Document 11824434

::!:.~: j THE POINTER
WSU-STEVENS POINT, Thursday, October 31, 1968
Gach Travels To Germany
For Education Conference
John J .
inr~rpre lrng the seu10n talks
intQ tllrt'c lanauasu: French,
Germ3nandEns lrsb.
stullcnt tndun, at Str •·rnl
Poinf is r ut.crparin& in an
rntun a t i o nal rducllion
~on fucn~t m
Berlin. West
Grr man.·untrl Nov, :.
About I SO
for lbr
Gach >'ISIIed Murilch
and on hi1 r~1urn writ stop in
lrrl~n<l for a lOur of iehools in
P:r~~:~·r llcd';'»J'~:t~o m1~e1 ~~~l~i~
~··ir~~ 19 ddr&atri and
iltV<'I~I o~tvtiS, Gach i~ I lK'
Co llrg(, MlJ. G(n. Rob(!l
Fer gusson, ~ n Ar m)'
comnranoJtnloffiC<'rrn lkrlin.
oni)' On<'froru Wisoonsin.
Objrcti>'U of curriC"Ula and
Gaeh, ,.~, ~ 1cachrr and
in \l'rieonsin ~nd
Illinois public hidr ~hoob rncHe
1han ~0 )'t~rs br:fore ;oininJ ihe
Slnrns r oml S1a1c facult )· in
t rachiiiJ and karninJ nrrth01h
trrhnol oairal
an d
110<..--ioloaiealadvanrrmrnt~ b<:rna
madr today,.:Qnfrt<"nrrplannus
~oaili. As a result . the)' a~krd
l eaders rn rd u ca li o ns.
psyr ll o l ou· . sodolou· .
r ronomt" and u~hur;.-t u~<· to
1 <~60.
bc-spt"akcn ..uth<-prosrall•S.
Th e
l:x llibits portrar t hcworkof
Innovative schools fronr •ouiOL>S
counl rin. prnent aJ.C'ktlionof
con tcmp on r r mode ls of
innovativ.- Hhool bu•ldinss and
lndude diiP<~ml demo nttratint
lurmn~ and uachins priKeSS«
biJ.C'don rckar.:hsrudics.
Minnea polis Minina and
Manufacturina Co. rs financinl
part of I he confen:nc~ COil.
Ga c h was nonunared 10
aurnd b)' a Wa)hin&ton . I>.C.
prk" who So:l\'~1 IS ~.. ,·cull\'~
se u~urr o f
1h~ ~at ion~l
Ca t holic l:.d "'~tiona!
AS6o.:i~tion . Th( pri<'sland Ga,b
" 'ffl: rn a aroup o f r.rronll~ry
eUu~a11ons . SP<'(~Lisu
ruur~<l l hf So•·iel Union ,..,.o
Senate Finalizes Plans
For Health Hearing
Arctt o.rOvu
·~ 0
Seeks. Better
unduway .fot a )'t'U ami llu
involvt<.l u nnsur>ents for
City Relations
Will Hold
A ~omnnuee to imrron•
rda1ions boel"«n the uni.,erJil r
and conununit)' has ~t~:enllr
b<:cn fo rmed.
WSU Tripp<rs will llokl a
hayri<J< SUL>tday evtniT~J,
Nuvrmbolr 2 from 7 :1S ro 10 . 11
Wl\l'-kt P~I:CIII~hher..,·ood
Fum in Plo•~r.
Tholl' wlshins to so can sian
u p in th< lunnol of rhe
Unlnrsiry Ctnter Oct. ll from
~~j~· tO 4 p.m. The cosl is 1S
~-·-....- ..- ....~-·-..
D£.' 10CRAT-0aylord !Oiel!tOII ....
E. LNna.rd
GOVEUSOK-\ 'al" tor One
REl'ljBI{C.-\S-Wor n:n 1'.
DE.\l()('R.-\T-BroMOo 0 .
The plans o f toni&hr's public
llearina on 111e hulth serviee
It was announ~:ed 11 the
weekly ~nate TMeliiiJ Ocr. 24
t hat appurins at the hurinJ
with Dr. Leon.,d Gibb will be
Dr . Will iam S l ltll t n ,
vice ·pruident for Student
Affairs and dun .of AUI!cnn,
and Dr.· Rob<:rt Rifleman. M.D.,
toniaht 11 7 : 30 p.m.. in Room
l 1S of rhe C~s.sroom Center.
After preliminary qucsrions
and rcm.,lu hom !he Senate
Welfare commillce,!ilul!enlswill
be ukcd to prell'nt rheir
qucsl ionsandcommenlli.
Knc'"-~ ~-..-~---........
Senale presid e nt Paul
Sehillini em(lhl$iled student
auend•nee and wpporl ~~ thi$
:::~. ...~rc ea.ential 10 illi,
..._______., ,..........
Mr .
THIS IS A SAMPlE OF THE IALLOT tho! will be used
irr rhe strow election being he ld today Ia determine
the tondidolu WSU students favor in the November
5 election .
The " Pul Revtre 11\<.1 the
Raiders Show." inciUI!ifiJ Brian
Hyland. Jan Bat er, Gear~
M cC annun Ill. and t he
Heywoods, will app<lr II the
Flddhouse on Sunday, Nov. 11,
Tkkeh for rhe procram wiU
be wid at t he! Univcrsiry Centu
informllion desk for Sl, S1.2S
Plans Visit
Next Week
The Red Croa Bloodmobile,
10 Wlsconain Su re
Uniwnity 11 Slennl Point on
Mol\day and T\le_.ay, NoY. 4
a nd S, in lhc Wri&Jrt lourc< of
Tbc q 11011, whkb bas been
• I II 300, 5bould be ~~.
If alul!enu !how hnerat in thb
I n u r du 10 lncreuc
don&lioou,it is alsoulr.cdtbtl•
tboiiC wbo have donared be(OI'C,
wWuyro brifiJ afriend.
Vickenraff,"~lit makrany
d iffen n ce which way the
litudents ao~ Is t he decision
a lrcldr malic (lo build 1be
Tile 1$1ilsllnl uid he did not
feel' he tauld aivc a utisb~1ory
answer to Scllillins 11 1he lirM,
He btCII$Krted, " I don't think
l htdcdsionhasbl:enmadc:."
Schillin&tbenstaled prcvious
efforuhad been madetorePstn
student opinion and rbese
rerurnshadbccn]&norcdin rhe
. Whi rewalcr , O s hk osh and
Jt could b3ve a
SDS ·Ban
Debate , Election
Scheduled Today
Associalion durin& the school's
VotinJ in 1~ W I W ekc1ion
will W htld in I he food c~ntcrs
fronr lla.rn. to6p.m.
Arts And l ectures
~~~~~f ~~;!n~...~~ w~~:~~
eulturalu ndc:rlakinp.
Their wmk mer the trt'al ion
of ~rae lltw orchestras and the
c nla!JinJ ofuistin&tnsemblc:s.
In 1949, rhr; Bnarian Radio,
enplins a numbc:r o f hi&hl~
r11cd lnsl rumcnlalists. created I
1 14 -man-symphony-orchcltn.
Ulldcr the kalk:rslllp of E111en
Jocl'lunit souncarnedstatus.
From l bc · bolsinnins. the
orc hc s rr a em phasized
SpOntaneity of cxecurion and
inlcnsityof uprealonin(lublic
c:on~:eru as well as tecllninl
polish and orchcual brillilrnee
in front of thcrnlcropho!IC.
Each seuon 1 subsc:ri(lllon
5eriuoflwdvc p.tiaofconc:cru
is siven in Munich, whifh are
eit her br<M<.Icut dlrcctly Of else
Throuah the w.,jc,ty of Its
proiJims and the soloists and
Is Tonight
Re ha 5 he 5 · ::a~~.~~·cil)'
sp<t~l a"istanttolhe prcsid(nl
and President Dreyfllli. IIOulihan
uid thai Mrli. Williams, the only
ftmalc mcmherof the board, is
by. far the most libra! of the
"The orher rt'Jents conJider
htr 10 be a · wide~ye!l kflist,"
ll o u llluon added that he
would also like to sec student
support o f Presidcnr Dreyfus. lie
noted lhll LS D isliberal ro t he
point of beins radical when
compareti to t he o ll1tr dl}lt
ttttc unlvtrsityhcads.
Houlihan aw:rted that if
Dreyfus or Mrs. Williams
of from •
When qucsrioned about 1hc
alternative o f ·improYina Goerke
don'l think Goerke is plinJtO
He aSKrled reasons of Jlt.e
in adcquaty and ovcru~ of
Cinema Arts
Will Feature
French Films
Prite·wlnnlns French film lhc
"Umbrella of Chcrbours" wlll
be shown rhis aftunoon 11 J :4~
in rht Wisconsin Room of l hc
Uniuni r y Ce n t e r . An
out!ila ndinJ film by Jacques
De my, 11 feuu re s nrusic.
compoted by Mk hcl lesrand.
one of the most po(lularrouns
pop composers of Fnmce.
Dillosuc: is sun1 in Fr~nch with
EnaJish sublirles. 11 Is a ~0
minute color film.
"The ldlol". anot hn French
film, is burd o n 1he
Dostoy"sky newel of the s:~me
name. A fine performance by
Ccrary Philippe sparks theorhcr
kadins to rrodu« a
arcat.<Japtation o f1hc no•·cl. lr
is a 9S minure film In Fr,·nch
wilb EnJ iish 5ubtitks.
"somcthinJa lorwon;e,"
Mr. William lutt. facully
advisor to SDS, Ai<.l thai the
American Civil Libolrtits Union
(ACLU) i s cons idcrin1
prosccutins l ilt Stare for the
Rc~nu' allesed vlolarion of
and the ' Hantatadt L\lebcdl
Sdlolanblp). ·
Riclltcr bal allo worr aedaim
u a e«~ductor in the -.dirl&
tbeatra of Wunieb, kflitt,
Vle~~~~aand HambWJ.
~~ir.~M:S,useBre~~m~~f ~ dt~:~~~
se\'(fll] weels Jp> considcr~tion
by his commiu cc or a .lt~,Jiunr
The proposed locarion of the
sradiu m iJ a si lc locat~d
one·t hlrd mlk
norrhrasl of l ilt Univ~llily
T h e Srnarr (IUse d a
rcwlutiOn to make Tlunk~l.i¥in(l
ho liday CXI'f<'~ bus $CrYicr
aullable tosludcnu.
Actorc.lin@IO Vern Rebclirn .
chairm~n of Senate Wrlf;rc
Commiue~ . wmc
bu$<'J ..,.ill
uavcl <lirtctl)' 10 Milwauke~ and
soniC to Mad ison, They will
dqr ut from an on-ampus
Suceewin th• Tluon k5@iVifll
llolioJJ)' venture will IJI<'an IIIII
the Unit ~r¥iccwi11b.· anilahk
ar Christmas. Othcrtitks"·ill br:
Jdckd 10 lhc 1~1 at th~! time If
lnttrnl i'~hown.
lnii'!.:SIC'd' srull~nu ~ho11kl
contJctthc Scn~t~ offic.·.
Point Blank
The nn t pcr(ormance of
"Son of Creal Pumpkin", an
orl&lnal danee proiJim dirt'ct¢
by Funk and Llnda ·llu ch, was
so' well rceelvc<.l by the AAUW
ofLICJosseon Slturday, tbat il
Afternoon Tblna.
Sinee this ia 1 llaUowecn·
oricntcddanc:e, thcThinl willbe
held lodayintbc Wri&J!t LOufiJe
o ftbeUnlvenlt yCcnter, at l :4S
in the afternoon.
Stuclenlland community arc
inriled to the fnllriries--and
arc uraed to wear their
) The dance propam, to be
p er formed by m<mben o f
Orchesit , which it !he eampus
~oOcrn dtnteOTIIMiurtlon, wlll
feature 1 lecture-dcmonUntion
~n annt prde danee. Wn.
Hacccb wW dlscu• not only the
1wby of uanc prde dan«, r,ut
'Will lbo offer some comments
r,::, e id:::du~n
!:;;r!~t~d1 Y a~
oprimillm on the matter o f this
'Thing' OHets
Special Treat
~~~u:;'!!r~~~;-~:ht~: . for Halloween
p ub lic a ppuranc:e, In the ·
Vienna , Berlin, MontreWI,
Luc:ernc 1nd Florence. In 196S,
a lm,jor to ur kd to the Osaka
FcJti'l'll ln Japan.
Trani hu been Important in
tbc Ctrec:roftbc conductor,too.
T h e German F t d cn l
GovtrnTMnl tckel t d Richter for
In 19S1, be bearme founder
and conductor oft · Wcbcch
Chamber Or
an<l , in !be
Slmt year, co udcd in !he.
th c atru o
Haacn and
In 19S7, he founded and
bceame fint conductor of the
Skprbnd Orcbcttra: He bas abo
" The mollt~ USl'd fDf rhe
Radium will in no way affed ·
anolherbuiklinsproject ,"was
thc as.s.isunt'srcply roque.ltiolU
con cc rni111 fullll ina of the
projccr. lie dormirorics
were funded by room rental
charp:s 10 !he "UI!tnl and
c lus room build inss wen:
pu"haseiJby lhe illlc .
The Nov. 11 dndli!IC for lhc
prc~mlnuy prOJ,Tam SlaltrMnl
"is a s urprise" Aid Mr.
Vickcrstaff. lte inllinlcd be hid
been informed only Mo ndar ,
Ocr. l l.of thc dn dllllt,
l' aul hnty , PO I NTE R
rcpotlcr auendina the mcetinJ.
uktd wbowu 1hc oriJjna1orof
t he Idea thai rhls uninniry
Mr. Vickenuff rt'plicd 1hc
Rc~nts o ffiee had SUJp:Sied
money could hc uved if WSU
constructed a stadium now on
lheordn oflhose bci!llblliltal
o rhcr schools in lhe stale
sysrem. lie Aid 1hc cosl of
consirucrion would increase 1
percent every year i1 wu
dclarcd .
I t was rrported football
compc:tilion onlr ·~•ould bf lldd
at 1hil ltadium and that
syn1hc1ic 1urf"·as not abo¥e
c:onsidenlion for uw hcrc.
B r ( n c man .
J o b n
S l 11d e n t ·Faeu lt y 1\1 hl~ r le
commill~eman. mentiOned that
his commm ce wu· cbrnid~rins
·;~~ld10 b:'i";u:~~~ros;i.i~:
concer ts have become an
important factor In t he! musical
lifcof theBanrian n pilll.
The list ofaue.r conducton
who h1YC led the orchcsltlo
summer of 1949, ata conc:erc of
t hcB.anrianRadio).
Since l9SI , tbc orchcsta
maGe: JUCStl(lptiBncct in t he
ma;or, cltka of Grut Britlan,
Fran ce, t h e Ne t herlands,
Be iJIOrn, Sweden, Dcr:nmart,
Switzcrland, Italy 1nd Auttril.
On many oec:asions 11 h.a1
insupport of r hc n~w
b t. 2JS
By EdMarksand MikrEve
~~ ~~~:"i'T:&>.~·~ ~ "::::
The stadium described by Mr.
Vicken taff buicallr reSl'mbks
uadi ums heine buil l ' 11
o pln ion ~on~crnins I his
coirslruction. Ue asked Mr.
f« dcvdopmcnt. appcart'd 11
1M &nate TMclinl a1 rhe
rcqucsr oflhcScnatr.
Uc prcwnled t he pbn fOt a
propgscd foorbl.ll sr..ium and
answered qucslions con~rnins
The SDS tnch·in held at rhc
hul Bun ran Room tnt
Mr. Vittenlaff revcalc:d ~ ThL>r5doy dnlt with lhc reccnl
Pll'liminuyproaramnol iccmusl Reaenll' accl ion ap1nst rhat
b<: submillcd by rM uninr$1t~ oraaniution.
to rM lloard ofRc~ntsbyNov.
S 1ud ent sen ator J ohn
II. This iii necessary toha•·c t he Wallcnfans read t he Senate
which Clli$ for a
stronJ b cL>lly rcpudi;atiooofrhc
The prcsidcnri;al aaisunt Rraenll' banishment of SDS.
lilaledthr rriccofthc Propo~d
Sl~dium 11 ~in1 o•·(r S l million.
~o~~~~:~:S'· ~~~cd no:~ . ,t~
action could be taken
~~n~': f~n 1~isca~:~ct~~;o'!~i similar
against any cam(lus croup for
come fromsludc:nlacl ivil)'fru. anyrea10n.
Senate prnidenr Schillin
·Tbc faculry hadcarlierYOicd
u preucd desire ro poll 11udc
103 to n in favor o f1ucb a
repuodlll ion.
Dan Ho ulihan of tbt
Bavarian Symphony
Will Perfonn Friday
Paul Revere
And Raiders
Will Be Here
8 Pages, No.8
Why do Jirb. • lsltlnt the c:ampus •nd tta~inJ in t M rnllknee balb, howl~ Jamc1 Ktobelski,junior frorn MiiiOllukce.
The uniwersiry adopted ~ "Ju~ll polrcy" $latina tNt airls, visit ins
the c:ampus and stayins in t he •..siden« h1lls. havr I he ume hours 11
the Jirllhey room wirh. f:or imtantt, l $rniorfrom0shkosh would
have t he hours o~S
tevrns l'oint frrshn~:~n ifshe ""Crt' lo room with
her. To obu in u rnded hours. the visitor wo ukl han to room with
a n older roomm
he purpoJC of l llr: hostess poljr)' is 1wo fold:
(I) To be lUll' lilt vr ' I<W brcomnaq 1.1in1( d ..,·irh univtrJlty ruler;:
( 2) To protrcl the resi..tcnee h,lls from any unaccounl~d·for
A clunce in rhc "Juri! rolicy", ~uch u • llowina visitors to be
under the hours 1he~ ll their o" n unlnnity, would create
confL>s:ion and added (l.lprrwo rk, A report would ba....: robe 111:1d~
dclermlnlns htr l&e, )·ur in sc:booland whet hl'r or not ~he wu l n
school. Such a rerorr "·ould be· 100 impr.u:rial considerinr; the
Wb~ iar'l lfle~ In aflet•hOutl book dcposi,lory II the lil•a;y1
Accordins to Dr. Krcm(lk of the Lnrnina Rno urc:e5Centcr, tpe
fa111t wu in the o.i&in~l conllluC'Iion of rhe buildlnJ. The dni&:neu
simplyfO¥JOi topul ono, •in. Therra$011 ....hy,chcrchasnorhccnone
installc:d is boecauJC ifthcy..,·ouldputonoin,theywouldhawctodrt ·
intothebuildlna itJCif. ltwouldalso luovcro bcdeslsncdinsuch a
way as ro prote<cl the books fronr bein1 damajcd or Yandalizcd.
When.llkcdabout lliinl amtilboll$alempon~ ry depo$1t, bcsaid
unfortunald)' p<opk a lw uioc t his lf!J< o f dcposllory for a "Hdp
keep America Clean" balker. In t he libn.lie$ hive found in
t hcscoulsidedcpositseveryrblnJ frombolllcs ro dead cats.
The Lurnins Rc:source.t Center has abo thoua:ht aboul pultins
po"ablc drop-offs inside the library, but found moll of the
:;-;:::'u~c~!,~~ ~~u~~=~~ '!~~~':!r~~''a:'"~~~":r:::a:
t biso:ouldbe•rnnscd.
ln t he! new LearninJ Resources Center there will be: an after Jiour
g~~~;"~n:t ,l~:~e ~nt~f~~~da~~=-f~cwa~c';,r~,~tooo.~
Tbe PfVIBIII will lneluode 1
fuite ofpre-<:lallic dancetuwdl
Orehesh mc'e u · every
j! rbe
r mpus Scbooll)'m.
Tbc tallest air! we found
her bllrc: feet.
Hall Ho•rs Continually
hThere i• no riq.dilpen1able man."
Franklin D. Roo•evell
Abolishment Recommended
~-;:mewne ab~
,': :.~~ur~uJ~Il&
decisiona. If 110meant: wants,:
not on!)' arc the 1tude~t1
brukinl the rules quite
(lequently (and f01 the most
part eully, with however same
na!lb lc exceptlonl), b~l
scnt:ntly !here U atacltafJUill
fOlloWinJtbeN\eJthlJ)'CifnOW a-.oelltcdwlth wchaelion.
Even amonl the many
that the bours are more libcr~~l
(at kalt fo, uppcrcllawamtn)?
Or arc more people brcakln&
therulestlwltbere werebcforcf atudcnta,luiitabout b1nkln1
!law 1111ny 110phamoru who thcrulcaisatancw tow.
ttlln)' ask why the student
~~~~~:nS:ef~r'h'o~o;~!'~~ should subject themtd~u to
not to 1111! them dwin1 the discip linary meHIIrCI when
week! And why have not the limply ulinc ont:'s ke)' Jllcplly
dorms rccc:ind the keya far !he o ' wailinl for an uppc1d1sman
uppcrdus women?
Or. Gibb, who this year has
Afttr lllkin1to a number o f
atudentJ. it ~~eema apparent that been Ji\'cn the pkas1.1re of
d~iplinina tboK students who
are unlucky enou&h to 1et
ea~.t~hl. seem' to fed that .this
::::!~~-n hu an easy and d11cet
: TI1e Student Senate baa been asked by the admina..
tmtion to gi\'e ita opinion as to whether a sta.diwn il to
be built with student activity fees or noL
Why then, did the administration begin planning on
the proposed stadium with the Regents' appro\'al before
~tudent opinion wu adequately polled? If student opinion
1s to be polled, it must be expressed by Nov. 11 in order
for the plan to be submitted to the Regents' office.
Do s tudents want a stadium built with part of their
student activity fees?
The matter of student funding ill complicated by the
fact. th11t students in the future will be paying for the
s tmlnrm and not the majority of students on ca'mpus now.
En,•ision this money apent towards such areu aa culh~ml exchnnges with other univen~ities, programll for the
d1.•.'ld\·nnlaged and hoving nationally known speakers come
to thi.~ univen~ity to name but a few.
The !lroposed stadium plans are basically the same
as sl:tdiums in Oshkosh, Whitewater and f lalleville. Why
the duplicity of studium plans 01 is this ano-ther mal,lifesta.tion of "institutional autonomy?"
Therefore, the Editorial Board urges the Student Senate to ha\'e a referendwn to poll atudent to detennine
whether students really want a stadium.
The Editorial Boord
"Boa-td 7lu4d
"Bf J.adt o/ J_fJiiM,
co endane one of the lhrcc
aondidlln fa r l'lcsidtnt, the
=m~~ ;~~:~rnidp•tion·: in
be e ve1ywhere these days as evidenced
by lhls dandy jungle-jim o rmy lank
located on the p lay g 1ound of the Jef·
fe1san g1ode school o b lock hom the
WSU campus. This will Ii i 1igh1 in with
that machine gun, ba:ooka and otmy
outfit eve•y lillie bay hopes to get for
Ch1iUmas. Bang, Bang, you' re d&ad.
[Mike Dominawski Pkotol
l yScoii Sc:hullt
As t 'dlmmCd the li&htsin t~
WIJI;onsin Roarn, allttuotl could
do wu co wcu 1 small rttYt'
whkh far 1 confirmed Unitlrill~
is 1 mir1ck in iudf. Wh.u kind
t he little ntm
But jlllll in case thero is one of you who migbt not preKnlltians,t~yhavcnoidu
a1 rce with ua aometi~e in the upcominc year, we decided wh.ll ltalhcllone man llfacins
~'!.!,.~ot little boal b onty a wall
toprirtl our letterP,)hcybclow.
The Pointer welcomet letters to the editor on any subject. Letters should be aubmitted type-written, dou!Jle.
&JWICcd nnd limited to 250 wo~ in length.
Anonymoua letters will not be printed, bowev~, nam•
will bo withheld for a good and aufficent re&IO!l. The
Poin111r f(ll(lf\'e& the right to edit all letters for length and
1ood tMie. 'The briefer the letter, the bettu its clwlcee
for publicttlion.
Yo u h.nt praYed to be t01e
fallowe11 l of Scnat01 Eu&ene
McCa!"hY , if nat your a wn
cansc.ence. I btlie~e tht Scnatar
:::,~~~~n~f ',~c:,~;:rnrn to,r~
Now hehudccldtd thlltlfbe .
At Film Festival-
p,.,;;;,;;'~.::.',!~~~~;::',!;;:",!".:,.:::";:,,:~'~(. The Life of a Proiectionist
ICtes~fterell(~t[IIIUe&Of tbepaperwehavereceivedeuctly
One of Splice and Blow outs
13 loll•"· 4 "'"'"' oomowh•t to oditorl•l•, 4
other artlelea in The Pointer and 5 on totally unrelated
Someone on our staff had the gaul to auggeat that
porhnpl people juat aren't reading -our editorial page.
, We immediately taped hie mouth shut and.1libly proced·
ed with our assumption that the entire campua is arreeinl with our thoughta on SDS, radio cen.Orship, RO:rc,
homecoming refonn and the upcoming election.
They do no: fed th:ll is"t~~t11
jab. When discipUnary ar:tion 11
taken it is for the benefit oftht
Partial Politics
After all, it was the students
whalast yc:armaMJcd tochaiiJe
tbchaun and makethemliber~~l
' Th e houu a nd thtil
reJulations we1c K if-imposed by
the atudenll on themsc.lvesand
IIO CIJ:hlludentshouidbeonlhC
Fin! of
resident assistants and dorm
eo n J ntullle t he Poin te r dirccton
know lht 1Uics a1e
Editorial Board for cnc:our~~gin1 bcinJ b1oken,
ma1e often,
lhe , e.eleclian of Stna!OI there K cms to and
be littlewncern
the . inu oduCIOIY
musicand t ~flrslfilrn'sJOUnd
IOICk on it, IO proicel on I~
outside speakers. At Jut we
faundlhe problem inoneoflhe
Input jt(:ks and it was cwa
minutu p» t tht lii!IC that th-e
and RIJC will need 1 new man
f01 IMi rcwndlnJ job. Now let
111t tell you whal il t. reallylikc.
As the li&hll dim in the
Wiscon1in Room.
Muskle f« Vlce·Prclldent). You
have become the arn e
sclt· rlahtooi.U pu110n wh"O
e r e lli ml, "I sha ll hue
~~v~~~,o':':~~!r IllY WI)',
Due ,
he Is
h:o~~:a~y d~ ~:m~'J::i
c rit ic alive. Sa, what , It
anychlna, do you propoae; to do
lnthenut fouryear~besidea
111 1
t he : w~:r.~y!:~:.. n!lht,
"There is nathm1 wt 00 ~14
do about II . The only ti~ ~
would concc:m w is if tbr
stude nt'tacademlcUfebtpnto
auffct. Then we would Uh
thtm aside tnd try tohclpt h.i:m
Wh ile enl')'one did nQI
erpuu cuccly the ~me
Kntiments. it Is mo1e 111d onote
l ppan:nt th:lt iludenl aSiiimnh
resident nshtanu , and dot~
~ircc_ton alike I IC less and ltw
~~C~I~~~:~ tOWIId policc-t}"pt
~~~:~~;:6 ~1~::7~~EE~
~~~:e":~:,~!! ~"{ f:.fa~~!J~~~
a;;k~: I
M in
Colley, direct01 11
Schmeedd e, and otheu ~«m to
favor t his position. It is aho
intereslin& to note that onlyt"O
haUscurTenlly h:lvc keysJnd
have issued the m to tllar
The prcKnt $)'Item crtattl
anll uute1 d islike of
S~eemmJ]y usckll lulesandshoulol
bcre·IS.Ned .
Why do sophamo1u nud
hours durin1 !hc "'"«k? llo'hv
should freshmen h:l~e to beln
by I I p.m. dllrlnathe "'tek. n
p.m. on Sunday and •I p.m. on
Ont: ttudent usislant fron• Fridays ltldSalurdays?
Why 1101 abolish "'"Omtn's
Schmc:ecklc.put itth.i.sway: "Wc
kno w thcrulesarcbcinlbrakcn. hounentircly?
Senator Speaks-
Health Service Conditions
Are Found "Disgusting"
:Octobef 31, 1968
A Review
Olaeta Basque Festival
Impressed Audience
Co mpikd by Mlb Dominowall;i
Do yov fHi tluot the Polntu 's
non~ndoueltlfn t of
ctndid.atetl\l ar.trpOU~y? Whomdoyou tndouc? Why!
prcJidcnl i&l
non-en·d orsement is fair policy .. .- '
To m Mabbou . 20, junior , fro m Mll•·t ukcc . ITIIjorinJ in ..i ldlifc
he;~,~'."\'te~ :oo;"B~i!
mT~~::'~!·n~!!~~~t~r'~ ~~~Si~~ntitl ctndida te by tilt Poinler it: .
Sovvcnlr pro a raml
her e!. . . BaSque lOuvenira!"
Some tot PIOJI'Imlllldolllrl
t lu'ow and ot hcn 101 pink dips
f o r t blo lu tcly nolhinJ .
Fortunalely. thelastelcssnccssof
fai r pOlicy. beCiuloC the Poinlcr's slaff only re prest nl$ a sma ll
:~cccn.':jid~[.,~~~!u~~~!,~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~/:~~~ot~Jn!<;'~pa~~
cltclion,tnd int hisway,eouldcndorselhestudents'choiccof
nndidlleswhichwou ld belfa ir.
I mysdf would nol cndoue any of tilt present can.d! datu. ~l y
fintrea'On for 11111 .... utd be th.:ltthc two po .. crfulpotihcalparuu
rolcked the ttndida tHtnd did not pick the mosl popular ones such
n Si:nator McCa11hy and Governor Rod:efd~r. Anotllt r popu lu
undidate was Kennedy, tnd lit wasshol. So thi ~ka~sus wrlh Vkc
Prni<k11 t ll umptuey,achi p off theokl block; Noxon. the bornlos..· r.
and thcr~ is always Walbec and LeMay. WtlLite. Wints to hue the
~;:~ a0 r:::.,cc:.,;::~"w~ ~~ h';:~~~~n t s tO wipr Nollh V~c t nam off
I don't think our presen t prob lems ean be $O ivrd "'llh any of
llw:$C eandiobtn. lt will be lntctc"sliflito 5eew hois~lec t cd~nd how
l 11thandlcsoutfOldSn md domuticproblcm~.
: ~ 1oPb~:: n,t~UZt~vc~~~
Lectures pttrons c:ome to
The 8a1que Ft"iva l of Bilhao
p rue nttd 1 pudy, vibranl
of folk longs and
a proud people who
hav e b ee n unfue d by
nationalityor ..·o rldevcnts for
hundred s of cen turies. A s a
cu lt ural uposurc, the tontcrt
Ln t Friday nigh t in the
fieklhoUKWISfint .
~~ek: ~;tion
dan~cs of
'. . . policy is d.efinitely fa ir . . .'
JO)' Karlson , 20,jun ior. from Ripo n , majCMinJinar l. 21J4Ciark
OON CRAW FORD wos feotu<ed la $1 wee k in the
Gr idiron as part of the UA8 Coffeehouse Enterloin·
ment Bog. A <&view of Crawford's oppearonce Is
on page 3. (Photo by Bob O~rasinski )
l'omtds non..:ndono:mej t policy it de finitely fai r. A
no,.spa!)<'r's nr~in I'OiiC)' ~ hou ld b<' IO f't<'sc:n t to the r.c~cr •.n
unbtaiOCd sununuy of t lw: ·ne"· ~. C ~ l"'daU)' m thc area ?f pOii h c;s. tt lS
a nt"''l'll"'l "·hieh mo~!l)' influ~ n ccs a •·o tcr's elloree and tf th..:l t
nc•.-sroaprr puts forth '""Judicc:do~inlons.thc:n the vottrrc~llydoci
not h.J•·c ~ ck~ r Vl~W of !hi: candtdatcs
As to "'hom 1 cndo rx- ~ "· cU. l,' n• JUS! Klrd I don't .h nc to vote
Chemistry Department
Receives Endorsement
~~:~~ c~~==n ~:r ",.~:· ~~·.'o l~~~n w~~~~a ~~~~t.'o3'r frf,'~~7;
ll uruptuey,
t hcrc·s~l ..· ~ rs
\ third • r rnat ivc : Rose mal)' s lbby.
!~~n~ig.~~7;~f:~~~i ~~~.
d ~: m on~ trations
inur umenll
o f 8.11que
dan~;eswcrcallrepre5ented .
Th e dandna that wu
prc$C'ntcd required a greatdnl
of prowcss,coordination,tnersy
and stamina and I was ~Illy
imprn§<'d and yt\ i1 did not
s-tem to differ much from man)'
olhcrEu ropca n folk syles. l wn
i!l'e~ t ly
impressed with some
indi vid ual pc rformancts,
The Buqu c Fcstinl
pcrformc11 had to d.lnec on a
noisy tnd shtkcy sta,e that
rulncdonccofthe showstoppcrs
of their n:pe toi rc. The dante
caLle d for intricate dandngovcr
1 ~mall Jla$$ of wine and the
sh.akcyst~&eupsct the tlminsof
tl'M: pcrformcn. Not only th e
stage ,but thestecpand Jhakey
llcps nused probkms that
promp lcd a number of
rocrformcn to take the shor t
rou tcandleapoffthctltSfon to
thenoor .
A further problem was the
need for manycostumtchantcs.
lf thcBasqucshadb.:cn»·orking
on a re&ular SIIJe,thcdunscs
co uld ha•·e been made in t he
win1s. But helt I he troupe had
to ru sb "r0Sii lhefieldhou5eand
down into the b.15ement. Th~>·
also hid many props and special
dfcc ts thallhey used in th ei r
routine's. DurinK every numbi.'T
\hal did not involv~ the entire
company. the presence of the
as they stood 1n pllin virw and
prepucd for lhcirnex l number,
I wou ld suunt that if
anot her Jueh 1\'0llp performs
he re, thlf Cohan place them in
lhc auditorium,orulo:nttry to
loC I up some type of portablr
cu rt ain system.
Since: I h.:lvc used a major
sectiOn of this reYil:w for
cr it ici~ins Up<" cts of lilt Arts
andlcclurcs se riesthatdonot
pertain to the performance, I
woukllihtoai r oncmortyipe.
At e\'Cf)' prOjtlam lilt mu"e
dcp~rtment Ius Oil<' of their
tca che rs handiniOUiattcndan cc
slips like we all used to cct
passes to&o to thrbathroomin
SuniorllighSchoo L.
Forced culture. it ~ttms to
m~. ts repulsi•·e . It may b...
lmpossibk to trust junior hrgh
~ hoo L s(ude ntstodowh.atthey
··auahtcr", l»o t must the. same
tactics be use d o n roLk'&r
Debaters Compete
In Stiif Competition
no on e man is
dynam ic enough . . .'
Su mmt~ r ochoo i MMiono were
Ncunln i 90S durinl P ~oident
Sirm'ad minillratldn.
The Ute Dr. Arnold Cnrll.
nationaLly known foriWworkin
" Where Something'• Alwoys Co oltlnt "
;!o~=· :~~~~i~i:o r~i!~f"':
- -,
Feoturln; Thll Wnk
Milll &rlllit M•yA\ienhn dtd
th e ll o m e· !Eco n om ic.'
Depart rMnt for 39 yun unit\
19 ~2 .
Nut WMir -
Brats and Steaks
Special Offer
Home Cooking
5:30· ~ - ~~ A.M.
.bd All Day S\ltldQ'
V:Neck Long Sleeve
100% Virgin I.ambs Wool
Re~:~-00 $7.88
344-9557 .
'home of the
l/2 Po~der
7 to 8 oz. ·of Taniaiizing Beef Served
on Hot Italian Bread ·
Reg. 12.00
Now $3.88
... .
October 3 1, 1968
Placement Opportunities
Peace Vrgil Notes
Second . Anniversary
Thund.oy 0£1 ll, 9 a.m. to 4 p .m.,
C5nnc•;:Usnl Mull!•' 1'ft.
~'mfin~Jnn~ ~Pth'gen!kot1~ctc:-~i~n~:::~~~~:.ultt
o.f£?\e.n~'Wid ~ !~~~u!:,~i:ic~k~e:n·E~~~:;::n.'l;~
andother studcntsintcrestedlnc.recropportuniuesn• tcchntell
and bioloay about
Jim Laabs Music
928_Moln St.
Open Tues. & ftl. til 9 p.m.--<>th.r doys ti1 5 P·!"o
a..-r.v:~_ MuMcolllmn,t
We· Yeu
Witlt •
Wednesday, Thuroday and Friday
OcL 30,.31, and Nov. 1
Reg. 4Se'
l'hilco Portable T.V.~s and
St~reos oniy f7.00·month
. ..~
Collegiate f?Jotes
By l.ynn LaBrot
Roach tlaU hel!l dcctions for
hall rouneil. The followln&
memben ,.·e~ chosen: I North,
Gror, ia Jcrlinp; I Et$1, Sue
Riekert; I South,GaU Storm; 2
Nouh, Shlrlty Greene; 2 Eul,
Ei'"n Birkinbine; 2 South , Sue
Gum; J North, Jetn LlfliloU; 3
Eut, Mary Dictder; 3 South,
Karl~ Pftiffu; 4 No rth, Vicki
Ucy ; 4 East, Nancy Schulu ,
an!1 4 South.lindt Wirtke l.
The men o f l"ray..Sims are
walt ln, f or a new rolor
telerilion ! Of t he batcmcnt
loun&e. Tbe old tcln"il.ion ttl
will be UIICd in t he blue room in
t he baiemcnt for resldenlland
In llltnmural fOO(WIJ, I
North beat Pny 2 Eut, Smith J
North and Knut zen • East fOf
the d01m championship. They
then 1011 to t he fraternity
chi n~ps. Phi Si&ma Eplilon.
On Friday tnd Saturday, (Xt.
2 S and 26, a slave auetio n wu
held with llycr !!aU. Tbe auetion
was held o n Friday, with the
•laves work in1 for their
"mutcn"on SaturdaymorniiiJI.
Asa ruultolalon,dcbatc at
the lui h.all ooundlmcetins. t hc
visitation houn forthcllallwill
be as foU.oWJ: Friday. Saturday
and Sunday • I I a.m. till ·
The AWS reprC$Cnl t tiwc i1
Sue Grun with Sue llolzbaucr
repnsentina R011ch on RIIC tnd
Aud rey Jo hnson on Student
Co u ncil offi~n are u
follows: prcsident, Ctndy Medd;
vi~·Jilt$ident . KayChsistianson ;
secretary, Bonnie Buborich;
truwrer. Donna Jones; social
chlirmtn, Muy I'll LaViolette,
and rrovam ch.a irman. Ja n
of 1969 will brifll
new Fed e ral tr ainin 1
orport unities f01 science and
t ngiiiCetingoollelestudcnts. t he
U.S. Civil Service Commission
has announced.
Qualified stude nts may
o;-ompctc to bot Train«-S in a
s r ecia J vacation work-study
rroaram kadin& directly 10
rrofuaional Fcrkr:alcarffrs ln
E"'incerina. PhyJical Scicne~:s.
and M"hernatical S<icnr:cs. 'The
Trainee o pc:nin&s. a/mo$1 all of
which are in the metropOlitan
WuhlnJ!on, D.C. area, and
about half of which are in
various cngin«rin& fiddl. arc
limited in number. Cumt'(tition
for t hcmisupc:ctedtobckeen.
A written test is required.
s.choIars h"1p
Schmnd;k was rcprrsc:ntcd in
aU o f l hehomccomin&piiK'S.
t he
"'" ......... """""· Jill
Billnbllch and her Schmtccklc
Sacks ll.lvr won only t wo of
~~~r:~;::~r"~-11 pmes inc~~e
~:: ..~::·~..,~~~!rrd~''.""
Upon Bjork
Anyone wilhin& to purcllase
Schmeeckk fOO(Wil j("neys •~
utcd t o i nqu"ire al the
duk-anytime. TMrc 1re 1 few
lu acr sites auilabk in J(lkl.
.P hili p R. Bjork . WSU
asmtant profelliOI of~o,nphy btcn o;-onfc~d SIOO for
$ e h olanhip a nd researc h
acltincmrnt in t hr field o f
ldcu .a nd plans fat a~
Vcncnntt NiJht apinUall of
A COMMinEE TO IMI'ROV~ unive rsily·communily
relations h os been slorted which includes' from left
to right: Richard McKa ig , len Sippel, Dan Houlihan,
Richard Sondal, Dave Ga lecke, Mn. Ro!"l Ha"het,
Students at Colorado Sutc Untn-nity whu rccenll)' organrud a
beer dcmonstr~tlon in tile Jtudcnt c~ntcr ~re no"" rlanning K mrnars
and mass canva$$in1 to convma studenu ro vote in b~or of S~elhn&
IKer on campus. This is in l ilt event t he un,.·enity refu5n to allo"·
the students to ha~• bote! . Aprro~ im~rdy 1500 st udents .... ,.,
Poul Broun. Pastor Ve rn Holto n. Mrs Alber! Hor~is,
lelq_nd Vicker~tofl, Richard loRoc:he, Becky Blahnik,
Chrismory Durmk k. Me l Ko rg, Sherman Sword ond
Normon Meshok. !Photo by Mike DaminowslciJ
planning todcfystat c la wsbybnngingtOCrrown~tronnm p us.
Colorado Daily
Univn>'il y ofColorl do·Bouldn
Northern I!Hnots Uni.-tnU) lla~ changed tiS re1ul~ tioM
conttmirtgstudent wotk houa Thenumber of hourSa5tudent rna}
" "Ofk on ca mpus has been mcrcnl·d from 10 to JO houu t'(r " eel
with the stlpulat ion of an mt•·Ntcw in tht st udent emplo)·mcnt
o ffice.
Thcr>ort hernStu
Northern Ulino~ Uni~erJit)'·DdCalb
Co·chirmcn f01 Nnk's
cultural .committee h.a~e bote n
chosc:n. Betty Johnson ~nd Sally
Zapotoetny will arra"'c cultural
activitinforthe hall, includiflla
female plus progam.
The Snn k Shack is "opcn to
Nc.alc residents frp m 8 p.m. to
12 p.m. on Tuesday, and 9p.m.
to I a.m.on Thur!dr.y. Worken
The- he<;tic fescivit ies of fort hcshukarebktn from t he
bo mcoominc w«k have ended wings, onoc rcspensibk for a
and Schmndr;lc HaU cUll have niJht.
Nea le lias four W.R.A.
wulfil down to SOIM serious
Slu dy i nc . The dorm's volley~•ms. The llustlen
.~ster Eikimos I
ho nwoomina float QOnmuct ion are 0 u
rt n Ncltics l and 0
wuhandkd under t he direction and I .
c ·n1J2 and0:
of Jcn BoNed t nd Mary andN
Neak"1 representatives for
lbkkcr. Cheri Zimmt'rman and
hfr sin&int: marvels put the first Dc:bot are Karen Romell and
trophyin t he trophycasc: by Mary Mo llett.
A rommillce on the Liben l Art deJP'CU a t WS U·I'>'hltcwater lias
wbmitted a propoul "hiell would rnabk each student to
"'relponsibility share in the u ra,cn•cnt of llts own program of
stud y." Under the rcvil.ed pl.lo n, a itudcnt "ould bc: ahk: to procra m
hlsstudy to hiJown pcrsan•lnccds.
Royal l'wplc
The Roach llaU nc .."5pat'(r
will bot comirtaout soonwithlts
newcditor, BcvGcoriC.
We are also sporuorinl a
contcstfor the botlllb&idn fOf
Roa(h llaU with the prize beina
SS. Upon itlo romrlction tile
winni~ fl.,; will be flown in
frontof t hehlllfortwer.
p ltcin&
WSU-Oshkosh Student Body l'ltiident. Dnid Frank, recently
made an unprecedented move in the history of student , o,·ernmcnll
when he diswl~ed tlle St\Mient Go~crnment Le,islature because the
J)'Stem of ~presr:ntation ...., not a rcspon$lblc one. Frank al$0
erit.icUcd the SG L because it did naf consult students and the
students had no cont rol o~•r tlle constitution.
Ch.hkosh Adunce·Ti"n
Studcnu at the Unh·crwt)" of tow~ un 1-tap couue s tn ltbcr~l arts
required for cr:adlloiltion lly rnsrng an c.,~ru on tile matcm b in t he
rourKI. IIiJhs.:or in&$1 udcntsma)" l isortcciwcr<'d n• u,.·cll
The UWM Pou
Uninn it)' of l'l"ismMin·Mih•-.ukte
The writt~n tn t for summer
1969 Kil'nc:r ~nd cnjl.intcrinll
Trainees will be l iven t wke.
Candida!~ who arply by O.:c.
3 1, 1968, ...m be tested on Feb.
I . 1969. TboK ""hO lt't'l)' by
Feb. 28, 1969, ..·ill bot te:sted on
Mar. 19, 1969.
All qualified 1pplicanu ...ill
receive eonsidcrat i on for
wit hout rccard to
cr...'t'd, oolor, k~ or
n~t ional origin.
A a rour of male $luf.lcnu at WSU·I'bHn•llc. RichJ~nd ('~mru~.
hu e orpniud 1 dub known u "The G~rl W~tchcrs Anonymous··
Its members. namn ~1e kept •ecrct. announe<: tile '"'
wnchcrs' Jirl of the wel·k in the sc:hoot nc .. sp~pt:r The n nf.liohtc~
11c chosen by thcu IPI'C'al"lne<: ~nd counny to.. ard 1 h~ "'cmlwf)Of
Compk'tc details are &i•en in
Annou ne\:ntent No. 'WAP- 8 18.
I t ml)" be obtaincd from
Jntcia&ency Boards of U.S. ( ·n-il
ScrviceEumincrs in manyJarae
cities, from l'oll OHic:rsua r t
in cities where l nter:q.:cncy
~rds are kxatcd . Of from th~
Felkr:al Job l nformation Cent•·r.
U.S. Civil ScrYitt CommWion.
1900 E. St. N.W.. Wa$hington.
D.C., l04 1S.
th~ Girt W~tchcn ('l~o~b.
WSU·I'IatiHillr . RichlllKI Ctn>t•ul
Bjork rc«ntly compktcd
work for a Ph.D. dcpu In
aeoloay at t ht Univenity of
Michi11n--Ann Arbor where
the Er mine co..·lu Cue st11dent
Activities Of
ThorNs Berghuis
Jud1cs eited lljork'• work on
his dodoral di:~MIIarion, " The
Carni•ora or the lhrcrnUIO
Local Fauna (Lite Pliocene) o f
Sout hwcstcrn ldahu.:·
Ft. Belvoir. Va.- Thomas G.
;;:~aut~' ~~:'~UK!~~~~n~1 .Po~:!.
,raduated ftorn the United
States Ar my EnJineer Off!c:rr
Ca nd idat e School at fo rt
Belvoir, Vifllnia, and has been
co mmiuioned a se co nd
lic~o~tcnant in tile Corps o f
En1inccn .
T he 23 -week COIIrtC is
dul&ncd to provide the _u .s.
Army wit h qualified cnpneer
r,.~~:~s ~::~~~~Ti~e ~::.~~~~~
an d technica l cquip":~ cnt,
topoiJiphy, and military sc:tencc
and enaineerin&.
in ~At:bc!~e:.:,e~i:;~d):c~e t~ :~
meet ina. All WSU Vets that ha>"e
1/K mon t hl o f consecut iv~
millllry k rYi« arc welcome.
local AWS
Will AHend
States Day
tearn To Play Your
Mem~n o f o ur loa! A.W.S.
Ofllnlullon wiLl be altcndlnJ
t he anni.Llll Asweiated Woi!K'n
Studcnu s u as
.Max V. Kopch;nski
Emphuls h ,t"f'en t o WSU- Whitewatcr on S.turday,
dcv c l op in' le a deuhlp Nov. 2. The t~mc of t he day
upabilltin and increuln& will be " Mnsure Up to
r hyUcal profk:icncy.
MtlW"ity." All A.W.S. d11piCI1I
in Wiseoflsintrr bcina u~~ to
attend. OdcptP wiU s.pcnd ltme
In d in uulon 1roups an!!
liltellin, tospnkcn.
Cklltor, lanlo, Plcano,
y.., Noft!t' tt.
~~: ~f:rn!d ~~t~~~s~~~:
Afftin Off ice by Oct. JO. Thote
toflsl £1u Ll~~e. I~ A.W.S.
be tecompiiiYinll~ lifb.
A.W.S. b lpOIISOfilll ~~d's
hilUI! to bl!
tftt-- 7
. ~
[)ayennu. ...
tl\tb ~:rr
:=: : lantern
; ·
Qmgra=-~.!r'" ~
. ICPrizes-
to Cilll hl!r
long dlstimm,
DCJCJ!QJ/mfi na llil~
Joy' .
·· - - Ill! .
51 FREE Pizza• ~d Cokes Awanledll
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* ..
Look. lttotlljustapittance. But m..,beth•doean't
know. So go ahead and be • big hwo. Give'* a
ring· • ·d ing tonight. lt'1tll• ne..t best thing to~
Wosconsin Telephone Co~~~p~ny
~,.,., ... .......,.w._.
T.... chNper all day S,.nday. . No need now to - i t until 8.
.... 6
October 31, 1968
Theta Phi Alpha Goes National
Psi Delta Psi local
Joins National Sorority
An .. independent .orority o n
umpus, formerly known as Psi
Delta l'lli, was fornuUy reccind
into aUiliation with Tbe:ll Phi
Alpluo national 101ority on
T he fest ivities for the
Installation bt&ln o n Friday
evenin& when IOC:.II memben o f
the Theta Phi Alpha Colony met
with Mary Lou Con111d, d.lredOJ
of probatiOl'lll)' chapten; Mn..
Rose' Eve r10n, difector of
extensions and past president,
and Mn. Betsy Kun, fr1ternity
ed ucation chairman.
This meetln&wUa'linformll
workshop which 1djoumed and
then me t qain on S.twday
~~in1 b~ 1 ~~~~~~ii!~!i
After the wfrkshop, memben
of the colony met with vuious
cluopler membcn from other
achools and vujo.ul IOiotily
orricen, includin & Jean
Yoxpian, 2nd vioe-prnldentand
province &OnrllOI' ; Mn.. Eaher
Martin, ritual cluoirman; Mrs.
Laun O'Brie n, founde u '
foundation chairman: Mn. Huel
::;: 1
Adelaide Etridt, board of
At l;JO p. m. S.turday
dte rnoon the ehuter was
p r e 1 e nted to Cynthia
StcUmacher, president of Theta
Phi Alpha . FoUowin& the
ln.uUation 11anewcblpter,the
initiation oeremonywuheld. At
this time uch&Jrlrecei¥ed her
Nd&e oC'Tbeta Phi Alpluo and
&ifls were pretented to the
Alpha Thcu chapter 11
WSU- Stewena Point bad btcomc
thcnineteenth actiYccblpterof
Theta Phi's
Have Had
Long History ·
~~· of~u~~or:.f
THE HOTEL WHrTING was the scene of a banquet
for the local membe15 and notional officerl of nt.ta
Phi Alpho sorority. (Photo by Bob Okrosin skil
Hustle Dances
will· Begin
This Weekend
Alpha Phi
This Sllurday and Sundlly
evcninl;s In the Allen Center,
Residence lbU Coundl will hold
~"~f::~~~~ir~n~ ~~~~
Alpha Phi
The IIJ!cnof A.lpluo Phi held
initiation lu:tSundayfortwenty
pled&es. The new ~k:d,e1 are
BOnnie Barborieh, Wtll: A.Uls;
Gayle Cumody , Wut A.Ws;
Ann DollllaA, Oconomowoc;
Sue Foncth, Waupaea ; Karen
Kon, Stevens Point; Pcgy
Lelah, Pitln'ille; Gcn1 Neyer,
Mad iso n ; L ind a Miller,
Plymouth; Eileen Potocnik,
Pllli Jo Pden, Neenah;
Karen RM'I'UJ, Mt. Prosped,
lllinois; Jann Rin&er, Green Bay;
Barb Rudolph, Green Bay; Sue
S chroeder, hhdbon ; Jill
Slambk:e , Luck: Pat Sleehta,
Chlcaco, IUnois; Cindy VanEs,
Milwauk ee; Sue Weslpl hl,
Bonduel: and Rose Zetuen,
The Alpha Phi pledses t nd
plcdiiC tn iner from Oshkosh
visited here last Stturday. They
joined thcchapter lllendin&the
O$hkosh-Stcnns Point football
of lite danccs is to find out
which men's lll'ld wo me n'• hall$
The brothrrs of Alpha Phi
llt!the bnt hustlen.
Omep han clo5ed the book
On S.rurd~y mornln&, hustle uchanse for another 5emester.
to~tens will be' placed in ncry It will open a&atn the first part
female mailbo)t and will be ofnrxtKmester
'l'alkiated by RIIC at the dllnoe..
This semester the chapter has
The ·&lrl Is then to keep her -tlun new pledac•. They are:
token until she is hustled and Dennis Powell, Bob Iiams, and
relinquish It on ly lfttr she has Jim Vclke, 111 junion. Saturday
been taken back to herhaUby a the pled~s lll'ld ~ct ives are
male. Each fe nrale token will plannanJ a yardcleanan&projcet.
hue a number represcntin&thc
lull on it andthus the most easy
outlook) hall will also recc\Ye
rec:osnition. On Sunday ni&ht·
The Si& Pi'• pn:5enlly h1we
t he procc:du~ will be reve111Cd nine
pltdJn. They arc :
and &ifb will have to hulllc the president , Oak: Tetzloff; 'l'ioe
IUYJ. It is hoped that tltewomen president, Ray Lull ; Ken:tary,
of our campus are acgrnsive Bruce R[,cmer; t reasurer, Ray
enouahto hustle tbe&uys,butit llutchinson; Don Tepleslr;y, Ken
ls permlu ed for the men to do Knoll, Mike llol'beflCr, LIIIT)'
Wolden•ndDIIv·e wetv.
The Nnd for both niahts will
A puty was held Saturday
be the popular "Jcsten 3" who with the Sla PI " Little Sisters."
llC from LaCrosse and hawe
Ma ny brothers !rom the
.ehaptualso lltended.
:~~~ :,;~~~~~:e~u~ 1 ~~ Oshkosh
The brotben luon 1 new
trophM:swiUbcJ[Ycntothe halll
Mr. Bob Buach , program
tluot are the best huulers. The adrisot
winnenwlll bean.nounccdatthc d irector for the Uniwerslty
RHC mectina fo Uowin1 the Center.
danoes. There will be trsvclin&
Sigilli Pi
Mas. DELAMEI, national presid ent of
Thelo Phi Alpho sorority, preseoled Ike
chorter to Cindy Stellmocher, p resid eot
ByDue Builon .
of the oewly lnllloted chopter.
by Bob Okroslnski)
~~~~:~~~~n f:~d ~;·~~ate:~~:
wins it three tlmu wili iiCI to
keep it. The oost of cuh nJahts
The field 1eneral of thit
y•ar's Polntcn is quarterback
Bob ~11in .. A. 6'1", 216 lb.. junior
from Ktukauna .. Main stlledthe
material a.nd the opportunities
han bun there, but mistakes
ha v e h urt the Pointcn
He added 1 h it a n
inexper[,cno;cd o ffensive line
frequentlyplqutd his unitbut
abo commented the line wu
t:Omin& lnto lrsownafrerpinin&
theea pericnec.
Rick P..mug
Ath&etk:l many times p_lly an
important role in the roundin&
Thela Phi Alpha
- .,~ 'wswu"c:eds
a\lcnd.ed chwch tose ther . on
Sunday, Oct. 20 II Trinity
ICe~~~~ =p~di~IWCd
UW aooup
on 1 atour
o f t he•
The nut
1 IP'netal
buslnus meetirl& wu held Ind .
then ume opc:n dlsculllona
re l ll l n& to consumer
competence, tucb u con~~WnCr, 'COI\lllmerProtecliOl'land
~ ;·t::l
' " """
1 &re•i
nquirin:a mudl man catra wo
to ..Uio him to not only
co111pete oa tbe fkld but to
ecljutto hls~ae career..
- llltblc.runfromto~.~tbor
tbe bordu I~ tbe Pollltersls
. 219 tb, BobVIltlk ffOlll Cicero,
-III.. A.uneru.atUaknMiriJury
A. 1111!11be( of
aDd a wcU
~ercar.e bewl~~a~
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Slat\P~~'! 1"'~--...- - - ·
&Dina to Oshkosh few 1 rounden
" "· .. Th•
ennt willbe foUo-dby a SI&
,,, ttl•b~·~' "
49.94 ........
Lost in either the Yieinity of
1901 Collc&e Avcnu.e, Oaford
Apartments or IS \3 Division
Street, a pW o( bladr:·rimmed
men's alaJscL If found , contact
Tom, 344-9703. Reward .
for 20 hours of work
Write Box 587
St8Yens Point. Wis.
T e n WSU repre$entatiYes
Ulended the unual f&U
workshop of the WisconWI
Home Economics Associ.IIIOl'l l l
the Uniwcnily of Wisconsin tl
M~dbon, Oct, 18 lll'ld 19 .
Bub Voeb, Mulanne
Wuzke, Vlr&inia Witkowski,
A&nu Wy.,.,Jalowlld, Ywonne
Stonct, frlll'l McGibbon, Kay
HiUery, SUSin Krud, Jeaneue
Khooll involved. That ennin&
t he Polnten. A frelllman 1
Palmlll play1 the ddtnsiYO
. tac kle pot;itlon for Ste¥en.i
· Point .
Qualilyifl& with acec:pllbl
I Of~~
Delia Zeta
"fresh As A
Attend UW
;~u~m=:: ~~ ~:i~t~hof
Alpha ·Sigma Alpha
Tbc listen oC Alpha Sla;ma
Alpluo and thebrothellofSiama
Ta u Gamma a\lended the
O$hkosh.Point' p mc toaetheron
S.twd•y. lwrson Park wn thc
acene o f 1 "Spook Party" later
thlt ewflin&.
TWe!¥e women were initiated
as pleda;es o( thc' Gamml Bell
Chllptcr on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Tiley are: Carol Adamcuk,
SharonBedon, Kay Cttristcnsc:n,
Pat Gt nnon , Judy Hardif11, Sue
Holt:r.bauer, Nincy Martens,
Carol Rupiper, Kril RusscU,
Ilene Schoenbeck, Mary Ellen
Will and VMan Zilllow.
. Workshop
Bob Main
The Teku finished the
intramural ~~euon by wlnnin&
t he tlllthtee p'mes&ivin&the m
afourand.tlvecpmerecord .
The listen or Delta Zcll luod
In ot her lntnmut1ls they a formal rush putyatthehomc
holdathnieandoncreeord ln of Mary Kiedrowski on Oct. 18,
horseshoes andaticforfirst followed by 1 second informal
plaec in ctoa country, with ruth party 11 1901 Collc&e
Tete Jo hn Clifford llkinaaflnt A'1Cnueon 0c:t. :!2.
i n th e indiY id u ah. A
The USWII Tuc5day mc:etina
plcd&e...dive footbaU pme wu wu held on Wf'dnestlay, Oce. 23,
and a founders dty cclebntion
A wccc:aful paper drive was was also held that ennin&..
held in Wisconsin Rapids Sat .. Founders day was cek b11ted on
Oct.. 24 lnd t he DZ's followed
~e ~!·R~rd~~~: ~~:~,d~~~tter tradition
by wnrin&a pinl: rox,
their (olonlndpinL
con't:fc ~~i:•~~ ~~heea~~
A t the mectin1 it wu
Lantern wllh Teku John
Clifford and Phil KaUil ealina :~":h,~~~! :::~ ~~~~n:l~;;d
for Ttu Kappa Eplilon.
1966 Teke Sw"rhurt, is the
ncw collet;echapterd.ircetor.
PreK ntly, the failplcd&c cWr;
co n s isu o f : Pat F111ley,
S eym o u r ; Ginny Gerli ch ,
The brothen of Siam~ Phi Ap p leton; E llen Goddard,
Epsilon from Oshkosh and Bcner; Ann llartw;, , Kauhun:r.:
Stevens Point .. had a party with Kathie Juna, Milwaukee: Laurie
t he &iris of WatiOn and Roach Le.ithcrbury , Ktukauna ; Dtme
hall II the f~nt Sit Ep-dorm .'.leshal: .. Stncns Point : D~ne
party ..
Ninneman. Green Lake: Karen
The party was held 11 Ashley Ral~igh, Verona; and Caro le
Bar from 8 p.m. to ' I a .m. Samp10n, Sheboypn.
Zeta Chi chapter perfo rmed
Ente!lainment was nrov\ded its ann~YI service project for
b the ''Outcasts" of WluAu. Port~ac CountyonTu.esd.ay. The
. L. Btandt o f the Geoaraphy l:istcnspcnt thecvcnin&Kndina
department was chaperone.
o ut and st uffi111 Tuberculoli$
Sa turday, · the brot hns Chtist•n•s Sui envelope's to
att e n ded the Point.O.hkr»h .PonageCounty resident•.
11me. After thepme, the
Stocking Cape
tic ..
At ...ulor Prlc. fvMJ D-r of tiM Y..t
,.,...._., a - d ond ,......
257 Dlvld... Sftwt
for T~•
r,,ll lima cmd.
l"ll.ln lima lor you..
d~tir>go are blonomlnglnlo
€. ,fa.!' .~
....... 1
lhlngcn lreohondeldfOOfdlnory
oo iM IMiinsJ ol b.l~~.d.
ANIAOrOfllrdoe• Ora~61onoro
;..crroniM liMo...alueol yourdlo...,nd
lo..--,rheygA>a..-o Giatimaol
ltM pro!.oolono\cleofl.lng ond MMclng,
ondoyeo•"t guoroniM ogolrw lo..,
lhefr or dOIWIOge.
Tha "lyrio;.~ - ~~l moroy a>:ei!Wig
-de"s!no, dellco~lruodl..:l ln Jet( gold.
. Wedd.if>gring
October 31, 1968
Page 7
Titans Edge rpinters In Final Quarter, 25 20
Touchdown Stops ·
Pointer Rally
Harriers Prepare
For WSUC Meet
By John Blenema n
On S.tutday, Nov. 2, the
Pointer Coach Bob Bowen will
true\ to La CJosse for the
conferrncc cr0111 co unt ry 'meet.
Coach Bowen feels tha t
LaCJoao!wiUJiveOshkosharca l
1ood run for the ~ hampionship.
Oshkosh has won it foe the !an
t wo yean.
Bowen that Whitewater.
PLU tevillcandPoin twill banlei t
o ut for third pbee on the basis
o f dual meetsrun r.
Odendina clUmpion, Tom
Hoffman of Whi tewater will bl:
back rotry towin theindi¥idual
\\:SU - Stevens PoUlt apln
pla)·ed one IUlf of bad footN\1
and one nccllen t 1\atr, but
bo .,;ed to conference leadin&
Oshkosh Sta te in a hy WSUC
pnle lut Sa turday at Goe rke
up a fUll down a t the 2S
Albu t i picked up anothe~
moments ~tcr at the 12
Fullback Brian Bur bty aot dow~
to the four and on the next pity
Cu,lo went o ff ti,.tlt tack le to
score from four yards 0<11.
Oshkosh started off u tOOuah ~: 1j'{ ~~,~~:d w.:!s ~~~!~!}~~
~'::Y ~~~~ b;o J;,'b~i~:e1 ~8~ ~~f wi th just I :08 left in the
h.:llfti- kad, but the Pointers
:ijormed b.Jck wi th three second
The lud seeme d ufc
h.:llf scoru to take 1~ kid ' cOIIsidctin& the way the Titans
bdorc tile Titans' Ro n Cudo
hid smothe~d thr Pointer
scored fourth touchdown
o ffense In the o~nlna half, but
th•: pme on a bnutifully ICVCf'll i changes in the offe nsive
~uC\IIC\1 72-yanl run to clinch lineup ~med to spark the
th•· p me forOs.hkosh.
Poinun. Mi ck Weyenbtf¥
replaced ~llln at qu artctback
The , ,..:u the: Titans fifth and John Freiman rt tumcd fron1
in ru nfercnccplaywithoutaloa aninjurytohisfu ll backs(l()t.
and shth in sa·t n ou tinas
The Poin ters took the urund
o•·rnll. The l'o inters dropped to h3lf kkkoff and marchco.l 60
! ·J·l in the WSUC and 2-S-1
Y3nlS to tlteir r.ut KOre . After
Weyenbcrz pkked up a first
down at the Oshkosh 48. Bob
The Po intrn kicked orr and Rohde ruched the J6 for
hdd thr Titans, forcinaa pu nt ano ther first do ..·n butfumbkli.
b)' Ow i$ht Anderson which Fortunately for Stev~n$ Point,
t arried t o th e Poiot 3S, ernter Ted Simon rc co•·eredand
Mo<M nt s l~tn the Pointen we~ the Poin t cn~r.intd po$SCS.Sion .
in trouble as Bob ~bin fu mbkd
"'hen hi t while anemptlng to
We)·enbcrg eoniie~t~d wi th
p :m . P.~outPuerlingreco•·ef\'d on
lloffman for a first down ~ I the
thrPoin ter l6.
12. Three plays later Grea
Carbon w11 called foe pass
Afur an ofhide pc-nal typve in t rrfen:n~on F'eimanandihe
theTitansar~nt downat the IS,
five . Freiman later went the: last
~~O,. ~k Cl rl Alberti s"·ept his
yard for the touchdown. Pat
r;,.h t endtothcl~fon~ing
McFaul's fiT$l ~kk ,..:uloodbut
kn i>l:krd out of bounds. Catdo the Pointtn WC"te pe-nalized for
sco red t he first o f• his havina too many players on the
fkld and hisscrondattempt wu
wide; lea•ina the $t0rea t 18"in
bvor of Oshkosh with 9:S3 k ft
inthe thirdquarter ,
"'ith 9 :09 left in th~ rust
(IOSiiCssion moments tater by
The Pointe r oHensc "'as recovering a fumble on the
kickoff.but ahotdingpcna lt y
~~pr,~, ~~tl!~da:~!f~t~~st~~ sent
the Pol.rtlers bacl: to
only one f1nt down , ~1\at one :':,i":!:~:. and th.ry ..-e~ unable
aw11d forthe third Jtflll i&htyeu .
Other out i tanding individulls
include Boh h hns o f Oshkosh.
Paul lhk and O. Jc Roe of
Poi nterS who wll1 m~ke the
trip include Paul !bus. Oarr~l
!lawley, Don lte t~el and John
lhh lke , all frn hme n; Wemltll
Krueger a nd Terry Amonson,
b()(h sopho moru.
The $C:venth spot willao to
ei ther Jim !tass or Ch:nlir
Uptha1rovr , de~ ndin& on
whether or. nO( !Ius rc coveu
fro m a pulkdmu.$Cie.
PAT McFA UL 127 1 kicks the ball in o field gool attem pt w hol e Osh kosh linemeo hom left to right: Dove
Tere sins ki 1871, John Jenkins {781. Fronk Orzel (641,
T•m Wen z~l (791 ond Bill Freis (671 rry In dupc~rorion
faccn~ulc-and t he Poin tershad
thirdand aoa l fromthttwo .
I'm afraid the Wisco!Uin Badgcrslosttheir t haneeof theyu rto
win a football pme this $C:Json. Their Jan four pmcs are apin11
four o f the Bl,g Ten 's best teams. The y sure didn't hdp their ch anoc
lastweekwit h l lSyardsln~n!lt!n;
The Titans picked upx¥en l
flr$tdownsfollowina thekickoff
before Bn: ake r n:ruvrn:d 1
Goeckerman fumble 11 the 1\lint
Milwaukee'• Buc:ks 1rr showinaimprove~ nt with ea~ h pme and
I re by fu the but expansion tum ever in my opinion. lmpro•·f rnent
on shootina percentap: once t he $Cason prot~re SSIIs will help. The
main problem_ hat: Men their takin& hurr ied sho ts nthcr !lo an
ut ilizin&thc allotted 24sccond i to sct e ffect Ne pk k5forperccn tagt:
tht conversion and the Pointers
had their flrstludat20.18with
11 :27tdt .
Sccina theu:ason mttk is now t4- 3 inpredict ion. thept: rce nli•Be
IUs risrtn to a more healthy .820. Th l$ week e nd'!p ~s will ha•·e )he
fotlowinafmalsrorcs :
The: Pointers "'Crt unable to
move and punted to the Titln
Don Crawford ·
Straig ht f ' o"' Montreal, Conodo
Mr. Crawford'• Album 11 en
v.w.forco•••• co rd
~~~kc:~'!e~ ':!~'on ~:!i~;,'.~ ~':!Ut~e Jr-~~~~~ou:i~~ ~~
Nei ther tcamthtc:ateneduntil
late in thesecondquarter when
the Titans put tocether their
thi.rd 500rina drlve foUOwina. •
' Bruktrpunt tothePolnte r44 .
~~e~~ £r.'w':~n'b!:':'h~
Clan:nce Wd~howskl with 1
l.idetine pUI for a fin:t down at
The U.S. domination of the Olympics was surt a pleasure to
bellold,espccially since the RuuU ns had domi n.:~ted the l3st gamn.
RUJliU.nathletesdolittk: but train forfour ye:us bcot»·eenOiympies
since "athletic superiority " o f • nllion is sucll a aoo.l propap nd~
item. In slUrp contrut, the American athle tu r e~cive litt le ai d and
thcinninin& proarams ~~ muc~ ~~~t c r.
stopred for no pl.rt , but 3
u cklerwa s dc tedcdcrabbin& his
C':l rd ost unncd thePoin ters
Ute in the period, the apinon thefirslpl.ty. He took a
Laterin thepcriodaftert
handoff arou n~ his r;,.ht end,
Mike Bn:.tker punt was downed Po inters took Andenon's pu nt 101 SCVC'III fU'Ie blocks ~nd
at the Oshkosh 2J, the Titans II their own 4S and drove SS evaded two tacl:krs, brcakina
J.rort . Rohde took a
=~~quickly fm their second
Weyenbtrz pitcl}out that wu in to the~learbythetimchewu
almost in tercepted by 1 Titan ten yard1 past the line o f
Af tn quu t erbaek 11 m linc~m~n and picked up a fir st sc:rimmage. The 72·yanl play
PVII' the Tiuns their winnina
Goeekerman connected with Ji m dow~a tt hc:Oshkosh42 .
so::orc. Steve Ohan kicked the
Saletrlfortfirstdown ll theJ6.
Alber ti pi~ked up two yard s to
F r e iman broke loose point and Oshkosh kad 2S·20
thcJ8 .
mo-nu later and it appca~ d withS :JOkftin thc:contrst.
he would 10 all the WilY but he
Main rcturMd for the ,
found CanJo lost ~ntrol of the ball in
widcopenoverthemiddka t the evading t he last defender. Pointcn Wt clUncc and twice
Pointer -.u:ud Dan Bay was QIRIICclcd wi th frtshlftln end·
~:neu: to~:nr~~~~: J~ alertly pl.lrsui111 thcptayandfeU Blaine Reichelt for· rust downs
field and outran the only two on the loose baD atthcO!hkosh 11 the Po inter 43and t he Tita n
44 . Jin•Schu ltltndtd the thn:at
Poin terdeepddendtrsth.:l tl\ad one-yard line.
by int cr cep tin 1 Ma in'•
any chance to cltch him. The
SCOI'ina play. eoveied 62 yud1.. 1 ll o ffm a n reac h ed the underthrown pa• and rctumina
Richards' kK:k was w;de tpin one-foo t line on the Jut 1111y of it to his ow n 3.9 on the nc• t
but the Titans IUd a 12.(1 lnd
wi th 3:34 ldt in the opc nina
play of the last period. McFaul' s cst:~~pc with their j in .
kic k wu perfect lfnd the Tlt•n•
Lloyd Hoffman fumbled the lead wu shaved to 18-13 with
ensuina kickoff and Fred t 4;S3k:ft lnthepme.
Shippee recoven:d 11 the Point
32 for ,Oshkosh, but the ~inten J FoUOwlna the kickoff, the
when Pete Bio lo pthered In 1
Ca rdotumb leatthc36. j
to bJo,k Mtfour s kick ot Soturdoy·s gome. ldentif~·
able Po inter defenders in<lude from le ft to right: Steve
Hovel 1551 ond Mike Counsell (751. (Photo by Mel
Ano ther half'lood , half-bad foo tball prne resuttcdindtfu tfor
the f'ointen. I' m hopina one o f these Lu t t,.o p mes will rrod uce
thatoverallstronlpmethllhubl:en lacLin&all yu r.
The Pointers' ~~~: cond half surge apinll Oshkos h showed wh at
kind o f football this team is ca pable o f, but inco niisteney has b<:tn
!he problem all ~ur, mostly due to the basically youn g person nel of
the team.
Harriers Win
Triple Dual
Over Weekend
l y lohn Breneman
On Sat urd a y , Od . 26,
Stnen1 Point was host to
Superior and Stp ut in 1 triple
duai CfOSiooun try~et .
The Poi nters took two
victoria, 16-o460¥crSupcrlor
and i S-490ftrStout.Supcrior
defea ted StO<Jt 21·34. The meet
wu 1 warm up for the
oo nfertnce meet to bt held
Saturda y.
Pau.l HaUl was the. indiiidual
winner witb a time of 21:13
over the four-mile oowae. RJ,.ht
behind Haus wu Darryl Hawley
.wiltl 21:1o4.
Don tktu l wu third, Jo hn
Dahlke fourth, Wendell KrniCr
~ntnth and . Clu.rlie Upthqro.c
tent b.
Hot O.ocobte
For Only
· October 31, 1968
Pointers Invade
River Falls Saturday
This is the time of yeu to
your dcu rifle for the romina
xuon. It 's • aood idea to liJht
!n .arillc.IC't'c nltimcs lynr,but
tl llpa rl!cul&rlyimpon ant toltl
it riaht on the money before the
Rrloua huntinatxJW:.
Many thinasct nluop~ntoa
rille o-c r the ro utx of a
year --si&ht• can be jolted out
o r adjustmen t , l{ld the bc'ddina
o f the action and band can be
a ltered by cluonac:s in the
moisture ron te 111 of the llock
and fore end,
Ammu11ition from a different
manufaclurer or of differtnt
spc:clr.eations than Jut ycar'a
ca n shi ft bullet p\&~mcnt
Thertforc.a eouplc of hours
and &couplcofbucl;slpent
invutment. lt miaht Ave you a
diuppaintinJ ,orpossiblytnpc,
ShotJUMcn, too, ~n profit
from a little time on the target
nn,c. In addition to tome
bruU!·up au n ~ndUna pnetiec
on eby ti!Jtlt, WI a &ood idea
topa nnnthcshotcun
PancmtnJ a ahotaun 11 the
cqu!\~lcnt of li&h tlll& 10 a nne
and conSists of ahootlna at a
tarac shee t of
evaluatinl the rtlutuna pattcm
~! s~: h1ok:k!~ i~dt:,c
happens to ail that ~hot after it
leans the cun.
Shot&un handlOidcn 1trivi111
todeV(:Iopp<"rfed l01d1for thcir
JURI inrvillbly find thcmsclvtl
sunoundcd by hund~s or
shcrts or pap<"r, and risk their
e)'~&ht and ~ni ty rou ntlna
thouund softi nyholcs.
wa~:os: 0 hu~n.t~ ...·~~~don~~
factOf)' lo,adcd shell which will
pvc them tht OOt rnul ts, and
pattcrnin& for this purpox is,
luckily , afa\fly limpk mancr.
AU you need Is you r aunand
the bnnds ·of shells you want ro
tcsl ,5evtralsh~llofncwsprin t
(want ad Rcti.ons are finel, 1
brsc pitec of cardboard, a
handfulof thumbllckll, a bltck
fiber tipped martr.lna JIC'n, 1
pencil and nftccn inches of
U thliiUIJ'CII.howsonlyafew
shot holes, or oolllbtsofdumpl
or holuintenpcncd wl thppina
footbi U
~h~~ ~~:C.:~ ~:0-!:s~n~.
E}d~~~f.:r;itt. r~;;h::·~ ·ve~ ~:~:~e:r ::~:~ 2~;~
cmpt)'IPI~I,diK;U!Jthal llr~t
and lhootanot htrwi ththe"me
load at the ame ranac. lryou
C. me time is I :30 p.m.
adanOChtr badpallcm ,chan~•
This year's Falcon tq,..d Is:
much imporvtd over 1111 year'1
tum tluol finished wi th 1 2·7
mark lut xawn, ei&hth in I~
!tilt )'OurJUn and that
each other .
In e.te the flnt pattern t«ms
to thepencilanddnwalOincil
of the allot u poaible. That 30
lnehclrclcls thetffedlvepllriOf
the pauem. Take the markin1
pen and pil~adotonuch&hot
hole in theclrclc,tomalr.cthcm
Thenvls,..llutheliuof the
pmcanimllsyouintend to hunt
&pinal the pattern. (Fo r adlkd
accuracy, prepare rouah
time and Inn: thcir oullinclon
the ,pattcm.)
It willukt at lull J shot to
brin& down 1 woodeoek, 6 for 1
lfOWC, 10 for a phea5ant. 6 for 1
I&IJC squlrtcl and 8 for 1
rononuil .
While it il poaible to kiU
thcx arr.imals with fewer 1hot
than lilted, it il alway& du-e to
luck and cannot be dep<"ndd
upon. Nut, r.u at Ute xoond
nn,e mentioned for the: choke
o f yo~ Jun. Eva luat e
pattern 10 the ume way,
con fe rencc . Aitho~~&hpoSICSiilll
o nly 1 2·S·l mark,lhe 11me II
the Poi nt en, the Faleons have
Jivtn most team1allthey eould
handle. Only last week they led
I Whitewa ter for 1lmost three
~~c:,,~::re::n::~in1 ~~
shlp lntromural football teom ora: seored in front
captoln·monoger C. Johnston, kneeHng from left to
right R. Turnquist, IC. Pete-r1en, D. Hardyk, J. Se!Iar,
J. Hoiby, M. Smallen, standing from left to right T.
Jungkuntz , J. Braunsdtweig,, J. Medhurst, R. De Fouw,
T. Wolkner, B. Taylor, J. S11odtoto, J. Van Thiel, E.
Oonllko, B. McClelland, T. Sarenson, R. Westphol.
!Phota by Dennis Bus h)
over winlcSJSupcrior while they
have loltt oOshkot.h, Pilttevillc,
La Crosse and Whitewucr. In
non-eonferenccaction they bcll
AUfsbUIJ (Minn.) and lost loSt .
Norlxtt .
leu'!C:,~i::' ,: •:~~[c;:.~e~uJ~~:
Trooicn, who is currentl y the
conference's ~~econd leadin&
puscr. One of IUs favorite
falcons ill tau yn.r'• '?n t~l
here 48-6 scorin& 28 po1n11 Ill
the lint ~iod . The Fak:onl lit
one of only two conferenc<
tnms ta hold an .e dce ovtr !h~
Pointen in the aU-time ~er~e~,
Point, with
Cross Country
Team Wins
Against UWM
By John Breneman
The Stcvcn• • Point cr ~
country rnmcontin.u nltoshow
improvemen t thil fall by
up~enln c the University or
Wisconsin-Milw111kce 2S-l3.
Coach Bob Bowen uid the
victorywas !hebel!onefor th c;
WSU displayed depth by
llkin&third,fourth, fifth,sixth ,
sev~~ 'H~t::hlte~
the way for
the Pointers with 1 third pbce
f~nlsh an d a timt of 21 :23.
Hetzel wu followed by Daryl
Hawley with 1 21:33 clockin&
over the four·milc:rouJX.
Paul ll auswas r.frh ; John
. Comparin, the ruults at
thesr two dillanus should
indicate the muimum ran,c 11
whichyoueanronfidcntly shoot
at the various species of pmc.
In acncn l, improved cylindr r
~hokntend to run out of au at
2S-30 yards, modif"10d choknll
JS-40,and full thoknbct,..cen
40 and SO YlrdJ.
~~~~· ~~~h; J!~Zc~t'K~::O~;
eiahth . Charlie Upthaarove.
rounded out the $Carini by
ftn.ishinafourteenth .
6. Shot lliz.cs No. 6 and No.
71\ are the most suitable for
upland pmc. If your cun dots
not pattern one -of thc!'r sizes
wrll,try tl\eotlx r. Similatly,try
bolh and heavy loads. Hi&h
qui t e often deliver poorer
plttcmsthall li&ht . inexpensive
IOidS. Experimen t with No.8
7. If you want to ttl
tcchn.lcal., f"~C~~Ie the perccnt&Jt
orshotillth<'load! hathitsthe
I, Filld aufiplaectolhoot, 30 inch circle. Co111ilkrina that
1uchuthe rounty rifle nn1ein tomc ' shol is usually saccned
the Town or Linwood. You will out by leaves and bnnchcs in
need ronyorfLftyyudsofopen•t:t ~~e~~~b~:C~~
spa~ in which to shoot. and a
2. Tad: the newspaJIC'r to the
To compute tk_pcn:cn taae,
eanl~d.aiTinainaitiiD thll
rountthrshot holt:suyoudoc
them with tt..markinlpen,and
l~~~ ~~~~~ ~pe~i~ ~~r. dividethctota
l numbrrolholcs
Mark an X in the ~nterofthe
paper with the nw-kina pen to by the tpprox.imate number o f
shot in 111< load, The amount of
k~ as an aimin& point. Tbtn
stand tbe e.rdboard 11 neail.y :':; ~illn~m~snl~~ ~~~c~
vocnica l u you can, and, if
poaiblc,raixitoff. lheJfOund lnOunot, 350 No , 7\o\ lhot,an d
tllreeor four feet .
Full chokes IR suppojl:d to
3. Pa~ off and mark your
fllin& poinll. If you r l\ln il
bond Improved cylinder, you.
will be inteRJ\nl in twenty and 30-JS yanh, and improved
thirty yard patterns. Mod ified cylinderchokcshit70J.atabout
chQk~llllollkl be tested atthlny
ud ron y yards, and full eboku
at r:'tl::::;lf~~'::!t. Do not
!Ike deliberate alm, but swina
11 soon u your cya focus on ue m.u.s produced
and are
the X in !he middle of the theo retinll y ldent ic el in
lll)el. "Discoverina;" the tll)e t dimenDons to otbcr banels of
in thbfashlonwillteU youa\ot t he umc PII&C and choke, they
about how yourshoiJUII fill a ll per f o r m differently.
yo u. The Ulltttof tbc pattern Sometimes t h e choke
should be nomoreth&nttueeor dcsiJ;natlon Jttmpc:d on the
bau.:l doesn'l mean much in
If you tonliltentty ahoot pndlec. Therefore, We pattern
hi&her !han this, the uock is; them.
probabtytoo lon&andtheoomb
The object of Plllcrnlna is
too hJah rot yolll penooal
dimensions. If you ronsistenUy :::'~~~ ~ C:'tf'!~ tt!':t ~
·shoot klw, tht stock b likety to the aun we happc:n to o ... n,
be too shorl,and theromb roo
=ru~h:~:~:!' 1b~:i
IIINDA REED, on expert
hom England In field hackay,
tavght W'AA membeR he-re
Thus it bcnefib both the 1M fine points of the gome
S. Evalua te the pattern. If
you hne f~ at one of !be h unter and the aamc, by lost week. (Proto by O..nla
nn&n 1~1ted in ~nanpb !Jicreuin&; clea n kills on the
11 swtable
us the m&xim\lm nn&e 11 which
for the choke of pmc t~t ls wit hiD nnae and
(TJ.e Rnnt In Uve
Friday a nd Saturday
Tomorrow's Opposition
A leoU, 0..... 9-tieao lond l
re11011ably ncn diltribu.tlon of wh.lchbnot.
your ~:;~
lllD , yountlf
1 rtd\lc:in&
the middle
r - -the-crippJin.a
- - -of-that
Fa II Games
Is Saturday
1%1 Ramble~" American
2 dr. 6 cyl Std. Trans. with
overdrive, rodlo.
1962 Plymouth 4 d r., 6
cyl. Std. Trona., radio.
1963 ford folrlane 4 dr,
Mdan, 6 cyl. Std. Trona,,
Radio, very dean.
1965 . Chttvrolllt 'Wagon,
6 cyl Std. Trona., radio,
dean ond ruomy.
' '\