I. .Q. IJI I Wisconsin State University Point TH'E • I bact· ] Reeoureawucft.ter. takea . Polnl akyline. 1n right IS A.~ aerial view ori bow tbe 0.... ~ 11 Marfa Web SchooL Tbe ~ll!r at the uoiverllty ftta into ... picture f ;t POINTER atop the New Learning (llari&: Hall Pboto) . Poge 2 November 13, 19t 9 THI POIHTU Letters To The Editor THE PODIUM Christmas Thanks Broaden Reviewing Policy ~ar Dn.r rAJWN', Question• Smatei Right To Decide On M-Days Dreyfus' Moratorium Policy TO: All Faorull7 The Student Senate ha.s paMed a reaolutlon supporting the Nov. 13 and H.. moratoriwn, With th il decision being made, one feela it Ia time for a re-evaluation of Student Senate itself. Whet her or not one aupporta the · peacdul intent o f th e mo ratorium i5 not right now In qu cation. I do support the right to peaceful aa· acmbly. The question Ia, who by pasaing the reaolution, waa the Student Senate speaking for: Supposedly Senate rt'preaenta the atudent body. The atrueturc and election proceas would alao lend one to believe that Ita intent Ia promoting a form o r democratic decia.lon·making body for: students. Bu t the decilion on the moratorium dlstur-ont. In Oc tober the Sena te alao pa.ued a m otion supporting the moratorium. At the time lhe resolution wu proposed it appeared that the senators wanted to determine the I!ICntiment of their co!Uitituent.. They even held debate on the iaaue until some Idea of studenta views wu obtained. Since then we ha\'e experienced one day or moratorium cxerciaea, and what ia moat atriklng, it was not a majority of 11tudenta who partid· pa led t hat day. t n' fact, for 8.000 peop le on thil campus con· ce r ned reac tion waa a min imu m if eve n that. Now judging from thil reaction, I( Student &!ii· ate fully conside red the wishetJ o f 11tud enU1 would they have p&.88Cd the p roposal'! H Senat e i..a indeed a re pre.IICntative body, would they not have defeated Lhe re11olu tlon or at least have .tried to clarify th e opinions of the a tudcnt body wh o elec ted .t hem? Logically, the next quCIItion would be: If St u· dent Senate would pan a rcaolution when it waa quite obvioua that the majority of atudenUI di d aupport it, wh at actually entera into their decisiona on any motion? In other worda, who Ia the Senate \'oting for ! ·~~';7 8h<:-~rna• u~rru. R E: 1-)W:tl!IJ lkMd..W A- - lnlnt a- MNIJ.p. 1-"'lnLLIy~a ol kbed· v.~..a Ou· a.-. r.nur of lldoedw.4 a.-. n- llsU.,. UATt: : ND>·embfo~ 11. 1... In a unl~nlty of 11111 atu, wltlt more than 400 klctdlyard 7,900 atud~nts, the a:reater part o1 tile- tu~lllnc and H-arnln~: actl•·lly Is Pf"''1ded lor In the formally acllt-do.~llld clau m~t· lnp. 1'-'t'•·n, m~JCII teaclllna ard l~arnln~: 11dlvlty mtlll and doH tak~ place i4 non-t~CIIIId· o.~tlld, ~d~(IIJit'd. or Informal fashion. Conlcq~~Cntly. In tile normal eourae of dolly ..;Jo.~ca tlonal lo.~llCtlonlng of ""' · unl•·~nlty, dcp~~rto.~n'S from tho:- formal aclllldo.~le ol clou ml't'tln11:s arc Inevitab le and entl~Ly jo.oltln. able as aPI>roprlal<' means to acllle•·c tllcoedo.>ca tlonalob~ betn~r th'H oftheeouJ"Hs . In u<ld!llun. In a Unh· ~n l1y of 11111 aile, num~rou a et·cniS IIC<'o.lr d~ily thnt miJ[IIt iC!QUII'f! any /a cuity mt'mb<or to be Abo l:urn. 111 dltmlu, or to cant'~! p K hedulcd d an, perhaN whhoot ' ""'•op[IOrtunlty tu )lrot· ~ko In ad\'A A« lolr l't'IChed• o.~llni: the da n or ~IIIGnlnJr ~II· cr hl>j>nlprlatc Learning activity to th~ tludcntt lnvolv('d. IILnl"U, atcldl'!>l, allendantfl atpn>lt'•lona l ronvcnliom In other dtin;; <'XtremH of Ileal and cold. fiO'I''~r lallun·• In d auroom bulldln~:•. nolle""' la ted to ronstruc:tlon or l't'mod• cllnJr - tlltse arc 1011\t' of tile obt·tous IMLd ~nt s t~I'Crlen«d :o t one tim e <lr another that tau~rht. ••·•It ::e ol/""tc:es=at1 ":c.:~';":i t'I:.IS m~!lnJr•. · l n a p<.>bllclnstllutlonolhl,lthcr cducatlon, - ·ned by th e dtlzcns oltlle • tate, and opllrnte<l und••r polldl'l dete rmined by 1t101:c clt~ens through their reprt'$('nt oth·es duly t'l ~t ~d and duty OPIJOinted aG<'nll, there are t>l~lnly :> ''"rlcty ol rtaiOill th:.trequlre apt>rol"l· ati!'D dm lnl • trato,..tobclnlurm· cd by Mnd to mokt Inquiry of lnculty membc1'l!WIIt'n 1uch '"· culty mus t abl<'nl thenue lv<'ll lrom.or dl smluor u n«lthelr ul>«iultd d an m~tlnp, and noi It Ia true that a repreaeutative of any group muat vote by conacienc~. but ir the majority of the people h e ill reprcacnUng Indica te they are not In favor of a measure, does not he then have an obligation to the people who elected him! IJ the Senate ia voting merely on thei r own judgment, It !1 not a repre~~entative body, but It is Isolating itaelf from the whole 11tudent opinion . It ia then just an org1nir,ation functioning on ita own without any base of aupport. :::C.~~nr,:~::ul~~ =..::e~·~: ~~:,~~~ ·~~~n~~~e~~~~~~~ to tfNo llW'f!OIP.I or reuons lor tuch Chane<'~ In tile- lorma l achftluS.. ~cltlzeMol t .,., t t a t e, wllost> tmxestupportp<.>bllcem· l>lo)·~ - whether t'-e publk: employ~• ne unlt'l'rtlty facul· ty or malnten&nc;e nnd clerical pcnonnel - are entltltd to know, throt.11th !Mir duly tl~· ted rel'r<'ICI\tath'Handdo.~lyal" polnttd al[enll, wM!her thole public employCH are perform\ng UwolrfUilCtlotu accordln& to lhe<'ltabllthcdOJ)tratlonalpoll· d ... : and If not, wily not. . Clearly' many d llzena could not be expcct.ed to be aware ot the multitude. of teachlnr and lcamlng actlviiiHol anonICIIeduled aon that are a"""" ;!i.,t':;~~;~, ':~e~:: 1beycan \~expcct('dtobl! 1w11~ of the fact that moll of our tuclllnJr and lu mlnl[ actl\"lty b formally llthftlulcd and to raise qucttloM about ck>parlureofromluchaclllldulc. n... Information that fa co.~lty m ~mbf'T'II 1hnuld pmvld~ nn their - ·n lnltlall•·e or on~· quest !rom ~Jll>rOI>r lu te admll)o Li!ratonuoccRIIon~uln'S. r<'J:H«<Ina: ablencH from and dlsmlsu la and cnncellatlonJ o1 das1 m t...,.tln~: s . 11 lint o1 a ll n<"C<'IIIIr)' to ~fUlble focuhy and admlnlatra t on t u~llJOIId lot iiJ· allyandaccl.lratelytolnqulrll"' or com plnlnu from dllu>nl about how public emplo)· - arc performing their lo.~'J"IIona, and lrcond ol a llltlt nect'f,Saf)' to enabl~ fatuity and admlnll· trnt <lf'a to del~nd thtmiCL•·es DII11Mt unlnh>rmN or l.lnWU• rantOO crl tl dsm. In addition, I! briC«''ISIIr)' for tlleprolcctlonolthc faculty noembo•r'1 r iJ:hl to rompcns~· lion lor ,....,]IOIIIILbllltk'l fultt.. fullyfulllllcd,and toauul'f!hls obtolnlngotrontrac\IJ:II bforw."' flt1 IUCh 1U 1kk leal'"• lhio\ llreronibckept. forln•tonce, ol faculty ab5rntrllrom 5dll'd • uk'd dnu m ~ tln g s. Our proct~IUrl'S lor S<'<:Urllll: ~uch lnfvrmallon arc lnt~ndcd topl:u:cthc rt'l!i<>rulblllty ln thellrlllnstanct' Ufo:>nthc R nse of ,...ot ..... olona l NhiCII oft)l(O ln. dlviduul faculty m<'mber. ethical and prolt'f.slonal l't'lpor>tlblllty In the l)('rlorm aMe of thclr do.~tlel,andthelrl'<'tlpon. albllltyl•nollllCOmpatlblewlth llleetltka l anclprolealonlo l rl"' •vonslblllty of the Individual fa· cul ty membf r. Qor"lnly ttwo pcrfonnance b)' admlnlatra\Onl of tllcolr du!IH In !hit •~• &hottld not be ehal' actrrlzed a• an attem11ot to ln. tlmldate faculty, or dei"'ffat<!d to ttwo level of a ·•polldnl[" function either by admlnlltra· tunor faculty, Faculty abftncet from, or dlsmlu al• or cancellatlont of \Cont lno.ltd on p&l[l!' 3J m!"'!:·a~·l~~~:m~ll::;"~~:j ~aub~1 tobybul~d ':P~J :.,to;: end~ . 11. Ple ase addl'f!'P ego!hroughtll<' senseleu crltlclun of an a rt lorm which he Ia . unqualllled to explain. Mr. B&Um&'Brt~r may 1«1 lhrNI· ,n('d but I challena:e that k_:ledge of a !cw musical lnt trumenll dou not make one a •tudcntotmusle. ttwo Lcllerl "~ar Serviceman" nnd ploce an almuoll stamp on tile cn•·e!ope. If the~ are any questlont tontact TeiT)' Scheid, ext. 762 or Tim CUllen, ut. 5G6, room 2~6. ~ly, l>f~:e~.t u':W''b;~k~d!:' ~~~ , •......, ..._..,_, For F.-1om · Ill; nble to provide him wlth a "f~:,W nl,lthtiMIIagelntheGrld· Hanoi Haters U..rE41tor, of Youn~:~rlcana ella~ for F....room \O'Ill panlclpatc In the nationwide "Sock It to Hanoi" eam!"'LJ[n. "Sock It to Hanoi." I• our way ot lf:ttlnK po!Ople Mnow th.ot llonol " 'U rt>spor'-1· bl e for the war a ~:aln..t So\>lh Vletnuon In the lint )dace. Alter npeated nllen\pl.l by our ac•w~mment to nt'Rotlate, llanolrcf~al'l to makeany<>On­ c<'Uiona In order to b r l n l[ t>l'ace, Fl.lrthermore, Hanoi refw.f't to abide by the Geneva "l:t~emcnt and e"~" rcr ........ to release tM naml'l of American I'OW"t. Tlley play a mercllt'f.l KITM with the aniJo.~l •h of the rami· ll~t ul AnK:"rlc~n sefVIttmen """ a~ mi11Ln~ In action fat l<'t'n by Mlu Mctzcer't lelt('t In lu~t " 't-ek'• l'obok r ). Nnerle~n e\forto to nc~;<>llatc ace~~oe·llre ot.e ...·e ..m t the O>mmun. btsdldLntheellyoliiiiCdurln& ttwo Tel ot!er>~lve a year and a hall aao. 1be CQrnmun. ls\1 Mid the city only severa l " ·eeka. bul whm tho:oy k:ft, the torturcd bodies of ovf'r:l,OOO eiviii~M were diJCO\/ert'd In shHIIO\\' itiVH, alter !M-y had l>l'en burled alive or machl ,..... KUIII'It'd down . All thll oceurffd durlnJr a cuw-llre, 1 «'YI"' llrt, a1 a mallei' of !act, obo ..,rwd to «lebnte their No:ow Year, M formn O..fe nle Sl!'e· rctaf)'Ciark Clifford llu poln t· ed out, Lmmt'dlate withdrawa l would rl!lult In • "Bioodblth In SOUth VIetnam.'' iathil n10o rail!)'! YAt' deeply dealtc~ ,~a re. AIIIO' " 'C are OUII'llli:td I I a IIOo " 'In JIOILcy In VIetnam but we orenotsonal\'e u to!hlnk thatlmm('dlnte wllhdnwalwlll 10 1be WSU·Ste•·el>l Point tcr lrnn. lle can then lmpl'f!u the 1tudent body with Ilia know!· tdxe of tllco harmonlu and J[UL· tar, , Mr. Janty auo.~rcd me that heWOU.Idtake my sUfl[eatlon apout qualified ~vlcwlnl:" bllek to 1111 staff. J apent a Wtoek of ,....,J,.u an!ldl"'llon. 1be mom. ll•we lalled,the l'uriJ'"iK:"a«"talklhave drllll:· xl'\lonumilthe""Orldllaaforitol lcnwluott ii<'LrJlllrJX>&Cis. llunGLhasdono-nothln~e toend the "·nr. Tilt')' ref use to r~l pot\d to nny i>l'n~c lnlllnth·e mnd u c dct.,.•Mill!i on lm p:Lii<'nce In the Unltl'd States tu Ioree our 11.1r· render and ma ke ponlble a Communi•! \'lctory. ~ VIet Cu<tgnr<!uSin~: t hcproJ>IIKPndti ~:al nt'd from the Oet. U moro· tnrlum with a:lee. lntlll s ..,. ga rtl,lt sho o.~k\bfo To COI'dider the conH"qU~IlCl"' empllulzed that admlnlstraton of nn lmmcdlute withdrawn! tuch 11 deparlnl<'nt chairmen, from VIetnam, ,..e have only brlna:pcaceor a nythln~: Ln,~tol.tll>!di)'PI"Iortoll"'l)llb­ llcallon of tall " 'f<' k'l P<>lntcr, Mr. Janty approaelled me teao.~tlouslylandcxplalncd thmt thort ol llau~,:htcr In VIetnam. ll a•·v '10,000 Arncrleans died In vain! YAF Is elrculo tLna: 1 petition to be tent to the North VIti• num~ R dell'Jiatlon In Paris call· ln!C on th<-m to ... nounce mill· tary vlctOf)' In VLetMit\ and I08if<'C to negotiate a cu wl!rc underlntematlonal auper· •·lslon. . We ea ll on thrm to t upport tile rlt ht of South Vietnam to dctt·rmlne tiK"Lr lulu~ without uu tJldc lnterfert>nce. Join. with m to "Sock It to llanoil' ' KI""""'' Y· l'--c~ f•r ~~~ Ifthilla the case, why should an organization called the Student Senate be the only stud en t policy maker~~? Wha t Ia p reventing any o f the groupo~ on campua alao exprcaa their will and be heard. · The one major problem w hich exiata here ill that othe r organUation auch as the Young Democrata o r Young Republican11 arc not recognized aa spokesmen for the entire 11tudent body. Spoknmen Ia the key word he re, for the Sen· ate not only paaaea legtalatlon to aid the student, but Lhat body ia al.ao considered the voice of lhe atudenta. - Thereforeifacnator~~voteonly on th'll~il of their opinion wilhou t judging t he willies o f the reat or the 1tudent body, they in turn s h ould not be re<:ognizcd 88 the voice of all atudenta. Taking thia one atep further, if Student Senate is not baaed on student opinion, there !.a really no reaaon for an organlutlon called Student Sen· a te. lam, fo r the Learning Reaourcce Center. (Mark Hall Photo ) Tbe laauca pre.ently being taken up by Stu· ''"'"'"'"vlt&lly•"•" th""'"''"'~'w"'•• You· "And The· ·Dr·aft: Conclusr·o ·n 1hould h ave been conaldcred a long time ago. proS:~~teo~~ta·~~~~e;~~!i~e:r:re~~ artl~!e The foltowlnJr " 'Ill deal with draft claulflc•tlon and the aPI"'•I proc"•· r.~ .... quallfyLnK lor more !han :~a~ ~~~'E:~!~·~ft~~;~~ t:-~=~~i:::f£.~~: atudent ten requett La~ within \hir- ing presently kicked around which would make Senate m ore representative of the att.¥1en t body. By doing lhi..a reorganization, Senate eould aeri· uy it ill ffpresenting the entln :!'..:~a~~~t~~c~ ~ •lflea tlon to him. The ..,.J[\Itrant thould prtJ)II~ thonluJrhiY tor Movea are currently being made in t heir area of hour11 for women. One .enatol' advoca tea no llcatlont. It a ~trlstnnt re«l,·cs a hiJ[her claulllcatlon point out the deu or dauta In "illth lie \hinD two ahould houra for an yone. Othera are between hili plan and th e one preaently In use wbich allowa aophomore women .to h a ve no houra on weekenda penonal relllotll tile ~b trant vrelet'1r lhe l·A daulllcatlon. his file !hat may have be<-n overloolttd by the local board, /:~~~; ~A~~h~ ~f.!; ~~~!t~:'o ~,:.~~or":'.O:'f.! be~~;~~=l':,;a~';:' !~!: ::, ~~~!';!, ~~~ r !':t.~ ~~·~::"tow~~h u~n •~ hb while h aving h oura on wee kda)"'. Ju nior and .. ~~~r women h ave n o houra und er the present 01 r li:\lt to ~I aJ)pfarance In the midst of Utili, the Auociated Women'a Studenta il reviewing th e preaent policy. One c:an only hope that the Senate and A W S can work out a aatiafaetory pl.an either f or the reduction of women's hour~~ or retention ot the present ayate m . Senate !.a also conaldering a completely new ayatem of academic: a dviain g for ali atudenta on thla c:ampua. PrelenUy, f aculty member., after being here one yell', are aalgned adviaera by the department c balnnan and are t o a dvlae alU· :::: =~veeou:,.: take in their major .and The a)"'tem as It now atanda has not worked ln the eyea ol the Senate. Thia new a)'ltem they are propoel.ng would re-vitalize the advising ay• tern . Let ua hope Senate will continue to deal w:Jth Ute major~ PaulJ-ty Editor Replies A of lcuerb)·G(<;I\1;-G.;i the Uniwr>lt~ A<ll\~ !:rdu~·':~~· ,;_:t ':_:0: quaUfleotlonsr.tno.l'olow, ~vllw1'r. U>t me Ja)' thfq>~~hliulllo our ~\'lt"'ff llasa:tOJ'olll't. In~: and wtwtl>t'r or!>;(~ Djtf{'t'fi "-lth h'-lt\"~llolll the question at •!\ lie Is a muol<i,.nl'bllr.ct!t guit ar ard hUill"nki&t>l\ll tllaycd,.·Ltht·ano\IIIOI:k"" b!tK'II[to\ljl$1f(>JIIdlhr l... the atalf would not bo:! wiiUnx !0 ICC<'PI ql,llllllfled, 1,111blued revl""·e,.. from the mut lc de· ll e"'U OIIC oft!>oo~ portment. but I! I knew anyone lnlt~lllf'd In handllnlf Rviewl of tile <OOte)>tloo(;l 1 f ll oi.ArtJ andLeeturete•·entlfor Mllwaukca FGik .nd Ju.tfot next semff ler my ~commend· tlvalonJuly1 11111l. ll'!: atlon woold certainly be "'ell U111 yn r, he " T<llf&" umn titled "Tho Bluri. 1r tc~:arded In the lnne r UilCIIJm (Joun te r pot.at.lli ll'lll~~; ottlle ,..,.ntu olllce. Jwalkeft away, dutchlnl[ my t>roaclllld bla~k m••k ~ 1 UAB notebook, ~ nd ma ...·elled aaalytlca l, aci>Lul) 1~ at hlse ffnrtatop~~ rve truth nnd hB\'e """" tt~nr.:t4 1: and the /~edom ol. the pre11. va r lolll .,..... ,l"'fll'l1 """~ When'""' Polntu arrl\'td the lt rlbe to Ltb.u tioft !'... ik· Mx! niJhl. I was amutd to •·Icc. lte«lt'.xi pro'np.\htll ~ li notlec that Mr. Scott Scltu«e offered a comment on "'UAB tended llll" l'hll~drlphb Flh Rewle"'l ," Mr. Schutte WIS nol FH II\'a l In I!IGi II oo:llwt ~ his qo.~allflcatlon> ~tcntatanyot my conferO..rlng thel~ W t ncet wlth ' Ml'. Janty, yet t hough t llcohadaMiyzedthe sl t· )'C ar,IM. had arGntlffllitt~tt Umn~<hlcll aJ~•rtdiOtlh uallonqultc"''t'll . i>AJ>l'r, tliiN "Sollndt:' •XI IJOOIIterordhe~ 'asN ylnK U..att ..·i1h a!i••arwtottt\Jq tlln t tiK" stMcment "UAU. . . . music. u klld the l'olalcr to let them Lcosi )'CDI', h<.'ioalllllltll¥ el>oooR thelrll"''lltevl1!'4'1! r ... " proplf " ho o r ~or.lz«ilr>: ;et l••nout•ndoutdl•tortlonol •entlld tho.> "Co-n tr ~L \l'iom.l tile- truth- aile II y<.>tL prefer Fulk MIJllc ~·,.,,t,·at:· ttwo tenn . I am challenelna: the He luu 5n /orm!'<l ~!lilt~ l'olnter iO print a ~traction If will gh·c a l..cturt totbtl.oo IIIey will no1 pt"lnt !his letter. lU ff ~·orum tiUilCII!d:l~k \\'e merely requuted 1enslbla New . 15 on "Tho )it~~ rcvlewlnll' u a 1oi;lc1l IOIICM>· the Slut'S.'' Thr f()tWI), b .,.. ~rtJ~ our J)llb!ldty for cgn. rtntly 'i lu•f)-ln~ "Bac~ C'J ture .'' Since Mr. Janty kept te llln~: lleb:at"mk<rl•ut~ :\.:H:p n>l! that he waa "'too busy" to PinK of T<li>J-'In~. 11'1< . •!lt!. look lor qua iiLIOO ptnonnl.'l, ha s ]lttRnt('d 10 }I,]'I,.:IH l'ublle Rela tlont Commlttre IUC h en tert~ Ln<:rJ 1\M PN: SUI;:Jl:U tf'd thn! he look 10 the l'auland)lar), l'<l<'~ muale lkp;trtmtn t of lhla unl· J udy Co1liM, Jiml\,.fSib!;o •"e"lly !or ltnlM·Iedl[ea ble s to.~· Uand , c~r kH ~\ ontO)& IUI !il•l<'nl$ or faculty membera. UAH lan. thr \l.Oihn); St....,'ta<J~ did not as k lol' and don not U.,.atl t'll , want"perml u lontowrltetMir ThiS liUIIlfll<r !~' \\.d I ~.'011 ownrc\'III!Wt." corres t()lldent !o li'<'•\T-,.t.":c Mr. Sc;hutte'1 n\'Lewlns.: tech- Dtut'f. )",'l>tl• ~l m M.n lti'llil nlquea dH erve a comment :'>llchiGan. h<.'~. Il ls rt>•·lcw "Stockllolm H ~ hus OO·n a~~ O.Orua Gll't'f. Good Cbncen" the Jpoo>lantwl J~, B>:o! It \11 eluate example of what the J t'>Cse Black,.~I!Rlot~Bol! rd like to call the ••analytkal ofStC\'tnt i'.Jint ai'J)f'Oach.'" S.,llutte pllrT'Oitd 'To say ) io" O..~k t'll.llt block e\'frythln~: which "'II In Daumgart Mr I< "'~q!lll~ l lhl' PtO\:tl m, and not('(! that doing tllf !>.l)~l > rt\lt"" I tho. chorut had "a nkc bl...,d gra•·cinjo.~ll lr•· olvoice1." Population Disaster WllERE PEOPLE and eara use the aamc 11pace, an accident won't hurt the cal' much. Thi.a photo was tak en atop the new library, the Univerai ty Euphem- Smate Must Continue Editor : 1\'e would llke 111 thank all A few "....ek11go, I approact.. ttwo orcanlzatlonl on campo.11 ed Mr. Paul Janty with the tllat twolped "' collec t Olr\.11· lllfUIH IIon tha t the P ol " "'' mal 11111 for our mtn In VIe!· bro~~den Ill ~vlewina: policy nam. A apcc lal "thank·you" by uslnl\' t he ""vWwt of prople II:OH to Thomlon. Knutzen, Del· knowleditellble In the field of :tll'll, n1111 cll, Schlfll!eoCkle an d muste- In other wordt quail · Jlansen llalla lor lheirlbun· fled . . dantCCH>pe ratlonandJrenei'OUI• f expllllnedtha tthelllldenl tty. 1be 11:1111 are WLna: pock· bodywuproiNoblynot lnt e ~tl· 1ged by the fled Ct;pl& to be ('(!In Ustcnlng ,to a Ul't'~m cl sent over thb "'f t k. ' .......tts sttllRIII out of RQitel'l cal board wW d«lde whether to~ n lheclatt ltlntlonand reclauil)' thel't'J[\Itranl ornol toreopt'n\heduslflcatlon." ln <"llhtr cue a , _ not!« o1 clus llle•tlon II malltd to the "'ll:lltr• nt who rnay then·~ pnl .. . II he 10 delL,.... ln the mtantlmt, two eannot.bf tn. duetl'd,Sec. I62U" Upon~lptollhenotlceot daulflcaUOnthe~Jrlatra nt hat the rll[hl to l l'f>Cal, Such·~ peal m111t be rnade In wrltln$: " 'llhln tlllny daYI of the time 'Nitenlbenolleeolduslflcatlon ~le~~c ~v: d;t~~:: wu malted.. )lrOptt tlaullleaUOn. ~~m"'!~ :pe~~~~~ ~ ta~~:!'r.!u a,: :;t.=,mUll1 ~ wlshel to ~ ~"KIIllslfled. lhll pearances. Each board olfn thoold ~ acceptlld. decide whether lhty will permit The awea t a&Hit h~ th e wltneuH. 'llw!l'flo..e pennllllon =~to.~~~~re:..:·~~~ ~~ !.,~.~ ~ppc':'r'!:: Appeallare sent to the local bo&rd. A almple letter reqUCitLnaan appel l lllufflelent.C.IJ. lion: AI with all communlca· tlonJ"·IthtlleSeleetlveServlec S)'lltem, \ett en lhould be sent ffl:illel'fdOr eenllled mall with ""'um~lplreqUCited., OncetheappealhaJbeo,on reCf'lVed by the local board, hk me II forwarded 10 an apt>Ca.l bond which lollowt the Nme should att<"mpt 10 convince hlm pearanee, rea:Lstranta 1 h o u I d pottem aathelocalboardclaJ. ot - · · qu.alltleatloN tor the P<'t'PIIre a "'Titten aumrnaey of all)'in&' a rqlltrant In the towtsl class lor wllldl two 11 con. elaulfkatlon be~ Mltl(llt: two the tr.,..ct1ont. slderedellll:lble. fW&btram. should ~alb:e that the appeal board bun Ita deeblon .mly on wlla t II in local board dlapQ&Itlons and ean .. memory wiU permit. U a h• liS., Re&Jatranta lhould carefully lnlpecl their l oca l =.:~~-~ue~vlce on P<t- :;.'':' ~~~ ':, : ; boardfi!Hforanydelklenelta: u the ~trant • clautned ""''l'· 11111 Information Jhould orct'TOC'I.theappcal board t.,aiUiherelsuthanonehe betypedlndupllca~copy.- lhen•"'Oer;ontherq:Latrant•• lla• nquctted, he m~at take ror the rttlltrant'• own rue, d l&llflcatlon. 'lh1t voteb fOI'warded alaac with the recla11 · tn.nt'allletotheloealboard. befofllheloo:atboal'dlfa~· FoUowln(lhebellina:IIMio- Thelocalboani~'-UCia local board t"eeffM and reoDr\oo lhoukl be made •• the time ~':..t'{i ~"'!::,',~~.':!:'; ~':.~~~:~~..!..~::: =n~~:E-::~1~ ~~i:L,~\::"~~"$ ,t;! ~~~~..,:-~=~ pet;!: ~~~=:;: ;.t: ~~ ~~~ BRAT 84R ~ 'N THURSDAY, NOV. 13 The PHILL HARRIS GROUP 8:30 - 12:30 ADM. SOc COMING NEXT THURSDAY, NOV. 20 THE SOUP 1\ I'Iowi011Yourwif>tlr Cinbetl n~t r~======~~~=~~~===~k~=~~~~;:;.;;;;;;.;;;llf~;;:,;;~~~~~=~~~==1JI Fprgetabo~Jtchllltan<llpillt .. IO&mOol h WarmllnlngtrMII ~rd·r<!loltant W e've Got The lrresistables GREAT PIZZAS 59ers, 79ers, 89ers Sandy, Rose, Ben, Toni, Carol, Pat, Kathy, Kris, Louis, Bonnie, Marlene, Ann 10..1. Ct.ooM ltom a number o r IPOfl t\~..1. 1•~1 ,,.. pkturlldaboW. AIImldiiO ~Hplhto Br•l ·f•I•IOUIOi your wWI\..1 C:O...plete Selection of Afte r Ski loott For Mt n and Women DAILY PICKUP & DELIVERY AT ALL DORMS 10% Discount on Cash & Carry Dry Cleaning :SW-SERVICE LAUNDRIES & CAU OFAW 411 Dl•itiOA - JG49 Church - 1124 l"d St. !Shippy Shoes MAIN d WATER T·hursday 4:30 • 9:30 Moratorium Special WSUS 89.9 FM Novemt)(u 13, 19 Poge 4 Paulsen Meets Press . ' Describes Himself Letter Recalls Experiences Of Point Students What do you thltlk oftiMil'oll•h""phl o.J u., • Q. (*';t c~~~~~;u:~d~~k~r:;t Ia!";~ ;~~,.~~~~..~~ llw!~=..-::'!youroln&"kl ""Yl<>lhe~tuJ"nt,,t...1 ~~~£~~~~~:r~~~~'fe~~~o~ ~~~t ~:cu~• 1 ·,11,~~10 Q~n \i~a~,.':;,~e~e 8=,:-'~':;~llo.: 4o -tctot ~ A~,A~!~~~~~!~~~~~ :~~~rautn~: to noc J, • q , Are the Sm...uou~ ISI'olhetai roouln.: )Oil Q '"'~tt!t( ht~~ ~0~· k~!:~·~~~ t;:r.:~:O!!'a~ t:,.::oT-:~;.~·~~l{<j I! ntu.tb a~~ I \t Itt!> 1 1 dld a t one time rdu.se a contract wltb ca,; btn~ #tid althOU£h WI! W{tj work IOi:Ciher ~;;:~~~ t!~ls~:~nfh!t1 ~!! ·. r:: U :f:::.nt ~~da~!t~,~o 3~r~~~~ ':~:~. ·~;ysa,;ld•~'t~ Forlunately ABC hu a f l'fl'r mind al the mo~t . ~~!r!n~.lll~b~e~:e ~~:::e,~n ,!tt!!!;~tl~11~1 ~nwothlr.c 1 Q. Uow did you lf!l Into lhllit A. 1 1tartc-d very late. aet ually, The l!r~t 1hmk 1 u. Jncollege, qultebyaeddtont. lwu~:oln& t<>~r~ City Colle.re a nd I jut t went down to w~Kh , llt.f. olaplay. 1 wu hkln.r the for~try r~ulremenll - 1 ,.. 1 a fore1t nn~~:er - and.omebody u\d 't radallr.r Vol! a line. Then It wat cwenty )'l!'llfl ltom llt"t h ~~ a lonjj:tlnw. , .,.,.t4 Q • . Did you fn'er lhlnk you ,.·ouJ.d n,.k~ lt lhh loll! ..,_ A. No. I thouehl I was a llood coooodJan, b~t Can )"0<1 tell ua mo re about your pru(l'am~ A. Well, 11'1 a hall hour ~·artety Jhow. Gutst I! Q. . lt.L'1 ~~~~ ;:;~~::[·=' t~:'~\'!~·;~~~~: It's fi:Oln&" IO be a different show. We ha\'e thf~'ll: to do whate\·er we want. We're .rolng to open " '~~, ~ lo.rue, go !oa guelt ltor~e.andlnto .. . l~lo! wlththlt-lwlllnotdolt. lwouldrllth!!rnot. ! u~:r for.ret 11. ..ve )'0<1 almln&" tor youth! A. No, dellnltely not. I'm 11lmtn.r for oomtdt· Q. 1$60,000 Executive Q. What,.... on that l.llm that ,..e didn't ""'IIIII! A. ' Oh. It's a phyakal fhntn fUm. 1!'1 prtlly fr.:: jull Turns Professor loOrl ol an In betw«n lhl n ~. q , What 4o you think of Spir o T. Axn~,.-~ A. (ehuekleJ I'm Wl'ltlnll• son& dttalllnllallhlstt;t but I can't .ret the flrll note yet. I'm no! tu~t· a t~: hla, I'm sorry to U)'. 1 I£Tff with Gold,.·~ter - I ~ has a rl.rht to uy wht he wantl 10 u ~·. E\'rrybody t hinks 1 ron~n·atl•·e .can't urar.t1.t4 leftlll c1n u y what he wanta - Wh)' not J =wnr. Jre•Uy.relupll.rhlaboutthat. lthlnk t hat's.orlo!rN blptry thllt .roes on. When did )'OU tltail oolke !hal, you'"' I~M)~ A. 1 t hink I knew that when I wu 3 kid Q. l)ld )'OU Ulle It Ill a defen~! A. I used to w1lk Into lene-et . chan~ a bit. Q. I'm o\ltl doJ.j ~ hl•~n't Q. ' What <.lo you think makf:ll a "'0111&11 unlot!W'.ol A. Maybe! the ability to change " 'hh th~ tlrr.tl are quite 1 lew o f them that are for~;t·t!11blo> too. ~ The Pointer W isconsin St ate University The POINTER II publlahrd Wl"l'kly t\r<"r: ~~ snd examination perlod5, at Ste•·ens l'"ont \111''~'':1; ~:,.~~~t'on't~~f:• ~~ ~~Josco;:n Y~!:~e g:.~~~::~ t~ Second-ellll post•.re paid a t Slt\'('nl J>,•.~t The POINTER Olttn! II l()('atl'd in th~ \':,.oft\;~ Csnt('r. Telephone J.ll·l~t. f:~l. :!33 t:Dll'OIUA.L BOA.Im Editor- Paul Ja nty. 601 Fourth A,.,.., J..l' .·1.19 Aaaodac~ · !tor-Scott Schull(', 601 ~·. ~~~~ A~ ,.,. ~~~~~~: r-~~k=~~~L~o~·,tr-~:1 ~:~~~f:u~l;o~~~~~~~;k;l~1:;:;-;:,,~ ~f~; Cop~.r:g:~~r-Laurle L.ratherb~ry. !!'.II (-.>!It~ .1~ Photo Editor- Mike Domlnowlikl. 131 Wnl• "" r.: ~ Ad\'t rtlllng' Managers-Bill llumm~l. :w :;~ "" Ulrr y Shadlek. J.ll-09.ll. ~~: fo':,. ~~~~~. ;;;.~~ ~~.·.~: ~~ ~ Jeff Albrecht. llecky ~~~~r. Tom, lt.•i, ~fc:o!:~:":r.~~:ial~~,rl~!M~~'"'Ar~~~ :J:'t~r's:'.~Y·~~mo~:~:~· ~~~ ~~f.r.~~~ Polln!Uo, Mary Stecker, La~ Wlllc,;:~L T• or)' S.: Kay Al~y. ..... ,..., /~'-.:. :. t-...:: THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU 2 M ia.. NOtth D11 Hwy. 51 SllVI NG PIZZA • Hamburgers THlY'Il A • TlU.T • TO U.TI Steingass Wins Poetry Arts Award Tu tie comes here to swim and1 to think of David, who gave her his beach towel and some beautiful memories. Of Lee, who, after lighting her fire, gave her his lighter. Of Jolon, who gave her theepillow --•~"""" right off his daybed. Of Bill, w ho gave her the shirt off his back because he didn't want her catching cold. O f Sean, who gave her the mug and a case of Schlitz Malt Liquor. · Rent a TV or Stereo $7.00 per QiJ month IRtnt.f opplits to purchoH!I JIM LAABS MUSIC 911 Mol11 St. , STEVENS rOIHT, WIS. Phone 141-1666 OrEN DAILY 9·5 TUES. &. Fll. 9-9 GUITARS - AMPS - mREOS.- COMPONENT SOUND SYSEMS RADIOS - IV'S _: MUSICAl INSTRUMENIS - ACCESSORIES .fU Guilars - Amps - All · lnstrumenls Available On Renlal Basis Poge 6 WSU Faculties Support .Collective Bargaining. DRINK POINT BEER Combs Directs 'Kiss Me Kate' Dr. Ronald Cumhll , 11\e n~'W dlrt'ttor ol S t~ >"J:IU Point Stmtc Unl\·~rolt y't <>tl<'U wo rkoho~, b t•ro•·lng Ill• can bot .. ,..., umcnln l"Lnhlsn>uslcaiiiUT$ultl. Do you have to give up yOur identity to make it in a big corporation? '·~iveheard thestories: C. b'gcorporation forbidsyouto '•' l' ·~n, thmgbut whiteshtrts. /.n~:nersaysil wantsyouto be"crea­ , · lod s•ves you a 4-pound rule :mg you exactly how to do it. V< til~ther doesn't want you to buy a ,....r;, '·.:pensive car than your boss t<.· ~.:,e "rtwouldn't look right" t~m.~ really happening rnAmeri<:an t .. r.ess? Ha.ecompaniesbecomeso rigidand .~ lossitiz~thatthey'rescaredofpeople whodoo'tlitthe"OOI'm''? . Not this company. Wcarenothungupon trivialikethat. The advances General Telephone & Electronicshasmadedidn't~ fr~ ~:it~ea~~~~::,~~t!~~~~7;'r:~•on They came frorilpeople who used the~~~~~n~ho revolutionized picturetakmg w•ththeS)'Ivania f tashcube. whodevetoped thehigh-ener~liquld taser, whoCJmeupwiththesharpest cotorTVpictureintheWOJid, whopioneeredinstantetectronicstockmarket quotations. and so on. Weare looking formorepeoplelike this-people who aren't afraid to stand upand try themsetvesout. We are an equal opponunity em· pk;Jyer: All you needtomakeit withusisa goodheadonyourshoulders. General Telep~~~~e~. El~':~~~.~- ..--..-·- ..W<.._.,.,_... b........c:::!i",::::::;;!-:::::!."='.::-·~'4t"".. -·~·4' ~- 944 MAIN House of Levis (or for thot matter all kinds of lovers) . YOU'VE STRUCK GOLD PIZZA at · a Re,a~nable Cost ITALIAN PIZZA as GIUSEPPI would have it PREM IER, MONDAY, NOV. 17 at 7 p.m . 9" CHEESE & SAUSAGE . 9" CHEESE, SAUSAGE & MUSHROOM . 9" HOUSE SPECIAL 12" CHEESE & SAUSAGE 12" CHEESE, SAUSAGE & MUSHROOM . 12" HOUSE SPECIAL . . . . . . .. . . $1.20 . $1.35 . .. $1.55 .. $1.75 .. $1.95 : .. -~ $2.25 W ronlillergoeJ!n lor •lfe~thpowtr w~hlhiJfoJhion· obltflortltg joan. Thes1tt1Ch CC>Ifltl fr Om •mooth-ronlng 75~.conon,25% nylon. Andjull looko1 oll 1ho wonderful colors IOCt1ooJtf:om •• . blac~blue,wtlilt, ligh1blut,willow, YOUR GRIDIRON NOW HAS NEW HOURS! fiOyY, I O . .,ocnd. ringhcmblut , whiOI.SinJ S/6-18 •• . $7 MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7 a.m. to 11 :45 p.m. SATURDAY 8 a .m. to II :45· p.m. SUNDAY II a .m. to 11 :45 p.m. ERZINGER'S ALLEY KAT SHOP I No•embcr 13. 1969 THI POINTER I Ha milto~ Plays As Defensive Back BALDWI!'i JIAl.L Ton, 0 'f:ar;:" 1 wen Tom Mike Gorman 2 Ells\ Jerry • Dick Marv • Joe l Dk k Klch 1'&111 l'enkwlll: 1 Wel t R••)Croa\ 2 Welt lbnKn 2 Ealll II a nna 1 Eas t MIUe r 2 Eal t BrtOlOWi kl I Wel l DleUnt 2 Ea~l IIA:o;"SE.~ lto n Fuhrma n J ohn Lemk e 4 Jim Wal lendah.l Ca ry Maxee 2 l...o.rry Wilke 4 L£-e We )·cnbforg Layy Lel.:er 2 2 WC'SI &ut 3 Eu t Weot No rth 2 W<'U Wt'l t KSUTLt:.S lllll Neu ba uer 3 Wes t Jay RoUln 4 F..as1 I>.o\·e Ma .-. k~> 1 Ea• t Tom Rlt l.l'nthlll er 4 F'...as t Bob l hmnlr 4 tA.st Jerry Kt)'U 4 E;ut IA'e M)'trs 3 W~1t K~n lla h·erson Jim lk~ 1 J e~n West 2 Wu t Mike Gorman 2 Eas t Je rry Dbte<:haft 2 Ea11 Rldl BT'lOl OWi kl 1 WH I Tom Grlffelhs 1 We• t Sob Molitor I WH t Joel Ii anna 1 E&ll Joh n IJ~neman 2 t:ut II ALL Jim W&llf'ndahl 3 Eut Mike Croft 2 WHI Don Smith 4 North Jerry llronsun 2 No nll 1)«-k Car111m1 ~ North Thm J oohnk e 4 Eut lUck Oorn 4 Eail IIALL Tom Ritze nthaler 4 Ealt Jay Rollin 4 £qt ();ave M&rike 3 We ll t.ee M)·c ra 3 Wut Rob H~nnlQ: ~ Eoo~r !'>like F'armer I Eut M l k~ Theiler 4 South JI>C.' Klu~rl ann 2 South 3 w:.~A \' H~:t lllU Rekhof f 3 Wes t ~ Oye n 2 WH t Hill !'>lltlonl.t 2 Wn t Jtfl OOlnfleld 2 West Jlm Rope! 2 \\'u r J ~ rry JWitn 3 West B;ortnlk 3 We• t AI Stranz 3 Wes t Jo hn lllllnl 2 w~s t St~•-e M lll~r 3 W~a t !'> la tt Annl• 2 Ellst Fonts 4 W~•t J e ff Danfleld 2 West UILI S MITH HA Ll, DIU Jlawle!l 3 North Mike McCa rthy 2 South Bill Ha wlen 3 North Wayne Ulnnlnr 3 North Brad Plama nn 3 North !'>Ilk~ McCa rthy 2 South Rhtll Sp~~H 3 North Rhell Sllf"l 3 No rtll Rick Osgood 3 Nor th To m Schoone 2 WH t J t fl Margrnau 3 North Georl:l! Polle r I Sou th J im Ma hler 3 Nortll J im Ma hler 3 No rth Rick Oslfood 3 North P h il Mpr 1 South hob SwaMOn 2 South M lk~ Ye naell~k 1 South STEINER Ga ry Chi'Uiol)frtlln 3 North Nate Tlmm 4 South Dick Quinlan 4 North Don Pop 4 Nonh Glenn U!Kkn 3 North Mark ~"ulle r 3 North Jolin Toepk r 4 North JackSachtjen 4Sou th HALL Mike Blu ~ 3 Nonll Brennan 4 North Da•·e Miller 3 Norlll G lenn Linder! 3 Nonh Ronn U nde r! 3 Nor th J aek SachtjM 4 South Mark Fuller 3 North WATSON Jim Szyman&kl 3 £1111 Tom Rosmlllu 2 WH t Mark Cllrlatensen t West Da•-e Brukart 2 ;\"Ht Mike Bt'U~r 1 Wut Pat Jollnson 2 ~t:ll Paul Bowman 3 Eut HALL Paul Mancih 2 WH I Ray Moelke l Wut Te rry Fendo1 3 Eall John Cooper 3 Eat! J ohn Ju~• 1 WH t Kir k Kind I West Mike Palesae 2 Wen Bob Take a · t.ime out for BURGER CHEF Yomaha - Epoxi Skis . ss900 . S169QO . Kastinger Ski Boots "~"· T,., ladies' Men's ssooo _s6soo ssooo- s7ooo tllillrtshop ' MOIU Of TU WORlO'I ' ~ U US T IWUURUR Poge 10 f. PionJers Trample Pointers, 56-:14 THE WOI LD FAMOUS ·~-;:¥ North of St.:Y- Polnt, H wy. &l ~'li,O"J' NATIONAL BANK ~~~'!INS WSUS 89.9 ~M I'OINT· · WI S CONSIN ELP WANTED. Girls & Boy DAY . NASA . Special R~port· ! . Dealing · with upcoming Moon· · Launch scheduled for Nov. 14th features interviews with ostronouts CONRAD, 1 GORDON Lantern and Finest in live Entertoinmenl POUR HAUS Thunday- SOUND STREET ADM. SOc FRIDAY- THA BEAI't. 5:15 PM This Thunday, Nov. 13 and 7 :00 PM Monday, Nov. 17 ADM, SOc SATURDAY - Gigantic Challengers ADM. ONLY SUNDAY - soe UGLy MAN ~O~TEST J.f POUI: HAUS I