Document 11824437

Wisconsin State
Stevens Point
8Pages, No. ll ·
Student Senate Begins
Tq Study Representation
By Jim ltofer
A commission t will
euminc the basicddinitionof
t he student JOYcrnment on tnis
camp1U a nd upo n due
considerat ion re part to tile
president hubeenannouncfd
by Pa u l SchillinJ, Student
Scn.tcpresidcnt. commission has
devdo p!'d out of JtOwinJ
disillusionment on the pal! of
th.eScnate and Sch.illin&over the
preKnt rcpnw ntation ay5tem.
Prcxn!ly, n ell clasl. xnds
two per50ns to wrve o n the
for~~~~~~, t~":~~~on1 ~~
is ' 'anot hrr n10ve lo r!¥lltt t hr
students." he replied he did not
l:now. But he stated, " I am Jure
tllis is • ~sui! of our hcarina:·
co mmittee
rc~ntlyllckl a public hcarin&on
t hellca!th Suvice.
llallappc11td before The ~nate.
They pru<"nt«i SehiUinJ with a
petition burin11 siJnaturu of
studenn who fee l O ld Main lawn
shou ld be a vailab le fo r
recrut ~nduse .
Da~rd l'dto.n . .s terner llall
counerlman, uid 1n o nly I\O'O •
days. ~80 residents of 0 fbd l
and Sterner llallundoff-<;lmpus
students t.i,Jnc:d thcpetition.
The S~nlle and otht'r campus
01111niuhons an: considerinc a
prop.o sal from U nivcrJity
pr euden.t Lee S. Dreyfus
eoncern.n11 the pro pose d
Forme r stude nt bo dy
president, L.m MarcW: will lind
commi•ion. Bill McMillen
will auist Mareist, IS nccut ive recrntiohu~of thebwn.
commissioner. .
Th.erc will be suen penons
5ol'n"illJ u tOmminionas. T~
~~:~~;st~iS~hilli:... re s po nsible \
Richud McKai&, diJcctor of
Student AcrWiliu 1rut newly
IPJ)Ointed head of the University
Ccrllcr prQ&ram rommiu cc , hn
a!Jccd for suunrions putaininJ
ro possiblefacilitits andserricu
to be ind uded in rhc University
T he directors committef
pr<"wntly is prepadna 1 proa,ram
statement fortheaddit ion
Senuo11 diSCussed posrble
a bowhnJ allcy, l bllbo:rshop a
t heatre , a clothiiiJ !itorc, 1
coffcehou~. and bcer~.ervicc.
McK aiJ repOr1cd the~ idns
were bcinJ considc~d and
stated , "Any rt'span~ from
51 udcnu or faculty membeiS ~~~·ill
be valuable at this tim<'."
It was announced that Dr.
Abn ~hrnan will discu55
univcnity's text book rental
syste m at t he next Senate
meeting o n Nov. 2 1.
An 1d hoc commin ee of tile
welfare committee ¥1'11 formed
to workwit hGilbell Fauuat his
re que $1 , to consider·
~~:~~:~~~n~,o~~u1r1!~ (a~~7~!
l o t tie Senate thr ~Yibitityof
polli!li student op~nion by ux
ofttlcphonc, Th.ewnatorsspend
w•·er~l hours wtekly wortin& in
l hc: wnate office. T his time
could be uwd to place ealls
randomly to studrnts.
Sophomore wnator, Mark
Dahl informed T he: Po inter of
tile fo r m ation of S BS ,
Sophomores for a Better Senate.
Delli said tile mecti!IJ$ of this
sroupwill bcheldonalternatc .
WC'dne$daysin ruidencehatls.
Met t inas arc open to all
Syndicated Co·.l umnist
mer M ondoy nighT in the LoFOIIere lounge of The Uni·
ve11ity Center. The two-hour meeting drew o crowd
vorying from 100 to 200 people indud ing Or. Wil-
SDS Meets
In Lounge
Of Center'
ACHA : Grossly lnadeq uate
Th e Students f o r a
0 eii)OCW ie Soddy held I
meetlnJ o n Mon;.lay evcnin& in
t he l.aFolktc Jounce of the
Uni•·en ii)' Ccnt<"r .
}n1 c1~1~t"'~n~ t ::i~~t i:cl~::
was hdd 111ins/
. n:aulaho ns from t he Board ol
Rqents' n:K>Iut ion 3 16 1 andits
s ubsequent interpretation by
E~ae ne
McPh.~e .
\iom Stielstro (for !ell!, V ice· Presidenl for Student Af·
foi,.. Much of t ile talking o t t ile meeting wos done
by foculty ~nd odministro to1s. (Photo by Dennis Bush}
T he action by . the R~ents
Health Service Must M0 v e
To Top Of Priority List
Pu tli · IIH lth Seukt
Tht' i"'OI'"JUI$ most lik~ ly to
First Aid Required
be kiUN include · pl~ns fo r
intrrnlC'diarybl'd Cire and t he
The t<•sidenct hall directou
addit ionnfat lcast oncpart..fime should be tl'qui~d. to !Ike fiu t
dentist to t ile Student Health aid coursn. There is no r~a50n
why t hey aren't requi!'fd to
Service o f WSU..Stevens Point
The second neptin& forrt is
wascondueted by tile Amerkan t he Board of Re,ent's present 1\0 w.cxcej'lt ferth.e factit 'svery
Co lle1e llralth Associat ioo policy of (lt'rminina building difficult to flnd tile concct
(ACIIA) at the reque$t of tM only for the current enro llment. administrat ive official to prod
into action. The coinx is
Ditc(tor bf t he Board ol
So, even if most of t he availableandw, I"'Ouldanume,
Reacnts, Ei.Wene R. McPhee.
desired facilit ies would be arethchaUdil'ccton.
atcepled , by tile time t were
A full t ime physician should
facilftles, xrvkcs and pe:uonncl ~~~Illy ~~~~~~:Je~:!· :!o~ldve:! bc: h.iredwit houtdclay. Plansfor
a new fa cility should be
of the Student Health. SerYiccat ln.dcquatc andOutmod<:d.
ted an d submitt<:d
the time. l ts findin&swcre then
The Arntriun ColltJe llcalth.
evaluated 1ecordlrc to ACHA Service ~~~~ made l\11'0 other immediately. A student hulth.
feech.arieshoUldbeinst ituted
"andanlland recommendations propou h , Jmpo rt artl to tofinancethellealthServiocon
were made.
immediate student ncedl. The
The St udent Health Serriee firstof tht!ler~rds the hifinJ 1 more adequate basis.
Un fo rtu nately, th.cre arc
was ro und to be grossly of additional nwvs In order to
inadequate and uru.blf to meet k«p the Health Service open on pre.:ntly no con~Ute plans for
the improvement ol the Health.
the minimal standards o f t he a24-hou.remc1Jrncylwisis.
Center. Students must let the
This idca. h.asacnellll)' been administrat ion know how they
Onc , of t he mo51 obvious metwith admlnistrlltveapproval
dcfieiencic:s eited wasthcbetof and is considered to be hi3hly feel. T ile st udents must help
push the improvement of t ile
suffie~nt personnel. At the t ime
poSii.blcusoon u a lludent
of tile reparl, Or. Riflc:m1n healthfeeiscllat'lledtosuppart llealth ~rvice fromthe bollom
th e t o p of t he
worked as pa.rt~ime dif«tor, t h.ehulth centerrathcr t I o
administfll ion'spriority list.'
two nurxs were employed and
continuinJ IOfillllnce thcwrvicc
Tile staff has since pown from 1 port ion of the student
with tile fuU
Another step IIIII may soon
time nurK,II'Oih.u clerk and a
betalr.en ls requirin&atleut the
mcdlcal teehnolocist.
Relid~nce H1U Directors (ind
While tile staff hu JtOwn, It pass.ibly t h-e R.A.'s) to tate an
1$ far from mcetinathe standards elementary course in first aid.
set by tile ACHA o f one Prcxnlly, is not requited
t full~ime ph.ysidan per 1000 and tr a serious accldent \II'U tO•
[s tude nts, o ne n u nc per occur, emcraency fir~t aid could
' ph.y ~ i _c ia n, one m ediul not be administered.
, tech.nte:urn per 2000 students or
two clerks per the first 3000
Fwtction DdMed
istudentsandanadd.ltional clert
\per every 2000 •st udents
By Anita Matter
sur?c~ "~','" t~! a;t'!w~~·l ~~~:ith
::n~.~~b~~~ "\~~hc:f:tf:~~~ eo~~!~enl~J' s~~cym~1e
disrl!ptive." SDS
Tile mee t ina in c lud ed
After nurl)· t wo ho urs of
lenath and. 11 t ime$, heated
d iscu ssion the people in
attendance voted 92 to4with4
abstentions to hold anot her
meetlnJ on nmp us nut
Mondaynit;ht ,
Dial SEX
For Senate
This W«k Student Senate is
writin& alc tter to Mr. McPh« to
asld him .t o mpand' to ~nate's
demamll oa the SDS problem.
Thb w«k 1 c:ommi$sion Is
mcetinJ to discuss the Senile
itx lf and look for its wntncSKs
and strerctlls. Do )'Ou think
Arc you thinti~~& if you
apa{.h.etM: and uoorprun~· (dial
t ttiftk
. Snvi.ce
1Personne l and theadmunstntion
believe thex fiJ~s Iobei pipe
dream; bui lt is qrccd mote
staff members are dc:spe:ratdy
needed, t he mon lmmedi.J<tc
I tec~,~c\":b. f~~!:eofhl,::i
:~~~ Y,: t ~~·is f:,~ f!",\a~11dir~~!:~
~ctlve interriewinJ lw bcc.n
~one, and it i! h.opcd this
EX. ·
Another notk:cabl)' !actin&
Beloved Enemy l ~
CHA requirement refus to
Will Be .Sho.wn IUbmitted
r·lf:t,hy~t:J~au~!e been
immediately for the
~c~o:~~t;c ~ et~cl ~e~~~~~~·=
comm!IISioners 1h.all do tht'lr
utmost t o add to ttl~ ability of
thll commllsion t o provide an
incilive anal~sis of t he problems
or lludent IOYHnment o n this
Tile ad hoc committee
•;:~~~~~~~l:n°r;:;~i~:O,. ~~cia~f
Harry Golden Will Speak On
' Only In America ' This Sunday
:~:::~~~ti~~~:~i::T::. a£:~ ~~:~~:~ ~~~· T~~e~/:f~h ~~~~
~~~~c~0~~~~.~:~~;J1 spnt · ~~;~dOt ~~C.., ~~~k~da~d 1~!~!
A lii
His address at 8 p.m. In Main
BuildinK auditorium wi ll be an
and LHturu Ser~S
Krved u a school tucher on the
elementary lent in New York
City for l¥1'0 )'ellS before
informat ion ,dest in advan~e and
door t.he niah.t of the
Z:;h.l'of!p~1~ '"v'~~~e ~:!
~~w~~t~~· 1~~v~'t'u:;mC~n~e~ tyo~~:l?Jiya2~r:!!:r~e7 t~: ":::
promot ion dcpinmcnt of t ile
~J~~£~~~~i:t~~~~;~:~:. ~~~t~1nPc,~u~~~e ~~t!~•ll
Golden lltblcs remarks as one
ruponsc o n t he part of t he strp ahead of anythirtB that can
Reaents been draftint; 1 be seen in print. ltecallshimxlf
1 social . historian who is
Conunillee cllaitman, John indep e ndent. irtevercnt and
'WtllcnflllJread a rout;hdrdtof down~o-c1rth .
He was editor and publisher
the lett~r to the Senate.
comm u,nica ti on will be of a -" The Carolina llnr litc"
from 194 ] . until it ccaxd
T ile Senate a new publicationtnFebr~ry.
As an author, he produocd
t eleph.onc number. The number
lsut. 7l9. 1ftranllatedinterms ''Only in Amcrin" and "For 2
lcttenof the telephone dial cents . Plai n" s u ccessive
cor~spondinJ to tile number besl·xUen.
Add ition.! collci:tlons of his
1l9,th.eword sex rewlta.
Thi! chanac of number is a e$11ays and social criticilm have
portion of Scn1te's new public slnce fltyrockctedin popularity;
"The Best of Uarry Colden"
~btions eampai&n. It Is hoped
t he new number .and auociatnl (1968); "Ess, Ess. Mcln . Kindt
mcanlna in terms o f leneu ¥1'ill (e,t,, My Child)" in ' 1966:
encouraJCsludentstocontact "So What Else is New1" (1 96S):
theScnate omce.
Accordin& to ~nate wcll\re ::~~~·;~ E~~~!~·; 9JJf.62) and .
committee chlifman, Vern
Colden has bcc:n described as
Reb e lcin, improorcmcnu 11e ro tund,bespt'ctcd , scarulymon:
pn:xntly bein& made to the than flve~nd~nc·half feet tall,
~:~sit)' Hu lth Service waitint bru kl out lib
He was born in New York on
: Wilen asked if this ~modeli!IJ
Golden said he was d1111wn t o
Charlotte bccause ' he felt that
one ol the 1110st profound
chapters in tht' development of
the country wubeina written in
!he South, He worked for tile
CMr/our Obrt,.-rr while h.e
founded his own personal
jourlllll.ln 1944 h.ewu able to
devote his full t ime to the
In 19S8, ''Only In America,"
a boot o f esaays taken mostly
from t he bact issues of his
newspape:r, wu published . It
1101d over 300,000 copies ln hard
cover and .over two million in
the paperback edition. This
represents the lar&CJI sale of a
boot of ns;ays in the E111lilh
llnJ UIIC.
0a Tuelday evcnin.I?No• . 26,
t be' filsll, "Beloved Encmy," wiU
be sbown in Room 125 of tile
OUsroom Cmtcr. Tbe fllm,
:C:d F.~~o.!.~~- .XUni:!
abow1111 7:30p.m.
of adoqUIIC future
but when preacd
a b o ut definit e plans, tbco
~t;dministration · ht'd&ed, statint:
!::!~ ~!i~ h.e:.~,!~~~~0~~~
are ,
lbo"&;.~~ E~;.w':;'cr,b! ! ~:!d:,mlnirc
o utst.uullna mm or• t be year, Is
l~ltCifY of 1 brilliiJit rOI.Illl
ldllalilt, who bt'C:.II,.. or hitl'
ubeW, is re~c:ted by tbe &irl
Bmbittued, be IICb out to
dis:pfO'I'elbo ctietyola.illand
QOIII• fac-to face with the
~ble man- -tbe Scm
o f Ood. ·
in fact , lliU
sqv.e footqe
of tM ACHA survey in March. of '
1961. 1..&11 year, an intern.!
annual of operation for the
Health Service, definin1 its
fllllc.ttons and dcvclopin& its
ac,ncul bu siness optratina
practices, wufin&Uy established.
' Students lave been made
more aware of available ICJViors
o f tile Health
new Jratements
ut..losand the
staff members
In Nebpn HaU have been
en~ hr1ed .
But th ese
Improvements, while important,
are not enolf&h.
Nor can the student expec:c.
much more in the near future.
The prcxnt Nebon HaU location
morina from Nelson t o 111o01her
lfCihllbecnvctoedducto t be
cost ol ~modelina: this new
bc&tion andducto the!act that
it too wo ukl become "another
~~ Hall" in three to n~
Plau StiDNot fbaali.l.l'd
fjnlli1ed and wbmitted for bld.a,
lD addition , if 1 mo~ wu
t,.o force. wiD be worklnl
c¥!eetlY lllbul them. n. Rrat made from thepte;.entC..cllities,
Of t~ factors Is thlt most ol It iJ feh by the adminill:ratlon
tbe propo•!Jf~expansionare thlt any planaforooNtnlctin&•
li\ety ·tobe "tood (lollowiq: new health tm'ko would not be
tbe precedent atablilhcd .C. I CCCP,;ed b)' tbe Board of
j iUtO'f(lter).
publle add~nes,
h~r Q~bn~orA!~:!~~~~
wbo abo had 1 bactP"QUnd In
maclc. He will mir' tricks
wltb his play "profearlon" ua
Sharon and lta.tetl PJtikc,
twin tistera from Stetaonville
wbo are mtlorin& In mulllc, will
be tbe' "lllmex" tiin•wltbth.e
~~~~f }}~:~~~~~~e~ bo:S\o$CU~r
The Pointer
Will Return
In 2 Weeks
The ·Polnu r will not be
published next week becau~of
/lowevcr, ThtPolhl<'r will
apin appear on T hursday , Oct.
S, t he followin& week. All
ar1 iclts for that1Auesh.ouldbt
submitted t o Tht Pol"uroffke
by 8 p.m. Sunday, Dcc. l.
Articles nceived 1fter t hat
t ime will not apj'lcarin th.~ pJpe:r
Point Blank
Eat. 235
By Ed M11k1Jnd Mike Eve
Why isn't there mon Ibn one utt"nsion telephone In the U.C. 1nd
wh)' arrn't there ntrrulon ph.ones in the lobbies or t he Clasaoom
Crnt cr, SeimuBuUdinf: JndPhy. Ed. Buildilq! BobKoeh
Gerald Burlina, difector of Purcllasina. A id that a 5CCOnd
ntcnsion phone woud soon be installed in the cloakroom or tile
Student ~nair or any ot her student oraanintio n hu never
requested extension ph.oncs in the ~h.olanic buUdin&s. With tile
complet ion olth.e new Centrlll system by t he fall of 1970 , t henred
for additional tekph.ont"s oncampussh.ould be reductd.
No rcquesuhavt'beenret ei¥edfor utensionphoncsin e itherthc
DcbotorAIIen CcntcrL ,
The full Ot vor1of urninl life
will be amund in the Ktond
pbyof t hexasonby•troupeol
students who have profet:sional
uperience inshow businC1l.
Director Alice Pcct hu ca~t 1
fire eater, ""aician, clowns.
b.lton twirler , tu mblers and
"~rmi.SiamcK twins" for the
musical comedy, "Carnival," wu
premicrcdii51Wednesdl y at8 in
MainBuildinJ auditorium.
Per f ormances will be
wcceedinJcveninJiat l be.Ame
time •nd p la ce' thr ouJh.
David Anderson, Milwaukee,
is 1 ptofc.saonal maclclan who
ddin the heat of
swaUowifll it. Miss Peel asked
hlm to play 1 ciu:usm111'1 role
after remcmberinJ ibim from 1
apccchcbDiut)'W'in wh.ieb he
did tricks to bobtei10mcofhis
In 1959, a n adaptation,of
Golden'slifc, ''OnlyinAmeriea"
wu prod uced u a pby on
In t he summer of 1963, he
published 1 boot J bout the
pJtkoped dlen o f Antcriu and
tht iftontributiontodviliutio n.
Entitled "forJollcn Pioneer,"
with dnwinas by 1 prominent
r - - - - -- - -- - - ----,
Through Saturd d y
:ndl=en~fSc:,te:•~a:~"dci the~c!f~r. the . Hult~
CaU t he ~nate 11 739 (dial
SEX) and tell tht'm what you
t hilj.k. If else tell them
you. t hink they are Powerleu,
The Sena t e pr esid e nt
suuested h.e was influrnccd in
formin& commission by
eunu e arlier yeu at.
WSU-Osh.kosh.. At t b~t ~hoot
t M student body pruident
di$$Oivtd put of the student
t;ovcrnmcnt and has made plans
~~•c•~,~~~\~u et an· impro nd.
j Sch.illint;plcdt;edhchadno
similar action in mind. lie
upressed disapproval with
dutro)'inl I SlfUCtUte in 1 an
\ :m cmptto improve lt.
Why 11en't therc anyfineprintswastik&l onthel&beb o ftou peanl't
As for scener y, the c:olorful
wttina of the typic•l ~ival
will p rna ll in costumes,
hlloon•. pu ppet boot h s,
souvenir wqon, tent, lWOrd
bo.o;,tnilusdesi&ned 6y Joxph
Poc a nd MlssKatllrynG.ibb. ·
TM leadlrt& roleofUii,th.c
orphan, will be slliR:d
Gon5kc 1 Barron, and Bnt.u.
Fci•, Niles, Ill Otbct leadU.
roles thathlnbeen doublc c:ut
include Ptul, the bitter
Stcve111 Point,and WilliamOic:k.
. .
The word "Siuefa" first appeared ln t ile history of mantinil
ercraved on two storie t• bkts found b)o 1 wbite bearded III&C n.rned
Dave Dudley. In tbe ycM 4,000 B.Cskl The word Sia~rfi b.U
a ppC:II'cd on the lips of many put men such u, Btnedlr:t .Arnokl,
Jack t he Rippe:r, Ed Gein, Arnie Schmosz, Adolph Eichmlnn ud
John Wilkes Booth..
Now Siudi is 1 JOCial orpniution dcJi&ncd to PfDW!Ote
bro therhood and feUowlhip' a mona IU members. Tbc rword finl
appea.rcdonthcSttve11$Polnt campus lo theeariYSO'a.Wc fouodlt
withln • Point Beer bottle l'bltln& do\ll'n ti'.e Wisconsin RIYer. The
traacdy ol tbe dory Is t he bottle wu pipped tiahUy In t be hind Of
d~;;::C.wr=Pomt BLtnt by The S•.:fL
Whltis t bec:oc4ofthe...:eu
Gene Kemmcter'sanJWCI' to Hue h. Hdner, Wltb clo'lhr.a.
November 2 1, 1968
.... 2
"Why not go out on a limb?
poaiblc that the
Counterpoint and Pointer $1aff
10mehow plt tOJtlher and
decided to merJc? Yolll' islue
bt:fore bll bat! the rm, of an
llnd eraround a ai tator.
from Ste-.•cn& PoinL
A few interesting facta were ez.changed and Mrs. Wil·
liam~ arlicuately defended the Board's policies. But all
tho student. attending the meeting felt frustrated that we
were just not communicating.
We must begin to realire now that the power in the
state universities lies on different levels. J ohn Wallenfang
points out in an article next to thi.!l colwnn that as fu
as the budget goes the Coordinating Council seems to
ba\'e the biggest 68Y and not the regents.
Nut we must get to these le•;els. our talk
will only egain meet frustration. But i( enough people see
lhat we aware o( the problema and we keep telling
them ohen and loud enough prtitty soon we might bo
gtting through.
Weare 1lilloptimiatic.
TM Editorial Board
A Point Well Taken-
Letters Provided
For Mailing Hom~
By Bill McMillen
TlltE'oinltr in our ncnrcndin&StrUUittOKI"tlbtstudtnllof
WDronlin Sutc' Univer$it y- Stcvtn$ Point. has decided to proYide 1
new letter writin&SC<''icc forallstudcnts.. Wcrcadily rccosnizethe
difficulty t hat studentS have in communitaliRJ ..,-ithlheir parents.
But we ah know how impOrtant p:m:nts arc when tuition time romu
aro\tnd. Ho..,·"cr. p:m:nu must bt: dealt ..,·itll very tttrat ly when it
romu to "'lain student "activities" . Yctthuc also arc diffell'nt
typn of ~cnts. Therefore ....·e have identified t wo primary t ypes of
patcnu,thco;onst!"ativcs{thefltllcr il theinsuranceuecutive type,
mother 15 a homemaker) and the libt:nls {the fathe-r wo111d Uill like
. to toss the footb3\lnoun4. mother is a pOtential Mrs. Robinwn).
WSU System's Budget .
Follows Complicated Path·
t he propo$N bud~\ for the
1969·71 bienni~ refkcu tiiD.
, In document I S9, adop!e~
Nov, 8, 1968, by the CCIIE 11
wurrooo.nmended.llutthe St1te
o<f W t$Constn spend
Whi le this repruents a
substanlill intrnK it must be
put tnt~ tllf oontut of a rapid ly
incrca~o~n& educational l )'llem
for instance, enroUment i;
calcuL1tcd by the Regenn to
Our Editor:
1 ima&iM 1 would head hb.list
(or this clal.sificuion. I " attend
cba"and "studyforandu" {lt
is manOa t ory th.ll . my
andc-S)Oint avenge munta ltlll
ceruin level, or I would be
rcfu.:dtheG IBill forEducat lon
andcouldnota!fordto allcnd
who the
?"b;:n~"¥;e:oGm:,:~c:,t'!r:U~ K'f<'.~tnow
is" tnd' am "twue
thin k h lJh ly of Sllth tn
affiliation. In hilartlcle,"W~U
Sl11dent1 lltn Nevct Tt n
Interest in Uninnity", he 11
attempted to shame 1tuclent1
into hi$ way ofthinkin&. Allow
me to put ina&oodwordor t wo
for --aslleputsit - -the 'blahs'.
Pointer Staff
Pointer Staff:
!d11u~!t!~~~~~~ ~~~ud:si 1 ~.~! ~n:":'nd 6 '~~~3 ll~~~~~u n:b!
uv.:. WSU and .:v~l other following year--atotal inereato:
I wish to oongatulati you on
your spccill edition of Tile
Polnttr The idea of usin& Tht
Polnrtr to ronny JOmeof the
problems of the univer$itywasa
very dfcctivc method. I fed that
yo11 effect ively aired protests
an4alcrted rnorcstudcntsof the
problems which our univcrJit y
tnd many uninrJitiu face
I the front pqe was
very 1tim11bting with such
llticlcs u '"This Ma-.ucr111dc,"
"Power in the Slate Universities
Lirs Completely and Finally
With Re&ents," "The Academic
Eunll(b," "Dreyfus Maintains
Position with Promises,
Promises. . ,"
There is one article I apcc
very strongly, ' 'WSU
f_~ t/ndr ~~~n ~;:~~n~:i~hc,~~;; ~b~ir:~f ~tt!'~~u·~~r!n~il\ :: with
Stuclcnts llavc Never Taken
spent in entire buo.lgeU for the incrca.ed iDIIICWbc~ aro11nd IS
Interest in University," I know
1965-66fose;~lycar .
pcr~nt. ,
howban;litlsto gettllc$1udenll
WSU Syllcm
Thus. when o ne ronsidcrs tllc i(lvolv~d with any campus
Of the $8~~,65 4 ,000 inCICI Rinrcprd !Othepowin& activity, while workina with the
pro~scd to be lltthuU by the
site and role of the system and U.A. B. t his year. I also llfCC
C<;I.I E, S28l.8~.000 15 to be in rcprd to the risina oosu of with
f red Ginocchio that by the V.SU sylle m--a cq11ipment and tcachen OIIC students rcaUy don't care abo11t
the uni~enity. I think the
faculty has also failed in aettlr\1
Tbc Board of Reaenll vs. the
Wisronsin ' State Universities is
$1udcnts at t heiie so::bools. I also
think that if studt nll. faculty
and the td ministntion would
&t t more inYOlvtd in the
problems which r." 0 111
$maller 1\ems included under the
lli&llcr cd11cation budget. Till$
b rea k $ down to S424,J27,000
P<'' ~·car .
Wllik thue . numbcn arc
somewhat mnnr~t~lcSS, Itt me
cornp~rc them with the total
their fiscal yur o f 196S.06. 1n
that yen. the total bl.lll&~t of
Alaska was St S4 .291,000;
A r i ~<) na S J 43,6 S 6,41 J;
Colorado S4S I ,I48,068; lbwaii
S 3 16,000 , 000 ; Kanns
SS28.1 !9.857 : T e nn essee
Wisconsin will prob3bly
spend mor~ on edllc:ttion in the
Sign Ripper
A Blah Talks Back
Our Editor,
First in Series -
Probably the only constructive thing to come out of
SDS'a pacudo ait-in in the LaFollette Lou.nge Tueeday
evening was the diaJogue that was carried on with vicepresident for Student Affairs, William Stielstra.
But eo.·en this as was pointed up at the meeting waJ
a frwtn.ting confrontation. Too oflen the question.s met
a dead end and everybody knew that the Regents went
Yet, last Friday the srune feeling of not getting to the
real heart of tho problem was felt by a group of 1tudenW
who actually talked with a nisent. The Pointer editorial
board and friends met with Mrs. Mary WiiJ.iamll., the regent
Im 't that where the fruit is?"
of 11 ,271lstudents or almost10
There D al!lO a powlna
1J11dlllte propam o n the WSU
umpuxs whk:h require utra
funds. This is illullratcd in the
Board's formuL1 of per pupil
for a fruhman or sophomore
Sl.~77 per·ycar fl)l a junior~
seNor a nd Sl,476 per year for
Ano ther hctor to be
considered is the high infl.Jtion
rate of t he p.ut few yean. The
OO!it of construction has vntly
in.::rcascd, books oolt on the
avcr111ge 5 pc"cnt more than
~~:Cn0'ove~~~~8~~':nn~~9.J ~~ly ~~~'It a7t~~t b~ars' br~
Who'o Gullible?
Dear Editor:
of some
Board of
Rt~cnts'' ( I reooanllc t he need
for authority). I alwt yl tr)' to
"tttcnd politicJI nllil:s" bill I
know why- -1 want to defut
tpathy within n•Y own
consc:lence and never wane my
YOU . The fact that Mr.
Ginocchio admiu lam still in
the majority docs Jive me some
holjj~ says he want• to
'1tim11L1tc the attituclcs of
students'.llasitcx:curredto him
tllatthe 'bl.1hs' tll'J)CIIIapstlle
mo!il stimulated &roup in l(;hool
today? I reunt bcin& called
I 1m n11rtlcd and have 1
family and tm attcndinaschool
bcc::aux Iam$inccrclyintcrcstcd
in my family's future tnd the
world my children wiU hiYt to
face. But \ know that to mtke
my prcscneeintllis workl count,
I must f irst obta in a dc11ee, a nd
the pUI'poSC of a university Is
j11st that ,lilcci\1)11101.
• I care little 10 how many
I'OIIplan indiYidllll bckll'l&l, 01
to what newspapers he lends his
support. or )low many coffee
hoiiKihe frcqucnll, lndldon't
condemn him for any of the5C.
But I will step in when he
eondemnsmefor mybclirfs,
Sinec .Tile
Polnltr is
tct ivit)' fee, t boll&h, 'it would
"'em rulll!lablc to p rucnt more
And, to throw back a word
that tbc 'Radt'and 'UppcrCL1ss'
diJta infully, who Programs
them? Last semester th~ biJ
Issue Wll Vict111m. thilscmester
it'sthc academksyurm. What's
on the agenda for ncxtlil:mcster1
The o ther dt)' I A W an
incident which is insig.nifi(ant b~·
iuelf, but which I fed descl"cl
mentlon. I IIIW 1 faculty membrr
r ippin& upsigrls eonccrningt hc
SDS mcctinJI and the SI>S
"Sick·ln". My point is, how
childish can thl5man betllat,
becaute he docs not adVOI:IIe
SDS, he felt be could rip up
notices. Tbl5 man , who !ihall he
nalhelessfor his own protect ion,
nodoubthllllanadvanccddcp ee
inhisfick\; he tuppoxdlyb•••ell
ed11ta1ed and hts sornccomrnon
I do not advocate most SI)S
proptms ri.ytclf, but ifthtYile
to meet. finc.lct them. Thi~ mJn
(alon& with the Board of
kqenU I mi&htadd)app:ucn!ly
docs notrcalilcthatSI)Sw,li
run i ts own rourtc. Our
outstand ing profcs.sor (1) shoul~
spend his time constructi•·eJy
re movin& SDS by finding faultt
w i th t he ir theories 111d
philosophies and by showi!l&
othen what iswron&with them
Mary C. Twnbull
lkar Editor:
Like most of tlle ' pcopk at
the Koehl lecture , I had a
profollnd fedin& o r di~ust --at
the ruction of the audience
Nobody, not even a Nazi,
de.:rvcd the rude reception Mr
Koehl JOt. Tbepcoplewhouicd
to shout him down wrrc
marchilll in the proud footstep~;
of the S. A. fr~ speech is not
limited to only those you aJ)"!'f
I hope that tho.: people c<~n
5lccp ~ll toni&bt knowing tb~t
converts for Mr. Koehl than
anyt hins heeouldhave~o~id.
This 11niversity owes
Koehl a sincc'!eapaJo&y.
Jerry Wild
Students Must Care
Dear Editor,
Rc"nt issuu of ' ThcPo/ntu
have emphuiud the cu.rtcnt
problems fac:in& the studtnh at
W.S.U.: poor health facilities,
lluclent .orpniut\onJ b.1nncd
fromcampusand l htlackof the
itlldent vok:c in policy makin&
dedsion11 .
But ltuc thctc $ituations
rcJII)' enatcd a problem for the
ltudent who doesn't &ive a
damn1 This type of student, by
ihowi,. hisinditfcrt"ncetothcsc
sltulllons, that they
do not affect him t nd thus do
notc:reateaproblem forhim.
13ftt)' and security of thrir
homu with a SCI o f
encyclopcdiu. An education
conllsuor much more tbanj111t
studyin& books. I believe an
i n divid ual 's education a lso
Includ es the feelin&S anoJ
emotio ns a st11dent dc•·clopS br
~~~rtcncin& thc lifl"IIIT!Ounding
As studenu. ~do nnt ha>·c
torcbcl anddisruptcL1SSC$tObc
hurd--Richard Jentcn thinks
thi~ Is .the only activit y at thr
Umvcrs1ty of Wiscon~n. 1 feel
we ctn seck an orderly chang~ in
t he p roblems that face t he
" a ct 1ve" studt•nts at this
university by uprl"ssinj: our
approval or diupproval of th~
JOlulions pretcntcd to us byuur
studcnt lcadcn.
c ri I i cit~
I h~
communication Wnicr bctllo'cfn
student - administr111t ic:m and th~
Board o f Regent s, but ....c ha•·c
the Arne typt' o!b.inicrcx istinJ:
between the active 5\ud~nt budr
and the inacti1·e student bod)
whichonlystudics andlcatns.
WSU is Inconsiderate
mcanrnJ away hom it.
It's .no wonder why t~c
cntbu11nm of wantiRJ to
Plllicipatc bu &one down. But
when · it C:Of!IU t'o payin& for
, yollr ,room a~d board, if you
h..,~n t paid tt when it's dut,
YOU!l'dropped fromeiutc"s..
Wbcnenr t he uni"nity
~~. ::n!'=t~'tim:~;:!
for the uniYcnlty to
Jive to
;~~.Ue~~lon~~:r ~~~: th~k
PauiA , I riUII
HI.!Ueft Hall
in 1966 11 put of tbc DcBot
tt It merely t be responsibility of
weU-bclnJ of thck ~<:hool when
a et uaUy the school lboukl
oontributc to the weU-bcin& of
t bedudcnt.
We arc p.ayinJ for thb to
whit does it take to J et a little
:! ~~!!id:g ~ ~:~
=~c~ dudent1 an ukin& too
Out or tM niDe uninnitacs
Stnms folqt b one of tbt
:::r:.~ '!,;~~~':fo~~
Page 3
November 21, 1968
Americans Are Victims
Of Brainwash Job .. Koehl
Paul Revere And Raiders Concert
Would Have Startled
. Bee~hoven
By linda l'rt~non &:
Muylo1.1 Rt ntoniSUI'
Mind.'' ''J umpin' J"k FLnll"
3nd " lley J ude .'' wlli~ll tilt
AnJtlcs, tlltn llomt fOf T\'SI, f11n
andtdau tlon."
lla•·e ~n ~tao t kd H> ~n fh·e
)"OU~ mt-n JU"'I'Inr. ~round 0 11
t he ~ta t cwo1.1kl haH bo.'C'n
stall lt-d to ll't fi>·t youn1 nor n
tumpina ~round on the st~c in
I'Utpk o·t lwt bo.-11 bol!oms. lk
wouiJ hao·r b«n ro·c.n onorr
all )"OUt dotllu...
Tilt)" nr jun IS ptnonablc
and lio•tlY: off Sill~ as on,
Stucns Pomt ~·u thcu bst stop
o n 1 to ur. GtOfJt
l>f("('annon. ptrform~r and MC,
forrwarnrd th~ l~dotnct to be
only mohuhon that works,
ponytail. 1\ no.l ht lliOI.II<J ~o·t
~·ondcrcd,.hat 1t ,.-;~s aboutthc
!iii3R$t. loud m11~it th:lt made
t~ )"o 11 ng 1-ili~)"tll aii!J ~oetnm.
But 8ttt hoo·tn ,..U not
1~1()$\ 0~• tt\(lf I'OUIIRt I~ l d
hbbed. Lu t nl&llt In C"!eaao
,..~ prn<'ntt d ! oc •. Jr. wuh a
Bu:thday cakc-m hts face. eyn,
haU" andall ovtrt ~d! llmsand
By Jim llofer
;~~~~~~F~:i~£d :~i£:~~ ~r,,~];;,~::'~i.!~}':}~~-; ::~:1'~T7~~o~i~:;;:~;;;i~
~o:;,;~~d,.:~n ~:~~\;:~ti~~
~'"f1~~..d !d~i~l;~h,(sr-11! t hat
~~~~it;.•nt~~!~ ~r:~th:~~!~~~~ m~!~; Rr~m
collcllt'IIIJ highKhool!i\l.ldtnts
.,.•ho ~,.. not hinl. !iiUnjlt about
thl, ptlf0fm<"l5 or audience"
Th e UniHIIJIY A'"tivitic"s
lloud ~t>OnSO!td Oicli Cla•k
F. nt r r p rist's ""T ht- Rald~!l
Show.'' and thr fin mtn on
stalt ,.·rrr PJul M.~Hrt and The
uprtuo:d t.hc
~roup s f«lin& ":hrn. ~ satd :
1"omoi/OW ooornlll,ll !U to Lot
po~;rh!~ :.;·?~~~~~~~~~·t~
The lhldrrs h••e btu vrry
succcnful in the United States.
To date, t hry havt- JOkl 1n
estimated IOmlllion singles and
8 million 1lbuons. In right
;::.~onc~-~~:ds c~~~~hcn~!;· ~:7:.
Tht 11ndnilatrmrnt of t he
f'CrfotmanCC" wu wh~n Mark
Tllis happy fi•·t-~.omcronlists
of: Paul Rro•trt.
Muk LindK-Y. :~ . k~d sinJrr:
Kdth AllUon, ! 4 . ~,.. 1uiuoist.
1n6 J Ot COfltto. Jr., ~2.
Tht- RaidrnQptntd tMsho,..
with "'Good Thifltt!i"" and it
lu!n.:..l 01.11 tO be" 3 JUil
p!OIJ!Mlsis. Thr)" c~p\l.lttd tht
111dirn<'C' ""ilh an rntrrtalnin11
prOjU:IIll of wn,., of thdr llits:
"IIURJ I}' ." ""Ilion or Mr."'
··t.: K:ks.'" ··ur s&: Oo.,.·ns."" '"Too
M1.1cll Talk and Not EnouGh
Action." "You Gul Shouldn't
Td:t II So lb td "' and thri1
cw1tnt bc"~t-stlln. "Cindc!dll
Thry also ptrfot mrd thri1
o.,.·n rendition o f "'llt rali l>i)"
This progtam , sponsored
by t il<"" Unovttsity Activities
Oo3rd as a p~ll of the " Forum
for l>i»rnt'" prot~ram. Alph'
Gamma .,.·asco... ponsor.
Good PoetryG ives
Insight: Williams
orfrn fot Eu10pt1n tows. but
they Ire c1.1"ncntly pl~nni1111 1
EwopC'IR tol.lrfotnutMmy.
Keith u l d, " It's a
\>!Omotion•l tom. l'copk: don't
buy rtcotds 1.1nlcu tlley know
t he po1.1p.'" Muk added. " We
hoi'C to be u suc"uful in
Europe as we have btrn in t h~
b!ot l!(!hood. llr ~o~~id whitu
Y oc1list
w as
a ck nowk:dJtd with Mpplallst
flomt heludil.ncr.
THE PRINCESS AND jTHE FROG, J oonie Mitchell ond
J im Phill ips, o vocol d OJO, ore oppeoring 1hrough Sol·
urdoy in the University Center gridi!Ofl os port of the
UAB coffeehoOJse se ries. lhe shows ore ot 7:30 ond
9 n ightly w ith no odmiu!on chorg e d . !Photo by Den·
Senate Will
Bus Service
Studt:ntStnatc,.illspOnsot a
sptci~l b1.1s ~ro·ia- for ~t11d~nts
d 1.1rin1 t ht Th anksJivinJ
··~cation. The Grryho1.1nd butlt$
,..ill ll~•·rl to ~lldison and
Mil,."lll.llitt, pid.in1 up stud~nts
in frontoftht Fitkl houS<"al
\ ;olSon Wtd."Nov. ~7 .
Th< nttS fot ~~~ on<·W~)'
u(ps an' S4.70 to ~ladison ;and
S6. 1S to Mil,."11.1krr: but thr~
fillet'S ,..;u bt rcdocrd if molt
lhanJJ p«~piC'siJnup.
Students wishinJ to talir
advant3lt of thC""K b1.1~ ml.l!il
sign 11p at tht Gn'yhound bus
depOt m Str•-cns Point*' least
tllrctda)·sin adv;anct.
Pr rsonswothanyquC$tions
shoukl tall tM Senatt- offir:e in
t he
~·»• y ~
u . •1l'!f.
JAN l AKER performed In
t he Poul Revere o nd the Raid·
e rli show on Sundoy night In
t he l ieldhouse. AI"' included
In t he UAB· sponsored p:o·
g rom were Poul Revere ond
the Roiderli, Brion Hylond,
George MtConnon Ill o nd the
Heywooch. !Photo by Dennis
Home Cooking .
Pies and
. G.1rIs•••••I ·
Here's What You've
Been W tiiting For!!
A Studio of Feminine El.egence
11 open ing OJP Dt«mberf 1,
dealing w ith ott the
questionli women ha~
an feminine elegence
auch 0 1 hair, makeup,
dothes, etc. Yov
w ill be tought by
o professionol model
ond Teodler of Makeup,
Chorm ol"'d MOdeling.
.......... ....._
Col ICothleert's 344-1117
November 21 , 1968
Security Forces Protects
WSU Student Population
Dr. SorQka Attends
Belgium Congress
WSU-s U pro tected by 1
stcurity forc:r headed by CLIIM!e
Aufdcrma~r. their wpcrvbor.
and we have notN many autos
in lou other tllan t he one
aqned to them," He added ,
" It is o ur object ive,"
Aufdcrmaucr cmphadud, "to
nha uud ou r student
populat ion. We careabout thdt
Aufdermauer ..ompkted lix
monthJ of 1 yu.r Ioiii tralnina
propam with his men on dt\11
detection , see~~rity ethics, and
publi c re htion1. Court
p r o c c d ur c1,
r ad I o
communications oourtcty and
u ctical dcfcn~~e (toeJr defense
judo)tndOihcr rck:untcourtu
~·~. ur:~d n':mc,: r ~~~~/0~~ ~·~~o;r::~cn
lkforc hca.din& ou~ tecurity
department AufdcrrNun K:rVcd
o n t heSttvcnsPoint police force
f o r a lmost 10 He
pnilin&l)' rcmukcd , ''This
univel'lity i1 one of the ~st In
t his state's S)'stcm." And addfli,
"But l'mprejudl«d."
"," Aufde-rmauu
noted. ''t ~ Kcurity musurts
consi5ted of patro\ina the
can•putroenil\as forvandalsand
fires. but today bccauK o f this
univcr$ity's npid powth, the
nHd mcriuourcorutantpltrol:
Kven lbys a wuk , 24 hours a
At prtlle"nt, a patrolman,
Bayani Wentwor1h,and 4 ni&llt
w:~tchmcn, Uwtt"n« Oan.i¢Wr;i,
ltod1u Pcpowski, Cole Kuctll
and Eu1e ne Schneider are
employed full time. A Uho~.~&h
t hl:ir norm.;al ~llern ila 40 how
...·eck, Aufdtrmaucr obKfvcd,
·:t. ':!~o..!:
hh torln l deve lopment of
democratic objectt.'cs or the
when he pvc up a lncJtin&
~:fnon,o•~t:: ~frc:rnJ: ,h!
"We hue compkted," he
added , ''I flm aid pfOITim
dultned to prep~ us for
e- muaenein of 1 multiple
nature." The tquad car bllways
~ulppcd with cmcfJeney flnt
aid suppliu, orally lnflltable
pin tle ba nd ace splinU, a
rnuK"iUtor 1 stretcher-chair, f~rt
Tht e-lectronic siren Is an
. additional precautionuy duKe
on the car j1111 in UIC resident
ha.U Jtudents could not be
altrtedbyanaU·hall all.
Aufdermaucr tt"USilfin&ly
llatcd, " We think we haft had
adequate prepus~tion and Ire
re& in cue an emcracncy
.At~~~otlon s-hould arltl:."
underaround Home Ar my and
After l'lccina his homeland iD
1946, he wu accretary11cncnl
To Students
to uftiiW"II tht student's equipped with 1 two-way ndio .
wc l fuc and t he s utc 's howner, its speedy an io'al ill
anticipated. Communicatioru art
Mr. Wtntworth ,who hasbccn now d ependent upon the Klect
on the: Kewity staff sin« Dec. caD K rii«.
196), eommcndfli the
This ont•WIY "bccp system"
~'~.)inters. "We like o ur students, ill submitted by the power plant
and hl\-cencounterfli u:ry few liahtsystem aftcrhours.
p rob lems." Aufdcrmaue r
"'it is important that we art
wn&eniaUy added, "And lll"e able. to rommunieate effectively
:~:;;, ~~c~~~~:c.:'~c:!,~ t~
warned may precipitate IDOII!n
nowe u:{; kc is open from 7;4S
iJ:.;..e! :r, 4 :~uf~·:;m ::~;
~;:tT;:i~1 ~~~::;:; ~~b~w,o ~ ~u-~rr!~
9, 1966,1n a c:ar accident.
parkin& pf"O«duru arc fair. As
whcnthcy llav<ll llfOblcm."
"O ur departmen t is a
renection of thisunivcn.ity, and
we Ire very appreciative olaU
the support the university aft"el
:::t~ as'';.Jbk.~~r:c~'::~
Aufdumiucr ca ut ioned,
''Can wit hout valid Jllrkina
permi"arereC"\UTin& violatioN,
• majors about ~and JIIIIlWmtDJ ( no uln) poll! IOns m the
SECUIITY OFFICEI IAYAID WINTWOI TH dllploys por1oble fir5t o id
equipment kept In the I«Vrity cor. The
security for<e po!rolJ the compua oreo
ond b on duty 2 4 hou" o doy ond ollO
regulotes perking on campus lots. (Photo
b y Bob Holdenl
were residenta of tb!UC:n at the State Civil Service and Government opportunitici.
time: a auh on Hy. 10, near
~ !il 1.m. to 4 p.m., ll!.M will hc:hereinterviewin1
~evma i'l.)int claimed their liwes. on two schedules. One Khedule will be Open fot pro&Jammeti.
They were retumi~ _to eamp~s accountanll and PI'Oif"l.mmina writers In Green Bay. Mejors in
~~s' weekend 'tlSII 11 UJCII :"ulinc• admlnlstn!lon, mll~emllies and s~iencc arc enco\lfllt~ to
\ Su~day's proaram hellfl with a pply. The other sc.hedule w1U b/Jor openlfiP In Rochester, ~hnn.
a dinner It 12:30 p.m. in the Thc umem.;ctn a terequcstcdhcrc.
hall, with Mn . Vethl&Cnand Mt.
Tuesday Dec. 3 9 a.m. to 4 P;m..
Federa.l Soml ~eut1'Y
and Mn. Gloudeman u apecial Admlninntl011 .wiU recruit a U ITIIJOR 1111erestcd 111 (eden I ureer
JUdla. Hall resident• an,d 1 opportunities.
rcpru e-nt a ti•c of Pttadent
~9 a .m. !o 4: 30p.m., Nonhwu~gnNflionalljfe
Drey~u!'ofrlce allol!tended.
Insurance Company Milwa llkec will inte-rriew 111 majors for
'J! Han"n, formcr .~U manaaemcnt, office and other po.Ations in the insurance industry.
pre11dent for whom I~ buikhna There wiU bcJ12.rtcruitina; for 1111C's positions. •
Stout (AI MenomOnie) and
Superior toll.ulin tllcJUmmcr
of 1969 or 1970,deptndina
upon when state fundsll"t' made
aVlllla ble.
~n~:Ct!.·.ror~llly de:ted the Si::~.·Co~r!n; -~:~~...Ju ~~!..!: :um~~~:~n~e~~~~dt~;
;:~~:~~~~llS~J:J:;.I,~~;! ~:n~:o~~. ~~~:~.~~·~~''.,.'::P:!:,~icH:~~:~:~ ! intenncdialhrubs.
csped&Uy lnw1ttd to Interview.
'The parents wert donors of
Wcdnc!lay pr, i 9 s .m, to 4 p .m., Pel Mo nte Cornontion Mid
the aift.
West Dirilion, Rochelle, Ill. wiU IIJ)C:Ik with aU majors interested in
manaacment and other positi011s in the food industry.
Wednesday p ee 4 9 1.m. to 4 p.m., MmgwHtan li(s: 1Df!![tnq
~ Wauuu will speak with a ll ~Orsllffeh!li!ed in u kt
Photo Copies
Of Jones
WSU Students Represent
Every Wis(onsin County
hrn ...._.. $20 - $25
worll,.. part
H,.. on your CG171fM!IS. ~
The University Theat re hu an
n.hiblt of photo copies of
ori&i!lal dula;n Uetchts and
dnwinas by Roher1 Edmond
Jo neaondis.playinthcllbrary
Jonn, who d id the Arthur
tlo pkiDJ 1921 produCtion ol
" McBeth," was one of the
foremoat American scenic and
-lfyevdoft't ... _~. . . .
rou ...,..., ..., at
our dtonniat M4a
"TIMI Yl..,.,..
~ .nd -
... .._..._
othte fw VISA, 01'1 1 m ti-t Stvck"' Mortreti"ss
Corporation, No nlflnt lno
vofnd. Contoct
... 3064,
Tbc Pkeemc:nt Cenlcl hu recentlY reorivN notlc:cs of summer
nation openintJln Holti Workin SanFranclsro for aU years and
ma,lon. Stop In at OS6 Main for further information about this
summer employment.
Abo, I limited. number of 1269 CoHn; PJ.owJ!Enl 6 nnua!s havt
ann:ed (Of free distribution to crs duatina&eniOfs. When yousto"pin
to Rill up fOf a reauitment interview or to updlte your plaument
r~·:~wrt :::::n":=~~~~:~~ Wli~ until a rond K mester lllhtn
AU January araduatu an IUJed to bcai~ a Pbament File at on~
by f'!ll.ina out the Placement Form In order that Ute)" may h1ve t heir
aodentlab ready by lfldll.ltion. Stop ln at OS6 Main tods y.
-kwtn ...... ,..., ololhcs,..._,lwt
Jim Laabs Music
921 Moln St.
Phon. 341-1666
Open Tues. & Fri. til 9 p .m•......otner doya til 5 p .rn.
Owlton-A.... Sf
c ....... s-..1 .,....
- ' - 1 '-tnl-tta
w.w.._v.. -..WMtt.
Thunday Night Only
The Underground Stinshin~
Admisaion SOc.
Nq BAND JUS!' B IU.11 .... S1IMI
Ibugday Qcs S • FrJdty Qec !5 9 i.m. to 4 p~m.,
~will~pe-sk with a!IM:nion interutcd in Marine Corp
~ 9 e.m. to 4 p.m., Gray Aqlsy!tyn l Cbcmlel'
Minncspolil, Minn. wiU l peak with re10u.ree manaaemcnt , forcstrr.
bioloay, bulinea administration, cht"mbtry and other maj~about
Illes and other opportunities with G ei&y .
~, lp.m. to4 : 30p.m., tllc...EJ!l.wiUspeakwith all _
fre1hmen , sophomore and junior llludenll about ffliefll clerkship
opportunitu w!th o pportun"ltlu to continue coUeae in the
Wullln&ton D.C. uea at a base salary of SS200 per ycu while in
WfdneNay Pss II 9 a .m. to 4 p.m., The Rai!roa.d Retirement
Jsitl!!!..wiU speak with aU majora Interested in cll"ter opportunit iu.
l!",.~:e::~!:ederal Aaency administers retirement. proanmli
:rlt!i._"&m'L:;de:~r~ ~~u:t: !~i:~ '~0: P;..~~~
You'll Be Sorry
Wins. Two
Art Awards
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Connecticut Mutual
¥~udGio"unJe:n~r ~~ •nr~~~ r>c!&~!in, '!1\d!~np~:i2":t· ~~~ ~~e~~·.;.. ~~~.!~fn~:C:,~~·:n
Nt'ne Sf t U • 'f' PI ,,..,,~on pi~••• roo so
ae mverst tes an ~~~. ;'i:~..~;,::
For 'Risk ' Students
~~-~'t -::d:~h~~m:l:;
to uscuina locked out
''Ourclcrical staffill madcup
of studenu. In this ofl'ior he:
ATi nnina;ty ot.rwd u udents
have another opportunity to
~~~?.; ~!~~r.~·oGF~~! !;~"wnoC:k 'f:a~l;:.n,~ :C~~:~,:!~~~t1c~7:!nujo~s lntc.reited in
hold~ residenor haU rndrUls
lludcnu W11k on tile path
, prowkledforthcm."
"Pukina violations ~~rem to
be one o f the prlmuy
:b:~ .ms," Aufd cr maucr
"TheC$"blilhcdsections ror
1':~':~ ~~ ~~~~th: ~e~~
ka-~hJeanpa.fns':lk~~l w~~. ~rio~:~
~~~r~~~':.e!~o.?lal~~in}!,~ Mil;;,~!:,~i'Ne0~m;~·
problems this yeu, I
OJ. Robert Knowlton of tile
o(tbcPoliJIIPelllntPa r1)"fOr
W ute r n Eu r ope , with hlstorYdcpartmcnt,rcad a paper
bcadquatten In Be]&ium. And ~ tWO wee-ks 110 II the annii.I!J
t he early l!ilSO'Iht&Crved .lll mec tina o f the South'crn
New York u chid executwe lllstorlcll Auociationin New
Ofrteer of the International Orleans, La.
His article was on"~
Peasant Ulllon.
Bcs i de a h i s r ecent Me11.iea n Ch urch and the
involvement In t he Bnwtls Reform: ltnponsc and Result1."
Dr. Knowlton II aspeeilllist on
Latin Amcrlan history and hu
information and obtained aeccsa published numerous ar1iclcs on
At the Nmcmeetin&, l nothcl
beromina a Cat holic pritst, wu member of the loeal hbtorr
a leadlna 110c:lal democrat and de-pertmcnt was recoanized. Dr.
frlcndoffuturclc.adellof thc Jimmie F"ranklin WJS named to
So1'iet Rullia. Dr. SOroka. wn tile prognm committee which
acquainted with him while in will plan nu t ynr's national
ronnntlon. He is 1 specialist of
F11nee,in 1948-19Sl.
. .
I n London. h e VIAted JOU! hcm United Stites 1r1d
Stanishw Kot, rormer profeaor NelfOhistory.
of history of eio'ilization II
O!hen from the school
Cracow University s nd former attcndlnl Wt"rt Dr. Guy Gibs.on
miniltcr in aovernment and and Or. Alle n Fowler.
The So u thern ll istorical
amb1-.ador to MoKOw and
Ro me. Dr. Sorokl hadspentfi¥e Anocillion llu members
yean with Kot in Paris, in 1 thtouahout the country, dnpitc
clotc collaborallon.
~~~~;:.~€fJ:~r& ::f~~.::t:~::£~::.~~~:,~:r:£~::;E::~·~~':~f::
~:~'!:;~.Cc ci~.m${~ ·~:;~~:~ tqu~~ y:.~·. ~w;~C::F~~~: !~
~~i~ :?tkti::::~~~::!{~!
Or. Knowlton
Reads Paper
To Historians
' Philco Portable T.y.'o and
Stereos only t7.00.month
. ........ ,....._,...._..
. ,..-
ByJudyB r ~klllll
The AU tbU BaU, lpGniOrcd
by the Ruidcnce IIIU Co uncU
will bC' held at the Alkn Ccnte;
footbaU .
Dr. Georae Becke r of tile
biolOI)' depart ment 11 WSU
lpoke Thuuday even lna in the
Thcfntcmitinandsoror itin
o fJ.~~: 10c:-=~~;~cs~!~
¥'ouridation, lnc. 1 prucntation
o n t he ldnoiGrcckhouain&for
At 1 rMdin& o f the ~rd of
dlfcetorsolthe Founclatlon,thc
7~on~~~~~~ :~ t~ :r~~~:'ii.~~if~.~~~~ ~
announced at that time . Entry
The mov~. '"To SaW"C A
~~;:~::;~~v~~:~!~'in~~ ~~~~~·~,wa~s~v;,~~~~:e ::~
anlh~~~~!r~,!;o;~~ ~~~~~~~ ~·~r:~i~:n~. ~EicE:1~ •
turnd in by Dec. l. Ent riell In
~~=::nt re~ue~~!ct~i, ~~
Dcvroy and Nancy Obon
attempted to 1tU the idu of
Is Subject
Of Series
o f t he Academic
RIIC representatives will pick ~;t~n~~a:Cj ul~ >;::o~R ~~
up entr iu from each relidence from Pardeeville ; J o hn
hall's dm . There will be I first Wa\kn fana. a ~~Cnior poUtical
priu of SI O and 1 ~~:co nd prbc science m-.ior from Nilpr~ ;
ofSS lnncllca tccory.
!,.any Reink e, a ~~: n ior phylics
RIIC has qaln orpnlted tbt and chcmisuy major fr om
ABC com petition between lll lh. RccdsvUic , and Dave Kobylan,a
ABC llllllchcs arc n1n much like u ni or biolocy m~or fr om
Colkac Bow l on telcvil.ion. RliC Armllrona Cleek.
president. Scou Schutte and
Koby lar l hu been on
Larry Reink e are the c h air~n Baldwin'J team fo r thRe yean,
of the PIO&nlm l hU year .
· WaUenfana, Reinke and Martens
Qualifyina tu ts for the ABC have been on the tea m for t-..-o
tnnlll in each hall were &ivt n )"can. Alctrnltu arc !,.arty Reed
four wttks qo, wi th tum and Mike Nolte. Baldwin il the
~~:,";',~ chos.en from rewlt.s of ddcndina ABC champion.
The fir st matches were held
last Sunday evenin&wi th resu lts
f o ll o ws : Bal dwin over
l"ray.Sims 200- 110, 8urrOU£hS
ov~ r Roac h 16S-40, Smi th ove r •
Wuson 70-40, t.:nutun ove r
Steine r 26S -4S, Odn ll over
~:~~~ZkfcS 1 a1 ~ 0~~~~~e o.;:'J
Ntlli l wuk the so:hNulc will
be: Steiner at Roach, llan~ n at
Buno111hs, Pt-ay.Sims 11 Hye r.
Nulot at S.:hm«cklc, Knune n at
Baldwin. Dt lzdl at \Q'atson and
Smith will have the bye. All
&ames are hcldat7p.m. lnhall
Baldwin turns haw.. bee n
dolna very we ll in intnmunl
eompctitioa this year. Fint nst
isei&.hth in the ovtt-all campu.s
standif!IS, ltCOnd CUI iJ ninth
and fourtb cut ist"lcvcnth.
Second cut was the campuJ
pus-pu nt -kick c:hampion. John
Clark or secon d cut wu the
~~~:tftio~~~:~~:!. !~ ::::
kadin&pUn ter.
Sccondcut wubeatcn\nthc
finlls o r the ho nn h on
tourname nt and first cast was
the Baldwi n champ ion In to uch
Will Speak
To Alumni
Greck housina.
The Foundation 11 prclt nl
ow ns nurly SO aeres direelly
north of tile campus o f which
nine to ten a~;~n wou ld be
aUoca ted fortheGrcckltobulkl
their fraternity and s.orority
house s.
The Grcckl were told by the
Founda tion to submi t moR
o;anuc tc pl.lns bdore further
o f Man" will be 1hown this
~~~!~:r;~·y ~~~~~ll'!ub~ o:c~ -~~mben
local Greek Housing
Remains A Question
" Photopa phy As An All isl ic
Medium" is the subject of the
UA.B Artilt in Residence s-eries
~~Cheduled for thU Sunday at
8:1S p.m. in the Fran k Lloyd
The prosram will include
p rints displayed by Roukl
Sindric and Jim P~rson wi t h a
lecture anddiscvaion also part
o f the procram.
A«::mpanyiRJthe diJcuaion
The women of Nulc held a
sbve auC'Iion wit h t he men of
Knuncn lbU Fr iW.y ncniq.
The uchantr ofslavedut icJ-..-as
held on Sa turday with aood
h:~t;~ipat ion on t he ~tt of bot h
followa: Fr id~y. 8· l2 :4S p.m.
and Sunday l · ll :4Sp.m. Gucsts
must besigncdin1ndouta tt hc
desk . The hostess must sian her
name and room number as wdl.
A commi ttee has been set up
to na\uatc the policy to
d~termine wllct ller anOthe r vote
should be taken. If so. th is will
be done after Tlu.nksgi\'ing
A jl,l(]ieia\ bo.nd has been in
opcr.otion for SCV'tn l wuk s.
Mcmben of t he bond arr J ulie
Dcustcr. Mary Coolllllldt, Sheny
Simon. Lynn Burnes, Lynn
J arvis, Kathy Lemke and Linda
G rosbier.
Donna Weidmann. ~~:ne nry
o f the board hn been
hospitaliud and a temporary
replacement will be selected.
Thc~rdsubmi lt edgenc:nlhall
auidelincs to the hall council
where t hey -..·ere uruni mousty
Stevens Point
Will Give
this pto&Jam.
tolllc n?
Group Seeks
T h ere's no n1mc,
consti tution, no by·laws, no
elec ted officenand no definite
p b outlined; but they've met
o nce. aroutcd som~ inte ru t, set
up commi ttees, sugestrd a few
probable procramJ and are now
on the way to what they believe
will be an ln tcrn tin a,
p r ovocat ive 1nd he lp ful
What brlrt p them lopthcr il
an Intere s t in h uma n
.ft)~ ~f1~nt:~io~~~~V,:~;
Norman Keaf~ eventuallycncompiWal\areasof
Displays Two
rcOc ctthein tcrestsof llllfle\ds
Scu Ipt\u res
~RC:!ediont~~ p~~~~ :~~
d ispJoycd by Ron Sindric ond Jim Picnon os port of
t.h-e Univers ity Aclivilics Boord's Ar tist in Res idence
Greenjackets Assist
Students In Centers
series. The program will be held on Tue1doy ot 8
p.m. In the Wr ig hr lounge.
meet friends. The y are tryinato s.ay. be it the over u ubcnnt
provide an air of freedom studcnt orthccouplc whohuto
without watchln& over students be told l o knc the lou nae at
like po licc. Theystres.s thatt hc closina tl~ .
place of
andT~hclilrfo!::.'":f~hc ats~::
As far u the rules arc
concerned. the a n:cl\jackdJ do
no\ follow any lift ruin.
Accord ina to various st udent
rnlnl&ers. there is a ac ncnl
fedin& of RSptcl from the
stude nt s,notbc:Qu5Ctheymi&h t
know the mana,er ptriiQM.Uy
but because of t he job t hey
Union , arc abo responsible for
t he runniAA olthac eom plu cs
In llic abse n ct' of trained
p u1onnd. The arccn,iackcll
niust become familiar with
equ.ipmen t btift& Ulfd in the
ce nters so they can remedy
anythina that aoeswtonaurcall
thepcr*lnnc l.
lt'nt'ral\y ao alol'tl
Forlhcawniocs, studcnt
wi th what thc&rctl\iackct hu to . man-a• n rcc:ein SI 2S a month.
, No riiWI Keats, profc110r ol
ll11t WSU- Stevcns Point, hu
tWOKU]piUTCIOn display in the:
IOt hannualfaUJ.howinain t he
Collec t or'• Galltry at the
Mi\waulrceArtCt; ntc r.
One sculptun is 1 masoni te
wa ll relid fin ished in acrylic
~to:~~~~: ~~~~~~~!~J!;~
lite\ ~a~\pturc entitled "Y."
Worts in tbc colltction wi.U be
a....Uableunti\ sprina;, l969.
The ColltctDI''I Gallery is
opcntcd for the rental and &ale
of work by Wi1-conlin anisll,
an dis sponsoredbythe Friends
of Art of t he Milwaulre-c Art
Tbe colke!lonwlllchincludcs
paintinp, prinll, dnwlnp and
presently lncludoe 1uch topiesu
mcnt~\ health , alcoholism and
comm unity 10c:ial problems.
Aho, there wi ll be
opportunities: !Of students to
take part in aroups thatwiU
tnvc\ tosuchp lacesa. t he Wood
County ll ospita\tointcract with
The p r o1pec t s fo r
cnlialttenmcnt, education, and
funscemtobcunlimitcd\f they
p:t an intcrcsled memb ership.
The aroup upects to have more
lkflnltc lnformttion avai lable
within the nut week or two ;
and t bJswlll be rele&Kd lhrouah
pmtcn in the varlous buildinp,
Anyone who il interutcd in
~~yr~f ~:.r-a~nrctao~·~
Volek at l44-S388 or Lynn
SranleyatJ44-7 16l.
Grad Exam
Stevens Point- Wanoan ...;.Green Bay - Manitow.;.,- ~oeh
Page 6
Installation Climaxes
Short local History
Local Colony BecomeS'
Epsilon Omicron Chapter
Tile Oclu S i1m1 Pil l
fru e1nity at Stevens t'oint
The ne.,.·l~· created cllapltr,
desianated EpSilonOmieron. hu
been ~ct h·e o n tllisumpus sincc
tU format iOn in the sprina of
Tile ccremonou bo:pn n rlr
Salwda)' mo rning wllen !lie
brotlwrl satllered toacther for
the last lime u ' rolon)' at
Co lk&e Court apartment, to
cclebratc theinstallationtobc
Satur.Jay muked tile official
still of tM weekendwlllla lhi
rarer lldd a t 1M A$hley Beer
Bar. The brothell were to
provide tllc oostumcs tobo:worn
by !heir .Jalcs. furnisll tile
clo!llina in ~ paper baJ , and he
prefoCnlcdtohis datcanllour
Of oours.· !he youfli: bdics
~ISO lud to " pto•·ide" for t lldr
aentlcman eloC'OrU. tlowever. u
it tutned o ut. it IO"ll$ hu.J to tell
f~';do:,n:cd br~th~~iren~!~ :~f:h'j;~on;.i~~~..:~~~· :~~!
~. c:~;~e~,~~s~~~in~~~ ~~
" "ho ""U eKOfliiiJIWIIo~
A siln HAY WELCOME w15
pul up l(n:<'l ~lla our Fo undln,
Ad •·iwr. Oon~ld llay. who flew
in fro m Non II Dakota co sh.trc
inthe celfbrations. llaywas•
former B10lon
l'tofessor at
1\lint. :mdon cite rompktionof
lli$ doctonteplansto.., curn.
Ano th•·r sign proclaimina
dre.,.· tllcalltntionof tlloseat
the party.
A araffiti bo.ard wua lso put
upfor>·ina t lleirown
" c ho ice" tllou&IIU for !lie
even ina.
The brotherJ. decklinJ it was
1bout time for-a cllangein tM
mu5ic style (encrnainment "-as
proYidN by th 0UtC1St$), nude
an at lempt to serenade their
olltcs.. Allhau&h most of them
.,.·ell"tuncd" up,
.c,··--=;·_.,-,,,.•,:<.. ·:·, .... ,.,
into theto:CH"trilullskldin& to
their ch:lrtcrU.ip. Forty t.,.·o
b1otllen and tlleir two 1dvilon
received the ~NIII ofcllartenhlp
u Presidenl Guy llcinulmann
lt«ptcd life NlliOnll Ch&rtrr
from the e~ceutivc director.
n 1nd
conaratuLit ions tile brot llcu
.,.·ere dismiw:d to pick up their
dates for tlle eveniiiJ.
Upon rct urnina to the
llolilby Inn tlleformaiNnquet
JVot;nm IO"liS $tlr!N ,
Epsilon president; Jim Flori1n0,
Slam• PhiEplilonprcllidcni; J im
TrcMtoWlki, Siam• Pi president;
Be rilnd Meyer, T1u K1ppa
Epsilon pru ident; 1nd D•ve
C.lloyof Siam• T•u G1m111.1.
Tllosc o n tile chnter
com mitte e we r e tll cn
rccOJniled : R•ndr Owen•.
chaiJ111.1n; J imC.mpbrll,oolony
llistoriln; Jim Winkler, social
coord inator; Charles Ht l\el,
busincn coordinat or; and
Geor1c KrocnlnJ, 1cllool
President Dreyfus, the fint
on the slltc of spcaktn, spoke
to ! h e c ha pter on t he
importance of Grc..k life on 1
pace. Tile prime r~Nn me~l .,..u
Follo.,.·lnJ tllccmul,masterof
cercmonin Gcnold Wesoloski
inlloduccd thcllonoredGuescs: communi!)'. lie $tiled Chat he
Lee Sherman Dreyfus,' President wualwaysanilable,notonlyto
o f WSU.S!cvens Point: Dr. Greeks. but. coanyorpnizalion
Knopf, cllapter supcn.isor; Rk ll or individu;JJ tllat wanted to
ronfer with llim oon"rni!ll
issues ol problcmstllcy ml&ht be
uecutive diree1or; AI Tillm1n, facedwitll.
fust Vier President of Delta
Dr. L y n n G ibb t ~ cn
Si&ITill Phi: llcnry Slricku. or complimented tile fnoternity on
the bo.ud of &Overnon; Or. tile atllinmtnt of its house. ill
Lynn Gibb. ' uisl,nl dnn ; and lligh andemicstandins, and its
Or. William Stic \llra , ovcra\l actiwit~s on e1mpus. llc
wicc.presidcnt ofstudenlafflirs strcwd !lie "cllan&illl" as~ct
o(collclo\C and !llcimporUnt;tOf
I~ Creek system to clla111e will!
rc~~~~ion r::: ~~!ld :~~;ell~~ tlllsinstilution.
foundil!l advisor. Ill~· was
unabk 10 ~ttend the Wnquet
Or. Stid stn started o ff by
and forrNI due to more ul).ml mentioninJ tllat botlllleandllis
wife xemed co br the only
Jerry then introducrd tile non·Gre ckl rcprexn!ed. lie
rcpres.cntativcs of Olhtr Gr«k vcrifledthis byteliina thcywere
orp niutions.
Dutch. Uis main oont;trn also
T hose reprcsen lin a !lie was that o f cllana;e. not only of
fr.nernitks and sororities wuc: Greeks and uni"'nitics. bu!the
of life and livin& in
~~~~:i~ Pr~~:~i: E~•;::~~e~~~~
~~~:~~~~· F~!;~r~ '~r.:~~~.
Co u nci l
K nopf
e,.:plainina lilac Mr. Hay $ho uld ·(
inn ud be in his p b c..
comn>entina on tile role o f 1
c llaptcr supenlsor. lie also
commented on his life u an
Delta SiJt.
F"ncis Wack~r. tile Oclt~
Siama Pili execuli,·e direclo r
tllen upl1inc."d the intnn~l
workilllsof tile Nn ional. Along
wit ll Al T illman. tile first Viccl"resident, and !lank Sukker o f
tl\cc~rd of JOYeiiHirs, Wacker
welcomed tile ellap!~r into tllr
The bro tllers then became
s ilent u
President G~ry
lldnzclrn:~nn sleppcdforwardto
rttcivt tllc NU io nal CI!arter.
A short social hour .,.·u thcn
Mld in the Guden Room.
Tile brochcn and !heir dates
then ajourned cotlleda n~Ooor
where they.,.·crccntt rtainedby
Lynn Linchc'$0rchcma for the
C. rnation Ball. Tile Delta Sit
Sweetllnn, Junette Kclcll of
f"ollowlns lh<' (cstlvit!Hat
tilt llo liday Inn. 1n ~her tntt )"
was held 111 brother'sho\lston
Meadow Street.
Finalt~N5tS were raised 10 the
f0':~;:..~:,~_:;r,;:·~,.:;! i
thto Delta Sig fe stive weekend, Pot leCio'lr (leh) was
onnoull(ed os the winner of tha wome n'• co1Nme dl·
vision ol the Bog Party on Solurdoy.
brotherhootl o f men combini"ll l
po . ear
Fifteen ~.;~~:~\:~
"'''" ~~~
,\:.~""···•; ~:,~klo:"
Roy L. Aencrud
tdicllacl S. Bl tl\el
h u\11. Elllcrt
Allen K.
Jo hn E. Kabcle
Kennetll Kober
Arthur R. Krdwaklt
T. 0 . Mills, Jr.
T homu W. Ro llnr
Martin P. Odr"
Randall W. Owens
Allen E. Reinke
Tonr Rein
Kennctll Scheid t
Ro nald N. Stubtr
Dave Van Gorden
Gerakl B. Wesolski
Kent o . Wilson
Mark Gornrie1n
n eanGraff
, Richard R. lb lscr
CraiB 11. /bnson
Gary lleintchn:r.nn
Robert S. lllllmrr
Allen K. Jacobsen
raul Jahn
John F. K:rrbrlc
L. Shoemake~
~~:.\: :·~~~~lo
William K~Ilncr
Ken C. Kober
l)avidJ. Koeller
Arthur It": Krdw:rrldt
Look Doj on The Campus
You Fly, the Airplane
HOUSE is locoted ot 2301 Moin Str" '·
This is the se«~nd yeor the O.ho Slg1
hove resided In the house which they
ore renting.
Platteville Ties
... For WSUC Crown
for 20 hours of work
w s't~8~~~·!!~:ill~y.g~re~!cs~
S.turday in t he compktion Of
Write Box 667
Stevena Point, WiL
~asu::rn::ddUc~e1 ol.:~'!f "::~~--~..;~~~~~~~~
! be conference foo tbl ll f"
cll.ampioftU.ip. .
Tbr TiltM had clincbed 1
sblrc of!br crown by,whippinJ
11.0. Chris Cbambh, who had
p.-cl fw tile Pioneen nnt two
IIOCIRi in theoriJjnalpmc:,ran
lJ y•d&IOtcOI'C the clinch\na
toucbdo wn for Pl11tniUc
thr014h thc Qnal
•ld wt)'
Osbli:o.b PIIUied
I CfCia
'ff: G:.~:::l~od C
Cwdo. Tbc Tllul tbroalf!Md
Ollt Olbef
Ume. bull were Wllb ki
I O - I b e l a d.
Tll!i t·lcl~ t-Titanlfirlt
S rtsw
\ {.'TIVES
Don A. ltay, Adviwr
ternities ond sororiries oil compus w ho otlended the
Coronolion boll were , h o m left to righr, Sharon Nesso
lporti'!\1)' h idden), IPonhe Henic), Jim Trebotoski ISigmo
Pi!, Ko ren l!oun..ruen, Berlond Meyer ITou Koppo Ep• ilonl, Conl\ie Morchel !Alp ha Phi), a nd J im Porsons
(Sigma Phi Epsilo~l-
Charter Members
!f~:::n~o,7-~t!~t ~~~nlr~n',~~ i! ~~te~i ~~:~~~~~~
l ilt sprin1 of 1966.
L. Cady
Layne L. Lan1c
All K. Youna
q~er amiPIIttcville ludin&,
drtvealnce the cwent~pn.
Durin& tile sllort time Oelta
SIJma Pllihubeen rcpruen tcd
on c1 mpus, it las Jro wn
sll!nificantly under 1 prog• m o f
"' EnBincered Lcadcrsllip," •
procnm chn hu placed the
Del ta Si&l number one
IC1demical1Yo n"mpus.
The newest innovation to the
' ' E nJ in ce red Lndcrs hip"
proanom ""as tllccrutilliofthc
Shoe maker Award , which is 10
be prnented to the moll
outstandina aC"tive for u ch
1e1demic ycar.
lnter-Fr•ternity Council.
T ile m•in 1011 o f this fiw
year WIS co build 1 hiJIIIy
T ile Delta Sigs made their
firstshowiiiJby lakina fourlll
plaet: ovenoU in !he Winter
C~rnlnl aamc:s of 1967. Tllal
Midwes t ern Co n c laYc at
Wisconsin Slate Univen.ity - OU.·
kosh; even thotJ&II!IIcr w~re the
)'OUIIJCSI tnd Slll.IJltsl of llfOie
Chlp urs re p rese nted , tile
fiE~!-~d Sw~~a ~!.!;~~·of~~
defindiq championWh.itc~ler
fort hc colo:~y.
T ile Brothers 111ve 1lso wo n
tho perccnt•ac contul for
oraaulutionl 11 every blood
!~~R;:~~n~~;~~::~!~7:~:~ ~~~~~~ C::':fe~:;;:~ :::;;, "!~:~.~
I nterfratern i ty
Tbr pme Q $ resumed wilh
. rne ~ec:onds ldt in (he tllild
Brothers took llomc • fir1t pl.lee
M1y or · 1966 111.1rkcd t ile
foundfnl of !he Delta Siam• PILi
' Fraternity on the WSU-Scevcns
Point campus.. In the fall Of life
Pnsident; Lynn Kieffer, Alph•
N<lw. 3, 1968--ada th1t .,..Ill Slama Alpy• President; Evonne
be foruer rt1nembcr
by the Dr~emer. Delt1 Zei1 President;
brothen. fin1U)' arrived 1 3:30 Ch~rlotce Oc~r. Theil Phi
Gordr~ot Skw• n s Point Airport
~!!chad S. Barnes
h mes G. E1cn
ViC"tor C. Kumiercuk
Robert R. MarQuis
T. 0 . Mills J r.
Ro hm
Geru d W. Sclluka ntz
Jerome(. Sllocmaker
James St reicher
, ~~~~~~¥n
LJ ~
Auo11 From loldwln Holl
for o $5"son Rhk
344-9557 - OldMalo"
Breakfast Buffet
. Sandwi_ches · Dinners
home of the lf2 Pounder
November 21, 1968
Coed Of The Week
~· OvJJ.gOfJ
Della Sigma Phi
Alpha Phi
The brothen of Delta Sl&m•
The Alpll1 t'hi's are havina•
Pili. ••dth the Sia Ep's, Alplui party with the brothcn of Tau
SiJ's. Alpha Phi's 1nd DZ's K1pp1 Epsilon on No~cmbtr 23.
I'Uti d pued IO&dher in a
Theta Phi Alpha sorority i:s
lh~nksgh·inc p1rty held lut the ~mrsororityofAlpha Phi
frid~r c.•·cning 11 tile Ailhlcy forthisroonth.
A Mother's Tea II plaMcd for
~~t~~~~~.. .,..u pro~ided by tht
the Alpha Phi's 1nd their
l nintram~o~nbthisliuson, the mo thcu
over ThanU&.ivinl
~It a Sil,s fmished with 1 S·2 vacation. It will be held It the
rt~ol\l in foot blll and 1 2-3
horne o f Judy Pohin, pRsidcnt.
rtrord inllorwshoes.
Prt~nlly the brothen lrt
~~~Jb:~.11 fi~1.1r ta~~o~e~J
b~dmin ton.
The Delta Si&5won thtbklod
dri•·e hdd lut w~k. This i:s the
fwrth $1raichttimtthebrothen
'"'on tht trophy.Compelition 1.1
Fraumity pkdp:stook their
1 ch~pter
on Nov. 8-10. This
~muter thty wen t to Western
lllinob University 11 M1c:omb ,
Sigma Pi
The Sic Pi's prtKntly have
t wobrotherlprae! IC<" tuehi!lain
tht StevensPointaru. Ttw:Yare
Rkll '-bnud, tuchina eighth
cradc dvin at Ben F11nklin
J unior llil;h School, 1nd Art
T1kishWI, tathina e leventh.
grade A merit~n llistory at PJ.
Ja cobs Hig h Sch ool. Art
~~~r~i~~-l~ ~~~~~Y
Ano ther
and Rich.,
brothe r , Rich
~~e~\,:b;r'l).. is praakc tnthin&
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Phi AIP.ha
Thct1 Phi Alpha Is biU)'
b1kina 1nd xndina cookitl to
Jtniamen In Vietnam u 1
The Theil Phi's played
~olkybill Mon. ni&ht apinst
llyer llall. Only two pmes wert
C hu DeBoer , Maril yn
·C•ntwdllnd Mrs. Da'fid Vuncy,
an ll~o~mnl, lltendc d the
rtception for Greek Row. It was
held at the Holil11y Inn for the
Board of Directo rs of the
WSU -Ste~ens Point Foundation
Incorporated. Charlene K•uner
C indy Skerbe c k was
appointed RepOrts Chairman at
the last mcelii\I. Sbo: will infor m orri<:<'n whtn n:pons for
The'- Phi Alpha hiS rt<:<'ived
the Best Blccden Awanl for
donatina 4 1.4%. The award was
for this semester's Bklodmobik
We allk nowtllrreareplenty
of peo ple wllo frown on
h u n tina . .t,lt.ny people also
bcllnc the \ owunhlp of
firearms by pri~lle citizens;. 1
right incompatible with tile
conditio ns o f modern 10ddy.
A ~tnt number of these
people 1rc poorly informed and
allow emo tion, instead of
reuon, to pernde their
thinkin&, b1.11 In 1 demoau y
their opinions Ire just Is
One of the ttllistia often
quo ted by the anti-a un,
t nti-l'runtinJJioupis thcnumber
oflluntincfataUtiu. They fed if
hul\le-ra annot learn tou~e tlleir
fircums ufcly t hey should not
bc1llowcd toeur ytllemafield.
I agree with them ent irely. If
we , IS sportsmen, annot
Improve our afety record, ow
publk ir~~~&e .,.·illsinktoanevrn
lower ebb 1nd turn more of
t hose uninformed votes l&'linst
us if fftarms owncnhip or
huntina riJhUshould e~e-r oome
ConJequcntly, 111 in ten~
conCCTn f01 hunlinfl $1fety will
not only help to keep us
1.1nharmed, but may also help to
We 1lso kno w what ..a1.1"'1
huntin&accWcnts. Thcrearcjust
1 few f1cton invo!Ycd; hi&h
poor re coan iti o n. 1nd
imm"urit y. Anyone who think.s
of him~lf n a responsible
sponsmlnshould tllink c11efully
1 bout t htK factors before he
I . ~A s tlle numbcror
so dou the accirlnt rate.' If
there an many can parked
around anareayo uareplaMin&
to hunt , or if yoU hear~ lot of
Sigma Phi Epsilon
poor. or if ~our J lllSS<'s do not
11Jow you to usc: yow rifle's
The brotllers of Sicma Phi sic hts dfea ively, have t he
On Nov. I!, the Nothtrs of Epsilon I C0$1Umt party Situat ion oortccted before you
Ta u Kappa Epsilon hdd 1 with the Dclu Sip and three vent w c afield. Mr. MaJOO is
content meetinc. Mr. Mark Kates sororities at the Ashley b.u lui quitt lfunny char•ctcr ,bl.ltll.c
pq an intnutinc tilt. about Friday. Tht theme o f the p1r1y doun't canyarifk.
the KKK.
was p i lari ms and Indians.
J. ~W isconsinlaw
The Tcku won bo th t he Entertainment was providcd by rcquircs a decr huntn.,.·urrcd ,
Di•·i$ion ChampKmship 1 nd tbc thr:"OLittllll" of WILI~U.
but red tend~ tO loK its
Frid1y's pany wu fo llowed
o•·crd . Camp1.1s Champtornhip 1n
the h~hoepitchincc:Qntnt. with I p11tyonSaturday11 Ann
The .,.-~kend of Nov. IO,the Lyons Bar. The p1rty wuJivcn "''earing fluouscent oran11e 01
rledsrs .,.~rt on t heir walk<out. forthtcntireaaivechapterby yellpw; and, in states where
Thty visited the TKEchapter at the fall pledp: clua. Food and bll~e oranae is manl1atory,d.~r
refrcs.hments were X TYed and huntin& fatalitirs h.lve been
Northland Collece .
l ut ~t .. No~. 16 , the theplo:dFsperformedaskit for reduttdd ramatir:ally.
p l e d ces held the Bia theactivecluipttr.
Evcry lluntcrshoukloon5idcr
The Sia Ep's handlNU team buyin& at lcut abWeoranae
Bro-thtr-littk Brolher pany at
As.hky. At t he pany ni~ members presen tly are ap.
couples '"'SIC xrcn.adcd for '!_nddcated.
Thcte lit still lOme (ooll who
beromina pinMd , enpaed , or
like to .display their JIUI
mani<-d5in<:<' !at May.
strencth and m1nlinus by
Also on Saturday, lfn Teku
carryinJ theirdeero~o~t or r ~~e
ulisttd the Uninr:sityucuidtl
woods on their shoulder• r eoplc
for Cainpus Prniew Day, lli&h
scllool ~niou and their ~n:nts
The DZ's, in c:Qnjunctlon with
the Alph• Phi's 1nd the Alpbll word , but the rest of us 1hould
Sip attended 1 Thank.s&ivin& be on the w1tch for t llcm.
~any with the Delta Si&5, and ttr~kof~~o~: ..!'~~t.~~~u~:
~; .Jri'tb:~:bz'·~ ~~~~.~ or venison is worth 1 widow.
Tile bro t hers of Phi SiJma ~~~.~ 111 hid 1 pkdae has4do~~~·~:~:/Jfhu~~i~nhcas~~
E ps;ilon welcome their new
A.l;aln this ycu the DZ'I into t he childish fellow who _atill
:;~·::: ~~~~t~": re~~;,c~~~
Delta lela
bc';o~:t tb':,;~~~··:,t,~~r:~~~~
Phi Sigma Epsilon
S:,, .
~r:~~n:K~~kk~.!:~k,' S~j;~ r:!c~:t~u~ta~'dys~Uop~e~r ~~~~~~r: :reb~oy.;,!j
Green, Keith Fuctu, Dennis Tuuday, No,_ 19.
Reno Wil' iarr Ktlnstobc, and
OffJCen o f the fill pltdp
~~~i1~~a'!!e::: ~,:;_,we:.~k!- cl111 an~: Prcsklent, Ginny
lti!Jts about imaginill& he is in
some 1011 of war with the d~r.
the llw, •.nd other hunte~s, 1nd
lik:·:~!~ ~;:~·:t~~~t=;;~~~~ ~~'!~i VJ~~~~~~:~~-~~~~:!~ t':l~r~ ~:~!s~~~:i:;~h~~e.~
~~e~:~~~~~ -Jr. ~',"r!':~ thci~~~~~j;ec::~r~~w~~
nat ional mm; Wed. scmn,er
hunt ; Tbws. rcnrul Ailht ; 1nd Ninneffiln.
Fri .. help ni&ht. On renrul
Thu.ndly t he pledcn had 1
r.pcorn u lc In the tunnel. On
t he most cautious. Jf. you have
to cross 1 fcnc:e or Ju'!'p .•
strum, un~11 1t;u~ ~un frdt·rt
Hot Fish Shop.
Evonne Kraemer, pre5idc:nt of
df1llib¥.kBe. • safe hunter. Slow
:= B~-il't~~.S~ter'r:n~~x:n·~
&'~~rday night a put y with
~~rn P:Jw~~~~·t:.1l~:'wc' A~~~!
Phi's from Stevens Point 1lso ~'rti.,lu~~C:·r:!t:'~n;:;":he~C:::
attended. On SllftdiY the new Nils Film Bureau Contest held
ut~e: :ad ,0:~:1~~~~~~?~ c Te
in ~~~sonKt:li.uwce~ ~,o.K•pp•
represented by Cbcster Johnson EpsiiOfl , repracritcd Dcltl Zt:b
in the UciY Man Contest on in the UaJy Man c:Qntest tills
caj~!:~~~:~ they took flnt
yuf .hr:
r~::a~"nt ·~ ,\:"'r~-::~~~ r::re~~~~:t·~c, w~:;~~!~
~~k'!'~n .!hit~"··;,: ~S;; ~~~ri. Northland is located in
tournamen t , •ho •n the
On. Frilby the DZ'1 hl~e 1
f11.temity division. rrc~ently, Phi pkUC uchan&e with the trku.
s;,:!ti:'t~ln~r;:t"'~·Zcro ~ty !.;U::~tetrJe;:t" 1ttend
Aw•rd apin this .,.,·ed: was Dlu.&
Hordyk for his cndu'IOn In
!!!:'!f'tu!'':n~!rw~ Pllliltl, l ......tlts
him · the
tM~t 1~n(~~:)t\.~n~~
Alpha Sigma Alpha :~~n~:::~ ~c:.::. ~~P&Cd
:r!t~ ::·kee3 tyo:~~~ ~f
!tou~le . S1fe t lu arc not
o'Tnh,int e ~~::::;·c. y o u · d~
l n)'1hir!l. You ~·II . nuoke rt
Jd • deer. Good huntinc!
The process of choosinc 1nd
x ttin& u p 1 dee-r rifle docs not
end with the purchuc ol the
rifle. The-re arc a number of
co nsidcfl
t ion,to the
take most
important otwhleh ia thechoiee
o fslalltinaeqLilpmcnt.
Most rifles oomc cq1.1ippcd
with open a:i&hts, and many
hull!en bavt lurned to u.:
thr:m. but they h.-.c ao many
built·in f1uits thll it would be
wiJC for any deer hunte-r to
consider the ldvantacct 1nd
disadunUccs or 1U three t ypes
of aichls in order to decide
which type ol'sicht wo1.11d be the
roostdft d ivc onhisrille.
~Pc~~~~'!!tf:~~:, v~f!~
open siJhls ha~e 11 leut two
chlnacr istio;s in common: 1
fro nt bud, with or without 1
hood,anl1101m' sort of notched
re11 li&ht, usually mounted on
t he !Nne!.
.6JI..wlWtl. The opc:n lil;llt is
mcchlniully simple aod
inc:QrporateJ fcw: if any ,movin&
parts, ltls liahtlndinexpena.ivc
andhlrdtQ. dltnlleorknoclc
out o f 1djustment. Bad wuthcr
will not aff«t it. The best open
sighJ• Mn 1 larJe, flllt·faoed
gold bead 1nd 1 sMllow
V·nOich, withawhitelinebelow
rllepoint oft he V.
of ~~VJff!a';:!!sNomo~~he~f ~~~
eye. Whenulin.l•n open si&ht ,
thcsbootet bu to frxuson three
distlnccs: tll.eti!Jet , t befront , and the rear s;i&ht. Not all
eyes"" do thU, and often t il~
reusifl,htlooks fuzzyandoutol
foros, eliminlli"'•nyehn~of
accuracy, The open f&ht is 1lso
hard to u.: in poor IJ&ht. The
adjuRments~teaude, andoft en
it isimpossiblctoprecisclyaiglll
c:Qn~f:~~ ~;.rr1!n1h:e!r~~~
to thst ol theopenll&ht , and l n
adj1.1s11ble, mounted o n the
re<:<'iver. which contains a melll
d isc witha smallholein i t.
wll~d:!~J::tJ1~: a;::~: ~~!
front li&ht brad in the eirck
prucntedby thedisc,sotheeye
only hu to focus on t wo
distancn: thc
lafitl. A bricht bead
,.·ithlllflt 1peturc 1ives a wide
f'reld of rir:w and lines ur
Tile peep si&ht is preci~ly
•d.iustable andiscapab\colfine
accura cy. like rhcopcnsiJht,it
islicht andhlldtOdi iNi e , l nd
will remain uabk in '"'Ulll«
that wo uld foe up some scopes.
and h~ve 10 be mounted by a
J l.lnsmith.
are 1i\·~nc:bkr~ce~~~:rt 1f~:r;,;
vari;lblc maa nificltion. Vario1.1s
retitles proYkle different kinl1s
&1!in1u.u Throush a k:Opc,
~~e t~!':!~~dp::~e~:~";;;~•e~~
hiS only o ne distance at which
to focus. in addition, the scope
docs not req1.1ire the1hootcrto
line UP • (n>n< . ,.,r ,.~., ••hi,
!~e~:S~!iihtet~ 1!ac'_"e futnt
It provides roore accuraq
th•ncitlltrthe opcn orpeep
UNDA LARSO~ is this week' s Coed of the Week.
She is o frelhmon from Stevens Point. The Coed of
the Week is o cumpus toed, selccred by o ne ol The
Vets Club
Wh e n t he Pointer Orst
apreaKd In 189S, J1y S.
lb miltonwuthefirst editor,
Will Meet
tn brus h. or poor lia h t
conditions. Pl-ob.ably the bear
At Ann Lyons
roinl.r p hotogrophers ·OS being pllotogenic. (Photo
by Dennis Bv shl,
LP: Record Bonanza
Deer Hunting
:~!~~::::;~~~~~~~: ton1~t ~~~~c~>-~~hat"'~1:W.w
mechanically. Sooprs an be
knodc..cloutoladjustn•t nlwitll
rou,ch LI!IC. Rain, $1lOW, I nd hi&h
hu mtdlt y r:a.n sometimes make
k:Opn roc up intern~Uy and
render them usdca, but this
All member~ .,..ho hne not
~~~~ thfir dues ~rc reminded to
do so.
Rdrrshmrnts will be urved .
1036 Mol"
fl~o~lti:s nowhcrcMariSODmmon
A too.powcrfulscope is otno
ult in the woods, Iince ill Held
o f view is too limited for
F inally, a chtap, off-branl1
k:Ope micht appcu to br:1 bic
barpin In t he ltore,but can fail
you in t he field .
ln conslu5ion, thcbest5i&hl
for t he d~r rifle is, in my
opinion, the Ill. to 4 power
11!\lt ~ariablc scope with hnvy
crosswires, in•qulck-drllclllible
mount, combined with a cood
open lli.Jhtn 1 backup In caJ<C
the soope should be dl
If for 1ny rcuon (su-ch 11
~lee) I should dedde ~pins! a
scope si&ht , I would choolt 1
Receive a New Admiral Portable
Stereo at no Additional Cost
·House of Quality
133 Clortr St'"l
1129 MAIN
lll&hq ~.~alitypctp lia;ht,
133 Clortr St.
C'ttoose30l.P. Album• ot
r-d11ud price of $4 .49 10t h ond
Come r
and No1th Third
&.Gr.ybound ! ~
(My car, 1M wtndow.)
'ribadon.JADolberc:rriQUlal ~ pdc&
bu!ltk> be a:~car-IM ~
DDL Wak!D;' ttr. tiNt
Basketball Team Prepares
For 68-69 Season Opener
8 y Timluch
WSU·St~nns Poinl
ba~btNII !e~nr is- now in th,·
midll of drill~ lfa.ling up to lheU
!iquad this )"U.I after lt llerin,J in
1967. lie wn on~ of the kadill&
s~o1en with a 16-point a~tra&C
,,..o ye:us ~,JO.
The senior hnbtenswitchC"d
h <>Pt for,.,-ard toauard thisyca1
bcr.u~ o f 1he depUI on lhe
fro ntline. Wescnbtfliududl)'
out'sidc shot, but his problem
hubctn playi111-ddcns-c. lfthat
improves, he will be a slroflll
chalkn&Cr for a stallill& auard
Quinn V1ndtnlleuul was one
of tht bigut faelors in lui
y<"ar's s1ro1111 finish. Till" 6·1
soph omort from Kaukiluna
bro ke into the startifll! llntup
dter bein,J p1omoted from the
freshman IUIIL lie wu a good
pia) maker and driV<'' and hustle bcii~S
playmJ sood ddense He • •11
fLrs1 pmc of '"" yeu on
Tuesday, l>tc. Japinsta stron~:
Coach Sob Kn~tcer has a
strOll& rontinc.ent of n:turnin&
lettl'rhrtn from last year's squad
which ' finishe-d '""ilh " 14-8
o~ell-11 rtrord. ,.,·innillJ 12 of in
Jut t6 camesaftiraslo..·surt.
Not one player ...u lost to
,Jnduaho n. but 1f•"<'ril1 ofhrr
kuermen are not on this ynr's
~uaddutt oot lier rn$0ns.
1\udinc the list of rclurnets
is6-S,all-..- onferl'nU<XnlerMikc
llualll"s of Wa11101u s e..·man.
IIUJhU. a senior, ,..U lhc thiN
lndilll! KOIN in lh<' WSUC last
ycu "'"ith 348 poinl~ in 16
pmcs. a ho:fty 21.8 anrqe. lie
Jut yu r ilnd the y~ar·s
upt"rkncc should help him
Dennis Cubcrr)' is another
re1111nte from the 1966-67
$QUill who did not play las!
ycai.Carb<'rryis a 6-4jun~
forwuli from Waunakee and hu
stronJpOintsare r~boundin& and
dd~ nsc. He illto has los!
considerable: wei&ht and should
Bts.idn Vanden lleuv;r l anjj
Tom Rltlentltllcr, fo ur other
squ$d have made this ycoar's
nristy. Tllrl'eare s uards: Jnry
Mallon of Rio. Dan BlarKhfieW
of Wisconsin Rapids. and Bob
llenni111 o f Wcoat Allis.. Terry
Amonson, ~ 6-J. 190 pOunder
from Rh.inclindn, is lht, only
new fro nt liner.
or the playtn missillJ flom
lui )'nr"s squad, the moil so1dy
i,bo r::!~::t; ~'fth«~~e~~~~~~~y1 ~nw~t:'O~'F~!.uard mis:&ed will probably be &\lllrd
ilVC'flle. lk Kl a school scorinc
To m Riu enlhllu also Ken Ziegahn, who is incliJible
Othcrswho arenoton
record for o ne same will"t a showed a lol of prom~ as a
3911'fllnl ~rformanal apirut frcoshrnan laS! year. lie 11a11td this )'nr"s MJllld intlude Vie
Kopplng. Andy Schaffer, To m
~~:vcral pmcs and '""35 a top
llarris. JimMcnzrl
Another key returnee from notch re~IYe at fOt,.-ant The
lastyuris6-4juniorfor"'"lnl 6-4pls)·eris thc)'OuntetbrOihtr andK<"no llaw ker.
llow ,.·ell the team starts in
Ken A Baraboo of Km . lie wu namtd to lhe
tl.lti>'C'. he bcnrmc elicible second all-to urnament 1um at tht its first seven 1~mu PI$Y weD
semcsln ilfler lransftrrinJ from Bdoit Holiday Tow ne)' las! tcilthc storyof lhcscason. TM
tum's strong pOintappran to
White,.-al<"randprocet<ledtosct )"<'lr.
a confrrencc ~rottl for field
ljle is a suonarebounder and bC'itSJrcaldcpth,andilwillbe
&oaiJ pcrctnta&e. sinkint a &ood ouuideshot andhaslosla netdcd. The Point~rs play those
siuli.n, H.8 ~rC"C"nt of his ronsidt nble amount of,.·e~hl first se~en James in il span or
l 2 d$)'S,
this year which shouW help
To show improvement over
·•RitC is abo a llro,. overconrt his ,.,·eakness of lUI
last year, lhe squad win need
t<'bounder aDd Jtls 1 lot of yni ,Siowne$1.
Rob Wes!phal iss"'"6-Sjulli0l just two thlf11$-morc spcal and
Wsl<el$ on hvstlc and sc«tnd
tffort. He a.-tT~tted 14,9 per f1om Green Bay West, lie ,.-m be-tier ilCCllfiC)' fro m lhe free
throw line. The Pointers ,.·ere
~:c~~~~ ~':d~.s:nd$l-~k6 ~s r:.r:d~in':.c~~~p J:,~r:d"p~~n!t"s! the best tum in the conference
in r~~:klJo.IIJ JICI~entage last )"CIJ"
and nut to lastfrom lhecharity
Ruu DcFauw, 1 \\\'O•)'e~l
lclltmran au:ml from 8eloit, has
sho• ·n implo\"tnrtnl e•·ery year
, Only t,.·o surlinJ positions
and ~nay pra.·ide till" neede-d o ut
5ttm to~· dccidC'd at this
point-lluahcs at e~:ntcr and
thiS )'eU. Tall fora&\lllrdat6·2,
Vandcn ll euva l at a uud ,
he shot a fine .49l from the
Comi'C'Iition for the rtmainin&
floor and lilnk 7 S.S ~1ccntin
spol~ willbebcn,bu!thc dcpth
fr~'""'"'"hile a\'C'fllin& 10,2
~.~<:ina the WI)' it is, all playr rs
\.. ~~~~~-Cknrtnts. a 6-4 ~~:nior
will prob.ably sec oonsidcnblc
fa<• ·ard fromSie•·ensPoi1'' ro~.
T he conference= should be
hcobs IIWI sc.,."'• •• "ne or
tlll" bc-stdeftn-"··Pll)'enonthc
fair ly well balan..,.,d this)'Cuu
most teams did not lose too
~-u~bJP;'d in s,':s~":c:;~i~~dt-;
poinu ~r pme and S.6
<·::.. :.:c·'•.:·:""-'''' :',:d~~tlo% 11.f:C''coa'c~!s0 11!~
Tau Ka ppa Epsilon won the
all ~.: ampus h o rscosh oco
chilmpionship two weC'ks a,Joby
ddeatillJKnutzcon J rd Wcost, the
residence hall champ, in the
champion,hip mllch.
In the raidenoe hall playofft
In horteshocs, the results were:
~uarterfinais: Knul:ten Jrd Wcsl
bnl Steiner Jrd Nor th ,
Bunouahs JrdNor~h nlaniSims
4th Nollh, Smllh 4th Wcoll beat
Han~~:n 2nd Wcsl and Baldwin
~~t; ~~~~-:1&~n~::n ~~!
West beal Smllh )rd No11h1nd
Baldwin 2nd Eall look care of
Burroualls J1d North. Final:
Knutzen J rd West beat Baldwin
2nd Eau.
The t~e-man NskC'IbaU
tourney stan cod lui week. The
8 4 tumsen!Credwlll bclhlnned
10 21 lur:ue champs who wilL
tomplete the playofh after
shoot their throws anytime in
thefou1 hour period.
Each orpniulion will be
limited to six putldpants cath
of which will s.hoot SO free
1hrow1. The lop fin 100reswil1
lnuamural badminton will
Lcar:uc play inta blet<"nnlr la
ro b e eom p leled bef o re
ill Play_)
.,.;;·· ..,,;;..,:.."'
Bill W~nbc-f1,16--4 8eanr
Dam nalivc. returned to !he
3:~~7~·:~~~ hS~v~~c1ke~~~~u~~
lht t<'lms tobut.
By John Breneman
JIM NOYSTAD l!opl, o returl'llng ~ratty wrelller for
the Pointers, pyls o pinning hold ol'l freshman John
loomis, 0 former standout wrestler lor STevens Point'•
P. J. Jacobs High iSchool. T'he Polnttrs wrestling team
Olympic Silver Medalists
Czech Cagers
Fac1e Pointers
By Mike be
The Cucho s lo nk lan
bukCtb.all tt1m, riiiUltt•UP to
!he Ulliled Slalu lcam in lhe
Olympics. will play !he W.S.U.
Poinlr r"s al !he Unl-.ersily
Fieldhouse on Dec. 6. The pme,
joinlly spOnsored by lhc "S"
Oub and I~ Kiwanis Club. will
the but sportsmen from the
unlvcrsily s lud e nls. The
mon~sl 1nd nrosl succr.l$l'ul
sedion has bern bukelball.
TM Sla-.U. I'Tq~ bukrlNII
ln m hue rqiillued succtu in
lhe inlernalion.d fitld. Besides
plidl\8 Ktond ill lhco Olympics,
Tickels for lhe same will be
101d al t~ Unlnuily Cenler
lnformu ion OC'!Jt, lhe Businns
Affairs Offi~ and In downlown
storrs. The p me is o~n 10 the
are SI .SO with all lhe Sl:als
p l aced lhhd in I he
lnlr rconlinenlal C\lp in 1967.
The learn cqnlisu of len
playen and i:s coacMd by Ll. D
Nikol-.1 Ordnun,., 1 former
player and 1 rcplestnlltive of
lhr CSSR for many yean.
' "scr-.rd.
T he team wu formed in 19S4
und er thC' Physie~ l Cult ure
Unlon of C!cchos.ionkla. The
Union wu stl vp toconctntralco
Of che
11c prescnl
of the
~:s·:~::.rh~:,C, forri&n !cam ~~"r~~\~!~"t, i%~6~7 :~:
TEAM ploy lhe WSU-Poinlef5 on friday,
O.i. 6 . The Czechs ftctntly r~Ktived the
~ silver medol in the 1968 Olympl" o t
Mexico City. The Crech team lost only
to the Unite-<J Stoles lo the1 games.
Tlcktll for tht gome ore $1.50 ond 011
on sole 01 the physico! edu-cation d•
portment office in the Phy Ed Building
ond ot various downtown stores. All
MOts ore reserved.
Fr~m lhe ~tandpOint" of purelkpthandWit.thclcshouldn'l be a
team rn l hCjtonfcrtn~c to match the Pointers in buJcetball. Thai is,
'! ~0':,o1n~! ~:.;~'.'If,~,~ limb and predict 1
The Poi~tns haw _had ltro~~~t tumslcach or lhC' lhru years
and wet<' p1cked to wan the championship lo two of !he m, but hne
Ita/led ovlalowlyuchyearandruined theirdt.amplonshiphopcs.
Take last yur fOf eumplc--louo:s in the first thru pmcs and four
of the fnlsix~Thcy also lo$t twice 10 White•-.trr who finished wilh
0_n~h7e ';:~~rc..::~;.i:: no linre
findina!oul bow 10od lhey'IR. Tbe
f111t pme of lilt yur rs a tonferenee lilt at Slo ut, oneof lhelcama
pidted with the Pointtra this)'C'ar. The Blue Dnilswilltbo han the
benefit of ,l wo nono;onfercnce p!IIC'I beforco meelin1 the Pointen.
• • •
Paeken had another leu t han perfect effort apinll the
to tol¥e thtlt
Pto;~~~ero~~!"'~~~..~~m~~i~;~~~~· ~~~:!ir nuc
• • •
TileR butobeiOmetrul btowhtt iscondncoa~bJohnCoaUt
aid about jibe Bld&m:" football prob1tms. lie blamed It on the
recruilizl& prosrarn and II docs ICCfll, tMt the new trien "-" Aot
QOQtriblded 100 rnucb.
· j
a.dpr fans mCbl 1.1 well start st~ up on aspirin fr. nu:t
now. Tbe first three pmes nu.l year ~ wilb Syraaax,
UCU.,andu~bustroqtean; • •
r- riPl
• -
~=ti,':"Jo:~bow:bl~lt~.r:!::}a~~ t!~~~~e:~~
••Pirie- playiq toptbet Is retUy
• •••boot6nl
I up.
..!:!:;'cJt~·:..:rhln~ ra~=wn:·J ~~vn,::.m.::r:
~~;:;;;~·-'"''"! wed.endwiUcomeo~ ..
WiriMiotal i, W-...al6.
leloirCU.IIolk67,E.barn6\. (Tbllise
IIIJ. Juoslav Kriry, 32, Is a
reader 11 Technktl Collqe. lie
hubcent membcroftheSinia
Prt&ue tum for many years and
ma nifo ld repruentatlve . of
Czecbo1iou.ltla. He is married
andh.lsathrce-ycar-oldboy, llco
Is t~e.&~'k::co~~rMi~:~;;~~me
toSlavia flom Plzen.lliswifeis
a member of !he Cuch
wolley-ball team. lleilttsbr-yCllr
VC'l:~~ r~.v:r:~~::se'k.'-22, is I
dwlrc hislulyearonlhejunlor
lnm waa · nominalcd for the
U:aguco Team. He is thor! but
very nronble and a qvick
pl.ay-makcr. llels lludyin,.nthe
F1cu!ty of Physical Cuhure.
Oli-.nTomas, 22, isastudent
of med icine. A .you111 playcor
who arne 10 the team from
SlawiaLosice, he isaaoodplayer
In&. Jlri Stulny, 30, is •
Reader 11 lhe ·Eiedlotechnieal
Facully of the Pn&ue
Unlvcrsily. lle lsmarriedand hu
a dn.,htrr and a son. A member
of the team for many years, be
)0111 a lso a rcpretenlllive of
May Submit
Their Poetry
The sixlh annual Kan••City
lotal o f S1 ,900 ln prizes and
publication o f a book-len&lh
m anu s cript , have been
announced by Hallrnalk C1rds.
One o f fo u r 'P(fnsou,
Hallmuk will ~&~in offr1 six
SIOO cnh awards to sin&k
~ms _byfuUtimc colkgco and
Deco. 6.1;7
Dec:. II
h n.2S
Oshkosh 1
(Wlnona, Stovl,?1!)
Sto ut
(RinrFa lls,Eau Cllite,Carleton)
Mlchlpn Tech
h n. ll
Feb. I
Feb. 7 •
Feb. 8
Feb. II
Feb. IS
Fcb. l9
Croa tountry coach Bob
Bo'"·cn has announeed his most
valuablepisyerfo!theyur. llco
Is Paul Haus. a flcoshman from
Soulh Milwaukcoe.
Don llellcl was named the
Moll Improved while Darryl
lbwky was ekded captain for
nul yur. Ilene! a nd Hawlcoy
CSSR, where he uo;colled u a
hi,h jumpc1.
Karel 8arcx:h. 29. ls,marritd
and a profeS$01 of Physic-al
Culture It the Facully of
Medicine. Allholl&h short he is
t~ quickcsl rn~mbcr on the
learn. An noelknl player. he i:s
able 10 fini:sh the whole adiqn
by f~r1uiztldC:k.ntl.t~ 11~ck~nolher
COith 8ow~n announced I hal
ri&hl men have umed letters
this pau Kuon. Besidl'$ llaus,
Jlrt'i_cl and Hawky, Jeuermen
tndude freshmen John D.lhlke
and limllaa.
piwot and' it is Silid that he Is one
of the best pJ-.ots in Europe. A
•udent of the Facu lty of
Physical Culture, of thco Prague
Univp sity, he i:sm:~rrled and has
I lhr<"co-monlh old ~n . Ilia wife
is 1bo 1 bo$kctbal1 pltyer.
Krucacr and Charles Uplhaarovc.
This is lhc aecond lime Krucaer
a nd "Arnonspn have earned
The Pointer eros count1y
team fin.ithed fifth in the
confel'<'nce meet this ycoar.
11 J;~ z~c=~·Jf·~!:!u,!i,::
who was nominated for the
LusueTum durinshls iaSI yur
in lht junior tum and the
National Ttam. H~ is «tnsidercd
anucelknt jumpl'r both under
hiso,.,·n andoppontnlsNskel.
are bothfu~shmen.
His wif~ is also ~ bu.ketb~LI
;;r,~~~~ p:c:~J!~::Jd~~~
now a member of lhc
p1ofeuion a l New York
the national junior team. The
lnm conRsll of the foUowifll , - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - ,
IWSU Students
. thne ~bc-. lr aUthttalcnlaVIillblccanbemokledinto t
Is cooched by Wayne Gor111l ond will porlicipote" In
111 fl111 meet on Dec, 6 ond 7, !Photo by Mel· Glo·
I"'" for Motv... hmale Coli. ., Stvderwt.
Omaha, Neb.
N.A.I.A. Mcct
Sllo... vaeofentl... ho-uaewilhth,..otherglrfa.
Uvl,._ l e-. Klld.en, Gorot•, Yard, etc.
$40/Moo-tth ""' Ulllltl"
Coli. Affw 6 r.M, 344-7414
rHStNTS: The Rnett In li¥• Entertolnm• "'
unrvnalystudents intheUnited r:~~-----------0
In addition , IM Dc'fins
Memorial Award offers a SSOO
1-d•anoe on royalllcs for a
book-lenph poelry maniiiCripl:
to be pub l.. hed by !be
Uninrsity of hllslouri PR• and
lhc Kansu Cl!y Stu offers 111.-en
SIOO priln for rinr:Jc poems,
Junior and the Oassics
fa.~ o~oat~- sc~ ~.:=
fr. poems by • b4h tdtool
atuden ta o f Nluourl and
Tile deadline for Albmiaion
of entries is Feb. I, 1969: and
wlnnen will be announced on
ft!r. ~;:~~ ~':~c~1 4i;!c;! .
Scriesoflhe KaniiSCityJC'Wilh
Commu.nlly Cconter,
All e n tries are Judacd
J'llf:!R HII,1 1CK51(r~
"'"Ym•••Yname b cncloledTho
In t •~ho•'•
. . . . ,,...............
en¥Ciope auached 10 hiltentl)'.
Complete t"Oalest N1e5 tnay be
self·eddreucd C'll-..klpe
~- 64131.
No. 2
4.99 to 18.99
Thursday Night
Old 1\filwaukee
~--- SidMft: ~ 'Mftnlnt U.M.O.C.
3 y_,. "'
,..__PidiUf! Y_r..,
. w.... ,....._
L---..::..:=:.!!!~i!!!!!:!~~~:!!:W . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .,_ .....=~:::.._,J