Document 11824440

Wisconsin State
Stevens Point
WSU -STEVENS POINT, Thursday, January 30, 1969
15 Couples Vie For
Carnival Royalty
Gary Puckett,
Union Gap
Will Appear
Fift~n oooupk.s
•~f'IUc:ling Jdf
Cr~nllon. phy5lcal
rs ullnllonli
Gary Puckeu and The Union
Gar will arJ>ell at t he
concludin& n·ent of Winter
Cuni>"sl on feb. 16 at ll r .m. ln
thc HcklhouSl"".
The Union ~I' gainnl
r~~on~~~.~~ul~~>" ~:~.~::~~·.
Union Gar currently ha~ an
album on the Tor Ten named
"l n~n:dible:·
The Union Gar i~ <'Omr•i~d
o f Gu>' l'uckc\1, Dwif:ht
Bement. Ken >' Ch:ltcr. G31Y
Wil hcmand PauiWhcatbl~a<l .
GARY PUCKETT AND THE UNIO N G AP " ill bto In concert
o s port of the ~rl(!u(in>g i>•ogrnrn of Wrroter Cnrnrvol.
lh1• o,·Ju:o. ,\ II> l'oio of N,.... h''"""~ ltw '"" l'lry. "lUI<'
Yorl..,.r!lfcJIIIH' II\\'"''llk>of <'iiJIUh<'llllll'l•"llhiiiii"''' ''Jh!,·
AIIJilJl<' DI~ II IS ~rf "'"In~
lla)"dn. K~HI Jlh l lluhn" 111 J IJ•I•· •ml ""'"-'""''"!' ..
m.;rdt. he ~liiJ. JU h3\"f Ot'<'n ch~mhcr
mu,.k ,·nn<'fll l"UC""'J)'
\l' h,•n
· ··~•I•"'IIJh,·~ul
on lht d~f'll"lllfllt) nlj;ht ~• WSU St•·•·•""' l'onu. th•·m. h•· '"'"'~•hJt~l>· ,.,u,.,t
fo llowtd b)" ~ mitl·afteonooor
reunion for al! d~~•. snd ~~~
e•·cninJ hill<[Ufl ,..h\'lt l'r~sidcnl
l er Shnnun Drq•fus ,..ill
Jr),US:i Ilk' $~hoor~ miS:iion for
til;.· nnl ~S )"<'~"and where aro
o ut sta nrli nt alumni scr•·kr
a.,.-~rd ""Ill be msd•··
CIIUjiUS lOUr$ "'"Ill b..• hckJ
snd tme11tu' profeS>OI5 ..·ill be:
hOnOI<'d .
~ ~t~i~i~;,}~i .~J:1j;t; ;~ it~il!~;~: ~\i~ I:~ ;~
i!I;:f~ ri~ii
)"tal ~
ago. the u io hu h~d ~boul
2.000 concert ··ng;.rs<'mcnu on
<'Onlifl<·nu and m~de
IIUIIICIOU. lw•f ~·!ling fi:CO!dings
ofda)~c:rl mu~i<'.
"An in~pirins c.~(IC'ricn,c, •
was the bto;: ,\ rturo Toscan ini"i
~Ctdkt I fc"'" f<'IIS aJO ~fle1
Kleiber Joins News
Service At New Post
Emb~·~~"K o n h.s fint
1\nr~ri~)ll tum . h•· w~s wloisl
fl'·e lilll<'$ Wilh 111<' 11hlbrlclrlu;
Or ~h~~lrJ . ~nd w~s imnrcdt~td)'
:;:::.~~~r ,~:llraJ~"f~r;::.~~~
lie h~s •me~ arpnr~d
5ud>Drthestr~s ~s l heNc"'
l' h,lh~flnonk.
t he Ck~rbn~
Or ~hc~ ln .
the lrKlianltiDh5
Bloomin~t on. l n•h~/1:1.
"'hcoc he
isafulltllof•·:~~>DrOn lh<'fKully
Thomn Kkibc1. Milwauktt,
assumed !he no;:w
combin~tion sporh information
offiC<'I andncws photognphcr
ros.ilion al WSU...Stc•·cns Po int.
fie will bc rut of the news
and rublkal ion)SC!"ic<'staff.
K lc il,..l . 27, is., a 1~68
& o f the journalism
school at the Uni~e!Si ly of
Wisco n,in- Milwaukee and a
i~',c~:';;.S~ ~~~~~·:::.s of s..rv~e
llcwuonthc spons ndf of
the Janesville Gaulle t he past
The corn;err rs uheduled fer Feb. 16 o r 8 p .m.
fre ldhoust'.
Beaux Arts Trio-Will Perform
In Arts And lectures Tuesday
l"hc r•·•• ·lon~ ob..."I'J_n••· ,,f
WSU • Stncns l'oiru·~ 75th
v.11l bo: .:limn~d
.\lay J with a lil'rin of public
[)IOKra nu on e31Ujlll), ~~,·Ofdl n);
10 pbniiH!¥ ~QIIUHIII<"f \'h3irm~n
Orland Radk.-. dm·,·•o• of th1·
nnrly~)·ur .
seven n10nths anJ .,.·hilt a
)!Udrrll worked p~ll I nn~ 3\ the
~lilwauk rc
As a
uni~ersily lllll'ln. hr
sbout ri,.ht nronths on th~
public rclrhons do:p:.rtmcnt at
Stuc F~or l'uk '" West Allis.
And at UWM , h~..,, assporls
~!~o:e:,~.thc st udent n<'""JI'ii>CI
of t hr
Carnival Ball
Will Be Held
Ext. llS
J OC S~hn<'tdc I. ~0.
,\lphl l'loi So10ritr··Jil
Sh:lmblce. !0. lu~k . Spaniill
ni~JOI. ~nd llruec T~ylor. ~0.
Siren. bioloar and hl!lory
'to<k•lll .
N<'ak l b ii-Kalhly Abele. ~I ,
Wau~(pn , Ill., hh1ory
l:~Ji)h, and And y Obn.Jcr. 21 .
M il w aukee. b us l n1· u
S1111LI Pi l' latNn it y-nianm•
lopman. 19. St . I'Jancls. home
<"01/IOIIliCS and l'aullbuns. 20 .
l>dla Zcla WIO!IIy- Kaltll
Kakij(h. 21. Vnona. Sl)<'tch
patholon and audiol~y a nd
M ~<:hKI N, E•·e. 21, ~1tl,.·aukcc .
I'Jr" II~ ,~Ill\' IU lh•· U_<;, 111
1<r-11 .,.,, h•· 1"1/i<~nin...t ~ n,.,. ·
Gurkr Ona!l<"l .. hi,·h t•l~y,·d
thutu~hunl Nurth ~lhl Sl>ulh
t\ mNka J lhl Cut>~ unHI 19-1-1.
"'hen h 1• ,.-~s <"III•S..·n •• a
mcmh,·• of Ito.: Nllt" S)·mrhu nr
~ • lh~ 111m• 11 "'a' ,·r1•attJ for t h•·
lal•· l"m.-•ninl. In !•lSI h~
...,,.~"''" ,·un~crtma.tcr of I he
ordwotr~ ~lid oem~tncd m tlut
po \.l untollto.: tleath of lhc
(am~J mao.·srro. lk pl~ys 1h•·
'"llrinl."l l)·" StrJdi>'arius da1eJ
17 1 ~Cellist 81·rn~rd Grn·nhous.;.
fuomcli)' ~ fcllo.,.·~hip stmknl ";t
JurlliJrd . Schoolof Muskw1:n1
t uEuH>tll.•fmanaudit ion.,.ilh
I'Jblo Cas:rls which IUI Md into
,,.o Y•'~" of ~tudy wilh 1hc
Spant~h m..tcr Wrote Ca~ls·
'"l:krn~nl Gr<'l'llhuus.: rs nol onl)•
~ r.·m•rhbk \'\·IIi" bur ... hal I
csr.·con more . ~ tliJ:niflcJ srtist ··
S1n~e lhcn . Grc,·nhousc has
a t>J'f~l<·<l m most uf th1· rna.101
coli\."> of both l:urOI'C" and
•\ m,•r ira 1n tccilal. ..·ith
o rd>tslr~. wit h chambcl mu>ic
cnS<:mhk~ and with rc,..:.rdinJ:S
for Columh1a. RC,\ Victor.
Concnr lla ll and lhe ArnNio.~n
!(Hum of lh~ Uniwrstt y ('~ntcl
un l·d• 14 fw m H to li · Jo p.m.
Muwc "''11 h<' fut nr)h~d by
Rob•·rl VJII N p o f tlw Mu)k
l11'~~t~ Ill~ ~· ~>•· t•ur~ha~o~•rl al
Unr•··· rsil)" t'•· "t •·r
l nform~I M•n d•·~~ fur the j>ril;e
of ,,..u dollars 1'•"1 <'UUI>k nr ~I
the''""" ·
t h•·
Falucnkrut. 22. VandliU, Ohio,
SJIC'tc h.
/l ye r II all - J>on na J
f.¥ans, 19, Manitowish WattTI,
all and Jamu tbn~en, 21 ,
Rad11e. elementrary education:
21 ,
Sch m ud.le
ll all--Jill
,1' on en I ~ ry ~~~~~~~:.~~~~~~ ;~~u:i:~ca::J
Ro~d1 11~11-LII Ko,;onda. 20,
Mil..·aukcc . r)r~holo,.y and Riek
Pahnn C k mo:nU, 22. Ste•·o:n5
Point. rsr~holoar.
The Pointer Enlists
· >tudent Workers
Ga unna
19 .
J eff .\tilla1, 10• .\tih•auho;:,
••a lhl· mat ic) a nd p o h1kal
T a"
frJICrnlf~·-i'aUI Jo l't<'lnS.
N«n~h. pruUJr)" eduat ion
I t a S q p n a I' h,
fral,·rnil y-Knslln.: l'cuoff, 20.
llco;:rf!C'kl. lll.. ps)"<'holo~:y and
lanec lc.wandowski. l l . Oe~•·rr
lhm. booloa~·;
S itt rn a I' h 1 ~ ps l l o n
fn lerniiY·· Sue Jordan. 20.
aar~boo. home econo min and
l) ~ n
l.c id1'1. 2 1. Waubck~ .
ll<"Of:r.lphy :
Til<' l'oint ~r ...111 hold a
lli<:Ch llJ this HCilinK tO ICCIUII
memb<·r~ f01 in slaff for t he
s..rond S~:rtiCtiCi at6: )01nlh<'
GariJml Koom of lhcUnivcnity
Cenrco. l'o rrniou•cxf'C'r ic nce
Save .Oid
1.0. Cards
Remembe1 tho!iC" old bU
SC"mc"Stct Kltnl ifiCit ion canh
with pkt ults en~asc:J in
t>b,..,c~ ~'ttl.
tht)''rc 51111
Hold o n to them fo1thcy
,.·ill bc re<4uilcdin ordcrto•
studcnts topickur.lh.LLt.ii.
thcl968· 1969)"n rb"ooknr xl
Smith lbii-Karl11'fdff~r. l9.
- - -- - -
Over 200 Receive Degrees
At Mid-year Commencement
Pr esident l. ec S hn.,an
Dreyfus of WSU·St~~ens Point
the fim mid·reat
comm~nc~ n tc nt Ill rcccnl years
hn. l 9 alhiS!iO."hool.
Two hundrl'da nd t.,.·cnt y·t ..·o
scnioosrecei>·cd<kg.rcn inthc 2
p . m. ctln•·ocalion in lhe
Wisconsin Room o f lhe
Uninr~ityC<'ntel .
R~COidinJ: SucM."Iy.
The R e~ . llur is llaU.
lk i' on rlw facult ies of the Epi$cor~ lian chp la in on
Marohallan School of Music in c a mrus. ddi~er cd the
New Yor k and lhc Uni•·crsityof invon rion : Vi~·~ I'H·sid~nl
lbrlford . li e rb>·s lhc C".01don l b ferbrckn read lhf
'"l'apmnl". Sl radivar lus 'cello honou lisl and pleS<'nl,·d the
c:rnilldat~$; 11rf5idrm
Kleibc:r i) a n~ti•·c of Oshko~h
and ~ reSident of ~til ..·
mo.uofthe tinoesince hr wu in
the fiflh t:ndc:. llis p»cnrs ~"·
Mr. and Mr:i. AlfoN Ktcibc1.
2607 N. r ii:IC<' St .. Mot,.·urk« .
byfdMu ltsand Mikc hc
Why wu t he nlckclodian xrin diKonl lnucd!
Robert BuiiCh , .Proaram Advisor' o f l h Univctsily Cen te1, said
IM I tbe nickdod ian ~eric.s wu ICI up by 1 Uullrnl who &ndua.l<'d
last year. The slidca uJed inthcs..ric•wcre r1,l/nishcd by t!Kstvdcnt;
suchs.tirtcsarenotc:omrncrciallyan il.ablc.
There an= plana fo1 1 nickclodian ... ~ next sc:mcstu . The movies
and piano player l.bould be rclalivcly ~mplc lo obu ln tCKaUy.
Howcver, t bcllidcswill betobc madcbyprinl<'individual!i.
S p.; ;
February l4
:~~.~;:r::::r~~a~.~:{t·~£·::~~·£:\~ ~~ r~·:~. t!:c~:.-.:1 .~\'~t~~!:!~~~::.~
Point Blank
Thetdrtor, Mt$. EiknSprchl.
hu b«n workmg on th~p1oject
rduut j(ln and
Wer.t Allis.
:a n\1
Will Climax
On May 3
Mrmbe rs o f lhf alumni
who do not altcnd
...,llro:niHcOI>ic>by mail. And
aftn t he ~nni~eru 1y is
conclull~d . thr publication ... m
so on
••a:.•:-;:•,:0,"';';'.,,. "'"" Meeting Tonigh
Za b<•i.
bioloJy ~nd physic;~.! education.
Baldvoin l bll-Shcny Kust ,
10, t:okm~n. rnathenutics and
hn1n Zahn, 21, Sluw;,
. 1 ~~~~i!:~::~ ~ilf~ttl~-.:,::cbd
and four auendants naoned 11 a
n rninl kidtoff d~na: IlK
nrlr.ina of feb. 9 in th<'
fitldhousc: .
T he rouplu, by srontorinll
~~~:·::~~:~~,~~~:: \\\~:;;; .
l' r,·dwck. CO<II\IiiiJIOI
o f t hf C\tnt llld Jli\'CtOI Of
alumm a1f~irs. urd 1 2-1-r:~~e
hi~IOI )
11\:llllint iS nelfin&
com p klion 1 nd w i ll be
Ji~!nbuled II t ho;: ~debr~t ion.
residence llalls at WSU-Sttnns
Poinr afe' vying for !he kinJ3nd
qucrn ririe_or winter cami•·al, to
IK lleld Feb. 8-16 under the
:,tE·~:~~~: ;: ;,:,~:~; ~;~.~;j;~:;~;~g;:;f!~:!~ ::.~~~f:,:·~;~"'~:.:::~::r;
\\'om~n . "'
The voup ,.-;as ortta niull in
~n Di<'&o. Califotnia. hn, 1\161 ,
and is named aftc1 lhc hi$10fic
to wnofUnionGap, Wukin!lton.
The grour had fou1 milli011
scllcnin tho;:sin&k~dcpart mcnt.
8 PAGES, NO. 15
THE IEAUX ARTS TRIO of New York will perform o r fin! Arls ond tedurco~ !~ries
p rogram of :if.corod seme11er. The rrio is ~chedufed 10 oppeor on Mo ndoy ol
Bp.m. in lhttOid'-'ooin ooditorium.
a cha.rgc 10 thf
sradua~es and the Vc1y Rev.
Al~n Thomu. Roman Catholic
ch1pbin. p~e the benediction.
ColltJeoflcttcrsandSd encr
~chclor ofSci<'nc~ llrzrcc
Suunuc C. GiclKI. \\'aurae~ :
l'hilir C. Gilben. Co lby; llua m·
N. llan!iC"n. Whitrh~ll. b rr)" M.
llclb;,ch, Mo~inrr. h mes J.
lfochc.-ar. "'""' Dcrhn. ~lich:~<~l
A. lr..,dn. Nr~ oo,;a . Alkn K.
hcohson. 1/i,tron. Arlhur R.
K1i~"'-aklt. Sh:rw~nu : Ro nJkl .\ .
l•·d •·i na . l.uwmbuq:: Jo}ce
lipoY>l.:y. l>o ..·n•n~t: \'uan l r.ulf(.
To k yo , J at>~ll . l.tonJIJ J
Kllluyn M. Friday .Eijubt llt
A . Gro&. hm<'S J. !!aka,
Stephen A. H~ nie:n. Rich~d K.
llo ..-ard. Kurl llohnton. 1l~•·id ~IJICISI. \\'hit in~. l nd .
L Jurgclla. John W. Kot•hl,
l>fnrtilo 1\ . Mrch . N,·ilb"\"tlic.
!blph E. Lepak, U3rh;ir~ J. Su!•nn.· C. ~!iller. F~l! M>H"f.
Rosc:r and Cheryl A. Went.,.·orth. Cl)d•• G. \loon. l;!~,· ll<"itun .
Slr vc ns l'oinl ; Junes L John W. Nonon . 1.<'113. Ru "'·ll
Baumgall . Ro land O<•.nath, W. J>~j\e. I'Uitl<' DuSa,·. I.Jfl ) ( ,,
Jamu A. Okr~5in~ki . Phihp R. l'et crm~n. Shd.>u)pn. John I
Fa ivre, and Bonnil: Sch•de l'hilip1·huc~ . t\ urorJ . Ill. 1).- >J
Mdllti . Wisronsin Rapids.
L. l'olt.rn. Chnto n• •lk. DennrJ \
h mu T. llcllillf, Donald R. RunruJl<"ll, C~t>k . h n~es 1\ ,
Kul cn . Ja mes A. Mielke . RkharJ....,n. Kucl.furd . l ll.
Franklin V. Pbno. David R.
John F. S~c1~ . Gl~'Miik .
Rh ei n Hhmidt , l:l1oy t A. Mkh~d L Sch1lkn•an. I'.'Jb,·oo.
Schalow, a nd Rich3rd J. o~~id R. Sdnnidl. \l~n~u-J .
· Sch3uc1. Wauuu ; Michael l. G<'OI~~ ('. S~hme>ill'l . \\'au~nhJ.
No1 man, Ken ntth P. Pct~rscn. Ronald E. S,h..wdtf~~~··r . Sun
~ta11t M. Ropcki. Oilna l .
Tho11us C.. Snnt h.
Weiric h , and Uw1cnco: C. S(yruour : l>onn G. \'ot 1·~ .
Whiffcn. Milwauker.
Crystal lat.-. Ill. Wtlhlm I'
Jo hnl.Bake1. R:i)'n1DrodC. Vulm. Bryant: lmr~on•· 1·.
Kr o upa . and Tho mas W~b~·r . <.:olumbu~. K1·nt I)
McU uahlin, Wau.,.-;alos.; Donakl Wil'iUn. t\tlin~ton l1~1~hts. Ill.
C. Mo llet, Vifaini3 A. Small and John \\'. Yuos. Moll3dl>r~. ~nd
Ste~en J. Mad:;on. C1c~n Da>' · Robert
\\', Z1mn1<' 1. Fort
Lronud A. K1olczyk and Allin At ~inwn
R. Stader, MinOCllua; l>i3n,· M.
Bc n uchawcl and l'au1 N..
83cl"'kll of Art ~
Wcu >eckc-. Manito,.·oc: Roy J.
ThomasR. Stofl<' . ~3U!OIU
Umlx:rty.Dnidi'. Paust elrbach
and Ro nald Reucrath. Medford.
C:ollttteof l'ifl<•t\rh
83ch•·lor of Scicuc,· l"h,:r~•·
Ja mes R. Gornun and
William J. Grad. Wnt Allis; Dan
l>oris:rn J. Born. MilwankC<'.
A. Bob:tin anll h mes A. Nirs.:hl,
A. lluu.·rbrodt . 1.0 )'111.
Soulh Milw:rukt~ : S111.111 E.
Allen . Ban boo: l'ctCI 1). G "'" l'ndOI)· n ,\ . Cul b ) .
Bordin l. Kaukauna: Bury K. ,\ b l•o l sfo~rl. and h om•s I'
Btia,ham. Madison; Thomas J. Pctcrs. f.lmhum . l ll
Briahl. Wn l mont, 111.: Pegn A.
B1cpn, Fricno.hhip ; Stc~~n J. ·
lbdlelor ofMuSic f)rpce
C:rt lin , BrownDccl .
Loi-J A. Woo.J. I'ubr.k1.
D~vid A. Chandler. Montello:
R o land A . C h1i ncue n .
Cullc~C"ofAppli<'d All)
and Sckn«
R h ineland e r ; Dap hne D.
Cope:bnll. Babcock: F1ed M.
D~dl<'lol of Sckncf l)egre~
Dahm. Baver Dam; Elizabclh A.
Dnidw n, Washinglon. D.C.:
Ca10l Madsen. Dour.L11
Robut A. DiVndc. Elmhuut : Nrwb~· and Anton J. SniOs.
Sl ~~~ns
Point : Williarn A.
B1ockman. , Thomas II. Mn~ .
h mn A. Fox. Phillip!; To m A.
(nllf/ ilfurd<lnf'Gtt -1)
Frclich, Maribd.
~~·-~ PJ~!e'~~t;J&;:C~~~r:~:
is required.
Positions a~~ilabk un thf
s1aff 3rc. in the aru~of ,.·utmg.
c or r
r c~ d in s. q · pi n a.
advcrt i~inK. buwnus. circul~t ion
a nd phot Djloa ph)"
Wr]lers ~ lc nct lkJ 10 rqJ<;n1
o n no1ics bolh on anJ off
c amp us Copy ond~n •nd
t yri~l ~ ~rc n«~.:ti to p1cp..rc
copy for t h,• pnntcrs. wllhlh15
type o f "'ork bdng done o n
Sundlys and Mond~n.
,\n U SISi an t adnniwn1
ptuon •~ a i)Q sou1 ht to hdr
allniah.• thr .,.·ook o •·co·loold of
thr pre~nt ad~~~~~~~~~~ man~rt
,\ bul!A<'~I IIUln•IICI il J!W
needed to hand lr t he fln~n<'t)
•nd rru inlatn rh~ bookl of rh,·
r ape•. Some ~no .. lcd~t of
b ookk~ep i n tt
•hould he
ll<'C<'!lil lf fm t hl'l fk'wly (l<'~l<·d
In the ~iocuiJIOQn f••·ld . !he
matiS out a lmost 1
!~~u~e~~: -:::~~~atf!.. t~~~,,l!";'~
keep a hst of !he subscrib<·u m
People wnh somc knowkJ~c
campus c•·cnh and arc allo .,.l""ll
10 U !>.' tiW IIID<klnly C:.!I.IIJ'I'I'\1
l'onll •·r ·lll~ •l~rko oom fa,·rlnics.
" \\'c ~ r~· f~.;rrl "'llh) l<lliOIIS
pl(>blem ~f•··• rh" K mrsln
unk!!i .. ~. ~~n ~~~ more r•·opk w
JUIII !he >l.lif," I'UIIIICI ~dl\01"
c .·n... Kcmllii"I<"I<"UIIIIIIcntcd
"'II) th•· ••nd ol I hi~ >Cute>ll·r
' III!C lu>i"~ t h• hod~ of oor
ao11! of,.,. """' to hq> llw
l'•rc/ run lll lll' 'IH001hl)'
medwm,~U).· ,.,. " ' II ha,·c 10
~d.! sum•· "~ff "'''"'h~•s "'ho
.,. ,n h.: he"· "' t ufUn· ~··.,.:· he
"~ "
'"'"' '" u~d
11..· l·,•,i,·r•l
Cumon r~'"'ll
('unii iiUDI~~hOn
I' ,. r n o ~ ll<'nl li,,,. n><' I o
\\'S 1' --S t ,. '"~ '" l' oi nt f o r
0tl<"UII011 l'f lad il) sta\ 1011
""' ~·ducatiOn~l >l•liron ha.
h.·cn un thr ait :lin<'c lut fall
.. uh ll"lllpora ry pc1mil;)ionfro n1
~~:·a r~:~~nDr. 0~eld~l~e F~~~~~r;
ll•"l' " ' ' '" ~ nl
whi c h d.i rc~fl
policy. ••'<luestcd
h" cm"t) 10 co nllCI hn11 wit h
~ rt•n•s;,l, of lhe l'lut:r11mming .
"'We'd be wry (nlern lcd in
)U~S~IOn) from ino.hviduals 01
g•our~ a l>out
new ~inds o f
offerinp ,..c could rna~c over
the ~ir." he 3dded.
Th<' piDJ(rJms may be tuned
m 31 89.9 o n t h<· I' M .Jist
b..·1wccn 4: 30 p.m. a nd 11; 30
p.m. "'cekdlysduri~~& lhe school
)"e~r and from II a.m. 10 11 :30
p.m. o n Saturd11ys anll Sundays.
Wh ile t he st~tion i• inlcndcd
·~ ~ /J hOf• tory f01 dr.rma
J~p3rt mcnl st wJents and u an
r duca t Jon•l chann e l. Dr.
F~ulkncl SJ~s much of the
PNfr11111111inK wlil be dlro;:tlcd to
the people in ~cntDI Polla&c
Co unty.
Vic l o r Fuchs is facolt y
advis.:r fot lhc stalion anli John
Griffith. Milwaukr<', is student
January 30, 1969
. ... 2
·~Criticism come& easier th an 'crajtsmanship."
1 ukee·
. 14 (Spokesmen
·u M=
P0 D I
Will Speak on Campus
o f C.tholic University, ~1U be:
here for that purpose m thc
Frank Lloyd W1i&ht Lounge 11
m1ke an intr1c~hn~
evcnin& for all, "'!'ether ho~ulo:,
crilical or akcpllcal, who art
Two 1p0kumc:n for the draft
r ais1ln11 MUwaukH 14 wiD
spuk on campus Tuuday
ntninii.Fcb. l4at 7:00p.m. ln
the Funk Lloyd Wrftlht Lounae
o f the: Un"'nlily Cmtcr. The
foliowlna ertklc wuJUbmlurd
by Duld Buduent ol lhc WSU
• Letters
Editorials • CoJumns
5 houkl
is bccomin' lncrcuin&ly crucid
anducrucptina forreople,.flll
ins titutions evcrywhtrc:: lh~
relat ion of conscience and
mou litytolawand otdcl .
E.,Ush dep~tlment.
A Review -
The Unh·ersily of Wi5COnsin and the Stntc university
system may soon boron1C the S('apegoats of Wisconsin's
curre~~.~!:~~i~:!:·. fllmous prc-cledion state f!nnnc~al
Candy Ain't So Dandy;
Liquor's Still Quicker
surplus which h11s turned into an horrend~us fmanc1al
delil•it I'M}' be stwed at the cost of atate cducat•on.
A pending bill from the legislative finance ronumttee
(submitted by John C. Shnba~. R -Ncw Berlin) would
mn~e up nbout half the mOI\CY needed to ro•·er t he deficit from the budJ:els of the UW and the s tate schools.
The state uni•·ersity system alone would I06e four
million dollars. This money not only includes such items
as buildinx proj«IS.. land acquisitions. supplies and physi,
cat Pt.:.nt opemt ion s, but also will cut-orr all alate money
Nut ,.·cd: llle Fox !Mater
will be ihowinaCJndy.a movie
th.athualllllerlrmrnts nrrded
fora peat S>tire. lt ii buc:d on
pornocraphic novds by Maw n
Uoffrnbr~Sand Teny Southern.
Addrdto thitWJi<J bol5<"WISt!K
talents of Buck llrnry who.
a mong othn thlnp. •..-rotc the
paid to s t udent employees.
scrun play fO< The Gr"lduate
the JMlnding bill ~Ids ~I' s tate money,_246 sl.m~ent and ro-cn:atcd the ll"lcvision
ns.'l.istnnts at S te,·en s P o1nt w1ll have to be f1red b) Feb. :serirs Grt Srn;~rt with Mel
81oob. tfthisis)lillno t rnoua~h.
add a natl-slar cui. Thelew llis
one of 1hc worst pkllltesthll I
or Pf rl of the h ousing or unh·enity center opcrotions wh ich luvt<"Yer:sern.
The pk>t rcvoh·rs 110 11nd 1
nre S4!1f·sus tnining.
)(lipid but suy tee ny-bop!""'
who spends a U her timr t...·ms
nwlestcd by e\'cry filthy old
man tht thr 5elipt can llllUC."l~
ants d oing &«re tnrilll. clerical. lob, or library .,.ork will be in. To :a.Jd novell ~, the aulhou
dis111issed . The eno..'("t witt be "cas tas trophic" ncrording of thb movie have ,'(:mtriv...U 10
have C.nd~ mok stl"d on a pool
to Roliert R~milter. dirtX"to r of finnnci11111ids.
fl'he finnndal crisis also 11ffeds grodu11te a ssi!lhmls. :.~~~~ :~ut.'al~ 1~~;~::~•;;~·. \~, :
While thip is not n major problem ot the s t11te schools
~t~:.~c~-~~~-- ~~ da. tr!!~·lin;
(Approximately 20 s tude nts will be cut-off o t Poin t ), tho :semi.
in a Dwl!lhist Tcmrkaml
Uni\'c~ity of Wisron s in will be se\·crly nUccted. There
~~t~~c~u;;~.; .l h::sr!~~~:~:
gradu11 te AMis ttmls carry much of tho undergraduate
t h:it not CHI)' location known
le11chin~ lo..1d .
to man could pos~ibly be used.
But it i!l im))()rlant to no te that thia bill is s till in tho l he aolhors of lhe l".'rif'l must
le~:islnture. It must J)IISS the lo wer ho use, then the sen11to
and finnlly the gO\·emor. Amendments a nd deletions arc
s till possible. But ll.~millcr a ddti n new pessimis tic 11o tc ,
"U \~0 legislators nre willing to l;"h OJI into e:w.isti11g budgets,
v.-Jiat will the~· d o to future budgets?"
• -·
' Ro.>~Smiller goes o n to reron1mend t hat s tude n ts and
ihe p.ue nt!l of s tudent!l lnus t lei their legislators know that
e ducation is not the pl11ce to c ut the budget. While on
indi\•idunl s tudenl may not be c ut -off from n jo b himself,
h e will be aff(!('ted by such thing:~ as the shortened lib mry
Our Ed itor:
houn due to the lack o f ~tudent h~ji-
~:~· ~~~ !~~:~~11~~s~~~i!4!~o~!~leu~~~~;i:~~-:~~~~;
dentr~~~~~::}~:~tb;.S::~;;:~sd;!:, ~~:,t":n'i~~~::~:~u'~S:i~~:
havcdcdlcd lhatalittlcinccst
and lcsbi.tnisn1 · wo uld spkc
thinas upltittlc.
TMcastofthe film isvtry
imrre nivc and very much
w:utcd. Rinao Stan appears as a
Mui<:an p rdcncr.whJch ls h:ud
tnoUAh to believe. But Mark>n
BBndo as a Cwu ii ilrelching
cve"n the fenilc inuuqjrn~tion.
We arc: subjected to Walll:r
as an Air l'orcc..·
GencBl with su ong rlght·,.·in~
vicWJ and ncn st10 nger so.·~
drivu . Rkh:u<l Burton is a ro<·t
and hmu Coburn plays a
SUi gCOII . The tWO ICI:IIlar
~C.:~~:·:-t'! ~~~ '!;";IT~~~~:o!:~:
litt le lalcnt and an unspcct~cul:u
body and Jo hn A~tin as both her
Amid thr bleak h t>l>cninj!.l
a1r a f··w n10mrnt s th~l ~him•n
IIU<" bla~k COnK'dy. Rk h.;mt
Durl un puwi.Jn th•• fn jt ~11<"11
mo n11.•nt wh,·n h~ <.!divers a
~~~~ =~~~~h 0~s ..~;·:~v:•;:~
li e 1•o rtra)"S 1 ~0 11 of
wind blown.h)"t>cl-l<"nsi•·c. Mo,l
McKueu. The new J>Oi."l is a~
lod·awful nthror lgin~ l.
Annlhcr fin•• ntomc11t is an
opc1a1ion on Can.J)·"s fal hcr th~t
IS llf~lcd ~~ a bullf"~hl in 011e of
Rifleman Clarif ies
Late: o n a Tuc:~y aftrrnoon
a mildly senS>tlooal inciden t
occuned whlch wmeofus/T\IY
The Editorial Board.
~~:~!t~~:i~~4 1a:nrft!{~~::
;~:·,"~n~~n1i~~~~~~cd Y~~hlniki
''T~-~~:~i:~ ii~::::::::; r~~!~ ;:nl
his.?;~~~ ~~R~~~~~~:o: :~~~~cc!~~j
::fj~~~~ ::~incd Cat~h-69
. ..
J0 >'lJ~
~i~~i:~u~':~~~:!/:~~e1 ~~c~;~~ally made up their
If a pen:;on goes to college right a fter high s.chool and
!';~fs~~rea~d S:~~:~;n'~:r 1;~~~Y·N:c,;:~'~~~~:a~ ~~!':e~u~!:!~~ t~~ ~:.':.f~~
would make d eci!ions on whether 10meone was unfit fo r
service. Only the district office wh ere the person takes
~~~h ~~ea a:a~jt0;'p,~~d;~~~~
we•c invited to speak bc:f?'e 1hc
~ ~~y:~ ~=~~~:t=r=d~~~~e u~~=!~~r ah~e:gt~~ E:~:;A~~~:~o!~:~~::iE
eu!ination by a n a~y p hysician to determine if?he is fit. ~~n~~~f!:lnC:,':;!.,oJ a0•;r,t~·~
1\Vhat would t htS mean to ooUege atude n ts.
There rr,(nls to iludy the probltm.
would be no worrying , about whethe r o~ not you we re
Abo. an orpniution now
carrying enou gh credita. Or if you weregolllg to be drafted known 11 the Wisco nsin
~~tw~~ry~:~v:'::::t'~::~:~~~Y::;~~~~~h~u!~: ?b~~~:~~:~::1~:e~~~
dlli&cntty on
o f dollal'l to team.
wo 1kina
:~ '":,.,c;'...~t~.lttC: O:u~':Y So~~
buil~gW:~e~': :C!i~.~~ ~t ~h= ~~t~~:"S:~~ fr7:~t~!~:~~~~~~2~
l S.
should become ia a lottery for. two yean after the age
verba lly a1KI visuall)" to any siLc
&r o up . With th e rho nc
co nnc c l ion$. teachers ask
blackboud .
With annual grants of abo111
570,000 from Uncle Sam.
two-.t hinls of thatsu mis uso:dto
contraCI speakcn. wmc from
the Stevens !'oint atmr us a nd
o thenfromacroSII thc nalion.
Sc:ha..sdunidt n limun that
by the r nd o f thU ~Chool year,
several hundred tck-1«\on:i for
thc tcachc:•s.
The Stncns Point JtOUfl will
attend thfir m~'CiiP~S in the
WSU L aboratory Sc hool
confc1cncr room on the so:oond
floor whrrc e lectrical hook-upi
a1c in~lallcd fo r luninJinon t!K
same program bein& heardinthc
fourol h<-r so;,hooldistricu.
Wh ik' !he ••·achers are a't':I Y
from t!Kir o wn claS$rOOm, dut ies
will hc: handled either by
plB"flrofcssional aidu or other
Su c h 5ubjecu u chikl
dcv~lormc nt. home economics.
1uathcmatics, ~nthropolosy,
Wisconsin history: kindcrprtcn
and c1n tiu dramatics will be
offered . U.S. Senator Willbrn
Proxmirc: will lecture from h is
o ffice in' Washingto n Feb. 25
and Apr. U aboot lhc •••orkillli
Oft hc ft\ltll l f:OVerniiiCnt.
GeM Kernrneter
c~,~:c~cal~~ A~iatlo~l::
UAB Trippers
Vets Club
Will Meet
~t~~:lio:: ~~d ltt:·1 ccv~~!~~~·:~';!
~Sf~.J:~!~~n ~: ~d" .r·~~~i
The d roit is b."'c k in the news agnin with the recent
prot>osal by 11 g roup o f senntors ca lling for the 11rmy to
be filled entirely by ,-oluntecrs nnd the ll3Y ~;eale to be
inc reased. What would this mean? ll would me an the
U nited S tates would htwe a merccna~army guarding ill!
s ho re. And what would hapJlen if 11 igh mnking gencml
• offered to Jk"'Y his army more if they w ld follow h im and
take over the U11ited S tatl.'S? This probably ":"Ould never
happen but with a n army s uch as this, it is J)()5Sible be·
caue you would not h1we soldien who did n ot want to be
soldiers a nd the promise of money ca11 lure many people to
one's point o f view.
What s hould be done? The lo ttery appears to be th e
ans wer: not a lottery that ~·ould cover the years from 18·
26, but one covering all males fo r the first two years after
their g mdu11tion from high school o r from their 18th to
20th birthdnys. This way the dmfl wo uld be fac ing !lOme-one for only two years ins tead of eight: a nd it would come
By8iU McMillt n
(loUer • n •polol)' tothc rudcr ; howutr, l cou.klnotrcsisllfW
ltadina:C•!ch -22)
thebloodicstieenesevcrplaccd t o b111n them d imly and
o n film. At o ne pOinl in the cc1emonlously with home·madt
Of'Cilltlon Or. Coburn turns to napalm clasrin& each other's
hii audience, bejcwled matrons hands and t in&inl solemnly u
with bored i )'mp3th}
•ndsode1yelitrs, 1nd prodaims they wa t c he d the fl.amn
that ifhtwcrelomovehilirnlcx I;Ontllmcthcrcoords.
to 110 to :sehoolanymole ..
f ingerafraCiionofaninch,""l
Thr l'oW'tec11 lhcnsubmitted
pcaccably toarrcst. s nd,.'Cre:,
"Whatdoc:sn"l matter?"
quit~ k>s ically, charsed with
""That you don't Willi tOJO IOSChOOI.
The tooublc whh lhcsc bri<-f burxl:uy, cri•tlnal dam:~,~~c 10
onomenll is lhc 'rrlllal trouble pro(II'IIY
and "theft from 1
::~~~!·.~,t~i~kk0: ~';:1:·;· understand. Mr .... .
with thewholefitm: oncethey peno n," bol not before they
""c'oihanskl. sir." Yo•hansl:l knew t!K ad m1nutntor would for£rt
h a v~
hccn iet or. they hadiSiucdindrfen~~~:oftheiract
.Jcsrnuate in to ~torlidity. a i talcltKnlwhich rrcdictably
llurton endsur llckin& boou
j 11st quit idiOOI.''
lcceivcdkss publicity than lhe
fro m the lloOf o f his limouline dcc<lil.:lf.
J nd the opcBt ion culmiiUtn in
a me tal plate in Jo hn "AJtin'i
head which somcont" inevitable)' o f ouuagcd conscience and
''Catch~') spccifiei that one u nnot ttavc school wtthout a f'IOrr~
rllll!~ a radio lnlo.
i ymbo lic P•Ottit, not juJt " rcaiOn."'
It is juR rouiblt that hytlns ~pin)l .:o~tlnlllcnl war policy in
Yoihanskldldn'tundcrstand. ""Bot I havc:apropcrtctson.
po inl I have 'onvinccd you to Vlc 1n a 111 but " as ainu
SC:<· thcfilmforit'swcalthof in s titu l io n s and syst e ms "L~~~n:d:~:::~!u"s!c:o!~:~~:~~~;~~~: :~:~,~~~~~~~.ntrmr•
.-rot ic "cncs. UnfortuiUtdy , dn lructivcof man ...a protest to
" Why not?"
ok·spltc a brQk pace !0."1 b)' whkh ,..c wc•c nol euily
dh•·ctor CluistUn ~bhiUnd. it aw~kened ," As I hey 5:1~· it . tht)'
is an cx.-..•dingly.Jullfllm. ltis ""crc wlllln~; tooffc• t heir"livri
to you, bot let me: put it
nol unly lsas•ulgar and
and tr~nsf01 n1 the violence and
n~tlcn a film as t luve "'rn.
What do yo u think would h.appcn to d11ft boards • II o•c1 lhc
madn~» which our society has
0)\J,•n Na~h o ne•• WIO!C, comc to pcrsonify."'Sc:clns their country if we let you quit .Khooljuit beu~so: you wanted to '."
""CJ nJy is dandy/ Boll IK1oor is a ct ion as basically one of
lhcy ""ptO<Cbim l rownto.·"A II onrt!K country1"
::~r~k:i~~: l~ ~~e ...arus~ v~~~ tnon-viok'ncc.
""Thedraft systemis:set ·uron a rrrc~rroccdW"CJ.I system. th<
lu t rrupcrty hu""nctiononly
1\>int thai Ca11dy ain'l dandy lntofa1
aslt s1'rves n13n'snecd administBtOI uplaincd ~·c~rily, "Mudenls are dufted wh~n th<)
and ti<Juurisboih•Joi<-kcr and
flunk-out when they an: suspended , when they ~tel mani<J. •n.!
ltsl t'~inful
when lheygradoatc. Thc dr:~fl systern is not snrcd for ilodcnh"' h.'
don"tw:ant lo bcllodenls.""
YnshanUi nodded at the logic of it~~~- " Is that why you "'on"t
I am writing you concerning
tile IC,cnt cdilorial n:ptding
your comment on the hili11Jt of a
fu ll-time phyiician II tht
Studcnt ttealthScrvicc
WSU.Stcvens Point. There ~IC
two errors that should be
Flut. I wish to Inform you
thai .,..., are not the only
university 10 hin: a full·time
t,.·o futl-.timt rhy8clansovc:r lhc
rastfc,.· ycauandthisycar has
thne f ull -time physicUns.
WSU·La Cro sse has had a
full-time rh~sici3n . also. for
n vcral ycars.and l.utynrhin:d
a no ther rhysidan to work
full-lime on its llaff. Eau Cb i1e
University, this rast year, also
hircdafull-tinK' physiciJn,
ThcK"condcommcnt o nyo u•
edit o ria l co n cer n~; student
in vo lvcnltn l , En- n lhough
Slud t nl i n vo lveme nt is
a ppreciated. I think it is
erronrous toconvey lhc idra
th'l t he recen t student
involvement concc•ning the
inadcquacin of the Studen t
ttcalth Sc:rvice wasinmomcnlal
in hi ring a full-time llaff
physician at this University. This
action began Kveral years ago
whcn l tookovnt!Kduti<-s asa
part-t ime rhysician on the staff
o f the llu hh Service: he1e at
At lhc time, it wa. n:cot~niud
lh>.tthe adcqoacyofthc ltealth
Srrticc k'ft much to be desired .
and asa rrsult . uroansion ofthr
hciliti<-s been continucly
work e d uron. .s ha~ the
ex paniion of the nccc!i$;11Y
pcno nnd. It was the action pf
Or. McMahon al WSU-La CJosse
and my:self that brouaht the
llUI~&ed to ~~Cizea key from a
cleaning woman and use it 10
enter thc Sclectivc:Sc:rvkcBoard
Office and re move ovn ten
t housand I·A draft files. The:se
Jlectronics Aids
New Doctor's Hiring ifeacher Training
Thl• Pninter urgl.'S s tudenl!l to a le rt their parenta and
their lcgisl:aton to this c ris is. We also ask th e S tudent
Sennte to take the i11iti11tivo to organize a letter writing
C11m1)8ign. We olso encoum gc the U 11itcd Council of th e
state university system to work to wa rd averting this ffnan·
A Point W e ll Tak~
~,~e~dul~~~~:~ t~::tt~
Are Planning
Cam pout
Th e UA B T ri rpcrs arc
sponsorin& a winter nmpout
andhikconthe wcehndof'Feb.
7: Pla.ns now arc to Qmponc
nqv.t 111 a J!Kit~r and one n icht
o ul \ id c aft er a <Ja y o f
backradlng Into Chcqoamc,on
N,tiorn~t Fo1cJt o.r Ea~ Claire
Delli Park. Transportat ion there
andfood willberrovided.
ThoM: JOilllt must supr ty
t !Kir ownslecpina~a and snow
shoc.s if lhey have them. Warm
c lo thn wh lcb have ha d
wate r proof treatme nt an:
r ec o mmended . J n tcrcucd
pcnons may sitn up
Feb. 4 in the: tunnel by the"
Univeu ity bookttorc.
F o r more info r mation
conlact Mike JO<Crs ut . !63
rooon 227-B.
the: adminitttator wu
"do ) »u
tbink we want wo1d 10 1ct around anwQ&; thc "udcnts that ,.,.
" I hopenot."Yoshanr.kiwasshockcd.
"Euctly, we keep as far from the Waft as pe•iblc."
--rhent herc sho uld be no problem about mc: droppingou1 '"
The: administntor i [&hOO , ""Yo u still don"t underst1nd .""
Yoshanski couldn't help feeling foolish.
The administBtor stutc<J own. " What d o you lhin~ '""'IJ
harpcn 1oour :sehool if everybody ""'ntcd to dropout H~ e )'OU "'""t
"llutcverybodydonn"twJnt tod•orout likc me.''
""Prcciiely.btcao.:wcdo n'tlctthe m."'
""You mcan ( vc:rybodywo uld if they could?"
""'Theymilht, wc: havctoplo tedouuclvesataUtimn."
Yo thought M unde1stood tllis. "But what If l n'lr.·jl
"You ca n't any~">'· We ,.·o uld deny ('"Ciyt hin~:. Rni•k • "'•"
~:;:~-ktt in& you o ut anyway. In fact. I'm no1 lU ll)' i al~ inj: 10 )•'U
Yoshanski looked confused . " ' 'ou'1c not?""
" RiJht now I'm talkir~ to !he hr~d maintenance man ahoul h~!ll
bulbs. I talk to the hud maintenance 1111111 about light hulbs~•··"
time I talk to a student about dro pping o ut. What if WlttlC' >JIIJ,-,,.
checked up o n how nuny tin1cs I talked to o ther sl udent ~ • "-·~•
droppingout?My so:ctc laryhu tortotcct n1c."
to !:~~:~!. iookcd hopeful. ""Yo u mean other studcnu ll<" II )U1"
ad~~~~:~~~ ::O~.ic~~~·;:c:;,~:~~r~~~-=~;e, ~~t~~~n :~~":,.~;;:.·r ·',:·.
t he olher studenuin yo ur consriracy that.,..._. arcn"l kttinj: an) ._,:
you drop out , no matler how many of you ,omc and...,_. nK...
~~~~:t:~:;~~:~;~:;:~~:::~~~1~i2~~:Ji~-~~~\~:~~f:.· ~-~:·;;or-·
) ••u
Yoshansld nodded wca~ly."
"Yo u rcaliu. of coor~. that 1 have j 11st brought u p lh< IIIJJ•'I
•n~s w hy you. ca noot drop o ut. ThCic arc m~n)' ~d nun~>IIJH••
t~~~~~~~s~"lo;:c/~~~ n~~:~r~~:~~;';;g l':;:r e;~~~~~;S~~-.:nltirl~~: ~.~:::
S>v_ed us . hundre:d of lho usa nds o f dollars which.,.,, ha•·r o,..-J I•'
halls ,..hich )'011 wo uldn'l t;c, able to tio·t in 1t )•' U
lcft:.?'hanslr.i thought for 'a second. ""What would
1f I Jib!
~~;:_;~~o:f~~;~c~t~~:1~:t~. ~!~~~ ~:~t.::...?.
rca~.~~h-69 ipccif~es th<11 On<" cannot leave sc:hool ,.i thoul a "'"~"'"
::~~:=~~l~':.~w~t~~:~..t jlli! ~lldd~nly wasn' t
""Yo u."
""Mt ?"
t~~ :: you~v::~~:?~.csk. '"l)o you want to nonk out? 0o you ,.-Jul
Yo shanr.kln:1;0ik dat thc thoi!Jhl
No~N~~.~nikl couldn"t Sttnd the thouc ht , this tinK' he lhouted,
ieltlcd bad:
in his chair and smikJ
r:~.;~:t':a~o~:•P;~. ·Y~":~Tt_ 1~0h;::~~ ~~v~'! ~~':e~=~~~~ f~:.:
I he Loor.
tnt •round ho:s dc:Uc and Mtped YoJhanskl toward
i~ihans.J?:""'•"'ondc:rircllhelhould be happy.
o~t. "~fa~~"a:rv~t:~yo::~:fe~~ej~:~-:: :~~~~~~s:d!~'~:::~:
Page 3
na Carlsten Receives
Two Dedication Honors
UniversityBegins Wind Ensemble
Collection Of Art Will Tour State
Cr,·~n..·. th~
s r.·v,· ns
..t ''I'~' t 111('111.
r o rnt'J
lt ln,·taf)' and !ink·s an<l
t•b~ s.of
f•·h. ~
: ·30 r m. at
to:aubun•t hghS.-Jmoland7: 30
p,m 31 Fond .tu b('s (;oodrkh
Feb. J
11. 10 a.m. at
Shd>O>tt•n ll ~~;h S.:trool. I JO
rm at fkJvcr lhm llirh
School. •nd l'lp,m, at 8rooH1<"1d
('entrJI III)!h,
O..·orromo«oc ll r~;hSchool.2:30
t'·"'· at Mauhall ll rch School.
and II p.m at l:d,~non Hi&h
I'd> 5
9·30 a.m. at
w;..,·ons.n ll.-111 lli&hSchooland
Wautoma lliJh
1\ll of the: ronccrrs will be
Of!4'ri to t h<' puhh~
Every Mon., Tues. and Wed.
HOUR S; 7 A.M.·6 I'.M . Ooilv M on. thru Sot.
At hgulor Prlc• Ev•ry Doy olth• Y•orl
s.·..·nSI•I•· l l"'"'"""'' """
' o 11 ,1 II <' I
111 I,! · ) <' ~ I
'0111 111<' 11 < <' 111~ 111
U II I I I' I> I I }
~.I 1'
<'Ott\IIW11(~0111'11 1 . , t,l"·"
Profusione~lly Cl•e~n•d and Pru "d
2.57 Division Slf" l
Atrou From Nor1h Point Shoppin{il C•nllf
<<'1 <11~ '""''
\\'Sl'-St,·•·· n• t'""''"··kl rt> tll•t
mill · >•·•• (.,.,,,,.. ., ,,. .,,.. .,,
Sund.l) " '"''"'" "'· J •n
~ rantiiiJl 1:0 d.·p,.,., l'r,·•••f(t\1
\.~~ Sh<'"""" IJI<')It" "' th<'
....... ) .
0 ~ h ~" ' h .
.. h ,· "'
t hI'
lh' « '
\~"'"'~ >
Does it really work?
No hoo tl la . No
1"""{~'i:~an ('•·entlo rtll('seriowr
mr Uuyr•r, The rnan who h.:ta X tl\.1111•
ht•r of doll:u¥ to $l~t·nd a nd i1 dllt('r·
mined to 1ft hi:s nKxu•y'~ worth and
nMy lx:,mow.
Corll(" to ;r Cl~oe•·roll'l Showroom
clurin11 nur V:.]u(' Showdown.
Aak thl' m:m to show you, on
paper, how you can Older most any
C:hCYrolot with 11 hi~: V8 nnd
uu tom:1tie trnnsmillllion for k'llll th:.n
youoould las tymr.
ConM! in wid spend 110n1e time.
DiB, Jirube,a.k qtlt'Stions, takenotL'!I.
Yoo ~:c1~ t:
to bt! tl~rough.
Ge tafreeawnpleof Chcvrolct'3
luxuriOWI full-coil, cushiont_-d rirll'.
Shot the wiodOII-. o.nd &ee how fresh
the inte~or alay1, thanb lo Aitro
~;~t~~!::::~::~JV~ ;~~~~~;cfl~-•~- the Ui~:Tiwn ,11o duwn the tilrt't!t or nerOM
tuwn anci ~~C~~ huwwestock up :~g~inBt
TllOIIe Oth('rC::rrs.
w,. think you'll wind up with a
More l't'OIIIe do, you kn1>w.
The Chevrolet
Value Showdown is on.
If you've ever resorted to NoDoz· at4 a.m.
1)1e night before an exam. you've probably
been disappointed.
NoDoz, after all. is no subst itute for
sleep. Neither is anything else we can
think of.
What NoDoz is is a very strong slim·
ulan!. In fact. NoDoz has the strongest
st imulant you can buywithouta prescrip·
What's so strong about that'
If we may cite T!Je Pharmacological
Basis of Therapeutics : Caffe ine is a
powerful central nervous stimulant. Caffeine excites all port ions of the central
nervous system. Caffei ne st imulates al l
· portions of the cortex. but its main action
is on the psychic and sensory functions.
It produces a more rapid and clearer flow
of thought and alleys drowsiness and
fatigue. After taking caffeine. one is capable of more sustained intellectual ef.
fort and a more perfect association of
ideas. There is also a keen~r apprecia·
tion of sensorY stimuli .
Very interesting. But why t ake
NoDoz when you can get caffeine in a
cup of coffee?
Very simple. You take NoDoz all at
once instead of s1ppmg coffee for I 0 minutes. And if you take-two NODoz tablets.
the recommended dosage. you get twice
the caffeme in a cup of coffee.
Two tablets 'sn't that likely to be
habit forming? OeftrHtely not. NoDoz is
completely non-habrt forming.
· Which rneJns tt's safe to take
whether you're crarnmmg at night. Or
about to walk rnto an 8 o'clock class. Or
dnvrng somev•here (even though you're
rested) and the monotony of t he road
makes you drowsy.
One last thing yo.u shou ld know
about NoDoz. It now comes in two forms.
Those familiar white pil ls you take with
water. And a chewable tablet ca ll ed
NoDoz Action Aids . It tastes like a chocolate mint. but it does every.thing regular
NoOoz does.
And if you·vemanaged
to stay awake this
long. you know
that's quite a lot.
January 30,1969
Fewer Freshmen
Will Get Grants
A iiLr pris.·
a nd J udith K. Sonll&,
M i l wtukee: James C.
tl usclstroril and' Terri R. Vtlen,
· Wauw atos;a ; Pu l F. Adler ;
Mar ahfie ld ; Bruce J. Bubrnann,
Daniell. Farrtr, West Allis;
William D. Flab, Bun twood ;
Roaer J . Ga•, Berwyn, Ill.:
Thomas U. Han is, Puhti&o; J ane
EJterl lltuboldt, Par k FaUs;
Muy E. Knudscn ,S1112x;Paul
LaMere, Gr~en Bay ; Lind• J.
lockwood, Markesn ; Peter F.
Mosltiewic;r:, Thorp.
in (.,dua l
For 196Y-10. thc U.S. Office
of Educ~tion r o:ttUUI~d SI 6S
million. Th is wu !timmfd by
t ~ Wllite llouJr to S140.6
mill io n. and a Srn~l e·l lou!IC
s.: hool.-oun~lon.thc'Wisoonsin
ronfuencc rommittte ntad~ a
Stat t llnivtr li tin 'YII<'m orf ict l.ut·minule cut of S\6 milU on.
This rnuns that after ~tran t s to
orr;,., of f.d 11~alion con tinuilllstudentsue reMwf<i.
ao.lmin ~tra ton in
Wnhinaton. on ly S20.S million remaint for
I),C., utimotc th ot-u nlcu the annh to en tttilll fruhmen
fun.L s arc
rcs ro rc d by thro~~&hou t the nllion ~c•l fa ll
CUI'Ill«' s&-fl n\y about 32,000
Till' Wisco nsinAlSCJCQ\ion of
freshmen wil l n~dvr Stude nt Finandal Aid
!:duntlonoi OppollunityG rants Admini~trator s- • suucwidc
for i 196\1·10, •vmparco.l wi th o raaniu tion of ro\k~ and
wnK> L4S,OOO frrshmrn Gtllina un iv~ r s il y financial aid
~'"' h gnn t s in !he' nation rhls directou-rc« nll y adopted
) 'UI.
ruolution u~ins that tht new
I n thr Whcon§in Sutc Conlft!IS rn torc tho: IOOG fund
llni\·..,nitio:s >)'Stem. a simil:u cu t ei lher by a supplentcntal
1 81 cu t in numbrrsofstudrnu appropriation or by rcallo~atifll=
hdPI'J ..·oukl mean lila! only ot her funds. to aid m·cdy studnh
rbnnin~ to cru cr univnsi r ~s
f~~~~ci~'J''~~~ "~~~~!~.~ :n°J'~;~
u.!:~'b.t~0 L'.a~~~~;~~~~!:
pletion for dostribv rion
versory ce lebro lion Moy
direclor, Orlm•d Rodke,
(PhotobyJin>Pierson l
blO frt10hmrn "''l>Uid rrcch·c \hr
f"dcralao:~n r s. w rnp:urtJ 11oi\h
:.~ 1 \1
this )'Ur . Tht smc
univrrsitics ha•·r submlncd
fOI' S\ ,820,000 in EOG
hmds to aid 3,:01 frnhmcn
The EOG prognm be-gan in
I'J6f> n a folif·>·c~r pro111111 of
sr~nts to stud~nt~ from th~
lowest inromc familiu. To
pm>"kl< nnoofrcshm~ngrlnhand
r<n•·W&r3nhto studcnUaln"ad ~
in elk- I'!Of.llm. th~ t;(X; wra t
for th~ n~tion rolil: fmm S46.S
millionin l 9b6 toS'12.S in 1967
atodSI31 .1in l':lb8.
Gl Students
Must Meet
Stud ents dalmif\11 bc-lll'fiU
under thr l'fdcn l Vocational
Kchabilltation Atl. til<' Wu
0rJlhlnS ,\ et.orthcG_, I. DiU an:
h'minded l hlt thty must repor t
to l hc Kct: ist r.n ion Off ice.
Room 109. Main lluikling. and
fiUoutlhe\'etnans KC"Jis tratio n
cud . This noust tiC do~
im11oed oatdy in orde r that claims
will not 11<' dt!~ycd for tht
$<'1'0nd sro11<."S lcr.
A sl udrnt attcndins school
undn !he G. I. llilL will receive
benefits ac,OI'di~ 10 t he
The cre d it loads whic h
,1<- curmine the amo unl of
paym••nt by the Veterans
,\ d rnln i strac \o n to a n
undcr&ndua!t student
fo llow•:
14-c r. iffu ll·time
10.13(f. if)/4 timc
1{2 1ime
44cr. ismorcthan l /4time
but knlhan 1/'ltime
1-lcr. is l /4timcorless
1-~cr . is
Will Include ·. Records
9-cr. is full.t ime
7-llcr . if3/4timc
S· l{2 time
3-4cr. ismon: than l /41inrc
but less. t han 1/l timt
1-'lcr. is l /4 1tmeorkill
ja>kctswi ll ~ac(eptcd.Thes:ole
ofrecord swill~band l.:d inth e
s:;omc ""nn cr u the $.1k: of
All students and facu lty
h ~Yilll books or rc e<nd~ they
2.035. Waukesha 1.1'<19. !:au
Claire 1,<;189. Outapnric t,441.
G rant 1,34 4, Oolll!l:u 1.291.
~;::ri~nli:'i~!~ie~o~~~n ~ 6 of';' :~t:rthl.~i;~ · ·foRn~ckd~·~~~ ·
Tbt WSU systeu1 enroUmc:nt
49 .?11 from Wisconsin. 1,811
from o ther statu and 454 from
Canada and ll on~t Ko na hav~
the llory;e51 de lep tlonsofforc i&n
students at the Sure Unive rsity
campusn-64 nch. The reporu
lists 20 student s fro m So uth
Ko rea.l9uc hfromTal wan tnd
Iran, 18 from Ktn>·•. 14 each
from Guya n a. Indi a and
Jlro~· n
Jcrscy, l 91,and Penn sy!Ya nia
1.0?9, Chip.,.,wa
t.o;~ean~~~r:::~i'cs~~:~ 1 J l 'l>
incrta§C' in the number o f
UudcnU fro nt Wa l..,·orth cou nt y
ovcrlnt fall. a 28'-" incrc;tSCfor
l'ortage county. a 24$ increase
for Gran \ county, a 20'l>incrcase
for Winneba~to Cou nt y, a 19'lo
inc rcag for Outapmic rounty
and a 11% increase for Racine
cuunty ,
!::~~~u~~~::~·~it:o,u::::: Racine
Offers Girl
~~~x7~~n~e~!n:~:::h~~~£t:~! ScholarShip
A total of S,068 students
f ro m ho 111t1 in Mitwa uke e
count yarcatttnd in&t heState
Univcr$l!ics at E1u ClaVe, La
Crosse, Menomonie. Olohlr.osh,
Pla tt eville, Rivn falb, St ev~ns
Poi nt , Superior and Whit~wa tfr
and the bnnch eoo mpu1 at Rice
2,746. l>.l. ne 2.'239. La Cro!liC
The Racine Branch of t he
Am eric an Association of
Un iv ersi l y Women . h as
announced t hat app lica tions
now are bci nl .tccc ptcd for the
S400 scbolanhip which AAUW
awards annuall y 10 a Racine
Count y1irl.
The so;hol;ushlpaw:a rd,whic h
is based on academic
Co untygirl~ginninaherjunior
yea r
accre d it ed
. ROTC ~~~re~:i;~r:hnet~:~~aft~~~~~~~~a~f
Students Should Begln
~~p:~~:~dnisi n~
~~~;i!:~~;: ~:::::l:Y··i:
Partl·c·lpatl'on Procedure
Men In terested injoinin~tthe
senior divWon of the Ar my
Reserve Officer Ttainin& Co rps
at WS U-S tevens Point ha~~ been
e n co uraa.:d to bc~:in their:
~!~~~i~~tion procedure• befoR"
Lt. Co l. Nell O' Keefe.
ch.airmanof them ilillry scic:ncc
department . uid his staff wiU
meet it10ffices o n Nol!on llaU's
HrJt Ooor with p!"OJI)ective
ca!lllidata who wiU be abk to
obllined from Mrs. 1'. S.
lb lduku. 4SS I Bluff$lde Dr
romnoisioncd officers July I will
rccti~ e S7.000 per ye:u or
$8, 100if a ne wkindof payplan
isapprovN bc fore then . ~akinl
capta in is almost automatic in
two )'Ut$, he upbined. and
s:;obry fOI' that ra nk as of July I
wiU be SIO,SOO or Sl l ,900 by
the proposed plan.
~c~~:;r~hip ~oi~;mit~;e4c0~~m~~~
~ fromdcmsor studcnl affair~
dn~cttl!•at a
studcnt'srollegc o r
untvenuy .
Applic.;ation blankssbo u lol~
returned loMn. llaldukasalofl&
wit hatranscripl,ofthestudent's
cred ilf fOI' her filii l hrcc
~~:mcsters or four qu:ul crs o f
rollqe .."Or k0
~!!"~~· t!hellk~n:~~!tC:I a~
kx*,~re-:~:~~k men
mental tnu lnd pass an oral
Intervie w 'pen by kOTC an~
wiU be tcnt 1tosummc r c.tmpat
Fort Bcttninl, Ga .. bet Ween Jlll'!e
I S ind July 28 for bwe
=.,:C: ftU~n,~ru. :~'!!f'tbc~
~ :o::c!~~~be ~~
Hi reminds pcnons, eltbcr
me n or women , th"
comPen11tlo n for c:areent lD I~
Kathleen J. Lansin¥. Jean J..
wtshto!itlla re urgedlo bt ing
them co thr ucha011~ . Th~
(U S! ono~ r may u.-t his o"'·n price
~nd will n·cdve a r~eci pt for his
books ~ nd/or rero rd s.
Tbr: fnt~ rn ily ,.,·ill th en put
th~m on th e shd•-..·s 10 be sold
When comin11 10 claim his
money. vn~lol books or rerorll l.
the ~ u slom~r must pre5o:n l his
1\'Cfipt .
Th e frat~rnit)' will charf!,c a
c..·nper ccnt!Oef'\'icccharae forall
boo ks and re ronh wid . All
item s must b•: pick~dupbyFri..
Mar. 14,or d!Oe tbeyhcromethc
pr opc rt yof lhe fr atcrnit y.
Til<' ~~chan11c will be- open
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Brass Choir
Toured State
last Week
T h~ h•~» ~hol1 a mi ma<lrlpl
$l ngln~tmaaniu t ionfr om WSU­
Stevcns Point toured kvcn
comm unit it1 in the wuthern
po rt ion o f the llad&rrla nd
betwccnJan. 20and 23.
Robe l! Van Nu ys and
Keny ard E.Srn itharcdireciOII
o flhcinst rurnc nt al and vonl
l!fOUJlS iflpcCtivdy .
The hra55choir h :~~noadc two
annua\tour sof !hcllate for l he
put six ) "t:illli. This il the fir st
time t he nud r i&alsin~ten have
IJOne on tht' "road.
Mfmbl'rs of ch•· choir arc ·
Truntpets. Jun nc Ziehr, Wally
lvu. !)an lauf~r . John Kjos:o,
Robc n KurgdOI'fand 1\cnCance.
Edith Ehk: ll , J im
Tischer. SILJ ru n Jand t and
Randy 8aSK neur . Trombones St~H Milk:r. l)av~ ll nin, Tom
Den ~nil Jack H ~kli"l! . Barilone
• larry Zunktl. Tuba· Ro1u
llcrrnanso n and John Cavu.
Richlld t•avou r.
llan Ttl'klsk~ ~nd Te d Bro...·n
Mad ri111 l •insets ~~~ Lc:no1e
TM Mninc Corp~ recrui tin& Olso:n. Roger ll erm•nson, Jud y
tum will be o n camp us ne~ t llan ncman, Waynf l)yksu a.
Vakric Go rton. Tom llullch,
;:Jn~~:~~n~a~~ wlS'~u:c~ Mnilyn l'•bsl. Lind~ W illi;nn~n.
up In th e tunnel where Sue lvcr!.On . KenS chmidt,llave
i nfo rmat ion will be made CLiy lon.and Tt rr y Zim merman .
available abou t Marine Corps
progra ms.
Hov• Yovr Pluo O.liv.,.d Piping Hot
Plua SmorJoibord -
Tvu doy 5 p .m.·l p .m." '
G~tl~t:,"q:~e0 oo1~!7!~in~: ~-------------.J
J udith
T hibau lt.
W~ rr~n
Fifteen Seniors
Win High Honors
Dins. Colby; Willil rn M. Fer&e.
Sc hofield; Kai.l Jerdec Fry,
Elr oy; D~vid G. Hamshire.
Wat er loo.
Kay l . llilkry, Darli111t o n;
Karen K. llochtriu , Wausau;
Emily lbhr llu batch, An tigo;
Jud y l . llumptuey. Shcboypn
Fa ll s ; l eonard l . lron•idc,
Wisconsi n Rapitb; Eliubc th A.
Kais.e r. D1kota, Ill.; Diane K.
Wi nnlna h*'h honors wi t h
gn du avcra~ting bct..,·ec n 3 .5
and 3.15 durin& four ye~n of
uudy we re Gloria llilcJ,
daughter of Mr. and Mr s. Robe r!
llilcs. Rt. '2, Granton, and Rose:
DeK e yser, daughtn of_ Mr. and
Mrs. Edwa rd l)eKeyiCr. Rt . 2,
Crivilz .
The others att ain<'ti ~Jades
avera~tlna bcl"'l't n 3. 2 and 3.S:
g~~:!~i . ~:a~~~fieid~~:!" :a~ ~r~s~fR1~ 1 : : ~~rn!d:~~
Volu ntct"rs arc needed for
tutoring Ind ia n child ren th is
semester. Two tutoring projects
~~sc heduled fo r th is wmestcr.
o ne at Wisconsi n Rapids and the
o ther a! Menomi neeCounly.
Those interested arc ur&ed to
be attheOkl Ma in par k in~t lot tl
thedtli&IQ tedti rnes.
S tud ents i nu rened in
tutoring junior his h and hish
S(hool sl udencs in Menomi!ICe
rou nty arc asked to be- at the
p1rking lot II 4:35 p.m. on
eit ht r Mo ndays o r Thursdays
St udcn u
inter este d in
tut orinai nW isro nsi n Ra pids a re
uraed tobcatthcparkingloton
WfdneSrJ ayS at 6: 15 p.m. For
more inform.rlon ro ncer ninlt
both projeds con tact G ra ce
~~~t'nl4?.11Zf. 8 ~nr":rn~~:~
ca n also be ob tained at
Ext ended Service•. Room 240,
Ext . 6113.
Sus:~nr 1\
Monwn Ko
l'illsville; Arthur A. l,
Wauwat osa; Barthelemy
Makohero. llurundi , Central
~~e~~~: · l'o\~t 1 !ndw{o~tr:lcrl~'·~j
Mi lwaukee ; Arlene M o ll ~hn
daugb lcr of Mr . and Mrs . Jor
Boui)I.Cius. Rt . 2. l.uxe mburt
Jnn Sin1h, Rl . I , Stevens l'omt
and formerly of Ru shvill~ . lnd
llenr y l eek. son of Mr . and ,\lr1
llcn ry Leek. Sr., Rt. 6, Mcmll
Oeloru Meyer, Westfield and
Joyce lirovsky,daug ht cr of \1 <
and Mrs. Andrew li ro~sk y. lh
I , Downln~t , Wis.
Africa .
l>clo res Meyer. Westfield ;
Mi ch:~<: l J . Moran. Green Day:
Pall ici3 A. Ne lson, Tumahwk;
Mary 1' . Walt O' l aire. Fo nd du
lac; larnont P. l'r ell , Tomah ;
Rkh.:ud B. Reed, Hartford;
lli3n e Keith Sclke. Rhinclandc r;
Muy A. lin kwood Siegle,
Mnkcs;;m; William W. Simpwn,
Bru ce ; Gknn R. Smuto n,
Ri c h a r d J . S t ~gema n ,
Kaukau na: Allhur J. Takishian.
South Milw aukee; B11b.1n A.
Tasch. Chilt on; Jan C. Volk,
Wabeno: and Kose Marie
DrKey!lCr and Donc ll e A. Will ,
Bachelo r of Music 0e8ml
ll~umg.a llen,
Richud l . Fellenz, Spe nce r;
Jerome K. LaValle. Adams;
ll~nry 11. Leek. M ~nill; and
Alice M. lowntan, AU&USII .
lnte rmedi3te-Uppcr
Carole l . Andnska, Puk
Fa ll$; Darrell M. -Bohm an d
Sharon J ense n, Rothschild;
Jane t A. Deb Cr u~. Judy I.
~o~~~n·n~~~rs~ hL.n"J~so[
Janua r y 23. 1969
CALL 256·7794
i'IIADI~~·~·~;~~~~"Es~ ·~~;·,LEGE
"o prestige college of b u sine ss s ince 1856"
21S Wut Wcuh lnglon Avt nu •, Modi son
When you come on 10 a
Heusen shirt the rest come
Gen ld J. John!Kl n. Mausto n;
....~:: J1i M~:.~d~ 11::,:
off like a bunch of stiffs.
Al mond ; Ro na kl J. Pres!.
Ti&erto n; Gord on R. Radtke .
Muinc tte; J amn M. Rei m, little
Suamico; Tcri A. Sw;~ n son ,
Merrill; 1nd Kenneth Woyak.
Schofie ld.
home of the
Phone 341-2100
O.llvory • p.m. Da!t,o
MutcrofSden oein
Teac hinaDcarec
l'rirnarY t;duc~tion Mn. Leonard Co lb)
Pr esident l et She{lll~n Abbotsford ; Steven Madson .wn
Dreyfus announced thu '""P. o f of Mr. and Mr s. Elmer Madw11.
th e studen ts bad gradCji(Un!S 1261Libra rySt .. Grecn8)y.
avenging bc-twt'tn 3 .15 and 4 ·?
Thornu Marx, son of Mr and
(srraiahr A). ReclpknU o f tlus Mn . William Marx, H l t'o 11 .
highnt honors citation will be Ro hr A>"t., Milwaukee . l.a n )
Kwt Jo hnson, wn of l:rofe550f Pece 11 nan, son of ~h . and M11
Alv in Jo hnson, 2600 llt~On ~· -· La lit 11 . l'eternun. 1'.10'1 s
Scenn• Point . and Joh n Yrros, 17th St., Sheboypn . An ton
Will Recruit
Alunrni and frir:nd sor wsu.
Stevens Po int havebo:eninvi tfd
to participate In a 224 ay
Europcan tow nc • t summer, it
hubee na nno un otd.
Ric k Fred(rkk. direo;Cor of
thca lu mnircl:u lonsdepa rtmen t.
saidin formulonhas\)c<,n ma ikd
&ivinaa detai\e d ltlnc:ryo flhe
reun ion abroad.
England. Ho lland. Ger man y,
Austri3, ll a\y, Monaro. France
and Switzerland will be visited
be lwecn July 14and Au&. 4.
Frl'<lcri,k said total cost,
i nclud ing air tnn sportal ion,
lodaina and food woukl be S161
and rescrva tlons locarrya SI()(I
deposit will be t «t plfd unlil
June I by hiso ffkc.
Four·YcarEicmen tary
Mabe l GaUagher. Neillsvilk
Ke nn e th L . llaU , Arkdllr.
Delores Malu n, Ant igo; Dorot hy
Rolain, Rh i nelander: lllj'e
Stulewslti, MerriU: a nd K ne ~ ,\
Torkelson, Tomahawk .
Ma!lltowoc; l ynn e lbnneman
G ibbs , Karen L. Schraufnagel
an d R obe rt IL Woe lfl .
M i 1 w au k ee; M a rl e n e
Bro ni newsk i a nd l'r a ncis
Ch.arland. Gree nfie kl .
Ja mes Aasen, We,tb y; J ames
J. Blair. Merrill: Richud J.
Hlo mb ers,Ogerna;Bonnic Ulrich
ll uchbcry;er. SllalfOI'd; Earl J .
Marine Corps
In Europe
Ar lene a·. Molu hn , Rot hsdil4.
and Naomi l.l'ogue,Marshfi:ld
~~~n~n~~~f~~~Ui~·f."~~~~t Fift een se n i o r.s at lo~ Wood,!Uughter of Mr. and
!~~ry ~~~l~~ss. t~Ro~cS~;"cc&~~ :~~;:;:~~~e ~~!~~~- gr.~dual ~d ~!:~ndC:tS:~ J~lb~~~~~~~!:~~~
WSU Alumni For Tutoring
County Will Tour
Are Needed
:~:~~st~r~:~~~~ ~Ei~f:ho~:~~~ud:~~ a~~~
am~'\,1 of payment Ire new, Stale Univeuitifllle Winnebtto
cff~ct1ve sero~ semester.
Th\· Alpha Phi Omcp boo~
will open Mon. I'd~ . J
in the lll nnd of !he Universi l y
C•• nt n . New thls "-'rncsl••r will
be the ad dition of a rcco td
udr:u..,e .
O nl y lP album s wi th lhd r
Campuses Flavored
With Global Students
Stude n ts a t the nine
Wiscons in St~te Univcul lics !his
fall oo nrc from all SO stat~s af\,11
Bachelor of Science Otp~e
choirmon of the event, ond Mr$. Ellen Sped>t, editor.
To Staff
rep rcscnu tions
The u edit loads which
dr l er minc the amo unt of
payment by the Vetcnn s
,\dmlnistntion to a ara duate
student are a. follows :
Wisconsin Stole University-Stevens Point is neoring com·
to olumni ouociotion members during the 75th onni·
Book Exchange Also
vet!::~f !,:~~e~~ ~~·ih:
Marie , Mich.; Onld K. Ryd en.
OtKalb, Ill.; David l . Schull,
Mt . HoR"b ; Ro be rt G. Scv~wo,
Roc kford , Il l. ; Dan ic:
Simo nson, Menonwnce
RaySt•ska,Crand on; Richanll.
Treptow. liV• U~ . a nd Dale A.
Winkk:r , lliles.
3. Reviewing poge proofs ore Rick Frederick, leh, olvmni
David Ross
ntilituy, h~s \)c<,n assi&r>N to
the Army ll. t$<'1Ve Offife r
TraininiJ Cn rps unit a t
WSU- Stnrns Poin t.
The Tuas native recently
rclurncd 10 t ~ slatu from a
tour of duty In Sout h Vietnam.
ll c..,·ill:i<rveasa n adru iuistracive
non-c ommissitined offict"r here.
Silt . Ross is manito! and has
hoiO roM who ~re IKre wit h him.
200 Receive Degrees
· , 7 to 8 oz. of Tantalizing Beef Served
. on H~t Italian Bread
the people who unstuffed the shirt
' Dr. John Chen Appointed ·
January 30, 1969
Page 5
Alumni Use
Director of Libraries
Adisl in:uishcd lntnn;a t i.:u\;11
so: hu br ~Ill! libr.1ry JI'C'd.:. List hu
upi.l br up~lldinJ univcnity
whk h is dtvdopiltl both on the
l f~<hlat •· an.l un.dn&raduatc
Will Add Courses
On Negro History
ra~·~~..:s3 ~~~U'-s.~::~!":.O;:t ~~~Wdu.A~r f:;,h k:~.~-! .•::
..rr~.-tin J ulyl.
tk is Ot. John Chcn , lnJti'o·c
of Chin1 wllo curr~ntl)' olilt.'CII
lob.-Jr)'OI'<"t:ll ionsa tl.ynchburJ
(\>Uc&cin Vi111in~ .
li e h o ld s five 1cxl cm k
•ksrn-s. is r3 tcd u o~ of the
h •a o.l l n l spcdali s u
!i<lnlhnstcrn •tales o n libnry
Ju toma tlon, ts t he aut hor of~ S
books , numcr<Ju s 11t kksa nd
winnn o f a SIO,OOO Li tcn turc
I n
annound n 1
lh ,
K!<'llll'k. <Inn o f !Itt kaTniRI
T<'Wu"'('S •c•ll<·r whkh indudcs
~·~~··~·; . ~~~-~-v~rJ' ~~~~~;
knm•lda:cufhbnoryau tOIIOat lon
;mJ rom puWiution of lib111ry
$t'r¥""'~ will nu l c it pouiblc lo
keep tho' b dlll)' n10rc up to
d31 C.
ali d lfCC!Or
·· u,·
Or . r~ n'sarr ivaltoS t ncns
f'ui11t will ~ ~- t han a ynr
bdon: the anti c ipated
o 1'C'up.1 ncy of t ~ new si.ll•tory
ka1 nin& reJo ur cu ~ente r which
~k~Uon k
IOniC Of the
library ajllipmcn t .
The facility also Is u:pednl
to undcr&o iii J rntcstJrowth
~ t,.·.:e nthcnandi 97S .
1\WJI\l fo T Schol;uJ.
"' l'l"li nttncn t,
need to be mindful of a
commi tment to thewho le Uuth ,
and to be aware oft hep0 ..1erof
tr 1,1 th to rdorm out moded
in5titutio ns and to buikl M"·~ r
OIIC'S on a fi rme r and
mo re
endu ringb;isil.
In a memorandum th is nron th
to Stcve nt Poi nt fa ~ulty
membm, rcquc•tinl them 10
appro'lt' the new oo unes . Ur . ·
Franklin and l>r. f o wler ..·rote:
··we arc co&niun t,j"'st u rnany
o th er s. th a t an historin l
pcr5pe,tive could p0sibly
pr ovidcthe intcllectualbnisfo r
the evenwa l re w l... t ion of some
o f 0 1,11 mo numental ~o~Kil l
problems. Weshoukl em phasize.
ho"'"VCT , th~t the COUrSC'S W~
pr opO~
w01,1kl not b<' an
euerisc in pr opag;anada. Wca l<." inttte~ted in the p... rsuit of truth
u.- Ju sivt asilrnaybc,b,.l tObc
o blivious o f the pOSSi ble socill
cffecu of the unad ulttrlt N
tr,.t h is tobc naivc.""
StC\·ens Po int State hnbttn
a ludcr in promo tin& ac.ademic
u ... d lcs o f b l1 c k pt o pl~.
lfCOrdinJt to th e SlU e
D e p a rtm~nt
o f l',.bli c
l n)lrl,l~t io n . A llfiCJkum~ n from
there T epOf!~ d reei:n tly llrat an
insti t,.lc hckl l~trc Jut )"U r o n
""The Tcac hin&Jnd Tr n trnrn t of
the Ntgro in i\merictn lhsrory"
wu the firs! o f ~~ ~ kind
l"O IKiudc db ya l'o' iicon)inKhool
o fhr&herkJrn ing.
b'/"~~~~~\:!'::.J.d institution s,"
01. Krcmpk: reports that
there p1c a: nlly "c 160,000
pcriodka ls ro llct tion. The Board
of Rtacnll o f ~a t e univcnit~a
has iniUutcd that by 191S it
hop:s lcach • WSU libn.ry will
If there arc 10,000 uudcn ta
here the n, t he library would
luvc abo ut JS O,OOO or twice 11
Tnll ny books more t han at
pr~~nj · "
WSU Expect 6,858
More Students In Fall
New <ond ition. ptofcuio n·
ol cMdcl Buffet Clarinet.
Mode l R-1 3, sove over
SIOO. Rondy Scott, 402'! .
She rman , Woutou,Wiuonlin 14S-8943.
ByDucCfC hOrt
Th t
re un t
11 36Moin St.
Nullo the
~o;~tne::~ y pt~~~:
Ct1t.tinly the presentation of
wildli fe in antiq~~ated and
cvil-smcllin1 100s dou litt le to
fOllcr lo~t and n spcct for
nature , andcven l bcenforoed
easylivin&an6xc ... ri tyafforded
a nima ls in t he mode m U~OS is of
do,.btfulnluc. A wild animal in
Do-soodcn take nol t! It
appea rs that 1n obvioully
dera"'cd you111 man IOniC' how
JtOt poS¥Uion o f two 1!1. pistols
1nd aucmptcd to aP.Uinatc 1
public o fficia l while he was
paJSin1 in ~ m . Th.c
tmnin& thrn& II that thrs
An anima l in illnatwalhab itat
has to work for a livin&, dou nOI
United Stat u. b1,1t in the Soviet
Union. one of the mo ll r!Aidly
co ntrolled 10eicti<"s on the face
of the nrt h. It wo uld Ktnrthat
even the rcprtsaion of the Sovi<"t
s.ta tt cannot de ter un Nlantcd
fn rc~~i~
B"'lldin& a1,1dit orium . The even t
will bt&in at 8 p.m. and be open
tothe pubUcwithout chatgc.
Donald Grcc iiC'. deput n.cnt
chair man . wlll play th~ darien t .
and Jamn Westbrook . n ... tc .
Wo rk$ of t he . compo Kn
Francois Rauc, ll andd, ll"'uc r.
Lo1,1 is Moy5e, lloward lhn w n.
"What did you ~:tY
your name was?
~n~fij~~~0 ~f si~~). 1a":i~;b r.:~:n:~~~en n:ntd !.~io~n~~ :·~~;o:~!dl~enrl Dutillm ..-;n
to brtcdincaptivity att csu totl.
~t:~d1a;:c~r~~i;~ ~u~e~~~~~
manydan111-en, b1,11 atleasttl rs
w~~h:: l~~~~~~or 'i:.s~~,!~'::~
~~:~;~~,.:~~ a:tre~t i.::btt~ n~~
~.~~:PorT:,~~~:·i~~d ':~~~ r~r~~=~::;!~~ 5of~~nttr!t I hewcs0b~~~t~ I J''~~~~e~!
pk turu ca n makr !his pos.sible. ~~~~caf~e~ri:.:·~!'~::s~~~na~: ~f=~~~:.~~tt h~1 ~n!vb!~1tYfJ
r:c:~~,.~~tN~eisw~ :~~~~=
out herd
The Cl.lflent furor over the
co nfirmati o a of A\uka' s
Governor Hidr.clu Sccrctary of
the Interior is food ff>CthoU&hl .
Some co nservat ionists lilY that
he will fno r b1,1sine• intertsts,
aadlllowthcmtou ploit p"'blic
laad tothe6ctrime nt of011tdoor
rccn:ation an6 wikllifc . . Othcrs
faror&i-rin&Sccn:tary li tdr.clto
::v:.U'b>'lichisin~~~rua~tuo~:~ .h~
t ny cat~:,· the fad _that hu
opinions on con~trntiOn .were
qiiCilloMCI ;.a &ood Jip .
of Ill who wo~ld Ukt
some wi16e~ntJ.I ;}~i~:~r
our natioN\ f~~rkl, forcsta,and
cheap and euy lca pq;oat . A 1un
is a dana;crous thing. to be ~ ... rc.
but it is curiou~y lifele u and
inert when not directed by the
handsandmindof a man.
Pi;no acco mpainsu will be
J lldith Brown and Jack Co han.
Greene, who c;~me here in
1967. is 1 yaduate of the State
Co ll t&e I I Man d icld ," Pa. and the
Eastman School of !>ha le at
Rocheste r. N.Y. lie is cun cn lly
~~!'t!~~~~Scs,:!~~e~~~"'st!. 11
people they do not like .
One wond ers whit su~...,u ,..e
lie has appeared as 11!- Utlit
"t...ppitr" in zoos or on the
plains of Afrk:a. The point h in the United States mi&ht have cond u, tor, adj ud ica tor, and
that the lion evolved in Afriel· in tr yinl!- to preven t lii_'C h clinicia n throu~tho"'t Ne w York
there is a placcforhimthne,an OCI,If renccs. Perhaps the Sov~t t s S l a te a nd Wisconsi n.' li e
ccolo&i<::lll niche. If we wis h to co uld . work _to . c~n&e the or~aniLed the WSU Sympho nic
study the lion, even for a n hour, conditrons whtch rnsp11e young Wind En~mble and Sta&e Band .
we sho,.\d Sludy him in his IO(i;\isu to klll their leaders.
M1,1 eh mon: n n be learned
from a ,.·cll·malk film narntcd
by 1 biolo&i$1 than can be:
learned fro m uy amo ... nt of
timespc:n t watchlfllaca,&cd lion
Two mu s ic department
faculty membcnat WSU ..Stcvc ns
co nsidcnt~ll .
Faculty Members
Present Recital
~~~t~~lio;:,i~..~~,.. a~~~~
tionns in 1 \O'x I r LOO c;a&e, I
<::lln't remember hnin1 ~ee n a
,.uonaer protut apinu lOOt on
n.J tiona\tdcvision,a nd ~r haps
It i~ ti me the: wbjcd was
bro ,. sh t up fo r p1,1b\k
OvEF~ !7~ TITLES S1 E.o.CH
ron truU bctwecn the: J~,~xw;.nt
freed om of th e " Born Fret"
; ...~~~~R~ 1tT~N0t NG COMES
yurs o f teac hing upcri<"ncc on
the h!Ah school.. co l~p:; ~nd.
1,1niver$ity levels tn MtSiiiUS IPfll
before co min& here last fall .
ll isprofusional carcc r covers .
r-----------.. . --,
S.E.X. SAVE 5%
$10.50 MU.L TICKET VALU~Now Avo iloblo otlho Gri d iron for only $10.00
\?-~ )~-v
% Original Price
Come See - Come Buy
Come Save
.,-i'.. ""
p ·
1129 MAIN
UH Thh 01 Co1h
P11rdloM fram tiM Co1hler Nowl
- \\
q;~ ~-----J~ \ )
~\ .
('/ 01
There must be a safer way to meet\
girls. Luckily for you, we put instructioos on sell-defense in every package
o f Ha i Kara t e• Aft er Shave and
Cologne. But~ven so, please be a little
car~ul•.how yOtJ use it . A good social
life _ i~ne, but the way you're goi ng
you'll be too battered to enjoy it.
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.
From Congressman
To Cabinet Member .••
From Marshfield
To Washington •••
Central Wisconsin Honors
Melvin Laird ~~ WSU
l ollj: • l '"'~
Md•·tn l_~u.J ~ ~ th~ WSI I
L·kklllnu!o<' Jan. 1: .. ,\ tin,· nf
~~'l:;;'~~~~~•.~;."·.~::.~.·;~~t ~·~;;:~~:
ro ~ hl) . Th •·
I"" ~ '~'" "'~'
~~~~mh·•l I•) S•·n~ ' "' c;~)~"''
S d <<'n. ,;.,,.,.,,,,
\\ ~ "''"
"'M'"k<. \\'Sll 1'1\'"''''111 . ..... S
nuu"''"''' mh,·r
l't ~>ilktU
l<idt ~Hl
Nt\Uil ><hh,·s~,l th 1' <'f<l"'li h)
!dq•ll<ln~ .
,\ n KOT(" llunor
~,::~~ 1s.J:~~~~::r~.~~!:~<~~~~
the' ucw
lld••ns.,insislc.J. H•·s:.i.l h·· wa>
h)~ <hff,·~<·nt
" 'UUIJ L'O illltlliC IO
mcod)' nooo·illl:
s-:n·r ! he
\\'is<'on•in .
c~niiJ I
Photos And Copy By Mike Dominowski
January 30, 1969
Tom Rilltnlhtkti!Ot hoi fUt"
the Pointers in t helt<;Ond h'lf
and the rel~ble Ckmcnu apin
10 spalt
The Titans m.Jdc one Ia~
l llteat, narrowin1 the J ip 10
teYtn at SI·SI wilh 7 :45 kft.
but Clements llluffcd !hat rally
by eonnecl inl o n two strai&ht
20 foot j ump shou.
"'l'tle ln lo the pmc
. ..
Cagers Lose ,To . Eau- Claire I Drop Lead
January 30. 1969
Tip St. Norberts,
85-75 With Flurry
Defeat Ends Six Game
WSUC Winning Streak
l'oi~;~,·~s ,~;~~~~n.i',~L~~~~n :::~ ,..,,~~;·~~~~2~il ~:~ds
WSUC "'lth a
~hon nin& .
Rill.<' nlhalcr
The l'ointer b;rolke t baU tum
fin is he d strong to pOSt a
deceioina 85·15 victOty o f thr
Green Kn i&hLs of St . Norb-nts
o n Wednesdaynenlna. hn.22.
ina r>On-confercn ccb.Jskctba ll
The \lo·in put the Poi nters'
seuon recO<d ~~ l l·l whi le the
loH dropped a high ly r~prde d
SLNo rbc ruto7·5.
The game was clos e
ctuoughout with neith er to:arn
galnina con tr ol in lh ~ fDsl half.
l'oi nt otxnc dup a24· 111cad
lfft K(n
a jump$hol
<'ICI OI)' un l'uin() IIQIII~ floor,
Sa111uby , J ~n . ~S .
b ut Jol\n$0 nputt hcpmcouto(
rcacl1 With~ • hor l jump !llolan<l
b·l "'•'Qid and cno.k.J ~ W~ ·ptnr
~~~··a~ in <'<Jnicrcn<"
for an in h·n t kln.:. l fouL Mi~c
ll ughes "·as fouled al thf buucr
halr~ ..~s."':;~:••} 11S~~~m~.;· :~ ~ ~~~~ !~~"1..,.~~:." '::.~•.-~~~~r:~
~~~~; ..~lOIII
"7•1 111
C'Oil~l'f\'IIC~ :~,j ~~I::J:I'"~t!ll 1= 1 ~1CI~ th1: ~::
Th•· wi" )..,·,~ l'au Cbire in
1 hi' t unnonj: f <H the
chami'IOII~hir ..-ith a 5-~ rc,orJ .
In ll"· fu>t llalf th•·l'•>hu~r$
lfd by:~s onaU)' as nine roinuas
th•· l:llu~o kl> "'hiltkJ away at
t h.:lt kad wh,·n the l'oint<·ts
snff~rcd thrm~h cold
l blft um· (onml thf lllugoi.J s in
th•· k-a>l, Jo.JS.
1'01 t h•· (Lt$\ It'll ntinnl>'$ of
th•· !o<'\.'\,lml half d thcr team
.... ,kt pin .vuuot of rtay .. ith
bn t'Liil>' II>OJ II )' llokli >llt a
t ..·o·t'>Ull k-ad
Tlwtu•non ~t'""'' inth•·~~"'''
>'3111<" ""h 7 ..101.-ft .. tt,·n Stc•·•·
John"''" put m ~>hot to t•ut th•·
lllnj:Okl> '" t< ont , S'I·SS Aflc r
!'"'~ t"u IIIIUUl<'i "'thout a
ba.t..•t. Mo~c ll ut:ll<':i ,....,,.,.d for
IC SJ>l'clabk . 75-611.
l:my Stun. of tltc ll l ugoiJ ~
l•'\1 bolh team s in SCQfinl; wltll
20 ruints. Two oth•·r lll~okl s
hit in OOuhk" fi.:om•s ..·ith J ~n y
n>idWlll ytluollih l~fi rsl ha lfbut
II Uilh~s and Lind!I.")' >'J~Ill:>' ll in~
elK: Green t-.:n ~ht s fouiht !Nck
togroba31-J6ha lh irneleadu
chc Poin ters su rr~rcd throllih a
coklttx ll.
In the seco nd tulr neither
l cam wuagainab le todornina te
un!il late inlh cpnw:.
Wit h 4:40 Jdt in t h~ game
Stevc Dancn kno tt cd t he5COre
Th•· Poin ters on« lj?IM had
fou r nl<'n in double figur~ s and
om· ju~t missint: by a po i11t. t>nt
all fi•·r w~r•· start~U and th•·
$ubstitntc s manag~,J onl y Olk'
t-.: cn R it l.<'nlh~kr ami Mt~•·
lh"h,· s k-d l'vint in,.·orinlt"'''"
p<>ints api··~·· · Tom
Rn l.>'n l hal,•t an,J RnS> lkl' au"
I ! ~ohl t•·n t">in iS 1
h".~ l"'•· ti~dy
" ' htk• Quinn
Vathlcn lt cunl had '' lwfoh"
fouling out mid"''3)' m th•
a t 6~6but l'oint ap in ~;rabb<.-d
the lead on a bucke t by Tom
Rille nt hak:r. Aftnthe Polntcu
ba ll b:ld, Mike ll lijlhcs
tlppcdinaslmtand t hcy,.·c rc
~:ot thc
offtf',~;'jr~i'Jf.~cr d1opped
in a
h~sk~t for tt~ Grcrn KnighU ,
tt~ l'ointcn pulled 'away on
bukcts by Torn and t-.: cn
R i tt. cn tll~ler ~nd two free
t hl 0"''1 by Russ ll el' auw while
uiing up
l'rccious minutu
oft>laying timc ,
lluWayneNashcloscd t hcpp
to 1b·10 wit h a jump sho l at
: SS : hut t wo fr( e thro ..·sa piece
;;r~~~~ ~ri~~~~;~~~~:it;-:;~::~~:::::~:~ ;;~!.~~h~~k!~:s.~,:~a~;J·~: ~··::~
:~,·~-~~~,:rt:,:.~~~:I:;~~~d a: h;~~ ~::.~~~~~~1~tf.\~ .:::~:~::,.r~::,\~,:~,~
l'um tc!> ,.,.._.
l!ltzrnl hal•• r ~,;
ri l 'l;' Tl~
1\1\ Zo"l> \h,tlo•> :0
~ .\ I
l'l•· Fu u"' g
1/ ,•untn~: . g
Clo'IIH'IU ~.
w .·,tph!ll.
T~tnl t
~:~1 ~ ·~
,,z :0 10
1 -~
ptiints,82-70 ..·l th :221cft ,
l n thehtcticfinata:ronds thc
o o
:,:~cr 1 c;i~~eJC:~c1o~;•h,~f:~~~~
RU SS Oa FAUW !7:?) brec> ~ l cowoy from Jc,.y Hughes 125/
of Eou Clone "' o cloudy fought gume '" wh•ch rhe
Poontcrs fell to defeu r 75-68. fh,s ddeo r or rhc hond5
of Eov Clou e "''" The f11u defeo r on 'onference ploy
fo• rhe Poonle•s (Pho ro bv Sob Holden)
and two free th ro ..·s with
d~:!;\~~on'l:~~~ic wcuphal
·~~~~~'~'it; ,:.:.~,l~af;~~ ~~~~;
~:.~~~~~ ·,~~~~."'"' k
ha cl.s t rokt•. s.·hutl<'n Ill lhC
SOO )'a r.l fl.-.·.tyk and l ·d..-~hh
on tlw ~00 yard hn·~> lstt ok~ .
'I h,-
rd~ y
l t"a>n~
Tluld pl~c~li
th~ 1000 y~•d
~lw fmhh~d
.,..~nt to Rotr;~ in
fr ~cS!yk ~ ntlrh,·
<.-omt sho ..·in~:
~~~~~ ~~;:·::,::i~h "'~~ ~~~dw~t"
fr~T~~ro'bf; d iffere nce in thr
l'oi ru ~r second h$lf o;omcb:lc k
wu m dng free throw shoot ins
In the first half the Point~rs
coukl o nly drop in six of I J frce
throws but in the second half
rc5ponded with 17 of 2 1 from
the c hari ty stripe . .
St.Norbl: rtsalsodidtnabout
faceo nthcfrec thro w lincinthe
5econd half. Aft er makina I J of
19 ln !he open ins period. the
Green Kn igh ts made o nly six of
12in th esc:co nd hllf.
Gebler and Emc.r lead St
Nobe rt s in scorin& with 11
poinua piecc.
f'O t "'T l't' T P .
c~bter, r
4 11
Ranking. t
f -:1
Crtgnon, g
4 10
Naah, c
4 H
Emer, g
1· ll 3 11
Callahan c
z 0-3 4 4
Dauen f
R lo~Ue, K
19·3 1 24
t 'O t"'T 1'1.- T l '
K. !!Uunti>&IH5
T.ltltun\hale r II
2 27
Vlllld~n lleu'al 1
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530 A.M -~30 AM.
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fit'kl r;oa ls and fl..,. of si~ fr.,.Closed Monday Nighrs
A t .6 00 PM
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