J :"E-:j THE ·

8PAGES,N0.2 1
Resolution Calls For
Senate Reorganization
· March 14
Point Blank
341-125 1
bt. 235
Play Tryouts
Are Planned
Next Week ·
Tr )·outs for Sh<:rid~n·s "!!!!
1lli:ll1, fLrul Uninnicy Th~atr~
produclionofthcsc;non , wcll~ ·
Tue sd ~y
Wednesday, Mar.
a ccordin&
18 ami 19
dcpartmcntannouncenw:nt .
World-famou s s incc il s
prcmi~rc in 1775, The Rivals
taku a h11morousand satu-u:-ai
look at the follicsandfancictof
IM london UPI'C'' crust. T~
wnpon is wit, KIW'nin& 10 the
tta&c to do bntk with the
predominant srn t imcntality of
! heag.e .
The re arc th irteen parU for
men and women. includin& the
bumbtin& bumpkin Bob Acres,
t he 1cmpnh10us Irishman Sir
Lucius O'Tri"u. llvishin&
lydia Un&uish and of co ur~ .
Mrs. t.bt.prop, who~ ludicrous
distortions of th.- t.nc~UI~ hl>'t
made h<"r on.- o f the most
famous chuact<"rs in English
Jitcra t W'e ,
Actou ma)' audition dthcr
Tuuda y, frono 7 to 10 pm in
room 12S, ct.woorn ~~n t u, or
Wcdnnday from 8 to \0 pm.
:!~r~~~·~~~c 7R~a~0 .w~~~·
Knower. of the dr:uua facult'y,
by Ed
The chngc h om a
had~~ ·
to hops u the l'oint lk<"r ins ii;nia
~~::~~"~itt~ t~.::t'"s~~~~~t~~~.:~~~·;~:od~;:Je~"t~s~~~.~~p~·~
(b•angoncofthcprotluct s u~edinthcir~<"l),i nstud ofusil!l thc
" badgcr"(thc' stat canino:ll)
This dung~ in no "''I)' affccU t he quahty of t he beeras l'oin t
b•·~r is stilL brcw1'\J from the "'o nderful w~reu of Srcvcns Point. and
sril!rnairuains rh atcnhancrn&Ustc.
What ili tht penalty for flilin8 tO pay a campus parkina t kb t! A. D.
Po~e, ,.;, phomorc.
,\fine of Sl is ln~dfora n ypark in~v iol.J t ionsonum pu s, lft]3e
viol.Jtordocs not pll)' the ticket within se•·cn lilyS,tl~ finl"israi~d
to S2.SO. After the ini tial sc•·endaysarc up, the viobtor receives a
ll<'riU of notica rcmindin~ him to pay hil; fin.- . The number of
noticrs stnl to a viol.Jtor vuiu ,.·ith thc timC' o f the ynr ; mo re
noticc s al ci!iSUcd t o ,.·ardsthccndofa~mestcr .
Should the violator rdu~ to ply the fine, a "statcrneil'o.of
charges" is sent to the cuhk r. who srnds a copy of the su tement to
the rec01 d office or court. The student's gr~dnarc ""'i thhcld until
thcfi~is p~id .
If the Slud~nl n~lly rdusrs to p~y th~ fine, the university wiU
t:lkcthcstudcnttocourt . Thcvioll.tor sho uldbeprcpaRd to pay for
witiK'JsrS and court costs if he would kl~ : rtus.thccxpcnse of an
attor~ywh<"thcrholost or"'·on t hecuc.
Cll.udt Aufdormaucr. srcuri t y officer, 53id that students Qll
appeal to the protection and ~cwityoffice by ritlin&out a ydX!w
~Pflnl form: the student •ni tes down his story; then, the ofO~r
who iSSIK'd th~ ticl;ct writu down the circunu;tanccs of the
viol~tion . The t,.· o uorin ~rc reviewed and 1 decision is made.
Should the appeal be denied, the Sluden t can ~o tO coun.
Aufdermauc r stated that the mail ~Oa l of the protedion 1nd
securi ty office ''\1/ai to ~:i•·e the student a fair shake." AufdermaiK'r
added th.at hc ,.·ould ll;t(!ly answer any qucuionsconcem irc the
opcra tionofthcrrotedionandsecuritydepartmcnt .
"Study wirhLur thought
u labour l011t;
thougM without 1tudy u dnngerow." -Conjuciw
P 0 D I U M=====
S~J~Ju.u sJtdd 7itlt·
week's Point Blank colurn~conceming the number of atudenta on the committee to select the faculty member for
the Excellence in Teaching ward.
There are preeenUy onl}! 12 atudenta on the 35-membe!'
committee. Dr. Gordon lfaferbeeker, vice-president for
academic affain., defended j.he number by aaying that the
1tuden t was not the best judge of a teacher~' ability Ln
all cases. He claimed that 'fhere were several point& to be
evaluated outside of the cl~room wbere only a teacher'•
coll%:~:t~;'~.!:eC::r"e.eral points"are abnoettwo-
thirds more important tha~what ou r best teacher can Perfonn in the class'room. An what are theee point-is a
faculty member an excelle , teacher if he P.Ubliahea, par-
0:. :~~r ~ttec»,
for the
at f t
We think the committ~ to choose th! best teacher
on campus ahould have
the revel"M! of the preeent
figure: 12 faculty members t of the total of 35, the rest
being atudcnta.
The Pointer urges the Student Senate to take up thia
matter. We don't think th 1 ill any bctt.et judge of teacheN than the atudenta.
TM EditoriGl Board
Ww A6oat SoMe
Counterpoint. Starts Second Year
Making It One Issue At A Time 1
B yBIIlM ~MHlm
anduated from WSU in Jan.
1968. 0rcutthaddroppedout
!':m~~e~l 11 tile end of fut.l
Roth Kellerm an and Orcuu
Kellerman dolna 1 political
rolu mnan d Ofcu ttr epor tina the
..-eeklywrnate news. Now, out of
schoo l, they ta lk ed "'ilh
Kemptllor!K'about pubtishinaan
off-camp u s undera round
ne-..·s pape r ontlleotde r o fthc
u:~~:~·~.rs. o f Wiaconsin'a
~heideasc:erned too
impn ctical for SteHnl Poi nt .
OutofnLr\os.itytheytra~kdt o
Connection$' o ffice in Madiron.
~werewarmly aree t al
anduracd toa u errrptapaper.
tr io toa printtr.
111e R,c~!n~r
t~~n~'~:~~:.. ~~~~on the fir st issue, One o f thl:
fir~! problems was tile Klcction
o f a name. The nam e that ... u
ori&ina ll ~· aarrrd onwasAdva rp ,
Prav:Mi '( tr uth in Russian)spe llfd
backwards . But that wu
~~;c·~~~~ b~°Ken~~h:t;;;;:,~,
Aldous Huxley's book.
Counte rpoint .
·Thrilling Cities-
.· All _ American Boys
Travel To Florida
By C.Br~e
Thil is a stOI)'IboUIItrlp _to
Florida . Threcwocba&oLuous
:Cn~eiv~ ~n~~~~~
lnformins the uudent
pa pu lation o f areas in the U_.S.
Eutu uca tion , Jp«:ilica U)'
areu "for tho5e who han hid
the Florida ~~eene and are
lookin& for some th inl better."
This story is the ru,;,n why
Sroll Schu tt e is visi tini fiuanl
1nd Polonia lnstud or Fon
carnplfOund ... llthouah it wasn~
so privat e beln&on topolan.lnt
rolony. So w cbouahtaa~~~~: an4
ahalfolbee r :l!ldAI\ISOfi&S .IU
nla:ht. Rla:ht nell door to some
1 roovy people from the middle
o f Ohio. who were students j1111
like we were. O nly they llad .1U
the~eGtccklettensti t ehedon
their shirts.
Welnv iud the mto•in&• lonc
with wr, but they j ust mumblod
some thinl about 'ltipp~ fr in,e'
Now the only
thins we
ere smokin& '-'tr•'
u~u:.le.thesc:mestcr b_rnk, Came!J, b I II you're fro m tho
my friends and I, my fncnds middleofO!Uo7ll!
Now a few days bter , .,..•
roruistina:o f arecentlyp.arolk d
inmlle o f an uy lum, an aU were sittin& on the Fon
'round fuU·time heU raiser, a Lauderdale beach wa tchin& ~
the I'OO'If people litlin& on tlw.
Fort Lauderdale be.th. Th11
time the people had t he Grrtk
ordinary aU-American kid s from tenen talloecl on their bodif t.
The four of us arc qu~~:t ,
Steveru Point, who had decided
the nishl before to unci 2000 unusumin& typn, but wek nNI
that ln)'QnC who IUbmittaJ to
miles to Florida.
In addition to the four hlve hisbodytalloed must he a
a U-American kid1, tllere wu 1 revo'lut ionary anarchist, anJ
fou r -man tent, Clmp in & prOblbl)' Wln tl tOtelrdOwnth•
equipmen t ,asoliath rudtla(:k,a wllole political lltu tture of tilt
utchel,asuitcase, fourlkepinJ u.s.
Sot hey~eemed likeourkr nJ
bap, •auitar, 12undwlchc:l, a
hunk of chCICM:, tnd27wrlnkled of J>COfl~ . T he &ir l fri~nd of tilt
apple1. •we p1d:ed this and man wtt h th~ lalloo was !l'adm1
ourse lves Into 1 1964 red to him , from whe re we
Volkawascn sc:dan and hetodcd aillilllillookcdllkelhkunin.SQ
we went up and iniiO<lu ctJ
south .
We camped in an area other our.,lvcs and asked whtther or
than tllclllte pltk . Thedircdor no ttheywrrert:wo lutionary anJ
of the sti le p11k took a look at that wuBakunin.
"No ," the &irl uid, "ot'1
campi111" wu aUowed, we had McKucn." They aU moval a"'~ I
neverhea rd o f lllcha thins,thc from us and wouldn't hl\'t
si&nsdid n't gy that , thelld)'lt anytllina to do with 'tl~~:rn ' ~
t he Chlntber of Commerce the&lr lrderred tous.
And, 50 we pl;iycd our
didn't uy that ,butthediredor
511id tha t Florida '• Governor hlrmonica and sui tarud hld ~II
K\0: haduid that,IOwepitehed kinds of fine times on the Fort
our Un t in a p r iVIU Lauderdalebeacll.
Nixon's Trip Is OK
But Now What's Ahead
By DlrT yi Ccrmlin
Before taki"' off for Europe ,
President Nixon mad~ it clear to
us that he did not intend to
;;r :y''Juc!ac~ef~t o:ishi~~~:
ilnrple se lf. hewusucco:uful in
this rnped .
li e was a l10 quit~ successful
in acllievin& "a new ap irit of
consultation and 1 IK'W spirit of
co nfidenccamonaourEuropean
friends and ourwrlvu," towhich
hcwasdctplycornmiued .
! fir~ took his tr ip nthtr
li&hlly, hopin& that somethi113
halfway productive "'oukl TC$Ult
from. it. but really txpectina
nothi/11. Our e•pcctations in
foreia n relatio n s had
deteriorated to such a deper
under th e LBJ years that I
almost bdic:ved they had bern
buried for aood .
From l itis trip , 1 believe we
could !<ly that Pt-uident Ni•on's
true destination is MoS«<w or
some place In which R uss~n-U .S.
tall;s can take place. Addre~ina
the NATO Co uncil in Brusse ls
Belgium ~ uid t lu t "in du~
~~~;'~i·~~s u~i 1 ;m, ~~tc~~~~
,Umon o n a wide r:~nar of
ISS~;!cs." l nvisi t intEurope,he
pom tcd out that these talk s will
occuron ly "<ln thcbasisoffuU
~~;~~~~n al~i~:...brfo~rata~~
d~m& .tllowt protwdinas. And
lnckyDtck ..·asbo;:lkval.
Bdorc cnpainM in these
ta~$ ,Nix<l n hadtobrassurrd of
ben~. able l<l bargain from a
po~ tron of ilrtll!lt h, lie h:Mi to
um fy an hittorkally dividedaud
51tuabblina f.urope. allrntpt 1o
str cnat hc'n the NATO Allia n,<.
and rcaain their ronfidenc~ rn
our co untr y, in order "'
accomplish thiliobjectlvc.
As a ruul\ <Jf hts
consultat io r>$ with son~<" ul
Europe's leaders. llarold Vo'tl;on
was impressed, Gcrrnany'! tk nt)
Krisin~r ·s faith in t he U.S "4•
rello rcd, I taly's un $14 !>1<
aove r nn~~:ntadeduiftht) luJ
fournlalo nalostfrien 1t.l'up•·
Paul pvc our rountr) hr>
blessin& and Dr GauUe 's f:JJR!
rao lll:tm~d to.,., satisficJ ~h
Ni~ton's success in J: w<lp c "J'
cllic:nya result of hisahilit ) r,,
make each coun tr y IH- ,.,lJh'J
red thlt ttw=y ..-cr1' Jll>t "'
impo "~nt as t ~ almighty l ln>h·,t
Thue are thr~e tlnnt•
however, that I arn >lrll
wondrrina ab<Jut oonn-rnin~ th1>
a ffair- ..·ho was rcsponslbk r01
pu tt ina the Union h ci. f!J~
upside down on Nt~ un'•
limousine in Great Brit3rn~ u,~
did Mr. Nilon f<Tl sittinJ: in ll.:
Gaulle's n
foot l!tr<~rn
limousine? And finall)', tw~
n~ny le tt rn o f S)'IUJlllh• dlol
Vtcr- l'ruident Spuo ,\~ ncu
ttcrive after falling on lui n<)"'
and causin@ it to blft'd dwon~
the "We t comr Honn•'
trrcmonic:s for Pr1'sident Nr~u n'
I n We st
cn t h usia st ic
Be r lin . h~m.­
st cr L " C>I~~ "
~~~~!~~ 1"1/:~~o-~!:~~;:~nth~;
thry were bri~ too OJ>IirmSII•
the timc ,ao let mr r ~\' IS•' tlr•·
t hin& a bit -As For T<ld J• NixonisOkay!"
hall, t her~ woukl be- a l><t!rr
commu ni<::ation s linkt o tM SY"
of the studcnu wllo li~e in tht
hai!J. ~ch hall would s.:t,·ct
their own Rna tor,wllotouiJ>tl
In o n the hall council ur«"trn p
andkeepthest udrntsinforrrwJ
Rather tha n htar wha t is ~o1n~
•onsc:rol'ldhand, theywouldhaw
:d~~~n~~~~ r:,':d~~~a~i~~j~,~
rcprtKnlin&SS'l< oftheSiudcn ts
is ul\luK:and that H %sllou iJ
hive mo re of 1 t.lilocct $3~ on
wha t s~son int heScnatcitSC'1f
Und er our propose-d systcnr.
'!'e,wo uld dintinate sophomon·.
r:rior t~b"i:·· ~~:
sophomores, juniors, and ll'niou
have achanoctoreprrsentothcr
aroup1a1se naton. Bt'Gi u5t the
elections arc in the sprifll. no
fruluncn , would be able to run
for the position of se•ut or.
f~hmen cbu shou ld still e leet
the ir two Mnltou when the)'
arrive intllcfaU.
~nate mect ifl& tonisht in tile
VanHise room.
· Whitewater Plans
. Geography Field Trip
~n~vet~lhYi t c,:!'rJ:r ~:C:O~
:c;J:Ic, Yi!'kttt:ri;s"fn ~~ ~~!':
fnct~:":n !~!nd'f:i~':ro :~1! ~~n:'!'.p~llf~il~~ib~cc~~d:f!
~~:f :::!.0 '1r~nt1 he~~;;"orb,i;: vW}~:·caw
will inspect Amana
ViUay and a seed comp;~ny in
Iowa: l'ionerr Vilbt:e at Minden,
Ncb .. the man-made Nebraska
National Forest at llabcy; a
Nebruk a ran c h: k ocky
Mountain Nat ional Park, Great
maybc takenforttuceorsi~
Oun es Na t iona l
resident eredlts, wlll run ftom Monument, and Mesa Vel'lle
June I I to July 23. llarokl L. Nati<>nal Park in Colorado. and
Wh i t eman of t tic WSU Clark National Fa rr A and Bi&
depanment of ICOS~phy~\o· Springs Stale P~rk in thr
The fsekl trip, whichatso may
The cou r se ha s two
be takrn wit hout credit, will objcct iYU··IO pr ovillc the
cost al'pro~imlltely S417,S0 plus s 1 u d ~ n t
with bas ic
Univrrlity fees and meals.
underuandinp and tools with
lncludrd arc admissions to v.·hich to §tudy a re1ion oruca,
national parks and othl:r pbcn and to dc 1·clop 1hr student"s
to be visited, and housin&, ability toobscrnand intcrptrl
lneludinl fow ni&hts o n t he man's activities an.J bno.l uSC"
~r'b~~~~~L~~In: ut";,e:~\ih~~ JWterns.
at C~dron, Ncb., State Collrce:
Each cred it participant w ill
four nighU at the University of be requifctl IQ kerp 1 d1ily
Colorado, Boulder: three ni&hts journal of observ1tions with thi:s
at Ad ~ms Stal e Collqe, in view.
Ab moA.Colo.. ano.ltwo nichU
l'u tthrr i n format i on
Rocky Mountains. study at five
coUr1n and univrtlitu en route
and a trip o n a narrow a.au1e
ral.lway in an aruunlravcrscdby
The si~-weck class, which
THE WSU JAZZ BAND was playing Out a t Rudy's la st Tues·
day nig~t to o n~r copocity crowd. The pragrom was ad·
TOBY BEN, o guitarist. will
p loy in the ne~t UAB Coffee.
storllng next week, Mar. 17'22 l-Ito woll perfotm nightly
from 8 to 9 in the Gridiron
o f tl-r Univet~ity Center.
Be \ started p!oying guitar
tn high school six y~rs ago
a nd started singing ond ploy·
ing cu o p rofeuionol in 1964.
~has been in o number
of. g rouPs and has opP<!9'ed
In <lubs in Ne w Yor k, Florida
a nd California. He recorded
o n album for Venture Records
o nd hns w rillen o number o f
5ongs, indudrng one for the
late Jo~n Coltrone.
7 Students
In Tourney
Other Staff
Lammers Selected
WSUS-FM Manager
Shiocto nandal 967,taduatrof
ShiociOn llia]\School.
Griffith is ~ WSU ~~:nior anll
1964 1Hdualcof Whitdish lby
lli11h SchooL who hu bc:cn
invo lved in o•&•nki"ll thr
1.tation ~no.l k~dint: the ~taff to
its first prosrammin~ b~t fall.
Bb k u lcy , a 50phqmorr,
coot.linates dfon s of a IO·man
news tum for WSUS, llis staff
~;~d or"'~~~~~~u~ni~cct:~ic~ hu t he h"litirs o f the
A510ci.atcd I'Jrsli wlre. from
~1s~~.§~~~ir~'.''r!.~~· ~~~'J which di>patrhC'S ~rc n·ad at 10
IIC"f' di1rct01 an.J Ted Swanck. minutn befo tl" the houro.lurin11
brQ;~dca~tmr; fJI'n ods.
Swanck, a jun10< has the
/loklo•·rr ~nrr o fficials arc " lnsicht '" program six ni&hU
Ni& Schaff, Chilton. J>rognm weekly,
WSUS b~dC:I$15 IOUk<bys
d lject o < and d iK jockry;
D1bonh Ft rtman, Od'er~. from 4: 30p.m. to midnight and
S.u unbys ~nd Sundayli front
turfi~ lli~rctor or aW tant
p1:1&11.rn dl1cctor: Mikr Troy, 11:30 a.m. to midnicht mt 8'1.9
Cldarburc. ~ports director: Lynn o n the dial.
l):!vid , E agk RiYer, mu§ir
r L.ammtn :tdvanc:cdtothe top
Stq>hrn Lammrr•. Shiocto n,
Is "r new mana~n of
WSUI-F M, the $1 uo.l~nt opcratrd
~d10 Slltion at llr'SU·StHcnli
1111 and three o thrr
appclntmcnt s 10 cre announcN
by \idor l'uchs. faeulty ao.lviscr.
F:trn~t Slati<>n )bna~~~ Jo hn
Grinth, Whitcfishlby ,hubo:cn
~~!~~no~•'n~~~· A~t/r~~o..':.,!~o:~
tM WSU rotk11c of lrttrrsand
scitnce, he h lhf 50n of Mr. and
Ml'. Jack Lammen, Rt. 2,
WSU·SI' s tmltnts
to Mall ison b st
wttktnll to p~nicip~tr in 1~
UW J'orcnsic Toum~m~nl , Julie
C.llcr. 'l'ina Grade all!l Vicki
Pan t rep resent.! Point in
individual eve nts.
Mi.s:l Carin was OM of 29
students from 19 schools who
eompc tro inonl intfrpr<llt lon.
Tina Gracft r ntNcll tiKcx tcmporanc o us spukin~
compe titio n. Vid d Pa ur
coml'cted in throratotywith 31
uthn students fTon• ~2 s.· hools.
None o f tho: WSU studrnts
finishrd in thr first tlurr pbcu
of t lleit r cspcrti~r c~cnt.
lkbatcrs takii'U( part in t ill"
tournament '"'r re !)on Sblecki,
Shcrri ll.ay. Dc:r.n Zin1mrrn1an
a nd Chrtic Cho udoif. Each
tw o·ma n lum h ee d six
opposinr; teams drawn flam th~
!Sschoolscntetr!.l in t iK-•Icbat~.
The tfant u f Skalccki-Ray
d efeated St . Obf while kn:in~to
Indiana Stat e UnlYcrsity, Wayne
State, OhloNort hl>rn , MI"IUd le
~ nd Illinois State U"iYtnity.
Thf 1 e~111 of Choudoir-Zimmctm~n lo~t dcbatn to Ctnttal
Mi chir;a n. WSU -Wh itrwatrr ,
WSU· Oshkosh. lo)'OI:t, Ball
Sur e and Wheaton Collc~.f.
On Mar. 6. VKki Pnar
repJcK ntcd\I.'SUinthor ,.·omen's
division o f lhr Wisconsin State
Oratorico l Association contul.
Th~ contest, open only to
Wisconsin schools, is hdd
a nnually to sdect the stair
rcpt<$C:ntati~c to l~ lnlrnlatc
Oratoricii A!>iOciationrontntin
Thr lntenlatc ,\ uoci.ation is
the olo.lu t o f i$ kind in the
:ti~~~~~~ pbced lhifo.l in the
vertised as being a study br~k from cramming for 1
week tests. !Photo by Jim Pannier!
Museum Series Will Show
'Canoeing In The Ozarks'
UA B Trippers ~toW:i~,is=~~::: or :~i~~: ~~~~r:r~;!~~.t~:.~..~E~!~~;~~~:~
Plan Party'
''Canori"ll In the Ozarks", a
)Jidt.Jecturr by Kent 0 . llall,
a.sistanl profe1501 of biololf,
will be pruentrd as the blest
procran• in the Mu10Cum Lcd utr
Srrics. On Monday evenina. Mar.
17, at 7 :.10 in Room A-121.
Sdtnce Buiklin&.
for the purpoK of prcscrvlna
strums in their nal unl slale.
CJnoe UiJ>sln the Ozarks Itt
unique in that laiJC, inscct-frrc
graYel bars provldecaml'lnlsites
alont: the entire eouue of the
rivers. For this tcason , peoJ>k
frequently " na at" or "l<»f"
tintcUo n e d eposits} rC"&ion
cnvclif\i mo~t o f Sout~rn
spend their nlgh15 with !he uns
for a root OYer their hoads.
~:~~~ rir~h n:;:~::t~~~~~::~h1~
~~:in2~Q' ~~~:dof'~~c~~t1~
thous:~nds o f SJII'ii!IS
:~~if~;~~~l 1t0':'n~~;~~~v~).~~
Make T hese You1· Shoes
Our low·heeled shan by Mu$keteers gives you the
comfort you need ro uoy b usy: rhe looh you ltke ro
slay foshionoble. Make the$e your " busy day" shoes.
li&n-llp In the tunnd outdde the
bookstore on Thw5day, Mar. 20,
" .::
' _ _ _.;:"'
; ;'::
" :.:
' ;' ;::
" :.:·.::
It ~
Do YOUr friends Like fo
whu lo•·n th~ out -<>f-doots.
!:l .\
in ~~; ~~~,;:s~~"'.:": :!itt..~
" hillbilly"h.Jsl!o"'·n tulove thi:
la nd or the tf llbuo.l and
d o1wood, small-mouth bas~.
mountain boomer , blind ··~ye
ulama no.lcr and "''hilt ·t~ikd
di"Cr. II~ takes you o n a slid~
tOUI o f t he Current and Sack's
Fo1 k Riven in Miuourl which,
in part, arc no w t he OLirk
Waterwa ys Nat ional Park . T his
National Park is the lint in the
Unitrd StaffS drsi&na ted 10lrly
The Trippen ~ve scheduled
a tOUtr slc1lmt: party for Friday
evenifll, Mar, 21, at the lo·No r
fro1n 7:1S to 10 : 30. A bus will
lrt Yc from I he Plnrry in the
Univrrlity CenJcr 11 6:30 and
return by I I :JO. The roll fOr
::n:e~~r:l ri::~~ t:et~n::n~o;J !h:~c~tio~\11 l:'ilS~~n .:i~~
of on:anisms ancl both flora and
~~~;, ~r:~coyr~~en~o~~rnu~;::
Roller Skating
~ -
, _ -~-·•....
_ --.-.
u.. ·""· :~ ,..·'";•:
m.'~'·:::::b''f,..on Our Phorma(ist~LJ
Prescr·iption Pharmacy
o . Ringer . . . novy or
ton kid $17the pr.
b . Gloria . . . novykid,
b lock potent, $17
the pt.
North Point
300 Division St.
1003 Main St.
Ca ll 344 -33 14
Call 344·2290
Rennie Blocker
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 14 ond I S- 8 :30 P.M .• \2:30 A.M.
'J~tt~ :Hw
ol 'Jite s(JJ(,
1320 Strongs Ave.
Admlutan -7Sc - Try our Coff11 V,lvet
4000 More Ulld Boob! ~ow, low Prltea. Come in ond b row11 anytime
"Where Sometlting's-Always Cooking"
Thursday, March 13th
Y11-WeHoveSt hmldtB..,
She's a
Career Girl . ..
She's a
College Girl ...
HChevrolet can't haul it,
maybe youU better leave it.
Under Chevrolet 's"hood
you '11 find the biggest
standard V8 in its lield-327
cubic inches of it. Or, yoU can
order all the way up to our
~hif tf1t-::~t~ Y~·see
Chevrolet dealer's and get a
our truck line.
We have the ri$ht connec- load off your mind.
tions for your trailering too.
And putitin a Chevrolet.
Like body/ frame trailer
hitches and trailer wiring
So drop down to your
Five History Faculty
Will Publish ,Books
Slagle Named
Dr Ro~ll KnoWlton, Dr. JUJlUS
Pa~land OJ. Ro~rt Ziepr.
OJ. Franklin's book "Born
Sober: A History of t':'C
Pro h ibi t io n Movement m
Okbhotnl 1907-1959" wiU be
publbhcd 'by the Univ~slty o f
Ot::lahoma Preubtcr t hiiYUt or
Stue UnlvcrlitksonSept. l .
Ellicnc R. McPhee, Madison,
WSU l)'~lflll UCCII\iVC dilfCIOI,
said that Or. Sba]r w0111d be
assiJIIed to the acldrmicaffain
sectio n , •d th primu)'
rupo nsib ilit y for tnd~r
education procn~m~. lie ••••ll
wotk clo:~ely with duns of
..'A: ~"on the";~~,.':n
'\::~~'; 0: ":.~~~ ~;~~~~\~·
Or ury
Dr. Paul's book. whi.ch
bccn lubmit tedtoth~> Uruvcrllty
administration 31 the UllivcrSII)'
of Neb111slr:a Preu, lsathM.lyof
"The Politle.al Carur of Senator
ofChlt:!gOin IIIS9.
Ourin& World War II he
tcl'\lcd ;ua
Historic:ai Associltlon.
Dr. Knowlto n's tn~nuscnpl,
"Church Ptopr:rty and the
Mu.lcan Reform, I U6-,19 1 ~,''
wiU besubmlncd to a uru¥tUIIY
prus soon. He bas pubfu:hed
art ic:ltl in Hisntnic Amenc:an
I S r:~~:~~o.~:~~~~:~~~~~:.·~~~~::"~
public instruction in July !966.
~~~;:~~·~~ •s:grb~~s"n5
tttchrr co.lu~ation ot 1~ State
1)1, Sl:l&k hn brcn u1istant
SIIIH'tinandc nt for tuchtr
Fin\ boob wiU.be pub~ed
bY WSU-Stevens Point hist~ry
. . Goldlteil!,
!::~:"~',:nm:~~ if:. '::~~
OJ. Jimmie Frankllll,
Allen T . S~J]c, 111 Hlill.u:'l
superintendent in t~Wisoon!l!n
depar t ment of publiC
Hush Butler."
11 is a poUtiul btoanphy oi
theNebl1slr:aSenalor's nrur ia
the Uni!cd Sntcl Scn<Jtc fro111
1941 until his dcath ini9S4
Ptul hu published x••ui
political aniclcs In Ntbmka
History and the Nonh Dakah
Dr. Zie,er,wh.ohupublil.hed
scholarly artlcln in Jounu\ o1
Americ:an History and l1bot
Uiflory amana o thlln, will hnr
hil bOok "Republicans and tbt
Labor Problem, 19 19-19!9'"
publhhcd this ~prinJ by thr
Univeuity ofKentuckyPt-eu
Or. Go ld stein will ha,·e
• • Fren c h -I r oq u oi1
Oipolomllic-Mililll")' _Relation!,
1609- 1701" publnhed b)'
Mo ut o n 4 Comp;tny. ' l hr
Nt!hcrbndl this ycu. llr 11
co-author o f • chaplet in "Tht
~~~!~n!,d 'Coms;;':~~-Y;~6J'.'" 1•'
Go ld.stcin retched hil
doetorate from!hc u~iven•ty of
Min nemta, Zir:Jtl from ! he
fr o m the Un iversit y of
OkLahom., Knowlton from 1M
Univerlil y o f Iowa t nd ~aut
from t heUnivcrsityof Nthtnb
marine t~!'lllin of
infantry in Sout h Pacific bau k
Defore romincto ~blliJOn in
1966 lit: w~s a tuchn :ani!
ptincip;~l in Missouti schools fot
1 I
y~a ts.
usistan t
supcrint~nd~nl of ~bnitowoc
(Wis.) pubh~ school~ for fout
yea" an i! aui s ta nl
supctinlenllcnt of Akton(Oh.io)
public K hooLsforlht«ynrs.
~------+-, for~~-, ~~~~~M~t. !~~~b.,:,~~
Canal!~ .
liH a! 446 Glenway SL.
Madison. Th~)' h.>v<' lhtcc JOno:
Jo hn , di rector of West ll iJh
School orchcsua in Appleton;
l'~ul. S<"nior at Cauoll Colle~.
Waukesha , ami Andtcw, toeniOI
at Madi10n l't'tU IIiJhSchool.
Starts Thursday at 2:00 p.m.
NINE ART FACUlTY MEMBERS o t Wisconsin Stote Uni11ersity,
posed in their studio with o couple of mannequins they'11e
uu~d os models for some of !heir wo<k. F<ont row, from
le ft, ore Pout Ben-l11i, Tom Miller, Jonitt! lerr, ond Ronold
Kwior~owski. Bac~ row, from left ore Herbert Sond monn,
Alumni Dinner Set
Steven s Point St al e
University will 5alu!c liS 2,600
alumni who live in !he Grn tl'r
M i l wa u k<:c Ate a a t a
dinne r-party re union Mat. 18 at
Boukvud Inn. 4300 lloyd St.
Th e even t wi ll b~ a
prd iminuy to the formation o f
an alu mni dub in the city.
Officers o f the group will be
a nnoun(rd thattvcninl.
Schcdukdateaco~klail hour
••' and
, .m..a •progtamfrom
"""" r.om
No rnu n K n uuen ; and
W 111. Vicl<ruhff.aul$tant!O the
pru idrnl. lllrvin AbnhamJOn,
7J80 N,lroquois Rd .. isreunion
chai r ma n. lie will accept
•cscrvations until Mu. 11 by
p h o ne. 3 4 1-09 S 4 , o r
arranselfl(nh will be made f01
perloCmS who write to Fr~dcr kk
at lhcStevens Pointc:amrus.
Have You Tried?
--our One Day film 'rocesslng?
--our SodG fountain for a Soda?
--our Otomtlttg Atmesphere with Ft.tn Glflt?
-our luuell Stover fcnter Good!..?
-5omelhl"fii from OYI Animal T,..?
New for Spring
It's Fun to Stop at-
Visit and Enjoy
Spain, France, England, Scotland
This summer with Wis(onsin Stole University-Piotte11ille
August 20). Eorn up to 6 credits In languages, Theotre,
Political Science, Art, History , Education, Business-Econ-omics, Sociology, Geography lor o ther subjects wilt,
deportmcntol opprol!ol.j
Total Cost $ 996.00
.. ..
''••a ,,,"'
Cost breakdown:
Air tro11el · New Yotk, Modrid, Paris,
l ondon, fdinburg (Sc:ollondj, london
a nd reh.rrn 10 New York.
10 •.00
Tuition, reglslrotion ond fHs ot WSUP. and Uni11ersily of Oiion- Fronc..
.561.00 ·
Hotels in Mo drid . Pods, l ondon, Edinburgh [wilh breokfasl). Pri11ote mod·
ern dorm room 01 Uni11e15ily of OijM
jwlth 3 meals per doy ucept Sun·
doy). One month in Oijon ond oppro•imolely I wee~ each in Ma d rid ,
london, Parh, Edinburg, with guided
tour'of eochcityon arri11ol.
-Y ou~Joy
Sc.tunhry 1 :30-3~ lt.ftl .
money not included)
Voconcie$ ore limited ond will ~ filled on a lint-come,
fit$T•Op li01"1 boiii .
Contocl Or. J oh11 G. W. Robertson, Wisconsin Stole Unlveriity-Piattellille Europton Study Program or phone
348 ·2908 1348-~39 home) for Hteroture, informa tion
a od o pplicotion.
Big Daddy's
0~ Saloon p- ~
u""''"'·-,'r,,,;;·oo--· ~:·!~.:~ Displays Art
25c Shots
Come See • ••
Old Milwaukee 20c
Featuring Seafood and Steaks
wsU facuIty
Nine lfl(m~rs o f the 1rl
dcp.ut mcnt ,..ill dispb~ their
works unlit Much 28 in the
annual faculty u hibit in the
La f o ll e tt e Loun,e of the
UnioetlityCentc r.
11.\lnke said 50mc of the
artick-s will ~avaibblefor salc:
afterthr lihowroncludcs.
l.ofve12 1M!ftN b«tlu
Richard Schn ieder, Gory Hogen, Bruce Cody, ond Norman
Keols. About 50 pieces of their wor k ore on d isploy In
the lo Follette louoge of the Univer$lty Center, In the onnuol foculty art exhibit. IMel Glodowski Photo)
1311 ...""• • •••""'
~==~ :
Placement Opportunities
Home Ec Club
Group Attends
By Lyaa
The Student Senile of t bo UnivCnit; o f Den\'Cr hu
lepl WIIM Convo '
counalto brtn, auit qalntltlii: t.lllirc-nity bc:eatue a discipline
Collegiate Notes
Comp&ltd b Sandy Herro
:~~:t:nded rhBc dudcnu a~XU~td ol po-.lnf mafiuana
DI\'C Shlptn, a D.U. Student ,Seflltor, defended the a n1te's
~~~~t~for"!:lu~~~r'~~~,:!~be '::e~o~n~1'::i'J;n~
Tltt bst two wrd:s, t
sisters of Alpha Pl\i have been
re tre at conducted by rush'
ehaitul'olnOiJne HiQins.
Last week "saw t he Ro und
Robin, a ooilu me party Mar. 6
with t he theme. "Skcpy Tl~
Phi", a fornv.l partyMar. 1 wit~
~~o,.w,~n:;:~: T~i.i~:~~~
Miss Cynt hi• f'u&h, fickl
Kcretny "and sistn of Alph1 Pl\i
fr o m the U niver sity o~
Wuhin&ton rt«nlly Yili.ted t he:;
O.:lta Sigma Cb;tpter here.
At the last rneetin&theA)flha
Phis cof1J111tubtcd 1Ulers Linda'
New Committee chairmm
lbnncntan , cho!lfn "Ac:tiw. o f we~ named by Prc.sident Mark
the Mo nth." and JiU Shamblcel C o rmi ca n . Th ey ar c
~'i:.~~~u~~- t h<l Miss
The spdfll plt'dce ell~
present ly i n dudu~ Brenda
Schro th, Trudy Schun:r a ·
Linda Schmidt.
The Si& Pi's ind ucted
~~~:Csar~~ J~::.w"Z.ur~~e~j
Mike Stodob , Joe Muclk r. To"\
~::ri:.ec~wbo":~: ,:
G~~~~<h::J:'i~:!ca,~ c~~~~:
J o hn Li ska, R ee ord inc
Seerc tary·Bill KeUner; Sona
Ln dcr-Bob Hillmer; Ql.lllrtcr
Mu ter -Dean Graff; Athklic
Dir ee t or·Mirt)' Ochs ;
Al umni·Publlc: Relation,.Tom
Rcitl ; Aetivitic:l Dirtdon-Kcn
Ca dy ; Constitutio n - N. o n
Druccr; Socl•l Chairman·Kcn
nin~ ~~;i~~i~~~~~~ed
The Bro thcn f inished
in Fraternity 1r1de painl s in
Nut Sunday a ~wlntmin& part y
will be: hc\o.l at the llo tiday Inn.
~lcct~d IS White KoK chairman!
w~~t~~:;.~~~en~:.'.rh~ ~ro:h:r,
and rush«s adjourned to th~
IVw ll~u~ where !here ,.u 1
T he ••hiKr u id ~n~ person
lnterntfd in promotin11 the
link with t heir
Nor m llamarll, Wntfiekl; l "o rn
~~~~~!~ta;~ co~~trr~ampu~s ~~~;,!;hi~!~cn~r~~~\r~!:;!:
h.IU lludenu 11 WSU..Qsh.toloh wi U
economics student at Eastern
Illinois Uniw l'$ity. Part o f t he
buliiiUll of t hcconvcnl ion was
thcclcc!lonof l970 offiocrt and
WIIM's new president, Steve
OaWJOI'I, I fl.eJ..tedAtuma,ior at
t he Univcnity of lo ..·a . is the
nntman !ohold t bepoiltion.
ll l&hli&hliiiJ ! he «1nnntion
Drey fu s . Ptrsidcnt Drcyfut'
speech "The Family and
Communicat io r>" warned of t he
pou:iblc dfccts th.it r1dlo and
tdcvision an haH on youn1
L.a utd Tonn, WSU knior
home eco no mics education
major pcrfoumd two . vocal
select ions, ''People", and " May
You Alwaya", Laurel scrvfd u
WIIM's soo:UI ctu.irmsn for
Otllcr WIIM apcakcu wtrc
~~~SS)J. T~~~~r~~~~~~~en~·
M ar$h~U.
1~vi:n~~bth'!r 1:ln1~r..8~~~:~~~f~~~::~·~~;; l'oi~:•:tud!~~?i!~n~ ~~env!~~
will be 'onuibuted to the United N11ion1 ChUdren'• F11nd for foot. Electric toutn oven . Tht
Osbkolh Adnncc·Titn
John Swenson , Senldlnavia; &b
Wdn. llro wnlown; and Jane
pri!IICnl t hdr cax to t ile Ameriun Civil Libcrtic1 Union. J im Foster
1nd Rk:h O lc$ky uid the)' hive been liked to move out of thc:lr
~:~~e Ml~~!~~;n~~~C~~i~a~:;:;
a ho
alt cndc d
1 he
Wll M
preeedent by
~n appropriate o m oe."
Tht Northun Stu
Northt~n lUlnoii Unlveulty
anlll>;aucllVIcken .
of the Jroup II
'>eKalb, Ulinoil
lot~g oo quality
fo~1~!~t~~e o~at~~IC ~~/:!~~crt~~ ~;~~'iJ.!~:.1 ....~~le~~J:hil!~~~;
af Burger Chef
~~~tnhcr::Cio::sun~v(~~~~e~ed~ andR~c,;~~~!~~c~t,:~~:~
Alpkt SJt•t A"kl
Albn Chrilti.,\son. Cat herine
J o h nson and Gar~ Senner.
Stevtns Po int:
Advisor Alvin Jo hruonjoined
t he Kcond ehlltller of Gamma
Theta Upsilon ncr o rpnitcd,
New Geograp hY Fralernlty
~~~ti!~e an~SU1iv~c~~~::k~~ ~ni~e ~o~:~t[~i.t~~~. B~!:i~i ~~1hu~ic~•r,;,r,:;t~~~r11~u~:~:~:;
IKon Stubc:r cot his ear hack
it wn stokn for thirty
Nu Alpho Tou. This p iaure wos token or the recent inilio tion of the g roup w ith
its 30 chorter member~ being induaed. From le ft to right is Robert And erson,
choirmon of the geogrophy deportmen t; Lynn Dhe in, new presidenl; Alvin John ·
son, foC\.Ihyodviser. Pho'lo byJimPiersonl
A nation a l llfOM r a ph y
fratermty chapin hu lxcn
Feb. ll·IS.
The Wiscoruin-lllinois-lowaMichipn Conference bt&Jn with
~r·~1~~~~::¥~~~e!~~l~~n1:;1: :~~~:~~:~~~~~:r::?1"d•r~~ ::~~~Ri~~~~so~1.em~~r~~; :£~~rt~~i:.~~=:~.:~~~irt!~~~tr=~~:~: ~?[~~ reo_,_"_"~-'-''_c_,,_~ac_•_·- - - ,
~le~n~nnual sptin& OrchWJ lla ll ~,i~i:; co~t~~i:tipa~i~le ~~.:
Sunday-Thunday and 2 1.rn. houra Friclly and Saturday.
The Royal Purple
Students breakfutllla 11 Northern Illinois University have
recentl)'been&h'enthc privilcJcofordertn,fooclnot onthc
dcliJIIIted menu. Student•sY u11: for French toaA , ·panwn,
tr they wish to do 10. Tou1n1 arc
bacon, IIUAP and eiP wh
altb•nillbleto stlldcnu for afflt:~~andpoptarts.
The Northcro Stu
Nor1bern IWnoil Univcnlty
DeJc:alb. IWnoll
the Shcrntan Hou.x in
1 welcome by Ruth Anne Lcfkr,
WI IM PrcJidc nt, a home
Organized On Point Campus ~~~:,:::.i:!it~"::ri:.:~~:~£i~~:i:.T,~l~it~i ~·~::~.:~::~~:,·:~~~.·:~
r:l!~d0~n::i::z~:;:~o::~~~ . Poi~~c 81~1!:,. ~~~ F~;:~ :~
iJ beirtJ orttani.t.td and will b '
hddtnnorthern WisconWn.
~ J':~'!!:1w::f~eil~~ 11.~ .!~
and mpplkl for ...,..q t hikln:n in Bidfl.
~:r'd~.ndoc::~J~:c"~:· ~~d1 :~~~ ~~!~me2~~0 a~~d 0i.~~
Timm and Da'~ Caruso.
Colota:lo Dilly
UMenlty of Colorado
· lollidu,Color.cio
E1.11cne R. Wcl'bce. chlirman of tht Board of Rqents ol
Wbcon.r4a, recently uld that wrvq bftr in tht student union• of
stile tuliYenitlu 1.1-kpDy po•iblc, howenr no formal action hu
na- been taken on the q uuUon. Atcordin& to McPhee , the: Rtcenu
are not upected to ac:t on the matter for wvcn.l montbl, but they
. hive lndleated t be.Y will judJt ncb uniwuit)' k PIRtely when
Tbe Senate Welf1re Committee I I WS U-WhltCWiter hu p~d I
reaolutlon which, If p~d by the Facuhy Senate, would 11..:
uruestricted hours to 10phomorc, junior 1nd a nior women. All
~rsyth':'t:c:~trk~""!'a~n~ ~=:1
''Famlly Futcramt" was the
theme of t hit ye.u's WIIM
convention which wa• held 11
T he pall two weeks have
b« n flllo:d with rush act!Yit ks
and plans.
The s pr i nt pk:dac clus
Nebraska State Co llcgc.Cb;td ron
'""here lie wn I fltult ~ me mber.
The loeo~l chapter, Kappa Pi,
Entrif1ier. Manitowoc; Cheryl
llass. Merrill: Emery llcnrich,
T oma hawk ; hrnc lt oiby.
Ka the rin e G l;ucr: K11hkcn
lblu; Br~nda llcnninc; Diane
make arranvmcnts for in
establishn•ent b~ att(·ndinM t he
Janet Marku , MarshficJ.J : Slew~
M e~er . K1mbc r ly, Ha rris
hJI~-0~r~~ ~!:~~mctar)· s inge.. f~~~n~~Sr1!~i::oG~;;; ~;~:;;f~1if!l~:.;li!S';'~~d~ ~]~;1; ~t!~~~~:tt£r~E~
t~~ j.~J~~i:o~f~rmal rush. Marlf
S.:.turdly, Mar. 1. brot heu
;. ,;::::~~..--.--" !~fN-1-=--=0
~r~~; K~:~~~~·Jo~~nU~~~~~; t~·~wi~"'::d ~~=~; M~~!~~ K~t!~alasfr~~~~~b~r~'ccting
Art Show
~~r~~~h;;;T:mJah~l ~e~d~~r~~~~
Order Your Official
Will Holdl Graduation Announcements Now!
t he" StaloOn opens Sunday by
thne ~tl.ldfnh.
100 pice<'~ of all
, Kipon.
lb nakok.
Tl1'oltllnd ; and Sue
They will hokl a n informal
:::r~:nd~r;~ ;h~·~;.~ i.~~ci
Wri~ht Loun1e o f t he Uniwn.it y
Center. The show will continue
unhl Mar. 29,opcnto t hepublic
durin& the: rq ulllr day and
cveninchours o ft heoentCT.
....------ ·"";?'~
Powder Buffs
Announce Cost
Of Utah Trip
Doubtful about .,·hat to do
durin, Ea)tn rae~tion? Tilt
Powder Buffs Ski Club II
sponsorinca t rip to UIII\ Apr. 4
!~:r~: !~~~tpc~::~:.u kvcls
The IJOUP wiU t n vc:l by t rain
to Salt Lake City and then by
bus to Parlt Cily,JO milufrom
Salt Lake Cit y. Five days ~f
skiin&arcplanncdll l luecveu,
::e~ ~~~~~~:n~iz,~ut cncT
The lkkn will
1!1 )' II
t he
lfOUP b )'
~~.~~P!~~ ~~~~lln~~)'~::!;'
:~~-cd for the:
The cost o f t he trip iii S ll ~
~':,'.,.m":m~~~ 1f~hcr! 1 :! af~
qucstionsconlac:t Bob LanD• ,
) 44-4)74.
Senior Recital
Tlwo wnlor mulicatudenll .
Wisconsin State Uni¥Cflity-l!t~
'ltns Boint will prcatnt ltc'\jl
Sunday aRernoon, March I ,
withpiano lnd dlrind.
Pianist, Mr1. ' Carol Ane
~~~:i~.~~. ~~~i!r;(.
we're nonvrolent,
so be careful of your
after shave:' __./"'\
Wild-eyed coeds can turn any peaceful demonstration into a
full·scale riot, so be careful how you use your Hai Karatefl After
Shave and Cologne. But just in case your hand slips, we include
instructions on self-defense in every package. (If you're a paci·
fist. maybe you'd better read the instructions twice.)
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.
Na~i~~o~i 3wi~.m.pe{nro::;
UniT~nit:'veC:'b· o pen
1o t tie
· l1mq
1 ........................
OHw, peJ"CIIIIionilt,
People on the g o ,
go Burger Chef I
March 13. 1969
Two Bartenders Describe
View From Bar's Other Side
By Ron Koba.n
!~~~~ ~~ 5 ~r~:e~:: 11to~~;n:e~,:~:01:n:::~sd;;~: ~~~o~~~ J:.:~ ~~~:e ~~~
os port of o~Com ent itled "A. view 11om the othe 1 side of the bor." On
the rig ht is Rvdy Schroef of Rudy 's , /Photo by Jim Pannier)
A -. AbJolutcly , It is
' impourble for a reaiU•Il'd box
: of shotaun sho: Lls to harm
• an)·one . Un~ss. of cour~. )'uu
dtopitOn)"OUrfoot ,
Q . As an u<on. I'm
connnuaUy btin1 tJiKriminatrd
• apin" . llowue r, I sprn t rilh l
) 'Ufl m piiJon lnrnin1 anew
blowlnJ ufrs in
.1upe r mu~rts ··a nd l'mtll#rto
crt "anedinthisucitingand
profitable busint~ . My probkrn
isthat-..·llile l fcelthatlnc:rda
, handjun u won:. I'm 1 li ll le
• ~~15.t~~,i'1 1~:~!~~!~J:'~~~
kepr a cucful n:cord of e~ory
ycan. Wiutshoulol l do7
A. Stcr·by·s tep inst ructi ons:
l. Accumulate SIOO in cas h,
~ - hkc t hcbustothcnal\'st
1 0 .]~_ Locate t hc~leuiest part<>f
4, lbn1 around in •undO"A·n
ban. Mention that rou"•• in t he
~":r'~!~lj'of ~~';.;:.0;~:;i~t;r~~
By J udyBrockinw
1-' ollowinll arc t he re~ult .1 of
the Mar. 9 i\IJC l!lll tchu;
Knut zen 165. Wat JOn IIO; Nea lc
ns. Steine r 6S : Baldwin 250.
llansen SO : Schmceck le 115.
Bunou&ns 70; Pr ay-Sims 200.
Smilh H ; Roac h 170and ll yer
Nut wce~ ll yer will IK- at
Neale. Knut un at Odull ,
Roac h at Sm ith , Schnrc:c:c~lc: at
lbi.Jwin, Wahon u ll ~n5<'n and
BurroUjjhsa t Steiner. l'ray·Sims
hll tlleb)·e . AU,..,tc.,.,urc:at7
p , m . inlu U ~serr~~:nts .
\lUMwiiJ KC:t in touch wit h yo u .
S. M ter )'OU M •c: boU« IU
)'OUr gun. chfc~ t o~e if it still
hunulnbc:nonlt. lfi t d<Ks,,o
· ~ftcr rt witlla fiLe unhl t h~y are
co mpletclylonc .
6. I)Qn'l u~ youraun unlc:~
)'Ou ab so lutdy have t o .
. ll.c1nrmbtr tllat man~· police
: departments cannot afford to
. tc:acll tllen office r~ how to
• ShoO\. Also,unnmcd homes are
: apushover . J ustusethe1unlll
· :~~!!~~i;~~:~·~ywon't meet any
7 lf)'Oushouldc werfrrettw:
tun while comrn ittin& a crime,
Kn t~h !he hvin& da)'li&hU ou t
of tho bore wrth a llll·tai l file
~~~~~IITOW lhtiUO in the nnrut
Thc AWS Honor Society lw
to junior women with an
ovenU &!Ide point above 3.00.
The AWS Honor Socie ty is
::poC:n~J:J,~~o ~beme;m;~~
terms of
terrice u well u maintaanilc 1
hiah sd10lasdc IYe!Q!:. The
memben of tbe Kot10r Socie ty
perlonn 1 terrioe rro;ec:tfortbe
durin& their
SU(' Grun. W~st Allis; l.A.W,S.
L in dn e r
fo"a~~~ ~~~;on~ ~n:;~uk!~~~~~~
r ublr c n y
Chai r man Dian!l<'
Ninneman,Gre~n Lake,
C~ r will at lcnd the A.W.S.
Na lr onal Co nv e nti on in
At~Nma,,\pr , 2-6.
llali Coun~il pl\'sident, Candy
Mud l!f New, Brr lin, conduc td
a ""'m rnar concemins n:sidcnt
hall at the Unil et,l Coun~ il
rncc tinAi nlaCr o!iSe ,
wo~~d:n :!~nc!t~fdso'~~~uh: stu~~~~~~u~!v~~~:1i~t; 1 ~c~~e~~;~~t;~e0 ~~r:h:s:~~;·~nnf~rm'a~rioa~~
After Rud y finished, Eddy
bot h curricu lar and ex tra-currleular and selected references arc
collected and reco rded.
r))~--------------. concer
Moon Fun Shop
1326 Strongs
Dow ntown Stevens Point
Novcllics and Gifts
~ nt emponry
employmen t
are welcome,
~~!:~~~~n!~~::~t:~~~~f~c:~ ~~~~~cts ~~u~~~i~;~ c~=d:~t~~~
!loflleSelutl on)
Mondoy, Wednesday, SolurdO'f- 10·5 p.m.
Tvesdoy, Thursdoy, Fridoy -
op:~~~~~:~~; a~:li~:':an :,~,:kl~!~b~~~~~::t::,:~,~~~~er;!lo:i~~;!
ava ilable in the Cen ter's files. It should be emphasit,cd that these
employme nt opportunities cover buslneu, aovcrnmcn t. ~nd
indu~trial oppo rtunit ~s as we ll as teadrillJ positions.
' The Cente r hosu narly 200 recrui ters represen ting area. 5\~ t e
and nationa l husineues and ~ehools annually and proridn a selli~
wher~ juniors or seniors m~ y i nt ~ rview for available positions. In
10-9 p.m.
rdercnces and rcc01d up-da l iiiiiiCIYicU upon r ~quest.
In order to enhance futul\' cmplo)•men t opponunities udr
st udent should visi l the Pl:l ccmc:nt Cc nttr upon rcachin& junior
sl aridit~~ nd fill out the brief pl:lcc:mc:nt f01111 . r amiliarily -..lth
Pbcc:ment' J po licil'l and procedwes will increa5<' cllancn for
loeatin&mcaninsful em ploymcnt uponp~duation .
~·~:~~·:~~~~~ ~~·~ ;~:~~ES'·;~i£::~;;~~~~~:~~~~;~·:
co!;~~~~~f ·'~~·~~~n9 ~;~~i:;n 4 ~i~~·:.h: ~~t~er!:t 1:,1;S~~~-~
lnterestNin emrloymc: nt opponu nities
4 p.m., Northwcstcrn Mutual Uf~
aU gndua \cs about horne ofrice ~nd
March 13, 1969
Pointer ~Yn:-nasts
6th At Wl1.itewater
S tev ens P oi nt S t a te
Univcrlity's eymnastics tum
finished lilHh in 1 f~ld o f f J
tums Satun1ay in the aruural
T he hiJhcu Pointer fll\lsh wu
by Mike Weinstein in free
u ercUo: where he wn tied for
Ge o rcc Williams Colle&e
reputed u meet t hampion for
the Kcond :malaht year.
Pbttcville wu 5eoond , St.
Ck:>ud thlnJ , O!Mosh fourth,
Bemidji firth , Mi lwaukee
Te c hnr c al . Co llese seventh,
Wheato n eqthlh, Eau Claire
tookllixthinthe rinp.
The o ther Point JYmnuts
who filllshed within the top ten
places were John Schkss who
tied for ninth In klrc bone
competition and Guy Schneider
who took ~ennth In overaU
Track Team Opens
Season With w;·n ·
Contntulatio nl to Pointer buketba\1 pbyfn 'Mike Hu&hcl,
named MVP, and Quinn VandenHcuval, named "Pbycr of the
, ByCrtJa J obantta
The WSU trade team opened
45 Yd Dasb · I. Whitt-SP, 2.
The trade club lead was the .
r ea ult of outstand l n1
Clatk.SP,J. Lubnrr~P- :05.0
t he 1bot Sl feet, 3 incbes, Rath
went 6 feet, 11/8 indlu in the
jump with a leap ol 20 feet, 9
3/4 lnchu, whUe Murphy
cleared llfectinthepo\cwault.
l . Wilkenson-SP, 3. Chec:k·SP •
880 Run · I. Cliffonl.SP, 2.
Lecck-TC, J . Autik.SP· 2:01
440 Int . Hw. · I. Murphy.SP,
2. Wilbnson.SP, 3, Bratl-SP·
W~k~~clalsalute to basketball <:0.1ch Bob Knqu, who wu named ~ie::'ryoorow~so~~thco1m~I,;~ fo~b."!tbLf:JM:~s~~~!il Ch:::~~~J. H.1r1c~'!SP.";t.~· '2.
~!~.t~n~h~t;;~~~ic ':!'!:''"! :~ro;~~~-~ :~n':O::! : : "Coach
oft he Year" in Dislrict 14 of theNAIA. It'anot often that dforta or the f Oil Ri-rcr Valley of the trade dub. Westphal put
45 Yd ll. llw-.- 1. Pir:rin&-SP,
~~~~·Fa'ib~ ~~~~~~~·!~rte ~~~thh tht~~~in&
are the rerulls o f
Freeu:ercise - l .l>c'Puc:(B),
2. MushaU (Whe), J . Newey
(GW), 4. (tic) Weinstein (SP) and
Garris (P).
Side borsc - 1. GuUlford
donc s li\tlc~tler lhanwed id," (Whe), '2. Sabey (EI), J.
Despite their With pl.llcc Vollenweider (0), 4. (lie) Kulu
sho-..·i"', the Pointen did take (M) and l..ake(O).
firu plaC'C In vsultin& or lona
Rill&$ - I . (tie) Wuhi!lllon
horl\> COrl!pc:tition with 22.50 (GW) and Thekan (W), J . Gerrie
and Eastern Illinois 13th,
"It wn a very mediocre
perfornuncc on our put,"
Pointer Coach Bob Bowen noted
~ftcr the meet. "We shoukl have
Mike Hughe ~~'*J~4·h::1u_<811.' ~::~
Repeats As r';i!~l<~~~~r~~~~i~
Pointer M VP1 ~~::~~~.·~,;to~- (~~).P;
Srnior \:O·ta p t ain Mike
lluahu h~s bo:cn named the
-..·inner o f the most nluablc
player aw~nl for this year's
WSU.Stnorns Point lnt.ketba ll
tum. ll l.llheS, a 6..8 Wau1111u
n:atr.·r. aOO won the JIO'llfd last
Altrce (0), 4. Suda(P),S. Soulls
llotltonttl lnn - 1. Edwards
{P), 2. WIShin&ton (GW), J.
Papreck (B), 4 . Huth {EC), s.
llo ffct(P).
All·around - 1. Wa$hin&ton
(GW), '2. Edwards (P), 3.
B~· winnin& the honor, he Kruplckl (0). 4. Watton (StO,
be cam e e li&ib le for th e :;. Petruui(BI.
v~·~::&~cpJ~~:"l~!~~UC Most
COil'hes&et thereco&nition thcysoricblydcserve.
• • • •·
The swimmin& turn finisbed a "di.sappointin&" 1111cond ill tbe
conference meet, 1nd miJht have won but for 1 few very
questionable judac'l decisions. Even tboutb Liley did fmbh arcond ,
and Milwaukee track dubs.
Ttk.ina ~CYCn of twctve finu,
the Pointers owere~~me 1 '25·1 1
lead in the tleld. e~nts by tbc:
l fldr.club.
Murray, a nd their strona rebound in& apinst a ttUer team may pve
Soccer Club
Point wu led by senior John
to say "We're Number One" one more time.
mectin& lall Wedne.tay niJht,
5.9 in the hllh hurdle$ and the:
~1:.~!::.:.z,z~~·.::~ :~:~ And Lawrence
ami,{;~~~~- second
in the
ci'u~Ub~:~e~~ ~~:~!
r~~.,:r~~~rJ~~ii!;~:r!'~ L~':r~;r;en\:flU:1v~~~~sh i~
stil~~~O:~'' ~~~tin::a'nfo"~~ :~~~:Js:;e~=~~~i ~~ccc
nantcd u
tho: ~st valuable
Debbie Slu\houb and Clthy
~:!f:~ncru~cd1 ~~rl c!~~e~t~~: ~~~tar 0~~~ 'iJh ~:re'1:S
Stout, \.;'TT)' Stun. ofEauCb.u e,
~~: _lu'::'~~nn :: R~~~tel-~~\\~:1 o~!: p!rh:cr.~a~l ~e~t:.t.itt:on,;
L~Ro) You111 o f
La Crollic,,
Rrck Rchm of 0!-hkosh , Don
lbrtlund o f ~upc:nor and Don
Paulscn of Whit e-..·atcr.
Slndrlc and James Carnes tied
the m~t wilh Lawrence, 8-8,
and lost to Os.h.kosh 9·1 .
Saturday, Mar. 8,JohnBitlinp,
the Stevens Point Fencint tolch,
and his teirn u avdcd to the
Lawrence University Fenci111
V an d en Heuve
Chosen WSU Tow"'"'""·
Weekly Player Bowlers
v.~,:::.~:::. ';';~~~..\'"';:I With 6-6 Slate
ouutandms fmal -..·cek of the
buketball sca$0n by bcin&
named as th~ l'la)-rr~f-tltc-Weck
ln the WSUC for his pla y again51
Eau (.'bl!eand Stout ,
The 6·2 Kuhuna native
llerc are my predictions for the all-conference tum which wiU be
announced nut week: (A ten-nu~ tum wiU be named)
Guards - Jbrtlund, Superior: Lind~ey, Eau Claire; VandenHeuvel,
Stevens Point ; and Leonr,Piancville:orEbsen,Stout.
Forwards • GustaflOn, River Falls; .Glover, Sto ut; Tom
Rittcnthakr , Stewens Po int,and Knutson, Plattn·ille.
Center · Coleman, Stout,and Huahes, Stevens Point.
McCriff. Superior; VanDyke , River Filii; Ratliff, Eau Claire;
~~~~~~~;~-~~::urt, 1 ~u:~v:.:',d t!:;~~;WS~~:,a~';!:i~~~
Ritnntlllkrand O.:Fauw,StevcnsPoint.
\i ~'ft~~~:~~~i~·::ie~~~~n: l E~~~~!f.~~~~:· r~:7ned.~~
Aftttadisnulstar1 this year,
the Pointen arc now only !lute
&amn in thecctlar andonly 10
samtsout of fir51 place, held by
The Pointers, who arc
coaehedby"Bud"Steincr, hne
21 kque pmu ldt. Thl:y will
pily nine of tho~oe at River Falls
this weekend and finish up with
1'2 at Oshkosh the followin&
this semester and it Ia neuaary
M~ribcl topped Pointer entnnll
Stout for a
RCIIutt1 ufoUow1;
Dave Parter an,J Ron Slndric
finished with 2-3 marks in the
semi-finals, u did Cathy Cihbr
in the women'sscml·finals. Jim
Carnes and Dtborah Slullhoub
were ellmi~ated in tltc
[~:e~ec~u~=lt~~':f~~(;,~t! ~ln~':.r!:ct~t
dub if the .club 15 to rettln
financill support from tM
A n!•iew oft\!9budp:t show1
thattbeelubmoneywill be uscd
andAAil:C! nef::m:r!!';ys.1he
3:~~ ,:,~rrwilJ.~heBo~~~!
COIC h !So b Ktii CICI,
WSU-Stevcns Point, has been
nan1cd as bukc tba\1 "Coach of
the Year" in District 14 in a
ballotin1 o f the · 16 district
The: Pointcn 'lutmplon!hlp
wutheiJ IOthoutrlahtorahlled
Iince they tied for the first title
ever In 191'2·13. LaCrosac and
River 1-' alls hive also compiled
basketbaiL c~chcshcklreccntly.
10 clulmpiomhips linc:e the
Under Krlll'&cr'l leadership, lca&ue'sbclinnlna.
Kru c su became bead
the i>ointcn tied Stout for the buke
t ba\1 coach in 1962,
WSU C c ham pio n s hi p and •uccecdin&thcbtellaleQw.ndt,
compiled a 19-S onark for the who became athletic director, a
year, the ~st in the s.:hool's
now held by Kruc&cr.
hiltory. The l'ointcrs lost only potition
Kruqcr eJJllcd hlsH. A.. and
to StOll\ ( twice), Eau Cbirr,the M.A.
from the: Un\vrnity o f
t ourinl c a ,hodo vakian Wisconsin
and played on the
National team (whi'h wu
team wbich
undefeated on its cnt i.., tour),
and North !'ark of Chio;:a1o, -..·on the N.C.A.A. clulmpion1hip
and the l:lia Ten
which won the CCIW title: and
championship in 1947.
Th e P o int er mentor
prnoioulilyroachcd at Columb us,
La Crosse, and JaneJYillc hiJh
Hhoo ls before comin& to
Otheu rc ceiv in J stron,a
· IUJ1por1 for the district· honor
Included Dwain Minu ofStoul .
Ken AndcftonofEauCbire,and
DuantWoltu n oflakcland.
Shot • 1. Wutphaui·TC, 2.
Bocmer.SP, 3. lhbtn.SP· SI'J"
H]&h Jump . I. 'Rat h-TC, 2.
Chede.SP, J. Hili-TC· 6'1·718"
~fv~~~~~t~hs~ ~~ot•~~
formerma:u p..yer and fdene,
Mr. Bosch played for the
PEC, a 2nd Division tum In the
Netherlands. and Wll abo I
rcfaee thcre. Mr. Boscbofftred
his SCT'+'ic:ca to Coach Ported
immediately lfter lurnlns th1t
Ofpniud IOCCC!r existed In
The spfirll m cccr ICilOn II
npidly appr01ochin1 and club
members are workilll out to &ct
in condition. Practleusllould
stan IIIOOnU!helnOwiSIOIIC,
or tround tbe ICeond week in
Three s occer pmu are
tent•tivdy planned for this
t':~:· a:"it~v~,::O~~r,:,h~~d t~
M1rinette Sprina; lnvlutional
Tournament at Marinette.
111iUblc lite to pby a home
here In Stevens Point
C.o no
Lon& Jump
1 Rath TC 2
Other 1choob
MurJI'j:-~· ?,- \~~j~~~;~ ~~~"!~ ~..;r;:hc,e•.,:~~~~~t~~:
Porttr·TC, l. Krau.e.SP· 4:2S.2
and Milwaukee.
~7fie .
'67 FORD
Cuatom ":!07 lon:lor sedan,
VII ena:lne. f"ordom.atlc,
power .Cf'l'rln~: ann radio.
Ma10011 Unl~h wUh Fawn
Interior, Sa.·ea bundlcon
Sport F ury con~'ertib~. V8
en11lne, a utomatic tran.smll· •lon. power ll~rln& and
radio. Whitt llnh;h, Black
top a nd Red lnrcriDI'. S\:fllt
Part 2
Sport coupe, autor.:arlc
Myma, Norm, J im ond Oovo
fliDAY a nd SATURDAY, MAICH 14 and IS
lranamlulon, po-..·uau\111,
radio and whitewall """·
6 1/a Milos N.W. of5tovons Point
Loft oH Hlghwoy 10
Sport Fury hardtop, V8.
r;:wer lleotrlng. automatic
wllh Black bucket wat In·
terlor. Exeotllrnt mcchanl·
Fordor Elcclra M'dan, automatic trannnlulon. power
aulsta, radio and whlltwall
tlrll!l, Tutont Gold a nd
Whltll!flnlsh. Anlceone!
For the I969-70
Unh•ersity Activities Board
1\Dllh A• a llablo In tho U.A.I . OHico,
U. C. lnforrt~otlan Dosk a nd luldonco Holle
LarrySkeclro\leda 217pme
8 pins of bcin& a confaencc
VoiJht once apin paced the
Pointen with a 192 aVHIJC and
a hlah o f '234. Boehm wu nellt
:J?·: :z::
::S.SC:~ bud&et for tbc: 1969·70 .,..ft~:::~-:6 ~~~he
~~ro:r ~~e~::!tatfo~';e~
~~:ewi'UC:n~a~~·s~11.i~~ r:ded ;f:bc! IC=~.:~t e~ Ap~~~~~ore Paul £belinJ of
were two World Cup Game balls
10 ~tancwreCOld fortlle lanu.
~:~~~i~e 31onpo~~~:· 1 ~.s!!~ ~r:~ t':U~dTh•: cas~~:~
hi;&h for the Po inrer•. and
in the second half when the 1
l'oi~ten "'iped out aU but two
poinu of a twenty-point deficit
~~u!r;. !r.~w f.~ert'~.!~
Other winnen for Point were
By Debbie Shalhoub
for the 1969 fall soccer ~oeuon ~~~ ~ t'Q5 ~5 :=,d :.:~ Hith a ,co~~~m~suiufr~~n te~
.!i:hy:t! RJc:'!.~·~t 1 J~ur~~;~p: ~~'i~~~3!~ii~::,rnp!::''!!~
rem.ainderoflastyear'a budp:l 13'
~u l)ofd
After droppiJl&threcstralaht
aames to ln&ue ludin&
LaCross.c, the Point bowlers
tll~ back to like 2 out of J
from WIU!cwaltr, River Falls
It is also the hi,.hnt &•me
bowled in the State Univasity
Lcaaue thisyur.
The tum of Skeel, Dave
Boi&t. Steve Boehm and Guy
• 1. Hau.SP, 2.
A.lm-SJ', l. Porttr·TC· 9 :39.S
oo:~il~!~et~o~~~:~~c1~o:rnam~nt time ~a~in and that !!!'dt,5 ~~c,!~:. ~~,:! i~::~~}hn~:?ft~:~ Its Season
IT~~ ~~~~i~}s i~h~heB~:~~~ ~~it~:!'~~~-rTo~ ~~~;i:ntlela~~~
\ntludins8of II attempts fro m
• tbc floor in the flnt hllf,u the
.. l'ointcrs din~hed a share of the
WSUC aown.
Vanden 1\ e uve I WI $
~ns;~tio~~o~l apinst Stout in the
WSUC p la yoff 11me at
: 59:i:~Mile
m~~t..tor~oitl!~~ ~n:,"~~u:n&t!~r:=~~t':'!:~n:: Starts Looking .~:~ ~~~~~~FUee!~E Wh~;t~lub~~~.yci.k ~:T~cKay,
the~:~~~~ rnn:= !:~4t~~~f~tru:·:heunlo~!:~~~~:p:: For Advisor
:~'iodhnwiw_~ ":~:rn;::~~e: Fencing Team
;O:~i':~n'::i~ :~bc't:'~:~:·~tt::i' t:,cw1iit~8~~t!~!'trtfn! h;~ u~su~r:,rnt~~cce~wi~u! :~iU ~~&!~'J~:;'sP:;:!;,-~ fin.ishes Out
ru:r::~m'hi:nr;:;, ·~;fo;:::c::
flnishin& third in confcrcnoe
Fencers Baffle
stt:~r.;ri~:co:~~m ~~~ WSU-Oshkosh
~muJ'.:'m~'9.9. 440
O.Odllno: Tuo1doy, March 25
Ish with Fawn
t.otl of luxury or
Ntw Yol'kcr fordor. automilk transmlulon. po10·cr
1111111. new 511!1 ol whlttwafl tires. One owncr:
Sorwint frortl frlda'f Noon to Mldnitht
Holiday Inn
Stnon• Point
<')'llndfor cnl'inc. standard
ratlio and
whltew~ rcady,
Ca lail sport coupe, pown
tim. Maroon finish. F•wn
lnterlor~t today!
Many More To
Choose From!
Busy students like a pleasing atmosphere when dining out.
For some reason, they pick The Lantern. 341-1414
tl\tb Ianttrn .!;;;...
Stevens Point Brewery
2617 Woter St.
"utht. •• ..::... rcrd-Mercury
ii.W StfU<lJ:5 .\U. • JII-1711'
.. .
March 13, 1969
Five Poin ters u rncd t tlc ir
rust letter in b•skd ba ll. They
inc l ud ed sop ~ o m o_ru ~?an
Bb nchf ~ld ofW asco nsm Rapids,
Bob llcroninaofW est Allis, Je rry
Malkt n o f Rio, Terr y Amonson
o f Rhinelande r and freshman
J er ry S iewer t of WIUsau
Newman .
Thursday: Depression
Night-Fr·ee Music- All Bee r 30c
1129 MAIN