..!::j THE
Two· Gymnasiums N·a med
For Old .Athletic Directors
Two former athletic directou
at Steven~ Point SIIU
Uninnity, Ceo!it R. Baa and
his svcceuor IItie F. Quandt,
hawebeen ~ekcted untmcuku
for the two l)'mnuiuml in the
uhool'1 physical educ&tion
The K hool's fatuity namin&
committee , headed by Vice
President Gordon Hafcrbeckcr,
made the recommendation• to
President l.ee S. Dreyfus for
QLUndt'l name will be &iYen
to the 110 by ISO·fOOIIYmin
the physicaleduution buildina
Chrhtmu vacation 1 Navy
recrvitcr si&nrd up seven of the
rMn for active duty nrly in
Till: previous ynr had found
:':J..~!~~~Won cllampionillip
Born in Mount lloreb where
wu plduatcd from tush
school In 1921,8crarccdvcd hil
ba~;hetor's and master'• dcvcn
from the Uni>TrsityofWii(:Onsin
the c:oach proridinJ physical
education tninlna for air tOll'S
trainees natiOI'Itd on campus.
Btfl had more success in
fOO(baUatStncnsPoint. Durint
four seasons he led !til turns to
IOwins,J)kluesandonetic, ln
1946 hb pidden won the
and coache,d at Wupun Hi&h
Scllool from 1931-1933 and at
l o 1942 when he came to the
pnobed Buauapopllbr coach.
!odm~::,~~: ~~n~:Oit~r;r_f
million. The cu!Tcnlly-u•d l)'m
willbur Bera'snamc.
Quandt, "'ho died June JO,
1968, •t a,g£ 6S spent 40 yun
cn•chln&, 21 yean on the prep
Jn d before comlnato Stcwtnt
Point u athlc:tic ditutor in
1~48. lie had ltu&ht at Cuba
Cuy, South lk\olt, lli., Wauuu,
Harlford, Benton lbrbot, t.11ch.
lie coached nc:uly e~ery
,sport nailablrctttbchl&hschool
level, lnclud l.na boxlna, lllld few
stateCOICbct riYIIc:dhitrerord
ba~~t~~~ ~~~~~os~~dnd~
RHC Will, Sponsor
Brubeck In Concert
Reslden<;e llall Council
"'"ill spot>Sor a ron~rrt in the
nrldhou!IC, Thun.day, May I ,
which "ill futvR the- Da~e
Brubeck Trio and aunt ar1ist
GriTyM ullipn.
Wh en tht internationally
famous Dave llrubcck Q~~.~rtct
dter 16)·earsuoneofthen10U
succcuful jaz.z enstrnblcs in
hlstor)', ill leader immrdiattly
beca>nc- the subject of much
o f credits In their 0"'n r]J.hl.
An added lltrtction at the
oonccrt will be the lllcnts pf
Gerry Mulliaan who i1
considered by mo$1 critics to be
the besl baritoneu.:t;ophonist in
1~ rounll)'. Durin& !he few
limes !hat Brubctk is able to
perfot"'"forlhcpublic"·itb his
new trio. Mulli1an is invited to
play and docs so when his
schedule: permitsil.
Mullipn'l tllc:ntshuelandrd
him at the top of the Playboy
cltan $lyle: of writinl and
playina: and a pervasive sense of
humor. bolh music •l andwcrbal,
have come to be recosnizcd as
hall~::•:!~~~ ~~~~~:ns~~~
:;:~~i=h~i~u;;w~ha~'J: ~~tc:ro~id:r'~:e t~~c t~~~~~
playin1 togcth"cr fo r 16 yc•s
before it " ·asdismanlkdin 1967
and had p.infd 1 list of
achiucn>rnts th.at is still
uncquakdin thejuzworki.
It was !he firstjaucroup to
populu charts and the tint
voup co h~>·e a miltion sc:lkf
("'T~kt Five").
Dawr Brubeck is .;~nt of the
allilits :~e~clcd fot the Playboy
h u lhll of Fame. lie hu 1101d
molt reconls than any ot her j~u
The nc,.· trio has already
broken new around as its fint
music of today and is the only
vehicle: presc.ntlyinn:istenccfor
keepina a~Ye the los! an of
Today, as alWays, he, Gerry.
Mulli,aan, Juk SUI and Alan
Daw.son continue to cont ribute
tlxir t•lcnll to a unique and
vit al art from which they u
performen and innOYttor-s haYe
htlped to attain 1 hiJh lc:wel o f
R>ptcl throu1hou1 the " orkl of
Ticktts fot the 8 p.m.
performance will be on ~lc: 11
the catin1 cenlen, 11 the
UniYersity Center de~. at
bl: : : :~li~~lur~~~ re1~;ds
nominlled for 1 Grammy Award
!his yell. llrubcck'snew bnsist.
J1 ck Six, anil lhc ne w
pcrcvmionisl, Abn Dawwn.
ha¥c pbyed with major bands all
onr !he country and have a list
~~:h!~'i-'i!nEt~~1c ,f~n~f7::C•
Sun ilartinl thi:s week. The
prices lfC S2.SO for resc:rved
scats. S2 and S\.50. The
presentation is part of Rcs.idcn(:C
lla ll Covncil Wctk, Apr. 27
f.s t a bli1hmcnl
presidential assistanl Dr. John
!t:.':l~~~~f•l~=c~Pj~~;~~litf~: El~7~~:~n0r. ~~~~:)-
rtdio. tdniJ.lon and filn> 11 n r•ina under him rrescntly
Wisconsin Sute Uniwersily.Ste· strveabout 2.S00 tludenll,lx
nn1Point wuannounced today said.
Of. Croft c1me to Ste¥ens
by Dr. William Banford dean of
Poinl inl961afler ~oefYilllfOIIr
fine uu.
EffectiYr immediately ut he ytlfiUCUCIIIiYCYkC president
fourth dtpartmrnt in the nne
arls collecc.its chairman will be
Dr. Albert Croft who preYiOu&ly
headed t~ depart ment of
speech withu1 1~ collcJC of
The ne w- department "ill be
the ot~r mau communications.
newspaper and yearbook, T~
Pointer and The Iris arc the
~- ft~~~o:;~ai~~oadml med;,,
Whi le comm u nications
pro111n>S uisl 1 few other
schools in WiKonsin, SteYenl
Point's P•ocnm is !he mosl
u trnt-iYein !he disciplines it
c:owcll. ll
htdb«nrc~iYedbyAPJ. IIIIl
Five Finalists Selected
For Teaching Award
Fin finalists have been
named in lht SSOOtxotlltnoeln
lcachinl oonlell I I WSU. The
winncrwiUbeannovnced at the
monthly ftcully mcclina
Candi4ttcs are Mark C.tcJ,
Dr. F~nk Crow. Dr. Jimmie L
The Cootdinatina Council for
lli,ahcrEdvcation has approved
twonewacadcmic proanmsud
rejtc"tt d one for WSU it ...:u
learned lui Thursday.
~n okay wu &iYtn 10 a
muter of science dearce in home
eoonomi13 education and t
bachelorofleiencc deiJtc in
w-alcr re10urccs. A master o f arts
dclfo:c in hlstof)' w11 tu
down, bul il is likely to be
The Cctl E staff said in
1pprovinc thc home cconoml\3
~~~eh o fferiltJ at 1 Wisc:onsin
universitY - !he other limiiJ;r
dcar«J •~ annted at the
~:~~!~s~ty an~f s~::i'~a,;
"l2nd; frank lin , ISIOCiiiC
Mr:CaiJ, usociuc profcS50r or
ed u c1tion, IILird year; and
Searles. assistant profCIIOr of
biok>l)' and dircCior o r the
unP-ersity's mu•um o f nacural
PreYiOUI winners were
Mic hael fortune in J96S.
Georac Bcdter in 1967 and
OilY« Andrews in 1968.
opcninaoft hcmcclinl.The funds arc: awcn by
Joh~o Fo~d"~" o f """"
Uni~rsily In t.1~nomonic.
Tbc flnalisu were picked •
Thc M.S. wiUreplacc a master
o f s.cicn(:Cin ltachinadearceand
will emph.asite more JCntnl hcully tnd by 1 1pecial
home etonomics education lhm committee o f !he Studtnl - A motion which would 1llow
sludents IO speak at faculty
tnchln& techniqua. The staff Stntle.
Nakina the uledions M>re meclinp is lbc nnt order of
said the M.S. would better •r~e
penonsln!eres!ed ill nscucbof !he former recipient• of l):le bu..tirlcss II loniJht"l rnoctinaof
award , a U nominees, !he deans, the facuhy. Tbt: meet ina beains
thc tubjtct .
The water rnowceti ~or, to Yite-pruldenl f01 ae.ctemle al7:JOp.m. inRoomi2S oflhe
be the only prosr•m of its kind affairi,Uni-renityprelidenl, lnd ClauroomCenlcr.
Ano lher item of mljot
in the IIt ie, will be initiated twclftll.udents.
with only one nc:w c:owsc. The
The arne judJCS ba\Joled the importan"" will be 1 20 minute
depart ment of naturalrcsowccs frte finllisU, nsuhs of which 1pcceh byl'lclldcnt lceDrcyful
bas beenbuildin&itscunic:u.lum will bel umounoed at !he ftCIIhY on lUI position in rcpn h to the
r ecent Co unl e tpolnt
' tcYerll yean, antklpltin& the mcctill&.
new m-.lor.
Catuit an aiiOciatepll:lfCIIOr conttoftrsy.
Studtntl 1rc allowed to
Recommendina lbe CCIIE to o f political lcicnoe who it
appron U was the Wisconsin roundinl oul hlt Utb year on tllead faculty meetin&l 1nd 1rc
f.lculty : Crow, dllimwl of -*ed to lit in the (rout (:tiller
~:.:!,~:'ent o f Natura l the
tbe history departll'ICIII !lin hlt tcC:UOliOf thcloCIII.
~::.ue d :~~~~;h ~.,:~~n:,~
Freshmen Applications
Increase Over 1968
~t~~!w.:e: bn1.ura~:irJ~ i..~
ilanoutpowth of t ~
academic intern! of President
Lc<-S. Dreyfus andreOcds the
backvound upertcse of ~oenral
other hith rankinl unlYenily
officials, includ,!}a Dr. !Ianford .
~9:;cr 1ca.:~:ifuhti~n~cccfr~c!
studcnu scckina admiuion as campus 171, Rlchland Center
firll term freshmen. Thil is Clmpus 14S, Medford campus
2,47 1 Of 14 per""nt more than 71 and Rioe Lake campus \SJ.
CCHE Approves MS ~~~f~{.~:i~
f·aculty Ponders
In· H0118 E(OnOIII(S
:.::>~:':'.""" u~·~···~,. Sludenls Speaking
Stevens Point Selected
To Plan USO Tour
Communications Department
Established At Stevens Point
'"'~~r i;~:;d;!~~c~:~~~ ':n~ f~t!t~,:n~ll ..: : :..~::~~- C'h ws~S-~~~-u· an~·d;~ s:t~~0n~
!his )'Ur introduced bit hu indiYidual andcollc:ctiYC:aSplll',
Ontorio fot Orchestra, "Tbc
~~~;.:n,::bi:~ldcmus"' toJrc:t t
Soon aft~r. ht announced
that he wnacn inaa new IJoUp
loccthcr to make a few sc:leCI~d
over-all record of 193 wlrutnd
tilln in 19S7and 1961 and the
southern dlYWon in 1948. Ills
football team• compikd 1 record
o f ll- 11-4, includina the
co nfe rence championlhip in
1'149. !lis bueballtums posted
al9·13recordandhls i9S3aolf ·
team won the Shte Collt,g£
Con ftrence titlc:.
A Wau~u nui~e. Q~Andt
died on the day his retirement
Th e Uniud ScrYicc a~cd 10 prcp..-e !heir own
wa 1 effec tiYe from the OrpnWlion (USO) bi1 named audition number and u:~elheir
Stcnnt{'ointStaleUniYetsityu own musk: at the nut audition
IUr1 . ..-ho died in October of one of 12school.lin the oountry for " Lilt lcMc."
19SO II l&c 47, coache4at to 5end troupes of nuden t
But becausethesil.coflhe
Stevens Point when the Khool enterhi.ncrsabroadlhls aummer troupe must besmall,heuldhe
wen t throu&h onc: of its
lookinafor Sluden1$who~Ye
of Rr.sourcn DrnlopmcnlCorp Jdoomicst sports eru. BeuuiC for rnpctrnc:nu 11 mllittry 1is Yaricty
o f talcnu so they ca.n
in " Eul l tnsin1, Mich. One World W11 II stripped the intlallalions.
In !he YUiclylhoW II Well IS
a>Sill'rnenl fromthccorparallon institution o fnurly tllits men.
wu tospendt year In trtlnin1 It was d ifficult fpr him toewen announced Monday 1~1 I S !he play.
T he USO Informed !he
$1udentswiU be11Ciec1edfora
1cminus under a llt1lth. han tums.
fow-wcck lowof theNorthcut
f.duc ll lon and Wclhre
Thinp looked bri&ht In the
Department contract to probe fall of 1944 when the basketball Command btK:J in !""land,
dewtlorment oftnininacmters tumrollc:d upfourric:toriesln Llbndor, Newfo undland and
Attempts ue brin& nude to
for hard core unemployed.
fiye llarts--c:wen thou,_,. the
Dr . Se ldon faulkner, u lend the lo ur one week for
From 1961 to 1963 Dr. Croft coach could only findmne men
chairmin o f the drtma pcrforman«tln London.
(ronlionmJ onJNit~BJ
for the ~-quad . But durin& d epar tment , wi ll mike
Dr. faulkner Aid Stevens
tiTanaemtnU for performanceti Point " "U IIClectedon thcbalis
of "L.illle Me," a music1l o f audition tapa, pk:urel and
comedy, and Y.aricty J.hows ICCOIInll o f thc alrical
bdM>en Aua. 14 and Sept. I I . tchie-Yemcnl$ made by local
Jlewillholdthcfirstround drama students durinllhe pnt
oftf)'out s Thunday u7p.m. in 5c:Yeral yurs.
lleA.idthislsthefint timca
the WiJco11$in Room of I~
UniYersity Center and make the school in the sute hn been
r!~r~d for partici~tion in I USQ
The nine Wisconsin State Platte-o-ille 1.378, Riwtr Falls
Uninrlilics and their four 1,180, Stevens Point 3084
At Its MHHRg
yctr, the WSU system office in
Madison reports.
Most of the applicant1 arc
hi&hll:hooi Kniori. ApplicatiOnl
a""cpled lndude 16,699 from
WiJconSn ltudents and ),012
Euaenc R. McPhee, WSU
Applications for Mxt
year's cditonhlp of The
:;:ea utdh:!' h:",! apE::.~
Poln l er are now bring
Uniwersity, rcsvltin1 in 1 laraer
App lic1nts
1 hould
number of applications than
applicanll . Multiple applications
comple te 1 resume Including
~mpvs addreP. cradrpoinl
are beinacheckcd.Mcl'hee a ld.
A p pli ct l ions f r om
IYCU&e. year i/1 S.Chool,
nonresident student• include
1.958 acupted from Illinois
anh! ~j,~:~r improvement of
ttvdenllbefore chcWSUrecents
App lintion1- ihould M
ordered 1 temponry halt In
ubml tt td to tbe News
transfer applicalion.s, effective
Service office 239 Main
Mu. 24, pcndin&ldccition on
poo$aiblcquotu .
On Apr. I of bS! ynr the
State Un1Yenities had accepted
1,743 freshmen appliealiollli
from lllinoisJtudenu. The J".9 S8
accepted this yuf include 671
by Whilewaler, 463 by Oshkolh,
176 by UCroAe, 173 by
PlttleYille, 151 by Sto ut
(Me!Kimonic), 141 by Stnens
Pointtnd 108byEauCbirc.
Tbc "R~ ' n Thiflll," 1
Tbc nonn:s.ldent fruhmt n Can1diln quarlet · wlti&:h hu
applicaliollli allo include 4SO
~~.!,~nd ~n Ntek;
fromMinne1Dia, l 64 frorn lowa, ~~ik~
13 from Michi&an, 37 1 from aU Uni'lcniityCcntcrGri4irionfrom
otherllatesand 46fromforcl&n Monday, Apr. 1 1, to Salwday,
Apr. 26. with two performan~
The new Fond du Lie ni&htlyal8tnd9.
1wo-ycar campus reported IJI84
The &roup oonlists of chrcc
percent ina-cue in freshman
applicatioN over last year, n:c,n~p:nus:c~ CK~~yit1u':~
luJcll inaettc:oltnyeampulin on auitars, and a airl, Stwon
the 1y1tem, with 17 1 Ryan on perCII•Ion.
The foursome write moll of
~n~C::.~"!.i~~G~~~ b,t:~u:n! !heir own music, yet still
Next hiaheu per«n!aJC
COhen and Li&btfoot.
increa~e~wrrc43 pcrccnltt t be
The '"Rinp 'n Thinp," who
BarTOn County . branch campllll
o f Sl o ut , 32 pereenl at ban been toplh« ror 1bout
WSU-LICro•andJJper""ntal tift yean, slarted u a 1m1U
JI"OIIp 1nd Ana I I open air
theWSlJ-Slnen•Poinl. ·
First term freshman con""ns. Tiley lun· toUI'ed the
tpplk:tllolllteceptrd byApr. l Canadia.nunivenltycircuitlllld
1reufoUowa: Eau Ciaircl,611, haw-e ~ortHd 11 tbc Cafe
LICrosacl,46J,O.hkoshl,l44, ADdrc111Montrcal.
Jennings is Rescheduled
"Theile telc:Yision M"·~omen"s
~ter Jenninp,n-'lonalnews
co rrespondent for ABC committmcnts arc to thri1
telcyisJon who cancelled his net"·orks first and to !heir
appearanoe hereonT~sday,hu book ina a~ncics secondly,"' uid
rescbcdukd il for May 14 Cohen.
accordinc Jack Cohen, direclor
Jcnninp ori&inlll)' had bern
of the Arn and Lcctures sc:riu
Cohen reported Jtnninp ..·as s-cheduled to spnkon April21.
unable to appear here because: bu!Un<;tllcdthat "'hcnnotified
t he new1n11n acch·rd an by the nel" ork he -..·ould sc:rvc
CII"ICrp:ncy IU(cnii"ICnl I>! Onday
tocovnt~ llarvudriou.
'Ring, Things'
Will Perform
In Gridiron
::;'~ine~" •=~ t~ D~~
Po-int Blank
~-~!:~ 11~
By Ed Marks and Mike Eve
Why don the Pointer lie to us " 'tek 1fter • ·cck1 For 1lmo11 two1
yeara now • ·c ha~ aon en the ~pn on Wednesday, while on the top
of the fronl ~~e il A )'I the papn comn out Thwtday. Why don't
!hey jlllll AY Wed~ad1y or put II out on Thunday. There is 1
a-rdibilily1Jp1 Joe PhllliPI
The Pointer co~s out 'CI.lly WcdM$da y nenin&. By this time
most student• haYe aone home for !he day. Generally, !he only
sludentswhopick up the paperWedncsdayniahtarethosc: liYin.lin
residence halls. The Pointer is published for thcentire sludent body
inc\udinaoff-campulstudtnu;:~~~dbeilll that rnoilstudenlspickup
the paper Thursday momina when aoinl to class, !he Pointer we1
"Thursday" u the day o f relc:ISI:. If the Pointer would ch111Je !he
day to WedncW1y,the majorilyofstudcnllpickin& up lhep,aper
Tbunday momina "-ould fttl lhlt !hey were picking up t day old
ne ...'!lpapcr.
Cofftdioa: {In rqards to lut t.ue's qucslion on unapproved
It would nol be unu11.1a\ for al!ud;nt under l land without a
aood reason for liYinainu1101pproved housincloberequired to lean
voapprond housinJ- Studmll wbo are freshmen and who u-c forced
t o like an approYed oft-ca.mpu• room the flrll stiTIC'Itcr would not
Also, the ~fen:nce, that Asxmbly Bill 70 was introdvced in
January, was oorrect; .some 1tudrnts do nO( unde ntand !he
difference between 1 biU and 1 law- Aaemb\y Bill 70 is only a biU
Aprll17, 1969
0 D I U M======
• . Columns · • · Letters
Ri chard J. Barne t
wsu ~~(}. &11.4 :
A~t ~ . &utte
The second toniideration
suppoflina t he claim tha! tho~
whom we a~ oppoSIOg rn
Vietnam have -not invaded a
foreWJI c:ou nu y ill rclated.to_rn)"
belief !hat our pt't na ~ t
opponent is not North Vic!na m.
Our principal opponent is
composed of indiaen o u ~
wuthem rebe ls, that is. t he
National Liberation Fr ont or
Victconc. The National
Libera tion Fro nt is helped a
aood dea l no do ubt by North
Vietnam, but it is still a Sou! h
Vietnamese J.fOUp. (Sec U.S
The J oint Fionnce Committee haS: cut $ 17 million
from the bienninl bud11d increases for the operation of the
st:lte uni•·enity system.
The legislati\"o committee h:1.s also recommended an
increase ove r the next two yet1n of $ 12 fo r re-sident tuition
11 ve:tr and S600 for non-resident graduate students and
$400 for non- resident undercraduatc studen ts..
We bclic•·e thllt bot h of these actions are npJXllling
nnd n ~:rn•·e detriment to higher education in the s tate
~I O!S t of the money cut wns for proposed nC"\11" faculty
rn1. ·;d4'1'~to~ ~irJli1.1~ro~
memben. Yet repo"rts show t hat the re will be more stu·
d ent!!- than e••er at the state K hools. Our faculty now is
burdened wi th more students and teachin~ houn (12 in·
;:~n~ld~u:t:1 i:7:~~t~;~~r
~Jk9}u~~~ .,!~~f&i 1u~~~nt 6a
bitdiirerc ntly. lle sa.ld that one
of the most popular issues in
South Vietnam is ''th e
terminat ion o f all 'fo reign '
interven1ion (whk:h 10 mo~
VietnameJe means Americans,
not othct Vie tnameJe who
happen totiveinthenor!h) ....'"
1 1~
the claim ttlatthe Vlctc:ollj!
South VlclnJmeseoutfil.)
From the bqinnint of th e
War unliltheprc Knt our maJor
opponenl h as been !he!.<'
rou thc rn rebclJ. As TheOI.lorc
~~O:i1t~atti~~n n~xt;::mw~d:
much wor.>e.
T he incren!'l' in fees is somewhnt tolerable for stnte
re-sidents. nl thou~:h tuition in the past few yean has Hky·
rocketed. Uut the rise in tuition for out of s tate s tudents
is a crime. This is especially true when one considen this
ri1<0 in tuition is J)llttly to stop the 110-caUed "out of sUite
agitotol"!l" h om infiltrating our campus.
Thi~ ill a tired record thRt we're Jllaying in this col·
umn, hut' Wt' implort' the 11i:~ t e lel:"islutors once ognin to
etop n•·er-rcactin jt. We 11sk that the J oint Finance Com·
mittce nnd the l<.'gistature to restore the budget cuts.
Tir e Editorial BtX1rd
r.-'Vf:r'aa ~:ta:s 1foo;nrc~ot ~~ ~~
~:::;~~i'aor::. ~m"'.t. ,~'~1.
(rontinurdollfHif t8 /
Debot Workers
Disrupt Study
Dear Editor,
A Poi'nt Well Taken -
Political Identification
Is Anti· Anti· Anti·
l luveagripewhich l'm strf•'
many o thers have who i tud )' rn
"study lounge" of llchO!
My gripe d~~·t usu ~ ll r
con~ rn the other student s ,..ho
arc "udying the!l'. But 11
invo lvuthc5t ud cntsworkinga t
the materi:.lls desk. This gri~
includes thre cthinp:
Fir st. is !he consnnr
"slamming" of the door "·hi ch
ope ns to the material ccn! er
room. Of aU !he t!lrls who -..· ork
ther e (lome more feminine than
o thers ami some who lhinl;
they're awfully feminine). I
can't :f;;ly th ere Is one who
truthfully ""Y the y evn ma~~
and effort to close the door
quietly(whichactuallywoukl bc
<tuite 11 easy). This consunt
slamming, slammin a. slamming os
an annoyance of min e ami
oth.ennudyingthcre. TheS<' girls
kno"" who t hc:y are, so kt"sasJ..
thcmplcuctoclosethcdoor al
<tUietly as po$5iblc in th<• fut u1 ~
Secondly , arc the girl s
a tt cndingthcirjoball thctim.:
as they should? No t reaL!)•. With
som~ girls in panicut.u there i s~
frequent visit to th~ ~ a3ck I>~•
while someone is W:liting 3t !lw
desk to be 9Cn'ed. The j:irls ~r .·
not genina ,n.id tor;ol(tt l nlch
whenever I h~y choo5<.' (or lrf
the y1). l"rn ~ure this job is no!
that special.
Thirdl y, wh~n th •·r~ 3r~ 1wo
~iris workin~ ~I the dcilk , there "
a constlltlt ~chatt~r" guing on
between th em. They 1ion"t c•·~n
h:lvc the rounesy to whisper. 1
wonder if_two girls ar~ rclll )".
neccss:~ r~ m the f11st !'lace? 1
don"t thmk w . l think 90%of
the Cl\\crs ei th er U!;C the tYI' in ~
room or the musicloui\I!C.Othcr
thlnthatthcreisncvcrany rush
But I would)ikc to know wh )
t,.·oarehircdatthe5;tmc tin..:
~~~y~ay? This puu lu me . T~cr.·
~~: : / o need for two~ ~ far n t
My (>Oint is thar No rth
Vietnam's invohrement in the
So uth (whether it bc~at or
srn~ ll)makes thclituationa eivil
war. Civil wan arc wrona
be"use they '-"' wars; but by
thclr Yay ru~tun: they co ncern
only one cou ntr y.
Sefi Antics
Are Indicated
Dear Edi tor,
I ru tile that a "boys will be
campus but qutstion whethnlhc Siasdks sho uld not be
b~nncd as a stud cnt poup under
Rcw lution 316 1.
Duria&t helastwec k of Mar. l
was in 1 t las:s in the Scicn«
building when our lcttuu was
intcrtuptedbytheloudno isnof
individu als rolkrska tint;in thc:
halls an\! accomp,anyina Yoices.
Wh e n this (theu)
~iv~~t~~~! 0~c~~~;;;a~c~tli~:~
cause. t..ucr when t ile fall was
repeated the whole llclor o f
student s in various classes ,.·ere
hcud t.:nr&hinJ .
This hall 1 very llisruptinl
cffed onallcbSK'S. Why is this
tokra tellif ot henonc:ompusa rc
b an ne\1 o n suppou \1
ln rtlationt oceasorshipfor
croWn1 tbc bonier of goo\!
taste: l woukl suq~s t lhat the
rolk:r derb y part icipants were
Ob$«ne tomy scnK"Sandshou]d
llecency are to be firu all y
administcrtdon all gro ups.
I hope th., girls who "''"
working down there will ruJ
this and stan being mor.·
courteous ~ml dutiful to their
job. A!,tcr a ll .. this is a '"stuJ )"
Jounce ~nd 11 Jhoukl remain
W3)" .
Upon Requut
Upon Re-que ~
Senate Scoreboard
Compiled by J imllofer
l·introd uecd
S-schc4 uled
Ap-i117, 1969
Scnatc~«rc t .,y•ppolnti.-c
w=::r~t!~; ~~ ::!:::'~~~~entln
Required p.c. coursa on
Droppinadtapa-onu fro ma\lldcnt.acialfunc:tlon1
r 1
Phy.ed. bulldlnaroomrc~~Cn~~t lon•
1 ~10~
D>Htina nqllircmtnt when
~o cum
Abatt.tecian not c:ril.eo-ion for anodet
Clariflation-t"nillon of p.c, mtdiCI I ex ewe .yslem
RLtidencc ha.U lppckte boud1
NewScnue reprncntlllonrnethocl
Course On Birds
.Wiii'Begin Saturday
Cherie Choudoir Wins
.. High S~king Award
C h erie CboudoiJ won 1
1 u pc r lor r at ln1 !11.
Convention and TourNm~nt
held Mar. ll thtoU&h Apr.~on
the campus o f AlizoNr State
University at Tempe.
Cbcrie wu one of some
t went y in a rleld o f 216
£1temporc spet.kers to achieve 1
l upcrkn, th~ 1\lahe!t poAible
made " a National
Thouth only 1 sophomore at
WSU..stcvens Poilu Uac 1w wo~
1970 Grads
Should Sign
For Pidures
Studtnts who ...~lllrllilltte in
J lfl., June or Aua. 1970 arc:
urged to make an appointment
at tht lnform~rion De~ of tht
Unitersity Center for yearbook
Pomaits will be t~kcnin t be
stor11'!' room in tbe Universit y
Center . Apr. 21 throut)l Apr.
There: • ·iU be no d1up: for
the s.ittin1. Prints may be
DUI"'I will be fumW..d for
the women and men are asked to
a dark colored suit or spor1
thc~ ofSpcciaiD~inc:cion
To t he U ttk Plonr Natural
Aru Apr. 26 to sec land birds
hhto r lul baekllOund , •
nomi111tin& proccd11R:, ekd lon
procedure and po litlct l
C h erie's achievnltlll is
~rticularly u.runarnt beaux
she R:prcxntcd a ncw~hapterin
this fore nde orpniution:
Chapter Mu wu instaUed o n this
~mpu5 in hnuuy. Rich:ard S.
Roac:n, diuctorof foren5ia, is
Cherie Choudoir is the
dtuahtcr of Mr. and
P. CboudoiJ, Stevens Point.
Also atte n din1 -thl'
concert on Tuesday night, Apr. 22, in th! fieldhouse os port
ronftntion from Stevens Point
wu Fnn): T. Alusow, AS&Ociatc
Professor of Speech and
To Sevu~ I.Ue May ) for
birds lnh1bitin1 the woods and
&laciaredhill re!Jion ;
~!!~~~~:.e rrd~:;pa oflk~
jlllblie&tion. Alusow is
a member o f t he: N~tion~l
Publicity Cumnrittee.
Nurly 1, 100 srudcnu and
faculty members from 186
rollcce:s and univns.itks from
across thenationp:uticipatcdln
thebuslncl$ nl<'Ctinparnlthc
forensic romp.~tition durinJ. t he
five-day convention.
By Jimllo fn
Univrnity policy on nnal exams
and ~ lltndancc 11 classes and
passed anotlll:r n:solution u~~tin&
vario u s univenity academic
departments to allow formal ·
nudcnt p~rticip:ation in policy
The resolution <Xlncrmifll
attendance statts t hll some
iMtructorsusefallure to :attend
claSKS teKUI:&tly IS "~u5t- tO
invoke punitive musure1 in
, lfldc reports" and calls on t he
university facult y to "rcroani~c
that it Is '' the nude nt's
responsibility to attend d:an~nd
th.JtabKnlerism notbe 11sedfor
cvalutionofthestudenl .""
Thr resol11tiqnonfinalu ams
UfiCS " that t h~misoonception
that final exams re rtquiftd to
be a\.ltviaccd ~ d instructors
underst~nd chu they are not
University policy presently is
such thlt instn"lorsmust mut
with their classes at t he time
schcdukd forthefinaleumbut
This resolution is aimed 11
cndin1 the requirement dusts
must meet atthcsc:hcduledfinal
cum time.
Accordin& to the resolution.
if 1 final eumis P vtn,it will be
!Jinnat t hcsc:hedukd time.
The t hin\ resolution 51atcs
that '"ltudrnt involvt ment in
policy formac ion, particularly
academic. I!; a desirabk 10o11l of
T,;;~:an°n p~~ ~:ltet/::
Senale DeaIS WIIh
University Policy
pas~~ !'~~~~~~~'':J':!1 ;1ce;:~~
obietve herons. pebes, ducts
and to Maymudow M11sh for
bitterns. and othn
in tl\lsforc:nlicorplliutioiT',a
lcftl to wh.ich ~mny hundrc:da
aspire but relatively few pin
even i n f our yens of
lntercollc1iat e competitive
dilibilit)' .
She ~•ted fourdlfferc:nt
pt<!Untly an:
Tile l:lllnlbcr Olcbestrg of
t ho: Saar . ~ Gcrm1n tn~mblo: of
si~tccn muskdns, will appear in
~vu~crt TucS<lay night , Aprll22.
Wisconsin S t a t e
Univcrsity-Stcvcns l'oint ,
Musi c b y th~ famed
l vcs.
Mo za rt,
II p.m. ir1'" IlK'
n..:ldhuute. The
c•·cnt will be: part of the Ans
andUcturcsScr ic's
TIK- O<cln•Ur:o is on 1 lkbut
of Amcrka thi5 sprinK.
atll'tuinglnahu ut 2Sdt ic's. .
II wu in the t nnlilion of
l:urot•c' r
ndio· broaolcn t
or c hu tra s
t he
thertiOii JCtiveorchntr.uinthc"'"sinl life of the Continent.
M.adio broade&stin&, !Xlncerts
and recordll\lactivltiesdevated
t hetnsemblc'sreplllation.
pri11cipal activity, Ristcnput's
J roup in 1960 became t he
'"Kammer Orchnter des
hln~~~;• ~ :irl~r 1 10u:~~~~~~n.~;:
Sarrlandlse hcn Rundfunks."
Every yur. howcwer, it hu
rontmucd to appcaratthe&nat
interr~~tional music festival of
been acclaimed in Fran". Italy,
S p 1 in, Sw itzcr land ,
LIIJ<enJbOIIIJ, Greece and t he
Nttherlano.ls, and a ive r~&utar
roncert pcrformances .in Paris,
Lyo n, Milan, AmstcNam and
An d th rou&)lo ut Porup
County on May 10 for the 'bil
day." A po tluck suppu par1y
;~~!'. h id as a wind up for the
Dr. Bau rn1~r1ncr, one o f the
urliu t womcn inthe countryto
read•·e 1 Ph.D. in omithOiol)',
WS U on birds and wildlifc~ She
resides in Stevens Point where:
hcr husband $1CIYaltlawildlife
profc$SOr at WSU.
Hold yout own.
COol idea lor boat, beach, barbecue, ba!lpa rk. This t 7• tall,
lull color Colt 45 Ma11 Liquor "can" holds the real thing .. . up
to 18 twe lve-ounce cans. Sports an adjustable strap, heavy
lnsulalion, and zipper lop.
(ronrlrrut'<lut~pagt 9J
T lnu·sday, April .l7
Ha mms for l,1·idc Night
J oe's
Orch<"Sira was founded
:!~~~:i~~:cntaJ!~'!tt~c ~~~~~lfo; ~~~:i~t~'~!~1~h ~;.~;'~ ~~,6'tl~ctor
h cult y ...·hich c~ll$ r.... the
{rt:mrirrur llollf/fl&l 7}
Chamber Orchestra Will PerforrT,I
·In Concert On Tuesday, April 22
comprised t.~td usivcl y by I S )'Uts lflO b)' the late Karl
mCn!bcrsofthc facutly.
Jl.i5tcnrmt , ltu· intcrnMionally
Dr. John Bailiff. n~embe~, oj""ctloebrat~d music~! k;der who
~~!o1u~i~~:~11be ~:'~~~ei~~o t~~
o f the Art1 ond leaures U!tics. The orchestro l1 on o debut
tour of the United Stoles ond w UI oppeor in about 25 cities.
Person• may re&Uter by
e.lliniOrlandRadke,dirc:ctor of
u tcndcdseiYiccsinWSU's Main
S11bjed1 o f seuions, in the
order to be presented, are: birds
of t he 11uson, mi&ration m~&ic,
home life of birds, and Portage
Fitld trips will be to t he
Wisconlin River Apr. 19 to
Sc a ca n goes to PRIDE
di s tingrmh<."\1 insuurncntali$ts,
Student Body President
1. Pou-Foil Phy1lcol Edu(Oiion.
2 . Non-Mandatory Cion Allendonce.
Fish Sandwich
On Toasted Bun
3. EUminotlon of Sophomore Wom•n Houn.
4 . Improved Method of Acod•mlc advising.
~~f$::r:~·~~~~J~::~~~e~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!,
department level and thcn:fott
departme nts should allow
parti c ular students formal
~~&~;~::~~ali~~- panicipate in
The re sol u tio n ur1es
dcpart mnu t o pick students
m-.iorin1 in .the field o f that
dep~rt mrnt whowillthenattcnd
deputmenl mc e tin1s and
reprennt othtr students in thlt
depart ment.
Tl'w::5C three reso lutions were
introdu~c d
by sophomore
unator Mark lnhl.
The Senate also recently
passed a resolution ukin1 that
the phy• i c al education
tion pOlicy be inchaded in the
nu t handbook and 11niverlity
Another resolution rcqucsua
chlfl&ein university policy by
rcplacinl chaperones required
for vu ious functions with
optional faCIIIt)'IUCSU.
AUth rcsolutionrc:fcrredto
theulllvenit yprui!knt ubhlm
to c~~.ante !he room reservation
proccdurc:l for tbe physical
education buikli11,1.
J o hn Klesrnith, Senate
date for 1priq Senate ekction•
previouslyplanncdfor t"Wod&f!
has beencbanJCd. Ekdiorn will
be held on Tbun., Apr., 24 only.
A temporary oommittec has
been formed to study pOJlible
plans for nut ~v·a Student
Smale insurance propam.
l notheractim,theStudent
Senate of(teilrUy reooc;niled !he
Ullivenity Christian Movcft)Cnt,
~~ ~~:!1 cf~bc:!~ th~tibO.U
coundlofScbmceckle baU.
A letter from Unlvcnity
president Lee Dteyfut wu
referred to the Seutc
oommlnee on oommltteea. ITbe
k tler rcqu,csted the Senate to
Jtud y po niblc s tudent
rcprctentatioa m oommillttl
thro111bout t be structure o~ the
How to take a course in anatomy
.and stay awake 'ih physics.
NoOoz.•The stinwlatinspilllor
$01T1ethlna tor youreao.
( --.,
$01T1Cthlna loryoursrat~es.~
Camaro-the Hugger
Ap-1111, 1969
' ! f~rst
Labor Contrad
··S•·gned At WSU
WSU Official Has Led At
Least One Dozen Lives
dir edor ofbroadcutinc.
After thl: ir paths parted fora
time, Dr. Ellery was
1/is name and title seem
ahb rni:ltcd whe n 111cked to his
ll\ l o flife'svoca tions.
Or. Jo hn Robert50n Blaise
Qu_en ti n Kanu a~ Ellery,
aswilant to thoc presadent •. has
bl'(' n ~n Enclish trachcr, wriler.
...-owboy, so ldier , ui lor,
mo t orcy~le
buff, poli ti<:i:l n.
Tha t 's !he wo rk of a
stight-<Jf-buikl lri5hrnan who
long ~go wu a bi&h tchoo l
drol"'ul. And it proves that all
prol•uors don't lrad qui<:!,
unld...,ntutCULIS iives.
A rcccn l appOin tmen t fro m
hi ~
boss. t'l' cside nt Lo:c S.
1)1\·yfus. ~t-.:ps his list pow in1.
,\ • Jchn~ Man of applied ans
~nd s..--itnc.·s.
bel!inn in1 th is
JOHN . . . f~EIY
hm<'. h• w1ll be invo lved in
spc...-ch p;~ t holoj:y audiololY. st o ryb ook u ll in& for his
hun11.• •·ronomie!i. oo nso: rntion, co un5hip .
nu hl uy li' ien~<l, med ica l
After be i t~~ l ransf<"''T'Cd frorn
tc c hn ll l"BY. and physica l a ballleflckl in Fr1n01: to 1
•"dLI~acion .
hospilll in En,Jand, he was
'tin· N~w l'o tk nat ive who 1SIIi&nrd t o the can= of Elkn
r.·,-.,n·cd his A.B. degr••· from bne Saucool.acaptain in the
ll• nnlton Coltq...-. Masters from Army NLi rso: Co~ps from Viob
Ilk' l lni •-.-rsi!y of Colora do and (Richland Co unty). They we re
l'h.ll ftoln till.- Univcrsi l)' ol nu rr il:d a! the clo:or of the wu.
::: ~:;: ~~;~n ~;:v:~~::rr:Tr~o~!~~
~~::;;,·~~~,."~-~;:.~:~~;,"'r:,~~cs~ !l:.:t':rl~:' d!~fij6tl~f ~~~~~~h:~
K hool, for
~ tinlt'. went t~ K l ~s
suiM~ ~b~a~~d ~! ~~~~~~~tc.~hl: c!~~
;. ,hllk more
~IHHI! tu' im·ut>.·rn,.,nl ,.·ith ag:nnu the 10vernmen t m Cuba.
'"'' ""-' n·•110ni>U in the n~lura t
A ftw yun btrr he heaM d
;;;~~~~~":.~~~~-·;~~~;i ~:~~;~ !~~ t~':..:;! ~·,:::r:~,ni~"e~!:1:~
('lk'll!Y -"
St<ull >
h ~•·r ~~w~ys been an
i mt• ort~n t p;ttl of his life. As 11
)<>unll man hr pbyed on an
amateur bashc~ lt tnm in
11un c h es 10 win num ero us
dcron tions. L:ot cr he embarke-d
o n his acade mi c car\"er whkh
t oo~ him co campu!IO:s in thice
differenl paru of theco untry .
,\tchouf,h ho.- rod e hotllr$ In
""youth. 1-K' bccatl>l' in lcrrstcd
in Western ~ t y l• while in
('o kHJdo Soon chucaftn he
J<• in,-.J the ll.o.teo Co wboys
,\ ,..o.:i;otion and appurrd in
Wh.ile at lht University of
WlsconA n he bccamcaC\Iuaintcd
with another younave ter an. Lf'<'
S. Dreyfus. l nd the tw o have
bce nfril:nd ssl nce.
In tl>e early 19SOs they
K l'l'cdtoscther on thl:facult yof
-~~~~~~tt G:~:- !~;;;~itio~)
ll'h~"wat~~l ~~1:!, w~~+~0~:!1.7)'~~
hi.< hNso: nu l to his wife and station, WOET and llr.
•·hikln:n until he "'g:h-.:d~mc
>mashed ribsdoina tr ick ridinJ.I
nlO:~~cy::•.~~~cin:r:/~~c .S:~~·~
Civil Service
unce s
lk on•"<" had hilh hopOI- .. 1
l~~~~:~/s~~~~yw:~: ~.r''n · Career Jobs
..-hen_ he wu ti a htwcfchl
of his N tt alion. ··t
luddl\·an•sofBioryinth crinJ,"
un hl t h~l fata l day when I wu
k ood.edouL
Nevcuhlcss. l)r , Ellcl)' still
~ruoys sro rt s and looks forward
to his a$$0Ci:ltion with t he,
~!hlctks prognm and academic
Overx~mc a n<iUtary scil<n~:e
~ 1 natural-he has
10 y~a t S of service on his reco!t
ln\hl:n.:lubra rmy , nnalr esoc:rve
and mcn.:hant marine.
For his co lleaaurs in !he
depllltmcnc. he can produce a
I(><IJtch paptr done inColo11do
011 speec h probk-ms caused by
nnm11a t~h of mental cir~Liitry .
!Jr. Elkrystrctchesa bit , bil l
curncs LIP wi th bJcQ; round in
""'" ica lc cchnoloBY.too. l'n
~p;:n t mo te time in a hospital
th Jn ow kid s do lnrn inc the
Klcn ,-.. on ho5pital bboratori<:s,
he explains. ll is lio"at wound•
n~..-t:Ssitaled abou l II months o f
co nfi nemen t, bil l he•, not
lf!C nlf11l bccau)IO it created 1
Civi l
Comm iWon hu iul.l~d three
new natlonwklc IMOun...:mcnts
ntid·lc vd
opportunities in profnsio~l
fields, and a founhoutlinin&
"A ehantt to ao to thebu$11,
cetawayfromorpnW:d rocic ty,
11111 to live wit h people u
diJorpnlz.ed n l am" luredDr.
Elk:ry. hiswife• ndfiwechiklren
to Sie rra Leone in 1966 whl:""
Th ree art lludenu "(ill
prcscnc their art show Apr. ~ I
throua h tdayJintbcWisooniiUI
Room at the Univenily Cent«.
(Marchel), Waupac.. hnioc
Staudenma.ir, Twin Likes. and
Karen Race rs, M~nic . The
o:: ncnl public is 'ftkome.
arievancc: proced ure s to aUow
A telllo rityprovision isaimcd
to provide equal distribution_of
ove rtime auianments, JOb
~~ t~~siso fycar•inserv icet othe
Two years in the bushhl:lpal
him bc u cr undcr!il:wd bnau-c
he recaU s. and pvc
him 1rist for a novel wh ich he
hopcd lofinhh' wi thina ye ar. llr
is~~·nlinaahouc c he rok of thoc
mi tituy in Well Afr ic~npolitics.
concludina till" man with mighl
will rule.
Unfortu r~:~ !dy, nurly aU of
tht: Wr$1 Africanwldknllm ht:
met IIWf fu ncti<l nal lll ilcrJ tcs
and pom ly discit•lined and "lh•·
o ffi ccn1reool muc h bctt.·r." h•·
A)'S. There ...-ere five mili tary
OOLIJ>I while his family wn in
Africa and in ooc J>UfllC, a
sc mi- illitc r~t e xq:cu!l
co nu o l a nd j1ik.J all o f thl"
mUila rya nd polk<:offkc rs.
tuudLI~ .
Af/i~~·J ~~~/~~~;~'~,~be~~
" I've ka.rocd yon ,Jon'! g•t
m11 ch edu cation from t he b.:arrd
o f a 111n-and you don't IX! nvin <-e
~r'~u:u~:~·rc rif:ht with a h:md
Prints Cody
A n11.•mlwr o f tl11.· ~r l facul!y
a! Vo'SU-S t,·wns l'oin t h~s !hn-c
e t .;hin i!J 1'ub li she d in a
n ~h<mall)' ~tr,·ul~ t c\1 magazine
anduthc-r..,·whin fou r s ho~~·s in
!'IllS of till.' cou n\1 )'
>e• ll••rcd
lhu,-.· Cod)•'s tl chinp al\•
>Uff\'l li ~II C• and arc USO'd in
a,·,·omp•niou•nt ..,-,ch artklc s in
:,•~..;~~~~~~~~~s~r~~~ ·:~~J::~i;~,!
fo r young tJ<"Ot•k
S t c~~;s n•,~:f~~"' ·a he;•, ;;:~:~
, on Ot ~~P··,~-!-';"~can~t~.~~nt~~~f.
Norch ..·es t t n~i t a to on~l
blul>1hon ~ ~ th•: Suli k Art
Mu ..:um m ltt'~shin~ l on, Oh•ct
phiJosoplwr John Stu ~ rt M1ll.)
h~t~~-~ • uf_Am~~ Ohw t ('o lk~··
111 ,\1 ~Chl,~n . !Uth llo> ton
ArMI Iikc rvery other I'Ll"' in l'rint m~~ns t:, hibnioll ~nd
th e wo rltl he lin vh;it<-.1 , h~ hu
Wih 'OO >in l'nn\ ~hkcn llt<•nntol
no u ~ for all his 111mts her., , hh 1 bition~t Mcn omo nio: ,
The y ume in handy just a few
rom~n Lin ity . and ~00<1 !'lr.:t' 1 ~
~or~ o n hiS :oroond l><>o!" (~os
f11~ was ~bout . the l·_ngh~h
l im"s in his !i f•• . " When I wu
m01hcr to kn ow, so I .,ntcrcdas
J oh n ltoberlio n o r Blaise
KavaniChDrany co mbinat ion of
t ho~namt's, "
Four Counselors
AHend Sessions
Two Attend
J)(ISOO> in•·otved rn
coun$Ciin& ~ t WS U Stc•·rnlPo.nt II'CICamong8,000
delc!IIU at the an n ual
eon>'r nlion of !he Aull' rican
Dr. Jimmie Franklin Named
'Outstanding Young Man'
t>r . J immi<' l' ranklin. a
j>rofehQr who hc lp~dn tabliiha
Nr1ro hluory procram at
!:t~vC:/ ~~-~~~~~f~~~~~~:~~e~~~ ·,L~
Paul; Hogeland
Attend Conference
the cou nt r y to receive
"Outs_landinl! Young Men ot
Amenra fo rl '/6\1 Award s,"
The ~'l·yu r -old native of
Miuiuippi was nominated by his
undrranduale alma rnttc r in
th at "atr. h cklonStat~Cotltp: .
A bioll~l'hlcal skecch abou t
Il i on will appear in t he
"Ou 1 ~1a ndm1 l'oUIIIl Men in
A me ri ca "
Jponwn:d by tlll.' lntrrna tional
b yco:t>s.
(.'ntc ria fo r th~ a11·ar d 11·rrc
:.:~~~~~~~h~n~~~~ n:nd ':,~~i~1 f~
~~~r. .·~~!~!.Y Dr .cf.-~a~.~·.r~. !- ~~
~:!nt>':~,~ a~f St~.':;~~ ,;21n~~~~!~~
"-'Ccivinapro mouonsla>t month
from the- lloanl of RtKCilli has
ho.-rn ~~~·hiuK h•"· ~•n"" t h~ bit
l'un~ lin
has done
n l cnst~· crex:uchonthchislory
of Amnka's w uth and th e
N<'II0\'5, s ub Je•JUCnlly. ht
fn:q ucnt ly has been in•·it•d 10
spta konthe oub)Cctal~~mpuso: s
th rou.hou l theroun u y.
A provision for the stile
prohibits iu employen from
st r lk inc and includes 1
Euaene Md'hee, diredor of
thoc WSU system. A id the
contract II'O UidaUect abou t 900
emp loyeu (th ose u:ee pl
non -s upe rvilory, profcSJiona \
and Kcretari&l worken) a nd
reprncn t 11 "llanlfiun t step
~~db~or.~:'r both mtna&emcy t
' 'Grieu nce matters will be
J ustu s F. Paul and Ronald
H oce land , bo th uslsun t
pr o fusors of history at
WS U-Sttvens Pol nt,ll ten dedthc
12th annua l Mis.5ouri Valley
History (.'onfe ren ce in Omaha,
Neb ,. re cent ly,
Profenor Paul delivered a
.Jupe r en titl ed " l:lu t ler 's
Boondoule : Se nator llu&h
But k r and U.S. Aid to Latin
Amerlu , 1943- 1944." Pr ofnw r
presn ccd 1 paper
e ntitl e d " The Female
Appenda1e : Th e Amc rlcll\
Woman in the Fe(knJAce."
h•ndkdon aloullcvcl liht hfy
sho uld bc-jLIIt u studen t Inti
faculty problems should tMhandlcdlocally,"lie •dvlscd.
Tom Kine, director of the
a.adat io11'1 nccoci.lt!na team.
remalkcd thll the co nt nd l!h
provided • "two-waystrect"fo.
labor relat ions.
He ..id the_ union was ne~
fuUya.tisllcdwilb the proviWon 1
"to we'll be bade for mort nu t'
year ."
Amo n & I he ot h cu
put idpatln1 in the 1-ianina 11rre
Rober t A lue h , person nel
;!~n~e~~~:;~ To~~t!1 ~Sti
Su te who
on tilt
manaac=rncnl nqotia tions 'ttam.
Bob Worth
Heads Local
Alumni Club
t he new 1lumni clu b orpn1tcd
hnc by ,v.duatu and formrr
Jtud ents o f WSU-Stcve ns l'oml
Named Mo nd ay nfcht IHrt
Rober t Wo rth , pruid rnc
Richard ToKr, vice president
Oilve Eckholm, trUSLIItl , and
Mrs. Joyce J o hn50n , Ker ct~r)·
Th e boud o f d ircct otl
i11dudes the o rricc rs plus Mr1
Mary Sample r, l eone ll ahn and
Mn . To11c:r.
ArnnJCments were made lt
the mcetlnc to sponsor a aoll'
to11r namc nt thoc S11nday of
WSU's homecomin a nnr
October. Jerry Stem has hc-~n
a pp oi nt ed ch1innan of ~
comm ittee to plan !he~vcnt rlus
speel.-a l lc livit ie~orwonlt'n
A l umnl
ireclo r ltr c~
Frederick anno ced thai tl•c
loca l cl ub, one fa half dotrn
r;aa~~~~ll: s:~~~~~~isin1 w.
monthly news letter for atu mnt
In ce ntral Wisconsi n.
~~Jh~~-N~:kntu~t-"';ro!!~~ha~~ ~----------------,
~~~n.. ~;r~~~=h~~t~[~~~fr~f:J STRETCH LEVI ' S & SUPER S, LIM S
Wisconsi n
Stat e
As a writu, he is awaitinc
puhbntionofthe book,"llom
Sobu : A lhstory of !he
l'robibicion Movement in
O~lahoma, l \107-19S \I ;'
,\ pt . ~ -
opportunitio:s for stcn01,raphcu
and t yp~s in Wasllington, D. C.
They 111' t>r. l>••id Coler,
du•ctor o f !he Vo'SU coun..-Unl
.:t'n ler , tlekn Godf"'Y· nsod ~t~
d.:an of stud~n l ~. Irene Yost,
cou n~lor ;md Willia m Zimdars,
and vk inity.
Featuring Seafood and Steaks
Ph one34-4---4252
Four Will Give
Recital Tonight
3 Students
Will Show
Art Work
~~~ 't~i::~~~~!''1: 1n~~"'::
lnternal io iiOI I Dnelopnoenl n e
developinatninin&proar.uus for
the natives . primari ly
auiC'II I!uul sub,i«-ts..
tie ..:. Us his ability to k:u-n
new l.:lnBua&esnsilyoneofh is
main s trenr;ths:subxq uently,hc
htlpal coordinal ~ acit ivi t ic~ at
th eflt'dgling U-;tinina.:t'nte r for
ptoplc Sptl~i ntt IS diffcrt nt
,, """' ~ · of nu te. pcrcuuion
an d pia no rn11si~ will be
prCien t ed by 111'0 f~e ulty
""'"'hers at Vo'S U.S tevens Poinl
IOnilhl J l 8 in Main BLiildinl
Jan,.:s Wr$tbrook, flut e, and
Thcodo"" 0 . Brown, percullion ,
~~-i tt
be lt~om p anied by
Ca lhcrine Mo:rena and Judith
Br o11·n. Tho: eve nt isopcntotb.e
publicll"i thoLit Chi-IJe.
West b roo k will pre"nt
Sonala in F lth Jor by Telemann,
Sonata in B Minor by Bach,
Rever ie and Petite Valse by
CapltL and Poem by ChariesT.
. mornini, Mu. 31,attbeStc..-ens
Auoi:iltion represenu tivn
from the nine WSU ~ehools and
their state pruldent, Robert
Peue of Waupun, ueh ligned
the one-year contnce . Ad1m
Rybidr::i particpated in behalf of
Stevens Point's unit .
Tom SoU, ne,o tiator for the
Board of Resents o f State
Un.innitiu and employee of the
:"JJjJ:~._.::11 ?r!?i£~~~!~~~;~;~r ~~
,\fr k~ .
h,-;~~·~.; 1 ~
~~:~~~~~ sa::(eduru;;~~~:;
Sute Univenity 1nd JOt a taste
ofpolitksin tbecity. Jl e waccd
an unlllcccufu l cam pail n for
(li e was considerin1 a city
boxcr.nodiostationman~~&ert nd
:'!)'.,_.~:'~'~Y ti~~ .,.g~t~~~ic~ly1 ~
The firstlaborq;rccmcntever
made by the Wil.ronlin State
·E mpiO)'CU Aaociltlon and
~:~~::~, ~f f.!~el.~~:,:
bnaua&e JpCcia list in 1 United
S!Jtcliacencyfor internation.al
devo::lop1ne nt proanmfornat!Ycs
o f faHlWll)' Siena Leone . West
University Promotes End
Of Economic Illiteracy
Stnens !' o int S t ile
University cocson a natio nw ide
~andwaconaBainthis sum mc rt o
~~r::e o/f::,r~\ ~i!~~~~c~~
Brown's "'ledions will be
Ko nzert fur Pauken 11nd
Or chestra by WernerTharichen,
Con..,.rto pour &.tteric et Petit
Orcht'S cra. by lhri11s Mithaud ,
and_ T1mbourin Chinsls by
Krtlsle r--Gtten.
The final nu mber wilt be 1
d~>et , Pastoralc for ftute 1nd
PcrcuNionbyhdr:: hl~Kenzilo .
Both me n are newcomers to
the Stevens Point Clmpus:
Westbrook previously 1\lcndcd
the Univenity of So11them
Miuiaippi where he rtttived
twodcp-eessnd Brown rcClfived
abachtlor'sdeal1'e from Basion
Universi ty and 1 master's from
The Khool will ho$t it s
fo urth an nual economic
educ:a tio nwo rhhop June 16to
ALII. 1 for about 10elemtnta.r y
t e 1 c h e r s. Fifly ·do llu
:orhobtrships to ...,vermol!of !he
tu ition fees wi U be awarded
app tican c,whoareaccepted .
_Or. !•r ~nds Mutan s, directOI'.
Nld he w1\l conduce tluxs fOr
!cachets "'ho ~eed a bac~I/OUnd
1n . c. ~o n om•n on a k-vcl
sufhe~~:nl to tnch economic
part of 50Cial
JtLidiCS ,
Co-director Mrs. Marjorie
Kerst , an ed11n tion profeSSOt
~ill nplain met ho ds oi
~mplemen l ina economi~ proje t ts
In the elementary curr iculum
Particip,a tin& tra chen witt crs i
Coed Wins
Music Award
Up to eiJh t undel'ludu:uc
academic arditswilt be offered
fo11r in the ed u c atio~
deputm e nt and fo ur i n
e to n o m-i cs: ho we~ c r
ananaements wilt be mille fo;
Jean Sc:hncider, IIIOphornore
millie stude nt 111 WSU.Ste~ns
Point , hu received a SSO
achilovement 11ward from the
Twi-U.ht Millie Club in this
JCin is workinc on • piano
St e nns Point Slate will
spo ns o r the wo rkshop in
cooperation with the ltt'isconWn
St1tc _Co uncil on Economic
E411callo':l (bcnclaetor of the
t.cholarslups witbfunds received
~ r, preparinJforablchelor
of music performance (klf'C'e.
Tbcdauahtcrof Mr. andMra.
Rene Sc:hneidcrofJ221 WhitU.,.
Ra..d , she ill 1966cnduateof
PJ . hcob• HilhS<:hoo l.
I. .
~~:~b=~~~)' :c~~f~hii:~~C.pll
l:'u~lll(io:Jirinaa li&htrr ro ur*'
~· · ·thorow 8 h
Dolly Pldtup and Dallvery ot Do""'
w h e r e th ey may c uid~
primary-aged children in the
esta bl~hmcnt o f a corpora cion.
The children bonow abo ul
.S lOto SISto pllrcha!;CSUpp lics,
th e n un de rt a ke si mple
produ~ t ion
projects s11ch as
homedecorationsandfinally,so: U
theKood•. pay thoc loan and
divide the profit.
Both !he state and nalional
e\XInomi<: cou ncilJ will pro vide
s p~ a k e r s i n c l 11d I n a a
re pre$1:nlltiveofthcWallStrect
Jo urnal an d New Y.ork Stock
wri~~-~~~~a~' ;:;'i~h~~~'::rC:.1~
3049 Churth
Ex~han1e .
Ce nter 1\ the univer si ty for
workshop a pp~calion forms.
On Cash and Carry
Dry Cleaning
-4 28 Division St.
{opposite College Dorms)
112-4 Second St.
900 Pork St.
Fcaiuring Spring Formals
Open 9-5 Dcoifr
fridoy 9-9
Eve ning s by Ap po intme nt
J.atn t ,Co '!nci\ on Economic
E4Licaho ntnNcwYork.
Corne r of Po1toge ond North Third
The uniwnsity will PI'O•iolr
r.nt-han d Ur>tricncc fOI' the:
344-9 711
tn chcnin tl'll:bb ""tory:orhoot ,___ _ _ _ _ _.;;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......J
.__ _ _ _ _ _
laCrosse Ratifies Upward Bound Projed Liberation Group
Plans Discussion
. New Student
Will Host 90 ·Indians ~f!>'.::.' ta!~~b:~:~ b~
A new atudent aovcrnmcnt
wa1 r atified by the
WSU-UOosse 1tudcnt
Tueso.by,Apr. l.
rcoelnd 1 93 pereent plurdity
of v~esin t hetW<Hbyeledion.
Chan&« orre~d by the new
I) Allow~~:pn:scntatin• tobe
e lected fromspccifkc:otlecctof
2) Take over responsibilltks
de le&Ued to -.dmlnlstntive
bodiu in IJ190r1ionment of
ltudent 1ctivity fund11 1nd
detennlnatlon of poli<XS in
uud e n t or&lniutlons and
3) EttabiWI!Mnt of a judicial
bnM:b to Interpret the
c:onttitution,de~de upon cues
arlsin& from siudent senate
boanl for other judicial and
Old Mom !own, thil lind o f buried •·h eoiure·· wos un·
covered. Ov6ng the ~pring vocation, however, tHi1 un·
sightly ..tiCo~ure .. wos removed. (Bob O~roilnski Pltotol
Wood County Indian Youths
Three Seniors
Exhibit Art
Steven• Poin t SIIU.
Uni\(l:rSty aMouncd today It
hu n:ceived 1 SI 22,07S fedcral
aunt to opuate "Project
Upwanl Bovnd" tltis year for•
about 90 lnd!UI youths In tiM:
northern halfofthc Badtcrbnd.
Robert PowleQ, director·. or
WSU w\U c:ontlnue to tel\lc them Ron Hoaeland o f the hislory
by oper~tin&ltudy«ntertln deputmeni
entitled "The
their ~mmunltlea and keepi{l& Female AppendaF:
tabs on their acade mic Wonxnln theA&eofhdtlonaehiol:vements.
A Cne SCudy" on Monday"
Matchin&fu~s an: required 7 :30p.m. in room 203 oft~
for manyaovemmentsupported Claauoorn Center.
projects of this kind, so WSU • The proanm ill open to the
will make IU contribution by pubUe.
p roviiUn& f~e 11$C of LU
dormitones and other facl~tles
K COnd time; the 1J111DI Is I
Powless ltlnoonced that IS unewal of 1imHu fu ndlna
profeS$lon.al edvcaton from the received Last ynr toinau&uQ\C
Most of the fundi will .be Stevent Point ctmputand hi&h thcproar.mhere.
spent nut summer whc:n the schools thro111ho11t the sute
Moll o f the ten new
youths an: brouahl to ctmpus which have lu&e I nd ian paritlpantl will be from
for $1)( werlu of study and popvbtlo<U will scm: on IUs ' Men omo nie Co unt y and
Involvement in cult urtl nenu. staffalon&withten tutort.
enrollees in an ''Upward Bound"
Scledlont of pvtlcit~~nU IJ
pi'Opam C:OndlfCICd IIIII Almmer
The bulk of students will be
primtrily bucdon thestudents' hi&h
school inphomoru tnd atWhitewatu.
Interest in funherin& their jvnionfromthcShawano,
Powles said the 26 hi&h
educttion beyond hi&h school. Rinr Falls, Ashland, Lac dv school Jt"DiQts will~ here for
After the nudenu n:tW'fl Flambe.au,tnd llaywar'd t n:llof ei&tn weeks to act oricntllion
home to ~mplete their hi&b Wisconlin.Manyof thc:mwiUbe for a llc n dinJ eithcr . lfadc
or unin:nit ic1 nut fall.
school&nduation requirements, on campustltis summer for the
ltolion Souoge
* To n;y Peppe roni
Sl.50 at the door
* Cheen
.Busy students like a pleasing atmosphere when dining out
For some reason, they pick The Lantern.
341 _1414
~~ t~
u Iantbrn
Available May"l--A NO CREDIT History Course
Ttti s cou rse does not mee t during t!t e week, ttas no
p r o fes sor, and you re ceive no credit,
Bu t , this is one
History you wil l not want to miss---It ' s the HI STORY of
yo ur University .
Here is the 75 year HISTORY of WSU.SP
in the cont.emporary style oftoday.
Re-live, explore, and learn as you travel
through 75 DYNAMIC YEARS.
order today b y fi lli ng out the attached cou pon and mail
with c h e ck or money ord er to WSU Stevens Poin t Alumni
Association .
c/o 'Ne l son Hall, Ttte book will be sent
postag"e - paid , as q u ickly a s possib l e , You r price per
copy~ $ 2 .0 0
Enclosed is $
Please se nd
copas of ttte 75TH HISTORY
Name _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Narrowed To 5 For
ROTC Ball Queen
The Reserve Office-r Tuln1na
Co rp s (ROTC) unit I I
WSU -Stcvc ns Point has ~el«ted
fivcgirls tocompc tcforthetitle
of 111ililary ball ~ueo:n Ap~. 2S,
Selected from tcncandtdlles
wen:: Jo1n Kuhn, 110phomore,
dnchtcr of Ml. and Mu. Jo hn
C. Kuhn, RothHhild,
n:pre$Cnlin& 1\yer HaD; Karen
Kon. wpllomon:, dauahter of
Mr. and Mr$. Jerome Koss,
Stnens Point , n:pn:scn tlna
Alph3 Phi soror ity; Pat Nolan,
dau&htc r of tdn. and tdn.
William Nolan, tdld lson,
n:pn:sc ntinaWatson l laU;
Mr . a nd Mrs. Carroll R.
Atkinson, Wnt A ll is,
represcntina Roach llaU , and
Kat!Krine Vin&lirlg, duchte r of
Mt . and Mu. Orville Vin&lin&.
Appleton, repn: Knlin& Alpha
Si$ma Alp ha sorority.
Ca ndid:lt uwllontis:sc d bcin&
sorority ; and Slwon _McGuire,
Grun Broy, Neale Hall.
Each wrority and women'•
ruidcna: hall on campu1 11111
asked to nominate 1 eandldatc.
The f irst round of judJin& wu
Friday niJbt, Mu. 28, with
membcu or the military acknoe
department !aa~ltyon the panel
tonte thc&ir ls'pobl:andlbility
10 ¥:~~:!~~ Uidt!:~ie~ed the
ISO student a~dct1 casli111
baliotlwhen they cntertheiU.ll.
Tbe baU will be for cadets,
milll1ry Jcicncc hculty
membe r s, unlv c r al ty
a dminilt raton, local Army
RQervc and National Gua~
The winner will rdgn ovu
R.OTCc~n tsdurin& thccnsullll
needy famil ies in the oreo. From ielr ore Jerry Suchowski, Milwaukee, Candy
Medd, Appleton, ond Terry Hollung, Ar konsow. lhe youths from rwo dormitor~es
collected rhe food os on Eosrer 11eol for welfare ond low income families. [Jom
D1amond Ju b.l1ee CeIebrat1on t;~~·'•.•o.:~·. ~.e ~:-;·::' .Will Help
To Include Academic Displays ~~·~~:.:~:~~~:~; Music Clinic Expected Growth
Not High-Enough
Will lecture
~~."'"c[;~,';"t !~·.:.~.~·:.
Schrrn't'tklc !la D: SliC Pooch,
hm u CI Uto n Willi ams,
compoll' r ofallout35popular
and IlK' n•''*''
f3c rlitinoflh·d tkin<l s in ccntra l
Wis;· on~in .
~tudcnt s an.t b.:ult y
frum 11~<• all
wi ll b.: displ~rcd rn
diff;•r.•n\ roo ms an~ ·
luung.: $ in Ilk· Uni•·crSII)' Cent•·r.
W<Jrk by
d;·p~r t menl
Ra~ke annQUnc•·~ .
Th.: natur~l ll'WUI<.'<."$ fa~ul\)'
wi ll s pon s<u an irrfornral
d iso: n..soon of ~un~lll oo ur~·
oHerinl ~ arrd
of sub,.·d ~
introdu•<'tl b)' l\l(SUduring;m
Op~n huuso.· and r.·ccption in th(
Turner Room of llw Univc o ~it ~
On Electors
Dr. S. Jo5C'ph \\'oodh of thr
i>Oiitical sdene<>dq);lrtmcn t will
lc.:l uh· on f. lccaoral Co lle&e
reform a\ II p.m. on Tu rso.by,
Apr . 1~.int!IC'G3rland Room of
T he prognmUsronwrcd by
the l'o litkal Sdcncr I\S$0Cia tio n
andiJo[><'ntothcpuhlic .
an d All e&fO, Sinfonia ns,
Symphonic Sui te and l'e~t iu l ,
will be guest din idan at the
!'oi nt MuJ.ie Campu s' juniOf
session June 8· 14and 5cnior
June I S to 211 at
WSU.Sttvns Point ,
WIUi:lms is chairm an of the
~~o~~:o·u:~:~~.")' d~r·r~r;~l
Schoo l o f Mu sic. The illlnual
band camp is for high school
~udcnts thro~~&hout Wisconsin,
andu suallyhuanenrollmcn t of
Stnti nll in the rnorniu~ ~~
9 : 30 ~nd ~:ontinuinl to
mid·aft•·moon will h.· tlw
hlstooy d~putm~nt's hisiO<~ and
worhhur> for
1\.' J<' h,· rs in lh•· CLl!ISroom
(.';•ntcr. 1\oo o po:n hou ....· will
fo llow.
,\ vari~ l )' o f nrusi ' I>)
diff;·r e nt doo" l Hltl
imtrurrK"n lal ~roups '*' rll h•·
prc~•:nt•·d durinll I h;· aft•· • noo n
111 th ~ Univeni ty C~ntcr
DispLlys ...·olllxup intho: lib<ary
pktori:IU~ tr01dn~ th.: tu~or)' of
t he institutio n.
C lu s teunion s in th e
Uni~CISII)' c.·nkr ..·ill o;oncludc
theaft,·muon;·•·cnt s.
Will Discuss
Bee Handling
J u~l how l>us~ is ~ bee an d
JU S\ how ~c live 15 a hcehi•·r will
h•· a n10111 the •1u cst ions
dl )o;U ~ dlll
as hdt·lecture·drnl·
~:.·.~~i~~.un to b.: lldd MondJy
"l'b~ All of ll~ndlin& lku "
.. rllht·thewbj<;·tufaulkgr>·en
by ,\rol C Eppl.: , aSMXiale
1110 fc u ur of biulo,y, at 1 :30
p .m. rn Ruom 1\· 111 of the
Scren ce Huctdtn&. Tlw l.:c tu n: is
r~n of t!K Musrum l ecture
So: ric>.
Thr ln·turc is open to the
t>Ub li e with no admission
MarJO rie Johnson Itt I lola,
31 Willenl>crg High
So:hool : J ohn Kabelr,
Mi l w~ukeo;,
mathematics ~ t
Wauuu Senior lligll; {'~thy
Lan~. Urbana, llt. .in t;·rmcdiat~
e du ~a t ion
a t Green lhy
Kenned y f.ltment~ry: Caro l
Lewa ndo wsk i , Sc horie ld ,
prim1ry eduation ~ t Wau S~u
Karen Sabrow~ky, Manaw:~,
at frer
Barbara Sh.:l
, lkavn Senior
lligh : U.Cvcrly So tcnJOn,Rt.4
Waupa ca. interm edi1 t e
education at Rhinelander
Ctntra iElrn.e ntuy.
perso ns inl'ort~County ,
Candy Medd, Appleton. and
Mike llllsenbcrs, Sluwano,
pru idents o f Roach and Smi th
llalls , r nt>ectivdy,~idrcspon se
to ~ l icit~ t ion of food in Steven s
\'o int homes was "hi&hly
favoubk ." Said lli l&l:nbcrs. " In
factwcdidn'texpcct toreceivt
as mu ch support as we receivcd c•·eryo nc lnb<llhdormswaswcll
p\C3 5e d ."
The ' canned goo<h were
packed into about SS large
boxnanddistribulcdtol>erson s
on "~lfa~c and otheu who do
not r~~civr publi~ aui stance but
who h~•·r sub·slandard !iil:rrirs
and finddifficultywi ththe{ood
buo.lgd .
' :
ll itr,en~rgs;~i<tl hc
hopt" s the
~~~.e el cau bo: co rne an annual
is pleased to ann~lUn~e the sale of a Special College
Sampler Pac ofTolletnes at a fraction of its retail value!
in cooperation with the Guest Pac Corporation
Mount Ver~~?n •.New York offer I his Special PaC
to fa~lltarrzeyou with these fine products.
There t~a Male and a l=ema le Pac, each worth
=~ghoP~~~.t~ly $8.00. The principal items in
at0rnro5_cnior. ll igh.;an d~Liy
Troy:u>oda, WISCOnSin Rapid s
~i al studir$ at Sheboyta~
North Senior \l igh and Dian e
lvokn~. Auburn.lalc, bulincss
educatron ~~ Waumu Senior
S."int . from Frido, H- to MW.U,ht
Holiday Inn
S.:.bisll J unior ll igh: Cynthia
Sttllrnmeher, Ripon , primary
at Kau11auna Quinney
F.lcmcnt.uy, lila Th.:lbck~r . Rt.
3, Montdlo, busineD cduc~ l ion
Includes Few
ellirnatc th ey, colleclcd 5 1,000
worth of Cllnncd good s in a
recent commun it y servkt
project to akl low income
Fund Raising
Going Well
university housing fOf 1,S28
stude nt s, The study pn:dictcd
that b~ 19611·69 then: would be
anted fOf re sidence hits for
3,400 stude nt s. Adua ll~ , 21.S86
st udent s mo~w Into university
h~lls bst September. and nuny
All the slutknt ~nowcnrollctl
wire Uving when the fon:ca ~t
wu made in 19 S3. It fell far
shor t. Mcl'hce uid. fiX se vera l
I. The pbnnen COIICCtl y
fore c:ast a 6S',\ incr~ asc in
oollcgc age po1•ul:r tion , but not
thr rropollion "·hich wou ld
continuc•ftcr high school.
2. ,\ t that time . one in five
high$1:hoolgr111iuatcs went on 10
rolkgc . Now mou.' than thn: e in
five <'O fltinnr thei r Wuc:uion
be cau5e of tht importance
alla ched tu higher education
bo th l>y socitty and by
3. The State Universities have
\\'i H on s in co l lca~ s and
unrvcrs.i tics , hccauseofaddition
of ~b.·r~l aru propams. lo"w
~'OSI S,
oonvcnicnt loCOition, a
policy of having r rof~ssou teach
allclas:5C's andothcrfa ct0fs .
~~! si~~!h~: ~~iit~c:. ~~i
studiuat Waumu Senio r lli&b :
Jam es ~eefeldt, Tigerton,
matbemattcs at Medford ll ig ll;
Why did the nine Wisconsin
SUit Unlvcnites grow foU r
limn as fut ~~ lon&·rangc
pLlnncn pRdict~d 16yuuago7
f.ugene R. Mcl'hec, WSU
sy~cm ~xecut lve director, has
calkd a I'H 3 study to the
111ention of a commit tee now
makin&an intensive stud y of a ll
ph u u of cducltion in
" II illu~ ~ t (S I lK' difficu lt ies
and haurds of long·range
fOfceastinl. In the field of
R. Kdkll of N.,.,nah, ebairman
o f the st ud ~· coruruittre .
The 1953 report ,..,.. ba§Cd
upon prcdictionsmadc)ointl y
by !h r. pr esident s of the
Wis consm State Uni~cr$ilics
(then roLI<l:eS)and by tire Stat.·
!'bimini Division of the IJureau
of Enaineo.rin~.
"There srenr s rnsot1 ablc
jullification in pH·d icting that
the student pOpulation attire
collr &O:S will doul>\~ in the nut
I Syun," thcrcpolllOlid
The system in 19S J 11:"1
7 . 713 students. TIK" study
ledictcd a tot ~ l enr ollment of
4.470in S.:pt. l!l68. ,\ ctn al
enrollment was S 2. 2 4~ .
th e n had
Food Drive
Nets $1000
For Needy
and Razor Band
Fo.amy Shaving Cream
Manpower Aerosol Deodorant
Old Spice After Sh~ve l otion
ScriptoWo rdP ickerH ishligh ter
April \7,19611
WHilE STUDENTS RUSHIED OfF TO flORIDA lo get o coot of ton o n their
fnce~. WSU ol~o got ~me new coots. Ho!lwoys in Old Moin we re
Economy Move
" Where So..,ething's Alwa y• Cooking"
T hur sday, Ap•·il 17
The People's Choice
SOc Admission
Student Body
Walch for Brot ond Sleok Night
l . Pou-FaiiPhyslcoiEdr.~cation.
2. Non·Mondatory Clan AHendance.
3. Elimina lion of Sophomore Women Houn.
" · ltevislon of Final bominolion Policy.
DR. DONAlD JOHNSON, the new full-time physic.ion ot the University Heohh
Service ex.omines Jomes Chudy's tonJils. Dr. Johnson joined the Heohh Servitt
;.., Jo..,~ory of this year. (Mike Dominowski Photo]
.Dr. Johnson Serves Campus Full-Time
full·timr doctor has been
~~~~d ti~ . 1 ~n';~ij~h~'s:,f~- '!
Krvke. Or. Johnson e~nvislonJ
new and more dficitru faci\itks
furmrr nigh! wrgcon of United
Air Liurs. hu jo ined Dr.
Riflrnran.cun cnld ircctorof the
S!udcn! llu lthScrvicll.
l nt rr cu in !he medical
challcn&r of a campus was Dr.
Johnson's primary reason for
ooming!o StcvcnsPolnt.
Aflcr UIKiyins medicine l l
B,aylor University In Uo uston.
Tuu. Or. Jo hnson did his
internship and residency in AnD
Arbor. Michipn. lle !hcn Krvcd
in the army and btcr went into
~ncnl practice in Chicaco.
F itld ; now he spc:cializtt in
stlldenu. In July, Dr. Jo hnson
,.-rn ~corM director of the
lklllh Sei\'ICC.
Dr. JohnsonKCS theroleo!
the lle;~Jth Servi« as multiple.
The primary function is IO care
lhemis aleunin&dtuatlon.
Physical health is no! the
?~~~~:s~w,:"c"~~ ~!~~~~
Are yor.1 looklrtg for a
lob with good eamlng
pokf!llal? 1~ Jolty Green Giant Mel)' lr.~•l have what
~~ ~~e~~ Mon need
rnc:~1icl~ S:~t%jo:be::
~/'.,:~~~~~~ ~::~ested
;!'::~ ~':':lc:i~::~·n~nd
~(a~~ ~~~~c:f:,".!'~:.'::
Potential arus oC work for
~~~:~'!1 :::f.~':!~~~~~~
"I'm a masochist. I threw
away my instructions
on self-defense:'
1\oiQ)"CaiS ~hclimi!ed his
~~~ctiC:c~~nl~~mc~~ial 0p~':'r:
wilh an lnf11mary as ~rl of !he
tOial University lleallh Cenlr r.
people like yoy to help him horv·
elt ond con hil vegltobles this summer, ond 1\e poys
ortd W9_n t
~~her lnfom~tion,
Green Giont representative w rll vrsr_t ygyr ~mpus on
April 22, 1969, ond he willgl~~ly d rsCIJU wrth you OYr
Summer Employment
A little pain is one thing, bUt sheer
disaster is something else. We put
instructions on self-defense in every
package of Hai Karate* After Shave
~~;o:s:c!: !~~~ :~s ~:~t~~~
an under-protected, over-splashed
guy. So please read the instructions
... even ifit doesn't hurt.
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it. '='
('fl69l........ o;.-1"""-0..•- Piilt<
....... ,._, _
, C:0.. 1~- -,
Stevens Point Brewery
2617Woter Sr.
DICK MASLOWSKI !lefll AND DARRYL GERMAIN (right} were the onchor-rnlm for
the WSUS -Coble TV live coverage of the April 1 eledion returns. Visible ot the
left is the moni tor Of one of the televis ion comeros ma nned by members of the
Oromo 191 dou on televis ion production. (Mel Glodowski Photo!
GAI Y WOOOKA , DISC JOCKEY AT WSU$-fM, handled engi(leering
du ties during the eleCiron coverage of WSUS. lht radio stolron brood·
cos ted 'srmrhone ously wi th coble TV 's Channel 6 , to bring u p· to-dote
coverage of eledion returns on l uudoy night , Apr. i . (Mel Glodowslr.il
University Choir Will Present
Its Final Concert Of The Year
Fo\lowi nc a r~l~xin1 ..-rek o f
Sprin& "b ru k " acti>·itics.
mfmbc rs or the University Choir
rctumc\1 to 1 dcmandin J ,.,...e~
o f final Kheuuls in pKpartion
f o r th e C hon! Conce rt
sc llcdu k jl for Sund ay, April20.
at 8 :00p.m. in the Univeuit)'
Aud itorium.
Specht mu sic is bdn&
pr e pueli lor this co nce rt .
llowner, the cvenin& prognm
will bc:simi.lutothll pruentcd
to wmc 8,000 peop\td urin1the
Choi r 's F eb ru a:y to ur o f
Wisconsi n, Illinois, Jo..,·a and
Min nes.ota.
Seledions pn:pan:d by t he
choir for thi s concU! will
compr~ the on ~or portion o f
the procram rc por rt oiJe which is
to be preKntcd to Eu ropun
aud ienoc:s thisAUIWit.
conoc: rt ,
Fo llowing
t h is
memben will bc:lin pions fo1
n:tumint: IO cam ptu in AIIIUSt
topu tfln altou cheson tourins
arnngcmt nt s "''hkh will take
the m into conce rt halls in
En&bnJ, Fum:e ,
Au~u i~ ~nli {;~rnoan )'.
nl<.' t\ pul 10· conct tl .....m
frooir Albt ll o
Ginuten~. "Tho. l amen taliorn of
ha miah." to a spirited
Anll'rinn fol~ SOnjl ~e t c h by
Gai l Ku bi k. 'Ttcer t\long
Mosu." :md th~ IOO·hu mo r,•d
"Nelly Hty" arr~ngul by kol" r
l'o'~er .
l)in·• tor. Ktnyud 10, Smit h,
usis t:rnt pro f~uo r ofMuloic. Jis ts
th is )'car·~ Universi ty Choi r u
t he "m o st sc n.iu~e" and
"finest" o f the choirs he has
Black Letter Home
(t'<m linu<'d[wml>oJt r 1}
conduct~dliuring ' hil. thr ceynu
ofchoraluto~it iuat
Suloists. hnlknniroff, Dian t
Denniston. l ynn Williamson .
Sue l ~rwn. l ana G<m~e.
ll.oger ltcrruanson. l)kkWan lcss.
Hta rli en anli Te rr y
Z11nmc 11 n~n
wrll adli their
t alont s to thcevc ningconccrt
w h ic h p romises music for
h tencrs of aU ages. Miss Jc:111
Schno:illc r. S t c~cns roin t, .s
accou rpanist forthc choir.
Th uc is
all mission.
and8<'aut ifulrnothcr, l'...:gotto
<;O mpetc in th isco kl ,crucl workl
of acaliem ia, Asyoun n ~. I
need to do ~ Uttlr work o n m)'
wri trn& s tyle. Court on mama
you ain 't •tupi.l . Yn u kn ow I've
&Ot to keep nl)' ill' lf otr of
wdbl\". Yo u know tho!il' guoli
hud workinatu payiOjl whi te
folk s don't like to suppoll
niuers. llnc youslept th rolll h
th e "w hite rcm lut ion" or
wmc thin&1
thinas Blilck and
mo ther , STAY IN
YOUit l'LACE. ktc p onprayin& ,
ke ep on lovin1 an d keep o n
ttusti~~& in the Uwd , You•in't
equippellfor t hisht' reardoou J
task (there l1o apin ) ofsavifl&
ArnN k an sodc: ty from itso:lf.
One day, manu, th e wnsof all
b ll~k onothen Ukt you "ill be
JUdged by thdr wooth and b)'
t he "rontcnt oftheir ch:Ua(ttr ,"
Now don't you fret "cau~e me
andyouandthisheresocicty o f
o un
is 10in1 to trul y
··ovr rcorm."' We aon na !<"ally
tnch'em tolovt.
Yourblack.onwi th\ove,
Jinunk lewis
Fr~nkl in
di redo1 ' s dutiu during the election coverage. The mon itors w ith the p ictures
from cameros one ond two ond The octuol on·the·oir p icture ore on the desk in
f•onl o f him. On the righ t is T~e con tiol switch to whate ver picture desired. (Mel
Glodow~ k i Photo!
;J.':f...~~d n!.~'~ i~.f~~:~ ~~
wa s \il.:c them o thtr nlQ.: n ."'
Mama. whi te fo lks is real funny.
llul the)' rut o n a real 100<1
~how . [)oncd ~ rn ncar rcchd the
counuy toSOI)' noth ing o bll th c
sou ls. ~by God l>kss 'em.
Cracking UJ•?
Get P lastc r ctl
Missey LeHer ...
Senator Speaks-
United Council Represents
Students At State Level
r eo raa niu t io n, •A- spu:ial
committ ee hu worked a ll yen
on revampin& certain uporc:t:•of
the Un.ited Council to make it
more crfectiYC I n i U
undntakinp. A sporcial meetin&
has been ca \lc:d for Apr. 14 to
put intopncticc theactivitieso f
the spord alcommi ttee .
This is llllppropriate timeto
mention the pcrson who hu
been rupo n si ble for the
ac:t:hr itics. anli a"'omplishrnc:nt s
of Un it ed Co un c il
Rasmusx n o( River Faits. For
the put year, Bob hlll $0:rved as
the pn:side ntof theorpniution
a nd has provided wb.at is
probi bly its moll effcc:t:ive
leadership to da te. Few st odent
ovcm~entlc.Jrdc n eV1:rflce the
ns tb.at he bas in
reprue n!tnl l~eS7,000studcn ts
~~~~n~'Ev'e~11 fc!~•:est~ri":n~11~
Candlelight and Silver
Dinner l\hasic with
Lynn Davis
I :_
APfil 11,1969
Track Squad· Finishes Fift_h
In Conference Indoor Meet
880 Yanh · I. Bouchc,LC;2.
Char! rand, ST; 3. l..l.w in~r. Pl;
4. Clifford. SP; S. Rusch, 0,
I :S7.S.
2 Miles· I. llo ffman, W; 2.
Roe , LC; J. Jahns, 0 ; 4. Mank,
TEAM SCORES • I..I.Crossc Pl;S. Brown. 0 .,9:09.4.
73, Platteville 60. Whi tewa ter
70 Yanl low llurdlcs. I.
42, Oshkosh 30, Stevens Point Druclcel)', lC; ~ . Picri111, SP; 3.
and Stout i7,Supe rior 14,Rivcr McDowe ll, Pl.; 4. Fliclc, Pl. ; S.
Fallsl,and EauCiaiNO.
Dyrcson.0. :0 8.0 .
Mile Relay · I. U.Crossc,
(lind1 rcn, Carpisi, Bouche,
Oruclcery) 2.Stout ; J.OJ.hkosh;
4. Platteville; S. Whilcwater,
lon1 Jum p· I. Flick, I'L; 2.
Puerson. W; J . Mcl>owdl. Pl; 4.
Daaenhanlt, W; S. Killoc. Pl,
Shot put · I . Sutherland,
skiing on the fl'jOUntoin-slopes.
0/JJJQou ~
An orpnlzational meelina
will be hdd for all in terested
candidates for the 1969Stcvens
up into the feede r stl\'amo, Poi nr State footballteaj'· This
which at this time Of )'tlr are I
soUJee of rela tively clean water. ~~~-tl'i.for~~~. ~p~~~ 11in i~
Apparently !.he walleyes Ill' audi toriu m of the Cla.s~room
lyin& in the slot~~ hs at !he Crntcr.
moulhsolthest rumsfor aday
o r 10 before continuln& on
upst ream, and it is at th is point canoe: {wilh an anchor) will
th>.t the fisherman hu a chance make it easier to find them.
The Wisronilin River wa lleye
run is o n I&<Jin. WSU fisherme n
who woukl like to WBJln up for
a .;h>.nce ~~ some bi&
wallolyes at the same time,
shou ld sivc it a whirl. There is a
con tin uous open "'non on all
fish uccpt muske ll un1c,
sturswn, and trout in the
W iw:on~in and its oonncctina
s lou1hs and bayous, and
thcrcfol\' the walleye is fair
The bi1 pr oblem with fish
from the Wisc;onsin is that they
are often inedible . It 's an
unfor t una t e bet that the
pollutants dumped inlothcrivu
by cen ain rcsiona l inlluuriu
o(tcn po llute the fish u well,
1ivin1 them a chan~cte ristic
sulfur smciJ.luckilyfor UJ,thc
walleyes arc on a spaw nin1 run.
Tholy arc allemptinc toswim
Orchestra ...
Gcnn11 as wdl as at th e fnt inls
of Mtn to n,Granada.A thensand
llolland .
Each ynr,thcS,.arC hambc:r
Orchestra par ticipates in tbe
Franco-German Chamber Music
Week hekl at S:u.rb ru clccn.
Travdin& throllihout Fnnce,
Germany and luxcmbou~ to
suc h towns as 11erlin , llambu rz,
Fnnkfort. St r ubou~. Nancy
and lu~cmbou~. the S:u.r
SNOW MAY HAV£ BEEN ON THE GROUND but the weather in Utoh wos worm
enough to ollow these two skiers to loy in the sun to 9"'' o sun ton tor burn)
to rivo l those "'~plorers who ventured ro the sunny, police-filled beaches of
Orchcs t r~Jivcscountlmconcen
appearances and~euhn a vast
public which for the remainder
o f th e yea r , remain s an
enthusiastic radio-broadcast
"""Onc:of thevo:ryforcrnost
chamber music orsaniutioiU in
the world"" (Paris Comb-'). the
S:ur Chamber OrchcU ra has
pined a comilknblc audience
o f admirers in th is country
tlu o111h · !he rdease of an
ex traordinary number of
definitive rcoordinp. On riO
fewer than si~ American and
EUJopean record bbcls, th ese
h i& hiY accllimtd re lcues
thor o uahly represe nt thr:
classica l a n d
chamber music rcpCJ"IO~ o f
works by lbch, llandcl, llaydn,
Mende lsso hn , Mozart , Schumann
and Vivaldi.tona n>ea few.
waSe~!u~~hk~:P a1 nlr~r1n 'r~;
to~~~~ water !hat the
fish Uvc in while ncar the
mouths of th e feeder stl\'llllS
tends to .flush thcpa Uu\a ntsout
of the sma ller fish. mikin&them
t\rnosl assood lou t u w:~lleyes
Wisc;onsin River only ~ the
$\~amstltr:mKIYCiare off
feede r
AI the Mill Creek . lltl
mentioned above, walleye
fishlfll is lep l downltfnm from
n~~& htcltewhcrc.
" the bri~ , but not above it.
A &ood pbcc to uy for Tight lincsl
;"a~ 1;1:r'l, ~h~~ ~~~hbcfo~:j
T he
diKussio n
the winp
with fr.
!:~;~~~ ~~. ~·~. !0:::~%':
tc ll&ious leldrrs' opinions on
.xx. Jt also hclpcdtochan&e and
clea r up incoiTcct ricwsma ny o f
thc&irlshcld abou t ueho ft he
hne Trojanowski became
"""'""""" Wh<n;u,
prOJCcl ..
W, 13-9%.
lli&h J ump · I. McDowell,
Pl: 2. Gera tic, lC; 3. Pellman.
LC ; 4. Thompson. ST; S.
El&lcbrecht. l C,6-6.
Tripk Ju mp· I . Flick, l'l;2.
McDowell, l'l; J . Ch~ck·, Sl'. 4 .
:;~.~~~y, LC; S. o.,aen hardt. W,
You keep Aunking
·your best subject?
::::·~~ "'i.~~ :~" .~: ·:;;: ·,:
is rndil)'
some br&e walk)'CI ·up to 71'>
~~:r~~e~ !~f. ,":,~ ~~[~~~h!~
~isohm ~~~ b1~k·~~:.o~ 1 ~:n h~~
yoo,notto lelthiev~intoyoor
beingjuslas carefu1aboot
Your thouahlsnotonlyde\er·
le~d. but the kiJld of person
wet in plates and il is necessary
to slosh around a bi l while
movinafrom spa t!O if'OI.
fiJ.hins would be a fairly stout
spinninl or spincutinl ri&. linc
tcsU should be at kut \l
pounds. since the w:~tu is
sh<IIJow and fu ll of "'a&S. The
live minnows hooked !hrou&h
! he lips. bul manyof lhe smaller
ones (which should be better
c~ lin&) have b«n taken o n ii&S
(iJ.hcdjuRofft hcbottom.
l'ink and whltc andall·)"ellow
jip arc a cood Mt. not onlY
beo:ausc they seem to api'C'alto
cheap. The above mentioned
snap claim quite a few lures,
and it's brttcr to lox 1 few 10
centii&S than to donate a lot of
cr.pcnilive hardwa~e to th e
mi&htyWisoonlliin .
Ncedlm to Iii)', a boat will
&in you a chance to cover more
wate r. Walk:)'U tend to tic In
con.;cn tn tions on !he bottom,
and the usc of a rowboal or
Think it over, over coffee.
The Think Drink.
you are.
JohnH. Wyndham.C.S.B.,
his own prisoner-ol -war
-as thetruesourceolin·
Mr. Wyndltam"s remarkable
1110$1 cordi~lly invited lo
Christ~n Scieflce ~lure
A o:andlelight cere.mon)' was
held for Sue Pclly who is
en&aaed to Tom Delory.
It s
Melllbcrsof thc fr~ tcmil)'a rc
cuiTently workina at Robcns
IITip tion u a n10 ncy mak.in1
Uoto P ~i
.. . . .", . ., . . . . mGa-~rn'U
the R.A.'s
turtlein race.
The turtk:s
will bea
preliminary race will beheld to
WITH THE SNOW MElTED in the Cl!nlrol Wisconsin oreo. these skiers mode up ·
(o r s me of the fun or washing other people"s foces with snow by doing so on
"thes pesoftheRocky Moun toinsin Utoh.
2. P~..l~s.v0':11 1 iJ:::;~tt; ~:
licUJancc, Pl; S. Daaenhanlt ,
Do Ul8 m1n11
we mlnll?
J:~o!f~ C::~u~:)' rc~~~~ b~
By JI'dyBrocll.lna
l'b ll.l are bcins made for
en lty irito Hanson lbU'sannual
where Mill Creek and Rocky
klan empty into the Wisconsin.
Plllnsare bcinll made for the
Plrcn ts 0.y8anquct schcdulcd
for Apt . 16. lewis Torzcson is
ehainnan of the aeti¥ities ' for
~~,~)';~::."seur ~~:,~:i.lg
Will Meet Monday
Student Body Vice-P resident
Phyllco l £du collon.
2. No n--Mo'ldotory Clou Attondonco.
3. Ulmlnotion of Sophomore Wo mon Houn.
4. Student Advbon to O.pcmmtnb,
T he Capta in's Coat is an IN Style,
wit h its brass b uck le tr im.
Only $22.00
APtll 17, 1969
Pointers Post 4·-8 Mark· In
Cou:h Jim C luk'a
WSU ·Slenns Poinl baselnU
letm IIIWtlol oftctlonovu !he
lprin.Jna~lionin preptratlon
for theronference 5eUOn wllich
bepn T~tuohy, winnln& four
Wisco~ n .
Soorn of lhe pmu were u
folio~ :
University o f Minnc10t1 II~.
WinonaSUtt4•7,S Pl4.
SP7·S,EauCblre l ·7.
St.Norbcn II-4,SP 10.7.
SP 84, Lewb {IU.) Hi. (Fin!
pme l 1\nnin,s)
Lcwiii i ,SPI.
A&t insl Minncsou on
Sa l urday. Apr. 5.1 tum ftvond
to lake the Big Ten title, !he
Polntcn were outdused and
could mana&c only one hit in
two &ames in absorbinl !he
double shu tout. Gophtt hurkn
Gco r1c Hoepncr and Guy
Pc:uich oomblncd lo tluow a
nO-hitter at !he Pointers in the
fint 11me. Petrich wu
outstandint.lillikin&outti&h"t of
~lc~i~an~Jnrorh'St!!:!·~i::; "j
tndtook lhelo•.
In the ni&hta~p, thePointen
could do lillie beller apln.tl the
offer\ nJ• o f Er\e~on and
Corarove, wit h thcit only bit of
CarillO in t he KVelllb innin&,
IIUinc them the embtnwrnent
of a double no·hllle r. Ken
Mlltlson absorbed !he loa for
The Polnten rctumcd home
to play Lawrence on Monday,
:::~ ~h!"!~~S: t~:in:~Y Fr!:
Rollie Btler ttuted and ~o~ve
uPiuat one hitinbilfourlnnint
stint and abo pkked up the
The Pointenjumpcd off to 1
on Dave Pdenon'• bate..t~Ndcd
triple and 111 error which
bro111ht in Pdcnon. Gene Jtck
beltediJSO.foothomerunwit b
Pctenon on buc in !he fifth.
Tom WaD:ner h.oJ apalrofhi!J
The followinJ day. Tuesday,
Apr. 8. the Pointentnveled to
WinoN. Mlnnclotl 10 meet the
always touahWJJTiort.
l nthcopencr,Winonapickcd
K. Ritzenthale·r Wins
Scholar- Athlete Award
WS U.S tewensl'ointbuketb.oU
liar Ktn Riuenlhakr h11 been
named u a redpie nt of thill
yur'sWSLICM«illof llonotfor
exhibitin1 thr &rnl u t
oomblnuion of performance in
scho la rs hip, "ieMicnhip, and
lthktiea. lbc Med al o f Uonor is
twan.led annuaUy to one jun ior
or !Ienior attllete from ucli of
Poinur spo ru , led t he
co nferen ce in fie ld 1011
perce ntt ae for thc second
oon,. eutive . sruon. ti.nkin& Sl
lie hold• !he lll·time
confcre ncrrccordof .SS l.Kt in
11168 . Bell drs hb athlecie
aehhvemcnll, Ken hll
maintained 1 3.30 &11de point
the ~i~:hn:~~~~: ~~':'\om wh~e:~F!:fnJ:mmat!!~'~!
:~t~": in • : ·f~~~~y 1~r at::r:. ~~:~;~winner from WSU..Stmns
Named MVP
Of Gymnasts
Guy Schneider. jun ior from
Brownl>«r, haJbecnsclectedas
this year'• n1olt valuabk planr
on th e WSU.Stc~cns l'oin l
&Ymnau ics ~uad. Sc hne ider ,
who runcd his third ursity
kiter, was ti"K Pointcn IeWin&
point sco~ r for the second
ltni&tlt yc11andwnalsonamcd
honoruy captain of thi:l yev'a
tq utd .
Coach Bob Bowen awarded
seven vusity leuen and cic:ht
fru hmln numer~IJ to his
athletrswhofinb~dfirthin the
WSUC th lsseuon.
In addition to Schneider ,
those re ecivina vu"$/ty lemrs
wc1e Mike Wcinlt ein. junior
from Mtlwtukcc Manhall, who
wu the on ly l'olnt u to reach
t he NA i l\ m«t: Mike Casey.
S~Pc~~ 01 K :~~~~ ~ ~roM:q~~:
tf,F~.~~c~~\ar!~~- so~~'!~~;
Jo hn Schicii, Milwaukee Rufus
~~'!f~st'i~~~r~~~!'!~ .~~:~
Ste~.J.hew~ 11t':!~:fe;,edG~!
r~~rt:"o~· r:!urhl~.":nJn t~!
No~trt ~~.d~
d oxthee.ptoll-10.
T!!e Pointers hid
~bd ison
lllllitdfor folllrua.sin thel 1tb
innina to puU out the win. Bob
lleMinJsttrltdlhen Uywllhl
•in&lc tnd stok aeoond . S.m
Be:ntlcywu hit with1piteh1nd
Marv Andct10n w11 safe on an
error. Followina•nothcrcrr«
tb.at scored a run , TomW11kner
ume llvouah wilh a twCHUn
sinJie. DnePctenon hlt1horne
runforStnenaPolnt ,
rnut .bo~ls~lck~l,thp !~~ ~~~:
innlnp to put the 11me out o(
ruc:b . RolUcBtier•t•rtedon!he
mound for the Polntcn and was
Coach Clark
'Boy Scouts'
Btklwin 2 Eut wu 5eCOnd
with 15211: followed by Steiner
l North with IS2l; Knuuen 1
Wnt, 1487 ; BunoU~hl 2 South:
1460; Smith I South, 1186;
ll an~en l Eut, l l4S, tnd Pray 4
Eut. lll8. SiJ.m• Tau Gamma
eu\Jy uptu~d the 1U-campus
championship with a fanluUe
18S05ericl. l..arrySkccloflhe
Si&Ttulihtd !he hi&hindlwidual
11me of the finals with 1 238.
Bill Schutten
Named MVP
In Swimming
By Bob Sulik
Fre1hm111 BiD Schuncn of
Greenfield wu selected by hilt
tummuesas the rnostvaluabte
swimme r on the WSU.Stevcns
Point sw\mmin& lu m In the Pillt
~eaaon . Schunen, a dilt.tnce
JWimmer, broke the sc hool
reoordin two cwent aand led the
Pointen 10 5econd pit« in the
conference meet by winninJthe
1,6SO yud frccscyle . li e 1bo
competed in !he NA IA meet and
placed 14th.
Je ff Pqds, Bob Mu• tnd
Tom RoJ.II were clecttd as
trl <~plli1Uforthe611·70aetl0n .
~'!'~.;: j~~: w~~~b~ 1:.!~mw,::;
last year . Mu•. a liophorno~
~~~: ~~: t~~~ ·~c::a
prevlo usJimCI." ll c continued,
8)' TIM LASC11
The Pointen' bateb.IU tctm II in its rno• auelal week of !he
YOII/11 ltlton, havin& en lttt1incd Oshkosh Tunday tnd tak.Jna on
Whitewater th.is Saturday. U !hey mllltJcd tJplit with !he Titans on
could do the Arne Satunl1y, t he Pointen w~ be In t he
Get o ut •nd tee !he prnu Saturdty. G.lmclimc ia 1:00 at Bukolt
fu~kbe~:,:c;ot~~: ln~: 1•h: ~~:~hi
we a o n Bukolt Avenue t11d stop
. Milwaukee Is ce111inly foolin& il.:lf if It thinb it"" JCI by'
Without I new spon aa reN . Not Ju• for !he uke of the BuckJ but
for any fulu~ m-.ior k~&ue sporl a. Look at the Buclr;ssc:hedutc'chil
last year - only two Sal unity 1nd Sund 1 y prnea 1 u yc.u becau5e
t berewnalwayssomelhilJ&ebeiOin&on!
Whllel'm on thc subjcetoftheBuc:ta. l a~n'thelpbultdmlrethc
way Lew Alclndor hu hand led himself throua houl aU the wcrbal
wan IIIII h.rtc been fouaht lately. On
every Interview
A.lcindor appu!' in, !he •nnounc1n try to trap him into dbelolifiJ
h• 111lary, feclin&• about "Knrilivc subjects," etc., but the man
ht11d\es hlmKif wny wcU. On the Joey Bishop Show, he w11 uked
about !he reported Sl.lS million offer made to him - he said 11\e
fif• time he heard anythin& Jhout It was when he read it in che
WeU, another marathon bascbaU sea10n Is un~ r ~y in the ITIIljor
lcaaues,a ndthecrylsonceap.inthe ··st. Louii BJues."(the w/11,
not the hockey tram.) I'll tak e the Cardinak and Atlant a in the
NatioN\ l.u&liC' and Oakland and Detroit in !he Amcric:ln.
Mel Colemlll'l, 6·7 center for
!Cn·mln NAIA fin! tum
wu and
to •
Stewart of Lakelind Co Uqe wn
Lislen To All
P oi nter
Baseball Games
That tuthentlc villllt ulld1 l looll - taw tnd rustle.
All INthtr•ndtllhlnd<nfted lrorntiHI aturdy
Slip Into cool tnd eomfort•bl• Vili•P S.nOi ta by
Detter at
The Poinle 11 w!U holt
wsu.Whltew t ter in an
c~::~: e ~.~k
1 at
Saturdty, lltrtina tl l. Cluk
will lilt kftin J im Selle r tnd
Tom Ritunthalcr apln3! the
Oshkosh Game
The baKbt ll doubk hcadcr
wjth Ot.hkoih, u neclled llit
Tuesday benuk of uin, h11
been re Khcd uled for April '29,
1ccordinJ to l'oin l~ r baxball
cGach JlmCiark .
The l'olnteu wiD be inaction
~~e~•• ~:tu~:rh.~k.t'"rn t~
doubklk'adcr 11 IJuk o lt !'ark
Th e Pointer 800 y1nl
freestyle reby tum ol Rod
Sehraufnaael, Jac:k Sutliff, Jeff
Pqeb tnd Bill Schutlen had tn
cxOrUettl li me o f 7 :47, but
could do no better thtll Jl th
place In the oompetition. The
7 :47 clockin&wueia.ht teconds
under t he WSUCrc eord of7 :SS .
~ ":~~c'u:';:o
18:s;4hut1J':,: 1
fre estyle , far under !tic WSUC
record of 111 :10.6 he se t earlkr
In !he yeu, but did not pltec.
ll ea!JoJCttPointerrec.ordin
the I ,000 yard frees tyle wil h 1
l1 :1lmlfk.
Di~r Mtrk
Ktusa lik made
the rus1 CUI but hit I bad laU
diveandfin bhed l4th.
NA IA records were broken in
IS of t he 18evenu.
Coin P ..IC, bbck l nd white
llripedwilhrcdfcltbandonto p
with key and key att ached . If
found , nU 344-4133: reward i1
o ffered.
One Pickett,
slide rule. In
room A· l 21 of the Science
bulldin J. It t ! urn to ~lr .
Andrews' office.
r-------- ------,
The Individual Aclh·ily
50c Adm ission
crJ -r.
Othm fr om Wilconti.n
ret:ciwin& honon.blc men tion in
hl •ndtd Run
~~:~:~!!dl:E1c;:~~U:~ ·:oAUUN&!.O~~e rou see it. you'll never again picture
o ut ofadio nlndefinltcly.
Hughes Receives All-American Mention
tU -conlerenoc~qllldand t othe
f!'!n~'!;n oa:reGel::at •n~hrJ:Ch
incliJibiUty. Jim llo lby quit the
~~· •'~r;.~i:," m~~~ :!~n~~
I think. pro hoc:key ha JOne 10 t~ point where far too mudl
physical violence ilt tUowcd . lt'l8tllin& 10nery pmc you witch hill
1 coupleoffi&hlland moreoltenthannot l heyarebrouahtonbya
h.udbodycheck. f.ithr rt herulesshouldbeclt.tfllcdortherefertts
should stan a~Uin&morepena lt ies.
aU-<IiU rid tum for District 14
oftheNA IA.
Th e tum hiJ been hurl by
t he lou of •n-ttal promiliq
NA IA meet held on Mu. 20·1'2
Jt Gco!Ie WiUiarns Co llcp: Jn
Downen Grove, IU!n oill, Coadl
Lynn BltiJ'a awimmen polled
J.Omc of t heir btu timu of the
"It wu &ood to pity 1 lot of
pmeaand Ollfhl!tinJimproYed
Swimmers In NAtA Meet
auw•• u 1
lnd Rolp, I aophornore rro~
Milwaukee, wn voted the mo11
Cotc h
improvtd swimmer.
Lynn Blair il CIJCtly IWiil int
Poinlcr Co-Capllln Mike
nul year a he wiU lose on ly
two men from tllill yeu'asquld . HU~hes rece ived still anothu
Bob Sulik and Inn Neuer konor when he wu recently
completed thrir eli&ibility by &iftnhonorablcmcntlononth.is
lettcrin J for the fourth
The 6-8 Huahn, 1 JCn\01
from Wauuu Ntwllt.lll, ~~ tlao
n amed 10 !h e WSU C
lliln,.n. Waupaca: D1•~ Stone
~~~~~\~ ~d Ken Von An:
"We plt~d tome o( !he bui
tt11111 in the •ret and moll of
VolloeybaU playoffabe~o~ n the .
last week bcfOR Etster wnh the
fo llowin& dorm champions
advlflein& to the quutcrfinall;
Baldwin 2 Eu t. llarucn4North,
Knutun l Wctt , Sims I Non h,
BWTO\lllu 4 West, Smith l
Sou th , S!cinc r 4 North and Pny
I Wrsl.
l n!heflrstroundofplayoffa,
Btltlwm 2 Eau belt lfanltn 4
North. Sims I North whipped
Smith l South, Knutun ltd
West cd&ed S!elncr4North,and
Pray I Welil beat 8urrOuJh1 4
West. In .emi·finll mllches,
Si1111 l atNonhiOibyBiklwin2
Eut 111d Knutzen ltd West
climinlled 'Pnyl West.
Sims hi Nonh t nd Knunen
lrd Wut met f o r the
championship Tuesday nenin&.
Residence hall playoffl in
btdmin ton were completcdwich
Knutun I Eut ddeatlrc
Baldwin 2 Eut Jn the
l~im had ~ad t he benefit ot
~ ~~7is>;;n. 8 r~a~wo~;:: ~~1!
t'l:~e~~c! :~rp~~ ~~:
Pctenon and Jtcnnin&'• lnfldd
Intramural Press Box
~i;~ F~~n 1iio~~ 0 f1~: 'l:.~ ~
I O,t~~dtlaodtovein threeruns
St.Norbe nputtocethctllix
ruDoutbunt In the thitdlnnin&
lhatindudediCWenhiii. Wilmet
urrMd 1 11 ·7 kad lnlo the fi111l
Flytli To m Morrey ~• Jn eharp
aU the WIY u he held lho
Polntcn to &ill hlts,uruck out
John Harrill, Tom Wtlkncr.
and Gene Jt<*. each c:oUeeted a
ptlrof hlbln the iolinJ C.IIIC .
Muk Ment:r took !he lo•.
Thuuday, Apr. 10, the
Pointen ente rllined WSU ..£au
Cbifr " Bukoll Park In 1
be~ ~~~t~?tc'hl:. t ~f
Tbe Flyat took elwaeln the
xoond Jamcbcblnd thepitchin&
o f J im O.nkoandhomerunaby
Jim Br unette and Ron
KuJwinl.kJ. Dt~~ko aealtered six
lin&les, ft~~nedci&ht , and walked
only two . Tom Rltlcnthtlcr
look the loa.
In the nlahtc.p, E.u Cbite
111d one in tbelbthtowlpeout
• S·l Pointer kid . S!ewc11.1Poln1
the opener. the GrOen Kn[&ht s
tcehu rkr,StueWIJmUtndthe
Polnten Dennb Bohm bolh
went the dl11111oe In 1 very
loo~ely played co ntul. Both
Bt.ler t11d Tw JobniOn , who
were touched for II hit s but
A foUrth run scored ~ n a
pu1ed .. U. Ron Grundcc n
worked the lau n\nelnnlnptnd
pleked upthewln .
Winona tfter hil frnhman yeu
at Stnen1 Point, &hut out the
PointcnonjuSI thnehltl.Ha.trU
tnd PrtuiCll'l Jot tircles and
Canno 1 double for !he only
11ftlie1 !he Polnten could
muster. Tom Rilzcnthlkr wu
Other medal winncta from
their respective schooll include:
Tom Cla rtc, Ea u Cl.alre • 1
junO aU'C'Onfcrence dcfe.Wve
end from Au,uSit m-.i«in& in
Gar y Klu,. LaCro•e • '
junior footbaU hatfback tlld
player from Union
Dtn ic\ Buhr, Oshkosh · a
Junef uKniorin bio\ouwitht
3.07 avctqeand winner of four
!etten in football and two minor 5~~.d1 !~ ~S~~J.im luch, IS· ! I,
Jerry Keyes of Knutzen
Geor&e F1heny, Platteville· whipped Jerr y Dilte rhaft Jn
senior mu h m1jor from ~eoond•inJlcs,1 1 · 14and2 1 ·14
nd in doubloea !he Knutze.i
rnla~:.~u w:.!t ~l:t~:~e: ttum
of Mike Furner tnd Jeff
l.02&ndepaint .
Pierce ed&td Jim Liedtke tnd
Terry Frerket, Riwu Ft!U • PeteHansen .1 1· 1l ,2 1· 11.
kd the oonfercncelnhinin&tlld
In the ~sidrnce haD bowli111
wn named aU-con ference in fint\s hrkl on Mu. ll, Sims 4
ba,.NU las! year,thil Maditon North emerJed u
t um
chtmplon wi lh 1 five man tota l
. Ver~nJo hnJOn, Sto."\ ·•n ofi S711.
a l.2 avera~ tnd is 1 baxbaU
p~yu . lie htlll from S1111buq,
MLnn .
Gary !l oHm an , Superior·
another m1th m~or. th.is
Tom. hawk senior hill 1 l .lll
avcrqe dcspile rompetin& in
Tttry tlay«, Whitcwller •
l tlis Mo!"'roc nl!in hu 1 l .Sl
IYCfll~ 111 pre-med tnd hu won
also named u 1~ molt
impl'ovtd compe titor for thr
seoondstrai&htyu r.
Freshman numerals went to
up t he fint111 n of thepmeln
t he ~econd off Jlm"Setltf. The
Polntcn KIIR!d aU olthd rrunl
inthethltdon foutsuccc.ivc
hlu. John H.arril lin&:led with
one out tnd1001ed on tdouble
by Due Cl!uJO. Tom W11kner
ain&led Caruto tothlsd ; 111d,
afterWtlkncrllolc5eeond , One
scorebol hrunnc n .
The Pointcn were unable to
lOQre lft"lt:r that out b~mt tnd
!hJrd, tc¥e nth , ll!ld eJ&hth tO
Romeo & Juhet quJte the way you did before!" _ UFE
<b"j UUEf