j / T o

...:~ .."" HE P
Wisconsin State
NO. 19
Who .W ill Live ·
Who Will Die
Who !Mddft the "'caUl)' ol
an abortlcn-theatateor the
lndMdual t Slnetl abortion doH
eon~tltute murdeT, why an
many 1talwart1 1teacUut In
not lt~alLw. pnMnt abortion
Comlnctoa~netiiNI Oa lhll
Woe,.... the objfttlYe of a
J'onJm 1p0ni<IN'd by !hot' Olmmunlcatlalu Dept. Feb. 11.
Members ol the panel leach-In
lnduckd_Martha Bablltdl, la-
aid Johnlon. cllm[liiM mtdlcal
A t'OH ME.K Job Corp~ center at Cl&m Lake hu ~ome the new Northwoocb branch
canlpUL ln~pecting an aerial view of the campua are George Jamea, regional Cornttr for ~he U.S. - Fo~t Servi~. Governor WaM"tn Knowle., and Eugene McPhee,
E:xttutive Director or the State Univer~ltiell Sy.tem.
Damage Extensive
To SPSU Building
SltHnl 1'\llnt
oallfd to ~ Ph)'« buUdOI{aMI'Jta t2:00a .m . Sundar
t l!lncuish a 1h1bbom blue
U.IOIIW " 'ot>IJior t..~a .,·hlch
rlrtllk'n " 'tl't' tt..m~rC'd 1n
lllttrfllotU to control the blue
t.r1 t b)· locktd doX>n, then by
~'It 111'1\)" amok~
and lnten.e
I!M ~>Ide !he bulldlnJC , Tile
~•J.S ronl~ tolhenortb­
•tot Nr nt!' ol
·~tllwbil~• lwdi>Hnttacll·
ll b:>ll an hour and 1. halt
~n111 !he blue under c<ln•
trot and to dea r moll ol the
a~outot thr blllkiii\II:.IIO.O."­
e\'t't",at 4 :00a.m. thcllrefl.,..
C'd UpiJ'Ilnon the "IUn1 but
waaqulcklyeatlnl~ .
Cull-lip o~utlonl bfl[an lm·
nredlately and conUn\IN Into
!he ntxtd ay, Nou,.n fMthe
fire h.lt bcom lkttnnlMC!. Pre..
ldent Drtyf...,, in h l1 oUidal
atattmtnl, ..td lha.t a••all able
e•·lck-nce did not lndk"e , , ..,.
but he addN tha t lhl1 pOAIblUtyhadnooti>Penruledout.
0.ri'IAJC e~tlma t l'l were not
Immediately anllable, and ln•·uttcat~ aJI<I thee.auae<ll
t~ bin• are ~«<tlnut,.,
WSM Hosts
Peace Talks
'The WIKonlln Studt>nt Mo•·ernmtwlllholtlhe~Wt.
contln P.act Action OJnlerenc~
lhl.l w.ekmd, a ~:alhrril\il or
actlvl.lll from lht'ou&hot.ll the
lllte to dilcUU lmmedla \e 1"')11·
Ileal, 10elaland environmental
'n>e~lcrrnc o:
U)lltalraln the Unlve!'l!l)'
tc r and will be wmprlled
.....wkahopl and ltMral di,tcuo·
Rr11:l1tra tlon br-&lna at 5 . p.m.
f"rlday t\'tnlnclulloY.~ by a
plrnarylt'H ion " 1tha n10vle
br-atbll'linK at 1 :15. Wc rklhol"'
" '111 be conducted on Sa turday
andSunda)' Utllt.alral n the
Union : thot'le tntlude : Ewlo&)'.
ProjKI San&:ulM, Oralt Rut ..
tan«, Women"• U bfontlon. CUI·
tunl Re•-olutlon, IU'iearchlnl
the Pw.~r Struc:tun and otht'ro .
E vef)'<llle 11 lnvhtd Ill attend
l lll'rlf'fllna;l .
Student Senate March
Schedule Of Events
Faculty Art
2~ ;~om. Studtna auemble In front of the Ph)' Ed bulldlnc,
l ~hH w\U be &iven.
l:OO pm. Mueh arrh·e• at Old Main alter pine around a.mpua,
niM ahnknt. meet In President'• offt~.
l .JO p.m. Studtnu tuve Old Main and co to WUconsln Room
In UC. nlne atudenU rh·e lmp~lona o r meetlnc.
lunher ac:tionw\Ubedi.Jc\IUe<lwithall "udot:nll.
r·'"· !>leoetlnc
Sunday, March I , 1 :00.1 :00
p.m. )'acuity An Exhibit JU..
<'<'plion, l.,a)"ooktle L.<>unae. u.
C. 51'10w contln~W"S lhi'OUih
March 26.
"""~)'rom the
Jtldlcal Jtlll>dpolnt.
l'(llnted out by Mrs. Bah-
~ ~ .r::::~..::.·
::.: :'~
anetol Jtate"•ri•ht.a••OfJIXlf"
edlolndlvidualrlchll, MUll!
law .~ now, the alate h~•
the rtna l declllon u to who
II to n•·e and who 1110 d ie.
l!arty A ...,.._....__..
n.. first us abortkln Jav.1.
which Wf!reenk>reed In 113Cl.
hod a thrftluld pU11»1e : 1. Th
tii'Otcc t the mo!Mr from a u ...
i:OI'Olll operatkln.
hmve now provm lhlllhe lnl)th.
er futoaa;reaterrl•k byhav·
lnJthebab)'lhanbynot JubmlllinJ to a n abortion. ) 'l. Tt>e
fl")IHtlonollhe family II J.aC•
~lnblndlni:anatlon . illtno
1tllaf11\ltdtha tthe leJI•latura
hllnorilh t llllt'll.llalt'mor• llty. t l. nw fl"llt'ttlonof tho!
!~l UI to llW. 1(4:>11)', I l~hW
b not eon~lderecla human be-
inc . t
Slnct the premise lor t.heu
1tatenwntJo places !hot' bur<kn
on thollniO!her,ltlot.herriOI'C'
\he Inherent rilhl of t'VPI')'
.,..,m~ n to d-Hlde what II to
Or. llecker. The
a~lled that ..-omen•hould nut
Jubmlt tiM'm»IVfl to lht' roLe
UfJtcondo<: IUidllzt-111 ,
&cker conllni.INI, '1bt rl1ht
to lovt 11 mon:o Important !han
the Oorl•llan <'lhlc!"
Hon by dtlnc \he e.nmplt or
J~rloc-mcd e » ll·abonlon. She
""'- va......-a..ud....
Dr. Ue<:k<'r eonttnded that an
cwrwhe!rnlnc number of"""""
en JHk aborlioM bMaUIC lhl'y
onunwantedc:hlld. llealto lll·
ted that there would txlll lru
crime and violence t.uause lht'
c:hlldn:'n -.ld be wanted and
!Set ABORTIO~ paJte 41
Senate Takes Hatch Issue
To President's.rDoorstep
In •n ~Non t.o take action
(.flantosue, Student
"'~ •
ll>lhtf'rnklent'IOlnct! to dUo
: : ttle FTMk Hitch IUipCn·
on \he mcwe wu
Uyt-~, loo, wlthoneablt.eP.
llwln,., rn,,...,,,plannedf«
to~ thl• " 'l't'k or early neat
• toekand ..ill be tublftt to
ltwltt<loopendincon Mr. Hatc:h
ll'llllutthe r dt••tlopm..n\1 ol
l'hootllOiion, loc-med from.aev·
turma lly by O.n yl CerZIIIII!anda mendoed by Len 'Sip.
fotl It ~tated "Student Senate
lUll • man' dtmoNiralkln to
Olo:t.'.t aln,thedate !obe»t
II!> by tht Student S.nate Exe"""'-. lkoanl, which woold IP.
~ ltlldmtoandot'lanb.a·
~ &lid • commltkt to 1ptak
•>Ill the Prnldent ."
tllt\t atlhflmNIInc•t.atedlhl l
ho "•• "a t'PIIIN a t the lull:
<llao:U.... tn~endln(a~u­
b-Jn ('()QdernnlnK the admtnlallatlantortupprellionolaca-
~ ll'fotdoln"lnrecardato
tlot llllthluue.
llrorry-1 Cennain propo&ed a
lrll>tlonto <iDihbbuta!ter dlaNialon M'Vtral Scnaton dla-
"D!t<< wtth a conckmnatt.on
~Cini! Walty~t torthe
""-~"WOIIJd notmeanan.tllollld, "We'reaolnctobaW
Ptler Day pruenttd a com·
nwnt that noOilnc hal evtr
realty been done a t Steven:!
f'olnL He IU(ICI!ed a mUI
l'rlf'fllnlwlthallroncemedlludftll:l to talk with the Prnldenl and see what developed.
lie •llld II woold be IUCh a
new thlnl IOC" WSU-SP It ml1ht
•hake \he admlnlutatlonup.
Scnatoc- Day •bo SU&IeJied
a rallonai !TIH'Iincwlththeadmlnlltrat.lon ~auu there
:~.beoe~ .ny-.J.and there b
JnNJponae torettlnc the•tucknt body lnwh·~ In the aeUon,JohnBol\llt.attd,"IIhlnk
kids'"' aodamna!l'thetlc they
don'tcarewhat'J'happcnlnJ ."
0.1T)'l Germain replied tha t
1M reuon Jludenll havm't
lha.l S.Mte hun't taken anY
'n>e mottonwu llnaUy'IO!td
on alter rUJnc lnlm Cnrnmltt.e
ol the Whole and It wu ~
and Jilt PH-ldent'a ol1ke be
wt up, '{'he eucutlve t.o.rd of
SeMite wu klv~n ~r to
mall& .ny ncceuary ch.anlel
tnvolved ..ilhtlwmcwt.
fTom Unlttd O>uniell lUnda to
the CTOUP plaJ\nlna the bvltonmenlll Tuch-11'1. n.. Tea~
in wllkh will be held AprU n
and22 Is schedulln&M'Vft'll
JpNken, and Olht'r prOp'II1\J
111 Interest, but ne-eded IJioOftey
Amotion by BevCI!ar1:ewu
puM<l which bad the S.111t.e
roanfftOrd u•upportlnc the
Prlde prcen.m for the WHk
ol March t-}5.
R<'p.......,t.aUvn Ill the
' !wndlt by Butt)' Saint M&r11'
'Ibe PriOe proaram wu defined aa "a prop'lm to dt• l
with theeduciUonallntquaU!kl
Four J)I'OII'anu anr lpoi'IIOI'ed; the Menomlnet Olo.lnty .'J\>.
torina Procnom . • the Wood
Upward Bound Procnm, and
lhe£ue..in~am .
The SO'oate1 puaed I resolution whlcii-Mt up 1 cornmltlN
foe- Jludoi!nt ~111 rll;hll, nw
commlnee woold attempt to
"'OI'k with the American OvU
like cqanlzatlon tortnd out the
rta;hu ol atudcnll. Jt wou ld
abo find out what S.na te can
dalc&ally for at...sent. In dvtl
Alao, the
SPRING WAS in the llr and one atudent Immediately made t.be mo.t of it by loung·
lng on a bench In front of the Univeralty Center. Winter c:oat.a were aUU part of
the atandanl Point wardrobe, however, aa temperature. later dropped to a more
c:harac:terlalic: 1ub-free.dng level. (Kujawald Photo)
PRIDE WEEK March 9-15
~:'~h ;::~lon~~ha :.:~
WtsconJin Indian JtudcniJ .,..110
lut••e academic pottntlal but
lackllRanc... a nddl.-.ctlon.
PrtiCI\tly 10me WSU 1tudenll
foc-t once a ""Hk to~ ttnon
in the :O.Smomln"'': Olo.lnl)' p,....
vam, Wood County PI'Ojfram,
lt.nd UP"·•rd Bound .
In the Mtnom.INe<hlnty'fll.
Iorin& Pf'Oirlm. 21)..25 WSU-SP
•-olun!C<'ro accompany Mila 1)1.
•nne Willllml, ~upen·taor, to
!he communltltll or KHhen• and
NfQPitto tutor about~ junl«
and Jtnlor hlJh 1tucknll. At
lca•t ,.,.., cuhtll'lll excunlonl
!oint. &UIIf 1lv1'1 a iJOOd
.,...,rd plctUI'<' ol the even[fll.
" .•• lhe\llll<~chlldlooltlnl
happii>HI whm IM tutor II
JtlOited, the k>w murmurlncln
Ute room u the lludenll and
tU1on. '-Ita ~iht'r, bend
OW' umpu~.
""Hka on
A loiJO\O•.up durin1 th(. IChool
" 'totk Stud)' Cmtera loo:ate4ln
lheflveareuoflht'ltate frcm
,..hlch the JtudMtll come. 111e
main p i In thll procram b
rnoctvational with a JKOndary
one Ill lmpnwlnr atilt~ towa rd "IChool. " Mba Ada Dftlr
Point Blank
)4J . J151
11)1 II.EV
o-ca.eboolttloren!Mt.he prlcfton tbellookl Ulty
WhentheboolutoNbuyJbookl fromthepubU.her, theyare
•Uowe4 a dlaolount of o-tO'I\ on ttl& pri<'<' or the book. The
averap dtacount on a book, areon1lnc to Mr. O.vld Pepllndd,
book ~l"nnwnt manaJ"er, b 27.5')1.. However, onae the book·
liON bu)'J the book, it 1a not allowed IO ICI the prkl! II whleh
~~~~ ~~ ~la~~
~h~= t.'~t~~~
to do with aetUl\1 the retalJ pritoe. The money the boolutore
ma.kellbu.aed top.yf(!J' theboolu. lllar1t~~,rentalof the
lpa<'<' they !lM In the W'lh-enlty oenttr, equipment, tei<'phone
b\~, tnvel to conventlonJ, etc. 11lelr prctlt 1a very amall
W1ly ...'t lben a wUftnlQ' ,.._ tw
daMroGAI - • ot u.. ...,.. IfilL bWWlaaf
.woeat uae Ia &1M
. . . .,.wac 11e1ac
'ntbiJJuewubrouchl ' uplaJt)'fll.rbyStudentSCnatt,but
haw enouch o f a ~t'l to work with, atld there weN only a
few plloea lett on the lwltd\board foe- new numbe~ Mr. Adolf
~~~f~~ ~~he-..;:~~n:tla.;!: ~~n;.n:;.
cep t forallr:teoen.Tbueh.avttobekeptopentorunantldpate4
chan.Cea.11le telephone t)'item hat been overioe.ded t or two yearo
a ccon1lq to Torwwald, atld It won't c et any better 1111111 CCnkellllillltalk!d.
O.Mli~U. ...
ot ....,.,....,. fMWdea '(I.e.
twofOIII'monlbperiodl olnrcularsc"--wltba-ll>lll\ttl
period durinc wbkh tbe 1\l.to
A fourth. but privately lwwled
pr<>Jntm ol PRIDE 1.1 Ea~e- ln .
the name lmplltl, EaJC-ln
duce theJIUdC'nttulheeollect
IIIUI!Ion in a IHJ pr'O'Uuriud
way !han oormal. 11le •tudent
IJ a bltto takt thrNc redl\1
In the 1ummer •Iter hiiiCnlor •
yta rlnhtch school tllusaddl·
Ilona! wcrk in INII ill " 'hlch
Durinalhll period 1llld durtn1
lise •c•demle yur, iptcl al
{See PRIDE pace 61
court. cue.
dent would encllf In
about~volunt<'l'rtuton. atthe
!lowe School In Wlleonsln Ra·
~~~~~ u
thot'y work wllh about
50 Jtudenll from k\ndct'Jir1 en
lhi'OII&h JCnlor yu r 1n hlch
»hoclin the Wood COU.nlyJ>ro.
.... me\'eryW~I)' e -
A I'CIOiutmwtllch~
the lm~mmtatlon ol a 4-1-4
aystem calendar wu pu~ed.
Ule ,.__., ....,. t adll*'ee )
Or. LHtcren of HOIIIIJ'lc and Dr. Stlcl.ltn of Studomt Atfaln
both qreed au<:h action C'OUkl only be taken by t he donn 111·
reetor whe11 a 1tudent hu Mrlolllly mlau.aed ltll pr1vtlqea. U
a atudl!nt felt hiJ: privtJeree had been unfairly llllpmded, the
penon t or h1m to -1woukl be the dlreetor o f houllnc.
1011. of le"amlnc nperien« f«
Sellllelll01ppnl"e4tbeor11nilltkln,"Savt l.ake5uper-lor Al&odltlon, Inc." Relulb
•"'f\ent pemment e)t.cdc.n
~ra~ rww dlrecl<lr of \1111 PN-
:~~;::. :~~~~~':., ~ J~:.:
!:..:~".('=t.:n~~ f=~
Mn. Diane Bailiff 1upervlln
1oo11: Into aetUnc up 1 corpora.
tlon to malt& runda In e vent
of a
A third pc~rt of- PRlQE i.
Upwanl Uound which II a ltd·
e ra lly
V Jt )'OIIr lnjunulty to help
others help themM"l~H 11 the
•lotc•n for PRIDE WEEK. Ma r .
1·15, 11!01110f'Cd by Rcallknce
ll mll Council. PRID£, which
1\Mncb lor Protrrams llle RI!COI:·
nldna l10dlvldual Del~ nnlna tlon
&OOE& IIUDD hu can·
c:eled hla Kheduled apeak·
ing en~t here at
Wlly_Mie . . . .........,.- U.. .....
M .oUell
Februory 26,
Senate Hatches March
Egg On Administration's Face'
How oltfon doH a
M)', "Studtnt Stnat ...
dt> anythlnll on thh
umj.OU." I'm llt.,.thll phnJ<!
Is a common pe.lt ... lofk'n
and In 1M
:r~~~?.'ti ::::'~ ~
tllelliotch 1..ue. Mr. lt&kh t..a
n,...tln~: Studt'fll
II:TIIIIItd Sfonall.'hllapprovat ol
Senatede<:ioXdtO II')I IIIdikltroythiJ ' 'do-nolhlnc"lrnaee
andlak i.'-ICII<lll,
and tlve ottwr ahodtnta rt'pre.
arntlna variout Of'IAnlDtlonl on
ump•~& will '"'"'' with the
many at\XIoH!b felt
tt..,.wu an lnjull!«dorle In
tMFrank llatchaUJpc~lonll·
J ue, Sl\lodMI Senile \"OIN II)
INtlcate a atlldmt ma rch to
ahl;>w oppotltlon to 1M admlnlfo
n.e march, u ouii!Md In 11
lle'WI 1rt1cte In tl'lilluuc.>, will
culmlniOie I I Old Main. Hl.'r.J
the eXHulh-e board of knate
So, lluoknlll ol WSU.SP,
"""''ayourcllanceto pi'O\'e)"'U
artn' t •• ap.lMtlc: u IIOI'IW!
J>eople think. Cbrlw out and
ahow yov dlu&tH lhllt "ltudmt opinion Ia lrH~nt," The
Stud6!t knale )'011 f'IPCU>d II
tl')'lna;todotofMthlna for)'Ou
and they w..,t and nftd )'O<Ir
IUpport. Without It the man::h
caMOt and wiU nat be auo-
America~ Female
As Greek
tit Mllph)'tft Pf(*lnUnc thtmatlv" a t Mr 1~1.
Nelli 111 line on the ~Pt<trwn
of t iN! Amtrlcan Col~&e fHJWe
IISarahSororii;)', Onll\hleam.
))II$ Sanh II eompuab~ ~ a
qua rter hocw - !4 'Theta PtU,
10 Alpha Phi. !4 Della Ze-ta,
and \4 Alpha Sic. U )'011 don't
know tw.r, ahe b ual\y f'C'C'OC•
nlled b,r 1M Wl.r hWIIc ol pd.
hun and 11ft' krt ahoulder .
This II the Ume of yHr thll
Sarah II Hpeelally
around umj)U$. It II durb!c
plfda;lnlthatSarlh turnslnto
a udlltl~ a;houl that t.Un lfC'at.
pleuure In watchln( aU the lit·
Sarah looa......:lherplt'daf let•
- - ..-en and nuN •~ts m.t
It II lwr loyal duty to pau
lw!r knowl~ce on to theM ,_
auaj~«tlnC ~llftll - how to
Sorority' wtw.n they a~tuML1y
mnn 'no and CO to M il,' how
to JO alon& " 'lth the ~nM'd and
lose tlwlr Individuality and how
to uae tlwlt pLn uaJlowinl
~. . Editor,
Jlthclntfnt ollho! t'•b. ll
Utue of 1'tw. l' ola"'r •·~1 ID
niii&HI IC' IU r-eatkn, C<q:tot:.
latlona! You ha\'f 11 !.u t >lito
~H<k'd with m e. F'o r l •m~~ct.
Sick oC a.Hina people lndt~flla,
lnate lyeobbllnlloodand t>tru
that •r-eof no 11ft Sil;kcJ
IHinl PC'OPle "''ll.llf tht-ltpr..
d oua " llffiiiC'I • 1wn l(j flludo
1\Hds to Ill! donie In t<C"t'lonlrll
humin lite on u t1h.
By lllJIOrlnll 'wlnt~r urlllnt
1lw! true t'ueme o1 Sarah'•
artlfl~lal ~ emerps from
the lad lhe can utllfy her
lliJhU'IIt · ,.illm limply by detna ndinlltuot - ol t h e t e
~K peo1orm the dftir'N
lallllor her. She mull f~l•
CJ't'l t atr.e o1 triumph wtwn
a~ rt'UIVKUw!honorolbolna;
thellnt to lrlte.:t oneoftl'M»e
aterlle pl.fd&~boob with m inus
polnu. For ttM»e oC you wt1o
don't know ..'hat mlnua polllu
are tney u nbe likened to
Splto'l remarlu-thririOUI'ee
larC'IallveiJnor&nce a ndtheb'
e lfectaare oltt nlartoodra·
buttonjlllshl'n,by not •'~>~lnc
lor Mill a nd Mr s-'s"f't1·
heart.l or " 'hat<•>'1!r they art
caJifd, by ~lullfiK to otandill
a..-. at lh.oHcrudf l«drt;r.
pints on tho! lrnnt la"'n&nd
by bo,roottlflll the C'\'f'IIU, I
thoui hllhlld JU<>C'C'iilully 5
c aped ln>'Ol\'"m~nt ln thu ~
l•ne, puer ile' ritu~l ll~lkd
Winte r Camlv1l. As fn aa J
Whfn Sanh lln't IPC'ndlnl
M r tlme har1111ni Pk'dif'l, she
~•n be found l ha meleuly chulnC a ln ttrnlty m a n IU ITa·
te rnlty membtra can. lnd«d.
be daultk>d aa nwn ).
In Defense Oflhe
American Bitch
l oltm ..-onder~ why frntel"
nltyt>lnll"'t raaolhleyuntU
il'I'UEdlloH :
I would like In «>mment on
n-aii~\Uuotlt waa b«alll\'
Pam Ll.ocu' o rll~k! In the Feb.
1.9 luue 01 Tk Polal.er, ' 11\e
Amerlun Wom111 As Bitch."
I'm • bltak~pUul as to Vt'hfono
a nd how the! aiT'Iv~ at au~h
1 eolorful deK'r lptlon o l
America n woma n •
She MaJI'IW!r.lll~ tOIII<:h
a n utent uto mall.- the Amer-
Sanh and her alltcn lire for·
ever droollnll; O<t~r U~em. Per·
ball' fraternity piN are 10 hl&hly prln'dbC!<:aUIC! thfyeanbC!
..vm with 1\ac ... or aklrta ;
.,.11C!f1!.,. 10rorltyplnounonly
be worn "'ith aklrta.
1 didn't rn H:ooe thf ' ""' uknt o1 S~~tah'a rn l 'han&·up'
onln~l<'tnltymrn unlill heard
Mr m~ke thl! profound • tate-m cnt tha tthe"'Oilldn.eve r .....r n
c:onskiC'T martylnc ~ oUwr
thlon 1 Gr.-..k. Now II tlw Ia
pllllnln~~:tomarr.r for-Y.
thll 11 a •·ery IU<:ralh'l! plan
ol a ctlon.but l thlnllpei'IIIIP'
Ja~kloo hut bcau.•n her to lt .
SoNrlty lUI! doea ha.·a Ita
bfflcflta. For lrwtance . Sanll
cle•·elopo: aome lutinl nlatJon..
1hl1>1 with h.,.. 'l isten' - nat
a ll ol thfm lriC!ndl,r. lt'l e uy
'tlat~rhood. lrk'ndllllp, a nd
loyalty'~~J,.-htnSanhand one
olhc'r'llllerl' an!both da tlnc
the u me po:orson.
Anolhu&QOd time loS« sll·
terhood In •~tlon ill ..·hen
than''I " 'OI'k to be donie f<Jl'
the aororlt.r and een aln slsun
ne•·u a r - up.
Carnival Necessary?
Tht.. week'• Polater fe•turet two lctter1 critlcll of
Winter CuniVII a.cUvitle.. It a1IO hu two plcturu which
are Intended to de.crlbe the paper'• feeling• •bout tbe
Ice ~eulpturing Uj)«t of tbe event.
One of tbe fundamental nuo111 for having Winter
Carnival, which oceur1 about a tbird of the way Into tbe
.eme.ter, t.. It helJ)I to break the monotony of going to
claut1. Wouldn't It be better to have 10me othes. event
t n tubiUtute for an~ evyat which condone~ exceuu.
Take for example, 'lhe pancake eatlng conteat. Here
we have adulta gorging themaelve. with pancake. to .ee
who can eat the mo.t. That It t tupld. Wouldn't It be bet·
ter if we ..ent the money to a relief organlzaUon in Blafra
and Vietnam rather than overeat. Viewed cynlcaUy, we
tuppote American~ get a kick out of overeatlng and,
therefore, conUnue to do it.
Another example. The ice for the varlout .culpturu
eontett coat nearly $900. It would bave been better if tha t
money had ~n donated to the PRIDE PNJeet. Tbt..
yea r, It wu a ahe-er wute of money. Again, from a
cynical point of view, Amerlc:an~ mutt enjoy throwing
ll'Way money on 1tupld thlnp.
Let ut aak our.elve. whether we reaDy need Winter
Camlval. We cannot aee any merit in eonUnulng the event.
Paulol. .ty
To bt la ir. hwo·e•·u, Sarah
dotJma ke tomevC'Ty c l oae
lrleOO.In a aororlty - aocklat'
that I thou(ht lor a time that
thfrewcorf! sevu a l atlaoiSil·
Also aa a mcombtt olaaoror·
\ty, Su a h ceb toleam all the
ll!<:l'fl I!Hbl·~bl that &OC'I
alon11 with tt. Whl:n ahe talln
lwt ......... the mUll a!Jo prom·
IK' to kP<P a ll lMIC' H"er"ta
and share IIM:m with no On<'
other than • 'allkr.'
tn the first place. Sanlh
uoually can' t rf!mcombtt a ny of
ti>fle d..-..p ffifiiiii\&IUIH":rl"\1
live minutes aflft ahe h al
lcoamfd tlwm, and II aiM! doC't
T'eml'mbC'r thMlthetllllllly develof>ltheCUrloushllblt ol humot0111l,r bttnylnt; theH M'C·
retae•·ery tlmellwCflldrunlr.
I would lm aelne tJ\11 bttnyal
~mn hfr to an 'lndepmclent'
cotemlly and 11M! wUJ be Nmed
blo~k 1\ thf' llka d. th11 Cl'elt
Gr~k klncdom In the ally.
j =a~~~~~~
rno.t lmpor1ant or U\Hf II the
obaervan« ol Greek O.y eo>'C'I'J'
1\IHdl,r. For alx days out d.
the WMk, Sarah ean walk
around campua drn.a~ 11 II
Me lcoll outofthe._reo;tpll
1ty, but on u- "~red "'-daya,lhel!leJ<pt<;ted.toclress
• l l ahehlldllund'leonclate
with Paul Newnuon.
Another rvlt of thumb 1$ that
Sv•h Is upected to make hn'
lpptll'l nee a t 1M aorwlty tl·
ble In the union ,.·I>Mfvu po&•lblf, 10 whm- of hn' all.' " " eomH In, she "'On' t hiiVC'
totltaklnC'.AJJo. lfSarah can
cet to the Crid uri)', ahe'w
.,..toedlnaatniJC!&Ic poaltlonteo. aacloec 10 ai: manyfnttrnJtyla~aa po~~lblco,
t r-ealize that lor thow oJ
wno ... San/11 or are aoon
to becoaMr Suaha, llwr-e II Ill·
tlcohope, but 'lt'a )'Olll'worid
and .wlcwne to lt.'
Editor's Note
lllttd .. taldr:Z put In tha dtoUbn'atlon& to au~pmd Frank
leiUI..-oma nlookllkt aaadl,..
noncon« m.-d
lo r
nothing but
tt lr-
phonC'a. borl, befr • nd IUJS
who arc unawa rt of the femalf
She furthforlmplln lnher a rt·
lcle. thatiiOIIC! flllthlaridlclt'llcrlt>tlon 11>e miJht 1 1
'"'ell bo: ta n cd Jlfrtha Bitch.
l l l!e no lotr:k In thl1 lmpllu ·
t lon, but onlythou&h\up lr.~uutlont to lowu the Amerl·
Befort- I KO anyfw1lltr, I
would like to u k P1m Lucua
how atw. dcllnf t the t e rm
"Diteb.'' A~cordln& to tho \o\'e b·
ak'r Se>-ealll Sew Cc1Uel!1.ate
Dldio..,.y, two lklinl!lont IT'll
a l•-en. l . the l..ma~ ol thf clo!l
or tome other ~ami~
mammal. 2. a lewd or Immoral
ll t~ wllhfltoUIC!thl! lll'lt
definition ahl! lluylnc U..t
thole ..·ho Utll\hldC'scriptiM
are tour lfU~. tall waulnll
el'eaturn, thal dlal phones.co
to claUK, 4rlnk m r a nd lul'l!
cuya. U on the othC'r hand •tw.
IIWI the Hcond definition, the
bC'tk r bo:rt'ady IO &fll\le lbout
what I• mo... l and Immoral behavior.
tn c:onclUliM, 1 would llkf
to 111 Uuot Pam'l artl~le only
took up 1pa~co thlt could have
bftn ulfd lor a mol'e lntuft t·
IIIJ artldco. Her a rtkloo wu thC'
moll ludl~rou.a plfcco d. wrllln11
1'>-et'wreneoun~em .
Denied "·
Thanlu to 11M! ~urlolltr 1«11·
1n11. mu~kraklna •~l.<>rlftllll:l
photOIIUflhetlon Tbel'...two
l taff. I a m rt'mlndeil <If .. ~..t
I do not llkf 1<> "'" l ""
look on lour<llll of!htfllll;
paa;tl ol tlw! Polnter loif'('•t..l;'
1 m b M'd . • . lht •l~ht \of •~\0
futun> home maker. rr~d1· ' '
\'i)llllt from m ~r~"'dlnr !Mr
o-..E4!~ ;
ll a man'l prl>'lte "''01'\d, reaardlell of the ~~~ma~y ol
hla~uiOf'l.~an be sub~ct
to public.,_..] queallon. a u·
Mmlc: ll'et'dom hat lndffd bC'C!n
sw.pended. All I know abou1
thf Frank l lat~h «>ntr'O\'tnY Ia
"''hut I hl>'t ru d . and I' m Ill•
dell~ate dl;"tiv~ •1iltmo
aumlnc Uuot the rt'JI(IrtlnC II
cold l(rt'IIJ pmtaktl, I •!ro
ol Mr. Pic
had ,...,..
~"rank Jlat~h. u a n Amfrl·
conouJh to IIOf> f'Min~ •hrn tw
t an cltlu n unci 11 a hum~n
knC'w II ,..• , too muth <on- th.ot
bt>lnc. hu the God and Olnltl·
he! ,..., btlng m~ a fool ol'l
tutlon - cnna~ riJ ht to carry
more paiiC'aktl. pork~t•l'i'<)
out hb pri\'lte entlrprllt'l. In
a nd rev~.. o( tht ~ta11c.n
any " 'IY tw. S<"f'' Ill, u lonJr
cha mpions' f)C'nonal 1131>11:<1
•• tw. doC'I not lmpoll' upOn
Add to thla the r..
lt ..
the almllar tiJ hU o1 oth..rs.
tul't'd atb of a IU" 1ut b~tlt
whl~h F u nk Ha te h hu
of Point beE-r and • lwlt Ul>rl
ol Pabst and an,· kf>l>i"~ruJ.
Mr . Hatch -ms to be thC'
tr II T'eftd y to ru<h f, r ~.,.
vlc:tlm o1 a ,.1tc h hWit . by 1
llflrl'lt boule of l,..(ll..,.at>rrul
lew allooc~ upholder~ o1 the ·
How many po!'OPI< boucl\1 1
s.o-..:a\1~ A.mfrl~an
homecomlflll buuon~ l \&ft. ~
and l!lltiiJ qoo. And by whit
YOU want to \hi'(M' 11"'3)' mont).
riaht, na turalordei'I'IOC:u t lc,l.a
lhrowltt.:> thC' IIM'd).And>f
thla hunt bfJna eondu~t<!d!
)'<Ill " 'l nt to .....a r a \Jbtlll'lkt
Rfollrdlfu of ..-tuuMr . lla tch
)'our O>O·n and Jhooo· a ll!tloc.r>-
=~ia:;~r ~t=~~•'• ~this~; ~:;~:~~=~:~~~
!Li:. or!:~E
~~~ C'~~~~~· hJn~~r ~
h~mli:~l t:"'~l;. e;,:
~~hf~~~u:;·co;:~~~k/~,~"" I;~
~~:co~·~~~t :bl~c::~~: :-S.:£C\~:~~~?~.~~~
: n':.
~~i:£~~~or:r~3 =~ 1 ~:~~~~~~~~~·:
.: :~rut~'~·
~::~~: ~ t:~~:~~~~ :;:,;;~"~
, lor thlt
hll prHcrlbC'd
clolot;y m ajor
and run...mr•~
~hampk>n 8or11 lor llu< tJII:
II he can ttonoach th<' •:chl
of bn athlnc . ..,.lklnJ: •~··1('1.1111
Wha t hasbt«>nw ofllull.l'.l\'t'nlty II Its llud<'nl< ~.., t1>
couracf<l to f>'lrtldl"''~ m tort>
thlflaa, • • -'omachl:"r'l:"~c«•
ttl\.1, ano,l a l<'~ch<'t •• '"':
pen.Md lor bo'ha> lfll: cl~>l"'~
What ...m bl'romr .,1 1h11 m.~~>
try If unl•·t.,.ltlo-t arl'l'•< '""
U.S.A. f'nKaa::~ In ,,.,.,~,,~>IIJI.
and wa llt ful ~.-cnts >n<it.>d ' 1
I llending to m<>fl' imJ> ruol
lunetlon In lht un1Vf 1'111ty. So.
lho!n. IC'thlmbe ,lud11~ by hll
true ~ml)lo)·en, hll llud~nu.
• a nd ,.·hetbcor or not tht'y want
hlm l'etl infd 11 1 tu~/M>r, not
"'hetlwr they think he 11 mora l
C'nD\ICh to bf one.
~·rom "'i lllt l have lffn a nd
hfl rd, Mr. Hatch 11 ....,u Ukfd
• nd a d1m cl:tod tn~hC'r. w hlth
II lar !IV)"' th~n c111 bC! aald
DlaCIIIIIona of collectlvco bl.rfor • lot of tud>C'r~' whole bec •lnllll and ntabllsbment ol 11
havlor outalde ot the ~lauroom
tooele o1 ethkl will hl&hllcht the
may be- fOflllde~ mora l,.
Study Bargaining,
=&F'rid~~!!.tl'ol! Sa=~-~
:~= ~t~:: ~::,~';"F'!
c ultlfs.
Doelfc•tn will l t tcnd 1rom
the WSU ~ampuae1 In £ 1 11
~~~k ~~~~~~ Is~~~
~~:::t~= :
F•Ua uld commlttH&
Involve ment In th e
.::::::::In-: ~er&l~
In II Stcvflll Point Slate and
m~tt:~ •.\~~~:· ~t
thr • ·;oW
,:'; ~~t::.r:; : : !:,val h~uhal
~ardl~~a\ tfflfta of okmocracy
pi'O\'<'n thai
• 't
•r" btlna ' vlolatfd r111ht he"'
In Rh't'r Oty,
~~· ~~~~~r~~~~
~udyc!;'..:'!i1~ ·:a\:u':
::..r:::ln~~- ~!.;we!
~tnecl,dl t CUI IUIC
~·-enu like pa.r>U ke Ullnl«b
tt'lltl did not t~llt. •nd kntt
«>nte au wcorco ton chlldl1h 1«
rollej:co lludl'•tll• 10 tak~· ...,.~o;u.
Student. Welfare
Committee Considers
Hours Change
Atlta ~ll of F eb. 19,
~~~~~~ ~ud..~
~. ·cw.ald Uon
In ffll:t'D' • . • but hOI' ~,.. ·~
ualna: this lllr lo)f'ff~ "-' •
our pwtcorlty b.r hmltinl:
~~~;~' t~~u ·~~ ~
a nd join tOft th..r '"I·~ •
provldlr~~: a ~tcor ~n··ln""""'
:"~tb'_ r-e~uclent w-
:- ':::~:,:! ~; ~~~
:t::::~UC'IItly, ~ ~
~~~~~onotlhea ·~: :~:::U.~tato""!!~:::;,
"''lllfful In OUT
:;::t h~~~::::~ ~::...=
~IHI «>1~ '~'""· \\( "'',
=~n:n!t,!i17~W~~~ =~:;:a~~~~c!: !anto;! ~~:,~~.~!~~
qunt~oo:tn ~
-=.:. u:
~~.;,;a~~rln:if..:: Fi~""s~U:.:U~
berMnc(M~ry=!:":· ~
co m n'-1" 11Y l.bo write to their
::::;-;:\~ 1=1!~;.:~ f tNf
n rth.
•;;~~~ ~
P.~,·.~·,.~:,· .•1~,.,,...',',:•." ':.
'" ·-u"' "" -
:Ww'::tn StJ:!:.c::;e:s':; ~ ~··;,_~~v!'; ~': .:=!'1cy"!:.:t~:;,·~
lf'OUP Saturdly at the
the que.Uon 11
\ =~~
~~.~..~- ~~,~.ft~-,,noc_ · .·~
..., m .,... _.un ~
:; =.~~~~,.p!!!~r
26, 1970
. ,.. J
Puppetry Design
New This Semester
Our Men In Washington
U:':~~~~ ~":!r'"!~•=
Paul Btn·Zvl ot the: Stf\'l'nll
::· :c:;J~:. .:p;~ ~~
dcollan •tudl'nta thl• lfmC!Ittr.
lie u.ld !he pro]iect will be
an txptriment " 'llh contempora ry multl-nW!dla t XIt llllonl of
the:lradltlona lpuppetthe:ller.
Btn·Z•·l hl1 produced lfVenl
puppetahovo'l for a dult a nd
chlldaudlfnce~.and hutauattt
puppetry u pan of camp al'ld
tclioO!artJJnd crafU prq:r•ma
to 1lll<k'n11 rana~ from k\n.
deraartMn tttrouahhL&hschool
lfnlon .
He reeently Pf'flfntC'd a 11\ow
a..t demo..tnUon 1o art 1hr
denta In the ~frond lht'oo~
ae•·enthara~l I I PIIIIVUit Elementlry Grade s.thool. lie wu
Ullltfd by unlwnll)' atudent
Dean Thomu from Like Fprrtll,lll .
Another letter
Viewpoints Of Germain
T\'•r l:do ld,:,
Ilk~ to comm en l on
i-:>mplalnt of VI~·
I'!Hioltnt s,nro T . A&oow.
me tha t (;('nnaln
.u ,,.,.. , ,~. olftlldl'd by 0011
flll>f \'l' : a lat"t out bunlll .
Y•~bt ,..~ d on auum e I h 1 I
10trm•in 1,;u oxomlden hlmnlt
fl'<'ml ' "
·"' ot.
tiV :'ie,.. Lei!. ntw only
tn llwtti\Jt tl'la l rno.t a r e
TJd kala. Wt a ll know
L.,tllw \"l'. llrtPrtnntall\'1
,lRtJ'Ilbhun<VI\M' I"\'& tb m . All
1 / ~~J k"""'' thathe~p'""*nt l
1111' IIIOT" p:~ trklllc, ailtnt rn a·
1/f'l,.' In our welety •• rom·
l"'fNI<IOU T · Io.'ftand )"OUIIlt
U'lt rot• '' '" 1ttc- llr"ffta rroup."
S.ll~ rompa ~ hlm to (;('nah ll
!.."'~on ltld 1M !I.-publicans 10
b U'"l t roh<lrll ~p,..M'nll
,n:y a form of name u llin&
•lll<hr.-quorf1ll! tlelfall)'jour·
u t.. nt.
I 1m l urt tlv V.P . lnttnded
l:':l'lfr."" th-' ht dtslnd to unl·
b' IIIOA t.o tlv ma,loril)' and
r.uq u Jtu sne nt , 1 am ai,U'e
~""' !he \ ' 1'. 11 not too o•·erly
M<<ml'd abo lll enhantlni
Cfiiiii iiUin!RJthe unity ,..lthln
l'lo !Will actl•·t mlnortty ol
l'll far hbo!ral ldl ." 1n fac t he
"""'d probabl)· tnJoY more db·
&!Mf\1 tile youna wei•·
bau .u to,- aweallna to the
·~tutr ln.stincta" In m an the
)\lWI'.£ ~btls tht V.P . mentkln.
lir r~«ed tttm In 1£\dlt. When
}'OIIJlltiCh the Ulfo! bruit
lcl'ff. dn !ni(IK:ln. and •·lolenee
.,.,,..d by s .o .s . and e tc. u
OS:l!GI<'d to othl'r m UM, tMn
l'"' •~ truly appnli"' ID 1M
"lnot r lnstinclll" In m a n.
Gttm.1ln also. •·ery a mbiJUcou.ly. dncrtbeod the V.P . I I
l<!lni hkr I ICII'>fllo&\ , But ....
youtl'lll the lncnase In lk>lOB·
ll o th
SC4'nl to Oourbl! ,,...T)'VI'hl'rf
uprclally In the ll l'ftta and
•mona oor IDCitty'l radicAl
}'0\llh. More tllll n e••t r Y<IUIIIC
people aeem to be 111\'fl to
, ,.'lll'd, a lloaln , lo klll one
II\Oiherwlt h,tolllf~onol n•
otlwr. U ,.-e ,..,..., 11ked lo d"'
acrlbe the world u thprrellf<l;tiPdby •ctlonaotour youn~~:
r adlcall. thl'n It "-'OUid be 1
wwld f11\rd " 1th h~ t e a nd ml•undetatandtnr. Today It loffms
more thPn e•·er, ~l111lon •nd
fully in the liTHia
I'O"'f T 10 twlrm and 1peak with
,,..,,~r lm~ct . 'tllrou,a;h th e
llf"'l mtdla "'~ lfl' tiM< IPdut~•
ted, yootha o1 web lll lic perl lllllon ,.·hu a redeluded,con·
cOfl\'ln ctd
Ordtr Is nf\·erdramatlc and
lhualt,.111problblynt\'tr bl'
popul • r , but \'loltn« IHml to
~ today"• fa d . Studenll lar a
~~~~pltdi;t .''tobrtna
~~~~~:=~ ·c;,:s;:~
~ ~II,III"H IIIIIhl\nf;.
n.. 1dta that the: commun·
•u ~~out to ltfl ~Is not
I.Nt Ur n l llfH with (;('r"""' '"part . They ..'OUid not
t:\JOll' du troyiiiJ thll nation.
Tht) in!fndonlyt:~e h ana eou r
• 11· of life to that of thfln.
k t to Imply ll'll t there •~
110 rommunltll In this country
11 1 rn •·e tnw In juda:ment.
A.TMO~ our )'OUih 1oday there
Wfllll to ~ sut»ta nllal num·
bo11 ~~ 10 n lled "M' II·nuode"
tt•'011.1!Mi ri" proft uln& oom·
:to.•JJ.t dottrl~ . ..·ho"Jo,unpto
Wl\tr h.l l'l.hooncllllionl"llboul
t.l l<lflftyll\d tl'loaeolUIWho
·~ tl)'inC to m a ke our 1:*~ ra<)'f\'tn morejustandl'f·
Ct!'l\l.l ln "'"not ~ally In·
ltrtSttd In ,.·hf, t the V.P . u.ld
hu to
Itt II a true lemon and lOUr
~Ln ,.· hfot anyone
r:u.. rtw ..'Onl"ao." lt -m•
L'>U hlt ol\ly ability lain dra w·
\q ro ttvr ha nh eon<:h,lllonl."
I\ " u ty to critld~. b\lt to
"'' .. ~.at l'l a1 been u.ld or writ·
\tfl I~ PIO~r ~rtpectlvt takH
T lh&njUit lrtnnofemo""'· It ttkn a eon~ rt~ tf·
l-not thou.cht . l o:ou1d describe
Ln. lor line ,.·here Germain
·~• l&cklnc In lnalaht.
• !.rl't prollUc. subjec Uvtl""'
~q..:,,l. ,.-a• not lacktnc. n.tre
lano ""'<<tormetodo thls
/tf I •m '""' e•·e ry re1dfr
4s <bit 10 on his 0¥<11 upon
•t.t.r.c l:rt.ane·1 irtlde.
To rompl1 ln o1 ttt. tlmel ow
,.,.u ,·rln.to enV)'the:prnt:nt
llaldt, o1 CTfllu advantasr.
c"-r up the: past , to contth r lmm~lllt and extnva·
Cllltllocors lor the wry near
loi'Jrr. hl•·e been the oommon
ifup.:.&ltiont ot the fMjorll)' ot
Such lmp. t\ent complaints
""' rouww Nc~~enwnt haw
edat.d In all limH, not jw.t
ltlt Tt«nt 60'1. But .mat II
1dtr~nt today lfMrll' our
Promotions OK' d
'tht Bo.lrd ot Re&tnts appi'O\·td promotions Frid1y for 15 fl,.
culty ~brn.
P~•ldent Dno)'ful 1 ubm lutd
ti'COnii1WndltloN ,
O..mocrotle Society do not a d·
\'DI'atearontlnuanceafO..mact•lic I:<IVt m ment f<lr our~&
cltly, lt lleuy to obtllntht
lm p~ulon lrorn watchlna the
IIC t kln:ooiS. O. S . mem~n . and
!he m ack Panlhtl'l, and e tc.
lha t thenew l\bna lllnot l n
ut,..ml• t. but a lmDII I barbolrlc .
1lltlf1rou~hl\'emort' lh 1 n
jlllt • llfMI'Oill oonceptlon of
eM! liberty . E\'1!T)'One twlsthe
r\)11'11 to prot<'ll Injustice.
L"l.·er)'OI'H'h.. the rlcht!O~m·
ons tra lell\ona ll the ri \rhll
olothttll"' not dutroytd .
RljfhiiiUpp~llfd•hould ~eX·
poaeodfor al lforllbl'ra llon. 11
l t quli<'••·ldr ntthll\' ~ t
d ~ m.,...tratlorll
not ollly ln-
frln&con tl'lerl&htsoloth(or•.
but "I'Jo)Jarl~e" a nd allen1tc the
ltllmt!lltli<>I IOC itty ouch lkm·
Se•·crb.forthas thert~n
JU(.h e a&t rnt'U to find ways
tu\mVf""fOUtiOciCI)'II Iound
amonr my ftllow Pf('rt. Eve ry·
OTIC'II....,kln.ca.onunlnnt nl
to cla im l'l'llleet . N~ lil t
~ ,,. , .,. ulst . se,...r ~f.>rt ttu
the-re btoen t.o mud! <O~rn
•tto>o.·n for hum• n Uberty, !noll·
•·ldua lllberty, 'nltrets& CI'fl t·
er , ,..• ,..Mil ol the 1'1'11 conrllcta ollnltll'll In welcty. We
1houkl 1<.- one anothtr. Thl'r'e
Is 1 nHd to dtvtlop some~~~
for mutua l tn11t.
,..,.. II I nffd, whtlhtt or
Advanced from auoc:l1te pro;:' .,~!~ 1!" C::m~ty tr;:ic~
fHIOrl to IIIII prolfltoni '"" "'
tcr esll by ,.·ttlcl'l c l'laiiJt a nd
1\lUtUII ucommodation Clll be
J &adlil\ Cbandtr, phyJ.\u department me m ber IInce 1966 :
obtalnrd. All o1 us want to
RJcttard Schntklcr. In 1r1 Iince•
m ake our rnoo;iern JOCiNy mo"'
1952: and RAymond ,\ndti'IOII,
lndlvkilllllllllc 11\d pctiOI\&1,
In natural l'ftOUI'UI sl~ 111M.
and III'JI bureaucnUc.
f'rom nalltants to auoclatt
llut the lncrtulnaly popular
proftaon , pn~lt\Ollllm wue to
~~~to! brute Ioree by anact l>'f
&<tty J . Alla r. In the Unh'l'r- • minority, 0110': In "'hlch th e
1lty Laboratory School I ince
V, P .'I !a!Cit outbw'll w as
1966 : R.tne Alltmon t, In hlltory
abOut, tao •·ah,>f-lr« to ~ tol·
erant ttas ma de 11ft In Amtrlc:a,
alnee l o66; Jamn A. Boo\'IU,
In natural l'fiOIIrtn 1lnce 1!161;
tor m any, mDn! confused and
Ga rry Knopf. In biolocy 11nce
1966;o-.n llu1Leor,ln naturnl
ll lthlrdtobf llev• lh• ta
rtsourc:l'l 1ln~ 1966; Robfrt
rational. tducatiPd youna mind
wuuld choose brull' 1~. 1trtfu
Ro.unlllfr, dlrHtor ol tlllandal
1kb 1lnce 196S: 'Thomas Wentand c....,_ ,.i>fn It b 10 unland. In rommunkn\l ~e plsorI>C'C•uary. But let 111 get to
den alncf 1966: •nd Cba rln
!he bulc qUfiiK:ln, the ono
\\1lll e, ln blolocY•Ince 1966.
" 'hlchunderlll"'lllcon!UctJIOI ·
El•\'all'd h'om \NtructOI"' Ill
td by this U~ral lfOUP· Should
uslsta nt proltuOr'l we rt Richour IOI:Ifly continue to have
1rd C. Ackley, In JOc:loloo'
• Dcomoc: ratlc form of I(OVtrn•lnc:e 1967 : Unlet Oxly, In a rt
ment, or lhould we abollsh It
1967: Gordon Mlllt r Ln
ln la \'Of'ofthe:f\'trlncrtulna·
mathllmatlcl IInce 196:1; a nd
ly 1\0pular form o/ 101:11111m
0\arlfs Ktml)lhome, In Efl&llah
a l"t<!l ble to the ~.;..,.,. LthT
llno:c' 1!Mi9.
J A. MA\'11
Rcaa rdl na: last w..ek' o VIew·
polat rolu mn by DarT)'! ~,..
m• ln, l m U&t acne with oor
mble V.l'., SJ•lro 'nltodon Aa·
. - , ,..ho nld he w11 wllllnc
to "1wap the ,..hole damn zoo
of hlpplea, ylppll'l , SOS'rl ,
,.·ea\hM'n~ n.
d llltntrn, e tc.,
for the kind ot nwn wo:o Mve
arr.·lna Ill Vlc tNlm."
Spiro A&III'W m~y have hit
upon a pla n for brln&!ng u•
toctther. F<ll' unlike ,...,,.. In
tht ~II. lhf Vlelna m '"'lr h u
not btou&hl the Amertc1 n prot>lt !Ojlflhc r llonl', lnilfld,
rt>·olu tlon II brrwlna amonc lhf
more mlll\11111 of the youn):l'r
at t , lundlnttdtdtollahtpotlutlon l nd i•IIJChtlnurbanand
run t dtpreued artll are~l"'
" ·u tt tully 1ptnt to ~ontlnl.l<' a
bloodfu1t 1000 mllt1 from
hume. minority KrDill'!l a re no>
ionl" llktn In by dr<'&ml ol
l nt~JCta tlon
a nd
marchea as ~•ns to an end
of .,quallty,a nd t>'tn the,.,rk·
Ina: 1nd middle cla u "ll!tnt
mujorlty" lff l fll\i'-'rrd a! the
OMdlessly hlah taxation and lnll a tlon IO'IpplnJt this country .
'tllr rou ntry today 11 becomln.c
mort wnd more polarized eath
Dut no lona:tr I• t he~ ~ n y
need for dttp.:alr . For ca ltoplnc
llklllJCinl'lll " ·h ltc attlnlna•r""'
or. the mouth ttu cmeratd
from the oMcurity ttwlt w u
h\,juii i»'OJhorl)'fltiiiiO.
For Spiro T. A.ltMW ..-a n\1 to
~"·a p our ~.000 l t rvleemtn
,_,. Jn Vlf'tnam for • II t ht
"hlppiH,ett." h(ore. Th llllthe
laneat lcka the present admlnllt rl llon hu had to dati'. For
,..e " hlppln, y!pPleo, sos ·n.
" 'el thermcn. d.lutntel'l, e tc.''
.,.'Ot>Jdonly be loo w1111na 10
Jay 00..11 our a mu and IUrr~rtothtVittCona,thUI
tndln.cthe ,..a r, cu tt\RJ 1nt1a·
lkll\. Mnd tuatlon a t home, and
brlnetna: thlscountry topeace.
Ptrha po~ In dclnt thll c:ountry
...\U bf.tOmt unlltd ou war lan
hal t.,..c,n unable to onlte hff.
!I not . .. twatthehe: ll, Pov.'fr
to the prople ~
nlltd rtprnentltl,...o In lOY·
emment IIY aomethlrc wor\h.
whllt. Tbtn "'"'' practice that
. :, =
;~"!.a~c':""J!e :~~::~.;:.
~~ ~~ .=
=~~.:.··~~ ~=~
~.:e-= ~~~~
. .,:;
•·erballlnu ot
Secretary of H.E.W. reeently
look noce o! tht molt preuln.c
prqblt m l acln.c man and worn.
Ill today - o~tr·poputltlon. Jn
order to m a lnllln tha quallty
of Amtrlcan Ufe he ~lltvt1
that parentaahoold llmlt the:lr
famlllt• to two dllldrtn.
Thil II IDOl! enoouncln& 111
:~~0:..:', ~~:...:e::
to publicly announce
their f..ellnp on th1l t\'tr-lncreuU. menace . Jt Is my hope
that t>rQidtnt Nlllcn Yt'ho ll
auppoaed to be lu tllna th l•
country will decide to \:If his
om~ and Iff that aomelhlnr;
11 done - .nc1 dam tool\ 100
u he need~ l'nlit:l'lttnll'>tnt ~
can bolt tllmllllu.:l nel<l yu r ,
Many people wot1ld rather ttave
U )'011 fN I Hpeclally eonfl.
d.tnt 11'1111 they' ll be IIJttnlng
m ode 10 kill with compllnwnu
from the Pentaaon.
1'- could 1 Itt an article
~~~~~:ay~ ~a.~!!rt~lr:;
o! s;:':tn!"':
:u'mo:c~o,-~~ l~:!':"c:
~.~~!:' :~roC?,"':'"~ n"';
~~:;lr:u;~';k:~OO:' .~
~~~~~~~~ ~
~~.~·r.~ :J!•lm:, ::~~~;~
In the: choice ol h ll Prt~~ldo:nt-
oent dlok:H to btcln wi th .
Cllooxtnr ~lwftn • bllf·mootl'l·
fUif • crimina l pi"'XHdlng.
Fortunalfly lor America the
&)'Item p rovO<! 1'111111 to the
challfiiJe. In the end , that jllry
cam e In ,.i lh an Amt rtn n ,..._
tull .'.' Now ... u n 't tha t touch·
OnctaaalnSplro falled tolff
the ln,lultlctl of tl'lls IYJII'm
to ride the baelr ol eJthe:r a n
old t lepl'lant or an old donkey
- either "''Y· tilt ride Is mud\
too alow lor cotnlort .
l.ut '"'ftk, anothe r Admlnl•·
tratlon eltpha.nt, Me lvin l.lolrd,
warned the country that lhott
• e•·ll Ruul1111 •re e•pandlna
their mlultc lllf'Cft I I 1 ' pact
llntt '"'Hkly. Yet !he o ld
blockhtld rtl~~~t~lo be moved
• - lnltead he: polnta hb fln&tr
• t \ona-hall'fd radicals a nd hlppie-like people, ..mtrve r that
muno. We a re the uUH o!
thll n"lon'a Ills. he VI'DIIId lud
pt'Ciplt to ~~~~ ......
Look for aome other · ae~ pe-
: ; : ;··!:inao!
Tha t wot11d b. nther
noow, wotlldn't It! Of
If ,..,
It would be even belttr
eould tiPCt the Prt~~l~nt
re<:tly and lf,.....hadiOII'Ie~
~!numtn'*'·~ w':: ~k~=
~ct:ru?v!~e m-::e~rov:·::
~tr:~ ea~ ~~
~ ·~· .::.a:~':r....u~~ ~~! ~:~~~·.:~~~~~· ~ ~1\~~~~~ .::s.-The~
~~~ ~~':m:,..~.': ::~ 1'f:.:! m~~rr:l~·dut and huty pa;rt~ :'~ ~ thin~ ~':'! :,""!;!
Wl)'l than
one '"""
think Mr
.. :
~~ ·:_:~~tc ~~
oontrlbutlon to the
Me~wtollf, our O'NII Stllllor
G&ll lord Nellon wa1 l&ll\ni " II
..-.are toJIFl lllca nUyhelpln
lhe worldwldtll&htlo curbln
thepopula tkll\.uplollon,lhfnl
m1111 be ~veloptd a llmplf
.ndaafeml"lhodll'li! CIIIbol
m•de avall•ble to populatlon.l
on • m &ul\'t scalf.''
AI much u ,.., may 10 •ion&
"1th IUI'h mea111 ' "aid fam ily
plann\ni, "'~ •till hl•·e nwn
like Pope P aul Vl breall'llne
<bot.11 our necks- they 1\ve
me a \'fry cold •1'111! lndttd.
~·or""" m111t noow look to f'fa·
ton ' andto..-twlt II pracUea l
fdrtheaurvlvllofma ninltfld
ol ttanaln&onlo •n:hllcrell·
&Ioiii ~Ud• ttwlt no lonat r a pply.
Na turally, it II ou r mon lreapon~lblllty to like U f'f of
tholf hum onawho a ln!adywalk
the: faceol the ea rth. SOli
f<lllows thal " 'l rcrttlc.llnd a
opecial pl•ce In my heart, that
nwn Uke Stnllor Mo:Go•·tm
c:ontlnut to lfll \1 lib It II
and lhatothtn llkt UlJ , Nlllcn.
and Aanew 1peak "1th forked
McGo\'1! 111 r«en!ly chlr&td
~ha t Wtud o1 admlttlrc VIti·
nam wu "a dlllllf'DIII pollll·
cal •nd moral mlltue," Prell·
dent Nl•an tta d dl'vllfd • "now
lormul • needed to make It lcetptable to the Amtrkan peo>
pie ."
And Richa rd Falk , a ~
loll lnternatlonll law prolHIOr,
pull! rathe:rwtll by aartnr.
"The only lti!IOII o! Vlelnam
~a lly unlcctpllblf and mllltarII)'UIII'lO!CfiUrytolonllafl't
numbu of American llvfl by
&round llahtlne ."
All l nn•ayllhowun
you people In !ha t ""•llent m a jority" con tlnUot to be 10 d a mn
In ~ ltd a round like ahN p.
c hf,aed off to war llke ca n lf,
a nd •J•uahtel'fdllke chlckflls.
:~llforthena tlonalhonor,wlt h
meda l or two to c o with
Amt rtca, riaht o r wrona.
tllm '""" m1111 ac~pt the •c'lt.al·
~~:~ ~ ;::~h':.-e
": :;:.;;
.leclll In oor o...n
rlJI'lt tnck la te ly, and the m•·
~~: ~:"'~r: ~~h~~· :!"~~ ~~
tic, dead or all•·e.
Researchers Probe
Fur Trade Sites
State Unlwnltylludtnllwlll
UJtlhov•lsandiCI"Hns next
aummu to lea m a ll they u n
•bout twol802Brllllhfurtra d·
In& JIOIU In Bumett COunty.
rram 1pproVfli lor ttt. nlne
Wilconlln State Unh·enlllfl lor
lf10.'tl, the WSU ayo;tem ofll~
in M1dl1011 ... porta .
membt n aubm tu~ 96 ~
• • •• requuttnrUll.OOOinltatc
'nltlllflol lht lurtradln s
poa\1 on the Yellow Rl\'tr w er~
dllfDVttedllit iUmmtr by Jlarrll A. P11nwr, a c fOiol:ll t at
WSU· PIIttevllle. lie will be II•
allttd In hlslnveot]&lllonby
15otudtntan:htoto,llta lupervllfd by Ro~rt Nt liOII, ~
ltlchtrlnthePll lltvllltput ..
lie achooll. A joum a l found In
Toronto confirmed that thc
JIOIU own b\lllt In 11102.
Gnnta wl'llch ranae In va lue
from $400 toS3,2'!!0 ..·ere lwlrd·
ed to faculty member. .e t a ll
niMollheunl,...nltleo. By tar
the b"'fll number will finance
rflfll'ch In the ocJt ncH, In·
cludlna n.llle aranta In cheml..
tryand , lllllnbloloc:Y.
Otllfr ~ ptojecta lpPI'O'>'td \.,.
A dnlna c e and erwlronmcn111 lludy of wt~trm Llkt superior, by Dr. Ronald , Koubal,
• chemllt at " 'SU·Supcr lor.
A lludy 10 dtttrmlnt the I I C
of roc:la In the Wausau are• ,
l llheiOUihemend otthePte·
cambrian C.nadlan Shield, by
Dr . GeneL. Lo Btra:e.a:~Jocli!
a t WSU-o..ttkDih .
A Iurvey of the e Ueeta ol
aviation on Amertcan 10elal.
eeonomlc, military and political
devtlopmenll In the pe rl o•l
lllfll.l929, by Dr. R.ocer E . Bll·
lleln , WSU.Whltewa te r hlllortan.
A ahade and •unllcttt lludy
ot thi'C'f for•ae leaumu, by
Dr . Loull J , Gl'fUb OI the plant
and flrlh lclfnc:edepartll'>t nt
t WSURI,...r F 11l1,
to leave
home for
Six Colors
And.,..,..,. , It cn11 to le1m
tha! a , peclal commJqlon ttu
final\)' recommended a n • li·YDI·
un!Ht a nny to Prflldl'nt Nix·
on! Altl'lo\lah It feels the: dnlt
featuring Seafood arid 1teaks
Phone 344-4252
tne look that
glows on you
Mr. D's
Home of · ·Big Entertainment
10% Discount on Cash &
Ca;...y Dry Cleaning
The Sun Fox
'""" Dulwtt.
Wing Party Special
C•ll fw
lafo~ -
Special Prices on Beer
Still in EHect
Come Prepared· for Fun!
COintlnutd trom pal'f 1)
not an unW'tleomtd part of t'lety.
Is ZPG Goa
Purson ,PUtt It, "lt't aoln& to
be utlon from now on." La.u
week, the UOUp palled out lit·
era ture at a torum on AOO,.,.
Uon. ThtcroupallonU..bookl
and butto.- In the Unl""l"'it;y
Centu prrlodlcally, achedulc.••
1peaken andfilma conotrnlnti:
A tolal 0(600,000 AmultaM
ha~dl~ In all the wan wr
ln. ln3'i da)'ll.~samenum­
~ ol blltMs •{'I' bom In ltw
~mi. and acUHiyaupporta pol.
lllta l eandldatt~ "ilo hold ZPC
vle.."l , On Wedn~ays, mtf'l\o
than our t'R\ironiT'INII can lUi>"
pon." Z.P.G, 1$ mde up ol
an amalcamatlon ot all t y~
o.l atuok-nl.l : from Crft>b, to
non • Cl'ftlu, 1o Yow.a ~11'10crat'a and Rl'pUbllu,ns . "Ev"'
CathcllLCo a rerrlpondln&loOIIr
procram," said P.anon.
Or. J.:ent Ha ll, a WSU-SP tJio.
locY lfa~hl'r, I• the nd,·tso<o ftnd
Z.P.G. chapter. He rel~ t ed tho.>
!OW" m&lnobJo-cll•·c-.
l'nlUitlon: II Fn-co. ··~'tltl"lll
. Go;wemmem .IUPJIOrttd contra·
ttlpiiV<l &d•·ln and n vallablllty
l<>r a lltholewho ..'llnllt.21
C'<lmplfte reJ)f'al of ai)Ortlon
lawo , !) tree, F'edtMII Govt'n>o
all married men and "'OITIHI
" "ho ..·ant It, and 41 a mllliJ•
,mum alze of two childl'l'n J)f'r
llw!ruher. "lf we can Imp!,._
ment thflt;e objecth·e.," Jald
Hall, "the population will be
Z. P.G, II ""I')' lntel'ftu.d b,
pollution a lto, and IU '
memlll'n rullze 11\al •'-blllzlnitlhepopulatlonllth.elirat
step. "lfweool"" thla prob~m
firat," 11\d Peanon, ....~· n be
In a bellt'r pwltlon to IOive
lhe""'orour.oclal ~
~ma." Prftently, there
$00,000 different chemlca ll
J>O\U'td Into tiM! <Xtan e ~ c h
)"tar. and the amo<,ml ot DDT
II lw11inninlt toiUJ)j)I'HI phot~
oyntheall In ocean planu.
Tlle Stev~na Point Z.P .G.
ch~ptl'r J)laiU &e\"l'ra l tacUca to
Clrl')' OUt their purpose, AI
ltwll with buslnHa meetlnl•·
But now they plan to ~~~'rome
more o~Uveb' Involved. N
BS Changes Noted
Sntnl chanre• In cunku·
lam rf<Lulre~nllfor baclw!lor
of Klence dl'flrH candidate.
ha•·... bHn rna~ " Steven•
Point Statt Unl••tralty .
lnto.o."Ooeparat<' faeulty~t·
lnJ,profe..ondeertedtha t :
- Studtn\J In U'll! colltae o f
ltlltn andtdrnce a~ required
to ti ke counu In OO!h lonl~tn
l&n&uare and mathematkl, but
In a n otlw!r colle~..s a cholc~
Senator Speaks
"11 our coUczu and unh~r·
IIIIH dO not !tad men ... IO
attack life with all tht uulul
Ylllon and vlp. t!'wn there b
wme thlni"Toni with co!Jq;u .
'nle more lcrlllcllrl\.11 ttwt
come out or our COllf"lfS urn""'"·the better the world tor
tomof'I'OW." Wm. All a n White
One of the ma&t contn.wenla l
~-lM."'U from tht IIU<ifnt H"'
Student ID's
Student Senate hat bHn ae·
cuud. m &ny Umt1 of not dOtna
a nylhi~. Yctukyoono:il"'hll
•oolce of the lludenll. flow dO
"~ know whlll the lludrnll
wanttoaay!Wehaven't heard
much from l ll)'Onc except lh"l
Senate ll.n't doln1 anythl~.
How cAn a 20-mtmbtr Senate
setup p:lllcles for8,000ato.J<knU
If "W-e ha•·e no ldn ol what
u..o.e atudtnu dellre to 1111•-e
done~ A Studrnt So'nate Is only
ustronru thebackln&lt ......
eeiW'I from the lludtnt body.
'nlere are a f<'W conc~rtw<l
atuMnta on this nmi"'J. ·w e
commend thHe lludl'llll I o r
their lnvol•-ermnt but would
like to M"e more ltudenu nl
thll caliber. Silence b a slrn
ot appnwal . Do you apptO>"t!
DO~~~x..= ~
can bt made btt"·Hn the two
IUbjecta. StudfnU may be U•
empt from tht oubjpcu on the
baala ot hl1th 1ehool work .
- Sla c rl'dlu ol America n
hbtory will bt re"lntd lor atu·
dcnU In liM! COliPCe of f:<IUCI·
the rrqulremmt Ia tlx t'ttdlll
of a ny h\ltory coune1.
- In a ll colle~tn. lS cr'td\1.1
of llumanltiet and -Ia\ ad·
encc cwn<"o a~ requlrt<l, with
a choice of six to nine cttdlu
In the ooc:l~l aclencu a nd nlnc
to to.o.·eh·e crt<llllln humaniUu.
- In naturalocltrw:H, eleht
to ten credlll ol any comblna·
tlon a re permlulble auc:h 11
aotronomy, bloJot:y, clw!mltlr)',
~~~raptly, K<'<~lo~y and ph)'·
prop:~~~all ..·ll totllmlnattfour
b tlw!re an)·thlnr "Toni! with
our untvenlty! now lone hftt
('O)r>«rn a bout "'hit roes on at
thla uniYenlly ! DoH It makt
any dll!cttnce to you wh" dtdolonl are btlnr made abou t
)'OUt tduutlon and future !
Duplicate ldentlflutlon canb
that are lw!Jdby tilt unlwr·
alty'o Office of Student Allain
ma y be ~troyed a t thedl•-.
cretlonof lhe Lndlridual 11'1·
den tvlce-pret~lden ttorStuUent
Alla h·• William Stltla lra lolo
iht qutl')' wa1 prompttd l.y
a n announctmtntlrom theUnl-
~nl~~l'!('U:.:n A~~c~~~
Ovll Ubo!rtlea Unk>n It wwltl
dellroy dupllcal<'llf thellurequtlu.d it.
1be ACLU hid expri'Ued concem, accordln~~: to tilt Mllwaoo·
kN .I... raa l thatllw!UI<'OIIhe
pnot.,. "mleht Jnl!lblllhe uer·
dH ot tree IJN'ti'h." Mr. St.lt\a.
tranote-dth atthephoU:.had
~""r I!Hnult'dto ldtnUtylludtnU partlclpatlnrln 1 demonllratlon on thll cam~~t~~. but
W'freuso:d forldenUflcltlonput~
In the cue o f acel·
:~~~= TRIVIA
9 PM FEBRUARY 27 • 12 AM
MAR<it 1
~Ho:~ 650
MOVIES · ~~T~w ~w:tv~:~~
U .t.• To
Here Match 4th
Falhfr Blla;rlfh, proclalmlnlt
Thil l.ljullont"OI the abrm·
Lnc full a bout
IIV"'11>thatl'lalcai.1H'd •tudenta on the w .s.U ..St~t'N
Point campus 1.o estnbiLih a
challltr ot ZPC. Z.P .C., or ~ro
Popu.Jatlon Gro•Uh , i s - ol
the Jart:HI ud undo\lbtably the
camp14. l tl.l a fflllated ..-Lth a
n.tlonal orranlutlon, l'lel<k<l
by P aul EhriU,h, the weiJ..
Bomb. "Tile duth rate. must
Bud Pu~. - theprftldcntGf
the orcanl.utlon, ''We're not
acaWtthe production of more
Ehrling, Detroit Symphony
Population Balance
n eampuaes In o..o..r to orr•·
nlze , _ ZPC dlapten. o,,...
rently, they are wol"idl\11 on a
faculty membo!rahlp drh·e and
a "Le lt..l'ln, " whkh II a let.
ter ..,..ltlni: campalcn aimed at
maey atate olflclala. Peanon
""pla lned 11\at Wllc:onsln b the
onlylllott>lnthen.llon that
makea It Ulecal to dilplay andOrdiac,.lcontraceptlvn,and
ltlabtlaltw.>mu"ln.K<:mtartida." "Amther objec:tlve," 11ld
tasmtlal ba1la lor · the
t*caniu.tlon, uplalna Dr. Hall,
!11 the fact that the powth rate
man rac-e U somtthln(
~~ ~~~: c!~ d'J:.'\
tTb)'anlncre...,ln · lbeo~lh
note. ZPG IHio that tt.. lat1e r
LltM~humaneol tlltt...-o
IWIUt ioN. DutUoe prlmatypi"'Ollo
~ m and object.lve rlrht now
15, a t Hall puu It , "To confrontpeopleonthevltall.uutt
of environment and pOpUlation
control." Ttl thll tnd, ZPG II
IMol•·lnt" the St.!V<'rll Point
e&miJUIIn the National Eco~
~tical T<'l th· ln on April :n.
which wu ln.IIK•ttd by Wb.
ron~ln Senator Gaylord Ndson.
Lecture Program
Presented Three
Times Annually
formalb' undfcrta ken here with
• ttw.bbjectlveol prtatntln&a,...
nual ltdurtl on l'oland. n.e
ocopeof t ~ ll'ctul'ftwi llnot
be llmi!M to one
attaotPolllhlw!rl t.aeebutwUI
embraee aU lll"ft'tl of Pola nd .
Tlle l«tt.lf"fa " "Ill be pruented
three llm.t~ annua lly and bt
prrsf'nletl by outltandlnK Kilolara, lpt('laliiU In apedflt' ...
pectaof Poland.
D>ctor J<'ln 8owllb'. ProiH·
wratlhtSorbontw, I IPft'll·
lilt In PoiW. Uteraturt and
Cardinal Karol Wojly la !rom
Krakow In Poland, a opedallot
lntherel~ a ndsodalprobo
lfma or Pola nd exemplify the
hl1th d~f't ol Kholanhlp
""lllch..,·LUbtbrourhttoSte,.~nl Point by thla Pf"OIII'•m.
acholars wtu be eamplltd and
publllhedbeln&thel'tb)' aVIIJ..
abl., to aU unl•·e,.ltiH, hlih
Til canyon IUch an exu•,.
•h·e and far ala;httd procram
""enetd thetllliiUpporll.nd
~ratlonol theltudmu or
•·ens Point .
from direct pal"
tldpa tlon In lhl• pt'Oil'lm · are
oll'lloua.TOOay ttudtnthtlp la
L.tdu.rta ol Poland P"'tl"am. U
anyqutltionlrttlu.d tothla
PI"Oirlmplfaaecontact Michatl
Nichallk at 1709 Cark St. or
pltoneMl·l~Orconuct Doe­
torSorokotoflheHlalor)' facul·
ty,Studtnt aulltance lnthb
PfOCI'am II WI')' Important and
The IOJ...mtmbtrDrirolt Sym·
fd the U5 Dec: IIMI!Ion of In•
dfJ)f'ndetw:'fandlhtUN Dec:lu·
1*-Y Orchestra. dlrecttd
F ather ml&rlch alated abortion
waa not only a IPCal, mtdleat
and psyehulotr\ea l queatlonbut
alao a ""I')' «tmplrx a nd total·
Jy human queatlon. Ut turned
abortlonavoldanceollherca l
Bllrrlch la id he hAd Mard
lw!ard _..tone otand up a nd
delend the rlrhu otlhe unborn
ULI&rlch eoncludtd tha t II
f\"ei')'Ont Wtrt! to I.'OnllrucliV'fly work toa;elher lhe culmina·
tlonol lheaborllonlaltll!""""'ld
Med.lu.l \'a. Ltt&al
Dr. Johnlon explained th:t.l
put. of the abortionconlrOv'frSy
tlonollhtt..rmt "mlacarriare"
a nd "IOOrtlon." John.on ttrmtd mllcatrlare u antxpulllon
• of a productofconctptlonlrom
the ultNI, whether natu:ral or
Soon thel'l'&htr, he prHtRied
lledtftned aOOrtlontolnclt.lde
mllcanlare and abo the el<pu}o
sian of&nl'typeofcontentof
theUk!NIIIhl\ may be lnduc:o:d.
Medically, an embi')'O Ia held
II Ia COIUIIdtl'td a ~f\UI.
a ae-conc1 'J'o\t.n Hall reeltal and
madelconetrttouroftheeounlry. ln1968,hlldtbuta1Qut<'n.
Ululbtth Hallin London wa1
foiiiWI"ed by a retum <'l\ll&le·
mPRI thelollowlni!Ye&rand an
Thll venlon dilft>n aomewlll l
from the leital te rmlnololl)' of
1100rllon II defined by Mn.
B&blltch : "abortion II any ml•·
catrlaee which 11 .. uucalb' ,,...
dueed with t he Intent of dcatroylnll: the f~tUI." (Tlle law
apeelllcally ollie. the dellroY·
and tht
1lM!re haa bHn rnuc:h concfm
0\"H" the poulblllty of the Reatenll d.ldatll\11 a unllorm viti·
tatlon policy lor the entire WSU
l)'lttm. AI a l'tiUit tchoola
withUberalpolklniUChiiS!e\~nl Point would be required
to compromlat and loiot 601111
o! tlw!lr prMiesu.
ZPG "ill attemj)'l to •~hie""
"to make contractpllon, at;or.
to evet"}'OII">e who wanU it. Wt
will educa te the public tha t
th<'re Ia a lf!rloul p:~pulatlon
problem In tiM! US a nd lhPt
t...-o chlldr'<'n lo ttw.o maximum
number that a reaponalbltta m·
1llole who wan t to r&IH a
l real<'rnumbe rolchlldl't'nwiU
bttneour&Ke-dloadopt a'nun·
wanted child."
ZJ'O Objeetl>'to o
C..!T'ttt Hardin, Profeuot of
Ulo\oa. Uni"""'IIY of Oollfor·
nla, a ZPC advocate, statu
lor all birth control pracllcH
II "to free ....ormn tmm a now
endleq ronn Of llavtl')', to
m ake 1 woman the mut..r •tl
lltr own body."
Euentlally, what ZPC really
advoo:aiH Ia the elimination of
the unwa nu.d- prior to their
' en\rano:elntotheWOO"Id.
Mr. MelvlnK&r~,otthtltous.
ln1 Dl'par1m..,.t ata ltl IIIII the
I'KO!utktn by the ftet:MU Is
But It II Important to note that
II m ay b., r evera~d at any
At tlltlr J an. 23 meetlnrttw.
Board ofRerenu pa.Ued a rttolut.lonll'anllnt uehWSU Unl·
\'ertlty lhe rlrht to formulate
Ill own policy ttKardln& ret~!·
dtrw:e hall vlaitatlonon that
Sound of the 70's
Tell -
111'1l"Nmembtn and~ f(lft.
Ehrllt>j'. 52, Ia a native of
ductorandmUi k:dll"tctorotlht
Royal Opera In Stockholm.
llli e arlier mUIIcat blck .
Mroundlnclll<l<odpianoartd VSc.
lin 1tudln whil e 1 boy,,...,.
ynrs ol lludy lllhe lto)-,1
Acadl'rny of MUIIC In Stock.
holm, and evtntulliylllt t.eJin.
1938 attlw-DrndenS!Itt()ptr 1
lle Hrvrd theStockholmRoy 1 j
Opera from I~ to 1960, 11111
eorK:Utl'tn\Jy Wll I l\lflt con.
ductor/or other rrou"'~n,._
ce rt hlt.llathrouithoutl:~~n~~.
l!e made hla U.S. conduct~~tc­
debut with the Detroit S>·mp~to.
ny tn 1961.
Tllt Unh~ralty of Dttl"l)jt bf..
atowo:d a 1)1169 P rl'll&nt'o AWard
on Ellrlln1 lor hll conlrl~
network' thll ynr.
• ,
n'::~lhuhl: w~reC:: d~~~:;;
a ndllproll'IIOrofplano atthe
Untvrnll)' or Miami, • PQ51 he
llll• In addition tohla IMual
eoncett tolln.
The Detroit Symphony, fOilnd·
concertllnc ludll\lloneatC.r·
rM"'tiellall'• annuallnt..mat.Jon·
11 FH tlva l for Vliltlnr Orchet:·
ume year. Time Mara.tnr <It,.
crlbtd him aa • "duhlnllltd
~:;::.. \mare
to the Dth'lllt
TlcktU IOI'tlltconctrtba.. •
Kllrle on 111t In the unl'lfni!J
ArU and ~turn olflct. Ptr.
iOIIJ In Manhlltld, Wlscoruln
Raplds a ndWa uu uhaw acctu
nmpu~ for calllnat In r"'M·
tlona. TllenumbetoftheWIIVfl".
slty lslllttd In thowcJtl!,·
phone dlrN:totiH.
2 M Uet North
Oft H wy, S l
Sttveru Point Wll tilt tlrat
a vla!tatlon pr'OII'Im. It bqan
ln19671nStelner ii1Ualan
OUIJTO'!"'h of !he open hotQ:e
Studentahavebtotn""ryaupportlve 0( lhf proa:r• m. It II
estimated that
ma y be 11 hlih at.)O per cent
on some wtekettdl and 11\at
lllOi t hall realdtnll participate
11 some time duriJ\11 the Year.
Tlle resolution' rtadi,"Eadl
campUI ...·JIIbe allowo:d toform·
ul ate 11.1 ""''" polldn rttaniIJ\11 room villtatlon. Tllne polIdeo will then be transmlttl!d
to tht Board for Ill lnlorma·
Vllltatlon pollde1 throuiJ\Oul
th<o nine WSU achoola vary
rreat.ly. Ste\'ena Point lithe
lllOit\LberaJ ...·IIhvllltatlonon
a ll three " "ttkend days In some
aLit utrtmt. Their polley,...
qulrn that doon ~main open,
Urhll!lr't lu:rnedonandthat
"both leelmllllbtonthefloor."
S.A:o are tt1tporslble for proctorln~~:halllandmforelnrl'f"IU­
Stout and E1u Claltt are quite
Uberal and the other WSU
a nd
We only s~rve the
, .... Denllt
wsus _.
The oreantutlon has been un.
&or ttw.batonoffll:>nductorn.,..
Unit alnce 1963, who ha1 •ddtd
~~-:; o,'C::r~~t"~a~ ":;; ( ~:n~=~·t"'~n a ~~~-u!t~
Regents Rule
On Visitation
U ltenlnr tobothll<iesoflhc
q<Xallon ln•·oh·ca an In Mpth
look a t an or&anlullon promo!·
n.., Of"laRIII IIon Ia known n
ZPG ~nd, ho11dully wbhH It
"w\11"" more th~n a nollw!r oet
o f HOttrlc Initials," 11 alated
In a ZPG handbill.
thelmmedla tealm ottheor·
stateofuroJlOtlUia tlonrrowth
19E\O (and tnthev.orldby19901.
Thill meansllablll•lne our JlOI>'
ulatlon b)' brlnglnrour blrlh
ratt down to equal the deatlt
rate. Thla does not mean " n11
blrlhl a t all."
In addition to el\llllfmtnU
with 1M Detroi t Sympathy, Da·
oon with 111t h ~lli'Opt&n on:hel·
Repreatnlatlve Gnllllw!k, after
dt darlnlt hlmstll a ruult ul
the p:~pulaUon eaploslon, lUI·
lf'llf<l not to hullly make a
ruhdHIIIonon a aubjpc l witllnut IUlfl~lent
back Jlt'OUR<I
knowledee. lie rfCOnlmrrto4ed '"
111ten '" both aiOOs of the qllt!~·
tlonandtotllenwte . '
The lnltlala stond for ZERO
1'01'\Jl.\TIOS GROW'n l Of the
human popul ation . ZPC advocatHthat "alncewemuJIJIOp
" 'hyrootdoltvoluntarllybcfiH't lt'I'VtrnmtnU mt.Lit do II
by .. ... ~ ..
Ar1o and ~tt.lf"f• Strles on
WcdnHd&y nJaht, Man:h 4, at
St..vena Point State Unlwnltt.
The repenolr'f lor the I p.m.
J>I'Oir&m In the Bfr& Gymna•
tlwn ol the fltldhoust will~:
Brahm.l' " Acadtmlc F'utlwl
0\'ertu,..," Gttll'l "())nctr\0
for Plano and Orcheltta In A
Minor," Debulay'a "PI'ti!MSe to
the Aftl!rnoon of a Faun" and
MUNOrPky • Raw l'l "Pictll:rH
F'ea turedaoiGIItwiiJbepJa.
nlat l van Davllln tilt " AI\tvo
moHo modtrator," "Ada&IO.'' ,
and "Aile&ro modtrator mo\le
e marcato" movemmu of lilt
Grt..c compo~ltlon.
Davll, orlatnally trom ,..,,...,
""" the flrlt FTam Uazt Piano
ComJ)f'lillon In N~ York't
Town Hall In 1960, which drew
Jc. the Amst<"rdam Concerzethis comment from a N~ York
botlw. the llalle OrchHtra and
T1rnn R<"ri~er : "An lmpor·
the on:hHuU of Dublin and
ta nt ntW Aln<'rkan planll t has
Edlnburzh. H~ Ia the BBC"1
No Brag Just Fact
Stevens. Point Brewery
2617 Wot.r St.
... .
'Tripper' Dreyfus
Back From
Asian Tour
"How wu the Trip, LSD!"
Rick Frederick, dlt"fftor ol
l lumnl, nulwd that alll:n .. hill
bws, Pre-lkk-nt Ltt Sherman
DrcyfUtl ot St~~~~~ Point Su.te
Unlver~Uy ll~pedotf a pl1nc
retu rnll'l( from a month-lana ed'·
ucatlonal mlulon lo South VietA few mlrtut"' later, J)reyiUI
:h~ ·=tnt: ~tr~~=
t ln_..m...,,
M M IUipteU'd btfore he
left, the key hco found lor Vletnam'l luture as a H II'CO\'trned eounlr)'f't'lllon lhtlluec:CII
olhlll:hi!Teducallon proi[t'lll'll
PRESID&."'iT LEE DREYFUS ponder. a que.Uon at hiA
homeco~Ing ~rea
We In America can unde"'
lllnd the \0-orit\np of df.moc racy, he eommmted, but the
pooople out In therl~ paddles
don't under1tand what we're
talking about. 'l'hat'a why
r-ead1lng the 20 and~ year
oldllssolmportant, he ad-vlled.
tn~. Dr. Dreyfua N!CenUy returned from a Southeut Aalan tour whic:h Included
""'t't'kl In 'South VIetnam. (Kujaw1kl Photo)
Sl~•·<'f\J l'ljlnt Statr Unh·rroil)' h «JJ!X"ratln& with IU 111!ttU..!ItutlonM Oahk0$1'1 In
11'(1\'klll\i: lld.•·an.c«<lt\ldy In
KI;; MOrland Radke, dlrfftOr
t~tfNion 111 thP lonl u m-
Prior to lnlllatlnl' ~ paduate
;rccrJm INd~ 10 a muttrl
~~::.:n:d~~n':t";~';:' ~
IJio.'l"((rllo)ll-<'ndii C'OUrte'Sthal
,.m ~ prwe<aulsltu lor admb...,.. to T~ )IU.\Itudy.
Clrof d:on In 1\nan(P loonda lloN•·•llbo!conducrl'd,beltirtr.illi l!Mday, F tb: 16, It &:lO
pm. Jt the Mld.S!ale T~(hn.l­
ulln5tltutt In Wl1eonsln Rapl.li£oll lor the30hounlol
lmlnlrlion will be 1)6.~.
A I«<OId cln~.
11 1~ nme plaee beglnnlnlt
'-'tdntsda)', Ft>b, 18 at 4:30
hid per10M will bl!
t~rit~ for panlc:lpatlon In
IOU'>t'l ~··tn r u lht')' do
pl.l.n tatnltT iheltrlduatt~
lnlern Program By
US Government
Allloor-)·ur roll~Hand unl·
,-,,lltln a~ bllln& uked to
,.,inatestudenu lor the Wuhl!'.(l(ft Summu lntem
Pr o-
Tht ll'uhincton
Summer ln-''"' l'ntttram Is an ellon to
b oht kno•••\tdiuble and tal-
fllltdCllk1ce iiUIRnta\ntht
mlom o1 Ftderal
Tht Prot:111m ,..ill provide the
•bdotnt with
~ :n thtJruolhlsc&!'Hr
illt.nlll , and,.illll:h'eGo\'fm·
oppotlunll)' to f.lidt
lhtthlNdnaof )'Ollllltmployn.
ll>:l ~ttidpate In Hmlnan.
StOO.Ont•lnall fltkbolsludy
ll'>IT be nominated. 111ey must
N\f «~mpleted a t leut 60 11'11\t\t<rhounbyJWM! 1910or
l'!ldtrtr.-!IJ.IIte nomlneet m . .t
!r.fflt .,.
llo\'tatradtpolnl &\'t~ ol
lS or beuu. Craduatt noml·
~•mldtbo! ln
~ llltlr tln1. All nomlneel
Rl~t be US dtlztna.
Cpoo tf(:tipt ot aU nomina·
tionl, U'~t United St&IH Civil
StnictComm\ulon In cooptr&•
licw, ,.,ilh lht Fede ral .,mdH
ori111tlftt 400 atudenU 10 nu
ill:frnpo~ltl:llll tn
Pointers 'First' At New
Northwoods Campus
T\o.-o hunti~d men majorln11:
In natural rt'tO\lK<ll 11 Stcvcru
l'ulnt S!gte Unh·uslty will-be
tlw llrlt to 1tu.dy a t thP new
nonh..•ooth c&mPIJIIx-lnKOpt>n•"<1 In June ntar 1hl1 Bayfield
County humltt by the \\'IlCOn·
lin Slate Unlve ... l!y System.
the 110-ac r e
hPavlly\O'OOdt'd tnctborder\1\11
Chll•t-·a Lake wiLl 1M.> a lltld
IIR! Ion for 1!uden11 from all
"'~ membllr Institutions of the
WSU S)'ltcm. llowe•·er, Ste•·cns
P<>lnt ..-m be a major 1>1-Miaclor becaUH ot 111 l tl>lknll JIMd
in an undt-•·elopt<l
t lnll-
ha•·e bHn ronduc1Pd the pill!
~:h ~~~,..me~~~ ~:~:·of ~;::
dallypaper therecalltdau ent lon ta the...:onomlc!IHM!IIts
d~rlvPd from t hf' )'•"--IIII men'&
Of>p.>r1l.l.llll)' toUirpncltcol tll•
per\er>eetlnthelrd«iliuqsbet\0-etn ca"""' In lorntry, \O'Ildlllt'. soli and wat~ r sclf,n~l'S or
rnou~ mana1emt'nl.
" We II')' IO get them there
t>•rl)' enoua:h - bei"'M'II their
50phonlOI'e and junlor yn"' s:~ tMy can decldt on the
COUI"H ol atudy I<> lf>Cdatlu
In durtna tMir lu t eoupk! ol
)'t&r~ at tM unl\'t>rllty,"
Camp Dtreclor Raymond An<h-...on uld ladHtles are lde'al
becaUHol thel~atlon 1nd also
the ~'"•llablllty o1 modem build·
lnx• tndudln~~:lour dormltoriH.
a dlnlflll hall, d auroom buildIna. rec:reatlon bulldln,: "1th
The m~n also ~am how ,.,...
buketb-&11 c-ourt, olllee and ellaHtry, ..,.ter,IOib, and ..1ld111e
pensary bulldLJii', two ahopl,
two l liN'tiRe bulldlnl:l, main·
Jo lew unl••e ...ltlel aponsor
cam~n on lpr<:lllc aubject1 lor
13 1!1f:!blle homl!l.
fll.>f'4fn'atlon l!uckonll. but An·
The camp ..... d evelop«!
der1011 ki>O'IO" olnone o t her
about four y~ar. as:o In 1 Sl
..-hlc:h alrftiH 11)1! bro:td apmllllon project ..·hlch n tabllahpcw.ch.
ed a Job Conlo: Center for dla"I'm enthllled the • tudtnll
advant.,ed )'OW1i m<'n , prlmar- ' can 11et \hill opponunlty to ..-ork
lly from lal'le d t!H. Cutbacks
In the field under 1upervillon
In fundi for the 0111tt o f £eobythelrprolrnon."htuplaln.
nomic Opportunity l't'lulted In
C'd, "because thor elq>frk!nc:e 11
ltl d:.tllli' lut )'flit, and the
ucell...,t to ~fer to wfl..., theH"
wsu Syllem re«ntly llfii:OIIaJello\0.. co loollln& fe>r jobs."
tPd 1 n u-yur least with Uncle · Studtnta probe fol't'ltl')' m eaSam \Oithoo.n charge.
IUremtnll&nd aurveylnllllfOC'f'
d urH, ttchrtlqtJH o f 1011 and
Anderson aald the ump ..-m
be an t>f;Of>OITIIC uut toOam
water IIClfllf!TVatlon, and .techLake. popo.~llllon f&r leu thlln
nlqtJH ol "'lklllle miJlagemcnt,
AndtriOtl, a wlld!Ue spe-c.lalbt
100. liere'l "·hy :
so forth _ tach ~e~~lon. lie
upectamc»t olthelrltroc:trlel
:!~1:nl..~:~':~IY~,:' :, ~~~~~
breakfast tach \0-etkd ay and
conllnun: 10 S p.m., someUmea
lGte Into the t'''"'lllll lor book
_ unlike the Job Oli'PI parumpent ..-m be fi'H
lod11:e fireplace• plon lna lo ll
IYPH on m•~·
Four Stf\'lffl5 Point faeulmemberl artd thorlr fl milln
;:~~beet!:~~ ~~;;".;;d
lnterHted in !he
rontact Do-. Glbb,
.lhift22!i, f:xt.~1 .
Press Box
Pretldent Nru,yen Van 1bleu.
lie abo ••c,..ted tht de-·...
lopmtnl o1 more unlve...ltles In
South Vltlrt.lm tpreaen\ly there
are llve l Mnti fur contlroue<l
American lnvotvemtnl In lormulutl"'l: hl1her Pducatlon tlOIIde~ "so they know where to
o1 America '• a11tnts In P«J''kllllll:l'<IUC&tlonal aulstanee.
about ahall dozmlocallaeulry
and ad mlnbtri\On ...m have
mlalonl slmllar to hill won.
One olll~ bill challmgl!l S.
tobrea kdo\0, \he outdlltl'd,
1920-type F~nch actdrmy 1)'11temcui'TtnUyholdlncma)orln.lluenco on South
\\'hUe rt'turnlrt~ holnt, Dn>)'·
lu1 stopped at uvual iCih!llln
citlu, IMiudlntot 81ulll:kok. Thll·
land and Munich, Grrmany
..-Mre tto. made pr-tllmllllll')' ao~
rlfllenlCnts to U tlblbh Hml'l·
tcr abroad pfOKrams lur ~hi·
d~nll from hls o:M'n campus.
IUCh ..ctJvltll'l.
"To see how "'~II klds from
Cra ndon a nd Antiii:O know thclr
way IIJ'OUJid 0\'tr the~ In 1uch
a .OOrt time Is really a do-llll:hl," hor m\IHd.
Vietnam Veterans
Bonus Authorized
The F'rench Oub ..111 h•~
a spe-o:lal mtetln1: on WednHday, f't>b. ~at 11::00 p.m. In
the f'nnk Uoyd Wrl~~:ht LounJ:e
a t the Unl,·er~lty Cent<'l'. The
1peclal ~UHI speak~r \0111 be
Mbs Jo~undra Kamlnske, 11IOClMe prot,..IOI' of F rt'nch at
thb l.l.lllve ... lty, The pfOI:rAm
..-111 1>11 In Fr~nch with Encllah
handl'd out lor
!hose ..-ho IIford them. All IIU·
te rt'lltd lt Invited 10 attend.
No a dml..lon ch81'1Ced. RdrHhmenb: will bt Hn'Pd,
:1c:~;~~r~iJJLfs::~;~ t>n~~::~::~t 1~ ~ ~nc:;v;.~
tllll a little
~;-~E ~~~=
_ The food urvitt at Stout
Statt Unh·'t"'lty In Menomonie
wlll be pun:hlllnK aome ot Ill
T\111, the uperlencn they enc-ounter re1ult In \O'Oo1hwhlle dlvldencb, he uld.
~!;,..th· liffr, " ilo opentH
!unities are alronll: a e ll l nst
polntl. f'b.h catl&hl durirotollc lau hounlare lmun and pre-paredlor~ speclalmtaldurLJIR enchiC'Pion.·
auppllt~~loc:lllyto letdthe total
tht'l[er>en.I IIOre lnOaml..a~.
llld " any bi.II!MII broull:htlnto
our t- , llrea llyappreclated
- Uhorlpi." lllelocalpoltof-
Hoooe-"Pr. ~at!cJnal oppor-
Master Builder
lie probably won't admit It,
but Seldon Faulkrl<'r can be do-lcrl~lll maatcr bull~.
Colac\dtn ta lly,hew\U d irec1
a play by
11me title f'eb.
~ to211at Ste>·tnsPolnt State
Unl\'f.,Lty wt.e~ hor II a proII'IIOrand chairman ot the drama dtpartment.
f'klllkner'a feat wu bulldtnc
h ilot",leachln&ca!'Hratop
an unUiually owak academic
lo..-tdatlon. lie'• a hllh ~ehool
dropout who credits the army
lor pulllnl: him on lha "riKht
track." ll~re·• his otory:
f'aul.llntr ..-u 5C!Il•upportlnQ:
belorehetnteredhll tHNbecaUH hil p.o.~nts had d i e d .
Y .M.C.A, he ..-ent to hl&h iChool
bydayal'ld""llrkedforarallroad by nll;ht, and aawd
enou~~:b time In hl1 Khedule 10
partlclpatt on 1 triCk ltlm.
" l ow1&1'1fdonly 140poundl
then," hP jokl'd wtll~ polnUn11
to hll now more p;oo1ly frame.
In hill sophomore yeor, he
Uvln11 and enlltt In the a rmy.
/opptllude teall lllowed he wu
but Jul!Pd 11 &n Infantry r\1~­
man, but by 1 twill ul fate
he wnlas.al~~:lll'<l tobea thea­
ter usher and Lat~r an cnr~r­
talnment Jpcdall~t. In Awnrla,
he wa• In charae ola ttto.ater
where thco rooted pla,rwrl&tll
MIUI Rhinehardt •••o rke-d In f'lr•
lleryea ....
" That txperl!'llcc reall.y 11:01
me lnterettPd In dram a,"
t'aulltntr n!-<:alled, "bul my
St. Loulsandma naal"'lalhcat~ r fe>r some lal'le chain, then
trylll,ltOwOrkupln the COin·
After beln1 m111tered out, he
qUAlified for mll.lllmum be~­
fl!l under the G.l . bill, so he
took lpedaltUIIIOn!-<:th'e thor
equl•·atentola h lahschooldlp• ,mu and entered Shurtltfl Collt•ge, a tmall l\beral &rU IChool
lnlolton, lli.,IUptJOrledbyllaptl&tl.
uatera,....r lnlt iTUp!Pdbycallup In rho Army CorJ>Iol t:nlti,_,.. lor the F ar E ast Co.Hnnl~/111 durin,: the l<orean War,
he flnl•htd hl• bouhtlor'• de~~.... requt~men\1 In thr ee
Dy ~~e 28, he had 1pt>nt four
yean In .Uw: a rmy, \0'011 his
bachelor'• ma11er1 from St .
Loull Unlvenlty and Ph.D.
from th<! U nl•·er~lly of lcw.-a.
lie had mtrTied and ..-u maklnK planoforthe a rrlval olhil
ll"'t chl\d.
nut the ~ wna anotber oouo1lhlt> durin~~: 1' - t daya - with
play dlrect lllf! whlthwaa to 00..
c;omc one of hi' major lnlt r·
the Nul l'fll:lme ..·hilt 11111 In
h lll:h ~ehool , Faulkner hal dlr«ted a bno.lt40 t>layJelllter as
a ~~:raduate atudenl or fuult)'
mcmbllratSt. LouiiUnl•·erllty,
Unh·e ... lty ot' Colorado. •nd St.,._
\'t MPoln! Stnte. lle halbecn
nn lhelncal facult)' ll\'e)'Url,
Ilia CUITtnl ln\'0\V~m...,t It
"MASTER BUILDER" Seldon Faulkner In acUon, dlm:tlng 1 plly. ·
with ·-n.e Muter Builder," a
1101')' \O'rll!en about H>e tum ol
the H.'fltury by the lamed Nor" 'elllan "l~ther o1 me>dern theater," llmrlck lbltn.
llll' play will be a typical of
Cnl.lJI!It ln•-olvH a serious plot
foxuslna: on proble-ms ol 11'0\0'·
1~ old- and Faulkll<'r Ja\'orlln ~~ miiiLCII eomedles.
N~ntlhelell, he hal a apl!clal
lnterell ln '"The Ma.ter Dulld~r'' bHaw.e Jt 11 "heautllully
crafted," he 11)'1, In poetic
Now roundln&: out live yea ...
on the Steve"' Point laeulty,
•·aulk~r 111)'1 h-t.rec!'lltJy haa
bHn uperlencinll 110m1: "e-eal
~m~·re on thor pf'OirH• ol
ao theW\iVt ...lt)'lludentbody.
" I blllle•·e somtlhlnlll: live In
the perlormln,: atl.l evtry ev.,._
nlnawlll belt&l[edonlhls cam·
pu.swl!hln the next d«ade.
Amore the Krou~ provldlna
!lwt Hrvlct, he predkll, will
1>11 1 rompany ol prolnslonal
acton In 1ummer llock.
hls chair and recalled telllnll:
numerou~ people about thete
••~II ol his Job. " Few k,_
lwaaahllhKhool d ropout ,
so don't make lhil nory IOUlld
Uke Faulltntr telllall," he chided a reporter.
Under hll ~~:utd~nc~. th e
•~hool has t'llablllhtd 1 drama
department and hQ just T'eceh'td aRPro\'ll lrom the Bollrcl
oiR~cntJ toHtablllhadrama
tho ""''
major "illth will be
In the Wlnonaln State Unl•·tt·
1lty S)'ltcm.
"Uke It or not, ~~~y-or 001,
Central 1\'isc:onsln for ll•·e. hlth
quality entenalnment," ~·aulk­
ner ad\1SI"d.
'.t••· w ;,,
llero:M"JtHihednmadt'PMimt'nl 11 havln!J retponllbllltleJiolre&rHidenlluwell
Feb. 16th.
=t:yu.~ltl ..-ut be PJrchaled ~~ : s .t &-~=~::
ll anyo~ Is
Fa~lkner Is (Also A
We've never an~ncecl a carat this tline before.
But then nobocly's ever an~ncecl a car like this before.
If it we1·e an ordinary &por·bte•·. we'd ha\'e intn)duceditat theQJ'dinar)• time.
lnstead, we took t he time to build n whole new
.._.West.artedwitha ~tleek newshapeandalowroad­
hugging stance.
And added more hood. A fnste1· flt!tbnck. Wiclt:'t'
doors. And new deeply contouJ·ed bucket seats.
The instrument panel wraps arou nd you. With
enough dials to make you think you"•·e piloting a 7-17.
There are four transmi55ions. Ancl six power plnnb
Pick the one t hat best snill; rourd•·il·inf. Then go
pick on an open r otul.
A mi make it one wi(h plenty of twisting turns.
Because Cnntlll'O has a· rcmarknbl~ new suspension.
A mi stanrla11l front rli!!C brakes for a leech-like grip
on the road.
New Camaro. The Sul)('r Hugge1·.
Othe1· sportsters alwa)'.S fear~d it might
come to this.
Anrl they were right. Only their timing' wns wrong.
Pnttingyoti fil'St,keepsusfirst.
Februoly 26, 1970
Small High Schools Favo·r ed
n.t tnnd toward ODnJolldat·
1nJ Wllc:onslnHhooll hu been
jolti!'d by)lllbllc reaction and
ne..-.paptr edltorlab
Iince a '""IZ'dl director 11
Stevm. Polnc State Unlvc-nii;Y
1""-"Mi that
trom smaU
~~~~~do the best at hill
William Cle menu, In a
,..,port lulled In December. used
111111Uca lrom tht'H II"Hhmln
~~ ...... (1.965. 1967 and 1968) to
f(W'Ielude blinHs iln't best.
Motethan100Wftklln pubo
1\ahcod the repor1, andmiii,)'<Jl
the i!'dlton'NI'OI:e rolllmnl laud1,. lhe 1\ndJ.n&l. John AnderJOn, public Information oltleer
Watthe 1\\0111 wlcSe\y 1,11i!'d p\t<:e
of wrltlnrheha.sentfromhll
olll..-ln Marl)'thre-eyea-.on
.... ,....
Dr. ~menu. alo.o recelvi!'d
n llrm"I'OWI Lfon~-.olauppOM from
&choololllclalland lnlt'rested
"WbenSupt. oiSdloolJWUUam
Kahl wu ulted <Jl h ll lmpres·
llonloltheltud)', heaald : "We
~tacted Dr. Oemenu and are
hollill.ll to ,.'l>l"k wlth him to anal,rz.e · lllrthtrlhedataheha.
011llecled. Aller "'' t have had
a better Pl!'ltlon to comment."
Earlln , tbe ft'IK'U'Chdlr-«:tor
received lhrff letter& lrom the
deputment whleh qlletltloned
the validity o1 lhe tlndlnp.
Here are some ol \.he <:Ommenu ol the rdlton :
Planevllle J ournal - Prrha~
thldaywlll pau ..-nen thelads
lrom the rm"lropolltan areu
o.nlcktr at an lncomln1 lret hnllln from 1 1mall ruraluhool.
And ptrha~ ,.-e ..-e re In too
bla .ahllnytoacetridollhe
RreDVINO A Department of Defenae citation for their contribution to entut&ln·
ing aervlctmen Jut • wnmer In the Northeut Col;nmand are from left : Dr. Seldon
Faulkner, chairman of drama at Stevena Point State uliiveraity, and atudent. Donna Nowak, J ane Kenu, Mary Lou Ley, and Ed Smith.
POD Commends Coeds
Evt'n nN'dsqu&LIIy. once In a
..-ttllfo, lor rommc-ndatlom from
tho! ~parlmt>nt ol Delenu.
Throeol ll~m'""<'nln a croup
ol Stc-vt'f\1 Point State- Un!vrralty dra m a 111Kk'nu ,.1'1o ren-ln<lacltatlonl.ut ..wk lor
provldln,e ente Ma lnment \u t
111mn~u a t. miii\IU'}' IM!a lla tk>na
In Labra dor , Cr~nland, leel~nd
IUid N•-..·foundlond.
1bt'y a rc- J aM l.:enat , l reahm an.daua.:;httr ul Mr. a nd Mn .
lla miUon Vif'ta. 1916 ~Mn St. ;
Donna No..-a k, u n lor. d allihle r
of Mr. 11nd Mn . Rob<-Tt A.
NO'oOia k. Roo.ltc- I. Wild RoM-:
Pn.l Maey Lou Ley, 1.01~""'_..,·
d &uJh\c-r ol Mr. a nd Mra.
Olarl,.. Ley, ~ho.nhlltld.
The Religion of Jesus
was Judaism .
AU told. 1l lludenU In the
111mmer \hel tf r company " -ere
ln•'Oh·t'd \J\ "Uttle Me," a
muslnl romedy \.IIJit wu ata1·
r<lat Unllrd SuviH OrEa nl&atlon - s poniOI"<'dshowti\J\the
l'oMheut Command In A~.WUSI.
M011t olthe rompany mc-mbo:n
were from CllmpusH In othC'r
'"'''• of th<!country. T1M'only
o!IK'r k><HI membo:r waJ £4
Smith. O.Ot>horll0l1'. 10n ol' Mr.
and Mn. Jllmt'l R. Smith,
Rout ~ 1, Cunton. 'Thl'lr <llrfft·
or wao Dr. Seldon t'alllknc'r,
( hnlrman oftlK'II!llwnltydra·
m a dc l""rtmcnt.
In a cer!Uicate and le tte-r
from Stanh•y R. Rt o.or , Hcrell>ryol thc- Army, the n lt ..'ll
d t(':d lor provldlnac "ente r1a ln·
rnent lrom-horneth.at ll t .ll:•
· trrme ly tJOIIUIPt with our ICI'\'·
lrrmr n ~n.d wom en throuacl'laut
the ..-o rld a nd 11 a mona.:; the
n·o o., e ff.-.,1\w Of !he f i'CI'ea•
tloluol tlfOWruma design«! to
llhnulute a nd mainta in high
"'" rale ln the Armt'tl f'orn-J.
The ReiiFitm Dlwllf
J~S/IS b i'CD/111'
. . . . _,
! '~-··
Jew~ II~~-
@ ""'"·"' "
Parks a n d
Reerutloo Auocla tlon I• Hnd·
InK all ri'IDllrcc- ma~~Jo~ment,
r~"reallon, and Phylkll Education maJor• and mlnon Inform a tion on empk>yment oppor.
tunltlel oand Cllrl'ftll hlopptnlnp
lnthereercatlon fl<!ld.
Sl to t'red E . I.A!Ilf:leld. Olalr1be
Editorial Photos
Career Information
1\oo; 606 State St., 1020 Tow·
l'"- Bld11:., Mad iJOn, Wla •• s.nc&.
To become a tm"mber or the
.rudent setllon of WPI\A at
WSU.Ste•·ens Point 1lve ... me,
ltddl'eU, ~Ind:IOc"'Uiu
12h>11111>, ~. 60605
Dr. J a mt'l Newman. UT Ne bon
Mik e K r oenk e
any Student Citlzens
Malee Friendly
~ ·J Banlc
tOintln\M!dlrotnpaace !!.,_
t:OW'IIflln&" and tutorlnJ f· are
n alla ble to him. A job ~ aOO
provkk.-dtoolfw tlhe $1600P""
)'e~ r <.'OIU. PRIDE provldft the
l'l'malndfroflhetl.lnd\J\a:toln•w-c- hl,; btlnaf""'eoltlnanclal
..woo dlll"tna: thltlnltlal ye~r.
L.ut )"Ca r PRIDE rtc.e ivl'd
Sl700thi"OU.IIIhlhc a lll"'e,h•ll
m inute nlachl, and contrlbutlonJ
lr-orn the loc:al ban;. IUIC hao
Boll:obel D\1\- Dr. CIC'ment'l
lludya<ldoc-mphaall\o lhe ,.,.,
n.Hdlnfduca\lon lodl)' : lo p vkle fQUillty In all u hoolt reJardleu ol 1lzc-, to cot down
ontheburacronlnac.,..t ot operatllll the nhooll without lm·
palrtna the lt'am\111 pn:w:eu ,
1('1 \hlt )'ea-.ll()&l "SlOOO.
""""It'll, dlrectorol PRlDt:.
u ldtlK' rnon.y..-ouldiOinto
~~y1~nm In the lollo••oln~
SiOOllorearlychUdhood(pnKhool) rduclltlonlntheSI:hollckl ur WIJt:on~ln Rapld1 a rea.
$600 lor pro£rAnu In Wauto.
rna and Almond to Did S]Winhih
1peWdna.:; peoplc.
andto f~tabout tranlportlng
hundreds ollludtnUI mlk-1 bt')'Ofld their home 011mmuni!IH.
AU&UIII Area TlrMt-Simplt'
Jchool planUiteem'to produce
~tter stutknu. o.o why btlnle n
lhe tupaye n b)l bulldlnac a blac
laJtoCy lthool wbt:-n somethln&
$600 IO<' the Indian AdVOOI')'
Comnllttoxo ..-hlch '"'Orkl ..-ith
the eduutlon ol lndlanpal'en\1.
amalland•lmple ~tabetter
S800 lor uds U11.11 lndlan llll·
•k'nts In the EaR-In ]lf"l)l:1"am.
)'(IU · ~an
IH ihe
PRIDE WEEK w\U provide all
WSU 1\udenU w\lh the oppor•
tunlly to h~lp m""t thll l:a&l
and Mlp lheiK' PI'Oilrlffil. RIIC
II not J(I\J\IC to do It by them·
u lvt'll, but the)' are ..-l\Un~t to
lwlp you In aU ways pou lble.
the organlu.tions RHC hu
some pro,lrcl l \liHtlool :
}"ood Ulel, Sla ve 111dionl,
Dane" , ,..lent 1how. Approac h
proprlaton of bart, Cuh dona·
n.esc. a reonly a fcwolthf!
m MII,)' \h\niCI !hal Cl n be dofle
In ronnt"Ctlon with PRJOE
n...orJ anluUons be\J\ac a t>
I'C'•I«<to a reC..nter Boarda.
lnte r-Fn!C'mil)' Council, P an
Hellt'nlc Olunc\1, Hall Cou.IICUJ.
Pl"ell<knts Council, U. C. M..
U.A. B., lnte r-Vanlt)' Olriltlon
Fellowship a nd Ace f'OO<b.
RIIC fN-11 that we u Of20MI•
utlo!M ha ve the pOtential to
reac hthej.'OI.Iol $3000. Bill
It -can only be done U yoo the
lndlvldu• llludrotrtve• tim<'
a nd e lloM to thl1 worth..·h\1~
U PRIDE wtre to have 1
motto.II "''OIIId problblybethe
lollowlnac "'Ord$ ol CI'Or"lr Bern.nt Sha w, often quotrd by lhe
Mineral Point Democr-.t And
Tribune - Our bla: lear b \hat
thelllleauthorltlu,.ill " throw
out lhebaby w11hthebalh..-ater" by lon:lnJioo maey merr:en ol ama]J dbtriclt and completely ellmlnaU.,. smallfor h ll:h
schoob befon. additional r-eoear.:hunbedonelnthllarea.
to rood~.
..-e thlnp u
they art',
,...!,~am olthlnKi thatnevu
a ndny,"..·hynot!"'
Mrl. Arthur Bernhardt. POrt
Ectwardl - M )'011 lnl)' be
awart. the trend from !hi'Stltte
QepUtment o1 Public Inalr!ICUon It toward biJ nell, In .chool
diltrltUiandinldtoooll- A e\UI
ot jeq than SO It frowned upoo.
the dUel crikrla tor q!UIIIIJ'
~eenwtobe the COJiper head,
numbe-.olheadl andlhe num·
ber q1 ccurae oltc-r\np. For
\hllH <JI IIJ who believe In the
smaUKhool thetr hlll t>renl\1·
tle help 1n lhe WI)' of eonerete
evllknce that a •mall schoOl
dot's have o.omethlnr toolre r .
J)eanW\sem.an, admlnbttator,
OHrfkold CommunltySdlOOIIW'OIIldhaveUJbellve.butby Wc-. hC're at Def!tllrld. havt'
preuure rrou~ \J\ thedlltrlct. lound II to be \nle where )'OW"
stucb' lndlcalt'jt betkr
Cambritl.&e New~ - We 1111·
ICC'II you read thll and OWn be- luceHI tor s tudfnUI whO att~nd·
lle•·e that blpt'lt In education i!'d smallet" hiJh .achools. Man)'
o1 our laculiY me mben have
1\ndlnp, then ..,. should brine
lhe movea to tl'eate -n\ud
hll:hsc:hooll \J\ rural Wt.conaln
toatcreechln(halt a ndlnttead
11a r1 a ITIO\'t to brill& some ol
the adVIIII'J" ol a unaU hll:h
school tolhelararrclllrs.
Ph\111~ Ike (A letter to the
edllor ) - We hope everyone
readl h.ll (01-. Clement'•! article. . . •Prrtl.ll\1111 will reve rse
It b\J:, II m Ull be Jood. MOlt
oonaolldatW... W'trenotfllftt'd
b)' 11ate tchool olfidab u some
rduca tlon.
..~~"":: o;;;;.;;;..";":..:~
who ·aay that their rdllcational
pla nt lll'lnall)'bl&eMtllh lw
~ti';'~ ~!c':-:~..!:';!1':;
~~~r! =~~the~ f:eu::;
: : : b~e~lni~:::S 0:,:=~
. .d Uunw Mftt; '" ordoll>- llt urtlflc:ot. few , ..,;.,, alld on 10 card to.
folcl. W1 " "" )'OIIr help to CoYer ..,.11\,.,, looncll~...) 0 .,cl• ..,.,.;.,)ltf'ltiol> coon.
. .,..,_, colttrilttmoft i1 I PPHCiottd. INCLOSE A filE WILL OffiiiHG.
Write to:
lOX 8071
Ina: a:ovemme n t a 11dlllnac
~~~£~:~c~~~~ ~t~-e!~a~bes:l1~ ~remr!~!ctc~n~~h~:
~k~~n:, z::.·~·~ ' ~f.~::O~.d'.;nev~~~~~ih~~:~l;!~~h'tr~~~ "'111 br
~~t: ~-:= ~ ~:::: ~th~~ie! :: .~:-~~~ r::~t·.:! ~=~~::n::.~c;~~r:.!i
ment In lUI favor •.. We riH'II
a ll the lact.J..-ecan set~help
oor l t hoOLinotonl)'forlheJ(IOd
..~. All b UJine M admlnl•tn!lon, ec-onomlat, mlll\ermtlrs
and llbenl aMI l ludtntt a reenrou nred to lntfrvlew.
:S.~f~=~£:~?m:~E1 "'~:~~~!i~~~O.~i~~~~~~· .!:~F!;~u~,~
:!: . ~~~~~~::!.
Wayne Schlepp. chairman ol
w::=-y;0~~~~ z.:!~:r,'l'.=11t:~. l~uranee
Compan)·. Ab
Weotne.da y, Z.t&r. 4, Humble OU I Enrol. TWo &chedii)H _ AU
~~!~i~a~::'~~~~~~n.' C:~r:'la
and libera l art1
s::~:Y~Y:~=~~:...~ n=f~n~7~~:tYn~~~~d;~~::~~~~~~r.iii~~~El
hopetoiHlhe daythllnofle-
=~~~ 0~no~!: ~~e~~
andtpoln t a ver&K<'Of 1.61o lnte rvlew.
Friday, Z.lar, I, Ollmo.ll! Wood Prnervlna: Company ..1u l ptl k
;:,'~ 4~ ~~~~?· 0n:~;,'Jnft~~rcea
and othe-r m aJort lnttr·
~::;o:E~J!L~~~~~',:~ M~Jir¥ ~~~.;!"~!~~~!f·n~r-;p~~~~~~:!.'e' l'll'y,
H. J . •'rlokt.
~~d_ ~ r=~
~~~~~ ~~~~::!"la:to. : : ~~
:la:!~u!~l:'CO:,~"t..!:X:":!' J:
l ubj('ct ol )'001" aludy U...t hal
Tua4ay, Mar. 10 -
Fl-.t National Ban k , z.t1dl10n, AU bu$\ntu
and oth~r m1jor1 In-
Tuflllday, Mar. 10 -
and S urety comp;111y. All
~J~~;nt!:;:''~la~.o~ o tnee oppOrtllnllleti. data pn;w;.nln1.
Z.lar. t - Sheboy11n Publle S("hooJI , 9 Lm. II) 4 p.m. Kladrr·
a:ane n throu~~:h Gr. 6; Dem. Art: Jr. 11. Horm" ~nomlcl/
~:f ft~~~~~~~- H. Home Economl~; S r. H ta:h Ch ll'
:!,~~~~ PtibUc S("hoola, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .
Workshop For Clergy
PlaN W'fre IMDUnce,t he-re
today to hold a w•-enlh annual
E conomic Wotluhop lor WiscoQn·
1\n 0..1'1D'men lwre J une 1to
Jolm Cat h ol lhe unlve nll)'
lac:utty ...."ho iJroord\J\atlllll:lf·
r..,.emenu, u ld the number
ol paM!clpanu would bo: lnCI'e&H<i from 4S Jut yea r to
601hll year .Thepi'OitaiTll lrt
IUppOrlfd by donations h'Om
The non-<Jenomln.atlonal ICIIV•
lty ~HkiJteltc-runde-.tandtna
amo~~~ the clrf'IC)' lor lhe oom-
plex economic IINCIUI'H that
n111 In Ame-rica and have ef.
tecu. on Ofl&nbed rell1lon,
Membe-. ol the uecutl•~
com mitte-e ,..hOle
.,.., •mona u.e worbhop bene'•~ton and ,..ho are pllllnlllll
the e•~nt are: Glenn M. Ander- · Mtdllon. uecullve•tc.r-elaeyoflhewtac«~~lnFC'dera­
lion of CooperattvH; Kmneth
W. Hlllffnlen, Madllon. U K ..,..
tlve vke pret~klenl ol the V.'llcanatn a.mber o1 Commcr-Qt:
John Joanll, SIC'veN Point.
William Law. CUdal\y, president
~n)'":" CUdahy Tannln( Com-
Zanaeanaro, Milwauke-e, pres!·
dent of Mllwaukte Bulldln.a: and
ConJtructlon Tra~ CouJtoCtl:
R~M l...,.,'eftl, Mllwou.kee,c-xecutl•·e vlceprelldentoiWIJa:ln.
lin Man11fact urera· Alloclatlon.
C ach encoura~:ed bullnrurs
OI' Clt'1Yffien lntc-restl!'dlnlhe
l'fl.l8rRm to eon\act him a t the
1111l•·enlly. The'fund rala\na 11
IIlii be conducted.
Ca ch allo rtpOMed t hat
s pea kf-. l'e8:1r-ded u 'outatand-ln& rm"mbert of par11cular
phuH ol ec:momlcl are lhe
ma\nlta)' of the oontereiiQN.
thll tummer are John HlckJ
aulltant to the P""'ldrnt ,;
Ptinlue Unl•·eralty;
Llw. Pretl\dent ol the CUdahy
TlllnlnJ: Company ; Or. Cordon
Ua lerbe.,ker, vice president lor
academic altair. at Ste-.·m.
!';!',~!t St1~te ~~~vt~I:U::. •Pt-
Aid Applications
Also, John W. Schmitt, MU·
wallkee, Pfft\den\ <Jl lhe wa..
canaln AJ"l...O: Wemer Wilko
OIDINATIOH io withovt q1111tio" oll4 lor lifo. UGAL lR oil S.O - • 1 114 to..
letol ..,.,rlol•t, or.ti-liol>t, olld lwnor1l1. ltocel•o 41KMII'h . .
- t o..... Ch-or26S,ooo.,.;.,;.,.... ho•oalr~~clybool> orclei,...., Mholitor"ocrocl""tlols
Fed~ral Depo~lter's l~unnee
!'I -
~~~.:;~~pe.;~ :!'~:.; :::taa_!~~c'::'n'::, : :; :
worl(. ,_
I,., Manltowoc, eMC~.~IIvevlee
presldet~t o1 WUcanalnOonJwn.
er())~~1;~~';:~1 ~~ ~lt~~~~n ~.t~~~i~rea!!! ~~.:.:tm:~
AIIo, D.C. C.mpbf:U, M\lwo..,..
ke-e, rna.nacer ol employee and
public atfalrt for Cenenl Elec• tric Compaey: J~~Mc~ Me-.beraer. Madbon, public !'elalklnl
m a nqtr (or Rural lnlur~~~ee
Company: Daniel P. M eyer.
Wiloonsln R.apkll. public n:ta'-)
F1nanee ""-laUon
~~~-l'ft'k Publle S("hoob. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vacanctu to bt
~~c:ncl';. N1e;:-n:
Dlat rtct, 8 :30 a. m. to
Ill., 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. \'icl ndtl
~"::::kt~ 4c:.~.'Y T~~~~-~~~:~l:nba~ ~~~~ll)~~:~~~:p;,:
~!~;:. dlaabll\tlea taU trade ltve ll lor abo•-e l and apl'ft'll
~rd~~~~- Public
Schooll. 10 a.m. to
p.m. ·
~~~e"",;i~ah~s!'n~.lc !~~~ :~~~-m. to 1
p.m. lnt.-rmrdll:t ;
=~~n Public School. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .
to bt
~!~":emo;:,e!;~l• PubUe Schools, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . \'aranritt
::u;:!~fe:.n Jr. 1-11\lh, Dllb11quc, Iowa, 9 a.m. to ~ p.m.
~ 5~1;:.ke P a rk 111\lh. ROIK'IIe, lU., 9 :30a.m. to 4 p.m. To
lllth. Wa upaca, 1:20 to 4 p.m.
Pub. Sc-hools. llllnol• -
9 a.m. 10 4 p.m.
s;~: ~':!;~~:hri~~ r-~~~~hr~11fl.:'·~~ \-!:i
Soda!' Stu~-llatrumental M11&1e: Eleme-ntary Art ; J r. Ill$~
J r: 11:
't.e- r::::rl.
Sde nre; Jr. ll. \'oal
Cn:-tk Schools, Mlehl&an, 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m.
Fllllhln11: Sct.oo1a, Mlchla:an. 9 a .m. t o 4 p.m.
e ~::.~· Michla:an, 9 a.,. 10 4 p..:n,
To ~ po5ted.
:t 4l~';;;ry~~'ft~~~~~. .~~. ~:
~i~~t.·' J~IJ· • ·Ji~:;
tnre; SPt«h Therapy.
Beave r Dam PubUc School&, 9 Lm. to 4 p.m.
To bt- polttd-
Plibllc School&. 9:30 1.m. to 2 p.m.
To bo'
~_m~ H.s.~Y!Jo ~WI'I.Ihlp Hlah. Maywood, Wlnob, 9 am to l
eermarJ~~c~;S.~~~~~~I.S£1io~ Et:.:
FtbrVOr)' 26, 1970
Seven Outdoor Marks Fall
To University Trackmen
an- made to be brok-
t~~lllld iMSit\"tntPointState
IT'<k ~~,m did Just that lui
ot.uoJII ··· br.-alllnt ~\'efl out-
~...- m~rlu.
Thr t'.•itlttn OIX'"ned up the
,p.~t tolfll(lllal lhtlr lclledule
IDflln'>f"'''Jiblt lor lour Of Iiiii
~~:;: ~- :r::: ~:: ~~=
lf.IO<Ilr"'IJ inurly J unethe
"""" b.»>lc-oullll.lllnbeln
l"f"""lho:'r l"o'•TIII!Ii.
Jtrn· Pi\>rirc. a 110p1>omore
11\<nGitfl<ia~ Nicolet, HI rto(lrdib.lt )"tarlnbolhthe221).
prd lbrh ~nd In the 1.20-yard
t.:o:b hunlltl . Ht !wads a list
dr~<rllolf\1 $prlnttrs lor H nd
t\li<h lb> IIDI't.
l'lt~· · ·ho pile-tel Hcond
,':;: ~~'i':':.leaa.~J!~ . ~~~ard duh with a
'hila mUre tum q lbadt ~
taet, but at Joeut- of the
spots b 101n1: to be htavtly
contet.Uod by Gary ntza;uald.
l.ubntr.tnaddltlon tohla
Wild 10 the upo:ornlnc Huon.
'"Wt'U h&vt to buUd lhe team
•round lhlafrOUp."
lnlldltlon lothe lour aprtnt.
~· ~n:_~lt, wn~ ~-::r:7:-~:·::.7:
~~~« •nU~n a rt
~b.Jut the-
u ,.nte
uutdoo<- ool·
mouol theprople
ob.l ~rlt.• liK'm. IllUme that
lllfWI.IoJon iJW&III huntlniand
f~hlnl: arid ot/M>r furrru of out·
,j,:,.r rtu"<"atk>n. phl.l • &mit·
)1..>!1 •.-aWn of
~ul""<."ONtrvallon" when
C<'tmanc to huntlrla", fill\.
!'!;,~~:r~inl. blni-wa tchlna:, or
I U ~Jmlt that I • -ould rather
1oun1 ~nd fish. and "Tit.e about
tt. tliiQtJ.JalnlOitanyth.lnattse.
•.,,,~~bout the phllolophy
H-'111 II f1lrly t uy, a nd lt"a
,..,. thadploonfll.'dtowrllta
.,,w-. ..rplecHaboutlllhand
t~lhb,prlnc - thoellfe
bWiorlf1 of •·arlotu samt fbh,
t lf"'tncthwltlbelnlhesprlnll,"
cornmtnttc~Hott, uhtloolled
~an~~ld=~~in a : ~~;=.~ ::."1:..!.;~~~
lly iJ.\\"1:: Oll£HOIU:
Urne o1
AU ot lhe runnlrc ewnt rtcordswiUbelnHrloo.ll~pwd,y.
U the Pointt ... wW hoW Ill
horne .._U on tho:-lr new aU.....ather track 'llltlldl will allo
be tlw li&ht o1 the WSUC out·
door ~lay and tnd«-uon
champlonahlll!J. Tbertlaytare
t<:IM!dultd lor May~. and the
alty Oontutnc:e mHt, was atao
a mt mber ollhe 440-yard ....._
•.,. l.e&m whldl HI I Hhool
I"POOrd at the N.\L\ champion&hlpa In BllUrcs, Mont. OtNr
mtmbe" Of that tum wh.ldl"
nme lhnlo.aih with a lime ot
f:nt)·u r . tnantmf'OI"tantdcca de. lt the~'• ooe th\nt I'm
IUJ"l' Uf, lt'othlltlwd«lllona
madeaboutour tn\·lronmftlt Ln
thl1 decade will ma ke or brnk
lhe huma n race. Who will make
these dtc ltlona! While lt"t line
tohaveaud rtol lr&lntdreIOUrtt mana~ttnaruund, to do
tilt movln&: lnd 1h&llln&. II b
nlOI"e Important to hlvt an Jn.
fornwU publle.
So that "l • ·hat l "m JOln111o
try todo - lnlurmthe publlt,
ami Itt the campUI. at le111,
Interested In M.ndl.na: out what
our probltrru a rt. 'llla t"o a
prtlly ambltiOOJ& pro)tct . IJUt
tht came • ·e' re playllli 11 call·
a reaohlah thlt noneotua
can afford to c a mble without
llnowlna: the ruin.
Rtlumtnc from lU I )'tar's
squad are pole vaullll!r Grear
BH:br, Nonll.$'ood du Lac
IOphomore: Mull
Broclkfltld Eut amkir In the
M); MIU Eachenbt.udl. Raclnt
St. Catherine 80phomore In tht
thrft jumplnl: tYMb ..• hllh.
ion¥ and triple .• • : P a ulllllll,
oophomore from South MllwaullH In tlw d lttanee t••enfl .••
hall milt. milt and thn!e milt;
Kurt Urban, North f'ond du Lloc
ooplw:wno"'inthe-lght e•·tntl
. . • allot put and dloeu~ ••. :
a nd Bob IVundrock. Grafton
sophomore In th ~ Jumplna:
'nletwoath\tiHwho lettned
two yun ago a re TUm Ru·
m~n. Marlnette)llnlorlntht
oprlnll, ancl •'loyd Wilkenson.
Roc:twtte. m. aenlor In the 111termtdlatt hurdle.. Both w~~
outwithlnjuriH laotyur a nd
tx>th art- up!C\c.'d to http !he
Polnten In tlwlr qun t for a
~~t. linllh In the c:onlerenee
Wllllt nson"t r.tum cOUld http
SttvtiiiPolnta~at dotal. ll e
INIT ll.lbiiJ llhll tharact~rlltkl,
t... to u tch UM-m, •·hy 10
..trhlhtm and 10 on.
!!;;Ill I bkK'Iltd OUI tbtH
&l"lltltl. lt occurrP<IIo m t tl"uol
1 r.1lUid b.> mlu tnc the ..-hole
po;1111 Dl a cOlumn like lhlt II
16t•·otNatl m.yttttnUonto
l.'lf«VVIijmptl•·t UJtola Plll'll~ot..r <HOW"Ct a nd forJot about
uw tn--lronment that enable~
bolo.Orl•rnt,oc people, to
Tbtrtfon, l'•·t dteklt<l to
1;>.111.1 the nt-)1 f"i(ht or- ttn
O?tkl " t ltincaboutthe tr.,lhoMifnut probl.rrll wtlkh
ro~)· thrUtffl the ourvlval ot
dt Qn ral1h. Sl.'fllll'l& to aay.
btu II a 1urMt Ill mattrial,
glmcoLng to plc kandchoose,
ft lhtrrat ImpOrtant~"'"·
~· hopt Is that lheH pll!«''
illbtaf ~ to ll"u!'ltudtnll
fiOha•·rn"ttht tlmt 10 mal<t
•tlld,·of ~lou. population,
:>""""· I don"!
p~ltnd 10 be
on tlww 1ubjuta ••
II" !rom lt. !Jut l lhln.lt I know
~ r~ptn
"""" 'O KI•·et~aVtf"I.St ll~
tnt ... noLs notlnthel\ltun.l
fltld a
tlw prob~1111 and
, •r~ualn~t with oome ot
It ttrmlnotocY. 11 1 do thil
r~ rnough, It mlsht se l"\·t u
>hmulm- I ml&ht be able
•tttthr hlttory ma_ton, and
l)"lit• maJora. and aoclalle~
""ts. thtttad>tn, theartltU,
ldllithert!ii, !O rt&Uymalle
=~:. ourdtttriorall~tn­
"!l:ltt Is 1910. It"• an lmpw·
Downs Matmen
Aclltrman •"On hit ae•·entft'nth
match of the uuon to alva
the wam.wlu a 20-14 ~Ilion
over Stevel\1 Point Sllte In a
WlleomlnStateUnl.,.tntl)rO:onlt~nee •THillnl mft't twre
Aclt~rman, a oophcwnoft- Iron\
Milwaukee \Vuhll\ilon, plrw>fd
tilt Polntrn· Tlm F&hnmkrua
11 the· 2:1-1 m a rk, Aclttrman
now h~ a
rftOrd ol
'nle Polntrs"l wentlniOthr
final match ol the nlcht trall1~ tbt ddendl!li WSUC cham~
Jim Nolltad, Cambrldit junIor, puahed hlaanaon rteonl
to ~1·1 101" the belt Pointer
m a rk. Ht dt ft ated Art Hup>.
7..,, forhllfourthltrllahtwln.
Otlwr wtnnera lor Oloolch
Wayne Goretl ""re Dll"k Sormaon at Ill. Ha dtclliontd Roi;t r
T\ltlnlp. 14-0 At 134. O&le HOO.
ltltwk::& tvtned l"d1 HISOI"I record a t ~2 with a U-7 win ovtr
Ron KLtte iiOn.
~nn:~ J~~J:
a t 17l In the WSUC ch&mplonlhiPI lut yur, won hll ftrlt
match ot the IHIOII a n t r 1lt·
tLnsoutlhenntH~IIr be­
ol ~eholutic dl!flcultk-1.
pinned f'ranll Wippel In
wu fourth In the 1961 WSl.IC
met! In tlw 4-40-yard hurdle&
•nd lht. wu a weak apot fcw
the Polnttn 1111 Huon.
Another weall opot for lloll"a
8QU&d l&ll)'tiTWUiht4-40yard duh and lht mile ~lay.
Both .... tXPKUod to be In bel•
nwn. 11leY tnclude .S....,• Zhn·
rn.erman. Fond du Lie; Tom
Vaua;lln, Mount .,.,.pe-el, tu.;
and Mltdl Wtmtr, Port Edwardl and John Wollntr, Fond
du Lac.
After Satwdly'a metl at
Stout, lht Polnttn wiU have
to the WSUC lltdoor ch&mpton.
ahl~ at Jllladl.on on Mar. 28.
The n rat home meet will 1M
aaalnlt the \hllwnlty of WL&OOfll!n.-P&lbldot on Mar. 1. 'lll&t
nme elate }Jotf plarll to take
Rtla)o1 In M.lnll&to. On · Mar.
l7 thePolnttr-awlll t..tRJpon
'The outdoor oeuon wlU pt
undforway on A..-. U at 0.11-koM. Aa•Ln lhll yur the Point·
e rlnvlllllonalwtll behtkland
StevtnoPolnt will be.tloolinl
lor a ~peat tltle. II hal WOO
thepalltwoytan,wlth I..B
CNIH wlnnlna the Un t year
ofthetvtnt ln1967•
LaTT)'Cllnton,wl">owu lltld
00&1 ())untry Coach. wLU II·
tlat lloff thlt anson. lie had
a line Cn)U c-ountl")' lfll(lfl,
brtnctn1 lhe PointeR hom t
"l''IOUGH NOI' PART of an otndalleague, tbe w~:~~eit•a extn.mura.l
ll:etball team
eompetea witb women'• team~ from otber achoobr The team, ahown here, are tro.
left to right, front row: Chrb Zurfluh, Renette Piaz.or, Ruthle Arnold, Hden Sc.hrd·
ber; ~~e<:<.~ntl row : Sheri-y Simon, Nancy Sheatock, Debbie Burrut, Charlene Klel, Debbie Undert; back row: Kalhy Anklam, Marge VanRooy, Chrla Ruaael, Joyce Henc·
kel, Barb Tenneuen, Vonnie L.elbzelt. (WUiegal Photo) .
'nle c:otnplet.e Slewno Point
State Tra~k aclledule tollowl:
Mn. 1 a t Minnesota Rtlay•
I Mankato I
Mar. 1 UW·Par kakle lwre
Mar. 11 Ripon lltrt
Mar. 28 at WSUC Indoor Mttl
Apr. 14 at Olhlrolh
Apr. 21 I I St. Norbert
At>r. z; Quadr•111:ular lie"'
At>r. 2911 Ma rquette
M,.y 2 WSUC JU-Ia )'l llcrt
s a t Whitt-water tnvlta·
May 1 at lo!lchlaan T...,h Ill·
May t Pointer Invitational
Iff ~
May ~1& WSUC Outd oor
Ch1mplonthlpo llue
June ~ a t NAIA Olamplonaht,. II SllliniJ. Mont,
3 :49.
Whlttw&ttT'I Art Holden. the
ronft"'nte'l dtlendlni champ.
lon at 158, handed Rocer Sullr
hit fl"t tc.a In the lUI four
matchet.. Suhr now llandl a t
Wllllew&W1t, 81e.,._l'elattt
1U - Son-nson (SPI bea t
1\ltlnlp, 14-0.
126- B<xlutahlf'r (WI !>ta l
C.mpbtll, 2·1.
134 - Hodlll~cl ISPI l>t~f
Kittel -. 12·1.
142 - Markl (WWI ~at K.
Plt11, 7...
• 150 - MotiWWibea t()pptrman. 5-l.
158 - 11Dldon IWWI btl I
Suhr,ll-0. '
167 - Klatte (V.'WI b ea t
Popp, 6-0.
17l -
Noutad ISPII>tat llu-
190 - Sohoo:lnlkl ISPI pinned Wtppel.l :49.
HWT - Acl<trman IWWI pinned f""allftntaua", ~::l-1.
Drop Two
11M! SttvtnJ Point St.alt UQI·
"'"lty tymn&JIIct lll!am caltW!
up ai!IIMt the ~~ IWO l~&ml
In the WSUC a nd carne away
with two loltt . deoplte ~·try
~tood efforu. 11M! Polnten ..,_,
to La CrotH 131.30-Ut.S5 and
Stout 132.3G-U4.35. Aa;llhlt the
Blutdevllt the bHtthe Polntfn
Paul DeOiant lnd a thllll by
Sttve Koet.ttr on the paralltJ
Aaalmt the lndlllll P1ul DtOlant too1t a atcOnd and Paul
final. OrtOlan! 1180 lOOk • third
In par.• ll•l ban.
Floor Eurclle - 1 Bff'lfr
ILl. 2 Van C.IUaan ILl, 3 Pnuthotn ILl.
Sldt !font- 1 Shaw and
Schul• ILl, tlt, l John&on tLI.
Still fUnp - I Sllha (Lt,
2 DIO>ant (SP) l Schntlder
VaultlnJ:- 1 Bfl"ltr ILl. 2
Woodward (L) , 3 Schul& ILl.
Paral~l Ban 1 Smith
ILl.~ Druectt : tLJ, l DeOiant
trorbonllll Bat - 1 Tolmv.n
(L), ~ Drutclt<', ILl, l Pflo.tlhotfl IU . -.....
1..., Ul. . , . . _ p.u& lii.SS
~eft11e - 1 Ueblch
lS I, ~ Su IS) and Dtalant
ISPJ, tit.
Sldt Hone - 1 Doe~r lSI,
2 Su tSJ, 3 Schneldt't tSPI.
Still Rlnp - 1 Kn.IH tSI,
2 Zluman tSI, 3 Ltebldl lSI.
Vaultlne - 1 SU tSJ, ~- Utbkh lSI, 3 pteUftr, (5).
Paralltl Ban - 1 Su lSI,
2 DtO\anl tSP I, l ~<~;~ttl« tSPI
Uor!Jontal Bar - 1 Uebkh
l SI. 2 Krauth lSI, 3 Sal t SJ.
''T•II ,... ogaln about that 335 WHry lnn•Mr
tot that )"0" thought th.y'cl ....,.. call ,
See the Military Science Department
about the ROTC Two-Year Program.
THE FIRST lnter'l'KE bull:etbaU tournament waa held In Point Jut week. Ray
Hoamer preaenU trophies to Tom Comella of Western Illinola, Skip Vogel of North· ·
land; and Gay Bart of Stevens Point. (Kuja~akl Photo)
Point-LaCrosse Seen As
Swim Conference Dominants
Stevmo Point State and La
Croue dominated the Wltcon• ln Stilt Unlve"ll)' Conltrtnc:e
awlmmlnj: mi.'O!t 1111 )'tar and
the two I~ UPKttd to do the
lilme later thla ytar.
But before the WSUC ch&mplon&h!P~J at Y.'hltewater In mt.dMII'Ch the Polnten a nd the Ind ia .. wiU mHtln dual action
to I t! I prtvltw al what IIH
Rlwad. 'The IW0\\11\8QU&~olf
a tloubl<! dual with Stout. n.e
mHt 'NLU pi olarttd &I 5 :))
p.m. At the lilme Um e th t
Polnlll!r I)'JTIIIIatJc tu m wi ll
mttt both La cro...e Uld Stout.
La Croue edttd the Pointe"
for the WSUC !lilt tut ynr
mft't Is expected to be ot the
• arne Qalur~ .•• clo&e.
Both Stevtnll Point H ead
Coach Lynn "Red"' Blair and
La <:roue Oloolch MIU lllller
=t~Lna; lorw&rdtoaclo&e
"I predict a clo&e mft'l."'
rommtnltd Mliltr, "but Ilhlnll
,... can pull a victory." MLI!tr
clttd theovtrall dtpthofhll
Indian. tor hLI·. opUmlsm.
" I 100 fl.'tl It wiU be a clol<!
mtet," u.kiBialr, "butatthe
umt Ume I' m not about 10
ptclt 1 wllwlotr. Whlclwvtr ttam
wlnalhll m ft'tdotl not necHI&rllyh&vatheconler.tKamHI
won. 'nlere are 100 many &ood
lndlvlduab on other l ta ma
throqhout the -u"trenoe that
aresotnrto have 1 bearllli
oatbt•1nncr: ·
Mllltr lft'll that the Incitant'
llr.IIJ"th\IH Lnthtrbr e att
ltrollt, backatrollt.
and dl\"1~: while the Polnten
•~ uptelcd to be strona In
Ste~""hl Polnl'a otrtnl(th In
the fn-Htylewlll be !waded by
l~lhman B!ll Mt hltnbecl<. 11M!
Sprlna11tld,lll.natL•·e hual·
~ady belttred IChool rt<:ordo
In both the 50 and 11)1).yard
t>"tnU and b.....,tleated In In·
dlvldual competition lhlt " H a·
Itt II allo upectrd to awlm
theanchorlq; ononeoltht
two ~lay ltanu • .• elther the
400-yard fn-Htyt.e or the 401).
yard medley. Hit beot 50 Unit
II :22.11Sandlnthe 1001t lt
OtMr Polnttr treeol)'le d epth
ls~byBUISchutteQ in
bolhthe!JOOandi,OOO wlth a
tlmt o f 5 :310.~ and U:23.S ~
tptcllvf ly. Jle won the 1.650 at
the conltr.nct m ft't tall ytar
and the Gn!enlltld sophomon.
lorm he ha d tlwn.
Allo & lfrioua lh~&t In tiM1,000 l1 Wa)'Jit Andtnon with
atlmtolll:29.i . Tllltlstoo
OlW! of the bl.lttr tlm u In the
conftrenee lhllytar.
Otlwr oubtandlfli: frHStylrn
tor the POinttR&~ HnlorJ tlf
P~cell, too and 200: and Bill
Mc Nffr, In lhe 50. BacQtroke r
J ohn Ttpper. aoph:wnore from
Grtenlltld, hu one ol tlw bo!t·
Iff ILmH with a 2:13.~ In llw
~yardeVtn l.
, La Ctoae lnd Stool han!
doml111ted the umnalllc plctu~lor.omenine)"tanand
)'tiT. Tbe Polnttn h&•·e enjoy·
edt~t«IJentiUC:Cflllndual ac­
t lon, with a r.cord ol S-~. Thty
have been patted by Gary
TKE's HOst
'nib put weekend EP~Jllon­
Nu ch&pttr ot Tau Kappa EP:JIIonbollfd aolllc:haptuba..
kctballtournarnenthertln- the
Btrt Gym. TKE'o tTOm West.
trn lUinoli UnlvtRIIy. Mkhl·
lin Ttch. Northland Collett,
Stout Stalll! and OlhllOth Sta.ie
....... u u Ste,·tn~ Point panlc tpated.
'nle Friday came& liiW Stt' 'tnsPolntbeatlnaOshkoah, O
to :J6, &ncl Northland C...IIC~:t
beatlna;StoutSta te,1\.J.I.
'nle S.turday 111m... 1 aw
Wr.ttm UJinollbeatlna Sttvtnt
In tlw r:onaolatlon division
Sit~~ Point bell Stout.12-49
a ndMich.lcanTtchbeallrcOah\rolh, In overtime Sol to 41. For
the -latlon champtonahlp,
Tech 51-&J and third place In
thtr tournamml:
Tbe champloaahlp l&me laW
Wnttm UUnoll btall111 Northland ())IJtat 72-56. and thua
Wuttm Illinois became t h t
ch&mplolll ofl the fiR! annual
~,!"~u no; b&lllttball
Follo-ainc tbt JlmH on S.t·
urd')',a partywuhtld tor
all vllltln&: TKES a t the Aah·
~y with tlw IItten ol Delta
Zeta and the women of llyer
On Sundly a banqUI!I w11
!wid for 111 the vblllne TKES
11 the Unl~tnlty Ctnter, and
the lll!am rtpn-Hnllth"fl by
Ray tto.mtr, ch&lnnan ot the
tvmt. He wUIIIltttd byO&.,.t
BnlikY and Nlclt Kotecki on
tlw 1amt1 and Bruce HaA~T
and Da••t Pool on tbt ooclal
Special th&nll:t must .l>t Jh"tfl
atlehool fortheUMoltlwlr
Fabtuary 26, 1970
Pointers Lose
By iwY lrfE UESICHWA.~U.
State Unh·rnl\y
Ea u
Caire ual!d Ill IUj>C'rlor MIKhl
Polnknt~lrthlrdatr-ateht lou
90-:1 at
Oym TIIHday
nlcht. n.e victory rnd.ecl Eu
O..iu'l lftOf'd. a t 1~1 wh1le
Stn·rmPotnt4roppedlo l~.
The 81\l&()ldi!OOII: llll urb'
lnd whl>n 1M P<liniKS
lint four ahoU. 'ntll proved to
be the biJIIHI lnd by either
lum u SttYfftl Point touch!
block and hlld the lead lour
lliTift durlnl ~ lullf. The
ca me ,...,. UN 11 limn. Eau
Oaln! 101 hot ntar the Hid
ol u~ ~rlod and pWII!d away
to a42.JII Itada t hllll\ime.
Sk\·tn~ Point hit H ol l1
ptr ('tnt, Eau Oalre
4l lor42
ttw bo&nk, 11016ln&alO-l&l'dlt. TheBluJI)Idl
ly domlnatl!d
altoll!d In tUITIO\'tn 1M.
Qo.atnn Va nden Heu~l hit 1.2
polntl and Ken Rltuntl\aln I
to ln d Stf'Wns Point. Tbm
Schlde and Mike n..tUU acloKd
I IP~Ct. R.t.Oilt abo plllltd
down 1.2 reboulllb .
, . Bluaold1 quic kly l fntchf<lthelcadto l Opolnt&and
trom Mre on out the Polnten
nt•·n really tlv'ea ttMd til l •
auptrlot' Eau Oalre bloU club.
lanlutlc In the • ond hall lllttlni from all over
bla:rr• t kid of tmo nl1ht 57-.52
11 10:12.
TllePolntrrshJ t S2ot16 al·
trm.,u for 42 prr cent whit.
the Ea ... Oa~ Blut~dl nrd.Oid ~not ti for 4li prr
cent. ~;a.., Claire led In M"bounl;tl 51-30, with R.t.tlUf rrsbblna 11, Tom J acDon U , and
Tom PW< 10. 1lle Bl~ldll
n\llde 21 tumDVe rs whUoe the
Pointe.-. made only 10.
Vanden Heuvtl kd Polllt 'a
1e0rlnl with 22, r~lowfd b)l
Tt>m Rlwnthaler with 17, 14
comln1 In Uw aecond half, and
Ken Ritzenthaler with 16. Bob
HHinlrtadllp~ ln U. Schade
led the BIUCDI<h with 21, 20
In Ow .-..cl half, fol·
kM-rd b)l JadOon with 20 and
Ratlltfwilh 1S.Steve J~
Oshkosh Pounds
Pointers 108-78
lly KO\' !'•n:UF.N SCJI W.t.SI) P:K
State Vnl,·crslty"•
t ra m com pletely
duml111\td Stf''flll Point at
Otllko.ll S~t..,rday nL1IIt 108-78.
fromanyclwlceot "'"lnnlnathe
wnfr~nce !Ltlt. Ea u C l ai r &
111ncb 14· 1 and Stnftl5 Point
:::de::~ t : IO and "'"t!re never
1br Polnterl. ltd by Dob
lltMinJ and ltoble WH!pl"lal.
Allytd ew n "'i tllthe Titans lor
10 mln..,IH but from here on
w t It wa t all Olhkoah and Ste·
,.~.,. I'<;>Lnt wat ne\·ir In the
l&me . Alter takilllalilm 23-11
k-I d "'"1111 IO :lO Left the Tltarll
ICUirdl Pa t F'it.zprald and Jr lf
Star~~l&rfltt"d anO.hko.llrally
mounttd I 49-30 kid ,.·ilh
l :OOonthecloek. TI!ePointers
put up 1 tllt;ht comebuk llere,
ICOrln&: the 1111 H\"fn pOintl
of Hit llalr to make It 4'-lT.
The Polntrrl hi t 20o/.62ohotl
lorllowlyl2pr r «ni . The
Til1111 hit 41 o f 16 l or~ per
unt . Olllk<*h e.ompletely doml·
na tt d the botirdl »'21 w i th
lt.ohm ara bbin& 20. Doth team•
llad IS tumowre.
WHiphl l liL t II to lr&d the
loHrl, whiLe all fl~e ll""tert
aa•Ln hit doub'e flaureo . Hennina adckol IS, Tom Rltaenlh•·
ler U . Ke n Rltzentllller 12 and
Quinn Vanden lltu\"fl 11. Flta·
arr•Ld hit 23 for 11me llnnor1
u Stan1 chipped 11 and Ver
eo...., 16. llfN'I"\"1 Jon Md).>r•
man added ll and Vance 12.
Titans Rise
Vanden Heuval
T. Rltzenlhller
K. Rltzenlhaler
Wett pl\11
3:2 \J.:N 11
&\II Cl.AI&E (M) 1"0 rr TP
ltG-11 '21
5 1-4 11
s 1.J 1
2 G.o
5 . S..1
Beat By Pioneers
Plattevllle , State Un.lw l'llty'l
buketbo.U team knocke-d Stevtn~ Point out ol. title eontentlon wtlh aii•IIPifltn aerc
~Gym lUI Wedntsdly. Tha J>lo.
nHrshld;pre..SOU.Iy b e at e n
Point 11-14 at Piltttvllle.
Plat~vme tool!: an early lead
.and bu.U t ltto29-11ati:IO
on the ahootlna o1. Rich L.txlkl
and Dennll Brown. At/ t h' t t
polnllhePo:>lnl•,.rallle<IWII II
Km Rltaenlhaler and Bob Hr nnlr>~Jeadln&tlltway,tocut
thehalfllme m• rcl n to46-H.
T1w J>ointerl hit 47 pe r ~nt
on 16 o1. l-1 •hob to the J>lo.
nHrs 49 pereoontonltoll9.
P latteville eontrolltd the botirdl
Plattev1Lie turned the ball O\"ff
11 time. tothf S\t\"fl\1 Point"•
KenRL~n lhaluand Jiennlna;
Poln~rs wllh 12 polnta
Rl!Mntlllller and
llennlna both hauled dwo"!l S
reboundl . l.udkalllt16polntl
and 81'0Wf11S for P lal\evUie.
'11\e Polntrn 1\0id Ow 11:1me
and -nt ahead f31" lhe Lu t
tlmeii·Sion Robbia Wn tphal"l
Jhort jumper wllh 14:20 ltft In
the 11me. PLatteville 101 hot
here and poul ltd away to a
ltd the
aplrce. Tom
i : SOonth e
cloek. Stevens Point ume bo.~k
ll\tlh&dacllaneeupuntll l O
~ ..."henludka lllt al&yup
Stf\"e no Point hit 12 of l2
1hotl tor n prr«nt "'·IILJe the
hotTLianslllt22-4l for 51 per
"et" nt . Olhllo.h eomplrtely doml·
nattdthe ' botirdll!t-16andthe
Polntrrl \Old In ll,lrnowrs 12·11.
1br Polntersllltllol n lor
lilt 4li per «nt on l3 ol. n .
'n>ewlnnLnam~rclnpt'OVf<i to
belnfrMlh.-..."t!rePia tt.\tl tle hii25.JlandSte.·ensPol.nt
Z2.Jl. 'nle btwirdlwe~ fairly
eve n wllh P latte"LIIe aettlna 4l
toStrvensPolnl"•l9. WLnnLnc
P\lttrvllle turned Ow tMI.U ovu
21 li mn to the Pointers 18.
Ken Rltzenlhaler hit 21 tor
the Pointand llennlna;added
11. Tom Rltzenlhlle r lttbbtd
11 reboundl and Wntpha l 8.
Ludka hit l2 for lhe Pl<>rlftrs.
while J im UwinJier addtd 20
• nd Brown 16.
WH I]Ihll a nd llrnnlnt: l ed
the Pointers wllh 12 polntl and
ll polntl, reJprctl\~ly . Wruphalal»llll"'leddwo"l!6 re·
bOIIntll. Ke n C:O..~ liLt ll lor
Olhk<*h. nuaera ld addtd 10
and TyrH V a n~ I . Rick Rehm
~:a~~ 1l rebounds for th e
t"de,·enin "theN"C:Ond·hlil but
quickly fell to the wa)"tldr u
the TLt1n1 romped to • 1~
8 TE\ ' f: !(8 POI NT ~
Ritzenthaler Elected
Player Of Week
Ont of the flnr1t one 1•n1e
Jlf'rlormancrt: ollhe uNOn lllo
ranwd tor Stevena Point"• TOm
llltu•nlhakr selection u the
WLKON!n State V nh~ nlty O.>n·
lt-rt'n« bukrtball Pltyr r ol the
..., Wftk, bulllwy li"OiolliC"t"d
l..aCI"'Our. IO&-"Tt,lnlhiii'Ofl•
tnt and Rllzlfn\Mler accou.ntt"d
'nlr 6..ol jl.lnlor trom S.nboo
made U ol. 2S lleld p i at·
tt-ml'll•nd two~ til.--. In
ao many trln. He abo wa o
crfl!L trdwlthtenrebound••nd
t"'"O IUisiJ.
Point ha1 won nine ol Itt tall
ten lllllfll. Durln1lhat stretch.
Rlta.nth&ler \Old hil tram In
acorln1 elll:llt Ume1 111<1 •wr·
aatd26..SIIOinil furalltcncontroti.Tom la lhelradlniJ.COI"fr
In the IOMI"erence.
Allo--"nomlnattd lhil week
"'"t!re F.-u Claire"• Mike Ratliff,
Stolit"l Crq: Eblrn, La Ooue"o
LeRoy Yoona, River Fitts' Ray
s-talla.PI&ttevllle"IRic h l.ud-ka, Oahkoah't Ken Ver eo..~
and Whl te..·ater"t Ken Paulltn.
Vllhdt'fl Heuve l
T. Rltaentllaler
K. Rltunlha ler
• Goodwin
fT Tl'
5 2·2
4 l-4
10 1·ll
s l-4
2 l-4
0 0-0
1 0-0
o 0-0
Ot~e n
ll 22.Jl IS
1'1..\"ITE\IIJ.LE II 1'"0
Tra upman
fT T P
6 l-10
12 8-10
S 1-t
I 4-S
n nnon
l · o-o
1 2.J
1 0-0
0 G.o
DOWN WENT THE playel"ll in 1 heap, and up popped the ball. The ball had • · nu ty habit or popping througb
th e wrong net • • Ea u Claire ae nt t he Polnte l"'l down t o a 96-77 defeat. (Kuj awt~kl Photo) •
t""'"nlnthe t prlntl a nd!'.ltyt"O"'I
n.... etfortln lhelbot put. Mey<'r , a lrt'lhman. ac:t a ochool
"Paw wua 51-looter In IIlah .
""TIK>re 11 an adjwtmtntto the
It real lllt ."1l!eoldre-cord
wu 1<'"1 by Yrry Whlfltn In
1967 1146- U .
1br Pulnten were f"P«I~
tobellron.it lnthe oprlntsand
!hil WUf'xhiblttd S.turday. Of
MENOMOSTE - 1Wn Whi tt
tied&JIIlrof StoutSIDtt-Fitld·
house rcconhuh<' J"'etd Strv·
Qlll'nlna; Indoor track med of
n il!' Polnt~tl amaslol!d H
t>Ointl to 48 lor \tiC' host Ulu~
De"L1111nd lwr for Enu Oalrf'.
In a ddition toWhlll "lwln•ln
:05.& and :2~ .0 rC' IJICct h·ety . Jerry Plerlns: " "II a loo a doWlc
wlnnc'r. li t "'""' bolh li lt' 5Gya r<IIILJth a ndlowllurdicl in
:0Uand :06.3 •·,..pectl\"t!l)".
Collch Don !loll'• Polnkfl
"''01"1 10o/. thc \3t\"tnta luran
lmprC'ul~ lndoondebut. 'Illf"Y
Wffc abo ICcond In nln~ o f lhe
lllndi...Wua l evt•ntl .
Olher wlnnc' ri i<K" tlw! Point·
c rs '*'"l'ff 0.."" Mr-ycr In tht
IM~. Grca B«ker In the pole
vallitwlth a hc1Khtol12~. Mel
Nell In the two. mile run wlth
a t lmr- of 10 :U .6. Stew Zlm·
m erman In the 880 and the
four- la p relay t~ a m .
Knu ck In lh<'t.hol put, 45-\0\i-;
Bob WW\drock In the lli&h
)Imp, 6-1; Tom l.llborr In the
SO, :05.6; Todd Kal'hler In the
~yardhllthl, :06.9;JohnWoll·
n.rr ln tmo«<.:S5.4; Pulllpus
SO and 220. the Polntrn came
home onc-tw~lhttor In the 220
and one-two In the 50. In the
50-ya rd lowlthr Polntrn ~wid
tbe toplour q..,allfylnatlme-s
In the TWO-mllr. 10 :14.4:
Hokl In the 880. 2:06.3: t nd
Dan S<:holman In the !10-yanl
Proudly Presents
Fri. Nite - Girls Free
1 P.M.
lui~ ; romplete
Shot Put - 1. Oa w lleyer
tSPI; 2. Don Kn.lack (SPI; l.
Kurt Urban CSPI.48-l%. (Schoo1
Mi lt Run - I. J ohn Chart·
rllnd ISTI; 2. PauJ IIJill ISPI;
3. Mel Nr-11 ISPI. 4:30.3.
Wah Jump - 1. Tom Hack·
lwlrth (STI ; 2. Uob Wundrock
IS PI: l . Nkk Mlac:h (STJ. 6-2.
~Yard Dull - l . Ron Whitt
ISPI; 2. Tum Lubntr !SPJ; 3.
ButdiM" IS'n.
&1--Yan! lllrl\ llurdl~ - 1.
J erry rytrlng ISPJ; 2. Todd
~·~t~~~~~: 3. D111 s.:o1mac
• Pole Vaul t -
1. Gl'fl Becker
!.f~~: ~~~~ !s"~~~:"':
~Y ard Dash
Ore~tlrr ISTI; 2.
The euy wll\ pk'ued Hotf.
flpe<:la llylheprrlorman<:CIOf
Whitt, a senior from Gennat>-
ISPI; l. BILl Stoellr ISTJ. :5-U.
m.Y II"d Dull- 1. Ron WhJtt
CS P I: 2. Jules&tcher (STI; l.
L Dl\"t!
John Wollner
1\wn Lubr>tr (SPI. :24.0. t"Fit14housrRf'cordl
Tlo'o-M IIr Run - I. Mel Nell
ISPJ; 2. P1111 1!1111 ISPJ; l .
John 0\l.rtrand ISTJ. IO :U .6.
180-Yin! Run - I. Sti!Ve Zlm·
merman tSPI; 2. Dave !lob
ISPI; l. Ken Knna (STJ .
50-Y i rd Low llllflilt1 - I .
Jerry Pierini (SPJ; 2. Pan
Scohnan CSPI; 3. Todd Kaehler
ISPI . ':06.1.
F"wr-L...pRrlay - 1. Stev(>nJ
Polnt;2, Stwt. 1 :13.0.
El&:ht·i.Jip Rela y - 1. Stout:
"S!rvtna Point. 2:5L~.
Pointers In Action
'lllllrlday Stout I WI )'.
~·rlday, Rlvt"r
Free Popcorn Monday Night
o lint pm.
1lleiCCOndll"riodl onlyf<"Wt
UniC' by Poll\lt l"l DowP!I&
&19 :15. ~,~naulst~
In lht thlrdperkxl t~P,P.:­
Crl 1lamme.J a ( mu ~~1, t,
Bruce Markt-rl 11 I !6 art.!
Doug Srh·e,...h M t ltl. Tht
came at I : OOolt ~ lnl~~tr;:A
~t';:~~~-:~~ran K~lir ~~
St effenhldAnutht·riHitr~
home .
Saturday. Eau Oalre
Whllc.owai<'r, Whllewatr-r.
a nd
Saturday, Ea u Oalre and
\VI\Hewa ter , at Whllc.'Wt le r .
Part·Time work
$50 for
20 Hours Work
· Call
ln lhrcall'".lhl,l!!lnguutPLII!to
\"\lie fur l"'" tK' riOOJ intht
third Jlf'rlod. C?ach E,.... J ~
kooo.-skl llortcd , ..... , ~~ ~ -.,
m a klna 1111 debut as • ,,'lilt
PLRII e\tllk'l ~<>all~ ll~r P.athllart '*'"U credited wi!h ll._.,....,
Dan S..ldc l and l».•t P,111t
euc h had t"'"<liQIIb . aNI llrun'
Murke rtcontrlbtlh'd• lt'" la:>l
'"'-oaulttl toleadtl>rJ>vil1tt:l
The Pointers thrt<' l.»k'l
cnm<' 11 1~ ha nds ,.f Hh"tl
F all•. M<*Lnrc and Wa!l!l"
,..1111 M01Jnce And \\"R\If<IU""'
lna~nlorHoc:kryl""'ru ,...._.,
Erv Jankovo"lkl s!Rh~l. ·"Th•
tca mhlllco mf!a ~"lMJ:""-'>'wr<f
the~lnnl~oft ht• Ya.«..,. TIIt
tum ll "'"Drklng k'f."•"'""r blt
a m achine lnd "'i ll 1>£' 1\Uil
to llop "'ith thil IIII)IN"I'I~
tllattheylla,·e." '
Fabulous . Sound Street
,,,.,. ~
\\"so:!~o-$\o\C 1\,..
Lim $3 99- $ 349 pd.
Call .
The Polnten
odle&dof t..O ong~ l•b)·~~
Dean at 2:5-1, 0.\"f Pridt ll
5 ::14. a nd Dan S..IML at ; ;.
and ll :lO; with Dan m&kl:-4
hil debut a t •
p<»Ltlon ·
Pour Haus
Hy liR UCt: .'I!.UUiii:IIT
Wltrorllin Stat ~ Vnh·rn!l)l
youna boc:kty team d~.:~JUd t p
1 1·1 \tlctory ow r Pl&ll~\1llt
SaturdaynlithiJtGoerkt P.rk
1llevlctorylthc30ch En- Jar.k""'"lkl"l hard clulrxrn " 1th ~~
se,·~ nth Jtralll:llt '"k tor}i llld 1
=~·•II W reronlon thtsu-
Finest in Live Entertainment
~~~ BRAl ·s4 R
ha d
1br Pointer• wiLl nextnctlon March711ttiC'Min)l:a to
Re lay• and a t !tiC' 11me ' time
ot homr In a dool m«t with
lhe VnLVI'rdty of WIICOrllln·
J'o rQLdt. Hofl t>llnltolllilthll
3... 4-0006 ·
'"~P inth llevcnt .
of Big Name Entertainment
Stout Pacers Outpointed
In Indoor Track Opener
A•k for: RoY
Wilt SELL '259
The Dynamic Morning Dayze
J-'• · ft
I• tiM , _ H-..
h it, .t S P.M.
T\l,. n.. ,._, Fri. & -s-t. ·
Admission - 50c
s......, !"t!...~ ;~ ;:OM;.M,