io Pages, No. 10 Senate Reaches Impasse With Board of Regents ByJimHofu ~ !udc nt support" in ~~ttinlt an ~nc reascinlhispr oposc:dbudg t . •·we are at a commu nie~ lions impaae with t he Board of Rcacnla. Do you want to reo~n commu ni n ti onl with the RcJentsordon'l you?" Wally Thiel, jynior Knator, upruKd this Kntiment dW"in& the Nov. 1 Student ~nate meet ina. The \ues't ~nne meetina en tered on " disc:llllion o f the followinatopics: t he failure of the Rcp:ntstompand!oSS-2 ; illrcitimatc use of Sma t~'s name ont hrcerr10lutions. Se n ale Pruidenl Paul SchilUna h.u formed an ad hac com minee to 'colllide r f111ther actianconcerninathc ban of SDS fronr this campus and resolutianll6 l aenually. The tho~~&hl was uprcucd that the ~nue could request exp lanation of the Baa1d's resolution nthcr tluln dem~~nd t he in f01m11ion as was done pre~iously. ElECTION WATCH ' 68 wos spon~o red by the Un iversl· ly Activi lies Boord oro election nigh t. Nov. 5 . Shown Sculpture Displayed In .Lounge here are the toll ies for the presid ent iol. gubernatoria l and sena torial roces (Pho ro by Denn is Bush) Eight Seniors Again Selected .' For Students Who's Who inrcspanse toth eidu t hata co mmunication im~sse ha.s been formed. senior SCTrator ~!~der ~f~}~~u~:\T~~· cV::: may be acted upon In two wuks. Prct.idcntSchillin&spaketo the Senate con~rnina the dnJtic cut in the WSU rystem budact for New and Improved ~rviecs. I-nclu ded in New and Improved ~!Viet'S ' are faculty sa lary, fellowships, hu l th services, l ibrary imp r ovements. academic rc:.carch, summe r ri!Ki rch and in t nmunl$. The nine WSU 1ne~denu rc:qu~lted S40 million for the newandlmp rowcdbudgct. The BoardofRcaents eutthe request to Si 2.S million. But. t h e stile Coo rd ina tin & Commi tt ee on ll iaher Education , which is one step above the Re ~ nll .cho ppedthc f"~&~~re t o$S million. IA.ccordll\j to Schillin1 the Re~nll do not appreciate this latest cut. The budact must yet be ubmilled to Gove rnor Knowl es and til e St1te Le&isJature. The Senate prr::sidcllt said of the Reaents, "Th~y cxprcsud the opinion ~ hat they wou ld lik~ con~~!~t~~ 1oufet1ni~!d Co~~:;; which may K nd st udents to llrarinp on the budse t to"'-' held in Madison later this year. One ~nator raised t hcpoin t t hatthc~nat c hadbe cn named u c~pan:10r o f an activity wll.icllin bet wunot ) pan!iOrctl by the Senne . Same tellll ton cx prc~ d a desire' lo- be: informed should an o r.s aniutio n desire Senate Next Week The Princess And The Frog Will Appear In Coffeehouse The UAB co ffeehouse "entertainment baa"". wh ic h ha.s brought Don Crawford and The Suons and Co mpany to campus, will pttK nt Tile Princeu and The Froa ni&lltl yin t he C ridironat7 :30p.m. and 9 p.m. Nov. l 8·23. J im Phillips, tiM: fr01 of th e voercopen." Funds For Charity . This is •n annual event s ponsored by tile Ktvk:e fraternity 1nd t hisyear therc arc IS ont which to choose thc~~&lic:st man. Votl na on the men is bcinJ hdd in th e DcBot , Allen and Uniweulty Cen ten throua.h tomonow. A voteisJive nt othe ~~~~:~_nt Ttfeoroone-:!.'r.nt pc!t~t the ma&t money 1$ considered the Winner. Studenll may ¥Ole uofte n 1sthcy like. Mlt~l l~~O tt;OTU~~ ro~l= Co unty Uni ted Fwrd. The winner wu Jeff Pierce o f the Siuefia who colleded Sl40.98. It wu t he second consecuti¥e duo, sriowctl mu sical tak nt at the aae of nine when he started playina tllt l i\Jmpet. AI fifl«n he decided IIII I 1 ukelelc wou ld help diversify hb mu~cal in tuuu. but purchUC'd 1 &u il ar with th~ money he had allo ttedfortheuh. f~~:~c~:::~:~:~~~~~~~~.:n o}h: ThcPrinc~ D«hu s unaa ll Ugly Man On Campus Contest Ends Fridoy Alphi; Phi Omcp is •Jai n spon1orina tile ca mpus-wide U... y Man on Clmpula)nl cs tto collect tn oney for the Po n qe Co unt y United Fund . cnd O$ mlnl . !'resident Scllilli JII s tat~d lie would " lind out tomorrow (l' ri. Nov. 8) wllo used o ur name." Th is cndorsc:rnc nt was used appue ntl y wi tllout Senate tu t ho rit.a tton . Tw o ne w scm ton .,.·ere sra tcdon thcS t uden tScnatc. Paul Braun and Mike Durkin wi ll bo th rep re se nt l ntcr.Fratcrn ity Co uncil. Bnun r ~pi11Ccs Jo hn Phili pehud< wllo hurulaned. year that orpniution had won t hecontestandlfthcywinit apin this year. they will be award ed a plaq ue. UMOC week will be climaxed on Sunday afternoon wlt ll 1 dance 11 the Pour !bus. The ~ will be a free band and beer will ben:ducedbc: t wccnthehaunof 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. The winnina candid~te will be annou n-ced at the dance. ofller Ufe, but full directed her ~i~ to t he public durinJ her ll13h school education while sln1ina with a rock "n roll band. ll er woke, 1d1ptinJ to the mood of her sonas. lias t he delicaciu o f 1 J CN~ n ic Mitche ll , t hecc:arseneliloft BuffteSt. Ma ricorthc soft ncssof aNancy Wilson. ~e hujustnccntlylu rned top lay"hlir"b uthcrtecllnique docs nbtlackprofcuiona lisrn. em!~!~ isKc~~~~~:: !~wehnu~!: the pr~nlation of all t heir rnateri.l l wlle th er of their own oompo.~ tlon 01 anothe r writers. Tile y havc C:,iifided tllalthey a rc 1rratly inn ur na:d by " K at~ Smith,"""goodold A.unt Myrtle" ~nd "'Mom's Jrc:a t bean 1al1d." Point Blank :~~ II~ Whylsthechlmneyll thehntinJplantlohlith1 Tile chimney Jl the nc.,.· hcatin J plant is 175 fee t tall. Tilt pU I"JI"OR for the u t rcmc hei&llt is to crc u e an adcqu~te amount of dnft ; thetallcrthechinrney.thcyutrrthcdraft. Richard Moyer , director of Buildinp and Grounds,itatcd that with a coa l burnina pilnt such as ours a substan tial o.lraft isrcqui rerJ to draw up the amount o f smoke crcatcdbythcbu rn inaof ooal. lfthcplant .,.-,,ps powe red,ashortrr cllim ncy ...·o uld havebcenux d . ldentical he uinJplants ' andchimneysllavc!xcnbuiltatthc uniwer'! tles In Whitrwatu. Oshkosh. Platiewi\le and River Falb. The :~!"':~ 1at 1 ::i::•t;;~~~rJ s::ci::~!~~::ct~n:';n~t :~e~::;,~o~~· suJToundina cou ntr yside and many othe r fut on determ ine the ne~ary heiaht of a chim ney. A few Yurs 110 Madison h3d the umc prohlrm and hadtocx tend thei r chimney7S fcr t. Don 1 11ullcnt ha~e to talr.c hU lut I S o:redi11 11 Stnms Polnt In order toanduat~ fro m Stu~ns Point t D.V.M. No. On PII!C SO of tile univeu:i ty nlllo&. it •nt n : 21 or I he Ju t JO crcditsrarnedJowarrJ ad•·ar~t must be-ea rned in residence at "lllis university . The Olhc r nine crcditli rrn~r be taken at othcrsehoollor ex tensions, but only .,.·ith prior lii'PTOVa l of nc h a)urK by the J l tude nt'sdiwisiondircctorordean . How many blue books arc: ..wd dur lnathc sehool yur1 ! Acc:ordina 10 .llle Ctntnl Sl orc . for a onc: year period (Sept 1967 to ~pt .• 1968), they purchned • total of 10,591 blue boob~ 38,822 werc,e blue bool s an d l i ,71S wtrc: twel¥c-pqe J bl ue books. la!Mmo nel.lry tllue o ft bia u.;;wcnity? . J As of !hili moment the Uni'ICrsi ty l is estimated tol be wortb sH.opo,ooo.oo. · Whelan tile belt ~rl't nwuurcme.nll on campldl The Uatistio arc as ye l undetcfminc:rJ. llo ...·e\'ft: the two editora to o f th.JJ c:alu mn have ukc n ilupan thcmsc:lvcs to conduc:t 1 penon sutvcy to obtain !he informa tio n. Unfortu111tely , u.nnoklabJ. l teclurlcal diff~~::ulties hneariscn , delayinatlleruulbortbesurvey. pcnoa No'l'trnber 14, 1968 I c.. "T~e THE POINTER price of hating other huma11 beir~g• i• lovi11g one&elj le... " --Reactions-- ·-Eldridge Cleaver Favorable THE PbDIUM By Mike Domtno•lld 1aJ£.ol WSU-S7 Few people are nwnre that the fa te of Wisconsin StBte Uni\·ersily-Ste\'Cns Point is now reatinJ in a ao-cailcd miu ion report currently pending before lhe Board of Resents. The mission report , one of nine drawn up for each of t he stnte universities defim.'!l t he graduate program d&vclopmcntin etlch of thc siA teschools. Any o f us as typical struggling underclassmen may wonder why we s.hould become concerned over graduate program dC\'elOJ1mcnt. Few of us now would consider going to grndtmtc school here. But that is not the point. A s tron,:: grAduate progrnm directly 11.ftects t he quality of the teachers and the fncilities tis a n ins titution, A do\.'clopment of 3 grnduntc program would correspondingly upgmdc the qunlity of the undergrnduate edtK'atio n. But StC\·cns Point will not be allowed to d e•:elop mu· ters progrnms in the broad nreM of liberal a rts. Only sp«ific mns ters programs soch as in Spe«h Pathology a nd Audiology have been npproved. M1uters in such ore:~s as English, history a nd biology b O\'C not been appro\·ed. . 1be regenrs pl:~n is to nllo w Oshko:<h and Enu Clnire to develop in to majo r unh·ersities offering brooi:l masters progrnms. The o the r SC\'en !lCh ools includin g StC\·ens Point will be made into g lorified "tr:~de" !lChools, each offe ring specific s ubjects. We d o not feel this role o f :1 minor university is 00. fitting wha t we now ha\'C in Ste\·cns Point. Therefore. "'' e urge our faculty to continue t h eir ef. forts to h twe the Bo.lrd o f R egents reconside r the mission plan. And, we u rge the R egents to take the ad\·ice o f one o'f their own members• .Ma ry Williams o f Ste\·ens Point, and reronsid e r the mission plan. S h e also urged the R egents to c:tll in an oulside committee to· re-evaluate the m ission reports.. Our future is at stake. TM EditoriDJ BOCTd mtfte Op"". _ Jt't Ou.t ?lou; it i4 "Jih£e Act tiJ "Wha t are you going to d o ncst?'' has been th e most p rominent question asked o f the nine of u.s involved in putting o ut last week's The P a rty's Over edition of The Pointer. Ge tting the facts do wn on paper a n d out in the open was o ur primary purpose in writing the a rticles that appc:u'ed last M!tk. We hoped in t hia way to alert m ore s tudents to whnt is h1111penin1 to our university. But wo n ow feel a duty to cany through and acL In the near future The Pointer will feature our proposals for doing something con c rete to perhape help WSU..SP. Meanwhile we h ope s tudonta and fac ulty will con tinue to di!lCusa our 11rticles and auagest to any o1 w act.i001 you l~l might help. G ene Faculty Committees By BW McMillen It wu obvious at lui week's fac:ulty mcetln&lhat none of the faculty rdorm1 I wuc:st~d in The Party's ~~ edition of The Pointerwcrcearriedout. llo wever, It took God sewn days loant~thcwotld andonc shouldn't expect the· faculty to reorpni:teinoneday. Bul certain liC\IItY members ..·crcqlliektopointoul al»llple oferronin my article. Firll of all Vice-President for S111dent AfbinWiUilmStielslr.l is not chainnan of the powcrf11l Student Affairl Council. The faa~lty constitution docs J,ivc him mcn•brrship o n the Council b utstiplllatesthathcisnotto 'cchairman. "· -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - ' Faculty Creates Our Mediocrity O.:arEditot, My kiter is t ..·o-fold: fits! in 111ppor1 of "This Mas.q11cndc" which appcaR'd in l;ast " nk'1 l'o lnl e r. and secondly in rt$ponsc to Prclidcnt Dreyfus' statement " It is !he dut y of s t11dc nls to eh:lll~nP' tiM: administration.·· lwasvcrypkudtosce tMt somrone ebe has IM:en mo•·cd In th~ direction .s I havt:, n1mdy, in resistence 10 tM cont:aaiouspi3Jut'oiiiiC'diocrity. O.x n«d nOIIM:anurwrton ed11cational mechanics to sense this mena« on 0 11r o;amp11s. As In mou riu uenthercisnoonc C'liiiK b11t rather 1 complex of ·•contribulors." llowever .. it is quile obrious thutor!M'of lhne "contributors" play a mud1 p .1.terrok 1han otbcnJind do i ndce~ prndu c~ ncondary "contnbutors." dep~~~~nF. 0/ 1 ~f:~~e. d~~~~ tredil for what they ha"' donr ~ithro•~~~ fl~ut'k:t fi,~~~: whkh Cln promote bot h lnt~rest and IM:Uerundentandintin thb ~~~~~:~!~~J.~u~1 :hk\y~ Kemmenter Paul Schillin1 Mike DominowtTti Paul Ja.nty Bill McMillen FrtdGinocchi.o Scott srJume L4uJW tptherbiU)' Will...,. t~tw• an MI«~U~tl student hlllth ..-rice blfo.-. ....,. get estedlurn1 The Pointer Wisconsin Stote University Tbl POINTEIL 18 publt.hed weekly u:oqtt ~ Uld- la&Uon periolk. at Stev-. POUlt. WL~aoutrl, by thl I W.SCC. fll ' Wa.con,ln 8t&t. U hi\'fl'SII.)'. 8 11bKI1ptJo. prtc. - fli.OO 1M!' y.z, Orniii.Uon 8,.600. Tbe POIHT&a ~ 18 louted 11:1 U.. U~¥endl.7 Omtlr, ~~U·U6J. txt. SSG. lmft'OIUAL 80.u&D ~Xemm•ter. 1100Maln·8t.. sn-n •o ~ Dll~UI Meklllen. 103 PftnUo. Apt. S.f.MK,,asGB&ldwinH&JJ.EnJM N..,. Jut,y. S34 B\lrrouctll H&IJ. lilt ,_turo Dlltor--Mtko DomLno...lkt, m Knut&en. e011.. Editor--Mike Kroenke, 112:11 o,u._,. A-., S4f4t01 Edi~Paul ~:=tyd=~l~t=lf~; ~~ The ~ority of o11rrcaders ~eem to han miac:d the point of lludent affain. 1111 weck'Jis:JIIe. Ructions have Ac:cord lnl to a newly been dill\llllnl&lyfavonbk--an cnth11dastic "IOCk·it-to-'em" or publbh c d Stlldtnl Senate directory, there .Is OtiC U11dent '1:lck-thcm·QIIIn" attltlldc. on the Leanunt Re.ao11rce. The Idea wu not to merely oommittce, twost11dtnts on the s!amOIIttormenton a iJOQdor.,· Curri~l11m eommUtce and two It wur1thcr to JUte our c , student vao;ancicS9f11heUonorJ 11/ o 11r JJinanccs 1nd mUe ur c:omrnittce. feell n41 known. lnfor mati¥c llowcver,alloflh~s~udenll protnt yo11mil.htiiY. bythellc:ultyc:onstltlliiOnttc The 11111: we face b perhaps nonvotlna:. best •ummed up by the coed who uid it ~• the rtnt time $he hadcvcrthoqhtofquestionina her eurriellliiJfl, or cv~n benet by liM: YOIInJ miJ\Wbo i CC:OIIed By Genoe Kcrnmtltr ;:~-:;: t':!~'YS:~~~r"~~n~ Faculty r~1ction to 1:»1 people?" A "11litrJJ.t" UwU4iil( J" tfte chairman of the tpe~h deparlmenl. My xcond cnor wu not menlionlna: 1t11dents who uc on ~t. ~:n ~rtJiln( Capy Dll~· U.Uitli>wy, .ue Sduneecltto H.all, l:xt.Pboto llcllt«-Bob H~ U 41 WMhlri&'LOn 6t., U4-SUT . the Nov. ,7 foculty meeting.' Sixty foculty 1111mblta ond l•n odmlnlstrotort out o( ever four hvndr.d 1how. ld up d"plf• dlscvuion oo the Important groduot. focvlly develop1111nt progrom. Phoro. jMib · oOm!~ld week'l "The Pat1Y'I Over" edition o f The Polnlcr, has bc:~n 111~~Yo!'Th'!rb~iy ·mornin~ f o und many professors exhon int their studcnll to read The Polnler studiously bc:CIIIie: theyW~~kl lcatnJOmethintfrOm il. Ot her proleaon rtmukcd that lt wuabollltimcwmclhln, wudoi'ICOn the: matter. Tuehcrs aveed oo one thinE, "Thc Poinlu · shollld be doinE repot11nl like that to keep the studenl body informed of the iss~.t t h e sUttment !lui toppcdthcinlll,thconelhat m1de sun nrcmben feel tMy were achlevinJ; t heir p11rpou, c a rn e wh e n a p rofeuor tn no11n ced. l n . hh ~lau , "somcthinjlikethis(referrmEIU The Poinler ) makes me wan! to eons.idcr rcmainin, IM:rc instead of soin& someplace else to Ieath." Here· to Study Dca.;~di~~. 1 fuue of The Pointer h111n atticlc by Fred Ginoc:thio about !he Board of ~.~::~~~;;:~.~. same onu "·ho Please don't misundentand me bcc1u1t I don'! like Rr~:::e::'t~~~:~~: ::~.j ~!~~lo:t'~:~t·!ll~::~~~~ t/jJ! ~~c:rn,~~·m::ur:~".~p ,..: • mi&.ht p0$Sibly know a lit!~ beUcrtluon we "udents what IS best for the Wisconsin Shte Univcnitysyslem. Maybe !he Resents don't want to ~~ee the slate university camp1111CS tur.xd into boisterious bedlam ILJCh IS the Unlvenity of Wisconlin experiences. I'd hate to think of this system if il ..-ere run by the: ·studenu. One ..·cck we resd 'lboul b c.k o f interest and support of Student Senate, and tiM: nul week we read that Sludent Scnalc sho111d be hurd more and aovern ill rJ~nE ~~~~~~d~:Ef~~ fr:~· u thority , Jrutcad of conJ11ntty rcbukinJ t hem. The RtJCnts miiJI decide whether it Wllnt1 eq11a.lityfor aU •nd aeeeptinalhc eomcquenccs. or IM:in& 1 little particular and possibly haw 1 s mo ot h er runnina system-a syslcm desiJIIed to educate in ! he clu!.rooms not in the streets. My way o f lookln& at it is- Like she mOIIJC in¥itins thf 'i:at in. Why invite tretibk? . ff yo11'rc k> for a &Ood time··W hi e h i n volvu dc n>Onstrationi r.hat disrupt -so to Madison. I 'm here to "udy! Richard B. Jensen ..... Novwnt.r 14, 1968 Bloodmobile Drive· Winners Announced IF YOU ASK ME Compikd by Mike Doml.noWik.l (\ Do you f«l lhat tbrr~ U 1 nud for 111 athletic atldiwnl Shollld . WSU·Stn e... Polnt bllild oneuthll tlrnt1 Delta Si&ma Phi, Theta Phi Alpha, Sleinrr Hall and Uyrr Hall llave won the romp~tition bloodmobile. Pw:enuces an: u follow•: O..l!J Sip , 41.4; Thet a Phi :irw~he b';nd~n!:/~~~bll~m::!~ ::J''(;~~·.4 :1~~S~6~~~~~~~~ ' . .. need lor a stadium . . . ' blood in their own partitular division. Alrha Phi, 19.6; Sia Pi, 18.9; DZ, 18.1; Alpha Sip, 18: co~~t:ti~ir;:~ ~h~o~:n tt~: ~/::.~~· l l ; Si& Tau.?; and Phi fraternitiltl Robtrt lhrtbtrs. 19. freshman , from adminimation. 2 18 SttliiC'r Hall. ~brineue. m~rin& women's hall JI\aquc. The quota of 300 r ints was surpassed with 38S r intstahn • llmostlwo-t hirdsofwhkh~amr Yu. I think there's a definite n«d for a sudi1,1m we can call tbr l'ointN '$ Home. Ow present fk ld , whik btin11 used by o then in the art,I , (>C'rhapssuffcrsin upkrcp throush this usc. WSUncedsafield oftl5o.,.·n andone it canbt prou<Jof. l'.'htthn or not .,..r shoul<J build 1 stadiu~n 11 this time deptnds larcrly onourprovnt financ~lcapabilities. lht suucstionofhavina the money come from the student aeti.,id es fees miaht be justly or poscd by stude who .,..ill be &n<Juatins in the nut few years. ~~<Ji~r::.':~~ .,.·ouldn' t have much of an oppotlunity to sec the No.rthwestern,UW ' . . . might as well build it now . Kuen Hilaendorf. 19. 10phomore, from Gnflon, math. 444 Ro~thHall. m~orin& in WSU cst•blilhcd wins over Northwestern Uninnity and Calvin Colleac while losin& a c!Otc dcb~tc to No tthcmlllinuis University by only one point. Other losses were to Michip n State, Univ. of Ill. • Chicaaa Circle, 1nd E.stem Illinois University. Stevens Point wu · the only I dcfmitdy (rei that there ii a nud for an athktic stadium. We are 1 vowin& university and I think ...-can: lar&renoua,htosponsor our o.,.-n footba!J fitld nthcr than usin& a hi&h sehool f11:W. Out football team 1h011ld have their own f~~:ld. Goerke Field wiU be too ~~o~~~:u~n~1e~et"'S~th~o~! Db t · compttin& in tbr tournament included Dut mouth , West Point and ' the University of Nebtnka TwcntY·five Khools were n:pruented there inthldinathc Univ. o f North Dakota . Wayne $(ate University and Loyola Uni.,. of;:a&o. Point Debaters pasted 1 J.J record . They defeated !elm$ hom th~ University of Wisconsin, St. Olaf Collqc and . onl Interpre ta tion: Cherie C h o udor . Stnens Point , r he t orical aiti~isrn: Darlene Gr ~efe, Wausa,., impromptu , tftrr· d l nnrr sptakina: Lily Kud si·Z ade h, SltYrns Po int utemponneo ... s spnkin&. Impromptu and ditc\IKion; Jim F r ie ss , P ard e eville , u tt mpo ran cous spukin&. imprompl,.and discussion; and Iulie Carter, f.a,Jc River, ottl interpn:tatlon andoratory. Mbs Paut, pallicipated in 'The Idiot' Will Be Topic Of Discussion o•eo,.,... - ~ ' ~ a t Mia Yow.c abo dltecttd last lptin&'t "M~ Stevens Poin t" papant,spoke onthe subjtct ol rnodelina and eood v ooml111to lt'lertl eampul ora.uuuUonaand erod~c:ed anenl ~n l or d 6 .• • PI'OIIIml on Mlu Tlmbnlab, ocher l p«chpalboiO&Y lnd audioklsf ::f:~ce"".!n 1ac:~tit~ r! Look Down on The Campus You Fly the Airplane ru-ALOHO ::=~::rtr.«~~lll"'~~ - - - -- - of the Speecb and llearirw Auoc ialio n' and Wu ley FoUndation, and Aaodated Women Students. Semmelmann Will Speak About /Brazil l Tht Geopapb.y Allociatlon will spo asor Dr. FU ll& Sommoh Daaa, profol e:.rn-:. ~~~~aE ........ ' ' i"' lla M~olhiiiKturc:WiD b• " Tilo l•l•tioa&WP' S•b•~tnc• Eco Domk:a to U r b • al z a t l o a a d =!''"'"""' "'""' ! Dr. s • .Jmalma • • _.. 11 a ~oii.. U.....,_tyol =t· ~ =Jo..~ ....., .._i_.t.c.lty l .., . - c.ntod 0entr • O:.! yearJ, atl'ftd oa !be Unlftllity Sddlllng t o conta~t Ro~rs, Ol9 ~11in. Richard This Fri<Jay cvcnina in Alkn Cen tu, the Rni<Jence Hall Council ,.·ill has! "An Evcni111 ofJuz" from1toll p.m. En t er ta inmen t wi ll b e provided by the Ron Konikoff Quintel, a campus jnz combo that lias been futured in tbr UAB <::Offc< ho"'se ~ircuit and 11 ~e':!:., ~umfc~!ureCV:l~tt!Ypc~~ jazz Jobe listened or danced to. Cost fOT the four hours of entertainment will be JS o;rnl$. Free refreshments will be o n hand. 1\farsh:i, how's your John? Ours smells like Raspberry jello ESTAIUSHMENT Jean..CJaude Killy talks shopChevrolet SportS Shop ,.. MI n You na hu wo n rc:occniUon f01 ber ltaduia and supportin&roksinek:vmplaya ainct 1!166. Sben:c:eiYcd tbe best supportin& act~ award from I uraed JOE'S f:: P~r.~h~n C:~~etltio!~~:i UTILE DIINICING nent aivcs•peclalrecocnltlon to thoK who perform tho btu In onnUcompctitlon. ,.... • Ripon Colk&e whlk losins to the Univenity ol Minn., Bowlin& Green Sute Uninrsity and Concordil CoUrse. Drbuers a nd indivklua]" ennts compc titorl.,.ill trn~l to Bradley UniversilyatPcoria. lll., forJtoumamentNov.l2·2l. S t u dc!n ts interested in ~luiOw oft~ W'll p rf' , Ht~~~rin& wociatlons. S!:llillilla, tbe WSU student tcnate president who pl1111 to contlnuehiltdiiCation nu t yur II law school, m-,lored In political s.ckn~. He wu rice jmsident ol the Political Sdtnce A~lation, member of tht camp1,1s community n:latiolll commilleeand acti'te insludtnt &o.-ern mrnt acti\llties three The Artist In Residence prOIJim, sponsored by the Uninrsity Aeti\litiu Board, hu b«npostponcdforaweek. . Whrn It d~s return . it wiU futur~ a ftlrncrina on (ilm and pllotoaraphy uart . m•n~~:nt, As lona u that money doesn't prevent improvin& the Health (conlln~~~:d fromp. 1 1 ) 24 Burro,.a,hs 2 6 , Baldwin 26 llanKn 14 PnySoms.ll andWatson. l.l. ::I.Jr:::.~:~r~:i~~.:~~ Hall Council bythevarsitydcbatetcamof ~~~ :::atca~d t::!~c:~~~.~~ 1 Will P r e s e n t Frank Speech ~~uar.b:~~o ~r:~:~h ~:~~ Jazz C o n c e r t To ... ~:-::~~·:.':::~;~~·:;;~"'""· .,..... .... ,M, ...~ ,... . e aers 1 a 1c1pate !~.:::.r:::~~':-.::.~.!·~........,....,..,..."."""'""' ln Two Weekend Tourneys fOf The Pointer, prnidenl o r Delta Zeta and an d fillate of the Ne w mu an d Sp«th ' and Hall p(r«nllsesan: Hyer 20; ~ompttitivesp«chordeMtc art W.S.U, debaters were active in two tour11.1mcnt5 durin& the lut ...·«:kend. Dun Zimmerman and Cherie Choudoir tnvded to Plll'duc Uninnlity wilh Din:eto: or Forensica Rich11d Roarrs to com pete In the Pu rdue Invitation•! OebltcTo~.~tn~mcnt . If t~fl monry_c;an. ~ ob.t:aincd without seriously handicaprin& Ol!'tr n luablt uruvti'SityproJeciSand also be fairlothrstu<Jrnts,l thmka~tsdl,.msho,.ld ~ thhtir:ne. Who's Who on the Kcond day. This was more blood than wu donatedat 1ny previous villi! ol thr 17 , at8 p.m. In the fie ldho<.rse. Debate~s Defeat in 41.4 ~JP~:f~.::::h:~o:::dn:~: A r t i s t P r o g r a m ~~tfllr:~;~~!'~~·~~Fn~~~~l ls P o s t p o n e d PAUL IEVEIE AND THE IAIDEIS a re scheduled to oppe:or on Sundoy, Nov. bu~inct.S havilll a l6.Spcrcentpartidpation. In the soror ity dtvWon, the Theta Phi Alrha's also had a J6.S percrnt participation and Yu, I do~~~] 1 n«d for 1 WSU.SP llhktlc 1\aliium I I thll tlme, To aAUmc. that Goc.rk~ Fkld is or wtll continue to be an ulequate facility for dty·wide utc is blindnc.u. The fundina of thC! projeet from l!udcnt aeti'tily fetsshouldnot bctOahockiiiJ III C.nterprise. After aU,whols&Qin,ctowetht s11dh1m1 · As The Pointer lilted lut wuk, the atudenu of the future will . actuaUy be payin& for the aladium. But,labo wbh to add that they will be usi111 it. By ddayina action on 1 new 1tadium. we will be incrusina the W$1 of the ino:ritabk. AJaln rdenin& to The Polnltr editorial, there are many wo rthwhlk ptoarams other dum athletics of Jntrrest m the student body. But to u et\lde eitbrr from the realm . of atudent acJi'l'ity is like amp,.tatin&the brain from the body, . present field s uffers in upkeep by ~~~~n~psi~;t!~P~~o~ ~~~ SN~h•,1;~~ . ;,l".l~.~·.~.;.s,•t,l.e~2'_:, :,~'s·m';,',.,l ~ "" edu::f!l~~~~~~·a~~~~~~nlor from Adtms, m~Jorin& In phyiiCII ... .s -- hW Alr.,.,e .,~ THE SHINDIG OUt HIOMWAY S' NOITif Of MOAB <Home of Big Name Entertainment) TilE FENDERMEN 8 GUYS and· I GIRL One Night Only FRIDAY, N:OVEMBER 15 ...,, - . ............ November 14, 1968 fl THE POINTER WSU Honors WEA Alumni At Convention Museum Of Natural History Displays Unusual Specimens ,... More thin SO URUSIIII came sneral honchoe bill of mammal tpedrn cns llave been the ld nd found in Alii, a n received by WSU - SteveNPoint e lephant t oot h. an tut tr f (ll' display in iu new muill:wn of skeleton, various animal Uulls a nd "some uniden tified nat uralhbtory. [)r , Charks Lo!IJ, a bloloJY specimens. The WSU museum is on the y;r;w.f;:~rte:e t~i~~c~t:! ..::cond noorofthoScie n« HaU Na tional M\lll:uminWuhlnJ!on, and is open tothepublic:from8 D.C., and the Amulcan M IIICwn a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays. Dr. of Nuun l History in New York LonJ is eun tor of mammab and part of a staff "with the bc:st City. Skins of two 1110nkeya from qualifications o n diverse the old and new wc.kls hue spec ia ll lrs in bloloay" in noiioeable difreren ca u do Wisoonlin. A na ttft of KanJU, he kanproo nil of the dcart anu o f 110uthwestcm United States nctiveda U hisformalcducation and the spiny rat of trop iul there , butdidspecial rcxarchat th e two muse um s which SouthAmeri<:a. Dr. Lon& ntes u a special provided the recen t Ji{u of pril.ethe sk.lnofaflyin&lq uirTd specimens. He abo has collected mammals in Muioo and western o f Formosa. From ·the American Museum Uni tedSlltet. Steve n a Point Su ~c Unive!$1 ty hon ored it ~ alumo 1 a tt end i nJ th e Wts_consin Educa t io n All o"atron conven t ion in Milw auk tt Thursday, Nov .. 7, and 5enlru president to 11veonc of 1111: major addressu at the: annul] conclave. A reception nn from I P m. to 6 p.m. in the mczu.nineof the Ram ada lnn whcrepr esidcnt LeeS. Dreyfus was the olfkul hos&r . Dreyfus spa ke th at evcnin J for the dele1ati on of t uchen from all par ts of Wisconsin on the future role of educational· tckvision in thf lta tc. li e inlroduecd to l h• conve ntion the new u~cu1 1n director of tile F..du catlonal Comm uni ca tion s Board , l n Franlc.s. unv~t{.,11J' "a 1 ~c1!e Ji:~i~;io:iu~~ PII:ESIDENT LE E S. DREYFUS presents Myron Hoose with o c;ertificote lor his 20 yeors of service os o lode.· smith. Faculty Hears Report locksmith Services Of Regent Meeting About 35,000 lock~ The chairman of tM f" ult)'. Miss Carol Marion, pvc a report on the last R~nts' meetir~.~st the meeti111 held last Thursdaye~n.inJ . A plan to upande the ctridencyof univenltyplanninJ and development was presented to the Education Comminee at thcrntetin.J. 1 from two of the nation's !~ding mus· eu ms in the East. He h ko!ding the skfn of o flying squirre l. !Pharo by Jim Pier- 01. CHAUES lON G, wrolor of mom· mali or rhe new WSU-Srevens Point museum of natural history, views rhe more rhoo SO specimens WSU reaived . •~1 Recent Article A move to reprint and dcltribute thcplantDfaeult y members at the boa rd rMC tina wupuscd at this paint. 199 (Spcctal Work)wurevised. Tbc oourses pasacd with I unani1110usv01e. James Miucy of the Enllish -~~:fic~:r~:~F:i~ mcuu ri n& the 1rowth of Wilcons_in State Uninrsit)' - Stc· locksrcqutrcllumamtenanee. Another way he 1ne:asurn is tht univnsi ty loc km u t cr and has about Js ;oo~ .o r the duiees t_ o m11nt~rn .' " 28 stru~tures. This week rs hiS 20th anruven:uy :u a memben(not includinafaculty_). There: ,.,·ere abotrt JS pe rsons rn that status when he was hired and now the re arc more tllan n'j,~:~~t. when he was Le't ., ' "' '"'· : : Fore1gn . Language Dep I. '""~'·" ,.,~::,.,.;",~ ,,":::~ Psycho iO&illll)whichwil\involft a chanae in t he major ~.:::::-::".;;,::, '~.~..:: · ._...._,_ • The Audio-LinJual Scientific u!:: we;ru:;;.~C:~lhr:.:.:m:~~ ~"fU~5re:e':"n:.Z~~ "l:n'11 Tt>~y .....n th e Advhory ~~~~t~"ruCo~'::~~= :~J•:t.'e 1 Stresses Hear'1ng and Talkmg Depa/l ment importance s ll enu of the of llandardlzin& . achievemen t ~h!~id ~!:':'~YaU ~~:~~~:~} fon:ian la!IJUI&CI. tu~~n~A: aen!~u/:!~~'.'pa~~Ji~ fa~ ·ff:,"~'~ib[~~'::. Kl~ue~jle~~~ To day . with the new "liriiuistk s"c"iC n't i f jc 'a ud lo· l i nJ uli H'~ferbe~ker Attends lnaugeration Dr . Gordon l l'o~ferbc:ckcr .•i•t president fo r:ieadcmlcaffai rsat WSU - Stcvcnst'oin t. repr estnle~ til e innitution Frida)· ar inau&unt io n cc:ren10ninln ~·e~ York for a former hcult) colLca&uc. Or. ll aferbc:cker mu(htd 111 the •cadcmic procession to prtcc:dcl nstallation o fl)r.Kun R. !kmcllcr as president of Ba ys ide Campu s ol Quccn s boro u &h Communll ) Colle1e. The former prulok nrial usis unt 1 1 Stevens Point "~! honored " even ts btginnln~ Thursday andex tcndii!CthrQul b SUnday. Dr. lbferbecknand hh wife attend ed most of them. OLLEGE MEN PART TIME 49.94 ..,...., for 20 hours of work Write Box 5£;7 : l:• ~ " ~~e:nrb~~t{6~!2~~.7~~~oted Fo~iantheUn~!'e P~~r~;e;}j ';'":::':="'~'·:~l\l~"~::,.~":!ss~!"'m:'~:!nk~,l=:;;~:::•:..,:•:••:P:o;:"':·W ~nothn faculty membe r apecd, ur&ins thc: faculty to conside r ameanso fdenlopinJ some "st n:nath" to deal wit h tile Board , since reuontd a,..uments ntverseerntomakeitvtryfar. Another membe r of the fac:u llr n:muke d that individual hculty ac l ion miJ ht be danaerouJ, unlea aU the date un lvcnltics wen: unified In pruenti!IJ a petition to the Board . The IUSJestlon ol accomplishlni refonn throuah tM AWSUF , whidi addn:ucs the Board at eao;h mcetlns, was ckemcd1110refno nble . The ftn~L q ment o f the mcctin& anvolved debate at facull)' mee tlnp. Often tile discu ssions bcoome ntedkuly lenath ly and repetitious. therefore, the" problem of how t o limit discussion" without pc rctn t o f tile class Jime s.1to11ld be apcnt in 1ctive UK of tile forelJn .laniu:~.&C . Vocabulary and ~.nmrnar •bllity mull be l cquircdthrouahllead y.dlily pnctlcc, both written and oral. Stude nt s must undentsnd whit oomnru nka tiori · · !~~~~ T~e,ai~~;'Je~~::S:: ~~d!'nt:~;inJ~es~~~1na,t~;.di~~ vest in tllcchairma n authoritrto ap point l fi~ man comrnittn to investlptc the problem and andwritina. Counc ·matcriab mustlndudc a teacher's auidc, (Do'• and ~ ~n!' 1 ~h~ 1 ~'l:e!: ~i fe~~~1~~). 0 ~a~.11 d~~~Li n:i~~ business, the meetin& formaUy adjourned. waa tutb ookl, s u pplementary n:adinJ materials, and a battery ,.----------------, ASPEN SKIWEAR At htulo, Prh• hltf')' Doy of th. Yeorl Jackets and Ski Pants at 257 Dlvlalon Aun1 From Notth Polnl Shopp{nt C.nltr Profeulonolly ond Pflu.d TAXES, UGH! SOCK {)' , 1\lemo: Classified P ersonnel: The next speaker will be Dt. f. ~~:r.::~';;,ey~~s.rn:sidcnt 100 {Co&nitive Processes), Soci o tou 174 (U r ban SocioloJy),snd SocioloJY i l l \~' Immediate attlon was al1110st ccrtlinto . bc fut ile,afae ully member oorn mcnted. The battle wouldbelons and 'dlff"tcult. 1\enry ~:~be~ty ofJr~;i\h ll!i:..i~n st~~ llS . . then: were: 100 tim es fewer , o f lla:no: was honored for hu lS I locks. in chc three main • $L'rvice in a brief ceremony in ~~~w ~~~=~::U:!"h~:~~ ~ ~~~~ ?9~~-inl!l atuduta,.,Wt.u. Uiddscasc, it" a No~m.:~=n~:m:~e.S tudent tbe faculty thai IJ affec:ted . .He Affaln committee to distribute the minutn of thei r meetinjto th:ro~op~rev:rus 1e~~fnsric~~Y Forb.USemlnarleCiweon Locks ~~ used by Myron G. !flout sa id each time a new llu•. 1464 Fr on cenac Ave., in. dormitory _ is ~ddc~. 100 1110re cu :ricul~~~~e rco!!~tit~!··u.!~~ ~:!or.""ai~ ~~P~~~ite:f h~~ Joseph WoodU . presented new and revised university courses The con cept ol pttinJ students' parents and Olhe r tup a ycn to innucncc the Repnt J was one 111Jpstion to the problem. (),;t . 24.11'11: re&d&pa~r e n lltled " Tbc Glndtliln Blueprint for .SO.:ic: ty '/ in wllkh he lkK'ribed ~'!dhi'1 vision of the Ideal Followilll the di.scussion • 1110t ion was carried to provide the execu tive boa rd with the power to presen t the facult)' views to the Board of Rcacnts. A rtqueU fo r local fac:u lly review snd nece-..1)' revision o f new planssuchu thillwasraisc:d by ont member of the faculty. Miss Marion then noted the Education Commlttfe uw.a lly doesn' t facilitste individual II"JUmcn ts fromsepantc facult y oraaniza tions. In addition, tile ecadcmic plan would have minimal. if any, chan&CS from t he. form in which it w;u preKntcdtotheBoard. Dr. Bjork Co-Authors It was brouah l out that talk of an informal approach witll th e Reacnts is unfcasable, ~i::~ne~~~~r~'_l'ma l Ullc.s are will bc:uscdfor thc:rcmalnder of the: academic year in pr o ~10t in1 the schoo l's 7Sth annr.·c rsal} The sraduatcs ...-ere 1i•·cq recent publications about alumni activ it ies and were sllo,.·n a colored·slidc report of nn dcvdopmenu at Stnens l'o1n1 Hart, profes.or of WHilE'S lVIIYONI · ~~\'::'!,,~: u~~ni:;d~~ 1129 MAIN OOtNG SUNDAY Anti-;~~ntalecture enlitled f'MonJ¥orceandSoeial RevolutiOn " to the mcmben of the F&c:Olty Seminar tonJ&b t I I 7 :4 S in the Nicokt·Mir· Why to tho UMOC DANCIJ ............ ...a p.m. -~~£:~~ ~f:!~q::t::: the of moral ~ rt~,atlonsbijl_ -pRcepts \totbepolitkalpc1)CI:I&. .... Prt. .. Pour Ha.U Bar BRAT BARN --··-'"""" The Featuring This Friday and Saturday ' "The Music Company" ·. Brats and Steals / YOU a r• .nlit¥ to cmoth.r d.ctudfon on Stot~ ,r.derol To•" " ,....,It of o " l t "tlon br HM hhfeldt NOON HOY. 17ttiJ t. th. lote Proticfent Albertson four ottO, rn d11e Jim Laabs Music 921 Moln St. • c)p.n· Tues. & time tM Ta• Sh.l..r.d Ann~o~llfn become ovalloble lo •v•rr•n. worltlrtt for tiM Stot. Univ~h.... Phon• 3-Cl -1666 frt. til 9 p.m.-Orh.r doys til S p .m. · ~,_..- ....._,.v:-.u __._. "-""••-·•--•-'-'•"' w.w.... Y-.1-':Wlttil• 10% DISCOUNT TO AU. STUDENTS wmti.D. CMDS .RENTAlS:. Philco PortableT.V.'s and Stereoo.only f7.00.month ............................................. ..... ....... YOU . .. poylrtt nMrfy .,,.._lhlrd to-rd lfM._ a.. HroMetlt Annum. flOW In •ICtto loa:" y•u 1ha111d nol !"'""• to poy .;_ AND .G£TT1NG HOJHING FOa IT• Call Herb Rehfeldt 344-7542 1Today and See'H~w T~is Applies · to Your S1tuahon ' 1009 Soo ~~Ave .. see.- Pelrtt, Wit. November 14, 1968 New enrollment estimates for poll-baocalawu.te men had the the Wbronsin State Universities e ffed of lownin& paduate System r01: the nut two years eruollmenta. show an , incteascl from S8,242 "A CCJI.IItb\ o f United Statu students this ra11 to 71 ,030 in active participation in the Sc-pt. 1910,thesystem o fficein Vietnam war, or 1 dean~ in panlclpation, couJd lead to l>b~~ ~':.'i~~tes arc those &radua te en r ollmenll lpProved by the Coordinatln& Cou,ncil for ll iAher Education. ~:i'~.';:~!r hi&ber than tho.t theyare~in&uscdin computlnc The ettimatu abow an ihe budcet rcquests for thenine in«euelna~du.ateatudentsin univcnitirs and four' 'bnnch tile WSUsystemfmm l ,067 thls campu~s for the t..,·o yc.lll' fallto4,S3SinSept,l970. prrioo.lst.,1int Julyl , l969. Earlier CCHE uttmatea llhow "Gndu1tc cnrollmcnta. 1 total of 90,7S4 students arc diffl(u\t to u timate at this attendin& the State Universities timeduc, tofadonwhkhmi&ht andbm~chcampu~e~in l 917. chan&erapid\y,"~ida rcport of FoUowin& ate the aduall968 the CCII E staff. "It is believed enrollments and the utimatea t hat the chafllt In ~lcctiw forl969, 1970and l 917atcaeh nrvice rules relative to ~ f.lli !OauCbirc laCr~ j Oshl:o$11 l'bttevWe River Falb Stu·tniPoint Slout (Menomonie) Supc:rior Wbittwlltt ~ &non County Fonddul..t.e ~Iedford Rkhland Tottb .... 6 THE POINTER Enrollment Estimate Expects Increase 6.001 11 ,096 S,024 4,0S2 6,830 4,330 3,3 18 9,402 341 "' ___m_ S8,242 ~ fflf 7,4-1 0 13,570 12,430 S,46S 4,l9S 7,60S 4,87S 3,68S 10,360 !::~ 4SO 460 ISO 1f.m 9,083 IS,444 BA h Coed Of The Week avanan 5ymp ony Plays Lovely Music Review. ' \ By ScoUSchuue The Bavuian Symphony Orcllutn of Munich played buutifuJ nluJic Friday c~nln&. Nov. I , in the fiddhou~. They were secmin&IY notC"P"tfcd with t hree dirricult major tymphon ic works 3nd the evcnin1 wn a JI'C31 success. The 110 men and women played with 1 perfee1 ~rman control tllllt wn the mou tcchnicaUy c~e:c~fh:!'! ,'(prr:,f~t~ny tllllt I The rin t sc~ttlon wu Hayden's JI'CII Symphony No. 104 in 0 major whi~'h is commonly l:nown as the "London Symphony", It is IUyden II his finest and lhoWS his powen of orchestration and the use of fmc dnmatic outbursts. It is 1 deliJhtful symphony and the: Bnuian Symphony didafiJ'ICjobwith it. a conrKient and capable ~ader, lie was very youna and If fitted with Jli.uKl would beat I re~rkable resemb\.lnce to CUlUVMiblet. lie moved rrcely around the slap to ruch out to his musi.ciansandwas nryanlmated in his mo~erncnts. The concert wnwellworthattendin&. Manuscripts Sought For Competion Th e E n&lish ~partment requeatsstLident poetsandsbort uory wri len t o aubrnit manus cri pu for a litcr.ry Hl!':fc'~'i'~~·':k~~m~a::~~~ ~h;'i'i'!,~~~ ~~ne:~ ""Wn;~ Metamorphoses on Tbemu of C.rl Maria von Weber. It is a Deparlrrl<'nt Bookshelf proiJ'Im broadcast on WSUS FM on u~~ =~~arm:~:! :rt~t~~m:!~~ TUT::yc:~~u~~~:~~=:~~~i:; 8,200 S,390 4,040 11 ,170 JO,S I 4 7,62S S,819 ,IS ,2S6 SOO 570 ISS 38S S73 22S 7 1,030 90,7S4 1 master of the Romantic provide an uocl~nt vehkk for Ale. public exposure for the crutive I t Is full of harmonies writersinourstudcntbody, restructured into contrapuntal The pro&ram wi ll be voicesandrunsthcfullsprctrum broadeut either the first or the of emoli~V~s. It u~ ~ny second weel: in ~cembe:r with different IIUtrumcnts and is a tiM:! dlte to -be announced later. wealth of fudnatin& sounds. All manullet!pts will be The Bavarians wrre very judpd by 1 panel of inttructon of ~ _.m ~~iif~~~d 1lr~t':ntt!i;':.•:~h: intg:a~~':hf~P~:~on _..ill, 6S,\OO most effective worl: thll '''u performed. · or manuscripts It Nov. 20. Submit aU manuscripts to Mr. Baurccbt, College Enrollments g~l~~=:ef:~f~:~ ~;~"Trippers Will . Sponsor Increase In StGI e ~~~~e~~~~f~:~::7'c::t:: :rrmft;::;,:;.,::;·~:,:.S·~::,{'~ Hayride Party Toul enro ll ments in offcred throuahouttbeuate. :~~~n 1 ~blifallan~o~riva:~ las~ f\~":rt y'::rW: t::!!~!~ in~:reu: of more than 60 percent entollme nt s doubled while ~;:'Jitt'=ud~~·:~be:n,:~~~&i:~ ~~~!F'!O''epc:~~~~;;.~ ~= ~~mt!';!Y triumphed by li&ht The ·rtrformanti! wu as The UAB T rippcn sponso rin!l a s ·hayrlde.ll = arc ~~h~!1 '1 th:er,~~;e~i!~lt ':.:.! ~~~~~ t"h~ht~n:I':J:a~~ the 1cl\ie:ved at the expense of bool:$tore from 8 :30 a.m. to 2 ~~~df~~i;;C'!u~~· f~~~~~:~~ schools =~b~c~:~~ents P~~~!J!.,~ :~::::~:t:~~~:· ~~c~':en~'::! Saturday ~=~a!t~·~~~e~ :;u6~:;:P~::. Edueation (CCUE) reports. 13 percent. that 1$ one of the cvcnilli for the Henry inctCa~d Final enro llment f11ures for mG$! This fall, 10.4 percent o( the hauntingly lovely themes in all Ouda fum. The h.lyridc party more than IS7,SOO student$ $mallet inause owr last ~at (llrttnlty utiol~d on public t han wou ld be upeded, ::'o'!..thP:/~)~~! 9 ~g~u:CC:c~;t~ ~:;:;~~~e d':m'! c=tto~~ intensity wu not ~lithe~ : Special note sliould be nude of the ronduetor, Peter Richter. brin1 it. · The trippers will return to the ,Unimsity at 9:30p.m. :~ f~i$J'~~:redA~::;~ a~'} :~!1 ~~~,~;~~eenrle"v~~~ ~:! ~pe~~ant:~ ~~ol~~~tleis t~~ wil\ 1~1 J~~~'i!!~ an~ c:ool:ics THE COED OF THE WEEK i$ Sondy Mortin, o lunior Bob Holden! ~:J~is!!:~: J'rfi~!!~ari~di:a~~ ~~~~qe 1 ::fs '(:~~~:c~~:n~ ~um':c"~~~it;_cl ~:n~~ti;":cl =~~0~ ~·~~d~~~~i~~d i: ~~a~ r--'''m_M_ '"-ito_w_~_ mo-jo-•in_g_i_ " -"'-' _" _tio_" ·- iPh_o_<o_ b_v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, I"' !':~:it'~::~' ~:pf~ie~~ to~•~ :t~;:~~~~ l nocase of o ver 60.000 additional students since the fall of 1963. The ri'O't•YUr incr«se is &rutu than the c urrent enrollments on all campuses of e ither Jhe Universi\Y of pou-bacalaureate Craduate and ' pro(eulonal enrollmenllattbe Unit'enity of Wisconsin campllll:l Jepruent 20.9peroentoftbetotal l>"'em enrollment compared with 1 S.3 percent pdu.atc enrollment uerl(e on tbe WiKonlir\,St:art SHirPY CLOTtfi.NG - ' :~~;~t~1~~;;~d1::::: r-"';;.'';'~ ;.;;.·';;. "'.;~.;m;;. ".;.~;..._ _, cnrolkd 11 campuJes of the Unl•-crsity of Wisconsin, a 60 JICT<:enl in~uc Jin« 196). The WUS"s with S8,238 students this fall. show a 137 percent lf'(lwth In t he five-year period. ~;;!~1vC:!o'i!'n~341 ~Jd:~t~~ 22 ~·~.,,increase In nve yurs. I The len ro ll me nt .tollb t~porttd by the CCIIE Include 4,668studcntsattcndin&:C0lleJc c redit vocationa l·technical pro11111ms in Milwauhc and Madison and 1,362 students II county tcachenrolkccs, butthe r"urcucludesstudentswholre eruolkd in utc.nsion rounu I Go Pointers! [Back U~f.O.C. Vote Ugly MONOAY...IDAY If HE's l\ LI'ITLE DISTllNT, LET HIM KNOW YOU Cl\RE Klcl:lnt w.y to clur the air ...ln MCondl. Shows the faith. baby. So dlapelthe melenchol'(, turn the u bltt end g\vil him • rlng·a ·ding, pittenee. Why noc now l eo.u • ~WilcanliaT........ Compony \elr.tll............,... 'Thlk's cheaper all day Sunday. November 14, 1968 .... 6 HALL-A-DAYS Switchboard Handles Communication Hub ByJudyBroeklnl Bylohryloulltntmuter COM,u:x CIR CUITS ond miiH ond miles of coble ore being t e~led by thl1 WSU ltchnlcion who Is look· Peace Group Will Present Ktt plna t hlt In mlnd, • • Tone wsk i I UIJtlled the VIetnam fl 1ms ~~~7~'c~~:un:~:x!~· more TheSte~ntl'olntCommittee f or l'eHt, workln& 17 Seniors Serve As Paid Interns umg Scarves In and Stocking Caps coopcr.tion with the Wbi;onsin Stud ent Mo~mtnl , an d R.II.C., is ex. tendlna•n opportunity. fOI' aUstuderits,loulc:itileD$11\d o th er Ind ividuals ... 9kt. 2.91 about th01 world In wllkh we tive, to we • ror thei'IUet'fu, d!ICOYU tlld co untr y's dbt\ISS OUr prese nt SPORT SHOP prcdlnm~lll - - Vic t nam -­ 1036 Moln Whyl Uow7 Why not? Two 1110Yle1 Will be shown, dcpktin& both lidft or the lssvc -- A U.S. Ddenu Depart me nt Film entlll~ "Why Vif tnam" and ''1VIunam: How Wt&QC THE BANK· WITH A STUDENT CHECKING in, and !l ow WCF IOUI" byO.vidSehoenbrun. Pruc ntu>ons will t>emJde Monday, Nov. 11, at 1 p.m., in the Frank Lloyd Wri&ht room, T~lday, Nov. 19,a t 7 p.m. 11 Oe8o t Center and Thursday, Nov . 2 1 II 7 :30p.m. 11 The EtemllH\IntoftheSun. You'll Be The POUR HAUS Pfe&enh: The flnest In Uve fnterto lnmenl THE STIX ond STONZ from Daytono, Florldo Frtday ond Sotuntcrr GlllSIefon 1130-50c ACCOUNT Sorry -H ,-.u diHI't ... our IMoutlfvl ,.., of aut.r- GUt w.... FOR YOU en~ -H you dlf!' l ..., ot "The VlllcJte," our dlormlnt toda fiMintoln DIMI kHtcft.ortette, --It will JIKike you o lot hoppler flltt walklntlflf'ovt'- WESTENBERGER'S ON THE COINEI .BILL'S PIZZA SHOP A WIFE IN YOUR FUTURE? Wlletl'letiM" you 'U wenttoaive l\tll' the best lhlnp In tile. One lhlna you lhouldn't put oft pro· vklllll ia the Moe:Urity 1M he• when you're protected by modem llr.tnsur.nce. To help )'011. New Yortt Lite hea deti&n~ eao::.-Jient IIM in~~~renee plenaiVIIIeble for coll ..•atlldtnb.: __ Sportswear FREE ..... 1'0111 HAllS ... U31.0.C. ..,.-Dance Shoes ~~~~- RADIO DELIYERYII 344-9557 Aftercoll'le. .mer-you ao In the U.s.A. or c.~ . you•n find e New Yorll Ufe Reprewntti!Ne to you. ltlk with '"- men trom New Yot~~Ur.IOOII .HI'IIreln~tollelpcoti... P109Je ••• endbtd!td bylnellonwldecompanyovete hundrMiyu"old. 1 y._, .... Y.nut.~ Ill Ste"- P~nt ja Adele Schein home of the lf2 Pounder I New Y.,. Uh en._o 1011A Milln St.... 2125 7 to 8 us. of Tantalizing Beef Served i on Hot Italian Bread c...-r,l J. ~. . . . . I .... , November 14, 1968 Preview Day Is Scheduled Phi Sigma Epsilon The first of three campus preview d1y1, to acquaint prospective studenu and their parents wi th offcritlp at WS U-Ste ve ns Point , is Khrduled for S~turday, Nov. 16. Sigma Pi The Alpha Sip swam away ..-it li the WRA Water Carnival by ~aptUriiiJ four tints, one Kcond and o ne third in lia n'enls, Kay Ch n stensen, Robyn Bowks, J o1nn~ Do bro n a nd Val ~~;~~~;~:...~~~~~<" partitipatill& Sisters Slluon Nessa and Carolyn Timberlake ha>l: be-en ~IIOSC"n for Who's Who in An1edcan Co ll e1u a nd Uni~cnitin. "Unio n Day" was held ~~:~:yw~~\iy8 fo~itt~e~~~~:~r Novembe r. Tht d a y was by a fith fry at Paul's • culmin~tcd 8~r. Pkd~s Kay CllriuenJcn , Sur ll oU:baucr and Viv ZitUow Krved n:fruhmcnts at the Vet's m~etin1on Nov. 7, Theta Phi Alpha T llcu Phi A.Jpha h.-lpd ser>l: u.ndwicheJi, cookies and b<:•·er.~~s todonorsattiKAlpha PlliOmcpBioodrnobile Monday and TueidJ.y,Nov. 4and S. The Thtt1 Phi's initiated Cbudia Litlow,St.-~nsPoint as 1 1>k'd~ on Tuu. nidlt. Lenny Lon&, Tau Kappa Epsilon willrcpruentTh<:taPh.i Alpha In the U,ly t.lln on Campusrontest, Mary Ustn~ck attended the United Council at Eau Claift. Shewasa>"OtinslkleptefOI'a tuehe r cvalu.ationKminar. · Alpha Phi Omega This ""'tek the brotben of Alpha Ph.i Omep arc sponsorin& lhe U&ly Man on Campus contest. Bootbs with pictures are Kt up in all the ocntcrs for votillJ. Eech vot<" is wortb a pcn:\sMOC din~ p.m. wiU JKo bcld The Si,ma Pi's held a party with t he Alpha Phi's 11 t he llermitqe bar with everyone drciKd u " hunten." "Fnnk" a live mallard brot~~ht by Douc llol-kins, wn the ' rut o f tht: party, Charks S~llultz bu been appolntd vi~·pruident of the chapter by t he- executive board. Ch.arks repbces Brother Mike Schmidt who is now attcnditl& Mllqu.-tt.-Univer$ity. Alumnus Jlmes Spatzck was ' RIITTicd to Miss Cammy Yach SatU!<by. The former M !» Yach is a sister of O;:lta ~ sororit y. Sigma Phi Epsilon Frid ay night the Brotbcnof Si&m• Phi Epsilon returned to sumntcr fun without the sun at the lloliday Inn pool, The swim p:uty WIS climud by I post partyatl'oint Bowl. Th e bro t llen w isb t o announ~ that their aolf team fini5hednntitl competition. This comin1 weeke nd a Della ~~ti~~~ ::~~:Yor!~· ~~.1pt;! sororitin. , Activities at th.- ho uK have been auaruented wit h th~ acqui!.ition of a new ~olor t tleYisiOnKt Delta Zeta lbUo,.·ccn was«lr:brated by tile DZ's u 102 O~~:ford IPir'lmcnts. Pumpkin carob :~J~~~~~~nl':t:r;!~~~nts ,.·ere ~!~~~i.:~~:f:iEn~ i-~~n~~ appear in WOO's Who in American Colle&CS. · The ~Ita Z.-u's ~nd the Alpha Sip, this montb's sister sorority, participated in~ Union Day o n Nov. 8. On Fri. e~nina. a f'lsll fry was he ld for both 'fr~m II 4 to 8 ' sor~~~~- o f thr: &iJis attended the Pour the "'cddint of Cammy Yach to ~~~~ayt~ft;;:~~~~re ~ll ' : !::~~~us~'O::"!;dd~n1S.:.~':'!t ~~ flft bandandreduccdnteson beer. The ptofiuarc donated to 1 Pcten Catholic Church. It "'liS followed by a rc~ptioll and tller_U:~r~r~'::ha>-e _decidtd on dinf~~~:et~l!!,~~'i~~~~~n!;venl }~ln!:t~.ill~: ~b~~n,:.~h ~~ies t nd a date party on Dee. Greek k ttcn in aold on t hem. The pledaes hosted a date party on Sat. ni&ht fot the activ.-s a t the Dillon St n:et apartments. Delta Sigma Phi Twelve men were initiated Int o the Delta Siam& Ph.i fntemityonSat., Oct . 26. The new broChen, last of the ch.rter mem~nfor thcrecently formedchlp-tetEpsi.lon Omleron a rc; Jim Mo n iiKy, Ken Marcu.s, Tom Reitz, Mark Gonnican, Dean Graff. Marty Odu, J im l..:lbiszak, BiU Kellner. Dave Van Gordon, K.-n Cady, Ron Dratsc=r andBob llllmcr. The ceremony wu conlluc:ted by EpsUon Beta cl\apltr from Oshkosh ,tht:f01.1ndintfathen of t he fonncrcotony. C\lffently Delta Si&ma Phi hu a fall pledlC ebss eonlistin&of : \~ Our fish are habit r forming. One leads Sigma Tau Gamma I Siama ;Tau Gamma, was named 1 ~, nu mb er on e fraternit y on t heSinensPoitlt eampus by Slama Tau Gamma and number one chapteramona all SIJ Tau c ha p ters in WisconSin, Tau's national is now n ted 12t h ovenll. Thc5e ruults are from the latn t natlon·,.·lde poU. Thursday niaht the Si& Tau Ccmetary Sin~tn performed for the notth compte~~: at DeBot Center. A pf01111m of show t unes Vo'IS pn:sented by the a.roupfot the Jam ~ssion. Later•bY eveniiiJ a farewell party was held f01 Jobn Sf'arks at lakeside83t. On No v. 17, t he brochen of Si,ama Tau Gamma will initiate u 1 cotbny ol national, local fntemlty Nu Alpha Romeo on thcPIIttevilleeampus. The pled&e:s have chalknaed the actives toafootballpmeon Sunday. Tbe V.ll. award for t he month of Oct . hu n n.lly been dctlded. Sam Bently wtlkcd • IWll)' with the llonon for his • deslgnson theG.T.O. Admis.sions dUector Jlhn Laneu has invited seniors from all hiall schools in the llatc to particiratc in activitin from 9 a.m. 'to 2 p.m. in the ' Unlveuity Center. The mor11i111 seuion will involveuplanationsof nnancial ~ ids availablc II Stetl:nS Point Sllte, fac:U about rdidence hall livina, Army Rcsc~ Olficer Tr.~illinsCorpstr:~ininaproll'ams WSU PRESIDENT lEE S. DREYFUS presented o $Cholorship to student Borboro Vonderheyd;n of Green Boy, on-d o Placement Officials Will Meet By ..-inninl a r;clloluship,a frnhman at WSU·St~~ns l'oint made btrllrnarnatcr elipblcfor l' lacemtnt officials from public: and private schools of hishcrlcaminainWI$consinwill convene TburidJ.y 111d Fridlry ll SteveiiS Point State University. ar ~arch8111n t . lhrb~ra Vandcrbcyden of Green Bay r~c<"i~C'd 5200 from I~ Gerber B.:l by Foods Fund 0 11 t he b u is o f hiJh school a clllc venr"nl ! ~ nd esuy competition. The sponsor bobtered t b~ award with S200 for tbc uni•·ersit y (O U!IC "ill 3 11\l llller deemed most appropriate," So. Dr. A&nes Jo nes of the home economi~s dcpartmc111 adv~d t he fundsloto.,.·udrcscarchinl 11utritional pro blems In child d evelopme nt. Her s uff members, Bonnie McDonald and Rayma Ditson will bcBin their project ncxt~tmC$I~r. l'lovidinl! BHNra mai11tains u .ti sfac to ry a rrtdes , her JehobrUip will-l. bc- • renewed a!Ons with t ht compa11lon 1111nt forher51:hool. ~acttouniverlityenvironments , Aqua Prowlers Professors from ueh o f the u niversity departments will be 011 band to outline euTTI~ulu ml Divinc ls one of the veatcst ex pe riences of life. It's a fascinatinabesutifutworlddown The Pointerreponen who A~t throu1h the entire faculty ntectin&IJ.Uweek, I tllc~;andnOWn'eryltudenlhas HERO OF THE WEEK achancetokarn todivr. Tile l'o5eidons A14uaProwk-n arcsponsorinsascubacourscfor all i nterest ed students. A certified No~i instructor, Mil:c Mule ~ey, ,..ill teach the- course which co11$i1ts of 12 bours of cl.n$toom and 4 hours of pool Kssions. Tbe rost . of these lc55ons a~ S15, which provides most of t he <"qulpmenl nl.'cdcd fot the pool sessions. Besides the eommi tt oc rnec tinp, add!'CS$C$ will be delivered by Dr. David Cok.-r. director of the WSU counxlin1 ce nt er, on "Unlknlandina Today's Yout h for Tomorrow's Pb~cment"; Dr. Alkn Slqlc, assistant supc:rintendenlofthc Wi5consin Department of Public l n51ruction, o n "What Tcachin1 Really Is", and J05Cp~ Cissell, 3dministnti¥e o ffrccr of Wisconsin Dep artment of Admillistntion, on ..Chanaes in th e State of Wbconsln The Faculty Council and Student Assembly at the Unh·cnity of Colorado, Boulder, hive voiced suppon for their Univcr~ty Presilknt J05Cph Smiley's decision to allow the S.O.S. Nu ional Council to meet at the University u rlicr in October. A ruolution by t he faculty follo,.·ed e~tcnsive criticism by tile pn:u of Smiley's handlinaof t heNationaJ S.D.S.Convention. Colorado Dally UnlverlityofCo londo· Boullkr The POUR HAUS Prcsents:Tht:Finest in l ive En tertainme nt Join the Jet Set THE STIX and STONZ GET J ET AIIUNE lfSEIVAliONS from Ooytono, f lo rida Th.- nnt 111fftins ...·iii !Ike place Nov, 20 at 7 p.m. in t he Room at tile Un i versity Center. At thi$ Rccn~itiiiJ Proar:~ms.:' mectin1, an introductKln to . AUKuionswi.llbehcldattM I equipmentandabalicoutlincof l lo,¥rSay h .n wiUt ,lhcneeptiOD. t what will be. ii'K'ludcd .in the. oft to ur of St:niJ)' I IUtlrance., .. o:oursewill b(&ivcn. Nicolrt·Marqu~tte ': Frldoy o nd Solurday 1RAVELSHOP GlRlS Iefora 8:30--SOc Downtown Ned to Post O ffice '---...-,.--~ NO EXTRA COSTS ' ~· standby Tldtm Avalla bl• CB~ ..,•.• •,,...,,$4j Solid Stoia Ta pe Record., Wos 14.88, NOW 11 .88 Last Thursday, Nov, 7, the SSO Club premiered the tnovies ta ken at llomccominc '68. Purina: and after t he showitl1, redsllirtedpledgespoun:dlK-er for andonthcmembenhip. Asa 1nnd finak, the Vets' band played with austo at a local downtownBicr haus. AlfOiloble ottt.. lollow>ng Elluabird O•ol•11: ••ts Antiao Btner ~am PIIIIIIS, lllll.. Molle Jtwelry Manitowoc James W. Schultz Manitowoc rl:i~zc~~:nn ~~~~~~e~-10 '?o~~~ Dodaevtlle 0. F. NeiYNt Jewell)' Menomonie £~on Klrl F. Temptl Monroe ~~dulac Wt~t;:il~~~~~~ NewGluus Mike Eve or Slama Pi is · p1.11ned toKaren Raki&h,aDelta Zeta pled~. KeooW Mldison Two members of Delta Si,ama. Beck and Lince Lewandowlk.i\s pinned to Kristine Petroff. ......... SMtent. ...,. Pldt '"' "'* IDENTIF1CATION CARD Hourt of 9 a .m. to -4 p.rn. Mondoy ThrOYgh Fridoy ~::vi~! I / CJrd:.}~~f!~ ~t~~h Rummeles, IIIC. Williamson's Clllslan Jewelers Pandow Jewelry Zweifel J~etry Sauk City Ziemke & Btcker Shawano Thimh Jeweltrs South Milwaukee Rades Inc Sparta Hoae & W~nzei Sluraeon Say Orae~ Jewelers t W. ~-- ~::r;~~~~ ;:~~t;wn J.~~r~::~::t~:Z. l!iliiliiiliiiliiliii.liiiliiiliiliiliiiliiiliiiliiliiliiliiliil§l§liiliil§liil§l§l§l§l§liiiliii .• "FASIDONABLE YOUNG llfEN'S CLOT HING" I Iii ~ Ad miral Solid Stat• 69.95 to 57.95 • If \ ~ ~ 1 1--:=------f-""'-.!.!!;!0"-""'"-""'~ ~ II I· I STUDENTS: Have You Th~ught About CHRISTMAS YET ' Th~ ~olden H~er Has llfany excellent Gifts for the College Student MaWrll. MKIIIHSUIAHCI AOINCY n:!... ....,!J:::..., i..... ........... . . 144-Uft . Admiral Solid Slot• Cauette, Cartridge top• l e<ordar, wos 69.95 Now 59.95 COttfrfdun & NieoU Princeton R. £. Hartman Whitfwater Joseph Jewtlry £. W. PaRer, Inc. Richla!ld Center Sptidets Wit. Rpds." J. E. Daly Jew~!ry Co. c-s-au,u- 111 · Sweaters, Slacks, Suede and Leather ,_ ~ TheEatle Eye Lock llavenState Collese- Pennsylva nil ~~~~:~t~~: ~~::~:._wmconduct SSO's Watch Homecyming Home Movies ~ the ............ Thtc Northern Star Northern lllinois Univenity- DeK.olb Rebution of ebu attcndane<l regubtions is ~un.:cntly bcin1 souaht by two Pennsylvania state collec:r:s. Edinboro State College bas dnwn up a proposal which $lipubtes that no upperclassmen can be pcnalizrd for absc11~s from ebu. The presen t system rcquir~l students to present evidence of illness of"equally ju~ifoabk:cau~;e" when hi$ alw:nce:s ucud the number of ~rediu in th<" course o ffe red. Scuba Lessons Will Provide I Student Senate . Health Insurance Plan ..... •lledt Tile Spectator W.S.U.-Eau CIIir~ Students 11 Northern Illinois Uni~rlity have recr ntlyorpnized w~t they call a "bb cl: and white u cllange," Appro~imatdy 100 neJ!O and while students met to eullan1c lisu of tckpllone numbcn and were uke d to call t he numbcn on t heir bst to di$CUU anythin11hey wished during the followina two w« ks. New meetings were t hen called to discu• ~ny divcr~fied a!-pccts or problems t hat mayllneariKnfromthetelepllonecon•·erSOII"?ns. An all-campus refcrenduno lias been held at WSU-Oslrkosh to determine 1 new system o f student &OVernmcnt to replace the abolisllcd St udent Government Lc&islature. As a ~suit of the LarKn ' said any in terested refere ndum, tile repre~;entation in tile nc"' lcJislature "'ill be persons may attend ,.·ithout dctcrinincd by aeoanphieal districts. T~ S.G. L. hu recently mak_in1 n:se,.._ations. Future. dissolved by ill pre~dcnt bl:cauKitdidnot have flirreprescnution. prevoew d~ys wlll be held Feb. IS and Apr. 29. · OihkosiiAdvance-Titan W.S.U.-05hkosh Sentry Insurance and WSU ,.-ill be co-hosts. A Gerber offici.:li u.ld theK fundinp a~ mark uameansof helpin.& bridc:r: financial pps between tuition fees a11d actu•l costs of education. and examples of how students gront to Or. Agnes J ones of the home economics deportment in beholf of the Gerber Boby Gooch fund . Coed Wins Scholarship For School list Chance I . By lynnUBrot All c:ocd$ li>-in& on campus at WSU-I!au Cbile are beiniJlVCn t he ch111ce to choo5e their own disciplinary system. The cboicc indudu settin1 up a system of judiciary boards where a &irl would be diKipl.incd by a poup of her peen uther by her ruldent of t he dean of women, or leaving tl.~ judi~ I system., it now stands. For Saturday ••is""' ~~t:,': ~~~d~ ~1nnnd~ ~ndneJ~y Romano. Two brothen have become Tile brotll~n of Phi Si&ma f.t>lilon will ~ve 1 part y with lavalien:d, Gcorce Kroeninc Is til~ Alpha PIUs from UWM o n lavaliered to Karol lld5e and Nov. 16. Th~y lla¥C abo invited Grec Cowles is lll'alkred to KaarenMolland. the Alpha PIUs from Stevens Point. Alpha Sigma Alpha Collegiate Notes ~ OMI Ivy T~enal Sport Coats, DresaBell Bottoms, Coats & 'J ackelli I, . , STOP in NOW for All These FAU.Buys Adiniral's House...of Quality, November 14, 1968 Page 8 WRA Field H~key Team Climaxes Season In Illinois ByOanCrrhort Choosina a lkn R~ . Pari I l'a Ji RJ lh rUUJh I J l.ln canlosuennbl-aoonful-illiand frustnt ina nf'tri<'n ct for t he l>t,iMinjd« t hunt~r . Both Amniun and fmcian ma~ufac t urcrs offct a ' rea r •·arte t y of sportlns anus and am m1.111ition. a11d it is no t tal)' todccide .,.·hichriflttobuyand what t)'p.rS Of Cl!lrid&ti IOUK. The followinl is a rcvitw of th e rifln and car trid~ts uallablt , and the h ct011 invol>-cdtnchoowngadtcr ri f"k. toce thn .,.·ith some conclu!;ions on.,.·hat sortofrif"k..:utridJC cumbiu~ r ion i$ bn t ~uitcd for dcco . At1iooTypn The nr~t ~rtd n1o~t imrornnt 11.1lc of den h~o~ntin& is to ma ~e thcfiut shul rotont . ll oWCI"tl . Cl"td thl' ntoll txPI'ritnc,·dd,·•·rhun tcrsofttn ntrd ~ ~cond ~hot. ~nd the us.• and ~l"'"d -..ith .. hkh t h~ L ~-·ond ~ho.>t c~n bc fired is Ammunition Most whitetail deuarc shot at c~ rln&e in buM!)' or fOI'uted arus. Thil fact tJ t he main considtralion in choollin& but sui tfdfordc-c:rhuntlna. All of t he cen terfut eal.ibtn between .2 18 and .460 will ld U deer . butonlyafewofthcmcan succ~fullype netralethebrush ka~c$, twip . ct c. prcfcr!l'dfor~o~xondeu. ll rrc •rc tl>t fom main t)"l'<'$ ofrincactions. an;~n~··d in onlcr fromstowrst fntcst : ~ The tndi tional dee r ~Thcboltactionyuds. 11 t ype of rifk. but it ts • lso the slowtlot ~~ gcttin~ off ~ ~ron d s ho l . 1 he shoo t n . must .An l deq uate dctr kille r up 10 about tOO yards. Clean ti.lls bt)"O nd Lhat rar"l&e 4kpend upon uact bulle t pl•ccment. The 170 manipubtintt tht l>ott,~rtd in so arc c·hambe!l' d forthis carlrid&e r;:;te~~·~· ~~,~.··~ l rr; !:i~ ~~~ t::.e~i~ ::.·~e~:=~r: ~rfu:~"~f:;;:,~~~.,h.~:'·.::: ::~~u~':;~i~~~~~:!:s: ac t to.n A mrnc~n Is th e . tu d •ll on al drer nne. ~nd for point bullet arrives at 100 ya rds ,.·ith ~ I SO f/s 1·d oci ty and 2390 ~ . . ~:~:n· ,;~~~tr ;~'r (~~~ ~:ti~:.~:;~::-u. ~~~~OJ~!: 0;~ handh"l. and to••c f~uly qu o~~ ll<'CC~f}'. Dr awba ckl art lleJVy n fk"on rhC'marlct. reduces b ru s h ·b uckin & Pl'•fonnantc. TIK .30..06 t ill lit ~~:::1 ~=;.,~"r~)~l'~ ·0~01~~; ~~~t !~ :~~·~!ta:;i~;~· ...-~~ r II m _p ."' ' ' lp n . r ~c r;mr.:·~~~~ ':,.~:.. ~sll• ·::.:~~ shotgun.Sinto.• ~doc5nol haw hJ ~•m a nyt~l~ new •bout 1\"0I Id dJihr ICttOn. Pum ps arc fast ~n<l _ r~bJbk·. and t~ir b~e. h:mdflllil~tl fOf ends arc an atd to bst l'(lln t! nJ had, in :&:~:.:~!"Z'n ·~ru.siimtr. s lowly pnsinJ out of t ht pic tur~ . The 180 1nin bullet d~•·dops 1 160 f/1 and 1860 f·p ~t 100 y~ rd s a11d is adequate to ~t lust ISO yard~. Not a n cst>l'dally r;ood bru~hlGid.Only Te nn USt ll , THE WOMEN' S FIElD HOCKEY TEAM inclvdes from left to right: front row , Bev Re shel, Helen Schr~•ber, Rvth Arnold. Jvd ie Jonquort. Sorb Tenneuon. Second Row: Sho ron Holhchild, Chri~ Shombow. Sandy Dzl· koski. Kothy Anklom, Dione Meyer, Ros e ICrueqe, J v ne Th ird Row: Mory J. Mullen, conch: So rb Chit ~ ow, Bev K rolice~. Mori lyn Miller. Joon Shor key, Mo ry Gerzmeble o11d Morjot~e Sprmg, coo ch. [photo by Dennis Bvsh l · I Joyce. and LaOoue. The fust pm e, with LaCrosse, ended in l -1 The Point ers los t to UW w1th score 1..0. t he 11oal made int_he last 5eoondso f t he pme. l'omt a1 ain play ed ~.;~C r osse, ~t LaCrosse in a double mee t !::~:iP!int~tC:.;ne!~~~oi~:·~ I.;IQOMC"•2 . team ll igh li~tht o f tl>t hockey se-ason was a clinic presented by Br~nda Heed, int erna tio.iall y t o 1.1 r nament at Minneapolis. Minnesota. Nov. 9- 10. Tum record prior to the Saturday ~Me t stood ~ t 2 wins. J ti t1 and 2 lOSKS. Coached by MisJ M arjorioc Sprinaand MinMary Jo Mullc n . t he t eam i 11c lud ed : Bu h Ttnn cnen, J ~o~die hn,tu art. Kath y Ankbnt. J une Joyce. Mu )' Gcrzmehlc, Shuon llofschild , Joan Sharkey. !k¥ Rnchc l. Barb Chit t o, Hos.c Kruqe r. P~ t Kempen. l>ian~ Me ye r, Jle l~n Sc hri ber, Hut h Arnold, Sand)" D1.ikosk.iand Bcv Knlicct. The f<'ISOn op~ned with t he local club playii!JI Oshk osh to a Korelt$S tica lldt.ldntin1 Hiver FaUs 2..0 in two home pmes. The tlub"s ope ntrs .. ere so I UCCt5S ful .that Coach Sp1in1 ann ount"td more home l!'lrrltl will•llt sche duled for rw:~ t seaso n. The. pmc wi th Ta yc hrr d~h. ~ S"tc Corrcc:tional Inst itution f01 Women. s:aw Stc•·cns Point picking up a tic of 1· 1. This hu become an annual e•·rnt which prO\·idel both compe tition in fi e ld hockey and th e opportunil)" to le;un nut hand aboutrt habi litationtcchniqucs. UW at Mad i$on wu the sit e of the ttams n'"'' meet with UW is fHC ntly on tuur in t he United St~r cs rou rl t$Y uf the Nat i n a l Fie l d ll qctey A ~S<JC iation. . ' . Milos Reed is a lcdurc r 10 I'.E.C. at A11dey CoUecc, Sulton Culdf ri cnd. Worwi c h s h irc, En Biand and h~ s compe ted u c~ nter forw•rd in ICnal•nd' s 196 1 !luckey 1"eam and on t he l nte•nat iona l llockcy Tum uUcdthc""NationJLWandc rcrs"'. At V.'SU f01 two days. shc$harcd new !eJc hing tedmi<tUel and aame pointeD which tl>t local ~!~~nrr~~n:~ usc In thdr fin1l W~trii ·UP for t he :iCISOn orcnc rs were pla)"Cd •pinst both the wumcn faculty and fruhmc n I'.E. mljors ~nd minon . .\liu Spri"iMtcdJOmt of the fr u hmcn will be ~~::lcvnc~ir~ the VJrist y players ~~~t~1~fce;~~~~~+;:~~~~~~; Midw es t F ie l d l l ockcy Th e traditional deer cali~n areallabo¥c .300,throw 170to HO r,nin bullets at low l o mcdiutn¥clociticsandarc tobc rc plat"td wi t h nlOK mode rn loadi np. 0.¥dopS 1890 fectpcr 5eco nd velocity and 1)$0 foot-pounds o f erw:tJY 100 10 Ba r b ~~hlt :!ft;~~~~:&~;~ ! r n::~~ disintcparinauponoonuctwith c~ rtndse, whic h is slowly ~ins H Inhe ren t I)" the rno~t ~ c.: ur~tt r~spcct ivcly . that ahtlOSt alwi)'S llet be tween thllhun terandllista rcct. Te sts carried out b)' arms man~o~fac t •nen 1nd aun wri lcn have sllOwn tlut heavy, dow bullcutct t hrOIIJhbrushbcsl. The centcrfue call~n ~low .JOO aencra lly tluow tiaht bulkt s a t h;,h ve locities, and in•rortant. 1\ ruun 1 n~ d!><: r will nor "~1t for )"OU tu btooriou~ly tlu ow •noth•·r round in the ~h1mber . Cumuin& t he season 11 t he: Midwes t. Collcse Fie ld lloctey Tour nament !11 lkKalb. l llilloU. last Saturdaya ndSunday,the WSU - Stcvens Point Women's !Iocke y Tea m took two win s and 1 tie from ConcOI'dia. Northwestern and Valparaiso, · tM cali~r and typtofcarlrid,e knuw~fitldhocteyCitptrtWho T EII. M STAN1>/NGS: Osh kosliO·S. I'. O lt i.-cr FallsO 5.1'.2 Taydwcd3h I ·S.l'. l Madison I 5.1'. 0 LaCr osse: t S. I'.O Amn. lowlO - S. P. 2 L:1 Cr o~2 S. P.O Con,ord QO S.l' . 2 Non hwcstcrnO S.l'. l Valpauiw l - S. l'. l :~i::~:.$:~~~~:-0:;:nn;: ~~~a;~~~JJr~I~::~·~r£;iau: hunLa " "llh a Kml·auw h.:u to ~ hoppN~p JOO Sauce the do IS point an.t pull the tr\uo.•r . . JOII driVti a 200 cnin butktat $incc th~ action e.u r:~,·ts. e~~ts. •••o 'I• and :21">0 lr • • 100 and rclo;ids "ith ~""rJYderin·d )" An eudlr: nt all-around from !"\'COil or POwder ps. urlridte for man)' ki nds of It 's h;ud to sec an) inl nNd p~e . t; u ~M rous rilles of aU Ste¥ens Point will ~&in iu t hi rd Kl$00 in the WSU Bowlin& ronferent"tonDcc. 6a tPoi nt Bowl. Tryo uts for this yu r's team arc Kht<luled forS,t urday,Nov. fn6diJ;/u;.'" determine who will lit on the: tea m. There will be no ch:uae fOI' tlw;bowli nl . Part idpatin& t his yn r in the co nfeRnec arc Pla tt eville. River Fa lls, Oshkosh. Sto ut , L.Crossr:, Wh itcwarer 1nd Stevens Poin t. ~~.· ~~~~ ~~t~~sati~n.';u~~~ tt~~ns .~~ oJ!~::es~~/OfPceiat , !~~~! 0a;n~~~.~>~»t The real as fut and rrobltln .. ith scmi~u t os is t hoJt th'l ur.. .. ~n the hand f of hun ten ' " " ' "I' Wh O al~ t<'nlpl'lntU I I li y unwil td for t hem. The fcUow who ccu 1 tick out uf burnir"l& '-' P • mqulnt o r t ...·o "' ...-hu hC' thinks ist <kt"rarouKidhJust and fn r in aUt hchun tcrs wi t hln um.ot. llo.,.·t¥ au tom at ic in the fUndi of a mature hun trr isn ~o~ fenanyr.n:armcan~ . In conctulion. it wo uld sttm l hll ei t her t he kvc r or pump attlon rifks arc ~ood, pnd iul chokes for deer hu nt inl. Price, p e rson a l rrduence . an d ~~~t ;~;1t11~ ~~~oc!~c¥!'!t~ wi:, ~:~ :a;·~~: and li mll attont. 6 U Brm lgt!op An tlt"tllc nt btlllhf111ridte, t he: .JS thrOWia httvy, $ll blr: bvUe t II relatively low v-elocit y: 1110 f/1 and !300 f·p at 100 yards. The 200 arain so ft point is a real stoppc r. ! Ofrtrcd In lev-er and pum p actions. 1 ]48 Wjn r hn tu The: 200 &nl n Silve rtip wiU dtop t r un n i n't d ee r wilh u y reasonable I ranF )'OII · the ) $ · fnm :~~~.:;u• ,f:~OI'~,~~ '""''";-c_:~_ · ...- ·-..,•. Present~: The Finest In Live Enter1o inmenl t ype.\ '"' Powder Buffs Will Sponsor Ski School The . Powdcr B~o~ff Ski Club will hol<laftcedry:iklschool on Sat Urday , Nov. 2l,int hc ll."riaht Louna:cof the Univcn.l t y(."cn ter. AU interested pcnon s arc Uf1ed toatt cnd t he~~ehool which will ~1in at I p.m. with 1 " "ifiedski instructof"prewntto ins trud . Alpha· Sigs Win Water . Carnival On or: apin WRA hckl ann\la l Wa t er ~mi•"l l Mo nday ew nin&. Nov. 4. It a battle fil.hl dow n to t he PAPA JOE'S STIX and STONZ. fro m Oo ytono , Florida PANT-TRENDS · How o New Sbriunenl Avoll~ble In Auorted Ploldt and Solid Co lon. Sbu 5 -15 $7.00 friday ond Soh.rrdoy GlllS- hf.,.. l t30-S0c VAL HINTZMAH Of ALPHA SICMA AlPHA holds o pita ol cond y between ~r mouth ortd her nose while swimming a.ored woler cor nivo l ' he ld M~ndoy ev• n ing, Nov. -4, in t he fleldhouse poo l. Alpho Slgmo Alpha won t he overoll ""';;;:ri)'k(;;:;;';,;,;;'~,J-~r~<bb r-''__;: ''_ m :_: P'~ Iit::; ion:__:: d':::''":;:'__:::'h•:_::W:::RA::-•~po::o:_·~m~ ":. '· ~iP:::ho~ lo b y Oi!nn ls Su shi HOLIDAY DRESSES DESERT BOOTS Arriving Daily at its on was last :.'!!.;'~~~ i~lf~t :=~ Alpha AJpM Si&ma Alpha too k S nnt places out o r a total of 7 event5. Mem~n o f the !tarn Chri!t~!•:ln Jo0:~1es. ~=~ ,--'-!----- - - - . rLrciiiiiiii=i=fi~=;;;;;;;;:;::;;~~~;; il1ld Val Hint tmaM . • Delta Zeit came in all ro"l J o ,ond . with Ruth Ann <i\ltldloW, ,.autecn O'Connor, SandY. Van Yrccdc and Diane Z.olaaa • wimmfn&. For t bird place therll wu a awlm orr llttw«n Theta Phi ~· tDd Alpha Phi, with Alpbii'NwiMU.. Tile cand¥&1 is an tMual Cftlll rorWRAaad QOI\Jilb ul - . 1 -tty nces, whi ch a.ldbitiJU•mvehfWifor tb.e lpltdi.IOJUII docs Cor t he ~!e fo\11" mcmbcnort • teamaDdanynumbcr of turns are tllowed 10 pe.rticipatc. • open 10 .u JDOU WltA llfen'• $9.99 and up Women's $7.99 and up SHOP SHIPPY SHOES '"T.~::*'r"o-:CorMf CIIMil__ W. - .............. ,_. L-~~!!2!!!.-!~!L.J L-----....::.:.:..:......1.~---;::!;:.J .___,.._,.,_ ..._,_......, _Main_._.,_..., ..,______.J L-----.!1!:10!!;1!....!1\!!la!m!!·L __..,...,..:....J Colllf'Ocillon r ·_..-../ November 14 , 1968 Blood Donors STUDENTS WH O GAVE BlOOD wen! served (O()ki•n and o d ri nk by members o f Theta Ph i Alpha and Delta Ze ta so ror· Illes during the bloodmobile drive on c:ompus Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 4 and 5 . [Photo by Bob Okrosinski) RIC BEJCEk (left foreground] and Sve Jo<don (right fo<eg<oundJ w ere two of the sl\,oden!s who contributed to !he 385 pinls colleded ot the comput stol ion In the Fronk lloyd Wright lounge. In the rear, nurses ore filling out questionnaires for two more donors. [Photo b y Dennis Bush I :The Election And 'The Party's Over' Placement Opportunities Thursday Nov. 14,9 1.m. 10 4 p:m., A 0 Sml!hCorwulon o( Mllw1Ukee, will intfrview 111 Jlnual')' j.l"ldu"u for polhions In thd r Data Proa:SIIna Division In Mllwauhe. lohJoll In Busine ss Administration, Economla, Na lhcma!lcs, Pbylics and Gtn.eul Scicnccarelnvitcd .tointerview. Tbuud1y Nov. 14, !I a.m. to 4 p.m., Spurnon1 Department ~ will 1pe1k wltb all majon interested in retail llote manap:menl. · A r~~~:!re N~:~.~· ~~,c:;m~~W 1nf~~:hfE~~~~,~~rt;:~!e~ xSminiSilatlon,PsycboloiY and Educ•tlonmaJoraforcareeroffiCII opportunities In the Forest Servi«. Nond~IY, Nov. 18 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., l!mployen lnrunncc of ~WiilrecrultaUml.lortlnterutedincarceroppOrtllnitlesin insurance. - Cg.~~~~o::: ~~~~~;i~l ~min::rv~~·~;· f~~~ie~ ~~re~-:~tlnvC: politlo~ naillb\e In Central Wisronsin and Upper Nlchlpn. All Senion."arelnvltedtorecndt . . Tuesday NOv. 19 9 1.m. to 4 p.m .. :Blue Crou IN11r1nce MUwll.lkce, will speak with aU majors lntcreitcd In Med~llnsurancc opportunities. . Wednesdty Nov 20 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sllte·Farm Insuran ce, wUJ interview wi l b all majonseekinae"mployment in the Insurance field. Wednctdty Noy 20, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Chevron Chemical, San Fr.nclsco, California will speak with aU Cbemlsuy, Bloloty, Bull ness Adminlstnlion ,lEconomlct, Resource Nanqement and other mljon interested in QI"Cer opportunities with one o f America'• kadina · chemical companies. IM~~~~%i~W~Dii~w:;:~!~ ~r::;;;i~:Jt;;:!kmw~:t::!r~~ Admtntluat!Ofi , l!oonomies, Poli tleal SCience, Hi1tory and othu majors about office and manaaement (no salet) positions in tbe WUwaukce home office. Tb11rld1Y Nov ll, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Connecli~:~~t Mulua l , Insurance Company, Mad~n, wiU intei"Yiew aU ~ors lnterCJtcd in ules work lead.inato Illes manastmcnt positions. De~~tr!i::~ ~ill 41n~;~~w~a;o~:f:t::,c~11j: State CiviJServklilandGOvcrnmentopporturlitiea. 011 ~~~da~h!li:id.· 'ri:~m~:e:u~m~iu~ ~~:er~r~;:~::~~~ aocountantt, and proanmmlnJ writers In Green Bay. Majon In B111incu Admlnbtratl011, Mattiematictand Science are cncourapd 10 1pp!y. The other achcdulc will M lor openlnp in Roches ter, Mlnn1110tt. The Nme m-.jon arc: rt~uested bert. Ad~'t::!'lio':c~t ~c~~ !~ ~~m~, ~!~di! S::',.~e~:!~\ OPI)OI"tUilltki. Dec. 3, 9 a.m. to 4: 30p.m., Northwcstcm Nllional Life :~::en~~f:Y~~~~:C~~:~IU f~tet~e~.:~~~-:•t:~~st~;: 5 until 4 a .m. morning, to c:orry· eled lon returns for inlerested stu· Students ho_ndling one of the news desks were, from left to right, Bill · Melnner, VIcki Pozor ond Darryl Ger· · main. [Photo by Bob Holden) left to right they ofe Fred GlrlOC"dllo, staff writer; Gene Kemmeter, ediiOf"; Paul Jonty, n-1 editor; and Bill McMillen, · oswc>ote editor, (Mike Domlno'*'kl photo). Then= wiiJ M no nlcruitlnafor pies position. Wedneadar Dec. 4 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Del Nonie Como rllion Mid We1t Division. Rochelle, Illinois, will speak with all m.;ora interested in manaaemen!J and other positions in the food Industry. ~.9a.m.to4p,m. , Metroeolitan~ ~J~~· WaUAu will speak with all majon inlerestcd in 11ks w~rtti'rti ~ .;;/:~~~IJ~c~~~~n~~~~::d ~:·~~ri.,~ opporturuiles. Mi:,:~~bs~M!n!o~~m.w~ 4.;~:.;· c;,f te'S!~~~':l.~~~~~~. Forest/')', BiolOJY, B11siness "AdmlnistratiOII, Cbemlltl')' and other rv-.lortaboutuk:sandotheropportuniteswithGctay. Tbe Pll~mcnt Center hu rc:cently n=ceived notices of summer vaeatlon openlnp In Hotel Work in San Francisco for 1U yean and · majors.. Stop in 11 OS6 Main for furthfr information abo11t this twnmeremployment. Abo, a limited numbfr of 1969 Colkce PIICement Annuals bave anivedforfreedistribution toJraduati naRnlort.W!IenyouUopin to liJn up for a, rtcruitment interview or to updlle your placement (lie, be IU.fe tO ICt your COpY . Don't Wlit untiJ M:cotld llerncstrr when thcsupplybaslonabeeries:hl.usted. All Janual')' araduates are Ufled to llfcin 1 Pla~mcnt File at once by fillinl out the l'llccmrnt Form In order tbu they may ban thdr eredentia~rtad_ybyJradllltion.Stopinat056Main today. SCHEDULED INTERVIEWS - SCHOOLS TAU UJ~PA .-oN won the m:ent frotwnlty lntromutal croll owntry II'IMf~ John Clifford fleftt wos the lndlvlduol wlnrwr •with, Run Defouw (a.nt.r), Phi Slgrna Epsilon, flnllhlng MC»>d. Sfwen Coerpw lrfghtJ wos the ofher member of the winning TICE team. (Photo by Dennis lknh) Han, ond John Dohlke. Second row --Oon Heh:el, Dor,..l Howley, Terry Ap"lonson, Poui Hau l, and lorry Hetze l. This year's squad. composed "entirefy of freshmen & sop:-amores, finished 8 ·6 in dual competition. • Nov. 13·Molinee Elemental')' Scbools·91.m. to4p.m. Grade 3; Elem.Phy.Ed.Gr.l-6. • Nov. 14 • New Berlin Public Schools • I p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Primary and Elementary . . Nov. IS ·Oxnard Elementary Schools, Oxnard, California· 9 a.m. to .4:30 p.m. Klnderprten; Gradet I tbro111h Grade 6; 7th Grade Ma th;8 tbGrade Mt th. · Nov. 18- McFarland Public Schools· I p.m. to S p.m. EII.JljshSpeed!; Primary Ill; Holcombe Public Schools· 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hiah School Eflllish; Hamilton School Distrln · I p.m. to 4:30 p.m. • IUnderprten ; I; 7th· 8tb Grade Lani\Uiae·AN o r French. Nov. 19 • So11them Door County Schools, Br\l.els;Wb. · 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EnaJisb; Cbemi1ti')'·Phyllies; Speech PnholotY; Primary Education; Gtefndak Pub lie; s,hools. 9 :30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Nov. 20 • J unuu Public Schools • 2 p.m. to 4 p.JII. Klnderprtea; Combination bt A. 2nd GraJSe; St h Grade· Enpah .t. Socllrl Studies. Nov. 22 - Albany Public Sdloob · I p.m. to 4 p. m. 8utinea Ed ucatlon;HiltOI}'. " Nov. 26 · Pula*! Publk Sdlools • 10:30 "•.m. to l p. m. 7 .t. 8 Grade Science (Gtn.); Grade 4.; New Glanu Sehoob • I p.m. to 4 p.m. Efll)lsb; Kimberly Public Schoola • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Seooad Grade;FinbGrade. . Dec. 5 • Milton f'llblic Schools· 10 :30 e.m. to 4 p.m. Primary; lntermed.iatc.; Lu.umbWJ.CI$00 Public Schools • I :30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.Comb.Gradet2.l3. . Dec. 10 • East Troy Public Schook • 11. a.m. to 4 p.m: Gea. Scienoe · M•thMinor. · ' A limited lupp ly of the 1969 ASCUS Ann11al fot tbe Scbool of Eduealion ~~enlon Ius been recei'ed in tbe Uninni ly Plaoe-a t Center. Copies may be obtained now. -· November 14, 1968 THE POINTER Page 10 34-13 · In Finale Pioneers Trounce Pointers, Last Quarter Surge Breaks Up Contest Pointer Spotlight BrD.veBurlon As this year's &rid tc:a!IOn ended with the Pbuevillc p mc ' l reems lppropriate tospoltiJ,ht he back bone of !his year's l By Tim lAn h Afl~r nllyrng for two KOrcs to .::un 1 tic. the WSU·Stncns 1\)rnllridlkn eouldnotholdoff a d<•termrned WSU·Piallevillc. Th.- l'ivrn'\'1~ "''On going 1wa~·. J.i.IJ, in a •'Onf~rcncc tilt last S:rtuTda)' at Gocrke l'icld. up, Pat McFaul's con~crsion attempt wu uMut<:udul but t iM'Pointcn trailcdonly l l-6. with 14: 1llcft ln tllchalf. McFa~l's tceond llalfkidoff wu returned to ttl<! 27Md lhe Pointer dcfenx held. forcin& a punt. Nodolfs p~nt c:mied only to the Platt~viUe 30, On the fanl play,FrrimMfounddayli&ht olf Uckk and b~lltd his way to the' Pioneer 7 brfore Mins draued down. "''II cn.kd ~nyho~' WIIite,.,ltrrhad Qf>llarinJ a llurd )trail;ht titlc b)' """ "!J i ll<' W~rhl,.,ks. 11· 14 a t CAhkosh las• s~turday. lrd by ,H tcrFrciman got to thfr..c. Ro hde took a Vo'ryenburg pilcllo~t around right ndf01 a tou~hdo"'n behind 50rm' fine blockint and his o"'·n Krond o u nt ~n din s so ph o more <juan~rb....,~ . Cll1is (h;arnish, I'K'~ed ~p two qukk 1COI<'$ in t~ OJ'<'rnnr. nunutesand, loo~ed ~· tho-..h t he)' ,.,·ould d•·cide the ~~no.· to) ~~r~~u off to mn I>J•..: Boll relurncd ....auirdati3· 1Jwithll kft inthtthil<l period. Aft~r Boh Rohde picked uii fnt,.Jo,., n ll lhc l\>int49, a fumb le wu rr co•·ered b)' lkfcnswe ~nd To m Frisbk for the PiorK'<'rs atthcir own-19. The Po inten got another drive under,.,.~y later in the period, drivint: from their o ,.·n 41 to the Pioneer 36. but Weycnburc ,.,-as dumped fo r a lluge lou un third down and Breaktrpun!ed!o thc1S. mthe l'\llni .IS, It tool. Cll:lmish o nly tllrec j>.lsoing plays to cngin«r a ...·onllJ,dri•·e. llt connet~cd"''il ll G<'OII~ F~ll<rty and Tom Kollr forsuCi."''$\i,·e fintdownsatthc Pnrntrr 3S· and lS·yard\incs. On tlr•.' nut pby lie found Fah<'rl )' "'·cUix:hindthel'niJlter d~ft•OS•' and llit him with l s.:oriiiJ tOI$$, BiU Ch.umsh called a playth.:lt had pined,.,·r ll fmthc l"ionccrs in lj'lc first llalf and it was su.:~cssfui. He threwashortpau to e nd Ri'h Smil;iclski wllo latenlcd to Rick llcmpd, Hcmpd sped dow11 the sidrtincs to the l'oinirr II before Bbrnr Reic hdt CIUiht him from ' behind. nut u lra pOint "'Js ,., Jdt , b~t a Pointer liS('h~a·~ ~uempl o ffside p•·~ himanulhertty.and l~eon~nedto civtPbucvrlka 7.() lead witll 12:0 S kft in the OJIC'nina f'C'riod. la!cr rnthc'pcriod. followin& D Mil.c Brukrr punt 10 !he l'btt~voUe 32, Chunish ' llruck \_ !~r:;.~~~~J;~nAT~~~~5~~ tilt 42, hescnnrbkd IOO!ilr fro nr a stron1 rush and lofted a petfcct pam to Faherty who had hutcn his dcfcn<kr and went ~II the way to ICOie.' The pbycovcred Slyards. Liscllkl's kickwn widebutthePionccn led. IJ.(), ,.,·ith still 6;37 k ft In the fir~\ 'l'!lfltr. ~pin After the Poinlcll wer~ for~··d \.O punt ~pin. tile Pointer ddcn~ stiffened and d~mpcd for asubstanli~l l~ on thi rd· down. T~ll)' Nodo1f att•·mptcd to pun\ on fourth do wn hut freshman linebacker Oc:~n Krui('T broke throuah and blot:~ed the · kick. ,.,·itll Rod ,\nderwll rcoowring at tile l'ioncer 1) , Cll~rnhh Pla tt cfille d e fense stiff~n.:d , however, and a fake field ~;<~al aurmpt by Jo lin llnrh on fourth down wu ~•orpc\1 at the eight . Rick · ller11pd picked up 1 ri11t down ~• !he 19 fullowinl Plattcfille's takco•·~• on downs at the 8. (..'h.3m"h a11~mpted to hit adcep • tertivcr onthe nextplay,bu1 l'olnler dcfcruiw ba~k Verlan Karpinske cut in fro nt of the i n ltlltlcd reedvcr and int~rccptcd at the 40.retuming The all the ~ay to th<! Pionc:er9. Jo hn Freiman &ot to the five ~~~oj,~:;,~~.?c, ~~~~ pitchoilt fromquartcrbuk Mike We~nbur& aro~nd his kfl end in to~slandin& and went POINTER DEFENSE stoPs the Plon eville fullbock for o smo ll goin in Soturdo y's gome in w hich the Polnl· ers were trounced 34· 13. Coa~;h Counsell. ~~~~n...~~.'~rr:l ~:· ~~-F~~: lulftime.. I'Ll! Milk• t l~<: ~~n"' ~nd bellcr tllin&S to eome for Stevens Po int footba ll. T his year'• underclassmen have one thin&go inr. for them, knowledge gained from Juch men as John llanis, Vnlan Karplnske, Stn'C Johnson, John Frdman, Bob Rhode, Du~nc Clark, Dan Bar, Pat Fcc, Ron Win and Mike CounS~:ll, the ~nlms who ended their eoiiC!lC football careen. lnan interviewwith l'olntcr hud coach Duane Counsell, four of tile te n union were evaluated as the backbone of thisyear'1 squad . Fint 10 be pointed out was dtfensive tackle Mike Counsell. AI 6'2" , BS lbs, Counsell, ~ native of Oconomo .,.·oe, r.ltt'$ as ttl<! llefensive stando ut for this year. While h.i$ $llc mayhampcr his pro dlllnQ's as' 1 dc fensi•·e linc:man, leams maybc alllllcted 10 his football skills as an o ffclliive &uard aecordill£ 10 PlattcviUc had cnlcrcd the gamcwithllle l ith belt rushing dcfenscamongthenation's srnall l(tloob. but the Pointcn had a cooct deal of success with the runnln& of Rohde and Freiman. l'btlcville ,.,.,11 play at O>h l. o~ II 1 hi s Su~r d ay , compldrngtho: sus~ndfd pmc of thf•'<' ,.,·~k1 aao. l'btteville kad ~. 1!.(), "'rth one quutcr ldr. ~nd uart in po!Mssion ~t the Osh~~ 48. If the l'tune~n "'in. th~y " 'lll tre tlw Trt~n) f01r fiut piK~. Osh~o1h l'ioM ers, ~~~~r:.nd~~~u~~~idcein°Jic~~: BotlllclmS mounted tcvcral mild threats in the n:maininJI minutes of !he llalf. but could nOIKOre,lnviniPbtleviUewilll a \ 3-6halftinrckad. The ,.,·inhptthc'Pioneenin th•· thick of thc' closc WSUCtitlc prcturc "'•tha 6·1 eonfcrcncc mark . 7·1 o~cnll. The l'ointen finisll~d ~ disaprointing l ·S·I in t hc.-onfcrenceand2·7·1 onrall, T he CINI, The ~uon, m~rkcd will\ bad bre~kl, and o pponunitiel wn in part due 10 !he ovclllll Cllllrnish wuted no time in aivingtllr Pionecnlhc k ad for Jood. On the frnt play from the II . he hli- Bob Faheny. brother of CC'Ofle, wide o pen In the end~one for anolhcr ~. (hc hka"s conversion pvc Platteville a 20.13 lud with 4:07leftinthctbirdPcriod. Early in tile fourth quarter. the l'ionecn got good f1tld position "'hen 1 Brcak~r punt n11icd only the Pointer 37. CcoiJe f ahellywenlafOIIndkft end on 1 do~bk revcrx 10 the 20, and Rich Smith pk:kcd up another rust diwn on the pound 11 the Point.,S.O..rni1h went back to pa4, on the nut play, avoided another stronJ rush, kept tile ball himwlfand went in to score from eight the r,~~~ e~~~ !~h ~ol~ft~ad I Followin& 1 Paul Jabc'l!l'r lnterccplionatthePolnter 47 , thePionecnputtogethcrtbeir final scoril\l thrust. Charnish apin 101 loose from 1 11ron1 rush that oveTTJn him and ran the last IS yll'lls to <:ap that drive . LlschkaiJiinConwrtcd to increase the Pioncc:n ' kad 10 34·13 with only 2:40 lelt, NciJhcr team mo unted 1 threat In !he last minutes and thc ;~~~~ rostcd 1 convincin1 lie is perhaps the only ~~~~~ .will! 1 chJnec al a pro DATE Dec. 3 De<. 4 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 0«. 10 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 De<. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 27·28 OPPONENT AT Stout Wino11o Cze<h Notionol's AT St. Moris !Mfnn.) Whitewore1 AT Supe rior AT River Fo ils Ploneville AT Albert leo College (Mi11n.l IH Belo il Hol idoy Tournament IFirstll:ound, Slc vens Pointvs.North ond Be loitvs. SI.Mory's.l AT Oshkosh AT St. Norbert Eou Cloire · l o Crone Stout ATWhitewoler Superior River Foils AT Pto ncville Othkosh AT fou Clolre AT l o Crone by Tim lAs.:~ AnotMr dcfcruive 5talw.u tis Pat Fee. Playing hi&h tchool foottidlat Rice bkc Wiseon!Jn. Fcc his played dcfc11sive 11clde for' fouryunin eolk ac. lie nnks as one of the best . The 247 lb. Fcc. whose sue helped hirnat Stevens Point,is a doubtful pro prospect. Afln loosin1 20 lbs. this year and his l•ckof speed. requiredby th<! pros for pursuil . hil foot ball days most likely ended with the Plau cvilkpmc Salurd ay. Sile is a lro a probkrn for t he barpillina power o f ano,thc.~ s.enior, Steve Johnson. AI 5 10 ~nd 186 lbs. he is 100 srnaU 10 continue as a linebacker a nd lacks thc specdwhicb is ncedcd to sua:ccd as a pro defensive back. Wilh 11\is m mind it ilsafe to nr that the lot'nior from C~luvilk al50 finished his playina days thisyear. TIM! offcnw: will be hit hardest by 11M! lou of Bob Ro hde , Ro hde .,nkc d thUd In tltc:«tnfcrcncerushlna statbtict. ovcrallpbrer~ forPoiJlt. bst:~eason ; hullhisyur playinl with anincxpcrienccd linc and playin1 as 1 marked man, hiJ aver.~cewas hurt, Lukinc the blindi!l£ break :~~,.6~.~2d0 r~~~i~~~~~;;~:c/:~: Wa!cnown wiU prohably be by·pusctlbythcpros. lie however is !he o nly offensive man wilh 1 chant•'. u dth3tdlllllccisslim. P1ofcuion11 offers could be i11frcqucnt and far betwee n for scnion but coachina t he n ~reen ·mi&htkeep thew athlelcs inf001ballfora km1 1imc. The l'uintcrs could have won their finale against l'lallcvillcevcn t houSh l llcfinalscorewouklindicatcot~rwiK. As w.u thcux aU Counsell Resigns As Football Coach rcariOnJ. tlle lnahlllty lo p~t IOCC thcr ~n ovcrallstron, cffort meant the diffcren~. Two quid Joudrdowns bcfo"' the spectaton h~d gotten S.:tlk:d in th<!ir scats made the o ffcnK play u tch·up football apin. The final season record of 2·1·1 ccruinly is poor, but l rcfUK 10 believe that the team was that bad . A brNk here and. the~andthe re~ord could have b«n mu~h diffcrent. It wu 1 •·cry young team 11\iJ )lUI and only a few ""nionarc Pork.lll~ through, b~l they "''Cit valuable onrs. ltopcf~Uy the offensive tine l>uainc Counsell, 44, "'ho led In \ 966·671\e\us on ln•-elo will p)aymuch bcllcrnnt ycnafler they havea ycar's cxpcricncc the football tcanr of Wisconllin do ,.,dua~e workin lndiana. Jon. 7 piayinJ IOCC thcr. State University- Stevens Point After bcromint: the bud Jon. 22 a conference championship coach here in 1957, he loued Jon.25 The Packcn U!ilrd to bo: lhf rnu51 opportuni$1 ictearrr inthc NFL, dtourinJ these records: 1M put II yean, has Jon. 29 rdyina on their own tuk of mistakes and forcin; thcir oppone nts annou ntfdhcisrrlinquiJIIiflihi'l Feb. 1 19S7- 34 : 1958- 7.()·1. Into r~mblts and interceptions. Now, the llbln have ~en duticsasheadcoHh. Feb. 3 l~rncd- -evcn though ottlpllyinl I he Vlkinls th<!cnlire second hllf Atll lctk Directo r Robcn 19 SY- 4 . J.J ; 1960- 5·3: Feb. 7 Krueger A id CounKIJ ICIJUdtcd l96l - 8·1: ,1962'and 19 63- 6·2: !hey blew three coodJCOrlncchancn. Feb. 8 The Vikin&S ,.,-ill !Ott' at lca~l two of their next lhru pmn, but 10 spend all of his ltme in 1964 - Hi; lYI),S.!- 6-3 ; 1966 coachin1. 6·3); 1967Feb. 19 the Lloruappcar to have tht cuiest schcdul_c, The Pack must "''in tcaehinccapacitics.. No dale was 6(nol ·2·l: and 19611- 2·7-1. set whena neweoach would be Feb. 22 1 thelr lut five tupullit oot, bu! i~ w.on~t be easy, a ppointed; however , Kruc~;cr Feb.26 While hisrccord lhis M I "'·n uid he wouldintcrvie,.,· auistanl t..\or. 1 Even In ddCit, the Milwaukee B~cLs are impruving. Their coacheshere who an: intercstfd ~!nl~u:ni1~pr~:~~ o~.f~l:;~·n~ schedule certainly hasn't been the nsic~t. ellhc'r. Thrylla)'c~ t losc lntl'lc posiJion. c om pc\ition with a )'OUng, to thel.akcn lul weckandalrnost bca!!he Ccltics. lftheMilwaukce lnc:xpencn~d team which lou fans will only be patient, In a few ynn the Hucks will be 1 hc:wilr la\1 ~·ural ,TJilul t lou conte nlkr, · time. Pairin&S for the Beloit llolitby BaskclbJII To~rn1nrcn1 ,.,·en: announced b st week. In the openin& round of pl~y on !he night of Dec. l7, 1M Pointen, ddcndinJI champs of the tour11arncnl, will play 1 su ona Non II Park (Ill.) squad and !he host Beloit will meet Tbt WSU- SP Soccer Club score, !he rust quarter ended St. Mary'sofMinne!IOia. WIS l hut out , 3.(), by *C Ripon wit li !he IOOU beiJIJ 2.0, Collc1c So~~tf T~m last Tbt second qnrtcr Ulrted WSUS - FM i1 chan1int thr Ste!:~ ~~~ul~a!:~ t~n~!:t:::a7tsar:~~i~~~~?n,~~!:'~s ~~ ~c:~t:~ ~•mpus frorn bcir~&aont'.stat ion 11 ~t~~~~i~~t:~~:~~~~e!~ b!~ R;:~ ~': ~~~~~d~l~ 11 lilte11er durin& evcnil'll ho~rs. one of the teams to beat !he WSUC. The baske tball squad lost Cllf'C'rieiiCCd100:ertcanL mountin1 two lua:eaive driw1 Now instead of listening lojust The position of the Sl~ns· whi~h wen: thwaTted ·bY lh£ several playenduc to incli&ibility and other "n:uons," but most of o ne stallo n • II ni1ht, stuUents Point team lithe outset o f the. Stewns Point delcnsiff hacks thckeyplayenueback. a~ chJntina to eommerclal The swimmen lost only one man and have 1 host o f llrOnJ p me seemed uncertain' as Ripon and 1011~. Michael Ziemann. stations ,.,·hen WSUS 1irs its freshmen. quickly look poSSl'SIIion o f the Poi11t mounted sewral attach educational pra,.ranrs. The JYmnuts dtd not lo$c·1 man 1nd should improve an:atlr. 1 :~~ ~;o;:l~t'!~J.~~elh~f:rf:~ ~~~heR~~: "".!:a~ ~h:r ;i!e;:~ The wrestk n lost only 1 few lop men and J.h.oul~ have a wlnnins drive penetrated the:' Point s.corifl& allack midway throu&h ~~tason,also. defense to score with not owr the second quarter, makin& the two min~tu gone in the fvst score 3.() at the end of the fust After another poor week of rfl:dictions.. lam lboutrndy to llalf o f pby.' · qul.rtcr. hand over the crystal ball to all my friends who claim they can do Coat hCountcll The Pointers took ovrr on the The sccon~ half o f plly" better. 1 cut$$ tbc n1011 Jmp(,rt1nl pmc of !he year ~amc Out !lie second kickoff and drove down 1howed Point pbyint much As 1 tu~hcr. CoumiCII hc~ds Afler turning down major$ way !'said il would--Elktrorn walked Dllover BigFoot to end with cJose to the Ripon lOll twice llron&er de fensivcly aslheyheld tllrec wins and • tie in the lui fivt pmn. We ,.,·on't me ntion llow !he driver and g fcty cdu~uion a n d minors a nd muter's but wcreunablc toscore. Ripon, Ripon ICOicleas throU&Ilo~l the an d recreation pro1rarns at req~uu . the Regents arc the flnt five pmes came out. however. suffe~d the IOSII o f entire KQOnd half, ""ith center Stncns PointSUte. mimickin1 their prcdc•ors m d their 1oallc in' 50nre f~rlous forward 8uhp Yooan movina The rookie predictor for this week sees thc ,followinl : A native of Wisconsin Oi:Us. reportedly hl•·e eome up "''ilh ~ acl!o n around the net. b1ck to the fuUblclc'pOsijloJl iO Mlchigan 41 - Wisconsln 14. new sloa~n . "The Return to Coming out to pick up the . check the Ripon offense. t ~~isc~nn~dR~e Ul~~~:f'lu~! Normai•'Y·" With Stevens Point New Orleans 10 - Gree n BayJI (Foolcdyou. dldn'tl1) baU, thcplic dovconituthc The Pointers bad several Univtnity and Stevens Poinl cr ltbm irc i!S 7Sth annivrtsa r~ Pbnevillt 19.osbkolh 14. Pointcn' right forward , Frank opportunitlcs toscore aplnin Slalc. it isonlyfitting. ' USCH- Ore1onStatc 14. Or~eke, anemptcd to connect. the tc:eond half, b~t they were The pby ended · wit II Oruckc unabk to do so. AI the end o f tripped up and ! he Ripon toalic the second h.llf the fUIII score wit h 1 posllibk broken wrist. was Ripon3, StewnsPolntO. In 1ssessin1 the prnc, Point The injured p lie was n:plac:ed and play was continued with no playen and QO.Iches fell tllat JIC'nllty belin assessed to Stewns uccUenl ,fttld pOsition and JOOd Poin t. PISSil\lldded upfor a f'!nepme Ripon took po~HS~Jon o f1he of bill QOfllro.l by Ripon, who ball afler their So.Jiic wu injured has beaten arch other teams u and J.h.owing good Pilling and • tiM! University of WiscoNin and bill handling drove down to l.awrrnc:e Un1wnity tllb flU. score ap.ln. Shonly after !he The Pointer pusi.nJ p me was BJged at timet , hinderin& thclt abWty to mon: the b.U Into scorln& position. The Poilllen played wilh )u1t two e.atn. men th.rou;ahout the entfr.e pme, whl\a Ri pon had enotJ&h subltilulel to knp 1 fruh offensiw team. , Ripon Soccer Tearn Shuts Out Point, 3-0 You Con Sw itch The Diol Now ,.,.....,..,..,., 1 Slogan " Re tu rn t o Normalcy" Fits wit!:t p.a~~c:rvk: of11f:~ fullback Robert Amtbcin and b ackup man Bill De Bartolo. Both are oul with Wuriet. Allo o ut wilh an inJury il lheomtcr halfback , Duwayne Sc:hwd enberawho is a bl&boott · to thePointcroffeii$CI. NCllt Satwday the Sooecr O ub winda uptbcirfaUIIUIOn by tn.wllq toW.rinc:tte to pby tbc Wrrrillctte UW Buoeanccra. Tbt Po\nlen defeated the Bucca-n LIM May in !he W~tte Sprina lnvthtioul Sooeer To urney to win tbco Tow.arncnt cup, The PointeR abould be able to defeat W.rbtecte, Tile Soc.eetCiub now JPOIU 1 3-2·1 n:oocd for lheU r.u.,_. . I