w:--::::j THE POINTER Comments On Curre"t Topics

w:--::::j THE POINTER
6Pages, No. 7
SERIES V / 11. VOL. 12
On Curre"t Topics
''Conarus is rvn for the
Esllb li shment ~no.\ by the
EstabiWlrTKnt," was one of the
slltemcnts made by Drew
Punon as M spoli.e to an
IUo.licncc at tile Arts ami
LccturcsSei'Ws !>londaycnnina.
Punon, a nationally..syndicatcd nc..,spapcr column~! .
tud many sharp tommcnuon a
wkk ranee of current topics. lie
Student 1Seriate Plans Hearing
On University Health Ser,ice
betwern t he lfCI or 18 and 24.
lie !need Ibis ba~k, to the
educational J)'lltm where f11nds
were deliberately held back.
Vem Rcbt\ien ~oaid that he wu
infOfmcd by Ron Hat(ht t,
University Center, of the trial
u lc of tlckcu In the DcBot
~¥~~::~ for JOmc university
T h it ~rvi« will be in
a dd it io n to saki at the
University Center informat ion
desk. A1rcement to the DeBot
Iicht ul e by spontorinl
or,~niut ionswiU bc rcqu!Jed,
:~~~~~d fro1r~·~ to'!:r or~~c ~::
l n . h i1 announcc mc nu
Sch ill i n1 mcn t lond his
intentions IO attend I Board of
ltt&enU mcctin1 Oct. 25. lie
also remlncd ~tudcnts t Not it Is
too late to come under Senate
insunncc coven,ethisscmuter.
Dennis Kuske wu seated u
frcshmanscn.atOt tnd bcearm a
me m be r of the We lfare
EuiOpl'ln rountrin .
In his o~nin& n:marQ,
Pt>anon uid tile "dismcmbcr-
n•cnt o f Communism Is the most
important devtlopmcnt of this
century ," 1\c a.tid it ~pn in
1961 withthcxrio usbrcak wit h
Red China and hu continued
n:ccntly witb the Red lnnsion
" The Communist world is no
UAB Cinema Arts Will Show I
Two Award Winning Films I
IDnll' t a monolithic Communist
u panH," PcarsonJ&id.
lie puiied lbrry Tn.m11n's
policy o f ofrcrins aid to the
1m*lkr Comm11nist IUitions. Aid
wu offered to Yuaoslnia a nd
Poland and, In ret11rn. Purson
cited this reason and others for
Y~~&ollawia't drih a Jon1 way
from orthodox Communilm.
lltqll\ppcdthat one inthrc:e
Poltl in Pol~nd ha•'t' rdativn in
t~ United States whi(h drew
la~~&hter from t~audio:not.
The weU.Jr:nown ro\umni1t
noted the Romanian1 are wcry
indh·Mlw.lilll( in their foreW.
Hunaary, Pearson said. i5
:ul\,rmd fo r ~nd.inJ troops into
Cud10Jlovakia and 1~ Po les
rdu~totalk tbolltthtln¥1siOn.
lyEdtobrblndMike £ve
Humphrey" in the propoAI o f
arms .red11c:tion an.d limltatiofl.
:wr~:, ':o~~~..~~:o~c::
thcm." lfwe 'eanbepartncnand
soOd tltilhbots with otbcr
:u~'or~O:o!'!~ /:~'f!f
"puce and ' lllbUity ln .tbe
Questions were -*cd after
t be f0111'U1I pre.entallon. In
answerloonconthcsubjcc:t ol
bir t h contro l , Mu•kle
commentcdthatit bourduty to
"make IY iill ble to
u nderden lo ped eo unt r le•
fH later apoke of 1t!Mient
dbordcn t brouabout tbe Mtloa,
Mu1klo ' 1 9 :45
1 . n:d
:~~s.:: rw;:ti~
Sdmce Departmeat.
How many c:a1111 of PolAr beer could fit illto the old library. Mike ·
Sdnlllch. Narq.wne j1111ior m~Jorlnsln dcntbtry.
The l pptoliii'UIIe number would ran&e anywhere from
49,0S7 ,3SO C0 49,0S6,204 dependln&on which libnrianisonduty.
Why don Danen McCI'Iin of " The Outsider" pur his telcphOIIC In
The refripntor is &ir-tilbt and therefore sUcnce proof. So linoe
he doesn't have lriiiiSWtrinaservlcellkethci'I!:Sidenoe halh, he puts
thc telcphonelntherefripnto r ro enJUI'I!: IIoodniJht'sllecp.
Wluitll:tbetownbchlndtbetdtpflonc compaaY\IIedror?
The tower is a micro-w• ve tower' used for tnrwnittlll& loll&
diltan« !t\epbone edb. 1llis I)'Siem replica !lUll Of t he cabict. The
call D tnfllnlillcd by t be ux of ml~wavuto lOwen spaced ewny
thirty mikt.
Why ..a'1 tiMR cniTie lltbu on the con1ef or HJsbwa,- SJ -.1:
Tbe eiiy had pluned to Pill u,bfs 011 that corQet but due to U..
new by-paa, now under (:(IIIJINeUon, tbc)' fell thls would not be
- r a it would probably clirnl1111tc some or the tn1Jk. The
dty will lift tbc tup~~ycn SIO,OOO by not put tJtc t bem up. The
bY-9UI b ldledWed for cornplcti'!D iD 1,970.
" Human kindjCannollb,ear very much reality"
--T.S. Eliot
~ "Jo#.~Ji.U
?~ . ~
are forced to ch ooee between Richard Nixon, Hubert
Humphrey and George Wallace.
For todaY.'• coUeg~ atudenta Ni.J:on ia irreleYant, Humphrey ia a bore and i allace ia planning to run ua over
in h ia limous.ine.
But one of these ~ree men '!'ill be mak..ing policy and
: ~· running our country by Januazy of 1969.
~~ put~;·:::r~~~: :!nw:~ :rfi:.ue any of the blame lor
Therefore, our conacience d oes not permit ua to en·
;. dctsc anyone for th e 1Presidency o f the United $tatee.
We do not urge abl!ltaining from our political ayatem.
: . There are men s uch u Senator Gaylord Nelson running
fo r political office wbo " 'e feel needa and deservee ou.r
~t ' 'ole.
i · This is only our first presidential election and hope:~ fully our country wiU s urvive for four more YeatS 110 we
· · can try again. Some o f ua in the Wisconsin primary had
a chance to vote for a good man for president.
Maybe "-e will get that chance again when it really
tle&lth is !IOmdhinl thai is of
primary rontern to ratb 1nd
tv(r)l l tudent,but thlsdounot
seem to be true o f the
1 d mi n ist r a tion .
.~minUtration seems to be more
cono;oetned about buildin11lllke
th.ln it U aboul improYin& the
It seems to be more
roncernc:d aboul 1eltin& bi.l
name politia l lpnkersMre. to
e'nbano;oe tM name of the s~hool
btre. Indeed , il t«ms tlu.t the
improvemfnt of the health
sel'<'i« is al the botl~)ln o f the
list for the administration.
Lookinc atareccntunivcrsity
cualog, we find four full
p111p11phsdevoted to lhehtalth
scrvi«--ahnosl as much spate
The Editorial B04rd.
as is devoted to tellinJ about the
univ~rsity p1rkin1 lou. Alain
pointinc out theimpOI'tanee lhe
administntion places o n the
health service.
Q uotins from tht abov~
mcntioned C3ttlog,wefind:
"llullh Sel'<'ioc: is provided
by theservi«loft wonui'KIInd
Eve ry n ow and then something brilliant breaks through 1 part•tinle physician. Tbe •im
the o therwise bleak/ social shroud aurrounding Stevens of the llealth Service is to
pr~H nt
H riOIIS illness by
Oelectlnl early sympto ms and
The most rec:ent • ddi.tion to thia rather e:a:clusive list prf1;l:fibinc treatment.
"The studenl is rnlitkd to
is a new ~~ to dO. It'11 called ''The Eternal Hunt of
mrdical au ention,uncedcd in
the Sun."
the dispe n sa ry from the
Located o n the ~t sid e of cobblestoned Strongs Avo·• nue (across from Big Daddy'a and the Golden fhnger) ,
the Hunt is more tllan just a plaoe. 'I'rue enough it ia a
but •ny a.imilarity
a store or
~~~t!~~:~ i~p~~t:m~l::r:e~~ :t::~~Yof:=
problems which few
f~:t~~30wh•~m~ : •:~n::::
Monday th.rouch Friday. A nunc:
is o n duty from 8 :30 a.m. to 1
p.m. Tbedispenlll)l illocatcdin
Nelson IIIU."
A dose radinc of the second
~ri&IIPh lbows that, while ,
tellin& tM limited houn of the
health ~I'<'K:e, it tells only h.llf
. A
Tbe a tmosph ere ia
~1"10~ can ·~ into~
relaxed, q uiet
:•di.rector's". ch air
Other ~p will
Frank announ.:ed op Oct. J he
the lcllslature 11 18 seats. until
~~rn~:~~~..~~~~re s:~~~')~ ~: .Z~::e~ th~c:~·~h~hich
1 n~~~ ~~~~~u1<;":'~:::=~~
wee~, I~
IOVcrnlnc struclur~ 11 0$1\kosh.
(The complete tpt of his
~T~~~o~'6~~':: 1
The opfiOI]tlon · to SGL
dluolutlon formed by d.epoJCd
four SGL reprncnt•tlvcs &nd led by
The Hunt if ope
A cluaical guitarist will perform.
ll!leture different kinds of entertaiD-
from 11 •·m. to 12 midnicht
~S Fri:-~ and S.turday and from ~';~~~ ,;~!te~;~:~~i'nu:~
~0::0 trYPi~~~.:
mH~c~:'· ,0
ifon, laugb, do your thiq.
the Oshkosh
TbeEtenWHuhtofiSun -youarehomel
U~rivuslty newsp1pcr, the
Mile Dom.inou.lll
· f ' \
Wouldn't it
•n~tt public: t-oe.~!~ on t
,ll... 1~1--L
Ulfl W~
Creon 1nd his ron
of the flnll tn&ic sane in the
Th~ play
&iNCh Uied
wh •t wu
eumple, the
entn neu
feU down wh.en
to OVeremphuize
coin& on. For
music for all th~
to t•IIY
!!!r'd~~!t1~1t~n. fh~~d~csst~!
"SG L'a~prctentationwublsed
stood 11 nine l tcOrdin& to the
ADVANCE- TITAN. This is on~
und;~~~~~"'::~T.;:n:,~r~ lepl
quoru m 1nd ot h~ n w~re
reported by the ADVANCE~~~!;~T~~.I'niiOM for
In his Oct. J
to the
~';!~::tio'::'~;~~~~~\~c ~~:,
" Cius represent•tlon is no
n:presentfltion, th~ syst~m. in
f1et, ~n~•ccs mbr~prcsenta-
~tnll:-f:~'::~'~~~: eicded tio~: lila uid , "I find t hat the
A ICntlemcn'•acn:~ment of
t.lay 1968 set the full stn:n&th of
St u de n t
Go vern me nt
u 1 whole, has been
•ndis •nythinJbutdedicated,
principledor se\l'-d~plincd."
F ra nk clil~d lhc SGL
stru clur~
"aniiJonistic to
democratic principks u we
know and profea 10 practice
Bidw~U. of the opposition. is
q uoted in the ADVANCETITAN &satllinl lhe'd issolution
"i\lepl and uncon)titutional."
1\eclaimed theiiOulled"coup"
is "In obviOUIItlempi iOJetrJ.d
of the present mcmbcn "of lhc
Frank wn sup po•~dly
supported in hisaetlon by •
m.-jority ofhis ~ucu,Un board.
But, theOsh.kosb~pcrreportl
mo~ to form 1 new
wu made without
the knowlcdl~ of the SGL, and
the tllrcc c\aa prnident1 w~rc
omittedfrom themHtinc.''
Bklw~\1 ~lllim1 they were not
eonsult cd "for rnatten of
upedlency, knowin& that they
ADVANCE- TITAN editor 1nd
whilt to atttnel tht sp~elal ltudtnt
hetlthawvice to be t.ld It 7:30p.m. in
eent.,on0et. 311
Howncr, the problem wu
that Senator Nustle fiCiketc<lto
mention tbc: .ery bulc problem•
t\'111 f&oc our llltion In this
elcctlon)'Cil. Are not the Issues
.of the Vidnam W1r &nd lhe
po~ny, erimc 1nd dcstn~etlon
iD the dtiet I I last of minbr
importance? Not 1ccordilll to
MIUII:l~'• prucnl1lion.
. Conccrnlq the Vlclllllll
situuloa, t.lus&i~ 1{'0\r.e 1 few
pncl'll 11'14 k\qlilhc ~~entenca
abo ut It , lttclu dina t he
ruolutloftlry rommeat tblt
''We .U bope tbe atnaak Is QUI
the 11111." Cotakl uiy stat~ment
fo!TMI' pm.Jcr.nt
tti1r O.hkoth
IIVdem gov.mment which he led·to d luo!v., Ia' plcturtd Mr. !Mefing to other ~I buaJn.u at
a r.otnt tnMtl~tg of Unlt.d Cor.rnctl,
· ~~tit!:.
•:;c:ri.,U: n11 I~
wlllt Kl1oa the dyna!Nc duo or
IOiwa notblnl--we .U line
tec h niq ue s. how~ver. qune
wccnsfuUyto brinc aer055 1hc
plly'smnnini. Mov.:m~niOtbout
1h~ simple yet effective stace
settin1 wu urdully planned.
There wer~ on ly 1 coupk
instances of lhe onrpopulatro
chorus (fo r t he small Sll!cl
btoc kin l ou t th e ma in
The li&htinc wn handk~
ca refully and corresponded to
thecmotions& lllllin&lywcll.
Bon ni~
Blllk~y and Marl
Nledzolkowski in the leads .,.·ere
wdl p1ired . Allho u1h at tinrcs
they tend~d toW in 5houlln,
contes u th ey k~p t the11
~motions for the most part well
in tune with lh~ play.
T h eir ro les w~re aided
considera bly by the rxo.olk nt
supportinc actors. Max l'opinl)
in the d ual roles of the leather)
1uard a nd the almosl hipp)'
lookinJ wn o f Creon ~nd
T~rrance McGonrn u the final
n1euen1er came acrO!is l hc ht>t
in their understandinc of thm
Th e u n ivers it y theatre's
production o f "Anticonc" thu1
Wilt &
$UCCCU, pcrbllp$ an
unapprcciatedsucCU\, bUI)'ct a
up of the blind seer Teiresill
(Sandy Youl\l) u an ~•&Je wu
11110 unn~ecsul)'.
{The interpretatio ns of why
T~iruilsw•sdresscd 111n ca&[e
m.l)l be l!llny. lt U lhOUJhl here
that B.an~ch mu nt to show
Tdresiu ' proph~cy of Cr~on's
doom ufccdlnJupontheeorpte
of Creon just as Creon allowed
the birds to f~ed upon t he
corps~ of Polyne ices by
F:':t~~~~~em~~~:~~f tl: forbiddinlhis
And 110metimcs the chorus
becam~ urried 1way with its
thef~~u~::~1t1o~~:~n~~~ own
verNI abilities and flowinc
" Antl&one" wu I IUOCCU Wll lbovements.
the uocptio111l undentandil\1
The u
instances we r~
the 1etors had for their ro les. distractin& to theludiencc.but
T h ey u nd erstood th~ &hould no1 havebcendcstructh-c
consequences the charaetcr's to thc play'sm.~inappeal.
aetiont would brirtA •bout. Th~y
Ban~ch used
nt.ln)l other succn.s allt lle um~.
underaood the &enentio n p,p
thll was precisely portnyed
between the Kini, Creonand his
T hh und~uundinl is
imporunt. because, only by this
u.ndent•ndinl, do loniJpccdlcs
mesu1cs instead o f
oruio n s. D i r~ctor Robert
&iruch must consider !hili his
llll.ior accomplishmcnt.
By C. Brll&k~
The play re"hed its hi&h
points when this undentandi111
The Pointer paued throU&h t o hninJ Ambrose and
wu put I CIOS$ to the audience time but due to physiul Anesthesia, two memben of the
with th~ most simplicity and limitations remained on the Audubon Soo:iety ti,·e bird calls
acce:ntuat ion. There wen: four s.amc spot in I he yur 197S. W~ 1nd recitations from CooJ'ICr'S
scenes it Is f~lt here th.at visited with Sarituel FilZitrl ld, "LC'athcn tockinl Taks", for the
I CcomplisMd this.
hippie and former journalism third w coes$\"C homccomlnc.
Th~ fint wn the 1uard'a
minor. There wn a \W I )II, People n:verted to l)lpc.
(pl 1y~d
by Mu Popinis) 110mcthin1 f1in1lr eounterfelt in . De monstrations are held ,
ent11nce with Anti&one (Bonnie S1mue l' s composition. He they reuoned, fo r the purpoK
Bllk~y) and d~Jcription of the
~sembled W1rren· Knowlis, if of 1ivin1 Norm a n MaHer
corp~~: o! Polyncioes in th~
Wamn Knowles was youn& and journalistic experience. the Futs
desert , lhen Anti&one's and iniipid: H~ could not always be pratticc in u o rci:sm and Allen
Ginsbcr& 1n IIU in which IO
Creon's (M11k Niedzollr.owslr.i) tl\lstedwiththc lruth.
~• hl bll
hi msel f , If a
t onfrontation after she .Is
We utcd ·whJt chan8C$ lu.d demonstration was held Norrmn
b rou1ht in , th~ already
c onfronlltion uken p\xe in th~ pul seven and thercsl w~rc bound to sho••
"Due to the rommunleatiolll
" How did the people
n:volution of 1969 r :s.- WSU. accomplish their lOlls?"
"Old Main WIS eonfiiCIICd
and enter~d byl 2fruhmenand
32 110phomores. Under their
combined intellectual weiaht
Old Main collllpwd, somethinr.
111 prcvious adminl.$tntionswcu•
un•ble to do. :Whereupon a •ml~ ·
in an OKbloOd wa istcoat ... u
a sociolol)l tncher and Mark seen lo twirl his ntUIUt hc and
Rudd could be seen, toothpick
out ln' th(ltnenl direclion
COSIGN member. spok~ by in mouth, 1oina to conservation sci
of Wuhi1111o n."
phon~ to TilE POINTER o n
" All thin&~ consider~d. ~·ou
Ocl, 18. lie u ld the " LO)III
" \1 the Board of Re,entsstill don't seem hostile tow11d th ~
Opposition", 1s he termed letiv~ 1nd showinl the s.ame Board o f R~&ents, the; pr<"si~cnt
Bidwell and & numWr o fothcr eonoernforthe studentau itdid o r the adminisuatlon, "'' ho
ootlaWcd SGL reprcscnlativn, in l 968?"
abolished your journalism
' 'The Re1~nta preprocram minor. threw the wrvice clubs ·
bu n hol d ina ucrct
e~el)' ellis 111d major for 111
off camp us 1nd prepro,ra mmc~
meet lnas.
Rouler 1llo pointed out that inoomin1 fresh men on th~ b11is th~ frcshm~n. Ooc~'t it '""' 3
SGL ' 1dUIIlydissolvcdltselfby ~~eU~e~c:.r.•t& b l lity u d littk stra ncc'!"
"No, not at all. \l'struethcr
s\lowinl ilsnumhc:rtofallbclow
"And t he r.~lty accepted d~lay~d my IJ~dualion t" o
tluttnc:ccuary for aquon~m."
yean, but they forced m<" inh>
lie .aid th~ SG L had h.ld the
"Docilely, the Tcnur~ Act of histof)l a nd thtr~ I leu ned th•'
power to sppoint penons to flU 119lw•srevokcdtwoynnqo . R~&cnts performed the' s.a m··
vu:anciesbuttha t •quorumwn However ; th ~ iu ue of fun~tion ~s Woodrow Wil!IOn J•J
neO:CI$.II)' forthis.
in l9 16 ."
enl~n•inment did atbe. The
COSIGN memben includ~ memWn of the Off Campus
"Whn's that?"
"TMy kept us o ul of ... ~r "
u ecutive board memWn 1nd Student Orpnlutiona obj~cted
othen,. the pr~sldent of lh~
l nt~r fnternity Council, the
presidenl l ndvloe-pruldent o f
M~n·s tntcrh.lll AIIIO(:iation &nd
1 former n:prcscntative 10 SGL.
Presid ent Funk thlracd
COS\GN with the responsibility
to take ''wftatenr ICiion it
deems necessary to 1ctlnte &
representative 1nd rcsponsibk
lec i s l& t l ve braneh o f•
(contlau~d on piJt J)
Pointer Visits-
.School Of R_evolution
Is Final Fate Of WSU
Stirs Controversy At WSU-Oshkosh · ~:~;~~~i:~:~E~~r4.~
and~ fo:'~• t•il~~ ~n,nou~~IGt~~
programmed btt~ktrOynd millie.
Thia weekend ~mark the •tart of the Sunday
1udienea, such Greek theatre
fundamcntl ls u mytl'loiOIJCII
n:f~renc:a, l111etion on stqe,
mulr.J, t he chorlll 1nd ion&
speechu tend to turn even
At last w~ek'1 ~uninnlty
the1tre'1 p rod u c tion o f
" AutiJone", one could ~e
empty ~~eatl, hcu murmunn1
oommentl sudl u"MydrarnaS
tndlcr made us 10," 1nd,
•fterw1rdl, "I thouaht It wu
Unfortullllely, people wllo
dJdn'\ p)bec.IUR lhe pl.II)IWIIIa
"Greek drani&" or just turned
the ir mhtds off t o th~
• Of StudenI Gover~men t
~th h11 f.nen4 oaf. the ~llusk~rted ~a~treuea or JUit com m i 1 1 e c o f Students be 10 mtmWn pn:soin1. l.luc to
~It and th1nk. ~~II no Jukebo.:a: bJ.nnJ nu.:;oualy. In Jnte~cst~d in Cionrnm~N Now, n:licnations the number of SGL
1ta placa, acco~mg
mi!Jl&ger Mike Harper, will be pre- wbkh is t&kinl 1t~ps to rcron n r~p~sentltivu u or Oct. J
noon '"quiet co
~~~~~:- ~-;;;ID~~~io':1 P~~
st udent hnHh below the
buildinJ of 1 mosquito brcedin&
l • k~ ?
What h11 th~
ldministntion don~ 1bout the
hnlth sc:niocl Whit 11e they
coi111 todo about it?
To &et the f~c:IJ and 1n1wen
to thc:Jc quutiom, the Student
IM tn~th.
Senate hu uUed fora publiC
H u ya thlt the doelor is In hurinJ on. th~ health service
attendance from 9:30 1.m. to 12 Wu~. This helrlna will be held
noon, but it !hoold 100n to uy, on Thuudl)l, Oct. 31, in 12S o f
p\cuc notify the hn\th service the Clwroom c~nter, 11 7:30
1t lcut thre~ daya prior to your p.m. Or. Stklstn , Of. Gibb, 1nd
illnca 110 thll an appointment . perhaps other mcmbcn of the
wilh the doc:tor un be mad~.
adminlstntion will be lh~re to
The ume parqnph AIYI that anawer )lOW' questions.
& nurse is on duty when the
Some atud~n'- may be
doctor is n01. II should coon to misinformed, th~y ml)l not
mention that accordin1 to state know which n1mor to believe.
llw, these: is only 1 limited The administration may no~ be
numberofthinas• nunc cando aware of th~ student feclin1on
without & lioc:tor's orden. Fo r this inue. Then:fore, 1hc
thl$ rea110n, )1011 will cct the J'lllrpose of this bcarin1 shall be
Aim~ 1encralrncdidne for your for • n nchall,ICof ldeu.
nu that )IOUr roommaiCCOI for
It w\U be I d\1nce for the
his urad1~--colored aspirin administntion to d~fcnd ilself,
and pain pills.
toupllin why it h.udoncwh.at
This littk panvaph then it has or bu not done &nd to
ps on to u y, "Th~ dispcnury e~tpllin any plllnsfor lhe futun:.
is\oelled inNelsonlbU.'' Bulis It will1llo be 1 chance for the
"foi'JC'U" to mention that it i1 uud~ n u to nprea their
cr•mm~d into the damp, moldy,
feelin&s. to offusugutlon11nd
mu ll)', cold &nd poo rl y to criticiu the administration.
nntillltc<l buem~nt of this
Remember, the future of the
health serY\cc<kpcnds onyou. lf
SJ-yeu -oklbuildinc.
Why is the hulthserviee put you ue in 111endance .-nd
in the basement of the second uprea yo ur ~iewson Thunday,
o ldest build in& on u mpus? Why you will show that you wint and
better hclli t in.
docsit hav<suchlimiledl'loun! dcscrn
Wh)' don't we hav~ 2 or J full llowenr,lllckofattudaneewill
time doctors \ik~ we should show lhat the lh>dents don't
h.a~? Why J ren'l the dorm, care and pcrhapt: don't duerve
directors 1nd SA's civen firu aid anythin1be11er.
~~ ~~~:: : : b oi t.
aooable prices (They "monster grinder" sandwich for $1
ia more than even a ~ungry man can handle).
Steo.·e Peec~ one of three )Mrtne rs in the venture,
By Jiin Hofu
says that' additions
the menu wt11 include a list of imContronrsy flares 11 WiiC'Onsin State University - Oshkosh as the
ported teas and s pecial coffee blends.
dissolved poll ion of student covernmcnt w ntinuu to mecl even u
The Hunt'a "uni~ueneu" lies in the fact that it o ften an ~iJ:~~~~u::!~sn:~~~~~~cture or a new stulknt 10vernment.
a plausible alteruatiTe to the ban. Conversation is what
Antigone'S Success Based
0/n Actors' Understanding
ByBIU Mc.Milkn
More Effort Is Required
To Improve Health Service
By v~m Rebekb>
Scniof CW.Scnator
Chairman, Sca.r.te w~ltare
A Review-
~!:.':'~) <
st•~~cckh~~~~~~~ne thin~~:/:: (Terrence
McGovern) reporhn8
Senator Speaks-
For many of ua 1968 ill the fint chance we will have
to vote-for Ptes.ident o~ the United States.
It ia a sad commentary of American aociety that we
October 24, 1968
State U's
Hits 58,238
by Mike Domlno,..Ml
thtt ch.l ntet arc nc~r)' in 1~ mn1.11l homccomlna
rules? Wh.lt chtlliH would )IO L> mtkef
· '...beHer if more people would
participate ... '
llndallearcluOO , 18,frnh nllln,fromPortEd ward s,majorlnlln
intcriordccoratina.S224 Neak llt ll.
I thought the bo noecoming actiwiticsthls ye1r we~ ..,.ell pltnned
out, but needed to be carried throuah beuer. There wn alwtys
• somc thlna to keep 1 penon busy. I know I found it hard to nnd
time to study be tw een skill, pmea, concert , ctmpai&nln& t nd
wo•kln&on the float .
Campaipllqls aaood idu . It ~• lly hdpa the stude nts to become
•cq ut intcdwlththcirean4idat u. lt t lsobuUdsllolof en thuliaiJilas
lonaasit doun'ttc t attried awty. l hopeth.lt lt wiUbecontinL>cdin
For t sc hoo l of 7~000 . it's too bad tlut 'more don't come to the
"S" Oub dance. The " ML>sic Proje ction" were .-cry aood. Our
"suitase" 'oUeae roukl be one of the renonJ for the poor lllfnout.
. I think that bomcrominacollld . bc «en better nut year if more
rco plc would partid !'atc and suppon their 1chool
Final enroll ment r11L>rcs for
the Sttlc Unive rsities System
this flU show i lOII I of 58,238
u udents on the l 2ampL>JU.
The in" cue of 1.242
Uudcn ts o•·cr last fall'sto tal wu
I ,O l 8 hJ&hc r t hlnp~dlcted,Aid
syltcmuccu tived i~dor.
Bcc.au!K' the enr ollmen t is
hiahe rt han the fl&unlonwhlch
the bud,e t for the 'unent year
was bud , the Board of Rcaenll
h.ls 1uthorh:ed t llOCJtio n of
S4J 4,000 in rncrvc funds to
ltke n11: of the additioontl
studcnts ,Mcl'hccsaid.
The budget ~tt ucst of S284
o.~uun and her cou rt . not
choict's. The studen ts know
faculty ,
I 11$0 feel th e students
~tudcn t s.
Men outnumbu "'ome n ncn
more t hJn l.ut yur. There Itt
32 ,911 men st udents, an
inc reascofl,85 4,3nd 2S, 267
women stude nt$, an inaeuc of
The student bodies include
49,967 studen ts from homes in
Wisconsin 1nd 8.27 1 t h1dents
from othe r st~ t n ~ nd forci&n
t ountrin.
to ua lu~te the administntion'a
fcHow ~;tudent s better than the
r~~~:eifh·~~~~~~- lofooo~'"'"~.l··"""~"'·
The rk adU nc forappUCationJ
fo r th e 1969 homccomina
~lithne 'J''j~g.;cf ~!n~~m~~
will nud to be tdjusted to
rc llc ct theinc reue ,hcsaid.
' The systeru to tal this fa ll is
14.2 per,cnt highe r th itn lui
ft ll. The nine sta te universities
and t heirthrecbnnc h n mpu~~es
~~•tP~~ .~~:~ec:~~-d~!~:l,::~,'lt!~~: ns'r!~~k~•~:"C:d"!1o~~~~~c'~~
E11,1enc R. M, Phcc, Muiison,
h tYC 55, 17 1 underyltd U)IC
ltudenu and 3,067 gradua te
Dolli Btthke , 19 . sophomo re. from Wisco nsi n Rtpids, rn.ajorina In
phyt.icaleduc~tion, eommutin~
I el\joycd hon~~:rominiJ apin th is yu r. The footba ll prnc wu
vocll fou11ht. and the cnter tai pmcnt pio¥ided two •·cry enjoyab le
All $Colon who wlU be
to go to Room 144 ln the Miin
BL>ildina to (l) ~hc~k whet her
th eir namu are on the
anduation lilt and to (2)
indl~te wh ether or not the y
fi VOr a f o rma l mid-y ear
lfldua tio n proara m.
It is I.'SM nti~ l that seniou do
this 50 a dc,Wo n can be mtdc
tboutsradtl.lltio n.
c hairmanisWcdnc~a y,Oct.JO.
their mulT i-colored native costumes, w ill
pttr lorm ott he Arta ond lectures series
on f riday
ol 8 p.m., In the
App lication bhnh arc
available u the UAB o ffice in
the Uniw n ity Ce nter or from ·
Stndy VacUf n.
Drew Pearson Lacking
Some of His Fam.o us Fire
rnost llulthy clements in the
fourth cst~tc and it is to be
hoped that the }"Oun &or
BCncrations of Arn-cri~ will
Cll'ate manyrnorc!ike hi m.
irutan<X.~ turday
~~~fdr:::~n ~d ~t~o~-m··,··":,·: T :·····:·· ·
Friday and Saturday
A New Selection of
WSU Swe atshirts
& Jackets
lv?:w ·
Wednesday, ·Oct; 23 at 12:30 p.in.
Educational j Channel 6
Host Dan Houlihan talks with Democratic
:AII8CDlblyman Leonard Groshek "bout "Issue•'".
t~ JNOinlm
on tt.. wc!Mid ftoor of the UniY«dty c-t..t
NlthhMl -1100
October 24, 1968
Page 4
Placement Opportunities
l:t~fi:':d' r:v;;;U'bst'!~·~~!!':e~~
Course Will Be wl~~!;.'·
Offered Again r.Kwghl 0'! ~!w~ !i'it.::a: !it~··b!Z~~e£':o:res.~dt.~
AfterII~~~!~ ~tl.},oln the
activities of homecomlna 1968,
t~ ~an arc apin Jrindlnaat
ilalllCn. Gcnetll ckan-up and
:~ ~:i~te:~u
~her ~on Interested In acrountinJ, auditin& and offloc
be dirccte<l by
'The\ Oct. 22 hall council
moetiriJ wn held with Hanten
llaU. A' film on communK:ations,
::: t:,S,~~~:!n~f~~~c~~.', ~~! :n~nErne ~~\~~ :~!c~tr.7!:
L11c11 hall rouncil •u«tinJ.
T'lompt n was abo present to
A discu55ion of home rominJ di~CUss the film with the poup.
in ae n ua l took place.
l mproYcn~nt' for nut year's
WATSON ltAl.l.
pa rti dp a tion w u e 1ho
Startina Mond-a)', Oct. 21 ,
W"JOn' llaU wiD be o~ntina
The aeadcmic rommittcc o f "Rotoc'~ Pizu Parlor." A wcctly
Husen is • ·orklnaon con~ttil\8 pfu•llljlhl. Piau will be toct'o'td
a b.l.sementstcn ac room into a ~~~The ~~ic:~U~:rs~.•nd l2
For llalloween , t~ women of
=~j~~e~~=-~~u~~~l;,,o~~ !~~0u~ttcby sc;;i::,rir:,he~
for the hill's Ttlllin loufiiC.
of lh nnn Is pbMinl a /
llatlowccn record bop. The
dan« will be held Oct. JO in the
b:osen~nt or the haU. To " spirit
up" the r«nin&. 1 ;~~,~ b.Jnd, l
. p:
llallow cen . put )' fo~ the
Re sc rlva \J o n l n du na .
Approximately forty children
1rc f~Jil'C\td to aucnd. In
a ddi tion to trick-or-trcatinJ,
there wlU bra variety of pmu.
The pitt)' Will take pbcc Nov. 2.
~!~~~l~~l::,l'· w~:~,'
TWO GIRlS ore r•la11ing ond enlaylng the unseownably worm weother
which WOI In the P.olnl loti we-ek. The
p icture wos toklll'l neor the Clouroam
Center. !Photo by Bob Okro•lnskll
wu provided by "The People's
Chap ter president James
Florillno was a member or !he
officia l arectin& line for
vice·prcsiden ti at candidllt,
E dmund Mu1kl c . Als o
panldpatlnJ In MuWe's motor
UJ1\'I!n were Si& Ep'1, Dave
llucJ el, J im Norton, Stew
Compll~byS.ndy Hcrro
..~''"'"'. ~· ""' •· Graph1cs
elta Zela
1 0 •I Sp 1a Y pia~~:D,:,e~rt:~;~ed
..,.!~~~enw:Cn~cn~rc!~~s '~f n
st r~k~
rumorofahonorhouX' Ioea!W
down there that
lbn~nwillbrat t htOshkosh
homec omln J
Pre~oenu •ndTenyO'l.cuy,
~c~%'an~:~f~p!M)flin& ''flr b~~~~i~~~rf!t~t.!~~r!'p~r;:r~~ ~~IWrC:r!; ~~d t:~e ~~~c:~
Nnk is lookina into the
possibility of pw-ch.ni111 1
to:wina machine for the hall. Sue
Schmall. Pam Eritkw n and
Ela ine ""Nc t ur IIC on 1
commillcc to brin& b.l.ck
Information to the hall council
on poyibilitits.
A mandatory lcadttlhip
confttcncc for mcmbu'l of the
hall council is tcnt~ti•·ely xt for
Oct. 26 to 27. The social
chailman. Mary Will, and her
comm it te e wilt make
pt\'pantions for the confeR net.
Carol Andct50n, chairman;
Marilyn Miller; 1-lanba llpp;
Ginny Rose; and J0.:1n Smith,
ad•·isor to hall council, arc
members of a commillee to Kl
up a w~c sale ,..·ith a men's hall
at 1 mtans of inacuiltJ funds.
Selection of the men's hall to
bt' uktd u ...-cl\ n arn.mcnts
an aco:lainJed Bldg-crland anin,
~0~~~- di,Pii; at WSU- Stcvn s
The DZ'scndcd homccomin&
week with 1 pill)' 11 the Red
Lsntcm wilh this month's
The show in l..a Follclle Panhell sistcr iOrOfil)', Theta Ph.i
Lou!IBC ol thc UnivcuityCentcr Alpha.
The listers of Delta Zeta art
wiU conti~u·c until Oct. 25 . •
' Riclurd Schncidcr, dirtctor now rollcctinJ books suit.able
of WSU 3rt cdlibits, saysafew for elementary school as a
drawinss b)' Sc$Sicr datt from xrvic:c pro}cd. Nut week the
the late i9JO'sandarctypical chapter will stuff tuberculosis
refi ned. ' delicate "udks of envclopcs for POIUJCCOUnl)',ln
aMual 50rorityservic:cprojcet.
ln th.eM:drawinpo;anbexcn
The first formll rush party
thcpro!O~pc1for the~ad-eyed, was h(\d o n Oct. 18, at the
mournful 1f11urts which SHmed h ome of Mary Kie<lrow$ki.
suchapmxcupationinSel5lcr't' Anot her rush pari)' wu held at
latcrworks.hcupl&incd .
1901 Collcac on Tuuda)'. On
No paintinasarc included in Wed nuda)', the weeki)' mec\iltJ
the show, but lithoaraphs and will be held and founokrs day
woodc uu arc print ed in wiUbo:eelcbrated.
De!U Zeta , the la/'ltst
national sorority, was founded
art sd~~:~~:~, 1at"~~~·t~~fr!~; O c l. 24. 1902 at Miami
ot Wis.corlsin for man)' ynrs Univusity. Zeta Chi chapter war
untilhisdUthin l 962.
formallyinitiatedin l96l.
Alpha Phi
f~~!!!dabt;vca -~:~~~In:-~
A sister of Alpha Phi, lois
Wood was cbotocn 11 tbc 1968
W SU - S 1 evens Po i nt
homccominJ quc:oen. She was
J90nl«td by the brOibersof
~~~":r..~!~~ vi~I~J"~h!j~h.pt~~
J.utWe(k. ,
C.th)' Emmerich, was cho.:n
~U~rd 11 tbc lut mecllnJ.
~11illn Ozuk wu awarded !h(
schollt,hip pinforobtainin&the
hiJhut Jllde point In the
l..ast Sunday the Alpha Phi's
attcndcd chw-chwith thcirlistcr
101orit)' of tM montb, Alpha
Siama Alpha.
On Saturday the fint Alpha
Phirulh panywashcld.
the Brat Bun.
Th h cominJ wrckend,
members or Si&ma Phi Epsilon
of Oshkosh will vis-it Stuenl
Point for IIOCU.I J UheriltJ ind
to prepare for an ucurlion to
Oshkosh for 1 founders day
Theta Phi Aipha
Theta Phi Alpha and Delta
Zeta h-Id a pina party Sunday ,
Oct. IJ, a! the Red Lantern 11
part of the Panhcll $15ter$01'orit)'
On Oct . 30, both sororities
will co llec t do nations for
The. DZ'awillalJOusist with
formal national Initiation and
Sigma Phi Epsilon :n·~·'!6·sc::~he:r:ct~'::
Tau Kappa Epsilon
More Study Centers
The Sia Ep foot~U tum Is
now l 1nd 2 fOr the tea50n.
Satw-day , Oct. 19, the brothers
"kept in shape" by havinJ a
pltldt .
Theil Phi'S IIC hclpinJ the
alumn! office. l..ast week I 5,000
pa~rs were refolded to be sent
for alu mni.
Ala moncymakinaprojecC, I
rontract hu been $lifted with
the Ncwa Sct'o'i&:c to assemble
and deliver the Newslcttu.
P~~ua .ruc~~f~~
Ind IOn Tut Orlng
. d p
EX pan
5 ·r! g ram bo~t" s;::.-: ·~~:OO~ettno:: ~~~o~~:f A~:~ r!to~~d 'k==----,
wilf1f~r...l~~b~hy!:~as::~ ':V~ ao:nd'fe~rti~pa1:t~ ~~~:wt'h~
~~~1 -rollint from wsu-sccvens :,~m~:IT f.~F-·'b:e!::•,~t:;
More tlun 60 collcJians arc
aUotint It leut one nilbt of
their busy weekly Khtdules to
tuiOl pre-Kbool throliJh blah
school • d Indian younpters ln
Keshena and Neopit In
~~!~:J'niR:;ids~ount)' and
11'1 not 1 new prot~nm, but
It's undefiOilll npld expansio n
with sUOfll support for WSU
President Lee Sherman l)reyfus.
lie to ld the faculty thisfallthll
the uni« t$11)' will Jive I' major
thrull in 1idirc ( COnomleally
and cultunUy diad•anU,Jcd
~r50nsln the statc.
Mt'l. Mlri.lyn
Hill, who nu.rl)' tlucc )'CIIlJI.JO
b caan l akin& tutors t o
Menominee County ciaht times
per month, now finds htr efforts
c~pandcd far beyond that tiny
muT~~~~fricc or Economic
Oppo rtunity , . fundtd with
ftdefll dollars. has approved the
Pllttwood. It wu ,uended by
onr 70 people, in,cludln& the
the dinner and entertainment
r-- ---------- ---, lu.rniYI•U
whi~e ;~':!',:~ '::::;~~~8:
will be on 'campusOct. 26 for•
plu.a party;footb.l.ll pme and
an opportunity to discuss
uninrllt)' admissions policies
with faculty members.
Th e tunaaers from
M~nominu County, will 11
usual, bt brouaht here four
Mrs. Hill Jut yur noted 1
•harp reduction in fllllin&lfldcs
amon&those youths uslst~d by
t he . tutot'l. That mark of
a c h incmtnt 5limulated her
enthusiasm. This yu.r abe Is
~~~:i:!~~ .~~11 th!"r!ia!s'!
inttrcst in attendinJ c:oUtp Is
proridinJ 50me new ncitcment.
wasw~d~~~hc 111mmcr, wu
Jivcn authority to direct an
;·~~;;~d =nd~~c;"'y~u~~
Ashland, Lac
du Flambeau
C rand on. Co lleau and
unlYCnitlcs clo.:st to tbose
towns wi8atndY01untcci-tutors.
Mrs. IIW is dilc:c::tlnJ all
acCivities with the new, titkl of
WSU Indian p r ojects
ooordin1tor. She abo has a new
Ulistant. Mra. Gnce Davld50n,
wife of a new fiC\Ih)' member,
who tnvcb three timc1 weekly
wilh the Iuton to MenoiDinee
CollDtY llllll Wlsconlin Rapid~.
After the homerom.ln& pmc,
the brotben of Sl&ml Phi
Epsilon and 1lumnl pthered at
the Si& Ep hoUJe for the
traditional"red do:or pa.lntin.&"
11 was followed by a
won't fln~the camplll scarythe)' have been here and know
what to ex ct."
" I thin we're aoinJ to slut
buildln& r Indian enrollment,"
shesaido imistiCIII)'.
rt.:~~~R~~~~~~fE~~~: .--------.
sbowina potential or makln&
Jood in colkJC or trade school.
So after hoslin&tho!etHtii.JCI'I
on e~mpus for six ~eb, the
unhenlty now is lurtina
prolflltiS for thcm inthc:irbomc
Study ccntct1i Ire Nina
eUablishcd In Bllc::k River Falls,
washonS.turday,Oct. 19.0n
N,., I, • pkda<
~~::lldA;;i~~ .'!~:~~~~of Alpha
Thote train- who v. llltareated ln Md who ant fwnd
tor manq-tment rupc~Mibl!lty are auured or 110ple
::ftf~~~~ ~emJC:e~ff~~r-=\~.A':1.1e~~c~
-'Hf'eMtve Up&n81on. pWla
wlth t1wt placulent
un\MIUI.l opporlWI!·
·om~ tOf'
Connecticut Mutual Life
Garr Curk:~~, Si&Jna Tau
Gan1ma, is pinned to J0.:1n
Ra lph Plltl, Sigma Tau
Gamma, is CIIJIIJcd to Diane
Mytha ofEikh.art l..ake.
politknu with this aovernmcnt auditln& ·~ney.
~y~~~!:\;' t~a~~i~;,;~~~::~:p~~F~c~~!!;'s'e~~n~r,:~r::~~~
' ~~71·~ 2;!ni 1~irl ~-~i~ 0w~,:-:.i' ~~~:~~f;':e!~~~~~~ ~~~
:iluonsmfosw-anoc with one of Amcri~'slndlnJ wmpamn.
~ 9 a.m. to4p.m., Bordrr lne qemjet!Qjvis.iqn
~!J&'!~h·:::!:~:;.~~~u!:• Ma~~-rn:::~N:naka:d~~;\'os~:ro~~
Fii~9wiifbeti'nt1e~"::ini~~f £~r!¥!':ro~;~nJ
re50W'OC mana&ement about op!M)rtutlitics In the U.S. Fuher!C'S
wit~r~'!J~'::Xrc'i!'r'ili~l 9,~-~::e: ':;;n~~~%ffcin~~rat'bc:' j~~~:
~esd'.!UIN~~ie~·le~ Pi~Q~0 ~~::u~-~-~~~:!:~dPOI:~n ~1!:
rcprnentativc politlons(only)ininsur~nee.
p.m~."'W,i~T,r!:~; tu~~::nn:!i',!,J:~~~f*n~~:~~;i,C:. ~~-h ~~~:
o ther majon interested in sales and other career opporh•mllcs w1th
one of America's largest firms.
TbyrJ4ay Npy 7 9 a.m. to ~:30 p._m., paw(qnl and _Co
ot :':
carccropportunilicslnlnwranc:cadJUStment work.
M~cg~n P-~a~!u::l2mP-~a~anJ.~hn [~~~!~
!:~~~~~t1:Sn'wi:'h11one•':,'} ~~~~~n·~~~a':in:~~nu'f~~~o~~e~~
motors and&cneraton.
~e!'J~·r~;, ~ill~;~~. earma~on:sr~ab~~~~~
llimii1Utrauon, economies, ch~mistr)', Jo hn50n and
Plwmaccutic:al Corporation.
Also, 1 number of frc~ nudcnt passes to the lOth Annu~
BuliM:~~ Equipm~nt E~polition to be held Mo~day, Od. 28_, 1968 m
Chieatl;l's International Amphithellre are available. Stop m 11 056
Main IO JCI)'Ourtickctsoon.
All January graduates arc ur&cd to bcain 1 Pbeement File' 11 on~
by fillinJ out t h~ Placement Form in order thll the)' may ha~e thw
m:llcntillis read)' by &fllluat ion. Stop in a t 056 Main tocby.
home of the
Sales and Sales Management
Training Program
tl• tor ! " - 1.001pted.
An ln tcr·hlt h marrlq:c
course, to be held on liJ&:
sueo:eWve Wcdneaday ennlnp,
is brln& spoiUOrtd by the
Unlvcntty Christlan Movement.
The mectlnp arc in the Garland
Room, University Center, at 8
The fiiR lecture wu held last
Wcdneld.Jyevcnln,a wlththetitlc
" Reli&ion and Your Marria&e.''
Speakers were Rup llllll Etta
Johnton, 'an Eau Claire couple
with II children,
l..all nl&hta lecture entitled
'"The Financial As~ell of
Marriaac" with Mr. and Mn. Pat
Clifford or St~ens Point w"
Dr. John Kennedy of the
Rice Clinic wJU 1peak on !he
" Medical Aspecu or Mtrria~"
Oct, 30.
Dr. and Mrs. David Coker will
speak o n the "Psycholo&ical
Aspc:ct s and .Attitudcs" lnvo lvod
in maniqe. Dr. Coker is a
Jll)'ChoioJisl astndalcd with the
suidancc clinic hereon e~mp111.
The Cokers arc sc:htdule<l to
ipelk on Nov.6.
A Stevens Point lawyer, Mr.
John Shannon will ledute on
Nov.· IJ on the "l.cp l Aspcc=~s
of M•rrill&c."
••Jiow toUveYo ur Marri.aae''
is t he subject of the talk by Ed
and Bert Kun:, 1 n~tionally
known roupleon thc wbjcct of
Everyone is welcome to
allendthe!e lectutcs.
l/ 2
October 24. 1968
The WSU Do:panment of
Natur.d Rewur«t.,;oukllil:f to
enlist the help of student
hunters In buiWint up Its
colkction of wildlife study aids
U,in the cour~~:ofyowhunllnt:
)'ou can lepllyHC'Uieanyof 1he
followintittrqs, thel>epan ment
would appncQte«C\'iTin& them.
Gro use aops Hull); Gray and
Fo.\ $Quine! tails; Cou o ntail
humerut (up~r li m) bOMS;
R~croon r:tdrus and uhu (lo~~o·er
arm) bones; Raccoon biculum
(~nis bone ); lkaver biculum;
Wood cock winp; Waterfowl
winp (rx«pl Mall&rd); Gooa
tails; Sharp-tailarou~t tails and
w!n&l and lluntarbn p111rW~
wmp ,
To insure tbatthea materbls
will n mtin In usable condition,
follow th~tcproced u~t:
I .~ Ren10ve tbccrop
and let ttau dryonasmallpiece
o f newspsper. Do not put it Ina
cl~d container orwrapltin
2. .IHI..D.u. Clean the riuue
from the bones and ~~oup them
J.~ Remove
them as dos.e to the body as
pouible,and include shoulder
futhcu. Wrap them loos.ely in
4, Submit your name, the
da te the specimen was collected ,
and the county in which it wu
S. Turn the tpecimen in u
po ssib le to the
soon u
D ep art nunt of Natu ral
Resowces office on the thrid
floor of Nelson lbU.
fnerhuntei'$1La>·etaken ovcr
70 per« nt of the var~blequota
dcerpemritsauibbleat oounty
ck:rk o ffi«s in the nonhust
arn . Variable qoota deer
permitl an iuued for uch
management unit until the11nil'i
totallocsl quotabasbcen"ken
by hunters. rermitsartlv&ilable
from count)' clerks u ~~o·eU u
throuth IBM nndom H leclion
at Mad ison. llo ,.;enr, the
deadline for mall applications
wu0ct. l 8.
Deer mana&ement units ...-cn
stt up with mJjor hi&h~~o·ay
boundaries 1 11rr o und ing
te nua ll y s.imillr forest or
apkulturat types of deer 11ngc.
A sllte mapshowingthcseunits
bpublishedinthc Wisconsinbig
ga n1c huntin t JCt ul a tions
pamphlet each yesr. Frcqucntty ,
a dcc:r 11\lnajcment unit will
include p.uti of two or more
counties and nchcountyck rk
will hsve a propon lon.uc slu.rc
oft hl:dterpernlitsav;ailsble.
lloklns of a >'lrQblc qoota
deer permit may harvest one
dcc:r of any I JC all<~ any se~
anywhen within the desiJNied
manatcmcnt unit durin& thl:
No vcmbc"rdeer'lun5eason.
~ Will
The tlltus of t he bltd; beer
111 tro phy l nimalinWisconsln
wue liken durin& the full
lim!ted September anson. The
nprd powth In hunter lntenll
sineethenlscvidenccdby tbc
~~~~en ~~~~~lo~~co~~~
black bean thisScmptembtr. ln
tl)e, PM_tll years, WiKonsin bat
mt~ntamed an annusl ncrq:c
yicldofovcr S50black bear.
The followln& Is a terin of
quotes from M~or Sir Genld
nr::~;;.~~nro:l;Eri. ~~
York, 11161),an4 c:ontarnssome
Ofthcbest advlceonswinJand
lead to befoundanywhere.
''The wholcsecnt of"swint"
1 morin& tun.
This movement need not
necc~~arlly be npl4 , but It Is
e55entUI thlt it sho11ld be:
malnlllned untilaftertMtri&Jer
bee n pressed . . .I am
convinced thatinaU. ordinary
shootln1it lsuscleu for the
avcrqe penon to tryto&ivcany
definite number o f Inches, feci
or yuds,u a for...·udaUo "''llnce
(lead). . .For to be su«USful
shootln1must be automatic: and
it itimpoMiblc tobe aOtOITlllic
if one 11 th.inklnt whether the
aUowance sho11ldbeiOftetor
IJ . Allthat ean be doneis to
nalizc tiLat forwardaUowsnceis
necesury, and to learn by
experience how to make it
corn etly without chcck.inJthe
t win&. . .brint the cun up
pointing.l:!dt.ia.ll. thebird and
then swing the muuk put the
bird in the direction of ill
flight . . .when the muu le has
compktely p&SHd the bead o f
t M bird. pnu the triuer
Is to lhoot with
:i\~~·~uw:~w: !2; QlRY£1!!!'"'
VVSU Campus
Conservation ·
JpOnsored by Alp~ PhlOmep
mobile, .
be Red
Its Blood
fnt 1968-611
Visit tO the CUQ.pUI On Mon~y
and Tuesdlly, Nov. 4 and 5, 1n
the Wril;ht Lounp. The boun
for the bloodmobile an from II
·5 onbothdays.
At lw been doM in the put,
thi s yen there will be
competition for relidenec hall
tnd G~ek plaquu.lnthemen's
fntcrnity di\islon, Delta Si&ma
Phllu.d the hlthut percentap
and Theta Phi Alpha had the
hithnt pcrce nlltc In the
sorority division. Also, five &irl's
balls luod 1 pereen111e hi&her
t lu.n the men'1 ruidenee hall
T his year we ate qain
" ' . " " ' 'spirit.
' ' • Men,
WSUS Plays
;:;:,~;e t~.~t!!
wmnUIJ men'• dorm?
Of Music
For lholl: under 21 (unkll
married or a member of the
Armed Forces), a consent slip is
requited. The printed form may
be cut out and x nl home for
sig natun, with ample time
before urlva l o f tht
bloodmobile. Conxnt forms
may also be ob'-lnt4 11 the
University dctk. or the main
ckskofcacbnsidentt hsU.
WSUS plays mullic 10 please
any ear. Ni&htly,musleis played
for th~ slcepyheads who retiJe
by midnitht when IM lllllon
Whenthestatlon gocson the
air weekdays at 4:30 p.m..
Saturd1y1 at 1:30 p.m. and
Sundays 11 11 :30 a.m., the
va.rictin of music nn&e fro m
New1, s ports o r ot her
PTOifiiRS of easy listenint aR
supplied to the listener by the
~!Ilion. The n dlo station tries to
supplyits listenerlwithpalitical,
soclsland c:ontrovcnial issues.
"Society Is," a prosnm by
Arnold Muha, of the socioloty
Trippers Plan
l. a7S yuruldbaby
2. li&ht brown or tan
l . before
Klazura Pats Y-Dems
On Back For Work
7. 11about
Ius not
been named yet
8. Ric~rti .McKai&
II. Fo ucault
10 . The fincarllbulldin& will
cost S4. 1 million, the learnin&
resource ecnter S3.3and the
fidd houselddition$1.5.
SroresiJ.points for 'h ch ri&ht
1.19 1S
Weekend Trip (th~:~~,:~~~~r~r:dr~~~~~e:
history depart ment
4,yellowand somebrick
S.4 \ightpostsand8 li&hts
6, The Eternal llunt o f the
Sun (kind of grabs you doesn't
it! J
7. Lewis, M.unke, Faulkner,
l;lt intcranclShipman
8. hn. 6and hn. IO; prdty
~crno~ld~~ b~nd t~~ateUn;:'!~lsi~ rouenschedulinl,huh?
AellvitksBoard .
9 . Norman Meshak
The cost for the trip isS2.50
10. LSD, Tbe Red l,.antern,
withavalid1ted mesltldcet and The Big Tripper, ·sugar f ops
U .50 for off-ampus $1udenll. Pett, The Crimw n Globe o r
The si&n ....p is bein& held l n)'thin&clse yo up•efcr.
today from8 :4Sa.m. to4 p.m.
in the tuMel ofthe Uni•·ersity
The UAB Trippe11 arc tolng
campin& apin. The trip will be:
held this weekend from 4 p.m.
Friday to 4 p.m. Sunday at
De'fil's Lake.
Every siJ. people lltending
should brintllleepingbag,the
The nate president of the
Yo unt De mocrat s, Dennis
Kluun , spoke to the u.mpus
Yo unt Dems orpniu tion on
Wcdnesday,Oet. \6.
Klaun ,ave the Stevens
Pointunita"paton tbe boock"
for ill wor k thh election year.
lle decried the lack of workcn
In the JCnior democrats of
Wis.consin. According to him the
Y- Dem1 Mn have "prdt y "''ell
supphn t ed th e ugular
Democ rat ic par ty in tbis
Klu ura uprel5td the hope
that the Y- De ms In th is unit
would be a solid base on which
to build a more active puty in
ll ol dint 1 Y - D em
membership card should mun
mon tban thef1ct that you have
paid your Sl .50 membership
fcc, ao:ording to iOuur~.
"A Y- Dem is working and
:~!m~~t!~e~r;7t'i~ :~~;~~
cleclcd bu t also how to
diffenntiate mere: hot air from
the me5U&e or meat of a
speaker," he Ald.
While emphasilint th e
JOOdMa o f partisan politics,
Klazura admi tt ed some
Republicans src bettn than
some Demoaau, but
lolll-flngcgo.ab~rcnot eentered
onanyoneindividual's idcals.
Kiazu ra stated that the
Demoaats were particularly
relevant 10 college students
bc:c.ause of its concern for
Meet Monday :;s~~~;":;~,:r~::.~
featun memberl of Student
Senate talkint about cuntnt
csmpus issucs.
This week there will be 1
Senatepasition ontheuniversity
Huhh Servi(c and Eugene.
McPh«'s, uecutin di~elor of
the State Board o f Rctenu.
replyto the Sen.ateposition.
The C011ncil was or1anbed to
~~~tyct.a~tetr:~~·~:~~n! ~~~~~~h ~!~~%:,!~~
k:rn~,o~} ~~~·~~p~eni~ :~!~io,!lv a~l.~~rli~l ~!;:k~~
~r~~~tcJt:Y ~~f:.~tc;~r t!:
natunlresoureesdepartment on
Oct. 30 " 7 p.m. in the
Wisconsin Room.
AU intensted penons arc
ln•ited to sncnd. Membcnhipin1
tbc SCSA will be: available to
those In terested aflcr the
At Jeg~lar Price £very Doy of th1 Yeorl
Ptoftnionoll'f' Cleon.d and Pr•ssed
257 Oivi1ion Street
Aaon From North Point Shopping C.ntar
dn ft ·oounselorsand mc:mbcrs of
thc clcr&Y.
A n yone intcrc ne d In
cou nseli na the membcn,
adv\s.in& cw anyona Who objc"'l
tokiUin&isUf'lcd tolltend. ·
for Curthcr infcwma!Jon
c:onlact h mc:a Brakkcn, 17011
Closes Friday
The Alpha Phi Omep bQok
ucbanae.opcns.in«Sept. 16,
will close this Friday as
prcviol.t$ly announ«d.
Statt dundnthetermsol tbe
aarccment, any boob or money
not pickcdlupby 4p.m. Frlday
become the proptrty o f tM
frat e rnity.! The x lk r must
present his rc" ipt when he
comes to ~tlect his boob o r
TM book ucluon&c, which
luos bandlcCI an caee• of SOO
books this ~tmester. will reopen
ne:~t semester on Feb. 3.
Friday, October 26 - 4 P.i\1.
F•EE PIZZA to Each.
M.~~tber of'"- Wlnnlrt~ Ort~onllotlon.
Kickiest waytoeleJrthealt... lnseeonds. Showsthelaith, blby.
So diaptlthemelloc:holy,tu'"thl tablll andgivehimarillg· l ·ding.
Costsapltllnu. Why not now?
~ Wlicotllin Telepbone Comp11ny
'eJhnettM ....... WiyAte
. 'IBik's cheaper all day Sunday.
edue~tion. 1\e st~ted that the
Republicans bad nevrr wan ted
toeductte themasK'II.
It tccmed to him that tbc
Republicans In Wis.con$ln were
tryint to limit the edu~ational
system on the basis of economic
back&round . lie cited c~amplcs
of Knowles and Leonard
attadclnt !he Uni>·er$lty of
WiKOnsin .
lie "''tnt on to u y that
ll umph rey wn
no t t he
" Meuiah" that wo uld deliver
this country fro m all illt.
llumphrcy is only human. lie
added .thu we 11 least know
where Hurnpbrey stands on the
problem! in the ci!ics. o n !he
fumsandln VIetnam.
Klawn said thu Nixon ha~
not u id much about these
subjecllandtho"'hWallscc talks
a lot.alook att be reeord inhis
home $late will 111iH questions
about what he says.
th3t. no one will ewr a gree
cntir.elywitha pally's platfonn.
but n isnecess:~ryto aarcc:onits
majo r poin ts because the
outcome of this prelidential
election will ha>·e a "lot to do
with your li•·u and the li•·e~ of
yo ur children,"
Do:nnis Klazuraaltcndl !hc
UniYers.ity of WiKonsin ~!
,\1 il w auke ~ , majorin g in
econo mies. lie has been in the
Y- lkms for sb years and at
twcnt y~11ht cons.i~n bim1.df
tobconc ofthcoldest Y- l>cms.
Itt hubccnp•eli,dc ut ofthe
s tate 0111nintion for 15
October 24, 1968
Defeat Bluede.vils, 20 14
Point With~tands
.Late Stou~ Surge
By Tim l.uch
Pointer defense, which
hck1 StouttoS7yardlin the
half, held and Donn Reich's
unt wudownc d atthcSte¥cns
WSU - Stcvens Point played
S ~ cvens Poi nt _ won the toss
itsbesthalfoffootballa tl xason , an d Kar!Kolodlik retumedlhe
)on& In the first half and then opcnl111 k.ickofrtotlu:l'oinl 36.
withstood a last quarter surge by With Bob Main at quartubact.
WSU- St011t to tal;e a 20-14 the Pointers put IOj~tthcr I 64
verdic t in a WS UC pme last yard dri~e In 8 play I to score.
Aided by rlucc Stout offside
Satu rd ay at Menominee.
The :"in left Co~ch Duane
Counsell• cha_rccrs wtth an ncn
2-2- 1 reco rd 1n confercn ~ an~
24-~ o~crall. Stout ~ roppe~ to
l·S m the WSUC and l·S OHntl.
Th e wuthcr wn an ~·thin&
but i~cal .,.·ith the temperature
at 40 and a strong. co t<J win~
blowin& throuahout the pmc
but the homccornl na crow~
filled thcJtadiunrt ocapa.:ity. /
piSiin1 of Mu son an d the
receivins o f Greg& Sipck and
Nick Misch.
. They drove 81 yards in 16
pl.ays wi th 1 Poin ter offsl~e
pc naltyolltcrucialfourthdown
play allowi n1 Stout to retain
PQmsslon. MusonfoulldMl5:ch
with a touchdown pa~ from 11
ya rd soutwith ju!l54scconds
rcrnainin&. Van Valkenbur&'s
tiel; narrowed the Pointe! lead
to20- 14.
J oe Schneider returned
another onlide tiel; n temptto
the Pointer )4 and the l'ointen
ran out the rcmainins minute of
alone li the Stout 20 where he
pthe~d\n thepassandwcntln
to •core untouched. Pat McFaul
kided theutr.point andthe
Pointe rs tool; a 7..0 lead with
IO:SO n: rn.al nln&inlhe opcnin&
troubkl&ll yur,
anothe r 1trong
Blue Devils Held
___ .. .
...._...., _ ..
, ,._.
It will uke•n d fortliht heyputoutatStout tn thcfi rsthalf
Jan week to beat the Tit ans . bu t the mcrnorks of bSI year's
" Wa ttrloo" may just keep the Tit ans on their launchi11g pads.
t imc top~ SC I"IIttheirvictory .
~;i!~~~~ ~h6. ~~~~t~~enrc::::
for two more fint downs, the
fint to Kolodlik at the Blue
Devil 44 and the seron~ to
Oarcncc Weichowlkl at the 19.
Main then "me b>ock wi th 1
pa$Sin& p~y that had nurowly
faile~ only two play• be fore.
Ko lodlik dela yed momentarily
before &Oinaoutan~Main ,Jive n
aood protection, found him all
of,a~ch ~ Sporl~ :J.fa~he~
The Pointen' fint half aplnst Stout wu easily their be_st half_of
football all season. For once a tenu::ious defense was combmcd wrth
a ba ll cont rol o ffenx . Stout , however, too k cont rol of the game.tn
the second hatf,bu tnotenouah$0 to scoreunti tthclastf•ve
minutn.ofp lay.
It i1 a ~ir t ua l cert ain ty that thok Point cn who playe d lait yc~r
have not fo111olli: n our dear friends to the cut wl~om they cntc rtam
th;. i;lturd l y. Oshkosh han ded th e Poi ntcn therr on ly lonof the
~;~~~cn:a'm~=~~:~d it e~cntuaUy cost the l'oin ten a sh~rc of the
Supposedly playin&api nst one
of the weatu t ddcnsu in the
]UIJUC(Iowa )thcy;didnoi iCOrC
one point. That 's thrcepmesin
a row without a sina te poin t.
WiKo";"'' ""'"';" "'"" P"
pme i1 now S points •per
glnnc--lcu than a touchdown.
OpponCn11 have averaged JS
points per batti11s practice
Lea ders (&a~~:~~uctt:.; b·a~etb~U
The WSU - SteW'nl Point
Jridders will hos\ the fint place
Oshkosh Titan1 in a WSUC
i;l turday, Oct. 16.11 I :JO p.m.
Oshkosh has 31 retu rnin&
le tt erme n on the squ~d .
in,ludin& thrn: first team
all-<onfrrencc choic:c1 from last
yur. They aredcfcnsivelinerncn
Claire Rumusscn and Da~
Tcresinski and linebacker Frank
Orld, whO was a n offcn$ive
&uanl tast yu r.
The followin& wines •.-ere
ehaonpiont of their respective
dormitories in touch football·
Sttincr 4tb North', Smi th 3rd
Nonh, Sims lsi Non h, Pray 2nd
Eu t, Knul!cn 4th E.Jt. Ha11scn
2nd West, Baldwin ht East and
In the quarter final playoffs,
Sims lsi Nonh sll ut out Pray
2nd East. 20.0, ~nut zen 4th
l:ntbci tlfan$C' n 2n<JWc$1 \ 4-{i;
Smith Jnl North whippe-d
Raklwin 1st East, 12-8. 111cl
Burro~~&hs 4th West defeated
~mi-flflll l action ~ w Sirn$
in the all time ~oeriu with J2
wt111 against 20 toms . Six pmcs
e nded in tics.
Harriers Win
Triple Dual
At River Falls
&ot offto110mewhac less than an
auspicio.u s d ebut a t
practicc--startinl cent ir Pu
Smith, the tallest 6·3 center in
offthc . tcamfor shovdngup a
day late for ~r~ct ~cc~
By Joh nBrene m• n
Jim Gocl;e rman, the WSUC'i
fo urt h kadi111 pamr ltst yur,
alson: turnsudocs his favorite
target end. Dwi&hl An~crson .
Hard runnillJ Ncb Brian
Bur beyand Ro11Cardohneh:Ki
plOd years also. The Titans'
weakness hu been thdr
Please Go Away! ·
~~rt~~r~~~h~~i"ln~~f!~ ~;~
o f WiKOIIsill's
~c:;~:~d tc:~~u~rc , :i~$ ~;;;
Burro111hs -tth West.
G•tAirtln ele1ervolfent
I ntramural 10 lf wu
cornpk tfd witlt Sims 4Ch No rth
ond Ttdl1h ot the
Pointer Spotlight
Downtown Next to Post Office
By Due Burto n
Ust on the Po inter roster,
nu merically only, end Blaine
Reichelt wean; number 86 for
Sttftns Point . AI 6'4" and 186
lbs. Reichdt - ratcs hl$ 1ine wdl
by sU ti n1 that when the
protectionilthc~tltcPointc r 's
Tltc f~shma11 receiver from
. Appleton 'Ptcialil.tsin thcweal;
siddinep attcm.
dcfenx in a nut lhe U, defensive
N •::k Pcte Biolo hasoullinc:dtbe
If yoplan.
u need
to knowl'ninl'1
1 junior art
Feuin& the outl-ide tlucat o f
South of Pro y-Sims Holl
"bytll(.'l(•'(!uw .. t
All Your Fa:vorite Snacks!
n c cm•oto n••t hn e .
Fruit Juices
wo rm
oz. lor
1 dime
Peo""''Ci;:~o;rPoU:~!'s, Cigorettes
One S howi11g
Nightly at
Gro~o~p latu ~o~pon rtq~o~ut. Phon ~ ony e ~enlng .
Wffi'f&WIH ·J1ltl ~MAN ad fRANK fiNIAl' ~~~til~, 1~\ttOO'.-~l,.~! ~~ JOHfj
PouR HAus
n.. Finest In Uv. Entertolnm.nt
Friday and Sat~day
CAST vou· R voTEr
rosc: totheocellion emihalted .
the Blue
. Cross Country
Team Splits
Triple Dual
0 ,h:.;;:•~t'~~~.~
f';JAL b~~AJ~T
·~ . . SJ_RITAIN
~ ;··~~-;;;;;;;~~=====~'!!!~!~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~;
~~ ~:t~~:~~~~ si:!reU:~
Individual Aclivites
for W.S.U.'s
Balloting for Esquire 1\fagazine's "Best Dressed
llfan on Campus" is now in progress.
Pick up your ballot at _PARKINSON'S
CLOTHES FOR )lEN ••. Down't own
Ste.vens Point and cast your ballot at:
University Center
De Bot ·ee,{ter
Allan Center