Wisconsin State University Stevens Point . "' jTHE POINTER Freshmen Must Return Petitions · ,. Remain Active At Point Senate oUi« no llttr than S p.m. Thuuday, Stpl. 26, 1968. An~· tllndidatc '''ho has not returne.S a ~tition with the tC<Juircd num~r of Freshman By Jim Hofer ballot. The poUilll of printed umpaiJ!.rl..matcrial isnot allowed 11ntU Monday Stpt. 30. 1968. "'AUide~sarepcrml51ibleon luniversitycampus:" mlinlained ProfCI.SOt WWillm Lute, advilior to the loc:ll ch1pter o r the S t udents for a Democntlc Society (SDS), 11 he spoke to t heStudcntSenue. Other forms of nmpai&nina is po:rmiued for a onc ..·eekpo:riod bdore ckction day, Oct. 3, 1968. Regulations On Skits Available Profcuor Lutz warned tnc Senate hehunlcd ehaiJcswith the American AS50Clatlon of University Profc$$0n whlch could re$Ult in a possible "blaeklistin1" of the WSU system. Lu~Pr:J·:r~o ~~~r~•~n re5,1;~i ~Z~~~~u~~e~!~~~~::!'s~ 1S'"1~~!. THE SAXONS AND COMPANY, the fir$1 group to ploy on the WSU (offeehoute circuit, finish-ed their week of en· Tile ad hoc . rommiuc-e, formed. by the motion, will be rompOKd of members of the facult y, adminimation and the student body. Dilcuuion will cenur on the consequences of the R~scnt 1' ruolut ion . Recommendations will be nuode Srnate concunina recourse to the B~rd'sattion. 10' !he Followlna Lun' remnks and nrarly fony f1ve m1nutu of ":::lifica1 1 lfOUps or any lfOUp felt by the Luu' melUic to the Sc"'tc sueued aeademlc freedom. lle pleaded, " If there is any place o n euth where you should not 1 10 1 a and Luu, the Senate atccpted a campus," ~n~!;~5~~~r d~:.Up~~~~cnlve, :;ro;:;., ;:!e;!'~~~~c!~rmuion Later, closed-circuit TV , A nilroad mot ifU sugested Center were divetled to besin Dc:Bot.l'urther dcl1y wu cau~ed Bo1rd of Resents' resolution wuld be used t o ban SDS aroups. II could , in fact, be LUCd terloinment on Soh.ndoy. From lefT to righto Edword Moffit, Morvin Solley ond Don Goggin. !Pholo by Mike Theiu) ~~~c~~~~. ~k~~ -· !~:~nvi;i~!~~ :~c:':!e::.C~~t~ ~~ou 1~aldbe o::y an~~~~":dt; aftfmoonJ. A~iatC<I Women Stu.Jents will be- holdina: an d ection in wnjunc1ionwit hStudcnt Senate on Oot. 3 to fill thrtt positions. r~: I ~~~t~ns of'~~m~~s.on~ frnhman d01m rcpreKntllti•"C and one upperchnman off-campusrepre:~entali>"C. Thl* interested in applyin& should tontact Pruldcnt Karen !;!,~e!!~s!~re."ws nocm~r as !~J]:fonsrc!it~a::r~~~~tsin ~~~ llopdully (with emphasis on perhaps) the Allen Cent~r basement will be finished and the upstairs wlll be partially redecorated by nut fall. l:loth Raym ond Specht, directorofcampu$pllnnina,tnd Ron llatchet o f t he Uni>·ersity Center cmphuind tllattllo~h t he (Lntstepto,.·ard wmpletiRJ Allen Ctnler has bern t aken, nothinaisddinite. A proaram stucment ha5 becnappro\·edatthlslne\but it must ao on to Madison for appronl beforcanarclliteetan be appointed. It is hoptd lhalthc:re willbe Korean Violinist To Present Concert A youna Ko run vio linist, Kyung Wha Chun,, will be prc~nted in pubhc concert ni&ht In the first c~mber music proaram of the Thut$day :~easonat WSU..Ste•·ens Point. Sponsored by the WSU ArU and Lectures Scri u. the performance will be&inll8 p.m. in Main Duildir\1 auditorium. Tickets arc on s.alc Jt the Uni~rsit y Center information duk and on Thursday nialltwill be a<vailableatlhedoor. Miss Ch un1 w lll pia)' selections b)' Pua:nani·Krcislcr. ~!ec,~c!!~n. 8 ~~~~~~sk~~~~: anciT~:in~!:::::o,d member or anOrientaLmusical family bepn littk opposit ion to the plan becauscthcreconstruction"·lll be self·$Upporti"' and will not r~l.(uirc an)' t u dolbrs. The prosram :~ent. t6Madison suuests pan<:lled walls, new draperies. a thi1d sub~cyor. a new lijjhtina synem, ~rcen~. new tables and ~hairs. an AM·I'M mu,;i~ systcno and a permanent o ffice for student maMa:ers on the upper le•·d. kitchen area also. Pbns for t he lo,.·er level include a snack bar, 1 TV louna:<·,and , ,..o small offices. A private dinin~ room ,..ill be :~epa111~.J by a noo•·nble wall so t halthcdininl!arc3maybc uscd uastudyarn "'h~n needed. Fnlurn that " 'ould make Alltn Ce nlcr unique ,.-ould be 1 fireplact"and wirinJ!:for potentiaJ bulldlll,l utens1on for dry storaae are included in the proc,-:!;.1 plans for the Allen Center included 1 llvlna·lnrnina tomplu Umiltr to the present De Bot residence cen!er. llowever, in 1964 when Allen wn built, upen~es 110 hlaher than had b«n upccted,lnd it wu decided to leue the basement a concrete thdt tobc completed ,.·hen funds were auilllbk. The tomplction wu ddayc4 when funds Intended for Allen Homecoming Events Will Honor Alumni and a 4:30p.m. dcdlc:.t ion of lhene,.·ntrctidcnce hall willbC in the Cl uu oom Center. President Dreyfus and Emeritus Professor !>lay Roach will participate in the proaram honorina the " late Charles F. ~:~~;e."'mc:W:e of the new She WISI ICCflller. After a w nccrt touroi.Japan with a sister. she came t o the United Stltcs in 196 1and began studyinaat theJuillard School o fMusie. Withafintpriteinthe Leventritt Competition, America's m,_;or leque violin contest, ohe won rccosnitlon In major newspaper and mqulnc fine arts columns. Shealsohasbecnhonorcdby the New York Philhumonicand Pimbw&h Symphonies soloistforcachpoup. Roundina out events will be an "S" Oub banquet at the Stevens Point Country Club, beg;inninaat6p.m. and1dance in t hefieldhousebecJnninall8 p.m. whole dorm. llowever, nowthatuplnsion Panhel Council Will Begin Informal Rush The 1968 Panhellcnic informal rush rt~isllltion will beain on Tuesday, Oct. I, t hrouah Monclly,Oct. l4 , inthe Student Mfairs offlce. A rush fcc of Sl.OO must bepald at the timcofrqistntl.ln, To be di&iblc for rulih, each woOUin must meet the following requitemcnll: She must be enrolled in this university, rinished one ~muter of at least 12crcditsandc.arryingatleast9 credits of resident work at the time o frushifii. Ailsophomores, juniors and Kniors mull have a 2.3 the previous ~emester and 2.00overaU to becliaible. ThefustKhedut.edpar1iesfor rushees are as follows: Oct. 16 Alpha Si&ma Alpha, Oct. 17 Theta Phi Alpha. Oct. 180clt' Zeii,Oct. 19Aipha Phi. i rrelennl. The Board of Regents' action hu aone futhn Jn other 1ction, Senate Preliiden t Pau l Schilling announced his appointments to stuQ'ent·hcultYrom mittees. about I pouible name chi~ for t he banned aroup, Lut z indicated 1101 did Wtnl t his The outlawed lfOup's 1dviso1 spoke of t heir activit ies duri113 b y Lind1Pctcuon Wouldyouliketoha•·e l btcr bar in the University Center1 Or how about a beauty stoop, skatin& r ink or bo"'linl l~nc! Plans ate beina made for an utendvcaddiliontoourprcsent Unl~ersity Cemer, and no"' is t he lime for you to let your ldeube known. Ronald llucllet. l)itcctor of t he Universit y Center, Aid that althouahplans areinthe•·tt)' earlysll&e,l911 hasbecnKtas t hetenativerompldiondatc. The estimated cost of this new addition is about 3 million dollars. The present center hua total of about 70,000 square fcd,andthcadditionisplanncd for 100,000 tquarc feet of "anianable footaae." This excludes hs\l,.•ays. stora&e a nd maintenance rooms. etc. Students. facult y and. admlnlstntors are sincerely cnrouraaed to submit any ideu that they mar h.avc related to facilitiu,~emccsorcqulpmcnt likc to~ee t hc:Centcrspons.or. A Proaram S u tcmcnt Committee is bei111 Kt up to takeintooonsiderationall oltllc ideas and suagcstions. !latchet KCS their u sk u "eomin& up with an ord~rly, ide~l pl~n for new and uistina space, for a ~~~r~~:s:=~~~ ~~t~!~ Limited functional,u~eablebuilditlll." This wmmlttce ,.-;u consist Winning fi rs t price in a nat io nwid e You111 People's There will be a limited Competition, pcrformifll with number of reserved scats for t he Korean Droldcu t in& homccomina. Scats for 2SO Symphony Orchntrl. and aduluwill bepriccsS2.SO. honors in music fro m the Seoul University uudcnu (6SO) Unl~rsity " "ere achieved before mull presc:nttlleit fee card and pa)' SO cents at the Univcn.ity Ccnter for thcreservedseats. Students must present their Radio Station Hopes to Start This Sunday ,... Tile deby-ptaaucd debut of WSUS, the new t'M ndio sut ion on campus , is bccomina sornet iLinJ of 1 bad joke. The openina date hu been schedu led , tcKhedulcd and ri'Khedukdqaln. With 1ny luck 11 aU, the station (89.9 FM)will olr.citlly brain broadeasl inallll : JO•.m. Sunday,Sept.29. Disqualification Will Result From Stealing ... , Uaht Finacrcd Louie Report~ ol matuif.b bdna conflsc:at ed from vuioua eomtruccion lites hive re~cbcd th e hom eeomln1 parade commlttte. Stucltnls are reminded tNt ~~i!·:~!ftics~== 1nllA {qr the Ml rcspoiiJibWty for t!idractiont. The Ho~~~teomlnc hnde committee wiD not abare az~,y tclpOIIJibOity for u.nlaWfllllctl. As the meetin& dosed, Lull quipped that .!IDS lsconsidcrina a name char~~e. lie nid the ~troup may be known 11 the Euaent Mcl' hce Memorial Chapt e r of the National Liberal ion l~ront. Hatchet Seeks Ideas For Center lhal thcnewCentcrshould have. or about proiJllmS they ,..o·uld Reserved ·se.a ts Are 1)1 diseu.Sifll the Resrnu' a ction 1 011 its effects 1nd repercussions, senior Knllor John W•llcnfana uprcucd the opinion that the Reaenu' judgement on SDS wu "a blatant e xample of prior restraints." l'urthcr Senile actio n Is upcctedontheSDSbanninaat Ju next meeting Wednuday, Sept. H . ~~n~~c~ne:n.fm..{'/k~ ha~r':t~~ ~~~~o~~oup swplus funds have accumulucd, dcflnlte act ion is belnataken. If the pl1n gcu throu~h the red tape in M~diton Without undue delay, "vrk may be begun durinc second ~mester. the spr\na ~muter. The~ included 1 protest of the Vietram war, a demonstntlon against Vl«·l'ruidcnt llubertll , llum phrey, supJI"ort of Counterpoint, $ponsorship of t he Free Univtrsity "and sponsorship of 1n on-a.mpus speaker. ~enatou as IICVcral All en Center Remod el ·• ng - - - - - - - - - - ~!~i:'H;:~o:~:::t ·E May Occur Next Semester ~!::~~~~~~~n~~~too~~t~!':~~ ~:s:l~~~~~r~~~:~:f~rn~de::~ th:~th::e~~';;~~ed ~~~~98:~~~"~~. ~~l~~l2S~ Information pcrtainin& to rulu,nogulationsandjullsin&for the tlomctomlna skits and hootenany will be put into the orpniut ion mail boJ~ in the Union. If there are any questions, AWS Will Hold Fall Election No.3 Lutz Says SDS Wi ll All nomiruotina ~titioM must ~ ret urned to tile Stud~nl •ianatur""dUnot appnronthe .· ~Pages, WSU-STEVENS POINT , Thunday, September 26, 1968 SERIES VII I, VOL. 12 of llatchct: RaySptcht ,Campus l'lanniDil i)Lrector:Miss~ndsof the llome Economics Oepanmcnt: and ~vtral other faculty m~mbns and students. Larry K rue~cr . Chairman olthe UAB llouSIRI Committee , is in ch~rge of selcct iDf studcnn for thi$Committ«. llat chetfcctst hatt hcplans for t his addition should b~ "not in 'tcrmsof 1970,but in terms of 1980."" tat.:lngintoconsiderat lon thcswdentcnrollrnrntincrcascs. Some ofth~po!.SiblefacilitiC's this addit ion mayincludc u e: a uudent art c omplex ; an ex tfnsive u niver sity store: expanded rec1ut ion facilit ies. such. as bo.,.·lina: alleys, ice .)lo;a!lng and curling rinks: arU a11d crafts work areas for studcnts:abccrbuandcharc~NI ~rill: a lafic cafeteria. 5CI'"iDI: thrccmcalsaday andadditional rncctingrooms. · Other quu tio ns to be considered arc: Do we need a small theater? A barber and beauly shop~• A banquet ballroom with a scatingcaoacitv of 800 or 1000~ Guest rooms! Alumni lounacs and orrtc.-s! ,\ tommutcrs loun,ge ? A music listcnin, lounge~ What dO you think?. Do YOU have an)' iden or comments? Give them to )h. llllchet and t he Pr o&ra m Statement Commi ttee no"'' · It"s Crntcr- let'shclp planit. ~se.;:d'!i:,~~~~~~~~d~~: card dd A ress ' Changes Needed Will Hold Reception For Brent All students who have had 1 chanae in their loal or home addrcssorbo!h.arerequested to lmmed i llely ad,ise the Rqistntion Office, Roo01 209 Main. Panhe ll Tea Set For Sund/' y A P1n.beUenk Tea will be held on Sundly,Scpt.l9, from 2-3: 30 p.m. II the Wf'i&ht Lounp of the University Center. The tea will be spoUOftd by !be lour national tororities on e~mpu.s wlllch are Alphl Phl, AIJ!hl S4m• Alph1, Delta leta ani!ThctaPh!Alphl. All&irlllntcratcd In sorority UfCueWJedto •ttcnd. " THE ASSOOAnON," singing one of t heir mony h it1, p lo\-ed to a neor capacity aowd at t.he field· ha\.11e on Sunday. From left to right: J im Yeater, Terry Kirkmon, lorry Romos and Ruu Giguere. !Photo · by Ok•atln1kil. "The film- maker is an illusionin ," ~Y' director Pa~l IJo bl, spcakin1 of the (ilm, "Do You Keep a lion at llome?", "who posscssts maaical I'O"'ers, and what taku place in the cinema is in 1 certain sense 1 m aaic , ceremoni a l pcrformanc:c." Findin&thclrnurscryKhool closed for the day , two small boys deride to roam around Prqucontheirown . The fantasy adventures arc done u pantomine comedy Intended for children, yet infused with subtle utitc and hu~~~J:s~Pfo'r"f:n1~n tolor. . lni!Nctor !larry Brent, from the Ena.lish Department of Bradl"ey Univcnit y, Peoril, Ill., will be the IUCSI at 1 small reception at the home· of BiD A 1964 Clcchoslonkian f<tm w ith Enalis h di:iloauc . Pri:ewin"ner at Gouwaldor, Venice and Loc:aino Film FcsUvlls. l 964. The film will be lhown 11 3:30p.m. on Wednes.d1y, Oct. 2 attend the dlsawion IHiion hcldatUOSt. PiuiSt.,Stcvens Point. Informal 4ruslt appropriate · for the m:cption, which lndudu dlkusslon 1nd beer. Bohemian Ufc o{ 1 writer and tu. airl inBerUninl931 . The 19SS British film wiJI .be shown at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2 and 11 l : 30 p.m. on Thunday, Oct. l . _:~~c~~-::~F:dJy~=:~· 21::l~~;~1i~?'\:E·:~ by Ed Mnkl1nd Mike Eve Why is it manditory for all male frnhn•en 11 U.l'l',·Madisun 10 like ROTCwhileit i$onJy .-olunuryat \'o'SU··Sceven• Point ? Under the l:lnd Granl Ordironcc of 1862, ROTC wu tompulsoryin mostlandarant institutions. In t960, thcDepartment of Dcfen5C dropped the rulinc. ROT( at Madison had ' been mandatory until\960. There still remains a mandator}' fi•·c hour orientation for freshmen set up by the acmy , n~vy and air force. The ROTC proaram itself is not mandatory. Recent dcnoonslfat ionut Madison were apinst the mandatory orientation a nd not towards the ROTC \o\'hu is the boy/sirl ratio at WSU·Stcvcns Point? Steve tbur;h, .tunior, Milwaukec. One would estimate the 1111io at the iiehool's social events or 11 the birs to be tei. to one. tJo ,.·evcr, the Office or Re&istration o ptimist icallyrepotls thentiotobethreetot,.·o . Why can'c beer be KrVed li t he Pina llul in Stevc:M Point ? The manaatmcnt of t he Pilla llutlpplled for a "Retail Clus A" lndi"Rctail ClsssB'"Iicensc:; both·werercfu$Cd. Accordina to 1 law made by the City CouncU the amount o{ licenses U.ued in the cit y are to be Umltcd. This.bw wu made in ord~rtoprotectthellvernownenintheclty . • Wbl t iltbc llllulstrUC1urcinStc'eMPointf The talkst tower belofiJJ to radio station WSJ>T which il lboiU ~:ti~~~::~i. l~e ~~~!: ~~jd\~e i~ t~~c l~!!~n:.~i~~~hi~~~Jb feet tall. Page3 THE POINTER 1 I ' Digging Near Halls ~~- Will Eliminate Poles Organization Will Promote Polish Dancing 8yM1 ryS.: hoenlcWr ,Stud ent curiosity hn bee n aroused th.is hll due to the conside11blc incr nse in th e const ru «io n work o n camp us. One pOint of interest ha.s been the d i&&i nas in fr_o nt of Sc hmecckle and Baldwm halls. A. crordin& to Ray Specht , Ca mpu s Pla nnina Director, thcse curious diuiJI&Saretbe rcsult of wOf k Wi141done Oll the plpi!'i, utWtics, etc., whic h arc Wu~& pu t undcrcround to keep down ~- ~~ui':o~~d.0 f ~~!lfn~Yof.~~s1 job Is wha t ca n be se en fro m Sch n~Mc kle a nd 81\dw ln halls. The mr.jor put of the work is bcin& do ne o n Franklin Street, near the Sciencc Bulldi n&. One of the resu lt s of this Mr.Spcch t uyshcrnlizn1ll th is wor k is an inron~enlence to stud enu, but stude nt s wuld help by u.l.in1 ~ little conunon 5tnsc ,.·hen.,.... lki141or ridi141in thcuu. To ulu t ~ the n~tionll ori&Jn of many l' orll&e County residents. ·l'olishdancinawillbe the special ty till~ yu.r of 1 new oraaniution at WSU.Stevens l'oint . llir~ctor Linda llatch is of EllBiishand lcelandicancestry, but she has pracllcal know lcdae ofPolishdancuandhasWcna member of the llri&ham Young Uniwrsi ty Folk Dancers of l'rovo. Ut~h. which pt"rformed in tours of both North Ameriun Spec ht , who left tncti111 bcc•u5e he fd t he ro uld bett er Krvc the studen t in campus plann in1,asks• nystud ent who has qucstlonJ o n tire physica l flcilitic:sof thccampus towme and talk to him. Making costumes are another mallcr, thouah. and she would welcome suucstions of l«l l resident s. Shealsoisinteruted in having Stevens l'ointen tell hcrabout l'o lishdanccs shemay not know. students in walking on the side of the road." A. Uhoua h nou~h of the "'ork will proba bly W comple ted within the nut few mon ths. the entire job will no t bcrornplc ted for loQmt time. and l: uro~ . ;'..~'~,::e:h:n:es~/e~·~l:,';!~,;: ~~:~~c;~;~t:~tl:t~:~~:e~; ~~~~;~t.!~::i:J ~!~~~~:m~~ the me "7S Dynamic Yean" in can be remedi ed. co:~~~n~r~~~:~~~ t!l:~a~io~~ of un~ ightly poles on com pos. (Photo by Bob Holden) ' THIS CEMENT STRUCT URE re p resents cw onempt to kr:ep down the number id c:::f::: tt:::n::::::;IOold ~·¥ ~~ ,..~;c~tor~r~~~e~:bo~~ ~~ ~~~e;~~~~c~o tr~~:~~:~;;~: de~r:'n~~.':: o111;~li$~0 ~o~~E:!nc:~eeyN~~~c~e H!~n~ :~::, ~~~~ ~;ti~n:~~;eo~f:n~;o~,::e~;YPo~:o7:5i;e:,:: , and rnidenu of the Ru ropk x New Debate Coach Debate Season Will Begin Shortly :::t:h~:!i~\~~~:.~~~~-~~~;·u. ~~ l nvo h·eme nl in Vie t nam, Conare:ssional review o f fore~gn Alumni Staff ~~~J:~~t;r::·n;a::i~;:::: Norman E. Kn unen retired .,wlcc front WSU.S ttnn$ Poln t •nd f•iledboth tirnu. li e's back onum pus thUbU to 5tn·e part tirm- o n the new a lumni nsoda t ion sta ff . t ·ootJrn.;r tinll cstat>l ishrnt nt _of a lumni du bs in outl ymg romruunitin and S])<"a kifll to h11h school 110ups throuahout the sta te abou t the history of Wisconsin ;~.nd of WSU Stnens l'ointarthisas.signments. stat~ !Jv. Knu tzenin 1963 " 'IS IO!tep req ui reddov.·n by Khoob prep.a rt casesadvoca u nc accepta nce or rejection of this topic. 11 Unpt"c tcd 11 the _preser:> t tinoe tha t Stevens l'ornt "'Ill a t rrnd upwar~s of t en tournamtnU, the hut one t? bi.· in ea1ly O~tob•r , at crt her Whi te,.lltlorOttrort . Noone studen t willbclikdy to compete in each lournamcnt. bu t the · dppollunity for t r;~.•·d and urerien"" ,.·ill be gru t. Stcwns J'oint rrra)' met! as differcntcolk~U bl:rause h~ hall rurbed the 1 ano.l univenitin. nnging horn ntanya S0·7S lma ll to br&f and coming from Stc•·tns l'oint English facu lt y at ,, ~o rurnl tt ~~ anniHf>~r)· to (11311 ~~::;~~" :o~~;cl·n:~lr;orJ:~,~~~; ~~;~:~~~a~~~ ~~~!'\~:c~,:~~:~~~~~~~ 1Srh llbSo.'IV~IICC$ 3\ J 1m c s S I o lt~n bery. SU ilerintcndenr of KhOOis in Me rr ill : W~ rrc n Kos trosk i and John Breneman, rt<'tn t St ude nt Sena te officers, Exo()fficio mcnr ben arc Pau l Sc h illina. stu den t ; William Victers taff , d ir ec t o r of d ev el opment ; a nd Kid l'rcdclic k, dircctor of alu mni. Fredc rickiscoo rdina tifl& thc ac tivi ties. lie said the grou p alo~~~re rounorlor, En&lish teacher and reuonl na still s ami K nu t1~n to wor ~ in t ht~ procrams on ;~. pa rt-time basis. li e rema ined in thoor posi tions taking 11111 iu the dtba tf prOg ram can Upt"Ct to de•·elop faci lity in r c~arch, analy s is. p1escntation. WSU·S t ~•·cns l'olnt students are n•e_d~d ~eac~~r,;:,~~~~~~~~·:ec.:::d; 1 f~; ro~-~~~~;wividual ::~:~~:f~~!ii:d~:~~~f~~~~~~~~ arg;.~:·:;;:~:a~~f~~i~::~ grow rea50nin& and to The 1968{i!la!lcxhibition Wi sco nsin State S t rv~ ns !'o int will lnc lude II shows dur in& the )' t ar , acrord ill& to director Richard Sch neider. Two will ~ lfO UP dis plays . one. ·b y the Stevens Point art h.c'ul ty and the other by Y.' hconsin dcsi1 ncn 3nd cr"f' smen . "fhe first e~ h ibit ion has been ~hows and has ..·on numerou~ awatds fOf his ceramics. lie llo ldii thc B.S.3nd l>\.S.dcgrccs from th e Un iv ersi t y o f Wisconsi n·Milwau kec and th e M.F .A. dtJ!ct for U.W,·Madis.on. lie spt"cia llz~d .ifl, ceramics and aho beumc Interest ed in the revival of t he craft of Blass sui~s at U or i•·c r ~ity· Stevens Point No rmal School in 1911 , co ming here from II ~ nat ivc Manitowrx. No w at home IIICO IIa&eon Pike l ake , nc u Tia:trt on, Knut u n com mu tes to hU job 11 the un iven it y, 1\IEN. ·.• NO ONE ~'tot o greotl'l' voriety of ptes tiae rn1n' 1 colognesthon we r ove. How abouT .· wh«l. "Oth.-r v.o.~s. ho,.·evct , ar~ more c~cittng such as 1 black of tht UniverSit)" Ce nt er b)" llouglas J o h nson o f t he WSU· II. h·cr Fallsa rt faculty. Johns.on h;~.sex h ibitedwiddy in 1eaional and national all ~E~!.~;;o~;~~~::.~:~,:~~~~::~~~~~:if. •.---------------------., The BRAT BARN Featuring this week "SPEEDY and the ALKA SELTZERS" formulate BRATS & STEAKS r'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ r-==:::-c=--:::;;;;;;;;;;, Ricllaro.l ll. ogm. 02'.1 .\ b in. ext. 202. . .,~e'C\···~s r'X\'lJ.\\ rr.c~ ''lJ.\v #l\.s\'lf. soC"-c\'<cu' ~((\QS· \'f\0 \0'< ~ c'lJ.\\ llr. l'au l \' ~mber t . dun of a111>1icd arts and S(icnce U WSU·S I', will set J t3dio record thi~fa ll in the WSU system. l 11troduct ion to nat ura l rcso•n ~es . a ( Ia ~~ he wilt prc5tnt (a ~ h T h u uda¥ ove r t h~ S\a \co()wn•·d I'M ne twork, will be rhe WSU ~~stem's fint offerin& fof a~adcmi~ credit to r11dio h~teners . fh~ '"Coll~ge of the Ai f" ' <Xnrrsc wi tt be for one credi t at an tn rollmtn t fee of Sl4. l'~ rsons interested have bl:en aJvisedto rontact Orla.nd ll.adke. di1cctor of u tcndd M'rivct~ at WSU·S tevens Po int, Begin ning Oct. 3 and con tin ui141 tluough h nu~ r y, the l~~t u r ~s Will tx- hu rd O~et: Y.1JA. an J WII A·I' M, Ma diso n; WlB L. Aubu1ndak: WIIAD, Delafield: 1\'IIK W. Chilton: WIIR ~I. Rib Mo u n t• in: WII WC, Colfu : ~'~\~~~\d.; ~~~~~~~:e nB;rul::ll !~ld ~~~(~~e.va_.~-ic~lr~~:~b~~~~~.~.~~ \\'l ~·\?.\ Su~::· is offering 1 thro~&enseet ions,..it hhand·buih por tioAsandappliqueddt5ia:ns " O ne othe r direc tio n in ~~~r~u~~~k·:;~y'~~r~str ~~ blo;:~~ldcr u id : "Ills disi'13 Y •epn·s.:n ts an underou ndinB of lirni tcduM'of suchsurfa,·csa., t hecra ftof thepO n er •nd somc 11een and" gold on 3 wh it •· nsc: of the co nt t mporlr)" trends in combined til~ e31lhl)" <tu31ity of the fie ld ofut.Sne ral 'piecu. t he ell)" "'ilh th i~ mo rt l'op·MI" suc h u two u lt -cJazed vases, tcndcnc)'. s h o w his e~ce lle noe wi th Johns.on's exhibit ""ill be trad it ional uscoft bc po tt ers opcn thlonghSC!' I. 21 . opencdin t hc l il'o lle tt c lo u r~~e ~rn~!~t ,;~~s~eulned ..·i th h~ :~~is:~~~~i..n::~f~~~-.~ hir~:lf'~f ~tev~ns 1 ~inatl y.;:t~~ He enrolle d in the fotrncr fl uiltu r••cogni1.ing the schoo l ' ~ heritage . the cmnmillce 5ees the amri•·ersa r)' pro~rarru ~ s wi)'S of al.'tjuain ting th<' pu~lir wi th thewlcoft heinstitullon in t eHhint:, r c~arth and c~ t cndcd s c,.·ires and in st imubtingfutured,·vclnt"llfnl . o.l~"'~ to ~ca~:~e o~ ~u~z~l\llo:~ia~t;!,t! ~r~~i:ebit~ir.!r~ tl~~•k ~~~!ftl~~ wit h the schoo l and the close bcin& built to nhibrt ~ ~ publrc g a 1 h cring s throug h o ut WiKonsin. Art Exhibition Series Will Include 11 Shows ;~l:n~!~Of~~~r~r~e~!a~~e0~f ;~~ all pnu of the rountr)' this ym ~h:~;it~r~. M:~ fa~d~~~~~~:~: i.~~~~72~-£~:~~~~~::~~r~:~~~r~ a p·, 150n p ho to ) CommiHee Selected To Plan :;~:~~f:~::~.~:::':'.~ Yambert Will Off;r .Radio 75 Anniversary Observance ~~f;;;~: ~~~~;r~'·5j::::~ Course For Academic Credit bc:twec!l now and ,,..~, spring has M-en ~111\\IIUI~Cd by thf chai rman , Orlaml lhdkc. by A.n ita Matt t r All membe rs have grad u ~t etl from th~ iorsti tullon, he s.Jid. f his )"t ll the nf,.. debuc s.: uon starU ..-i rh a ncwdcb~tc r::,~s1 ~: ;~.~!~~~~~s 'rl~r :~a~; They are: Don Ucn l , Mary Jo ~5 . He hot>n the additrQnal fl ugp. Willi~m l'~bk. Wa11cn ~:~~~~i ll.:~ha~~s~f.!~-~~s ~~~i~~ memlx'rs ..-ill hdpto J>lt5ent a l cnsmire, ~ ~~ facu lt )' membe rs: Jftcronc )·nra t ll opeCollqclrr IL;i rder cha llenge, both trr th.e !Oiitalx' th l'ftffm·r lldlot, 1\uel ll <~lland. Michig1n and t hrt~ team memheu and the teams Go tham. ~nd W illi~m C. 1\anscn, opponents. ~~i~·~n~~~- ' ~radi~~ive:~ 1 Ytht0~ E•ch)•n rt hedebatecoaches . formn h~u ll )" mem b ers: of partidpallnt: Sthoob a~•ou respectivcdtb.atece~~chcs. lt icharJ II. oKtrsisno"· in the tilt country chooor a tOpiC of current nuiona l conccrn to be dtbatedbythestudents. This yea r's to p i~ !s, '" lt uo lved : t hat e~ecut r. c contro l o f United Sta tnfo reiMn policy tho utd be signifkantly Knutzen Will Serve [J " You're in c ha!Jeol bu ildi na thcrlo;r t.decoratin8 rhe house anddreui na up the party. So ·you need Pomps. tbe namercsista m dccorativetis.sue. Youcan dcconotc anything bt1u· tifully ...-ith Pomps. inside • nd ou r. and o.lo it fiSie r, easier. ~n c r. Pomps don't cost much. T hty're cut 6~ • 6Msquare , ready ro use. toniC in 17 vivid colon that I re ~ inuall y run· proof when wet. Buy Pomp~•t )'OI.Irbookslore. K hoolsupply de1leror paper mcrchlnt. And u k your libraria n f~ 0<1r boolr.let MHow to Da:or.uc With Pomps.M If she docsn t have it,just tellhcr towritelora CQPy. Or,order your o "·nc_opy. Send SI .B 1nd you r address today to The Crysta l Tossue Company, Middletown. Ohio 45042. ,;r pampa• Cbirc at 2: JS on Mo nday and W,·d n ~ s d ay afternoo ns and v.·mkJ ci\'iliu tion dasses by the hrs!OI)' depa rt ment of WSU l~Crosse at II a.m. MondJy. Tuesday. We d nesd;~.y an~ T hut sd~y mor n i ns~. 8oth " "ill be non-credi t offerinp, J> r \'arnber t . Unrvu s ity students and faculty and staff members will comprise the WSU Folk Dancers, oraani.ted 1111 ynr when Mrs. Jh tch bepn teaching here. Mcetin&~ will be each TueWay from b: IS to 8 p.m. in lht Campus Schoolsymnasium. Hiahlightsof•ctivitieswlllbe public dance concctt~ both on campusu and in high schools of central Wisro nsin. Mu. 1\S a·. ~pt" dal feature. !lat ch plans to ( O ntr~ct several top l'olbhd~n rersf1om the ,.·eu coast to .:i•·e demonstra tion s M1e. She will be a ~si't~d in h~1 pr01nmbyhcr hu'oband. Fnnk. ron5trvationist by I!Jinirrg ,..ho ~ a dan ce in lt•u ctor . ume to St.-vens l'oint about a decade ago to teach th~t subject. uys his radio program will mesi The dnignatimi "C~n tr·.1l int ccr~tion of rnanaacmcn t and State Teachns CollrKe'" appuu ~~~·.u;:~... ~~:~~~sw~~~ ....n.lan· s m:3~~!~;J~~~~~~~cu~o:1:i~~ div~~~ f;~~~en;~~~rcpa~~~s,,~ ;~r;oo~~~~~:n;hi:~rhfan~~;~nit1:~ historica l i n fo r mation, 1crminology, and an ecologic~l fnmeofrdcrence : aninventory ~;;nr~~~ P~:~,!nf~~~~;~i~ ... of curren t "inursand problems: and a eon cl udin& $triu emphni.ti141 the interr elation· ship5ofCOn5trva tionwithsomc of the conven tiona l fields of study. Suucst ed iupplement~ry readinl$for each lecture aH.· plovidedinmimcovnphcdfolm r - - - - ----, 42% Fewer Freshman than a ny othe r leading Brand T ested UTILE .TOE"S DRINkiNG ESTA BliSHMENT --~~~"'!!~~~~~~;;;;;iii SJG1\JA PHI EPSIJ"'QN FOR~JAL RUSH ... PLACE: Fronk Uoyd W•laht l oung e, U:C, TIMEr 6:30P.M . DATI: Swndoy, S.ptembar29tll EVENT: Formol Pusllerond Smoker All-n lnterested ln f rotarnitylife Are Encowro ge d to Atta nd l ..... September 26, 1968 THE POINTER ARTS AND LECTURES SERIES SCHEDULE Thursday. Sept. 26 Th~ l>nllilnt 1 9·)'C3T Wednesday , Apr. 16 JOHN 0 ' BULGER Sunday, Nov . 23 HARRY GO LD EN KYUNG WHA CHUNG Biology Dept. Has Museum old 1o> o r~~~~ •·ioliuhl. Winm.•• of th•· t~...-ntritt Coml"'tilion in 1967. lhrs. h~r fit)! full s.:non of "'ll :~'~t· ~~~~~m~ ~ a!~'~'\~~(1c: .:ou~~•t ~~~~lj:<'11h'nts, l'hilh~r monk Thursday, Oct . 3 THE GR EGG SMIT H SINGERS A sup.:rlaHw j!IOUJ' of '"'0 sir~£rn doun Slf lfO nn·cr "·ho "'ll Prof. Robert K. Se~•les, director of the museum, repOrts the mu~llm Is stlll in t he early st•&esofdevelopmentandmany cxhiblll arc still under construdio n. Of special interest isthcreccntlycomple tcd"Uvlng wall" where 1 Ylrlety of rl5h , amphib ians and reptiles arc displayed live and In ~lor. A c•~at<· df~L'U SUC I\ :IS )'011 °\'C llc~ul hdo r e . -~bin Audrtonum . \T uesday,Oct.8 PRESERVATION HA LL JAZZ BAND Wed nesday, Dec. 11 Monday, Oct. 21 DR EW PEARSON •\ mnin's most innurnt~l 1\'uhinRion rolunmi!.L ll isudio •wsion of IIi~ popul~r s~·ndkatcd nnospapn colum n , ''Thr 1\'ulliflilon ~lcri)·.Co-N.ound.'' is no"' in il> 14th yur.-Mai11 Auditorium. Tuesday,Oct . 22 JAMES METCALF . "Th.- ,\1i$hty ,Mi ~si~ l'l'i" ~ nf" full-color tra•·d d <KUIIIC nl31~' of ~ houSl'i>03! •· o~· ~r do"'ll th i• hi''""•' and f'ICIUH~IIII'' I i• ,. r •· .\1 3111 Audltmium, Friday·, Oct. 25 Oi AETA BASQUE FESTIVA L OF BILBAO On thdr ~ccond Amcrk3n tour, tlli• colorful and c~d ti nj: compan)•of danc.,.n.>ingr.sa od instrumcntalish. beautifully and colorf111ly ~o>turncd, "ill thrill ~~;;d:,~.,~~r" •i•tuosit)·.-Main ~~r~;;~~::~~~r.~"~ ~~~.(·~~:~a~.~~ ;I~i:~~~:;ai~~~~:.r~:~~~:~i.··n~~~~: I Thursday, Feb. 13 i A LL Y A' REN TSCH "1\'~tcr·s l'dt:c.'' :m ,\udohon "'lr f.- ~~a;u .\udrc uri11m . Thu rsday, Feb. 20 RA LPH FRANKLIN "jiAWAII " Tue$day,Oct. 29 DEE JAY NELSON "Thrct Snwns No rth, " an Au do bon f i I m.- -~1 ai n Au•litorium. Friday, Nov. 1 BAVARIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTR A OF MUN ICH The first ,\mcrk~n tour of one of l:u ropc's Great Orchcsuu--110 m11sician>. lhhd Ku ~lik., Conduc!Ur-·l'etcr Richter. Aniua nt Conductor.- ,\l~in t\udit orium . Tuesday, Nov . 12 THEODORE ULLMANN Concert Pf!formanccs inuch of t heSOsutc>an.lonhundreds of college campu~s. A 1ifted phnist w_i l h daulin& tecllniqur.-MamAudi torillm . Admission Tests Slated At Centers adv~s lnthc disptayandQ reof Tom Moyle haodlu the maintenan ce of the living wall and usists in e~thibit construction. Co lcen Sadtlcr ass.istsinp:nc111 l maintenance of ullibi!Sa nd ml.lstllmstcretarial work. F11ture plans for lh~ museum include the dnrlopmfnt of >y noptic colle,tiuns of major plant and anima t youps11ndtl1c addition of more bird and TH £ PIIESElVATION HAll JAZZ BAND will presen t o speciol COI'I(Ctl on Oct B in the Fieldhouse os port clrhe Arhond lectuoes Series. Alumni Directors Approve Publications . nc,.. Tlw alumni assodation board of dilrttors of WSU hu a lo nr. lis! of publlcHions which will mcu&thcn !its between the whool and about 20,000formc r stuo.lcnU3ndcraoJuues. ~I'Tiro•·cd ~hnr of the m3p~incs, newspapers, brochures and will nil a tt~ntion to a thi!. ~·car o f tll~campus'7Sthanni~ersa r y. po~ teu 1 Tuesda y,Mar.4 ABBEY SIMON One of the finest. mon hypnotk •·i11uoso techniques of the. ~ay ll a~ to be heard to be bci..:YcoJ . lk~r.ins"·hrremost ~~!~W~~:;~I ~/- •Pr~~~:~ul:'.~ or<.k \.- \lamArrditori11m. Monday, Mar. 10 ELISABETH •SCHWARZ KOPF th~ alumni association will be but 31 a la ter da t ~. The dircclor u id quality ma&u ines of the t ype planned for d"tributlon next spring " 'ill be prod11ce,J twic~ yc;uly. The newt~perwUl~lsobcxn l twice yearly, thus . auwing each alumnus communica tions from prcp;n~d, :~;e~~:~~:. 111lust once every llistinguislrcd playwri&llt and au thor of n11mcrous books succcuf~&lalumnipoa&ram. "~f~~~et~h:~~~:~:~:r~~:i~ f~~':~!r~ o~;~~~evet:: ~:~~: Su te". \O';ltl Hued as n11mbtr J!';;n~~~~toio:::.c~~o~:i: a;.~.so;~~~~io:~~~nln1:r~i;:c~~~~~ orpniution supplyina livestock and poul try feeds as well u supplcmenu,mineralsand parasitecontrolproduc!sthro~~&houtlhc Midwest, Southeast andSou chwcst, it isalsoespcc~ U yinterestdin ca ndidates with rural back.p o11nds. Montgome ry Wa rd and Co. will visit on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 9 1.m. to 4 p.m. wi!h business administration KIIduatrs internted in rctJiJSioreutan;~gement asan ultimatc&oal. Minneso ta National Life Insurance Compln)' will interview from 9 a.m. to 4 :JO p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. IS, wi t h Kflduates in educ.tion, economics, business, English, phy sical educa!ion and liberal arts intcresled in salu and management positiOils. ~o f Cudahy,Wisconsinwill rec:ruitgraduatesin Mllh, the phylical sc iences and psychoiOIY on Wcdnnd1y , Oct. 16, from 9 a.m. co 4 p.m. This Company is concerned with the manufacture or f01ged and s.cam lcu wddina pipe fittinp, uw blades, rolled rina;s and otllrr quality eontroU~d producrs fer ind11str~l u~. and had need of Kiaduates to work. in supervision, rnan.qemenl and estimating pasiticns. Likewise Wilson 1nd Co. Inc Alben Lea, Minnesota, will ~ck. r.raduatu :specially from busine » administration and economics backyounds for career positions on Wedntsday,Oct. 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. "Fresh As A Flower In Jusl One Hour" SPECIAL! Every Mon., Tues. and Wed. HOURS: 7 A.M .·6 P.M . Do llp Mon. thru Sot. 20 -t. DISCOUNT ON ANY OIIDEII O F $5.00 O R MOJE At Regular,rlce Ev •ry Da roft heY•orl ''•ned ,rof•ulonaUr Cle an ed and 257 Divlllon Str.. t r~==·::'::'"~'~fi~Om::N::•::••::•:::•'::":::'':•:pp:l•:•:<•:•':"==~ THE OUTOOO~WAN -~·lu•ho• )2" cou o~ coorocl Ao•pol, ~~"::..~ ·:;r,~~ =~: "'ylic, con"" bu~rd liooco t'ftftg. '~It Olo bolr. . .11 b~!!Oft O. Collu / a,owft, lloc~ ' lloc~. Olivo/ $od 'owoed, ,:,,. s-u, '-11. Agent in Stevens Point is Adele Schein Ce ll 344-9204 ~~~~::::~~~~;,in:cn.sn:~c~~~ r--M-A-IN_S_T_R-EE-T-~ ~-••-.-,~-.-,-,..-,.-.,-..-.,-.-,_-,-••-,- fcatllringthchucoryofstcvrns !'oint State; 1lumnl notes will be IOIIA Malo St. or 'CAFE :;'t"~~c,men~~btl~!~eti:;:l)' ~~~ ''*'•onco•O•oupltr.tout..,.o · -~lot Hooll!Oinou•anc-o •P..,oi..,P!.,.. OLLEGE MEN PART TIME · 49e94 per week Home Cooking with Homemade Pies and Cookies for 20 hours of work ()pe:n Doi ly 5:30 A.M . • 2.30 A.M. ~~~.··c;;~~~~'!. ~·fa~ ~h~icwt:~!~h~; ::: 0~o;0 ~~ Wis. Clos~ 1 ~~o~.:.ighl$ N"ion~l The mon th of October kicks off 0111 rcc:rui linr. uason with the!!. 1nd ~ anivi"ll Tuesday, Oct. I, 1968. Both branches will intnview prospective officer candida tes from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on this dJic. The Navy will also remain 11ntil WcdncWI)', Oct. 2 for trl!lnr.ofqualified.inte rntcdapplicanu. Th en on Monday, Oc!. 7, MOorman Muufacturing Company Quine)'. l llinoi!., will arrive for in~:~ws with paduates in business Thr fir st program "'ill bt Monda)•, SerL JO,a r 7:30p.m., In Moorn A·lll. the Sekncc BuildirL& ,\udnoriurn. /'rof. Searles will p,.a.cnt his~idrtalt cnlitle\1, " T he t\rt of Tuidum y," Usina models, morrnt~d spccim~ ns and ~olm slides he lake$ thf audicne.· ht•hind th e s.~ncs in a mu ..,um ~no.! demonstrates the ~ill, tim~ and patience H<lllired rn preparing a bird or m~mrnal for rnu)<'urndisplay. Anronc isinvit<'d. Th~rr is no alhlli~.Sionchart;r. • publications uoneof tllr' nlnc necessary condi tions for 1 ~cnu~!r ~ : ,~ :~.-· 1 ha~.s ~-~! fi e t iQn in El!lok. 1'154/\ward . .. Main tile for ,\uditmium. will be open to visiton before andxflrrthepflll:liltn, Topks for the ~non will in clude rcaio ns of blol(lllcal irucrc~t suc h IS !he Gal3plKOS hland s and th e Ourk. s, t>r•·hls!olic vertcbr a\cs of W l.con~inand a umrlinKof !he natural hhtor y of snakes. marnmals,bcc s arklfish. Alumni Directo r Rick Frederick said a homeco mi111 postet already lias been m~iltd; an eigllt·paJlC newspaper will be distrib11ted early in Oetober; a maK alinc featu ri iiJ in..jjepth aritclu~bout tllecamruswillbr tr a dy In J•nu i ry ; a 1 T5",:~·~-~~~~' ~~~:;;~e~'ilr'be'~~i~J;!!~~~t:~";'!; du~~~~s~~~: c!!~in:~'Ti;~r ~~~~~~ bo:r,;c~~io~~~t,;e~~:~~~sc;~~ r-Y•o•u•r•N-e•w•Yo.rk-L•1.f•e------. ~~~~~:!r~~l.·:r,:~~t,~~,i~fi~~}1 .-------• lll"lm<.·"•I•A,dltori,m. onr. The directors $\rcsscd kccpinr. ~ comprchensiv~ ~ ~of records ~bout alumni and appropri:r.tion of an adeq uate budr.c tlosuprort tllcprOJilm $, OrKaniT.u l ion of11l11mnicl11bl in various comunrnitits in the state •nd sc heduling cf wcia l evcntsonandoffcarnpllsforthc c.raduates,.·crcrccomnlcno.lcd. Speakers "'illfcatureslidrs. f llrns and specimens to co ruinui~~& observant~ br<Khuru about membership in "'"''"' .. ,.. ,,.tt• •, • Of Lecture l'r cf. Roben K . Searles, director of the Museum of Nalllral History loeated in tile WSU Department of BioloJY, has announc~d the inauauratlon of 1 Museum Lrct11re Series for t heKhoolycu 1968·1969. Ei&llt pros;r~ms, featuring faculty and students of the Department of BioiOIY are scheduled. Thc~rieslsa~tvicc ofthcpewlyopenedmuseum. lt isdesignedtoprovidepopular pr01r1ms on 1 wide varitty of naturalhilltory topics. livin& sprdmens. An accom pllsllcd artist, lie hu f!:~1e: ~~:. ~:ti~' backyounds Tu esday, Fe b. 4 BEAU AR TS TRIO nr of tht IIIOS\ $enSiti\..: chl!nbct grouplin the .,,.orlo.l Will Be Subject been placed in the mammll coUcction. Th.ree WSU 1111dentsauistln t he operation of the m11se11m. Tom J oh1110n, Cllll tor of t he Re sct r c h Muse11m of Hcrpetolosy and lchthyoiDIY r\~ ~ )'OUnJS!~I. he was I •·lo lent, lawbrukinr., cunnntio n..dcf)'ifliYOUnjthu&. and, fin~lly ~ con•ict of S~n Q11rntin l'risonand ~cdlma trof tbe ntuch publidzrd Caryl Chnsnun: Today lit Is a diffrrrnl m~n-the founder o f lh~ 1-btional Se•·cnth Step Foundation,amandedicatedto lhr[ prrwncion of nime,and a hq;~l)' conno•·nsial r~&urr In ren~l rdorrn . -~b in Auditorium. l Taxidermy :~ly~~:u~~~~~Tu~fi~r~f -~~ BILL SANOS ''The lut oriiinal JUL band •li•rct from ~c ..· Orlnns-pla)'· in& the mu~ic thu g3•·e birth to Di~kl1nd 1nd 311 IJtcr j3u forms . l' uturinJBilhcandlli-dr l'iercr.-Fiddhous.o , mammal specimens. It is hoped tllat the museum will becom~ a supplemental study facility ,for biolo~r and natura l re10urccs lluden ts andaplaeecfintouest and enjoyment for all t he studen u, faculty and &cneral public, An invitation is utcndcd to · visit often and witch tile T he first day of cla5$tt Jl WSU marked t he fornql openifli of the Museum of Natural History in the Department of BioiDIY· The museum Is located in Room A·214 of t he Selena lluildlna; tno.lisopen tostud cnll and thepublicfrom8a.m. to9 p,m,dlily. ltW oth~r 1113JOt or~hntr:ls.-\binAu..litorium Placement Opportunities ~ ~~;;~~~~~~=A;":: ' ~A~II~D~•·•~ S'~"'~":} SHIPPY CLOTHING ~:~ AU 6 Cclo11 Postal Substation Central Life Assurance Co. DES MDIUES, IOWA INTRODUCES • l\IONEY ORDER • COl\IPLETE SERVICE EMMONS UNIVERSITY STORE 344-3828 DENNIS A. MECH 341 -0ll6 JOHN (. DINEEN 344-8933 IPHONEI YOUR LOCAL AGENTS ta ou ist rou in raur sa~in gs ond ,pr ot ectio n pion s lor yow pren nt ond l10ture ne~ds . FEATURES INCLUDE : THE SHI NDIGIS OLD HIGHWAY Sl NOITH OF MOSINR <Home of Big Name Entertainment) W riteforlnfo. tot MI.. ED IENOVY, Coll'9t' Bureou Mo~ger boord Ovb of America avb Heodquo rtert York. Pennsylvonlg 17401 FEATURING THIS WEEK THROUGH SUNDAY "APHODIFIA" No wor clousu an yw her e Note linondog for Juniors ond Se niors' :~;:::::~c pro9 romm ing lor rol' r pre.=nt To• s helte re d pio ns for te ach•" ond prolenon Today's Goals Are Tomorr~w·s Realities! Coli Us and let' s Discwu tli.e Year 1911 Who t Will Yow Hove Sa ved lr The n7 • ME L M:~~· a'!:"~; I Al•nt N •iU uiUe, Wls , 54456 743-2559 ,Soptto'}bor ze. 1968 ..... THE POINTER '\ HALL-A-DAYS BAU>wn< Byl\Kiylroeklni The presidents o f a ll h ll oouncU motivation and haD oouncib have been meetin1 Monday u eninpat the t!~..!'e~~e~hc 1Ha.::enalandN~~ l>cbot Center to plan events and rouncib. <iiscuss problcftls roncnninl Nule'a R"prexnlativcs for halls, The presidents llC u follows : Ba l dwin, John RIIC, AWS and WRA wnc Breneman; Burrouahs. John chosen tluoUJ,h appUc:.tlon and Monka: Dcllell, Gail Kafka; lnteiTiew by the n«uti-.. llyer, Carlene Greunskl ; couneil. They ue: Bllb Obers Knutun, Gary Knaue; Nuk, S ue Goeuch, RIIC; Cheri Carol Schulty; Pray.Sims, Steve McGnth, Mary Jo Radlcr, AWS; llemshrot: Roach. Candy Medd; ~'::.zt Locker, Mary Semandd, Sehmceck lc, Pat Osterm~~n: Smith, h ck Grode; Stetner, The ICCOnd IM~I MIN Neale Mike (Tank) Brttinsld and Wat!IDn,l'am lucas. R"~i<lcnce ~~t.p1i'n~.w·: h~~m.s.~~:e l'lansluvebccnmade forl <bnce and Pfp aucmbly to be ~~~:or;:~Pte~~p1Th~ 1io~~r nteh; lr.a \h , Burrou1hs, Knutzen, Schmecckle and Wat10n 11e spoiUOrins theevent andinvitin& Neale, Balwin and lbn5en. Weather providinl, this e"'nt ,.-iUtakeplaccfrom6 to IOp.m. on Knuuen'a patio, In ease of r.ain,itwillbcheldinBunoua,h's basem~nt from 1 to II p.m. A li•·c band wiD be- playins. Coach Duainr Counsell ,.-;n be pre5ent with several of his footbtU players. The chccrleadell 1lso hope to attend. Arn111ements have abo been made for rc~dcnuof hallsiOIO ISIIfOupto thePoint-LaCrossc aamc Saturday, Sept. 28. :.-~:;; ~-'!~ :,~t~~~ ~~ ~et~~ Dcbot complex, travel over to Hyet and down RCKrve Strcc:t to the eourt)'J.rd behind the U.C., where a pep rally will be held. Followinc the raUy, aU halli wiUjourneyover toGoerke FicKI where reserved su.u will beheld for them. BAlDWIN Officcn of tlr.c Motivation Or&anization of Baldwin llaUfot the 1968-69 year 11e John llrcnen11n, preudcnt: AI Slepi, vice-president; E11l Aldrid,&e, ::cC:s~::: ~nd Mike Walins, Ray Ma~tcns is cluirman of the llomctomil'll Committee. Sub<ommittccmcn lndude Earl Aklridletnd JohnCiark. Baldwin! intramural atlr.letie tcarru bcpn competition in Iouth football the pall week. ~h~r:n~~~~~~~:~r.~rt~~~~ country this week. NEALE Nule llaUhub«nope11tinl under the new leadctlhip of former Nclson llall's clireetot, Misslliarnlrelident aa.lstant, RetaToUcy, H1U council membefl, one from each, v.ifll, have been elected by tlr.elr respective,.inp and met Tuesdl)', Sept . 17. They are: C11ol Andenon, Cindy Vo1t. Joyoc SpalllbeiJ, Yv o nne Bruard, Bubau Henricks, hn Krut&tr,Maurccn Sapienze, Linda Bolton, Cathy Slattery, Diane G11y ancl Ginny Ro5e. Mr. Jaclr.son, dlret1or or llansen llaD spoke brieny on -----; , - -- - Fellowship Is Hall Extentiohs . ..."''"'" ....... ......'" ~= "' "' ....;{ly" ......'" ..... .... ... ..,_... ... ,. ... m:a: ::.. ...ru ::: .......... :: .,:::.., == .,. ...."',, :: ,. """'""" ... ....... :: ... ... ......" ......., ... .. ,. ........ :: bt.5ement. The c:andidatn were Reta ToUey. Kilen Ncuhebd, Sue Reed, Dlllcnc Jonu, Shyb Grc1er!1Dn, Sue Schmall, Bobbie Dietrich, Barb Obers and Joan Smith. Aftu q u ut ion in& dniJncd to brin& out the polx ami 5en~tofhumar of each,UI, VOl in& wn held o n the winp in conjunction with an open until 11 :45 p.m. when the new Miss Nule llaU, JoanSmith,waa crowned. Joan wiU be Ncale"t repre sen tll he for WS U Uomecomin1 Q u ee n. The homccomin1 commluce 102-114 11t-1S2 U.S·1M IW 202-JJf, 2t t-UI Pat Gromoll r~ ~~: :r~~ ..U··Uii IW 111-lU·IOO sw l:U-1S4 201-214 llt-1S2 2111·232 U!-2411 301-:tlf sw 3111-3!2 ~ 40"1·41-t 4111--432 4:U-4U 102-l ltl 12S·ISI 13t-14S !~ 202·2111 IN 223-%!4 2U-21i4 m-ne · su-m SN f St-fiH APT. ST1 Smith lltll't Sweetheut for tlr.e 68.09tchool yearis MINPat Grarno\1. Pat wu chosen Smith Swcethurt Last sprin1 durin& Smithl' IARUI I SwttlhUrt PtiCIIll. PatisaS')"juniorma.iorin& In Primary Educ:ation tnd would c vcn t utlly like to tneh kindefJariCn. She II currently tciTiniiJISiudrntauisunt ln llytt llalland Ius worked 1$1 l lfeiUIId llld sw lm minl in st ru.:tor in Grafton. her hometown. BURIWUOH8 t~ ~ ~~ ::: t~:},~r~ :ft.·:;: 2W SN 11114 1187 SW ~~ U3-Stll 4N 48 4W IIIII 11811 1181 401-414 418-432 433-4411 as 078 233-244 301·314 3111-sn APT. ... last year, PI! 5en'Cd IS chairman of llo meeomlna; and Winter Ctmlval for llyer llaU. Pat en.iOfl sports, upcdaUy 1wimmina and just plain socializi111. ~: Picn ic Tonight 111-IIS·IIIO m:m Nominees Freahmen wUI have an opport unit y t o meet the nominees for the upc:omlnc freshman elections for Student Se1111e. Approxlmttcly 1 studenu will be pre~ented 11 the conwotttion. The event, orsan.i.r:ed by Anthon)' Amob and aponsorcd by theStudenr Scnatec:ampailn committee v.·ill be held Oc:" I, 7:30 p.m. 11 the University 201·2lf 2111-232 233-2411 301-31f 3111· 3.32 S33-3411 f01-4 U ... as 248 IN Smith Men Fete Women AP'r.SIO ~~:!~ Ginny Small, A-lpha Phi,to Ju:.k ~C:.:· Ms.':':r t~:\e'::,m.': Dee Dee Friellrom, Alpha Phi, to BobJonea. Alto en111ed were Bob WIIJ.i.lm Uberty, alumnus of ~~~~:·.thbecfr~:r!t:t~' BiiT~oJ.~c;!cfo ~=o~~r:!~ =::: =~ :: September 28 will malT)' By S.llyTroyanotkl Phi Atphi. , Theta, NatioN! History /lonor 5o(lcty, held its fiut meetins of the fall 5emesta onWedncsday,Scpt.l8. PH Maney wu eleeted pre$1dcnt with Sugnflan•mtn& u correapondin& KCZ"etuy. Continuinl u offica s are Diane se\n:,•ehi !~~or~~r !~f!~s~~ annual project, wu diKUlSC:d and plan1 were made for ill con t in u ance. Sendln1 1 d•dCIUion to tlr.e rutlonal conventionwualloconsidered. The main topic of bu~neu wuinltiatlonpl:mnedforellly tlr.ili hi\. Th e fo llowin1 requiremnu arc needed to be inltlated:l2crediuofhistory,a J.O l aradepointinhistory,and 1 3.00 overall in two-thirds of the remainina tout~tli. If interested, please contact DiJne Schmahlat344-)925. Will Organize Association Pe uont from the nine WiKonsin Stuc Universitiel who prowide instructional medi.l (aiKiio-vilual)scrvices will meet on the Stevens Point campus Oc:t. 4 to Dfllnitc their own aiiOciatlon. Robert Lewis, director of instruetiorul mediascrviceshere, willbc:lhebolt. AU ofthc tchoolsare r~pldly ¥1dini10Phislic:atcd equipment :~lc:n ~t':d~~:'~~~a~n~~dli~ machinery will be nchanacd at seaJons. Dr. Fredericlr. Krcmple, clean oftheklfnlncreiOurceseenter htrc,wiUtpcak followin11noon lu ncheon in the University Center. Russian Club Will Meet The Ruuian Club will meet to nilht at7 p.m. In the Garland RE~c~~~~~~~!":'!~tl!~r~n!:t\i bchcldtndtnoutlineofthe year's lcth'itieswillbedisclllSC:d. Students and faculty t rc uraed to attend. One need not bclludyinl theRuulan laltluJIC toattcndthemretinl. Rtfrcshmenu will bf ~ervcd. 1::::! Alpha Phi Omega rn m ..... ?'PT. m :S.: on Audio- Visual C1/ J~ ~tc==~n·J Alpha Phi Election ti:~~ez~a~ny Jilot the dub'l mcmben and lhowinl ...'""'"" ' Brothers murled over the Jummcr ~re Pete Ju$hb, Ron Rathke, Rid: Ahrens tnd Bob Caspenon. Abo, Abothechlpterrecclved the TEKE Public SciTice Award for work with the Ptrenu Without PartncnCiub. ~a'::r!!,b~!~~~ens!/;ka: D!~~ Mqln, Si&mt Tau Gamma, to Anpb Mllldewicr. and Da~ At tlr.e last mcetlnl otrlcen APT. Ulll Winkkr, Tau Kappa Epsilon, to were elected to replue thole MuyJaneMelter. lhlt did not return. David Recent p!Min&l annolllloed Siewert wuelcctcd Secn"lary to wue: Andy Schaeffer, Silma 101·111 Tau Gamma, to Bell)' Bershuis: Zf::':uthkeill~dtcinJ!n~~t~c~ IW 114·121 Dick Neullle, Silma T111 this 1ummer and II deeply :~ 201-211 Gamma, to Gloriannc Columb. miued by h is rn u rnity su-m Memben of Tau Kappa brothen. Epsilon pinned were: Wayne ~:ill Alto elec ted were Tim CWk to Jo AMe fb: ; Klfl 401""13 Eriatson to Mary Strohfcldt, Siebert , Scrseant 11 Annl and <W 41...,7 Delli Zeta.; Keno Jlawker to GaylonBanh!UOrian. APT'. Ul Ruth Ann St.nua, and Mike On Tuudty the Td:cs held a Somento DianeMqh.ak, rwmal l\l.lhc:r and had 1 bfle turnout of l\llhea. A seoond IN 101-111 rw.her,infcwmal; will be held on ~~ 11~121 October I . 201-tlf IN Several brorhe11weremarried 2115·221 The Alphl Phi Sorority over the .tummcr: Arne Ne511 to SN SOI-314 elected four new otriocn llt he Ftye Frott, !larry Pctcnon to St&-nT flntmeetinl. «<l...f;tf :~ Sunn Moe 1nd Thomu They are Pat Martin, plcdae SmedbrontoMary VtnCOul . 416-dt t~cr; Carmen Poncnnt1, usutant truaurcr; Dee Dec On September 28, Steve Friutrom, 50CUI chairman and Boehm wiU be m1rried to Sue Cronuu. ~t!:~~~~ r;.t:.~ H~n:: ' Ad l ll su tnd Judy PoWn, Pfealdent 1w sn re ported o n t he Nltional Convention held In the Bahamas last June. The Alpha Phi'• selected The brothen or Alpha Phi Patty Abraham u 10rority Omt&l jumpd Into the !tll 4W U7 Clndidatc for llomeeomlna semester by openinc the annual APT UO Quun. book<K~hlnJe, Anyboob that ltudcntlml)' need or wish to tcllarchandled throuah the nchan1e in the unlvet1it)'ccnter. Over the aummer brother Earl 1enn)' Onson, or Thea. Phi Wildenbur& and Subn Stewart Alphl, h11 been appOinted to were manicd in St. Stanlllaus serve on th e St udent church. Earl ia chairman or Act ivl t ies..Student Faculty homeeominJarfaln. tommlttec. T h c fraternity Is The sorority sponsored a dart cnthusiullc:ally prcparin1 both aame 11 the Pointer Jubilee lu t homccomi111and rush plan1and WAT$0:-f Friday, activitin. I ll 110 111· 113·1110 Bectun many o r the JW no 11i-t32 memben have Tuesday ni&ht STIJDENT SENATE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Theta Phi Alpha tlt.!: Und•rwritl•n by Contlnantol Cosuolty Compony, Chlcogo, Ill. LAST Enrollment Date · For This Semester ocr. 1s, 1968 ~~:~~~~-are now beinl Sigma Tau Gainma Phi Sigma Epsilon For lnformotion Coli ~;J,r~a!)'wi~h:!::Oi.~t~ re:~~lte~be~nan~h~hnn~t~~~~ ~j~~~n p~~t.e party was held ~:t tJt~:.:· is :~:r:J~~h"!~~~;,~~ Ar":lavcA::::nln German Club Elects Officers 4111-432 11 :~~~~rn,A1r~a '~hi ~ lt-4!2 •M·UO provide THE US·2UI :ua.:u:a au..s.a 102414 Phi Alpha ~J":.~::::~· J::' ::~~0:,' Theta Holds Jobn Widiehowllr:i. PINNINGS, ENGAG EMENTS Re cen t cnl&lcmcnts announced were: Connie Marchd, Alpha Phi, to h mct Parson~,PhiSIIma Epsi.lon;Lois 402-414 "' entertainment. Sponsoring ~:rs~ 5! *!:lli ::: ~t~~: !a' iii Ut:!ti Can-Meet w!U 102-HC i.'~. Freshmen Ce~tcr.quintet :~ 41i-4S2 402.tU "' ...:g ...." ............'" ,... ... "' ... ... ....... .......... ...'"... .::.. ..'"'". RO.CB 423 -431 Sweetheart m-s.a · :~~ 402-Ut Chosen Smith 10:2414 US-24$ S02..SU .......... '"'""" bouse s~~~:~n11a~~·o.~"~:b~~-inn)' IN SW ~$;,!:!:",~'\:'o'::f:: :::~ atte~ded thecoridavc' ' and the Delli Zetaaorority. On Thurlday Scpi 26 11 6 The Sil Taus 'we loomed two p.m. In the Frarik u o)-d Wrisbt new brothers thls year, tfllllifn :'~~~J~.JITJ~t~~!:: wcloome. r:::. ~ r---------,1 A~ ~u:: ~:rile:'2'8 r~~:! PhiSII'aandthelrdttes. The rollowlna; memben of Phi Silma Epsilon were marrkd this JUmmcr: R. Christiaruon,C. · Akey, D. PauUn and D. Valentine. ThDM e11111ed were: 1. Hoiby, 1. P1no111 and C. Joluuon. The brothen have Jet up 1 "boilnhip In remcmbertnce or Andy Pujau, who puscd away thisaummer. [au Kappa ·Epsilon Two honon were reocivcdby the TKE chapter thia JUmmcr. IF YOU FAVOR fRESHMEN JOHN C. DINEEN WOMEN HOURS-- Don't Vote DENNIS KUSKE 344-1933 OR DENNIS A. MECH 3-41.0326 ~p ) In ony Mondoy, Wednesday, or Ftldoy from 1-3 p.m. In the Student Senote Office, Student Union. llfelvin E. l\[eeh, General Agent l ox tWII•vllle, Wia. 54450 as Phone 7413-2559 Your F,..•hmon Condldot• For 5tud•nt S.not• POUR HAUS PRESENTS: The THE BO €ENTRY SPARE RIBS DOmE'S RESTAURANT North of Stell*' 2201 MoU. St. I w .1COII'IH Back Sh.Khnts • Breakfasts • Dinne1 • Snpperl Of'BriAT7A.M. . Meol nct.t $6.50V~'or ["" It's • .lr.•ppeninoa •uper allck nylor'lthott t ubjecttlr.ll re1lly keep1 '11m in tlitd~es. Q\lihed like cra ry, with Iiiii• loops to c1tch the br1u buttons and a buckle belt !hit lit$ it all together. 100% nylon lining. Fabric: 100% Nylon. Colora: Icy White, Navy. Gold Nugget, AvKado "'""· SiHI: 5-15,6-l8. NoT~ l · ' l ''l ..... ( \ September 26, 1968 THE POINTER St. Norbert Edges Pointers Pointer ·Rally Falls In Second Half 6-0iud. Thebi&pinerwasaS2 yn_r run by fuUback Lany KrauK to the Pointer•. K1111SC: nn t he rcmaini1111 fowyanhto COPlCbac k in l l'ltli:CORIII'IIlfto paydirtonthcnutplay. Ste~ La~t Wilmet kicked t he point and it was 7..() with 6: 241dt ln the first period. ukc a 27-l l •ictory Saturdii)" PillllatllePcrc, The win '"'as the so:cond strai&ht of t hc5e.t$0n fo rthc Grrcn Kni&hu ...·hilethe Pointus ha•·e yet to wi;l ln tlu<"C' starts. Botll the Pointns and Knil,hu " "<'!<'rated h;,.hl)' in prc~uon polli , halr~~,s~~~~r ~~~,1;~~~c,r~! touchdo11onstKhind urlyintl'lf ~\'Omlquarlcr. Thctnllllookcd much impro•~d in the second half but a dcfcnsi•-e lapR ;a~T St . 1'-'orbnt iuonl)'touchdown of tile second half and that IUrncdouttotK tl'lf cllnchcr. The Po intcn took the <JpcninJ kkkoff anddro•-.:tothc Knighh' J8 bcfQI'c tKinl On &Koonddownpl.ayatthc St. Norbert 28, Main lofted 1 hllh P'IU to h.\s fuorite tusct , so phomore end Cla ren"e WkchoWJ.ki. WJechowskJ WISCOYetcd,bul McFaulsplittheuprl&httand the Pointen only t rliled 2 1-14, with1lill 11 :4 1 1tfttoplay. T he · Pointen couldn't eapitalizc on a Pete Biolo intereeption tnd hid to punt. With the b&ll I I midfield, 1 u he hlt " the IJOUnd. Pat McFaW's conversion wu perfect the Pointer 2S and Wilmet h.lt him with • pQI. Sl. Norbert later drove from thtlr own 47 to the Pointu 10 before OennisCu"in reeoW"Crtd aGrcenKni&hts'fumbk. Two plays later, however, Pointer q1.1arterba"k Bob Main threw 1 wobbly pau under heavy prmure and ddcns.ivc back Jim Buver lnt11ceptedin the IS and sampend aU the way for alol.lchdown. Joe Krctt converted and St. No rbert ltd, 14..0 with I J: 16 left in ~he half. with 48 After the intermission, the Pointen aotancarlybrealr.whcn Steu Johnson r«<vcred • ~7~m.f:tcfup~~~e~t Jr":vc"~o~~~~s; el&ht on a fincronbyJohrl· Freiman. J1111 u it appeared the Pointen were about to "score, d.isuter struck. Main rolkd out and fued a hud ' pus in the endzone. It botlr!ced off I Pointer rcceiver's hands and was intercepted by Torn Sehocn. Extends _Its Hours Early in the fourth period, the liP to K~n points. From the Kni&hll' 24, Main 27·21 with SS SC'OOndl ldt. The ~the~ 0iQ~;:~ S~!.c :~~~~::! . b1U on the five and dn.q:ed two T ht lib rur'j after·llo1.115 study room "ill o~n ag~in Monday. Stpt 30. thtOI.IJh Th1.1rild~)" from IO:JO to I p.m.. Dr. Fr t dtli c h Krcmpk. dinc to r of ll"lf Le unina Rnourcts Center. :uid the aftt r·hoursprorram,.·orked•·ery well and "a' ,.·idely IIKd lu t ynr. The room ,..,ll bta•·ail~ble for Ulld)" purrosu only. Dr. Kretnplt indtcatd t h.u d11e to pre.S(nt sufrlimitationsit,.OI.IId be Impossible for the Slacks. rtKI'"t a nd &cncr~l c11cubtion arus to rcmaino~n. Thtw hours ,..ill not be in errcct on t vcniiiJS pntttlinaa holiday. Vets Club Gets Good Response Th e fir s t seme ste r oraani.r.ational meetina of t he Vus Cl11b '""as hdd last Th11 rsday , Sept . 19. The enthus iastic rupon ac wu be~ondcx~ctation. Pointer Spotlight Cro•• lna the lin e to deftnsc, 190 lb. end Jim Noutad from Cambrldae WIJ. wu uktd to QOrnment o nthePoinlc!pUS rush. Noutad rcpl1dthllwhlle the rush wu developlna ,.·dl apinl l the d1op ba"k iJ'ISiina game the roll-out was h11rtina tile l'ointen. With work o n defen s ive pur1111t Notsud remains QOnfid~nt that t he line will be ready for La CroiK Saturday. h~lf. T he Pointer offense finally gotllnltackcd with two minutes left In th~ half and drove 80 to~re. Maincomplutd Workshop Scheduled Sunday Novy Blve S.M·l ·Xl S6.95 THE SPORT SHOP Rough Knight! 8N SP FlntDownl ..- ···- - · 1111 Net Yuda Rwrhln. -.211 9e Net Y&fd8 Paulnl __.110 171 Total Net Yanla -·--....381 211 p.__a ··--·-..- -7-14 H·31 lnteree-pted By - - - 2 1 FUmbled t.o.t - -..-- t 2 Punt.a - - - - - - -.3·35 ?-3!1 hnt.illN --·-··~~·~ 3·25 . 1 2 S 4 T. SL Norbert --··7 14 0 8-27 StevcnJPolnt _,.0 1 0 H-21 8L NOI'bft1. - Kral.I.M, 4, run. (Wilmet, kl"k.) St. Norbert - Ba.ver, 15, return of tnlercepted pua. (Kretz, klck.t St. Norbert • Kale-r, 0, lUll. IKI""CU, klck.l Sli!Ve,.. Potnt-Wlechowlki,2S, pua: from Main. (McFaul, kick) Stove,..Po\nt-WLechowlltL,2t pu11 trorn •Mt.in (,_fcFalll, kick) The Indians ha've 23 lettermen bade from lu t yc~r"s lql.lldthatposteda4-4·1overall mark and 4-3-1 In 'onfcrence play. In last year'• oontat bctwccnStevensl'ointlndl.a Croae, the Indians rallit<l for a last . min1.1tc to11chdown and ulwqeda 14- l •tie,a tie which evcnt1.1al1y cost the Pointen a l hare of the WS UC "h•mpionship. The La Crosse offense Is led by the pass.ina "ombination of q11arterback Rocl:y Fatnch.l "tnd end Dewey Stendahl. AU-conference linebacker Dan Meinerthcadsthedefcnac. lnaction wfarth.ls ycar,La Crosse has lost decisively to St. J ohn's o f Minn ewta and <nhkosll, b11t last weekend beat a hi&hlY rqarded Platteville lqUid , l4-6. SL Norbert - Kn.11-e. 60, paaa from Wilmet. (kick failed.) Pep Assembly Will Be Held Today The Pomterl Jlmost brTiml.axh found the Wlllnlfl& combination last Sat11rday but 1 mtJCup rn the defenSIVe bacUkld whtch p vc St Norbert i~sonly 5"Qreof the K«Jnd hal( proved to be the difference. I'm sure most of the fans fi,ure that this iJ aoing to be one..of· those yean wit h the firstthrccpmcsinthebookltslos.scs,but l m not q1.1it~ re1dy to «lllnl 0111 the Pointers. Remember-only one of tho5C lo~st~wuintheoonfetcn(eand allthreeprncswereonthe Both the players and theco.~chnknow the team is~uch better than they have showed thus far. I'm eonfident thatthuSJturday niaht the team willao out and sho w the horne fans what they are u pable ofwithawinover LaCrossc. The Pointer defense wlll have to find a way to stop end sweeps and rollo1111 because La Crosse hu one of t he"onfcrcnce'sbetter seramblina;ql.lartcrbacks inRock~ l'alnchi. To dncribe the l'ukcrs' lacina at t he lland of the Vilcinas last Sunday to shcll·shocked fans maybcsimplydonewithanold Vince l omba1di adaae: ''90 pu "cnl of this pme is mental-whoever wants to win the most on any aiv~n day iJ us11ally the winner.'' The '"Horde Fro m The-North" cerUinly Wltnted this pme and they went Ol.ltandtookcontrol. The Packers will rutve to gctafewbeu crtn.inen bynutSunday if~he Detroit Lions arc to be tamed. The Wisconsin Uadaen can now '"!e l.u" at home fo r a month and lick their " -ounds before venturin& Ollt into the cold cruel world apin. (lt"sanothermonthbcfore the~~tro.Jdg.tme.) l 'rn afraid the world may be cold cnouah ri&ht in Camp Randall Stadium, with such foes as Yo'u hin&to n, Mlchipn Sute and Utah State o n the home I wo uld like to be in Denny McLain's shou nut ""inter when he starts talking conttllctterms with Detroit. An):o ne who can win over JO pmn inaSC'uon tpinst thecaliber of ba Uplayers lnthcmajors the5C daysmay justbe inforabit of araisc. The crystal ball for this Saturday's football act ion reflects the followlna;informJtionlfteramiSC'rablcJfor4iltowlna last ,.·eck: Stevens Point 28, LaCroue20. G!ccn 8ay30, Detroil24. Washinaton27, WUconsin 17. WUmot34, Elkhornl3. TheElksarcpetfr"t wfar t his yc.:~!-3&amcs,J iosscs. ~il!. : 'l:l, ~ U nivcllit y C hristi a n movement is sponwrin& a UCM wor ks hop with the theme " Be"ausc A.LI Men arc Brothers'" onSundty,Sept. 29,at7:30 p.m. inthcNewman chapel. All 111.1dcnts and faculty are invidcdtopat1kl~tc. Activity Cards Are Available ALSO- For Spouses out of tha ordinory Full· ti mc students may purchase activity tkkeu for their spousuat SS. They can be JMOpJa pwch~ ltthe Cashier's ofrrce. duarva . DENNIS R. KUSKE w.s.u. The WSU·Stcvens Point football team will entertain the La Croue Indians In tllrir ri!St home pmc o f the season thls ' Sat11rday 11 Goerke Field at 7: 30p.m. :=c:'!!~!ili.\~~~~~j By DAVE BURTON A p proximatel y SO new membc1s were introd11ced. The . - - ------, firstclllbJiflrty"·iUbehcld thll Sat1.1ro.lay at 12 noon u h ·ei"SOI\ Park. All intueued members sho11ld conuct the Nebbish Propottt 1 bolldforfurtherdctails. Freohmon Windbreakers ~~.nd~~~~=~j.,'hkl~kdl~~~:it~ ~~~~:~ih?n~ni:~==e~ ;[~EL~~:;.:eoenn~!~ ~ Another Pointer mistake MOments later ~pin provtd costly. yuds th~~~~;I:.~ p~n~~ theK:::n!':, ddender wu I S ytrds away. KtclJ.'s k.i"k failed b11t St. Norbert tad a life 27-14 ;t;;~taae with only S:02 to After middle auard Pat Fee rceovercd I Knillm' f11mblcat the Pointer lS, the Pointcn put toacthcra6Syarddrivcfortheif Hna.l100re. After Main lnllck for a fint down at !he Kn\ahts' 19, he qain teamed with Wied10wskl ::w:. 1~j~dt!.J:~1{ :::.:~"::.~ Main'san empted pitchoutto st opped and Mike Breaker KarlKolodzikwuwildand Diclc puntC'd into thr end~one. Makowski r«<vcred for St. The Kni&hts p1.1t tOBtther ~n NorbertontheStcvcnsPoint 22. KrctzKored two playslaterona 80yud dri•-ein 8 p1Jys toguba fh-e y:ud run and k.ickt<l the point to increase' the lead to 21..() with still 11 : 20 lcft in the Library Lacr0sse HereI :~d:O'r!t:'o':i~~~ ~:fc!"fh~~~ 'b.~f1c1~ 1!~t "~:edd~~~: ~~~~~ef:b~~~!d~1t7 By Tim Lu" ll The Cr«n t.:nighu of St. Norberl Co llege, Dr Perc, Wi5e. grabtKd anurly l i .Olud1nd 1\dd off a WSU.Stcnns Point fivep~sonthedrive. Pointers WI'll Meef FORMAU (Ot:KTAIL DRESSES out o f tha o rdinory gifts hom tha Cion Cob inet- lf you fovor equal repreuntotlon In FreshmonCion yovr PHONE: 344-9787 Vote - •.. HOURS: . 9-.5 Mo11. lhru Sat.-f.ri. Ti19 henintt ly Appointment 950 PORTAGE STREET Comer of Portcltt .& Third St. DENNIS R. KUSKE A .,~.~.~~~~ NEW STORE HOURS STEVEN faiNT, WIS. Open Tuesday Thursday-Friday Nites Til TH91JSANOS of dollora to atvdontl fronl MONY • if you bocomo d isobted, MONY will fumlsh yov up to $105,000 of insvronco and MON'f Will PAY THE PREMIUMS! No wor time oxdvsion ridel'" If yov ad~ Col H..t. hltf.wt 1009 S.O Morio A..... ,..,_ p.w,Wit. "'-344-1"542 S.. MONY od with.. Horb'a pk:h.l,.. in nmo Sept. 131 6 P.M. THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU BILL'S PIZZA SHOP 1/2 Pounder Home of the 7 to 8 oz. of tantalizing beef· served on Hot Italian Bread Patent your Man-Tailored Looks with a dash ·of FEM INI NITY! 8olci. Yu• ... a.... .,........,...,,"".., 11&1..-.1 ~-·. -- ... _. anclro.<l1. ancloot-..r-o!Kit ..........,ltfl .,o<~-o lft ,_ taolofo<l '•Nio.-..,-,H""'''"'<I"I'"""'"1.!> Ool"'<l"" ·tg~. flecl Phone For Delivery ! ! ! 344-9557 • COOII"IIot(IOII..... , _,, .... , _ ,. , So.co. 0< .... $9.~.:u;:;;;e~~Txn~· s.... ... ~ SHIPPY SHOES 9 49 Moin sr...r Comer of Moln and Wollf