loll wt.tch hu never ~n plowM Only the 1tudents have the cot:tcern and power to pro- identifies the world's best beer drinkers! ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. • ST. LOUI S ~,:. t~:~hH!:::::~:n!~ your oppo~nity to ~ave future C0411da . Plea1e Co,tact The POINTER ~ Pog1 8 THE toiHftl Pointers .Finish Season Slout State Unlvenll)''l b&lketboltl lttmpUi ona l•bulous lhoolin& nt~Lbhlon In the nnt hlll andc:o..t~toal~vlo101')' 0\'~t St~''flll Polnl Mon- df'Yiilr.lllyrl~ t he~U. on !he lhootln& ot Glover, Gr.11: . Eblen, Jim Sallil lnd Da~ Ma~~:edanL1beleadr.adledltl ~ak!a-26, nilnulnbcfore the hail etl!kd on a jump 1hot by J ack C.pell<'. · ~ Poln~n c:onnedtd on only 10 ot S8 a llnnpl.l lor 26 ))l'r Hnt, \Oihlle !he Dlloledevlls hit 26 or 49 for 65 ~·cent. Stoul &liD' ou~bounded the Polnttrs25-llandll'd lnturn- d.JoyiiS!out.~DiuedevLJ.s now play Ea u Oalr. I"'IY on lor the NAtA 01.. !rid 14 championship. The lo51 ftnllhM the Polnttl'l lfQOII with a n"<>>O'd.ot IJ..lO. Stout hi! ftriyand olowi)' buUt a 1l·U lead midway throuch the halt on Cal Gloo •·n-'1layupona fut bffak. from IIIII point on tht- Blue- ~~ ~!,.... Rltzenthat~r. 111ouva l. Tom RobbW and Pointers Lose Final 77-64 By R0l ' N"r:l)ESSCIIWA.."' Dim Slout State Unl•~nhyl\ll.rldPCI Ste•'('ftll'olnti\li!ourthl ttaltlhl dfolcat7T-61to flnllhlftO!ldln the wsuc with 1 tw reeon:l. ll"""lnchltadrlvlnll•yup to tie the 11me lor the lut time at6l.Qwitt. ,luiiO\'fr lour ml,.. utn left. lt wu a lL Stout from thb point ulhe Bluedevll• out· ICOnd Poln t 15-2 lot the win. n.tfolnt~n~toalha~ ~"iU!OihkOlh.onal~ ~ Bluede•illlllrt~urly 1ndtook 1 11~ lead on 1 jump 1hot b)' Cal Gkwtr with 13:05 lett.Stout ('Ofltlnllf'dtoholdtht l~ld but could ret It no hlt1hc-r tl'lan~Uwll h7 :40onlhecloek on Grq: Eblen·• clrlvlna: layup. Stc••elll Point IOUII:ht ba~k and outac:orftl Stout 9-J In the ne~t thrH mlnutn. The lut "'"' ume on J ~ ny ~fallon '• ,.,.., trfttluvwi!Oin.llkelt l2·71. N~llheT IH.mcould pick up any more cround and the hall end· .. Sle\'elll Polntfoull:hl bAck furiously In the haU b)' WI)' o( better lhcot!ncandaroooJ2rr)rle pl'ftS, Il.,..~tr,thecloseltthe Polntencouidptwun.stbf. loreonHaa:a lnSIOUtt.ooki!OI» \t'OI ot lhe a:anw . Polnthltonlloll9.t>Oti: lor 42 per cent, whl~ Stout eonJ'I«;ttd on U 01 fl lor 5I prrc:eni.SIOIItheld Uifedat ~{;.bouncbi 51-41 and \umov~ Tom fUtzenlha .. r took ICOI" Ln.r honcn for the PoUl te n hit· Una: 28, 20 comlne In the....,. half. Wnthp&l add.N 1t and Bob lltnnln& a nd Jerry Mallon 10 IPLI!'«'. L"bHn kd tl\to Uluedevli1 with Zl, follow· I'd by Alcu with IS. Gtoo.·er ond 'ThePolntenahot47~r cent .on27ofS7&hobwi'IUeStout eonnededonl2ofl9 101'4 l per c:ent. TheBluedevllshadtb.& <'dlelnreboun<b40.34whlleStcnlll Point made 71 turnown to Stout'l17. Vanden lleu...-l lcd the Point· en with 17. ll comlnc in ihl'· IC«<IIdhalt. We1rphal addon:l16 while Hcnnl ... and ~ Rita,.. ttuolnchlppedln12and ll ,n"•l~edlvtly. Eblen took \lime hollonwith 23. CLover addfd 12 and Sallis ll 8TE\ 'I;N8 l"'IST "''""· - 'The J'ulnl~l'll hit~ P"r tfllt ~~~i~~~~;; on H of 26 ahotallld the BilK'· <levlllhlt16ot37f01'4ll"'r ~t . Slout pullrd down 15 n"bootdl to H !Of' the l'olnt~rw. Point made 12 tumowrw ..-hlle tl\f' Blutdevlls mad~ t. St-nlorc:enterRobbleWutphal ltd S te•~nl Point with U polnll &ndllvenreOOundl,hllllni iOur of fh·e a ttempu. from the lloor. 1-'1' TP 1·1 4-5 5 11 : a~~ 6 ~::· ~-:.-: (::ri ~ ~ ·~ )(. Rltunthai<'r Wellpha1 :::~t~~hlt!SandGlo•·tr iO n... Poln~n hit 10 llralcht pOln\111 theoulletoltlle sc..~ ondhalftot.akeaU..O ieadon Quinn V•nden Jleuv~l'l lone . jum]JOet thl'tfl mlnutn into liM! hlli. SIOUt !Ollil'llbac:klndlled the HO~ 49-49 " 'lth Eblen hll· tln&ajumperandlllfntookthe lu d54-51w1thl0.46 ..f\onJ1m SallLo' thret: point P!a)' . Rob Westphal all hll I m.uittn for Stf'Ytns Polnl. £bien kd Slout wtth U, lollowPCI by N aJedaiU. "1th 10 and Tt ny ~n whh YO (U)- 5 9 Eblt•n l'rrteetc Olcklnlon l6 .'1' Tl' 2-3 5-7 ~ ~ 12 2.1 ~ .. .' ,.. Aie~t~~ !ol&~tPCian~ Sallll eo,,.,..ue ~·:;,an 1·2 • ~ l! ' Winter Sports Action f STI::VENS !'OINT - StCW'fll Point State was not fivurl'd U]>ontowlnt.hell)'mRIJ.tltcham· pJonahLP<I lnthe WIM:onslnStatc Unl•..,nhy O:wll~f'!'f>Ce. but Pointer Coach. Bob llellllf<: ke hadl'll.Khho]~ealorU... tlllrd place1po1. A month 110 thew hopn lUI• lrreda se vereblowwhc-nMlke Wrlnste lnlelllrom and"'lllo5tforthe~Cason. 1\lc'sdayano\herocrlou&blowto U... Polnt~rw· chincH hap~~ened . All • around 1\ll'lllout C a l')' Schlwllkr feU off the !lltali<'L blr~andLnjuredanankleand b ~~JM'C te<.i to be ham j~el't'd the r~ma!ndfo r of UM' 11e11011. MlnUI WelMteln and SchML· d<>r thePo!nt.torwwllliTavt'lto Whl tewa~r S. tun:luy to ~t the Warhawlu and Elu Cal~ In I doubJ., d1,11l . At the 11 mc Ume tllf 1w!mmlng team wiLl rntel the lime N'O 1chool1 In thcWhlti!Yo.. lrr pool. 121].2017 to-:: :1"""":~:..~~":: . ~!:k- endlltllfwrt"ltler~andthcywlll Season Statistics Ste.·e~~~ Point Sl&&4! St&tlllti<W •·or tl C an' " UN ln WS UC and tW Ovr.nlll NanM (lJI'O.JI'O A l'd- Fr·F1'A I'd-Beb..I'F 17~ .476 'JS. t 06 .736 149 58 Q. Vanden Heu \'t:l 21 1~ 1 3 .39!1 89-I H .T81 I~ 47 K . fUtuntha ler ,_.21117·ZI7 .£19 16-112 .6'79 121 SO B. Hennln( ...... _ ...21 9J.169 .538 liHOB .538 104 42 R.Wutpha l .21 8H73 .48S 44-Q .647177 '79 M. Gortnln -·---· 3 2·7 .286 4-5 ..800 3 3 T . AmoMOn 17-40 .425 13-25 .471 39 2!i J. Ma llon --·-.. --21 19-62 .306 6-19 .J16 16 18 J .0t.en _ ..M_.18 13-fO .375 H2 .583 30 32 J . Goodwin ·--·-·-11 10.25 .400 6- l !i .400 21 l!i M. Eachenblucl'l - 1 J-9 .333. hJ .333 2 !i T. Rltun thaler M ... .21 -·--·.20 P. O'OonntU --· 2 !H .000 ~ .000 I TI'A..._ 416 19.8 339 16.1 3 10 14.7 239 11.J Zl!i 10.2 8 2.6 n 2.3 44 %.2 37 2..0 26 1.5 T 1.0 Z 0 0.0 Totlil -·-~·~-.-..:2 1 6!17-1431 .4!19 381-610 .634 ~ 376 1'701 81.0 OppoMntl _,_ .......l l62'J.I48S.421311>'&89 .6468T:i3431!i70T4.7 face JlO'o\'irlui Rlvt'r }'a lii at~ ' p .m. t'rlday In thc lk'tK Cym· n..lum. Both l.l C'roose 1nd S1out ha>'e hf'<on .,...._....,.., In WSUC ,(t)'mnUUCI lor 10m~ nlll<l )'CII'I and the Potnterw wer<: not ex· !>I'Ciinll:tobrelkthroull:hthl• domination. But the thln:l ''"'' " 'II 1 realistic g011L. Now !hat I001Hm1 ~mote, wtlcSJ We!n· lleln: from I n lnju.N'd back , and SchMidcr make WII'XI'f'Ctr<l l]lf'eCt)'rteOVl'rlfS. The two had domlnatPCI th e II)'II'IIIQt kplct~ forthePolnt· en . Roth .,..,rc the leadfon In all .. round comt-.etltlon, ,.·hh vauJtinK and floor uercllc flc h'II])C'Cilliy, " It I~ 1101~ to be 1 I'OIJ!Ih t011d •head," uld ll<.'nncckf, "andtt ..·ULbetough to flr>drr.pll~fmcntJ for both Gal')' and 1>1\ke," Wlllle U... gymnastic aquad ..-ULha.,ltshandltuU"·llhbotl'l \\'hltewa ter a nd Ea u Oalr., the ..,..lmmcn ll't not t'XI'f'CIPCI to be I'Uihed too much by the Wa rhl"b and the BIU&Oids. Pointer Lynn "Red" Blllr, who WU la)'fd Up liCk lhrred.Joyllhb:WHk'Nithlhc nu.pllnJtoo:on tlnuo!hllahlft· In& of men around In looldna: lor the riJht combinatioN lor hil lrt'Cityleevenu.and..,.lay. lnadoubleduallut~kend with La O'Oue and Stout, ffflh1l BUt Mehlen"""'k •..;;~;:-.c-.c"::;"'c:'' ~~.~~~ a~~:alnll I havlnll: 1 better time. La Crou.e WII ..... ~tlv~n fln t on judge'o decl· 1 1be~ II I 1-.lbJILI)" lllalr may -lm Mehlenbfck In the ~)'ln:lfret:lnplaceofthe~ or the IOO. 'Jllllwould bf:1 move tobrlntldolo.'R h11 Ume In tho litter ewnll. Blair hu bHn ,,.. Bled wUh lhcrccenlpl!rform all<ltlof both John Teppu In the 21)0.yard blckatroke and by Wa)I!IC An· dl.'tlonlnthe~lnd l.lliiO·)·an:l f,.....llyle. Tcl'fN'r hlo tumr<lln 1 tlmeoi2 :U .5, while Andenon II credl!Pd "i\h timtl ol ~ : 33.3 and ll :n.orea peclvely.~ rank u lOme of U... better llmet; lntheconfcrcncc . . 'nK"Polnl.:'l'lll"ecUI7fntly4-3 lndualc:ompetltlonwlthahome ml'ft ll<lxt wtoek agallll t RIV1'r }'alb and Pla tl~vlile on S.tur· dl)'ll thelut ~~Utlonprior totheconft'renc:t ml'fti!Whlt.... water of Mar. ll·U. Tllf"Tflllcrw..-Uimeet the NAIA'• No. nine: rankPCI te am In Rl\~r }'altlon Frid.ay.1bc Fa.l· COlli are l""c:cd b)' K tn F'lo\lnl a t lll. llc II oneofRf.,..r F"a\11' 111-tlml'lt'I'IUI. IIe hu"'O!IO\'er 60 nl DICI>cl In hil eolk>lte C~· SENIOR FORWARD Ken Rltz.enthaler abo wed the form that made him the mo.t accurate •hooter In the conference three yean~ In a row. Point'a other senior, Cfnttr Robbie Weatphal wallJI for the rebound. Stout players pictured a re (54) Terry Aleu and Cal Glover. (Kujaw1kl Photo) Tankers Win Two ·In Double Duel Pointe r C011eh. \\'IY'If Corell t•lmnt...,druUcchanaes ln l'lll .... tu. lie wi ll ro with Dlok So,...nsonii11Swilhal'f'CONI of~; Ron Cnmpbi!U, 1211. U; Dale llodklt"''iel, IS.. 2-3; K.,. '1n Phil. U2. Q.l..1: Erich Or>· f>l'mlln. I!.O,l-&.1 ; Rorer Suhr. ISS, 4-6; Don Popp, 167, 4·~: J im NotJtad, 171, 5-Z·l : Jim SobodMkl. 190.2-4: and J im Zcn.. rt. heaY).....,Liht, 4-4 , Rl..._.r F'a U110lt a narrow lkd•lon tolowaUniVl'twll)"olthe lUg Ten lut WCC'k, n.t2, and ant«~n~ldcm the tumtobeat lnthe(onfc renc:cchamplonlhlt.. at Rlwr F'alll Mar. ~7. 1lW'Steven~PolntbaJkctbo.U team will be In a ction Monell)' nl.:ht at Mmomonle ...t...n II meets Stout In the lin t round ol the NAtA Olltrlc t 14 playolf : Tkkelll •~on ule In tllf \Jnt. venltyetntn-a tS2.:.01orldi,IIU and SI.501orltiiMn\lwlthan I D. un:l. A total of 2:SO a r c a vailable. JIM SOBOCINSKI Wrestlers Of The Week J !mSoboclnsktlo&!IOphomore frnm South Mllwaukee. !.all )'Mt Jim flnl1hcd 1tmn<1 In 11w WSUC "Tt~llin~t tourn~mmt at WRA Hosts Sports Day n... Wlscon~ln Stitt Unl v~,... Iii)' Women·• Reucatlon ,.u. sodatlon II ho.llllll: I bollk~ tbo.l\ aporUdaySatutda)' • 1llc lleldl'loule will be dosed from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. for tl>e<'W.'n! . Thlrtccncollq:cland Wll.....-.lil.elwil l bePilrllclpal· lnl: 1n lhe whh a lOIII ot IOmt 175 COllt!Jt a:lrll. ThlllsanannllalevelltaponIOred by the W.A.R.F'.C.W. IWb«lnn.ln Athlctlc and ft,ee. relllon ~'Pderatlon ot QlUqe \\'omen) otwhtch S teven~ Point l4a member. ~~~~li~~:~ :~s~~~~ ~~~i~~:)',';P7. ~: ~~~~~~ ~~~:: :~:;2r~:~. ~.,l.~ • ~~"~~~~u;~ .-~~~~tEe!: ~:._:rn"~":: u~·~~~~:! 1 .. the Polnt~f'l reeot theltJ.:Hn\i lnaZS.ll In t. · Tfte. Unilr.d Nuty oHVtA ~e.Utl 44•«~ .ta.tJce. .itt .tlte 6cMt o6 4 $50 • t(ptJtd whil.t~ .in tht ROTC Two~~VrAA g~t.a~t. Jli..l.it4.\y Seitllct OtpM.bttAt .in RADIOS, T.V.'s, All Musical Instruments. and Accessories NWort H4ll 6cll de.tJLi.l.j. ~ .; - Part-Time work MEN ONLY $SO lor 20 Hours Work RENT A T.V. or STEREO ' $7.00 ·-· Gt, lta , . - Amps- AIJI,.Itrt~ma "tl .-.•• u.bte 011 l. ~y:i.:~~ 1dl!;; '~· i. 5 Kau. aahk ISP) . 2. l'entc k ISPI 3 )"rredr\dlltEC). ' · 200 butt~rlly - 1. Schulten ISPI, 2. Ma~ ISPI. T- Z:%9.3. IOO ll'ftltylc I. Mehlm"""'k (51'1, 2. McNeer tSP) 3 G~ lll'l ~ECI. T- :St .2• ' ' ...... , IJ..,,-,._I'ui.Dtli.Wil.Jt....- r ll 4110 me<.ill'Y rell)l-1 1\llhf" 'l te r , T-t :OU 1000 frl'fstyll' - 1 An&n;:(l (S PI, 2. Rw~n ISI'J,l.IA1ow tSP I. T- 11 :24.1 . 200 fr<'l'f,t )'le - I )ll'lllll> beck(SPl . :!. Schum.., tSPl.) n.o.n~ II\'! , T-UoU ::.Ofrf!f.'l t)'l<•-1 Znhotlrll'• 2. Pa~ell lS I' I, J. ~ltS"'-'r ISP• T- :23.6. 200 lndlvlduAf mfdley· - I lf ~ll ~WI, 2. ~l uu ISPI, l Moyer !SPI. T- 1,1H 0..... meter dh;n~ - I l'tC> ,(t rl'WI\\'1,2. I>:U1,1>ahkoSP<.1 ll<·rman t\\'1 . !Wl,2.~~~= !WI. T-2 :26 ~ . 100 fr«"ll)'ll' - 1. ~!o'hlo'fl!lrd ISP ). ~. llerrlnccon t\1'1 . l lo:t" N"l'l'r iS I' I.l'- :511 200 ba~kslroi<P - 1 Tti?" tSPl, 2. Scl!"'''n.~;rl cSI't,))!} k-r IWJ. T- 2:1t6. . ::.OOireea;t)·L~ - 1 l:,... u,sr• 2. Andcnon tS I'I. l- P.UV. tW I, T- 5 :3-1 .9. :!00 bn'UIIIrok<' I £6. Wlnil !SPI, ~. '"'-I z,.,. ~s~;t~~~~~r~.\~.~;~ man (WI. 41101!'l'fll)'ien"b)' ens Point. T- 3:310 !SII>'· cs-::. ~c~~~~~-;1 l.IS~~~~ Pointe i-1 In Action 2• -t.ndenon 18P1 Brooka IEC), T- 5:34.9. ' Plattt\'lllc, II Rl.-rT FJ llJ ~~~~!.~-::ui 6 .£Yo:rw( GUITARS, AMPS, STEREO COMPONENT SOUND SYSTEMS ~ 1'hC' Pointer 1wlmmtna: team !kfeacPCI ElluCial~ ~17 and Whltew11er 10.U at \\'lllt~at~r t'riday. SteveruPolnthldno tru Wie wlnnlnjj a ll 1J event& aJ,.Inlt £au Oalnt and elt1h! lllllnst\\1lii<!Water. Jot.n T<>~r ~Ct a new 200 yardbo.ckltroke recordfor the 1\'hltcwa\~r J.OXOI In 2 :12.6. Scorlnlt doubito wir11 lor the Point· e rt..-crethe4110yard fret:n:"il)' tum. Te Jl(!Cr, Wayne Andcnon, Dou~~: •:•'t'rw a nd L.any ):d· ,.·anU. Bill Mehlenbe'Ok won four e •...,.. and Marl! KauPIJk lhtet', Slfn'"' f>o\1\t "'· r. .... Ual"" n 4110 mt:dtf)' f'l'ia)' - S1cven1 Point, T-1:03.1. • l(l()Of,·ie- I . !51'1, Z. Ro7.ea ~ . 3. Con· zolntf:CJ, T :24.1 , aJO fr bt.'c:k ll tECI. T- 1 :56.5. ISPJ. 3 ' IS~~c;n~~~h; 11~UU.llk ~.~~~.~: - 1. S~e.,..... S.tutday~l>-ru';";~'~·~n' Saturday 8 ":~1:~:•tr•llf Finest in Live Entertainment Pour Haus THURS.- Harvey & Seven Sounds . FRI.-SAT.- ••• ;,, Shame - SOc Adm. Call 344-0006 Jim Laabs Music Dbn'l Forge! the Gill!! Sl. Pakick Day (elebraHon - Free Beer lhe tllh 341-2253 OPEN MON. • SAT. 9 • 5; TUES. & Fll, 9 . 9 921 M•ln l'oint, W it . l'hont 341-1666 .:ol PilllevULe.'•t Rh ~rr~~ RENTALS AI'J>l.Y TO PURCHASE, sn.,.,., alii w ..... o,.,~ F'rlday and S~Nrt!J) {'<tlirf' tnee Meet at Rlwr l'•ilJ. FlU POPCORN SUNDAY EVENING .:t Ope~",ri':~., l':o:·~w.. S.tur...y & S11...,_y ot 1:00 P.M.